1 minute read
Co-author, The Heart of a Black Man
Give the title of your chapter and a brief synopsis.
My chapter details my life growing up in a small NC town through adulthood and finding my passion as an artist. The title of my chapter is “My Life Becoming an Artist.” in regard to the plight of the Black man? www.MellowArts.com
As a Black man who has had lots of good experiences, as well as bad, or has overcome life challenges, what keeps you motivated to keep going?
My faith in God, my family, and being able to encourage and mentor people, especially youth, keep me excited about continuing to create art.
Briefly, share one of the most significant experiences you’ve had as a Black man that impacted your life and why?
As a Black Man, making the choice to become a business owner has impacted my life and the life of my family. Each day, I have the opportunity to learn more and more about business. It is challenging, it’s fearful, it’s rewarding, and it can be disappointing at times knowing my family depends on me. But ultimately, it was the best decision for me because it allows me the freedom to create art and build my brand.
What encouraging words do you have for the younger generation of Black men?
Faith Over Fear – There will be times in your life when you are confronted with difficult choices, situations, people, etc. Choosing the right decision for you may not make you popular, but you will be true to yourself. You will be making the best choice for you. Surround yourself with positive people. Always be willing to learn more. And stay focused on your dreams. Know that you are valuable. You are destined to share your gifts/talents with the world.
I would say that I’m proud to be a Black man because of the things I’ve learned concerning life, the things I know about the history of Black men in America, and who I have become. Being a Black man in America is challenging, scary, and makes you unsure of the future. But, Black men are powerful, courageous protectors and leaders. When has it not been challenging for a Black man? We always have to prove ourselves in all aspects of life, especially now.
What’s next for you?
Currently, I am working on showcasing my art around the world, opening the gallery, and encouraging young artists to be great!
How can readers connect with you?
If you were given the opportunity to speak from your heart before a worldwide audience of leaders, what would you say