GRA 521: Fall 2018 Visual Communication Studio I
Student: Chaoying Yang Instructor: Mauricio Mejia
ADE 621: Fall 2018 Global Engagement Studio
Student: Y. Wang, S. Wang Instructor: Karin Santiago
Diwali Trivia Game
Information Design The goal of the p ro ject w as to s elect a co u n try an d d es ig n
an interesting wa y to o rg an iz e th e in f o rm atio n f o r th e p u rp o s e of lear ning. Throu g h th is ev id en ce- b as ed d es ig n , p lay ers
pa r tic ipate in a co g n itiv e activ ity th at en s u res th at th ey lear n Hindu c ustoms practiced in I n d ia, as w ell as retain th e
infor ma tion.
15 religion c ards
15 e conomic s c ards 15 c ustoms c ards 15 moving c ards
1 gameboa rd
4 pla ye r pawns
B e th e f irs t p lay er to an s w er q u es tio n s co rrectly an d reach th e f in is h s q u are
b y an s werin g q u es tio n s co rrectly an d ad v an cin g accro s s th e b o ard .
For 2-4 pla ye r s / Age s 13+
T h e p ers o n to y o u r lef t will b e y o u r
This ga me require s some knowledge
d raw a co lo red card b as ed o n th e
card read er. T h e card read er w ill th en
on Hindu customs. Howeve r, the
p ur pose of pla ying the game is to lear n! The playe r s should finish the game
I f y o u g et th e q u es tio n in co rrect, y o u r
t hey be gan with.
co rrect, y o u m ay ch o o s e an o th er
with more knowledge about Diwali tha n
The younge st playe r goe s fir st. O n your tur n, dr aw one moving card and move your pa wn as directe d.
s q u are lan d ed o n an d read it alo u d .
tu r n is n o w o v er. I f y o u g et th e q u es tio n m o v in g card an d f o llo w th e n u m b er o f s p aces d irected .
To win , b e th e f irs t p ers o n to reach th e F I NI SH s q u are.
Alwa ys move in th e d irectio n o f th e s ig n p o s ts o n th e b o ard , unle ss you dr a w a rev ers e- m o v in g card .
Two or more pa wn s are allo wed o n th e s am e s q u are at o n ce. If your pawn la nd s o n th e s q u are with th e w h ite lad d er b y exa ct c ount, you can ad v an ce d o wn th e lad d er.
GRA 521: Fall 2018 Visual Communication Studio I
Student: Johanna Dupuy Instructor: Mauricio Mejia
Center for Intergenerational Learning and Research Cataño, Puerto Rico
At the site of the Escuela Elemental Theodore Roosevelt, I propose to construct an Intergenerational Learning Center, which will house an assisted living facility, a childcare center and preschool for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years, and a wetland park facility that will support the community as they mobilize and prepare to deal with community displacement due to catastrophic events. Additionally, a research center outpost for the University of Puerto Rico will allow research in Early Childhood Development as well as Alzheimer’s and Dementia to take place on premises. The childcare and preschool have a double use during emergency scenarios, providing the appropriate cotspace and sanitary facilities for 200 people. The site is just outside of the flood evacuation zone, and did flood during Hurricane Maria, therefore a wetland park will be constructed to serve as a biosponge to deal with future flooding. These areas are activated by outdoor furnishings and shade structures. The park will be divided into public and private zones, in order to create a beautiful and natural environment for children to safely learn and explore and residents to wander and have a sense of freedom. Water cisterns are located on the first floor within most of the original structures, providing enough water for sanitation and drinking year round. The flat roof of one wing of the building is a solar farm, allowing the building to maintain power regardless of storms. By bringing neighbors together and strengthening emergency response strategies, Casa de los Abuelos will not only be a high quality child and elder care center, but an asset to the surrounding community.
GRA 621: Fall 2018 Global Engagement Studio
Student: C. Davis, X. Fan Instructor: Karin Santiago
Resistance Training | Mountable | Easy Storage
Braille interface | Inductive heating pad | Handle wraps
Connect via Bluetooth | Multiuse tray | Compact
GRA 464: Fall 2018 Collaborative Design Development II
Student: C. Stocker, O. Porter, B. Skeet Instructor: Craig Hedges
find your way power button mode selection tacified grip map pin area user position
Tactile navigation to guide the blind without the distraction of audio.
user group
Simple, intuitive solution making use of pre-existing technologies and the IoT to innovate navigation for the visually impaired.
6% of American population is visually impaired
Braille inspired device that highlights the ability of the blind to utilize the sense of touch to better avoid obstacles and find their way.
accessible entertainment lens lens focus
built in wifi interface
wireless connection pad
Projected entertainment system utilizing IoT to view content from movie streaming to internet browsing.
user group
The physically disabled have a hard time interacting with entertainment media particularly at night.
12.6% of American population lives with physical disability
Accessibility through voice-control coupled with IoT connectivity to your current devices.
54% American population streams with Netflix*
simple relief motor
leg bar straps
bag location
subtle spout
A device to solve a problem for the physically disabled that no product has sufficiently confronted. The bladder solution that allows for direct user action, using IoT to enable ease and efficiency in an otherwise cumbersome process.
user group
12.6% of American population lives with physical disability
Empowering the physically disabled to take care of business independently.
GRA 464: Fall 2018 Collaborative Design Development II
Student: L. Payne, D. Kerr, L. Sai Instructor: Craig Hedges
Autonomous guidance system
Self controlled accelerator
Connects to any smart device
Braille textured interface
Nutrionally balanced meals
Subcription based refill delivery service
All in one food storage and preparation
Select food via FoodEaze App
Recognizes clear pathways and potential obstacles
Gives auditory directions to user
Uploads visual data to servers for crowd sourcing
Connects to smart device via Bluetooth
GRA 464: Fall 2018 Collaborative Design Development II
Student: J. Hanson, M. Young, T. Nguyen, R. Sowards Instructor: Craig Hedges
Alienation The causes of depression among oversea students aren’t restricted to homesickness but are primarily based on alienation. They feel isolated, are in a different country in which they are expected to find meaning in a culture which they don’t understand.
GRA 461: Fall 2018 Visual Communication V
Student: Qing Xia Instructor: A. Sanft, E. Montgomery
la se re tc hi ng
wo od pro tot yp e
laser cuttin g
acrylic mockup
es l o h t moun
g n i in o j lic y r ac
n io t ta n e s e pr
% 5 8 , y r a
s t l u a s s a l a u x e s f o
n a i s h m c e r m e p k r c e o s l e c n p t s u t d h n e i t w e n A sion . p u f d e e l r t . e T v h o c e e b r e a l l n d e ing m o s to w t s sou n i a n g d a
the ala rm .
So m et hin g
e b t s u
. e n o d
th e
m li it
GRA 461: Fall 2018 Visual Communication V
Student: Sara Mecca-Whitlock Instructor: A. Sanft, E. Montgomery
x o b
Visual Communication Design students host an auction of clocks and posters from international renowned professionals.
VCD Poster Show and Auction Identity Poster
ASU Old Main
6 November 2018
400 E Tyler Mall
6:00–8:30 pm
Tempe, AZ 85281
Each year, the senior visual communication design students put on a silent and live auction of posters donated by designers worldwide. To create the identity for the show, each student submits a poster design and as a class, we vote for the top 5, and then the final winning poster. The Ink Riot poster was developed from sketches of paper in motion, and after several variations of hand drawn ink blobs and rioting type, Ink Riot was selected for the 2018 VCD Poster Show identity. We had 200-300 people in attendance and raised enough money to fund our senior exhibit in May for 45 students.
GRA 461: Fall 2018 Visual Communication V
Student: Katherine Sutton Instructor: A. Sanft, E. Montgomery
Social issue Fast fashion Clock Hour hand Second hand 3.027 lbs
12” x 12” White acrylic 180 dress pins Cotton thread Metal bobbin Needle
Social Issue Clock: Trendy
We communicate who we are through clothing. Fast fashion plays on the ability to create trendy items at the expense of others. We buy cheap, but spend more.
GRA 461: Fall 2018 Visual Communication V
Student: Kathlene Stewart Instructor: A. Sanft, E. Montgomery
Capital Punishment in America
Capital punishment, often referred to as the death penalty, is the governmentsanctioned execution of an inmate as a sentencing for their crimes.
Since being reinstated in 1976, 158 people have been exonerated. For every 9 executions, one person has been exonerated from death row.
In a 2008 survey by Death Penalty Information Center, 500 police chiefs ranked the death penalty last when asked to rank areas by “most important for reducing violent crime.�
Even though black people and white people are murder victims in nearly equal numbers of crimes, 80% of people executed since the death penalty was reinstated have been executed for murders involving white victims.
The longest execution in US history occurred during the execution of an Arizona man that lasted two hours. As recently as February of this year, an execution in Alabama failed after a 2.5 hour attempt.
Together, these organizations are working to bring awareness and reform to the criminal justice system and advocating for the abolishment of the death penalty.
Since 1976, 158 people have been exonerated from death row. As of today, there are 2,743 people awaiting execution in the United States.
GRA 461: Fall 2018 Visual Communication V
Student: Eric Sayban Instructor: A. Sanft, E. Montgomery
GRA 461: Fall 2018 Visual Communication V
Student: Samantha Hendricks Instructor: A. Sanft, E. Montgomery
Start with red circle to portray the Japanese flag.
Traditional Japanese music plays to convey cultural connection.
Circle shrinks and fades into a ring.
Ring quickly grows.
Ring grows off screen to transition to the next scene.
Several blue rings appear to the beat of the song.
As music changes, the colors of the rings fluxuate to the beat of the music.
End of scene 1.
Colors continue to fluxuate.
Red stripes wipe across the screen to transition to next scene.
As the lines wipe, they wipe away the blue circles in the center.
End of scene 2.
A black ring begins to grow and fill itself from the center of the screen.
Additional rings form in different colors, all growing and rotating at different positions and speeds.
Japanese Kanji begin to grow from the center ring.
The blue and red rings grow to push out the black ring, and reveal the full Japanese Kanji.
Color swap to the beat of the song.
Color switches back.
Red ring pushes out the blue ring, and the Japanese Kanji shrink out of frame.
End of scene 4.
Rings of different colors and sizes slide into place from different off-screen locations.
Rings finish forming and grow to fill the screen.
End of scene 3.
A mixture of red, blue, and grey rings burst out from various locations on screen to the beat of the song.
Transparency effects are applied to mimic the effect in the poster.
Overlapping red and blue rings form a black transparency effect.
Line effect shrinks in from off screen to surround the design.
Japanese Kanji shrink into place from off screen.
All design elements take their appropriate places.
Red circle continues to beat to the song.
Blue ring trails out off screen, and red circle shrinks away.
Rings finish being placed.
Transparency effect fades in to beat of the song, and the final poster is revealed.
Red circle grows in and pulses to the beat of the song.
Blue ring trails in from off screen, revealing animation creator.
Similar effect takes place to credit the designer of the poster.
Transparency effect takes place in the intersection of the rings to mimic the effect of the poster.
End of scene 5.
Red ring grows and forms to reveal the Herberger Logo.
Full logo is revealed.
GRA 422: Fall 2018 Motion Graphics Interaction
Logo slowly grows to drive emphasis and interest.
Student: Courtney Zietler Instructor: Scott Curtis
GRA 422: Fall 2018 Motion Graphics Interaction
Student: Michael Torres Instructor: Scott Curtis
Poster by Doublenaut Studios Song written by Modest Mouse Covered by Mark Kozelek MODEST MOUSE with WOLF
Animation by Marcus Sandoval
GRA 422: Fall 2018 Motion Graphics Interaction
Student: Marcus Sandoval Instructor: Scott Curtis
GRA 361: Fall 2018 Visual Communication III
Student: Aeria Worden Instructor: S. Curtis, N. Finden, L. Pena
Perfect Bound: Single-sheet Various papers 5”x8”x.5”
Perfect Bound: Folio Various papers 5”x8”x.5”
Hardbound Various papers, 3-ply chipboard, bookbinding cloth 5.25”x8.25”x1”
GRA 361: Fall 2018 Visual Communication III
Student: Marisol Andrade-Munoz Instructor: S. Curtis, N. Finden, L. Pena
GRA 361: Fall 2018 Visual Communication III
Student: Lisa Trahin Instructor: S. Curtis, N. Finden, L. Pena
If my love for you was sweet honey,
I could bottle it up
Sophia Truscott
If my love for you was sweet honey,
I could bottle it up
Sophia Truscott
If my love for you was sweet honey,
I could bottle it up
Sophia Truscott
GRA 361: Fall 2018 Visual Communication III
Student: Allie McGuffin Instructor: S. Curtis, N. Finden, L. Pena
GRA 361: Fall 2018 Visual Communication III
Student: Taylor Martinez Instructor: S. Curtis, N. Finden, L. Pena
GRA 361: Fall 2018 Visual Communication III
Student: Brandon Lin Instructor: S. Curtis, N. Finden, L. Pena
Non-Profit Website Redesign For web and mobile
Hoofbeats with Heart is a non-profit that provides equine assisted physical, mental, and emotional rehabilitation for children and adults. I aimed to communicate depth and sincerity, while maintaining an air of light-hearted fun. I was able to strike that balance with horse portrait focal points at the top of each landing page off-set by a bold color scheme and san serif typography. Each color, margin, and font was carefully selected to engage the viewer
and create a user friendly responsive site that would encourage donations and enrollment in their programs. I built personas, redesigned the logo, built a site map and style guide, and finished with a total of 12 web pages. Below, I showcased a mix of web and mobile pages that are indicative of the look and feel of the entire site.
01 Color Palette
02 Typography
AaBb Brandon Grotesque
AaBb Open Sans
Titles BOLD
Body Regular
Body This is a web body paragraph using Open Sans Regular at 19px with tracking at 60px and leading at 21px. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse. This is a text link using Open Sans Bold. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcor per suscipit. This is a small note using Open Sans Regular at 16px with tracking at 65px and leading at 32px.
Static Link Hover Link Active Link
GRA 321: Fall 2018 Technology for Design I
Student: Areia Worden Instructor: A. Saft, N. Ferentheil
KINGSMAN X LUXURY THAT TICKS Logo Design Exploration: Brand identity and application creating using two randomly selected letters, K and X.
Presentation booklet spread displaying logo variations experimenting with lower and uppercase, letterform shape, negative space, and color.
Business system including, business card, letterhead, and envelope.
Men’s luxury watch packaging.
KingsmanX storefront signage design.
GRA 321: Fall 2018 Technology for Design I
Student: Megan Reniewicki Instructor: A. Saft, N. Ferentheil
BUSINESS SYSTEM In GRA 321, we are assigned to design a business system for ourselves that is composed of a resume, cover letter, business card, envelope, and a folder, to contain it all. The project allows us to be creative and have fun exploring with color, rules, and type. For my business system, I wanted to showcase my design style and incorporate a pop of color to represent my high-spirited approach to design. In order to make my business system stand out and be memorable to my potential employers and clients, I decided to highlight the letter “X� in my name, which is a pretty uncommon letter. This treatment to my name was able to be replicated across all the different forms of stationary and paired well with the yellow in order to make a lasting impression.
GRA 321: Fall 2018 Technology for Design I
Student: Alexandra Estrella Instructor: A. Saft, N. Ferentheil
GRA 221: Fall 2018 Letterform
Student: Hope Kiesling Instructor: Andrew Weed
GRA 221: Fall 2018 Letterform
Student: Kathryn Hawkins Instructor: Paul Howell
GRA 221: Fall 2018 Letterform
Student: Nikka Bacalzo Instructor: Paul Howell
GRA 220: Fall 2018 Design Drawing I
Student: Juana Olmedo Instructor: Nicole Dahlin
GRA 220: Fall 2018 Design Drawing I
Student: Lindsey Miles Instructor: Nicole Dahlin
GRA 220: Fall 2018 Design Drawing I
Student: Katie Hawkins Instructor: Marsha Minniss
GRA 220: Fall 2018 Design Drawing I
Student: Tristan Hanks Instructor: Nicole Dahlin