Music Programme of Study

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Technical (developing competence in controlling sound: instrumental/vocal with music technology: using the communication systems of staff notation/Tablature. Developing performance skills)

COMMUNITY: Music making for purpose: promoting social inclusion ,developing community empowerment and living well

FLOW: Reaching a state of unconscious competence where knowing the music is in you


2. Students upload their performances and compositions onto Google Classroom for feedback (tracking progress)

MASTERY: Progressing towards technical, academic and creative excellence, where every mistake is an opportunity to learn


3. Students complete their self-assessment/skills progress sheet at the end of each unit

Vision: Floreat Schola Cryptiensis Students studying Music develop a love for performing, composing, listening to a diverse range of musical genres thus gaining a deep musical understanding. This will enable them to confidently sing and play with fluency and expression and achieve a wealth of musical skills whilst acquiring a rich knowledge of music history and creative thinking. Music allows our students to flourish and become successful, creative musicians and critical thinkers whilst at School and beyond. Our musicians develop the skills of perseverance, resilience, respect, responsibility and tolerance through practise and regular performance opportunities. Music opens the doors to a breadth of exciting and empowering opportunities in our society such as Performer, Teacher, Recording Engineer, Conductor, Composer, DJ, Arranger, Promoter, Producer and Manager amongst many other highly regarded professions. Our curriculum is based around the three “Pillars of Progression” which link together to create “musical understanding”

CREATIVITY: Pushing the boundaries of music making and celebrating self and group expression

ENSEMBLE: Exploring all music anthentically through the vehicle of ensemble

Constructive (developing knowledge of the musical elements and their interrelated dimensions in music. Develop the skills of improvisation and composition to construct music)

Teachers give constant “live” feedback during each lesson. Students peer assess their work, set targets and assess progress each lesson. Teachers assess at least one piece of work per term, giving written feedback and targets.

1. Students video progress at the beginning, interim and end of performance tasks (student assessed)

BIG IDEAS: Here are our core values/practices:


Expressive (developing musical quality and creativity. Using the musical elements to refine performances. Developing knowledge of musical meaning across the world and time)


This is a spiral curriculum with clear progression. There are 4 units of work over one academic year. This enables more time to be spent practising, refining and developing skills. Our philosophy is “Do less, better”. Skills are revisited to improve and develop understanding further. Topics link to prior learning. More rigorous feedback is given and the opportunity for all students to explore the topics in more depth. The curriculum builds on the culminative development of skills over the whole of KS3.

1.3 Textural composition Breakdown of 9-week term Practical (5 weeks) 1.1 Folk music performance showcasing textural layers and how to build texture in a piece of music Performance of a folk music piece as a class ensemble (eg Wellerman song) Perform1.2 relevant melodic or harmony notes on instruments which are appropriate to the genre. Distinguish1.3 the difference between To be able to confidentlyperform on musictheunderstandTovocabularysomegenres,inpieceappraiselistenTopiececomposeperformhictab/drum/grapsomenotation(usingreadTogoodexpressionsomeensemblewithintune/partssingToandtechnicalshowingguitar/drumukulelekeyboard,and/orkitsomeskillfluencybeabletoinanwithandtechniquebeabletoascorestaffandincases,notation)tooraofmusic.beabletotoandaofmusicavarietyofusingtechnicalbeabletohowelementsofareused.

th chords Topics: 1.1 Just play – game of thrones 1.2 Twinkle twinkle little star 1.3compositionEarlyone morning (folk unit –1.4MC)Singing in harmony 1.5 Revisiting rhythm, melody, texture, structure, meter, pulse Breakdown of 9-week term Practical (5 weeks) 1.1 Just play – game of thrones 1.2 addressing more complex chords, minor chords and 7th chords. Confident understanding of how to construct a triad chord Singing harmonies – recognising chord notes – 3rd apart. Confident singing a melody and harmony line 1.2 Singing from the MMCTexture Skills: 1.1 Recognise and understand different instruments of the orchestra 1.2 Understand how texture is used in different musical cultures 1.3 Recognise the various textures that are used in orchestral music 1.4 Learn to compose a piece using a variety of different textures 1.5 Develop performing skills Topics: 1.1 Sonority city 1.2 Folk music

Harmony Skills: 1.1 Understanding and playing major and minor chords 1.2 Mastering a range of 1.4chord1.3kit)(Keyboard/ukulele/guitar/druminstrumentsUnderstandinghowtocomposeprogressionsunderstanding7

THE CRYPT SCHOOL: PROGRAMME OF STUDY: MUSIC, 2022-2023 Autumn Autumn/Winter Spring Spring/Summer End of year points 7Y Rhythm & Pulse Skills: 1.1 How to keep time 1.2 Rhythmic notation 1.3 Awareness of tempi 1.4 Simple and complex 1.5rhythmsHow to play in an ensemble 1.6 Recognising basic rhythms 1.7(Aural)Listening and appraising Topics: 1.1 Samba 1.2 African drumming 1.3 Chair drumming 1.4 Rhythm grid Breakdown of 10-week term Practical (5 weeks) 1.1 Talking drums performance 1.2 Polyrhythmic piece 1.3 Body percussion piece 1.4 Applying rhythmic skills using African Djembae drums and Samba drums to perform in 1.5ensembles.Developing singing skills using the MMC advisory songs as well as other songs relevant to BV and the Crypt or seasonal celebration. Composition & Aural (5 weeks) 1.1 Introduction to notation on a stave – using Focus on Sound Melody Skills: 1.1 Pitch awareness 1.2 Improvisation 1.3 Aural dictation (intervals) 1.4 How to understand graphic scores 1.5 How to create a melody 1.6 Improvement of piano technique Topics: 1.1 Keyboard performance 1.2 Binary composition 1.3 Graphic scores Breakdown of 10-week term Practical (5 weeks) 1.1 Love me Developing1.31.2performancetender(AABA)Graphicscoreinstrumental skills focusing on reading and applying understandingnotation(on 1.5andunderstandingskills1.4mkeyboard/ukulele/guitar/druthekit)Developingensembleplayingparts,whereMelodyharmonyappear.Developingconfident

and critical performers

1.1 Determine whether a piece is Monophonic, Homophonic, Polyphonic or Heterophonic following explanation

1.2 Compose in either a Homophonic or Polyphonic style (On Musescore)

Fanfares: Fanfare of the Common Man and Olympic fanfare (week 5) Talk 4


Confident understanding of how to families of (String/Wind/Brass/Percussion)instruments

1.3 Listening exercises -

Composition & Aural (4 weeks)


Composition & Aural (5 weeks) 1.1 Binary composition 1.2 Focus on sound – theory 1.3 Aural dictation 1.4 Introduction to Muse 1.5scoreDeliberate listening 1.6 Understanding the notes of Treble clef through practise of Focus on Sound (listening and theory) and application on Musescore

1.3 Analyse texture in varying styles of music - eg. Orchestral, Folk, Words music through deliberate listening. Talk 4 learning/Oracy: questioning/peer

1.1 Developing listening and appraising skills by introducing ‘MADTSHIRT’theacronym as a framework for critical analysis of music –addressing all of the key elements of music. 1.2 Peer assessment of composition musicalcompositionsperformancesandperformancesand–describinganalysingpeerandusingspecificterminology.



1.1 Twinkle twinkle composition –major or minor version with the chords chosen by students 1.2 recognising major, minor and 7th chords. 1.3 looking at intervals and what combinations can be used for effect.



Composition & Aural (4 weeks)

1.2 Composing using notationdevising rhythm grids for Djembae or Samba ensembles. Listening and appraising

THE CRYPT SCHOOL: PROGRAMME OF STUDY: MUSIC, 2022-2023 in technology suite.


Aural ability to recognise major and minor Creativeharmoniesabilityto utilise effective chord Understandingprogressionsthe construction ad use of 7th chords

Confident understanding of the types of instrumental ensembles Well informed understanding of various textural types in compositions A successful composition using a defined Performancetexture of a folk music piece

Confident performance of ‘Game of Thrones’ within a Class ensemble Confident singing a melody and harmony Effectivelinecompositions using major and minor chord notes

– using MusicMusescoretechnology skills Listening skills and understanding the elements of Performance:music

Feedback: whole class/peer assessment/skills trackers Literacy: musical keywords Music technology skills Endpoints: Developed Rhythmic skills Basic Notation skills Singing skills Group performances – Samba and RhythmicDjembaecompositions

Endpoints: Ability to perform fluently on two or more instruments, reading notation from the treble

Accurate recognition of instruments and instrumental groups

End of term 4 assessment Performance of a folk music piece as a class ensemble (eg Wellerman song) (Week Listening8) exercises - Fanfares: Fanfare of the Common Man and Olympic fanfare (week 5) Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra -

End of term 3 assessment: Listening - deliberate listening to Major and Minor compositions, chordsrecognisingand7 the chords (Week 5) Focus on Sound - Lessons & tests on harmony, chords, 7th chords (Week Composition5) variation in Major and Minor keys (Twinkle Twinkle) (week 10) Endpoints


part within a class ensemble Respond to a Graphic score Developed singing skillsreading from notation. Recognising Melody and harmony parts through deliberate listening Aural dictation exercise completed with confidence End of term 2 assessment: Performing own part in a class performance (Love me Tender AABA piece) (Week Composing10) a Binary melodic line on Musescore with given choice of harmony chords (week 10) construct a triad chord

African drumming – perform own part within group task based upon rhythmic grid (teacher assessed) (Week Notation10)test (Focus on sound/theory worksheets from Musical contexts) (Week 5) Composing: compositionRhythmicusingMusescore 3 or Garageband using a rhythm grid (devised in performance


8Y Melody. Harmony & Rhythm (Fanfares) Skills: 1.1 Understanding primary 1.2chordsDeveloping understanding Variations. Structure, Melody, (Variations)Improvisation Skills: 1.1 Learn how to compose variations in a piece of music Tonality, Improvisation, Chords (Blues and Jazz) Skills: 1.1 Understanding of the 12 bar blues structure 1.2 Learning how to improvise using Texture, Timbre, Articulation, Dynamics, Polyrhythms (Indian Classical Music/African Drumming) Skills: 1.1 Developing performance ensemble skills and fluency, through Indian To be able to confidentlyperform on showingguitar/drumukulelekeyboard,and/orkitsome

THE CRYPT SCHOOL: PROGRAMME OF STUDY: MUSIC, 2022-2023 class) to compose for Samba kit. (Peer assessed) Week 10 Listening: deliberate listening test focusing on rhythm and pulse primarily (Week 5) End of term 1 assessment: Performance: African drumming – perform own part within group task based upon rhythmic grid (teacher assessed) (Week Notation10)test (Focus on sound/theory worksheets from Musical contexts) (Week 5) Composing: compositionRhythmicusingMusescore 3 or Garageband using a rhythm grid (devised in performance class) to compose for Samba kit. (Peer assessed) Week 10 Listening: deliberate listening test focusing on rhythm and pulse primarily (Week 5)

Answering a deliberate listening question with specific focus on melody (Week 5) Focus on sound Lessons/Tests - Note values, Treble and bass clef notation, time signatures, Aural dictation test (week DECEMBER:5) WRITTEN TEST ~(THEORY/LISTENING) Group performance of ‘Game of Thrones (week 10) listening test (week 8) Composing - Polyphonic or Homophonic composition on Musescore (Week 8) END OF SUMMER TERM WRITTEN TEST (theory/listening)

1.2 Developing instrumental skills and fluency percussionukulele/guitar/untunedonandkeyboards by performing themes/variations 1.3 Learn how to improvise variations within a djembe 1.4ensembleDeveloping singing skills with a sense of ensemble and toensemble1.6musicfeatures/purposerecogniseand1.5(phrasing/pitching/dynamics)performanceDevelopinglisteningskillsthetechnicalabilitytothekeyoftheRevising“Justplay”performancepiecesrefineandimprove.

1.1 Rhythmic awareness and revisiting. using contrasts of texture, rhythm, tonality and tempo and compositional techniques

1.8 Composing using Indian ragas and African rhythms Topics 1.1 Performing and improvising using the Vibhas (and related) ragas using keyboards/untuned percussion

of staff/Tab notation

1.6 Developing instrumental skills on keyboard and djembes 1.7 Learning and understanding the purpose and context of Indian Classical and African drumming

1.2 Developing an understanding of how texture is varied and used within these two musical genres 1.3 Developing an understanding of how polyrhythms are used to create repetition and contrast in music 1.4 Using dynamics and articulation to show contrast. 1.5 Utilising improvisation to develop a musical idea

1.3 Developing instrumental skill and fluency anddevelopment,skills1.9(phrasing/pitching/dynamics)performancewith1.8inrhythmmakeselementsabilityappraising1.7rhythms/dotted1.61.5edkeyboard/ukulele/guitar/untunonpercussionHowtoplayinanensembleRecognisingdifferentnotes/tripletsDevelopingListeningandskillsandtechnicaltoidentifythemusical(understandingwhatagoodmelody,howandharmonyareusedapieceofmusic)DevelopingsingingskillsasenseofensembleandDevelopingcompositionalusingchords,melodicstaffnotationmusictechnology

Topics: 1.1 Fanfare composition and performance (keyboards) 1.2 Just Play – use of chords and melody, timing and MADTSHIRT1.4percussionrhythms1.3performancepulse/instrumentalskillChairdrumming/classroomwithuntunedAuraldictationandlistening. Breakdown of 10-week term Practical (5 weeks)

1.3 Listening to a range of Indian Classical music and African drumming pieces, understanding the structure, musical elements and purpose

the Blues scale 1.3 Understanding the contextual features of the Blues/Jazz 1.4 Understanding chromaticism 1.5 Developing performance fluency on keyboards, ukuleles and 1.6guitarsLearning how to composing a piece in a Blues style using music technology (Garageband) 1.7 Learning to perform a piece of Ragtime using the keyboard Topics: 1.1 Performing the chords of the 12 bar blues (including sevenths), walking bass and syncopated patterns 1.2 Listening to a range of blues inspired pieces and understanding the stylistic features and context. 1.2 Performing “In the mood” in pairs on the keyboard 1.3 Performing “The Entertainer” and learning about the context of 1.4“Ragtime”Auralperception tasks using the blues scale/melodic and rhythmic dictation using syncopation 1.5 Composing a blues inspired piece using a DAW (Garageband) 1.6 Revising “Just play” ensemble performance pieces to refine and improve. Breakdown of 10-week term Practical (5 weeks) and African performance tasks

1.2 Performing and improvising using the African “call and response” rhythm grid and the “African Hatsiatsia"

1.6 Revising “Just play” ensemble performance pieces to refine and improve. Breakdown of 10-week term technical skill and fluency To be able to sing technical,developedimprovedToheorymusicianship/trangemoredevelopedTomusictheunderstandTovocabularysomegenres,inpieceappraiselistenTopiececomposeperformhictab/drum/grapsomenotation(usingreadTogoodexpressionsomeensemblewithintune/partsinanwithandtechniquebeabletoascorestaffandincases,notation)tooraofmusic.beabletotoandaofmusicavarietyofusingtechnicalbeabletohowelementsofareused.haveaadvancedofskillshaveand


1.4 Composing a piece using music technology and keyboards using polyrhythms/rhythmraga/tala/African grids

Topics: 1.1 “Twinkle Twinkle (including1.4challengingintervals(melody1.3Djembesensemblesvariations”1.3performance/variations1.2Musicnstar”performance/compositiolittletaskusingkeyboardsandtechnology“Faded”KeyboardtaskRhythmic“themeandimprovisationtaskusingAuralperceptiontasksdictationwithwiderandmorerhythms)–Listeningtasksanalysisof

1.1 Composing a fanfare for ceremony. AABA structure, repetition, Call and response, 1.2imitationDeveloping skills of Technology Musescore/Garageband)(using 1.3 Composing a melody using root notes from primary chords and staff notation


1.1 Composing a piece of Indian Classical inspired music using a raga/tala percussion/music(keyboards/untunedtechnology)

Listening/appraising 1.8 Listening to a range of blues/jazz inspired pieces and developing the technical ability to recognise the key features

1.5 Do it starters:now/ListeningusingMMC Y8 list Mozart’s variations) and Y8 MMC listening list using MADSHIRT Breakdown of 10-week term Practical (5 weeks)


1.3 Revisiting and refining “Just play” ensemble performance pieces to refine and improve. (add another new piece if time)

1.4 Singing a range of songs (from MMC Y8)

Practical (5 weeks)

1.6 Composing a blues inspired piece for piano, electric guitar, bass guitar and drum kit using Garageband. The composition will feature a range of Blues compositional features

1.9 Listening starters: using MMC Y8 list (developing technical ability to recognise the musical

Composition and Aural (5 weeks)

1.4 Developing aural skills by writing down melodies using staff notation/using FOS lessons Listening/appraising



1.3 Aural tasks based upon rhythms and Indian ragas Listening/appraising 1.4 Listening starters: using MMC Y8 list (developing technical ability to recognise the musical

1.5understanding/purpose)elements/developingFocusonsoundtheorylessons (using MMC guidance for Y8)

1.4 Compose chord sequences on the ukulele/keyboard or 1.5guitarJust play lessons/In the hall of the mountain king practical ensemble performance. 1.6 Singing a range of songs (from MMC Y8)


1.1 Composing a set of 1.3 Performing a 12 bar blues chord pattern, seventh chords and walking bass on keyboards (plus ukuleles/guitar/drums if time) 1.4 Learning the blues scale in C major and then learning how to improvise over the chord pattern 1.5 Performing the 12 bar blues as a whole class 1.7 Revisiting and refining Just play lessons/In the hall of the mountain king/Game of Thrones (refine ensembles)

1.1 Performing “Vibhas” raga on keyboards in four sections, using the Alap/Jhor/Jhalla/Gat structure and adding a Tala on untuned percussion (groups of 2)

1.2 Instrumental percussionkeyboard/ukulele/untunedskill: 1.3 Performing fanfares on the keyboard

1.1 “Twinkle Twinkle little star” performance and variations on keyboard 1.2 Djembe ensembles including improvisation (creating variations to (from1.5Performingconcept1.5ensembles)ofofJust1.4variationsperformance1.3pieces)patterns/performanceostinato“Faded”themeandimprovisingonthekeyboard.Revisitingandrefiningplaylessons/Inthehallthemountainking/GameThrones(refineUnderstandingtheof“Groundbass”.Pachebel’sCanonSingingarangeofsongsMMCY8)

1.2 Performing “African call and response rhythms” and “African Hatsiatsia" in groups of 4, showing excellent fluency, ensemble, expression, timing and use of dynamics.

1.7 Aural tasks featuring the blues scale (melody scale/syncopateddictation/bluesrhythms)

1.4 Singing a range of songs (from MMC Y8) Composition & Aural (5 weeks)

1.7 Reading notation/ukulele/guitarstaff

ENDPOINTS: Deep understanding of how texture, “musical”becomeskills.andconstructiveexpressiveTohavemore

1.2 Composing a piece of African Drumming using a rhythm grid (Djembes)

Ability to sing a range of songs in parts with increasing technical skills, secure intonation and expression

END OF TERM 6 ASSESSMENT: Performance progress on Justkeyboard/ukeleles:Playprogressso far (teacher Listeningassessed) tasks based on fanfares (student peer assessed)

Ability to sing a range of songs in parts with increasing technical skills, secure intonation and expression

Understanding of the role of Music in India and Africa, the cultural aspects, key features and instruments

Ability to understand the role of music and the culture history of slavery/development of blues and Abilityjazz. to perform a blues inspired piece of music using appropriate chord patterns and musical devices with Abilityfluencytoimprovise using the blues scale in an ensemble performance Ability to improve and refine performance skills on keyboard, ukulele and singing (solo/ensemble)

END OF TERM 3 ASSESSMENT: 1.Performance progress on keyboard/ukeleles: fanfares and Just PLay (student assessed) 2.Blues composition (teacher 3.Listeningassessed) tasks based on fanfares (student peer assessed) 4.FOS lessons

THE CRYPT SCHOOL: PROGRAMME OF STUDY: MUSIC, 2022-2023 (developing technical ability to recognise the understanding/purpose)elements/developingmusical

End of Year exam (teacher assessed)

1.6 Focus on sound theory lessons (using MMC guidance for Y8) ENDPOINTS: Ability to perform a fanfare on the keyboard with good fluency and Abilitytechniquetocompose a fanfare using Musescore 3 and a range of Abilitytechniquestorecognise the key features of a fanfare through listening and also understand cultural importance. Ability to develop instrumental and singing performance skills (both solo and ensemble)

1.Performance progress on keyboard/ukeleles: fanfares Variations on “Twinkle Twinkle little star” using a range of 1.2techniquescompositionalFocusonsound–Focus on sound theory lessons (using MMC guidance for Y8) 1.3 Composition of a Ground bass and variations 1.3 Aural dictation (melodic 1.4dictationUsing Music technology (Musescore and Garageband) to compose a set of variations Listening/appraising 1.5 Do it starters:now/ListeningusingMMC Y8 list (developing technical ability to recognise the understanding/purpose)elements/developingmusical

END OF TERM 5 ASSESSMENT: Performance progress on keyboard/ukeleles: fanfares and Just PLay (student assessed)

1.6 Listening to examples of variations/ground bass and understanding the key featurescompositional 1.7 Focus on sound theory lessons (using MMC guidance for Y8) ENDPOINTS: Ability to compose a piece using Variations on Musescore Ability3 to perform a Theme and Variations on the Abilitykeyboardto perform an lessons (using MMC guidance for Y8) ENDPOINTS: Deep understanding of how structure, improvisation and chords are used within music


Ability to perform a raga and a tala and use improvisation to compose a piece inspired by the main features of Indian AbilityMusic to perform, improvise and compose an African inspired percussion Abilitypiece to use Music technology (Musescore 3) to compose an Indian piece of music Ability to listen to an Indian piece of music and understand the key features using a more detailed technical vocabulary loo Ability to sing a range of songs in parts with increasing technical skills, secure intonation and expression

END OF TERM 4 ASSESSMENT: 1.Performance progress on 2.Justkeyboard/ukeleles:Playprogress so far (teacher assessed) articulation, dynamics and polyrhythms are used within music

1.Performance progress on keyboards/ukuleles: Just Play and Variations performance pieces (students assessed)

Indian Classical/African drumming compositions (teacher assessed)

3.Listening tasks based on fanfares (student peer assessed) 4.FOS lessons SUMMER LISTENING/THEORY EXAM (teacher assessed)

tasks based on fanfares (student peer 4.FOSassessed)lessons

THE CRYPT SCHOOL: PROGRAMME OF STUDY: MUSIC, 2022-2023 and Just Play (student 2.Fanfareassessed) composition (teacher 3.Listeningassessed)


UNIT 1: Autumn UNIT 2: Autumn/Spring UNIT 3: SPRING/SUMMER UNIT 4: SUMMER 9Y Film music (OCR GCSE Music: AOS 4: Film Music) Skills: 1.1 Develop listening skills to understand how music is used in film using technical 1.2terminologyDeveloping skills to The Classical Period & Why Was Mozart a Genius? Stormzy vs Mozart? (OCR GCSE Music: AOS 2: Concerto through Time) Skills: 1.1 Understand the main compositional features of the What makes a good popular song? (OCR GCSE Music; AOS 5: Conventions of Pop) Skills: 1.1 Understanding the key compositional features of what makes a good popular song

MID YEAR LISTENING EXAM (teacher assessed)

1.2 Developing the ability to Blues Culmination Project (This Blues project forms part of the end of KS3 skills assessment) Skills: 1.1 Demonstrating the ability to perform bluesa inspired piece “C Jam Blues” on To have knowledgedetaileda varietyperformToMusicalrangeunderstandandofaofgenresbeabletoinaof


2.Variations composition (teacher 3.Listeningassessedtasksbased on variations (student peer FOSassessed)lessons

instrumental part in a Ground Bass and understand how to develop a melody. Ability to understand how the concept of variations work within a piece of music from the Classical period Ability to improve and refine performance skills on keyboard, ukulele and singing (solo/ensemble)

1.3 Listening to a variety of blues inspired pieces, demonstrating a high level of technical ability to identify the musical elements Breakdown of 10-week term Practical (5 weeks)

1.2 Film music – Musical 1.3contextsFilmcomposition Breakdown of 10-week term Practical (5 weeks)

1.4 Will learn how to recognise textural changes in film music 1.5 Develop usingsoundtrack1.8/ostinatochords/consonance/dissonancemajor/minor/chromatic1.7sion)pitch/ensemble/fluency/expres(accurate1.6andonperformanceinstrumentalskillsandfluencykeyboards,ukuleles,guitarsuntunedpercussionDevelopsingingskillsusingMMCrepertoireDevelopunderstandingofLearnhowtocomposeatoapieceoffilm,musictechnology

Topics: 1.1 Just play – film music (game of thrones, pirates of the Caribbean, Halo)

1.3 Understanding the History, identity, purpose and context of the Blues

1.1 Performance of Just Play film compositions “Game of thrones” plus revisiting “Pirates of the Caribbean” developing fluency and skill on ukulele/guitar/keyboard

1.1 Performance of “C jam blues” /Revisiting “In the mood” from Y8/”Hound dog” (Rock n roll using blues chord expressioninstrumentaldemonstratingass/drums)(keyboards/ukuleles/voices/guitar/bprogression)ahighleveloffluency,ensembleand

Topics: 1.2 usingComposing/improvisingtheBlues(abluesinspired piece for keyboards/voice/ukuleles and Garageband or Musescore)

Classical period and Mozart 1.2 Developing the ability to compose in the Classical style (using a range of Mozart’s ession)pitch/ensemble/fluency/expr(accurate1.6ofpiecesappraiseability1.5theory/harmonic1.4range/chromaticism)challenging(bothfluencyperformance1.3dominant/cadencesbass/modulationtonic/dominant/Albertitechniques:toetc)Developingmorecomplexskillsandonthekeyboardhands/morerhythms/pitchDevelopingmorecomplexskillsDevelopingthetechnicaltolistentoandsomemorecomplexwithanunderstandingpurpose.DevelopsingingskillsusingMMCrepertoire

THE CRYPT SCHOOL: PROGRAMME OF STUDY: MUSIC, 2022-2023 understand, compose and analyse leitmotifs

1.3 Demonstrating an understanding of the history, context, identity and purpose of the blues

1.3 Developing the skills to perform more challenging film themes using more complex keyboard technique.

1.2 Singing a range of Blues songs (including from Y9 MMC guidance) showing expression, good intonation and ability to sing in parts. styles becomeskills.andconstructivetechnical,developedimprovedTolisteningperformingofunderstandingdetailedsecuredemonstrateToskills.musichighdemonstrateToconfidencevocabularyofunderstandingamusicvarietylistenToMusictechniquescomposingusingrangecomposeTomasteryfluencyvoicesinstruments/usingwithandbeabletoinaofstylesarangeofandsoftwarebeabletotoawideofandwithgoodtechnicalandbeabletoaleveloftheorybeabletoaandcomposing,andskills.haveandexpressiveTohavemore

1.2scale/extendedbass/riff/improvisation/blueschords/walkingchords)Demonstratingtheabilitytolisten to a variety of blues inspired pieces and apply a more complex range of technical terminology and musical understanding

Topics: 1.1 Performance “Eine exampletheideas1.3technologyMozart/Salierimarch1.2skillsexpressiondevelopmarch”Nachtmusik”/”Welcomekleineonkeyboardstounderstanding,andtechnicalComposingawelcomeinthestyleofusingMusicImprovisingnewmusicalofchordpatterns(inClassicalstyle;forsequentialpatterns compose a progression/melodychord in a popular 1.3styleChords – extended and 1.4inversionsBassline (harmony) 1.5 Developing more complex keyboard, ukulele or guitar performance skills using “Just play” 1.6 Developing the technical ability to listen to and appraise a range of popular songs from the Rock n roll period onwards with an understanding of purpose. 1.7 Develop singing skills )pitch/ensemble/fluency/expression(accurateusingMMCrepertoire

Topics: 1.1 Performing “Stand by me” in “band” ensembles 1.2 Performing a range of popular songs on keyboards, guitars and 1.3ukelelesDeveloping “Just play” skills on instruments by performing “Africa” “Eye of the tiger” and “Thriller” 1.4 Composing a popular song (with or without lyrics), featuring chord patterns, melody, bassline and rhythmic contrasts (keyboards and music technology) 1.5 Listening to a range of popular songs and understanding the key musical features, context and historical aspects 1.6 Completing FOS lessons on chords/band instruments/pop song keyboards showing fluency and a range of features (12 bar

Composition & Aural (5 weeks)

1.3 Just play-final performance of ensemble pieces learnt over the year (refining/revisiting) for final assessment of performance skills progress Composition and aural (5 weeks)

1.1 Learn to compose a film soundtrack to a film video, using a range compositionalofdevices and music technology (either Musescore or Garageband) 1.2 Aural dictation using Musical melody/bass/trebleexercises/FOSContextsplus clef: wider intervals using arpeggios/scales)

1.4 Composing a popular style song

1.1 Performance of “Stand by me” (ensemble recommended(and1.4ukuleles,levelthe“Thriller1.3chordsmoredemonstratingkeyboardspopular1.2ms/vocals)keyboard/ukulele/guitar/bass/drutask:Performanceofarangeofsongs–onukuleles,andguitars,theabilitytoplayacomplexmelodicline,riff,andbasslinesPerformanceofJustplaymedley”/”Africa”/”Eyeoftiger”demonstratingahighoffluencyonkeyboards,guitarand/orpercussionSingingarangeofpopularsongssomefromtheMMCY9list

Composition & Aural (5 weeks)

Composition & Aural (5 weeks)

1.2 Composing melodic lines, possibly with lyrics and harmonic intention 1.3 Writing simple bass lines using the root note of each chord (adding rhythm and passing notes)


1.4 Comparing Stormzy’s music with Mozart looking at the key musical elements of contemporary music with the music of the Classical period. Breakdown of 10-week term Practical (5 weeks)

1.5 Aural melody/chords/bluesperception: scale tasks: dictation Listening and appraising 1.6 Do it now/Listening starters in Computer room: using MMC Y9 list (developing technical ability to recognise the understanding/purpose)elements/developingmusical plus analysis of pieces such as “Nobody loves you when you are down and out”, “God bless the child” and “C jam blues”.

1.7 Final FOS lessons to assess theory skills progress ENDPOINTS: Ability to perform a blues inspired piece in an ensemble maintaining either a vocal or instrumental part with mastery, fluency and expression Ability to understand the context/history of the AbilityBluestorecognise all the key features in Blues pieces and details of Abilityperformers.tocompose a blues inspired piece with a good understanding of “musical”

1.1 Performing “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik” on the keyboard with both hands plus the “Welcome March” (extension “Sonata in C K425) 1.2 Developing skills to improve piano technique and 1.3fluencyImprovising using chord patterns and Classical techniques on the keyboard 1.4 Revisiting and refining Just Play film music ensemble performances from last withconstructionkeyboard,song1.5untuned(Ukeleles/keyboards/guitars/termpercussion)PerformingatleastonebyStormzyonthelookingatchordandcomparingMozart

1.1 Composing chord sequences on the keyboard, ukulele or guitar in C, G or F major, A, E and D minor (and a contrasting chords sequence)

1.7structureCompleting aural perception tasks

1.4 Composing a blues inspired piece using vocals, keyboards, ukuleles, guitars and percussion

Breakdown of 10-week term Practical (5 weeks)

1.2 Performance Bond”/”TheImpossible”/”James“Halloween”/”MissionofGood,the bad and the ugly” developing keyboard fluency (both hands)

1.4 improvise melodies over chord patterns to fit chord sequences on keyboard/whiletheplaying a film 1.5videoReading staff notation with more complex rhythms/wider pitch range/time signatures and dynamics/ukulele/guitar 1.6TABSing a range of songs (from MMC Y9) atmosphericcompose/improvise1.7intonationindividualexpression,demonstratingabilitytomaintainpartsandgoodUsingDjembestoshortfilmmusic

1.1 Composition of a welcome March usingcompositionalMozart/Classicalusingperiodtechniquesmusictechnology

4. FOS lessons (with or without lyrics) on usingkeyboard/ukulele/voice/guitarthethefeaturesabove.

1. Performance progress on Mozart keyboard pieces (student peer assessed) 2. Just play progress (student assessed) 3. “Welcome assessed)compositionmarch”(teacher

END OF TERM 1 ASSESSMENT: 1. Performance progress (Musescore) 1.2 Aural melodies:exercisesperception(usingMozart’sauraldictation


Abilityimportance.toperform a range of film themes and leitmotifs and develop performance skills

1.5 Composing a popular style song using Music (Garageband)technology 1.6 songsrecognitionperception/melody/rhythmicAuraltasksusingpopular

Listening and appraising 1.7 Listening to a range of great popular songs from the rock n roll period up until the present day: analysing chord sequences, structure, hooks and riffs, basslines, melodic development and how instruments are used. (some from MMC Y9 guidance)

Listening/Appraising (5 weeks)


END OF TERM 5 ASSESSMENT: 1.Performance progress on keyboard/ukeleles: fanfares and Just Play (student assessed) 2.End of year exam (teacher assessed)

chords/blues scale/melodic shape and other Abilityfeaturestodemonstrate mastery/fluency Ability(musicality)tosing a range of songs in parts with excellent expression and intonation

END OF TERM 6 ASSESSMENT: 1.Performance progress on Justkeyboard/ukeleles:Playprogressso far (teacher 3.Listeningassessed) tasks based on the Blues (student peer assessed) 4. Blues inspired compositions (teacher 5.assessed)Performance progress on blues pieces (C Jam Blues) (student peer assessed) 5. FOS lessons

1.1 Listening starters in Computer room: using MMC Y9 list tasksplusunderstanding/purpose)elements/developingrecognisetechnical(developingabilitytothemusicalfilmmusiclisteningfromMusicalContexts

1.6 Listening to three Stormzy songs and comparing them with two Mozart pieces

Ability to perform “Stand by me” in an ensemble maintaining individual instrumental/vocal part Ability to compose a popular song using chords, melodic lines and a clear structure

Ability(solo/ensemble)tocompose a leitmotif and a soundtrack for a storyboard using Musescore 3 or Garageband, using a range of compositional techniques


Ability to listen to examples of film music, demonstrating an advanced technical vocabulary. Ability to sing a range of songs in parts with increasing technical skills, secure intonation and expression

1.8 Analysing the purpose/context and evolution of the popular song since the 1950s PREPARATION FOR THE KS3 EXAM/REVISION OF THEORY/KEY SKILLS TAKES PLACE DURING THIS TERM ENDPOINTS: Deep musical understanding of “what makes a good popular song”

ENDPOINTS: Deep understanding of the role of music in film and its

1.3 FOS theory lessons (following Y8 MMC guidance) 1.4 Listening/Appraising (5 weeks) 1.5 Listening starters in Computer room: using MMC Y9 list (developing technical ability to recognise the march”Salieri’s“Sonatakleinepieces,styleplusunderstanding/purpose)elements/developingmusicalanalysisofMozart’susingarangeofhisincluding“EineNachtmusik”,inC”and“Welcome

MID YEAR LISTENING EXAM (teacher assessed) instrumental skill. Ability to sing a range of songs in parts with increasing technical skills, secure intonation and expression

4.FOS lessons END OF TERM 4 ASSESSMENT: 1.Performance progress on 2.Justkeyboard/ukeleles:Playprogress so far (teacher 3.Listeningassessed) tasks based on popular songs (student peer assessed) 4.FOS lessons SUMMER LISTENING/THEORY EXAM (teacher assessed)

THE CRYPT SCHOOL: PROGRAMME OF STUDY: MUSIC, 2022-2023 of film themes on keyboards (student peer assessed) 2. Just play progress (student assessed) 3. Film music composition (teacher assessed) 4. Focus on sound lessons ENDPOINTS: Deep understanding of Mozart’s andskills,increasingsongsAbilityvocabularyadvancedfeaturesandmusic/ClassicalexamplesAbilitytechnologyimprovisationtechniquesMozart’spieceAbilitykeyboardsmastery/fluencyMozartleastAbilitystyle/ClassicalcompositionalperiodtoperformattwopiecesbyshowingtechnicalontocomposeausingarangeofcompositionalusingandmusictolistentoofMozart’speriodrecognisethekeyusingantechnicaltosingarangeofinpartswithtechnicalsecureintonationexpression

END OF TERM 3 ASSESSMENT: 1.Performance progress on keyboard/ukeleles: popular songs and Just PLay (student peer 2.Popularassessed) song composition (teacher 3.Listeningassessed)tasksbased on popular songs (student peer assessed)

End Points: “ConventionsUnderstandingof pop” and their stylistic features and being able to answer exam

Assessment 1 -

End Point: Creative skillsTheorycomposingPreliminaryPerformancethinking.skillsskillsandlistening


OCRY10 Module: 1.1 – Area of Study 1 (My music) Topics 1.1.1 –


Module: 1.5 – Area of Study 5 (Conventions of Pop) Topics 1.5.1 – Rock n roll of the thestyles1.5.5-Revisionyearperformances1.5.4compositionlearner1.5.3ofanthems/pop1.5.21950s/1960s–Rockballadsthe1970s/80s/90s–Developingsetbrief–Preparingforthe10examonallcoveredoveryear.

Module: 1.2 – Area of Study 2 through(Concertotime) Topics 1.2.1 –keys)(intervals/cadences/theory1.2.4performance1.2.3exercises1.2.2(study/listening)throughConcertotime–Composition–Solo–Developingskills

Assessment 3: Concerto through time exam style End Module: 1.3 Area of Study 3 (Rhythms of the World) Topics 1.3.1

End Points: Understanding Video game/film music and be able to answer exam Preparequestions.ahighlevel



Concert visit/trip (TBC) June 2023 –to enable students to attend musicianswithconcert/workshopaprofessional Assessment 13: Learner set assessment.composition-finalbrief skillscalconcepts/musiTheoryrangeunderstandTocompositionbriefLearnercompleteToperformancesolo/ensembleprepareToquestionspaperListeninganswerable1-5AreasunderstandToofStudyandbetobeabletoabeabletoSetaofliteracy

End Points: Module: 1.4 Area of Study 4 (Video Game and Film Music) Topics 1.4.1 –tests)(revision1.4.5techniquescomposing1.4.4performanceSolo/ensemble1.4.3compositionlearner1.4.2–)(performing/listeningGame/FilmVideoMusicDevelopingsetbrief–refining–Advanced–Theorysofar/aural

Developingquestions a finished Module:1.6 Revision/review– of the year Topics 1.6.1 – Revision of AOS Focusskills1.6.4-theory/auralperformanceSolo/ensemble1.6.3yearsubmissioncompositionLearner1.6.22,3,4,5–Completingsetbrief(fortoOCR-11term5)–refiningrevision(usingonSound)

End Points: Prepare an expressive solo performance Use a range of composing skills Develop theory skills Understand developmenttheof the Concerto features.manticBaroque/Classical/Roknowledgetime/detailedthroughofstylistic




Assessment 6: Exam


test Assessment 4:

Assessment : Conventions of pop end of questions)(short/longryquestions/aural/theotest/examunittests/revisionanswer

Assessment : and

Assessment : End of Year –Complete paper/ assessment/reviewperformance 2.4 Module: To




first draft of set brief




Assessment 5:

Y11 Module:2.1 Preparing Module: 2.2. Preparing Module: 2.3 Review Module:


on Sound”) of unit

Completed first draft of learner set brief composition Assessment 14:

GCSE/Focus listening Theory tests (chords, compositionmodulation)/Shortintervals,tasks Solo performance work)(peerdynamics/expression)(withassessmentof a high quality compositionofcompletetechniquescompositionalUsequestionsableoffeaturesUnderstandperformanceensembleallkeyof“Rhythmstheworld”andbetoanswerexamarangeoftofirstdraftLearnerSetbrief questions based upon “Rhythms of the world” End of unit test answer(sort/longquestions)

techniques.composingmorecompositionlearnerBeadvancedBeperformancesolo/ensembleabletocompleteauraltestsabletodevelopsetbriefusingadvanced 9: Video Game/film music end of unit questions)(short/longquestions/auraltest/examtestsanswer

Assessment 7: Learner set draftcompositionbrieffirst Assessment 8: performanceEnsemble




Topics 2.1.1 – Board set brief composition planning (choosing board set brief composition options from 2.1.2OCR)–Revision


on AOS 2 “Concerto (forperformance2.1.4December)preparation2.1.3“Rhythmstime”/Revisionthroughofoftheworld”–Soloperformance(formockin–EnsemblepreparationmockinDecember)

Topics 2.2.1 – Board set brief composition developing 2.2.2 – Revision on AOS 4 “Video music/Film”gameand AOS 5 “Conventions of Pop” 2.2.3 –ng(aural/theory/short/lopractice2.2.4developing/preparing.performanceSolo/ensemble–Exampaperanswerquestions)

End points: Board set brief (2nd composition) planning in place and first section Revisioncomposed.on AOS 2 and 3(deep thinking and preparation for mock) Both chosenperformancesformock Assessment 1: 2/3questions/testsExamonAOSforallPPgrades


End Points: Board brief/learnerset set brief continuesquestionpractice/examListeningprepared/refinedperformancesSolo/ensemblerefineddevelopedcompositionsandpaperpreparation

Completing compositionscompletingperformances/refiningcoursework:all Topics 2.5.1 –2.5Solo/ensemble2.5.2completionbriefset/boardLearnersetcompositions

for the mock: AOS 4/5 revision//board set gcomposition/performinbrief

.3 practice/revisionpaperListening

End Points: Board set compositionbrieffirst draft examRevisionperformancesSolo/ensemblecompletedpreparedofallAOSandquestionpractice Assessment 3: Interim assessments on of the coursework.Developingmock. Topics 2.3.1 – Board refinementperformanceSolo/ensemble2.3.3toreview/setbrief2.3.2techniquescompositionusingbrief-developingsetadvanced–Learnersetcomposition-targetsdevelop/refine–

RECITAL: Preparing for the Listening paper Topics 2.6.1 – Revision on all Areas of study. End Points All skills required for GCSE Listening Paper; being able to delivery high scoring answers in all questions. Assessment 8: Short/long answer questions on all Areas of study Assessment 9: Use questionsexam for all assessments for PP grades, end of year exams etc. Aim to finish before the Easter holidays, perhaps one week after. GCSEs begin. skills.composinglisteningperforming,widedevelopedToGCSEthecompletedTopaper.fullcompletedToexampiecesperformanceensemblesolo/performedTocompositionssetlearner/boardbothcompletedbriefhaveforhavelisteninghavefullMusiccourse.havearangeofand

OCR for the mock: AOS 2/3 revision/board set composition/performing.brief

End Points: Board/learner set brief completed.techniquesRevisionpaperListeningsubmittedrecordedperformancesSolo/Ensemblesubmittedcompletedcompositionsandandexamcompleted/

Assessment 2: performanceSolo/ensemblefor PP grades/Board set brief composition/first draft. nperforming/compositio



Assessment 7: Whole school March mock exams ofmins/assessment1h30listeningfullpapercompositions

performing 8.30)parentsperformancesbothto(6.30MARCH 25TH (approx.)

SUBMITTED:COMPOSITIONSBOTH APRIL 2ND (approx.: end of Interpretterm) business dataratiosInterpretmarketmarketingfinancial,andbusiness

Assessment 4: Mock Exams paper)Completebles/submitted/solo/ensemcompositions(Bothlistening

WORKSHOPCOMPOSITION1 (Saturday 9-1) Assessment 5: Exam yearforforUsethroughout.paper)(listeningpracticeexamquestionsallassessmentsPPgrades,endofexamsetc.


Assessment 6:

Topics: Area of study 2: Vocal Jazz; from Blues onwards (Billie Holliday, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Module: 3.9 Area of Study 3 Development“The of partCounterpoint/4progressions/advanced3.11compositionsLearner3.10Jazz”DevelopingsetbriefHarmony:harmony

THE CRYPT SCHOOL: PROGRAMME OF STUDY: MUSIC, 2022-2023 and performances Assessment 8: Exam questionsstylefor all PP compositionsperformances/assessmentsandassessmentsinterimon

Topics: Development of Jazz (Cool jazz, Jazz Rock fusion, Modern jazz recitalPerformancecompositionLearnerfirstCompletingcontemporary)andafulldraftofthesetbrief(different Module: Begin (Y13 Work) 3.14 Area of Study 5 “Programme Music” 3.15 Harmony/aural end of year revision 3.16 Development of learner set compositionbrief

Module: 3.5 Area of Study 2 “Vocal Jazz” 3.6 Learner set questions)preparationexamination3.8partextensions),(aug/dim/jazzchromatic3.7lcomposing/TechnicabrieftasksHarmony:chordstwoauraldictation.Listening(exam

Introduction to aural TheperceptionClassical Period: Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven (Sonata form-

Topics: Development of Jazz learnerDevelopingBebop)Orleans,(NewSwing,setbrief Module: 3.12 Area of Study 3 Development“The of Jazz 2” 3.13 ecompositions/rangLearnerCompletingsetbriefoftechnicaltasks

LeveY12AlOCR Module: 3.1 Introduction to A Level music 3.2 Area of Study 1 “The Instrumental music of Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven” Topics: Introduction to harmony (keys, chords, cadences)

Topics: The Classical Period: Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven workSetIntroductionquestionscomparisoncontextdetailedquartet/concerto(StringandlearningaboutandexamtoAOS1work(differentseteachyear

composingComposing:chambersonata/symphony/music)shorttasks Module: 3.3 Area of Study 1 “The Level3.4andmusicInstrumentalofMozart,HaydnBeethoven2”ComposingatAstandard.

Topics: Introduction to Programme MUSICEXAMSWHOLEpoem)symphony/symphonicHebrides/Programme(Mendelssohn:MusicSCHOOLMOCKintheHALLANDROOM AreasunderstandToofStudy1-5andbeabletoanswerlisteningexamquestions.TohavecompletedlearnersetbriefcompositionTohavecompletedfullperformancerecitalTohavelearntandunderstoodanadvancedrangeof

Assessment 1: Aural exercisesexercises/harmonyperception

(2 pieces). End Points: Understanding of Instrumental music of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven and ability to analyse chamber sonatas and Increasesymphonies.knowledge of harmony/chords and introduced by OCR) Composing: further short composing tasks (rhythm, developingharmony,melody and texture; Classical PerformingPeriod) (building and developing the recital further) Aural Perception: two part exercisestests/harmony Assessment 3: Aural questionsAOSpieces.questionsComparisonexercisesexercises/harmonyperceptionexamontwo110mark

Assessment 2: Presentations (oracy) on Haydn, Mozart Haydn/researchandtasks on PreparedAssessmentsonatas/symphonies3:solorecital

Assessment 4: Presentations (oracy) on Setquartet/concertoStringwork Cole etc) History of vocal Introductionjazz. to Set Preparingwork. a full recital Completingminutes)(12-14a first draft of learner set brief techniques)compositionalchordsmoreprogressionsharmonicskillsDevelopingcomposition.harmony(writingusingadvancedand

End Points: Ability to complete a full listening paper and understand all the challenges of the paper Complete learner set brief composition Full recitalperformancecompleted andskills,harmonyauraltheory.

Assessment 5: In class SCHOOLWHOLEMOCKS –Listening Paper (AOS 1 and 2), Full recital, learner set brief draft.composition Assessment 6: Exam questions (10 mark) on AOS 2 and aural questions. rhythmdy/progressions/melolongerAuralperformingdevelopingImprovingharmonyDevelopingtechniques)compositional(addingcompositionadvancedskillsandskillsperception; Assessment 7: mark)Essaypieces/performersstudieshoporleans/Swing/Be(oracy)PresentationsonNewandcaseofquestion(25onJazz

Assessment 8: Learner set Performancequestionstests/examHarmony/auralcompositionbrief choice of pieces) REVISION ON AOS 1 AND Assessment2 9: Presentation on Cool Jazz, Modern and Jazz Rock fusion (oracy) and performers.piecesorganisersknowledgeonand Assessment 10: Exam Questions in preparation for Mock Exam on AOS Submission1,2,3. of completed learner set compositionbrief for Recitalmock (pieces chosen for mock) End Points: Understanding of AOS 3 and detailed Assessment 11: Full A Level listening paper (2017)/ recital/SubmissionperformanceFull of learner set experienceschoolmocksveryNoteworkFollowedents.improvements/refinemcompositionbriefwithbyaweek’sexperiencethatthistermisdisruptedduetoweeks,summerandworkforYear12

THE CRYPT SCHOOL: PROGRAMME OF STUDY: MUSIC, 2022-2023 (rhythm, developingharmony,melody and texture; Classical PerformingPeriod)

(the recital)


advanced harmonic prepare and deliver a performance at A Level standard.

Harmony test. End Points: Create a QuestionStructureUnderstandConclusion,Balancedfor25Mark recital End Points: Understanding of key styles of performing.ImprovedcompositionLearnerDevelopedtestsaural/harmonylongerAbilityjazzdevelopmentearlyoftoanswersetbrief IN SPRING CONCERT draftcompositionLearnercompletedperformanceHighcompletedforrevisionpreparation/mocklevelsetbrieffullcompleted. learner3.24compositionboardDevelopingsetbriefDevelopingsetbrief Module: 3.26 Completing both

Y13 Music OCR Module: 3.17 AOS 5 Programme 3.18MusicBoard set brief composition Topics: Continuing AOS 5, Programme Music: Module: 3.19 AOS 6 Innovations in 3.20Music.Developing Board set brief composition 3.21 Producing an A grade recitalperformance Module: 3.22 AOS Innovations6 in Music 2/Revision on AOS 13.235


compositions 3.27 Revising for the 3.28paperlisteningpreparing for the recital exam. Revision and Exam Practice RevisionPersonalisedPlans for Students. A-Levels Begin

Assessment 5: Short composition tasks Prepared solo recital (2 pieces) on instrument of choice End Points: Further compositioncompleteUnderstandingrecitalBuildingworkknowledgeUnderstandingquartetsstyle/context/stringBeethoven’sMozart,understandingdevelopingofHaydnandandconcertosandofAOS1SetahighlevelhowtoALeveltasks

Symphonic poem: Smetana, Liszt, Strauss and composers for piano Choosing Board set brief composition (set by OCR) and beginning a first Refiningdraftthe full solo performance recital Assessment 1: Essay question on Programme Music Assessment 2: First draft of Board set brief Performancecompositionrecital End Points: Be able to understand all key composersfeatures,andstyles of Programme music. Completed first draft on Board set brief Topics: AOS 6: Innovations in Music: DevelopingExpressionism.Impressionism,Romanticism,LateBoard set brief RevisionperformancedevelopingImprovingcompositionanrecital.ofAOS3

Assessment 3: A Level Listening paper 2018 - MOCK Assessment 4: Board set recitalFullcompositionbriefperformance End Points: Be able to produce a high Completedperformancegradefirst draft of Board set brief recital3.25compositionPreparingforexam

End Points: Both submittedcompositionstoa

Assessment: Complete another full paper.listeningComplete a range of timed June)takes(Listeningquestionspsquestions/mindmaessayandexaminationpaperplacein

Assessment 6: Essay questions (25 mark) on AOS 3-5. Topics: Completing 1submissioncompositionsBOTHforonMay st Preparing and onrecitalperformancerefiningforExamApril21 st (approx. date) Revising all areas of study Listeningtestsauralquestionsrelatedofcompletingandrangeexaminationessays,andperceptionforthepaper.

Assessment 5: Presentation AOSpresentationsRevisionsmMinimalism/Modernionon1,2and3

Topics: Continue to test/exampreparation/classAOSDetailedbothContinueModernismMusic”:“InnovationsstudyinMinimalism,todevelopcompositionsrevisionon1-5withexamquestions



Assessment 7 & 8: PaperLevelassessments:SCHOOLWHOLEMarchAListening2019

End Points: Ability to complete a full

high paperforRobustrevisedAllrecitalPerformancestandard.completedareasofstudyrevisionthelisteningcompleted.

Floreat Schola Cryptiensis


recitalHighcompositionlevelperformancecompleted Becompositionabletocomplete a full Listening paper to a high standard. Short 10 questionsmarkonAOS 1,2 and aural perception tests. End Points: Strategic applyingNumericalCalculatingreasonedConstructingThinking,aargument,KeyDataandinContext

Students studying Music develop rich knowledge and a love of music developing a diverse range of performing, composing and appraising skills. Students utilise their skills in an applied context, which develops a love for learning through problem solving and achieving a wealth of transferable skills such as perseverance, resilience, confidence and tolerance through practice and regular classroom and concert performance opportunities. The discipline promotes critical thinking and evaluative skills that enables our Musicians to flourish, achieving outstanding, influential posts within School and society. Musical skills and a breadth of knowledge is the gatekeeper to a life of success as a performer, composer, teacher amongst many other influential professions. Music brings students together. They share the joy of making music together, respect and tolerance for each other’s opinions and abilities, supporting and appraising each other’s work, appraising music from around the world, improving mental health, confidence and a range of cross curricular benefits. Studying music from diverse cultures helps students to understand the role of music around the world.

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