Greatness in graphite

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up front arts

Greatness In Graphite Hernando artist J. Rodney Leath on sketching famous faces and the healing power of the pencil Story and photography by Casey Hilder


or J. Rodney Leath, the



sanctuary. The




pencil artist and painter can often be found in a dimly lit corner in his spacious Hernando home amid scattered bits of eraser and stacks of high-gloss photos adorned with Post-it notes. And after a few hundred increasingly meticulous pencil strokes, the result is a painstakingly recreated original work that captures a different side of his subjects. A realistic, rustic image produced through the unique filter of this Rembrandt-meets-rock star artist. In his second-floor studio, he’s able to unwind and be at ease in both appearance and mannerisms. “I’ve had ‘em since I was like 12, always wear ‘em when I have some messy studio work to do” Leath says of his paint-encrusted pants dashed with lingering remnants of his past works. Leath can rarely be found without a pencil on hand and a few behind his ears. During the day, he works as a marketing director for Stylecraft Home Collection, a company that mass produces high-quality framed works of art for purchase at department stores like Target. While he enjoys his work and even earned the right to be featured in a few of the company’s works, the casual accommodations afforded by his “second job” as a self-fashioned portrait artist make for quite a dream job.

26 may 2014 | Click magazine

“I get to see the entire process of production all the way through, from the artists’ process to getting the prints on Target shelves”

May Flowers for....

Mother’s Day Graduations Weddings “I ended up really lucky to be in the

and MANY new selections for ALL occasions

position I’m in right now,” Leath says. “I mean, I’m in the middle of it on a daily basis. I get to see the entire process of production all the way through, from the artists’ process to getting the prints

660 S. Perkins Rd. Memphis, TN 38117 901.766.9885 Mon.-Sat. 10-5

on Target shelves.” Always one to find inspiration in unlikely places, Leath’s current career didn’t begin to take shape until he reached his lowest point. “I spent four months in treatment about ten years back. It took a lot out of me and I almost had nothing by the time I was through,”


he says. “Hospitalized rehab for drug addiction. Outside of the normal classes and little inpatient things you have to do, I really came back to drawing during that time.” Now, with his feet firmly planted in a pleasant part of a picturesque community, Leath no longer has to scavenge. While he’s still not exactly a connoisseur of the finer things in life, Leath’s definitely taken a liking to the acid-free paper he now uses that is specially formulated to preserve each delicate stroke. The subjects of Leath’s work run the

Sterling silver charms from $25


gamut from universally renowned to particular and precious. Famous faces like Mila Kunis and Bear Bryant have sprung forth from his tip of his pencil, as well as intimate and emotional portraits

134 West Commerce Street Hernando, MS • 662.449.5533

Click magazine | May 2014 27

up front “I’m really fortunate to pick and choose what I’m interested in these days.”

like that of MidSouth firefighter Eric

’90s at the height of The Simpsons’

old framed commercial works, doors

Beasley and Delta BBQ maven Melissa

popularity and eventually shifted to a

and scrap wood that the frugal aspect


more subdued style.

has been surmounted by just another step in the creation process.

And Leath never skips on the little

“My drawing interest kind of picked

things. The most miniscule details of

up when I was 7 years old. As a matter

“I donate a lot of artwork to friends

the photorealistic faces featured in

of fact, I just finished a commission for

and non-profits,” he says. In 2003,

his work present themselves in the

one of my old kindergarten teachers,” he

Leath donated work to WKNO for a

form of the mole on Marilyn Monroe’s

says, stifling a humble grin. “I just never

live televised auction to benefit quality

lip, the wrinkles of an elderly church

really put it down. At the end of the day,

and educational television in West

volunteer and the boyish coifs of a pair

I still feel like a kid.”

Tennessee. “I’m really fortunate to pick

of young twins. He dissects photos not based around the human figure, but the expression and emotions that bring the form alive. His creative conscious was awakened at started doodling the überexpressive Bart Simpson in the early 28 may 2014 | Click magazine

Before he became a sponsored artist, Leath sought artistic expression by any means through found works and makeshift canvases. Even today, he’s grown so used to priming and recoating

and choose what I’m interested in these days,” Leath says. “I don’t want to feel like I have to sit down and work at it like a second job. Some days my 9-5 just takes it out of me.”

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