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I've Been a blogger for about 2 years and it's been amazing; My blog is about Different styles from urban to sexy for Thick, Curvy Avatars out there looking for cute amazing clothes that would fit them properly. I have gained a lot of Sponsor Thanks to them I wouldn't be showing you all the amazing clothes that They release.. I Started Blogging Thanks to my Friend, She introduce me into blogging; and she was my inspiration to begin this blog, and without my husband supporting me along the way you're a Real MVP, Thanks Babe!.. Please Enjoy your Stay, Share, Follow!, and Enjoy Thanks - Raee ♼ 2 | TC Magazine Š

e e a R

May 10

Summer Fun Activities Ways to enjoy the summer heat


Meet A Greek Saying hello to XOX


Movies to Watch Great movies to catch with family and friends


Interview with Raee P.22

Our Supporters A small thank you for all you’ve done

Features 20 Taxes on IMVU 30 Mini Facts about Die 36 Upcoming Creators

THE CREW MAGAZINE VOLUME 1 ISSUE 4 May 2016 is published by A THE CREW PRODUCTION Inc. A non profit corporation, United States of America in collaboration with the United Kingdom.

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“Feeling as if there’s nothing to do since it’s dreadfully hot outdoors? Don’t stay cooped up in the house during these high temperature months! It doesn’t have to be that way, even without a pool or an AC – There’s so much to do!”

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Get that body wet

Explore your local beach, a park with a pool with some friends to cool off.

Beach Picnic With Your Babe

Why not soak up some sun and enjoy it too? Plan a summer date, remember to bring a lot of fluids!

Camp Outside In Your Backyard

What other way to have a miniature size adventure?

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Meet A

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A Greek










xi omicorn xi Founded January 4, 2014

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Xi Omicron Xi also known as XOX was founded on January 4, 2014 by Alzea with the sole purpose to be a safe haven for women on IMVU that can also improve a person’s real life by sharing experiences, advice, and a strong support system. XOX is constantly evolving every year and each day it is progressing with something new. The least of their worries is numbers or popularity; they care more about sticking to their core principles: compassion,

grace, integrity, and respect. One of XOX’s greatest achievements was taking home the crown for one of the largest Greek stepshows on IMVU: The Annual Greek Takeover (2015). They are also finalists for this year’s show as well.

• For More Information on XOX or how to recruit you can visit their website: http:// or contact the founder Alzea via Inbox.

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Shout out to Ishkur for being one of the Crew’s most loyal members around! Check Out His Shop . . . shop/web_search. php?manufacturers_ id=40440604


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Raee Interviewer:

Hello hun! Thank you so much for sitting with me today...

Raee: Thanks for having me :) Interviewer:

No problem love... Now why don’t we start with your name and what you go by.

Raee: Well my name is Rachel and I go by Raee; Not “Rae” but “Raee”



And why the extra

Raee: Well that’s how I spell Raee, it

gives it that extra spiciness to my name so it won’t sound like a Basic name, even though people think I spell my name wrong when I clearly didn’t lol, it’s just my way of spelling it.


Yeah... I used to spell my name Eesha, but people keep dropping that extra E... so I just went with it. [lol] But tell me how did you discover The Crew and what made you join?

Raee: [hehe] It’s just extra spiciness to your name.

Interviewer: Exactly! [lol] 24 | TC Magazine ©

Raee: Well, The Crew let’s see… The leader of the crew, Mike, found me! And seen that I had

something going on with my shop, and he saw something in me. I wasn’t into Dev groups at the time. But he had invite me to one of his first dev groups. I join just to advertise then I heard The Crew was created. I’ve see how they all are very nice, and friendly, and had a Family tone to it. So I decided to give it a go, and I joined thanks to Mike.


Yeah, Mike is great... and that’s what most groups, in my opinion, lack. That foundation of friendship and togetherness. We try to help each other get to the top... not bring others down.

Raee: Yes, It Lacks Leadership, and friendship and responsibility. Which is sad… Interviewer: Yes, very much so... Raee: I can tell you right now, that if other groups don’t have what TC has, they ain’t gonna last long to be honest. [lol]

Interviewer: has.

Right... I know that first hand myself. But I knew that’s why TC lasted as long as it

Raee: They can try, but they don’t have the strong foundation. If they ain’t family, they not going to go anywhere. Yeah, TC still standing strong with all these other so called original groups. [lol]

Interviewer: True... Absolutely true.[lol] We not even gonna go there. Raee: Yea, let’s not. [lol] Interviewer: So tell me do you feel as though TC has changed you? Whether its personally or creatively... or both even...

Raee: I say TC changed me in both ways. Interviewer: How so? Raee: Well… Personality wise; The Crew made me have this bond that I never had before. I can

finally put trust with my TC Family. And creating wise… Well... When I first started creating, I thought my stuff were the bomb, when in reality it was just paint. No texturing… just paint, and now I can texturize like a beast! And when I’m focused, my stuff is clean and on point! TC is Life… it’s My life ♥ #TCforever.

Interviewer: So the family environment and stable foundation got you to trust people on here more?

Raee: Not just any people, only people within the Crew. Interviewer: Understandable Raee: Too many shady people out here. Interviewer: I get it. You can’t trust everybody... Raee: Yeah [lol] Interviewer: Now a little birdy told me... That you also dev on Second Life as well? Is that true? Raee: Yes, I Did Dev on Second life, but at the moment I’m taking a long break to focus on blogging for Second life.


Oh cool... Is there really a difference between creating on SL and IMVU? I know a lot of people wonder that

Raee: I say creating on SL, creating wise is Easy compared to IMVU, but you spend more money then you do on IMVU.

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Interviewer: do you prefer creating with one more than the other? Raee: I don’t mind deving both, they both seem easy to me. Interviewer: [lol] Well excuse me… So tell me about your blog? Raee: Well I started from the bottom now I am at 7,870 Views thanks to my seekers. It’s pretty much like IMVU but not really? lol, it’s fun. I blog for high Devs on Second life promote their products on display. It’s something I really enjoy doing.

Interviewer: It seems cool... What’s your blog called? Raee: It’s called Vandalize Interviewer: What made you come up with that name? Raee: It’s a very funny situation. [lol] Well to me it is now… But I was mad at something, probably because of someone… I don’t remember, but I know I was mad. And I’m like “Watch Ima Vandalize you hoes” for making me mad, and I’m here thinking to myself hmm... maybe that would be a good name for my blog Vandalize.

Interviewer: Raee: Thanks!

[lol] That’s so cool...

Interviewer: Do you have a blog focused on IMVU, or does the blog covers both? Raee: This blog only focus on Second Life only. I wouldn’t mind making for IMVU, but there are plenty I’ve seen before plus I wouldn’t have time to manage both. Interviewer: [lol] So you’re saying if you have time maybe one day?

Raee: Maybe. But I think it would be a lot of work to deal with, so I’m not so sure on that one [lol]. Interviewer: [lol] I get it. Raee: [lol] Interviewer: So what made you start Vandalize? Raee: Well, I love Shopping, but who doesn’t? [lol] It all started out thanks to one of my good friends on there she also plays IMVU. She blogs on SL, she got me started into blogging which I thank her for that [lol] so now I don’t have to shop much blog for the designers who send out blog packs to me so I can blog.

Interviewer: I need to find your blog... Raee: I got you! Interviewer: I haven’t been on SL in a while but I want to catch up on the trends Raee: [lol] My blog contains a lot of stuff like Sexual, Girly, and sexy, and etc. Blogging takes time

though [lol]. I don’t over edit I like to keep it original so the devs product isn’t photo shopped to the max. lmfao.

Interviewer: How often are you on Second life? Raee: Pretty much every day when I have time. Interviewer: Just curious... Which one did you join 1st? IMVU or SL? Raee: IMVU, I joined in 2006 when I was a bit younger, then I quit and joined back around 2008… Interviewer: Why did you quit? For personal reasons or uninterested? Raee: I had quit because I was uninterested, and plus my noobie boyfriend dumped me on my 26 | TC Magazine ©

birthday, and left and didn’t come back until 3 years later.

Interviewer: Yeah, I think that’s happened with everyone at least once... But when you came back what made you stay? What kept you interested that wasn’t there before?

Raee: I Got into Creating, and doing Art. Interviewer: How were you introduced to creating... was it someone or did you find out yourself? Raee: I got into creating myself, because everyone was being so selfish didn’t even want to help me out and I figured it out slowly until I understood it.

Interviewer: What is one thing that you would want to tell someone that you wished that someone would have told you when it comes to creating? Whether its IMVU or SL...

Raee: I would say Don’t give up on the things you love doing, just keep on doing your best, and Don’t let no one take that joy away from you and your passion.

Interviewer: Nice... Because I know when you start on something... it can get real discouraging when someone puts you down, because you worked so hard on it…

Raee: Yes, I’ve been through that path before and it sucks seeing others go through that. Interviewer: Indeed, girl... I think everyone has. Raee: Yes, and this is where Friendships comes in play to help lift the other person up. Interviewer: Exactly, I guess that’s why I like The Crew, because we encourage each other and we try to help each other...

Raee: Yes, indeed! This is why I love The Crew Interviewer: Is there anything else that you would like to say to the readers? Or anyone in particular?

Raee: Well, For the Readers don’t let no one tell you that you can’t do anything because you can,

don’t give up on things you admire to do, don’t let anyone you love or anyone put you in a situation where they make you lose passion for what you love doing, and I want to Thank Mike aka Yoluva aka Michigan Thanks So much for the love and support you have given me Thanks for being there for me when needed, and Thanks for not giving up on me you are the true definition of a LEADER, and I adore you and Appreciate that, you Loyal! and No one can compare to you!! you’re The best!

Interviewer: I love it... Love everything about that... Raee: Thanks, it’s all true and coming from the bottom of my heart. Interviewer: Thank you so much once again for sitting with me and letting everyone get to know Raee... with TWO “E”s a little bit better. Hehe, Thanks for Having me it was a Pleasure to be here.

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Mini Facts • If reincarnated as an animal, he would be a Lion considering the fact they’re least likely to get eaten by another animal ROFL. • He started creating just to try new things since he was on IMVU; after a while it was to earn a profit, now it’s just for fun . • Favorite color is red and likes vanilla nilla icecream and spends most of his time in the Kitchen like a BOSS! • Enjoys spending time with his daughters Elpkis, Saddity and new son Konan.

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michigan & insignia insignia wears the ania necklace version two by izis and ysl clutch by iijayd to compliment her dress. meanwhile, michigan takes pride as he stunts with his offical the crew chain making loud noise in timbs for a finishing touch.

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lntegra buttons have nothing on that cute little bunnie whiskers by myana that wiggles upon lntegra’s nose. no game is too tuff as she enjoys playing on her kid karids by kari.

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Movies To Watch

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