find your way power button mode selection tacified grip map pin area user position
Tactile navigation to guide the blind without the distraction of audio.
user group
Simple, intuitive solution making use of pre-existing technologies and the IoT to innovate navigation for the visually impaired.
6% of American population is visually impaired
Braille inspired device that highlights the ability of the blind to utilize the sense of touch to better avoid obstacles and find their way.
accessible entertainment lens lens focus
built in wifi interface
wireless connection pad
Projected entertainment system utilizing IoT to view content from movie streaming to internet browsing.
user group
The physically disabled have a hard time interacting with entertainment media particularly at night.
12.6% of American population lives with physical disability
Accessibility through voice-control coupled with IoT connectivity to your current devices.
54% American population streams with Netflix*
simple relief motor
leg bar straps
bag location
subtle spout
A device to solve a problem for the physically disabled that no product has sufficiently confronted. The bladder solution that allows for direct user action, using IoT to enable ease and efficiency in an otherwise cumbersome process.
user group
12.6% of American population lives with physical disability
Empowering the physically disabled to take care of business independently.
GRA 464: Fall 2018 Collaborative Design Development II
Student: L. Payne, D. Kerr, L. Sai Instructor: Craig Hedges