German Programme of Study

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Year 7 Tasters: Sport

What is a cognate?

Skills: Taster lessonsIntroducing yourself, sports and opinions, German sportspeople.

Grammar: Opinions and reasons, verb pullers, intensifiers

Assessment: Google Forms Quiz


The Crypt German Department: Programme of Study (2024-25)

What is the difference between the nominative and accusative cases?

Skills: Numbers and dates, family members, pets, physical description including hair and eyes

Grammar: Haben and sein, plural adjective endings, introduction to the accusative case.

Assessment: Grammar and Vocabulary Quiz, Speaking

Mid-year exam


What is the main word order rule in a German sentence?

Skills: School subjects, opinions with reasons, telling the time, days of the week, school facilities, German school system

Grammar: Verb kickers, introduction to verb conjugation in the present tense.

Assessment: Grammar and Vocabulary Quiz, Listening

Free time

What is an infinitive and how can you tell?

Skills: Sports and free time activities, preferences, adverbs of frequency.

Grammar: More regular present tense verbs and key irregulars, gern/lieber/am liebsten, verb is the second idea.

Assessment: Grammar and Vocabulary Quiz, Translation

Where I live

How do you form the present tense?

Skills: Countries and nationalities. Types of house and locations, rooms and furniture, places in a town, town descriptions, future living plans

Grammar: Adjective endings in the accusative case, ein vs kein, prepositions with the dative case, future tense with werden.

Assessment: Speaking

End of year Exam

Summer Project

How do you form the future tense?

Recapping all year 7 skills and grammar.

Completing summer projects. Introducing kann.

Assessment: Grammar and Vocabulary Quiz, Speaking

By the end of year 7, students will be able to…

…express their opinions and justify them on the topics of family, sport, free time and where they live.

…understand the difference between the nominative and accusative cases and apply that to their writing and translation.

…understand what an infinitive is and conjugate verbs in the present and future tenses.

…understand the key word order rules in German, including verb pullers and verb kickers


8 Holidays

How do you form the perfect tense?

Skills: Describing your summer holiday, transport and holiday activities, holiday destinations, weather, accommodation.

Grammar: The perfect tense, use of war and gab, time/manner/place word order rules, mit + dative case

Assessment: Grammar and Vocabulary Quiz, Listening

Daily Routine and clothes

What is a separable verb and how are they used?

Skills: Talking about daily routine, clothes and fashion, preparing for and going out, describing festivals and cultural events.

Grammar: Separable verbs, reflexive verbs, future tense, consolidation of adjective endings.

Assessment: Grammar and Vocabulary Quiz, Speaking

Mid-year exam

Festivals and Health

When do you need an adjective ending and what endings are there?

Skills: Body parts, illlnesses: ich habe

Kopfschmerzen / ich fühle mich), role plays at the hospital, advice using modal verbs.

Grammar: tut/tun mir weh, seit + time, modal verbs must/should + infinitives, revise verb second idea.

Assessment: Grammar and Vocabulary Quiz, Translation

Food and Drink

What is a modal verb and how are they used?

Skills: Talking about food, drink and preferences, ordering at the market/restaurant, talking about sport and healthy lifestyle.

Grammar: Consolidation of three tenses together, introduce möchte + infinitive, revise subordinating conjunctions.

Assessment: Grammar and Vocabulary Quiz, Reading


What is a verb kicker and how are they used?

Skills: Film and television genres and preferences, musical instruments and music preferences.

Grammar: Consolidation of three tenses and gern/lieber/am liebsten.

Assessment: Grammar and Vocabulary Quiz, Speaking

Summer Project

What is the format of a role play?

Transactional language and role plays using key skills from Y8 in real-life contexts. Summer project in which students write an email requesting information.

Assessment: Speaking

End of Year Exam

By the end of year 8, students will be able to… express their opinions and justify them on the topics of holidays, daily routine, festivals, food and drink and film and TV.

…conjugate verbs in the past, present and future tenses, using a variety of time phrases

…understand the use of modal verbs, reflexive verbs and separable verbs including associated word order rules.

…understand and respond to role play prompts accurately.

Year 9

Media and Technology

How do you use um zu?

Skills: Discussing the pros and cons of technology and new media: social networks and mobile phones

Grammar: Using three time frames together, using weil and wenn clauses, in order to: um zu, common imperfect forms.

Assessment: Translation Quiz, Reading and Listening


Which prepositions take the accusative and which take the dative?

Skills: Discussing what you can do to help the environment, environmental and social problems and their impact.

Grammar: Consolidate use of three tenses, consolidate modal verbs + infinitive, consolidate um zu, consolidate connectives.

Assessment: Translation Quiz, Speaking

Das Wunder von Bern

What is the genitive case and how is it used?

Skills: Reviewing Das Wunder Von Bern film, analysing themes, characters and what the scenes show us. Cross-curricular.

Grammar: Genitive case, prepositions with accusative and dative cases, two-way prepositions.

Assessment: Translation Quiz, Mid-year exam


How do you form the conditional tense?

Skills: Talking about jobs, careers and future plans, recognising plural nouns, talking about charity work and volunteering.

Grammar: Future Tense : werden + infinitive, conditional Tense : möchten and würden, masculine and feminine forms of nouns.

Assessment: Translation Quiz, Speaking

Speaking Skills

How do you tackle a photo card and role play?

Skills: Revision techniques for End of Year Exam including speaking skills and consolidation of all topics.

Grammar: Consolidation of KS3 grammar: 5 tenses, verb pullers and kickers, use of um zu, all four cases.

Assessment: Speaking

Summer Project

What was the reunification of Germany and why was it important?

Skills: Talking about the reunification of Germany and its significance.

Grammar: Manipulation of nouns, verbs and adjectives and changing verbs from 1st to 3rd person.

Assessment: End of Year Exam

By the end of year 9, students will be able to… express and justify opinions on the topics of technology, the environment, film and work. conjugate verbs in the present, perfect, conditional and future tenses.

…follow advanced word order rules including um zu, wenn and modals in the past and present.

…understand the use of all four cases and a range of prepositions. respond accurately to a photo card prompt.

…critically analyse a film and historical events in 20th century German history.

Year 10

Unit 1: Identity and relationships with others (1.1)

Skills: Describing ourselves, friends and families including personality and appearance. Discussing relationships, ideal partners and future plans

Grammar: Using reflexive verbs, cases recap, use of separable verbs, using comparative and superlative adjectives

Assessment: Grammar Audit, Listening and Reading, Writing

Unit 2: Free-time activities (2.1)

Skills: Discussing free time activities, including sport, music, film and TV and reading.

Grammar: gern/lieber/am liebsten, perfect tense, future tense

Assessment: Listening and Reading, Speaking

Unit 3: Media and Technology (3.2)

Skills: Discussing the pros and cons of technology, social media and staying safe online.

Grammar: Imperfect tense, wenn clauses, um zu, modal verbs

Assessment: Listening and Reading Mid-year exam

Unit 4: Customs, festivals and celebrations (2.2)

Skills: Discussing local and international festivals. Discussing birthdays and celebrations.

Grammar: Adjective endings in different cases, prepositions, conditional tense

Assessment: Listening and Reading, Writing

Unit 5: Healthy living and lifestyle (1.2)

Skills: Discussing healthy lifestyles including diet and exercise. Discussing illnesses and injuries.

Grammar: Modal verbs, pronouns, revision of four tenses

Assessment: Listening and Reading

End of Year Exam

Unit 6: Celebrity culture (2.3)

Skills: Discussing celebrity culture and influence. Consolidation and revision of skills from year 10 especially speaking.

Grammar: Consolidation of grammar from Y10

Assessment: Listening and Reading, Speaking

By the end of year 10, students will be able to… understand and produce language on the topics of family and social relationships, free time activities, technology, customs and festivals, healthy living and celebrity culture.

…conjugate verbs accurately in at least five tenses

…understand the use of all four cases and a wide range of prepositions.

…respond to 90-word and 150-word writing tasks

…respond to role-plays, read-aloud tasks and photo cards in the speaking exam.

Year 11

Year 12

Autumn 1

Unit 7: Travel and tourism, including places of interest (3.1)

Teacher 1 (JJR):

2.1 Soziale


Unit 8: The environment and where people live (3.3)

Teacher 1 (JJR):

Skills: Discussing travel and tourism, weather, holiday activities, why holidays are important and places of interest.

2.2 Die Sucht nach Technik

2.3 Das Internet

3.2 Promis aus dem Herkunftsland

3.3 Mode und Image

Grammar: Revising all four tenses, using zu clauses, relative clauses.

3.1 Musik und Lieder

Teacher 1 (JJR):

Unit 9: Education and Work (1.3)

Teacher 1 (JJR):

Unit 10: Revision

Teacher 1 (JJR):

By the end of year 11, students will be able to…

Teacher 1 (JJR):

Skills: Discussing where you live including your house and local area. Discussing global environmental problems and what you can do about them.

4.1 Frohe Festtage

4.2 Vielfältige Feste und Traditionen

Assessment: Grammar Audit, Listening and Reading, Writing

Teacher 2 (BP):

1.1 So viele verschiedene


1.2 Auf immer und ewig

Unit 2 Assessment

4.3 Fest oder


5.2 Deutsche Kunst

5.3 Der Zeit ihrer


Skills: Describing your school including uniform, rules, school day and facilities. Discussing work of world including jobs, applications, university and apprenticeships.

5.4 Wiederaufbau oder Neuaufbau

6.1 Berlin – geprägt durch seine Geschichte

Skills: Recap from mocks / Consolidation from exams

6.3 Berlin im Schatten des Dritten Reichs



Grammar: Revision of all grammar points.


…understand and produce language on the topics of travel and tourism, environment and where I live, education and work.

Grammar: Revising wenn clauses in the conditional, revising superlatives, using complex structures

Teacher 2 (BP):

Teacher 2 (BP):

5.1 Meilensteine

Assessment: Listening and Reading

der Architektur

1.3 Das heutige


Full Mock

3.4 Die Rolle des Fernsehens

Unit 1 Assessment Unit 3 Assessment




Grammar: Recapping adjective agreement, modal verbs, past tense modal verbs, genitive prepositions

Assessment: Listening and Reading

Teacher 2 (BP):

6.4 Berlin –Hauptstadt der Vielfalt

Assessment: Listening and Reading

Teacher 2 (BP):

…conjugate verbs accurately in at least five tenses

Full Mock


Teacher 2 (BP):

Mid-year exam

Unit 4 Assessment

Film Study: Goodbye, Lenin!

Unit 5 Assessment

Film Study: Goodbye, Lenin!

Unit 6 Assessment AS Mock exam

8.1 Woher kommst du?

...understand the use of all four cases and a wide range of prepositions.

Timed Film

Essays (x2)

By the end of year 12, students will be able to… understand and produce language on the topics of family, technology, youth culture, art and architecture and Berlin.

respond to 90-word and 150-word writing tasks.

…respond to role plays and photo cards in the speaking exam and be prepared for Themes 1-3 of the general conversation.

…conjugate verbs accurately in all tenses ...understand the use of all four cases and a wide range of prepositions. critically analyse the film Goodbye, Lenin. respond to speaking cards on all topics.

Year 13

Teacher 1 (JJR):

Book - Zonenkinder

Unit 8.1 - Woher kommst du?

Unit 8.2 - Ein Volk –viele Einflüsse

Teacher 1 (JJR):

Unit 9.2 - Die Ursprünge des Rassissmus

Unit 9.3 – Der Kampf gegen Rassismus

Teacher 1 (JJR):

Unit 10.2 - Die Auswirkungen der EU

Unit 10.3 – Die Rolle Deutschlands in Europa

Teacher 1 (JJR):

11.2 – Politik und Jugend – Engagier dich!

Teacher 2 (BP):

Unit 7.3 – Massnahmen gegen Masseneinwanderungen

Unit 8.3 – Radio Multikulti

Teacher 2 (BP): Revision Film good bye Lenin!

Unit 9.1Altagsrassismus

Unit 11 1 – Politik und Jugend - Macht mit

12.1 - Friedliche Revolution in der DDR

12.2 - Wie vereinigt ist Deutschland

Teacher 2 (BP): Unit 10 1 – Sind Sie Deutsche(r) oder Europäer (in)

ASSESSMENT: Y13 Assessment Week (Papers 1-2-3)

ASSESSMENT: 2 marked essays

ASSESSMENT: U7&8 Paper 1, U8 Speaking

ASSESSMENT: U9 Paper 1, U9 Speaking

ASSESSMENT: U10 Paper 1, U10 Speaking

12.3 – Alte und neue Bundesländer – Kultur & Identität

Teacher 1 (JJR):

Revision - Speaking

Teacher 2 (BP):


Teacher 2 (BP):

Unit 11.3 –Wehrfpflicht: Ja oder Nein?

ASSESSMENT: U11 Paper 1, U11 Speaking

ASSESSMENT: U12 Paper 1, U12 Speaking

By the end of year 13, students will be able to… understand and produce language on the topics of immigration, integration, racism, the EU, politics and the Berlin Wall.

…conjugate verbs accurately in all tenses. ...understand the use of all four cases and a wide range of prepositions. critically analyse the book Zonenkinder. respond to speaking cards on all topics.

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