PE KS3 PE Programme of Study

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Programme of Study (POS) 2024-25

POS Overview - The POS is broken down into a rotation between activities which all focus on the golden strands and end points relevant for each year group. The wider focus is on the skill development, tactics and strategies which transfer between activities rather than spending a significant amount of time on one activity.

PE in Year 7 is delivered as a co-educational tutor group and then in Year 8 and 9, boy PE classes are differentiated by ability with students organised into Develop or Challenge groups. Girls are put together to make a larger girls PE set in Year 8 and 9. To ensure the curriculum is inclusive and to break gender stereotypes all students take part in the same activities, for example boys and girls both do dance in Year 7.

Year 7 PE Vision

Encourage enjoyment in Physical Activity. Gain an understanding of each Golden Strand. Develop an understanding of Physical Literacy.

Year 8 PE Vision

Broadening sporting experiences.

Further development and refinement of each Golden Strand.

Develop fundamental movements to improve performance.

Year 9 PE Vision

Encouraging further participation & enjoyment in physical activity - students making positive choices and taking on different roles within sport. Challenging each Golden Strand within a competitive environment. Term 1 & Term 2 (14 Weeks)

3 & Term 4 (10 Weeks) Term 5 & Term 6 (12 Weeks)

Year 7 Weeks 1-4

Warm Up/Intro to PE

Importance of PE and understanding the importance of the different aspects of fitness (Warm Up / School Mile / Components of Fitness)

Weeks 5-14

Basketball (5 weeks)

Development of key skills (passing/dribbling/shooting) and tactics/strategies (creating space/attack vs defence)

Hockey (5 weeks)

Development of key skills

Badminton (5 weeks)

Development of key skills (service & overhead clearing)

Students develop an understanding of outwitting their opponent - creating space and executing correct skills

Movement Pathway (5 weeks)

Introduction to the Movement Pathway. Students develop an understanding of each foundation movement and transfer this into movement skills. Better movement = better performance.

Athletics (8 weeks)

Focus on the technical model for each throwing and jumping event. Students develop an understanding of each skill and transfer this into a practical performance

Tennis (4 weeks)

Introduction to the basic skills of tennis (forehand/backhand). Students develop an understanding of outwitting their opponent - creating space and executing correct

Skill Development

End Points / Golden Strands

- Students will develop an understanding of the key skills for a variety of activities with a wider focus on passing and dribbling and skill execution to create scoring opportunities

- Students will be able to demonstrate control and fluency in ball movement and racquet control

- Students will be able to transfer their knowledge and understanding into a practical performance, being able to execute the specific skills for each activity.

Physical Movement

- Students will be able to perform an effective RAMP warm-up which include the foundation movements.

(passing/dribbling/tackling) and tactics/strategies (creating space/ball control)

POS for Term 3&4 is normally based on 12 weeks and we would include Dance. However due to it being a 10 week term, we have made the decision to focus on 5 weeks of gym and 5 weeks of badminton to maximise engagement.

Dance - not for 2023/24

4 week focus on a Lindy Hop routine. Students develop confidence and teamwork skills to choreograph a simple routine, performing it to their peers.

skills. Tennis is also further developed within the games programme.

- Students will develop the knowledge and be able to perform the foundation movements which will then improve their overall performance.

- Students will be able to sustain physical activity for age appropriate periods of time without losing effort & involvement.

- Students will gain the knowledge to lead a balanced active and healthy lifestyle.

Tactics & Strategies

- Students will be able to understand and demonstrate the ability to create space using the concept of width and depth in invasion games as well as shot selection and decision making in racquet sports.

- Students will develop their knowledge of different tactics and strategies specific to each activity/sport.

Personal Skills - Friendship, respect, teamwork. Empathy, resilience/perseverance - embracing challenge.

Careers - linking PE to wider experiences/opportunities

Year 8 Weeks 1-2

Warm Up & Movement Skills

Recap of PE expectations and opportunity for students to develop movement skills and emphasis on warm ups.

Gymnastics (4 weeks)

Students focus on group sequence work with a wider focus on flight and counter balances. Opportunity for students to challenge themselves with choreography

OAA (4 weeks)

Outdoor Adventurous Activitystudents focus on teambuilding and problem solving activities to develop personal and team skills such as trust, leadership, communication.

Badminton (4 weeks)

Building on the skills that students developed in Year 7, students refine key skills such as service and clear with a wider

Athletics (8 weeks)

Building on their knowledge and performance from Year 7, students refine the skills for each throwing and jumping event with a wider focus on competition and maximising their performance. For example generating more power/momentum through their run up to jump further

Skill Development

- Students are able to further refine skills developed from Year 7 with a wider focus on accuracy and consistency to maximise performance.

- Skills are performed at a higher level under competitive pressure with fluency and control .

- Students develop more efficiency with movement skills

- Students are able to link the foundation movement skills with specific training skills (circuit training) to improve performance.

Physical Movement

and group work as well as developing their confidence / positive body image.

Movement Pathway (4 weeks)

Further development of the movement pathway, see’ students build on their knowledge from Year 7 with a bigger focus on squat, push and pull movements which in turn improve physical health and performance

Table Tennis (4 weeks)

Students develop an understanding of the key skills (service, forehand/backhand push and drive).

Wider focus on learning a new sport (tactics & strategies) as well as refining hand-eye coordination and movement skills. Broadening sporting experiences.

Year 9 Weeks 1-2

Warm Up & Movement Skills

Recap of PE expectations and opportunity for students to develop movement skills and emphasis on warm ups. An opportunity to get students moving and active

Crypt Sport Leaders (6 weeks)

Students have the opportunity to develop their understanding of the role

focus on match winning shots such as a drop shot or smash.

Circuit Training (4 weeks)

Building on the knowledge that has been developed through the movement pathway, students are able to gain a thorough understanding of circuit training and how it can be manipulated to train specific components of fitness and meet their individual needs.

in the long jump or triple jump.

Tennis (4 weeks)

Students continue to build on their knowledge and performance from Year 7, refining their skills and effectively being able to play tennis. Extended focus on being able to serve as well as reinforcing a forehand and backhand shot to create space and outwit your opponent.

- Students continue to progress within the movement pathway with a wider focus on strength based exercises. Push, pull squat movements.

- Students are able to link the foundation movements to improve performance and the execution of set skills with speed and power.

- Students gain a deeper understanding of the importance of training and movement skills to maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

Tactics & Strategies

- Students continue to embed the different tactics and strategies within each activity with a wider focus on problem solving and decision making.

- Students are able to solve problems both physically and mentally, using a ranges of tactics and strategies.

- Students are able to understand and implement principles of attack and defence in a range of sports.

Personal Skills - Cultural Appreciation / Respect / Body Image / Self Confidence / Attitudes Careers - focus on personal training / coaching / sports analysis / officiating

Volleyball/Movement Pathway (4 weeks) as per Term 1 & Term 2 POS.

Officiating - Futsal / Netball / Basketball / Hockey (6 weeks)

Building on the skills developed in Year 7 & 8, students are challenged within a competitive environment to embed attacking and defensive

Tennis (6 weeks)

Building on the skills and experiences from Year 7 and 8 there is a wider focus on the tactics and decision making aspect of tennis. Students are encouraged to link shots/service together to outwit their opponents

Athletics (6 weeks)

Skill Development

- Students are able to consistently demonstrate advanced skills under competitive pressure and in a range of contexts/scenarios/activities.

- Students continue to refine core skills for each activity, executing skills with a higher level of speed, control and power.

- Students develop an understanding of new skills and sports/activities such as Volleyball, Crypt Sport Leaders and officiating.

of a sports coach alongside developing leadership skills. Crypt Sport Leaders are then identified to lead Year 7 and primary school events. Big focus on leadership, responsibility and organisation as key life skills.

Volleyball (4 weeks)

Students are challenged to learn a completely new sport with a focus on core skills such as service, dig and set shots alongside developing teamwork and communication skills and the tactics/rules of the game.

Movement Pathway - Training Programmes (4 weeks)

Building on their knowledge and skills from the Movement Pathway students gain a thorough understanding of training principles (GCSE PE content) to develop their own training program focusing on an area/movements of their choice. In the key skills service, dig, set alongside the tactics and rules of the game.

strategies. However there is a broader focus to create opportunities for students to fulfil the role of an official. By being an official, students are able to build on their leadership skills learnt in Term 1&2 and gain a deeper understanding of the rules across a variety of invasion games as well as developing the skills of an official/referee.

Building on the skills and experiences from Year 7 and 8 there is a wider focus on competition with students competing across all athletic events in lessons. Students are able to identify and improve weaknesses within their throwing/jumping technique.

Physical Movement

- Building on movement skills from Year 7 & 8, students apply these skills into a personal training programme.

- Students understand the principles of training and importance of positive choices and responsibility to exercise regularly to lead a balanced, active healthy lifestyle.

- Students challenge their own movement skills within the movement pathway, starting to consider load and moving towards Level 3 movements (relevant to individual ability).

Tactics & Strategies

- Students demonstrate leadership skills and are able to effectively organise and lead an activity for a small group of their peers.

- Students gain a deeper understanding and are able to deploy different attacking and defensive strategies for each activity.

- Students are able to develop officiating skills to control and manage an invasion game. Further enhancing their knowledge and understanding of rules and also leadership skills in a different context/environment.

- Students develop communication and leadership skills to not only improve team sports but also develop key personal skills to benefit students beyond PE.

Personal Skills - Leadership / Organisation / Time Management / Communication / Officiating

Careers - leadership/management opportunities in sport - GCSE content - personal training / choreography

KS3 Games Programme of Study

Although a different environment and set up, the games programme is an extension of the PE Curriculum and POS. Sharing the same intent and focus on Golden Strands but with a wider focus on participation and engagement with competitive sport. Our main sports such as rugby, netball, football, cricket and rounders are delivered through the games programme to allow for a more structured programme to meet the needs and abilities of all students. Likewise other activities which feature in the PE Curriculum and POS are revisited in games to allow students more opportunities and time to develop each Golden Strand.

Games is a unique set up with a whole year group on games at one time putting pressure on resources and staffing. Groups are created firstly by gender which focus on different sports and then by ability. The games programme progresses into our extra-curricular programme which creates extensive opportunities for students to play competitive sport. Through competitive sport and games students are able to develop wider skills and experiences such as teamwork, resilience, confidence and competitiveness alongside the specific skill development and physical movement skills required for each activity which is underpinned by the golden strands as previously outlined.

Squad Groups are for students who will go on and play competitive sport for the school. The focus in games lessons is dependent on the squads development and specific areas of weakness to continue to improve as a team

Development Groups are part of the engagement programme and rotation of activities. Although the focus is on the same skills and golden strands as the squad group, it is not competitive and sport is played more recreationally to increase engagement and participation.

Year 7 Rugby (Boys) - by week two of games students are put into two groups based on their previous experience and confidence with rugby as an activity.

Rugby Squad

Focus on developing key skills such as ball control, contact skills (tackling & rucking) and game awareness. Students in the squad group will go on and play a structured game of rugby and represent the school in competitive fixtures

Rugby Development

Priority on engagement and learning of key skills in rugby. Contact skills

Rugby Squad (Boys)

Like in Term 1 & 2, students within the rugby squad are challenged to develop their knowledge and understanding of competitive rugby. Fixtures with other schools predominantly take place after Christmas for Year 7.

Rugby Development (Boys)

Students continue to develop the fundamental skills of rugby alongside the golden strands of ball movement, invasion and contact skills.

Engagement Programme (Boys)

Students who become disengaged with rugby and have made as much progress as possible are put into an engagement programme Engagement focuses on

Squad Cricket (Hardball)

Open to all students (boys & girls), students have the option to focus on hardball cricket. Focus on skill development (batting, bowling & fielding) alongside game awareness and tactic/strategies. Boys and girls teams are then created from this group to play competitive inter-school fixtures.

Cricket Development (softball)

All students who choose not to play hardball cricket access cricket development sessions to understand and develop the core skills in batting, bowling and fielding

Skill Development

- Students will continue to develop an understanding of the key skills for a variety of activities with a specific focus on rugby, netball, cricket and rounders.

- Focus on passing and movement skills and skill execution to create scoring opportunities specific to each activity.

- Students will develop their confidence and efficiency of contact skills (rugby only) based on their ability/experience.

- Students will be able to demonstrate control and fluency in ball movement and hand eye coordination with bat/ball games (cricket & rounders). .

- Students will be able to transfer their knowledge and understanding into a practical

Term 1 & 2
Term 3 & 4
Term 5 & 6
End Points / Golden Strands

are delivered to allow students to develop their confidence over a longer period of time. Students gain an understanding of the game and play conditioned formats to maximise participation.

Netball Squad

Focus on developing key skills such as passing, footwork and the use of space. Students will develop their tactical awareness of the game such as feeding into the circle. Students will play a structured game of Netball and represent the school in competitive fixtures.

Netball Development

Priority on engagement and learning of key and new skills in Netball Students will learn the different positions in netball and principles such as footwork, driving into space and passing Students play conditioned games and formats to maximise participation and help develop their knowledge further.

Invasion games such as basketball, football, handball to build on the content covered within PE lessons and cross over of skills previously developed in rugby to give students further opportunities to develop the golden strands as stated above.

Girls Rugby (Term 3)

Aim is to break stereotypes and allow girls to have the same experience of school sports as boys. Focus on developing key skills in rugby and an understanding of the rules.

Some students will go onto contact skills (tackling & rucking) to develop their confidence and knowledge of the game. Some students will go on to represent the school at a competitive level.

Girls Football Development (Term 4)

Aim is to break stereotypes and allow girls to access football especially after the success of the lionesses. Focus on developing key skills in football such as passing, defending and shooting. Students play conditioned games and formats to maximise participation and help develop their knowledge further.

Girls Football Squad (Term 4)

Focus on further enhancing key skills such as 1v1 defending and ball striking. Students will develop their tactical awareness of the game Students will

Engagement Programme

Alongside the cricket development sessions, students who are not in squad cricket will also rotate between rounders, soft ball and athletics

Students gain an understanding of rounders and softball as a sport alongside challenging each golden strand in a new activity and environment.

Athletics builds on students learning and experiences from PE lessons and giving students further opportunities to develop each golden strand.

performance, being able to execute the specific skills for each activity.

Physical Movement

- Students will be able to perform an effective RAMP warm-up which include the foundation movements

- Students will develop the knowledge and be able to perform the foundation movements which will then improve their overall performance.

- Students will be able to sustain physical activity for age appropriate periods of time without losing effort & involvement.

- Students will gain the knowledge to lead a balanced active and healthy lifestyle.

Tactics & Strategies

- Students will be able to understand and demonstrate the ability to create space using the concept of width and depth in invasion games as well as shot selection and decision making in bat/ball sports.

- Students will develop their knowledge of different tactics and strategies specific to each activity/sport.

- Students will develop an understanding of attack and defensive strategies relevant for each sport alongside a thorough understanding of rules/tactics.

play a structured game of Netball and represent the school in competitive fixtures locally and nationally.

8 Rugby (Boys)

Building on Year 7 rugby, students continue to develop the skills and game awareness further. Playing the game at a higher level, executing skills more efficiently to maximise performance.

Rugby Squad (Boys)

Focus on refining key skills such as ball control, contact skills (tackling & rucking) and game awareness Students in the squad group will continue to play a structured game of rugby and represent the school in competitive fixtures

Rugby Development (Boys)

Priority on engagement and further developing the key skills in rugby learnt in Year 7. Contact skills are delivered to allow students to further develop their confidence over a longer period of time. Students develop their understanding of the game and play conditioned formats to maximise participation.

Netball Squad (girls)

Focus on refining key skills driving,

Rugby Development (Girls Term 3)

Priority on engagement and further developing the key skills in rugby learnt in Year 7. Isolated contact skills are delivered to allow students to experience rugby in full and help develop their confidence in the sport. Students develop their understanding of the game and play conditioned formats to maximise participation.

Rugby Squad (Girls Term 3)

Focus on refining key skills such as ball control, contact skills (tackling & contested rucking) and game awareness Students in the squad group will have the opportunity to represent the school.

Football Development (Girls Term 4)

Further develop key skills learnt in Year 7. Develop students' knowledge further of tactics used in football. Conditioned games and small sided matches used to maximise participation and understanding of football as a sport.

Squad Football (Girls Term 4)

Further development of key skills learnt in Year 7 with a wider focus on tactics

Squad Cricket (Hardball)

Open to all students (boys & girls), students have the option to focus on hardball cricket. Focus on refining and further developing skills (batting, bowling & fielding) alongside game awareness and tactic/strategies. Boys and girls teams are then created from this group to play competitive inter-school fixtures.

Cricket Development (softball)

All students who choose not to play hardball cricket access cricket development sessions to further develop the core skills in batting, bowling and fielding alongside game understanding.

Engagement Programme

Alongside the cricket development sessions, students who are not in squad cricket will also rotate between rounders, soft ball and athletics. Students gain a further understanding of rounders and softball and challenge batting, fielding skills to maximise

Skill Development

- Students are able to further refine skills developed from Year 7 with a wider focus on accuracy and consistency to maximise performance.

- Skills are performed at a higher level under competitive pressure with fluency and control relevant for each differentiated group and students only ability.

- Students develop more efficiency with movement skills, for example contact skills in rugby become more powerful and efficient to increase level of performance.

- Students are able to execute skills in rugby, netball, football and cricket to maximise performance, creating scoring opportunities.

Physical Movement

- Students have an opportunity to further progress within the movement pathway with a wider focus on strength based exercises. Push, pull squat movements as part of the engagement programme.

- Students are able to link the foundation movements to improve performance and the execution of set skills with speed and power.

- Students gain a deeper understanding of game related movements specific for each sport e.g. footwork in netball, body position in contact (rugby).

passing, footwork and game awareness. Students in the squad group will continue to play a structured game of Netball and represent the school in competitive fixtures both locally and nationally.

Netball Development (Girls)

Priority on engagement and further developing the key skills in netball learnt in Year 7. Skills are recapped and developed further. Students develop their understanding of the game and play conditioned formats to maximise participation.

and game awareness. As a squad students develop attack and defence strategies. Students in the squad group will go on and play a structured game of Football and represent the school in competitive fixtures both locally and nationally.

Football Squad (Boys)

Focus on developing key skills such as ball control, passing, tackling, shooting alongside game awareness. Students in the squad group will go on and play a structured game of rugby and represent the school in competitive fixtures.

Engagement Programme (Boys)

For those students who choose to not take part in competitive squad football, the remainder of the year group (boys) are put into groups and rotate between the following:

Rec Football (Boys)

Recreation football with the predominant focus being engagement and playing football. Focus on the golden strands to further develop key skills and game awareness through conditioned games and small sided matches to maximise participation and understanding of football as a sport.


Focus on singles and doubles play for students to develop their understanding of game play, tactics and


Athletics - students have further opportunities to develop athletic skills from PE lessons, focusing on developing technical knowledge and execution of set skills (running, jumping and throwing) to maximise performance.

Tactics & Strategies

- Students continue to embed the different tactics and strategies within each activity with a wider focus on problem solving and decision making.

- Students are able to solve problems both physically and mentally, using a range of tactics and strategies and by working together in small teams/conditioned games.

- Students are able to understand and implement principles of attack and defence relevant for each activity/sport.

- Students develop teamwork skills to develop their tactical awareness and decision making skills to create scoring opportunities in rugby, netball, football and cricket.

Year 9

Rugby Squad (Boys)

Focus on challenging and further development of key skills such as ball control, contact skills etc. with a wider focus on tactics and structure of game play (attack & defence). Students in the squad group will continue to play a structured game of rugby and represent the school in competitive fixtures.

Engagement Programme (Boys)

For those students who choose to not take part in competitive squad rugby, the remainder of the year group (boys) are put into groups and rotate between the following activities:


Focus on singles and doubles play for students to develop their understanding of game play, tactics and outwitting their opponent. Students continue to refine skills such as overhead clear and serve to maximise performance.

Rec Rugby

Recreation rugby with the

outwitting their opponent. Students continue to refine skills such as overhead clear and serve to maximise performance.

Football Squad (Boys)

Further development of key skills with a wider focus on tactics and game awareness. As a squad students develop attack and defence strategies. Students in the squad group will go on and play a structured game of football and represent the school in competitive fixtures.

Engagement Programme (Boys)

For those students who choose to not take part in competitive squad football, the remainder of the year group (boys) are put into groups and rotate between the following:

Rec Football (Boys)

Recreation football with the predominant focus being engagement and playing football. Focus on the golden strands to further develop key skills and game awareness through conditioned games and small sided matches to maximise participation and understanding of football as a sport.

Basketball & Badminton (Boys)

Building on the skills and tactics/strategies covered within PE

Squad Cricket (Hardball)

Open to all students (boys & girls), students have the option to play hardball cricket. Students continue to develop and challenge skills (batting, bowling & fielding) alongside game awareness and tactics/strategies. Boys and girls teams continue to be selected from this group to play competitive inter-school fixtures.

Engagement Programme

For those students who choose to not take part in competitive squad football, the remainder of the year group (boys) are put into groups and rotate between the following:


Students have further opportunities to develop athletic skills from PE lessons, focusing on developing technical knowledge and execution of set skills (running, jumping and throwing) to maximise performance.


Students have further

Skill Development

- Students are able to consistently demonstrate advanced skills under competitive pressure and in a range of contexts/scenarios/activities.

- Students continue to refine core skills for each activity, executing skills with a higher level of speed, control and power.

- Students develop individual skills and team skills/plays which impact attack and defence strategies (rugby/football/netball).

Physical Movement

- Building on movement skills from Year 7 & 8, students apply these skills into a variety of contexts and environments to improve performance.

- Students continue to develop and refine sport specific movements such as footwork in netball or contact skills and body positions in rugby.

- Students continue to develop athleticism as a concept to improve overall performance.

- Students continue to grow, become stronger and more efficient to improve their performance in a specific activity (rugby, netball, football, cricket).

predominant focus being engagement and playing rugby. Focus on the golden strands to further develop key skills and game awareness through conditioned games and small sided matches to maximise participation and understanding of rugby as a sport.

Movement Pathway

Further development of foundation movement skills through different gym challenges and circuits to get students active and engaged with physical activity. Further development of movement pathway lessons done within PE lessons.

Netball Squad (Girls)

Focus on challenging and further development of key skills such driving, finding space etc with a wider focus on tactics and structure of game play Students in the squad group will continue to play a structured game of Netball and represent the school in competitive fixtures both locally and nationally.

Netball Development

Building on skills from Year 7 & 8 and the focus now being more tactical awareness. Students will still look at skills in isolation and try to put this into a game.

lessons students play small sided and conditioned games to gain a deeper understanding and to develop each golden strand in a competitive environment.

Girls Rugby Development (Term 3)

Further developing the key skills in rugby learnt in Year 7 & 8. Contact skills are delivered with the hope of a conditioned contact game to allow students to experience rugby in full and help develop their confidence in the sport. Students develop their understanding of the game and play conditioned formats to maximise participation.

Girls Rugby Squad (Term 3)

Focus on challenging key skills such as ball control, contact skills (tackling & contested rucking) and a wider focus on tactics. Students in the squad group will have the opportunity to represent the school.

Girls Football Development (Term 4)

Further develop key skills learnt in Year 7 & 8. Develop students' knowledge further of tactics used in football. Focused on more specific skills such as 1v1 defending. Conditioned games and small sided matches used to maximise participation and understanding of football as a sport.

opportunities to develop core tennis skills from PE lessons (forehand, backhand, serve etc.) alongside singles and doubles play and tactical understanding of tennis.

Cricket (soft ball)

Students play smaller, conditioned games to develop core batting, bowling and fielding skills in a competitive environment.

Rounders & Softball

Building on previous experiences in Year 7 & 8, students further develop their game awareness and core skills (batting, bowling and fielding) to maximise performance both individually and as a team.

Tactics & Strategies

- Students continue to develop leadership skills and take more ownership and control of their teams performance in conditioned games.

- Students gain a deeper understanding and are able to deploy different attacking and defensive strategies for each activity/sport.

- Students develop communication and leadership skills to not only improve team sports but also develop key personal skills to benefit students beyond PE.

Girls Football Squad (Term 4)

Further development of key skills with a wider focus on tactics and game awareness. As a squad students develop attack and defence strategies. More specific tactical skills developed such as defending the strikers back to goal. Students in the squad group will go on and play a structured game of football and represent the school in competitive fixtures.

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