2 minute read
Dartanyan T. Jamerson
Meet Dartanyan
T. Jamerson, a proud native of Flint, MI. He’s a Leader, the Next Generation Pastor of Montgomery Community Church, Cincinnati, OH, and the General Overseer of Children and Youth for the Full Gospel Baptist Church fellowship International. He holds an Associate, Bachelor, and Master’s Degree. He’s an author, and Founder, CEO and Lead Thinker of LBD Legacy Consulting.

Co-author, The Heart of a Black Man
Share the title of your chapter that you contributed to the book, The Heart of a Black Man and a brief synopsis.
My chapter is entitled “From Bastard to Greatness”, and it tells of my childhood and struggles. Ultimately it speaks to my life’s victories despite the rejection and shame I faced as a boy born out of wedlock who was unwanted by my biological father.
As a black man who has had lots of good experiences, as well as bad, or has overcome life challenges, what keeps you motivated to keep going?
I was homeless some years back and I slept in my car and couch-surfed for a season.
God kept me safe and gave me the strategy to rebound and become a homeowner. Growing up fatherless, and then becoming a father myself, I was lost and afraid but God gave me good men as examples. His love and care for me motivates me to keep going.
Briefly shared one of your most significant experiences you’ve had as a Black Man that impacted your life and why?
My children felt my hurt from my biological father. My oldest son asked one day we were headed out to dinner; “dad, so your daddy never bought you a happy meal?” I said, “son, I’ve never known how you feel right now.” Within seconds my 9-yearold twins and 8 year old children were crying for me! Talk about angry! This impacted my life in a tremendous way! Its been said, Black Men aren’t good fathers or providers. It was a joy to fulfill. Especially from single father posture. Society places unrealistic expectations on men to be fathers while they themselves were not fathered.
What encouraging words do you have for a younger generation of Black Men?
Pursuing equality with your white counterparts is an illusion; you must be better! Education is imperative; both in educational institutions and in the school of common sense! Always extend grace to yourself and never forget you are descendants of kings! Measure 5 times and cut once! (Meaning: conducting proper preparation prevents errors) Apply this rule to your life daily! https://www.lbdlegacy.com
If you were given the opportunity to speak from your heart before a worldwide audience of leaders, politicians, women, children, and everyday people, what statement, quote, or solutions would you offer to say in regard to the plight of the Black Man?

Over recent years the entire world now sees it what Black people have known for generations. That from slavery to Black Wall Street; from Jim Crow to modern day lynchings by a corrupt police system, the Black Man continues to be the most endangered species on earth! But we’re a resilient people! Leaders and politicians, we want you to care enough to act! However, many of you cannot appreciate our dilemma, as you cannot relate to the struggles we face. So, it appears our only option is to make changes happen ourselves!
What’s next for you?
The Fatherless Father tour and two new books are all coming soon!
How can readers connect with you?
@PastorDTJ @pastordtj https://www.facebook.com/PastorDJJamerson