Our sponsor for this project was adidas,
Team KENSHO consisted of four students:
a company that has its roots in Herzogenaurach,
Ilya Skolkov; Business Finance, Josh Chang;
Germany. This project was driven by the following
Industrial Design, Meagan Curran; Visual
primary research question: How can adidas
Communication Design, and Patrick Kennedy;
embrace a true circular economy with far more
Mechanical Engineering. Over the course of four
reuse and recycling incorporated, while ensuring
months, the team conducted research which
that all products travel from factory to foot in a
eventually lead them to the findings that built
more sustainable way while providing an
the foreground for their three groundbreaking
engaging consumer experience? Also factoring
products. Findings consisted of primary and
in how we can make a global impact and improve
secondary research that covered the entirety of
the world through sport. The goal of this project
adidas’s core users, stakeholders, market,
was to generate solutions that could be applied
technology, social and environmental issues.
to a broad range of products at adidas. We were
These comprehensive solutions all gained
free to explore the application of emerging and
potential with the expertise of each discipline.
existing technologies such RFID (Radio Frequency
The contribution of limitless faculty and
Identification), NFC (Near Field Communication)
volunteers, played a crucial role in the
and other sensor technologies appropriate to the
determining phase of the final products.
context and needs of the stakeholders.
Embracing a true circular economy
marathons, and even the Tough Mudder.
with far more reuse and recycling,
Consumers will bring in their worn down
while providing an engaging customer
shoes and apparel for a swift repair,
experience, is what we are doing with
opposed to re-buying or taking their items
the development of Fixum.
to a 3rd party for repair.
Fixum revolutionizes the art of repair.
While mastering this art in a newly defined
If everyone decided to repair what they
way, we will make the idea of repair
had opposed to always re-buying, there
something that is engaging for consumers
would be a drastic decrease in materials
to participate in. The emerging technology
left over throughout the manufacturing
that is incorporated will draw in a new pool
cycle. Adidas consumers will find Fixum
of consumers, so they have the chance to
located in highly populated athletic areas,
stay up to date and in the loop with what is
such as ASU’s SDFC, at the end of
new and evolving.
Making a global impact and improving the
courage to get out and participate.
world through sport are the umbrella
With Sweatpool, we want to embrace all
topics we are tackling with Sweatpool.
athletes and encourage creative activity in
Sweatpool isn’t only a fringe league of
ways that this has never been done before.
sports, but it defines and creates a sense
Students attending adidas partnered
of community where people may need it
university’s will access Sweatpool via
most. Sweatpool aims to draw attention to
the app where they can then create new
your not so everyday sports to really bring
and join existing fringe leagues, view
them to surface and give them the sort of
live streaming sports, and connect with
spotlight all major sports have supporting
like-minded individuals, all while
them. Globally, this will change what fringe
determining themselves as a specific tier
sports are to the everyday person, and will
of athlete within the fringe leagues.
also get students that may lack the
Improving the world through sport was
impact sports. We targeted the issue,
just one of the topics adidas wanted
and made it our goal to design a
team KENSHO to explore over the
product that will diminish the cause of
course of the semester. When looking
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE),
back on our research, there were multiple
so players can thrive on and off the field in
probable solutions we concluded that did
their everyday lives. Neurotact is a modular
just that. What KENSHO wanted to do,
piece that can be attached to any helmet.
was take it from a medical perspective.
Upon impact, the helmet will send the
In doing so, Neurotact came about. We are
retrieved data to a database, which will then
changing the world through sport, by
be displayed to coaches, so they then have
targeting an issue that is sweeping the
the ability to become more aware of their
nation when it comes to contact/high
players conditions.
GRA 464: Fall 2017 Collaborative Design Development I
Students: J. Chang, M. Curran, P. Kennedy, I. Skolkov Instructors: Prasad Boradkar, Craig Hedges, Rhett Trujillo