1 minute read
Innocent Validation
By Rachelle Paja
We tend to ask people if this is fine –Trying to get validation as if our life’s in line. Curious with what they’ll say Self assuring that it’s okay.
Remembering our childhood asking people around us saying “Look, I did this! Is this okay?” We once tried to open up but were labeled as OA. We used to have the world as a stage, Making it certain that what you feel is in everyone’s range.
We aren’t anymore novice; it began from an innocent child
Ended up as an adult whose life is deprived. As you continuously ask for confirmation You do something with the thought that can catch someone’s attention. We are ourselves’ responsibility along with sharing what you feel and seeking validity.
We tend to depend on what the society will say Thinking that everything we do will not make them dismay.