The Crypt School Sixth Form Enrichment Signup Programme

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Year 12 Enrichment Sign up

Name Tutor Group

Enrichment encompasses the many things that students can choose to do beyond their academic lessons and the normal requirements of their life in the Sixth Form: it helps to develop our students’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural strengths and supports them to succeed in their education, when at work and in broader society too; enrichment also contributes to each student’s Personal development

The three core areas we work under are:

Academic and work-related learning, community participation and health and well-being.

The expectation is for students to do at least 100 hours of enrichment over two years; time will be made available for enrichment activities during the school week (Wednesday and Thursday P5), whilst students should also commit some of their own time to their enrichment activities outside school hours. Students will be encouraged to record their activities on Unifrog: students can then use their recorded experiences to write a personal statement, build a CV, work towards a nonqualification Crypt EDGE Employability Award whilst meeting new people and having fun!

Wednesday Period 5 (September – December)

Please add a ‘1’ for your preferred option below and add an ‘2nd and 3rd ’ for your Reserve choices. We will endeavour to give students their first choice, but this may not always be possible:

D of E Rugby Netball/ Girls Sport Climbing Drama/ Lamda First Aid Food EPQ

Yoga Work Shadowing Department mentoring

Please complete this form and return it by the end of this session.

Enrichment sessions will start on Wednesday 20th September

Wed P5 Chess/
Volunteering F1 Music Squad Football Recreational Football
Board Games

Year 13 Enrichment Sign up

Name Tutor Group

Enrichment encompasses the many things that students can choose to do beyond their academic lessons and the normal requirements of their life in the Sixth Form: it helps to develop our students’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural strengths and supports them to succeed in their education, when at work and in broader society too; enrichment also contributes to each student’s Personal development

The three core areas we work under are: Academic and work-related learning, community participation and health and well-being.

The expectation is for students to do at least 100 hours of enrichment over two years; time will be made available for enrichment activities during the school week (Wednesday P5), whilst students should also commit some of their own time to their enrichment activities outside school hours. Students will be encouraged to record their activities on Unifrog: students can then use their recorded experiences to write a personal statement, build a CV, work towards a non-qualification Crypt Employability Award whilst meeting new people and having fun!

Wednesday Period 5 (September – December)

Please tick your preferred option below and add an ‘R’ for your Reserve choice. We will endeavour to give students their first choice, but this may not always be possible:

Rugby Netball Squad Football F1 (Bio/Phys/Chem and Maths students)

Please complete this form and return it to Mr Biggs this session

Enrichment sessions will start on Wednesday 13th September

UCAS Support Group UCAS Priority Group Apprenticeship Support Group

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