1 minute read
All the Boulders We Roll
By Neil Andrew Formalejo
So you think high school is tough? College is when things gets really rough–It’s when you start to be crushed by the weight of pressure. It’s when even a few seconds of breathing becomes a treasure.
You just want to slap some senses to your younger self For saying “ I wanna grow up now, I wanna do things by myself.” College, a different kind of Dante’s rings. Oh, all the terror and horror it brings.
So why is college killing you? This stage is definitely a boiling stew It can overflow your wits, burn your sanity, and evaporate your will It can all do that, if not dealt with the right temper.
Stands the fact that the difficulty of college is absurd
No euphemism for this one, or covering up with a word It’s hard comprehending why all this is necessary As if it’s designed to make misery. Afterall, Camus warned us about life’s essence–The absurd reality of existence; We are boulder-rolling beings

The higher we go, the steeper it becomes.
College is one hell of a steep hill, You grow a muscle on the way up to counter the steepness and heaviness of the load
And from above, you’d have a wider view of the world All those experiences can teach a lot and make you

It is a preparation for the next stage
But you’d be thankful in the future, for it has shown
Nothing wrong with a strategic resting, To pause and stop for a while is not the ending You may not even know, that a space is all it needs to
Absurd as it is for now, believe me, your sacrifices has
E-Jay Borjal