vet outreach e xpa nding ve te ra n re sources
My goal is to show the magnitude of veteran suicide. The Veteran Affairs (VA) estimates 22 veterans a day commit suicide. Each wooden figure on the display represents a veteran that has committed suicide over the last 10 days, that
“...22 veterans commit suicide everyday...” equates to 220.
Pertinent information about veteran suicide is revealed when a viewer takes a figure such as, “every sixty-five minutes a veteran commits suicide.” By taking a wooden figure, viewers are making a commitment to be aware of veteran suicide and reach out if they know a veteran who might be struggling.
Viewers can also take a printed brochure that tells Vet Outreach’s story and provides resources to veterans and their famalies. There is a 120 page campaign book, Bridging the Gap.
GRA 462: Spring 2016 Visual CommunicationVI
Student: Erik Tingle Instructors: Fehler, Heywood, Sanft