Telishia Berry Publisher & Managing Editor
Falessia Booker Editor-in-Chief
Courageous Woman Radio Show ICBS Radio 111.3 FM in Los Angeles or online Tuesday’s 6 pm PST & 9 pm EST
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Mid-Michigan Derby Girls by Rachel Laurie
With names like Sinister Minister, Betty KrackHer, and Risky Chicky, you may not expect the Mid-Michigan Derby Girls to be a loving, caring bunch. To see them race around the rink while preventing the opposition’s Jammer from moving through the pack, they look like a formidable group. The Mid-Michigan Derby Girls are actually one of the most welcoming and accepting groups in the area, and the roller derby, in general, is a fun, supportive sport with teams found all over the country. The origins of roller derby stretch back to the 1930s, but the resurgence of this rough and tumble sport came about at the turn of the millennium. The Mid-Michigan Derby Girls originated in 2008 and have been competing against teams from the Midwest and Canada ever since. It’s a full contact sport that requires women (though men’s teams are on the rise) to skate around a track with one girl, the Jammer, who tries to push through and lap the group. Of course, preventing this from happening is the goal of the pack of Blockers while they simultaneously try to let their Jammer score. It’s a simple concept that requires strategy, balance, agility, and a healthy amount of physical contact to pull off. What is it about roller derby that has become so appealing in the last 15 years? Women of 10
all ages join the roller derby for a variety of reasons. The Mid-Michigan Derby Girls are an 18+ group, but you will find the ages of the competitors reach well beyond that number. So long as a person stays healthy, there’s nothing stopping them from competing into their fifties and beyond. Additionally, the cardio and strength training a person can get from competing is a great way to stay in shape, and it’s a great stress reliever. Perhaps the greatest reason to join this group goes beyond the physical benefits. It’s a second family. The group is supportive of its members inside and outside the rink. The sport requires a lot of trust, team dynamics, and a pack mentality that makes them very protective of each other and welcoming of anyone who would like to participate. If you come into this team timid, you’ll find your confidence after just one practice, and that is true even if you’ve never laced up a pair of skates! Anyone interested in joining or just watching the Mid-Michigan Derby Girls should check out the website
Rachel Laurie is from Montrose, Michigan and currently works in Lansing, MI as a third party Medicaid advocate. She has History degrees from both UM and American Military University. Rachel is a self-professed nerd with interests in video gaming, comic books, and all things internet related.
eMerging FroM Chaos & Clutter
Glam Life with Deria Brown
I am sitting in my living room on the couch. 2. Use the three bag system. Years of Glam-baby is shrieking from her highchair, making a commitment to being organized and Ethan and Justus have decided to settle their not hoarding has left me with a minimalist differences with a fight, there is a load of style home. I operate on such a small amount unfolded towels nestled next to me and another of things on hand we had to borrow from my with Bďż˝own laundry basket full waiting for Deria free space. mom to do a garage sale! The three bag trick I have a writing deadline and a gorgeous each spring keeps us trimmed down. Each â&#x20AC;&#x153;to-doâ&#x20AC;? list, complete with pink-sharpie spring, take three bags or baskets: â&#x20AC;&#x153;keep,â&#x20AC;? 1RWKLQJ EXUQV VWURQJHU RU ORQJHU WKDQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;DPHV RI ORYH 7KH KHDUWÂśV DELOLW\ WR JHW ORGJHG HQWDQJOHG URRWHG DQG illustrations and hearts. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m an important â&#x20AC;&#x153;donateâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;throw You may have so us happy, bracketed to another human being remains one of the great mysteries. Love isaway.â&#x20AC;? intoxicatingâ&#x20AC;Ś.it makes author, business owner and full time ministermultiples of three. sad, and a little CRAZY! Unfortunately for most of us, at much some clutter point inyou our need lives to thedomassive inferno that comes at least what my biogets says.doused In this and house, with new love thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and relationships extinguished. Here is a helpful hint for procrastinators: Put no one seems impressed. All the things I feel -XPSLQJ DKHDG WR JUHHWLQJV IRU D SURVSHURXV DQG LPSUHVVLYH 1HZ <HDU , ZRXOG OLNH WR JLYH \RX \HW DQRWKHU the donate bags in the front seat of your car. compelled something to addtotobe your, â&#x20AC;&#x153;List will of Things to Accomplish You drop them in 2015â&#x20AC;? thatmust is tobow value, enjoy and andand to do off a lot sooner! set alight your key relationships. to my time and 3. Post ainfamily I get it.abilityâ&#x20AC;Ś The range of emotion primary relationships is vast. For instance, in my marriage I feel calendar where all I am happy to report a full spectrum of love, bliss,see. anger and frustration can Knowing this scenario is now repeatedly over a lifetime. For thewhatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s record, mostly love ahead a rarity in my home. and bliss. However, if Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not careful and attentive to the going to happen This was norm relationship the our strain of living will cause the embers to (and whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not) a few ago. My burn low andyears greatly affect my heart. will help your home was unkempt, *RRG WKLQJ WKH 1HZ <HDU brings with it an opportunity family make chaosslate. was the order for a clean Fresh starts are fun!the For me, the adjustment in their JUDWLÂżFDWLRQ RI D ÂłGR overâ&#x20AC;? has tucked within it of the day and activities. Bedtimes the opportunity to hit reset and get things right. productivity was are concrete on for offense, Relationships are a by in that environment. breeding ground hard to come SDLQ DQG KHDUWDFKH :KHQ WKHVH WKLQJV RFFXU LWÂśV JRRG WR KDYH D FKDQFH WR Âż[ WKHP 8QVSRNHQ DSRORJLHV EUHHG school nights so we have our evenings free. I knew I needed to get rid of the clutter and UHVHQWPHQW , HQFRXUDJH \RX WKLV \HDU WR JR WR ZRUN RQ Âż[LQJ \RXU KHDUW :KDWHYHU KDV GLPLQLVKHG \RXU FDSDFLW\ Time gets managed and not wasted when a chaos in order to create. Here is a condensed WR ORYH DQG FUDQN XS WKH Ă&#x20AC;DPHV SOHDVH DGGUHVV LW DQG PRYH IRUZDUG )RUJLYH ZKHQ QHFHVVDU\ DSRORJL]H DV home is organized, de-cluttered and goals are version of the strategy I used to bring some needed. Forgiveness frees up space in the heart: free space canvisual. be given to others with love. Say yes to FREE set and LOVE!balance into the mix and free myself up to do more of what I love in an environment that +DYLQJ WKH KHDUW IUHH RSHQV XV XS WR HYHQ PRUH IXOÂżOOLQJ UHODWLRQVKLSV DQG PDNHV XV KHDOWKLHU RYHUDOO :KHQ RXU Transforming your home from chaos and me. heartsinspires are uncluttered and the pain clutter to a peaceful place of relaxation, fun and of relationships isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the a daily focusof toys and clothes 1. Limit amount productivity is worth it. The most important we have thechildren clarity and your can motivation have. Unless you love part of any plan is being flexible. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve come to produce at optimal levels. The spending your days and nights putting the to relax and enjoy the occasional day of chaos accelerant of a healthy heart and same toys back in their place or threatening the around here-like the one Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m having right now! mind can produce incredible results at children to cleanand a room full of broken toys, work, home, business ministry. missing pieces and play clothes, I suggest you Glam Life with Deria Brownâ&#x20AC;Śthe go-to guide to 7KH ÂżQDO FKDOOHQJH LV WR EH HVSHFLDOO\ balance life, business, work and family in the most streamline what they have. attentive to the people you care about
P�eparing your Heart for
the most this year. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make them pay for the mistakes of others. Love liberally and in abundanceâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;you have plenty to go around! Take the time to meet face to face with friends
glamorous way imaginable!