Ocean County Woman - September/October 2021

Page 33


“Create Lasting Memories” River Cruising: An Extraordinary “Create Lasting Memories” Travel Taking With A Packing More fun, more memories! PartIt of raising a family You: is making memories that

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33 Experience Primer

your children will cherish Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, forever. A family vacation is part of those memories. Today’s opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical to travel as a family are as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve iver cruising may bebooked the hottest cruising tion. From warm paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. beaches to excitinglong adventures, destination offers a new awaitedevery vacation trend around in 2017 -even though river A sample of some withRomantic your Traveldestinations will let you dream of your next escape. experience. cruises have been operating for decades.


Professional andand you’re We have some suggested kid’s focused resorts destinations with ready to pack your , each with its own personality, special activities andhave amenities thatgame the entire family will enjoy: Cruise lines upped their with expanded

 Six Hawaiian Islands

Honeymoon Planning  Greece TSTARRING THE “KIDS” 56 FAMILY VACATIONS ROMANCE TRAVEL 2021 63 55 T

suitcase. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices

amenities and intriguing itineraries to the places Now big ocean-going question is: are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. BLUFF, ANTIGUA feels both country-club and cozy at the same vessels can’t reach. ✿ RiverCURTAIN cruises are luring experienced What do you take ocean cruisers off the mega-ships andyou? onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained for wonderful dining has Ocean views 70 T ravel with If you’re cruisingchef in the Caribbean 00 T ravel riverboats with focus onevery current themes. from room, WithWatersports so many new including fees and diving and waterskiing, a game room and the Ceebee Kids

restrictions the airlines have to a• turquoise The beach beautiful leading Caribbean Sea.poncho, and zippered plastic bags The river cruisingClub. destinations, like isa 12-day Bordeaux Lightweight sweater, rain ravel villages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. imposed for baggage, you will have to consider leaving your entire closet River cruise, or 7-day Danube, offer cruise guests the local for wet suits. at home from now on. Some airlines are charging for carry-on bags now, ravel ravel experience without the long tour bus rides. From April’s • Whatever you forget you can purchase on board or at the and other airlines let you board first “Create if you have noLasting carry-on bags.Memories” So was what created to be the ultimate get ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & CAICOS tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds Memories” of “Create Lasting ports or resorts. are the essentials to pack? Moreisfun, more memories! Part of raising aThe family is making memories that beaches together getaway, where everything Included and unlimited. protected white sand and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers A few years from now what Here isriverboats a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that your children will cherish Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, forever. , with beautiful beaches and great A family vacation is part of those memories. (rated theand best in the Caribbean by Travel & Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving will rememberof is the total of canals, which span thousands of miles of Continental youExamples some the best opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical might help with the process. Today’s to travel as a family are as wide open as your imaginaYou’ve booked your restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your vacation, NOT iver cruising be the hottest cruising (for certified divers).connecting North waterways, Seaparadise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. to Black Sea. may tion. From warm beaches to excitinglong adventures, destination offersLine a new Themes: River Cruise awaitedevery vacation trend around in 2017 -even though river the things you forgot to pack. A sample of some Romantic destinations will let you next escape. BEACHES resorts are about children. Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers anddream surf of your For a week in the River Caribbean: A Europe Cruiseexperience. is one of the best ways we with your Travel • Viking River Cruises, through partnership with • Add a few more tee shirts and another pair of shorts , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing

RiverTaking Cruising: An You: Extraordinary It With A Packing Experience Primer  Barbados

R  Italy

cruises have been operating for decades. *Remember, your Vagabond* Professional andand you’re We have some suggested kid’s focused resorts destinations simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street andwith the XBOXoffers play Viking cruise guests • 2 swimsuits know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and PBS “Downton Virtuoso Professional ready to pack your Travel  Six Hawaiian Islands , enjoy: each with Abby” its can own personality, where in a private chapel in Florence’s counspecial activities and amenities that the entire family will Cruise lines have upped theirsuitcase. game with expanded (put 1 in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas provide great choices. villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. 3 days in England Countryside, and special tour and to one of the world’s most acclaimed golf destinations, Pebble Beach, assist you in planning a vacation surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices The real beauty behind a great honeymoon, is to places amenities and intriguing itineraries ocean-going tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. Now the big question is: 2 cover-ups are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. the charming cottages nearby inland to It•choosing will be a great family vacation memory. with the mostfamous value andof added of the house. BLUFF, ANTIGUA feelsCarmel-by-the-Sea. both country-club and Then cozy atventure the same a destination that fitsvessels your as can’tpersonality reach. ✿ RiverCURTAIN cruises are luring experienced What do you take Sonoma further north to “Austrian Napa for fine dining and wine-tasting with sleeves forendless evenings dining onocean the beach 1 mega-ships Pareo) touches to make your experience aforValley cruisers off&the andyou? onto intimate time. This charming resort anand Alain Ducasse-trained wonderful dining has Ocean views •with Avalon Waterways Highlights” from with a(1couple. With options, the couple would If you’re cruisingchef in the Caribbean riverboats with focus on current themes. experiences. from every room, a game room and the Ceebee Kids memorable one.•diving WithWatersports so many new including fees and • Yoga pants and 2 tank tops AddMunich aand fewwaterskiing, more tee shirts and another of shorts Vienna to highlighting apair Beer theme. families Greece , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing benefit from the extensive knowledge of Club. working ships were built with in A deluxe family Ocean view restrictions themind. airlines have The beach is beautiful leading to a turquoise Caribbean Sea. The river cruising destinations, like a 12-day Bordeaux , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication to our clients during after everybags vacation • Lightweight sweater,before, rain poncho, and and zippered plastic • 2 shorts and 2 tees Costa Rica imposed for baggage, you will have tovillages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. consider leaving your entire closet • Tauck offers riverfor cruises with its Tauck with a Travel Professional, especially with all the River cruise, or 7-day Danube, offer cruise guests the local for wetfamily suits. stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s a 3 story AquaDunk body slide kids makes a world of difference. at enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches home from now on.without Some airlines are charging carry-on now, for luxury ecotourism, Costa Rica is known for its Pura Vida From Abags haven • 3 sundresses experience the long tourof busforrides. April’s •program, Whatever you forget you can purchase on cooking board or at the Bridges including family changing protocols in past year and half. Some and other airlines let you board first if you have no carry-on bags. So what created ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & CAICOS was to be the ultimate getalong both the Atlantic and Pacific, with no fearFlip onflops, deck,flat or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. lifestyle. Featuring stunning beaches tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of • SHOES: sandals, wedges, sneakers ports or resorts. warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler areand the essentials to pack? lessons. the top Honeymoon destinations our professionals together getaway, where everything is Included and unlimited. The white sand beaches Enjoy Your Travel Experience. riverboats and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers Aprotected few years from now what Costa Rica is also home to multiple active volcanoes (Arenal, Poas and Here is a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island or cruising Europe  Barbados , with beautiful beaches and great • Pashmina Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! (rated the best in the Caribbean by Travel & Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving you will remember is the total and canals, which span thousands of miles of Continental Examples of some the best suggest are: might help with the process. Tenorio). Romantic activities, such asof mineral volcanic There are several brand new River cruisemassages, lines surf classes restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your Virtuoso vacation, NOT Advisor • Sunglasses (for to certified divers).connecting North Sea to BlackYour with special highlights for the kids enjoy. waterways, Sea. Vagabond Travel River Cruise Line Themes: and luxurious tented accommodations to sleep under the stars. For a full the things you forgot to pack.and Islands are about Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers surf entering the market such as through Emerald Waterways ForBEACHES a week inresorts the River Caribbean: •Hawaiian Packable sun and foldable beach bag hat A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, A Europe Cruisechildren. is one of the bestFor ways we • Viking River Cruises, partnership with known for over 25 years, *Remember, your Vagabond* Pura Vida experience, ask your travel professional for a property Hawaii has consistently kept its place among the best honeymoon simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOX play • 2 swimsuits know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and PBS “Downton Abby” offers Viking cruise andresorts, Scenic cruises to fill can the demand. Eachguests line Virtuoso Travel Professional The gocarry-on on towith Mexican all-inclusive exciting travel to areas • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home)  Italy where in a private chapel in Florence’s counand her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and open-air suites facing the rainforest. (put a1 cultural in your so you can goand right to the beach) Carole Kaiman are so popular children families. 19access. Specialty restaurants dining provide great choices. villages that traditional big ships usually can’t destinations for couples. The islands lounges offer and sensory experience days inchildren’s England Countryside, and special tour assist 3 you inand planning a vacation tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. has its highlights, such as the long ships and the and an evening 2Africa cover-ups It•will be a great vacation memory. withsummer the mostfamous valuevacation) andhouse. added for families, tours (Perfect for of the to help you realize your romantic dreams. unlike anything elsepurse in the US. South Just don’t forget thefamily pua (flower)Alaska on your left Vagabond Travel (1 with sleeves for evenings dining on the beach & 1next Pareo) touches to make your experience a generation Space-Ships. • Avalon Waterways “Austrian Highlights” from Vagabond Travel’s affiliation with Virtuoso, Must Haves: ear—since it signifies you’re taken. and •fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. memorable one.to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. Yoga pants and 2 tank tops Vienna ✿ DISNEY CRUISE were built with families A deluxe family Ocean view • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection at SPF) ships the world’s leading of luxury travel It’s a great new cruising experience! *Check outin mind. Bermuda , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication toconsortia our clients before, during and after every vacation •Mid-Coast 2(with shorts andleast 2 tees 30 Napa, Sonoma and California • Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s a 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist makes a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses • Facial and body moisturizer companies, allows us toat unlock incredible value, www.virtuosolife.com Bridges program, including family cooking Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor Carole Kaiman, at Vagabond A morning drive in Big Sur along with Highway 1onoffers unparalleled views Contact Carole Kaiman Vagabond Travel no fear deck, or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. • SHOES: Flip flops, flat sandals, wedges, sneakers and warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler lessons. •ofMake up Bag: waterproof mascara, eyeliner, amenities, and upgrades, at our partner properties Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, awith Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! Enjoy Your TravelorExperience. for our Digital Magazine the rugged California coast with amazing Redwoods framed the cruises Disney destinations vary fromagainst Caribbean Disney’s own private island cruising Europe • Pashmina Virtuoso Agency for latest information and Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. There aretravel several brand new Advisor River cruise lines hair conditioner shampoo thatsome addamazing the WoW factor. roaring Pacific. A fewand hours north you’ll come across 17for Mile home and • Sunglasses with special highlights the Drive, kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso ideas.


amenities. entering thethat 732-222-2792 orsun 732-842-2600. Create will lifetime. market such as last Emeralda Waterways • Packable hat and foldable beach bag memoriesmemories A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, Create that a lifetime. For will over 25last years, andresorts, Scenic exciting cruises to fill the The go on to Mexican all-inclusive travel to demand. Each line • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and Carole Kaiman has its highlights, such as the and an evening purse South Africa for families, Alaska tours (Perfect forTravel summer vacation) long ships and the to help you realize your romantic dreams. Vagabond next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: and fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great *Check out new cruising experience! Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist • Facial and body moisturizer Start your unforgettable vacation www.virtuosolife.com byContact contacting TravelKaiman AdvisoratCarole Kaiman, at Vagabond Carole Vagabond Travel • Make up Bag: waterproof mascara, eyeliner, Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! for our Digital Magazine Over Virtuoso Agency732-222-2792 for latest information and25 Years or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. hair conditioner and shampoo and some amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency 542 Prospect Ave.

amenities. 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create memories that will last a lifetime. Create memories that will last a lifetime. Little New Jersey LittleSilver, Silver New Jersey07739 07739

*Check out www.virtuosolife.com *Check out www.virtuosolife.com for our Digital Magazine and some foramazing our Digital Magazineand some travel ideas. amazing travel ideas.

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Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist 732-859-5513 732-222-2792 Direct Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency 732-842-2600 Office 542 Prospect Ave.

Over 25 Years

Little LittleSilver, Silver New NewJersey Jersey07739 07739 website: www.vagabondtvl.com 732-222-2792 Direct

732-842-2600 Office

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