BUSINESS SYSTEM In GRA 321, we are assigned to design a business system for ourselves that is composed of a resume, cover letter, business card, envelope, and a folder, to contain it all. The project allows us to be creative and have fun exploring with color, rules, and type. For my business system, I wanted to showcase my design style and incorporate a pop of color to represent my high-spirited approach to design. In order to make my business system stand out and be memorable to my potential employers and clients, I decided to highlight the letter “X� in my name, which is a pretty uncommon letter. This treatment to my name was able to be replicated across all the different forms of stationary and paired well with the yellow in order to make a lasting impression.
GRA 321: Fall 2018 Technology for Design I
Student: Alexandra Estrella Instructor: A. Saft, N. Ferentheil