Ade622 abbaszadegan vekstein s15

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Symbiotic Urban Water Systems:

The Architectural Impact of Integrating Living Technologies to Manage Watershed Flows and Ecosystem Services

The Riachuelo and the Formation of a Greenway

Master Plan Comuna 8

Revitalizing the City South of the City

Stitching Connections to Foster a Strong Sense of Community

Using Comuna 8 as a Pilot Project for Change

Site Hydrology + Topography

The issues of unsustainable practices, water management and social welfare all culminate in Comuna 8 of The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. This area will serve as a pilot project for the city and will act as a case study to other sites across the globe that face similar challenges of how to manage and plan for social housing public space, urban ecology, context related building typology and sustainable infrastructure. This area contains strong assets like the Riachuelo River and an abundance of water flowing through the site. The main plan will be to focus on using existing infrastructure as an armature to help revitalize and design a network of connected greenways that will revitalize the polluted and strained ecosystem of the Banado all the way from the Airport to the Rio de la Plata.

Master Plan Site + Greenway

Lago Soldati

Villa Soldati

Villa Olimpica

Rio de la Plata

Villa Lugano


Pilot Area

Site Boundary

Creating a Sense of Place

Airport (EZE)


The Master Plan creates new ways for the two separated communities on either side of the greenway to interact and engage with each other. The master plan takes certain program elements of the school like sports fields and extends them from Lago Soldati all the way down to the Riachuelo. This array of amenity infrastructure helps to tie the communities on either side by providing activities and open space in the middle of the two neighborhoods. At the center of the proposed plan sits the Villa Olimpica that will couple the sports high school and intensify the importance and practicality of the circulation created by the master plan. These new pieces of infrastructure, the high school and Villa Olimpica, will define this area and make it a haven for sports culture as well as revitalize the links between divided communities.

Site Plan / Sections / Exploded Axon Cellular Wetland System Cell 1

Cell 2

Cell 3

Cell 4

Section Cut Trough Classroom Hallway to Wetland

Section Cut Trough Canyon Wetland

ADE 622: Spring 2015 Advanced Architectural Studio IV (Independent Project)

Student: Ali Abbaszadegan Instructor: Claudio Vekstein

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