Old Cryptians' 1982-1992

Page 1


RULES OF THE OLD CRYPTIANS' CLUB 1. The Club shall be composed of Old Boys of The Crypt School, Gloucester and past or present Masters of The School and shall be called ’’The Old Cryptians' Club". The objects of the Club shall be:

(a) To encourage social intercourse between Old Boys of the School and to keep them in touch with it. (b) To publish and circulate all news of interest about present and former Members through the "Cryptian". (c)

To forward the interests of the School, its institutions and any of its Members.

3. The Annual Subscription to the Club shall be Five Pounds except for Members under twenty-one years of age, for whom it shall be One pound and shall be due in advance on 1st January each year. A Member shall be allowed to make a Life Composition of Twenty Five Pounds in lieu of the Annual Subscription; but in no case shall previous Annual Subscriptions be reckoned as part of such Life Composition. Members who have rendered outstanding service to the Club may be nominated by the Committee and elected Honorary Life Members at a General Meeting. Honorary Life Members shall have all the privileges of Membership, but shall not be required to pay any subscriptions. 4.

Members of all affiliated societies must be Members of the Old Cryptians' Club.

5. The Officers of the Club shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall consist of a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. 6. The Management of the Club and the election of Members shall be in the hands of a Committee consisting of the officers of the Club, the Headmaster of the School, the Past-Presidents of the Club, the Honorary Secretaries of the affiliated societies and twelve elected Members. At the Annual General Meeting six members of the Committee shall be elected to serve for two years. Casual vacancies may be filled up by the Committee. A Member elected to fill a caasual vacancy shall retire at the time when the Member whose place he fills would have retired. Each year two School-leavers nominated by the Headmaster and approved by the Committee shall be invited to serve on the Committee for a period of two years.

7. Nominations for the election of Officers and Committee shall be sent to the Secretary at least one week before the Annual General Meeting proposed, seconded and subject to the acceptance of the Member nominated.

8. The administration of the funds of the Club shall be vested in the Committee who may invest or otherwise deal with the same on behalf of the Club as they in their discretion may think fit. 9. The Committee shall meet at least once in ery year. The Secretary shall send out notices of a Committee Meeting at least one week before it takes place. At all meetings of the Committee five shall form a quorum.

1O. The President of the Club shall be President of all affiliated societies and the Secretary and Treasurer of the Club shall be members of the Committees of all affiliated societies. 11. The Secretary shall send out notices of the Annual General Meeting at least one month before it takes place.

12. The Treasurer shall receive subscriptions and shall defray the current expense of the Club. His accounts shall be annually examinedc by an Auditor appointed at the Annual General Meeting and shall be published. 13. The Committee in their discretion may, and upon a written request signed by fifteen Members of the Club shall, call a Special General Meeting. At least fourteen days' notice of such a Meeting, stating the object shall be given.

14. No alteration shall be made in the Rules of the Club except at a General Meeting and by a majority of two-thirds of those present and voting and any proposed alteration shall be stated on the notice calling the Meeting.




The Club shall be composed of former pupils of The Crypt School, Gloucester and past and present teaching staff of The School and shall be called "The Old Cryptians' Club".

Nominations for the election of Officers and Committee shall be sent to the Secretary at least one week before the Annual General meeting proposed, seconded and subject to the acceptance of the Member nominated.


Administration of the funds of the Club shall be vested in the Committee who may invest or otherwise deal with the same on behalf of the Club as they in their discretion think fit.


The Committee shall meet at least twice each year. The Secretary shall send out notices of a committee Meeting at least one week before it takes place. At all meetings of the Committee five shall form a quorum.

The objects of The Club shall be (a)

To encourage social intercourse between former Pupils and keep them in touch with the school.


To publish and circulate all news of interest about present and Former Members through "The Cryptian".


The Secretary shall send out notices of the Annual General Meeting at least one month before it takes place.

To forward the interest of the School, its institutions and any of its members.


The Treasurer shall receive subscriptions and shall defray the current expense of the Club. His accounts shall be examined annually by an Auditor and shall be published at the Annual General Meeting.


The Committee in their discretion may, and upon a written request signed by fifteen Members of the Club shall, call a Special General Meeting. At least fourteen days notice of such a Meeting, stating its purpose shall be given to all members.


No alteration shall be made in the Constitution of the Club except at a General Meeting and by a majority of two-thirds of those present and voting, and any proposed alteration shall be stated on the notice calling the Meeting.


The dissolution of the Club shall occur only where a two-thirds majority of the members present at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting called to consider a motion proposing such a dissolution have voted in favour of the preposition. On the dissolution of the Club the assets shall be dealt with in such a manner as the Officers and the Committee shall determine.




The annual subscription to the club shall be determined by the Committee annually and approved at the Annual General Meeting.

Members who have rendered outstanding service to the Club may be nominated by the Committee and elected Honorary Life members at a General Meeting. Honorary Life Members shall have all the privileges of Membership, but shall not be required to pay any subscriptions. 4.

Members of all affiliated societies need not be Members of the Old Cryptians' Club.


The Officers of the Club shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and hall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer.


The Management and the election of Members of the Club shall be in the hands of a Committee consisting of the officers of the Club, the Headmaster of the School, the Past-Presidents of the Club, and twelve elected members, one of whom will be a member of the Old Cryptians' Rugby Football Club and eligible under paragraph 1. At the annual General Meeting six members of the committee shall be elected to serve for two years. Casual vacancies may be filled by the Committee. A Member elected to fill a casual vacancy shall retire at the time when the Member whose place he fills would have retired.

Old Cryptians Club Balance Sheet as at 31st December 1994 ASSETS

1994 £

1993 £

President's Badge at nominal value Government Stock at cost, £2,980 6j% Treasury Stock 95/98





Cheltenham & Gloucester Building Society Balance at Bank

1604 150 ————

894 474 —





4659 —

3681 ------—



Represented by: GENERAL FUND


A a (vj tv v- 1 1 tevc,




Balance at 1st January 1994 Excess income over expenditure


3681 978

3269 412



TRUST FUNDS at 31st December 1994


P. Hodkinson Fund

C. Gardner

Fund At 31st December 1993 Interest in year At 31st December 1994

169 2





. __ Held at Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society

12 1




Old Cryptians Club Income and Expenditure Account For the Year Ended 31st December 1994


1994 £

1993 £

Subscriptions Interest (less tax)

1,172 166

1,466 17



128 10

(23) 5



102 275 34 59 28

122 450 106 77 28 130





Surplus on Annual Dinner (loss) Surplus on Founders Day


Guests Dinner (£45) Founders Day (£59) The Cryptian Postage, Stationery Incidentals Old Cryptian Prizes Donations in Memory

Excess income over expenditure

I have examined this Income and Expenditure Account and the annexed Balance Sheet with the books, vouchers and information supplied, and certify that they are in accordance therewith.

D.P. Jones Chartered Accountant Date: 24th February 1995


297 x 210,11’/«"x 8%

384pages4quires, half-bound, maroon

Single day book (paged) Double day book (paged) Single cash book (folioed) Double cash book (folioed) Treble cash book (folloed) Quad cash book (folioed) Journal (paged) Single cash ledger (indexed, folioed) Double cash ledger (indexed, folioed) Double entry ledger (indexed, paged) Treble cash ledger (indexed, folioed) Minute book (indexed, paged) Feint Feint and margin Feint-indexed throughout

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576 pages 6 quires, half-bound, maroon

Single day book (paged) Double day book (paged) Single cash book (folioed) Double cash book (folioed) Treble cash book (folioed) Quad cash book (folioed) Journal (paged) Single cash ledger (indexed, folloed) Double cash ledger (indexed, folioed) Double entry ledger (indexed, paged) Treble cash ledger (indexed, foiloed) Minute book (indexed, paged) Feint Feint and margin

4162/6/3D 4162/6/6D 4162/6/3C 4162/6/6C 4162/6/6’/2C 4162/6/2C 4162/6/6J 4162/6/3L 4162/6/6L 4162/6/7L 4162/6/6'/2L 4162/6/9MB 4162/6/8 4162/6/9

192 pages 2 quires, cased Single day book (paged) Double day book (paged) Single cash book (fohoed) Double cash book (folioed) Treble cash book (folioed) Journal (paged) Single cash ledger (indexed, folioed) Double cash ledger (indexed, folioed) Double entry ledger (indexed, paged) Minute book (indexed, paged)

D540/2/3D D540/2/6D D540/2/3C D540/2/6C D540/2/61/zC D540/2/6J D540/2/3L D540/2/6L D540/2/7L D540/2/9MB

Collins Balmoral account books

288 pages 3 quires, cased

Double day book (paged) Double cash book (folioed) Treble cash book (folioed) Single cash ledger (indexed, folioed) Double cash ledger (indexed, folioed) Double entry ledger (indexed, paged) Minute book (indexed, paged)

4161/3/6D 4161/3/6C 4161/3/61/2C 4161/3/3L 4161/3/6L 4161/3/7L 4161/3/9MB


pqW 192 pages 2 quires, oblong, cased



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A proposal was made by the President that Tony Coates Esq. should be the new President of the Club and this proposal was seconded by Cliff Whiting Esq. and carried unanimously. Mr. Coates is of course a leading member in the London branch of the Club.

MINUTES of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, 20th March 1982.

The Honorary Secretary, R.A. Eggleton Esq., retired from the office and the President thanked Mr. Eggleton for all the work which he had done over the years and wished him every success in his new post as membership secretary. Jim Hickman was appointed as the new Club Secretary.

The Annual General Meeting of the Club was held on Saturday, 20th March 1982 at the Judges' Lodgings, Spa Road, Gloucester. The President of the Club, W.V. Eggleton Esq., took the Chair and with him sat some 24 other members of the Club.

Denis Mundy Esq. agreed to serve as the Club's Honorary Treasurer for another year as did Mr. D.P. Jones as the Club's Honorary Auditor and the President suggested that both these gentlemen receive a 100% increase in their fee for the forthcoming year!


All those members of the Committee who were due to retire indicated that they were in fact prepared to serve again and they were all unanimously re-elected.


Apologies were received from ten members of the Club. 6.



The Minutes of the previous 1981 AGM were read, confirmed and subject to one or two minor spelling errors, the minutes were approved.



There was a brief discussion about the recent reports which had been published in relation to the proposed changes in the system of state education for the City of Gloucester and in particular the likely consequences on the Crypt School itself. As all aspects of the matter were still in the proverbial melting pot it was decided that there was nothing specific which could be usefully discussed at the meeting and so it was decided to leave the subject in abeyance until some further information was available.



The Honorary Treasurer Mr. Denis Mundy presented the final accounts for the year together with his financial report. The Treasurer explained that when compared with the previous year the Club's income was reduced by £6 and the Club's expenditure had increased by £42. The rise in expenditure was caused mainly by the increased expense of printing and circulating the Cryptian magazine to all members. The Treasurer also explained that Williams & James (Engineers) Limited were suffering because of the general economic recession affecting the country and so there was little to show by way of dividends on the Club's shareholding in that company. The Treasurer also reported with regret that there was a decrease in the total membership of the Club as there had been more deaths amongst members than new members recruited to the Club.

The President proposed that the accounts should be adopted and the proposition was seconded by R.A. Eggleton Esq. and was carried unanimously by the members present.


As his final act as Honorary Secretary of the Club R.A. Eggleton Esq. informed the meeting of certain discussions which had taken place at Committee Meetings relating to the reduction in the number of editions of the Cryptian magazine. Mr. Eggleton then formally moved the following proposal which he informed the Club had already been approved in principle by the Committee of the Club:-

"Members of the Club agree with effect from 1982 that there bhall be no objection from the Club if the Editor of 'The Cryptiah' magazine shall decide to reduce the number of issues of such magazine from two to one annually with the proviso that an Old Cryptians' Newsletter composed, edited and funded solely by the Club shall be circulated to members to replace the loss of any one such issue of 'The Cryptian' magazine " There was some discussion about this matter and the Honorary Treasurer informed the meeting of the considerable saving to the Club in relation to the contribution which the Club pay towards the printing costs of the magazine and in addition the horrendous postage bill which is incurred every time the magazine is distributed. Cliff Whiting informed the members that the demand for the second edition of The Cryptian which was normally circulated at the end of the Summer term was substantially less than the demand for the Winter Edition which was normally circulated around Christmas. He informed the meeting that on the previous year members of the School had purchased 260 copies of the magazine published in December whereas the demand had fallen to 162 for the Summer edition and the School felt that it could no longer justify the expense of producing two copies of the magazine each year.

These representations were endorsed by the Headmaster and the proposal was accepted by the meeting unanimously.





There was no other business in addition to that which had appeared on the Agenda and so the meeting was concluded at 7.30 p.m. and all members then looked forward with anticipation to the delights in store for the rest of the evening.

1982 £






Subscriptions Donations Dividends Building Society Interest

516 — 8 62

547 11 8 61




The Cryptian Postages Printing and Stationery Presidents’ Shields Deficit on Founders’ Day Surplus on Annual Dinner Incidentals (including Tax £9)


379 95 31 38 45 ( 2) 44

354 146 18 15 (25) ( 8) 35 630




I have examined this Income and Expenditure Account and the annexed Balance Sheet with the books, vouchers and information supplied, and certify that they are in accordance therewith.

D.P. JONES Chartered Accountants 18th February, 1983




31 ST DECEMBER 19 82

held at The Club House of the Old Cryptians' Rugby Football Club, Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on Monday, 14th June 1982 at 7.30 p.m.








Wiljay PLC 360 Ordinary Shares of 25p at Issue Value


plus Additions at Cost (Market Value, £230 1981 £263) Cheltenham & Gloucester Building Society Deposit Account Balance at Bank

862 400

800 271




Subscriptions paid in advance Credi tors

— 435

2 198


Mr. Mr. The Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Ron Tiley (Past President) Denis Mundy Headmaster Jim Hickman Colin Sibery Roger Eggleton Graham Russell.

Mr. Ron Tiley took the Chair in the absence of the President, Mr. W.V. Eggleton.

Apologies were received from the President, W.V. Eggleton, Mr. Ivor Smith, Mr. John Rigby and Mr. A.L.C. Smith.





The minutes of the last meeting held on the 6th January 1982 were read by the Secretary, Mr. R.A. Eggleton, and were confirmed and signed as being a correct record.

Represented by:

Matters Arising


Balance at 1st January 1982 Les s: Excess Expenditure over Income

1,029 44

937 + 92



The Headmaster was asked about the latest position relating to the forthcoming edition of "the Cryptian" now that it was to be in the of a single annual publication. He informed the Committee that it expected to be published during the first week of October 1982 and it would cover the whole academic year up to the end of the Summer

form was that Term

Founders Day


Pavilion Fund (1)

C. P. Gardner Hodkinson Fund(2) Fund (3)




At 31st December 1981 Interest in Year Expenditure, Books

158 9

46 4

63 3

49 2

At 31st December 1982





(1) Held at Lloyds Bank Deposit Account (2) and (3)Held at Post Office Savings Bank.


Members were reminded that Founders Day was due to be celebrated on Thursday, 15th July 1982 and it was agreed that the Secretary should write to the following to invite them to the Founders Day lunch as guests of the Club:-

The Bishop of Gloucester and his wife The new rector of St. Mary de Crypt Canon Alan Holloway The Captain and Vice Captain of the School Cricket Team

Rugby Club Rules The Secretary, Mr. R.A. Eggleton, reported that he had been asked by the Rugby Football Section of the Club to re-draft their rules so that they could be approved by the Gloucester Licencing Justices following a general

- 2 -

"tightening up" by the new Clerk to the Justices in relation to Club rules. The Secretary reminded the Committee that the Rugby Club needed the ratification of the Committee of the main Club to any change in their rules.

The Secretary then proceeded to explain that new categories of , membership of the Rugby Club were to be introduced by the new rules and briefly described the details of the new rules before formally proposing that they should be accepted by the Committee. A seconder could not be found at this stage as the Committee had certain reservations about the manner in which the matter had been put to the meeting. Mr. Graham Russell expressed the view that the new Rugby Football Club rules should have been circulated prior to the meeting and that the matter should have been on an official agenda for the meeting. A proposition was then made by Mr. Colin Sibery that the new Rugby Football Club rules should be considered by the meeting notwithstanding the observations made by Mr. Graham Russell. This proposition was seconded by the secretary, Mr. R.A. Eggleton, and the members present then proceeded to cast an equal number of votes both for and against the /resolution.

The meeting then became involved in a difficult situation as there was some urgency in the matter as the rules had to be accepted by the annual general meeting of the Rugby Football Club the following Saturday and they then had to be placed before the Clerk to the Gloucester Justices the following week so that the Club’s licence could be renewed. After a general airing of views about the matter it was decided that Mr. Colin Sibery would be asked to read through the proposed rules of the Rugby Football Club verbatim. Mr. Colin Sibery duly read through the new rules explaining that certain new categories of membership of the Rugby Football Club were to be introduced so that there would be in all five different categories namely full members, associate members, old age pensioners, student members, and junior members. After some general discussion the committee decided unanimously to accept the new rules subject to two provisos. Firstly, that student members (namely those old boys of the School who were over the age of eighteen years and engaged in full time educational training) should have full voting rights. Secondly, that the Rugby Football Club should be very careful in relation to who they accepted as a member in the old age pensioner category. It was felt that this should be limited to those old age pensioners who were in fact old enough to receive the State old age pension rather than someone who may have retired from their occupation and is currently in receipt of some other kind of pension.

Cambridge Dinner Report Mr. Graham Russell delivered a brief report relating to the Cambridge Dinner and informed the meeting inter alia that the Mayor of Gloucester had attended the Dinner having travelled in the official civic car.

- 3 -

Mr.Graham Russell added that there may be some interest in organising a dinner in Birmingham for those Old Cryptians living in the Midlands Area.

Treasurer's Report The Honorary Treasurer, Mr. Denis Mundy, presented a report as to the current financial position of the Club. He informed the meeting that unfortunately no dividend had been declared by Williams & James and in fact they had sustained a loss for the last financial year.

The building society interest had been credited to the account in the sum of £30 for the half year.

The Treasurer explained that 47 members had paid for tickets at the annual reunion and overall the function had either broken even or made a small profit.

Any Other Business

The meeting was reminded that it had been agreed that the annual dinner would be held at the Judges Lodgings, Spa Road, Gloucester on the 19th March 1983. It was suggested that Mr. Sid Humphries, a member of the London branch of the Club, could be considered as a possible speaker, together with Mr. Ray Naish of Worcester.

The incoming secretary was asked to write to the new mayor of Gloucester, Peter Arnold to invite him to speak at the dinner. The date of the next meeting was agreed as Wednesday, 6th October 1982 at 7.30 p.m. in the Rugby Club House, Tuffley Avenue.

The following Committee meeting was agreed to take place on the first Wednesday in January at 6.30 p.m. The meeting closed at 9.35 p.m.

JMH/SEA 17.9.82


The Secretary undertook to make enquiries of the Wooden Spoon restaurant to ascertain whether or not it would be possible for them to provide a buffet meal in the building adjacent to the cathedral. MINUTES OF A COMMITTEE MEETING

The Secretary1s Report

held at the Crypt School, Podsmead, Gloucester on Wednesday, 6th October 1982 at 7.30 p.m.

Present :

Mr. Mr . Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

A.D.J. Coates D. Mundy G. Russell R. Tiley C. Whiting J.M. Hickman



Apologies were received from the Headmaster, Mr. C. Sibery, Mr. W. Evans, Mr. I. Smith, Mr. J. Rigby and Mr. A. Brinsford.

The minutes of the last meeting held on the 14th June 1982 were read and confirmed and signed as being a correct record. There were no matters arising.

The Secretary informed the meeting that the Headmaster was unfortunately unable to attend but read out to the meeting a letter received from the Headmaster dated the 5th October. Certain matters were raised by that letter as follows Annual remembrance day service — some discussion took place relating to those persons who should be asked to lay wreaths at the two war memorials in the Crush Hall on Thursday, 11th November. It was agreed that the President would lay one wreath and the Secretary was asked to write to Mr. Gordon Coucher of Shurdington to invite him to lay the other wreath. It was also agreed that Mr. Hardld Brunsdon should be borne in mind as first reserve possibly with John Chivers or Bob Cryer.

Reunion for the 5th January - It was agreed that the headmaster should send out invitations to those persons who have recently left the school to attend at the reunion on Wednesday, 5th January, which would take place at the Rugby Union Club headquarters immediately after the Committee meeting. It was confirmed by Graham Russell that Colin Sibery would arrange for the Club to provide the appropriate refreshments.

Financial Report The Honorary Treasurer, Mr. D. Mundy, informed the meeting that the Club had £271 in hand at the start of the year and that subscriptions totalling £509 had been received. There was a dividend from Williams & James of £5 and the annual dinner made a £2 profit. £305 had been received by the sale of tickets for the annual dinner. The sum of £270 had been paid to the Judges Lodgings and the menu cards had cost the sum of £29. The Treasurer regretfully informed the meeting that the Founders Day Dinner had been a financial disaster. The total cost had been £180 representing 38 meals paid for, although payment was only received from 30 persons and so the sum of £50 was lost in all.

The Treasurer proceeded to give details of various sundry items of expenditure which had been incurred and when provision had been made for the cost of the Cryptians and the Secretarial expenses there was a balance in hand of £386. Those committee members present expressed their alarm at the loss on the Founders Day and Mr. C. Whiting stressed that careful note should be made of those persons to whom tickets are issued, and every effort made to recover payment from those persons. The Treasurer suggested that a buffet would be more economical for the Founders Day meal as there was usually a scramble for people to leave the meal in order to arrive at the School for the annual cricket match.

London Dinner - It was confirmed that this would take place on Saturday, 27th November.

Founders Day 1983 - The Secretary informed the committee members that Founders Day had in fact been changed to Friday, Sth July 1983 owing to the commitments at the cathedral in connection with the Three Choirs Festival.

School Magazine - The Secretary informed the committee members present that it was hoped that the Cryptian would be published within six weeks of the meeting.

New Members

Mr. M. Ferry was accepted as a member of the Club and the secretary regretfully informed those present of the recent death of Mr. P. Cone. It was also pointed out to the Secretary that David Lane was in fact a life member of the Club and should be placed on the mailing list. Speakers for Annual Dinner

The Secretary confirmed that the Mayor of Gloucester, Councillor Peter Arnold, had accepted the Club’s invitation to propose the toast to the School at the annual reunion on the 19th March 1983. The Secretary also confirmed that Mr. S.A.N. Humphries had accepted the invitation to propose the toast to the Club.


Any Other Business The Secretary explained to the meeting that Mr. I. Smith was unfortunately unablo to attend but informed the meeting that he had discussed matters relating to the annual dinner with Mr. Smith earlier that day by telephone and the Judges Lodges had been fixed for the event, although no menus were available as new ones were to be printed in January 1983.

The room for the annual general meeting had been booked for 6.30 p.m. onwards and a bar extension was to be organised. ihe Treasurer, Mr. Mundy informed the secretary that he would be unable to attend the next committee meeting which it was agreed should take place on Wednesday, 5th January 1983 commencing at 6.30 p.m. having regard to the fact that the reunion would take place at 8.00 p.m. for all those persons who had recently left the school.

held at the Rugby Club House, Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on Wednesday, 5th January 1983 commencing at 6.30 p.m. In the absence of the President, Cliff Whiting Esq. took the Chair and the following members of the Committee were present:

Colin Sibery The Headmaster R.A. Eggleton G- Russell J.M. Hickman (Secretary)

Apologies were received from Ivor Smith, Ron Tiley and John Rigby.

The meeting ended at 8.35 p.m. The Minutes of the previous committee meeting held on the 6th October 1982 having been circulated, were confirmed and signed as being a

correct record.

JMH/EA 1.83

TREASURER'S REPORT The Honorary Treasurer, D.V. Mundy, having apologised, the draft accounts for the past year were presented to the meeting by Colin Sibery who had

kindly received them from the Honorary Treasurer.


Unfortunately, there were no nominations for new members but the Secretary confirmed that the appropriate arrangements had been put in hand for the most recent new members to be circulated with details of the forthcoming annual reunion.

SCHOOL MAGAZINE The Headmaster reported that the Cryptian magazines were now available but expressed his regret that they were a little late having been due fo publication the previous October. The members of the Committee urged the Secretary to send out the magazines immediately which involved expediting ae preparation of the Circular for the annual general meeting. It was also agreed that mention should be made in the forthcoming circular of the Ladies' Evening which had been organised by the wives of several committe members to take place on the same date as the Club's annual dinner.

ANNUAL DINNER in the absence of the Dinner Secretary Ivor Smith, the Secretary gave details to the Committee relating to the arrangements which had so far been mad for the annual dinner. The Secretary confirmed that the speakers had be


at nthat they had confirmed their willingness to deliver speeches P bh Dinner, it was also decided that the cost of the tickets would be £7 being an increase of 50p on the cost of a ticket for the previous year's

NEXT YEAR'S PRESIDENT Sil>ery "3S proposed by Russell as the forthcoming lccmt ; hv Hlc ^°"lnat.1On Was seconded by R°9er Eggleton and unanimously accepted by the other members present.

MINUTES of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, 19th March 1983

ANY OTHER BUSINESS A discussion took place about the members of the committee and it was agreed by everyone present that it would be in the Club's best interests o endeavour to recruit certain new and possibly younger members of the Club to serve on the Committee, preferably persons who had left School within the last ten years.

The Headmaster agreed to approach certain young men who had recently left e School and endeavour to obtain their acquiescence to putting forward their names as possible Committee Members. This met with the general approval of those present.

The Annual General Meeting of the Club was held on Saturday, 19th March 1983 at the Judges' Lodgings, Spa Road, Gloucester. The President of the Club, ADJ Coates Esq, took the Chair and with him sat some 27 other members of the Club.



Apologies were received from E Day, R Sheldon and R Roe.

Guests for the Annual Dinner

If was agreed that the usual guests, namely the Headmaster, Rugby Captain Hockey Captain and the Rector of St. Mary de Crypt School would be invited.


Remembrance Day

The Minutes of the 1982 AGM were read, confirmed and approved and signed by the President.

mentioned how much he had enjoyed the Remembrance Day Service at the School and expressed his opinion about the excellence of the trumpeter who had sounded the Last Post during the service


There being no other business the meetirq ended at 8.00 p.m. and the Committee Members then proceeded to enjoy the rest of the evening, which was of course the social event for those boys who had recently left School



The Headmaster was asked to enlighten Club members as to any recent developments relating to the proposed changes in the system of State Education for the City of Gloucester and, in particular, the likely consequences on the Crypt School itself. The Headmaster informed the Meeting that there had been no such developments recently and that everyone was anxiously awaiting the publication of the new proposals by the Gloucestershire County Council. The Headmaster added that nothing could be usefully done at this stage until the new proposals were known.




The Honorary Treasurer Mr Denis Mundy presented the final accounts for the year together with his financial report and each member present was provided with a copy of the income and expenditure account and balance sheet as at 31 December 1982. The Treasurer explained that income was down by £41 compared with the previous year and this was due to a reduction in the number of subscriptions paid. Expenditure had increased by £95 mainly due to the increased cost of producing "The Cryptian" magazine and also because of the £45 deficit




sustained on the Founders Day luncheon. There was, therefore, a surplus expenditure over income of £44 overall and so the balance sheet showed a reduction in the amount of the Club's assets in the general fund to








The president proposed that the accounts should be adopted and the proposition was seconded by R A Eggleton Esq and was carried unanimously by the members present.




Subscriptions Dividend Building Society Interest

A proposal was made by the President that Colin Sibury Esq should be the new president of the Club and this proposal was seconded by Cliff Whiting Esq

and carried unanimously. The Honarary Treasurer Denis Mundy Esq, the Honorary Auditor D P Jones Esq and the Honarary Secretary Jim Hickman all agreed to serve the Club

another year.

All those members of the Committee who were due to retire indicated that they were, in fact, prepared to serve again and they were all unanimously re-elected together with a new committee member Bob Cryer Esq.

481 4 53

516 8 62



EXPENDITURE „ . The Cryptian Postage and Stationery President’s Shields Deficit on Founders’ Day Surplus on Annual Dinner Incidentals (including Tax £6)

379 126 38


• < ____


395 6.




The President Tony Coates Esq expressed how much he had enjoyed his year in office and thanked the officers of the Club and committee members for

their help over the year. The President expressed his deep regret at the recent and untimely death of past President Derek Evans and those sentiments were echoed by all the members

present. The President expressed his thanks to Gill Holmes and Joan Russell for having organised the ladies' dinner which seemed to be a great success from what the President had seen when he called in at the ladies' venue on his

way to the Judges' Lodgings.



was no other business in addition to which appeared oh the Agenda and so the meeting was concluded at 7.40pm and all the members then looked forward with anticipation to an enjoyable meal and opportunity to enjoy the company

I have examined this Income and Expenditure Account and the annexed Balance Sheet with the books, vouchers and information supplied, and certify that

they are in acc

dance therewith.


D.P. JONE Chartered Accountant

of their contemporaries.

13th March 1984.






*. 1983










Wiljay PLC 360 Ordinary Shares of 25p at Issue Value plus Additions at Cost (Market value £216, 1982 £230)


Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society Balance at Bank

915 270

862 400








The Dinner Committee, Messrs. Rigby, Smith and Tiley

Subscriptions paid in advance Creditors

met on three occasions during the year. Ideas were exchanged

12 203


435 215




regarding ways in which the poor attendance of the previous two Reunions could be improved and it was concluded that at

the end of the day only the efforts of enthusiastic members

to encourage new faces would have any appreciable effect on the numbers. This year 61

Represented by: GENERAL FUND

members and guests were at the Dinner.

Apologies for absence were received from E.Day, R.Sheldon,

Balance at 1st January 1983 Add Excess of income over Expenditure

985 + 143

1,029 44




R.Roe and Canon Paton. It was considered to be a successful

evening. No complaints were received by the Committee from

members or the Custodians. A toast to absent friends was proposed by John Rigby.

On this occasion, thoughts naturally turned to the recent


Total •


Fund (1)

c Gardner Fund(2)

P. Hodkinson Fund (3)





At 31st December 1982 Interest in Year Expenditure, Books

167 8 -

50 4

66 ?

D1 z

At 31st December 1983





(1) (2) and (3)


Held at Lloyds Bank Deposit Account Held at Post Office Savings Bank.

and untimely death of past President, Derek Evans. Floreat Schola Cryptiensis was proposed by Peter Arnold who was proud to be the 5OOth Mayor of Gloucester and also an old Cryptian. He expressed his views and concern on future education in Gloucester. The Headmaster responded to the toast. He welcomed the

opposition of O.C. teams against the School that day. He commented on the endearing links between Old Boys and members of Staff that members often expressed. A request was made for

O.C. to write to School and keep in touch.


Minutes of a Committee Meeting held at the Rugby Football Club House, Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on Monday, 9th May 1983 commencing at 7.30 p.m.


The toast to the O.C. Club was proposed by Sid. HumphriesHe attempted to define an O.C. in terms that meant he was more than just and old boy of the School. He expressed disappointment


at the low numbers present. The President, Tony Coates responded. He was the first

President to be educated at Podsmead and reflected on his personal memoirs. He summed up a Crypt School education as one that ’’produces people socially mobile - a person who can go

anywhere - at least once”. y; The Dinner Committee believe that a profit of^£2^.5O was

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. The Mr. Mr.

A.D.J.Coates D. Mundy G. Russell R. Tiley C. Whiting C. Sibery I. Smith Headmaster J. Rigby J.M. Hickman


p Ama

(Hon. Secretary)

made. Details of the Dinner Finances are available from the

Apologies were received from Maric Hatton> Clive-Dyke, Paul Holland, Roca Ge well«, Clive Thomas, Roger Eggleton and Bob Cryer.

Hon. Treasurer. My personal thanks are due to Dinner Committee members

Minutes of the Last Meeting

Rigby and Tiley whose willingness to attend a meeting, some­ times at very short notice made my task in arranging the

Dinner an enjoyable one.

9th May, 1985-


The Minutes of the last meeting held on the 5th January 1983 were read and confirmed and signed as being a correct record.

There were no matters arising.


The Treasurer's Report

Dinner Secretary.

The Honorary Treasurer, Mr. D. Mundy, informed the meeting that the Club had £472 in the current account with Lloyds Bank, £862 with the Cheltenham & Gloucester Building Society and the sum of £226 represented by the Williams & James shares. This meant that the total of the Club's funds amounted to £1,560 as at the 30th April 1983 plus any surplus which there may have been on the Annual Dinner.

Annual Dinner Report

The Dinner Secretary, Ivor Smith, presented the Committee with a most comprehensive report of the Annual Dinner which had been held at the Judges' Lodging^. on Saturday, 19th March 1983. He explained that the Dinner committee, namely Messrs. Rigby, Smith and Tiley, had met on three occasions during the year to perfect the appropriate arrangements. Sixty-one members and guests had attended at the dinner and a profit of £27.75 was made. The Dinner secretary, Mr. Smith, wished to record thanks to the other members of the Dinner Committee, namely Messrs. Rigby and Tiley, and the President echoed the sentiments and in fact extended the thanks of the Committee and the whole Club to the Dinner Secretary having again made the arrangements for a most enjoyable annual Dinner. The Committee agreed to Ron Tiley's suggestion that a present should be purchased for Mr. Ivor Smith's wife as a token of the Club's appreciation for her co-operation in providing refreshments for the members of the Dinner Committee when meetings took place at the Smith residence.

- 2 -

The President also expressed the view that the Ladies' Evening held on the day of the Annual Dinner had been a great success and extended the Club's thanks to Mrs. Jill Holmes and Mrs. Joan Russell who had organised that event.

Secretary's Report The Honorary Secretary regretfully had to report to the Committee that no new members had applied to join the Club. Colin Sibery mentioned that a heretofore unknown difficulty had been discovered in relation to the mailing list for Old Cryptian Club circulars, namely that a list of Rugby Club members was not being used when the appropriate circulars were being sent out and of course this should be remedied so as to increase the number of recipients of the various Old Cryptian club circulars which are distributed during the year. Colin Sibery agreed to ensure that the Secretary of the Rugby Club would liaise with the Honorary Secretary of the main Club with a view to providing an annual list.

The Secretary informed the Committee that he was in the process of finalising the catering arrangements for the Founders Day luncheon which was this year to be held at the Church House building, within the precincts of the Cathedral, with Wooden Spoon attending to the catering. It was agreed that the price of the tickets should be £5 per head and the Secretary felt that he should be able to prepare a budget for the Dinner which would result in breaking even on the day.

Any Other Business The rest of the meeting was then taken up with discussion of the proposals which had recently been published by the Gloucestershire County Council .for the complete reorganisation of the state secondary schools in the City of Gloucester. The detailed proposals had been published in the local press and it was clear that (inter alia) the Crypt School as we know it would cease to exist and in fact, the likelihood was that a Sixth Form college would be built on the Crypt School site at Podsmead.

The Headmaster delivered a very full report to the Committee emphasising that the Club had very little time in which to organise a campaign of objections to the County Council's proposals. All objections had to be lodged by the 27th June 1983 before the matter was referred to the Secretary of State. Gliff -Ruoocll explained that he had already attended at various meetings organised by the various Parent-Teachers Associations and Old Boys' Associations of the Grammar Schools in Gloucester and each school was endeavouring to support the campaign of objections in the hope that the County Council's proposed plan would be rejected by the Secretary of State as had been the case with certain other schools, for example, Salisbury.

There was a great deal of discussion amongst the Committee members and the Headmaster then presented "the alternative" plan which had been drawn up by the various heads of all the grammar schools in Gloucester and the Committee unanimously agreed to support the alternative plan.

- 3 -

It was agreed that a circular would be prepared and distributed with the forthcoming circular relating to Founders Day and in that circular members would be asked to write to the County Council voicing their objections. The Commitee unanimously agreed the following five heads of agreement


That we would endeavour to register objections with the Gloucestershire County Council


That we would support the alternative plan put forward by the various heads of schools


That we would nominate Cliff Whiting and the headmaster to speak on our behalf with recourse to the full committee should this be necessary


That we would deliver a circular to all members


That we would provide funds up to the sum of £300 to finance the campaign of opposition to the County Council’s scheme.

The meeting ended at 10.00 p.m. and it was agreed that the next meeting would take place on Wednesday, 5th October 1983.




Speakers Ito


- 2 -


Minutes of a Committee meeting held at the Old Cryptians ' Rugby Football Club House Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on Wednesday, 5th October 1983 commencing at 7.30 p.m.


Ivor Smith Denis Mundy The Headmaster Cliff Whiting Graham Russell Clive Dyke Mark Hatton Ross Gowell Clive Thomas Ron Tiley John Rigby Roger Eggleton Jim Hickman (Hon. Secretary)

Apologies were received from Colin Sibery, Paul Holland and Bob Cryer.

The Chair was taken by Cliff Whiting in the absence of our President, Colin Sibery. The minutes of the last meeting held on the 9th May 1983 were read and confirmed and signed as being a correct record subject to three amendments. The first amendment was to the effect that Mark Hatton, Clive Dyke, Paul Holland and Ross Gowell had in fact all been present at the meeting. The second amendment related to Cliff Whiting having erroneously been referred to as Cliff Russell in the section headed "Any Other Business". The third matter related to a point made by John Rigby at the previous meeting and as a result of John Rigby's representation the following paragraph was added to the minutes

"It was agreed that in that any reference to tickets at the annual any circulars sent to

future the Secretary would ensure guest speakers paying for their dinner would be obliterated from them about that function."

income for the year had exceeded the expenditure for the year and as a result the Club was in a stable position.

The Honorary Secretary's Report The Secretary informed the meeting of the contents of a letter which had been addressed to Colin Sibery by one of our members, Mr. Marcus Bayley in which he made certain representations to be considered by the Club. Firstly, he was concerned that the preacher at the last Founders Day service was not an Old Cryptian and listed a number of Old Cryptian priests who, he thought, would be suitable for the Founders Day service. The meeting expressed the view, however, that it was of bourse the prerogative of the Headmaster to arrange for the preacher but the Headmaster did say that he would be happy to receive the list provided by Mr. Bayley which may be of assistance to him in the future. The other matter raised by Mr. Bayley was that the Club may like to consider undertaking the cost of renovating the heraldic shields whxch appear at the top of an archway in the fabric of St. Mary de Crypt church in Southgate Street, Gloucester. The committee felt that it was a good idea in principle subject to the likely cost of the exercise and subject to the availability of Club funds. The Secretary informed the Committee of six new members who were all accepted by the Club unanimously. Those new members are Christopher Barrett, Nicholas Wadley, Nile Mosley, Douglas Tincello, Andrew Birch and Roger Davis. The Secretary also recorded with regret the deaths of two members, namely former President of the Club Group Captain Lister and Sidney Douglas Colwell of London who had died on the 24th

March 1983.

Report relating to Founders Day

The Honorary Secretary reported to the Committee that the Founders Day luncheon had been a fairly good financial success in that a loss of only £1 had been incurred by comparison to the fairly large losses whxch had been sustained in previous years.

There were no other matters arising.

Ron Tiley expressed the view that the venue within the Cathedral precincts was not as good as the Gloucester Club. Cliff Whiting expressed the view that the food was good in quality and quantity but that it would have been nice to have received the benefit of waitress service.

The Honorary Treasurer's Report

It was decided that Cliff Whiting would investigate the Fleece Hotel as a possible venue for the next Founders Day which is to be held on Thursday,

The Honorary Treasurer, Mr. Denis Mundy informed the meeting that the Club had E495 in hand but that the Club's contribution towards the cost of the Cryptian magazine had not yet been paid. During the year the Club had received £476 in subscriptions. The annual dinner held in March 1983 had made a profit of £27.75 and the Founders Day lunch had sustained a loss of only £1. The Honorary Treasurer concluded by stating that the

19th July 1984.

/Arrangements for the Annual Remembrance Day Service

The Headmaster informed the Committee that the service was due to be held at the Crypt School on Friday, 11th November 1983 and expressed an open

3 -


invitation to all members to attend at the service. it was decided to invite Mr. Marcus Bayley referred to earlier in these minutes to lay one of the wreaths together with the President of the C1 uh.

Minutes of a special committee meeting of the Old Cryptians' Club which was held at The Marmyon Room, Fleece Hotel, Westgate Street, Gloucester on Tuesday, 22nd November 1983 commencing at 7.30 p.m.

Speakers for the Annual Dinner 1984 It was decided that Mr. Pat Rust and Mr. Ray Naish would be asked to speak at the annual dinner and the Secretary undertook to write to them in the appropriate terms. It was decided that Keri Hanlon would be considered as first reserve. There was then some discussion about the proposed venue for the Annual Dinner and Ivor Smith reported to the Club that unfortunately the Judges Lodgings could not accommodate us for the day in question. There was some discussion as to whether or not it was more important to change the venue or the date but of course difficulties would arise in relation to the Rugby Fixture if the date were changed. It was therefore decided to give the Dinner Committee a mandate to book the venue which appeared most appropriate to them in all the circumstances.

Secondary School Reorganisation for Gloucestershire Cliff Whiting informed the Committee that there had been a disappointing response to the 300-odd circulars which had been distributed between the members of the Club in that only 48 members had signed the appropriate form for onward transmission to the Chief Education Officer who was then obliged to forward them to the Secretary of State for Education.

Cliff Whiting also informed the meeting that he had written to Sally Oppenheim who had made some enquiries of the Secretary of State who had confirmed that he had received all the papers.

The Headmaster informed the Committee of a meeting which had taken place between the various heads of the grammar Schools in Gloucester with the Secretary of State and that the local press had appeared to criticise the various heads for having taken this step. It is however significant, perhaps, that the Secretary of State has already rejected the proposals submitted on behalf of Stroud and Cheltenham.

Any Other Business

The Headmaster mentioned that two Old Cryptians at Oxford were endeavouring to arrange an Oxford dinner for Friday, 16th December. The Headmaster enquired as to whether or not any members were interested in attending this function and several members stated that they were interested in such a dinner in principle but that the date chosen (i.e. shortly before Christmas) was unfortunate having regard to the considerable demands on people s time shortly before Christmas and so there was no definite interest in this year's function.

There being no other business it was decided to hold the next meeting at the Club House of the Rugby Club in Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on Wednesday 4th January 1984 commencing at 6.30 p.m. so as to accommodate the Reunion for those Old Cryptians who had recently left the school.

The meeting concluded at 9.48 p.m.


Ron Tiley Ivor Smith Bob Cryer Paul Holland Clive Dyke Mark Hatton Jim Hickman (Hon. Secretary)

Apologies were received from each and every member of the Committee who was unable to attend at the meeting.

There was no formal agenda for the meeting which had been called to discuss the difficulties experienced by the Club following the unfortunate and untimely death of the President, Colin Sibery and also the unavailability of the Judges Lodgings for the annual dinner.

The Committee members present firstly discussed the question of the President of the Club and the Secretary read over a letter addressed to him by the Headmaster in which he referred to a conversation which had taken place between him and our immediate past President Tony Coates. During that conversation Tony Coates had expressed his willingness to serve as the President of the Club for the rest of the current year. There was some discussion between the members present and the Secretary put forward those points of view of the members who were unable to attend at the meeting but who had made their wishes known to the Secretary before the meeting. A proposal was made by Bob Cryer to the effect that Tony Coates should be invited to serve as President for the remainder of the year and this proposal was seconded by Jim Hickman and carried unanimously by all those at the meeting.

Ron Tiley mentioned that it was only fair to notify Tony Coates that he was not expected to make a speech at this year's annual dinner unless he particularly wanted to do so. He did of course have the duty of speaking at last year's dinner and whilst he should be free to speak again this year if he wants to there should be no obligation upon him to do so. It was also agreed that Tony Coates should not feel obliged to pay for the wine consumed by the top table. It is a tradition that the President does pay for the wine consumed by the guests on top table but in view of the fact that Tony Coates would have paid for the wine last

- 2 Year it is only fair



the difficulties which the venue for the forthcoming annual dinner T a suitable the Twigworth Lodge establishment was ava 1 the meetin9 that but that the Twigworth Lodge venue was far S ® ®S ”aS the New CountY regard to the facilities available and f“more appropriate having


*■ St. the teetittj^sd^epreseea tbT“l^T^r’h^ ’"J Lodge was being a little bit qreedv in ins' minimum booking of 75 members. Ivor Smith suggestion that the proprietor had ,hnl I“ r”““




“ iaCt W™

proprietor of Twigworth mUSt haVe a “ rebuttal of this "i“’...

s;,™“',y •“ “• —

Held at the Marmyon Room, Fleece Hotel, Westgate Street, Gloucester on Wednesday, 4th January 1984 commencing at 6.30 p.m.

In the absence of the President, Cliff Whiting Esq. took the Chair and the following members of the Committee were also present

Ron Tiley Dennis Mundy Graham Russell B°b CrYer John Rigby The Headmaster Ross Gowell Clive Dyke Jim Hickman (Hon. Secretary) Apolgies were received from Ivor Smith and President Tony Coates.

The Minutes of the previous committee meeting held on the Sth October 1983 and of a Special Meeting held on the 22nd November 1983, having been circulated were confirmed and signed as being a correct record.

mandate by the main ^it^e ofbe giV“ a

Treasurer 1s report

Twigworth Lodge for the annual dinner and to * fir“ booking with condition that a minimum of 75 ptX b“^^ Victor >s

The Hon. Treasurer D.V. Mundy presented some draft accounts for the past year which showed that the Club was in a fairly sound and stable financial position. Subscriptions for 1983 were down slightly on 1982 (a reduction from £516 to £482). Building Society interest and dividends on the Williams & James shareholding were slightly down but the overall income for the year amounted to £536, a decrease of £50 from the previous year Expenditure for the year was also down, however, mainly due to the reduction in the number of copies of "The Cryptian" magazine and also in view of the fact that the Founders Day luncheon had more or less broken


that th® tiCketS f°r the annual dinner

“• *" -*» ». etht our President Colin Sibery Ron t i SS following the death of a trophy to be known, perhaps, as ih^-ColS^^^" C1Ub pay for which could be presented to a member or team at Memorial Trophy" season. This suggestion was accepted favouraWv ^ °f the Rugby present at the meeting and it was decided that th Y 311 the members write to the Chairman of the Ruqbv Club mt 6 Secretsry would the school and make arrangement! for a me^inrt!T!' at representatives of the Rugby club and th precise details of the t!!phv tn d


take place of some C1Ub tO discuss the

even for 1983. Total expenditure for the year was £406 (compared with £630 for 1982) . This meant that the excess of income over expenditure amounted to £130 (compared with a deficit of £44 for 1982).

to Colin Sibery along the lines of^he D1™er and make a brief tribute funeral. 9 Xlnes of the w°rds which he expressed at the

There was some discussion about the three special accounts which the Club holds representing "The Pavilion Fund", "The C. Gardner Fund" and "the P Hodkinson Fund". The Treasurer reported that there were small balances in each account amounting to a total of £194 and the Headmaster agreed to examine certain school records with a view to ascertaining the precise purpose for each fund, and it was agreed that the matter should be discussed further at the next Committee Meeting.

The meeting ended at 9.50 p.m.

Secretary's Report

should be presented for.

siouid !e“sZeS ^nT!tR^

iscuss precisely what the trophy vicar of Huntley,

The Secretary reported that following the special meeting which had taken place on the 22nd November 1983 he had discussed the proposed "Colin Sibery Memorial Fund" with the Officers of the Rugby Club, Ian James and Simon Robinson. The Rugby Club had already decided to set up a Fund and it was agreed that it would be sensible to have one fund set up

- 2 -

jointly by the Club and the Rugby Club. present"6

- 3 -

The Rugby Club had agreed with

reCelVSd the aPPr°val of all the Committee Members

agreed bhat in the circular relating to the Annual Reunion the secretary would mention the Fund and invite subscriptions. It was also berdevised? °f C°lleCting donations at the Annual Dinner should

John Rigby suggested that it would be appropriate to refer to this year s Dinner as being a tribute to Colin Sibery. It was agreed that there was some merit in this suggestion but that it would have to be expressed in a tactful manner in the circular, perhaps by saying "It would be a fitting tribute to Colin Sibery to have a good attendance at the function .

It was agreed that we should aim at selling 100 tickets for the function so that the Dinner was a resounding success.

The Secretary reported that the Officers of the Rugby Club were going o iscuss the matter at their next Committee Meeting to decide the best purpose to which the funds collected may be put - pLhapffor a trophy for the player of the year.

It was also agreed that the circular should ask for all returns to be made by the 29th February 1984 at the latest so that we can then review the situation and have some knowledge as to the numbers who intend to

The Rugby club will report back to the Secretary in time for the next committee meeting.

The Secretary confirmed that the priest who had spoken at Colin Sibery's funeral, namely the Rev. David Brazington, had agreed to accept the Club s invitation to speak at the Annual Dinner and in fact it is proposed that he propose the toast "To Absent Friends" and take that opportunity of saying a few words about Colin along the lines of the words which he

New Members

of^C^T^ therS n° ^^^tion for membership of the Club since the last meeting but that half a dozen or so lapsed members had paid their subscriptions once again.

Schbol Magazine

Various members of the Committee, including Cliff whiting and Graham ussel1, expressed their disappointment that the magazine had not in fact beenuready for distribution by half-term. There was some discussion ¡s orobhMe he Sh°Uld be attributed and it was accepted that it was ?f thS faCt that pleCeS for illusion in the magazine late in being finalised, together with the slowness of the printers who were, however, very cheap. printers

Graham Russen agreed to investigate the cost of another printer - the one who undertakes the printing for the Rugby Club.

come to the function.

expressed at the funeral. The Headmaster raised the question as to whether or not the ladies would like to have their Dinner on the same day as the Annual Reunion as had happened last year. It was agreed that the wives of Graham Russell and the Headmaster would get together with a view to planning the function and details of the function can be included in the circular which is to be sent out by the Secretary.

It was also agreed that it would be appropriate to invite Mary Sibery to that function.

Remembrance Day Cliff Whiting stated how much he had enjoyed the Remembrance Day service held at the School. He had laid a wreath as had Marcus Bailey and Roger Eggleton had read the special Remembrance Day lines at the service Cliff Whiting expressed the view that the service was outstanding and that it was highlighted by the wonderful organ playing by a member of the School.

Annual Dinner Arrangements The Secretary reminded the meeting as to what had been agreed at the £ cJ-al meetin9 on the 22nd November 1983, namely that a firm booking cl^b to d P1fCe<3 Wlth Twigworth Lodge even though this committed the club to pay for a minimum of 75 meals.

The Future of the School The Headmaster stated that there was nothing further to report on this matter as it was lying dormant at this time until the Secretary of State for Education makes some pronouncement as to his decision.

Cliff Whiting emphasised that the Club could lose a substantial sum of ticketsnf:rSSth:efrir:-°n the COnlmlttee ”ade a S™e - ^9

g/ / i function. It was agreed that some tickets should be obtained as cheaply as possible with a view to issuing two tickets to each committee member in the hope that he can dispose of them to Old Cryptians who would not usually attend at the Dinner. John Rigby emphasised that it was important for every committee member who disposed ensure he received Payment for that ticket and Sso nsure iLbat he reported to Ivor Smith that the ticket had in fact been sold so that Ivor can at all times know the precise situation.

Any Other Business

Cliff Whiting confirmed that the Fleece Hotel had been booked for the Founders Day luncheon on Thursday, 19th July 1984. The Headmaster informed the meeting that he had followed up the matter of the heraldic shields at St. Mary de Crypt School with Marcus Bailey and


in fact the rector of St. Mary de Crypt School was endeavouring to ascertain who actually owned that particular section of the fabric of the building before proceeding with the matter.

The Headmaster also informed the meeting that he had taken up the suggestion of Marcus Bailey and arranged for Philip Sturdy to preach at the Founders Day service. As well as being an Old Cryptian, this gentleman is the Chaplain to Wellbeck College where two old boys have recently commenced their studies. The Headmaster stated that the arrangements for the proposed Oxford dinner had been shelved for the time being owing to the difficulty of finding a suitable date on which to hold the function.

It was also noted that some of the younger committee members, including Mark Hatton, Ross Gowell and Clive Dyke, had agreed to attend at the School with a view to encouraging certain boys who were about to leave school to join the Club. This offer of assistance was welcomed by the Committee in general and it is hoped that they will achieve a good response from the boys.

The Committee unanimously agreed with Ron TIley's suggestion that Mary Sibery should be asked to attend at the Founders Day luncheon to accept the President’s shield on behalf of Colin.

There was some discussion as to whether or not it would be prudent for the Club to elect a vice-president who would be able to chair committee meetings in the absence of the President. It was intended that the vice-president would be the president for the forthcoming year. It was decided that this matter should be left until the next committee meeting when it can be discussed more fully.

MINUTES of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, 17th March 1984

The Annual General Meeting of the Club was held on Saturday, 17th March 1984 at Twigworth Lodge Hotel, Twigworth, Gloucestershire. The President of the Club, A.D.J. Coates Esquire, took the chair and with him sat some eighteen other members of the Club.


Apologies were received from E. Day, R. Sheldon and R. Roe.


There being no other business the meeting ended at 8.04 p.m.andthe committee members then proceeded to enjoy the rest of the evening which was of course the social event for those boys who had recently left school.


The minutes of the 1983 AGM were read, confirmed and approved and signed by the Presdent.



There were no matters arising.

4. The Committee discussed the proposals for the officers for the forthcoming year and it was unanimously agreed that Ray Naish should be invited to stand as the Club's president and the Secretary was asked to write to Mr. Naish with the appropriate invitation.



The Honorary Auditor Donald Jones Esquire presented the final accounts for the year together with his financial report and each member present was provided with a copy of the income and expenditure account and balance sheet as at 31st December 1983. The Accounts showed an excess of income over expenditure of E143 on the year which was an improvement on the £44 deficit incurred during the previous year. There was a slight decrease of £35 in subscriptions for the year but the cost of "the Cryptian" magazine was vastly reduced by £148 owing to the reduction in the editions to one per annum. The members were pleased to note that the Founders' Day Luncheon had not sustained a loss in 1983 which was an improvement on previous years.



The meeting was informed that the Committee wished to propose Ray Naish as the President for the forthcoming year. The nomination was formally proposed by Cliff Whiting and seconded by John Hawkes and carried unanimously by those present.

84 - 2 -

mhe Honorary Treasurer, Denis Mundy Esquire, the Honorary Auditor, D.P. Jones esquire and the Honorary Secretary Jim Hickman all agreed to serve the Club for another year.

All those members of the Committee who were due to retire indicated that they were prepared to serve again and they were all unanimously re-elected. Telephone Churchdown 7 1219 4



The President Tony Coates expressed his sadness at having been recalled to the post because of the untimely death of President Colin Sibery. He urged all those present to contribute to the Memorial Fund which had been set up and praised Colin for his tireless efforts for the Club and in particular, the Rugby Club. Colin had formed a unique liaison between the two Clubs and would be sadly missed.




Eddie Norris Esquire proposed that the Club should introduce the position of Vice-President to stand in for the President on the occasion of his absence. This was of special importance when the Club elected an "away" president who may have difficulties in attending all the functions and committee meetings held in Gloucester.

There was some general discussion and it was agreed that there was some merit in electing a "President Elect" each year who was the Vice President and then became President automatically the following year. It was decided to leave the matter for discussion by the Committee and further discussion at the 1985 Annual General Meeting.


Saturday 17th March, 1984.

Eddie Norris also proposed that investigations should be put in hand as to the possibility of up-dating the history of the School and publishing the book to celebrate the School's 450th Anniversary. This would be an addition to the History which was written prior to the Second World War.

The Dinner Committe,Messrs Rigby, Smith & Tiley met on 5 occasions, during the year. One of the meetings was at Twigworth Lodge in order to meet the proprietor to discuss the A.G.M. facilities, seating and the menu. Although it had been previously agreed that the Club would have the exclusive use of the restaurant it was pointed out to the Committee that evening, that he would reserve the right to allow resident guests to use the restaurant also on the night of the dinner.

There was some general discussion and whilst it was generally considered a worthwhile project there was some scepticism as to whether someone could be found who would be prepared to undertake the task of researching and writing the book. It was agreed that everyone would give consideratbn as to possible candidates and the Committee would discuss the matter.

The Dinner was attended by 78 members and guests, a little disappointing and short of the 100 target anticipated on this occasion. As a result of the unfort­ unate death of President, Colin Sibery, last year’s President, Tony Coates, attended as Acting President.

Cliff Whiting recorded, with regret, the death of two distinguished Old Cryptians namely Group Captain Lister and Professor Kitto.

Following an excellent meal Rev’d. D. Brazington paid tribute to Colin Sibery. He emphasized three admirable qualities that Colin possessed:- service, availability and being positive. He had been a magnificent servant to the School and Rugby Football.

The meeting was concluded at 7.40 p.m. and all the members then looked forward with anticipation to an enjoyable meal and an opportunity to enjoy the company of old friends and contemporaries.



held at the Old Cryptians' Rugby Football Club House, Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester, on Wednesday, 2nd May 1984 commencing at 7.30 p.m.


"Floreat Schola Cryptiensis” was proposed by Ray Naish. After an absence of 57 years he said he was glad to be back m the Club. He reminisced of eminent teachers at the Crypt School, followed by witty and humorous stories of life in industry. His motto: keep an eye on your ear. J Headmaster responded and congratulated the SchoolXV on their Rugby success in trouncing the Old Boys XV. He declined to speak on this occasion of School re-organization • Club” was proposed by Pat Rust. A hilarious interlude from him was followed by a uersonal tribute to Colin Sibery.


Mr. Mr. The Mr. Mr. Mr . Mr.

I. Smith D. Mundy Headmaster C. Whiting G. Russell J. Rigby J.M. Hickman

(Hon. Treasurer)

(Hon. Secretary)

Apologies were received from Mr. R.A. Eggleton, Mr. R. Cryer, and Mr. R. Tiley.

In the absence of the President Mr. J. Rigby took the chair.


Minutes of the Last Meeting

The Toasts were warmly and sincerely concluded by the response of Acting President, Tony Coates. Ine Dinner Committee felt that the evening was successful despite some complaintsi that at the A.G.M. and during the Speeches background noise had inter­ fered with the proceedings.

The financial accounts have been passed to our Treasurer who will undoubtedly provide answers to any queries relating to the Dinner finances. We do however understand that a small overall loss was made on this occasion. Once again my thanks are due to Messrs. Rigby and Tiley. Their enthusiasm and dependence has made my tasks so much more enjoyable. “

I.J. Smith.

Dinner Secretary.

5rd October, 1984.

The minutes of the last meeting held on the 4th January 1984 were read and confirmed and signed as being a correct record.

Matters Arising The Honorary Treasurer informed the meeting that the Colin Sibery Memorial Fund stood at £186. It was decided that the Honorary Secretary would contact the Secretary of the Rugby Club, Mr. S.A.F. Robinson and ascertain what the Rugby Club intended to do with the proceeds of the fund and the Honorary Secretary would report at the next meeting to be held in October.

There was some further discussion as to whether or not a more competitive price could be obtained for the cost of preparing the Cryptian Magazine and Graham Russell informed the meeting that he had made certain enquiries of another printer but there was no real competition so far as price was concerned as the existing printer is already cheaper than the lowest quote of £1 per copy which Graham Russell's contact had quoted for An order of between 400 aid 500 copies. The Headmaster informed the meeting that he examined the school records and could not find any trace of the Gardner and Hodgkinson Funds having been set up and so was unable to inform the meeting as to the objects of such a fund. The Headmaster suggested that the sum of the two funds may be used for the purchase of books for the School although no final decision was made in that regard, and it was agreed that the Honorary Treasurer would calculate the precise amount standing in the funds so that a decision could be made.

- 3 -

- 2 -

The pavilion fund stands at £54 and the Honorary Treasurer proposed that the account be closed and the sum used for the purchase of a slip cradle. This was seconded by Ivor Smith and carried unanimously.

The Headmaster mentioned that the Ladies Night was again a success and fifteen ladies attended at the dinner, being one more than last year. It was decided to hold the function once again next year.

Cambridge Dinner Report

Treasurer's Report The Honorary Treasurer Mr. Denis Mundy informed the meeting that at the beginning of the year the Club's account was standing in credit to the tune of £269.

Graham Russell informed the meeting that the dinner was due to be held at Emmanuel College on thej^th May 1984.

Founders Day Subscription income amounted to £466 and a dividend of £4 was received, making a grand total credit of £739.

Various payments had been made to the Secretary for the costs of circulating members with notices and school magazines which left the sum of £601. There had been a loss of £8 on the annual dinner and various other expenses which resulted in a balance of £586 being left in hand. in addition, the club held the sum of £186 in the Colin Sibery Memorial Fund account.

Annual Dinner Report The dinner Secretary, Ivor Smith, presented the Committee with a most comprehensive report of the annual dinner which had been held at Twigworth Lddge, on the 17th March 1984. He explained that the dinner committee, namely Messrs. Rigby, Smith and Tiley had met on three occasions during the year to perfect the appropriate arrangements.

Whilst the members of the committee felt that the event was succesful, there were one or two reservations expressed about the suitability of the venue. Graham Russell complained that he had to speak to some waitresses who were talking amongst themselves during the speeches and distracting those present from properly hearing the speeches. The Committee members agreed that taking all things into account, the meal was excellent, but the actual facilities at the venue had been poor compared with the Judges Lodgings, mainly because the Clnb were not completely private and were obliged to mingle with members of the Public.

The Honorary Secretary made the point that the room for the annual general meeting was not very satisfactory in that people were walking through the meeting more or less constantly and the lighting was poor. In any event, it was agreed by everyone concerned that the Judges Lodgings provides an ideal venue for the annual general meeting and subsequent dinner, and it was agreed that Ivor Smith would take immediate steps to make a formal booking for the Judges Lodgings for the 23rd March 1985.

John Rigby complained that the pleasure of his evening had to some extent been spoilt because he had difficulty in extracting payment for tickets from certain Club members and he also remarked on the rudeness of certain members who left the dinner table during the speeches to drink at the bar.

The arrangements for Founders Day were discussed and it was agreed that Colin Sibery's widow should be invited to attend as the guest of the Club to receive the President's shield on behalf of Colin. Marcus Bailey had written to the Honorary Secretary about certain arrangements for Founders Day, and suggested that the preacher and his wife should be invited to the luncheon and of course, the Headmaster reminded the meeting that the preacher and his wife were always invited as a matter of course. The Secretary agreed to write to Mr. Marcus Bailey informing him of this. *

Any Other Business

The Honorary Secretary reminded the meeting of certain matters which had been raised by Eddie Norris at the annual general meeting in March. These related to the proposed 450th anniversary of the school and there was certain discussion as to whether or not a royal personage should be approached to attend at the celebrations. It was decided that further consideration should be given to this matter at a later stage. There was also some discussion about the election of a vice president as suggested by Mr. Norris but no formal decision was taken.

The meeting concluded at 9.15 p.m.

- 2 -

In answer to a guestion, the Honorary Treasurer stated that approximately 75% of subact i pti ons were paid by banker's standing order. The Treasurer further reported that £211 was now in hand following the Colin Sibery collection.


held at the Old Cryptians' Rugby Football Club House, Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester, on Wednesday, the 3rd day of October 1984 commencing at 7.30 p.m. Present :

Ross Gowell John Rigby Denis Mundy The Headmaster Graham Russell Ivor Smith Jim Hickman

(Hon. Treasurer)

(Hon. Secretary)

Report relating to Founders Day

The Honorary Secretary reported that the Founders Day luncheon had been a financial success in that a profit of £10 had been achieved and more importantly, the function had not sustained a loss as it had done on several previous occasions. Everyone agreed that the Fleece Hotel had been an excellent venue and that the meal was good value for money. The Headmaster expressed the view that it was nice to be served with the meal which was an improvement on the lunch last year. It was unanimously agreed that the Fleece Hotel should be booked for the Founders Day luncheon next year on Thursday, 18th July 1985, and the Honorary Secretary undertook to place the appropriate booking with the proprietor.

Apologies were received from Cliff whiting and Ron Tiley.

Honorary Secretary's Report

The chair was taken by John Rigby in the absence of the Club President, Ray Naish.

The Honorary Secretary gave no formal report but stated that he would be dealing with certain matters under the various other heads of business.

Minutes of the last meeting

Arrangements for the Annual Remembrance Day Service,

The minutes of the last meeting held on the 2nd May 1984 were read and confirmed and signed as being a correct record.

The Headmaster informed the Committee that the service was due to be held at the School in the usual way and expressed an open invitation to all members to attend the service. The Committee were in some difficulty about nominating someone to lay the wreaths as it appeared that all the people who immediately sprung to mind had already performed the ceremony on previous occasions. It was decided to leave the matter in the hands of the

Matters arising

There was one matter arising, namely the intended use for the proceeds the death of Colin Sibery. It was ^reed

-hould h” dlfflcultles attendant upon the suggestion that a trophy informed th“ ! PreSented the Rugby Club! The Honorary Secretary informed the meeting of a conversation he had had with S.A.F. Robinson the secretary of the Rugby Club, in which it was stated that the Ruabv C^nb intended to use their collection for the provision of a Honour! Sa^ for the Club House. The Committee all agreed that this was a good idea and unanimously voted that our collection should be handed to the Rugby Club to be spent for the intended purpose of the provision of an Honour! Board. There were no other matters arising on the minutes.

Treasurer's Report The Honorary Treasurer, Denis Mundy informed the meeting that he anticipated that the Club would have a balance in hand of some £233 expenditure! DeCember 1984, unless ^ere were any items of unexpected

been relXed th Y a“OUnted to £499 and £4 in dividends had Th! ' n! there was a Profit of £10 on the Founders Day Luncheon The total income for the year was therefore £543


Speakers for the Annual Dinner 1985

It was decided that Mr. Ceri Hanlon would be asked to propose the toast to the School and that Mr. David Yates would be asked to propose the toast to the Club. The Honorary Secretary undertook to write to each of these gentlemen in the appropriate terms. Marcus Bailey was nominated as reserve speaker. Ivor Smith confirmed that the Judges Lodgings had been booked for the function.

Secondary School Reorganisation for Gloucestershire The He ad ma ster reported that the County Council Education Committee had published the statutory notices relating to their latest proposals. This will involve a completely comprehensive scheme, and the Crypt is to become a comprehensive school for boys aged 11 to 16 years. The scheme is to be presented to the full County Council on the 31st October 1984 and so there is nothing which the Club can usefully do until that date when the matter must be referred to the Secretary of State. The County Council's scheme is due to come into operation in September 1987 if ratified by the Secretary of State. It was decided that the Club would

- 3 -

do all within its power to oppose the proposed scheme and the members present expressed their willingness to attend at special meetings if necessary. It was agreed that we should try to send a circular to all members, with the magazine, around Christmas 1984 inviting them to send letters of protest to the appropriate quarter. It was agreed that the Headmaster would liaise with Cliff Whiting and the Honorary Secretary at the appropriate time.


Any Other Business

The Honorary Secretary confirmed that he now had in his possession a list of the 50p members from the Rugby Club who would all receive a copy of the circular relating to the annual dinner. it was agreed that the next meeting would take place at the Rugby Club on Friday, 4th January 1985 commencing at 6.30 p.m. followed by the usual social gathering for recent school leavers. The meeting concluded at 9.02 p.m.


1984 £




INCOME Subscriptions Dividend Building Society Interest

530 4 59

481 4 53



EXPENDITURE The Cryptian Postage and Stationery President’s Shields Surplus on Founders’ Day Deficit on Annual Dinner Incidentals


211 138 22 (10) 7 29

231 162 20 1 (28) 9 397




I have examined this Income and Expenditure Account and the annexed Balance Sheet with the books, vouchers and information supplied, and certify that they are in accordance therewith.

D.P. JONES Chartered Accountant

14th March 1985







1983 £


Wiljay PLC 360 Ordinary Shares of 25p at Issue Value plus Additions at Cost (Market value £162 1983: £216)


Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society Balance at Bank

975 342

915 270



6 88

C.H. SIBERY APPEAL Donations Less Paid towards Honours Board

158 The Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.



Subscriptions paid in advance Creditors

held at the Club House of the Old Cryptians' Rugby Football Club, Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on Friday, 4th January 1985 commencing at 6.30 p.m.


12 203





211 154

Headmaster Graham Russell John Rigby Cliff Whiting Dennis Mundy Bob Cryer Ron Tiley Roger Eggleton Jim Hickman

Mr. Cliff Whiting took the Chair in the absence of the President. Apologies Eggleton, who said that he would be were received from Clive Dyke and Roger late.

The minutes of the last meeting held on the 3rd October 1984 were read, confirmed and signed as being a correct record.






Matters Arising Represented by:

There were no matters arising.


Balance at 1st January 1984 Add Excess of income over Expenditure

1,128 196

985 143




31ST DECEMBER 1984 Total



Fund (1)

C. Gardner Fund(2)



P Hodkinson Fund(3) —£

Treasurer 1s Report

reported that there was a £30 increase in - some £250 in hand at the end of the year. We «ere obliged to sell the Williams & James shares because the company was subject to a takeover by another company who had already acquired 90% of the shares and who were therefore entitled to call upon us to sell our 368 share holding. The offer price is 45p per share which will realise •


a total of £162.

Secretary's Report

At 31st December 1983 Interest in Year Expenditure

175 8

54 3

68 3

53 2

The Secretary had nothing specific to report save to confirm that the arrangements were in hand for the annual dinner. A new member, namely P.W.J. Hall, had been recruited to the Club.

At 31st December 1984





Remembrance Day

(1) (2) and (4)

Held at Lloyds Bank Deposit Account Held at National Savings Bank

Cliff Whiting informed the meeting that he had attended the Remembrance Day service but unfortunately, the President had arrived late and was unable

- 2 -

to attend at the service although he was able to chet with the various members who had attended after the service. John Rigby and Gordon Cowcher (a former paratrooper in the Second World War) laid the wreaths. The Headmaster reminded everyone that all members who wished to come to the Remembrance Day service in future years would be made very welcome.

Annual Dinner It was confirmed that the Judge's Lodgings had been booked for the annual dinner and the Dinner Committee would be meeting to finalise the arrangements. John Rigby stressed the importance of ensuring that everyone paid for the dinner before the day. Il was confirmed that an extension had been obtained to 11.30 p.m. It was also confirmed that the Annual General Meeting would commence at 6.30 p.m. The members were informed that everyone was being encouraged to attend at the Social Evening at the Rugby Club on the Friday night before the annual reunion commencing at 8.00 p.m. The Honours Board which had been purchased with the proceeds of the Colin Sibery Memorial Fund was to be unveiled that evening by Mary Sibery and it was hoped that a special evening could be organised to celebrate the occasion.

The Future of the School There was very lengthy discussion about what the Club could do in relation to fighting for the continued future of the Crypt School. Roger Eggleton felt that it was extremely important for the Club to spend whatever was felt reasonable to promote the continued existence of the school and whilst the expense may be considered excessive, it was sensible to spend the appropriate sum because the Club funds and in fact, the very existence of the Club, would be rendered useless if the School as we know it was ended. The Headmaster explained about the petition which had been started and all the members signed the form of statutory objection.

It was decided that the Club would pay for a whole page advertisement in the Citizen to promote the campaign to save the School and every commitee member was asked by Cliff Whiting to submit to him a proposed draft advertisement to be inserted.

Everyone present committed their total support to the campaign.

Honorary President It was decided that the Committee would recommend to the Annual General Meeting that the President for the next year should be a home president, namely Dennis Mundy. This was the unanimous decision of everyone.

There being no other business the meeting ended at 8.22 p.m. and the members then enjoyed the social evening for Old Cryptians who had recently left the School.

MINUTES of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, 23rd March 1985

mhe Annual General Meeting of the Club was held on Saturday, 23rd March 1986 at the Judges' Lodgings, Spa Road, Gloucester. The President of the Club, R. Naish Esq. was unfortunately unable to attend and so the Chair was taken by the immediate past President A.D.J. Coates Esq. who sat with some 19 other members of the Club.



The minutes of the 1984 Annual General Meeting were read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman A.D.J. Coates Esq.



There were no matters arising.



The Honorary Treasurer, Dennis Mundy, presented the final accounts for the year together with his financial report and each member present was provided with a copy of the income and expenditure account and balance sheet as at the 31st December 1984. The accounts showed an excess of income over expenditure of £196 which was an improvement on the figure of £143 for the previous year. The members were pleased to note that the Founders Day luncheon had not sustained a loss. The Treasurer reported that Williams & James Limited had now been taken over by the Gooding Group and under the Companies Acts procedures they were entitled intake over the small shareholdings which they had not yet acquired, and it was likely that the Club would receive something in the region of £162 for the shares.

The Treasurer informed the meeting that the committee had decided to spend a considerable amount of the Club's funds in paying for an advertisement to be inserted in the Gloucester Citizen to add support to the campaign that the school ought properly to be saved from closure when the plans for secondary school education in the City of Gloucester are implemented. An account had been received by the Treasurer in the sum of £540 which would have to be paid in this regard.

- 2 -




The meeting was informed that the Committee wished to propose Dennis Mundy as the President for the forthcoming year. The nomination was formally proposed by Arthur Brinsford and seconded by Cliff Whiting and carried unanimously by all those present. The Honorary Treasurer indicated that as he was to be the new President he would hand over the mantle of Treasurer to D.P. Jones Esq. although it was probable that he would continue to advise as to the financial position of the Club at Committee meetings, and the Honorary Secretary Jim Hickman agreed to serve the Club for another year.

held at the Old Cryptians' Rugby Football Club House, Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester, on Wednesday, 2nd October 1985 commencing at 7.30 p.m.

Present :

All those members of the Committee who were due to retire indicated that they were prepared to serve again and were all unanimously re-elected.



The Headmaster Dr. G. Russell Mr. J. Rigby Mr. D. Mundy (Honorary President) Mr. J. Hickman -V/O ft together with five young members of the Club, namely Martin Roberts, David Roberts, Stewart Cook, Jeremy Chowings and Philip Knowles.

Owing to the absence of the President there was no such report.

Apologies were received from Clive Whiting, Bob Cryer and Ivor Smith.



It had been discussed at previous Annual General Meetings, at the suggestion of Eddie Norris, Esq., that a post of vice president should be created by the Club. This suggestion was discussed and it was agreed that such a post be created so that at the next Annual General Meeting (i.e. March 1986) the Club could appoint a President for the year 1986/87 and another President for the year 1987/88 who could act as the President's deputy if for any reason the President was unable to attend at any functions. There was then some discussion relating to the proposed re-organisation of secondary school education within the City of Gloucester and the efforts of the Club were discussed in relation to the press advertisement and the Secretary explained precisely what was done on behalf of the Club during the month of January 1985. The Headmaster informed the meeting that it was now a question of waiting to see what was decided by the Secretary of State for Education although the headmaster indicated that some 18,000 signatures had been obtained to thecpneral petition. The Headmaster indicated, however, that there was a genuine problem in that the schools were faced with a falling population of school age and some schools were bound to close; it was now simply in the hands of the Secretary of State. The Headmaster indicated, however, that he thought the strength of feeling within the City of Gloucester for retention of some selected schools had been brought to the attention of the Secretary of State.

There was then some further discussion relating to the proposed celebrations for the School's 450th Anniversary in 1989. It was agreed that there was a certain protocol which had to be observed and it was decided that the School would contact the Lord Lieutenant of the County in due course to ascertain the precise details of procedure, although of course, the plans were tainted by the threat of closure. The meeting concluded at 7.22 p.m. and all the members then looked forward with anticipation to an enjoyable meal and an opportunity to enjoy the company of old friends and contemporaries.

The minutes of the last meeting held on the 1st May 1985 were read, confirmed and signed as being an accurate record.

Matters arising

Dennis Mundy expressed the view that over the past twelve months there had been a disappointing attendance at committee meetings and this view was supported by John Rigby. The Honorary Secretary agreed to write to all committee members drawing their attention to the poor attendance and asking them to make every effort to attend the committee meetings or properly tender their apologies.

Treasurer's Report

The Honorary Treasurer, Denis Mundy, reported that the Club had £292 in hand. £40 in subscriptions had been received since the last committee meeting. A £3 deficit had been sustained on the Founder's Day dinner which was not considered unreasonable. Mr. Mundy estimated that the Club would be in more or less the same position at the end of this year as was the case at the end«of the previous year.

Honorary Secretary's Report The Secretary informed the meeting of certain deaths of Old Cryptians which had occurred since the last meeting. John Rigby expressed the view that it would be helpful for the president to be notified of all deaths of Club members immediately so that a letter could be sent to the widow of the Club mamhAr expressing the Club's condolences. A discussion took place about the Club paying for the re-guilding of the heraldic shields which form part of the fabric of St. Mary de Crypt Church in Southgate Street. The secretary undertook to obtain an estimate for the cost of re-guilding from Mr. Rolfe, the sign-writer, and it was suggested that the proprietor of the Inner Court Wine Bar be approached to see if he would make a contribution.

- 3 -

- 2 Founder 1s Day Everyone agreed that the service at the Cathedral was up to the usual high standard. It was noted that the School won the cricket match. It was agreed that the Fleece Hotel was an adequate venue for the luncheon and the Secretary arranged to book the venue for the function next year on the 3rd July 1986. The Headmaster informed the meeting that the event was earlier than usual because the Cathedral was being used for the Three Choirs Festival.

Annual Remembrance Day Service The Headmaster informed the meeting that the service would take place at the School on Monday, 11th November 1985 and it was agreed that the President and Mr. Jim Howard would be asked to lay the wreaths on behalf of the Club.

Annual Dinner

The Headmaster informed the meeting that the Judges' Lodgings, Spa Road, Gloucester had been booked by him for the 15th March 1986 because the venue had already been booked for the 21st March. The Headmaster emphasised the point that it was imperative to book the venue early and there is clearly a need to book the venue a full year in advance at the time of the preceding year's function. The Headmaster kindly asked the proprietors of the Judges' Lodgings to place a provisional booking for the 20th March 1987 although this must be confirmed.

Speakers for the annual dinner 1986

It was agreed that Philip Moss would be asked to propose the toast to the Club and Martin White, a contemporary of the Honorary Secretary, would be asked to propose the toast to the School. John Rigby mentioned that in the invitation to speak it would be appropriate to ask the speakers to limit their speeches to a duration of approximately 10 minutes and this was agreed by all concerned. It was decided that Marcus Bailey would be reserve speaker. There was some discussion as to whether or not the menu cards should be provided as it was felt in some quarters that this was unnecesarily expensive. It was decided to leave this matter to the dinner committee.

It was also suggested that Marcus Bailey be nominated to serve on the committee as from the next annual general meeting.

Secondary School Re-organisation for Gloucestershire

Everyone is still waiting for the decision of the Secretary of State and nothing more can be done at this stage.

Any Other Business

it was agreed that Jeremy Chowings should be co-opted onto the committee to endeavour to form a Young Members' section and certain discussions took place with the five young members present as to how young men who have recently left the School could be attracted to the Club. It was decided that the usual social event would take place on Tuesday, 7th January 1986 and that the Young Members would consider organising certain functions to encourage other young members to join the Club. Graham Russell and John Rigby felt that it was inappropriate to have a separate Young Members' section of the Club although there should be an effort made to recruit young men as members of the main Club, and they may care to organise functions of their own under the aegis of the main Club.

There being no other business the committee meeting ended at 9.07 p.m. and it was agreed that the next committee meeting would take place at the Rugby Club House on Tuesday, 7th January 1986 commencing at 6.30 p.m.





31'1T DECEMBER 1984 1 1 ' '










Wiljay PLC 360 Ordinary Shares of 25p at Issue Value


Subscriptions Surplus on sale of shares (1984:Dividend) Building Society Interest

510 4 69

530 4 59



211 138 22 (10) 7 29




Sale of Wiljay PLC Shares



Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society Balance at Bank

1,044 9

975 342




299 80 — 3 (9) 39 412 — 171

Advertisement preservation of Crypt School



EXPENDITURE The Cryptian Postage and Stationery President’s Shields Deficit on Founders’ Day Surplus on Annual Dinner Incidentals






Subscriptions paid in advance Creditors

A0 88

2 191




1,022 397 - -


C.H. SIBERY APPEAL 31.12.84 Balance brought forward Donation received in year

57 10 (57)


540 .___ (369)

£ 955




196 -

Represented by:


Balance at 1st January 1985 Less Excess of Expenditure over Income (1984: Surplus)





I have examined this Income and Expenditure Account and the annexed Balance Sheet with the books, vouchers and information supplied, and certify that they are in accordance therewith. 7


D.P. JONES Chartered Accountants

4th March 1986.

Fund (1)




183 8

57 5

71 3







At 31st December 1984 Interest in Year Expenditure

At 31st December 1985 (1) Held at Lloyds Bank Deposit Account (2) and (4)Held at National Savings Bank

P. Hodkinson Fund(3)

C Gardner Fund(2)



- 2 -




Minutes of a meeting of the Old Cryptians Club held at the Rigby Club House, Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on Wednesday, 7th January 1986 at 7.30 p.m. Present:

Dennis Mundy (Hon. President) The Headmaster Cliff Whiting Graham Russell Bob Cryer Clive Thomas John Rigby Ron Tiley Jim Hickman (Hon. Secretary)

over expenditure of £158. Subscription income amounted to £510 and Building Society interest amounted to £60 making a grand total income for the year of £570. There was no dividend from the William & James shares this year. The Cryptian magazine had cost £299 to produce and postages of £80 had been incurred. There was a £3 deficit sustained on the Founders Day lunch and a £9 surplus on the annual dinner. There was of course an extraordinary item, namely the cost of inserting the advertisement in the Citizen relating to the Secondary School Reorganisation. This amounted to £540 resulting in a total deficit on the year of £382.

The balance sheet items show that the William & James shares have a value of £158; there is £1,035 in the Building Society and £9 in the bank. There is an additional sum of £67 which is left in the Colin Sibery appeal account and there are various small amounts in the pavilion fund, the Gardner fund and the Hodgkinson account which will be the subject of further discussion at later committee meetings.

Apologies There were no apologies.

Minutes of the previous meeting The minutes of the previous committee meeting held on the 2nd October 1985 were read, approved and signed by the President as a true and accurate record of that meeting.

Matters arising There were no matters arising save that there was some discussion out the re-guilding of the heraldic shields at St. Mary de Crypt Church, it was agreed that it would be nice to have this work undertaken during 1986 in honour of the George Whitfield celebrations, e ecretary reported that an estimate had been obtained from Rolfe igns that the cost of the work would be between £100 and £120 and it was agreed that the Club would be prepared to commit up to £130 for this work. xvx Boo Cryer indicated that he would be prepared to make a donation towards the cost of the work and the President thanked him for his generosity.

The President suggested that the proprietor of the Inner Court Wine bar ug to be approached as to whether or not he would be prepared to make thA°p^^tion towards the cost of the work and the Secretary informed e President that as he had been, involved in a certain matter with the proprietor on a professional basis he was unhappy about writing a letter personally, and so it was agreed that the Secretary would write in the name of the President.

Annual Dinner

Ivor Smith confirmed that arrangements were in hand for the annual dinner which was to take place on the 15th March 1986. The Headmaster caused some confusion when he stated that he had mentioned the guestion of the annual dinner to the proprietors of the Judges Lodgings and had been informed that they had received a telephone call cancelling our booking for the dinner. The Headmaster had in fact confirmed that we did still require the booking for the 15th March and there seemed to be no explanation for the mysterious telephone call. It was decided thet. Marcus Bayley would be asked to propose the toast to the Club and Philip Muvfi.Tr of the Civic Trust would be asked to propose a toast to the School, with Martin White as reserve speaker. There was some discussion as to whether or not the Club should economise and forego menu cards and tickets. It was agreed that menu cards were essential and that we would continue to have these items printed for the forthcoming dinner. Ivor Smith informed the meeting that the price of tickets at the Judges Lodgings was still £5.95 including VAT as last year, and so it was decided that the price of the tickets to Club members would be £7.50 which amount was the same as last year. It was agreed that the Secretary would send out circulars relating to the annual dinner on the 10th February 1986 and members would be asked to return their booking slips by the Sth March 1986, and it was again decided that members would be asked to provide cash with order. It was agreed that the usual guests, namely, the Headmaster, The Captain of Hockey and the Captain of Rugby, together with Canon Holloway and the two speakers would be invited.

President Treasurer1s Report

The President Dennis Mundy then donned his Treasurer’s hat and presented his report stating that there was an excess of income

It was agreed that John Rigby of Leicester would be invited to stand as President for the forthcoming year and as agreed at the previous

- 3 -


annual general meeting it was decided that a vice President should be nominated and John Rigby was proposed and duly accepted the nomination.


Minutes of a meeting of the Old Cryptians Club held at the Rugby Club House, Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on Wednesday, 7th May 198^ commencing at 7.30 p.m.

Any Other Business Bob Cryer informed the committee that he did not feel able to offer himself for re-election to the committee. There was some discussion about the failure of the Club on previous occasions to invite the Chairman of the London section to the dinner as the guest of the Cl uh despite our President always receiving an invitation to the London dinner. It was therefore decided that a formal invitation would be sent to Eddie Norris.



There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.05 p.m. and the social evening with the young members then proceeded.

Ivor Smith Marcus Bailey John Rigby Cliff Whiting The Headmaster Graham Russell Ron Tiley Dennis Mundy Clive Thomas M. Roberts D. Roberts Jeremy Chowings P. Knowles Jim Hickman

The Chair was taken by the President, J alm



Apologies were received from Roger Eggleton.

Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the last meeting held on the 7th January 1986 confirmed and signed as being a correct record.

were read,

Matters arising

The only matter arising related to the heraldic shields at St. Mary de Crypt church in Southgate Street. The Club had of course agreed to pay the costs of repainting the shields and Bob Cryer had kindly given a F50 donation towards the cost of the work. The Secretary undertook to ensure that the work was executed in time for the Whitfield celebrations.

Treasurer 1s Report The Honorary Treasurer, Dennis Mundy informed the meeting that the Club had a balance of £317 in hand. The sum of £431 had been paid to date by way of subscriptions. A shortfall of £32 had been sustained in relation to the dinner.

Cambridge Dinner It was noted that this event will take place on Friday, 6th June and further details would be published in due course.

- 2 -

- 3 -

Jew Members

Secondary School Reorganisation

The Secretary informed the meeting that the following new members had been recruii-ed to the Club since the last meeting of the Committee

There was much discussion about the new proposed plan which the County Council were about to put forward. The new scheme is to come into operation in September 1988 and it must be accepted that some schools must shut. It was decided that we could not do much at this stage, especially having regard to the precarious position of Mr. Keith Joseph's political future. It was therefore decided that we would wait to see who was appointed as the new Secretary of State.

M. D. P. J. S. G. A. M. G. M. A. P.

Roberts Roberts Knowles Chewings Cook Kingscott Beckett Sims Knight Abbott Winstone Rochester.

Any Other Business

The Headmaster mentioned the question of the celebrations for the anniversary of the founding of the School in 1989. He proposed that a small group should meet to plan the celebrations. This group should comprise members of the School and also members of the Committee, so that the matter could be considered at the next Club Committee meeting.

Annual Dinner Report

-ha-^h» F “n6r was Presented by Ivor Smith. It was explained fart -h f unfortunately sustained a £32 loss mainly due to the fact that the Judges Lodgings had made an unexpected increase in the cost £ H 7? i “ Was to the committee that the date had had to oe brought forward owing to an unfortunate misunderstanding in relation to the availability of the Lodgings which is recorded in prevlo^ minutes It was also unfortunate that the Rugby Club were in France at the time of’the


It was agreed that Martin White.


hava tended

The Headmaster confirmed that a letter had already been written to the Lord Lieutenant. It was agreed that Jim Hickman, Clive Thomas, Cliff Whiting and Marcus Bailey would become involved in the Committee and it was agreed that a meeting would take place on the evening before Founders Day at the headmaster's home so that preliminary discussions could take place.

Eddie Norris and President John Hawkes were also to attend at the meeting.

It was also agreed that Jeremy Chowings and Honorary Secretary Jim Hickman would attend at the School and give a brief address to the sixth form and other boys who were just about to leave the School in the hope of encouraging them to join the Club.

he speakers were of a particularly high standard especially

The meeting conoluded at 8.50 p.m.

early!”*613 °f *

Committec expressed their regret that the bar had shut so

suggested that 10% ought to be added to the cost of the dinner tickets to cover unexpected contingencies and it was also suggested !hat2n confirmation of “m pr^“

4 Imp





COnflrmatlon °f the booking together with

<HhT THis wftS


that next year's annual dinner wil1 take Place °n

Founders Day The Headmaster reminded the Committee of the arrangements for Founders Day The preacher was to be the Bishop of Tewkesbury and it was agreed that the' !nUld be invited as the guests of the Club »namely the preacher “ ’s wife, the Cricket Captain, Terry Close, Canon Holloway and the Headmaster. Cricket was to start9 ir - y to 2’15 p*m- 7116 Secretary undertook - P Vlde the red rose as usual and confirmed that the Fleece Hot~l had been booked for the event. He also undertook to telephone Er!c Stetens

to ensure that the arrangements for the Old Boys' Cricket Team were in hand.


The Treasurer answered general questions put to him by the members and there was then some discussion about the small balances held in the Pavilion fund (£62) the Gardner fund (£74) and the Hodkinson fund (£55). MINUTES of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, 15th March 1986 The Annual General Meeting of the Club was held on Saturday 15th March 1986 at the Judges’ Lodgings, Spa Road, Glouceter. The President of the Club, Dennis Mundy Esquire, took the Chair and with him sat some 15 other members or the Club.



Apologies were received from E. Day, R. Sheldon and R. Roe.

It was agreed that these funds ought to be closed and the monies used for some purpose to be approved by the General Committee. The accounts were approved by the meeting and the Secretary was asked to record the Club's thanks to the Honorary Treasurer and Auditor.

5. ELECTION 0E OEEICERS The meeting was informed that the Committee wished to propose John Hawkes of Leicester as the President for the forthcoming year. The Nomination was formally proposed by Cliff Whiting and carried unanimously by those present. In accordance with the new arrangement John Rigby was unanimously accepted by those present as Vice-President of the Club.



The Minutes of the 1985 A.G.M. were read, confirmed and approved, and signed by the President as a true record.

The Honorary Treasurer Dennis Mundy Esq., the Honorary Auditor D.P. Jones Esq., and the Honorary Secretary Jim Hickman, all agreed to serve the Club for another year.

3. MATTERS ARISING There were no matters arising.

All those members of the Committee who were due to retire indicated that they were prepared to serve again and they were all unanimously re-elected together with new committee member Marcus Bayley.





The President, wearing his Treasurer's hat, presented the account for the Club to the year ended 31st December 1985 as audited by the Honorary Auditor D.P. Jones Esq.

The President Dennis Mundy expressed how he was enjoying his year in office. He thanked members for attending and thanked the officers of the Club and the Committee members for their efforts during the year.

Each member present was provided with a copy of the income and expenditure account and balance sheet as at 31st December 1985.



Tl?e Accounts showed a deficit for the year of £369 as compared with a surplus o £196 for the previous year. The main reason for this was an extraordinary WhlCh had been sanctioned by the general committee of e Club, namely the cost of placing a full page advertisement in "The Citizen to promote the campaign to retain the Crypt School as a Grammar School This advertisement has cost £540 and without it the Club would have achieved a surplus of £171 which was on a par with previous years.

(a) Jeremy Chowings raised the question of moving the date of thii Annual Dinner to co-incide with the University Vacations in the hope of improving the attendance.

Subscriptions for the year amounted to £510 which was a decrease of £20 rom the previous year. The Annual Dinner has made a surplus of £9 and a deficit of £3 was sustained in relation to the founders Day Luncheon.

It was agreed that the routine of having the Reunion on the 3rd Saturday of March should be retained.

The Headmaster indicated that the date had to fixed several years in advance to facilitate the Club's Rugby fixture list. There is a further problem in that Easter is a moveable feast day.

(b) The Treasurer reported that the financial position of the Club was reasonably good with a balance in the general fund of £995.

There was some discussion as to whether or not the AGM should be held





Minutes of a meeting of the Old Cryptians Club held at the Rugby Club House, Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on Wednesday, 1st October 1986 commencing at 7.30 p.m.

tharthrSALÎri!vRU9byC1Ub °n,the Friday evenin9 °f the Reunion weekend so that the Saturday evening was less congested. A vote was taken with 2 in favour moving to Friday and the rest in favour of retaining the existing arrangement and so the proposal was defeated. present:

The Meeting was concluded at 7.35 p.m. and all the members then looked forward with anticipation to an enjoyable meal and an opportunity to enjoy the company of old friends and contemporaries. y J y

Dennis Mundy The Headmaster Cliff Whiting Graham Russell S. Cook J. Chowings P. Knowles M. Roberts D. Roberts C. Thomas John Rigby Marcus Bayley Jim Hickman

The Chair was taken by the President.

Apologies Apologies were received from Ivor Smith.

Minutes of the previous meeting The minutes of the last meeting held on the 7th May 1986 were passed subject to two minor amendments; principally John Rigby pointed out that Cliff Whiting's suggestion that 10% ought to be added to the cost of the annual dinner tickets to cover unexpected contingencies was already being implemented.

Matters arising The only matter which arose related to the heraldic shields which had been completed at St Mary de Crypt church in time for the Whitfield celebrations. Most of the Committee members had inspected the shields and were very pleased with their appearance.

Treasurer's Report

Honors ry Treasurer, Dennis Mundy, informed the meeting that £377 was currently standing in the bank account, with £1,043 in the Cheltenham & Gloucester Building Society account. £162 had been received in respect of the sale of the Wiljay shares. Founders Day had broken even financially and the loss on the annual dinner had been reduced to £25 because a further payment of £7 had been forthcoming since the last Committee meeting. The secretary explained that certain liabilities were still outstanding, principally the cost of the magazine and postages, but it was clear that the Club was financially sound at present.

- 2 -

- 3 -

Founders Day Report

All the Committee members agreed that the cathedral service was up to its usual standard. Everyone agreed that it was unfortunate that we could not have dinner in the normal room at the Fleece Hotel and we had been squeezed into the submarine-like dining room. Day lunch Was brought forward'owing to^he^rangfm^ r aS a result' had dashed with a luncheon club which met on the first Thursday of each month, and so the proprietors of the Fleece Hotel had L n C°Uld nOt UPSet their regular booking alttough ^haU L ^le

in the School ceasing to exist in any form after July 1989. Denmark Road Ribston Hall and Crypt Schools have united to reject the proposals and to organise a petition. It was decided that the Club should do everything within its power to support the campaign for the proposals to be rejected.

It was decided that the considerable expense of a press advertisement was not worth incurring as was the case when the previous campaign was mounted. The Headmaster suggested the following:

to have the normal room next year, and on all subsequent years except when the event is brought forward to the first Thursday. except when


That letters should be written to the Secretary of State and County Council.

It was decided that in future years, it would be better to start the lunch a little earlier, perhaps at 12.30 p.m. to give everyone a little extra time to finish the meal before the cricket match.


Signatures should be collected for the petition.

The headmaster reluctantly felt obliged to mention certain unfortunate circumstances surrounding the cricket match. He emphasised that the boys looked forward especially to this match in every season and the fact that the match never started on time was disappointing and also the fact that members of the Club team did not dress in proper cricket gear dfd not tet an example to the boys. y ser

The Secretary undertook to write to all the members of the Club asking them to write to the Secretary of State. The letters were to be sent initially to the Secretary who would then forward them to the Secretary of State It was also agreed that the Secretary would write a letter of objection to the Secretary of State on behalf of the Club, similar to that which had been sent on on previous previous


Celebrations for 1989

The match should always start promptly and this may be assisted by the bringing forward of the commencement of the luncheon. John Rigby commented that the words of the headmaster were fair and were received in the spirit in which they were intended.

The Headmaster informed the Committee that the special committee formed to organise the arrangements for the celebrations of the Foundation of the School in 1989 had met and it was decided that two additional members should be sought, representing the Rugby Club and Parents Association. Bi was agreed it was suggested that that ihe Club wou Id have no objection to this and on behalf of the Rugby Club. Douglas Perks might be co-opted to the Committee

Remembrance Day Service The headmaster informed the Committee that the service would be on was Tuesday, 11th November 1986 at the School. All Old Boys were welcome. It agreed at the President, John Hawkes, and Marcus Bayley would lay the wreath John Rigby also indicated that he would like to attend.

Speakers for the Annual Dinner The annual dinner is oh the 21st March and it was agreed that Philip Moss and Douglas Perks would be invited to speak at the dinner, with Mr/powellandler and Michael Cass as reserves, it was confirmed that the Judges Lodgings had been booked and it was emphasised by the Committee that we must trOUble Whl°h

had received written confirmation of the booking but the Headmaster agreed to speak to the County Secretary David Ceade. It was so agreed that it would be beneficial to obtain a bar extension.

Re organisation of Secondary School Education in Gloucester

The Headmaster outlined the statement of policy which had been issued by the County Council on the 3rd September 1986. The intended policy would result

Any Other Business The Headmaster mentioned that it would be a good idea to circulate a newsletter to Old Cryptian members to keep members in the picture in relation to the activities of the Club, especially in view of the celebrations for 1989. The Headmaster undertook to prepare the appropriate newsletter which the Secretary agreed to circulate with the letter to be sent to the Club members relating to the Secondary School reorganisation. Bl was agreed that the next meeting would take place on Friday, 2nd January 1987. The business was concluded at 9.25 p.m.




1986 £














Subscriptions Surplus on sale of shares Building society interest


510 4 69




Wiljay Plc shares

Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society Balance at Bank

1 , 101 472

1 ,044 9

1 ,573




The Cryptian Postage and stationery Deficit on Founders’ Day Deficit on Annual Dinner Incidentals Repainting school plaques (less donation £50)

378 150

32 28

299 80 3 (9) 39



Subscriptions paid in advance Creditors

2 191




1 ,022









31.12.1985 balance brought forward


£814 Represented by:


Advertisement Preservation of Crypt School EXCESS EXPENDITURE OVER INCOME



540 £(369)



ill Li vJ*

D. P. JONES Chartered Accountant

18th March 1987

1 ,324 (369)



( /Vici/owr)

TRUST FUNDS I have examined this Income and Expenditure Account and the annexed Balance Shee t with the books, vouchers and information supplied, and certify that they are in accordance therewith.

955 (141)

Balance at 1st January 1986 Less Excess of Expenditure over I ncome

At 31st December 1985 Interest in year Paid to school for equipment

At 31st December 1986

(1) and (2) Held at National Savings Bank

P. Hodkinson Fund(2)


Pavilion Fund

C. Gardner Fund(1)





191 10 (67)


74 3

55 2




5 (67) £-

- 2 OLD



he’d at tb p k 9 ° °ld ^P^ns Club held at the Rugby Football Club House, Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on Friday, 2nd January 1987 at 6.30 p.m.

extension could be obtained for the Judges' Lodgings premises. It was agreed that Doug Perks amd Michael Cass would be approached as possible speakers for the annual dinner. It was confirmed that the dinner was to take place on the 21st March and it was agreed that the Secretary would despatch the circulars on the 20th February 1987. It was agreed that the other details of the dinner would be left to the dinner sub-committee.

President The Chair was taken by the President.

Apologies Apologies were received from e^lin Jantes,


Martin Roberts, and Ron Tiley.

the previous meeting


rganisation of Secondary Education

The Secretary informed the Committee of the letters which had been sent on behalf of the Club to the Secretary of State for Education. The Headmaster confirmed that the total number of signatures to the petition organised by the grammar schools amounted to around 30,000, and it was now simply a matter of waiting for the Secretary of State's decision.

Matters arising • ^rvenrre a° "T*” arising save that John Rigby remarked that he was very pleased with the newsletter which had been issued. Treasurers Report

The Honorary Treasurer, Dennis Mundy, informed position of the Club as at 31st Deeper 1986 the meeting of the financial sustained and this was mainly owing to the cost A deficit of £75 had been of having re-gilded the plaques at St. Mary de Crypt Church, Subscriptions amounted to £471 for the year compared to £510 for the previous year. The cost of the Cryptian had increased from £299 to £324.

A balance sheet showed that the before and it was proposed that the10" trUStS StU1 in e--tence as transferred to the General Fund so ™°^ ey ln the Pavillon Fund ought to be transferred to the General Fund Headmaster and used by Sm It his dí Í C°Uld be Paid °Ut to the Sibery Fund remained at £67 and it w^^ 1On’ balance in the Colin speak to Doug Perks! the Chat^1 o^h^ ™ how that money could properly be spent.

John Rigby mentioned that although the year 1988/89 would normally be a year when the Club would have an "away" President it would of course be a very difficult and busy year because of the 450th Anniversary celebration. It was therefore decided that a "home" president should be elected and Marcus Bayley was proposed, and unanimously approved. Marcus Bayley asked to have an opportunity of considering the matter and this was duly agreed.

Rugby Section of the Club, as to

The Treasurer noted that no subscription revenue had been received from the Rugby Club.

Annual Dinner Arrangements

It was confirmed that Ivor Smith had the t_ arrangements in hand. It was agreed that David Seed would be approached to ascertain whether or not an

The meeting concluded at 7.45 p.m. and members then enjoyed the*social function for” those Old Cryptians who had» recently left the school.


have an away President i.e. someone who lived out of the Gloucester area but it was considered sensible to have a President who lived in the Gloucester area during such an important year. Marcus Bayley seemed an excellent choice in view of his local knowledge and connections and in view of his success at having co-ordinated the celebrations for the anniversary of George Whitfield. The members unanimously accepted the nomination and so Marcus Bayley was duly elected Vice President. MINUTES of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, 21st March 1987

The Annual General Meeting of the Club was held on Saturday 21st March 1987 at the Judges' Lodgings, Spa Road, Gloucester. The President of the Club, J. A. Hawkes Esq. took the chair and with him sat the Headmaster, the Officers of the Club and some twenty other members of the Club.


The Hon Treasurer, Denis Mundy Esq., the Hon Auditor D.P. Jones Esq., and the Hon Secretary Jim Hickman all agreed to serve the Club for another year. All those members of the Committee who were due to retire indicated that they were prepared to serve again as they were all unanimously re-elected together with the new Committee member Steve Tandy (Years at School 1965-72).



The President, John Hawkes expressed how he was enjoying his year in office. He thanked members for attending the Annual General Meeting and thanked the Officers of the Club and Committee Members for their efforts during the year.

The Minutes of the 1986 Annual General Meeting were read confirmed and approved and signed by the President as a tue record.

6.ANY OTHER BUSINESS 2.MATTERS ARISING There were no matters arising.

3.THE TREASURER'S REPORT The Hon Treasurer Denis Mundy presented the account for the Club to the year ended 31st December 1986 as audited by the Hon Auditor D.P. Jones Esq.

Each member present was provided with a copy of the Income and Expenditure Account and balance sheet as at 31st December 1986. The Treasurer explained that was mainly owing to the cost Crypt Church. Subscriptions £510 for the previous year. from £299 to £324.

a defecit of £75 had been sustainted and this of having reguilded the plaques at St Mary de amounted to £471 for the year compared to The cost of the Cryptian magazine had increased

The accounts were approved by the meeting and the Secretary was asked to record the Club's thanks to the Hon Treasurer and Auditor. 4.ELECTION OF OFFICERS The meeting was informed that the Committee wished to formally propose John Rigby as the President for the forthcoming year. The nomination was carried unanimously by those present. In accordance with the new arrangement, Marcus Bayley was proposed by the Committee as Vice-President of the Club. This would mean he would be due to serve the Club as President for the year 1988 to 1989 being the year when the school would be celebrating the 450th anniversary of its foundation. During this year we would normally expect to

The Hon Secretary Jim Hickman informed those present about the work which had been undertaken by the sub-committee formed to prepare for the celebrations of the 450th anniversary of the foundation of the school. He suggested that members of the Club might like to have an opportunity of contributing towards the cost of the celebrations and it was agreed that a circular would be distributed prior to next year's Annual General Meeting whereby members of the Club were invited to make contributions to the expenses. The Secretary undertook to include the appropriate information in next year's Circular. Various questions were asked of the Headmaster in connection with the Local Authority's proposals for reorganisation of Secondary School Education. Some discussion took place on this subject but as the matter was still in the proverbial melting pot, there was little which could be done of a concrete nature at this stage. The meeting was concluded at 7.32p.m. and all the members then looked for with anticipation to an enjoyable meal and the opportunity to enjoy the company of old friends and contemporaries.




Minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Old Cryptians’ Club held at the Rugby Football Club House, Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester, on Wednesday, 3rd June 1987 commencing at 7.30 p.m.

In the absence of the President, John Hawkes, who had sustained a heavy fall, the Chair was taken by Denis Mundy. Ron Tiley, Marcus Bayley, Graham Russell, Stewart Cook, Ivor Smith, The Headmaster and Jim Hickman were all present.


Apologies were received from the Piesident, John Hawkes, Roger Eggleton, John Rigby and Steve Tandy.

Minutes of Previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 2nd January 1987 were circulated read and confirmed and signed as being a true and accurate record.

Matters arising There was some discussion relating to the Secretary of State for Science and Education having rejected the latest plan proposed by the County Council for Secondary School reorganisation. The Headmaster pointed out that a new plan would have to be submitted and the eventual outcome would depend on the result of the next election.

the proceeds of the Pavilion Fund had been paid over to the Headmaster for use in connection with the acquisition of a slip machine.

Annual Dinner Report It was agreed that the Annual Dinner in March 1987 had been a success. The members present agreed that the speakers, David Lane and Eddie Norris, had made speeches of a high standard. Certain criticisms had been levelled at the Club by Steve Tandy in connection with the format of the dinner and the Headmaster mentioned that Mr.Tandy had written to him making various observations. The Headmaster informed the meeting that Steve Tandy had been elected as a Committee member and it would be best to discuss the matter at length at the next meeting of the Committee to be held in October.

Birmingham Dinner Report

^Graham Russell reported that some 17 members ci the Clut hat attended at the Birmingham Dinner. A photograph of the pointing of the previous supper painted by Roger Phelps was circulated.

Arrangements for Founders Day

Honorary Secretary, Jim Hickman, confirmed that the Fleece Hotel had been booked for the Founders Day luncheon. He confirmed that we had secured the use of the large function room rather than the room which had been used last year. It was agreed that Canon Holloway, The Headmaster, The Cricket Captain and Terry Close, the Sportsmaster, would be invited as the guests of the Club along with the preacher, Alan Hawker, and his wife. It was decided that the ticket for the lunch would be £5 which in fact is the same price as it has been for the last three years.

Arrangements for 450th Anniversary Celebrations Treasurer's Report The Treasurer, Denis Mundy, reported that £425 had been received to date in relation to subscriptions. A deficit of £8 had been sustained on the Annual Dinner and £75 had been paid for the catering for the open evening held in January. The Treasurer expressed the view that the cost of the catering was more than usual. Honorary Secretary Jim Hickman explained that Derek Howells and his wife, who usually undertook the catering for a very modest charge, were unable to undertake the catering on this occasion owing to family commitments, and so he had arranged for a professional caterer, namely Pat Stephens, to undertake the catering. She had charged on a commercial basis and it was for that reason that it was so much more than what was usual. To avoid any embarrassment however, Jim Hickman confirmed that he was prepared to agree to the full cost o£ the catering, namely £75, being deducted from the amount due to him in connection with postages and other secretarial expenses. A total of £230 was due to Jim Hickman in this regard, leaving a balance of £155 payable after deduction of the £75. The Treasurer informed the meeting that there was some £1,100 invested in the Cheltenham & Gloucester Building Society. He also confirmed that

The Headmaster mentioned that the special committee which had been set up were having regular meetings concerning the celebrations. Marcus Bayley stated that various promotional items such as pottery, calendars, ties, etc. were being obtained for sale to commemorate the anniversary. The Headmaster confirmed that Charles Lepper had agreed to write the modern history of the School. The Headmaster mentioned that the annual dinner would be held on the 18th March in the year 1989 and it may be felt appropriate to invite some outside guests to that function, such as the Bishop of Gloucester, Robin Day, whoever the member of Parliament for Gloucester might be, the Lord Lieutenant, the Chairman of Governors. It may be possible that the Mayor of Gloucester is an Old Cryptian during the year in question which would be of special significance. The Headmaster confirmed that the actual year of celebration would be the School year September 1988 to July 1989. It was hoped to circulate a calendar of events some time during the coming year.

Any Other Business



Dinner Secretary Ivor Smith arrived towards the end of the meeting and re opened the question of the annual dinner. He explained that written confirmation of the booking was apparently impossible for the Judges' Lodging, was “ ■Slm?ly nOt Part °f their machinery and written confirmation not forthcoming despite Ivor having written on several occasions. Ivor Smith complained that the names and details of the speakers had not rhar able Unt11 the laSt minute- Honorary Secretary Jim Hickman explained that he had experienced difficulty in actually pinning anyone down who was prepared to speak. Some five or six people had been approached but d declined the invitation and he was forced to prevail upon members of his own profession, at very short notice, in order to save the day, and it was indeed unfortunate that the details of the speakers could not be made available to the dinner committee earlier.

Ivor Smith confirmed that ■ people had attended at the dinner, 54 being paying r: 5 ?8 been Ic was a®ain a8reed ^at matter p y 8 would be discussed at the next meeting.

The Headmaster mentioned that he was very anxious to obtain an up to date witt^ h and Honorary Secretary Jim Hickman promised to do everything within his power and resources to arrange for an up to date list to be Issued in time for the next meeting.



Minutes of a meeting of the Old Cryptians Club held at 142 Barnwood Road, Gloucester on Wednesday, 7th October 1987

Apologies Apologies were received from Dennis Mundy, Clive Thomas, Roger Eggleton, John Hawkes and Arthur Brinsford. Those present were Ivor Smith, The Headmaster, Cliff Whiting, Stuart Cook, Clive Thomas, Ron Tiley, Marcus Bayley, Steve Tandy and President John Rigby together with the secretary, Jim Hickman. Honoured President John Rigby welcomed everyone to this, his first Committee Meeting as President.


of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous Committee Meeting held on the 3rd June 1987 were circulated, read, confirmed and signed as being a true and accurate record.

The meeting concluded at 8.50 p.m. Matters arising

There was sustained perennial function, to book a endeavour

some discussion concerning the annual dinner for 1987 which had a deficit of £8. Honorary President John Rigby referred to the problem of actually collecting money from those who attended the the main problem being persons who left it until the last minute ticket, and then this left one of the dinner committee having to to extract payments on the night of the function.

There was then some discussion as to how the cost of the guests’ meal ought to be dealt with. Heretofore, the cost of the guests’ meals had always been passed on to those attending the function and Cliff Whiting mentioned that this was unfair inasmuch as the guests were the guests of the Club, rather than the guests of those members of the Club who were attending the function. The members who do attend are of course already supporting the Club by their very attendance and it seems perhaps inappropriate for them to have to stand the cost of the guests’ meals. A more fair way of dealing with the matter would be for the Club to pay for the guests’ tickets out of general funds. This was welcomed by Ivor Smith, the dinner Convenor, in that this would relieve the pressure from those organising the function if in fact each member attending simply paid for his own meal. This would make budgeting a lot easier.

It was suggested that this matter may have been mooted during committee meetings some time ago and the Secretary undertook to look through the old minutes to see if any reference could be found.

President’s Report Honorary President John Rigby mentioned having attended Mr. Siggee’s funeral and also mentioned how much he had enjoyed Founders Day. The Honorary



He had Mri“en tO the Fleece Hotel to book the usual <- Hides for Founders Day luncheon on the 14th July 1988.

Speakers for the Annual Dinner


is:.“ “vx s— xxvxrxx


„»« •” °“ <^.-¡4

Honorary President of the Mayor


Remembrance Day

The Headmaster mentioned that the Remembrance Day service at the u take place on the 11th November as usual. Those at LX T in time for the service at 11 00 a L X those attending would meet at 10.30 a.m. to lay the appropriate wreathXXrcXIX XXicaX'T“"8

of attending. The Headmaster stressed that al/oid L T d hlS intention to attend the service. stressed that all Old Cryptians were welcome

Appointment of New Dinner Secretary s

The Committee were informed that Ivor Smith had l as chairman of the dinner committee, decided to’retire f nUmdar of years serving Honorary President Mr. Rigby thankeâ X ft X seXceXn Lb P°SitlOn' expressed the view that the Club owed a great debt of gratitude LT T having organised the function for so many years Stevf ? a d Ï f°r " x xiixuxx “v: '.x:™

d^^o XXTXXldXeX^VX .“ I the

in themselves but the difficili tv


s tto

ause of


CO theeciub?S a reSUlt °f the P°Sltl°n and waa Phased to have been of Service

There was some discussion between Steve Tandy and Ivor rh future format of the dinner and sr»,,« t a Y , Smlth concerning the he has to try to -ProXhXX^

Any Other Business

and it was thought that it u it at the annual diX Tf X

:hi=i “ a- »»°«onate the picture to the school T C° P—

could be invited to attend so that the XeXXXXX: C“1“” phoC°8«Pher Press. The Headmaster said that he would vrTX PX r’ ? painting in due course.

Ps concerning the

- 3 -

Steve Tandy stated that he felt that an effort should be made to recruit new members for the Club and he agreed to liaise with Honorary Secretary Jim Hickman concerning establishing a database of Old Cryptians so as to facilitate circulars being sent to them, particularly those publicising the 450th Anniversary celebrations of the school. Steve Tandy mentioned the question of a special venue for the dinner on the 18th March 1989 and agreed to survey facilities in the area to see whether a suitably large venue could be found.

There being no further business it was agreed that the next meeting would take place on the 7th January 1988 and the secretary undertook to ask Gill Howell to prepare the food for those young men who had recently left the school.

The meeting was concluded at 9.35 p.m.


oldcryptians CLUB


balance SHEET




INCOME 484 58

471 58




The Cryptian Postage and stationery (Surplus) on Founders’ Day Deficit on Annual Dinner Incidentals Repainting school plaques

1,101 472





378 150



(806) 862

32 28 82 561


1,159 509


Subscriptions paid in advance Creditors 466 80 (27) 8 34



Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society Balance at bank

Subscriptions Building society interest








Balance brought forward






Represented by:

and Expenditure Account and certifv thZ? th» the books, vouchers and information the annexed supplied, and certify that they are m accordance therewith.


Balance at 1st January 1987 Less Excess of Expenditure over Income


814 (19)

955 (141)



Chartered Accountant

TRUST FUNDS 3TST DECEMBER 1987 14th February 1988 Total

c. Gardner Fund

p. Hodkinson Fund

£ —

£ —

£ —

At 31st December 1986 Interest in year

134 2

77 1 —

57 1 —

At 31st December 1987

136 ===

78 =—

58 ==

Held at National Savings Bank









Apologies were received from Ivor Smith, Cliff Whiting and Clive Thomas.


The Minutes of the previous meeting held in September were circulated, read and approved as being a true and accurate record. 3. PRESIDENT'S REPORT

The President John Rigby stated that he had attended various meetings of the subcommittee of the 450th celebrations. He had also attended the London dinner and the Remembrance day service at the School and wished to record that he had been made very welcome by the Headmaster.

The President stated that Mary Parker, the wife of Graham Parker and sister of Peter Goscombe had died and he had sent the appropriate letter of sympathy.



The Hon Treasurer, Denis Mundy presented his report stating that during the last year the Club had sustained a deficit of £26. Subscriptions for the year were £484 compared with £529 in the previous year. £509 was in the current account and £1 161 was in the Building Society account. 5.


Ivor Smith was not present at the meeting but the President gave details of the arrangements for the forthcoming annual dinner. The arrangements were confirmed. It was agreed that the guests at the dinner would be treated as guests of the Club i.e. that the Club would purchase their tickets out of the general funds rather than the cost of the tickets for the guests be added to the cost of the dinner ticket.



It was agreed that we needed an away President to serve after Marclb Bayley. it was agreed that Ron Gulliford would be invited to be Vice President for the year 1989/1990 with Sid Humphries as first reserve.



The Headmaster stated that Michael Ball, Bishop of Jarrow would be the Preacher at the Founder's Day service. The Hon Secretary Jim Hickman undertook to book the Parliament Room at the Cathedral after the service. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 1. Subscriptions - There was some discussion about the proposal that the subscription be increased and it was agreed to include in the agenda for the AGM. a resolution that as from 1.1.89 the annual subscription should be £5 payable b/^&nding order

It was also agreed that there would be a joining fee of £1 for new members of the Club which would carry them through to the end of the 1st year of membership. 2.

The date of the Cambridge dinner was announced as 27th May 1988.


Graham Russell informed the Committee as to the arrangements for the presentation of the large painting at the annual dinner.

From: The Master

Telephone: 0452 24371

M. Holmes. MA.. J.P.

9th June, 1988

From: The Master

M. Holmes. MA.. J.P.

Telephone: 0452 24371

9th June, 1988

Meeting to discuss 450th Anniversary Celebrations held at 10 Cstcourt Close on Thursday, 21st April at 7.30 p.m.

Present :

Cliff Whiting, Roger Balcombe, Marcus Bayley, John Rigby, Clive Thomas, John Skinner, Eddie Norris, Headmaster

Apologies : Apologies were received from Terry Hoyle and Doug Perks.


Time Capsule :

MB suggested that various commemorative items were put into a sealed container for posterity. The idea was adopted in principle, but practical details would have to be worked out.


Commendation Service :

MB drew attention to this service which has been fixed to mark the beginning of the year’s activities. It will be held at St. Mary de Crypt on Monday, 19th September, at 7.30 p.m.


Next Meeting :

This was fixed for Thursday, 23rd June at 7.30 p.m. at 50 Green Lane, Hucclecote.

Pointy Raised :

Charles Lepper had written the first five chapters.


History of School ;


Ties :


Pottery ;

Calendars ; These have been received and a part payment made to Jennings the Printers.


First Day Commemorative Covers :

These were now on sale in school and at various functions. Members of the Committee were invited to sell as many as possible to cover the costs.

MB is dealing with this matter. colours for the crest shortly.

No further progress to report. their services.

He hopes to obtain

Jennings have offered

Publicity : HM will write to Jim Hickman to find out if he was still prepared to sponsor publicity leaflet and to obtain money which he has received from DCs towards costs. No news had yet been received from the BBC over Sunday Half Hour programme.


Commemorative Lunch :

EN suggested that a special Buffet Lunch be held at the school on a Saturday before the end of term from 12-2 p.m. This would be in addition to the Founders’ Day lunch to which few DCs can come because it is a week-day. Suggested dates could be Saturday, 8th or 15th July, 1989. The suggestion was welcomed and would be discussed further.



The Headmaster responded, informing that he hoped the School still equalled what had gone before. He introduced the Head Boy < rrently representing School and Gloucester in a T.V. programme, he looked forward to immensely successful 450th celebrations. _ School today was centred on a vast number of exams, board meetings and extraneous commitments but he is still excited by it. He hoped that the present generation of Cryptians would support the O.C.C. in the future.

REPORT of the ANNUAL DINNER held at The Judges Lodgings

Saturday 19th March 1988


their accustomed manner Messrs. Rigby, Tilev and Smith mX

KJ"?™?’, XSSSrjXt1?“’

“■> -w&w ii;

*> be .

Criticism regarding the whole concept of the Dinner had been received from a minority of the general committee. These views ere discussed by the D.C. but considered inappropriate and impractical to implement at the present time. followingTliv® A^gT^ a**

attended the Dinner

A iaSb minute hiccup was the withdrawal of the Mayor Sneaker rew jravells, suffering from social fatigue. Despite lengthy Sr I WSS unable to P^suade him to appear Ind Gravelll di d I^h7 t0°k blS place at very short notice. Mr. dld4.?ay was very sorry to let us down, the first time he had done this to anyone in his year of office.

•Absent^iand^ ’ w»iS st“ldinS in for brother John toasted ^lends . He complimented Roger Phelps on the nresentati on man™e^al painting «Almost the Last Supper’ now hllgilr in the Crush Hall and urged members to visit School to see it.’ $ During the meal the President was ¿joined by past President-r who rose to toast each other. P residents

answered; • tie had entered school 59 vparq «cm revolved around reminiscence of 'Greasy' Griffiths


n His^sexual yr¥He

,er^ ■

The O.C. Club was proposed by Councillor Archie Hartshorne. There was a good chance of an O.C. Mayor next year, he stated himself -. He apologised for the absence of the unfit Mayor. He expressed concern with the lack of discipline, both at School and in the home. His reminiscence of School included Tony Coates, a fine Jazz pianist, and memories of the rugby field. In his professional capacity, he pledged that he would do all in his power to fight for the retention of Crypt as a Grammar School. Gloucester is developing into a large and more interesting.tourist place and he trusted that the Crypt would be part of this important area. his record The President, John Rigby responded. He had. enjoyed - of attendances at O.C. Dinners, missing only 2 m a sPa^ almost 50 years. ’Dust—cart’ Rigby gave a vivid display of what nis lie at the Crypt must have been like. His lessons included a rendering of Ba-Ba Black Sheep during physics and outside the classroom life seemed to be a variety of sporting ups and mainly downs, and cricket disasters. But he enjoyed his.days there. The President discussed the potential club membership and wondered.why it was so poor. He thanked the retiring Dinner.Secretary for his efforts m arranging many Annual Dinners, and his wife for her hospitality at Dinner Committee meetings.over the years. He closed his speech announcing a break with tradition and a vocal musical tribute to the Crypt School ensued.

The Dinner finances have been dealt with by the Hon.Treasurer whom I am sure will be pleased to provide details and answer any queries. On reflection the D.C. considered the Dinner was a successful evening, the one obvious failure being the ordered, but non­ existent bar extension. (Lord knows what the critics will have to say about that). I suggest that there has been a breach of contract and the Committee may like to take this up with G.C.C. Undoubtedly some members will describe the occasion as before as a very low key affair hindered by the venue, the bar, and long over—sentimental speeches.

My own personal memory of the evening occurred distant from the Judges Lodgings. Walking along an almost deserted Clarence Street with a collea-gne we met a group of about 8 young fellows.



Minutes of a Meeting of the Committee of The Old Cryptians' Club held in the Changing Rooms at The Rugby Club House, Tuffley, Avenue, Gloucester on Wednesday 4th May , 1988

Seeing my O.C. tie the lads burst into a hearty rendering of Pio cantu celebremus. Like me - they could*nt remember the second verse. I have no idea who they were or where they had been that night — only where they had not been. Perhaps a formula to interest the missing O.C.’s will be found one day - perhaps.


Finally and once again my thanks are due to Messrs. Rigby and Tiley, John and Ron after so many meetings, late nights and" eventually a Dinner - now personal friends - their enthusiasm making my task an enjoyable one.

I wish the new D.C. good fortune and look forward to attending, totally relaxed, many enormously successful Dinners in the future. 1.

Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

D. M. C. G. A. S. C. R. J. R.

Mundy Holmes Whiting Russell Brinsford Cook Thomas Tileÿ Rigby Eggleton


Apologies were received from Ivor Smith and Marcus Bailey

I.J. Smith,


Dinner Secretary (1979 “ 1988)


Minutes of the previous meeting held on the 7th January were circulated, read and approved as being true and accurate record.

20th March 1988.



A new Bankers Order Form was presented to the Meeting by the Treasurer and this form was formally approved. The Secretary was asked to send out copies of this form with the circular re The Founders Day Meeting. It was also suggested and approved that a copy of such Bank Order Mandate Form be inserted in the School Magazine.



The Chairman welcomed Roger Eggleton who has been re-instated as Secretary of the Club after a lapse of some five years. The Chairman reported that he had spent an enjoyable afternoon at the School Rugby Match and reported on the events at the Annual Dinner which from his point of view had been most enjoyable. He reported on visits to Arthur Padgett and Wally Walton. 5.


The Treasurer reported that he had in hand at the present time the sum of £439.00. A total sum of £474.00 had been collected for the Annual Dinner and an exact similar amount had been expended on outgoings. Some discussion took place on the early closure of the Bar and it was confirmed that the Treasurer should write to the County Council requesting that a further £50.00 be deducted from the Dinner Account for that evening.




A Report was presented to the Meeting by The President which had been prepared by Mr. Ivor Smith the Dinner Secretary. A copy of this Report is annexed to these Minutes. Discussion then took place on the length of speeches at future Dinners and it was generally agreed that future guests should be encouraged to keep their speeches to a tolerable limit in time in order that a reasonable period may be given to socialising between Members after the formal conclusion of the Dinner itself.



Graham Russell reported to the Committee that the Cambridge Dinner had been fixed for Friday the 27th May and that arrangements had already been circulated by him for this event. It was hoped that as many Members as possible could be present at this annual get-together which always proved to be a very popular dinner in the Club's calendar. 10.



It was decided by the Committee to cancel the reservation at Milburns Restaurant. Discussion took place on an alternative venue and St. Mary De Crypt School Room was suggested with outside arrangements being made for the provision of food. It was unanimously agreed that the final arrangements of this should be left in the capable hands of The President and Headmaster and such information as they have should then be relayed back to The Secretary in order that information on this could be circularised. The Secretary was requested to send invitations to the Luncheon to The Headmaster, Captain of Cricket, Master in charge of Cricket and The Rev. Canon Holloway.



450th DINNER

Mr. Steve Cook presented a Report to the Meeting on the progress of the Dinner arrangements. There appeared to be a distinct lack of suitable venues in Gloucester for such an occasion and this had promoted the possibility of using The Crypt School for this special dinner. The suggestion of using the School for this purpose was approved unanimously by the Committee and Mr. Steve Cook was instructed to contact outside caterers to talk to them concerning further arrangements. He was to report back to the Committee in due course.

Graham Russell was asked to liase with The Old Cryptians' Rugby Football Club and to confirm that arrangements could be made by them for obtaining an Occasional Licence for the purpose of operating the Bar on that evening. He was asked to express the thanks of the Committee to the Rugby Football Club for this facility but also at the same time was asked to impress upon them that their dress and demeanour on that evening will no doubt reflect the prestidious nature of the event. Such a comment caused some amusement and various other comments of the Committee Members were made which the Secretary thought fit not to commit to writing! It was also agreed that The President should contact Peter Arnold who should be appointed Press Officer and P.R. Officer for this event and that a Report back from the President should be made as soon as Arnold had been contacted. It was agreed that a budget of £15.00 per head should be agreed as the Dinner fee for the evening.

There being no other business the Meeting for this evening, the Meeting was adjourned at 9.30 p.m. The Chairman reported that the date of the next Meeting would be Wednesday 5th October 1988.


Minutes of a Meeting of the Committee of The Old Cryptians' Club held at The Old Cryptians' Rugby Club House, Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on Wednesday 5th October 1988.



The Mr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. The Mr. Mr. Mr.

President S. Humphries G. Russell A. Brinsford S. Cook D. Roberts Headmaster S. Tandy J.C. Rigby R.A. Eggleton


Applogies were received from Denis Mundy and Cliff Whiting.



Minutes of the previous Meeting held on ^th May 1988 having been circulated were read and approved as being a true and accurate record.



There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the previous Meeting. 4.


A brief Report was read by The Chairman in the absence of the Treasurer. This report met with satisfaction from all Members present. 5.


There was general delight at the Meeting with the venue and quality of the meal afforded to the Club at Masonic Hall in Gloucester. There had been an excellent turnout and it was agreed generally by the Meeting that it had been one of the most successful Founders Day lunches for many years. The Service at The Cathedral had been well attended and The Bishop of Jarrow had given an excellent address to the con gregation. During the afternoon the Cricket Match between The School and The Old Boys had been attended by very few spectators who had braved a rather cold afternoon. The Old Boys being victors on that afternoon by beating the School in the final over of the match.



The Headmaster reminded all Members of the Committee of the Rememberance Day Service which was to take place at The School

on Friday the 11th November.



Steve Tandy addressed the Meeting for the evening as Caterers. The Venue for the Annual Dinner during 1989 was to be The School and a date had been fixed for the 18th March 1989. Notes of the events for that day were circulated to Members of the Committee and various pointe arising therefrom were discussed briefly. The Committee then gave full authority to Steve Tandy to make final arrangments for this Dinner which was to include the arrangements for the printing of Menues and other arrangements which had to be made. It was further agreed that the Speakers for the evening should be T.A. Stock, Esq., who should propose the Toast to the School to which The Headmaster would reply. It was also agreed that Derek Brewer should be asked to propose the Toast to The Club the reply to which would be given by The President. The President and Graham Russell would write to these persons to invite them to give the appropriate Toasts. Discussion then took place on the question of inviting a special guest for this 450th Anniversary Dinner. It was unanimously agreed that such special guest should be invited and in the circumstances the President and Headmaster were given authority by the Club to invit such guest as they thought appropriate in all the circumstances.



Graham Russell reminded the Members of the Committee of the London Dinner which was to take place on the 19th November. This was limited to 30 Members and was to take place at The Albion in London. The President also reminded Members of the Evening that Charles Lepper was to give at St. Mary De Crypt in the form of a Charles Dickins evening. The President indicated that as many people as possible should be present at St. Mary De Crypt during the day and during the evening's events in order to help with various movings of furniture and the distribution of coffee etc. The President was assured that such help would be readily given and was available.



Arthur Brdmsford brought to the attention of the Meeting the possibility of the Club donating a small amount of money to the Memorial of George Whitfield which was to be erected in The Church of St. Mary De Crypt.- After discussion it was proposed by Roger Eggleton and seconded by Arthur Brinsford that the Club should pay over to The George Whitfield Fund the sum of £100.00 and that if possible the name of The Crypt School should in some way be comemorated on the Memorial Placque. The proposition was carried unanimously.

-3MINUTES of the Annual General Meeting of the Old Cryptians Club held on Saturday the 19th of March 1988

Tn^date °f the next meetin9 was fixed for Friday 6th January 1989 at The Club House in Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester.

The Annual General Meeting of the Old Cryptians Club was held on Saturday the 19th March 1988 at the Judges Lodgings, Spa Road, Gloucester. The President of the Club John Rigby, Esq. took the Chair and with him sat The Headmaster, the Officers of the Club and 26 other members of the Club. 1.


The Minutes of the 1987 Annual General Meeting which had been held on the 21st March 1987 were read, confirmed and approved and signed by the President, J. Rigby as a true and accurate record.



There were no matters arising.



The Honorary Treasurer, Denis Mundy, presented the accounts for the Club to the year ended 31st December 1987 as audited by the Honorary Auditor, D.P. Jones, Esq.

Each member present was provided with a copy of the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet as at 31st December 1987.

The Treasurer explained that a deficit of £19.00 had been sustained which was an improvement upon the previous financial year when a deficit of £141.00 had been incurred. Subscriptions amounted to £484.00 compared to £471.00 for the previous year and the costs of the Cryptian magazine had increased from £378.00 to £466.00. So far as the Balance Sheet was concerned the Club had the sum of £795.00 in hand at the end of the year. The accounts were approved by the meeting and the Secretary was asked to record the Club's thanks to the Honorary Treasurer and Auditor.



The meeting was informed that the Committee wished to formally propose Marcus Bayley as the President for the forthcoming year. The nomination was carried unanimously by those present. In accordance with the new arrangement S.A.N. Humphries was proposed by the Committee as Vice President of the Club. This would mean he would be due to serve the Club as President for the year 1989/90. The members unanimously accepted the nomination and so S.A.N. Humphries was duly elected Vice President. The Honorary Treasurer, Denis Mundy, and the Honorary Auditor, D.P. Jones, agreed to serve the Club for another year. The President informed the Club that unfortunately Honorary Secretary, Jim Hickman, had been forced to resign the position owing to business commitments. The President went on to explain that Roger Eggleton had kindly agreed to be reinstated as Club Secretary but wished to make it clear



that he was only prepared to accept the position for a period of twelve months and Mr. Eggleton informed the meeting that they would have to give consideration to the selection of a new Honorary Secretary at the next Annual General Meeting. Ron Tiley, Esq., asked that the Club’s thanks to Jim Hickman be recorded in the Minutes for having served the Club for a period of six years as Secretary and he also asked the Club’s thanks be recorded to Jim Hickman's practice in having given financial assistance to the Club during his period of office. All those members of the Committee who were due to retire indicated that they were prepared to serve again and were unanimously re-elected. Steve Tandy took over the position of Dinner Secretary and the President recorded his thanks to retiring Dinner Convenor Ivor Smith who had been responsible for organising the dinners for the period from 1979 to 1988.











Subscriptions Building society interest


EXPENDITURE The President, John Rigby, expressed how he had enjoyed his year in office. He informed the meeting of the various functions which he had attended during the year. The President expressed his delight at having attended the various functions organised at the school especially the Remembrance Day Service which he felt was very special to him. He thanked members for their support during the year and for attending the Annual General Meeting and thanked the Officers of the Club and Committee Members for their efforts during the year.


The Cryptian Postage and stationery Deficit on Founders' Day (Surplus) on Annual Dinner Incidentals Old Cryptian shields


The meeting heard from the Honorary Secretary that the general committee of the Club had decided at a Committee Meeting held on the 7th January 1988 that the support of he Annual General Meeting would be sought for a resolution that the annual subscription of the Club should be increased forthwith to £5.00 per annum payable by an mg Order. It was also agreed that there would be a joining fee of £1.00 for new members of the Club which would carry them through to the end of the first vear o membership. Notice of this resolution had been circulated with the Notice convening the Annual General Meeting. The Notice was approved and the Meeting unanimously passed the appropriate resolution.


The Meeting was concluded at 7.25 p.m. and all the members then looked forward with friends^nd^ enj°yable meal and the opportunity to enjoy the company of old mends and contemporaries.

466 80 (27) 8 34



( 347 )

(19 ——

I have examined this Income and Expenditure Account and the annexed Balance Sheet with the books, vouchers and information supplied, and certify that they are in accordance therewith.

7 •_____ 450TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS Tbe Headmaster informed the Meeting that arrangements were well in hand for the celebrations. He explained that a list of events was to be published and that various commemorative items were to be produced for sale, to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the founding of the school. These would include a first day cover certain ceramic items and a tie. aay cover,

495 27O 27 (9) 36



Chartered Accountant

8th March 1989







Minutes of a Meeting of the Committee of The Old Cryptians' Club held at Tuff ley Avenue, Gloucester on the 6th January 19«9


Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society Balance at bank



__ Z2





LESS LIABILITIES Subscriptions paid in advance C redi tors





18061 515


2^h_l_sibery appeal 1.

Balance brought forward





Represented by:


There were no apologies received from any person. Before the formal part of the Meeting took place, the Chairman took the opportunity of wishing every Member a very Happy New Year and hoped that it would be a healthy and prosperous one to each of


Balance at 1st January 1988 Less Excess of Expenditure over Income



1121 448


TRUST FUNDS 31St_december_1288

At 31st December 1988

C. Thomas C. Mann J. Chowings J. C. Rigby s. Humphries A. Brinsford D. Mundy M. Holmes M. Bayley R. Tiley G. Russell S. Tandy R. Eggleton



At 31st December 1987 Interest in year

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Mr.

To> t al

c. Gardner _Fund

P. Hodkinson Fund




136 1

78 — —

58 1

137 ———


59 ——

Held since July 1^7 at Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society



The Minutes of the previous Meeting were duly read approved and signed by the Chairman. 3.


The name of Robin Day arose as being one of the special Guests The Headmaster reported that it had for the Anniversary Dinner. in November . of the previous year and last heard from this person . that he would write to him again to remind him of the Dinner. The Headmaster will report back in due course. The Secretary was reminded that the names of the Speakers at the Dinner should be noted on the circular which was to be distributed to Members prior to the evening's event. On the subject of the Dinner, Steve Tandy gave a short report that all arrangements were well advanced concerning the Dinner and that he was anticipating a large turnout on the evening. The President gave a Report on the Charles Lepper evening at St. Mary De Crypt Church. He stated that the evening had gone off extremely well and that those that were there were most impressed with the entertainment. The President reported that there was however a certain lack of help on the following morning to clear up the Church following the event. T e airman went on to Report that the Whitfield Memorial Design was now well advanced and confirmed that there was to be mention of The Crypt School on the plaque in recognition of monies which had been promised by The Club.



Denis Mundy reported that the deficit for the year amounted to



£332.00. He mentioned to the Meeting that there had been an increase in special postage of £140.00 which accounted for the majority of this deficit. The Treasurer brought the attention of the Meeting to the sum of £67.00 which was still standing in the Colin Sibery Appeal Fund. It was proposed by John Rigby and seconded by Ron Tiley that this sum of money should be transferred into the general fund and that these monies should be paid to the George Whitfield Account. There was an amendment to this proposition whereby Arthur Brinsford proposed and Denis Mundy seconded the resolution that the sum of £67.00 should be in addition to the £100.00 already agreed to be paid to the George Whitfield Fund. After some debate the amendment was duly carried nem con and the Treasurer was otherwise instructed to arrange for the transfer of these monies.



Roger Eggleton reported to the Meeting that there was now a more up to date List of all Members of The Club. He reported that clearly there were certain Members who whilst being Members had not currently paid their subscription and he was instructed that no magazine should be sent to these persons who were in arrear with their subscription. It was agreed that a suitably worded letter should go to these Members in an endeavour to extract from them their overdue fees. The Secretary further reported that there had been some seventeen new Members who had recently joined the Club.



Graham Russell reminded the Meeting that the date of the Cambridge Dinner had now been fixed for the 5th May. The Mayor had indicated his request to attend this Dinner and all interested should contact Graham Russell concerning the various arrangements. 7.


It was proposed by the Chairman and unanimously agreed by the Committee that Edwin Rigby should be proposed as Vice President for the Year 1989/1990. John Rigby was asked to contact his Brother to ascertain whether he would be willing to stand. It was agreed that in reserve, the name of John Harvey should go forward and that Graham Russell should make an approach in the event of Edwin Rigby declining the invitation of Vice President.



After some discussion on the question of the venue and time of the Annual General Meeting it was agreed that it should remain as previous years, i.e. immediately before the Annual Dinner and that the time should be 6.30.p.m.

There was then some discussion by the Chairman on the possibility of the Old Cryptians President having some form of Chain of Office. This view was supported by John Rigby and certain other Members of the Committee, it was agreed that the President and John Rigby should pursue the question of this Chain of Office and its costs


and report back to the Committee in due course. The date of the next Meeting was fixed for the 3rd May 1989 at 7.30 p.m. atTuffleyAvenue. There being no other business the Meetmg closed at 9.15 p.m.


which would be ready for Founders Day.

Minutes of a Meeting of the Committee of The Old Cryptians' Club held at Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on the 3rd May 1989 at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT:


Marcus Bayley - President Stuart Cook Jeremy Chowings Graham Russell Arthur Brinsford John Rigby Syd Humphries - President Elect Steve Tandy Michael Holmes Roger Eggleton — Secretary



j i,-i a verv grateful thanks (echoed by The President expressed h y g tremendous work all the Committee) to Steve y helpers including both beforehand and afterwa clive Thomas and Andrew Cranke. Stuart Cook, ^remy Chowings Clive Thomas an^ he

Steve Tandy presented a «r1«®11 t r at The flet that we should repea but decided that School. The Committee P s t dayP24th March (i.e. the the Dinner should be held onjat^ ^y Cryptians up at fourth w®ek®"da^ ”d The Secretary would include the new University to attend. 1 steve Tandy would book the Caterers forethishdlte! All Members were asked to consider possible


names of good speakers. SECRETARY 'S REPORT

Apologies were received from Denis Mundy and Ron Tiley



The Secretary had nothing to report.


?n?nMinUteS.°f the Previous Meeting held on the 6th January 1989 were signed as a true record by the President.



(A) It was reported that Edwin Rigby had delcined an invitation to be nominated as Vice-President for the years 1989-90 John Harvey had agreed to stand for the office. (B) Chain of Office for President - See under Treasurer's Report.



In the absence of the Treasurer, Denis Mundy, his report.

the President read

On 1st January 1989 there was a balance of £1280.00. Since then he had received £902.00 in subscriptions and there was a profit on the Dinner of £1461.00. There were still some creditors to be paid amounting to £647.00 (thought to be for The Cryptian). Other expenses included the cost of food on the Open Evening £35.00, the Secretary's postages of £100.00 and a donation towards a charity after Arthur Paget's funeral of £15.00. There was a balance, therefore, as of 3rd May of £2,856.00. The Committee then reverted back to item (B) under Matters Arising. Chain of Office for President

The President reported that £400.00 had been received from Past Presidents and four to five had not yet replied. The previous quotation had gone up and now with a box, the new chain could cost up to £650.00. Syd Humphries then proposed,


FOUNDERS DAY 19 89 - Thursday 6th July;

_ i.made that we should move to the School in A recommendation was ma than usual. The secretary had view of possible large hanpv to cater at the spoken to Michael edging Hall. Arthur Brinsford proposed School instead of the M that we should aCcept this idea, and Graham Russell se Michael Edgington that he would The Secretary would con himself would obtain a cater at the School ^ecret^y Cryptians< licence for a Bar and lunch tickets would Derek Howell, to run i would go out early and the Secretary be £7.50 each. Inn ter concerning details to go into the would contact the Hea Guests to be invited to the lunch letter to Old “YPtians Guests^to.be^^^ Qf

would include Lord Liesheriff and his lady, Rector of Worcester, Mayor and r Y , Moadmaster Headmaster and and Mrs. Mrs. Holm Holmes, StNÑary De Crypt and Mrs. Brazington of Cricket and Captain of Captain of Cricket, Master in charge School.



May from 6.00p.m. at Gloucester This had been fixed for Tuesday 23rd p.m. and some Members House. Help was requested from 5. 30 offered their assistance.



Graham Russell reported on Cambridge Dinner, 5th May. (A) Thirty people were attending. the arrangements. David Brazington should be Marcus Bayley proposed that (b) co-opted on to the Committee and this was agreed.

THE OLD CRYPTIANS1 CLUB (C) Marcus Bayley reported on the tablet to George Whitfield which has now been approved for St. Mary De Crypt Church (D) Mayor's Visit to the School. The Headmaster invited any Member of the Committee who was free on Tuesday the 9th May to attend the annual presentation to the Civic Authorities. (E) London Dinner. took place.

Friday 9th June.

Minutes of a Meeting of the Committee of The Old Cryptians' Club held at Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on the 4th October 1989 at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT:

A brief discussion

(F) Date of next meeting was fixed for Wednesday 4th October 1989 at 7.30 p.m.

There being no other business, 9.07 p.m. 1.

Steve Tandy Steward Cook Colin Mann John Rigby Reverend D. Braz in gton Marcus Bayley Cliff Whiting Graham Russell Michael Holmes Syd Humphries - President Roger Eggleton - Secretary


Apologies were received from Arthur Brinsford who that day had been taken into Hospital, Ron Tiley and Jeremy Chowings. The Chairman opened the Meeting by welcoming to the Committee the Reverend David Brazington. 2.


The Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on the 3rd May 1989 having already been circulated to the Members were taken as read. They were approved as drawn and signed by the President as representing a true record of the meeting.



Marcus Bayley mentioned to the Meeting that on Saturday 28th October the Bishop of Gloucester and other Civic Dignatories were to be present at St. Mary De Crypt Church for the dedication of the George Whitfield Memorial Plaque. He invited as many Members of the Committee as could attend to be guests on that day. Members were to contact Marcus Bayley if they were able to attend.



Dennis Mundy reported to the Committee that in the year 1989 he had received in subscriptions from 1010 members as opposed to 474 in 1988. He was delighted with this new support for the Club which he commented had of course arisen due to the 450th School Celebrations. He went on to report that the Annual Dinner had shown a profit of £1,461 and the Luncheon on Founders Day had shown a profit of £134.00. There had been for the year an income of £2,605 against a general expenditure of £411.00. Overall the surplus for the year at the moment stood at £2,194 but with the payment of certain further expenditure he estimated that the surplus would be for the end of the current year in the

sum of £1400.00. 5.


Graham Russell brought to the attention of the Meeting that the Secretary or some other Members of the Committee should be responsible for preparing the Reports for insertion into the Old Cryptians Magazine and wondered whether or not these were at the moment in hand. After much discussion and certain disagreement it was agreed that Graham Russell with the help of the Headmaster and Secretary would prepare short reports of these various Functions for insertion in the Magazine.


The President reported on the events which had taken place throughout the Year and complimented the past President and Committee on all the hard work which had been carried out by them during the past months. With sadness he reported on the deaths of the following Members which had taken place in the last few weeks, Air Commodore Boon, Bartlett and H. J. Meadows and H.A. Smith. The Secretary was requested to delete these names from the Members List. 7.


The Secretary reported that the Founders Day had been one which had been enjoyed by many Members with 150 Members and Guests sitting down for Lunch. The Lunch itself had been an excellent affair and it was agreed by all Members that the Venue and preparation of the Food had all been of the highest quality. There was general comment on the lack of a loud-speaking system at the School Dining Hall for the after Dinner speaches and it was agreed that the Headmaster should investigate the possibilty of providing some sound system for the Luncheon which would be held next year. It was unanimously agreed that the Founders Day Luncheon should again be held at the School and the Headmaster indicated that the date of Founders Day would be the 19th July 1990. Through the Chairman the Committee asked that all persons who had been associated with the Luncheon should be thanked for all their efforts. 8.

reports on dinner and luncheon events


The Secretary reported to the Meeting that he had received many complimentary letters from many Members concerning the events which had taken place throughout the year and this had clearly reflected on how much many Members had enjoyed the various activities which had taken place.




Marcus Bayley reported to the Meeting that at the time of the Founders Day Luncheon certain Members had brought to his attention the rather tarnished nature of the War Memorial Plaques in the Crush Hall at the School. Taking it upon himself he had arranged for the Plaques to be taken down cleaned and repolished and they were now re-hanging in the Crush Hall. He mentioned that he was quite happy to meeting the cost of the cleaning and polishing works himself but wondered whether or not the Committee would like to consider re-imbursing him the £30.00 that he had outlaid. It was unanimously agreed that the sum of £30.00 should be repaid to Marcus Bayley and the President thanked him for his consideration and attention to this particular task.


Steve Tandy reported to the Meeting that the date for the Annual Dinner had been fixed for the 24th March 1990 and with the permission of the Headmaster it had been agreed that this should be held at the same Venue being the School Hall. He has arranged for the same caterers to prepare the food and hoped that as many Members as had attended in 1989 would be in attendance. It was agreed that the price for the Dinner should be fixed at £15.00. Discussion took place on whether or not wives of the Members should be allowed to attend the Annual Dinner and discussion took place on this particular aspect with some interesting suggestions eminating from the Meeting. A motion was put to the Meeting by /the Chairman in favour of wives attending and with some release this was defeated unamiously with no person voting in favour of the resolution. Discussion then took place with regard to Speakers for the evening. It was agreed that the Secretary should approach the following persons who would be invited to propose the Toasts. Peter Hobbs to propose the Toast for the School and Howard Phelps to propose the Toast to the Club. The Secretary was asked to write the usual letters to these Members. 11.


The Headmaster reported to the Meeting that Rememberance Day would be held this year on Friday the 10th November when he hoped as many Members as possible would be at the School to attend. The President and Marcus Bayley indicated that they would be happy to attend and it was agreed that they should lay the two wreaths beside the War Memorials in the Crush Hall. Medals to be worn. 12.


John Rigby who had attended the Prize Giving at The School in the previous week raised the point that he was somewhat surprised that amongst all the prizes and cups which had been presented on that evening there appeared to be no prize donated by the Old Cryptians' Club at Gloucester. This state of affairs came to some surprise to many of the other Members QfB ^gu^ttee and on the proposition of John Rigby t-o seconded tit wirs approved nem com that a prize should be offered annually be the Club in the amount of £25.00 to be presented at the Prize



. j. The Headmaster agreed to look into this matter and So report to the next Meeting as to the type of Prize to be given and as to the category of the potential recepient. Some small discussion took place on the Roger Phelps picture hanging with*»the Crush Hall and the Headmaster had agreed that a small plaque commemorating the occasion at Cambridge, from which the topic was taken,would be displayed on this picture. There being no.other business the Meeting adjourned at 8.42 p.m. and it was agreed that the next meeting should be held at Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on the 5th January next.






Subscriptions Building society interest

Surplus on Annual Dinner Surplus on Founders Day (1988 deficit)

1,072 145

474 51



1,461 139





The Cryptian (450th Anniversary Edition) Postage and stationery Cleaning War Memorials Incidentals Old Cryptian Shields Old Cryptian Prizes

President's Badge: Cost Less Contributions

George Whitfield Memorial Less Balance C H Sibery Fund


701 257 30 94 72 28

495 270 — 34 53 2










640 435

167 _6Z

I have examined this Income and Expenditure Account and the annexed Balance Sheet with the books, vouchers and information supplied, and certify that they are in accordance therewith.


Chartered Accountant 14 March 1990








President’s Badge at nominal value Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society Balance at bank

1 2,550 155

1,210 _____Z0




Subscriptions paid in advance Creditors

55 710






Balance brought forward Utilised in George Whitfield memorial



(67) 67






448 11325

795 (347)



Represented by: GENERAL FUND Balance at 1 January 1989 Excess of income over expenditure



C Gardner Fund

P Hodkinson Fund




At 31 December 1988 Interest in year

137 11

78 6


At 31 December 1989

148 ===

84 ——


Held at Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society


THE OLD CRYPTIANS' CLUB Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of The Old Cryptians' Club held at

The Crypt School, Podsmead, Gloucester

on Saturday the 18th March 1989

in the 450th Anniversary Year of the Founding of The School

The President took the Chair and with him sat The Headmaster, Officers of The Club and seventeen other Members. .1.


Zoologies were received from Colin Mann 2-


Before the formal events of the Meeting took place, the President Presented John Rigby with a Crypt School Shield. The President apologised for the lateness in this presentation which should have taken place on Founders Day the previous year. John Rigby accepted the Shield and commented that it had been a great honour for him in his year of office and thanked all those Members of The Club who had assisted him during his Presidency.



Minutes of the 1988 Annual General Meeting which had been held on the 19th March in that year were duly read, confirmed and approved and signed by the President as being a correct record.



There were no matters arising as a result of these Minutes



The Treasurer reported that there was a deficit for the year of £347.00 which commented the Treasurer, had been one of the reasons for the in crease in the subscriptions from £3.00 to £5.00. The Treasurer reported that the income on the year was slightly down on the previous year and that the cost of postages had increased. There was standing at the moment in the Building Society the sum of £1,210.00 and in the current account at Lloyds Bank PLC there stood the sum of £70.00. Cliff Whiting proposed the adoption of these accounts. This was duly seconded and the resolution being put to the Meeting was duly carried nem con.



The President duly put to the Meeting the name of Sydney Humphries as the President for the ensuing Year. Syd Humphries' name was duly put to the Members who agreed with much applause and Syd



Humphries expressed his delight in accepting the position. The name of John Harvey was put as Vice President and was proposed by the Chairman and this was approved nem con. Roger Eggleton and Denis Mundy both agreed to stand for a further year as Secretary and Treasurer respectively. The Chairman thanked both Roger Eggleton and Denis Mundy for their work during the current year. The Secretary reported that by rotation six Members of the existing Committee were to retire but that the same Members had indicated their willingness to serve again on the Committee. Such Members were therefore re-elected by the Members present. D.P. Jones was re-elected as Honorary Auditor.


1988 £


Subscriptions Building society interest

Surplus on Annual Dinner Surplus on Founders Day (1988 deficit)

1,072 145

474 51



1,461 134

9 (27)




Marcus Bayley informed the Meeting of how much he had enjoyed his year of office. He commented that during the 450th Anniversary Year it had been a busy time and he had been priviledged to attend many Functions on behalf of The Club. He thanked his many friends and Members of the Committee for all the help that they had given to him during his current year of office. He hoped that as many Members as possible would enjoy the attractions which had been laid on by both the School and the Club during the forthcoming months. The Chairman made reference to monies which had been standing in the Colin Sibery Fund and brought the attention of the Members present at the Annual General Meeting that such monies had been agreed by the Committee to be donated to The George Whitfield Memorial Fund for a plaque to be placed in St. Mary De Crypt Church, Gloucester. The President stated that this Memorial would be erected later in the year and that he thought it was very fitting that the name of The School should be associated with the name of George Whitfield who was, of course, one of the most celebrated Old Boys of The School. The President ended his report by saying how very grateful he was of the priviledge which had been given to him of being elected President during this most important year in the history of the Club.




Cliff Whiting stated that the Meeting should not be allowed to close without a formal vote of thanks being recorded in the Minutes in connection with the hard work carried out in the 450th Year by several people. He asked that the names of The Headmaster, Michael Holmes, and the President, Marcus Bayley, should be especially mentioned and grateful thanks were given to these two persons for their excellent work. A formal proposal to this effect was put by Cliff Whiting and seconded by John Rigby. The proposition was met with much enthusiasm by all those present at The Meeting and was carried nem con. There being no other business the Annual General Meeting was iuly closed at 7.05 p.m. when the Members adjourned to the School tall in great anticipation for a wonderful evening's entertainment ahead.


The Cryptian (450th Anniversary Edition) Postage and stationery Cleaning War Memorials Incidentals Old Cryptian Shields Old Cryptian Prizes

President’s Badge: Cost Less Contributions

701 257 30 94 72 28


495 270 34 53 __ 2












George Whitfield Memorial Less Balance C H Sibery Fund


640 435

167 _6Z

I have examined this Income and Expenditure Account and the annexed Balance Sheet with the books, vouchers and information supplied, and certify that they are in accordance therewith.


Chartered Accountant 14 March 1990




1982 Minutes of a Meeting of the Committee of The Old Cryptian’s Club held at Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on the 5th January 1990 at 6.30 p.m.

ASSETS President's Badge at nominal value Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society Balance at bank

1 2,550 155

1,210 70





Subscriptions paid in advance Creditors

55 710





C H SIBERY APPEAL Balance brought forward Utilised in George Whitfield memorial




Apologies were received from Arthur Brinsford, Graham Russell, Cliff Whiting, The Reverend David Brazington and Jeremy Chowings. 2.


The President Michael Holmes Dennis Mundy Marcus Bayley John Rigby Ron Tiley Roger Eggleton Steve Tandy Stuart Cook


The Minutes of the previous meeting held on the 4th October, 1989 having been circulated to the Members were taken as read. These Minutes were approved as drawn and signed by the President as representing a true record of the events of the previous Meeting.

Represented by:


GENERAL FUND Balance at 1 January 1989 Excess of income over expenditure



795 (347)



John Rigby raised the matter concerning The Old Cryptian’s School Prize. A small amount of discussion took place on this subject and the Headmaster commented that the matter was in hand at the present time and would make a further report on the matter to the Committee at the next Meeting. 4.



C Gardner Fund

P Hodkinson Fund




At 31 December 1988 Interest in year

137 11

78 6


At 31 December 1989






Dennis Mundy reported to the Committee that on amended figures there was now an overall surplus for the Year of £1,306.00. This figure was a little less than had been expected but the Treasurer reported that the cost for The Cyrptian for this Year had risen above his original estimate for the Magazines. The Headmaster commented that the additional costs had been due to a colour supiement which had been agreed for the insersion into the Centenary Issue of the Magazine. The Headmaster drew the attention to the Committee that he had raised the question with certain Membeis of the Committee of a contribution of £230.00 towards this colour supplement and that prior to this Meeting this had been agreed by certain Members of the Committee. On the proposition of the Secretary and seconded by Marcus Bayley the Committee agreed to ratify this contribution of £230.00 to the support of the Magazine and it was agreed nem con by the Committee. 5.


Held at Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society


The Secretary reported that he had received acceptances from both Speakers who had agreed to attend the Annual Dinner. The Secretary was asked to write further to these two Speakers to give them further information on the events of the evening and at the same time to confirm to them that being guests of the Club they were not expected to pay for their Dinner.




It was proposed through the Chair that Roger Phelps be appointed the Vice-President of the Club and that this name should be put to the Members at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee unanimously accepted this proposition and the President was asked if he would personally approach Roger Phelps to ascertain whether he was prepared to accept this position. As a stand-by it was further proposed through the Chair that Peter Jones should be approached to take up the position of Vice-President if for any reason Roger Phelps was unable to accept the position which was to be offered to him.



The President reported on his activities within the Club since the last Meeting. He reported that in October he had attended the Thanksgiving Service at St. Mary De Crypt at Gloucester where he had enjoyed a very memorable service. On the 10th November he had attended at The Crypt School and with other Members of the Committee and the School had taken part in the Rememberance Day Service. In December he had attended the London Dinner which this year had been poorly attended. There had been a particularly poor attendance from Gloucester. General discussion then took place 3s to the reasons why this was the case in this year and certain points were discussed arising from which it was agreed that a Member of the Committee should have an informal talk with the Secretary of the London Section. y 8.


Steve Tandy reported to the Committee that arrangements were progressing well for the Dinner. Several people had already paid for the Dinner and he anticipated that at least 130 Members would be present at the Dinner this year. Certain Members reacted with some surprise and admiration at this suggestion but it was agreed that the momentum of last year’s success should be sustained for this Year’s Dinner. Discussion took place as to the names and numbers of guests to attend the Dinner and the following list was agreed: The The The The The The The

Headmaster Captain of the School Captain of Rugby Captain of Hockey Reverend David Brazington, Rector of St. Mary De Crypt Mayor or Sheriff of The City of Gloucester M.P. for Gloucester, Mr. Douglas French.

The Secretary was asked to write to each of these persons and extend an invitation to them for the Annual Dinner. Steve Tandy concluded his report by requesting if at a 11 possible if as many Members as could be present could be at the School on the Sunday Morning following the Dinner as there was considerable help needed in tidying up. 9.


The Secretary reported that he had received from Messrs. Cass-Stephens % confirmin8 that Insurance could be arranged on the President’s Chain of Office at a premium of £50.00. The Secretary reported that provided each President was prepared to add this Chain to his contents house cover then he telt that this premium could be saved and this was agreed unanimously by the

-3Committee. Members raised with the Secretary the question of the Annual General Meeting to which they were informed that the AGM would be held at The School Library at 6.30 p.m. prior to the Annual Dinner. The Secretary further reported that Marcus Bayley, Dennis Mundy and Ron Tiley were by rotation to retire as Members of the Committee. They indicated to him their willingness to stand again for a further period. The Secretary was asked however to write to Mr. Howard Phelps to ascertain as to whether he would like his name put forward to join the Committee.

The Meeting concluded at 7.30 p.m. The President reported that the next Meeting would take place on the 2nd May 1990.

Following the Meeting the Members of the Committee retired to the Bar where a convivial evening took place where other Members of the Club joined them for an informal social gathering



Minutes of a Meeting of The Committee of The Old Cryntians' Club Avenue, Gloucester on the 2nd May 1990 at 6.30 p.m. C b held at Tuffley PRESENT


The President in his final report to the Committee thanked all the Members for their help and support during the year. He wished the incoming President all good wishes for his forthcoming year of office. At this time also he welcomed Bill Armiger the new Headmaster of The Crypt School to the Committee and hoped that he would have many years of enjoyment both on the Committee and at The School. In replying to this, the Headmaster thanked the President and the Members of the Committee for the good foundations that existed between The School and The Old Cryptians' Club and hoped that they would continue for many years to come.

The President The Headmaster The Reverend Brazington The Secretary, John Rigby Ron Tiley Stuart Cook Graham Russell



7. SteOve9ÌTeanJf.re

frOm M°rCUS


linul^feTto P™™“3 Meeting held on the 5th January cuiated to the Members were taken as read. These Minut^ 1990 having been were approved as ^n and signed by The President as representing a true record of the events of the previous Meeting. MATTERS ARISING


Meeting. The President asked the Secretary To writ resignation was shown to the for all his efforts given to the Club ^ver many Tears8thank him question again of The Old Crvntian?' Pri™ years. John Rigby raised the Prizegiving Ceremony. The Headmaster was reminded tha^Th^Clfh Sch°ol's annual sum of 225 00 for thin nift Lnat me Club had agreed the next Melt^g whe^ tfW ^^tter should be left an to

award to be made.

Headmaster would report back as to the nature of the


r ""

Ma 1990


„ „„


Artl™ Brinsford,

Dennis Mundy and



°" r‘saa



reported that Steve would be a dim J JJrJ , J Secretary- The Secretary replacement should be given prioritv nfn n ° repace and tpat decisions on his the following Meeting for nr^ W°Uld have t0 be ^de at Dinner. It Jas leftt^^^ ° be for the March

The President reported in a somewhat jocular manner that he felt that he had lost control at some time duringthe evening of the Dinner. He commented that due to the lateness of the arrival of the Headmaster's wife, the presentation of the gift to the Headmaster had had to be delayed which he thought had resulted in some confusion. Members of the Committee did not share his view but felt that the evening had passed on very well and that no-one in attendance at the Dinner appeared to be too concerned with regard to the delay in the events. The President continued to add that he felt that the quality of the Dinner had been excellent and the Speakers had been good. Comment was made that only one or two persons had been at The School on the morning following the Dinner to help clear up after the event and that in subsequent years this state of affairs should be corrected. 8.


The Headmaster reported that Dr. Scotland of St. Pauls and St. Marys had agreed to give the Address at The Cathedral on Founders Day. He also confirmed that The School Dining Room facilities would be available for The Old Cryptians' for Lunch on that day. The Committee agreed that Michael Edgington should be approached to supply the Luncheon for the day at a cost of £8.00 per head. Guests to be invited to the Lunch would include, The Reverend Brazington and his Wife, Dr. Scotland, The Headmaster and his Wife, Captain of Cricket, The Master in Charge of Cricket and the Captain of School. 9.


John Rigby raised the point concerning the various reports of functions throughout the year and their lack of publication in the Old Cryptians' Magazine. Discussion on this point took place for several minutes when it was agreed that John Rigby should act as The Club'sPress and Reporting Officer. In this capacity he would be responsible for inviting various Members of the Committee to supply him with reports on various functions throughout the year. Discussion also took place on the obituary to Arthur Paget and it was agreed that The Secretary would be supplied with am obituary notice which he would then send out with the Founders Day Notices.

discussion on this topic should take place as a iJter datj™ COnslderation and

There being no other business the Meeting concluded at 8.30p.m. and the date of the next Meeting was fixed for 3rd October at Tuffley Avenue at 6.30 p.m.


Minutes of a Meeting of The Comittee of The Old Cryptions' Club held at Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on 3rd October 1990 at 6.30 p.m. PRESENT:


The President The Reverend Brazington John Rigby Ron Tiley Arthur Brins ford Michael Holmes Cliff Whiting Dennis Mundy The Headmaster Roger Eggleton


Apologies were received from Clive Thomas and Syd Humphries. 2.


Minutes of the previous Meeting held on the 2nd May 1990 having been circulated to Members were taken as read. These Minutes were approved as drawn and signed by the President as representing a true record of the events of the previous Meeting.



The Headmaster reported to the Meeting that it had been arranged that the Old Cryptians Special Prize to be given on Prize Giving Day, would be for, "Effort and Endeavour and all round effort throughout the School." The Headmaster assured the Meeting that the Prize had been included in the Programme of Events for the next Prize Giving Day and he again thanked the Old Cryptians for their generous support. John Rigby reported to the Meeting that he had prepared his Report for the Founders Day Lunch and this Report would be included in the Old Cryptians Section of The Cryptian Magazine. 4.


Dennis Mundy reported to the Meeting that there had been an overall profit of £399.00 made on the Dinner and £7.00 on the Founders Day Lunch. At present there was a surplus of £1304.00. There were outstanding bills to be paid and he anticipated that by the end of December there would be a remaining surplus of £504.00. He concluded by informing the Meeting that there were £3,133.00 worths of liquid assets in the Club at the present time. 5.


The President commented of how much he had enjoyed Founders Day and he was of the opinion that the Cathedral Service and the Lunch had been of the highest standard. Following Luncheon he had spent an enjoyable time in being escorted around the School and he wished it to be recorded in the Minutes of the help and kindness which had been afforded to him by the Headmaster and his Secretary. The President further commented on the friendliness and kindness of all Old Cryptians on Founders Day and thanked all other Members of his Committee for their consideration and help. The President then reported to the Meeting that he had received information that the first lady Member of the Club had applied for Membership. It was with great delight that the Club recorded the name of Jennifer

Miles as the first lady Member and this announcement met with much acclaim and admiration and it was felt that a most historic moment had arrived in the affairs of The Old Cryptians Club. The Chairman was formally asked if he would kindly write to Jennifer Miles welcoming her to the Club and the Secretary asked that a copy of this letter should be placed in the Minute boo'~ for historic record purposes. This was agreed to be done.



The Secretary reported to the Meeting that 70 Members and Guests sat down for Lunch and an even greater number had attended the Service at Cathedral. The President thanked the Headmaster for the use of the Dinning Room and the School facilities on Founders Day and felt that an enjoyable day had been had by all. In the natui^ ^^ ^b^^ion it was however felt that at future Founders Day ReunionsJjit would 'be advisable and helpful if all Members were to have stickly labels with their name and dates of year at the School. It was felt that this would facilitate people in identifying other Members at this function and the Secretary agreed that this would be done in 1991.



The President reported to the Meeting that the Annual Dinner was to be held on the 23rd March 1991 and with the permission of the Headmaster it was agreed that this should be held at the School. Catering arrangements were again to be made through R. & R. Catering at Cheltenham. The Secretary again reminded the Meeting that it was with regret that Steve Tandy had indicated that he was not available to act as Dinner Secretary for the ensuing year. Some discussion on this point then took place and it was with much relief that Michael Holmes then volunteered to take on the duties of Dinner Secretary. All Members of the Committee were highly delighted with this proposition and on the proposal of Cliff Whiting and seconded by Marcus Bayley, the appointment of Michael Holmes as Dimer Secretary was approved. The Secretary volunteered to assist Michael in providing typing, photocopying and other office facilities which he may wish to have to assist him in his task.

Discussion then took place on the names of those persons who would be approached to propose the various Toasts for the evening. It was decided that Howard Allen should be approached to propose the Toast to the School and Clive Mitchel to propose the Toast to the Club. The President confirmed that he would approach Howard Allen and the Secretary would approach Clive Mitchell. 8^


The Remberance Day Service would be held this year on Thursday the 8th November and Members were asked to be at the School at 10.30 a.m. for 11.00 a.m. The President and Marcus Bayley were to lay the two Wreaths in the Crush Hall.



There being no other business the Meeting was adjourned and it was agreed that the next Meeting should be held at Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester the Friday the 4th January 1991 at 6.30 p.m.


THE OLD CRYPTIANS' CLUB Ihe Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of The Old Cryptians' Club hold nt Th crypt School, Podsmead, Gloucester on the 24th Marchal 990 at6 30 pm


Officers of The

ClubZuT^ofhfr M^bfrs.


SSsts?""'™c- «*“*s-

<=■ »w“.







Subscriptions Building Society Interest



11 7/1 Í4

1 45





M^9^ich had been held on the 18th

President as being a correctrecord. COnflrmed and aPProved and signed by The




Surplus on Annual Dinner Surplus on Founders Day


_____ (_




There were no matters arising as a result of these Minutes. 4.



that there had been an overal1 ^plus for the year of resulted f/omthe the Annual Dinner^ t^eh^ the Pr°fit made on Treasurer in presenting the Report stated thX were in a very satisfactory) ^tnto nr


that 1 he Clubs finances

The Cryptian (1989 450th Anniversary Edition) Postage and Stationery Cleaning War Memorials Incidentals Old Cryptian Shields Old Cryptian Prizes

President's Badge



Si EE"«

George Whitfield Memorial



to him. He reported that in h h ^°r help which had been given in Gloucester where a Memorial ^tended at St. Mary De Crypt Church Rememberance Service at The I ? f°r George Whitfield. The very moving experience and the Luncheon following tha^had reCallS as bein9 a

,S.XX” ““ ~s X F*r ” “» si sr ° S the great m / ClUb °Wed t0 Tbe S

debt of gratitude which the Committee and all Members of n Headmaster in twenty years of service to The School All without his considerable influencl and he^ The Ms Grammar School status and he Zofed lhat ^


550 i n IdU R 11 0

701 9^7 1 O Q4 7 9 1¿













I have examined this Income and Expenditure Account and the annexed Balance Sheet with the books, vouchers and information supplied, and certify that they are in accordance therewith.

Were aWare that l°St



15th March 1991




1 2724 5 79

1 2550 155







1773 751

448 1325




President's Badge at nominal value Cheltenham & Gloucester Building Society Balance at Bank


Subscriptions paid in advance Creditors

Represented by:


Balance at 1st January 1990 Excess of income over expenditure

TRUST FUNDS at 31st December 1990

TOTAL At 31st



in year

At 31st













Held at Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society




The President duly put to the Meeting the name of John Harvey as The President for the ensuing year together with that of the name of Roger Phelps to act as Vice President. Through the Chair this was formally put to the Meeting and was carried nem con. Roger Eggleton and Dennis Mundy both agreed to stand for another year as Secretary and Treasurer respectively. The Secretary reported that by rotation three members of the Committee were to retire, namely, Marcus Bayley, Dennis Mundy and Ron Tiley but these persons had again offered their names for re-election to the Committee. On the proposition of Michael Howe and seconded by John Harvey the present Committee was re-elected on block. D.P. Jones was re-elected as Honorary Auditor. 7.


Eddie Norris addressed the Meeting and with some regret commented that he was surprised to note that there had been no report in the last issue of The Cryptian Magazine of an obituary notice in respect of A.C. Paget. Arthur Brinsford and Marcus Bayley in replying to Eddie Norris gave their apologies for this omission and Arthur Brinsford then agreed with the assistance of The Headmaster to prepare an obituary which would then be circulated with the Founders Day Letter. It was also agreed that a copy of the obituary although somewhat late, would appear in the following issue of The Cryptian Magazine.

The Headmaster reported to the Meeting that there had been a surplus on the funds raised by the 450th Celebration Committee and that it had been decided by that Committee that these surplus funds should be used for the purchase of a display cabinet and clock. He drew Members attention to this clock which had now been sited in entrance hall a few days prior to the 24th March and invited Members to view it during the course of the evening. The Headmaster reported that within the course of the next few weeks a suitable worded plaque recognising the Old Cryptians Club would be provided with this clock. Marcus Bayley then also informed the Meeting that there were a number of copies of Charles Lepper's Book which remained outstanding from the previous year and that all these copies had now been presented to The School for their use or onward sale.

There being no other business the Annual General Meeting was duly closed at 7.05 p.m. when the Members adjourned to The School Hall for their Annual Dinner.

THE OLD CRYPTIANS' CLUR rl™tes of the Meeting of the Committee of The Old Cryptians'Club held at Tuff ley Avenue on Friday the 4th January 1991. yP ° n d 1



The Chairman The Club Secretary Dennis Mundy Arthur Brinsford Cliff Whiting Michael Holmes, Ron Tiley The Headmaster Stuart Cooke Colin Mann Jeremy Chowings Clive Thomas




There were no matters arising as a result of these Minutes. 'll__ TREASURER'S REPORT

the F™9 fr°m fUrther ^^ation he had received from now be £749.00 and’not iSofon1^ that the current surplus for the year would U.vu ana not £504.00 as mentioned at the previous Meeting.

Service at

Scho^lTd^ t0 Gl°UCeSter With School had been an experience not tn Th „ , captains of ihe funeral of David Holford an Old CrlnHon n r' The Bresident had attended the Day he had attended at the ^gSTotba^ On Boxing morning with Old Cryptians Rugby cTub Members? P ° m°St en^able



The Headmaster reported to the Meeting there was contact lacking between The School and The publication of a more attractive ^ag^ne^n 1^?^

The Secretary reported that Clive Mitchell had regretfully declined the invitation to give the Toast on behalf of the Club. It was therefore suggested that the Secretary should approach John Mace, formerly with the R.A.F., to Propose the Toast. The Secretary was invited to write to him immediately. Michael Holmes indicated that he was happy with the arrangements which at present had been made but reminded the Meeting that he would require assistance and help in the setting up of the Dinner and clearing up on Sunday morning following the event. Stuart Cooke and two other younger Members of the Committee volunteered their services for this committment and this was gratefully accepted by Michael Holmes. The Secretary was asked if he would kindly approach the Licensing Bench of Gloucester to arrange for a Licence in his name to be made ^lable on the event for the serving of drinks which would be run by the Rugby Club ar Staff. e Secretary confirmed that this would be done.



The SMntTh7^ndon^^

to those arrangements made in 1990. The Caterers and cost of the Dinner were to be the same as last year. The Headmaster reported that in order for this to be a financial success there must be at least one hundred and ten participants: at The Dinner. With the assistance and help of the Secretary it was agreed that for details of the Dinner and for the Old Cyrptians' Events throughout the year, a Circular letter should be sent out within the course of the next three weeks from

the date of this Meeting.

—--- minutes of the previous meeting



Michael Holmes the Chairman of the Dinner Committee, confirmed at the Meeting the arrangements for Dinner' to be held at The School in 1991 would be similar

Apologies were received from Marcus Raviva n Phelps and Sydney Humphries. Bayley, The Reverend Brazington, Roger


This could be awakened by some form of National Campaign in advertising. The Committee listened with great interest of the views expressed by the Headmaster and whilst the Secretary commented that he felt that some of the ideas may be a little over ambitious it was generally accepted by all present that father consideration should be given to this important aspect. It by the Chairman and unanimously carried that Graham Russell and Clive Thomas should be elected as the Old Cryptians' Representatives of the Parents, School and Old Boys Association. This Committee would be for the purpose of discussing at a preliminary level improvements to be made to the Magazine and contacts of a stronger nature generally with the School. Graham Russell and Clive Thomas were to report back to this Committee at a loier date.


The Secretary in his usual brash and domineering way, addressed the Meeting and said that for too long he and other Members of the committee had suffered excuses from Dr. Graham Russell concerning his appointment as Vice President. The Secretary continued that it was with great pleasure and with great respect of Dr. Graham Russell that he proposed his name as the forthcoming Vice Present of the Club. This was seconded by Dennis Mundy and after some nominal debent by Graham Russell he allowed his name to be put forward. The proposition was then formally put to the Meeting and this was carried unanimously with great applause and it was with great delight that the President invited Dr. Graham Russell to allow his name to be put forward at The Annual General Meeting for the Vice

President's position. that thatJhe

ties and bonds between The School and The Old stre^then that there should be some form of "Friends: nf lngicated thread of contact could be a combination of forces of Th^^ch^0^ JhlS strong The Old Boys Assocation. He continued that PQr6ntS Qnd wealth of expertise and contributions that could be made byllee“^ ffr?^

The Secretary reminded Members of the Committee that the Annual General Meeting would take place in the Library at The Schol at 6.30 p.m. on the evening of the Dinner. It was suggested by John Rigby that a system of sign posting from the Crush Hall to the Library could be displayed and this was agreed to be done. The Secretary reminded Members of the Committee of those persons that were due by rotation to offer their resignation at the Annual General Meeting. ose so named volunterred to stand again as Committee Members.



The Chairman reported to the Meeting the death of R.M. Simpkins who died on the last day of the year in 1990. A letter had been received by the Secretary from relatives of Mr. Simpkins. The news was received with great sadness by the Committee who reminisced on the many occasions that Simpkins had attended the School and Old Boys functions. The Secretary was asked to write to the relatives and express the regret and condolences of the Club.

Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee of The Old Cryptians' Club held at Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester on the 15th May 1991 PRESENT

John Rigby commented on the poor lighting at the front of the Rugby Club premises and suggested that a donation should be made to the Rugby Football Club for better illuminations. It was suggested that this matter should be looked into and raised at the next Meeting of the Committee. Graham Russell reported to the Meeting on the possibility of a further Cambridge Dinner. The Committee felt it was most important to endeavour to maintain its contact with Cambridge and the mood of the Meeting suggested that Graham Russell should again by contact with Brewer, arrange a Dinner at Cambridge in 1991. At this junction the Headmaster reported that ther was an interest in establishing a Dinner atOxford possibly at Pembrook College. This was met with enthusiasm by the Committee and the Headmaster was asked to investigate this proposition and report back to the Meeting.



The Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting having been circulated were duly approved and signed by The Chairman as representing a true and proper record of the events of the previous Committee Meeting. 3.

The Meeting having commenced at 6.30 p.m. was formally brought to an end at 7.50 p.m. when Members of the Committee adjourned to the Bar for a most enjoyable and convivial evening spent with their Committee Members and other vouna potential Members of the Old Cryptians' Club.


Apologies were received from Cliff Whiting, Ron Tiley and Jeremy Chowings

2. The Headmaster reminded Members of the Committee that Founders Day this year was to be'on 18th July. The format for this year's events was to be different than in previous years. There was to be a Service at the Cathedral at 7.00 p.m. in the evening follwed by the Dinner at The School at 8.30 p.m. The Headmaster asked the Members of the Committee to note these new arrangements.

The Chairman The Club Secretary Dennis Mundy Michael Holmes John Rigby Stuart Cooke Clive Thomas Syd Humphries Arthur Brinsford Marcus Bayley The Reverend David Brazington Graham Russell


Apart from a comment from John Rigby concerning the presence of a bad bread roll at the Annual Dinner there were no matters arising as a result of these




The Treasurer reported that up until the 30th April of this year he had received subscriptions of £940.00 and a surplus on The Dinner of £244.00 making a total of £1,193.00. There was a surplus cash at the Bank of £927.00 and invested in Building Societies was the sum of £2,924.00. He reported that the financial affairs of The Club remained in a satisfactory situation.



(As written by Michael Holmes on the 15th May 1991)


119 sat down to Dinner (1990 c 140 1989 c 301)

2. 20 attended who had not been before to a Dinner including 9 who had left last year, and 8 present/past Members of Staff

3. In addition to letters to Members of The Club, I personally wrote to 130 other Old Cryptians' and sent replies to 106. (Total postage £39.12)


One advert was placed in The Citizen


Surplus to Club £283.39 (1990 £399.00 - £1989 £1461)

I recommend (i) We keep the same caterers, R. & R. (ii) No Dinner Tickets to be sent out next year and receipts only to those who enclose a Stamped Addressed Envelope (Hi) Date for 1992, Saturday 28th March BALANCE SHEET


(d £15.00



R. & R. Catering

Programmes Postage Citizen Advert

Balance of Income over Expenditure Less Licence Application Surplus

£1,3 07.07 £ 30.00 £ 39.12 £ 12.42 £1,381.39 £ 283.39 £ 38.50 £ 224.89

The Chairman thanked Michael Holmes for an excellent evening and for all his assistance and help in making the event such a successful and enjoyable one. 6.


The President reported that he had received a letter from Margaret Smith the daughter of the late A.L.C. Smith, in which she had thanked the President and °iHej Members of The Committee for all their support and help following the death of her late father. The President also reported that he had attended the Old Cryptians' Rugby Football Club Annual Dinner which he had found an interesting experience. With regret the President announced deaths of two Members of The Club, being those of J. Howard and G. Phillips.



The Secretary reported that during the course of the past few months a number of new Members had joined The Club and this was a most encouraging state of affairs. 8.


A small amount of discussion took place on the events to take place on the ensuina Founders Day due to be held on the 18th July 1991. The Secretary reminded Members that as an experiment this year it had been decided to hold a Founders Day Supper rather than the usual Luncheon. The Founders Day Service at The Cathedral was due to take place during the evening rather than the morning in order to facilitate the ease of attendance for certain Parents and Members of the

__ REPORT RE: CHARITIES COMMISSION FOR ENGLAND AND WALES Marcus Bayley drew the attention of the Members to the proposed new Scheme including the Apointment of the New Trustees which had been forwarded to various persons by the Charity Commission regarding inter alia Crypt School of Gloucester. Marcus Bayley drew the attention of the Meeting to the urgent consideration that a

suitably prepared response to this Scheme should be prepared by the Club and returned to the Charities Commission as soon as possible. He felt that certain matters still remained unanswered and he proposed that himself, the President and the Secretary should meet within the next day or so and with the approval of the Committee, Marcus Bayley asked to report back to the Committee at the next Meeting on the letter to be prepared. 10.


John Rigby enquired at the Meeting as to whether any headway had been made with regard to the Memorial Fund in memory of the late A.L.C. Smith. The President requested Members to consider this item for the next Meeting and for Members representations when the Committee next met. The Secretary was asked to place this on the Agenda for the following Meeting. The date of the next Meeting was set for Wednesday the 2nd October. The Meeting was duly concluded at 8.30 p.m. .

129 Old Cryptians Club Income and Expenditure Account For the Year Ended 31st December 1991

INCOME Subscriptions Building Society Interest (less tax)

Surplus on Annual Dinner Deficit on Founders Day

1991 £

1990 £

986 104

960 174



245 (15)

399 7



540 358 156 28

550 150 61 28





EXPENDITURE The Cryptian Postage, stationery and clerical assistance Incidentals Old Cryptian Prizes

Excess of income over expenditure

I have examined this Income and Expenditure Account and the annexed Balance Sheet with the books, vouchers and information supplied, and certify that they are in accordance therewith.

D.P. Jones Chartered Accountant Date: 11th March 1992

Old Cryptians Club Balance Sheet as at 31st December 1991 1991


1 2828 637 17

1 2724 579

ASSETS President's Badge at nominal value Cheltenham & Gloucester Building Society Balance at Bank Debtor







2524 238

1773 751





r Represented by:

Lyl/ M



Balance at 1st January 1991 Excess of income over expenditure

TRUST FUNDS at 31st December 1991


C. Gardner Fund

P. Hodkinson Fund

At 31st December 1990 Interest in year







At 31st December 1991




Held at Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society

THE OLD CRYPTIANS' CLUB Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee of the Old Cryptians' Club held at uffley Avenue, Gloucester on 2nd October 1991.


The Chairman The Club Secretary Graham Russell Cliff Whiting John Rigby The Headmaster Stuart Cooke Michael Holmes Arthur Brinsford Clive Thomas Marcus Bayley

• ♦


Apologies were received from Dennis Mundy, Sid Humphries, Roger Phelps, and Joremy Chowings.


e Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting having been circulated were duly approved and signed by the Chairman as representing a true and proper record of events of the previous Committee Meeting.

__ MATTERS ARISING There were no matters arising from these Minutes.


The Treasurer not being present at the Meeting. The Treasurer's report, was presented o the Meeting by another Member of the Committee. This report indicated that ere had been a loss of £32.00 on the Founders Day Luncheon. The general state a the funds of the Club was indicated as still being very healthy. Some discretion °ok place on the increase of subscriptions in the ensuing year and the Secretary Was asked to place this on the agenda for discussion at the next Meeting. i__



holmes reported to the Meeting that the arrangements had been made with Catering for the Dinner to be held at the school on 28th March 1992. It was agreed that David Bethal should be approached to give the toast on behalf of the ub and that Terry Price should be approached byvGraham..Rtiss@Tl to give the toast on behalf of the School.



R was reprted to the Meeting by Graham Russell that regretfully this year there was to be no Cambridge Dinner but arrangements were being made at Penbrook ollege, Oxford for Dinner to be held on 10th January 1992. The Headmaster vo unteered the School's Mini-bus for thirteen Members of the party to travel to xford. Graham Russell indicated that further news on this event would be • circulated to the Members within the next few weeks. It was agreed by the Committee aaPy undergraduates at Oxford at the moment who wish to attend the School ouidbe subsidised by the Club and that they would only be asked to find a dining


The general discussion took place on Founders Day which had taken place earlier in the year. It was generally accepted that the Supper Meal was preferred in Preference to the Luncheon and that with all things taken into account that the format this year was preferred to that of previous years. In responding to the act that the Treasurer reported that a loss had been made on the Founders Day Supper the Headmaster Kindly offered to pay for certain tickets which he had requested for his guests and asked the Secretary to invoice him in due course. It was also felt that David Brazington being the Rector of St. Mary de Crypt should play a more formal and active part in future Founder Day services and the Headmaster was asked as to whether or not arrangements could be made in future for this to be the case. Further discussion took place on the acoustics at the Cathedral and many Members complained that Members of the public were quite unable to hear any of the sermon given at the Cathedral on that day enquiries as to public addresses system were to be put to the Cathedral Authorities prior Founders Day of next year.



Remembrance Day at the School this year was to take place on Friday Sth November and those wishing to attend were asked to be at the School by 10.30 am. The Headmaster informed the Meeting that Mr. Tony Boatman had been asked to address the School on this day. It was agreed that the wreath should be laid by the President and by Cliff Whiting. 9.


Some discussion took place on the question of the letter which the President had fowarded to the Charity Commission earlier in years, The Secretary informed the Meeting that a reply had been received from the Charity Commission and copies °f this were circulated to the Members. It was agreed that the Secretary and Marcus Bailey should pursue this matter further and it was left to the individuals to meet and deal with this matter. 10.


The Meeting was informed that the London Dinner was to be held on 16th November. Discussion took place on the A.L.C. Smith and Bill Paget Memorial Fund. It was agreed that a special Sub-Committee should be set up to give consideration to this Fund and Arthur Brinsford and Dennis Mundy were nominated to take on this responsibility. After general discussion on the Fund it was agreed that the object of the Fund would be to set up a Fund for provision of the Honours Boards which had been mislaid or lostwhen the School had moved to Podsmead from Greyfriars many years ago.

Discussion took place on the death of the Late Percy Ball and it was recorded that an ^bitrary of his death would be placed in the next Cryptian magazine. oP-AVuvr? The date of the next Meeting was set for Friday 3rd January at 6.00 pm. at Tuffley

183 THE






The Vice Chairman Club Secretary The Headmaster Marcus Bayley Ron Tiley Colin Mann Jeremy Cho wings Peter Jaekel Stewart Cook Rev. David Brazington Arthur Brimsford Graham Russell


Apologies were received from The President of the Club, Denis Mundy, Cliff Whiting, John Rigby, John Harvey and Michael Holmes. 2.


The Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting having been circulated were duly approved subject to a minor amendment. These minutes were signed by the Chairman representing a true and proper record of the events of the previous Committee Meeting. 3.


There were no matters arising from these minutes.

The Memorial Fund general discussion then took place concerning the A L C SmithPuget Memorial Fund. It was agreed that Arthur Briftysford and Denis Mundy would meet and arrange to circulate to all members a letter requesting contributions to this fund. Once it was known the amount of this fund it was then agreed that certain other members of the Committee would be responsible for arranging for the construction and erection of the new boards to be placed in the school. It was agreed that Arthur Brimsford would report further on this matter at the next meeting. 4.


Graham Russell confirmed that 27 members of the Club had confirmed their booking for the dinner at Pembroke College Oxford to be held on the 10th January next. Arrangements had been made through the Headmaster that certain members of the Club could be assisted with transport by the use of the schools minibus. The Headmaster was thanked for his help in organising this facility. 5.


The Secretary reported that he had received notices of the deaths of Brian Smith and J D E Hollingsworth this announcement was met with sadness and regret by members of the Committee.



In the absence of the Treasurer the Secretary produced the of the Club. These accounts which were to be presented at the AGM in March were approved by the members of the Club and indicated generally a satisfactory state of Affairs in so far as members were concerned. The Secretary also mentione that the Treasurer had indicated that it was felt appropriate at this juncture consider an increase in the membership from £5 to £8 per year. General discussion took place on this matter but with no satisfactory outcome. The Secretary w instructed to place this on the Agenda for discussion at the AGM. 7.


In the absence of the Dinner Secretary, Michael Holmes the Secretary reported that he had been informed by Michael Holmes that arrangements were well in hand with regard to the Dinner and that it was hoped that 110 or more ne» of the Club would be present at the School for this Annual Dinner The agreed that the guest of the evening would be the Rev. Peter Ball the Rev. David Brazington, The Headmaster, The Head Boy and the Captain of Rugby. The Sec tary was instructed to write to each of these persons inviting them to be guests of the Club at the Dinner. The Secretary reported that a circular concerning the Dinner would be sent to all members within the course of the next few weeks. 8.

appointment of vice president

On the proposition of Graham Russell and seconded by David Brazington it was proposed that the Club should approach Gordon Jones to be appointed as Vice President of the Club for the ensuing year. This resolution was met with great anoiAim by all members of the Committee and many members wished it to be recorded of the great support and encouragement that Gordon Jones had given to the Club over many years. The Secretary was asked to wnte to Gordon Jones enquiring of him as to whether he would like to hold such a position. 9.


The secretary reported that under the Rules of the Club Marcus Bayley, Clive Thomas and Ron Tiley were due to retire by rotation. They indicated their w^Hngness to stand again for re-election. The Secretary further announced that he had received notice of resignation from the Committee of /«emy Chow^ The Chairman thanked Jeremy for his help over the years and there then being an available place on the Committee on the proposition of Jerem^h^wings by Ron Tiley it was agreed that Peter Jaekel should be omit^d' as a member of the committee. This was duly put to the meeting and carried nem con. The date of the next meeting was to be the Annual General Meeting. The meeting

was duly concluded at 7.30 pm.



Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of The Old Cryptians' Club held at The Crypt School, Podsmead, Gloucester on the 23rd March 1991 at 6.30 p.m.

The President took the Chair and with him sat the Headmaster of the School, the Offices of the Club and forty-one other Members. 1.


Apologies were received from W.V. Eggleton, Tom Stock, P. Bayley, J.B. Askew and G. Winfield. 2.


The Minutes of the 1990 Annual General Meeting which had been held on the 24th March in that year, having been previously circulated, were taken as read, confirmed and approved and signed by the President as being a correct record of the previous Meeting.



There were no matters arising as a result of these Minutes 4.


The Treasurer reported on the very satisfactory state of the account for the year. He drew the attention of the Members to the fact that the overall surplus for the year was not as high as in the previous year and gave the reasons for this. On the proposition from the Chair the Accounts were formally adopted. The President proposed a vote of thanks to the Treasurer for all his help and assistance to the Club throughout the year.



The President reported to the Club that the Club had in this present year enlisted its first lady Member. The person was named as Jennifer Miles and the President indicated that he had written to this lady and had welcomed her as our first lady Member. The President went on to report that he had great delight in welcoming to the Dinner on this occasion Rachel Hopkins and he asked as many Members as possible to make Rachel welcome at the Dinner. The President reported that during his year of office, he had enjoyed many occasions with other Members of the Club. He had found Founders Day a most enjoyable event. The Commendation Service at St. Mary De Crypt had been most enlightning. Speech Day had been most memorable with the attendance of Sophia Hockley. Rememberance Day also had been a most interesting and enjoyable occasion. With regret he also reported that during his year of Office, he had attended the funerals of David Holford and the late A.L.C. Smith. The President reported to the Members that the loss of A.LC. Smith was once of immence regret to the Club and he paid tribute to the great contribution which the late A.LC. Smith had made both to the School and to the Club. He drew the attention of the Members to the fact that A.L.C. had as Treasurer and Secretary given a great many years of his life to the well being of The School and to the Old Boys Association.




The President duly put to the Meeting the name of Roger Phelps as the President Elect for the ensuing year together with the name of Dr. Graham Russell to act as Vice President. On the proposition of Cliff Whiting and seconded by Marcus Bayley these names were formally put to the Meeting and were caned unanimously. Roger Fna/Pton and Dennis Mundy both agreed to stand for the ensuing year as Secretary and Treasurer respectively. The Secretary reported that by rotation three members oAhe Committee were to retire, namely, A. Brinsford, G. Russell and J-.RW that these persons had once again offered their names for re-election to the Committee.On the proposition of Cliff Whiting and seconded by Marcus Bayley fhe^e three persons were re-elected to the Committee. The President through he Chair thanked all the Committee and the Secretary for the help given during his year of Office. D.P. Jones was re-elected as Honorary Auditor. 7.


A brief discussion thn took place on the question of the advisability ol’^^9^ FnunHpr^ Dav Service at The Cathedral as an evening event. The Secretary rpnnrtpd that whilst this might be of some inconvenience to some members it was feit t^ waSd fe" A ^ThTt^Club

year but that if there was strong objection by many Mem!bers no,ubt the Club could revert to the Luncheon arrangements held as in previous years. ine Headmaster in confirming these arrangements brought to the attention of Members

that there were several younger Members and Business: that they had found it difficult in previous years to attend ° was for this and other reasons that it was felt appropriate to consider an evening event.


The President brought then to the attention of the

appropriate t^here ^houid be set-up

took place



proposition when it was felt appropriate that in recognition of Arthur Paget's contribution to the Club that perhaps it would be advisable to set up The Ol Crvptians Staff Memorial Fund. After certain further discussion on the subject, it was proposed though the Chair that the Memorial Fund should be directed in Memory of the late A.L.C. Smith and the President reported that he would be circulating a letter to all Members in the course of time asking them to make a contribution towards this fund the object of which would be to derive an from which annually could be presented at Speech Day a Prize in Memory of

late A.L.C. Smith. There being no other business, the Annual General Meeting 6.30 p.m. duly closed at 7.10 p.m. when the Members adjourned to the School Hall

for their Annual Dinner

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