Year 9 Programme of Study 23-24

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‭Year 9 Programmes of Study 2023/24‬


‭Term 1‬

‭Term 2‬

‭Term 3‬

‭Term 4‬

‭Term 5‬

‭Term 6‬

‭Year End Points‬

‭ rt -‬ A ‭Positive‬ ‭Choices‬

“‭ Memories of‬ ‭Me” -‬ ‭Exploring the‬ ‭role of art to‬ ‭communicate a‬ ‭message/meani‬ ‭ng;‬ ‭exploring self‬ ‭and identity.‬ ‭Mixed media‬ ‭work based‬ ‭inspired by‬ ‭critical studies‬ ‭references & the‬ ‭addition‬ ‭of text to‬ ‭describe oneself‬ ‭at different ages.‬ ‭Term 1 focus-‬ ‭critical‬ ‭studies‬ ‭references,‬ ‭planning and‬ ‭beginning‬ ‭composition in‬ ‭collage, line‬ ‭& paint.‬

“‭ Memories of‬ ‭Me”-‬ ‭Exploring the‬ ‭role of art to‬ ‭communicate a‬ ‭message/mean‬ ‭ing; exploring‬ ‭self and‬ ‭identity. Mixed‬ ‭media‬ ‭work based‬ ‭inspired by‬ ‭critical‬ ‭studies‬ ‭references &‬ ‭the‬ ‭addition of text‬ ‭to describe‬ ‭oneself at‬ ‭different ages.‬ ‭Term 2 focus-‬ ‭developing‬ ‭compositions &‬ ‭refining paint‬ ‭application‬ ‭skills‬ ‭referencing‬ ‭the critical‬ ‭studies links.‬

“‭ Memories of‬ ‭Me”-‬ ‭Exploring the‬ ‭role of art to‬ ‭communicate‬ ‭a‬ ‭message/me‬ ‭aning;‬ ‭exploring self‬ ‭and identity.‬ ‭Mixed media‬ ‭work based‬ ‭inspired by‬ ‭critical‬ ‭studies‬ ‭references &‬ ‭the addition‬ ‭of text to‬ ‭describe‬ ‭oneself‬ ‭at different‬ ‭ages.‬ ‭Term 3 focus-‬ ‭recalling‬ ‭composition,‬ ‭paint &‬ ‭descriptive‬ ‭line‬ ‭application‬ ‭skills in‬ ‭addition to‬

‭ OLO‬ S ‭Sketchbook -‬ ‭Continuing to‬ ‭explore the‬ ‭role of art & its‬ ‭ability to‬ ‭reflect on the‬ ‭world as‬ ‭well as the‬ ‭person,‬ ‭inspired by‬ ‭critical studies‬ ‭references.‬ ‭Developing‬ ‭experience of‬ ‭other‬ ‭media & its‬ ‭application‬ ‭within a mini,‬ ‭self-made‬ ‭sketchbook.‬ ‭Term 1 focus-‬ ‭critical‬ ‭studies‬ ‭references,‬ ‭planning and‬ ‭beginning‬ ‭focus on‬ ‭chosen subject‬ ‭via mood board,‬ ‭mind‬

‭ OLO‬ S ‭Sketchbook -‬ ‭Continuing to‬ ‭explore the‬ ‭role of art & its‬ ‭ability to‬ ‭reflect on the‬ ‭world as‬ ‭well as the‬ ‭person,‬ ‭inspired by‬ ‭critical studies‬ ‭references.‬ ‭Developing‬ ‭experience of‬ ‭other‬ ‭media & its‬ ‭application‬ ‭within a mini,‬ ‭self-made‬ ‭sketchbook.‬ ‭Term 2 focus-‬ ‭exploring a‬ ‭range of media‬ ‭via‬ ‭workshops in‬ ‭lessons.‬

‭ OLO‬ S ‭Sketchbook -‬ ‭Continuing to‬ ‭explore‬ ‭the role of art‬ ‭& its‬ ‭ability to reflect‬ ‭on the‬ ‭world as well‬ ‭as the‬ ‭person,‬ ‭inspired by‬ ‭critical studies‬ ‭references.‬ ‭Developing‬ ‭experience of‬ ‭other‬ ‭media & its‬ ‭application‬ ‭within a mini,‬ ‭self-made‬ ‭sketchbook.‬

‭ tudents will have‬ S ‭demonstrated a‬ ‭knowledge and‬ ‭understanding of a‬ ‭range of traditional‬ ‭and modern‬ ‭techniques, processes‬ ‭and media as well as‬ ‭to apply media‬ ‭appropriately for‬ ‭different purposes.‬ ‭They will have‬ ‭understood how‬ ‭artists are relevant to‬ ‭projects and will have‬ ‭experienced the‬ ‭importance of the‬ ‭planning process from‬ ‭initial ideas, to‬ ‭developing and‬ ‭refining ideas, before‬ ‭applying techniques‬ ‭and processes to a‬

‭ erm 3 focus-‬ T ‭developing &‬ ‭then‬ r‭ efining the‬ ‭focus to‬ ‭realise the‬ ‭intention of‬

f‭inal resolution as‬ ‭expected at GCSE‬ ‭level.‬

r‭ eferencing‬ ‭the critical‬ ‭studies links.‬

‭ omputer‬ C ‭Science‬

‭ odule‬‭: Python‬ M ‭Programming‬ ‭ opics:‬ T ‭Variables,‬ ‭sequence,‬ ‭selection and‬ ‭iteration‬

‭ odule:‬‭Data‬ M ‭Representation‬ ‭.‬ ‭ opics:‬ T ‭Boolean logic,‬ ‭operators and‬ ‭arithmetic‬ ‭operations.‬ ‭Computer‬ ‭science‬ ‭legislation and‬ ‭impacts on‬ ‭society‬

‭ ey Skills‬‭: Be‬ K ‭able to write‬ ‭programs using‬ ‭a range of‬ ‭techniques in‬ ‭order to solve‬ ‭simple real world‬ K ‭ ey Skills‬‭:‬ ‭problems‬ ‭Understand the‬ ‭purpose of data‬ ‭MP1‬‭: Practical‬ ‭in computer‬ ‭Skills‬ ‭systems being‬ ‭represented in‬ ‭MP2:‬ ‭binary form.‬ ‭Programming‬ ‭Understand‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭simple Boolean‬ ‭logic. Construct‬ ‭and interpret‬ ‭pseudocode‬ ‭and data flow‬ ‭diagrams.‬ ‭ P1‬‭: CTAP 1‬ M ‭Exam paper‬

‭ aps initial‬ m ‭observations.‬

‭ odule:‬ M ‭ odule:‬ M ‭Programming‬ ‭Computer‬ ‭Project‬ ‭Hardware and‬ ‭Software.‬ ‭Topics‬‭: In‬ ‭Moral, legal and‬ ‭this‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭programming‬ ‭concerns‬ ‭project,‬ ‭learners will‬ ‭Topics‬‭: Input,‬ ‭be expected‬ ‭Output and‬ ‭to plan, write,‬ ‭storage‬ ‭test and‬ ‭devices.‬ ‭evaluate a‬ ‭System‬ ‭simple coded‬ ‭software, utility‬ ‭program.‬ ‭software and‬ ‭drivers. Memory‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭and Storage‬ ‭Create a list‬ ‭of success‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭criteria,‬ ‭Classify the‬ ‭develop‬ ‭components of‬ ‭flowchart‬ ‭a computer and‬ ‭solutions to‬ ‭the basic‬ ‭the problem‬ ‭functions of‬ ‭presented,‬ ‭internal‬ ‭use a range‬ ‭components.‬ ‭of‬ ‭State the‬ ‭programming‬ ‭purpose of‬ ‭techniques‬ ‭different utility‬ ‭including‬ ‭software and‬ ‭sequence,‬ ‭identify open‬ ‭selection and‬ ‭source and‬

t‭he critical‬ ‭studies‬ ‭reference.‬

‭ odule:‬‭Vector‬ M ‭Graphics‬

‭ odule‬‭:‬ M ‭ nderstand and apply the fundamental‬ U ‭Bitmap Images‬ ‭principles and concepts of Computer‬ ‭Science, including problem solving,‬ ‭Topics‬‭:‬ ‭Topics:‬ ‭logic, algorithms, and programming.‬ ‭Infographic‬ ‭Triptych‬ ‭Analyse problems in computational‬ ‭terms and have exposure to practical‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭experience of writing computer programs‬ ‭Using software,‬ ‭Using photo‬ ‭in order to solve such problems.‬ ‭design and‬ ‭editing‬ ‭Understand the components that make‬ ‭develop a vector‬ ‭software‬ ‭up digital systems, and how they‬ ‭graphic on an‬ ‭design a‬ ‭communicate with one another and with‬ ‭informative topic‬ ‭triptych using a‬ ‭other systems. Understand the impacts‬ ‭to the public‬ ‭range of skills.‬ ‭of digital technology to the individual and‬ ‭relaying data in‬ ‭Understand‬ ‭to wider society.‬ ‭a meaningful‬ ‭what a bitmap‬ ‭way.‬ ‭image is, with‬ ‭Understand the‬ ‭reference to‬ ‭characteristics‬ ‭pixels, scaling,‬ ‭of a vector‬ ‭image sizes‬ ‭graphic in terms‬ ‭and metadata.‬ ‭of scaling and‬ ‭its mathematical‬ ‭MP1:‬‭Triptych‬ ‭characteristics.‬ ‭submission‬ ‭ P1‬‭:‬ M ‭Infographic‬ ‭submission‬ ‭ P2:‬‭Vector‬ M ‭written‬ ‭assessment‬

‭ P2:‬‭Bitmap‬ M ‭written‬ ‭assessment‬

‭ P2‬‭: CTAP 2‬ M ‭Exam paper‬

i‭teration. Test‬ ‭and make‬ ‭corrective‬ ‭actions and‬ ‭evaluate the‬ ‭project based‬ ‭on their‬ ‭success‬ ‭criteria‬ ‭ P1‬‭: Project‬ M ‭Submission‬ ‭ P2‬‭:‬ M ‭Practical‬ ‭Assessment‬

‭ roprietary‬ p ‭software.‬ ‭Describe‬ ‭computer‬ ‭science‬ ‭technologies‬ ‭with‬ ‭consideration of‬ ‭moral, legal and‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭issues. Also the‬ ‭purpose of each‬ ‭of the following‬ ‭acts; Data‬ ‭Protection Act‬ ‭(1998),‬ ‭Computer‬ ‭Misuse Act‬ ‭(1990) and the‬ ‭Copyright,‬ ‭Design and‬ ‭Patents act‬ ‭(1998)‬ ‭ P1‬‭: CS1‬ M ‭Exam paper‬ ‭ P2‬‭: CS2‬ M ‭Exam paper‬


‭ evising/Verbat‬ B D ‭ lood‬ ‭im‬ ‭Brothers‬

‭ hysical‬ P ‭Theatre‬

‭ verview:‬ O ‭-Students to‬ ‭explore Verbatim‬ ‭theatre and use‬ ‭Newspapers‬

‭ verview:‬ O ‭-The actor’s‬ ‭body is an‬ ‭endless‬ ‭resource that‬

‭ verview:‬ O ‭-Students to‬ ‭explore (read‬ ‭and perform‬ ‭the Blood‬

I‭dentity in‬ ‭Theatre‬ ‭(Noughts and‬ ‭Crosses)‬

‭ he Seven‬ T ‭Deadly Sins -‬ ‭Creating‬ ‭character‬

‭ verview:‬ O ‭-Students will‬ ‭read and‬

‭ verview:‬ O ‭-Explore and‬ ‭understand‬

‭Improvisation‬ 1 ‭ )To create self-aware and capable‬ ‭performers who understand the‬ ‭Overview:‬ ‭importance of voice, movement and‬ ‭-Collaboration‬ ‭interaction. Students will show how to‬ ‭and‬ ‭use these performance tools effectively‬ ‭communication‬ ‭as well as showing the importance of‬ ‭in groups‬ ‭being a reflective and appreciative‬ ‭audience member.‬

‭ rticles and‬ a ‭secondary‬ ‭source evidence‬ ‭to devise a‬ ‭performance‬ ‭-Students to‬ ‭explore the role‬ ‭of the audience‬ ‭and create‬ ‭characters who‬ ‭are‬ ‭representative of‬ ‭views‬ ‭-Students to‬ ‭explore the role‬ ‭of tone and‬ ‭mood in group‬ ‭work‬ ‭-Students‬ ‭develop credible‬ ‭roles‬ ‭-Students‬ ‭explore shape‬ ‭and structure the‬ ‭work in a‬ ‭meaningful way‬ ‭-Students to self‬ ‭and peer assess‬

‭ rothers story‬ B ‭by Willy‬ ‭Russell.‬ ‭-Students to‬ ‭explore the role‬ ‭of the audience‬ ‭and use‬ ‭directing skills.‬ ‭-Students to‬ ‭explore the‬ ‭roles of Mickey‬ ‭and Eddie –‬ ‭their social‬ ‭differences.‬ ‭-Students‬ ‭develop‬ ‭credible roles‬ ‭and perform to‬ ‭a high‬ ‭standard.‬ ‭-Students‬ ‭explore shape‬ ‭and structure‬ ‭the work in a‬ ‭meaningful way‬ ‭-Students to‬ ‭self and peer‬ ‭assess‬

‭ ssessment 1‬‭–‬ A ‭Assess‬ ‭response to‬ ‭events in‬ ‭performance.‬ ‭Assessment 2 –‬ ‭Effort grade.‬

‭ ssessment 3‬ A ‭– Ability to‬ ‭perform from a‬ ‭text.‬ ‭Assessment 4‬ ‭–‬‭Effort grade.‬

c‭ an be used‬ ‭in an‬ ‭imaginative‬ ‭way to create‬ ‭abstract‬ ‭feelings and‬ ‭concepts.‬ ‭-The‬ ‭difference‬ ‭between‬ ‭naturalistic‬ ‭and‬ ‭non-naturalist‬ ‭ic.‬ ‭-That voice‬ ‭can be used‬ ‭to create a‬ ‭character.‬ ‭-Frantic‬ ‭Assembly –‬ ‭exploration of‬ ‭a theatre‬ ‭company.‬ ‭their meaning‬ ‭and purpose.‬ ‭Watching‬ ‭performance‬ ‭of Frantic‬ ‭assembly‬ ‭(recorded)‬ ‭-How contrast‬ ‭in dynamics‬ ‭and emotions‬ ‭can be‬ ‭dramatically‬ ‭effective.‬ ‭-To work‬ ‭together‬

‭ iscuss the text‬ d ‭of Noughts and‬ ‭Crosses by‬ ‭Malorie‬ ‭Blackman.‬ ‭-Exploration of‬ ‭what‬ ‭re-interpretation‬ ‭is and creating‬ ‭meaning and‬ ‭message‬ ‭through‬ ‭performance.‬ ‭-Stereotyping‬ ‭and subversion‬ ‭of stereotypes‬ ‭explored.‬ ‭-creating a‬ ‭convincing and‬ ‭credible role‬ ‭-Exploration of‬ ‭the director,‬ ‭performer and‬ ‭audience‬ ‭member.‬ ‭-Students to self‬ ‭and peer‬ ‭assess‬ ‭ ssessment 7‬ A ‭– Performance‬ ‭exploring the‬ ‭questions‬ ‭around gun‬ ‭crime.‬ ‭Assessment 8‬ ‭–‬‭Effort grade.‬

(‭ research/‬ ‭perform)‬ ‭overview of the‬ ‭history of The‬ ‭Seven Deadly‬ ‭Sins in Medieval‬ ‭society.‬ ‭-Utilising the‬ ‭concept of The‬ ‭Seven Deadly‬ ‭Sins as a‬ ‭vehicle for‬ ‭creating and‬ ‭making drama‬ ‭and storytelling.‬ ‭Understanding‬ ‭the‬ ‭stimulus/theme‬ ‭for creation of‬ ‭work.‬ ‭-Exploring‬ ‭theatrical‬ ‭techniques and‬ ‭how they work‬ ‭in performance.‬ ‭-To revise key‬ ‭drama‬ ‭terminology and‬ ‭build upon‬ ‭vocabulary of‬ ‭evaluation (peer‬ ‭and self) in‬ ‭preparation for‬ ‭written end of‬ ‭Year exam.‬ ‭-Students to self‬ ‭and peer assess‬

-‭ Sense of‬ ‭competition‬ ‭and working‬ ‭within a given‬ ‭time-scale is‬ ‭key in this sow.‬ ‭-Skills of‬ ‭blocking,‬ ‭accepting,‬ ‭sharing,‬ ‭listening skills,‬ ‭risk-taking and‬ ‭the ability to‬ ‭tell a story and‬ ‭role-play.‬ ‭ ssessment‬ A ‭11‬‭–‬ ‭Exploration of‬ ‭improvisation‬ ‭and‬ ‭collaboration.‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭12 – Effort‬ ‭grade.‬ ‭KS3 Practical‬ ‭Exam.‬

‭ ) Students will have a deeper‬ 2 ‭understanding of various texts from a‬ ‭range of historical and social contexts‬ ‭ ) Students will be able to create, devise‬ 3 ‭and rehearse for a performance,‬ ‭showing clear understanding of‬ ‭collaborative skills. Students will also be‬ ‭able to reflect on live theatre examples‬ ‭and evaluate effectively.‬

‭ ffectively as‬ e ‭a group.‬ ‭-Students to‬ ‭self and peer‬ ‭assess‬

‭ ssessment 9‬ A ‭– Mid-term‬ ‭performance‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭10–Written end‬ ‭of year exam‬

‭ ssessment‬ A ‭5‬‭– use of the‬ ‭body to‬ ‭create a‬ ‭narrative‬ ‭(using Frantic‬ ‭assembly‬ ‭techniques).‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭6 –‬‭Effort‬ ‭grade.‬ ‭ easons‬ R ‭for SoW‬

‭ o spark debate‬ T ‭Exploration of‬ ‭scandal and‬ ‭cover up - the‬ ‭role and‬ ‭responsibility of‬ ‭the media.‬ ‭To explore‬ ‭function of‬ ‭Verbatim theatre‬

‭ o explore‬ T ‭1980’s Britain -‬ ‭politics.‬ ‭Characterisatio‬ ‭n of Mickey and‬ ‭Eddie.‬ ‭To explore and‬ ‭develop the‬ ‭Liverpudlian‬ ‭accent and use‬ ‭of dialogue.‬ ‭Placement of‬ ‭Apply the role‬ ‭SOW – To‬ ‭of the director‬ ‭engage students‬ ‭To explore‬ ‭with a real event‬ ‭differences in‬ ‭that happened‬ ‭social class‬ ‭and to get them‬ ‭and how this‬ ‭excited about‬ ‭can be shown‬ ‭what happened.‬ ‭on stage.‬

‭ o use the‬ T ‭body in a safe‬ ‭and‬ ‭imaginative‬ ‭way to help‬ ‭with‬ ‭storytelling.‬ ‭Frantic‬ ‭assembly –‬ ‭To learn their‬ ‭techniques‬ ‭and values as‬ ‭a company‬ ‭To learn to‬ ‭support each‬ ‭other‬ ‭(physically)‬

‭ o discuss the‬ T ‭issues of‬ ‭prejudice and‬ ‭racism.‬ ‭To explore use‬ ‭of empathy for‬ ‭characters and‬ ‭playwright’s‬ ‭intentions.‬ ‭Reading of the‬ ‭text‬ ‭Raising‬ ‭awareness of‬ ‭racism through‬ ‭re-interpretation‬ ‭of Romeo and‬ ‭Juliet.‬

‭ o gain‬ T ‭knowledge and‬ ‭understanding‬ ‭of Brecht –‬ ‭ready for GCSE‬ ‭Drama‬ ‭To understand‬ ‭Brecht’s‬ ‭techniques to‬ ‭create epic‬ ‭theatre.‬ ‭To create a‬ ‭piece of epic‬ ‭theatre in‬ ‭groups.‬ ‭To engage in‬ ‭Brecht’s style of‬ ‭acting.‬

‭ his is to end‬ T ‭on a fun,‬ ‭energetic,‬ ‭ensemble‬ ‭SOW for Y9 –‬ ‭especially for‬ ‭those not‬ ‭taking it on to‬ ‭GCSE.‬ ‭To engage with‬ ‭timing and‬ ‭improvisation.‬ ‭To utilise‬ ‭groups work‬ ‭skills,‬ ‭improvisation‬ ‭and character‬ ‭skills‬ ‭developed‬ ‭over KS3‬

‭ lacement of‬ P ‭SOW – to‬ ‭explore‬ ‭language and‬ ‭use of voice‬ ‭prior to study of‬ ‭physical action‬ ‭and physical‬ ‭theatre next‬ ‭term.‬


‭Dystopia‬ ‭ im: To‬ A ‭introduce‬ ‭students to‬ ‭significant‬ ‭dystopian‬ ‭extracts and‬ ‭their moral‬ ‭warnings about‬ ‭society today.‬ ‭Extracts will be‬ ‭used as a‬ ‭stimulus to‬ ‭explore‬ ‭language skills.‬ ‭Students will‬ ‭develop their‬ ‭analytical skills‬ ‭and evaluative‬ ‭writing. They‬

‭ lacement of‬ P ‭SOW – To‬ ‭engage‬ ‭potential‬ ‭GCSE‬ ‭students in‬ ‭GCSE-style‬ ‭work before‬ ‭they take‬ ‭options‬ ‭choice.‬

‭ hakespeare –‬ T S ‭ he Power‬ ‭Twelfth Night‬ ‭of Language‬ ‭ im: Aim: For‬ A ‭students to‬ ‭explore the‬ ‭work of this‬ ‭significant‬ ‭writer. To have‬ ‭a‬ ‭comprehensive‬ ‭understanding‬ ‭comedy genre‬ ‭to allow variety‬ ‭in their study of‬ ‭his work.‬ ‭ o allow‬ T ‭students to‬ ‭explore‬ ‭contextual‬

‭ im: To‬ A ‭expose‬ ‭students to a‬ ‭range of‬ ‭speeches to‬ ‭develop their‬ ‭own debating‬ ‭skills and‬ ‭understand‬ ‭the art of‬ ‭verbal‬ ‭communicatio‬ ‭n. They will‬ ‭analyse‬ ‭language‬ ‭devices used‬ ‭in model‬ ‭speeches to‬

‭ lacement of‬ P ‭SOW – To‬ ‭explore‬ ‭attitudes to race‬ ‭and be able to‬ ‭understand the‬ ‭playwright’s‬ ‭intentions when‬ ‭re-interpreting a‬ ‭script and‬ ‭concept. A‬ ‭SOW to‬ ‭maintain Y9‬ ‭interest in the‬ ‭middle part of‬ ‭the year.‬

‭ lacement of‬ P ‭SOW – For‬ ‭those who are‬ ‭taking Drama to‬ ‭begin to explore‬ ‭Brecht’s epic‬ ‭theatre, prior to‬ ‭study at GCSE‬ ‭Drama level.‬

‭ tudy of‬ s ‭Drama.‬

‭ poken‬ S ‭Language (2‬ ‭weeks)‬

‭ ovel – In the‬ N ‭Sea there are‬ ‭Crocodiles‬

‭ S3 Exams‬ K ‭Duration: 1‬ ‭week (no‬ ‭lessons)‬


‭ im: For‬ A ‭students to‬ ‭complete the‬ ‭national SLE/‬ ‭qualification.‬

‭ im: For‬ A ‭students to‬ ‭develop‬ ‭empathy and‬ ‭understanding‬ ‭of perspective‬ ‭through the‬ ‭study a whole‬ ‭text in detail.‬

‭ im: To cover‬ A ‭a range of‬ ‭poems from‬ ‭the GCSE‬ ‭cluster,‬ ‭allowing time‬ ‭to develop a‬ ‭deep and‬

I‭ntegrate thoughtful and relevant‬ ‭contextual knowledge into a critical‬ ‭response to develop the interpretation of‬ ‭a text, applying deeper cultural capital‬ ‭and critical skills to discuss how meaning‬ ‭is shaped.‬

‭ kills: public‬ S ‭speaking/‬ ‭rhetorical/‬ ‭researching/‬ ‭presentational‬ ‭skills/ audience‬ ‭engagement/‬ ‭structuring of‬ ‭ideas/‬ ‭self-assessment‬

‭ he novel is a‬ T ‭modern, topical‬ ‭text aimed at‬ ‭bringing issues‬ ‭of injustice and‬ ‭perseverance of‬

‭ lacement of‬ P ‭SOW – A fun‬ ‭energetic end‬ ‭to KS3 drama‬ ‭which is‬ ‭placed at the‬ ‭end of the year‬ ‭to empoy skills‬ ‭developed‬ ‭fully.‬

‭ erceptively analyse and evaluate effect‬ P ‭and purpose of linguistic and structural‬ ‭features, zooming in to examine writers’‬ ‭An‬ ‭methods, commenting on how writer’s‬ ‭Introduction‬ ‭choices produce meanings and effects.‬ ‭to War poems‬ ‭Be able to securely cross-reference two‬ ‭from the‬ ‭different writers’ uses of specific‬ ‭Power and‬ ‭techniques, exploring the use of a wide‬ ‭ onflict‬ C ‭range of literary devices.‬ ‭cluster‬

‭ ill also use this‬ w ‭module to‬ ‭nurture their own‬ ‭creative writing‬ ‭potential.‬ ‭Students will‬ ‭examine the‬ ‭portrayal of‬ ‭totalitarianism‬ ‭and how this‬ ‭type of society‬ ‭mentally and‬ ‭physically affects‬ ‭individuals.‬

i‭ssues such‬ ‭complexities of‬ ‭relationships,‬ ‭Renaissance‬ ‭marriage,‬ ‭position of‬ ‭women/patriarc‬ ‭hal society,‬ ‭class issues‬ ‭etc. All these‬ ‭challenges‬ ‭students to‬ ‭consider such‬ ‭issues in the‬ ‭modern day.‬ ‭Skills: Reading‬ ‭This unit links‬ ‭for meaning,‬ ‭to history,‬ ‭analysing‬ ‭drama (both‬ ‭extracts,‬ ‭performing and‬ ‭appreciation of a‬ ‭production) and‬ ‭text in its cultural‬ ‭debate.‬ ‭context and‬ ‭production.‬ ‭Skills: language‬ ‭Evaluation,‬ ‭analysis,‬ ‭synthesis,‬ ‭embedding‬ ‭retrieval,‬ ‭context,‬ ‭structural‬ ‭developing a‬ ‭analysis and‬ ‭critical‬ ‭creative writing.‬ ‭viewpoint,‬ ‭understanding‬ ‭writer’s‬ ‭methods and‬ ‭applying‬ ‭subject‬ ‭terminology.‬

‭ nable‬ e ‭students to‬ ‭emulate them‬ ‭in their own‬ ‭transactional‬ ‭writing and‬ ‭build‬ ‭confidence‬ ‭with public‬ ‭speaking.‬ ‭The chosen‬ ‭extracts are‬ ‭to challenge‬ ‭students to‬ ‭consider‬ ‭modern‬ ‭issues. This‬ ‭is purposely‬ ‭placed‬ ‭adjacent to‬ ‭SLE as the‬ ‭skills learnt‬ ‭here will feed‬ ‭into this.‬ ‭(copywriter/e‬ ‭ditor/proof-re‬ ‭ader/ lawyer/‬ ‭semiotician/‬ ‭web-content‬ ‭manager/‬ ‭letters for job‬ ‭applications/‬ ‭media‬ ‭communicatio‬ ‭ns and so on)‬ ‭ kills:‬ S ‭language‬

/‭self-awareness‬ ‭.‬ ‭All skills listed‬ ‭are transferable‬ ‭to any career‬ ‭choice –‬ ‭particularly in‬ ‭interviews.‬ ‭ nseen Poetry‬ U ‭(conflict)‬ ‭ im: At GCSE‬ A ‭students will be‬ ‭examined on‬ ‭both unseen‬ ‭and anthology‬ ‭poetry under‬ ‭the theme of‬ ‭‘power and‬ ‭conflict’. This‬ ‭unit then‬ ‭embeds skills‬ ‭required for‬ ‭tackling poetry‬ ‭analysis. As‬ ‭unseen poetry‬ ‭is included, it‬ ‭builds‬ ‭independence‬ ‭and confidence‬ ‭in dealing with‬ ‭poetry. They‬ ‭will gain insight‬ ‭into those‬ ‭involved with‬ ‭war and the‬ ‭consequences‬

r‭ efugees to the‬ ‭forefront‬ ‭Racism and‬ ‭prejudice;‬ ‭issues of bias‬ ‭and injustice;‬ ‭attitudes‬ ‭towards‬ ‭refugees;‬ ‭equality and‬ ‭issues of‬ ‭opportunity;‬ ‭grief and issues‬ ‭of death;‬ ‭friendship and‬ ‭family.‬ ‭Links to careers‬ ‭in the charity‬ ‭sector e.g.,‬ ‭humanitarian‬ ‭work, social‬ ‭work, human‬ ‭rights e.g.,‬ ‭solicitor/barrister‬ ‭, victim‬ ‭advocate,‬ ‭investigative‬ ‭journalism.‬ ‭ kills:‬ S ‭To infer explicit‬ ‭and implicit‬ ‭meaning from‬ ‭fiction and‬ ‭non-fiction texts.‬ ‭To compare‬ ‭writer’s‬ ‭perspectives‬

‭ onsolidated‬ c ‭understanding‬ ‭of both the‬ ‭skills used and‬ ‭the contexts‬ ‭that they are‬ ‭written in. To‬ ‭look at issues‬ ‭of PTSD/ loss‬ ‭and grief/ the‬ ‭ways poets‬ ‭have‬ ‭responded to‬ ‭world-wide‬ ‭conflict/ echo‬ ‭cultural‬ ‭recognition‬ ‭and‬ ‭remembrance‬ ‭of world wars.‬ ‭This unit links‬ ‭to joining the‬ ‭army/awarene‬ ‭ss of‬ ‭propaganda‬ ‭and‬ ‭recruitment‬ ‭tactics/‬ ‭journalism/‬ ‭photography/‬ ‭news‬ ‭reporting.‬ ‭ kills: To build‬ S ‭on and fine‬ ‭tune practical‬ ‭skills in‬ ‭annotation and‬

‭Writing:‬ ‭ rite technically sophisticated‬ W ‭responses with a controlled range of‬ ‭vocabulary, sentence forms, grammatical‬ ‭constructions, and accurate spelling of‬ ‭ambitious vocabulary for a wide range of‬ ‭purposes and audiences.‬ ‭ ensitively and insightfully explore‬ S ‭characterisation, setting and other‬ ‭narrative features when devising their‬ ‭own creative work, reflecting on‬ ‭feedback and re-drafting to improve.‬ ‭ racy:‬ O ‭•Express sophisticated ideas /‬ ‭information / feelings using a‬ ‭sophisticated repertoire of vocabulary‬ ‭organises and structures his or her‬ ‭presentation using an effective range of‬ ‭strategies to engage the audience an‬ ‭achieve the purpose of their‬ ‭presentation.‬ •‭ listens to questions / feedback,‬ ‭responds perceptively and if appropriate‬ ‭elaborates with further ideas and‬ ‭information.‬


I‭nternational‬ ‭Development‬

‭ laciated‬ G ‭Landscapes‬

‭ ariations in‬ V ‭global‬ ‭development.‬ ‭Causes of‬ ‭variations.‬ ‭Improving‬ ‭development‬ ‭levels:‬ ‭bottom-up and‬ ‭top-down‬ ‭schemes, fair‬ ‭trade and SDGs.‬

‭ istribution of‬ D ‭global ice.‬ ‭Glacial‬ ‭processes.‬ ‭Erosional‬ ‭landforms.‬ ‭Changes in‬ ‭glaciers and‬ ‭the impact on‬ ‭human activity.‬

‭ nalysis,‬ a ‭structural‬ ‭features,‬ ‭comparison,‬ ‭evaluating a‬ ‭non-fiction‬ ‭text,‬ ‭transactional‬ ‭writing in‬ ‭preparation‬ ‭for life‬ ‭beyond‬ ‭GCSEs‬

‭ f such conflict‬ o ‭(e.g. PTSD).‬ ‭Students will‬ ‭develop‬ ‭comparative‬ ‭skills and‬ ‭explore the‬ ‭similarities and‬ ‭differences of‬ ‭various poets.‬

‭ nd methods.‬ a ‭To begin to‬ ‭explain the‬ ‭effect of‬ ‭structural‬ ‭features of a‬ ‭text. To explain‬ ‭and support‬ ‭own opinion‬ ‭with examples‬ ‭and reason. To‬ ‭Skills: Skills: To‬ ‭analyse‬ ‭build on and‬ ‭language‬ ‭develop‬ ‭features. To‬ ‭practical skills in‬ ‭identify themes‬ ‭annotation and‬ ‭and connections‬ ‭analysis. To‬ ‭within and‬ ‭remind students‬ ‭between texts.‬ ‭of prior learning‬ ‭To empathise‬ ‭in Y8 and begin‬ ‭with characters‬ ‭to develop skills‬ ‭to inspire‬ ‭at GCSE level‬ ‭kindness.‬

‭ nalysis. To‬ a ‭remind‬ ‭students of‬ ‭prior learning‬ ‭in Y8 and‬ ‭begin to‬ ‭develop skills‬ ‭at GCSE level‬

‭ 1‬‭st‬ ‭Century‬ 2 ‭Issues:‬ ‭Climate‬ ‭Change‬

‭ 1‬‭st‬ ‭Century‬ 2 ‭Issues:‬ ‭Resource Use‬

‭ CSE‬ G ‭Sustaining‬ ‭Ecosystems‬

‭ CSE‬ G ‭Tectonic‬ ‭Hazards‬

‭ istribution of‬ D ‭global‬ ‭resources.‬ ‭Competition for‬ ‭resources.‬ ‭Conflicts arising‬ ‭from resource‬ ‭use.‬

‭ hat is an‬ W ‭Ecosystem?‬ ‭Characteristics‬ ‭of world biomes.‬ ‭Characteristics‬ ‭of Tropical‬ ‭Rainforests‬

‭ auses of‬ C ‭climate‬ ‭change.‬ ‭Global‬ ‭variations in‬ ‭emissions.‬ ‭Global‬ ‭variations in‬ ‭impacts.‬

‭ uman use of‬ H ‭rainforests.‬ ‭Threats to‬ ‭Rainforests.‬ ‭Case study of‬ ‭sustainable‬ ‭use of‬ ‭rainforests.‬

‭ o begin to understand why‬ T ‭development levels vary between‬ ‭countries and why these differences‬ ‭result in varying impacts of geographical‬ ‭events which require appropriate‬ ‭solutions.‬ ‭ nderstand how glacial landscapes can‬ U ‭change over long periods of time and‬ ‭how human activity can adapt‬ ‭sustainably to these changes.‬ ‭ nderstand the causes, effects and‬ U ‭responses to global climate change.‬

‭ ppropriate‬ A ‭solutions to‬ ‭global‬ ‭warming.‬

‭ nderstand how competition for‬ U ‭resources can lead to conflict (Middle‬ ‭East, Arctic).‬ ‭ now how global agreements can be‬ K ‭used to tackle climate change.‬ ‭ now the characteristics of global‬ K ‭ecosystems and understand the impacts‬ ‭to, and management of, tropical‬ ‭rainforests.‬ ‭ nderstand the basic processes‬ U ‭occurring at four types of plate‬ ‭boundaries.‬ ‭ now the key locations in Bangladesh‬ K ‭and Russia.‬ ‭ escribe, analyse and present‬ D ‭geographical data using complex‬ ‭techniques including statistical testing.‬ ‭ rovide developed explanations for‬ P ‭geographical features.‬ ‭ pply geographical knowledge in order‬ A ‭to make balanced judgements and‬ ‭evaluations.‬


‭ opics‬‭:‬ T ‭Thematic study‬ ‭on tolerance‬

‭ opics‬‭: What‬ T ‭was it like to‬ ‭fight in WW1?‬ ‭(emphasis on‬ ‭aspects of‬

‭ opics‬‭: Nazi‬ T ‭Germany &‬ ‭The‬ ‭Holocaust‬

‭ opics‬‭: World‬ T ‭War II & impact‬ ‭on the ‘Home‬ ‭Front’‬ ‭(emphasis on‬

‭ opics:‬ T ‭Dropping of the‬ ‭A bomb & Cold‬ ‭War (emphasis‬

‭ opics‬‭:‬ T ‭Making of‬ ‭modern Britain‬ ‭(focus on‬

‭ eveloped understanding of the‬ D ‭interlinked reasons why historical events‬ ‭occur (eg WW1).‬

‭ nquiry‬ E ‭question‬‭: How‬ ‭fragile is‬ ‭tolerance in‬ ‭Britain?‬ ‭ ontent‬‭:‬ C ‭Ancient World,‬ ‭Early Modern,‬ ‭Anne Lister,‬ ‭WW1 &‬ ‭disability, 20‬‭th‬ ‭C‬ ‭LGBTQ+‬

t‭rench‬ ‭experience)‬

(‭ emphasis on‬ d ‭ omestic/social‬ ‭Holocaust)‬ ‭aspect)‬

‭ n nature of‬ o ‭conflict)‬

i‭ncreasing‬ ‭equality)‬

‭ nquiry‬ E ‭question‬‭:‬ ‭What did it take‬ ‭to fight in the‬ ‭trenches?‬

‭ nquiry‬ E ‭question:‬ ‭How‬ ‭significant‬ ‭was the‬ ‭Holocaust?‬

‭ nquiry‬ E ‭question:‬‭Was‬ ‭it right to drop‬ ‭the atomic‬ ‭bomb?‬

‭ nquiry‬ E ‭question‬‭: How‬ ‭has Britain‬ ‭become a‬ ‭more equal‬ ‭society post‬ ‭WW2?‬

‭ ontent:‬ C ‭Impact of‬ ‭modern‬ ‭weapons,‬ ‭fighting WW1‬ ‭Assessment:‬ ‭battles, life in‬ ‭Which factor had‬ ‭trenches,‬ ‭the biggest‬ ‭recruitment &‬ ‭impact on‬ ‭propaganda‬ ‭tolerance?‬ ‭Assessment‬‭:‬ ‭Skills: Thematic‬ ‭What caused‬ ‭study of change‬ ‭the First World‬ ‭War?‬ ‭Cultural‬ ‭Capital:‬‭Ideas of‬ ‭Skills:‬ ‭rights and‬ ‭Significance‬ ‭protection of‬ ‭rights, influence‬ ‭Cultural‬ ‭of government,‬ ‭Capital‬ ‭religion and‬ ‭includes:‬ ‭individuals,‬ ‭Relevance of‬ ‭LGBT‬ ‭Remembrance‬ ‭individuals, Post‬ ‭Day,‬ ‭WW2 liberalism,‬ ‭experience of‬ ‭WW1 soldiers,‬ ‭use of‬ ‭government‬ ‭propaganda,‬

‭ ontent‬‭:‬ C ‭Nazi rise to‬ ‭power, life‬ ‭under a‬ ‭dictatorship,‬ ‭Holocaust‬ ‭causes &‬ ‭consequence‬ ‭s‬

‭ nquiry‬ E ‭question‬‭: What‬ ‭impact did‬ ‭WW2 have on‬ ‭the Home‬ ‭Front?‬ ‭ ontent‬‭:‬ C ‭Dunkirk, Blitz,‬ ‭Rationing &‬ ‭evacuation,‬ ‭WW2‬ ‭presentations‬

‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭What had the‬ ‭biggest impact‬ ‭Assessment:‬ ‭on the ‘Home‬ ‭ hy did Hitler‬ ‭Front’? &‬ W ‭become so‬ ‭knowledge test‬ ‭popular? &‬ ‭on WW2‬ ‭knowledge‬ ‭test on Nazis‬ ‭Skills:‬ ‭Significance‬ ‭Skills:‬ ‭Sources &‬ ‭Cultural‬ ‭interpretation‬ ‭Capital:‬‭The‬ ‭s‬ ‭‘victory’ of‬ ‭Dunkirk, Impact‬ ‭Cultural‬ ‭of war on‬ ‭Capital:‬‭How‬ ‭ordinary people,‬ ‭can‬ ‭‘spirit of the‬ ‭dictatorships‬ ‭Blitz’, WW2‬ ‭start?‬ ‭outside of West‬ ‭Aspects of‬ ‭Europe‬

‭ ontent‬‭:‬ C ‭Reasons for‬ ‭dropping the A‬ ‭Bomb, causes‬ ‭of Cold War,‬ ‭Cuban Missile‬ ‭Crisis, Vietnam‬ ‭War & protest‬ ‭movement‬ ‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭Was the‬ ‭dropping of the‬ ‭A Bomb‬ ‭justifiable?‬ ‭ kills:‬‭Causes‬ S ‭&‬ ‭consequences‬ ‭ ultural‬ C ‭Capital:‬ ‭Morality of‬ ‭dropping an‬ ‭Atomic Bomb,‬ ‭was Cold War‬ ‭inevitable?‬ ‭Ideologies of‬ ‭capitalism &‬

‭ ontent‬‭: Post‬ C ‭WW2 Britain,‬ ‭Welfare state‬ ‭& NHS,‬ ‭Immigration,‬ ‭cultural‬ ‭change in 60s‬ ‭& 70s, gender‬ ‭& sexual‬ ‭equality‬ ‭ ssessment‬‭:‬ A ‭End of year‬ ‭exam‬ ‭ kills‬‭: Group‬ S ‭work &‬ ‭transferable‬ ‭skills‬ ‭ ultural‬ C ‭Capital:‬ ‭Post-War‬ ‭immigration,‬ ‭cultural‬ ‭developments,‬ ‭significance of‬

‭ eeper understanding of how WW1 &‬ D ‭WW2 were ‘total wars’ with wide-ranging‬ ‭impacts.‬ ‭ nderstanding how 20‬‭th‬ ‭century events‬ U ‭shaped the modern world (Britain &‬ ‭beyond) & relevance today‬ ‭ ore complex evaluation of sources‬ M ‭usefulness & reliability, including an‬ ‭analysis on their provenance (author,‬ ‭date created, purpose).‬ ‭ riting shows developed analytical‬ W ‭thinking, whether through multi-causal‬ ‭explanations of change or different‬ ‭aspects of significance.‬


‭Number‬ ‭ roduct of‬ P ‭prime factors,‬ ‭HCF & LCM‬ ‭Estimation‬ ‭Error Intervals‬ ‭Bounds‬ ‭Rules of‬ ‭Indices‬ ‭including‬ ‭fractional and‬ ‭negative‬ ‭Standard form‬ ‭Surds‬

‘‭total war’,‬ ‭Empire troops‬

‭ azi life, life‬ N ‭for Jews in‬ ‭1930s,‬ ‭responsibility‬ ‭of the‬ ‭Holocaust,‬ ‭memorialisati‬ ‭on‬

‭ anipulating‬ M ‭Algebra‬



‭ ircles, arcs‬ C ‭and‬ ‭sectors‬ ‭Cones and‬ ‭Spheres‬ ‭Compound‬ ‭Units‬ ‭Bearings‬ ‭Calc Exam‬

‭ roblem‬ P ‭Solving‬ ‭with ratio‬ ‭Ratio with‬ ‭algebra‬ ‭Direct & Inverse‬ ‭Proportion‬ ‭Pythagoras &‬ ‭SOHCAHTOA‬ ‭problems‬

‭ ingle and‬ S ‭double bracket‬ ‭factorising‬ ‭Simplifying‬ ‭algebraic‬ ‭fractions‬ ‭Simultaneous‬ ‭equations‬ ‭Arithmetic Nth‬ ‭term rule‬ ‭Quadratic nth‬ ‭term rule‬ ‭Non-Calc‬ ‭Exam‬ ‭(contains year‬ ‭8‬ ‭content)‬

c‭ ommunism,‬ ‭dangers of‬ ‭nuclear war‬

‭ HS, growth‬ N ‭of tolerance‬ ‭post WW2,‬ ‭LGBTQ+ rights‬

I‭nvestigating‬ ‭Data‬


‭ ompound‬ C ‭interest‬ ‭Frequency‬ ‭tables‬ ‭Cumulative‬ ‭Frequency‬ ‭Quartiles‬ ‭Box Plots‬ ‭Scatter Graphs‬

‭ ample‬ S ‭space‬ ‭diagrams‬ ‭Two-way‬ ‭tables‬ ‭Set‬ ‭notation‬ ‭Venn‬ ‭diagrams‬ ‭Tree‬ ‭diagrams‬ ‭EOY Exams‬ ‭Non Calc‬ ‭and Calc‬ ‭Exams‬

‭ roblem solve using the HCF and LCM‬ P ‭from the product of prime numbers‬ ‭Use upper and lower p‬ ‭ pply the negative and fractional laws of‬ A ‭indices to simple cases‬ ‭Calculate in standard form‬ ‭ implify a surd and simplify a simple‬ S ‭expression with surds‬ ‭ olve linear equations with unknowns on‬ S ‭both sides and brackets‬ ‭ actorise a quadratic with a=1‬ F ‭Solve equations with a numerical‬ ‭denominator including crossmultiplying‬ ‭ hanging the subject of an expression‬ C ‭Find the nth term rule of a linear‬ ‭sequence and simple quadratic‬ I‭dentify different types of sequences‬ ‭including arithmetic,geometric, quadratic‬ ‭and recursive‬

‭ roblem solve with perimeter and area‬ P ‭of 2D shapes‬ ‭Find the arc length and area of a sector‬ ‭ roblem solve with volume and surface‬ P ‭area‬ ‭ onvert area and volume metric units‬ C ‭Understand what a bearing is and use it‬ ‭to calculate a return journey‬ ‭Solve ratio and proportion problems‬ ‭ now and use Pythagoras and‬ K ‭SOHCAHTOA in multistep problems‬ ‭ se multipliers with percentages for‬ U ‭compound interest and reverse‬ ‭percentages‬ ‭ alculate averages and understand‬ C ‭frequency tables‬ ‭ raw and use a cumulative frequency‬ D ‭diagram‬ ‭ ind and understand quartiles and‬ F ‭interquartile range‬ ‭Use a scatter graph and line of best fit‬ ‭ escribe correlation and understand that‬ D ‭correlation does not mean causation‬ ‭ nderstand and calculate experiment‬ U ‭probability‬

‭ se set notation and calculator‬ U ‭probabilities from Venn‬ ‭Diagrams‬ ‭ se and interpret tree diagrams with‬ U ‭multiple options‬ ‭ FL‬ M ‭French‬

‭ kills:‬ S ‭Discussing the‬ ‭pros and cons of‬ ‭technology and‬ ‭new media with‬ ‭the use of GCSE‬ ‭opinion phrases.‬

‭ kills:‬‭Talking‬ S ‭about jobs,‬ ‭careers, future‬ ‭plans and‬ ‭ambitions.‬

‭ kills:‬ ‭Film‬ S ‭review of Les‬ ‭Choristes‬

‭ kills:‬‭Talking‬ S ‭about charity‬ ‭work,‬ ‭volunteering &‬ ‭changing‬ ‭lifestyles,‬ ‭discussing‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭issues, their‬ ‭impact and‬ ‭social problems.‬

‭ kills:‬‭Revision‬ S ‭techniques for‬ ‭End of Year‬ ‭Exam including‬ ‭speaking skills‬ ‭and‬ ‭consolidation if‬ ‭topics for exam‬ ‭across all topics‬ ‭studied in Y9.‬

‭ kills:‬ S ‭Learning and‬ ‭discussing key‬ ‭information‬ ‭Grammar:‬ ‭about French‬ ‭Use of‬ ‭overseas‬ ‭Grammar:‬ ‭literature‬ ‭territories and‬ ‭Using the‬ ‭review‬ ‭life/culture‬ ‭Grammar:‬ ‭conditional‬ ‭vocabulary (il‬ ‭there and‬ ‭Recap of‬ ‭tense.‬ ‭s’agit de…)‬ ‭introducing‬ ‭present, past,‬ ‭Expanding‬ ‭and KS3‬ ‭summary skills‬ ‭future,‬ ‭range of future‬ ‭grammatical‬ ‭Grammar:‬ ‭– changing 1‬‭st‬ ‭conditional‬ ‭phrases. Using‬ ‭and GCSE‬ ‭Grammar:‬ ‭Consolidation of‬ ‭to 3‬‭rd‬ ‭person‬ ‭tenses using‬ ‭pour/afin de +‬ ‭opinion‬ ‭Using the‬ ‭key KS3‬ ‭and parts of‬ ‭time markers.‬ ‭infinitive. Using‬ ‭structures to‬ ‭imperfect tense‬ ‭grammatical‬ ‭speech.‬ ‭Preference‬ ‭qui & que.‬ ‭create‬ ‭and modals.‬ ‭structures for‬ ‭verbs +‬ ‭character‬ ‭Using si clauses‬ ‭End of Year‬ ‭Assessment:‬ ‭infinitives,‬ ‭Assessment:‬ ‭descriptions‬ ‭with the‬ ‭Exam‬ ‭End of Year 9‬ ‭advanced‬ ‭Reading and‬ ‭and a film‬ ‭imperfect and‬ ‭Exam‬ ‭negatives, direct‬ ‭Writing. Vocab‬ ‭review.‬ ‭conditional,‬ ‭Assessment:‬ ‭object pronouns,‬ ‭test x 2‬ ‭recapping il faut‬ ‭Speaking and‬ ‭adjectival‬ ‭Mid Year‬ ‭& on devrait,‬ ‭listening task.‬ ‭endings.‬ ‭Assessment.‬ ‭using ce qui &‬ ‭Vocab test x 2.‬ ‭ ocab test x‬ ‭ce que.‬ V ‭Assessment:‬ ‭2‬ ‭Recapping the‬ ‭October‬ ‭imperative form.‬ ‭Assessment –‬ ‭Reading,‬ ‭Assessment:‬ ‭Translation into‬ ‭End of Unit‬ ‭French, and‬

‭ y the end of year 9,‬ B ‭students will be able to…‬ ‭…express and justify‬ ‭opinions on the topics of technology, the‬ ‭environment, film and‬ ‭work.‬ ‭…conjugate verbs in the‬ ‭present, past, conditional‬ ‭and near future tenses.‬ ‭…respond accurately to a‬ ‭photo card prompt.‬ ‭…critically analyse a film‬ ‭and historical events in‬ ‭20 th century German‬ ‭history.‬

‭ riting. Vocab‬ W ‭test x 2‬ ‭ FL‬ M ‭German‬

‭ est. Vocab test‬ T ‭x 2‬

‭ edia and‬ M ‭Technology‬ ‭How do you‬ ‭use um zu?‬

‭ nvironment‬ E ‭Which‬ ‭prepositions‬ ‭take the‬ ‭accusative‬ ‭Skills‬‭:‬ ‭and which‬ ‭Discussing the‬ ‭take the‬ ‭pros and cons of‬ ‭dative?‬ ‭technology and‬ ‭new media:‬ ‭Skills‬‭:‬ ‭social networks‬ ‭Discussing‬ ‭and mobile‬ ‭what you can‬ ‭phones.‬ ‭do to help the‬ ‭environment,‬ ‭Grammar‬‭: Using‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭three time‬ ‭and social‬ ‭frames together,‬ ‭problems and‬ ‭using weil and‬ ‭their impact.‬ ‭wenn clauses, in‬ ‭order to: um‬ ‭Grammar‬‭:‬ ‭…zu, common‬ ‭Consolidate‬ ‭imperfect forms.‬ ‭use of three‬ ‭tenses,‬ ‭Assessment‬‭:‬ ‭consolidate‬ ‭End of Unit‬ ‭modal verbs +‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭infinitive,‬ ‭(Reading,‬ ‭consolidate um‬ ‭Writing and‬ ‭zu, consolidate‬ ‭Translation)‬ ‭connectives‬‭.‬ ‭ ssessment‬‭:‬ A ‭End of Unit‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭(Listening and‬ ‭Reading)‬

‭ as Wunder‬ D ‭von Bern‬ ‭What is the‬ ‭genitive‬ ‭case and‬ ‭how is it‬ ‭used?‬

‭ ork‬ W ‭How do you‬ ‭form the‬ ‭conditional‬ ‭tense?‬

‭ kills‬‭: Talking‬ S ‭about jobs,‬ ‭Skills‬‭:‬ ‭careers and‬ ‭Reviewing‬ ‭future plans,‬ ‭Das Wunder‬ ‭recognising‬ ‭Von Bern film,‬ ‭plural nouns,‬ ‭analysing‬ ‭talking about‬ ‭themes,‬ ‭charity work‬ ‭characters‬ ‭and‬ ‭and what the‬ ‭volunteering.‬ ‭scenes show‬ ‭us.‬ ‭Grammar‬‭:‬ ‭Cross-curricul‬ ‭Future Tense :‬ ‭ar.‬ ‭werden +‬ ‭infinitive,‬ ‭Grammar‬‭:‬ ‭conditional‬ ‭Genitive‬ ‭Tense :‬ ‭case,‬ ‭möchten and‬ ‭prepositions‬ ‭würden,‬ ‭with‬ ‭masculine and‬ ‭accusative‬ ‭feminine forms‬ ‭and dative‬ ‭of nouns.‬ ‭cases,‬ ‭two-way‬ ‭Assessment‬‭:‬ ‭prepositions.‬ ‭End of Unit‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭Assessment‬‭:‬ ‭(Translation and‬ ‭Mid-Year‬ ‭Writing)‬ ‭Exam‬

‭ peaking Skills‬ S ‭How do you‬ ‭tackle a photo‬ ‭card and role‬ ‭play?‬ ‭ kills‬‭: Revision‬ S ‭techniques for‬ ‭End of Year‬ ‭Exam including‬ ‭speaking‬ ‭skills and‬ ‭consolidation of‬ ‭topics for exam‬ ‭across all‬ ‭topics.‬ ‭ rammar‬‭:‬ G ‭Consolidation of‬ ‭Year 7, 8 and 9‬ ‭grammar: 5‬ ‭tenses, verb‬ ‭pullers and‬ ‭kickers, use of‬ ‭um zu, all four‬ ‭cases.‬ ‭ ssessment‬‭:‬ A ‭End of Unit‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭(Speaking)‬

‭ ummer‬ S ‭Project‬ ‭What was the‬ ‭reunification‬ ‭of Germany‬ ‭and why was‬ ‭it important?‬ ‭ ssessment‬‭:‬ A ‭End of Year‬ ‭Exam‬ ‭(Reading,‬ ‭Writing,‬ ‭Listening and‬ ‭Translation)‬

‭ y the end of year 9, students will be‬ B ‭able to…‬ ‭…express and justify opinions on the‬ ‭topics of technology, the environment,‬ ‭film and work.‬ ‭…conjugate verbs in the present,‬ ‭perfect, conditional and future tenses.‬ ‭…follow advanced word order rules‬ ‭including um zu, wenn and modals in the‬ ‭past and present.‬ ‭…understand the use of all four cases‬ ‭and a range of prepositions.‬ ‭…respond accurately to a photo card‬ ‭prompt.‬ ‭…critically analyse a film and historical‬ ‭events in 20 th century German history.‬

(‭ Reading,‬ ‭Writing and‬ ‭Translation)‬ ‭ FL‬ M ‭Spanish‬

‭ chool‬ S ‭How and why‬ ‭do adjectives‬ ‭change?‬ ‭ kills:‬ S ‭Introducing‬ ‭yourself, school‬ ‭subjects,‬ ‭opinions,‬ ‭adjectives,‬ ‭describing‬ ‭teachers. Photo‬ ‭description‬ ‭ rammar:‬ G ‭Definite article,‬ ‭adjectival‬ ‭agreement,‬ ‭opinions +‬ ‭plurals, ser +‬ ‭tener in present‬ ‭tense,‬ ‭intensifiers,‬ ‭connectives,‬ ‭comparatives.‬ ‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭End of Unit‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭(Reading,‬ ‭Writing and‬ ‭Translation)‬

‭ chool‬ S ‭How do you‬ ‭form the‬ ‭present‬ ‭tense?‬ ‭ kills:‬ ‭School‬ S ‭activities,‬ ‭uniform,‬ ‭opinions.‬ ‭ rammar:‬ G ‭Regular‬ ‭present tense‬ ‭verbs, Irregular‬ ‭first person‬ ‭forms,‬ ‭indefinite‬ ‭articles, revise‬ ‭adjective‬ ‭agreement.‬ ‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭End of Unit‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭(Listening and‬ ‭Reading)‬

‭ amily and‬ F ‭Free Time‬ ‭How do you‬ ‭form the‬ ‭near future‬ ‭tense?‬ ‭ kills‬‭: Family‬ S ‭members,‬ ‭pets, free‬ ‭time‬ ‭activities,‬ ‭sports‬

‭ here I live‬ W ‭How do you‬ ‭form the‬ ‭preterite‬ ‭tense?‬

‭ ood + Health‬ F ‭What is a‬ ‭modal verb‬ ‭and what is it‬ ‭followed by?‬

‭ kills:‬ S ‭Describing your‬ ‭town and what‬ ‭you did last‬ ‭weekend‬

‭ kills:‬ S ‭Describing your‬ ‭diet in three‬ ‭tenses and‬ ‭saying what you‬ ‭should do to‬ ‭stay healthy.‬

‭ rammar:‬ G ‭Preterite tense,‬ ‭Grammar:‬ ‭including a‬ ‭Regular and‬ ‭couple of key‬ ‭irregular‬ ‭irregulars (fui,‬ ‭present tense‬ ‭fuiste, etc); a la‬ ‭verbs,‬ ‭va al; time‬ ‭ pinions +‬ o ‭phrases in the‬ ‭infinitive, near‬ ‭past;‬ ‭future tense,‬ ‭sequencers;‬ ‭using time‬ ‭recap‬ ‭phrases‬ ‭un/una/el/la‬ ‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭Mid-year‬ ‭exam‬ ‭(Reading,‬ ‭Writing and‬ ‭Translation)‬

‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭End of Unit‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭(Listening and‬ ‭Speaking)‬

‭ rammar:‬ G ‭Recap of three‬ ‭main tenses and‬ ‭time phrases;‬ ‭recap of key‬ ‭connectives and‬ ‭varying‬ ‭opinions;‬ ‭debería/me‬ ‭gustaría +‬ ‭infinitive‬ ‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭End of Unit‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭(Reading and‬ ‭Translation)‬

‭ ilm + TV‬ F ‭What do I‬ ‭need to‬ ‭include in a‬ ‭photo‬ ‭description‬

‭ y the end of year 9, students will be‬ B ‭able to…‬

‭ kills:‬ S ‭Describing‬ ‭your TV and‬ ‭film‬ ‭preferences‬ ‭and a trip to‬ ‭the cinema.‬ ‭Detailed film‬ ‭review.‬

‭ understand the use of genders and‬ … ‭adjectival agreement rules.‬

‭ express their opinions and justify them‬ … ‭on the topics of school, family, free time,‬ ‭town, food and media.‬

‭ conjugate verbs in the present,‬ … ‭preterite and near future tenses.‬ ‭ use a range of connectives to extend‬ … ‭ideas.‬

‭…respond to photo card and role play‬ ‭ rammar:‬ G ‭ rompts.‬ p ‭Recap of three‬ ‭main tenses +‬ ‭conditional if‬ ‭possible for‬ ‭those taking‬ ‭GCSE‬ ‭Spanish.‬ ‭ ssessment:‬ A ‭End of Year‬ ‭Exam‬ ‭(Reading,‬ ‭Listening,‬ ‭Writing and‬ ‭Translation)‬


‭ ilm music‬ F ‭(OCR GCSE‬ ‭Music: AOS 4:‬ ‭Film Music)‬ ‭ kills:‬ S ‭1.1 Develop‬ ‭listening skills to‬ ‭understand how‬ ‭music is used in‬ ‭film using‬ ‭technical‬ ‭terminology‬ ‭1.2 Developing‬ ‭skills to‬ ‭understand,‬ ‭compose and‬ ‭analyse‬ ‭leitmotifs‬ ‭1.3 Developing‬ ‭the skills to‬ ‭perform more‬ ‭challenging film‬ ‭themes using‬ ‭more complex‬ ‭keyboard‬ ‭technique.‬ ‭1.4 Will learn‬ ‭how to recognise‬ ‭textural changes‬ ‭in film music‬ ‭1.5 Develop‬ ‭instrumental‬ ‭performance‬ ‭skills and fluency‬ ‭on keyboards,‬ ‭ukuleles, guitars‬

‭ ilm music‬ F ‭(OCR GCSE‬ ‭Music: AOS 4:‬ ‭Film Music)‬ ‭(for 3 weeks)‬ ‭followed by‬ ‭ he Classical‬ T ‭Period & Why‬ ‭Was Mozart a‬ ‭Genius?‬ ‭Stormzy vs‬ ‭Mozart? (OCR‬ ‭GCSE Music:‬ ‭AOS 2:‬ ‭Concerto‬ ‭through Time)‬

‭ he‬ T ‭Classical‬ ‭Period &‬ ‭Why Was‬ ‭Mozart a‬ ‭Genius?‬ ‭Stormzy vs‬ ‭Mozart?‬ ‭(OCR GCSE‬ ‭Music: AOS‬ ‭2: Concerto‬ ‭through‬ ‭Time)‬ ‭(for 3 weeks)‬

‭1.1‬ ‭What‬ ‭makes a‬ ‭good‬ ‭popular‬ ‭song?‬ ‭(OCR‬ ‭GCSE‬ ‭Music;‬ ‭AOS 5:‬ ‭1.2‬ ‭Conventions‬ ‭of Pop)‬ ‭(for 3 weeks)‬

‭Followed by‬

‭ lues‬ B ‭Culmination‬ ‭Project‬ ‭(This Blues‬ ‭project forms‬ ‭part of the end‬ ‭of KS3‬ ‭skills‬ ‭assessment)‬

‭Followed by‬

‭ hat makes‬ W ‭a good‬ ‭popular‬ ‭song? (OCR‬ ‭GCSE‬ ‭Music; AOS‬ ‭5:‬ ‭Conventions‬ ‭of Pop)‬ ‭ kills:‬ S ‭Skills:‬ ‭1.1‬ ‭1.1 Understand‬ ‭Skills:‬ ‭Demonstrating‬ ‭the main‬ ‭Continuing‬ ‭the ability to‬ ‭compositional‬ ‭to develop‬ ‭perform a‬ ‭features of the‬ ‭and refine‬ ‭blues inspired‬ ‭Classical‬ ‭skills learnt‬ ‭piece “C Jam‬ ‭period and‬ ‭in Term 2‬ ‭Blues” on‬ ‭Mozart‬ ‭keyboards‬ ‭1.2 Developing‬ ‭showing fluency‬ ‭the ability to‬ ‭Skills:‬ ‭and a range of‬ ‭compose in the‬ ‭1.1‬ ‭features (12 bar‬ ‭Classical style‬ ‭Understandin‬ ‭chords/walking‬ ‭ kills:‬ S ‭Continuing to‬ ‭develop and‬ ‭refine skills‬ ‭learnt in Term‬ ‭1‬

‭ lues‬ B ‭Culmination‬ ‭Project‬ ‭(for 3 weeks)‬ ‭followed by‬ ‭ reparation‬ P ‭and revision‬ ‭for the Y9 End‬ ‭of Year Exam‬ ‭ kills:‬ S ‭Continuing to‬ ‭develop and‬ ‭refine skills‬ ‭learnt in Term‬ ‭4‬ ‭ nd of Term 5‬ E ‭assessment:‬ ‭Revision/‬ ‭Theory and‬ ‭ erformance‬ P ‭tests‬ ‭ ND OF YEAR‬ E ‭Y9 EXAM‬ ‭ LACE‬ P ‭DURING THIS‬ ‭TERM‬

‭Skills review‬

‭ENDPOINTS:‬ ‭ eep understanding of the role of music‬ D ‭Following the‬ ‭in film and its importance.‬ ‭results of‬ ‭Ability to perform a range of film themes‬ ‭Term 5‬ ‭and leitmotifs and develop performance‬ ‭assessments/‬ ‭skills (solo/ensemble)‬ ‭ nd of Year‬ E ‭Ability to compose a leitmotif and a‬ ‭exam:‬ ‭soundtrack for a storyboard using‬ ‭Musescore 3 or Garageband, using a‬ ‭Skills:‬ ‭range of compositional techniques‬ ‭Specific skills‬ ‭Ability to listen to examples of film music,‬ ‭based‬ ‭demonstrating an advanced technical‬ ‭Performance‬ ‭vocabulary.‬ ‭Composition‬ ‭Ability to sing a range of songs in parts‬ ‭Listening‬ ‭with increasing technical skills, secure‬ ‭Theory tasks‬ ‭intonation and expression‬ ‭To ensure all‬ ‭skills are‬ ‭Deep understanding of Mozart’s‬ ‭embedded‬ ‭compositional style/Classical period‬ ‭and refined.‬ ‭Ability to perform at least two pieces by‬ ‭Mozart showing technical‬ ‭mastery/fluency on keyboards‬ ‭End of KS3‬ ‭Ability to compose a piece using a range‬ ‭skills‬ ‭of Mozart’s compositional techniques‬ ‭portfolio‬ ‭using improvisation and music‬ ‭completed‬ ‭technology‬ ‭Ability to listen to examples of Mozart’s‬ ‭music/Classical period and recognise the‬ ‭key features using an advanced‬ ‭technical vocabulary‬ ‭Ability to sing a range of songs in parts‬ ‭with increasing technical skills, secure‬ ‭intonation and expression‬ ‭Deep musical understanding of “what‬ ‭makes a good popular song”‬ ‭Ability to perform “Stand by me” in an‬ ‭ensemble maintaining individual‬ ‭instrumental/vocal part‬

‭ nd untuned‬ a ‭percussion‬ ‭1.6 Develop‬ ‭singing skills‬ ‭(accurate‬ ‭pitch/ensemble/fl‬ ‭uency/expressio‬ ‭n) using MMC‬ ‭repertoire‬ ‭1.7 Develop‬ ‭understanding of‬ ‭major/minor/chro‬ ‭matic‬ ‭chords/consona‬ ‭nce/dissonance/‬ ‭ostinato‬ ‭1.8 Learn how to‬ ‭compose a‬ ‭soundtrack to a‬ ‭piece of film,‬ ‭using music‬ ‭technology‬

(‭ using a range‬ ‭of Mozart’s‬ ‭techniques:‬ ‭tonic/dominant/‬ ‭Alberti‬ ‭bass/modulatio‬ ‭n to‬ ‭dominant/cade‬ ‭nces etc)‬ ‭1.3 Developing‬ ‭more complex‬ ‭performance‬ ‭skills and‬ ‭fluency on the‬ ‭keyboard (both‬ ‭hands/more‬ ‭challenging‬ ‭rhythms/pitch‬ ‭range/chromati‬ ‭cism)‬ ‭1.4 Developing‬ ‭more complex‬ ‭theory/harmoni‬ ‭Topics:‬ ‭c skills‬ ‭1.1 Just play –‬ ‭1.5 Developing‬ ‭film music (game‬ ‭the technical‬ ‭of thrones,‬ ‭ability to listen‬ ‭pirates of the‬ ‭to and appraise‬ ‭Caribbean, Halo)‬ ‭some more‬ ‭1.2 Film music –‬ ‭complex pieces‬ ‭Musical contexts‬ ‭with an‬ ‭1.3 Film‬ ‭understanding‬ ‭composition‬ ‭of purpose.‬ ‭1.6 Develop‬ ‭Composition &‬ ‭singing skills‬ ‭Aural (5 weeks)‬ ‭(accurate‬ ‭ .1‬ ‭Learn to‬ 1 ‭pitch/ensemble/‬ ‭fluency/express‬ ‭compose a‬

‭ the key‬ g ‭compositional‬ ‭features of‬ ‭what makes a‬ ‭good popular‬ ‭song‬ ‭1.2‬ ‭Developing‬ ‭the ability to‬ ‭compose a‬ ‭chord‬ ‭progression/‬ ‭melody in a‬ ‭popular style‬ ‭1.3 Chords –‬ ‭extended and‬ ‭inversions‬ ‭1.4 Bassline‬ ‭(harmony)‬ ‭1.5‬ ‭Developing‬ ‭more‬ ‭complex‬ ‭keyboard,‬ ‭ukulele or‬ ‭guitar‬ ‭performance‬ ‭skills using‬ ‭“Just play”‬ ‭1.6‬ ‭Developing‬ ‭the technical‬ ‭ability to‬ ‭listen to and‬ ‭appraise a‬ ‭range of‬ ‭popular‬ ‭songs from‬

‭ ass/riff/improvi‬ b ‭sation/blues‬ ‭scale/extended‬ ‭chords)‬ ‭1.1‬ ‭Demonstrati‬ ‭ng the‬ ‭ability to‬ ‭listen to a‬ ‭variety of‬ ‭blues‬ ‭inspired‬ ‭pieces and‬ ‭apply a‬ ‭more‬ ‭complex‬ ‭range of‬ ‭technical‬ ‭terminology‬ ‭and musical‬ ‭understandi‬ ‭ng‬ ‭1.2‬ ‭Demonstrating‬ ‭ n‬ a ‭understanding‬

‭ f the‬ o ‭history,‬ ‭context,‬ ‭identity and‬ ‭purpose of‬ ‭the blues‬ ‭ opics:‬ T ‭1.2 Composing/‬ ‭improvising‬

‭ bility to compose a popular song using‬ A ‭chords, melodic lines and a clear‬ ‭structure on keyboards/ukuleles/guitars‬ ‭Ability to show mastery and instrumental‬ ‭skill.‬ ‭Ability to sing a range of songs in parts‬ ‭with increasing technical skills, secure‬ ‭intonation and expression‬ ‭Ability to perform a blues inspired piece‬ ‭in an ensemble maintaining either a‬ ‭vocal or instrumental part with mastery,‬ ‭fluency and expression‬ ‭Ability to understand the context/history‬ ‭of the Blues‬ ‭Ability to recognise all the key features in‬ ‭Blues pieces and details of performers.‬ ‭Ability to compose a blues inspired piece‬ ‭with a good understanding of‬ ‭chords/blues scale/melodic shape and‬ ‭other features‬ ‭Ability to demonstrate mastery/fluency‬ ‭(musicality)‬ ‭Ability to sing a range of songs in parts‬ ‭with excellent expression and intonation‬

f‭ilm‬ ‭soundtrack‬ ‭to a film‬ ‭video, using‬ ‭a range of‬ ‭composition‬ ‭al devices‬ ‭and music‬ ‭technology‬ ‭(either‬ ‭Musescore‬ ‭or‬ ‭Garageband‬ ‭)‬ ‭1.2‬ ‭Aural‬ ‭dictation‬ ‭using‬ ‭Musical‬ ‭Contexts‬ ‭exercises/F‬ ‭OS plus‬ ‭melody/bass‬ ‭/treble clef:‬ ‭wider‬ ‭intervals‬ ‭ istening/‬ L ‭Appraising‬ ‭(5 weeks)‬ ‭1.1‬ ‭Listening‬ ‭starters in‬ ‭Computer‬ ‭room: using‬ ‭MMC Y9 list‬ ‭(developing‬

i‭on) using MMC‬ t‭he Rock n‬ ‭repertoire‬ ‭roll period‬ ‭onwards with‬ ‭an‬ ‭Topics:‬ ‭understandin‬ ‭1.1‬ ‭g of purpose.‬ ‭Performance‬ ‭1.7 Develop‬ ‭“Eine kleine‬ ‭singing skills‬ ‭Nachtmusik”/”‬ ‭(accurate‬ ‭Welcome‬ ‭pitch/ensembl‬ ‭march” on‬ ‭e/fluency/expr‬ ‭keyboards to‬ ‭ession) using‬ ‭develop‬ ‭MMC‬ ‭understanding,‬ ‭repertoire‬ ‭expression and‬ ‭technical skills‬ ‭1.2 Composing‬ ‭a welcome‬ ‭march in the‬ ‭style of‬ ‭Topics:‬ ‭Mozart/Salieri‬ ‭1.1‬ ‭using Music‬ ‭Performing‬ ‭technology‬ ‭“Stand by‬ ‭1.3 Improvising‬ ‭me” in “band”‬ ‭new musical‬ ‭ensembles‬ ‭ideas of chord‬ ‭1.2‬ ‭patterns (in the‬ ‭Performing a‬ ‭Classical style;‬ ‭range of‬ ‭for example‬ ‭popular‬ ‭sequential‬ ‭songs on‬ ‭patterns using‬ ‭keyboards,‬ ‭arpeggios/scale‬ ‭guitars and‬ ‭s)‬ ‭ukeleles‬ ‭1.4 Comparing‬ ‭1.3‬ ‭Stormzy’s‬ ‭Developing‬ ‭music with‬ ‭“Just play”‬ ‭Mozart looking‬ ‭skills on‬ ‭at the key‬ ‭instruments‬

‭ sing the Blues‬ u ‭(a blues‬ ‭inspired piece‬ ‭for‬ ‭keyboards/voice‬ ‭/ukuleles and‬ ‭Garageband or‬ ‭Musescore)‬ ‭1.3‬ ‭Understanding‬ ‭the‬ ‭History, identity,‬ ‭purpose and‬ ‭context‬ ‭of the Blues‬ ‭1.1‬ ‭Listening to‬ ‭a variety of‬ ‭blues‬ ‭inspired‬ ‭pieces,‬ ‭demonstrati‬ ‭ng a high‬ ‭level of‬ ‭technical‬ ‭ability to‬ ‭identify the‬ ‭musical‬ ‭elements‬ ‭ reakdown of‬ B ‭10-week term‬ ‭ ractical (5‬ P ‭weeks)‬ ‭1.1‬ ‭Performanc‬ ‭e of “C jam‬

t‭echnical‬ ‭ability to‬ ‭recognise‬ ‭the musical‬ ‭elements/‬

‭ usical‬ m ‭elements of‬ ‭contemporary‬ ‭music with the‬ ‭music of the‬ ‭Classical‬ ‭period.‬

‭ y performing‬ b ‭blues”‬ ‭“Africa” “Eye‬ ‭/Revisiting‬ ‭of the tiger”‬ ‭“In the‬ ‭and “Thriller”‬ ‭mood” from‬ ‭1.4‬ ‭Y8/”Hound‬ ‭Composing a‬ ‭dog” (Rock‬ ‭popular song‬ ‭1.2‬ ‭developing‬ ‭n roll using‬ ‭(with or‬ ‭understanding‬‭/‬ ‭blues chord‬ ‭without‬ ‭purpose)‬ ‭progression‬ ‭Breakdown of‬ ‭lyrics),‬ ‭plus film‬ ‭)‬ ‭10-week term‬ ‭featuring‬ ‭music‬ ‭(keyboards/‬ ‭chord‬ ‭listening‬ ‭ukuleles/voi‬ ‭Practical (5‬ ‭patterns,‬ ‭tasks from‬ ‭ces/guitar/b‬ ‭weeks)‬ ‭melody,‬ ‭Musical‬ ‭1.1 Performing‬ ‭bassline and‬ ‭ass/drums)‬ ‭Contexts‬ ‭“Eine Kleine‬ ‭rhythmic‬ ‭demonstrati‬ ‭Nachtmusik” on‬ ‭contrasts‬ ‭ng a high‬ ‭the keyboard‬ ‭(keyboards‬ ‭level of‬ ‭with both hands‬ ‭and music‬ ‭instrumenta‬ ‭Practical (5‬ ‭plus the‬ ‭technology)‬ ‭l fluency,‬ ‭weeks)‬ ‭“Welcome‬ ‭1.5 Listening‬ ‭1.1‬ ‭Performance‬ ‭ensemble‬ ‭March”‬ ‭to a range of‬ ‭of Just Play‬ ‭(extension‬ ‭and‬ ‭popular‬ ‭film‬ ‭expression‬ “‭ Sonata in C‬ ‭songs and‬ ‭composition‬ ‭K425)‬ ‭ .2‬ ‭Singing a‬ ‭understandin‬ 1 ‭s “Game of‬ ‭range of‬ ‭1.2 Developing‬ ‭g the key‬ ‭thrones”‬ ‭Blues‬ ‭skills to‬ ‭musical‬ ‭plus‬ ‭songs‬ ‭improve piano‬ ‭features,‬ ‭technique and‬ ‭context and‬ ‭revisiting‬ ‭(including‬ ‭fluency‬ ‭historical‬ ‭“Pirates of‬ ‭from Y9‬ ‭1.3 Improvising‬ ‭aspects‬ ‭the‬ ‭MMC‬ ‭using chord‬ ‭1.6‬ ‭Caribbean”‬ ‭guidance)‬ ‭patterns and‬ ‭Completing‬ ‭developing‬ ‭showing‬ ‭Classical‬ ‭FOS lessons‬ ‭fluency and‬ ‭expression,‬ ‭techniques on‬ ‭on‬ ‭skill on‬ ‭good‬ ‭the keyboard‬ ‭chords/band‬ ‭ukulele/guita‬ ‭1.4 Revisiting‬ ‭intonation‬ ‭instruments/p‬ ‭r/keyboard‬ ‭and ability‬ ‭and refining‬

‭1.2‬ ‭Performanc‬ ‭e of‬ ‭“Halloween”/‬ ‭”Mission‬ ‭Impossible”/‬ ‭”James‬ ‭Bond”/”The‬ ‭Good, the‬ ‭bad and the‬ ‭ugly”‬ ‭developing‬ ‭keyboard‬ ‭fluency‬ ‭(both hands)‬

J‭ ust Play film‬ ‭music‬ ‭ensemble‬ ‭performances‬ ‭from last term‬ ‭(Ukeleles/keyb‬ ‭oards/guitars/u‬ ‭ntuned‬ ‭percussion)‬ ‭1.5 Performing‬ ‭at least one‬ ‭song by‬ ‭Stormzy on the‬ ‭keyboard,‬ ‭looking at‬ ‭chord‬ ‭1.4 improvise‬ ‭construction‬ ‭melodies over‬ ‭and comparing‬ ‭chord patterns to‬ ‭with Mozart‬ ‭fit chord‬ ‭sequences on‬ ‭Composition‬ ‭the‬ ‭& Aural (5‬ ‭keyboard/while‬ ‭weeks)‬ ‭playing a film‬ ‭1.1‬ ‭video‬ ‭Composition of‬ ‭1.5 Reading staff‬ ‭a welcome‬ ‭notation with‬ ‭March‬ ‭more complex‬ ‭using‬ ‭rhythms/wider‬ ‭Mozart/Classic‬ ‭pitch range/time‬ ‭al period‬ ‭signatures and‬ ‭compositional‬ ‭dynamics/ukulel‬ ‭techniques‬ ‭e/guitar TAB‬ ‭using‬ ‭1.6 Sing a range‬ ‭music‬ ‭of songs (from‬ ‭technology‬ ‭MMC Y9)‬ ‭(Musescore)‬ ‭demonstrating‬ ‭1.2 Aural‬ ‭expression,‬ ‭perception‬

‭ p song‬ o ‭structure‬ ‭1.7‬ ‭Completing‬ ‭aural‬ ‭perception‬ ‭tasks‬

‭ reakdown‬ B ‭of 10-week‬ ‭term‬ ‭ ractical (5‬ P ‭weeks)‬ ‭1.1‬ ‭Performance‬ ‭of “Stand by‬ ‭me”‬ ‭(ensemble‬ ‭task:‬ ‭keyboard/ukul‬ ‭ele/guitar/bas‬ ‭s/drums/vocal‬ ‭s)‬ ‭1.2‬ ‭Performance‬ ‭of a range of‬ ‭popular‬ ‭songs – on‬ ‭ukuleles,‬ ‭keyboards‬ ‭and guitars,‬ ‭demonstratin‬ ‭g the ability to‬ ‭play a more‬ ‭complex‬

t‭o sing in‬ ‭parts.‬ ‭1.3‬ ‭Just‬ ‭play-final‬ ‭performanc‬ ‭e of‬ ‭ensemble‬ ‭pieces‬ ‭learnt over‬ ‭the year‬ ‭(refining/rev‬ ‭isiting) for‬ ‭final‬ ‭assessment‬ ‭of‬ ‭performance‬

s‭ kills‬ ‭progress‬ ‭ nd of Term 4‬ E ‭Assessment:‬ ‭1.Performance‬ ‭progress on‬ ‭keyboard/ukelel‬ ‭es:‬ ‭2.Just Play‬ ‭progress so far‬ ‭(teacher‬ ‭assessed)‬ ‭assessed)‬ ‭3.Listening‬ ‭tasks based on‬ ‭popular songs‬ ‭(student peer‬ ‭assessed)‬

‭ bility to‬ a ‭maintain‬ ‭individual parts‬ ‭and good‬ ‭intonation‬ ‭1.7 Using‬ ‭Djembes to‬ ‭compose/improvi‬ ‭se atmospheric‬ ‭short film music‬

‭ nd of Term 1‬ E ‭Assessment:‬ ‭1.Performance‬ ‭progress of film‬ ‭themes on‬ ‭keyboards‬ ‭(student peer‬ ‭assessed)‬ ‭2.Just play‬ ‭progress‬ ‭(student‬ ‭assessed)‬ ‭3.Film music‬ ‭composition‬ ‭(teacher‬ ‭assessed)‬ ‭4.Focus on‬ ‭sound lessons‬

‭ xercises‬ e ‭(using‬ ‭Mozart’s‬ ‭melodies: aural‬ ‭dictation‬ ‭1.3 FOS theory‬ ‭lessons‬ ‭(following Y8‬ ‭MMC‬ ‭guidance)‬ ‭ istening/‬ L ‭Appraising (5‬ ‭weeks)‬ ‭1.5 Listening‬ ‭starters in‬ ‭Computer‬ ‭room: using‬ ‭MMC Y9 list‬ ‭(developing‬ ‭technical ability‬ ‭to‬ ‭recognise the‬ ‭musical‬ ‭elements/devel‬ ‭oping‬ ‭understanding/‬ ‭purpose) plus‬ ‭analysis of‬ ‭Mozart’s style‬ ‭using a‬ ‭range of his‬ ‭pieces,‬ ‭including‬ ‭“Eine kleine‬ ‭Nachtmusik”,‬ ‭“Sonata in C”‬ ‭and Salieri’s‬

‭ elodic line,‬ ‭4.FOS lessons‬ m ‭riff, chords‬ ‭and bass‬ ‭lines‬ ‭1.3‬ ‭Performance‬ ‭of Just play‬ ‭“Thriller‬ ‭medley”/”Afric‬ ‭a”/”Eye of the‬ ‭tiger”‬ ‭demonstratin‬ ‭g a high level‬ ‭of fluency on‬ ‭keyboards,‬ ‭ukuleles,‬ ‭guitar and/or‬ ‭percussion‬ ‭1.4 Singing a‬ ‭range of‬ ‭popular‬ ‭songs (and‬ ‭some from‬ ‭the MMC Y9‬ ‭recommende‬ ‭d list‬ ‭ omposition‬ C ‭& Aural (5‬ ‭weeks)‬ ‭1.1‬ ‭Composi‬ ‭ng chord‬ ‭sequence‬ ‭s on the‬ ‭keyboard,‬ ‭ukulele or‬ ‭guitar in‬

“‭ Welcome‬ ‭march”‬ ‭1.6 Listening to‬ ‭three Stormzy‬ ‭songs‬ ‭and comparing‬ ‭them with two‬ ‭Mozart pieces‬ ‭Topics:‬ ‭ .1‬ 1 ‭Performance‬ ‭“Eine kleine‬ ‭Nachtmusik”/”‬ ‭Welcome‬ ‭march” on‬ ‭keyboards to‬ ‭develop‬ ‭understanding,‬ ‭expression and‬ ‭technical skills‬ ‭1.2 Composing‬ ‭a welcome‬ ‭march in‬ ‭the style of‬ ‭Mozart/Salieri‬ ‭using‬ ‭Music‬ ‭technology‬ ‭1.3 Improvising‬ ‭new musical‬ ‭ideas of‬ ‭chord patterns‬ ‭(in the‬ ‭Classical style;‬

‭ , G or F‬ C ‭major, A,‬ ‭E and D‬ ‭minor‬ ‭(and a‬ ‭contrastin‬ ‭g chords‬ ‭sequence‬ ‭)‬ ‭1.2‬ ‭Composi‬ ‭ng‬ ‭melodic‬ ‭lines,‬ ‭possibly‬ ‭with lyrics‬ ‭and‬ ‭harmonic‬ ‭intention‬ ‭1.3‬ ‭Writing‬ ‭simple‬ ‭bass‬ ‭lines‬ ‭using the‬ ‭root note‬ ‭of each‬ ‭chord‬ ‭(adding‬ ‭rhythm‬ ‭and‬ ‭passing‬ ‭notes)‬ ‭1.4‬ ‭Composi‬ ‭ng a‬ ‭popular‬ ‭style‬

f‭or example‬ ‭song‬ ‭sequential‬ ‭(with or‬ ‭patterns‬ ‭without‬ ‭using‬ ‭lyrics) on‬ ‭arpeggios/scale‬ ‭the‬ ‭s)‬ ‭keyboard/‬ ‭1.4 Comparing‬ ‭ukulele/v‬ ‭Stormzy’s‬ ‭oice/guita‬ ‭music with‬ ‭r using‬ ‭Mozart looking‬ ‭the‬ ‭at the key‬ ‭features‬ ‭musical‬ ‭above.‬ ‭elements of‬ ‭1.5‬ ‭Composi‬ ‭contemporary‬ ‭music‬ ‭ng a‬ ‭with the music‬ ‭popular‬ ‭of the Classical‬ ‭style‬ ‭period.‬ ‭song‬ ‭using‬ ‭ nd of Term 2‬ E ‭Music‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭technolog‬ ‭1. Performance‬ ‭y‬ ‭progress on‬ ‭(Garageb‬ ‭Mozart‬ ‭and)‬ ‭keyboard‬ ‭pieces (student‬ ‭1.6‬ ‭Aural‬ ‭perceptio‬ ‭peer assessed)‬ ‭n/melody/‬ ‭2.Just play‬ ‭progress‬ ‭rhythmic‬ ‭(student‬ ‭recognitio‬ ‭assessed)‬ ‭n tasks‬ ‭3.“Welcome‬ ‭using‬ ‭march”‬ ‭popular‬ ‭composition‬ ‭songs‬ ‭(teacher‬ ‭assessed)‬ ‭4.FOS lessons‬


‭ istening‬ L ‭and‬ ‭appraising‬ ‭1.7‬ ‭Listening‬ ‭to a‬ ‭range of‬ ‭great‬ ‭popular‬ ‭songs‬ ‭from the‬ ‭rock n roll‬ ‭period up‬ ‭until the‬ ‭present‬ ‭day:‬ ‭analysing‬ ‭chord‬ ‭sequence‬ ‭s,‬ ‭structure,‬ ‭hooks‬ ‭and riffs,‬ ‭basslines‬ ‭, melodic‬ ‭developm‬ ‭ent and‬ ‭how‬ ‭instrumen‬ ‭ts are‬ ‭used.‬ ‭(some‬ ‭from‬ ‭MMC Y9‬ ‭guidance)‬

‭1.8‬ ‭Analysing‬ ‭the‬ ‭purpose/c‬ ‭ontext‬ ‭and‬ ‭evolution‬ ‭of the‬ ‭popular‬ ‭song‬ ‭since the‬ ‭1950s‬

‭ nd of Term‬ E ‭3‬ ‭assessment:‬ ‭1‬‭.Performance‬ ‭progress on‬ ‭keyboard/‬ ‭ukeleles:‬ ‭popular‬ ‭songs and‬ ‭Just Play‬ ‭(student peer‬ ‭assessed)‬ ‭2.Popular‬ ‭song‬ ‭composition‬ ‭(teacher‬ ‭assessed)‬ ‭3.Listening‬ ‭tasks based‬

‭ n popular‬ o ‭songs‬ ‭(student peer‬ ‭assessed)‬ ‭4.FOS‬ ‭lessons‬


‭1 lesson‬ ‭per‬ ‭fortnight‬

‭ ental health -‬ M ‭stress, anxiety,‬ ‭depression.‬ ‭Body image,‬ ‭positive‬ ‭influences,eating‬ ‭disorders,‬ ‭self-esteem.‬

‭ onsent,porno‬ C ‭graphy,upskirtin‬ ‭g, sexual‬ ‭pleasure &‬ ‭communication,‬ ‭impact of‬ ‭negative‬ ‭experiences,‬ ‭contraception,‬ ‭unplanned‬ ‭pregnancy,‬ ‭FGM.‬

‭ areers-‬ C ‭UniFrog-‬ ‭Leader; All‬ ‭about You.‬ ‭Youth‬ ‭Employment‬ ‭UK. Skills,‬ ‭strengths,‬ ‭weaknesses,‬ ‭goals. Pre &‬ ‭post GCSE‬ ‭options.‬

‭ lcohol- impact‬ A ‭on body &‬ ‭decision making‬ ‭including risky‬ ‭(sexual)‬ ‭behaviour, the‬ ‭law.‬

‭ conomic well‬ E ‭being, The Bank‬ ‭of England,‬ ‭Consumer‬ ‭choice.‬

‭ ate crimes,‬ H ‭Malicious‬ ‭communication‬ ‭, Trolling,‬ ‭Prejudice.‬

‭ hey will have examined the positive‬ T ‭associations between physical activity‬ ‭and the promotion of mental wellbeing‬ ‭and the characteristics of what a healthy‬ ‭lifestyle looks like and it’s benefits to‬ ‭physical & mental health. Also, how to‬ ‭take increased responsibility for‬ ‭maintaining and monitoring their own‬ ‭health. A Knowledge of how the media‬ ‭portrays young people; to recognise its‬ ‭possible impact on body image and‬ ‭health issues Then how to manage‬ ‭mental wellbeing concerns the causes‬ ‭and triggers for unhealthy coping‬ ‭strategies, such as self-harm and eating‬ ‭disorders; how to recognise when they‬ ‭or others need help, sources of help and‬ ‭strategies for accessing it. They should‬ ‭know the concepts of laws relating to‬ ‭sexual consent and other related areas‬ ‭such as exploitation, abuse, and FGM.‬ ‭They will have investigated the personal‬ ‭and social risks and consequences of‬ ‭alcohol use. They should have‬ ‭knowledge about the unacceptability of‬ ‭all forms of discrimination, and how to‬ ‭challenge it, prejudice and bigotry in the‬ ‭wider community. They will have some‬ ‭experience of the functions and uses of‬

‭ oney, the importance of personal‬ m ‭budgeting, money management and a‬ ‭range of financial products and services.‬ ‭They will have had the opportunity to‬ ‭explore GCSE option choices and the‬ ‭implications and options going forwards‬ ‭with these choices.‬ ‭ S‬ R ‭(AQA‬ ‭Short‬ ‭Course‬ ‭GCSE)‬ ‭Content‬

‭ hristianity -‬ C ‭nature of God‬ ‭ ttributes of‬ A ‭God, the‬ ‭problem of evil,‬ ‭the Trinity,‬ ‭Creation, the‬ ‭afterlife.‬

‭ kills/‬ S ‭Assessme‬ ‭nt Focus‬

‭1,2,4,5 mark qs‬


‭ odule‬‭: Cell‬ M ‭Biology‬ ‭Topics:‬ ‭Microscopy, Cell‬ ‭Division and Cell‬ ‭Structure.‬


‭ hristianity -‬ C ‭Jesus Christ‬ ‭and Salvation‬ ‭ he life of‬ T ‭Jesus,‬ ‭salvation and‬ ‭atonement.‬

I‭slam - Key‬ ‭Beliefs‬

‭Islam - Authority‬ P ‭ eace and‬ ‭Conflict -‬ ‭Prophets, holy‬ ‭Religion,‬ ‭books and the‬ ‭Violence,‬ ‭the 5 roots / 6‬ ‭Imamate.‬ ‭Terrorism and‬ ‭articles,‬ ‭War‬ ‭Tawhid, the‬ ‭role of‬ ‭The legitimacy‬ ‭angels,‬ ‭of violence in‬ ‭predestinatio‬ ‭the name of‬ ‭n and human‬ ‭justice: just war,‬ ‭responsibility,‬ ‭holy war,‬ ‭the afterlife.‬ ‭extremism and‬ ‭terrorism.‬ ‭1,2,4,5 mark‬ ‭qs‬ ‭Evaluation‬ ‭Knowledge‬

‭ eace and‬ P ‭Conflict -‬ ‭Religion and‬ ‭belief in 21st‬ ‭century conflict‬

‭ odule‬‭:‬ M ‭Enzymes‬ ‭Topics:‬ ‭Enzymes‬

‭ odule:‬ M ‭Ecology‬ ‭Topics:‬ ‭Adaptations,‬ ‭competition‬ ‭and‬ ‭sampling,‬ ‭Material‬

‭ tudents will be confident explaining the‬ S ‭key beliefs of the two religions studied at‬ ‭GCSE, and have begun applying these‬ ‭to all question types.‬

‭ he legitimacy‬ T ‭of violence in‬ ‭the name of‬ ‭justice: just‬ ‭war, holy war,‬ ‭extremism and‬ ‭terrorism.‬ ‭evaluation‬


‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Biological‬

‭ odule:‬ M ‭Transport in‬ ‭Cells‬ ‭Topics:‬ ‭Diffusion,‬ ‭Exchange‬ ‭Surfaces and‬ ‭Osmosis.‬

‭ odule:‬ M ‭Digestive‬ ‭System‬ ‭Topics:‬ ‭Structure and‬ ‭Key Skills:‬ ‭function of the‬ ‭Planning,‬ ‭digestive‬ ‭completing‬ ‭system and‬ ‭and analysing‬ ‭chemical‬ ‭tests.‬

‭ odule:‬ M ‭Microbiology‬ ‭Topics:‬ ‭Antibiotic‬ ‭resistance and‬ ‭microbiology.‬ ‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Growing‬

‭To understand the structural differences‬ ‭ etween types of cells and how it‬ b ‭enables‬ ‭them to perform specific functions.‬ ‭ o have an appreciation of‬ T ‭microorganisms‬ ‭and how their growth can be investigated‬

‭ rawings,‬ D ‭Research‬ ‭Skills,‬ ‭Microscopy‬ ‭Calculations.‬ ‭ P1: Practical‬ M ‭Skills‬ ‭MP2: Research‬ ‭Activity‬

‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Planning and‬ ‭completing‬ ‭investigations,‬ ‭comparing‬ ‭structures and‬ ‭functions.‬ ‭MP3: Test‬ ‭MP4: Graph‬ ‭Drawing‬

i‭nvestigations‬ ‭.‬ ‭MP5: Test‬ ‭MP6:‬ ‭Analysing‬ ‭Data‬

‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Knowledge‬ ‭acquisition,‬ ‭interpreting‬ ‭results of‬ ‭investigations.‬ ‭MP7: Exam‬ ‭Questions‬ ‭MP8: Exam‬ ‭Questions‬

‭ icrobes safely‬ m ‭and‬ ‭microbial‬ ‭techniques.‬ ‭MP9: Test‬

‭ ycling,‬ C ‭Human‬ ‭Impacts‬ ‭on the‬ ‭Environment,‬ ‭Food‬ ‭Security and‬ ‭Efficiency.‬

‭in the laboratory.‬

‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Sampling‬ ‭techniques,‬ ‭calculating‬ ‭rates,‬ ‭evaluating‬ ‭data on‬ ‭climate‬ ‭change.‬

‭organisms are adapted to their‬

‭ P10: End of‬ M ‭year exam‬

‭ o be able to calculate order of‬ T ‭magnitude‬

‭ o identify a range of scientific‬ T ‭techniques‬ ‭for conducting a practical includi‬ ‭quantitative and qualitative methods.‬ ‭To have an understanding of how‬

‭environment for survival.‬ ‭To use microscopes to make simple and‬ ‭accurate biological drawings.‬ ‭To correctly use scientific language in‬ ‭practical planning and analysis.‬

‭and magnification.‬

‭Chemistry‬ T ‭ opics:‬ ‭Bespoke:‬ ‭Introduction‬ ‭to GCSE‬ ‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Key words,‬ ‭Compound‬ ‭formulae,‬ ‭balancing‬ ‭equations,‬ ‭ratios, reaction‬

‭ opics:‬ T ‭Atomic‬ ‭Structure‬ ‭Periodic Table‬ ‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Literacy‬ ‭(extended‬ ‭writing),‬ ‭creativity, ICT,‬ ‭history,‬

‭ opics:‬ T ‭Bonding,‬ ‭Structure &‬ ‭the properties‬ ‭of‬ ‭Matter‬ ‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Literacy‬ ‭(extended‬ ‭writing),‬

‭ opics:‬ T ‭Bonding,‬ ‭Structure &‬ ‭the properties of‬ ‭matter‬ ‭Allotropes of‬ ‭carbon‬ ‭ ey Skills:‬‭key‬ K ‭words,‬ ‭drawing dot &;‬ ‭cross‬

‭ opics:‬ T ‭Rates of‬ ‭Reaction‬

‭ opics:‬ T ‭Rates of‬ ‭Reaction‬

-‭ Understand how to write compound‬ ‭formulae correctly and how to balance‬ ‭symbol equations‬

‭ ey Skills:‬‭key‬ K ‭words,‬ ‭command‬ ‭words,‬ ‭balancing‬ ‭equations,‬ ‭building‬ ‭practical skills,‬

‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Key words,‬ ‭command‬ ‭words,‬ ‭balancing‬ ‭equations,‬ ‭building‬ ‭practical skills,‬

-‭ Correctly identify bonding types and be‬ ‭able to explain how and why this occurs‬ ‭in terms of electrons‬ -‭ Using key-terms, explain how bonding‬ ‭type affects physical properties &‬ ‭structure‬

‭ bservations‬ o ‭and‬ ‭practical skills,‬ ‭calculations.‬ ‭GCSE‬ ‭Required‬ ‭practical.‬ ‭ P1:‬ M ‭Introduction Unit‬ ‭Test‬

‭ nalysing,‬ a ‭comparing,‬ ‭evaluating,‬ ‭extended‬ ‭writing,‬ ‭command‬ ‭words, key‬ ‭words‬ ‭ P2 : Group‬ M ‭1/7/TM‬ ‭exam Q‬ ‭assessment‬

c‭ reativity, ICT,‬ ‭history,‬ ‭analysing,‬ ‭comparing,‬ ‭evaluating,‬ ‭extended‬ ‭writing,‬ ‭command‬ ‭words,‬ ‭practical‬ ‭skills, ,‬ ‭drawing dot &‬ ‭cross‬ ‭diagrams, key‬ ‭words‬

‭ iagrams,‬ d ‭comparing‬ ‭models,‬ ‭evaluating,‬ ‭comparing,‬ ‭extended‬ ‭writing,‬ ‭command‬ ‭words,‬ ‭applications to‬ ‭real world‬

‭ lanning an‬ p ‭investigation,‬ ‭extended‬ ‭writing, reaction‬ ‭observations,‬ ‭comparing,‬ ‭evaluating,‬ ‭graph skills,‬ ‭calculations‬ ‭from data‬ ‭and graphs,‬ ‭tangents.‬ ‭MP4: Bonding &‬ ‭GCSE Required‬ ‭Structure Test‬ ‭practical.‬ ‭ P5: Rates of‬ M ‭Reaction‬ ‭Exam Q‬ ‭assessment‬

‭ P3: Half‬ M ‭Year Exam‬


‭ opics:‬‭Waves‬ T ‭1 (Properties)‬ ‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Calculations,‬ ‭learning‬ ‭equations, units,‬ ‭significant‬ ‭figures, standard‬ ‭form, prefixes,‬ ‭practical‬ ‭skills, key words‬ ‭ P1:‬‭Properties‬ M ‭of Waves‬ ‭Test‬

‭ opics:‬‭Waves‬ T ‭2‬ ‭(Electromagneti‬ ‭c Spectrum),‬ ‭Energy 1‬ ‭(Energy, Work,‬ ‭Power)‬ ‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Calculations,‬ ‭learning‬ ‭equations,‬ ‭units,‬ ‭significant‬ ‭figures,‬ ‭standard‬

‭ opics:‬ T ‭Energy 2‬ ‭(Energy‬ ‭Resources)‬ ‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭key words,‬ ‭comparing,‬ ‭evaluation,‬ ‭discussion,‬ ‭research,‬ ‭ethics,‬ ‭Calculations,‬ ‭units,‬ ‭significant‬ ‭figures,‬

‭Topics:‬‭Motion‬ ‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Graph‬ ‭drawing and‬ ‭interpretation,‬ ‭calculations,‬ ‭learning‬ ‭equations,‬ ‭units,‬ ‭significant‬ ‭figures,‬ ‭standard form,‬ ‭prefixes‬ ‭ P4: Energy‬ M ‭Resources‬

‭ lanning an‬ p ‭investigation,‬ ‭extended‬ ‭writing,‬ ‭reaction‬ ‭observations,‬ ‭comparing,‬ ‭evaluating,‬ ‭graph skills,‬ ‭calculations‬ ‭from data‬ ‭and graphs,‬ ‭tangents.‬ ‭GCSE‬ ‭Required‬ ‭practical.‬

-‭ Describe the different allotropes of‬ ‭carbon, their properties & uses‬ -‭ Explain when a chemical reaction will‬ ‭happen, the factors that affect the rate‬ ‭and describe methods to measure this in‬ ‭the laboratory‬

‭ P10: Yr9‬ M ‭EOY Exam‬

‭ opics:‬‭Forces‬ T ‭1‬

‭ opics:‬ T ‭Forces 2‬

-‭ Use strategies for learning and‬ ‭recalling the‬

‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭calculating‬ ‭resultant forces,‬ ‭scale‬ ‭drawings‬

‭ ey Skills:‬ K ‭Extended‬ ‭writing,‬ ‭explanation,‬ ‭application‬

‭key equations‬

‭ P5: Motion‬ M ‭Test‬

‭ P6: Year 9‬ M ‭Exam‬

‭writing the units‬

-‭ Rearrange and use the equations to‬ ‭make‬ ‭calculations, showing clear working and‬

-‭ carry out experiments appropriately,‬ ‭having‬ ‭due regard to the correct manipulation of‬ ‭ pparatus, the accuracy of‬ a ‭measurements‬

f‭orm, practical‬ s‭ tandard‬ ‭Test‬ ‭skills, extended‬ ‭form, prefixes‬ ‭writing, literacy,‬ ‭key words‬ ‭MP3:‬ ‭Mid-year‬ ‭MP2:‬ ‭Exam‬ ‭Electromagneti‬ ‭(Energy,‬ ‭c‬ ‭Work and‬ ‭Spectrum Test‬ ‭Power‬ ‭Test)‬

‭and health and safety considerations‬ -‭ Confidently use prefixes and powers of‬ ‭ten‬ ‭for orders of magnitude and express‬ ‭answers in both decimal and standard‬ ‭form.‬ ‭- Convert between units‬ -‭ Understand that energy can be‬ ‭transferred‬ ‭from one store to another. Describe the‬ ‭ nergy stores and pathways for a variety‬ e ‭of‬ ‭scenarios. Apply the principle of‬ ‭conservation of energy to make‬ ‭calculations.‬ -‭ Evaluate the use of renewable and‬ ‭non-‬ ‭renewable energy resources and‬ ‭ nderstand the economic,‬ u ‭environmental,‬ ‭ ocial and ethical issues surrounding‬ s ‭energy‬ ‭resources.‬ -‭ Understand the difference between‬ ‭scalar‬

‭ nd vector quantities; explain the effects‬ a ‭of‬ ‭balanced and unbalanced forces on the‬ ‭motion of objects and draw and interpret‬ ‭motion graphs.‬ ‭- Describe the properties of waves and‬ ‭understand the uses and dangers of the‬ ‭waves in the electromagnetic spectrum.‬

‭DT Rotation Project‬


‭End Points‬


‭ ssessment taken throughout rotation based on‬ A ‭communication techniques, investigation,‬ ‭development and manufacture as per the school‬ ‭policy.‬

‭The students will be able to:‬ ‭●‬ ‭Demonstrate safe working practices‬ ‭●‬ ‭Formulate a design specification‬ ‭●‬ ‭Identify disadvantages and advantages of‬ ‭using polymers‬ ‭●‬ ‭Draw using the principles of perspective‬ ‭techniques‬ ‭●‬ ‭Achieve an accurate and high-quality‬ ‭finish‬ ‭●‬ ‭Solder safely‬ ‭●‬ ‭Design with influences from others‬

‭ or the project the students will produce a light‬ F ‭while exploring design movements to inspire a‬ ‭design. Creating a design brief will direct the‬ ‭design and project forward and give an improved‬ ‭evaluation of the product at the end. The‬ ‭development of skills will progress to new areas‬ ‭to include elements of electrics and further‬ ‭progression of workshop (timbers) and CAD/CAM‬ ‭(polymers) skills.‬

‭ ssessments taken during assessment windows‬ A ‭as per the school schedule.‬

‭ ood Technology -‬‭1 lesson per week‬ F ‭Objectves‬

‭Practical Dishes‬

‭End Points‬

I‭n approx. 12 hours students will focus on:‬ ‭Pre-prep system &; washing up; imbedding the‬ ‭use of correct &; safe use of sharp knives (claw‬ ‭grip/bridge hold) and of safe &; accurate‬ ‭use/management of gas hob – use of control‬ ‭dials.‬ ‭The focus is on the pink &; blue sections of‬ ‭Eatwell guide -high-protein foods, including the‬ ‭role of protein &; fats in the diet. The nutritional &;‬ ‭dietary benefits of eating fish.‬ ‭The most common food poisoning pathogens to‬ ‭investigate. Safe storage, preparation &; cooking‬ ‭of raw fish. Enrobing foods &; cooking fish. Safe‬ ‭storage, preparation &; cooking of raw chicken;‬ ‭using °C probes to prevent cross-contamination.‬ ‭Safe storage, preparation &; cooking of raw‬ ‭minced meats &; protein.‬ ‭Using non-meat alternatives (i.e. Quorn). Would‬ ‭the earth’s resource issues be solved by‬ ‭everyone becoming vegetarian? What‬ ‭disadvantages‬ ‭could there be to this lifestyle choice?‬

‭ almon Goujons‬ S ‭Caribbean Chicken‬ ‭Thai Chicken Curry‬ ‭Spaghetti Bolognese‬ ‭Chilli Con Carne (beef, TVP or Quorn)‬ ‭Cheese &; Potato Pie‬ ‭Shepherd’s/Cottage Pie‬ ‭Chocolate Mousse‬

‭ tudents will have consolidated their knowledge‬ S ‭of:‬ ‭The importance of the gathering and of the‬ ‭preliminary preparation of‬ ‭the ingredients and equipment to be used in‬ ‭cooking &; of the clearing up‬ ‭at the end of practical food work. This includes‬ ‭how to keep themselves‬ ‭and others safe when working in a kitchen such‬ ‭as how to operate a gas‬ ‭(&; induction hob) safely &; temperature‬ ‭regulation, the use of food‬ ‭probes. The revision of food hygiene when‬ ‭storing, handling, cooking &;‬ ‭reheating high-protein foods. In addition, an‬ ‭understanding of cross-‬ ‭contamination &; the use of colour-coded boards‬ ‭in food preparation.‬ ‭Students will have deepened their knowledge of‬ ‭understanding the‬ ‭Eatwell Guide with a focus on the role &; values‬ ‭of sources of protein to‬ ‭include an understanding of soya and‬ ‭mycoprotein, of fish and meat‬ ‭classifications. An understanding of the role food‬ ‭choice has on wider-‬ ‭world issues/world resources and of current‬ ‭dietary trends &; diets:‬ ‭vegetarianism, veganism, ketogenic etc.‬ ‭Students will have worked through different‬ ‭practical tasks which have‬ ‭more technical challenges and allow for greater‬

i‭ndividual choice. Giving‬ ‭pupils the opportunity to explore cultural‬ ‭differences in food and diet –‬ ‭to explore their own cultural assumptions and‬ ‭values. Together, with‬ ‭theory based work, this is designed to deepen‬ ‭their experience of‬ ‭individual skills, confidence, independence and‬ ‭creativity.‬

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