Citizenship Scheme of Work 2019-2020

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Term 1 Organisation New school anxieties. Peer pressure/bullying, dealing with change in friendships. RSE Day

Term 2 Puberty recap. Healthy relationships, sexting, consent, sexual orientation, same sex relationships, transgender. Marriage & civil partnerships

Term 3 Careers

Term 4 Bullying, suicide

Term 5 Alcohol, smoking, drugs - peer pressure. E cigarettes, 2nd hand smoke, cessation services. Dependence/addiction/prescription drugs

Term 6 Community, Equality Act, British Values, Prevent


Social media – FOMO, cyber bullying, on line safety



Democracy, voting systems, elections, Prevent

Equality and Diversity Equality act


Healthy body & healthy mind, inactive lifestyle, ill health, body image, eating disorders & selfharm, mental health & well being Cancer. Immunisation & vaccination. GCSE preparation - Study skills

Sexualisation & sexual bullying, exploitation, dangers of the digital world, information generation, collecting, sharing and usage. Healthy relationship – communication & consent, attitudes & values, contraception & condoms, STIs. Consent, pornography, sex, pleasure & affirmation, up-skirting, relationship progress, FGM


Alcohol Substance use leading to risky (sexual) behaviour

Economic wellbeing.

Hate crimes/Prevent

Respectful relationships, teenage abuse, consent, gender differences, pornography.


Sextortion, gaming & death.

Money management

Prevent. Prejudice,




Wellbeing, stress, depression Dealing with pressure


Intro to personal statements, UCAS, Apprenticeships & gap year. Careers Personal statements, UCAS, Apprenticeships applications. Careers


Fertility levels, breastfeeding, Pregnancy, abortion, adoption, fostering. Marriage & civil partnerships, impact of domestic abuse Careers

Healthy & unhealthy relationships, consent, impacts on decision making, pornography, contraception & STIs.

Pornography; Criminal offences relating to images, alcohol, drugs & decision making, contraception, STIs, alcohol.

Health & Wellbeing

Digital detox. Gambling

Diversity & Radicalisation Equality Act

Sexual & gender identity, consent, contraception, STIs, sexual exploitation. Cancer – selfexamination. Financial health


British Values, Democracy and Prevent

Dealing with pressure. Self – examination, screening.

Driving theory, practical & finance

Money management

Drugs, Formerly “Legal” Highs, Prescription drugs.



Personal statements, UCAS application, UNIFROG

Living in the wider world

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