VOL 75 NO. 8 I AUGUST 2022 I BY SUBSCRIPTION VITA LUMEX® AC For All Ceramics and even more Simply scan the QR code and learn more! www.vita-zahnfabrik.com/LUMEX 3610E_VITA LUMEX AC Anzeige_210x70_V01.indd 1 18.07.2022 14:02:59EXTEND YOUR SUBSCRIPTION BY RECOMMENDING A COLLEAGUE - SEE PAGE 3 www. dentaltechnician.org.uk LABTALKLET’S The brand new podcast series for technicians from Dentsply Sirona PAGE 8 VERIFIABLEECPDFORTHEWHOLEDENTALTEAM Plus this month... Dental News: Leonora Ward of Eurodontic joins the editorial board! p. 5 Events: 25th Anniversary BPS Event with Ivoclar p. 18-19 Education: Maxillofacial Prosthetic Rehabilitation MSc I King’s College London p. 28-29

Advertising Manager: Chris Trowbridge E: sales@dentaltechnician.org.uk 07399 403602 Johnson Ashley Byrne Sharaz Mir Sir Paul LeonoraBeresfordWard
Editor: Matt Everatt F.O.T.A. E: editor@dentaltechnician.org.uk
The Dental Technician, Select Publisher Services Ltd, PO Box 6337, Bournemouth BH1 9EH Extend your subscription by recommending a colleague There is a major change in CPD coming soon. The Dental Technician Magazine is a must read. Tell your colleagues to subscribe and if they do so we will extend your subscription for 3 months. The only condition is that they have not subscribed to the magazine for more than 12 months. Just ask them to call the Subscriptions Hotline. With four colleagues registered that means your subscription would be extended for a year free of charge. At only £39.95 per year, for UK residents, this must be the cheapest way of keeping up to date. Help your colleagues to keep up to date as well. Ask them to call the subscriptions Hotline on 01202 586 848 now. Welcome from the editor Ward of Eurodontic joins the editorial board!
4 Dental News Leonora
Designer: Sharon (Bazzie) Larder E: inthedoghousedesign@gmail.com
5 WHW collaboration with Elegant Dent 20 Events Dentsply Sirona goes Miles for Smiles with new charity walk in support of Dentaid 6 Ivoclar ‘Masters of Removable Prosthetics’ 2-day event 18-19 WIHL Conference 2022 22-23 Focus Introducing “Let’s Talk Lab” – the podcast series for technicians 8 Case Study VITAPAN EXCELL: Efficiency and brilliance based on aesthetic guidelines 12-14 Business Pricing your lab with confidence. By Ashley Byrne 15 Starting your own laboratory. By Richard Lishman 16-17 Recruitment Dental Technician Jobs: Essential employer branding strategies for Dental Laboratories 24 ECPD Free Verifiable ECPD & ECPD questions 26-27 Education Maxillofacial Prosthetic Rehabilitation MSc - King’s College London 28-29 Dental Technology Zirkonzahn - The “all in-house” culture trilogy Part 2 32-33 Cutting-edge technology for denture teeth – guaranteed VITA quality 34 Marketplace Kemdent 36 Createch Medical/ MEDENTiKA® 37 Straumann Group/Zirkonzahn 38 Classifieds 39
AUGUST 2022 Welcome
3www.dentaltechnician.org.uk CONTENTS
The Dental Technician Magazine is an independent publication and is not associated with any professional body or commercial establishment other than the publishers. Views expressed in this journal are not necessarily those of the editor, publisher or the editorial advisory board. Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs are welcome, though no liability can be accepted for any loss or damage, howsoever caused. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express permission of the editor or the publisher.

l Welcome to your August edition of The Dental Technician Magazine. It always scares me when I sit down to type up my welcome note just how quick the months’ fly by. Maybe it’s an age thing or maybe it’s that I cram a lot into daily life, the days’ whizz by! The holiday season is now upon us and I do hope you all manage to get a welldeserved break away from the tools. The CPD cycle is also upon us and the GDC are sending out their regular reminders, hourly it seems. Is it me, or is the declaration process totally over the top and the website very clunky? It has a ridiculous log in process that I inevitably get wrong and have to request a new password. This year I managed to get logged in relatively easy. I did my annual declaration and submitted my CPD hours, winning at life. Less than 24 hours later I received another GDC email asking me to make my declaration. I gave up in the hope that it was just an automated email and they now have my declaration logged. NHS dentistry seems to be having a real big shake up. Dentists leaving the NHS system in their droves, labs not offering NHS priced work anymore, patients turning to private dental treatment. As much the NHS is part of our Great British Institution, I cannot help but feel it is no longer fit for practice and the move towards private dental treatment can only be a good thing for us as Dental Technicians. We just need to navigate our way to better pricing. Many labs and technicians don’t price their goods and services properly; I have been guilty of this in the past. An understanding of the actual cost of goods sold is so important when setting prices. We also tend to undervalue our skills. My hope is that we can all have open dialogues about pricing and hopefully see then end of undercutting prices to win business, after all, this inevitably is a race to the bottom.
Matt Everatt F.O.T.A
l The Dental Technician has asked the MHRA to answer a wide range of questions on - requirements for manufacturing custom made dental devices, what happens when they are made aware of illegal activity, how they work with other regulators in dentistry and policy implementation of regulations in dental hospitals. Some of the information was asked for under the Freedom of Information (FoI) act, which has a time limit for providing an answer. The MHRA have acknowledged the FoI but have not provided any answers so far. (The time limit for the FoI has been passed.) The questions are very focused and go to the heart of regulation. This may explain the delay.
Matt Editorthe
We had hoped to have an update from the MHRA in regards to their views on ‘Illegal manufacturers in Dentistry’. I submitted a ‘Freedom of Information’ request in on the 1st of June. They have failed to meet the 20 working day deadline for this request, disappointing! I have recently chased up my request and have yet to have a response to this. Some of the questions asked would have to be answered from the top of the organisation, I suspect they are giving the questions the attention they deserve. We will update you as soon as we have any response. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a fantastic summer. I do hope we see a little more sunshine than the 2 days of sunshine we have had so far.
4 www.dentaltechnician.org.uk BAR HEADER
The DT will wait for the information. However, if ultimately the information is not provided, it would be for the information commissioner to decide on whether it should be released or not.
Please do not hesitate in reaching out to me if you would like to include an article in the magazine or you have any suggestions, I am always keen to hear from you all. All the best for now, see you in September.

Designed for maxillofacial prosthetists, technologists and prosthodontists to:
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Leonora Ward of Eurodontic joins the editorial board!
• Learn to use cutting-edge digital technology for intra and extra-oral prosthetic facial rehabilitation in clinical practice
• Develop technical skills and higher standards of clinical practice.
DENTAL NEWS 5www.dentaltechnician.org.uk
l I´m Leonora Ward, Business Development Manager at Eurodontic Ltd, and I’m delighted to be joining the editorial board. If you have a Ministar, Biostar or 3D printer, you may already know me. I can usually be found delivering in-house training or product updates, or occasionally under a workbench with a spanner in hand connecting compressors to thermoforming units! I’ve worked in the dental industry for 30 years, having started my career as a dental/orthodontic nurse. I then joined the implementation team at Boots Dental Care and was responsible for practice set-up and training. I enjoyed being on the road meeting people, so dental sales seemed a natural move. Over the years, I’ve worked for companies such as Oral B, 3M Espe and Invisalign. In 2011, I joined Eurodontic & JJ Thompson as Business Development Manager. With my love for orthodontics, training and equipment, it was the perfect fit. Eurodontic Ltd has been supplying high quality dental lab equipment and materials for over 25 years. Delivering training and technical support is a key part of my role and a core value for Eurodontic. I work closely with our sister company JJ Thompson to test new techniques, equipment and materials to ensure we are always bringing our customers the very best products and services. It has been so rewarding to see dental labs grow through adopting techniques that we have recommended. I’m looking forward to contributing to the magazine with technical advice, and features on digital workflow and pressure forming.
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Applications open for January 2023 start. Apply by 25 October 2022. Find out more: Visit kcl.ac.uk/mfpr Email distancedentistry@kcl.ac.uk MSc Distance Learning | Three years | Part-time
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TECHNICIANS INSIGHTEVENTS 6 www.dentaltechnician.org.uk
contact=CDSEM000001287142email=MilesForSmiles&utm_MilesForSmilesAllComm_27JUNE&utm_GBR_EN_ENT_NSL_GEN_medium=email&utm_campaign=2022_source=eloqua&utm_registration-347876406697?utm_dentsply-sirona-uk-miles-for-smiles-with-www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/https:// Dentsply Sirona
l There are an estimated 227,000 homeless people in the UK at present and access to healthcare, including dental care is one of the many huge challenges they face. Dentaid offers free-of-charge, emergency dental care through mobile clinics for homeless people across the UK who are suffering acute dental pain. As a diverse and inclusive organisation, Dentsply Sirona has harnessed the drive and enthusiasm of their Employee Resource Groups - DS Women, DS Pride, DS Veterans & DS Bold - to organise this brand-new fundraising event. They warmly invite all their customers, colleagues, family members and the wider dental community to join them in their mission to support Dentaid – to bring essential aid to the homeless community and to help restore their smiles. Each of the walks will cover 22.7 km (or approximately 14 miles), following recognised half-marathon routes in each city. For a joining fee of £27, walkers will secure a place on the route of their choice and every single penny will go to DentaidEntriesdirectly.arewelcomed from individuals as well as group entries including sponsorship opportunities for dental companies who wish to support this important cause. To get involved or find out more visit: goes Dentaid
Dentsply Sirona is excited to announce the inaugural Miles for Smiles Charity Walk in support of Dentaid, taking place on Friday 30th September, 2022 in five iconic UK cities; London, Bristol, Manchester, Edinburgh and Belfast.
Miles for Smiles with new charity walk in support of

Zirkonzahn Worldwide – South Tyrol (Italy) – T +39 0474 066 680 – info@zirkonzahn.com – www.zirkonzahn.com WATCHVIDEO!THE NEW! M2 DUAL DOUBLE TELESKOPER WITH TWO MILLING CHAMBERS AND TWO EXTRA-LARGE TELESKOPER ORBITS (Ø 125 mm ) ADJUSTING FRICTION With the Teleskoper Orbit, it is possible to adjust the friction of telescopic works DOUBLE MILLING Time-saving milling of implant-supported restorations with the Teleskoper Orbit MILLING OVERSIZED RESTORATIONS Blank with Ø 106 mm – 24 % larger milling surface for zirconia blanks WET DRY OPEN SYSTEMS High-precision milling with the M2 Dual Double Teleskoper milling unit. The machine is fully vibration-resistant thanks to the particularly stable double bearing suspension and the new, more powerful and compact spindle. SCANVIDEOSFOR

Talking after the recording, Ashley Byrne commented, “Once I knew I was doing this podcast with Steve Campbell, who I really respect, and that there was no sales motive behind it, I was really happy to take part. “We are all stressed and finding things very difficult at the moment. It’s a challenging industry and everyone’s looking for a bit of support. This is just a way of showing a bit of lab owner love to each other, and that’s what we have tried to get across in the podcast!
While labs have been moving towards digital dentures for a considerable period of time, they are fast reaching a tipping point where they will have to become increasingly digital and adapt at a much faster rate.
Get involved “Let’s Talk Lab” is a platform to bring together technicians and lab owners from across the country to discuss the challenges facing the industry and explore new topics which are relevant to every lab.
There is no question that podcasts have become one of the most popular forms of audio entertainment in recent years. There is an ever-growing catalogue of genres - such as comedy, sport, music, drama and current affairs - available to listen to on demand.
“I think this is a great opportunity and I hope more lab owners will get involved in podcasts like this. I’m interested to hear how other lab owners are feeling, how their work is going and the challenges they are facing. This isn’t an easy time for any business, but the more people who come forward with honest opinions, the better for all of us as an industry.
The second episode of “Let’s Talk Lab” sees Brian Fritsch, Global Director of Marketing and Development for Digital Lab at Dentsply Sirona, discussing the advancement of digital dentures with a focus on how the American market has embraced this workflow.
Brian also believes that there is also a responsibility for lab owners and managers to recognise that the trend is changing. “Digital is not a threat, but a realistic method of manufacturing which also has the potential to become a competitive advantage.”
There are four more thought-provoking episodes to come in this inaugural series. Dentsply Sirona invites you to subscribe, get connected and join the conversation too.
“There is more work out there than labs can currently handle. We have to invest in new technology to help us advance, but getting hold of dental technicians is a big, big problem. We are no longer competitors, and if we all get together and share our ideas and concepts through podcasts like this, we will become a better industry as a whole.”
Dentures are “the last bastion hold-out of digitisation globally” according to Brian.
Each episode invites a mix of dental technicians and professionals working in the lab today to discuss topics that matter most to them. Dental technicians have long played a pivotal role behind the scenes in the success of each dental practice, and this is the way to showcase this fact to the profession as a whole. With no commercial agenda, Let’s Talk Live’s aim is to be a frank and open discussion about today’s lab industry.
A new viewpoint “Let’s Talk Lab” is a podcast series where industry experts and peers come together to discuss the current and future landscape of the dental technologies industry. The episodes cover a multitude of topics, exploring how people are overcoming the increasing challenges facing the modern lab, how they are thriving by diversifying their offering, the future of digital dentistry and how to expand and develop a successful laboratory business.
Dentsply Sirona has something new to offer with “Let’s Talk Lab”, a brand-new podcast series dedicated to all things Lab.
Alongside this, Brian discusses the shortage of skilled dental technicians worldwide, with ever fewer people looking to join the industry. He talks about what needs to be done to tackle this problem and the role the industry must play to make it easier for labs to go digital and meet the production challenges of a decreasing workforce set against increasing demand.
Podcasts create an independent space where contributors and listeners can gain an insight into just about any subject, but what is out there for dental technicians and lab owners?
The future of digital dentures
Introducing... “Let’s Talk Lab” the podcast series for technicians
FOCUS 8 www.dentaltechnician.org.uk
Dental labs today Episode one of “Let’s Talk Lab” features two industry heavyweights, Ashley Byrne and Steve Campbell, discussing their experiences as lab owners, the current state of the industry, the chronic staffing and recruitment issues they face, and how labs can safeguard their future by digitising their workflows.

SAVE! Extend your subscription to the Dental Technician by recommending a colleague to subscribe, and if they do so we will extend your subscription for three months* CALL THE SUBSCRIPTIONS HOTLINE ON 01202 586 848 *The only condition is that they have not subscribed to the magazine for more than 12 months

CASE STUDY: A 58-year-old female patient presented in the dental practice, as she was dissatisfied with both the function and the aesthetics of her current restoration. When chewing, the partial denture (lower jaw) and the full denture (upper jaw) would slip back and forth and did not provide a secure grip. The denture teeth appeared lifeless and the mucogingival areas were smooth and level with an artificial appearance. Following extractions in the lower jaw, region 31 to 34 did not have any restoration, as the partial denture had not been extended. Only tooth 46 was still present, which the patient insisted she wanted to keep. The molar proved worth retaining and showed no clinical or radiological signs of severe periodontal damage. Once the impact of a partial denture on the only remaining tooth (46) had been explained to the patient, it was decided that the new lower denture should be designed so that in the event of tooth loss, a denture tooth could be added by making minimal changes to the design of the denture. The decision was therefore taken to work around tooth 46 during fabrication of both dentures. The patient wanted a new restoration with a natural appearance that offered her peace of mind with a secure grip when chewing and speaking. After detailed consultation, she decided to have a new full denture made. For this purpose, the VITAPAN EXCELL denture tooth was selected in the appropriate tooth shape to ensure a natural appearance and setup in accordance with aesthetic guidelines. In the posterior area, VITAPAN LINGOFORM was used. As an initial basis for the work to be completed, anatomical situation impressions were taken with alginate in order to create custom trays in the laboratory. These were used in a second session to take mucodynamic impressions. The first impression was taken using Heavy Body, and the second, fine impression using Light Body A-silicone. Once the master model had been fabricated, this was used as a basis for fabricating bite registrations with wax rims for determining jaw relation. The spatial arrangement of the jaws in relation to one another could be transferred to the articulator using the intraorally encoded By Denturist Daniel Lavrin (London, UK)
VITAPAN EXCELL: Efficiency and brilliance based on aestheticWguidelines
12 www.dentaltechnician.org.uk CASE STUDY
INTEGRATED AESTHETICS After all, the aesthetic guidelines that hold true for all disciplines in dental technology should, of course, also apply for full dentures: the tooth axes, contact surfaces, angle characteristics, cervical dimension, gingival margin and length-width ratio should be designed like natural dentition. The basic requirement in this respect is a denture tooth that meets aesthetic guidelines and provides an anatomical structure similar to that of natural dentition. And that's the challenge: denture teeth generally – for whatever reason – do not meet aesthetic guidelines and have a lifeless and monotonous appearance when it comes to layering. The vestibular morphology is a flat surface between two ridges without any texture at all, which is why denture teeth of this kind simply cannot offer a natural appearance. The VITAPAN EXCELL (VITA Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, Germany) denture tooth meets aesthetic guidelines, is layered three-dimensionally using enamel, dentin and cervical material, and is pressed from a single mold and cured. The morphology and texture of real teeth was consistently implemented when creating the mould. The following case report demonstrates the resulting benefits, not just in terms of aesthetics but also for setup.
hen a smile is revitalized using andguidelinesrestorations,ceramicaestheticarefollowedimplemented meticulously so that optimal results can be achieved. Smile Design – that's what everybody is talking about when it comes to fixed ceramics. Attention to detail is also an established practice when fabricating restorations. The anatomy of the hard tooth substance is reproduced three-dimensionally during ceramic layering. Dentin and enamel materials form a natural unit. So why should these standards not apply for full dentures too? After all, denture wearers want an aesthetic outcome just like any other patient. These days, younger denture wearers in particular want their dentures to look natural rather than artificial. As a dental technician, if you have the opportunity of completely reworking the red-white aestheticss, then you should take advantage of the opportunity.

FINISHING AND TRY-IN Since the gradient of the gingival garland is not defined by a stepped transition between the tooth and the cervical area, but the transition is natural, the mucogingival structure could be modeled in a patient-friendly way. The alveolar process, palatal ridges and palatal suture, as well as the incisive papilla, were also modeled in wax in order to simulate the final dentures as accurately as possible during clinical try-in. Following careful u FROM TOP ROW (LEFT TO RIGHT): The patient's insufficient dentures needed to be restored; Two-phase mucodynamic impressions were taken of the upper and lower jaw; The master models were articulated using jaw relation determination; After model analysis, it was possible to begin setup; Due to the morphology of VITAPAN EXCELL, setup took place automatically in accordance with aesthetic guidelines; Tooth 22 was slightly inclined in the palatal direction to facilitate an individual appearance; It was possible to complete the anterior setup quickly through integrated aesthetics; The upper denture with modeling complete and the natural play of light of VITAPAN EXCELL; The palatal anatomy was also precisely simulated for try-in.
VITAPAN EXCELL was designed with tooth axes, contact surfaces, angle characteristics, cervical dimensions, gingival margins and length-width ratios that consistently meet the generally-applicable aesthetic guidelines of natural dentition. As a result, setup using this anterior tooth set was intuitive and easy to complete. The wide palatal ridges additionally support optimal shaping of the papilla. For new restorations, it is important to always consider the previous appearance of the patient's dentition. The basis is the anatomy of the oral cavity on the day treatment started, which is where I begin restoration in accordance with the parameters of aesthetics, function and stability. All clinical information must be taken into consideration here to achieve optimal restoration results in the patient's mouth. Due to the position and the mesial displacement of tooth 46, space for the lower anterior setup was restricted and was implemented with overlap in order to facilitate physiological molar contact between the denture teeth. The patient was in agreement, as her natural lower anterior teeth had also overlapped and had never been evened out by orthodontic treatment. In the posterior area, efficient setup with precisely defined centricity, but with the necessary freedom for excentric movement, was ensured by VITAPAN LINGOFORM. The multifunctional occlusal surface design based on the cog wheel principle, is universally suited for all conventional tooth-to-tooth or tooth-to-two-tooth setup concepts.
CASE STUDY 13www.dentaltechnician.org.uk registration data. Following analysis of the model, the appropriate wax setup for the patient was started. INTUITIVE SETUP Dental technicians have internalized the aesthetic guidelines. In addition to their fundamental knowledge of aesthetics, they spend every day looking at what works aesthetically and what doesn't. A logical consequence is that they find it easier to set up with anterior teeth that comply with these aesthetic rules than, for example, with a set of teeth whose axis and angle characteristics do not harmonize with each other on the dental plate. Even with these kinds of denture teeth, every user will try to find the ideal setup, although they will find it difficult to find the correct tooth position, given the fundamental discrepancies. That's why

14 www.dentaltechnician.org.uk
This case shows that by using the right denture teeth in accordance with aesthetic guidelines, and by working with a creative dental technician, it is possible to create full denture restorations that compare favorably with complete ceramic jaw restorations. The patient was delighted with the highly aesthetic result and the stable seating of her new dentures, and was already more confident immediately after placement. The denture teeth showed a lifelike play of light and gave the patient an age-appropriate appearance again.
FROM TOP ROW (LEFT TO RIGHT): The upper and lower denture with modeling complete in the articulator; The patient was already delighted with the aesthetic result during try-in; The cleaned and conditioned denture teeth repositioned in the silicone key; The completed, finished upper denture had a completely natural appearance; The slight overlap in the lower anterior area provided an individual appearance; The highly aesthetic full denture restoration prior to insertion; Both dentures could be integrated harmoniously in the oral cavity; Denture teeth and mucogingival reproduction formed a natural-looking restoration; The patient was completely satisfied with the highly aesthetic result.
CASE STUDY analysis, the posterior teeth were adjusted to a more distal position in order to achieve a more individual and natural appearance. The single tooth (46) was enclosed in a circular fashion by the base to provide the upper setup with greater occlusal stability and to compensate for distal movement of the tooth. The patient responded well phonetically and functionally, and was delighted with the natural appearance of the denture teeth. Thanks to the threedimensional anatomical structure in multiple layers, and the harmonious shade gradient from the neck to the incisal area, the VITAPAN EXCELL anterior tooth set had an incredibly lifelike appearance. Its natural morphology and nuanced surface texture facilitated a brilliant play of shade and light in the patient's mouth, even during try-in. The distinctive incisal characteristics with a white incisal margin and integrated mamelon structure created an organic shade effect, while the balanced light transmission resulted in natural light dynamics.
A silicone key was fabricated from the wax setups; the teeth were removed, cleaned and conditioned in the base and cervical areas for acrylic fabrication. Following repositioning of the denture teeth in the silicone key and prior to pouring, the complete denture base was customized with Castdon polymer, and the vestibular labial shield and palate area customized using shades from the Denture Art system (both products from Dreve Dentamid, Unna, Germany). Following repositioning of the master model in the key and autopolymerization, both dentures were finished using a rotating instrument. Final polishing was carried out using a pumice stone, polishing paste and a polishing wheel. Depending on the age of the patient, the age of the teeth can be controlled by reducing the surface texture to a greater or lesser degree by quickly polishing. In this case, the surface texture of the teeth were consistently avoided by using a handpiece in order to maintain a more youthful appearance for the denture teeth.

Just because a digital printer can spit out 20 splints a day and a technician can only do 10, that doesn’t mean we have to reduce the costs. The printer will wear out, the material cost will rise, but more importantly, it is your skill set that people are paying for. Development and training is also a cost and that is a price. On several occasions in my early printing days, l had nearly thrown those printers out the window after a 12-hour print run produced nothing but carnage and failure. Though many burnt fingers, I now know how to scale my printers but those failures and triumphs of experience are what makes your lab the great lab that it is. For years we have grumbled of poor pay and working conditions, and this has partially driven the crisis of lack of technicians, with little or no new technicians coming into the marketplace. We are skilled registered professionals and using our extensive skills, we are a vital part of the dental team – now more than ever before. Well run labs are key service providers in dentistry and we must charge appropriately for that skill set and services if our industry is to remain strong and buoyant and attract new talent. The race to the bottom is firmly over. As an industry we are now here to support each other. Pricing with confidence is a challenge but once you’ve pushed your worth, it allows us to re-invest in our businesses, pay the salaries that are due, and run the high tech labs that we are all heading towards. It’s an exciting time to be a technician and together, we can make Dental Technology the incredible industry it should be. GDC Official figures of technician's **European Dental Implant Market Insights, 2019-2025
Lab pricing is always a tricky one to tackle. For many of my early years as a lab owner, I was nervous when sending price lists with a rise of more than a few percent. This year I raised my prices by over 20% on average which, several years ago, I would have lost sleep over, yet this time I felt utterly relaxed and confident in sending out that price rise. Lab owners have notoriously been nervous about raising prices and when labs do call me, I’d say that’s probably the most common question I get asked - even more so when labs switch to digital. Having confidence in putting your prices up is a little easier when you reverse the thought process and take it out of dental. Let’s take a service you use regularly - so you become the buyer - and consider what happens when the seller raises the prices. A common one would be a hairdresser you use regularly, or for me, it’s my local pub. Let’s take the hairdresser as an example. You walk in and they always make you feel welcome, maybe you get a cup of tea, maybe a beer, but they cut your hair the same way you like it every time. When you leave there, you just feel happy and despite having 5 other hairdressers in the town, you always go back. Now if that hairdresser suddenly jumps 10%, do you risk trying another hairdresser? OK, some will, but the vast majority of people won’t switch. You’ve bought into that hairdresser; you know what you get and you’re neverRunningdisappointed.alabislike being a hairdresser (go with me on this). Your clients, the dentists, actually like you, they use you because you are reliable, they use you because you have a relationship. If you raise your prices 20%, are they going to risk switching and then having unhappy patients? They know that you know what they like, and for the sake of 20%, I’d be very surprised that you would lose any of your regular clients, as I didn’t lose a single one. Never forget the 80/20 rule in business. Chances are, 80% of your revenue, is generated by your top 20% of clients. When you confidentially put up your prices by 20%, those top 20 are the key people to talk to. If they don’t leave you, it doesn’t matter what happens to the bottom 80% as they are generating around 20% of your sales. Dental technology has never been in a better place for demand. The number of labs is dropping, the number of technicians is plummeting*, and yet the market for lab work is growing at just under 10% per year** in the UK market. That puts us all in a strong position for pricing but it’s also a scary position as who will satisfy the demand? Digitisation is now considered more the norm in Crown and Bridge and Implants labs, with denture labs starting to show digital entry to market. If we have too much work, we can use price to reduce volume but ultimately, as this problem of technician numbers worsens and volume increases, we need to run smarter labs, which is most likely around milling and printing. This is an exciting development but a costly investment, and to ensure we protect our labs, we must remember that capital expenditure is going up, not down.
BUSINESS 15www.dentaltechnician.org.uk
By Ashley Byrne Editorial Board Member and Director of Byrnes Dental Laboratory

16 www.dentaltechnician.org.uk BUSINESS

These choices will impact how the business operates at a foundation level. For instance, if she does decide she’s a sole trader, setting up her business will be straightforward, but it also comes with the burden that she will be completely responsible for the business’ financial debts and accounting.
There are multiple options here, and Bridget will need to decide whether she wants to list the business as a sole trader, a limited company or as a partnership.
Now you’re TechnicianDentalexperiencedan (Part 6 of 10)
Richard Lishman, award-winning Founder of The IFA’s –a specialist firm of Independent Financial Advisers that provides guidance and advice for some of the wealthiest individuals in the UK and around the globe, heads this series of editorials for lab technicians.
Another aspect she will have to bear in mind will be finding dentists to work with. Unlike a vast majority of businesses, dental laboratories can’t rely on general customers and need a network of dental professionals to work with in order to be successful. This will require a big marketing push on Bridget’s side, which will inevitably require strategy and funding as well if she wants to advertise her business in the right places.
By Richard T Lishman Managing Director of the 4dentists Group of companies
Starting a business is always a gamble, so Bridget needs to have a strong handle on her finances before proceeding. Property, staffing and more So, now that Bridget has secured funding, she needs to make her business a reality. This will mean furnishing her new business property with the necessary technology, equipment and more, and hiring staff to work for the business. Though exciting, this is often a lengthy process and will require a lot of time, energy and financial planning to achieve. Purchasing new property will involve insurance and other necessary considerations, meaning that Bridget will require an accurate plan to ensure that she is budgeting everything correctly.
Taking the first steps Alongside performing market research and gaining an understanding of how a business operates, one of the first steps that Bridget will have to consider on her quest to begin her own laboratory is registering her business.
So, let’s pretend Bridget has chosen to register her business as a limited company. To do so, she would have to follow a relatively easy process on the UK government website, and pay a small fee. Funding Of course, to set up a business the vast majority of individuals will require funding.
There are multiple available, but Bridget will likely take out a business loan to secure the necessary funding. Business loans can vary hugely in amount, so Bridget will have to create a business plan to estimate the funding she will need and then apply for appropriate loans. These will all come with their own terms and conditions, so it’s important that Bridget looks at the small print and is fully aware of what the lending terms are and whether these are sustainable in line with her business plan. She may also look to see if the local council in her area is running any initiatives to support new businesses. There are often grants available for companies that are just starting out, but these will have certain qualification conditions attached. Bridget will also need to consider how much of her personal savings she wants to tie into the business, and what this will mean for the financial security of her family.
On the other hand, registering her lab as a limited company does mean that her finances will be separate from those of the business, but this comes with its fair share of management and reporting duties. One benefit of this decision is that it would allow her to hire an accountant to deal with a lot of the financial responsibilities of the business moving forward (such as payroll, taxes etc.). There is also the option for Bridget to register her business as a partnership, but this would require her to join forces with another business savvy individual. Similar to being a sole trader, Bridget would remain responsible for the business’ debts (though this responsibility would be shared between partners).
A rewarding new venture This is only a rough guideline to some of the important aspects Bridget needs to consider as she sets up her new business. It’s essential that if you are thinking of setting up your own dental laboratory that you receive high quality, tailored financial advice such as that given by the IFA’s. This way you can assess your finances properly, receive advice and have all the guidance you need to ensure that your business starts off on the right foot. For more information, please call 0845 345 5060 or 0754 336 8478 or visit www.theifas.com
BUSINESS 17www.dentaltechnician.org.uk
In the previous editorial of the series, our character, Bridget Crown, got married and started a family. Now, her focus is firmly on her career as she starts her own laboratory.
As expected, a significant change to her life such as beginning her own business will require a lot of planning, but what are the key financial aspects of this decision that Bridget needs to bear in mind?

TECHNICIANS INSIGHTEVENTS 18 www.dentaltechnician.org.uk
From the first known set of dentures in 700 BC to the breakthrough of natural-looking dentures becoming available on the NHS in 1951 – the history of dentures continues to live on as Ivoclar celebrate the 25th anniversary of the BPS (biofunctional prosthetic system).
More than just a regular denture, BPS dentures are the product of a proven workflow and effective cooperation between dentists and dental technicians alike. With a passion to ensure all dental professionals get the opportunity to discover why BPS really is a great choice for your premium denture solutions, here’s five reasons to attend what’s heralded as the ‘denture event of the year’.
This October 21st - 22nd, Ivoclar will be holding a 2-day ‘Masters of Removable Prosthetics’ event at the De Vere East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, dedicated to celebrating over a quarter of a century of denture innovation. The 2-day programme has been carefully designed to take delegates on a journey of the evolution of the system, right from its roots with the original Gnathomat, to the introduction of the BPS workflow in 1997, and onto the most recent innovation of the Ivotion Digital Denture System.
1 Attend for speakers, techniques, and tips & tricks World renowned speakers, who are leading clinical and technical removable experts, will unite for two days to commend the BPS denture system. Collectively, they will demonstrate the importance of teamwork and how the system has provided clinicians and technicians around the world with a systematic workflow that allows them to work alongside each other to provide premium dentures that meet the increasing demands of our patients.
2 Attend for private demand As dentistry emerged from Covid, the profession experienced an increase in demand from patients wanting private dentistry. Consequently, many dentists and dental technicians are seeking ways to upskill to meet this new demand.
Carl Fenwick, Professional Services Manager at Ivoclar UK & Ireland, gives an insight into this years’ must-attend denture event for dental technicians and CDTs.
Expect an engaging and immersive agenda, from showcasing some of the research and development which went into creating the BPS system and how it is still relevant today, to discussing the evolution of Dr Jiro Abe’s Suction denture (SEMCD), and even how one CDT has brought digital dentures into a high fashion shopping centre.

5 Attend for networking and entertainment
Similarly, if you’re already a BPS enthusiast then this 2-day event still has lots to offer, and promises to be full of incredibly useful information, tips, and tricks as well as real life advanced applications from those who use the system daily. Plus, you’ll get to network with peers and celebrate being one of the thousands of dental professionals using this system.
Thomas will emphasise how today’s dental professionals can use both analogue and digital approaches. In combining proven highquality tooth and denture base materials in a single bi-colour milling disc, Ivotion offers laboratories a truly efficient and predictable milling solution that results in patient-specific functional dentures with life-like aesthetics and unparalleled strength.
If you’re part of a team looking to enhance your removable prosthetic offering, I believe this is the denture event for you – as you get to hear first-hand from clinical and technical removable experts about one of the most advanced and proven denture systems on the market.
To book your place on the Ivoclar ‘Masters of Removable Prosthetics’ 2-day event in Nottingham this October visit: https://bit.ly/3P3dzeH or scan the QR code opposite.
Attendees to the event will benefit from seeing how universities, dentists, dental technicians, and CDTs alike have mastered the system. Hear first-hand their top tips and tricks that will equip you with the knowledge to be able to deliver a more predictable workflow and provide patients with high quality dentures that fit well, function properly and have great aesthetics.
When it comes to private removable denture options, this can present a new challenge as upskilling often requires learning new techniques, plus it can take a significant amount of time to become proficient enough to use them confidently and successfully.
4 Attend for learning about digital CDT, Thomas Doblander will take to the stage to discuss how the recent advancements of the Ivotion Digital Denture System has revolutionised and transformed the digital manufacture of dentures, with its one disc, one milling process, one denture concept.
3 Attend for predictable workflows
Taking place at the De Vere East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, delegates to the ‘Masters of Removable Prosthetics’ 2-day event can expect ample opportunity to connect with other like-minded dentists, CDTs, and technicians. The opportunity to discuss trends, talk business, challenge discussions, and amplify their skills and knowledge in 21st century denture solutions will be supported by an evening of dinner and entertainment.
Tickets for the 2-day and evening event are available for £295+ vat per person. Hotel accommodation can also be booked for one night at £72+vat.
The system is trusted by dental professionals globally and has been used as a base to develop some of the most successful and accurate techniques for producing removable and implant prosthetics. This includes the Dr Jiro Abe SEMCD (Suction Effective Mandibular Complete Denture) technique and most recently the Ivotion Digital Denture System, which allows digital dentures to be delivered in just two appointments.
It took me until the latter part of my career to achieve a denture workflow that ran like a well-oiled machine, with every part working together perfectly. The BPS protocol gave me the foundation to do that. It offered me a systematic clinical and technical workflow of tried and tested techniques, developed from many years of practice, and combined it with the most innovative materials and equipment to create the most stable, functional, and highly aesthetic dentures.
EVENTS 19www.dentaltechnician.org.uk
One of the most common things I get asked by dentists is, “Do you know a lab who does BPS?” and from labs “How can I forge a relationship with a private dentist?”. In my opinion, one of the best ways is to network and attend events, shows and study clubs.

The Elegant Dent porcelain series for metal bonded restorations and zirconia are highly aesthetic and come with countless advantages to help the ceramist replicate nature as closely as possible. Coupled alongside the ceramic liquids the outcome is an easy-to-use system for all cases. With Elegant Dent’s range of materials, you are only limited by your imagination and not the material.
The ceramics are made from natural feldspathic material, reinforced with leucite crystals which gives them outstanding optical properties, enabling you to manipulate the translucency, opalescence, and fluorescence of the prosthesis. In addition to this, the ceramic powders have excellent physical properties ensuring long lasting restorations.
The full Elegant Dent range is available exclusively from WHW, so why not give this high quality, cost effective, British made ceramic a go? You can even try it for free, so what do you have to lose?
WHW is thrilled to announce its collaboration with another manufacturerBritishElegant Dent l Having started with a collection of ceramic liquids, Elegant Dent ventured into the dental ceramics industry with the intent to develop a material that brings you closer to nature. With this goal at the forefront and many years of research and development the ceraPRIME® MC and ZrPro® Ceram series were born.
WHW collaboration with Elegant Dent Elegant Dent – The British made ceramic that replicates nature. Proudly carrying the Made in Britain mark
Shade reproduction is a key part of a successful result and with our powders you can easily reproduce the 16 classic shades, 26 master shades and additional bleach shades with a shade accuracy of 99.5%!
20 www.dentaltechnician.org.uk DENTAL NEWS

‘Was a brilliant team who all worked really well together - honoured to have worked alongside everyone!’
TECHNICIANS INSIGHTEVENTS 22 www.dentaltechnician.org.uk
l2022 saw the HLA’s first ever Women In Healthcare Leadership (WIHL) conference. It was an incredible opportunity for HLA scholars who have not had any previous experience at running a conference to get involved in a safe and supportive environment.
An experience such as this also gives HLA scholars an opportunity to experience working in and on committees and working groups. Finding ways of working with people you do not know well, forming a structure and hierarchy of responsibilities and learning how and when to delegate or take charge of specific tasks.
WIHL Conference
Thanks go out to the HLA and MA back office support teams, Carina Dowson as the WIHL Network lead for her support and to all the scholars involved in organising this event: Kathryn French (posters), Sundas Butt (Oral presentations), Shivani Rai (marketing team), Melissa Gough (marketing team), Aimee Wilkinson (marketing team), Sharmaine Quake (communications), Alice Barber (communications), Angel Rowlett (entertainment) & Ayla Ahmed (vice chair) and Andrea Johnson (conference chair).
Under the guidance of the conference chair, vice chair and a back-office support team from Medics Academy, the scholars worked in small committees on different conference tasks such as poster and oral presentations, marketing, admin and communications. Speakers were sourced by all and managed by the chair and viceTherechair.was a total of 24 speakers involved in a mixture of lectures and panel discussions. The panel discussions on each of the days were opened up to allow any of the conference delegates to interact with the speakers, get involved with the discussions and ask questions. The conference also included a virtual challenge room, bake off style competition, posters and oral presentations.
Overall the marketing team managed to reach an amazing 94,300 people with an incredible 1698 interactions with their posts. The conference itself was held over a 2 day period and the attending delegates gave some wonderful feedback such as ‘I really enjoyed the different perspectives given by the speakers related to leadership. Some of these ideas I had never known but I am glad to have attended the conference.’, ‘Incredibly motivational, definitely leading by example.’ And ‘A brilliant selection of truly inspiring speakers.’
The organising committees were given the opportunity to reflect and provide feedback on their experience as a whole, to see what they felt they had learnt from the experience, what they felt could have gone better and how it would equip them in the future should they ever wish to get involved in or run a similar event.
‘It was a great experience to be involved with this conference and I really appreciated the opportunity to learn so much.’
“ It was a great experience to be involved with this conference and I really appreciated the opportunity to learn so much. ”
‘Considering my own involvement, I know that at times I wasn’t particularly confident in my decisions/ideas. I think this is down to the fact that it was my first time working on an organising committee, and I also had quite a lot of freedom within my role description (which came with both advantages and disadvantages). However, I have definitely learned a lot from this experience and would feel much more confident taking on a similar position in future.’

Andrea Johnson appointed as the Co-Lead of the Dental Network and as a Cohort Director for the Healthcare Leadership Academy (HLA)
When asked about her initial reasons for joining the HLA and subsequently accepting the above roles within the HLA Andrea said ‘the HLA have shown genuine enthusiasm for supporting all potential leaders regardless of their job role within the healthcare environment. At no point within the application process or during my scholarship year was I made to feel any less significant than any other HLA scholar. In fact it was quite the opposite, everyone was thrilled to have the knowledge and perspective of someone sitting in a nonclinical based role.’
l It is no secret that Andrea is passionate about opening up opportunities for her fellow technicians and all other dental team members. The Healthcare Leadership Academy has, during Andrea’s scholar year, seen the drive and passion she has for this and wants to harness this energy and passion to expand their dental network. They too are passionate about increasing opportunities for every dental team member as equals. The HLA recognize and nurture leadership talent in many different roles and are very keen to help progress and develop nonclinical as well as clinical team members.
EVENTS 23www.dentaltechnician.org.uk
‘It is an absolute honour to have been given such important and influential roles within the HLA and I am very much looking forward to encouraging more dental team members to join us and the wide variety of medics in the HLA and also being able to nuture, guide and mentor our healthcare leaders of the future.’

That is why it is becoming increasingly more important to ensure that you are giving your new dental technicians the very best welcome, giving them the tools and instructions needed to excel.
Looking to attract the best dental technicians? Increase your employer branding and advertise for dental technician vacancy with Recruit4Technicians.com today.
Having solid employer branding helps to showcase to these recruits that your dental lab is a forward-thinking organization that supports its employees. How can you develop your employer branding? There can be no denying the many benefits that come from strong employer branding, but how can you develop yours? Here are some of the most effective ways to improve your dental laboratory branding:
RECRUITMENT 24 www.dentaltechnician.org.uk
3) Focus on developing your company culture Recent research has shown that 83% of millennials are actively engaged by organizations that foster inclusivity. That is why working to ensure you are creating a diverse and inclusive team will help you to not only strengthen your existing team but also make you more appealing to the best future talent.
1) Know your value The first thing that you need to consider is what your value proposition is. Focusing on your mission statement, vision, and company culture will help you to identify your current strengths as well as areas where you can improve.
2) Conduct an audit Of course, one of the most effective methods of understanding where you can improve is to speak with your current team. It is not uncommon to find a disparity between how you think your dental laboratory is seen by employees and what they actually think. That is why you should regularly conduct internal audits and surveys to find out what your employees love and where there are areas for improvement.
When it comes to dental technician jobs, a strong and positive employer branding strategy will make it far easier to market your laboratory to attract the very best dental technicians. Of course, a strong brand identity does not only help attract the very best workers, but it can also help you to retain your existing staff. How does employer branding help attract the best dental technicians? No matter the size of your laboratory, employer branding is essential in helping you to stand out from the crowd. While remuneration is still the number one thing dental technician job seekers look for when applying for a new role, the last few years have seen a shift in expectations. Candidates are now looking for employers who are able to provide a better work/life balance, are diverse and inclusive, and are offering more than purely financial incentives.
4) Cultivate your onboarding Your onboarding process for new recruits is one of the most important factors for any dental laboratory. A negative onboarding experience means new recruits are twice as likely to start searching for a different opportunity.
ffective branding is essential when it comes to ensuring that your dental lab stands out from the crowd and is able to attract the very best talent possible. Reputation has never been more critical, with 86% of workers stating they would not apply for a role at a company with negativeHowever,reviews.when it comes to ensuring your dental lab is able to attract the very best dental technicians, what can you do to improve your branding? We thought we would take a closer look. What is employer branding? Before we look at some of the best strategies to improve your employer branding, it is first important to understand what it is. This branding is effectively your reputation amongst your employees and how they perceive your organization.
Dental Technician Jobs: Essential employer branding strategies for Dental Laboratories

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26 www.dentaltechnician.org.uk ECPD LEARNING AIM The questions are designed to help dental professionals keep up to date with best practice by reading articles in the present journal covering Clinical, Technical, Business, Personal development and related topics, and checking that this information has been retained and understood. LEARNING OBJECTIVES n To understand and explore the basics of the aesthetic guidelines using VITA LEARNING OUTCOME By completing the Quiz successfully you will have confirmed your ability to understand, retain and reinforce your knowledge related in the chosen articles FREE VERIFIABLE ECPD As before if you wish to submit your ECPD online it will be free of charge. Once our web designers give it the all clear there will be a small charge. This will be less than the CPD submitted by post. This offer is open to our subscribers only. To go directly to the ECPD page please go to https://dentaltechnician.org.uk/dental-technician-cpd. You will normally have one month from the date you receive your magazine before being able to submit your ECPD either online or by post. If you have any issues with the ECPD please email us cpd@dentaltechnician.org.uk 0.5HRS VERIFIABLE ECPD CORRECT ANSWERS FROM THE JULY 2022 DT EDITION: Q12.Q11.Q10.Q9.Q8.Q7.Q6.Q5.Q4.Q3.Q2.Q1.ABCABDACABDA VERIFIABLE ECPD - AUGUST 2022 1. Your details First Name: Last Name: Title: Telephone:Address:...............................................................................................................................................................................Postcode:Email:GDCNo: 2. Your answers. Tick the boxes you consider correct. It may be more than one. 3. Evaluation: Tell us how we are doing with your ECPD Service. All comments welcome. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... As of April 2016 issue ECPD will carry a charge of £10.00 per month. Or an annual fee of £99.00 if paid in advance. You can submit your answers in the following ways: 1. Via email: cpd@dentaltechnician.org.uk 2. By post to: The Dental Technician Magazine, PO Box 2279, Pulborough, RH20 9BR Payment by cheque to: The Dental Technician Magazine Limited. Natwest Sort Code 516135 A/C No 79790852 You are required to answer at least 50% correctly for a pass. If you score below 50% you will need to re-submit your answers. Answers will be published in the next issue of The Dental Technician. Certificates will be issued within 60 days of receipt of correct submission. Question 1 QuestionDCBA 9 DCBA Question 2 QuestionDCBA 10 DCBA Question 3 QuestionDCBA 11 DCBA Question 4 DCBA Question 5 DCBA Question 6 DCBA Question 7 DCBA Question 8 DCBA Question 12 DCBA

Q7. XXX and cured? A - Resin B - Mold C - Veneer DQ10.CompositeIntheCASE STUDY; The denture teeth appeared lifeless and the XXX areas were smooth and level with an artificial appearance.? A - Mucogingival B - Occlusal C - Incisal D - Ligual
You are required to answer at least 50% correctly for a pass. If you score below 50% you will need to re-submit your answers. Answers will be published in the next issue of The Dental Technician magazine. Certificates will be issued within 60 days of receipt of correct submission. Payment
Q1. When a XXX is revitalized using ceramic restorations, aesthetic guidelines are followed and implemented meticulously so that optimal results can be achieved. A - Tooth B - Crown C - Brace DQ2.SmileTheanatomy of the hard tooth substance is reproduced XXX during ceramic layering? A - One-dimensionally B - Two-dimensionally C - Three-dimensionally DQ3.Four-dimensionallyXXXandenamelmaterials form a natural unit? A - Dentin B - Pulp C - Cementum DQ4.GumThese days, XXX denture wearers in particular want their dentures to look natural rather than artificial? A - Older B - Younger C - Afluent DQ5.ActiveAsadental technician, if you have the opportunity of completely reworking the XXX aesthetics, then you should take advantage of the opportunity? A - Red-White B - Black-White C - White Black DQ6.Black-RedTheXXXguidelines that hold true for all disciplines in dental technology should, of course, also apply for full dentures? A - Material B - Size C - Opacity D - Aesthetic
The XXX is a flat surface between two ridges without any texture at all? A - Posterior Semicircular Canal B - Vestibular morphology C - Cochlear Duct DQ8.SacculeTheVITAPAN EXCELL (VITA Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, Germany) denture tooth meets aesthetic guidelines and is layered three-dimensionally using enamel, dentin and XXX? A - Cervical Material B - Titanium C - Steel DQ9.CobaltFollowing on from Q8: and is pressed from a single
Q11. Following extractions in the lower jaw, region XXX to 34 did not have any Q12DCBArestoration?-30-31-32-33.Thedecision was therefore taken to work around tooth 46 during XXX of both dentures? A - Fabrication B - Production C - Scanning D - Printing
THEVERIFIABLEECPDFORWHOLEDENTALTEAM CAN cpd@dentaltechnician.org.uk POST TO: The Dental Technician Magazine, PO Box 2279, Pulborough, RH20 9BR. by cheque The Dental Technician Magazine Limited. NatWest Code 516135 A/C No 79790852

Ranked 1st in the UK for dentistry (QS World University rankings 2022), the Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences at King’s College London offers high-intensity, hands-on postgraduate education, to bring students to the forefront of their field, whether undertaking specialist training or enhancing their skills via blended learning. In addition to on-campus study, King’s delivers dental education and training to students from over 50 countries via six distance learning master’s programmes. Designed to meet the professional development needs of practitioners, all include face-to-face training blocks for hands-on experience in a traditional teaching environment and interaction with peers and expert teachers.
Professor Trevor Coward, Programme Director for Maxillofacial Prosthetic Rehabilitation MSc and Honorary Consultant in Maxillofacial & Craniofacial Rehabilitation, has made significant progress in improving the process and treatment of patients requiring facial prostheses.
Professor Coward and his team have developed a new and more reliable method, repurposing 3D printing technology to replicate the prosthesis effectively reducing the cost and speeding up the process.
RehabilitationProstheticMaxillofacial MSc KING’S LONDONCOLLEGE
CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Clinical area; Students’ laboratory; Face-to-face training; Finished coloured prosthesis; Wax pattern ready for patient.
EDUCATION 28 www.dentaltechnician.org.uk
Professor Coward’s innovative 3-year blended learning MSc programme provides an excellent opportunity for maxillofacial prosthetists, prosthodontists and technologists to enhance their technical skills, including in cutting-edge digital technology, and develop higher standards in clinical practice, specifically in caring for patients requiring facial rehabilitation as a result of trauma, congenital deformity or cancer.

Delivered by renowned experts in the field, the programme is further supplemented by the unique handson training component delivered at Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Pune, India. Students experience intensive teaching and practical training for 9 days in Year 1 and 11 days in Year 2 under expert one-to-one supervision. They treat and fabricate a range of indwelling eyes, implant retained auricular and orbital prostheses for patients from all over Maharashtra and some from as far away from the foothills of Nepal.
EDUCATION 29www.dentaltechnician.org.uk
In two weeks in March, we are able to work as a team making positive changes in the lives of the patients that we treat. Facial prostheses restore confidence in their appearance and enable patients to make social interactions a little easier. It is a rewarding and humbling experience and the patients that we treat are enormously grateful, giving you a whole new perspective of life and to know that your work can help in the health and well-being of a person.” says Naimesha Patel, Senior Lecturer in Maxillofacial Prosthetic Education. For more information on this course, please visit kcl.ac.uk/mfpr
TOP LEFT: Student technique case colour matched to her own eye TOP RIGHT ABOVE & BELOW: Patient’s old prosthesis; New prosthesis ready for fit 2ND ROW
LEFT: Patient presenting with a nasal defect 2ND ROW RIGHT: Nasal prosthesis in situ LEFT: A common sight on the way back to the hotel from the college TO READ THE FULL STORY VISIT:
“Our face-to-face course in Pune is another reminder that we must not forget to help the people who need it the most.

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In the previous magazine edition, we started a three-session journey through Zirkonzahn’s production sites, exploring the firm’s concept of in-house production that was carefully constructed to align with their work philosophy. After Premolaris, the place where machine assembly takes place, we will concentrate in this issue on the Molaris I & II production sites, located nearby the company’s headquarters in the Aurina Valley (South Tyrol).
Continues in the next issue For more information or to arrange a company tour, visit www.zirkonzahn.com or contact Carmen Ausserhofer Tel: +39 0474 066 662 or email carmen.ausserhofer@zirkonzahn.com
OPPOSITE PAGE: Measurement equipment guarantees quality and precision ABOVE: Sinternit blanks, the company’s sinter metal.
DENTAL TECHNOLOGY 33www.dentaltechnician.org.uk
Molaris I & II host the high tech necessary to produce all burs, machines parts, implant prosthetics components and metal blanks. The company’s values of rigor, precision and quality are clearly reflected in this location. By means of the latest turning, milling and grinding techniques, the company’s range of manufactured implant prosthetics components achieves a particularly high accuracy, and for the implant-supported components a high-quality medical titanium alloy is used (Ti 6Al 4V ELI according to ASTM F136 and DIN EN ISO 5832-3). The range is in constant expansion and is currently comprised of more than 5000 components available for more than 140 implant systems. All components are fabricated to meet the strictest quality criteria, and to reinforce this the company assumes the responsibility by granting voluntarily up to a 30-year warranty on all Zirkonzahn implant abutments used and the corresponding screws. The warranty also includes implants from other manufacturers used in combination with Zirkonzahn’s implant abutments.
In Molaris I & II, the company also manufactures all milling and grinding tools for their milling systems with no involvement of third parties, creating any tool geometry and making quick and flexible adjustments in close collaboration with the in-house R&D department. Surface coating, electroplating and diamond coating procedures are also performed in this facility, along with the production of the company’s range of 200 milling burs – with different geometries and shank diameters (3 and 6 mm) – milling units parts and colouring liquids. The company’s blanks of Sinternit, the firm’s sinter metal, are also produced in this location, where injection moulding machines are used to inject more than 10 different types of resins into discs and to provide them with different colours or colour gradients. To ensure safety and prevent breakdowns, the same task is performed by two machines, and measurement equipment as well as technical testing (e.g. optical and tactile 3D measuring, hardness and roughness measuring, microscopic analysis, etc.) are used to guarantee quality and precision.
THIS PHOTO: One of the company's three production halls dedicated to implant prosthetics components.

DENTAL TECHNOLOGY 34 www.dentaltechnician.org.uk
I Source: Pin-on-block (POB) wear test, Report Number: 280_2/Project Number: 280. 09. 11. 2015, Polyclinic for Dental Prosthetics at the University of Regensburg, Germany, 2015.
The VITAPAN EXCELL anterior tooth set offers natural and long-lasting esthetics.
BUILT OVER TIME, MADE IN GERMANY VITA Zahnfabrik from Bad Säckingen, Germany, is a dental technology manufacturer that has delivered guaranteed quality denture teeth for many decades. We’re proud to say that our products have been Made in Germany since 1924! Our experience and technology were not purchased, but built over the course of almost 100 years of company history.
The VITA MRP formula has the quality you need – and a pin-on-block wear test conducted by the University of Regensburg proves it. I Among the eight tooth lines that were compared from different manufacturers, the MRP technology showed significantly higher abrasion stability. And the success story has only just begun: With the VITA VIONIC VIGO denture tooth, developed especially for the digital workflow, laboratories can now also use the CAD/CAM workflow with all standard open systems and benefit from the quality of VITA denture teeth.
With the development of the VITA MRP (microfiller reinforced polymer matrix) dental material, the company is setting a new standard: all VITA teeth are based on this cross-linked formula comprised of microfillers and polymers. Dentine, cervical and enamel materials are pressed simultaneously from a single source as part of a specially developed process. This ensures longevity, as well as natural esthetics with a three-dimensional depth effect. Our customers can rely on VITA teeth. And it's no wonder: our users all over the world actively shape the development of the tooth lines with their wealth of experience and their dental practice and lab needs.

HIGH Medentika®PRECISIONalways delivers components manufactured to the highest degree of interface precision EXTENSIVE PROSTHETICS RANGE Compatible with all conventional implant UniqueINDIVIDUALsystemsSOLUTIONScomponents,available from the Straumann Group (Novaloc®/ Optiloc®), extend the range EXCELLENT PRICE-PERFORMANCE RATIO Uncompromising value in combination with innovation and precision A STRAUMANN GROUP BRAND Shared customer service, expertise and AMADEknow-howINGERMANYlongtraditionofprecision craftsmanship and industrial production UP TO LIFETIME GUARANTEE The guarantee covers not only the quality and durability of our abutments – in addition, we also offer a guarantee on implants from other manufacturers when used in an approved combination with our abutments MULTIMPS PLATFORM SYSTEMS Why choose Medentika®?

w The Alminax Bite Registration material range from Kemdent helps dentists procure accurate bite registrations. These materials are ideal because they absorb heat, soften quickly and cool easily. The materials remain firm and stable when removed from the mouth, diminishing the potential for distortion and error.
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The Alminax Wax Full Arch and Rite Bite come pre-formed in U-shapes, so dentists can save time as they don’t have to bend them into shape. By enhancing efficiency, improving accuracy and lowering the potential for error, dentists can rest assured that patients will be satisfied with their quick and accurate results. So why not try the Alminax Bite Registration material range today? For more information about the Kemdent Alminax Bite Registration material range, please visit www.kemdent.co.uk or call 01793 770 256 JOB
The Anutex HS Modelling Wax is also ideal for more complex work so it can be used in a variety of treatments. The wax does not flake or crumble when it softens and it trims easily and cleanly to ensure an efficient workflow. Make the switch today and get the results you need! For more information about the leading solutions available from Kemdent, please visit www.kemdent.co.uk or call 01793 770 256
w Sometimes the workflows you use need adjusting to ensure that patients are getting the best results possible, especially when it comes to bite registrations. Accuracy and efficiency are easily achieved with the Kemdent Anutex High Stability (HS) Modelling Wax. This wax can endure high temperatures and has less risk of mouth distortion compared to other bite registration products – you can work well in any condition!

With a lifetime guarantee, dental technicians can rest assured that their work will be durable and of the highest-quality, which their clients will appreciate, too. To find out more about the solutions from the Medentika® portfolio, get in touch or visit the website today. For more information, visit the website today: medentika/en/professionals.htmlhttps://www.straumann.com/
Createch Medical – a Straumann Group brand – offers a direct-to-lab milling service for implant-retained frameworks that enables you to add value for your clients. Services include Createch Additive, which uses SLM (Selective Laser Melting) technology to fabricate an array of implant restorations. Every product made is supported by the Createch Warranty, which ensures complete traceability of the manufacturing process for exceptional quality standards and total peace of mind.
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w For dental laboratories, building an outstanding reputation depends on the quality of work that you produce. The cutting-edge portfolio from Medentika®, a Straumann Group brand, is ideal for dental technicians looking for reliable, affordable and long-lasting solutions. Whether for single-tooth, bridge or fulldenture restorations, the Medentika® range has been designed to meet a variety of needs and requirements. The implants, multi-platform abutments and components have been expertly crafted in Germany, and are compatible with all major implant systems.
To add value to your service with all the extra benefits that come with outsourcing, contact Createch Medical today. Register for your account with Createch Medical at com/en/file-sending/login-registro/http://www.createchmedical.
For more information on the Createch Medical direct-to-lab milling service from the Straumann Group, visit createch-medical.htmlimplant-borne-prosthetics/products/professionals/products-and-solutions/www.straumann.com/gb/en/dental-https://
w Now you have an opportunity to expand your services without extensive investment and hassle for your business.

ONE TO ONE FUNCTION: If the material of the shade guide and the material of the zirconia prosthesis are identical, it is ensured that the colour of the zirconia restoration corresponds 1:1 with the natural tooth colour of the patient. For individualists, the shade guides are also available with minimally reduced, sintered sample teeth (minimal cutback), which can be further characterised by the application of different incisal materials. This results in truly unique shade guides that precisely reflect individual approaches and aesthetic demands. For the dental practice, we recommend using our specially developed Zirkonzahn Shade Guide Prettau® Line in the shape of a premolar as well as a lower and upper incisor (also with minimal cutback for individual characterisation), to identify easily the natural tooth colour on the patient. w For all of your digital needs, Straumann Group Digital Solutions provides everything dental professionals need to simplify and improve their workflows.
w With the new Zirkonzahn Shade Guides, the patient's tooth colour can be precisely determined on the basis of monolithic sample teeth made of zirconia. In this way, it is possible to determine the most suitable Prettau® Dispersive® zirconia material in a safe and quick manner. The colour spectrum is inspired by the VITA classic range, comprised of 16 dentine colours (A1-D4) and 3 bleach shades. The sample teeth are monolithic and glazed with 3D Base Glaze. Colour theory shows that shape and surface structure considerably influence the colour effect. Striving for perfection, we build our shade guides in all respective Prettau® Dispersive® zirconia materials, in the shape of a premolar as well as lower and upper incisor.
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The complete ecosystem of trusted and validated digital solutions is ideal for those just starting their digital journey, as well as those looking to enhance their existing systems.
For the lab, the range includes solutions for in-house and outsourced workflows, such as lab scanners, software, printers, production and planning services and customised prosthetics.
For clinicians, Straumann Group Digital Solutions offers solutions for surgical and prosthetic workflows, including intraoral scanners, software, milling and 3D printers.
The combination of experience and innovation with excellent training and support means professionals can focus on growing their business and providing an exceptional service to their patients and clients. https://www.straumann.com/en/dental-professionals.html VISIT: www.zirkonzahn.com

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