1 minute read
Malik Muhammad
Born in DC and graduate from USC, Malik Muhammad is a former 1984 Olympian in track and field and a youth development sprint coach that set national records. As a mortgage consultant, he has helped hundreds of people become home owners. Malik is also the VP of Crusader Praise Scott Scholarship Fund and is, first and foremost, a book activist. Since 1990, as the founder and co-owner of Malik Books, he has given voice to the voiceless.
Co-author, The Heart of a Black Man
Give the title of your chapter and a brief synopsis.
“From Devastation to Elevation” is about transformation. Finding myself and choosing the life I want to live. Letting go the past and embracing the present and future.
As a Black man who has had lots of good experiences, as well as bad, or has overcome life challenges, what keeps you motivated to keep going?
We are We and not I. Our success depends on us. It is our duty to create a generational change so our children will have a successful future.
Briefly, share one of the most significant experiences you’ve had as a Black man that impacted your life and why.
Finding myself and excepting myself. I am a Black man and am unapologetically Black. Using the knowledge of self to open a bookstore and help others find themselves. Serving our community has been sacred.
What encouraging words do you have for the younger generation of Black men? Do for self or suffer the consequences.
If you were given the opportunity to speak from your heart before a worldwide audience of leaders what would you say in regard to the plight of the Black man?

No more excuses. It is our responsibility to bring a generation of change. Unity is more powerful than an atomic bomb.
What’s next for you?
Expand Malik Books. Continue to grow Malik’s Bookshelf podcast audience to bring a world together with books, culture, and community. Develop a fleet of bookmobiles to serve our schools and community.
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Dexter L. Scott is a speaker, trainer, and author who loves to shift the paradigm of audiences to invoke lasting change.