1 minute read
The Heart of a Black Man
Give the title of your chapter and a brief synopsis.
“The Power of the Professional Black Man”: Media portrays Black men as less intelligent and incapable of building productive lives for their families and communities. This narrative is further from the truth.
As a Black man who has had lots of good experiences, as well as bad, or has overcome life challenges, what keeps you motivated to keep going?
My family is a motivating factor for me to show my children that anything is possible.
Briefly, share one of the most significant experiences you’ve had as a Black man that impacted your life and why.
I was one of 12 leaders, and the only Black male, to travel the world representing a company founded by 34th president, Dwight D. Eisenhower. This was my first opportunity to travel abroad professionally. Thousands of families had access to international experiences through my leadership, which was an honor.
What encouraging words do you have for the younger generation of Black men?
Always be willing to improve the narrative of our culture.
If you were given the opportunity to speak from your heart before a worldwide audience of leaders, politicians, women, children, and everyday people, what statement, quote, or solutions would you offer or say in regard to the plight of the Black man? www.dexterlscott.com dexterlscott dexterlscott
We are confident and intelligent men who are deeply rooted in family with significant advances in society. What’s next for you?
To continue being a thought leader in the field of personal/ professional development by writing more books, speaking on more platforms, and being a voice of professionalism. How can readers connect with you?