Art Programme of Study

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Floreat schola Cryptiensis

Vision- At KS3 our aim is to give students the skills to understand the visual world and the ability to express themselves in a wide variety of different materials with confidence and enthusiasm. Drawing in its many forms, plays a large part of the course as it allows students to develop a visual language through which to communicate their ideas. We encourage students to make appropriate use of their literacy skills and in addition that of ICT. Students will have opportunities to develop and be influenced through the study of designers/artists work taken from a wide range of cultures.

At KS4 and 5 all students undertake individual enquiries which reflect their strengths and interests. Students are expected to engage with, analyse and reflect upon the work of designers/artists in detail. They will use a range of processes, techniques and media throughout their work to record observations and develop ideas working towards final resolutions.

Art POS 20242025

Year 7


“New Beginnings”

Term 1 Term 2

Formal Elements -

Colour wheel theory. Colour mixing & paint application skills.

Formal ElementsMark making. Tonal skills. Paper sculpture.

Picasso PortraitUse of subject literacy to enhance understanding and investigation.

4 Term 5 Term 6 Year end points

Picasso PortraitDevelopment of portrait based work into colour mixing & application via colouring pencils.

AnimationHistory of animation. How to tell a story. Storyboards, sequencing & understanding of content.

AnimationDevelopment of animation based work into creating own animation.

Students have had an introduction to a broad range of formal elements, techniques, materials and artists, Setting the foundations for developing as an effective artist and creative thinker. Students will have worked through different practical tasks and homework projects. Together this is designed to have developed a balance of practical skills, knowledge, understanding and engagement.

Unit 1 Terms 1-3 or Terms 4-6

Unit 2 Terms 1-3 or Terms 4-6


Students are taught two units over Year 8; one has a fine art & digital manipulation focus and the other a textiles focus. Students remain with the same art staff to complete both units of work over the academic year. Starting with either Unit 1

then moving onto unit 2 or vice versa.

Year 8


“Breaking The Mould”

Food IllustrationsUsing iPad Apps to design & make greetings cards as a resolution from own watercolour & black line illustrations of food. These are to be developed into a 3D element paper/card sculpture and then a clay piece.

Initial focus - chosen focus area, watercolour skills & developments via line.

Food Illustrations -

Mid project focus - creating a composition digitally via iPad Apps in addition to a 3D product via paper & card.

Food Illustrations -

End of project focuscreating a series of greeting’s cards with reference to the addition of fonts & colours & the impact that has on the designs. Final development in the form of a clay piece.

TextilesSewing machine introduction. Students to understand textile manipulation. Initial focus - sewing machine & hand-stitching basic skills. Begin exploring textile manipulation techniques such as tie-dye & sewing machine embellishment in line.

Textiles -

Mid project focuscontinue exploring textile manipulation techniques via research into Kente, and Adinkra traditional textiles work.

Textiles -

End of project focusHaving explored traditional African textiles, this is used, in conjunction with textile manipulation work to create an ipad cover sleeve.

Students will have built on Year 7. They will have been encouraged to refine their work and challenge themselves creatively. Pupils will have been given greater independence in their work and ownership over their outcome and as well as having learnt about the research, presenting, refinement and development of work.

Year 9


“Positive Choices”

“The Hunger Games” Researching The Hunger Games with a focus on exploring & investigating its imagery to use in own work to reflect thisin a book cover design.

“The Hunger Games” Using iPad Apps to design & make a book cover as a resolution from own research, collated images & art work produced.

“The Hunger Games” Design & produce promotional material to support book cover design as a final resolution to journey.

“This is Me!”Exploring the role of art to communicate a message/meaning; exploring self and identity. Mixed media work inspired by Chila Burman & Florian Nicolle & the addition of text to describe oneself at different ages. Term 1 focus- critical studies references, planning and beginning composition in collage, line & paint.

“This is Me!”

Term 2 focus- developing compositions & refining paint application skills referencing the critical studies links.

“This is Me!”

Term 3 focus- recalling composition, paint & descriptive line application skills in addition to referencing the critical studies links.

Students will have demonstrated a knowledge and understanding of a range of traditional and modern techniques, processes and media as well as to apply media appropriately for different purposes. They will have understood how artists are relevant to projects and will have experienced the importance of the planning process from initial ideas, to developing and refining ideas, before applying techniques and processes to a final resolution as

expected at GCSE level

Term 1 Term 2

Component 1 – Portfolio Introduction Unit. “Erosion & Decay”Focus on AO3 & AO1recording observations and experimenting with media and image manipulation to create literal and developed images, inspired by critical studies references.

Component 1 – Portfolio Introduction Unit. “Erosion & Decay” DevelopmentFocus on AO2 - experimenting with materials from the same starting point title but with 2 separate foci - ceramics & textile routes.

Term 3

Component 1 – Main

Portfolio Unit -

Select a project title & focusing on AO1 & AO3initial investigations & observations.

Demonstrating understanding of critical studies sources.

Term 4

Component 1 – Portfolio UnitStrengthening observations at AO3 & exploring media options, choices and effects for AO2.

Term 5 Term 6

Component 1 – Portfolio UnitStrengthening observations at AO3 & exploring media options, choices and effects for AO2, linking to AO1 studies.

Component 1 –Portfolio Unit -

Students will have worked on projects related to GSCE art, developing skills that are used in producing a portfolio of work as part of the AQA course requirements. They will have developed skills of analysing and planning their practical work, writing brief critical analyses and evaluations of their work, using a wide range of appropriate technical language especially regarding their artist research and practical work. They will have been encouraged to reflect on their skills and media, and to have taken opportunities to experiment with materials and techniques. Y11

Component 1 – Portfolio Unit -

Focus on producing final resolution ideas & plans based on the body of work as a whole. This development of final ideas is driven by critical studies influences & media experiment conclusions.

Component 1 – Portfolio Unit -

Focus remains on working from the completion of diverse and exhaustive options to successfully complete final resolution(s) based on the body of work as a whole, ready to submit the completed Portfolio..

Component 2 – Externally Set Assignment -

Select a project title & focusing on AO1 & AO3initial investigations & observations.

Demonstrating understanding of critical studies sources.

Component 2 – Externally Set AssignmentStrengthening observations at AO3 & exploring media options, choices and effects for final resolution(s) options.

Component 2 –Externally Set Assignment -

Focus on working on the completion of diverse and exhaustive final resolution(s) options through to the realisation of intentions in 10 hours of supervised time.

Develop ideas, combining critical studies references, observations & media experiences to start designing potential final resolution(s) ideas- AO4.

Students will have refined working on GSCE art skills used in producing a portfolio of work as part of the AQA course requirements. They will have perfected their skills of analysing and planning their practical work, writing brief critical analyses and evaluations of their work, using a wide range of


CM/SD Workshop sessionsExploring media, revisiting those potentially used & new mediums not discovered at GCSE. Experimenting with application techniques & processes.

Component 1 – Personal investigation -

Selecting title, researching critical studies links & pursuing initial observations.

Component 1 – Personal investigation -

Focus on AO3 & AO1-, developing critical studies links & initial observations.

Component 1 – Personal investigation -

Strengthening observations at AO3 & exploring media options, choices and effects.

Component 1 – Personal investigationAO2 focus - Develop ideas, combining critical studies references, observations & media experiences to start designing potential final resolution(s)- AO4.

Component 1 – Personal investigation -

Develop ideas further, combining critical studies references, observations & media experiences to start designing potential final resolution(s)- AO4.

Component 1 –Personal investigation-

Focus on working on the completion of diverse and exhaustive final resolution(s) options

appropriate technical language especially regarding their artist research and practical work. They will have been able to reflect on their skills and media and have taken opportunities to experiment with materials and techniques

Students will have explored media in greater depth and have experimented with materials and ideas Work will have been focused on process over product, they will have tried out lots of new media and processes which would not necessarily result in finished pieces. Basic skills should have been revisited. It would be up to the student to have decided which media they used and how they decided to work with the themes set. Students would have been open minded about the possibilities open to them and for them to have explored new areas of subject matter and media.



Component 1 – Personal investigationContinue ideas for final resolutions referencing critical studies influences. Component 1 – Personal investigationDevelop final ideas further, combining critical studies references, observations & Component 1 – Personal investigationFocus remains on working on the completion of final resolution(s) based on critical studies influences &

Component 2 – Externally Set AssignmentStrengthening observations at AO3 & exploring media options, choices and effects for

Component 2 –Externally Set AssignmentFocus on working on the completion of diverse and exhaustive final

Students will have developed their use of' visual language and key communication skills. Initially working from observation, then

Develop further/alternative ideas for final resolution(s). Begin 3000 word annotated essay.

media experiences for the final resolution(s)- AO4. Work on the diverse and exhaustive final resolution(s).

the body of work as a whole, ready to submit the PI unit as a whole (to include illustrated essay).

Component 2 – Externally Set AssignmentSelect a project title & focusing on AO1 & AO3initial investigations & observations.

Demonstrating understanding of critical studies sources.

final resolution(s) options - AO2.

resolution(s) options through to the realisation of intentions in 15 hours of supervised time.

specialising in a chosen area. They will have been encouraged to take responsibility for the development of their own ideas and to have gained independence in their learning as the course progressed. Through a sustained investigation, students will have shown sequential thinking and evidence of self-review. The artist research element required students to be critical in their analysis and to show an understanding of context.

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