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CRYSTAL january 2020 | volume 83 | issue 3

Lakeview High School Battle Creek, MI


N ews

contributors Adviser Jodi Darland

Trump in Battle Creek pg. 4 U of M Free Tuition pg. 5 Celebrity Deaths pg. 5

the crystal

Editor-in-Chief Riley Damore Assistant Editor Claire Tobin

A &E

News Editor Maya Castleberry

Disney+ pg. 6 Highlights of 2010s pg. 7

S ports

E-Sports pg. 8 Bowling pg. 9 New Basketball Coach pg. 9 Athletes Bleach Hair pg. 10 Outdoor Sports pg. 11

A&E Editor Aliese Tucker

Editorial policy:

Sports Editor Kirsten Butler

press run of 500. The publication is an open forum for expression

The Crystal is a self-funded student publication distributed free of charge to all Lakeview High School students and staff with a total and a two-way communication for both the school and community. The editor-in-chief and staff are solely responsible for the content.

Feature Editors Riley Damore and Claire Tobin

Opinions expressed in the newspaper are not necessarily those of the staff or the administration of Lakeview High School. The

Opinion Editor Hannah Tecumseh

F eature

ADVERTISEMENTS pg. 3, 19, 20





increasing school and community awareness of timely issues. Businesses are encouraged to advertise in The Crystal when their ads adhere to the specified guidelines available in the publications room. Members of The Crystal staff can be contacted by calling the publications room phone at 269-

Reporters: Jameson Hartley Izzy Hoaglin Lal Hruai Logan Komarck Alexa Morey Gabriella Ramos Kezia Wright Jazmin Young

Crystal Point: Resolutions pg. 16 2020 Predictions pg. 16 Pro-Con: Declaring Program in School pg. 17 2020 Mad Libs pg. 18 Best/Worst Gifts pg. 18


The Crystal strives to remain objective, accurate and truthful while

Business Manager Brenden Massa

O pinion


surrounding communities by providing diverse, relevant stories.

Photographer Connor Smith

Resolutions and Traditions pg. 12 Teachers with Combo Classes pg. 13 SAT Prep pg. 14 DECA Officers pg. 15


to inform and entertain audiences of Lakeview High School and





To view The Crystal in full color, visit:

The Crystal is printed by: The Argus-Press Company 201 E. Exchange St. Owosso, MI 48867

Administration: Blake Prewitt - Superintendent Susan Cheadle-Holt - Principal Tara Rice - Assistant Principal

Association. The 2004-2005, 2005-2006 and 2013-2014 Crystal

Cody Japinga - Assistant Principal

won a MIPA Spartan Award.

The Crystal is a member of the Michigan Interscholastic Press

letter from the editors

By: Riley Damore, Editor-in-Chief

This new year is extra special, as it introduces us to a new decade. For most of us, 2020 is expected to be a year of growth, whether it be graduating or committing to a New Year’s resolution of going to the gym more often. With both holiday breaks in the past, us students have a long haul ahead, but there are still many things to look forward to. In this issue, The Crystal staff wanted to focus on the year that we have to look forward to.

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. -Oprah Winfrey

On page 16 you’ll be able to read about 2020 predictions regarding style, politics and technology. But, if you want to reminisce on the 2010s, you can look back at the greatest trends of the previous decade on page 7. The new year is expected to be full of amazing things, but we have to realize that life goes on outside of the scope of high school. This year, make it the best one yet. Enjoy every moment and focus on exceeding each and every one of your goals. By: Claire Tobin, Assistant Editor

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Trump visits Battle Creek to kick off 2020 Campaign On Dec. 18, 2019, the night of his impeachment, President Donald J. Trump held a rally in Battle Creek. The rally was used as a tool to boost his following in the upcoming presidential election. As Michigan is a swing state, meaning it doesn’t vote strictly Democratic or Republican, Battle Creek follows suit by giving Trump a Republican vote. Trump’s rally focused on his economic achievements, highlighting the unemployment rate being at a record low and the four million jobs that have been created since he took office. Trump even commented on his own impeachment stating, “It doesn’t feel like we are impeached.” He then went on to talk about the withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific trade partnership that would have “ended auto investment” and would have been “a death blow to the AutoIndustry.” Lakeview high school students even took notice of Trump’s arrival by attending his rally, some in support and some in protest. Juniors Aaron Hughes and Josh Norman took this opportunity to show their

support for Trump and his ideals, while senior Alyson Kenney took to the streets protesting against Trump. “We got there [Kellogg arena] at 6 a.m.,” Hughes said. “ I have more conservative values and Trump has them too. I like that he’s not afraid to speak his mind and that he doesn’t have a filter.” On the contrary, outside the arena Kenney stood up for what she believed was right, protesting Trump. “I protested against Trump because of how he treats others of minority and his past sexual harassment allegations,” Kenney said. “This meant a lot to me because I was surrounded by people who were like minded and voicing their first-amendment rights.” The protests didn’t stop in the streets, people brought their freedom of speech into Kellogg Arena by standing up chanting “liar” and holding up a large banner. This act caused a lot of tension leading supporters to start a “kick her out chant” and bringing the protester to be escorted out by security. Trump commented on this protest by criticizing “fake news media” and how it would be reported, as well as, adding he couldn’t even hear her chant.

Republican vs. Democratic Promises Donald Trump

• Reduce illegal immigration and reform the immigration system • Lower individual and cooperate taxes, cut regulations, and cut down trade deficits • Undo the Affordable Care act and reform Medicare • Limit access to abortion and ban transgender troops in the military • Withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord and increase fossil fuel development


Pete Buttigieg

• Abolition of electoral college • Supports Paris Climate Accord • Wants to pull troops from Afghanistan • Single payer health care system • Wants to create non-discrimination protection act to help LGBTQ community • Supports a citizenship pathway for DACA kids

By: Claire Tobin, Assisant Editor


the crystal

oney, No Problem


University of Michigan provides an opportunity for lower income students to attend for free

OTHER SCHOOLS OFFERING SIMILAR The cost of attending university is not cheap, and it seems to only be rising. This poses a OPPORTUNITIES potential problem for families that do not have the means to send their students off to college. The University of Michigan has created a program that provides free tuition for four-year in-state The students that have families making $65,000 a year or less. This new program is called the “Go universities Blue Guarantee.” According to of Harvard, According to the university’s website, “the Go Blue Guarantee is our commitment to Stanford and Yale keeping a world-class education affordable and accessible for all Michigan residents pursuing make it so families undergraduate study on our Ann Arbor campus.” with an income The financial aid process can be a very long process; ask any senior that has done FAFSA. Columbia less than $65,000 However, the University of Michigan has made the Go Blue Guarantee rather easy to access. University do not pay The university’s website also stated, “you do not need to apply specifically for the Go Blue Guarantee.” anything offers free The Go Blue Guarantee is a program that is automatically awarded to qualified Michigan education for residents that have done the following things: Apply to U-M, get admitted and apply for financial families making aid by March 31. If this program is of interest to you or someone you know there is a plethora of information less than The online that can ease the already simple process from above, https://goblueguarantee.umich. $60,000 edu is the University of Michigan’s official website where you can access all the information that military offers pertains to the Go Blue Guarantee. free room and

board and tuition in exchange for service

By: Maya Castleberry, News Editor

Celebrity Deaths Impact Fans of All Ages Robin Williams Born: July 21, 1951 Died: Aug. 11, 2014 Williams was an actor and comedian. He starred in Mrs. Doubtfire.

Stan Lee Born: Dec. 28, 1922 Died: Nov. 12, 2018 Lee was the creator of today’s most iconic Marvel superheroes.

Gene Wilder Born: June 11, 1933 Died: Aug. 11, 2016 Wilder was the original Willy Wonka, and we acted on comedies such as The Producers, Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein.

Neil Armstrong Born: Aug. 5, 1930 Died: Aug. 25, 2012 Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon. After his first step, Armstrong said “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

By: Jameson Hartley, Reporter


Cornell University: Families that make less than $75,000 have all of their financial needs met through scholarships and grants


very year it seems that the music and film industries lose popular artists, but knowing how to properly mourn and handle your emotions can help a lot.

Carrie Fisher Born: Oct. 21 1956 Died: Dec. 27 2016 Fisher was the actress who played Princess Leia in the first six Star Wars movies.

Muhammad Ali Born: Jan. 17, 1942 Died: June 3,, 2016 Ali was one of the most well boxers of all time.

Cameron Boyce Born: May 28, 1999 Died: July 6 2019 Boyce was a co-star on the Disney show, Jessie. He also acted along side Adam Sandler in both Grown Ups movies.

Juice Wrld Born: Dec. 2, 1998 Died: dec. 8 2019 Juice Wrld was an up and coming rapper who broke out in 2018 with his song “Lucid Dreams.”

On Dec. 8, rapper Juice Wrld was pronounced dead in Illinois. This sent a huge shock through fans and other music artists, much like the deaths of musicians XXXTentacion and Mac Miller. For teens, death can be a hard concept to deal with, but there are ways to help cope with the death of a celebrity idol. One way to mourn is to find other people who enjoy the celebrity. Richard Harris, A psychology professor Kansas State, studies relationships between civilians and celebrities. “Unlike real-life mourning, there is no social support for such grieving,” says Harris. Going to a person who enjoys the artist who died is going to be better than going to a parent or someone who doesn’t like the artist. Alan Wolfelt, a writer for, encourages people to join in public mourning rituals. “Discuss the death with other fans. Share thoughts, feelings and tributes in social media,” Wolfelt said. “If possible, visit the place of death and add your contribution to the memorial display.”



Disney+ Where Dreams Come True A new streaming service revolving around Disney is taking over the Internet

• Disney+ is ad-free • Disney+ will be available across Apple, Google, Microsoft, Sony, and Roku





105 million

• The service will feature over 7,500 past episodes

28 million

• All 30 seasons of The Simpsons will be available

24 million


By: Kirsten Butler, Sports Editor

158.3 million


National Geographic and Pixar movies. On the other hand, Netflix continues to be famous for their original series and movies that tend to commonly be watched on one’s device over and over. With Disney+ ultimately now being Netflix’s number one competitor, viewers have even more TV and movie options than ever before, along with the popular Hulu and Amazon Prime. While Disney+ is in competition with Netflix, it has also invented the Disney bundle that includes Hulu, Disney+, and ESPN+. According to Hulu Help Center, there’s currently no free trial for the bundle, but any streaming service for each one is available. Questions may rise as to why Disney+ and Hulu are in a bundle together rather than competitors, but according to Digital Trends, they’re both owned by the same company. However with these perks, Hulu does contain ads whereas Disney+ does not. Whether some may prefer one over the other, there are countless movies and TV shows that are provided for each streaming service, but as for now, Disney+ has taken over many screens.


Whether sitting at home watching Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, or any other entertainment on a relaxing night, one may be inclined to switch over to the newest Internet TV service, Disney+. The newest hit before the year ended, Disney+ streamed the world on Nov. 12, 2019, and immediately took over millions of people’s screens. The service has tons of movies and shows from Pixar, Disney, Marvel and more. After a seven-day free trial that includes unlimited downloads making it easier to watch anywhere, Disney+ only costs $6.99 per month or $69.99 per year. While fans decided to subscribe to Disney+ on its release date, there was still loyalty from them to continue using Netflix. According to Digital Trends, Disney+ has over 600 movies and TV shows, but reportedly that’s less than one-fifth of the number of TV shows that Netflix offers, and only one-eighth as many feature films. Depending on one’s priorities, it can ultimately come down to who has what shows. Disney+ now includes one of the most popular films and television shows ever made and competes with Netflix’s price of $9-16/month depending on the packages. “Within a year of its debut, Disney+ will host all of the Star Wars films, most of which are currently hard to find,” stated Digital Trends. In 2020, Disney+ will take over all of Netflix’s Disney shows and will provide them instead to keep in competition. For kids and young adults, Disney+ includes the High School Musical movies,

Amazon Prime

According to CNN, Variety, and Statista



the crystal

Blast from the Past As the decade ends, there are many things that will be missed and reminisced upon

As 2020 begins, it is not only a new year, but a new decade as well. For many current high schoolers, the past decade is one in which their childhoods will be left. Throughout the past ten years there have been many trends that took the world by storm. Many people enjoyed more of the digital trends, including senior Lal Hruai. “My favorite trends from this past decade were all of the Spongebob memes and TikTok. They made for a lot of laughs, and a good source of entertainment,” Hruai said. Besides the many trends that have been indulged upon over the years, there are many other things that made the past decade memorable as well. Besides just growing up in this decade, senior Gerardo Flores describes how his life changed over the course of it.


“I had such little responsibility at the beginning of the decade, and as the years went on my responsibilities grew immensely. By the end of it I was held accountable for so much more, ” Flores said. Despite all the memories that were made that can still be carried into this new chapter, there are many things that sadly cannot be carried on, and will be missed. “I miss being able to do whatever I wanted without having consequences, or at least not as harsh of consequences,“ Hruai said. “Now that I am older there are many consequences, and I have to be more careful about my actions. Ultimately, I just miss my youth.” This past decade has definitely been something unforgettable, let’s hope for the best for the next one as well.

“I thought the y favorite thing was popular dances from when scrunchies came back in the last couple like the whip style, Jenna Bagent, years and others were fun,” Clyde Sanders, “My favorite thing was senior. junior

“I enjoyed all of the new music the most from the past decade,” Alexa Morey, sophomore

TikTok,” Aaron Hrungthung, senior january

“My favorite part were all of the Spongebob memes,” Lal Hruai, senior

By: Aliese Tucker, Arts and Entertainment Editor



e-sports Top 3 Esports Games of 2019:

1 e

-sports is organized multi-player video game competitions between individual players or teams. Competitive gaming has been around for a long time, but only recently it has been becoming popular within school settings all over the world, including the Lakeview community. Having an Esports team at LHS has many benefits such as helping students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills. Students who are participating in competitive gaming learn how to process and analyze all types of different information and then quickly react logically to solve problems over and over. It also helps specifically with high school students by getting them more involved and giving them a place to fit in. “I think one of the biggest things is that it can capture a group of kids that aren’t three sport athletes, drama students, or band kids and even though they can be all of those kids they also could be none of them, which gives them a closer connection to the school,” Esports adviser Matt Cook said. The Esports team’s winter season started in January and will have a spring season starting shortly after as well. The Esports team that just recently started this fall already competed in a wide variety of different games such as Super Smash Brothers, NBA 2K, Fortnite, Minecraft, Rainbow Six Siege and CS GO. Participating in the Esports team takes more than just an interest in video games. Students are required to maintain a certain GPA for eligibility, and if they don’t they get sit out for that week and can’t compete. “I understand how some would think that this is a negative and not understand why a school would be interested in promoting video games, but people don’t always realize that we have eligibility requirements like any student-athlete does,” Cook said. Esports competition in high schools is starting to become more common all over the nation, and is an amazing way for schools to become more inclusive for all students.


By: Gabriella Ramos-Edgell, Reporter


Designed By: Riley Damore, Editor-in-Chief

2 3

Fortnite is a survival game where players fight against one another in player vs. player combat to be the last one standing and was the number one Esport game of 2019. There were 350 tournaments with chances to win up to $64 million.

Dota 2 was the second top ranked game in 2019 and is a multi-player online battle arena video game where two teams of five compete to destroy a structure being defended by the opposing team.

The number three ranked game is Counter Strike: Global Offensive, also known as CS GO, which is a team based first-person shooter game where two teams compete in rounds of objective based game modes to try to win enough games to win a match.

the crystal

No Time to Spare

The bowling team has started off their season 3-7. The athletes on this team have many different reasons for joining the bowling team and many different goals to reach throughout the season.

caleb adams

Brennan ansell


senior Brennan Ansell has been bowling for 15 years, so it has become natural for him. “I found it easier than any other sport to play,” Ansell said. His goal is different than Adams goal. “I just want to make it to the end of the year,” Ansell said. Trying out for the bowling team has allowed Ansell to meet new people. “It’s not about the talent you have but connecting with others at a personal level,” Ansell said.

Caleb Adams tried out for the bowling team because he didn’t have to work to get into shape as quick. “I didn’t have the confidence to go into any other major sport,” Adams said. “Personally, I don’t have the body type and I’m kind of lazy.” Adams, who bowls between 90 and 110, wants to get his average up during the season.

By: Jameson Hartley, Reporter

Coach Shaw

The New Coach


Position: Head Coach “With this being my first year

What are your goals as varsity coach I am trying for the season? to lay the groundwork for the

program and not just make us an average program, but a great program.”

How does it feel being the varsity coach now after being the JV coach?

Girls varsity basketball team gets an entire new coaching staff By: Hannah Tecumseh, Opinion Editor

The girls varsity basketball team has made their way into the season with three new coaches. After 26 years, the former head coach resigned from the position in August 2019. Blake Shaw was then awarded the position along with Tim Hutson and Lydia Drikakis as the new varsity assistant coaches. None of the new coaches are actually new to the program. Shaw was the head girls JV coach; Hutson’s daughter, sophomore Addison Hutson, is in her second year as a varsity player; and Drikakis is a former LHS athlete.

Coach Hutson

Coach Drikakis

“It feels great. It was a job that I have always wanted and I couldn’t be happier. I get to coach a great group of girls this year and work with a great group of coaches.” Courtesy Photo: Bruno Caro Morales

Position: Assistant Coach

Position: Assistant Coach

“She understands the X’s and O’s of basketball and she can relates to the girls and build relationships with them,” varsity coach Blake Shaw said.

“He brings a great deal of experience. He was a college athlete so he can tell the girls from real life experiences what it takes to play at the next level,” varsity coach Blake Shaw said.

“Coach Drikakis is younger and a female so she bonds with us and tells us how it really is,” senior Bryanna Carey said. Courtesy Photo: Bruno Caro Morales


“Coach Hutson brings a lot of knowledge to our team,” sophomore Peyton Russel said. Courtesy Photo: Jill Peterson



Team Blondeing The 2019-2020 boys varsity swim team all bleaches their hair blonde to create a bond in hopes of bringing the team even closer together


his year’s boys varsity swim team’s season was going great, then one day, junior Joel Metzger and senior Joe Wood came up with the brilliant idea to come together as a team and all bleach each other’s hair blonde. The reason behind this idea was so that they all could have at least one thing in common with each other. Another key reason behind bleaching everyone’s hair was because Dexter High School’s boys varsity swim team used to do it and they have a substantially good record. But nowadays, Lakeview’s varsity team would be the only one in their conference to all have the bright bleach blonde look. When first told about the idea to all bleach their hair, some of the boys were hesitant to the idea until they warmed up and considered the possible outcomes of all having something in common. “I was definitely second guessing the whole idea up until it actually happened; then I knew there was no going back,” junior Joel Metzger said. The next step to get everyone to actually do it, was convincing them that it was actually worth it. Strengthening the team and bonding

them closer together could possibly have an impact on the teams performance overall and make them feel closer and better friends. The team decided to do it at Joel Metzger’s house and almost every one of the athletes did it. “I’d say about three fourths of the team participated in bleaching their hair,” sophomore Clay Rose said. Obviously, with the whole team bleaching their hair blonde, there should be an outcome produced from it. Something was hopefully expected to change. Whether that change being the team just, “Looking a lot cooler when walking out together, having a similar look with everyone’s blonde hair” sophomore Clay Rose said. Or that change could be a deeper meaning such as, “Feeling so much more motivated when I look at myself in the mirror and see my hair color,” junior Joel Metzger said. “I think the team is definitely more connected. All looking the same ultimately brings us a lot closer together, which is a good thing for any sports team” freshman Evan Yarger said. By: Kezia Wright, Reporter

Photo By: Smith

Photo By: Smith

Clay Rose, sophomore



Photo By: Smith

Joel Metzger, junior

Evan Yarger, freshman

the crystal

Catch Fish, Not a Cold

Winter sports, including ice fishing, require proper outdoor attire There are several ways to stay active and have fun during the frigid winter months. Whether you are interested in skiing, snowboarding, going for a winter run, or even ice fishing, it is important that you know how to dress properly. The key to any winter activity is wearing multiple, lightweight layers. Seniors John Wenk and Brenden Massa look forward to dropping temperatures because this means that they can begin winter scarf ice fishing for the season. Ice fishing can always take a turn for the worst, as it can get extremely cold; however, there are many ways to stay warm. “I have an ice shanty, which is basically a portable shack that you use to sit in while you ice fish so Moisture wicking 1 you don’t get too cold. Long sleeve Shirt Obviously when you go 2 winter jacket ice fishing, its cold out, so you have to wear special 3 waterproof coat gear,” Massa said. When gearing up, it is important to wear moisture-wicking layers. Massa recommends wearing long johns, which are a great base layer, sweatpants, bibs, which are similar to snow pants, a long sleeve t-shirt, a winter jacket, a waterproof coat, a hat and gloves or 1 Long johns mittens. 2 Sweatpants Keeping warm will allow you to be able to spend more time outside, 3 Bibs or Snowpants which means a greater chance of catching more fish. Although, ice fishing isn’t about how many fish you catch, it’s about who you’re spending your time with. “I like ice fishing so much because it allows me to spend time with the people who matter the most to me, ” Massa said. “It’s really not the fish that I’m trying to catch, it’s more about having a good time with friends By: Riley Damore, Editor-In-Chief


and family.” Dressing appropriately for the task allows those who ice fish to exhibit the patience that is needed for a successful fishing trip. “We go out with a different mindset. You can’t expect a fish every five wool or seconds,” Wenk said. waterproof hat Junior Grace McGlynn enjoys spending her time skiing during the winter. This sport also requires participants to dress properly in order to stay warm and dry, and, ultimately, healthy. “My favorite part of skiing would probably be when I get to ski on trails through the woods, especially when there’s fresh powder,” McGlynn said. “It feels like you’re just floating through the woods and it’s so peaceful and beautiful.” According to a Professor of Kinesiology at Brock University, “in the cold, your body temperature is a function of the heat you are losing to the environment on the one hand, and the amount of heat your body is producing on the other. If the cooling becomes too much, you can risk your body temperature dropping to the point of hypothermia.” Mittens In order to stay warm, McGlynn recommends wearing high quality gear. Despite the fact that it may be more expensive, it will keep you safer. To avoid breaking the bank, you can find nice gear on sale or at a second-hand store. In addition, she recommends wearing mittens instead of gloves, and wool socks to keep your feet warm. Both skiing and ice fishing are great ways to get outdoors during this winter season, and are especially fun when you bring your family and friends with you. 1 wool socks 2 Insulated winter boots



New Resolutions, Same Traditions A new year calls for new resolutions and same old traditions

December and January are pivotal mo-

ments in the year for many people. The holiday season is full of families keeping up with holiday traditions. Then the new year, especially with the new decade, inspires people to make New Year’s Resolution such as spending less money, going to church, or getting healthier and fit. Junior Karsyn Helner, her holiday traditions and resolutions can possibly be one that others can relate to. “This year I decided I want to drink more water, because I’m pretty bad at not drinking it that much,” Helner said. While Helner is trying to keep up with drinking more water, senior Skyler Sebring has something different in mind. “I think mine is really trying to be nicer to my mother,” Sebring said. Keeping up with a ritual or tradition can be difficult no matter what it is. While there are many things to do during the holidays, some would say it starts right after Thanksgiving. Students aren’t the only ones trying to keep with resolutions or holiday

traditions, teachers keep up with their own as well. “The day after Thanksgiving is when we always get the Christmas tree and haul it down, then put it up,” Business teacher David VanderHorst said. “Christmas Eve we always do it at my parents, then Christmas Day we do it at my wife’s parents. The day after Christmas we usually go see grandparents and great aunts and uncles.” Although VanderHorst didn’t have any New Year’s Resolutions, his traditions are “new traditions” due to recently getting married last year to his wife, Hannah. On the other hand, math teacher Donald Hughes has bigger resolutions that he would like to continue. “I want to continue some resolutions from last year because they seem to be effective,” Hughes said. “We’re eating healthier, and trying to eat less processed food. I also want to continue growing in my faith, so I have certain plans in my spare time that I want to make sure I do.

Jammies for Families Senior Shannon Hughes and her two sisters enjoy getting matching pajamas every holiday season. “Getting pajamas is always one of our favorite parts of Christmas, and we’ve been doing it for as long as I can remember,” Hughes said. The Hughes girls will never miss a year where matching pj’s are a trend in their family. Photo By: Hughes



I’m not perfect at it though.” While Hughes has his resolutions that keep going, so are his traditions for the holidays. “We always spend Christmas Eve going to a Christmas Eve service at our Church,” Hughes said. “My wife always gets the girls Christmas pajamas, then they open them up on Christmas Eve and wear them Christmas Day while I read the Christmas Story.” While the Hughes girls match in Christmas pajamas, seniors Skyler Sebring and Justine Coteng love to be in their matching pajamas for the holidays. “Every Christmas I get matching pajamas with my girlfriend, along with her dog,” Sebring said. The holidays can be the most exciting with many things to do and celebrate with loved ones. By: Kirsten Butler, Sports Editor

Photo By: Sebring

Couple’s Christmas Couple seniors Skyler Sebring and Justine Coteng get spirited and match not only with each other but with Coteng’s dog as well. “I love wearing matching pajamas and snuggling with my boyfriend and dog during the holidays,” Coteng said. Sebring and Coteng never miss an opportunity to match with each other and celebrate their holiday traditions.

the crystal

Teaching Double

Tracy Pollard

I accept that my desk looks like a tornado landed on it, and that even the best plans will not go according to plan.

Jodi Darland

Due to the lack of one-on-one with me, the students are not growing as much in certain areas as they could be.


consists of both her Newspaper and Broadcast classes in the same hour. It can be extremely difficult for Darland to manage her time between both classes, especially because they each require different types of teaching, as The Crystal is a newspaper that is issued once a month and Channel 101 is a twice weekly broadcast. “It makes me feel like I’m being a bad teacher because I definitely don’t have the time to dedicate to my students that I wish that I did to provide good feedback for them in order to become better at their craft,” Darland said. According to Principal Susan Cheadle-Holt, this scheduling conflict occurred due to a large influx of students during the summer, which was after the schedules had already been finalized. Last year, when Darland was still faced with teaching two separate classes (Intro to Communications and The Crystal) during the same hour, the problem had occurred because the

class sizes were small enough to be combined. This year, the initial class sizes were small, but the influx of students came in last minute and Darland was stuck with another combined class, resulting in a first hour with 41 total students. In addition, business teacher Myra Bost has a schedule that does not include any planning periods, which most teachers have. Due to the fact that Bost teaches classes that are involved with the DECA program, she must arrange her classes in order to ensure that students won’t miss any important DECA event. Despite the fact that she doesn’t have a planning period during the day, she deals with her busy schedule by preparing lessons and materials ahead of time. “I have to be extremely prepared because there will be no time during the day for me to prepare anything,” Bost said. “It makes the day go very fast, but it just means that I have to grade on the weekend and come in on Sundays to prepare for the week.” Japanese teacher Tracy Pollard also has a very hectic schedule this year. During her

Myra Bost

Most teachers are extremely busy and have lots to plan on a day-to-day basis. However, for teachers with loaded schedules that hardly allow time for this, their jobs can be even more stressful. This year, several teachers are facing this issue and are each dealing with different daily struggles. English and communications teacher Jodi Darland has a chaotic teaching schedule, which

I care about the student having the best possible experience, and this schedule gives this to the students, even though I might be a little more stressed.

Scheduling conflicts result in overworked teachers first hour, she teaches Japanese 3, 4 and 5. In addition to this, she travels to the middle school during her planning period, as she teaches Japanese 1 to eighth graders. Due to the fact that she moves back and forth from the high school to the middle school, she has a very brief lunch. “I have had a lunch in the past, which gave me time to eat and connect with my colleagues. I miss eating and hearing about their lives,” Pollard said. Pollard loves being able to teach at the middle school, though. Teaching three levels of Japanese may seem chaotic, but Pollard believes that having all of the upper-level classes together is more convenient. “Even though it is three classes in one hour, I can bring them all together to review the basics, and they are mature enough to handle me shifting my focus from one class to the other during the same hour,” Pollard said. Each teacher who faces a tight schedule this year is making the best of their situation, and administration is working to deal with conflicts like this so that they won’t happen again in the future. “I think that no matter what you do, there is going to be conflict, but we do try to move things around [in the schedule] to have the least amount of conflict for both students and teachers,” says Cheadle-Holt.

By: Riley Damore, Editor-In-Chief Photos By: Smith



Prepping for the SAT: 101 Tips for.....


Before taking any test, including the PSAT for freshmen and sophomores and the SAT and ACT for juniors, it is valuable to have some tried and true test-taking tips

2020 Spring Tests are April 14, 2020








The SAT is a standardized test that is scored in three sections: math, reading and language, and an essay. This test is used for college admissions and should be taken very seriously. Your SAT score is important to colleges because that is how they determine if you are academically ready for college. Colleges also use this to compare all students and applicants they get, because it is one consistent data point.



There is a free SAT Prep class offered at Battle Creek Area Mathematics Center, run by Terry Burleson, who is the Battle Creek College Access Network (BC CAN) program manager. This class takes action over eight weekends, from 9 a.m. to noon. Two hours are provided with math assistance and the other two hours are dedicated to the English and essay portion of the test. By: Izzy Hoaglin, Reporter


the crystal

Not in DECA? What The Hecka? Members of DECA, especially those who are officers, experience real-life responsibilities

Lauren Eldridge & Brayden Davis

Morgan Tobey & Madeline Deal

Elizabeth Robins & Riley Damore

Seniors Lauren Eldridge and Brayden Davis have been a part of DECA for four years and both have qualified for state four times and internationals once. Eldridge and Davis are Officers of Community Service and Team Development, which is shown in the running of miracle minutes during sporting events, Heritage events and holiday decorating. The purpose of this position is to build DECA up as more than just business, but also as a contributing organization in the community.

Seniors Morgan Tobey and Madeline Deal are four year DECA members and have both qualified for states four times and internationals once. They are the Officers of Communications where they send out monthly emails to parents to keep them updated, talk with all of the other DECA members and let the community know about all the upcoming events.

Seniors Elizabeth Robins and Riley Damore have been a part of DECA for four years and are the Officers of Competitive Events. This job entails editing fellow DECA members’ papers, knowing every detail of each event and being able to help other members with their projects. Both have made it tostates four years in a row and Robins has made it to internationals all her years in high school and Damore has made it the last two years.

Liz Wilhelmson & Annalisse Palma

Josh Norman & Gabby Oursler

Hannah Keenan & Allison Bost

Seniors Annalisse Palma and Liz Wilhelmson are four year DECA members, and both have qualified for states three times and internationals twice. They are Officers of Organization where they register all the DECA members for districts, states and nationals and make sure everyone gets into where they need to be.

Juniors Josh Norman and Gabby Oursler are three year DECA members, and have both qualified for states three times and Oursler qualified for internationals twice. They are the Officers of DECA Training. On every Friday they go into the freshman introduction to business classes to train these students in the skills necessary to be successful in DECA. Norman and Oursler go over aspects like roles plays and give participants feedback, tips and study points for the DECA test.

Junior Hannah Keenan and senior Allison Bost are three and four year members respectively, Bost has been to states four times and internationals twice and Keenan three times. These two are Officers of Promotions and Media, so they put up posters and decorations around the school and paint the windows.

By: Claire Tobin, Assistant Editor




The Crystal Point

Every year around actually keep them all the holidays when the year and 80% have new year is about to failed by the start of hit, everyone comes February.” People up with these crazy The goals that people make during the start of the new year are usually not effective mainly come up with New Year’s resolutions resolutions based on for how they are going to change and make 2020 the best year it other people’s expectations, but actually fulfilling the resolutions for could be. the whole year is a small amount compared to the people who give According to, 45% of people resolve to lose weight up on their resolutions. or get in shape, usually by joining a gym. This membership can cost Most people make their resolutions for the new year on New anywhere from $164 to over $1000 annually. However, in January Year’s Day, or a day or two after that, but the most common day 2019 published that “More than half of all gym members for people to give up and forget about their goals is on the second never actually go to the gym — yet year after year, they continue to Friday of January after doing their resolutions for only a week. Only pay for a service they don’t use.” 19% of people who make their big resolution actually fulfill it within Instead of making these resolutions each year and wasting time two years. In the next coming years, if you participate in making a and money, people should make goals for the year and focus on New Year’s resolution, think smaller and try and make one that is that goal for the whole year. The Times Tribune stated that “Studies realistic for you to be able to stick to, so you won’t be disappointed show that only 8% of Americans who make a New Year’s resolution in yourself.

New Year’s Resolutions

By: Logan Komark, Reporter

2020 Preditictions Style

Technology Photo By: Just Jared


Political Donald Trump has ordered a deadly drone strike in Iran, for the sake of keeping Americans safe. Iran’s top general, Qasem Soleimani was killed, and at least five other people. This was ordered because Soleimani “was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats,” and the US needed to act before them. Because of all of this, Americans are concerned that the country is heading toward World War 3. Since the strike on Iran, the Iran community has made statements, such as, “A crushing revenge will be taken for Soleimani’s unjust assassination..,” and “We will take revenge from all those involved and responsible for his assassination.” Iranians think this act from the US was a terrorist attack.

• 5G Phones will take over • Disney+ will take over Netflix • Cheaper solar power will be used all over • A cure for cancer will be developed • iPhone 12 will be released

Photo By:

• Leather clothing • Patterns from the 1970s are coming back • Neon colors • Different styles of hoop earrings • Patterns on loafers

By: Izzy Hoaglin, Reporter


the crystal




Choosing a career path can be a daunting task, specifically for seniors. However, in the next few years, there will be a program implemented into Lakeview High School that will make this decision less intimidating. This program that is considered being implemented makes it so high school students have access to career pathways. There is a school in Nashville that has already implemented the system, and has been the model for many schools across the country. “Nashville Public Schools is the model for this program for many schools around the country,” school counselor Robert Allison said. “They have been the model for us and we have visited their school system. Nashville currently requires students to select their career pathway in ninth grade. Students in Nashville are then allowed one change in tenth grade. Once they begin in 11th grade, students are locked into that program.” While it may seem like establishing a career pathway in high school is a little premature, understand that there is a difference between deciding your career and having an interest in a specific pathway. “Career Pathways is a term that is more related to learning more about your career, not necessarily declaring a career. The goal from Career Pathways is much more related to obtaining advanced skills in an area that is of particular interest,” Allison said. College readiness is a feeling that may come along with the idea of the career pathways, too. “Often times, a student will earn advanced skills in their career pathway, but will choose a different career in college. This is great because that student can always fall back on those skills later if necessary,” Allison said. Having those skills to fall back on and having experiences in different fields may be a good option considering that only 46% of high school students feel that their school has helped them figure out which careers match their interests and abilities, according to a study conducted by the Youth Truth Student Survey National Nonprofit. It should also be noted that the career pathways program will not take away from chances of exploring other interests as well. “Students would not be able to be exempt from any graduation requirements. There are certain exemptions that already exist, and those will continue to exist. But, this program will not add any additional exemptions,” Allison said. This means that every pathway will still be required to include an art credit, English credits, and math credits, so students can still explore other subjects that may not particularly pertain to their selected career pathway. While this program is not something that will affect the students in the high school directly, as it will most likely be a requirement for the current seventh graders, it is a system that may cause current high schoolers to really begin thinking about their future, and what classes may be directly related to future career options. If there are any questions about this program and what it will offer, or how you can adjust your schedule to include classes that relate to your potential career choices, you can stop by the Student Services Center and schedule an appointment with your counselor, as they are always willing to help. By: Maya Castleberry, News Editor



Lakeview High School offers a number of elective classes in order to provide students with a well-rounded high school experience. However, if students are forced to choose a program during freshman year, they will be less likely to take classes out of that program and could miss out on a variety of experiences that high school is intended to provide. Therefore, freshman should not be required to declare a program. Most students in high school don’t even know what career they want to take on in their future yet, so why should they have to choose a program of electives based on a certain career field if students are still undecided? Often times, students entering college, with four years more education than high school freshmen, don’t even know what they want to study yet. According to surveys by the U.S. Department of Education, 20-50 percent of students enter college with an undecided major. In college, 80 percent of students change their major at least once and on average, they change their major at least three times over the course of their college career. Students change their major based on not liking the material, wanting to find out what they’re good at, lack of understanding, lack of encouragement, positive experiences, boredom, others opinions and having a money vs passion mindset. Decisions that determine our career path already start to be made around the age of 13. School counselors ask students what some things they would want to have as a career in the future, then counselors have them take their top three, and pick classes for the student’s first year of high school based on those top three potential careers. After that, students base the rest of the classes they take in high school off of the ones they chose for their freshman year. Students now, however, are not tied to a specific curriculum and can adjust the type of classes they want before scheduling each year. Having to choose a career around age 13 puts every other career to the side, making declaring a pathway unfair for students to develop any other area of interest. Students would then take classes primarily driven for their chosen career path. One disadvantage of taking focused classes is that if students discover those classes or pathway doesn’t interest them, they may feel stuck in their schedule. They also might continue taking classes only because they have invested so much time into that career pathway already and it would feel pointless to have to start all over. Plus, many freshmen may choose their pathway based on a career’s pay, whether they have a true desire to pursue that career or not, rather than on their own interests or strengths. At a young age, students have the mindset of being very wealthy and they would choose the most obvious jobs, such as a doctor or lawyer, making them try and follow through with that in the future. The amount of investment students are already making in regard to their class choices allows for flexibility more than declaring a program would. Teenagers need variety and experience before they plan out their whole life.

By: Alexa Morey, Reporter



Mad Libs

New Year's Resolutions!


I resolve that in the next year I will eat all of my PLURAL NOUN

I promise to help bathe my pet NOUN

after dinner. I will not eat any TYPE OF FOOD

and help VERB

the dishes

that contains cholesterol or

will be polite and thoughtful, and will clear the PLURAL NOUN


,just like my mother says.



after meals. I will do a/an

deed every day. I will be polite to any PLURAL NOUN

who are older than I

am. And I will never, ever

my dog’s tail or pour

I will also try to brush my

and shine my every day. I promise ARTICLE OF CLOTHING (PLURAL)



to be really ADJECTIVE


so I can live ADVERB

Then I’ll be a truly happy, ADJECTIVE

on my cat.

for the next twelve months.


A Blessing or a Curse

Giving the perfect gift can sometimes be a struggle

Although the holidays are about spending time with loved ones, gifts are always something people look forward to. Sometimes you really don’t know what to expect and it’s high risk, high reward. These fellow Spartans share the gifts they received, some of which they love and others they would’ve preferred to have left wrapped.

Blessing Jake Zimmerman, social studies teacher: A couple years ago my wife surprised me with tickets to Hamilton for Christmas. However, she made me work for it, because it was a search throughout the house with clues to find the tickets. Anish Patel, junior: I got a 2019 Honda Accord Sport. I was super happy and surprised, but my parents told me that it was my gift for the next three years until I graduate.

Aliese Tucker, senior: When I was a kid I got a Wii for Christmas and I was super excited because back then it was brand new. I still use it till this day when I’m bored.


Curse Gerardo Flores, senior: The worst gift I ever received was a hand-me-down sweatshirt from my brother, which I saw him wear multiple times before.

Jenna Morris, freshman: I was doing a white elephant gift exchange and I got a single purple nail polish in a big bag. I thought it was funny because everyone else got fun stuff like pajama pants and candy, and I got a small little nail polish. I am still thankful for it. Ronit Velpulla, junior: My worst gift was a yellow and pink popsocket from my mom. I didn’t like it because it was cringey and weird. By: Hannah Tecumseh, Opinion Editor


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