Old Cryptians' 1960-1982

Page 1


133 Barnuood Avenue,



The Brambles, 37 Albemarle Road, Churchdown,



c/o Deloittes

0. Hickman, c/o Dunn Cook and Co R.F. Stubbs 32B Lilliesfield Avenue, Hucclecote, Glos

Mr-. Holmes Headmaster of Crypt School A.L.C.

Smith, 7 Cirencester Road, Charlton Kings, 3 Windemere Road

C.H. Sibery,

10 Estcourt Close Francis,


The Galbes,

A.C. Paget,


Gloucester Ruscombe,

315 Stroud Goad,

Knoll Bungalow

Evans, High Corrs,

Longlevens, Gloucester

Bread Street,

Morris, Little Manor



Balcombe Road, Upton Hill,

Cheltenham Road,

Stroud, Glos

ayuards Heath,


upton St. Leonaicfc Gio

Painsuick, Glos

Friars Orchard, Convenet Lane, Idoodchester Stroud



OLD CRYPTIANS ’ CLUB 1901-61 Hon. Secretaries 1912-19 William Henry Harris 1920-36 Arthur Francis Watts, M.B.E. 1937-44 Samuel Percy Ball i945~47 A. Lionel C. Smith Hon. Treasurers : 1912-19 John Morgan Matthews 1920-30 John William Bayley 1931-44 A. Lionel C. Smith 1945-ii Arthur C. Paget Hon. Life Members : 1928 Arthur Francis Watts,M.B.E. 1931 John William Bayley 1944 Samuel Percy Ball 1953 The Very Reverend DrHarold Costley-White


President : 1901-06 The Reverend Christopher Naylor Hon. Secretaries : 1901 Lindsay Vears 1902-06 Walter Hyett Madgef Hon. Treasurer : 1901-06 J. G. Washboume OLD CRYPTIANS’ CLUB

Presidents : 1912 1913-19 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939-53 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61 1961-42.

Sir James Bruton|*********t§ Harry Warner Grimes f John Owen Roberts, J.P. :*****tttttt Charles Edward Gardner, J.P.*t Walter Hyett Madge f John William Bayley Harry Owen Roberts Thomas Bernard James Frederick Edmund Cullis Clement Edward Gardiner Charles Donington-Smith Lieutenant-Colonel John Atkinson, O.B.E., D.S.O., T.D. George Frederic Baker Henry Allen Pearce Rienzi Adolphus Smart Etheridge Minchin Frank Coppen Gardner Gilbert Trevor Wellington, C.B.E.******f Colonel John Henry Collett, C.M.G., T.D., D.L., J.P.fff Dr Howard Houlston-Morgan William Fellows Marvin The Very Reverend Dr Harold Costley-White Falconer Moffat Birks, C.B.E. Group Captain Thomas Vaughan Lister Professor Humphrey D. F. Kitto, F.B.A., F.R.S.L. Clarence John Cullis Harold William Etkins, O.B.E. Herbert Wilson Collier, J.P. Leslie Smith Percy William Stanley Aas Samuel Percy Ball




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Member of Parliament for the City of Gloucester, 1918-23. Honorary Freeman of the City of Gloucester. Mayor of the City of Gloucester. Sheriff of the City of Gloucester.






































1 16

From the Old Cryptians1 Club. Organisation of Secondary Education in Gloucester.

The Crypt School was founded in 1539• For four and a quarter centuries it has been one of the most powerful agents for social mobility in the City. It has always mixed and educated a cross­ section of the community and has been the main channel for the advancement of the poor and under-privileged of real ability. Cryptians who have attained positions of great influence have often been boys from the humblest of homes .

Throughout its long history the School has never been static, but has developed, evolved, and adapted itself to the needs of each succeeding generation. Its record of academic success has been outstanding and quite remarkable for a school of its size. In sport, in drama, and in all the manifold activities which make up its corporate life, its standards and traditions have been and remain of the highest. To-day, educational theorists are pressing for the absorption of grammar, technical, and secondary modern schools into one or other of the various experimental comprehensive schemes. This can only lead to the complete destruction of the characters of the three types of schools and an incalculable loss in the quality of education. Once done, it can never be undone. In Gloucester we have four maintained grammar schools, all of established academic reputation and of some distinction. There are also two technical schools and seven secondary modern schools, all of which are developing extremely well. If these should be replaced by one of the comprehensive systems, the process.of selection would not be abolished. Within the walls of one vast institution, competition would continue and would be more clearly seen to continue.

Partisans of '’comprehensivisation" base their case on the alleged inefficiency of the eleven-plus in selecting those who.could benefit from academic education. ’’The Gloucester plan’.’, with its exceptionally large selective entry, already meets this difficulty and no child is denied its chance. Our secondary modern schools provide better opportunities for initiative , leadership and responsibility for their pupils , in teams and activities, and in earlier prefectships, than would be possible in a comprehensive school, where the modern streams would always leave two or three years before the grammar streams. It would thus be left to the grammar streams by virtue of age and experience to occupy the positions of prefects and to take the major part in out-of­ school activities. This inequality would be at once apparent to the children themselves , and the modern streams, finding themselves shut out, would feel that they were a submerged and neglected element in the school. The fact that there cannot be any superimposed, arbitrary equality between children of different calibre, different interests and different attainments would be emphasised and undesirably accentuated.

It is common knowledge that it is difficult to-day and is rapidly becoming increasingly difficult to persuade well-qualified men to enter the teaching profession. The Sixth Forms of Grammar Schools, about to enter upon university or professional careers, need teachers of real character and scholarship. Such men teach in grammar schools mainly because of their enthusiasm for their subjects and their keen desire to teach them to the most intelligent boys at the highest level.

They have not the capability or desire to teach at every level ability and only waste can come from dispersing them into some rigorous secondary organisation. Already the mere threat of a turn towards comprehensive schools is having its effect and it perhaps noteworthy that of the five masters, whose resignations the Crypt staff become effective at the end of this term, four leaving state secondary education.

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Until the superiority of the comprehensive experiment has been clearly proved, we are convinced that it would be disastrous to abolish the tripartite system which is, after all, achieving a considerable measure of success. In particular, we cannot afford to sacrifice the needs of the gifted minority on which so much of the future cultural and scientific advancement of the whole nation and, indeed, of the whole of humanity, depends. While we have no wish to stand in the way of progress or change and although we are conscious that there may be administrative advantages to be gained from ’’comprehensivisation" , we would urge that the following two points be carefully noted. The Gloucester City Education Committee has long supported the four Grammar Schools, has indeed been very proud of the unusually high proportion of grammar school places, and has in the last twenty years spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on new buildings for them. We hope that the Education Committee will not change to a currently fashionable system without very careful thought into reasons and motives. Secondly, while political motives in favour of '’comprehensivisation'’ are extremely clear, and administrative ones discernible, it cannot yet be claimed on actual evidence that the comprehensive system really is an educational success, especially where ’’comprehensive" means putting two or more schools together and calling them one without putting them on one site. It is all too easy to-day, in times of great (and necessary) change, to accept new recipes and formulae just because they are new and are vociferously promoted.

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Delete existing Rule 4 and substitute (4) Active members of* all- afi^ilia'ced sociecies must be members of the Old Cryptians® Club.»


members of affiliate societies must be Old Cryptians® o* pitons CrCCy^7,A^

and their membership of

or parents of Old Cryptians

that society must be approved by the Committee.


Add to existingJhxle 8 a^paga^^ (8(b) )The administration of the funds of an affiliate society shall be vested in the Commitsee ox ^he

affilicate society^ who may invest or otherwise deal

with the same on behalf of the affiliate society as they in their discretion may think fit. ; ■



Md to existing Rule 13 a (3.2(b)) The accounts of* all affiliate societies shall be

annually examined by the Club’s Auditor and shall thereafter be submitted to the Committee for approval«

December 1967

18 I




188 COPY





I have considered the proposed "competition" which the Old Cryptians Rugby Club Development Association wish to run, but I am afraid that if

they were to do so in that form, they would run into the same trouble that descended on the Gloucester City Association Football Club Supporters’ Club in 1954.

(See Pearse v. Hart 1955 1AH E.R.91).

which was almost on all fours with this.

That was a case

The Supporters’ Club were

raising large sums of money for their football club by means of a private lottery competition, believing that it was made lawful by the provisions of

section 24 of the Betting and Lotteries Act 1954.

The Old Cryptians seem

to have devised their lottery (for lottery it is) in the same belief,

though the equivalent section of the 19^3 Act is 44.


The trap is, as the

Divisional Court held in the above case and also in Haynard v. v/illiams 1955 1A11 E.R. 81, that s.24 of the 1934 Act (and also s. 44 oi the 19^3 Act) defines a private lottery as one which is promoted for, and in which the sale of chances is confined to "members of one society established and

conducted for purposes not connected with gaming, betting or lotteries....

A supporters’ club or, in this case a development association, is both established and conducted for the purposes of raising funds for its principal club and as soon as it starts running a lottery, even if that is only a small part of the money raising schemes, it is conducting itself for a purpose

connected with a lottery.

The lottery is, therefore, not within that

exemption and is unlawful, as are all lotteries which are not brought within one of the few permitted categories.

The Old Cryptians’ proposed lottery

is therefore unlawful and the committee would run the risk of prosecution if it proceeded. The alternative courses open to the committee are to limit the lottery

to members of the Rugby Club, which could in no sense be said to be conducted for a purpose connected with a lottery, since the principal object is to play

rugby and not to raise money.

This would no doubt limit the numbers more

severely than was intended, but it is probably preferable to the other

alternative, which is to bring the lottery within the provisions of s.45,

the section dealing with small lotteries conducted for sporting purposes,



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since that would entail reducing the tickets to 1/- each and the maximum

prize to <£100 (a very poor mini).

In the expectation that the former

alternative will be followed, I have re-drafted the Rules to make it a private lottery.

To comply with the Act, the following conditions will

have to be observed: -


Only members of the Rugby Club can take part.


The promoters must be authorised in writing by the governing

body of the Rugby Club to promote the lottery.


After deducting only expenses for printing and stationery, the

whole of the proceeds must be devoted to providing prizes and to the

purposes of the Club (completing the club room).

This means, for instance

that the cost of the cocktail party cannot come out of the lottery subscriptions (but it could be paid for our of the club’s ordinary funds).


No written notice or advertisement of the lottery may be exhibited,

published or distributed, except that it may be exhibited at the Club premises,

and on the tickets, if any. 5.

The tickets or chances must all be of the same price and tickets

must bear their price on their face.


Every ticket must bear on its face the names and addresses of each

of the promoters, and a statement of the persons to whom the sale of tickets

is restricted and that no prize will be paid by the promoters except to the person to whom the winning chance was sold.


No chance may be issued except by way of sale and upon receipt of

the full price, and the price may not be refunded. 8.

No ticket may be sent through the post.

It is difficult to envisage all the difficulties that may arise in re-framing this lottery, end if the promoters would like a conference to

discuss the whole matter, I am only too ready to do so.


2, Harcourt Buildings, Temple, E.C.4.

8th October, 19^7




Messrs. Treasure, Gloucester.

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5* The annual subscription to the Club shall be payable in advance on the 1st January in each year as follows: (a) Members over 21 years of age who shall be entitled to 'copies of "The Cryptian" £1. (b) Members under 21 years of age who shall be entitled to copies of "The Cryptian ” 10s. (c) Members who shall not be entitled to copies of "The Cryptian” 5s» In addition Members defined in (a) and (b) above may become Life Members on payment of 12 Guineas in lieu of the annual subscription but no subscription previously paid shall be taken into account on such payment. The Committee of the Club may nominate Members who have rendered outstanding service to the Club to a General Meeting to be elected as Honorary Life Members and such Honorary Life Members shall have all the privileges of membership and shall not be required to pay any subscription.









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OLD CRYPTIC «S CLUB Meeting of a sub-committee on Thursday, 3rd September, attended by the Hon. Secretary and the Hon.Treasurer of the Club and Cliff Whiting who deputised for John Hiram. iViUV.

Object of the meeting:

To undertake a close investigation of individual resignations from the Club and report to the main committee any findings which may be of help when the main committee formulate plans to strengthen the Club’s membership.

Scope of the investigation: A list was drawn up of all old boys whose membership lapsed during 1968 (total ) and 1969 (total ) and then by reference to school handbooks and club records an endeavour was made to ascertain their ages and period of membership.

Information obtained:

The above investigation produced the required information on sixty old boys.

Analysis of the informa- (i) tion obtained;

45% of the old boys resigning from the club in 1968 /1969 were under 25 years of age and had only been members for 3 years or less.

(ii) 13% of the old boys resigning from the Club in 1968/ 1969 were aged between 25 and 30 years and had only been members for 4 years or less. (iii)27% of the old boys resigning from the Club in 1968/69 were aged between 30 and 50 and had been members for periods ranging from 11 to 24 years. (iv) the remainder of the resignations during 1968/69 fell into no identifiable groupings with ages ranging up to 65 and a period of membership down to one year for an old boy in the age bracket 51-55. Conclusions:

From the above figures it is clear that the biggest drop­ out in membership was by the young old boy (under 31) and this took place within four years of first joining the Club. The other sizeable identifiable group of dropouts were old boys who had been members for periods between 15 and 24 years.

The sub-committee therefore suggest that the main committee in drawing up plans to strengthen and maintain the Club’s membership should:(i)

concentrate their attention on affording continued interest to the younger members.

(ii) endeavour to ascertain if there was any significant common reason why so many old boys dropped out of membership after 22-24 years participation.

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’’Save that associate members of affiliated sports societies shall not be entitled to membership of the Old Cryptians Club”• PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO O.C.R.F.C RULE 2 •


At present reads * ’’Only Old Cryptians shall be eligible as members”


Suggested:Members shall consist offFull Members and it shall be a condition of full membership that'all such members shall become members of the Old Cryptians Club.

. .7





And Associate Members who shall be entitle^ to all the privileges of membershij^but shall have no vote at any meeting of the Club,» and shall not oe eligible for election to the Committee. Up to 15^ of the Clubs Playing Members at any time may consist of Associate Membtars. ■

The Commi ttee may suspend the membership of any member whose conduct whether on the club premises or elsewhere, is or has been in the opinion of the Committee contrary to the interests of the Club or :.V injurious to its reputation.






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The Club shall be called ‘’The Old Cryptians Rugby Football Ciubn>


Only old Cryptians bo eligible as


New members to bo proposed and seconded and passed by the Committee.

The annual subscription shall be 10/6$, but if .paid before p1st October, ?/6d.

The colours shall be maroon base with gold and blue stripes. Blue shorts and maroon stoolrings.


The Annual General Keating shall bo held before the beginning of the season. An Extraordinary General Mooting my bo called by any twelve moir^ers of the Club.


Officers and committee of the Club shall retire annually but shall bo eligible for re-election.


Th© Committee shall oonoist of Chairman, General Secretary, Team Secretary, Tour Secretary* Honorary Treasurer, Fixtures Secretary, Assistant General Secretary, 1st, 2nd and 3rd XV Captains, three ordinary members of the f n Selection Committee, three ordinary General Committee 4^ members, plus three me/sbers “of the Old Cryptlans Club (or omcle).


The Selection Committee shall consist of Team Secretary* 1st, 2nd and 3rd Team Captains, plus three ordinary members.


If at’any time the Club in General Mooting shall pass a resolution authorising the Committee to borrow money the Committee shall thereupon be empowered to borrow for the purposes of the Club such amount of money at such rate of interest and in such mannor as shall be specified in such Resolution and the Committee may issue Mortgages or Charges and may thereby charge all or any of the property and funds bf the Club with payment of the amount so borrowed and interest thereon. All members of tlio' Club whethex* voting on such resolution or not «and all peraona becoming members of the Club after the passing of such resolution shall be deemed to have assented to the same as if they had voted in favour of such Resolution, a


Certified to be the Rules of the Old Cryptians Rugby Football Club as amonded at an Extraordinary General Meeting held 11th August 1969*




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1969 £



Deoosit Account




1,200 Ordinary Shares at Issue Value, plus additions at cost









income and Expenditure Account from the books, vouchers

are in accordance therewith.


¿-February, 1971.


Chartered Accountant. Honorary Auditor




1969 1




The Cryptian

£ -







Printing and Stationery





Naylor Prize for Classics


Colin Ewan Memorial Prize



President's Shield




Gloucester Remembrance Day Fund



4 203 22 7 14 4 29




Loss on Annual Dinner






Profit on Sale of Club Ties


Excess Expenditure over Income

Surplus of Income over Expenditure

. *

J 243



Founder’s Day Expenses



@ £1-1-0 @ £1-0-0 @ 15-0 @ 10-6 @ 10-0 @ 7-6 @ 5-0



£ -

Dividends Williams & James (Engineers) Ltd. Building Society Interest




19 2


-- —

---- •

313 ___ -

329 _—

313 ___ —

329 ___ ’S n





OLD CRYPTL ----—-----


1969 £




11 3


Less Excess Expenditure over Income











I have prepared this Balance Sheet and the anne^ and information supplied, and certify that 1

18 Brunswick Square, GLOUCESTER.
























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New County Hotel Southgate Street, Gloucester GL1 2DU Telephone: 0452-24977 Cables: Newcotel Gloucester Telex: 23241 (Reservations only)

A Selection of Banqueting Menus

u^c~ßüt££L. •

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¿-24-0 p

Z*- 4


NORFOLK CAPITAL HOTELS ™ 2/10 Harrington Road, London SW7 3ER Individual Reservations Tel 01-589 7000 Group Reservations Tel 01-373 1164 Telex 23241 Cables Norcapotel Ldn SW7

MENU SI.......................

BUFFET MENU Bl...............

Ham, Tongue, Cheese and Tomato Sandwiches Hot Sausage Rolls Hot Vol-au-Vents Hot Toast Fingers Crisps—Gherkins—Olive s



MENU S7.......................

Cream of Mushroom Soup Fruit Juice **** Roast Stuffed Turkey with Chipolatas and Cranberry Sauce

Minestrone Soup Fruit Juice **** Roast Stuffed Chicken with Bread Sauce

Cream of Asparagus Soup Fruit Juice **** Roast Beef and Horseradish Sauce

Roast and Creamed Potatoes Brussels Sprouts **** Christmas Pudding and Brandy Sauce **** Coffee

Saute and Parsley Potatoes

Roast and Creamed Potatoes Cauliflower and Vichy Carrots **** Fruit Tart and Cream **** Coffee

Garden Peas **** Fruit Salad and Cream **** Coffee

Trifles & Cream

**** Coffee

MENU S2...........................

Ham, Tongue, Chicken, Cheese, Tomato and Salmon Sandwiches Pork and Egg Pie Pork Pie Hot Chipolata Sausages Hot Sausage Rolls Vol-au-Vents


Fruit Salad and Cream ****


MENU S8...........................

Melon Cocktail Fruit Juice **** Coq au Vin

Cream of Chicken Soup Fruit Juice **** Beef Bourgeoise

Roast and Creamed Potatoes

Creamed Potatoes

Garden Peas and Carrots **** Meringue Glacé **** Coffee

Carrots and Garden Peas **** Cream Caramel **** Coffee

Creamed Potatoes Mixed Vegetables **** Sherry Trifle **** Coffee

Vegetable Soup Fruit Juice **** Roast Duckling and Orange Sauce

BUFFET MENUB2.................

MENU S5...........................

MENUS10....................... Tomato Soup Fruit Juice **** Pork Cutlet Charcutière Creamed Potatoes Runner Beans and Carrots **** Pear Helene **** Coffee

ALTERNATIVE DISHES Prawn Cocktail Smoked Salmon Hors d’Oeuvres Iced Melon Grapefruit Cocktail Seafood Hors d’Oeuvres

Extra Extra Extra Extra Extra



Sole Bonne Femme Extra Halibut with Prawn Sauce Extra Grilled Fillet of MENU Sil........................... Plaice with Tartare Sauce Extra Melon Cocktail Fruit Juice **** Roast Stuffed Pork and Apple Sauce GAME Roast and Parsley Potatoes Brussels Sprouts Roast Goose or Pheasant — and Mixed Vegetables when available. **** Quotation given on request. Lemon Meringue Pie **** Coffee


MENU S3............................. Cream of Celery Soup Fruit Juice **** Roast Lamb Boulangère Roast and Parsley Potatoes Brussels Sprouts and Vichy Carrots **** Banana Sundae **** Coffee

MENU S6.............................

Pate Maison Fruit Juice **** Cold Ham and Chicken Potato Salad Green Salad **** Coupe Alexandra **** Coffee

MENU S9... ..V........... Minestrone Soup Fruit Juice **** Entrêcote Steak Bordelaise Croquette Potatoes Buttered Carrots and Broad Beans **** Peach Melba ****


MENUS12........................... Grapefruit Cocktail Fruit Juice **** Cold Ham and Tongue Potato Salad Green Salad **** Banana Sundae **** Coffee

Apricots and Ice Cream Pinapple and Kirsch Trifle Raspberry Melba Strawberry, Chocolate, Coffee or Vanilla Ice Creams. Ice Cream Specialities upon Request Extra



---- -


Where to find Norfolk Capital Hotels FOR YOUR INFORMATION DINNERS

The banqueting Rooms can seat up to 165 and the smaller rooms can accommodate up to 30 persons. All prices quoted for Dinners include the use of the Room for Dancing and also all Floral Arrangements.


The ballroom has an excellent.Dance Floor and a Bar adjacent. For Guests arriving after dinner for Dancing there is a 70p cover charge.


1 2 3 4 5


6 7 8 9 10


Can be arranged to suit your personal requirements for 10 to 200 persons.



These are a speciality of the House. Buffets, Fork Luncheons or Wedding Breakfasts can be arranged to suit individual requirements. For Weddings, two dressing rooms are placed at the disposal of the Bride and Groom.


In the event of the attendance at the fuction not reaching that ordered, a minimum of 90% of such numbers will be charged.


Functions must be confirmed 10 days prior to date of the function.

11 12 13 14 15







12.30-2.15 7.00-9.15







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U/oaJ¿< Ccj^aX





IbtL dJkS




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1 9 7 O


£ £



158 3


19 3


Williams &, James (Engineers) Ltd. 1200 Ordinary Shares at Issue Value plus additions at Cost (Market Value £192) Stock of Club Ties at Cost Cheltenham andGloucester Building Society


Deposit Account Payment in Advance Cash at Bank Cash in Hand

427 3 54





Subscriptions Paid in Advance Creditors 156


181 --464

NET ASSETS --------

Represented by:613 59

GENERAL FUND (includine Life Members' Subscriptions) Balance 1st January 1971 Less Excees Expenditure over Income for Year




I have prepared this Balance Sheet and the annexed Income and Expenditure Account from the books, vouchers and information supplied , and certify that they are in accordance therewith.

18 Brunswick Square Gloucester

21st February 1972

WILLIAM V. EGGLETON Chartered Accountant




Y \




3 3 180 21 6 48 4 28

@ 1,50 9 1.05 © 1,00 $ 75p @ 52|p © 50p @ 37|p 9 25p

5 3 180 16 3 24 1 7


Donations Dividends

6 19 2 - ---

Williams & James (Engineers) Ltd. (Net) Building Society Interest Profit on Sale of Club Ties

6 17 —




74 47 54 2 3 5 16 16 12

329 59

The Cryptian Postages Printing and Stationery Colin Ewan Memorial Prize President’s Shield Gloucester Remembrance Day Fund Founder’s Day Expenses Loss on Annual Dinner Incidentals EXCESS EXPENDITURE OVER INCOME

270 AO 49 7 2 3 — 20 10 1

3S2 89





Report on Organ Following conversations between Mr. Brinsford, Mr. Hyett, Vice Chairman of Governors and Myself at the Old Cryptians’ Dinner, I sought approval in principle?^and financial support in practice for the acquisition of the organ» Before the Governor*s Meeting on 8th March, the Music Adviser for the City was asked to look at the organ and reportkthe ineeting. His report was not entirely favourable and in addition, raised the question of structural alterations to the Hall which might necessitate the spending of a further sum of money.

With this report in front of them, the Governors were guarded in their comments«» Eventually a decision was arrived at whereby the idea of acquiring an organ was agreed in principle and the Chairman and Vice Chairman were enpowered to take further steps if and when necessary. These further steps will clearly depend on how much financial support is forthcoming from outside the Authority.

May I, therefore, place before the Old Boy’s Committee these facts. As I see it, the cost of purchase and re-erection of an organ will fall on the Old Boys. The Parents* Association are still helping to pay for the Cricket Pavilion and no help can be expected from that quarter. The LEA, I believe, will not support this scheme if it involves them in any great expenditure though they will help towards the cost of installation. The sum to be found would appear to be in the region of £1,200 plus any necessary structural alterations to the Hall (cost unknown). In these circumstances, the Committee might be advised to proceed with caution or very reluctantly be forced to come to the conclusion that the scheme should be abandoned.


jyorfahop :

John Coulson



©rgan Suifoer FISHPONDS.





loth February 1972

Mr« Arthur Brinsford , Friarafield > Convent Lane, Woodoheoter , Stroud«

BRISTOL, BS16 6UD. Phone: BRISTOL 657506

The Organ in the Old Chapel at Stroud«

Dear Mr« Brinsford* Here are the coot» for moving the organ to the School at Gloucester • Sorry you hare had a wait for thio , but the ravages of’flu’ are upsetting the work load a bit«

you know the organ was examined , and found to bo in fair shape despite the ravages of redundancy and dampness • However , It would bo well to remove the organ Just as soon as possible should you decide to purchase it • Further , it will bo wise to store the dismantled orcan within the atmospheric condition» of any proposed new »home’ for ** least six weeks before re assembly is commenced^t in.order thAt the various wooden parts may acclimatise themselves to this enriroment t thus any variations may bo compensated during assembly« The only Question mark hangs over the hollows, which has signs of leather failure , aM thus a lijitod f^ure which may range from five years to twenty years I Those old bellows »r® very tenacious and it is difficult to accuratelydetermine their future • Our advioo would bo to have the hollows re leathered if possible , though this is an expensive business , but one which will set the bellows up for at least another sixty years«


The costs for overhauling the organ together with its removal and re erection , including a new pedalboard and recovering the keyboards • Bo leathering the pedal pneumatics i new buttons and cloths as required to the manual tracker actions . hew centres to the action roller boards • how felts, cloths and washers as required to the various working parts. Je fitting the working centres to the drawstop actions , and re bushing the jambs« hew engraved inserts to the drawstops« Be siting the electrio blower • how tuning slides to tho open metal pipes. Re feed ng the reed pip® eschallots • Tonal finishing and fine tuning • This work b*o«d upon, th* organ bain, ra present layout , except for th* blower . And upon a flat and level site to be provided by others«

hot included are any mains electrical work and the wiring of any console lights i the provision of any additional panels at the back or sides of the organ as may bo requested and subject to additional cost i re leathering the bellows i and Transport costs which may be arranged wi^h a local remover • This work for the sum of i £92$tOOP ( hine Hundred and Twenty Five Pounds )

^ditional for releathering the bellows............

Additional for re leathering the bellows : £200iOOP ( Two Hundred Pounds)* Woodworm preventive treatment is* included to all work* The above work carries twelve months action adjustments and three tupipgs without further charge* The total duration of work a minimum of eight weeks , or ten weeks if the bellows is re leathered*

The organ nay be dismantled and removed for safe time. Re erection may commence November 1972» or there afte depejading upon the time of any order being given*

Our usual terms of payment are five per cent thirty per cent payable upon commencement of work j thirty per cent payable upon commencement of tonal finishing • upon completion to your satisfaction* We think that the removal costs should be around £45tOOp • Please do ask should you require full specification for the work may be eent to you upon request.



















M- ^s





Copy extract

Sealed 16 June 1937

County Borough



Gloucester United Schools

Provided Secondary Schools

5. The several school premises of the Foundation specified in Part I of the Schedule to this Scheme shall be held by the Council for the purpose of the provision and conduct by them as Local Education Authority for Higher education, in the said school premises or in other premises hereaft r to be provid d by them, of a secondary school or schools for boys and a secondary school or schools for girls, conducted in such a manner as to be eligible for recognition as efficient by the Board of Education. Application of Income of Endowment The Council shall apply the net income of the endowment of the F nindation (that is to say the income which remains after payment of any expenses of administration and outgoings, other than expenses in respect of the said school premises) for the benefit of the said Secondary Schools in ny of the following ways:(a)

In aid of the general maintenance of the Schools


In the provision of Scholarships or Maintenance Allowances tenable at the Schools


In the provision of Exhibitions tenable at places of higher education to be awarded to pupils leaving the Schools

Provided that candidates for Scholarships, Maintenance Allowances or Exhibitions under this clause shall be boys or girls who, in the opinion of the Council, are in need of financial assistance.

Provided also that, in awarding Maintenance Allowances (if any) in the boys’ i c tool or schools of the Foundation, up to the number of ten, the Council shall give a preference to boys resident in the City of Gloucester or within three miles from the site of the Tolsey (otherwise known as ’’the Cross”) in^tlK’t City, and a further preference as regards three of these Allowances ( i so many are maintained) to boys so resident who are the sons of living or deceased freemen of the City of Gloucester; and the holders of any Maintenance Allowances to which this proviso applies shall be called Sir Thomas Rich's Scholars .

Amberd House, Pitwineter, Taunton, Gomeruet.

4th. January 1973 HMD/PP D.B. Lvjjw ^q., Messrs. Treasures, 17 John^B hare, Gloucester. OU 2AZ

Dear Mr. .'.vane, I wan very pleased to receive your letter of the 2nd. January. Thank you very much for all the trouble you are taking in thio matter.

As you so rightly nay, our attention must now turn to the HChePiO under which the trust was altered after the 1944 Act or ur.ortly beiore then, it is crucial to our case. If you can find anything about this I shall be moat grateful, but I will take similar action through Alderman Hyatt, who was Chairman of Education and who is an old Cryptian,t6 see if we can find out the terms ol this achene. I mu most anxious to bring this matter before the Old Cryptiana Comittee at an early date, to get their authority to any action we may take in the future, as I suspect that before long the < education Committee or the Council will seek to alter the present trust in order to change to comprehensive education, think at this point we must raise the strongest possible objection.

There in, however, no reason why we should not now embark upon a publicity campaign with particular reference to tue original endowment of the school when the Mayor and durgesaes of the City of Gloucester by deed undertook to maintain a Grammar School for the citizens of Gloucester. It will be intereating to see how this undertaking wos viiried under tho scheme of 1944. The fact that The Crypt still is an endowed school will help our case very considerably, particularly if we are able to enter an objection.

There is a pressure group in Gloucester and obviously we must work with them, but I have heard of another pressure group trying to co-ordinate objection to comprehensive education throughout the country, and if the kzommittec so wish I will obviously cwmunicate with them to get u common line of approach on the problem. /We

Wq have he^rd frca Robin Day who ad sn old CruptiBn and I «end you a coty of hie letter, but as it is very much a political «fitter I doubt if he can do much on television for uo other than deal with the endowment of 1539 •

I should very much like you to come along to the Committee meeting if it can be arranged, and I will telephone you in good tine to see if a date can be arr ngad which is convenient to you.

Yours sincerely.










TEL. 4-471

Li 31'-/ - > E

(o452) 253 5 1-3


2nd January,


pear Dugdale,

01 d C ry p t i a n s Club.

T have now had an opoorruuity of’ looking at the statute kw governing the powers of the ^;inister of Education and local Authorities and have found that following the course of amendments, alterations and cross references is a very trying aid confusing aifair. however, I do not think that tee fact that the Crypt School is an endowed school will prevent aim cnun e in its character although giving further scope for ohieetjons to be nude.

Under the Endowed Schools Acts, 1 S6l tn 1948 there is a power, now exercised by the Minister of Education, to alter the trusts o! any educational endowment . Approval of a scheme under these acts abrogates ail orevinus trusts and so the original hill of the founder will not now, unfortunately, be relevant as there must have been a scheme to alter the trusts after the 1944 Act if " not long before then. The school stil I remains an endowed school, and .if the master is to be‘pursued it will be necessary to find out what is rue resent scheme or trusts on which the endowment is held. If it i« necessary to alter the present trusts in order to change to comprehensive education, this can be done by the Minister of Education Any such scheme however, most be published and persons concerned have one month in which to object, with ultimately' after an inouiry a righi to appeal to Her Majesty the Cueen in Council. The case-law shows Umi the classes of persons having such right of anneal is very I i mi ted .

Endowment schools are termed ’’voluntary schools” (as opposed to county schools) under the 1 9 4 4 Act and can be either controlled






case) aided or special agreement schools, n the overall scheme of education will be they fill Education Order which embodies the i.he Local de iineu amroval of the proposals by a local authority for Yi ni ster es under the Act. By its very nature this must be frequently amended and it may bo is something weich copy of this Order orodent to obtain

it appears that if it is proposed Under the 19 68 Act voluntary school maintained by a to alter the character ot a its size the proposals which have ^o^e submitted W theMinister must be published¡and in tnis f case the period lor objection



¡chioit legislation and, Unless further amended, includes It, is ten or more electors as well as the school governors. authority cannot take that here the important to note proposals until they have received the approval action on the '„itb regard to the rights to object 1 would of the ...----- - , , commen t. s think that the best way would be ' to obtain advice and . from a nressure group in another town or county whje < has fought comprehensive education. If you know of oneperhaps you would me know and I will endeavour to contact them.

this stage T think it right you should be Aven an At to consider what I have said and perhaps; you Id opportunLty vour comments in the near future, ms yet, 1 do not lot me hove necessary to spend money in taking Counsel s Opinion but th i rik it prove necessary m the future if the Club intends to chi s may stand W i t h every good wish

for the New Year Yours sinccr

Y.Y. Dugdale, K sei • , Amberd House, p j tmiaster, Tan nton, Somerset.






OLD CRYPTIANS CLUB Annual dinner 1973«

Top table :

R.M.Dugdale, president. The headmaster, M.Holmes. M. Howe, R.Hannaford. The Dean of Gloucester, Canon Paton, Canon Houghton, E. Cooper.

B°y guests: N.Price, Head prefect and captain of rugby. R.Finnimore, captain of hockey. Members :

T. Belcher, J. Bird, A. Brinsford, W. Clift, A.Coates, H. Collier, J.Collier, G. Cowcher, M. Crump, H. Cryer, M. Cryer, F. Culpin, D. Davies, L, Davies, S. Davis, F. Dawe, J. Day, S. Dowell, B. Drinkwater, D. Evans, G. Gardner, D. Hanlon, G. Hannaford, J. Hickman, J. Hiram, G. Hopkins, K. Hyett, G. Kendrick, E. Kingscote, E. Leah, D. Lewe, J. Millard, R. Moore, D. Mundy, A. Paget, T. Parrott, J. Pegler, D. Pobjoy, M. Poole, R. Pottinger, E. Rigby, J. Rigby, G. Russell, C. Sibery, J. Sivell, A. Smith, T. Storrie, L. Tether, P. Tiley, R. Tiley, A. Walton, H. Walwin, J. Ward, M. White, C. Whiting, G. Winfield. f

Staff :

E. Kennett, C. Martin, J, Thompson.










INCOME 239 11 6 17

273 270 49 7 2 3 20 10 1




The Cryptian Postages Printing and Stationery Colin Ewan Memorial Prize Naylor Prize for Classics President’s Shield Founder’s Day Expenses Loss on Annual Dinner Inci dentals EXCESS INCOME OVER EXPENDITURE


362 40 8 16

Subscriptions Donations Dividends Williams &, James (Engineers) Ltd.(Net) Building Society Interest


206 48 5 4 1 3 29 25 4

325 101




ASSETS Williams & James (Engineers) Ltd. 1,200 Ordinary Share at Issue Value plus Additions at Cost (Market Value £262) Stock of Club Ties at Cost Cheltenham & Gloucester Building Society Deposit Account Payments in Advance Cash at Bank Cash in Hand

158 3


25 630


Subscriptions Paid in Advance Creditors Bank Overdraft

23 17

40 590


Represented by:GENERAL FUND (including Life Members’ Subscriptions)

Balance 1st January, 1972 Add Life Member’s Subscription Excess Income over Expenditure for Year

464 25 101 590 ■

I have prepared this Balance Sheet and the annexed Income and Expenditure Account from the books, vouchers and information supplied, and certify that they are in accordance therewith.

WILLIAM V. EGGLETON 18 Brunswick Square, Gloucester ■■

27th March 1973

Chartered Accountant

















¿&L CÇcU2e^> Í^CaZ uk









M. Holmes,

i •

Telephone : 24371



















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A Meeting of the Committee was held at the School at 7.00 p.m. on Monday 17th October 1977.

The President W. Evans was in the Chair. The Following were present: The Headmaster, Past President M. Howe, G. Russell, J» Hickman, R. Moore, A. L. C. Smith, C. Sibery, V. Bray, The Hon. Treasurer and the Hon. Secretary.

Apologies were received from A. Brinsford. 1.

The Minutes of the last two meeting held on 13th May 1977 and the 16th September 1977 were read and confirmed.


Arising from the Minutes


Secretaryship - R. A. Eggleton confirmed to the Meeting that he was prepared to accept the position of Caretaker/Secretary fox? one year but pointed out that he thought that the position would be better filled by a Member of the Club School Staff as it formed a natural link between the School and the Old Cryptian Club. He hoped that others on the Committee would assist him in the many jobs that the position entailed. He was duly elected to act as secretary after a formal proposition from the Chair.


Williams & James Shares - Secretary was asked to approach Messrs. Gardner and Howard, Solicitors of Gloucester, as it was understood that they were still Trustees for these shares. The share certificates had been lost and it was necessary for the Trustees to sign a declaration which was to be prepared by the Club Treasurer. It was unanimously agreed that a new Trustee should be appointed to act with Messrs. Gardner and Howard. Mr. Mundy proposed and C. Sibery seconded the name of G. Russell as Trustee. This was unanimously agreed and G. Russell was appointed so to act. The.original Trustees Messrs. A. C. Paget and A. L. C. Smith had offered their resignations as Trustees for these shares and were gratefully thanked for their help in the past. This was accepted by the Committee.


Cryptian Magazine - J. Hickman volunteered to be in charge of the distribution of the Old Cryptian Magazine. He agreed to liaise with the Club Secretary at the appropriate time to obtain relevant information when he was required for the distribution.


Treasurer's Report - The Hon. Treasurer reported to the Meeting that it was not necessary for the purposes of settling varjcus accounts that cheques should be signed by the Chairman and Secretary. It was proposed by R. Mooiicand seconded by M. Howell that the Chairman and Secretary should have full power of signing cheques on all accounts connected with the Club. This was agreed unanimously.

437 -2-


Life Subscription Rate - It was agreed that the existing life membership should be increased by £3.00. Formal proposition was put through the chair that each new life member should be approached to ascertain whether he would be in agreement with this increase. It was proposed by V. Bray and seconded by C. Sibery that a proposition be put to the next Annual General Meeting that life subscription rates should be increased to £100.00. This proposition was approved. On the question of subscriptions generally the Headmaster asked if any members of the Committee had any fund raising ideas to boost the Club funds and it was decided that any such ideas should be considered at the next Meeting.


Remembra nee Day - On Friday 11th November 1977 as usual the Remembrance Day Service would be held. It was agreed that wreaths would be laid by the President and R. cryer. R. Cryer would be contacted by the President and arrangments made direct with him.


Annual Reunion - It was agreed that the Annual Reunion should beheld on the 18th March 1978. For the purposes of making themany arrangements for the dinner it was proposed by M. Howell and seconded by V. Bray that a special sub-committee for the Annual Reunion and Founders Day be formed. This was approved, y. Bray and C. Sibery further proposed that the special sub-committee should consist of the following persons:-

The President The immediate past President and the Secretary. This again was approved by the Meeting. It was proposed through the Chair and agreed that the speaker at the Annual Dinner would be Mr. M. Pickard who would give the toast to the School and Mr. Tony Coalerwho would give the toast to the Club, the reserve speaker would be Mr. J. Lawrence.


New Members - R. Riddle, S. Etheridge, and S. Mundy, were proposed through the Chair as Members of the Club and duly accepted by the Committee.

439 -3-

Any Other Business (a)


Sibery presented a cheque old Crvptian ^^31; d; < in Football Club arising as for £25.00 on behalf of the Old crypc The chairman a result of their efforts at the Summer Fay of the Committee and of tne sincere thanks for their generous cheque. be Dinners - It was agreedJ^l^t the Wndon Cambridge held the 3rd Decenber 1977 and that tne^, All persons irterested^in^attending either of these dinners should contact G. Russell.

Speech Day • , . , . December 1977 at which M nprsonalitv had agreed to speak shedto tothe be present at Speech the Committee or Club who wished to be Day should contact the Headmaster.

• "2“

in Tuffley Avenue.

The business concluded at 9.00

«a~i. w “i“1 °f

i < n

441 A Meding of the Committee was held at Tuffley Avenue on Wednesday, the 18th


January, 1978.

The President W. Evans was in the Chair. The following were present: C. Whiting; A. Brinsford: W. Paget: G. Russell; 0. Daw; W. V. Mundy; R. A. Eggleton Apologies were received from The Headmaster; J. Hickman; A. L. C. Smith; Sibery

1. The Minutes of last meeting held on the 17th October, having been distributed to Members of the Committee, ^re taken® read, and as such were confirmed by the Cteirman. 2.

Arising from the Minutes.

a) Williams and James Shares. The Hon. Treasurer reported that the Shares had now been located; that certain Shares Certificates were being signed by the New Trustees and that they were soon to be lodged with the Bank for regis purposes. b) Remembrance Day. The President reported that Remembrance Day had gone off well. The Treasurer reported that the sum of £9-60 had been paid out of the Club’s funds for the wreaths. 3.

Annual Rennion on the 18th Marcht 1978.

a) Dinner. The Secretary reported that all arrangements for the Runion and Dinner had now been completed. The Committee aPP™v®dthevenu® f°r a "d to be held at the Gloucester Country Club on the 18th March, and it was agreed that the sum of £4.00 would be charged for the Dinner. The Club, as usua , would stand the cost of the guests for the evening. The President agre®d discuss with the Headmaster who should be invited as guests. The Hon. Secretary reported that Messrs. Coates and Pickard had both written and had. their agreement to giving the toasts on behalf of the School and the C . The Committee agreed that the Hon. Treasurer should pay the £J0. deposi of the Dinner to the Gloucester Country Club. b) Snorting Activities: ™ The annual Rueby match as usual would be held and the Hockey match. Headmaster wS to be contacted and the usual arrangements made with regard to

Golf.y It was agreed by the Committee that due to lack of interest in the past, that the match this year would not be held.

c) Church Service on the 19th March. This service, as usual, would be held at St. Mary de Crypt. It was pointed out to the Committee that the Rector had made it known that, as the 19th March was Palm Sunday, on th*s °^asa°n would have to be shared with the general congrq^tion. Coffee, as usual, served in the school room after the service. d)

in”™"«™ “f Annual General Meeting it was proposed from the Chair

that E. Norris be invited to sit as President for 1978/79- Thrs met with “mous approval and it was left for the present President to make an approach to E. Norris. T^e Secretary and Treasurer both indicated their willingness to serve for another year. 4.

Treasurer’s Report

The Hon. Treasurer expressed some concern because of the cost of the Old Cryptian Magazine, and the annual subscriptions, and the variation e ween • /


H was unanimously agreed by the Committee that the Secretary and President should go through the present Membership list ^that every effort should be made to tighen up^n Members’ Subscriptions. was agreed that the sum of £2.50 should be paid out of Club’s funds for the annul G°lin Ewan Memorial Fund. It was proposed by the Treasurer and seconded by D. Dawe that the sum of £5. should bewithdrawn each year out of the Gardiner and Hodkinson Trust Funds for the purpose of contributing towards the School Library. The Treasurer also gave advancevarning that preparation of the Annual Accounts indicated that there was going to be an approximate deficit of £6.

New Members. Approval was given to applications received from: Clark. 6*

T. Ireland; J. Rendall; S. Mace;

Crypt School Petition.

was reported that various Petition forms had been sent to Mrs. S. Oppenhiem, the Member of Par/liament fr Gloucester, which indicated that there was support for the School to remain a Grammar School and not go comprehensive. Much publicity had been Siven to this particular aspect in the Local Press and it was felt that it was best to leave it to the Governors of the School; the popular view of the general public and the Gloucester County Council. Various members of the Committee, especially G. Russell, v°iced the opinion of many old boys who had expressed the view that, whatever the outcome of the comprehensive debate, so far as the school was concerned, the name "Crypt School" ®ust remain. This was unanimously approved by the Committee and the Secretary promised to speak personally to Peter Robins, being the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the School, concerning this matter, and after this to write to the Chief Education Officer expressing the view of the Committee as reflecting the views of all members of the Old B°ys Club.

Any other business.

The President spoke briefly with regard to the following Old Boys, who had recently died; and especially Stephen Beamish who had died in a particularly tragic road accident a few days befoie the date of the meeting. $• Beamish; H. W. Collier: R. C. Upham. Committee stood for one minute in respect of these Members, and in particular in memory of Collier and Upham who had contributed so much to the Club over many years. Business ended at 9.35. The next meeting ws arranged fr Wednesday, 10th May, 1978, at the new time of 7 o’clock at the Old Cryptians Rugby Football Club Headquarters.




A Meeting of the Committee was held at Tuffley Avenue on Wednesday 17th May, 1978.

The President W. Evans having sent his apologies for his absence, the Chair was taken by A. Brinsford. The following were present

E. Norris,

R. Tiley,

C. Sibury

R. A. Eggleton. Apologies were received from the Headmaster A.L.C. Smith anc.

D. Daw. Mr. Arthur Brinsford on behalf of the President anc other members of the Committee welcomed Mr. Eddie Norrie to the Committee meeting and remarked that they hoped that his year of office, commencing officially from Founders Day, would be a very happy one.

1. The Secretary apologised to the Members present that this meeting had had to be re-arranged at the last minute due to the inability of certain people to be present on the date originally fixed for the Committee Meeting. It was brought to the attention of the secretary that he had failed to notify D. Dawiof the re-arrangement, the Secretary expressed his apology for this and promisee to rig D. Daw personally and express his own persona apology for his failure to notify him of the change or STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS

date of the meeting.


2. The minutes of the last meeting held on the 18th January having been distributed previously to Members of the Committe, were taken as read and as such were confirmed by the Chairman. 3 Arising from the Minutes Arising out of the previous Minutes "efforts should be made made to tighten up on Members Subscriptions". The Treasurer ^ported that the preparation of the Members Register was stilin hand. The Secretary also reported to the Meeti g that he had attended at the School a few days this meeting and had been greatly encouraged by the num of boys about to leave the School who had shown members interest in joining the Old Cryptians Club ^Sa^^ximately ' At the time of this meeting he had received approximately 25 applications for members from the school an _thought that it would be in the interest of the Club if on future occasions at the end of term th . should attend at the School and encourage this dr for membership. This suggestion was unanimou y P by other Members of the Committee.



























v '


INCOME Subscriptions Donations Dividends and Sale of Rights Issue Building Society Interest Cambridge Society Balance of Funds

Williams and James (Engineers) Limited 360 Ordinary Shares of 25p at Issued Value plus Additions at Cost (Market Value £360 - 1977 £230)

521 110 25 31

348 78 8 35 14

Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society Deposit Account




Stock of Club Ties at Cost

Balance at Bank EXPENDITURE The Cryptian Postages Printing and Stationery Presidents Shields Founders Day Expenses Loss on Annual Dinner Incidentals (including tax £4) Stock of Ties Written Off

355 91 10 11 (3) 30 17 3

308 92 11


Subscriptions Paid in Advance




6 48 15





------ •





756 I




Represented by:

~~ 1 ■ !!!■ GENERAL FUND (including Life Members’

I have examined this income and expenditure account and the annexed balance sheet with the books, vouchers and information supplied and certify that they are in

subscriptions) 753

Balance at 1st January 1978 Add


Excess of Income over Expenditure for year



929 --- - -

-... —

accordance the/ewiih.




• I


TRUST FUNDS Chartered Accountant.





23rd March 1979


Pavilion Fund (1)


C. Gardner Fund (2)


At 31st December 1977 Interest in Year Expenditure, Books

132 7 (6)

30 1

57 3 (3)

At 31st December 1978





Held at Lloyds Bank Deposit Account

2) + 3)

Held in Post Office Savings Bank

P. Hodkinson Fund (3)

£ 45 3 (3) 45





Report on Annual London Renunion Dinner.

It was reported from Eddie Norris that this had been held and that once again it had been a great success and enjoyed by all those that attended.

5. Founders Day The Secretary reminded members that Founders Day was to be held on Thursday next the 6th July. was brought to the Committee's attention that Cannon Patent wSuld not be able to attend the luncheon as it was thought that he would at that time be recouperating from an operation. It was that in the event of his absence that the Red Rose, representing the Quit rent should be passed to the Headmaster who should then make arrangements to forward this to Cannon Patent or his wife.

The Rev Peter Jackson a former master at the ¡Choo! had agreed to give the Address in the Cathedral for the Founders Day service. In accordance wit. the usual practice it was agreed that guests should be invited' to the luncheon at the New Cou”^ Jackson the service, these guests were t o be Rev. Peter Jackson, Cannon Patent if he was well enough to atten , the Captain of Cricket and the Captain or Boats. The Secretary reported that arranges were well under way for the luncheon at the New County Hotel and a menu had been agreed and all men^ circulated with a notice in accordance with the usua

6. Annual School Fete Colin Sibury brought to the attention of the meeting that Gloucester Rugby Football Club were to be in attendance to open the fete. The Fo°tb^p, end were looking for any persons whomay be able to len them a horse drawn hay waggon. If any members h any ideas or information as to this perhaps they inform the Secretary or Gloucester Rugby Footbal Club where such a vehicle could be obtained.

7. New Members No formal applications had been received from any new

members. 8. Any Other Business There being no other business the meeting ended at 9.00 p.m. and the next meeting was arranged for Tuesday 26th September 1978.


A Meeting of the Committee was held at the Old Cryptians' Rugby Football Club, Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on Tuesday 26th September 1978.


The President Mr. E. Norris was in the Chair.

The following were present The Headmaster, G. Russell, C.

Sibury, A. Brinsford,

Dennis ^undy, R. A. Eggleton. 2. Apologies were received from W. Evans, C. Whiting, A. L. “c. Smith, P. Dawe, J. Hickman.

3. The Minutes of the last Meeting which had taken place on the 17th May, 1978 had been circulated and were taken as read, confirmed and signed. I 4.


Treasurer's Report.

ThelReasurer reported that the balance in hand on the Club's account stood at £205.00 indicating that the position was reasonably healthy one and that a sum had recently been received of £100.00 from a life member which had helped to boost the Club's funds. He reported that the shares of Williams and James still appeared to be in the name of the former Trustees. and the Secretary promised to look into the position and report back to the Treasurer.


Founders Day Report.

The Secretary reported that the day had gone off very well and that many people had indicated on how much they had enjoyed the occasion. The President congratulated the Headmaster on theChurch Service and on the conduct of the boys generally on that morning. The Founders Day lunch had again gone off well. There was a slig criticism with regard to the delay in service and it was decided that next year the Secretary diould arrange for a set menu, which would avoid the delay in ordering before the luncheon was served.

The Cricket Match had been enjoyed by all who had participated and it was fortunate that the afternoon was favoured with some pleasant weather. Founders Day in 1979 was fixed for Thursday July 5th.


Remembrance Day.

As usual Remembrance Day was to take place.at the School As the 11th November fell on Saturday this year it was decided to hold the service on Friday 10th November at 10 30 a m The wreaths as usual would be provided bj the Headmaster and paid for by the Club.



The following persons were to lay the wreaths. 1914-18 Brian Derrett «o eon«« »■ . It order to obtain his confirmation that he was willing in to attend the Service.

7. Soring Reunion - This was fixed for 24th March 1979. it was considered thSt the dinner last year had teen s uch As success at the Redwell Centre, Matson, the h was instructed to immediately book the room for 24th March. The speakers for that evening were suggested as being Graham Parker of Lydney who would propose the toast to the Old Cryptians Club. Mr. Graham Kendrick who would propose a toast to the school. It was suggested th the reserve speaker should be Mr. Frank Boyle, the Secretary was asked to contact these members to see whether they would be prepared to attend this dinner. 8. New Members - The Secretary reported that since the date of the last meeting he had received application for membership from the following persons which was in response to his attendance at the School prior to break-up of the Summer term. Te Committee appro d of these names and they were to be entered into the recor as being Members of the Old Cryptians Club. The Strata y was congratulated on his drive for new ^mbership a it was agreed that if at all possible the Secretary shoui attend at the School on the invitation ?ia^aSter each year at the end of the Summer Term in order to address the school leavers regarding membership of th


G. Walden P. L. Smith S. P. Stroud D.J. Chant A.W.J. Heaven M.H.R. Porter M. Thomas P. Cone A. Grant A. Williams D. Geroge C. J. Dolby c. V. Edwards K. Jones M. Hall G. Morris D. J. Abrahams J. B. Vance C. Jones

K. Allen R. Bril C. Lewis M.G.P. Samuels D. Long G. J. Dyke J. B. Bendall R. Cooper D. Dawe S. A. F. Robinson R. F. Stubbs

453 -3-

Christmas Reunion The President suggested that it would perhaps be very pleasurable if a reunion could take place around the Christmas period especially whencertain boys were down from University. His suggestion was backed-up unanimously by the other Members of the Committee and it was decided that an informal function would be held at Tuffley Avenue on the 5th Jauary 1978. The Secretary was instructed to sent at a circular to this effect. The Secretary reported that as there had been some delay by Mr. Hickman in distributing the magazine this would be an ideal opportunity for them to go out as it could accompany the magazines. The Secretary was left to make arrangements with Colin Sifoury regarding further details relating to this function. Any Other Business

1. The London dinner had been arranged for the 25th November 1978 and the Presidet impressed the wish that he hoped that as many Gloucester Old Cryptians would attend as possible. He had heard that the LSheritt or Gloucester was hoping to attend and would have the facility of using the civic car and would be happy to give a lift to five or six members of the Club if they would care to contact him.


The Organ Fund

The Headmaster expressed his most sincere thanks for the considerable help and support given by many people including Members of the Old Cryptians Club in financing the organ fund. The organ was now almos complete and it was hoped to arrange an auction where the school and people who had contributed to the funds could meet, For the purposes of the first

organ r ecital.


Old Boys Cuff-Links

The Secretary was asked to investigate with W.C. Mann Ltd. the possibility of having a num^ ° qpts of cuff links especially commissioned as certai members had expressed a desire to purchase the same. Thp Secretary promised to approach Manns to enquire whether this would be possible.

MINUTES OF MEETING held at Tuffley Avenue on Friday 6th January, 1979

The President E. Norris having been stranded.in Glasgow due to inclement weather had sent his apologies and m his absence the Chair was taken by a past President W. Evans. The following were present

M. Hall, G. Russell, C. Sibury, J. Hickman, W. Page, D. Mundy, C. Whiting. Further apologies were received from A.

The Headmaster,


D. Dawe.

1. The Minutes of the last meeting held on the 26th September 1978 had been circulated and were taken as read, confirmed and signed. Arising from the Minutes - The Secretary was questioned on the present position with regard to the Williams and James Shares. He reported that since the last meeting he had been to attend to the finalising of the transfer of these shares but he promised to look into the matter and to report a more satisfactory decision before the next Committee Meeting.


London Dinner

Graham Russell and other Member of the Committee who attended at London reported on a most convivial meeting with our colleagues of the London Club. 28 persons had attended the dinner of v^iom 20 had travelled from Gloucester including the present Sheriff of Gloucester Peter Arnold. The Secretary in his usual blunt manner said that he thought that the dinner had been so well attended as it had coincided with the All Blacks meeting in Twickenham. This was agreed by other Members of the Committee and it was decided that if in future the London Dinner could be held on such a date as coincided with other meetings at Twickenham then this would be a good idea and it was left for the Secretary to speak to the London Secretary as to future dates.


Reunion Dinner

The Secrets ry informed the Meeting that the Gloucester Country Club's main function room had been booked for the 24th March 1979. Messrs. Kendrick and Parker had accepted invitations from the Secretary to speak at the Annual General Meeting and to propose the toasts for the Club and the School. The Committee gave approval to the Secretary and W. Evans to arrange the Menu, and if possible to keep the price of tickets to no more that £4.50 per head.

458 -2(A) - It was agreed that the following persons should be invited to attend the dinner as guests

Messrs. Parker, Kendrick, the Headmaster, Canon Patton, the School Head Boy, Captain of Rugby, Qaptain of Hockey, Th! Treasurer handed the Secretary a cheque for £50.00 as a deposit to be paid to the Redwell Centre,


as a deposit

the dinner.

(B) _ Sporting Activities - As was the case last year Rugby aid Hockey would be played at the School but due to continuing difficulties with regard to golf this particular activity regretfully had again been scrapped for

this year. (C) Service at St. Mary de Crypt - As in previous years an invitation had been accpeted by the Rector of. St. Mary de Crypt to attend the service on Sunday morning and it was hoped that as many Member as possible would attend.


Annual General Meeting

It was agreed that the Annual Gener al Meeting would take place prior to the Annual Dinner. By unanimous acclaim it was proposed that R. Tiley be asked to be president for the ensuing year. The Secretary was asked to write to him to see if he would be prepared to accept the position. The Treasurer and Secretary expressed their wish to continue

in office.


Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer reported to the Meeting that due to.increased subscriptions and the considerable effort in obtaining new Members to the Club over the last year that there was a surplus on the account for the ^®r of £17 . . * 1S , . placed the Club in a reasonable state of liquidity and the Chairman expressed his thanks to the Treasurer for the good figures and to the Committee generally for the sound financial state of

the Club.


Any Other Business

(a) Appointment of Membership Secretary. The Secrdary reported to the Committee that after two years as Secretary he thought it expedient for the Committee to appoint a separate Membership Secretary. He thought that the future of the Club rested upon the appointment of new Members and that it was vital that the responsibility for this should not rest solely with the Secretary but perhaps should be given to a separate Membership Secretary who could perhaps relieve some of this work from the Secretary of the Club. The suggestion was put forward by the Secretary and was generally greeted with support from the Committee. The Headmaster and Messrs. Hickman, Evans and Mundy agreed to put their heads together in order to sort out the Membership list.


460 -3-

This was considered to be a good step towards the future appointment of a Membership Secretary who can take on the position with an up-to-date Membership List. The Secretary mentioned to the Committee that he felt that his work to the Club would be better served as Membership Secretary. If another Member was prepared to take on the Secretarial duties then this would allow the present Secretary to devote his full intentions towards the Membership which he again stressed was of such vital importance to the Club. The Chairman suggested that the matter should te considered over the next few weeks and that a further report should be given at the next Committee Meeting.

(b) Cliff Whiting queried at the meeting the delay in the distribution of the last issue of the Cryptian Magazine. The Secretary referred to the Matter to Mr. J. Hickman who was the person who had volunteered in the past to be responsible for distribution. Mr. Hickman reported that there had been problems and delays due to circumstances beyond his control and he apologised to the Committee for the delay which had been caused. He assured the Committee that such delay would not occur in the fugure. Certain Members of the Committee expressed the view that if there were problems with regard to the addressing of envelopes then they would be prepared to help in this task.

Cliff Whiting when on to express a profound regret that very little information had come to him for insertion in the Cryptian MagszLne concerning Old Boys. He vigorously pleaded with Members of the Committee that any information from them would be gladly received as he felt that in his present capacity he was not discharing his function to the Magazine as he would have liked. The Chairman assured Mr. Whiting that he was conscious of his dilemma and the Chairman then asked Members of the Committee to try to supply further information to Mr. Whiting for subsequent issues.

The next Meeting of the Committee was arranged for 17th May 1979 at 7.30 p.m. Tuffley Avenue.

Following this Meeting the Committee adjourned to the bar where an informal evening had been arranged for Old Members. This was in the form of an experimental function and regretably due to the snowy conditions of the weather on that particular evening 25 members oily had been able to attend. The evening'was hoever considered a partial success.




OF MEETING held at Tuffley on Thursday 17th May 1979—

Mr. E. Norris was in th? Chair and The President Members of the Committee were present the foilowl ng

G. Russell, C. Sibury, A. Brmsford, The Headmaster, C. Whiting, J. Hickman. Further R. A. Eggleton, received from D. Mundy, A. Paget and apologies were R. Tiley.

_ Minutes of the last meeting held on the 6th January 1979 having been circulated were taken as


confirmed and signed.


Williams and James Shares


Unon discussion as to whether or not the ittee should take some action in selling som Commi shares, it was unanimously decided ai\°7th Present time as the market seemed to be

very much

on the

^k Z^he position regarding tax and to report

back to the Committee in due course.


Secretary's Report

The Secretary reported twr n« various money from Members regarding the^in^


Treasurer1s Report


in the absence of the Hon. Treasurer this/was j vx fhp Secretary approved and accepted with read by the^Secretar^ PP^ a satisfactory state pleasure.





Annual Reunion_ Dinner

The Chairman reported that he had many favourable reoorts from Members who had expressed that the meal P —Liionallv good value for money and a very entertaining evening was had by many members. Approval Cas aiso expressed at having the A.G.M. in the same ball as thePDinner and this state of affairs was considered an improvement on the previous year. The C^iteH on behalf of their Members thanked again "Airman for his generous gesture m supplying the wine for that evening.

Apcretary reported that there was a considerable . of work involved in organising a dinner of this amount of wo sa]e Qf its continued success ihCt thi Committee ought to consider appointing a separate seCreX"e informed the Coonittee that Ivor Smith Zn Old Cryptian had volunteered to organize the dinner forthe next year and that there were certain innovations which he could sugpst which would ^ke thC evening even more enjoyable than in previous The Chairman suggested to the Secretary that £ S’ ,i pnntact Mr. Ivor Smith to see Aether cr ^/the offer X £111 forthcoming and that if so to


iVor Smith should be asked if he would be prepared

to'be co-opted on the main Committee and appointed as Dinner Secretary. The Secretary confirmed that he would attend to this.


Founders Day

Founders Days was to be held on the 5th July next. There was to be the usual service in the morning followed by iVnch followed by a cricket match between the

Club and the School in the Afternoon.

The Headmaster reported that the Rev. Raymond Ceorae the Moderator of the Free Church Federal Council who attended the School between 1923 and 1928 M agreed to g ive a sermon in the Cathedral on the morning of the 5th July.

Luncheon this year was agreedto be held . premises of the Gloucester Club in Brunswick Square at the aqreed that the Secretary should negotiate a It was £3.00 per head. The guests at the luncheon fee of be (1) Canon Paton, whom the Committee were should alad to hear had now fully recovered from his illness, $2) Captain of Cricket and Captain of the School (3) Raymond George

and his wife.

The Headmaster informed the Secretary that he would like to know ihe numbers for teas. The Secre rlpli d that he would of course let him know in the uSa? way and that a circular wculd be distributed to all members in the normal way informing them of the

various events.

466 -36. Any Other Business

A new more' complete list was received from Bill Evans of existing members of the Club. The Secretary confirmed that he was pleased to receive such a list as it was of course very difficult to keep in contact with Members with lists which were sometimes na ny years out of date. The President thanked Bill E\ms for his help 'in compiling the new list and expressed the desire that at all costs the Committee should try to get this list up to date. The Secretary reported that he had received from the headmaster a letter and information sheet which could be distributed to boys leaving the school which would be of some considerable help to boys in their deciding whether or not they should join the club. It was decided that the Headmaster and the Secretary should meet to discuss this matter further.


Cambridge Dinner

Graham Russell reported that there were now 21 Members hoping to travel from Gloucester to the dinner at Cambridge. The president thanked Graham Russell for organising this dinner and was sure that i^was going to be a great success. D. Dawe and C. Sibury proposed that £10.00 should be spent from the Club funds to purchase an engraved glass to be presented to Dr. Brewer at the Dinner. There was some query as to where ■ trophies should now be obtained as Messrs. Greenslade & Wickett had ceased to operate and the source of supply had seemed to have dried up. Jim Hickman agreed to look into the matter and arranged to forward a trophy for the presentation to the outgoing president on Founders Day.

In conclusion of the Meeting the President thanked all the Committee Members for their support during his term of office which he had enjoyed tremendously. He expressed the view tha-^ven though a bill had been passed through Parliament which seemed to cast gloom over the future existence of the Grammar School he v^s confident that with the advent of the recently elected Tory Government the problems concerning the Bill would soon be over and that the Crypt School as we had known it in the past would survive for the future.

The date of the next meeting was fixed for Wednesday 26th September 1979 and the Meeting concluded at 9.50 p.m. > o


( I MINUTES OF MEETING held at Tuffley Avenue on Wednesday 26th September 1979-------The President Mr. R. F. Tiley was in the Chair Im Se following Members of the Committee were present:_ A Rrimsford, G. Russell, J. Rigby/ I. Smith, ci Sibury' C.' Whiting, The Headmaster, and R. A. Eggleton. Apologies were received from J. Hickman and E. Norris

The Minutes of the last meeting held on the 17th May 1979 having been circulated were taken as read confirmed and signed.


Williams and James Shares

This topic was again discussed and the Treasurer advised the Committee generally with regard to tax implications.


Treasurers Report

The Treasurer reported that at the beginning of this year there showed a surplus balance of £230.00 which had now been reduced to £170.00. At the present time £12 had been collected in respect of subscriptions and £280 00 had been paid out in expenses. There was a tss shown on the dinner for last year. Discussm

took place as to possibility of certain diners having not paid for their tickets and the Secretary was aske^to investigate the matter.


The Annual Dinner and A.G.M.

Ivor Smith was welcomed to the Meeting and was co-opted as a Member of the General Committee. The President enquired of Mr. Ivor Smith as to whether or not he would be prepared to accept the position as Dinner Secretary and Ivor Smith willingly accepted the oosition with pleasure. It was unanimously agreed thatPIvor Smith with two other Members J. Rigby an The President, should form a special sub-committee to run the Dinner in 1980 and that at the next General Committee Meeting this sub-committee should report back "o progress made. In so far as the Dinner was

concerned the following was agreed at the meeting:

(a) b

Date - Saturday 22nd March 1980. Venue - Either The Gloucester County Club or The Judges Lodgings. Mr. Ivor Smith was to explore each possibility and was to contact the Gloucester Country Club immediately in order to place a provisional booking for the 22nd March.


-2(c) cost - It was agreed that the cost of the dinner was to be £6.00 inclusive of VAT.

/ n\ Guests — As is the usual custom the following persons were to be approached by the Dinner Secretary and invited as guests of the Club:Canon Paton, The two Guest Speakers, The Headmaster, The C. ptain of School, Captain of Hockey and

the captain of Rugby.

(e) Speakers - It was agreed that D. B. Evans should be approached in order to propose the toast for the Club and that Brian Green should be approached to give a toast for the School. Reserve Spakers were to be Colin Martin and Dick Dugdale. The Dinner Secretary was asked to write to those persons to ask if they would be willing to attend the Dinner and give the toast. /f) Advertising It was proposed by Mr. Ivor Smith and seconded by J? Rigby that the Club should spend a limited sum on the printing and distributing of posters to geneally publicise the Annual Dinner. The Secretary sported that in previous years advertisements in The Citizen had met with little response and it was felt that the advertising should be kept to a minimum. The Dinner Secretary was to explore the possibility ^f obtaining such posters and would report back to the

Gaieral Committee.


Founders Day Report

The Secretaryreported that Founders Day for 1979 had be en a great success and it was generally agreed by ail who had attended the luncheon that the new venue at the Gloucester Club in Brunswick Square had been a pleasant change from the New County and that the luncheon which was of the nature of a salad was very appropriate for the occasion. Many Members adjourned to the School in the afternoon to enjoy the usual cricket matches and tea with the players. The weather on the day had been reasonably kind. The President invited the Secretary to approach the Steward at the Gloucester C '.ub in to reserve lunch at the premises for the 3rd July 1980, and the Secretary agreed to write and confirm this booking.


Remembrance Day

The Headmaster informed the Committee that Remembrance Day this year would be celebrated at the School on Friday 9th November at 10.30 a.m. He welcomed as many Members of the Committee and other Member of the Club who could attend. The Wreaths this year which as usual would be supplied and paid for by the Club would be laid by the following persons 1914-18 Wreath to be laid by The President 1939-45 wreath to be laid by A. Brimsford.


New Members

The Secretary reported that he had received applications from two members Donald Arnold and . E. Hooper. These namers were approved and should be added to the list of the Club.

The date of the next meeting was fixed for Wednesday the 9th January 1979 at 6.30 p.m.


The Annuel General Meeting held on Saturday the 24th of March 1979 at the Gloucester County Club, Matson, Gloucester. The President E. Norris took the chair and as on this occasion the A.G.M. was held in the same room as the Dinner Function some fcur dozen other Members were present at the Meeting.

1. The Minutes of the previous A.G.M. 1978 were read and confirmed.



2. The Treasurer D. Mundy presented his report which showed a surplus of £ f°r the The Treasurer reported that as m previous years it was exceedingly difficult to extract regular subscriptions from Members and it was for this reaso^ that the Club was perhaps not in such a healthypositio as it could be. Nevertheless the Treasurer repor e that the Club was still solvent and that his report on the whole was still of an optimistic nature. The holding of the Williams and ¿Tames Shares was again aired at the Meeting and ^ter some little discussion it was decided to leave this particul point for the General Committee.

3 Elections - On a proposal from the Chair R. Tiley Esq. was unanimously elected to be Presi cn forthe Club from the 1st July for the year T The Secretary Treasurer and Hon. Auditor all agreeing to continue to hold office for a uronosed by the Chair to continue to hold omce. This proposal met with the approval of all Members and accoidLngly they were duly ^e-appomted The President at this point thanked the Hon. Secretary and the Hon. Treasurer for their continued good work throughout the year. In so far as the electron of Committee Members was concerned the President was informed that two existing Members were due for retirement namely G. Russell and C. Sibury. Both


these Members however had shown an b to serve a term on the Committee and therefor y motion put by the Chairman it was unanimously agreed by all present that all Committee MeDers should serve on the Committee for the ^suing year* G Russell and C. Sibury serving for a further period of two years. The Secretary reported to the Meeting thatit would appear that there was a further vacancy on the Committee for an additionalpersonUpon hearing this the President put this point to the General Meeting for the purpose of obtaining from the floor a further Committee Meeting to serve for the ensuing vear Receiving no response to this it was agreed that'the General Committee should have the power of co-opting any additional Member for the coming year as they should think it fit.






L 1


Subscriptions Donations Dividends Building Society Interest

— 13




EXPENDITURE The Cryptian Postages Printing and Stationery President’s Shields Founder’s Day Expenses Loss on Annual Dinner Incidentals (including tax £7) Stock of Ties Written Off

337 109 10 21 16 110 33 —

335 91 10 1 1 (3) 30 17 __ 3




___ I have examined this Income and Expenditure Account, and the annexed Balance with the books, vouchers and information supplied, and certify that they are


Chartered Accountant.


March 1980






Williams and James (Engineers) Limited 360 Ordinary Shares of 25p at Issued Value plus Additions at Cost (Market Value £702, 1978 - £360)


Cheltenham & Gloucester Building Society Deposit Account




Balance at Bank

54 895


Subscriptions Paid in Advance Creditors

14 84


1 1 134


« ■

Represented by:

GENERAL FUND (including Life Members’

Balance at Add:


1st January 1979


Excess of Expenditure over Income for year

- 132





Pavilion Fund (1) £

At 31st December 1978 Interest in Year Expenditure, Books

133 8 (6)

31 1

At 31st December 1979



0 2)

Held at Lloyds Bank Deposit Account

+ 3)

Held in Post Office Savings Bank

C. Gardner Fund (2)

P. Ho Fun



57 4 (3)








The Annual period of some !□ min to by all the assembled company.



MINUTES OF MEETING held at Tuffley Avenue on Wednesday the 9th January 1980.

The President Mr. R. F. Tiley took the Chair and the following Members of the Committee were present:Hon.Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, J. M. Hickman, G. Russell, A. C. Page, J. C. Rigby, W. Evans, I. J. Smith, C. Sibury,

Apologies were received from E. Norris

The Mintues of the last Meeting held on the 26th September 1979 having been circulated were taken as read, confirned and signed.


Dennis Munday reported to the Meeting that there had been an overall loss on the dinner last year amounting to a figure in the region of £100.00. Some part of this had been taken up in advertising and payne nt for Menus but some part of it must be accounted to the fact that some Members regretfully had it was felt attended the Dinner without paying. Upon hearirg this Report a general discussion took place with regard to this Loss and the Secretary reported to the Meeting that he felt that due to the considerable burden put upon the Secretary for the dinner that he could not be expected to keep a tally of Members who attended especially when many of them arrived at the last minute and he was then not in a position to know whether they had paid or not. The Secretary reported that he felt that by reason of the fact that the dinner Secretary and special Dinner Committee had row been formed this situation should not arise in the ensuing year. The Chairman commented that he was obviously somewhat concerned by the Treasurer's Import but that no criticism could be levied against the Secretary for the situation which had arisen. The Treasurer went on to report that the sum of £442.00 had ben received this year for subscriptions. He further reported that the income of the Club this year had not been so good as in previous years as on ths occasion no donations had been received during the current year from any Members. The Chairman encouraged the Committee Members to do all that they could to ensure that new members were found and also that the existing Members were pressed to keep up their annual subscriptions.

479 *

( il -2The Annual Dinner

Ivor Smith reported to the Committee that his Sub-committee had met to discuss the annual dinner. The two suggested venues being the Gloucester Country Club and the Judges Lodgings had been looked at in some detail by all of his Committee and it had been decided that the Judges Lodgings was prefereable of the two It had therefore been decided to book the Judges'Lodgings. Ivor Smith further reported to the Meeting that Derek Evans and Brian Green had both • "him to accept his invitations to act as SSsVr^eveni^g. The President thanked Ivor Smith and his Committee for their excellent and hoped that by their efforts we would be of anexcellent evening. It was agreed that for Si dinner should include the following

efforts assured the gues persons

The Two speakers namely Evans and Green The Headmaster Canon Patten The Captains of Rugby and Hockey The Secretary mentioned the topic of advertising as this had occurred in a previous me®^ng. ® Treasurer reported that we were on a lilted budget and he fdt that Club funds would not stand big advertising venture. The president commented that it may be possible for him to have a word with the Gloucester Citizen in order that L day could be givento the dinner in Gloucester y y YColin Sibury volunteered that it would be P°ssibl to place a poster inthe Rugby Football Club and ne wouiu ensure that that would be done. It was agree cost of the ticket should he £6.00 per head. piat ib.uu be spent on the Judge's Lodgings Dinner Menu for the purpose of the Club recording a profit of £1.00 io ticket The General Committee agreed on a proposal Ut by the Chair that the Dinner Committee be°a11owed full rein to agree the final Menu. Ivor Smith finally reported to the Meeting ® thi^ occasion tickets for the dinner would be printed an made available and he hoped that this alone tickets were named would prevent persons attending this dinner without payment.

The London Dinner The Headmaster reported that the Londn Dinner had again been held at The Albion in London. 30 persons had attended, some 7 Members travelling from Gloucester. As usual it was a happy evening and a good time was had by all.


-3Remembrance Day The President and Arthur Brimsford had laid the wreaths at the service held at the school. The Headmaster reported that he was pleased that Old Boys attended this service as he felt that it was an important service in the year of school and that the boys perhaps had more respect for it when they saw Old Boyds present. The President up orted that it had been an excellent service and that the Shool and the Headmaster were to be congratulated.

New Members The Secretaiy reported that he had received two new applications. One from Ireland and/from Drinkwater. These were approved and accepted by the General Committeee and the Secretary was asked to write to these two individuals welcoming them to the


The Annual General Meeting.

It was proposed by the President that Charles Hill be proposed at the A.G.M. for the presidency of the Club for the ensuing year. This proposition met with unanimous approval by the General Committee and the Secretary was asked to write to Charles Hill in Sussex asking him if he would do the Club the Honour of accepting the position as President. The Secretary and Treasurer agreed to allow their names to be put forward at the A.G.M. as persons willing to agree to hold office for the ensuing year and Dennis Mund y informed the Meeting that he felt William V. Eggleton would be prepared to have his name put forward again for the position as Hon. Auditor The A.G.M. was fixed for 6.30 p.m. on the evening of 22nd March 1980 and that dinner would commence at 7.30 p.m.

Any Other Business

The Headmaster mentioned that as this Committee Meeting was to be followed by an informal social evening of the Club that it was somewhat of a shame that it had not been held slightly earlier in the year as certain of the boys who had intimated their intention to come had already gone back to their universities. It was agreed that in booking the event for 1981 that due consideration should be made for this and that the evenings perhaps could be arranged for periods either just before or immediately after Christmas. The meeting condluded at 7.30 p.m. ¿ifter which the informal part of the evening


MINUTES OF MEETING held at Tuffley Avenue on Tuesday 10th June, I960.

—-------------- -----

i n

/ The President Mr. R.F. Tiley took the Chair and the following Members of the Committee were present

President Headmaster Hon. Secretary

C. Sibury I. Smith D. Dowe

Apologies were received from A. Brimsford and E. Norris. The Minutes of the last Meeting held on the 9th January I960 having been circulated were taken as read, confirmed and signed.

MATTERS ARISING The Winter Reunion Christmas Party was fixed for Tuesday, 6th January, 1981 at 6.30 p.m. to be held at The Old Cryptians’ R.F.Co in Tuffley Avenue.

ANNUAL REUNION DINNER The Dinner Secretary, Mr. Ivor Smith, reported that at the present time there was no true Dinner Report to hand as the finances had not been calculated. It was generally agreed at the Meeting that the evening at The Judges1 Lodgings had been a great success. There were only minor criticisms, those being the early closing of the bar and the question of two missing liquor bottles. The President asked that it be recorded in the Minutes that the tanks of the Committee be extended to Ivor Smith. and his Committee for the excellent evening’s entertainment. Ivor Smith was asked to make a provisional booking again at the Judges’ Lodging / for the Annual Renunion Dinner on the 21st March 1981. The Committee awaited a moiE precise and final report from the Dinner Sub—Committee at the next full Committee Meeting.


TREASURER’S REPORT The Hon. Treasurer reported that he had collected £480.00 in subscriptions and £51.00 in Donations. At the present time there appeared to be a reasonably healthy credit balance on the Club’s Books.

FOUNDERS DAY Founders Day was fixed for Thursday 3rd July when the Headmaster had asked Cannon Alan Dunston to preach at the Service. As usual the Service was to be held at 11.30 a.m. at Gloucester Cathedral followed by lunch at

Hon. Seci'etary:


R. Tücy

R. n. .agglct an, *j iv.x -< Gloucester GL1 las

31st March,

HELP 1)e ar Old Cryp t i an,

Our Schoo! I'





As you will undoubteclly gather from the above heading, the future of The Crypt School is in grave jeopardy and your urgent assistance to attempt to save it is earnestly sought«

Due to the "fall in the Birth Rate of recent years and an anticipated continuing lower Rate in the future than in the past, a re-organisation of Secondary Education in the Gloucester area is in the planning stage and final decisions therecn are likely to be Taken by the Education Authorities concerned towards the end of next month.

There are at present five Grammar* Schools in the Gloucester area and the number of Places available in them is now well in excess of the anticipated number of qualifying Scholars« As a consequence, one of the measures which it is believed is being discussed by the Education Authorities is a reduction to only Two Grammar Schools in the area, and there are unfortunately indications that the present premises occupied by The Crypt School at Podsmcad may cease to be used as a Grammar School and may become a Comprehensive School. I am.sure you will share and fully support the view that the provision of Grammar Schools should continue to form part of the Secondary Education system in the Gloucester area. Further, that if there are only to be Two Gi’ammar Schools in the City, then one of them should be known as "The Crypt School”, 'whatever may be the location of the buildings to be used for that Grammar School purpose, and, in any event, the name "The Crypt School*5 should be preserved,

Representations to that effect are being made by various interested bodies to the Education Authority. Numerous supporting arguments are being adduced which, for the sake of brevity, are summarised in a draft letter enclosed. 1 earnestly ask you,.for the sake of our old School, to spare just a few moments of your time to lend your further support to the representations and add strength to the supporting? arguments




by writing a letter (which can be quite short) to the Education Authority using your own words but, I suggest, on the linos indicated in the enclosed draft although you must of course feel free to adopt such arguments as you find appropriate or amend those indicated in any way you wish. Your letter should be addressed to ’»The Chairman, Education Committee, Gloucester” but will you please POST it to me:-

R. F„ Tiley ”St. Francis” Bread Street Ruscombe STROUD. GLOS. '




because it is intended that all the supporting letters should be handed over by me collectively to the Education Committee Chairman at a meeting to be arranged at which, hopefully, there will be Press, and may be T.V., coverage to obtain publicity.

Timo is short and of the essence, so will you please write and post your- letter to me within the next SEVEN DAYS, in anticipation of which I send the thanks of the Club and all concerned.

The Chairman, Education Committee The Shire Hall, GLOUCESTER.

I am very proud to have received a Grammar School Education at The Cry^pt School in Gloucester, and in the planned re-organisation of Secondary Education in the area I would protest at any suggestion that The Crypt School should lose its status as a Grammar School and even more so if it be proposed that in future there be no Secondary Education Establishment in Gloucester carrying the name of The Crypt School. Since The Crypt School was founded, more than four centuries ago in 1539 - and its original foundation was in effect as a Grammar School ’’For ever’* - high standards of education have always been set and maintained and have produced so many’fine citizens through the ages, scattered all over the workd, as evidenced by the success and attain­ ments of high office achieved by innumerable former pupils in their varied chosen careers and, generally, in all walks of life. During that long period The Crypt School has not only built and maintained a worthy tradition but has also played an integral part in the History of Qloucester (of which all-citizens are justly proud) in part due to its close association with the Church but also because of its always having been it leading Educational Establishment as a Grammar School. That great revered Heritage given by its Founders mast surely be maintained for the benefit and to the advantage of future generations. I would therefore urge that The Crypt School be retained as a Grammar School (irrespective of the location of the premises for that purpose) and that if there are to be fewer Grammar Schools in the City than at present, then The Crypt School should remain one of them.

I maintain that Gloucester without The Crypt School as a Secondary Education Establishment would be like Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark and 1 sincerely hope that your Committee will share all my views and act accordingly.

Yours truly,

reuer mfhuiu oj erooKneia Koaa, nucciecote, Gloucester glj jnn

i ei. vsioucester oo/zo


All Members of Gloucestershire County Education Committee, County Council Members for the City.

March 1980,

Dear Members,

The Crypt School, Gloucester is the oldest Secondary School in the City, having been founded in 1539. The School Governing Body is therefore concerned at the proposals for re-organisation, recently revealed. At the recent Goverhors meeting three resolutions were passed which, it was felt, should be brought to the attention of Members in their entirety, and I am therefore sending them to you personally.

The resolutions are as follows:


That the Governors of Crypt School support the Grammar School principle.


That, if there are to be only two Grammar Schools in the City, Crypt School should be one of them.


The Governors of Crypt School would deplore any re-organisation of secondary education which does not take account of the traditions and achievements of the School, and does not provide a framework within which the Crypt School can develop, in the future, its concern for excellence throughout its long history.

Resolution (1) was passed by a majority of 8 votes to 3. The other two resolutions were passed unanimously. The Chairman of Governors, Councillor P.M.Robins, as a City Member of the Council, and as a Member of the Education Committee, felt that it would not be appropriate for him to send this letter. It therefore falls to me as Vice Chairman to relay this information to you.


Peter Arnold Vice Chairman of Governors

The Gloucester Club. The Secretary was asked to ensure that a circular was sent to all Members concerning this event. It was agreed that^the Reverend Cannon Dunston, the Captain of Cricket and the Vice Captainof Cricket and Cannon Paton be invited as guests of the Club to the luncheon on that day.

NEW MEMBERS The Secretary asked the Committee to approve the name of Clive Dyke as a new Member^ of the Club. This was agreed.


The President reported that a very enjoyable evening had taken place at the Annual Dinner at Cambridge. Regretfully the weather on the evening was somewhat wretched but this did not prevent an attendance of seventeen^at Emmaneul College where they were entertained in a splendid manner by t&ek-Brewer, Esq. It was agreed by all who attended that it was an enjoyable evening, good food, excellent hospitality, splended entertainment and fine port.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS The future of Crypt School

The President reported that he had had great response to the letter sent by the Chairman of the Special Sub Committee which had been set up to monitor the affairs relating to the affairs of the School. He reported that all letters together with his own accompanying letter had been sent to the County Council and he had received an acknowledgement concerning the same. The President reported to the meeting that he had spent a considerable amount of time on the venue and felt that he and the sub-committee and the Old Cryptians’ Club had done as much as possible to support their School against the possibility of ’’going Comprehensive”. The Secretary advised the Chairman and the Meeting that he felt it proper if a copy of the President’s letter should be incorporated into the Minutes of the Meeting and as such therefore left as a constant reminder on the minutes that the Club had done what they thought appropriate in the circumstances in order to maintain the Crypt as a grammar School« This suggestion was agreed.

There being no other business the Meeting was adjourned at 9.30 p.m.


MINUTES DF MEETING held at Tuffley Avenue an Monday 13th October 1980

The New President of the Club, Mr. Charles Hill, took the chair and the following Members of the Committee were present

C.A. Sibery

T. J. Poole C.R. Thomas

R.F. Tiley

J.M. Hickman I.J. Smith A. Brinsford M. Evans M. Holmes R.A.


President C. Whiting

G. Russell

0. Russell

Apologies were received from A.L.C.

Smith, D. Mundy and E. Norris.

The Minutes of the last meeting held on the 10th June, 1900 having been circulated were taken as read, confirmed and signed.

MATTERS ARISING There were no matters arising from the former Minutes.



The President spoke for a few moments on Doug Dawe who a few days before this meeting had died. The President wished it to be recorded in the Minutes that Doug had given a very long and valuable service to the Club and had been a good friend to all Old Cryptians and that he would always be remembeiEd for his sincerity and integrity. The Committee rose and stood in silence out of respect.


In the absence of the Hon. Treasurer the Report was given by Dr. G. Russell who informed the Committee that there still appeared to be a credit of £108 in the balance of the Club Books and was happy to report that this year there had been a small surplus on the Annual

489 -2-

v Dinner Meeting. ANNUAL REUNION DINNER Ivor Smith reported to the Meeting that the Judges' Lodgings had now been booked for the Annual Reunion Dinner which was to be held on the 21st March 1981. Some Members expressed some concern over the licensing hours at the Judges' Lodgings. Ivor Smith was asked to ensure that if it was necessary than an extension of the licensing hours be obtained in order that Members should be able to drink until at least 11.30 p.m. on that evening. It was proposed by Clive Whiting and seconded by Colin Sibery that the cost of the dinner was fixed at £7.00 per ticket but that the Dinner Committee should refer it back to the Main Committee if they found this to be insufficient to secure a good

evenings entertainment. ■

Guests The guests for the evening should be Canon Paton, the two Guest Speakers, The Headmaster, The Captan of School, Captain of Hockey and Captain of Rugby. Speakers

It was agreed that Robin Day should be approached in order to propose the toast for the School and that Dick Dugdale should be approached to give a toast for the Old Boys. It was further agreed that the High Sherriff of Gloucestershire being an Old Boy (O.H. Colburn, Esq., J.P.) should stand in reserve especially for Robin Day who it was felt would probably not be able to accept the invitation to propose the toast. (Subsequent to. this Meeting it has been established that Robin Day will not be available on that evening). FOUNDERS DAY REPORT

It was reported that the attendance was considerably down on the luncheon on Founders Day in 1980 but that those who had attended the luncheon had been pleased with the offerings. The Secretary spoke as to whether or not it was felt by the Committee that the Gloucester Club Premises had had any affect on the attendance but he was assured by all the Members of the Committee that it was a good venue and it should be reserved for next year. Clive Whiting made the point that he felt the preachers at the Cathedral Service should, if possible, be Old Boys of the School. He was asked to draw up a list of the Old Boys in order that a choice could be made for Founders Day in 1981. Founders Day in 1981 was fixed for Thursday

July. REMEMBERANCE DAY The Headmaster informed the Committee that Rememberance Day this year would be held at the School on Tuesday 11th November and that all Members of the Committee would be welcome to attend at 10.30 a.m. The Wreathes this year which as usual would be supplied and paid for by the Club would be laid by the following persons:191L - 1918 Wreath to be laid by The President 1939 - 19A5 Wreath to be laid by John Rigby

NEW MEMBERS The Secretary had reported that he had received an Application from Gary

4 no


Blandford of 21 Sandhurst Road, Gloucester and his name was approved and it was asked that his name be recorded in the list of Members. Clive Thomas, who had attended the Meeting, offered his assistance to the Secretary in introducing new Members to the Club and especially in encouraging Student members to attend the function after Christmas. The Secretary said that he would welcome such assistance as he felt that this was a particularly important exercise for the well being of the Club. COMPREHENSIVE EDUCATION The Headmaster reported that there had been no further developments at present. It appeared that the financial element played a very important part in decisions to be made especially during this time of recession and inflation. It was decided to place this matter on the Agenda for the next Meeting. SCHOOL MAGAZINE

The Headmaster brought to the attention of the Committee the rising cost of the Magazine. He made mention of the fact that the Maier in charge of the Magazine, John Skinner, had made comment that he, John Skinner, now preferred that there should be one magazine per year. The Headmaster went on to report that there were difficulites in selling the Magazine to the boys at 60p per copy. Further discussions on the Magazine followed and it was proposed that perhaps there be one Magazine per year followed later in the Year by a News Letter. General discussion took place for at least fifteen minutes. It was decided that Members should mull over in their own minds this subject and it be kept on the Agenda for the next meeting.


Colin Sibery brought to the attention of the Committee that the Rugby Club had approached the Main Committee to approve certain aliterations to the Rules of the R.F,C. He enquired of the Secretary whether or not he had received proper notice of resolution to which the Secretary reported that regretfully he had received no communication from the Secretary of the R.F.C. at all. This came as some surprise to Colin Sibery and the Secretary after some discussion on this point asked for the matter to be adjourned until the next meeting whm a proper Notice of Resolution could be put. There being no other business the Meeting concluded at 9.A5p.m.

It was agreed that the date of the next meeting shall be the 6th Januarv 1901.


ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held on Saturday 21st March 1980

The Annual General Meeting of the Club was held on Saturday the 2W Mat c i 80 at the Judges' Lodgings, Spa Road, Gloucester. The President of the Clu , . Ron Tiley, took the Chair and with him sat seme thirty seven other Members o e Club.



Apologies were received from ten Members of


the Club including A.L.C. Smith


The Minutes of the previous 1979 A.G.M. were read, confirmed and approved


MATTERS ARISING no matters arising from the

There were 4.

Minutes of the previous A.G.M


Mundy, presented his report for the year which showed The Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Dennis The Treasurer reported that financial affairs of the an overal 1 deficit of £132.00. Club were still in good order although consideration should be given to the Williams and James shares which had lost some ground in the few months prior ° should^be On the proposal of Peter Arnold and seconded by Mr. Howe that the_accounts u be formal ly adopted and approved. This was agreed by the Meeting nem con. 5.



On a proposal from the Chair, Charles Hill, Esq., was unanimou Y orocosition President for the Club from the 1st July for the year 1980 to ^9811^ ^°n of C. Whiting and seconded by Peter Arnold the Hon. Secretary . g 99 again elected as Secretary for the ensuing year. On the proposi i n Treasure and seconded by Mr. Howe the Hon. Treasurer, D. Mundy, Esq., was ^elected t . surer the ensuing year and on the propo sition of Jack Cli an f ‘ , for Hon. Auditor, Mr. W.V. Eagleton was again elected as H°n- Auditor of e u . the W.V. Eggleton reported that he was delighted to again accep po Mr. . Auditor and that upon looking through a few old re^ds it had come as some Hon. surprise to him that this would be his 51st year as Hon. Auditor of the Club. This information was met by spontaneous aclaim by the assembled company in so ar as the election of Committee Members was concerned the President wis Brinsford existing members were due for retirement namely, C. Whiting, W. Evans, A. Brins ord and A.L.C.Smith but that all were eligible for re-election. From a proposition from C. Whiting as proposed by Ron Tiley it was proposed that all existing ^he^ Committee should remain with the additional name of Ivor Smith to be ° he list of Committee numbers. This was agreed nem-con. It was also proposed throug e Chair that the Headmaster should be given the power of co-opting twa members from e School to join the Committee if two such persons could be found. 6. ANY OTHER BUSINESS

The President of the Club felt that he could not allow the A.G.M. to conclufe without serious discussion being had to the future of the Crypt School in so ar as Comprehensive Education «as concerned. The President invited Peter Arnold, being an Old Boy and a Counsellor of the Gloucester District Council to give a report to the meeting. Peter Arnold addressed the meeting at some considerable length and his observations on the whole matter met with much interest by all Members who were at the meeting. It was felt be all present that a Special Sub-Committee should be I



Sgt us ty the Committee to look into and deal with the van ions aspects which might arise in the ensuing 12 months relative to this issue in so far as it affected the School. It was therefore proposed by Eddie Norris and seconded by Peter Arnold that the Committee should be set up consisting of the following persons: The President, the incoming President, Mr. Charles Hill, The Hon. Secretary, Cliff Whiting , Alan Brinsford and Graham Russell with power to co-opt at will. The proposal was carried nem con. The President thanked Peter Arnold for his most excellent report and Peter Arnold assured the Committee and members of the Club that he would do all within his power to ensure that the School would remain in its present form as a Granmar School. The Annual General Meeting having then lasted for a period of some 55 minutes, the President brough the formal part of the meeting to an end at 7.50 p.m. after which the more pleasant events of the evening, at the new venue of the Judges Lodgings, were looked forward to by all the assembled members.



MINUTES OF MEETING held at Tuff ley Avenue, Gloucester on Tuesday 6 th January 1981

The President, Mr. Charles Hill, took the Chair and the following members of the Committee were present R.A. Eggleton

Eddie Norris

A. Brinsford C.G. Whiting

W. Evans J. Rigby A.C. Paget

I. Smith J. Hickman

C.R. Thomas

T. Poole R. Tiley

C. Sibury

C. Hill M. Holmes The Minutes of the last meeting held on the 13th October, 1980 having been circulated were taken as read, confirmed and signed.

MATTERS ARISING There ^ere no matters arising from the former Minutes. FINANCIAL REPORT

In the absence of the Hon Treasurer a brief report was given by the Hon. Secretary. The Hon. Secretary informed the Meeting that he had expected to present full reports which were to be forwarded to him by the Hon. Treasurer. However, these were rot available and the only information he could give to the Meeting was that the Annual Dinnerand the Founders Day Luncheon for the year 1980 had shown a profit. The Treasurer had also informed the Secretary that the financial statement of the Club appeared to be in a healthy state at the present time. The Secretary stated that he would send copies of the Accounts to any Member of the Committee who requested the same and wuld, as a matter of course, send the Chairman of the Committee a copy of these accounts as soon as possible



The Headmaster again addressed the Meeting on the question of the School Magazine, and made the point that vAiilst a final decision on this matter should be made it was not vital at the present time for this to be done as the Winter and Sumner issues were in hand and would be distributed. However, the Headmaster said that he assessed the view of this.Comm.ttee when he felt that two copies of the Magazine should still be circulated as in past years. Cliff Whiting reported that there was still very little information being fed to him and that if this state of affairs did not improve it was his impression that one issue of the Magazine would be ample although not desirable. The matter was adjourned and it was formally proposed by the President that a Sub-Committee should be set up consisting of Cliff Whiting and Arthur Brinsford. These two persons should contact John Skinner to discuss tie matter further with him and report back to the General Committee Meeting at its next session. annual dinner

A Report was heard from Ivor Smith who informed the Committee that The Judges' Lodgings had new beei reserved for the Annual Dinner on the 21st March, 1981. There had been arranged a bar extension until 11.30 p.m. This information was met with the tumultuous acclaim of the Committee! The General Comnitte expressed their complete satisfaction with the arrangements which the Dinner Committee had made for the evening and Ivor Smith was requested to continue with his good efforts. It was proposed by Colin Sibury and seconded by Arthur Brinsford that the price of the tickets should be £6.50 each hut the Dinner Committee was approached to arrange for a £5.00 meal with the Steward of the Judges' Lodgings. In so far as Speakers for the evening were concerned it was confirmed that Sir Robin Day had declined the invitation to speak at the Annual Dinner and as such it was felt that the Hon. Secretary should contact Oscar Colburn C.B.E., to stand in his stead. Dick Dugdale had already been contacted and had agreed to give a toast for the Old Boys.

On the point concerning Robin Day the President asked for it to be recorded in the Minutes that Robin Day, an Old Boy of the Club, had received a Knighthood in the 1981 New Year'S Honour List and that another Old Boy, Oscar Colburn had received the Order of the C.B.E. The Secretary was asked to write to thse two people to congratulate them on receiving these Honours.

In the event of Oscar Colburn not being available it was agreed that Eddie Norris should be held in reserve as a Speaker. The President finally requested that in addition to those guests fixed at the last meeting to attend the Annual Dinner, that the names of the President or a Representative of the London Section should be included. It was felt by all the Meeting present that in future years a Representative of the London Section should be invited as a guest Speaker. The Hon. Secretary was asked to write to Eddie Norris formally inviting him to speak at the Annual Dinner in the event of the High Sheriff of Gloucestershire not being available.


REPORT ON LONDON DINNER p/ldip Norris reported that there had been, due to various factors, a disappointing torn out for the London Dinner. Four persons only had trlveUcd frtm Gloucester but despite the numbers a very enjoyable evening was enjoyed by all who had attended.



Headmaster reported to the Meeting that the Service at the School a acrain taken place and he made no excuses for stressing again the of remembering this occasion. The .President on how. impressed he was with the Service and with the way in it was conducted. He expressed a desire that in future years old boys should attend. John Rigby also commented on how he personally appreciated the experience and how impressed he was with the


School and its Members on that day. report on comprehensive education and the crypt school

fe retained as such and that this was a very much definitivedgision

Council and the matter ws nowto

had ^^aSr^b?

Atting this decision^


County Council were the decision arrived at •- - “So^S that he felt there could now be a pursuance of this Fddie Norris asked if the dow Urich had been set up to look into this matter could now be s ora which had been set up to It was agreed that this should be the case an general distribution President should send to the Secretary written in response to the to all Members of the Club thanking them who had written letter sent to them some time ago. Whilst dealing with the affairs of the C yp ^hOO

ibility of him

mention that he had discusse w school with a new Honours Board, considering the possibility of presenting the School w^ objection . Eddie Norris enquired of the Committee a President felt that would be made to such a Presentation tein^ siden^ on the offer which had been made was a very „»ter. Ite .„»»„terror te « Committee the suggestion was approved. It was ler the Head Master and make the necessary arrangemen s.




Colin Situry enquired of the Secretary as ^toe^changing of^the Club's Rules. The Secretary reported in the negative which caused some constination. However, it was thought appropriate tha he Committee should hear certain views from Mr. Graham Rudge ^^olin Sd^ry who supported the amendments to the Club's Rules. After a discussion whic lasted some ten minutes, it was proposed by ° should be passed changing the Club's Rules in the following manner.

For Clause 2 substitute the following:


Members shall consist of:-

2 (i)



Full members and it shall be a condition of full membership that all such members become members of the Old Cryptians Club.

Associate members of the Old Cryptians Rugby Football. Club. Subject to Clause 6 (iii) below all such Associde members shall be entitled to vote in similar manner to Full Members at any meeting of the Club and shall be eligible for election to the Coi11iu.ttee provided that such Associate Members shall be entitled at any one time to hold the position as an officer of the Club save that of the position of Chairman Secretary Treasurer aH® which position without exception shall be held by Full Members of the Club

For ClaiE 6 (iii) subsitute the following:

No alteration shall be made in the Rules of the Club which shall affect the Club’s constitution or in connection with its association with the Old Cryptians Club except at a General Meeting by a majority of tw thirds, of Full Members present and voting and any proposed alteration shall be stated on the notice calling the meeting. new members

An Application was received by Paul Springham of Colin Road,Gloucester to become a Member of the Old Boys Club. This name was approved by the Committee annual general meeting

It was proposed Ron Tiley and seconded by the President that William Vernon Eggleton^be proposed at the Annual General Meeting for the Presi ency o the Club for the ensuing year. The proposal was met with unanimous approval by the Committee and indeed some members expressed their surprise that W.V. Eggleton had not been offered the position in earlier Ye^s- ^he Secretary was asked to write to W.V. Eggleton asking him if he would do the Club the honour being President for the year 1981 to 1982. The Secretary and Treasurer allowed their names to be put at the Annual General Meeting for e ensuing year. The A.G.M. was fixed for Saturday the 21st March 3SB1 at 6.30 p.m.


There being no other business the meeting concluded at 9.45 p.m. and the date of the next meeting was adjourned until after the A.G.M. It was agreed that the next Meeting should be the 22nd June 1981




2113 SJ •






1979 £




Subscriptions Donations Dividends Building Society Interest

493 65 13 62

447 — 13 44 ----- ■"



EXPENDITURE The Cryptian Postages Printing and Stationery President’s Shields Founder’s Day Expenses Surplus on Annual Dinner Incidentals (including Tax £9 )


318 162 10 — —

337 109 10 21 16 (Loss)110 33 ————-

( 27) 30 493



(132) —

I have examined this Income and Expenditure Accounts, and the annexed Balance Sheet with the books, vouchers and information supplied, and certify that they are in accordance therewith.

WILLIAM V. EGGLETON Chartered Accountant.

21st March 1981










Williams and James (Engineers) Limited 360 Ordinary Shares of 25p at Issue Value plus Additions at Cost (Market Value, £262 1979 £702) Cheltenham & Gloucester Building Society Deposit Account







Balance at Bank




1 ,058



Subscriptions paid in advance Creditors

8 113

14 84







Represented by: GENERAL FUND (including Life Members’

subscriptions -

Balance at 1st January 1980

Add: Excess of Income over Expenditure for year




( 132)





Pavilion (Fund (1)




C. Gardner Fund (2)

P.Hodkinson Fund (3)


At 31st December 1979 Interest in Year Expenditure, Books

135 14

32 10

58 2

45 2

At 31st December 1980





1) 2)

Held at Lloyds Bank Deposit Account + 3)Held in Post Office Savings Bank



ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held on Saturday 21st March 1981 The Annual General Meeting of the Club was held on Saturday the 21st March 1981 at the Judges' Lodgings, Spa Road, Gloucester. President of the Club Mr. Charles Hill took the Chair and with him sat some 27 other Members of the Club



Apologies were received from eleven Members of the Club including A.LC.




The Minutes of the previous 1980 A.GM. were ^. confirmed and subiect to the date of the 22nd March being abstituted for the March being the date of theA.G.M., Minutes were approved




On being invited by the President of the Club, the Secretary gave a Report to the Annual General Meeting concerning the position with regard to the Crypty Grammar School and Comprehen i Education. The Secretary confirmed that at the presen were a little more optimistic and that the draft proposals had now been approved by the Gloucester County Council and were with the Secre tarv of State for Educationfor final determination. The proposal indicated that Crypty Grammar School together with ^^ston H 1 School were to remain Grammar School institutions wi some Gloucester The Secretary stated that he felt that in small°waySthe"efforts of the^ld Cryptians Club had been instrumental

in the making of this decision.



The Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Dennis Mundy, beingat that tme on his way from Twickenham were France had beaten England. The Annu * Financial Report was presented to the meeting by the Hon. Auditor Mr. W.V. Eggleton. After some discussion on the amounts,M . Eggleton reported that on belance the Club had a surplus on the year of £140.00. Questions were put to Mr. Eggleton_concerning the Bvillion Fund and on the proposition of Colin Sibu y monev seconded by Arthur Brimsford it was formally proposed that the money £ t» .h««ia be « ». „„ Headmaster on the Pavillion or its fitting . cliff con. On the proposition of Colin Sibury and seconded by Cliff

Whiting the accounts were formally adopted and agro again agreed by the Meeting nem con. 5.


On a proposal from the Chair W.V. Eggleton was elected to be President for the Club from the 1st July 1981 for the yar 1981 to 1982. This was met with unanimous acclaim. On a proposition propose y r. Eddie Norris and seconded by M. Howe, it was proposed that as all the existing officers and Cormnittee Members of the Club had showi willing9to stand for a further year that all such Members hould be re-elected on block and that Mr. Don Jones should act as Auditor for the ensuing year in place of W.V. Eggleton who it was felt that havinc been elated President should not also act as Auditor. ThÎs SoposiK was passed nem con. From the floor of the Meeting Mt Rnn Ti1ev stated that he wished on behalf of himself and all ^ter°s of £e ^ub to thank the offices for the work put in by



rm__. Dreei dfint also asked to be them during the past year. thanked his Committee for associated with these remarks and thanked n all the help given during this perio .


1981 £






Colin Sibury addressed the Meeting conce^^


Subscriptions Donations Dividends Building Society Interest

547 11 8 61

493 65 13 62



the Old Cryptians Rugby Football d at the Meeting and on a the change in the Rules had been^circulat the

S i theRile! were agreed by the Club nem con.

The meeting hving started at 6.50 pm concluded a^ engPing which fewer Members than usual looked forwar delights of the evening.


The Cryptian Postages Printing and Stationery President’s Shield Surplus on Founder’s Day Surplus on Annual Dinner Incidentals (including Tax £9)


354 146 18 15 (25) ( 8) 35

318 162 10

(27) 30 535




I have examined this Income and Expenditure Account, and the annexed Balance Sheet

with the books, vouchers and information supplied, and certify that they are in accordance therewith.

D.P. JONES Chartered Accountant

6th March 1982.

^he^ait copy of




„ 1980

1981 £






800 271

739 161



2 198

8 113









Represented by: GENERAL FUND (including Life Members’ subscriptions) Balance at 1st January 1981 Add: Excess of Income over Expenditure for year





C. Gardner Fund (2)

P. Hodkinson Fund (3)


Pavilion Fund (1)





At 31st December 1980 Interest in Year Expenditure, Books

149 9

42 4

60 3

47 2

At 31st December 1981





(2) and (3)Held at Post Office Savings Bai

SiW .—•> “ Kb the^1- were agreed by the Club nem con.

Subscriptions paid in advance Creditors

Held at Lloyds Bank Deposit Account



the Old Cryptians1 J^gby ^0°^^ circulated at the Meeting a nd on a the change in the Rules d secon<Jed by . Colin Sibury the



all the help given during this perio .


ASSETS Williams and James (Engineers) Limited 360 Ordinary Shares of 25p at Issue Value plus Additions at Cost (Market Value, £263, 1980 £262) Cheltenham & Gloucester Building Society Deposit Account Balance at Bank

T"hp President also asked to be

The meeting hving started at 6-50 forward to the ensuing which fewer Members than usual looked rorw delights of the evening.



MINUTES OF MEETING held at Tuffley Avenue on 22nd Oune 19Ö1 at 7.30 p.m.

The President Mr. C. Hili took the Chair and the following Members □ f the

Committee were present: Eddie Norris


C. Whiting I. Smith

R. T iley C. Sibery G. Russell


, . .h+h the oermission of the President W.v. Eggleton was also present at this and the agreement of the other Members of the Committee. Apologies were received from A. Paget and A.L.C. Smith _ The Minute of the last Meeting held on were taken as read and apart from one small alternar

, inni

havino been circulated and

signed as being a correct record.


There were no matters arising from the Minutes FIN AN GIAL REPORT

. Financial situation of the Club The Hon. Treasorer reported that the Pr^en costing of the Annual Dinner was in satisfactory condition and that the overall

had shown a slight surplus. ANNUAL DINNER REPORT

.. + it had been generally agreed that the Ivor Smith reported to the Meeting that thE finnual General Meeting on Annual Dinner at the Judges Lodgings fo eat success. He reported Saturday the 21st March had again prove ld d given at the next meeting that a more detailed report on ^/^^rtain comments had befen made with of the Club. After some discussion a Smlth shDuld be given authority regard to the evening it was agreed Spa Road, Gloucester for the to make a tentative booking at the Judges Lodgings, Sp

Annual Dinner in 1982. FOUNDERS DAV

i-hp form of events for Founders General discussion took place con^^ thE arrangements for the Cathedral Day. The Head Master reported concerning the ar ^g folloued by a Service on the morning of Thursday e ”3’ments for luncheon on that

report from the Secretary concerning r been sent to aU Members of day. The Secretary confirmed that a preacher for that day the Club concerning these events. “ “^^vice Captain of Cricket and Cannon being the Bishop of Coventry the Captain ano




Paton be invited as guests of the Club to the Founders Day Luncheon.


The Secretary gave a brief report to the Meeting concerning the present position with regard to the Crypt School and its present position in so far as comprehensive education is concerned. At a Meeting held at the Gloucestershire County Council earlier in the year under the Robins Plan, it was agreed that Ribston Hall School and Crypt School should remains as grammar schools as such. The Secretary reported that a decision was still awaited from the Secretary of State for Education of the possibility of over-riding this situation. The Secretary informed the Meeting that while a reply was still awaited the Meeting must be somewhat optimistic towards the County Council decision and until such time as a decision could be clarified no-one could be sure as to what final decision would be made as to the Schools concerned. The matter was left in abeyance for a further report to be given later in the \®r.

CAMBRIDGE DINNER REPORT Graham Russell reported that the Cambridge Dinner had been held and that a most enjoydie time had been had by all who had attenfed the evening. Unfortunately the numbers were not so great as in previous years but that inspite of this it had been a most worthwhile event. He hoped that in the following years more persons from Gloucester couldmake the effort the attend what was one of the special highlights in the calendar of the Old Cryptians Club.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS The Secretary reported that he felt that there was considerable merit in appointing a Membership Secretary to the Club as he felt that there was still a decline in the numbers of new Members being admitted to the Old Cryptians Club. It was obvious that some particular Member of the Committee should have the specific job of enticing new Members to join the Club. The Secretary reported that he would be willing to take on this new position if some other Member was prepared to take on the function of Secretary of the Old Cryptians Club. No-one amongst the present Committee were prepared to take on such a function and it was left for the Secretary to approach Mr. Jim Hickman to see if he was prepared to take on the responsibilties of the Club's Secretary leaving the present Secretary to promote the Club Membership drive. Certain other ninor matters were discussed and the Meeting was closed at

9.23 p.m.


MINUTES of MEETING HELD at Tuffley Avenue on Wednesday the 7th October

1901 at 7.30 p.m.

Mr. W.V. Eggleton took the Chair and the following Members of The President the Committee were present : Headmaster C. Whiting J. Rigby

0. Hickman R. Eggleton G. Russell

0. Evans

Football Club in place of Mr

,*T. 'Chesson who represented the C. Sibery

APOLOGIES r Pnhprv B. Paget and R. Tiley. from C. Hill, E. Norris, • arriving Apologies were received pology that he would be late in arriving at the Meeting, Mr. Ivor Smith made an a iQRi havino been circulated The Minutes of the last Meeting held on the 2 n these Minuses were

were taken as read and apart from two sma a_T>PPt record of the events of that confirmed and signed as being a proper and correct record eveing.


from the Minutes of the previous Meeting There were no matters arising



4-h n 4“





The Hon. Treasurer reprted that he anticipa e■ in the region of £63.00 projected surplus at the end of the year amo figurES the reason for this This amount would be considerably down on 1 yM ine and also that this year being the additional high costs of the/^/"s no donations had been received from Life -, + hp Financial Report especially insofar General discussion then took plaCE nf the School Magazine. After a considerable as it related to the cost of production o the topic of the Magazine on the exchange of views the Secretary was asked 9 note in the Notice which would be Agenda for the next meeting and also to m Hppirability or otherwise of two circulated prior to the A.G.M. formal résolutif should be put to the magazines per year. It was decide rirrulated to Members concerning the Magazine. Meeting in January which could then be

COMPREHENSIVE EDUCATION . .ho education Committee of the Gloucester The Secretary announced to the Full Council that the County Council had recently met and had r the city shDUid be quoshed. At Robins Plan concerning Comprehensive Educ rPconsider the whole matter and the present time the County Council were due to reconsrd

-2in due course, a more full report, was xto be given in to ihp th citizens of Gloucester obviously gave further The Secretary sported that these latest de reported tQ the Meeting

cause for concern and. perhaps pesimism. that at the present time no P^rs the present murmurings were to be and

to uhat the autcame Qf without doubt the final decision would “itho deE13iDns.

probably rest on purely political rarner nidM

FOUNDERS DAY REPORT The Headmaster reported that he was slightly disappointed by the number of Members who failed to attend the Cricket Match and Tea in the afternoon of Founders Day. wno railed Service on Founders Day were more then in previous Members who atten concerned that the lunch had been of good yean »was generally acceped by all concerned^ value and well attended. The Secretary thg Lunch shauld be fixEd foT Club for next years Lunch when it was su 12.30 p.m. rather than 1.00 p.m. which left little time for the Members of the Club to travel to Podsmead. Founders Day was fixed for the 15th July 1982.

ANNUAL DINNER REPORT Judges Lodgins on Saturday the A detailed Report of the .^rn^mittee by Ivor Smith and this read as follows: 21st March 1981 was handed to the Committee Dy

Rigby, Smith and Tiley met on several occasions The Dinner Committee, Messrs. organised on similar lira to that of last year The Diner was during the year. concern was expressed at the late notification of At their meeting in early March a fear that this could result in a low the arrangements to Members and One week before the Dinner conseouent financial embarrassment. attendance and a consegue , _ -----reCEived by the Dinner Secretary eighteen confirmations of attendance had been

. . -i iim-iinn all would be right on the night and were The Committee remained philopsophical hoping relieved that fifty members and guests attended. Although the numbers were considerably lower than the Pr^^n^ generally considered to be a successful evening and few complaints were received

by the Committee regarding the Venue or the mea p nmn Q + +hP pfart of the evening regarding There appeared to be some confusion at facllit had been booked by the the use of rooms for the A.G.M. Use of thi anomnnf nn this occasion Committeebut seemed to have been overlooked by e an other end of the perhaps they had concentrated too hard on our demands at th^her end of the

evening when the bar extension until 11.30 p.m. was well made use Members were observed to leave before this time.

The interesting, witty and sometimes unbelievably °ra?


Dugdale, Hill, Holmes and Morris were warmly recieye thanks for their effort entertaining Evening, and we express our appreciation and thanks for effort. . , ., . _ _m_ni nrnfit was made and details of the The Dinner Committee understand that a small prorir wa^ Dinner finances are available from the Hon. Treasurer. □n future occasions the this year To avoid some of the headaches experienced ly notification to Members of the Dinner Dinner Committee surest that ear T i 1^ „ T 4 I-, rH nF g g Q Q (j increase XLthe likelihood of details be considered essential in order to attendance.

including individual School boys should be sent at an early Invitations to guests, is the wish of the General Committee, it should be made date, and providing it is not expected to meet the cost of his meal himself. obvious that the guest the Dinner Committee Messrs. Rigby and Tiley whose I thank the Members of


enthusiasm and humour have made my task in the Dinner arrangements that much ssier and enjoyable, and special thanks to Past president Charles Hill who .espite his distance from us, gave constant encouragement and took so much internet m our activities"



REPORT CM THE DIMMER for 1982 Ivor Smith reported that the following arrangements had been made:

The Judges' 2-

Lodgings had confirmed the booking for the 20th March 1982.

Ivor Smith commented that he felt that the price for the tickets for this

Year should be in the sum of £6.50 this amount was formally proposed by C. Whiting and Seconded by Dennis Mundy and this was past nem con. 3. The speakers for the evening were agreed at Mr.LRowe, Chief Accountant at 1-C.I. who should propose the Toast on behalf of the School, Cannon Paton who should oe asked to propose the Toast on behalf of the Cid Boys. Cannon Paton was not in point of fact an Cid Cryptian but as the meeting was informed that this was is last year as Rector of St. Mary De Crypt it was thought most appropriate that e should be approached to give this toast in consideration of the sincere appreciation u ich the School and the Cid Crptian’s Club felt for this person. Mr. Pat Rust and r. Catesby were names held in reserve in case Mr. Rowe or Cannon Paton were unable o accept the invitation which was to be sent to them. The Secretary was asked o write to these two persons to enquire as to whether or not they were prepared and willing to give the toats.

.REMEMBER ANCE DAY SERVICE The Headmaster reminded Members of the Committee that as usual the Crypt chool would be having their annual Rememberance Day Service on Wednesday the h November at 10.30 a.m. and that it would be appreciated if as many embers of the Old Cryptians Club could be present. It was decided that the resident Mr. W.V. Eggleton should lay the wreath for the 1914-1918 War and at Edwin Rigby the brother of John Rigby should be approached to see as to whether or not he would be prepared to 1,ay the wreath for the 1939-1945 War. ANY OTHER BUSINESS

It was reported to the Secretary that the article in the School Magazine concerning the change or ules for the Old Cryptians R.F.C. had been incorrectly reported and the Secretary was asked if in some way the matter could be corrected in the following issue. The Secretary replied that if possible such an insertion would be made. Cliff Whiting reported to the Meeting that Michael Howe had reported that e was anxious to re-instate the North Western Section of the Old Cryptians Llub and to reserect its affairs which hai fallen off due to lack of members over

e past.few years. By a resolution proposed by Cliff Whiting seconded by G. ussell it was resolved that Michael Howe be authorised to reserect the North estern Section and Cliff Whiting was asked to pass on to Michael Howe the good wishes of the Committee in achieving his aim and fullfilling his task.

LONDON SECTION 7he Committee were reminded that the London Section were to hate their Annual

Dinner at the Albion in London on Saturday the 2Bth November, the President and

. +h+ +hpv desired to be present as did other Members of the was hoped that as many members as possible from Gloucester could avel to London to be present on that evening.

, .. । .p 4-hco rnmmi Ttee that following the Committee The Headmaster reminded Members o evening for younger Members of the

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o take^the duties

The Secretary confirmed that he had inquiring as to whether or no J'^1982" if Secretary following the A.G.M. in 1982.

the relief of Mr. Eggleton of


is wi



Hickman confirmed to the Meeting to Mr. Hickman^ appointmEnt as that he would do all within his

X«.-...*« *■

the Club in 1982.

There being no others matters to discuss the meeting concluded at 9.15 p.m.

MINUTES GF MEETING HELD at Tuffley Avenue, on 6th January 1982 at 7.30 p.m.

The President of the Club Mr. W.V.Eggleton took the Chair and the following Members of the Committee were present:-

The Headmaster The Hon. Sedretary The Hon. Treasurer Colin SLbury Cliff Whiting Graham Russell Bill Evans Jim Hickman John Rigby Ron Tiley.

APOLOGIES Apologies were received from W.

Paget and E. Norris.

The Minutes cf the last Meeting held on the 7th October 1981 having been circulated were taken as read and ttese Minutes were confirmed and signed as being a proper and correct record of the events of that evening. MATTERS ARISING

Cliff Whiting reported that he was under the impression that it had been agreed at the last Committee Meeting that if the Cryptian Magazine were to proceed to issue only one a yar then he was under the impression that Graham Russell had agreed to take over the editing of the Old Cryptians part of the magazine from him. Graham Russell accepted that this had been agreed and the Secretary was asked to incorporate this point into the Minutes of the Meeting. The Presidet reported that the matter was to be discussed in greater details at a later point on in the Agenda of thelVfeeting.



Dennis Mundy reported to the Meeting that the suplus for the year new appeared to be nearing £94.00. There were only a few outstanding accounts and the Treasurer also supported the view that if the magazine was limited to one issue a yar then this would inevitably have a considerable saving in expenditure in so far as the Club funds were concerned.



The Secretary reported that P.A. Brogan and D. Cryps had applied to become Members of the Club. These names were agreed unanimously and the Secretary was asked to ensure that these names were placed on the List of Members.



The Headmaster of the School supported by the Secretary reported to the Committee that at the present time there appeared to be no change in the attitude so far as the Comprehensive Education was concerned and that there was obviously more discussion to be had both at City and Canty level in the following months. 6,


There then took place a considerable amount of discussion on the question of the advisability of having one or two issues of the Cryptian Magazine. Various points were put forward by Members of the Committee for and against the idea of reducing the copy of the Magazine to one a year and on a final proposition by Denis Mundy and Second by Graham Russell it was proposed that: "Members of the Club agree with effect from 1982 that there shall be no objection f rom the Club if the editor of "The Cryptian" magazine shall decife to reduce the number of issues of sucha magazine from two to one annually with the proviso that an Old Cryptian°s Newsletter proposed, edited and funded solely by the Club shall be circulated to Members to replace the loss of any one such issue of "the Cryptian" magazine."

This was carried nem-con. It was decided that as this was a fundamental factor so far as many Old Cryptians were concerned that the proposition should be agreed by putting it to the A.G.M. on the 20th March for the purposes of allowing all Members of the Club who were present to voice an opinion. The Secretary was directed to place such a draft proposition in the Statutory notice to be circulated to the Members at the end of January. Arising from this proposition Cliff Whiting therefore gave notice that it was his intention to resign as Collator for the Old Cryptian magazine as from the date of -the A.G.M. and it was agreed that his place should be taken up by Graham Russell. The President thanked Cliff Whiting for his considerable help in the fast and also thanks were expressed to Graham Russell for undertaking the function in the future.



Ivor Smith reported that he had been unable to contact the Judges Lodgings for making the final arrangements so far as the Dinner was concerned but that he anticipated that there would he no problems with this whatsoever. It was agreed that the Dinner should commence at 7.30 p.m. bang proceeded by the A.G.M. which should commence at 6.30 p.m. 8.


The Headmaster reported to the Meeting that 28 people had attended the London Dinner in London at The Albion, 10 members having travelled from doucester.

As usual it was reported that an

excellent evening had been enjoyed by all and the President who was in attendance expressed the view that it had been a very convival evening and well worth the attendance. 9,


The Hadmaster commented that in an endeavour to encourage New Members to attend the Social Evening following the Committee Meeting on that evening that he had sent out 200 letters to leavers of the S chool. He reiterated the view put forward to the Meeting by the Secretary that the Club could only survive if they ccu Id hae a steady influx of new members to the Club. The date of the next Committee Meeting was due to be fixed at the A.G.M. on the 20th March 1982.






Rtf !•




The Club shall be conpooed of Old Boys of the Crypt School, Gloucester, and past or present Hrstcrs of the School and shall be called "The Old Cryptians* Club". Tho objects of the Club shall box (a) To encourage social intercourse between Old Boys of tho School, and to keep them in touch with it» (b) To publish end circulate all news of interest about present and former Members through the "Cryptian”. (a) To forward the interests of the School, its institutions and any of its Members.


$ [ The Annual Subscription to the Club shall be Piftom Shillings} except for members under twnV-one years of age, for whoa it shall bo Ten Shillings, and shell be duo in advance on 1st January each year. A H Member shall be allowed to make a Life Composition of Twlvo Guineas in lieu of the Annual Subscription; but in no case shall previous Annual Subscriptions be reckoned ns part of such Life Composition, Members who havo rendered outstanding service to the Club noy be nominated by the Comittoo and elected Honor oxy Life Honkers at a General Meeting. Honorary Life Members shall havo all tho privileges of Membership, but shall not bo required to pey any subscription.

Mcmbex's of all affiliated societies must bo nerabors of tho Old Cryptians* Club.


The officers of tho GM) shall bo elooted at tho Annual General Meeting and shall consist of a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer.

6. |

The Management of tho Club and the election of Hmbcsrs shall bo in the hands of a Comitteo, consisting of tho officers of tho Club, the Headmaster of the School, the Past-Presidents of the Club, tho Honorary Secretaries of the affiliated societies and twelve elected Members. At th© Annual General Looting six members of the Caamittoc shall be elected to serve for two years. Casual vacancies may bo filled up by the Cocmitteo. A Ho rd) er elected to fill a casual vacancy shall retire at tho time when tho Lumber whoso place he fills would hrvo retired. ♦


Nominations for the election of Officers and Committee shall be sent to th© Secretaiy at least one week before the Annual Gcnei'al :*octing, proposed, seconded and subject to the acceptance of th) raedbor nominated, The administration cf the funds of the Club shall bo vested in the Comittee, who may invest or otherwise deal with the sojo on behalf of the Club as they in their discrotion may think fit.

The Committee ahaU. r»ot at least once in every year. Tho Secretary shall send out notices of a Committee Mooting at least ooc wool; before it takes place. At all naotings of the Committee five nhaH form a quorum.


The President of tho Club shall be President of all Unfed societies and the Jocrotaxy and Treasurer of the Club shall bo marchers of the committees of all affiliated societies.


The Secrotaxy shall send out notices of the Annual General Looting at least one month before it takes place.


The Treasurer slwll receive subscriptions and shall dofrey tho current expenses of the Club. His accounts shall be annually oxa lined by an Auditor appointed at tlw Annual General Meeting and shall bo published.

541 The C auralttoo in their discretion may, and upon a written request allied by fifteen Members of the Club shall» call a Special General Meeting. At least fourteen d^rc* notice of such a Meeting, stating the object, shall be givon.

No alteration shall bo made in the Rules of the Club except at a General Mooting and by a majority of two-thirds of those present and voting and any proposed alteration shall bo stated on the notice calling the Meeting.

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