Architecture ADE321 Roman Chiago, Mariah Gresko / Spellman

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JUXTAPOSING THE DARK ENCLOSURE OF THE MOUNTAIN WITH THE ENLIGHTENING OPENNESS OF THE LIBRARY SPACE our DeSign aimS to comPliment the mountainSiDe anD caPture the Stunning SurrounDing viewS while leaving the lanDScaPe moStly unDiSturBeD. the entrance to the liBrary actS aS a gateway to the exiSting trail, ProviDing an outDoor relaxation SPace For hikerS aS well aS liBrary viSitorS. context maP

Site analySiS

Site maP

ProceSS DrawingS

Floor PlanS

grounD Floor Plan

FirSt Floor Plan

Section DrawingS

Section cc

Section aa


Book ShelveS anD taBleS

ADE 321: Fall 2015 Architectural Studio I

reSt roomS, oFFiceS anD circulation

Students: Roman Chiago, Mariah Gresko Instructor: Catherine Spellman

Section BB

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