The District Post 1st December 2017

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Mediaeval Baebes Tour

Ye olde Christmas Prezzie

Treat of music dance & theatre

Loxwood Joust Tickets the perfect gift

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Friday 01.12.2017

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Local MPs and council leaders meet in London to discuss housing numbers Jeremy Quin, MP for Horsham, working with Nick Herbert (Arundel and South Downs) and Sir Nicholas Soames (Mid Sussex), arranged an urgent meeting with Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, to discuss views on Housing Numbers and the actions of developers. The meeting was held in the House of Commons on Tuesday, 21 November. The Government Consultation “The Right Homes in the Right Places” set out proposals to reform planning, including standard methods for calculating local authorities’ housing need. It closed on Thursday 9 November and the Government is considering its response. Ray Dawe, Leader of Horsham District Council, and Garry Wall, Leader of Mid Sussex District Council, joined the meeting to put across direct the key points from the Councils’ written responses to the consultation. Concerns were expressed that the proposed standard formula may not reflect the reality of the local housing market. In Horsham’s case, there were specific concerns that the baseline for housing numbers had been inappropriately inflated, which would lead to more housing being required of Horsham than should be the case. Mid Sussex have

concerns that the conclusion of their work, to deliver a local plan and five-year land supply, may be overtaken by the new rules, giving too much power to the developers. Sajid Javid responded and made clear that any new housing targets will provide a base from which to work, not a final number – Councils will still be able to demonstrate particular factors that prevent delivery in their areas. The Minister went on to outline plans, since reinforced by the Budget, to help strengthen Councils’ hands in their dealings with developers. The Government will help Councils require the delivery of new homes, where permission has been granted, but developers are not progressing those plans. Government will also invest an extra £15bn in housing and is bringing forward plans to support small building firms and skills training. There was full agreement that new development must be matched by expanded infrastructure. Jeremy Quin commented: “In common with every MP, I meet constituents who are desperate to get a home locally of their own – to rent or buy. We need to ensure houses get built in the right places and are affordable. However, we must recognise the local constraints on delivering new homes



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as well as the need for supporting infrastructure.” Sir Nicholas, taking up the point on infrastructure, said: “If we are to cope with the large number of houses that we are obliged to build the Government must make it possible through judicious and careful use of further infrastructure money to enable this to happen. This is, after all, what sustainable development is all about.” Leader of HDC Ray Dawe commented “Our local MPs and Council Leaders realise the need to deliver new homes for our resi-

dents. Horsham District Council has worked hard to achieve that but we also need to balance this with the new infrastructure and protection of the our local environment. We made this absolutely clear to the Minister”. The Leader of Mid Sussex, Garry Wall said: “I was grateful for the opportunity to talk directly to the Secretary of State about the importance of Government supporting councils and of developers delivering housing once permission has been granted. I think the case for more housing has been made, but we do need support from the


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Government to ensure community infrastructure comes too”. Nick Herbert MP said “We all recognise the need for new homes, and our district councils have hugely increased housing numbers in recent years, but we need to ensure that the levels are sustainable and that we have the infrastructure to match. It’s also time that developers were prevented from gaming the system so that they actually build when they have planning permission. welcome the Budget measures that address these issues.”


Friday 1 December 2017

News 01.12.2017 Contents

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Total War™ Lead Technical Artist offers careers guidance to pupils


Local MPs and council leaders meet in London to discuss housing numbers Page 5


Good Salon Guide Award for Love Is In The Hair Page 11 Entertainment The Ultimate Celebration of the Greatest Female Rock Legends Page 12

On 24 November CH was delighted to welcome Jodie Azhar from leading games studio, Creative Assembly, to talk to junior and senior pupils on careers in her industry.

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Jodie was named last year as one of BAFTA’s Breakthrough Brits for her work on Total War: WARHAMMER. She has also received several Women in Games UK Award nominations.

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Jodie, an advocate for representation and diversity in games and one of the first Women in Games Ambassadors in the UK, is the Lead Technical Artist of the Total War™ team at the awardwinning games development studio Creative Assembly, currently overseeing the Total War Technical Art Team. She specializes in using programming and maths to improve the visual look of games and develops tools used for generating digital art. The talk was very popular and pupils’ commented: “I thought the talk was invaluable, as new jobs are being created in the TECH industry all the time and we had the opportunity to hear about them.” “As computer science is a male dominated area, it was exciting to see a female in this profession and hear about her career journey.” “To learn how to produce a game design, character and reach an end goal in the gaming industry was fascinating.”” Helen-Claire Burt, Head of Careers at CH, said: “Jodie gave a fascinating talk on her career path and successes, and she gave comprehensive explanations on careers and jobs within the gaming industry. She finished by encouraging our pupils to start coding and gaming now, and to enter into some national competitions to give them a taste of this work. We were pleased to offer a careers talk on the TECH and Gaming Industry and thank Jodie for her time and expertise.”

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Horsham with Slinfold URC Welcome Week Horsham URC has released a programme of events and activities that they are calling ‘Welcome Week’. During the week (27 November 3 December), before the first Sunday in Advent, the church is open every day and the local community is welcome to visit the building in Springfield Road - just a short walk away from West Street and Bishopric. It is hoped that, through their welcome, people might be encouraged to ‘draw nearer to God’. The programme includes a craft morning on Monday, a Toddlers’ picnic lunch on Tuesday, coffee and lunch on Wednesday with a musical medley and a walk in and around Horsham on Saturday. Thursday evening November 30 th November from 7.00 pm until 9.30 pm the church will be showing episodes 3 and 4 of the acclaimed BBC/Bible Society production ‘THE PASSION’ –– there will be a ‘Cheese and Wine’ interval. Today (Friday 1 December) the local community, and local church friends, are invited to take part in a day of prayer for the local community and there will be various ‘stations’ in the church for personal prayer. Between 10.00 am and 12.00 noon and between 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm a number of church members will be at the church to talk over some of the local issues and pray alongside visitors. Invitations have been delivered to homes and businesses in the town centre with the tagline ‘Draw near to God and he will draw near to you’ (James 4.8) – the church hope that some will be encouraged to do so and are looking forward to offering a WELCOME. For more information please visit:

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Southwater Christmas Fest hailed an enormous success

This year’s Southwater Christmas Festival and Christmas Lights Switch On took place on Saturday (25 November) and was an enormous success. Staff and Councillors of Southwater Parish Council would like to say a special thank you to everyone who contributed to make the day such a success. Hundreds of people flocked to Lintot Square for the festival, now in its 12th year. The annual event marked the beginning of the festive period for many locals and was officially opened by the Chairman of Southwater Parish Council, Councilor Graham Watkins. Councilor Watkins was ably assisted by Santa, who arrived in style in a classic Police Jaguar car, and children from the Southwater Academy choir. The day was full of entertainment and spectacle, with performances throughout and there was also the opportunity to meet the stars of this year’s Capitol pantomime, Jack & the Beanstalk, as well as the chance to get a photograph taken with the scrooge of the sea, Captain Jack Sparrow and the beautiful Ice Queen Elsa and Snow Princess Anna. Local shops joined in with the event and many provided complimentary mince pies to their customers. The Square was lined with vendors selling an array of items from Christmas decorations to local Horsham Gin. There were also stalls from Southwater

community groups, business’s and charities. The selection of food and drink was just as varied, with traditional favorites; roasted chestnuts and mulled wine. Of course, no Southwater Festival would be complete without rides, of which there were plenty. Children were kept entertained throughout the day, with spinning teacups and a merry goround, to name just a few of the thrills available. This year’s Christmas lights were switched on by Santa, Captain Jack Sparrow and the Princesses. Beneath the glow of

the beautifully lit Christmas Tree, people gathered to sing festive carols accompanied by the Horsham Youth Concert Band. Chairman of the Parish Council, Councilor Graham Watkins, said “Once again, the Southwater Christmas Festival was a fabulous success and what a fantastic day to start the run up to Christmas. There was something for every one of all ages to enjoy. “This event showcases the strong sense of community we have here in Southwater and I would like to thank all those who got involved on the day”.

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Friday 1 December 2017


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Networking lunch for Collyer’s students Reindeer coming to town inspiring guest speakers.” (actually Horsham Museum) The aim of the busy and inPhoto by Lucy Hargreaves

Last week, Collyer’s welcomed Working Options in Education, who arranged for prestigious speakers to visit the Ofsted Outstanding College to share their experiences with students. Lauren Monk (Working Options Ambassador and National Development Manager, Monkey Business Foundation), Al Gunn (Sales Director, Boost Drinks), Chris Craig (Commercial Director, The Silverspoon Company) and Julia Dixon (National Account Controller for Diageo) all gave inspiring and entertaining talks.

The top business leaders spoke about their career journey since leaving school, college or university, and then there was an opportunity for the students to network over lunch, find out about what employers are looking for, how to stand out from others, and prepare for the world of work. Lucy Hargreaves, Employability Programme Co-ordinator, felt the session was a huge success: “The level of student engagement and enthusiasm was impressive and testament to the

sightful session was to help students from across the college, including those currently studying the new Collyer’s Employability Programme, gain an understanding of career paths and the world of work. Senior Tutor Ian McAlister, who also presents at HE and progression events at Collyer’s, said: “The college’s numerous progression activities this year will include guest speakers, mock interviews, employability skills workshops, Not Going to Uni (NG2U) evenings, HE Evenings, HE Fairs, Oxbridge Trips and a host of other events in conjunction with key national, regional and local partner organisations.” During the presentations, students were able to ask the experts probing questions about the world of work and possible career paths. Working Options Ambassador Lauren Monk told the students: “The work Collyer’s is doing in this area is outstanding and I’ve been very impressed with the students I’ve met today.” Collyer’s Vice Principal, Steve Martell was delighted: “Today has been a massive success allround. The students loved it! Huge thanks to these incredibly successful business experts for taking time out to help Collyer’s students plan for their futures.”

The much loved Horsham Museum Christmas window this year will be dominated by a reindeer. The moving model, made by museum volunteer Mike Cave, shows the ingenuity and skill of museum volunteers who transform cardboard, windscreen wiper motor, indicator bulb into a fun creature to catch the eye. Unfortunately, this year the reindeer is not house trained, so every morning museum staff are collect-

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ing its poo and selling it to fertilise young minds and raise funds for the museum. This exclusive Christmas treat is made by Horsham chocolatier Wimblehurst chocolate. The reindeer is partial to eating Horsham gingerbread also sold at the museum. Don’t miss out on this wonderful festive window display and enjoy the fun activities at Horsham Museum this Christmas!

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Barns Green races raise a fantastic £18,000 for St Catherine’s Hospice

The Barns Green Half Marathon Committee are thrilled to announce that this year’s race, combined with the 10K run, raised a

superb £18,000 for St Catherine’s Hospice, the event’s official charity, Nigel Currie saying: “This is an enormous sum, made possible by the great generosity of the runners.”

how the hospice operates, which provided real insight and showed the passion and total dedication of the staff and volunteers providing this essential local service.” Race Director Vernon Jennings totally agreed, commenting: “The visit showed us just what an important job St Catherine’s does and we are delighted that this year we’ve been able to more than double our

We are so grateful to the Barns Green Committee and all the volunteers who work so hard to make this great event happen contribution to this wonderful local charity.” On the day of the races St Catherine’s hoped that £10,000 might be raised, so they are absolutely thrilled that that figure was far exceeded, the hospice’s Events Organiser Michaela Clements saying: “We are so grateful to the Barns Green Committee and all the volunteers who work so hard to make this great event happen. We rely very heavily on support and donations from the local communi-

ty and each year the charity needs to raise more that £6.5 million. Without this type of support from Barns Green we couldn’t deliver our expert care services to local people when it’s needed most.” The whole village gets behind the Barns Green Half Marathon and 10K race, attracting a huge crowd of supporters and spectators, all revelling in the unbeatable carnival atmosphere. There is a funfair, food stalls and an abundance of varied live music, both on the village green and around the now famous, undulating closed lanes from the village through Itchingfield, Christ’s Hospital – including through the school – and around Southwater, taking in some of the most scenic countryside in West Sussex. Entries are already open for next year’s races – on Sunday September 30 – when the organisers will once again be striving to raise as much money as possible, both for charity and for the local groups and clubs helping with setting up the event, packing the runners’ goodie bags, stewarding in the village and around the course and the many other jobs needed to make this brilliantly well organised day so special – please go to www. for details on how to enter the iconic Barns Green races.


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News Martin Read

September saw the 35th Half Marathon and the second 10K race with a total of well over 2000 runners competing. St Catherine’s Hospice is a charity dedicated to providing expert end of life care – including much appreciated home visits - to support local people, their families, friends and carers. For over 30 years it has been delivering this high quality hospice care free of charge to people living in Horsham and the surrounding community, responding to the needs of each individual, helping people to achieve their best quality of life. The 2017 10K race was started by Wendy Buckingham, who had a poignant reason to support St Catherine’s. With her three young daughters by her side Wendy said: “Sadly, I lost my husband all too young but the way St Catherine’s looked after him was truly fantastic and their aftercare was so supportive for me and the girls at such a difficult time. So, I’m here to encourage everyone to contribute to the wonderful service that they provide.” Horsham MP Jeremy Quin echoed Wendy’s sentiments saying: “St Catherine’s cared for my mother-in-law – they are magnificent and I can’t praise them enough.” Nigel Currie added: “Several members of the Barns Green Organising Committee were invited to St Catherine’s to see


Friday 1 December 2017


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Neighbourhood wardens share road safety advice Vanessa Green and Carol Boniface, wardens for Pulborough and Nutbourne, attended St Mary’s Primary School, Pulborough, to liaise with children and parents about road safety. The pair handed out ‘Arrive Alive’ and road safety leaflets, bicycle spoke reflectors and Sussex Safer Road Partnership pens and also recruited some parents to join a road safety action group to be led by the school Parent Teacher Association. Mike Pearce and Paul Conroy, the neighbourhood wardens for Steyning, Bramber and Upper Beeding, ran a road awareness quiz for children at Steyning Primary

Beep, Beep, for Road Safety Week!

School. They also stopped people cycling without lights in the dark to talk about the dangers involved and undertook a school patrol, targeting those parents parking on yellow lines at school pick up. Councillor Tricia Youtan commented: “As Chair of the Horsham District Community Safety Partnership, I am thrilled to see the neighbourhood wardens working with local schools on the important issue of road safety. It’s essential that children know how to keep safe when walking, cycling or crossing roads and for parents to drive and park considerately when dropping off or picking up their children from school.”

Neighbourhood warden Vanessa Green at St Mary’s School Pulborough

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As part of national Road Safety Week (20 – 26 November) Billingshurst Community Partnership worked with children from WAKOOS after school club, in Billingshurst, to design a number of colourful postcards to help keep children safe whilst walking to and from school. In many areas of Billingshurst, pavements are partially obscured by overgrown hedges, making it difficult in places for families and groups of children to pass without walking in the road. The specially designed postcards were put through the doors of residents

with badly overgrown hedges, politely asking them to cut back the vegetation. Denise Campbell, Chair of Billingshurst Community Partnership, explained: “For a while now we have realised that local residents are allowing their hedges to grow across the pavements leading to the Weald and Billingshurst Primary Schools. They are probably unaware that this is causing children to walk in the road, which is an accident waiting to happen. “The Partnership is very concerned about the safety of local

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children, so we contacted WAKOOS to see if they wanted to help with a postcard campaign to raise awareness of the issue with local residents. We were thrilled with the resulting designs and chose four to feature on the cards.” The winning designs were created by Ellie (aged 9), Ellie (aged 10) (both pictured), Harry (aged 9) and Maggie (aged 10). Younger children from WAKOOs, along with children from St Gabriel’s Pre-school and Dauxwood Pre-school, also took part in the Beep! Beep! campaign, run by the BRAKE charity. The children learnt about the basics of road safety through fun activities, including creating their own BRAKE mascot Zak the Zebra masks, and all children took home a certificate. Linda Nicholl, the Manager of St Gabriel’s Pre-school, said: “The children at St. Gabriel’s have had a good time this week learning about road safety. There has been lots of discussion, thinking, understanding and FUN. The children chose the activities from the pack from BRAKE. Thanks to Billingshurst Community Partnership for including us in the activity.” All activity has been supported by the Horsham District Community Safety Partnership in the form of a small grant for resources.

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Horsham Town Centre attraction for the build up to Christmas - Jack’s Magic Bean Hunt an application form from The Capitol, Horsham Museum or any participating retail outlet or market stall and get hunting. Forms will also be available to download online from The Capitol’s home page or go to festive-fun/ . Use the form to make a note of the number on each bean, as you visit each stop. There’s even a map to help you find your way around. When you’ve found them all, hand the attached form to Mr

Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe in West Street to get a sweet treat. Even better – you’ll be entered into a prize draw to win a hamper of family prizes worth £250! Jack’s Magic Bean Hunt will be running on weekend market days in Horsham Town Centre on the 2 and 3 and 9 and 10 December. Completed forms must be submitted to Mr Simms by 12 noon on Sunday 10 December. Children’s entertainer, Tomfoolery, will be helping to select the winner from the completed entries at Mr Simms on Sunday 10

December at 12.30pm. Organisations taking part in the trail include: Brock Taylor Estate Agents, Non Stop Party Shop, Waterstones, Battlequest Games, Forget Me Knott Plants (market stall), Vegeloution (market stall),County Fiesta Bunting (market stall), Cheesy Fingers (market stall), Candy Box, Gobsmack Comics, Cocoa Loco, Toy Barnhaus, The Entertainer and Mr Simms. All proceeds to local charity The Springboard Project www. A new Jack in the Beanstalk themed Town Centre Trail is set to start on Saturday 2 December and run until Sunday 10 December, organised by Horsham District Council in association with Horsham Time Well Spent and Horsham Markets, sponsored by Mr Simms’ Olde Sweet Shoppe Horsham and The Capitol. Can you help us find Jack’s Magic Beans? His silly brother Simon lost them whilst they were

doing their Christmas Shopping. They’re hidden around Horsham Town Centre somewhere. See if you can spot them amongst the many Christmas market stalls or in the shop windows. They might even be hiding on the shelves inside. There are TEN beans to find. They’re very colourful, with big, bold numbers on. Find them all and you could win Jack’s Prize Sack worth £250! To take part, simply collect

Care Home residents and staff knit toys to raise money for Guide dogs for the blind Residents and staff members from Westlake House care home in Horsham have knitted toys to raise money for the guide dogs. Guide Dogs aims to support blind and partially sighted people to get out and about and do the things they want to do. The Guide service use guiding techniques to help people with sight loss to work towards the mobility goals they want to achieve. This could involve accessing activities and places of interest in the local community, learning familiar routes and improving fitness. Westlake House General Manager Elizabeth Higson said: “The residents were keen to do something to help vulnerable people living with a blind disability. So, after we bought several colourful wools, they knitted several toys, such as mice, brides, ballet dancers, town criers,

scarecrow, minions, pink pigs, Rosie and Jim, bride and grooms.” Mavis Hillier, 87, who recently moved to Westlake House from London three months ago, was keen to knit toys to raise money for the blind. Since being taught (at the tender age of 5) to knit by her aunt, Mavis has incorporated knitting throughout her life and says she has knitted ‘just about everything’. Charlotte, care staff member who has worked at Westlake House over the last 22 years, said: it gives me great satisfaction, knowing that I’m making a difference to people’s lives. I was keen to take part in raising money for the same charity, as I love puppies. I like helping people, so I thought I’d use my knitting skills to help people living with the blind disability.”

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Friday 1 December 2017


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Items needed for Salvation Army Chistmas Appeal News Martin Read Many appeals are heard at Horsham Cricket Club – but this one is really very special and richly deserves support from the whole community. Each year the Salvation Army helps vulnerable families in the Horsham district, especially around the festive season. Last year 400 children in around 150 families received donated food parcels, gifts and store vouchers. These were families that would have otherwise gone without at Christmas and this year a group of local small business owners have come together to collect and deliver items by December 9th. The Salvation Army are therefore seeking the following items – Boxes of Chocolate Selections (last year 400 were provided and it is hoped to beat that this Christmas), Store Gift Cards – up

to the value of £20 - are also sought – particularly for Sainsbury, because at least £4,000 worth of food will be required. Gift cards for Argos, Boots, Primark and Wilko will also be greatly appreciated – as will toiletry gift packs (rather than essential items). Over 200 gift packs are needed – sets of women’s luxury items such as hand creams, bubble baths, body lotions and the like are most welcome – along with men’s products. In addition to Horsham Cricket Club, they thank the following who have also kindly agreed to be collection points for the appeal – in Horsham: Horsham Publications (Piries Place), Sakakini Jewellers – Carfax – and The Holbrook Club, while, in Southwater gifts can be taken to: Cakes by Sharon Walker and Coco’s Hair Salon. - 01403 254624

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Pilot scheme to provide mobility scooter training

Horsham Town Community Partnership (HTCP) and Horsham District Older Peoples Forum (HDOPF) supported by Age UK, Horsham District are putting together a pilot scheme to provide mobility scooter training for new users and for those more experienced users who would benefit from a refresher course. The number of mobility scooters currently being used in the

UK is estimated to be 350,000 and is likely to increase year on year. There is no requirement to register or insure mobility scooters, have any driving experience or have any training. Provided you have the money, you can purchase your machine, ride off and drive most places off road. There are a few restrictions if you wish to use the scooter on the road, but these are only filling in a few forms and having the right type of scooter. There is no requirement to have a level of mobility or sight. During the period between 2011 and 2015 there has been 23 mobility scooter fatalities with a further 490 injuries and most of these have been classed as serious. To help prevent these accidents, give training and confidence to new users it is proposed to run a free pilot training scheme in Horsham. If this proves to be successful, the program could be ongoing. We are in contact with Gosport Older Persons Forum who have run a similar successful pilot scheme and they have agreed to share their experiences and support us setting up our scheme. HTCP would lead with the initiative with HDOPF with Age UK, Horsham District giving support. Depending on the cost to hire a venue and hopefully support from a local supplier of scooters, the initial funding requirements would be in the region of £2000 to £3000

for the 6-month trial. David Searle, Chairman of HTCP, said: “There are several organisations who we believe would support and financially fund this scheme through their grant procedure but would obviously require an assurance that there is a local need for such a scheme”. If you, a family member or friend uses a mobility scooter or are thinking of purchasing one in the future and feel this would be something they would benefit from, please contact us by email The next step is to form a Working Group to agree the way forward, obtain funding and volunteers to become trainers and to help run the scheme. The HD Older Peoples Forum has agreed to put this on the agenda of their next meeting Wednesday 6 December 2017 10.30am at the Southwater Parish Council Offices, Beeson House, Lintot Square, which supporters are welcome to attend. If you can attend this meeting, please advise us by email: so that we can make sure there is sufficient room. Please come along and hear more about the initiative, lend your support, join the Working Group or become a volunteer. If you are unable to attend this meeting but would like to support this initiative or offer your services, please contact us by email: hdopforum@ Design Search Social

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Council launches inspiring new forum to promote local visitor economy

Paula Seager and Hilary Knight from Natural Partnerships CIC present at the Forum Horsham District Council’s Economic Development team hosted the first Horsham District Tourism Economy Forum at South Lodge Hotel, Lower Beeding, Horsham on Thursday 16 November, celebrating the formation of a new Horsham District Visitor Economy Partnership. The Forum was attended by some 100 local businesses and community partnerships from the tourism and hospitality sectors. The council recently won a bid to secure £52,000 of European funds to develop a comprehensive Visitor Economy Strategy which was shared at the Forum. Now the strategy is in place, the newly formed business led Visitor Economy Partnership will take ownership of it and influence the future of the district’s visitor

economy. The Forum was opened by Leigh Chambers, Economic Development Officer at the council, who highlighted that the district needed to attract more visitors and they needed to stay for longer and spend more whilst they were enjoying all that our district had to offer. He continued to outline the various initiatives the council had put in place to support small businesses to develop the right markets – including the annual Big Nibble food celebration and district wide Food and Drink Festival. Details of various funding opportunities for small businesses were also highlighted and the delegates were advised on how to apply.

Alison Burgh from the Acorn Consultancy, who helped to develop the tourism strategy engaged the audience by ‘Telling the Horsham district story’, showcasing our district as an attractive, vibrant destination. She also revealed a newly designed visual identity which all the district’s businesses can use to promote the district. Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture, Cllr Jonathan Chowen, also shared details of the 2019 Horsham District Year of Culture, which is being co-ordinated by the council and encouraged as many organisations as possible to get involved and apply for the grant funds available. Hilary Knight and Paula Seager, from Natural Partnerships CIC, gave a presentation on the importance of the local food and drink industry and the support available to them to enter new markets. Commenting on the event, Cabinet Member for the Local Economy Gordon Lindsay said: “I was delighted to see so many different businesses attend our first Tourism Economy Forum from so many different tourism sectors: hotel owners, bed and breakfast proprietors, breweries, vineyards, food producers, café and restaurant owners to name just a few. “It was encouraging to see them sharing their passion to boost our tourism economy by working together to entice more visitors to enjoy all that our area has to offer. “Many thanks to those who have already joined our Visitor Economy Partnership, and for those individuals and companies who have not yet signed up, I would urge you to do so as soon as possible to reap the considerable benefits available.” For those wishing to join the Horsham District Visitor Economy Partnership please email: business.development@horsham.

Families across West Sussex benefit from 30 hours free childcare Following the launch of the Government’s 30 hours free childcare offer for working parents on 1 September, parents have been speaking of the positive impact this is having on their lives. In recent feedback gathered by West Sussex County Council, one local parent said: “The funding has taken a lot of stress and worry away. Without this, my children would not be able to go to nursery and experience time in a different environment, learning to be independent.” Parents of eligible three and four year olds, who have registered a place on the scheme, could save around £5,000 per year per child. There have already been thousands of families across the country who have joined the scheme which aims to help balance jobs and family lives. Stephen Hillier, County Council Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said: “We know from experience that the cost of childcare has often been a barrier

allowing parents to continue or return to the workplace. “The 30 hours free childcare scheme really supports families to get a positive work-life balance, whilst the children build good social skills and have a wide range of opportunities to learn as they play. “For childcare starting in

January, parents must check if they are eligible before the end of December and we’d encourage all eligible families to look into the scheme, to help make an informed choice about how this could benefit them.” To find out more about 30 hours free childcare, please visit: www.


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Local business donates defibrillator to Southwater Community First Responders

Trimbio, a Horsham based business, that supplies and services new and reconditioned medical devices, was pleased to donate a defibrillator to the Southwater Community First Responders at the Southwater Christmas Festival, for use as a Public Access Defibrillator. Simon Francis, the founder and Managing Director of Trimbio, said: “After working with these devices for several years, I realised not only how important they are, but also that there is a shortage of them in public places.”


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In the UK, there are over 30,000 cardiac arrests a year where emergency medical services attempt to resuscitate the victim out side of hospital, with less than 10% of these patients surviving post hospitalisation. However, if prompt action is taken then this survival rate can increase to over 50%, ( London Ambulance Service recently reported a rate of 56%), this prompt action is based on a few simple steps: 1. The cardiac arrest is recognised immediately. 2. 999 is called.

3. CPR is performed by bystanders with the use of a Public Access Defibrillator. Simon continued: “Public Access Defibrillators are extremely safe to use these days, they talk you though the whole process, including automatically analysing the patients heart rate prior to shocking and will not allow a shock to be delivered if it is not required. “It is great to be able to give something to our local community that could one day save a life.”

FREE FAMILY LAW ADVICE CLINIC IN CRAWLEY AND HORSHAM We offer a free 30 minute consultation at our family law advice clinic every Tuesday 1pm – 4pm, covering: • Divorce, separation and finances • Children matters (contact and residence arrangements) • Cohabitation disputes where couples are unmarried • Consent Orders • Options available on the breakdown marriage or civil partnership • Prenuptial agreements By appointment only. Please book in advance by calling 01293 596947. Crawley clinic: 117-119 High Street, Crawley RH10 1DD Horsham clinic: Lavinia House, Dukes Square, Horsham RH12 1GZ Alternatively, we offer a one hour fixed fee appointment at £100 plus vat (£120). To book a convenient fixed fee appointment please call 01293 596947.

Good Salon Guide Award for Love Is In The Hair The Good Salon Guide, the only independent guide to quality standards in hairdressing in the UK and Ireland, is delighted to announce that Love is in the Hair, Horsham, Sussex was recently awarded recognition as a 5 Star Salon and Colour Expert. The Good Salon Guide is the easiest and most reliable means of checking out the best salons in any area. Recognised salons are visited and objectively assessed by top industry professionals, giving potential clients confidence in their choice. Salons are regularly reassessed, to ensure standards are maintained, so membership is ‘as good as a personal recommendation!’ Gareth Penn, Managing Director of the Good Salon Guide, said: “I am delighted that Love is in the Hair has succeeded in reaching the standards required

to become a member of the Good Salon Guide. Being in the Guide means a salon is among the best in the country, which undoubtedly attracts new business and makes existing clients feel good. For salon owners, membership brings a whole host of free services, including business advice, the chance to feature in our magazines and on-line media as well as great offers.” Lindsey James, owner of Love is in the Hair, added: “Being a member of the Good Salon Guide shows we are a fantastic salon in every way. It’s great, not only for our clients, but for our team to know the salon has reached such high standards. It makes us all very excited about the future of our salon.” Further details can be seen on the Good Salon Guide website:


Friday 1 December 2017

Entertainment Horsham District Gig Guide Friday 16th 01/12/2017 September

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The Ultimate Celebration of the Greatest Female Rock Legends

TheOvertures FINAL Hangar The Sessions: Golf Simon Jones, Zac Wildwood & Country Haydon, Sydney Club, Cranleigh Rutherford and Mailman 18:00 Horsham TB52’s, Slammers Soul Band 20:00 The Barley Mow, Tandridge Replica Radio 20:00 Railway Inn, Billingshurst 20:30


Saturday 17th September

Christmas Mediaeval Horsham Rocks Presents Market Bandstand, The Horsham The Carfax Bandstand, Carfax, Horsham Horsham 11:00 til 16:00 9amBryden til 4pm Nell PierCapitol Pressure The Theatre, HorHolbrook Club, Horsham sham 19:00 19:30 High Octane Junkies Larger Than Life Duo The Bedford, Horsham Goffs Park Social Club, 21:00 Crawley 20:30 Hounds of Sound Broadbridge Heath Village Centre, Broadbridge Heath Christmas Mediaeval 20:00 Market Quo-caine TheMulberry, Carfax Bandstand, The Goring Horsham 20:30 9am til 4pmAngel Black Heart The Malt Shovel, Horsham




Sunday 18th Acoustic showcases The Surrey Oaks, September

Newdigate South Saxon Beardsmen 20:00 Gathering Acoustic Open Mic Night The Malt Shovel, Horsham The Jolly Tanners, 12:00 til 18:00 Staplefield Open Mic night 20:00 The Shelley Arms, Broadbridge Heath 19:30 Riverboat Shuffle Horsham Sports Club, Open Mic Night Horsham The Bear, Horsham 20:00 20:00


Tuesday 20th 07/12/2017 September Stan’s Open Mic

Acoustic MicHorsham Night The MaltOpen Shovel, The Jolly Tanners, Staple20:00 field Folk night 20:30 The Emerald Club, Blues Workshop Southgate, Crawley Northgate Community Cen20:00 tre, Crawley Open Mic night 20:00 The Star - Dorking, Open Mic Night Dorking, Surrey The Royal Oak, Ifield 20:30 20:00 Open Mic night Acoustic The Bullshowcases Inn, Henfield The Surrey Oaks, Newdigate 20:00 19:30

Gig guide Wenesday 14th kindly September Electric Jam Night by supplied The Malt Shovel, Horsham

Thursday 15th

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Sweeney Entertainments presents Women in Rock - the UK’s only live show dedicated to the World’s greatest female rock legends. Three of the most powerful female singers on the live music scene, together with an awesome touring band, bring you a show-

stopping performance covering the greatest female rock stars of all time. The raw talent on show from the three Women in Rock singers is breath taking. Collectively, Their huge wealth of experience (performing in the USA, Australia, Asia and China, with artistes

including Alicia Keys, Rihanna, Toyah Wilcox, Vampires Rock and The National Orchestra of Great Britain to name but a few!) combines sensational voices to give outstanding performances. Enjoy music through the decades as Women in Rock pay tribute to artists including; Pat

Benatar, Stevie Nicks, Joan Jet, Heart, Vixen, Cher, Bonnie Tyler, Kiki Dee, Janice Joplin, Alanis Morrissette, Pink, Patti Smith, Halestorm and many more. Sweeney Entertainments, co-founded by Julie and Peter Sweeney, has been providing a wide repertoire of top quality touring shows for theatre and corporate events for over fifteen years, both in the UK and internationally. 2017 is the company’s strongest year to date, with more shows touring than ever before, and 2018 brings even more new shows and UK tour dates. Julie said: “This is the first all-female rock show to tour the UK, celebrating the biggest and best female rock stars in a non-stop concert that is bursting with energy and passion!” Sara Louise, performer and musical director, explained: “We try to take the audience on a journey through the ages, but not with all the obvious choices that other rock shows would be covering. The songs are performed authentically and with passion you’ll be extremely entertained!” Women in Rock is the ultimate celebration of the greatest female rock legends. This concert is not just a tribute – it’s a celebration of all Women who simply Rock! Performance: Friday 26 January 2018, 7.30pm, Capitol Theatre. Tickets: £23.50, available from The Capitol Box Office: 01403 750220 or online:

Join the Mediaeval Baebes for a Timeless Treat of Music, Dance and Theatre Traditionally a time for reflection and celebration, what better way to glorify the season than to join the Mediaeval Baebes for a remarkable evening of music, dance and theatre in St Mary’s Church, Horsham, Friday 8th December. Currently most recognised for their title track to the renowned ITV series Victoria, you will be escorted through a musical journey inspired by a time where poetry and music conspired to invoke sensory pleasure. The Mediaeval Baebes will be performing Christmas carol classics from their top ten album Of Kings & Angels, the haunting and uplifting title theme for TV’s Victoria and other contemporary and traditional songs. Using languages and lyrics from mediaeval texts and playing both mediaeval and classical instruments, they will envelope this glorious church, with it’s beautiful carved wooden vaulted ceilings, in a soundscape of unique musical beauty. Performing before enthusiastic audiences in the UK, United

States, Canada, Asia and Europe, they have delighted in playing in venues ranging from castles and caves to nightclubs and Renaissance Fayres. In addition they have toured with Jools Holland, played at The Royal Albert Hall and Carnglaze Caverns in

Cornwall, supported Michael Flatley in Hyde Park and performed at the legendary Lilith Fair in USA. St Mary’s Church, Horsham, Friday 8th December This remarkable evening of music, is the ultimate Christmas experi-

ence, so harness the true spirit of Christmas and emerge your senses into a timeless treat. Tickets are available from www. , St Mary’s Church and SEE tickets at a cost of £25 each.

Friday 1 December 2017 13 get the news online and on the go at


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It’s Panto time at Roffey Cricket Club – Oh, yes it is!

Good news – Roffey’s pantomime stars will soon be treading the boards again at Roffey Cricket Club! This year’s production is on Saturday December 16 at 5pm and rehearsals are in full swing. The club broke their duck with Cinderella in 2014, followed by Aladdin in 2015 and, after a pause to recover, this year’s show is Robin Hood. Club Secretary Maria Henderson has again written the script and is panto Director, telling the District Post: “Preparation is going very well and we have a very strong cast this year, including some of the

usual favourite performers, so its shaping up to be a memorable show and seeing the actors bringing it to life is very satisfying.” Aladdin played to a packed house and was highly amusing with the performers providing rich entertainment, Maria’s sons, Joe and Sam had leading roles, experienced actor Joe taking the name part while his then diminutive younger brother Sam played his mother, Widow Twankey. Football and cricket mad Sam was an ugly sister in Cinderella and in Aladdin, sporting a waist length blonde wig, he delivered his substan-

tial lines with great panache. In Robin Hood award winning Irish dancer Katie Jeal will be making a welcome return and Dan Masser will also have a starring role, Maria Henderson adding: “Once again, the show is truly a team and club production, from sound, scenery painting, prop making, musical direction and the cast, who are giving up two nights a week to make the show a reality. We have spent several months preparing the scenery and thanks to our Chairman, Mark Hamilton and Joanne Dance and Liz Keast we’ve created Sherwood Forest at the club! It’s a traditional pantomime with a Roffey Cricket Club twist – its hard work, but so much fun to put on, so I hope everyone coming along really enjoys it.” That is certain to happen – in Aladdin there was an amusing reworking of the Twelve Days of Christmas and ingenious passages of business involving the magic carpet and Widow Twankey’s laundry. Father Christmas will again be putting in an appearance this year with presents for the children. Entry to the panto is just £2, to cover the cost of production and refreshments – or £5, including the entry charge, for children to receive a present from Father Christmas. Roffey CC have requested those proposing to attend to advise the club of their intentions by e mail – – to enable the organisers to decide whether an additional performance of the panto should be staged.

So what do you buy for the guy or girl who has everything this Christmas? The Loxwood Joust, true to its chivalrous origins is releasing early bird tickets to help solve some of those Christmas present conundrums. For the first time, early bird special price tickets will go on sale on Friday 24th November with a 25% discount off the gate prices. Danny Bacon, organiser of the Joust said ”We have been told many times that tickets to the Joust would make a great Christmas present and so we have introduced this early bird offer as a way for us to spread some Christmas cheer too! We are playing a large part in Horsham’s Mediaeval Christmas this year with the Mediaeval Market and Banquet, and we wanted to give something more to those people who have supported The Loxwood Joust over past 5 years.” A selection of mediaeval entertainers and traders from the Joust will be vying for your attention at the Mediaeval Market in in Horsham Town Centre on the 2nd and 3rd December. Mediae-

val merchants will have trinkets, treasures, crafts and all manner of unique goodies for young and old, and wandering entertainers, the Sultan’s Sirens belly dancing troupe, Avon Faire and the Black Archer will be on hand to enchant, amuse and entertain. For those partial to a drop of mead, the Loxwood Joust Christmas Mead will also be available to purchase. The Early bird tickets go on sale on the 24th November at the price of Adult £12 Child £6, with the normal gate prices being Adult £16 Child £8. The tickets may be purchased from The Lox-

Box Office 01403 750220


wood Joust website www.loxwoodjoust.

JACK AND THE BEANSTALK Friday 8 – Sunday 31 December

TOMFOOLERY SAVES CHRISTMAS In The Studio Saturday 9 – Sunday 24 December






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Friday 1 December 2017 15 get the news online and on the go at


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XMAS MEDIAEVAL MARKET Dec 2 & 3 Town Centre - Carfax - 9 a.m. Horsham Market goes mediaeval courtesy of Loxwood Joust Festive Food & Crafts Jesters & Minstrels Live Music & Song Blacksmith Workshops Ale, Mead & Merriment FREE ENTRY

FREDDY WOODS ORCHESTRA Dec 6 Horsham Sports Club - Cricketfield Road - Dec 06, 2017 - 8:30 p.m.Freddy Woods orchestra plus vocalist Sarah Prichard. FREE entry for members, visitors are also very welcome - entry is only £2 per person for NonMembers. The music starts at 8.30pm and finishes at 11pm

BIG BAND CONCERT Dec 7 Christ’s Hospital Theatre Christs Hospital - Dec 07, 2017 - 8 p.m.The popular CH Big Band performs a programme spanning decades of jazz and swing, also including smaller jazz groups and singers. Book early to avoid disappointment. Adults £12, Concessions £11 .

BUBLE AND BUBBLES Dec 8 Horsham Sports Club - Cricketfield Road - Dec 08, 2017 - 7 p.m. Join us for an evening of swing, soul, jazz and fizz, as we host a fabulously festive night of Bublé and Bubbles! Tickets £12.50 (includes Welcome Prosecco & canapes) HSC Members £10.00 (available from the office) Groups of 10+ £10.00 per ticket

HORSHAM TWINNING CAROLS Dec 9 Horsham Twinning Association Carol Concert in English, German and French, featuring the Pleasure Singers is to be held Saturday 9th December, 7.30 pm at the Unitarian Church, Worthing Road, Horsham opposite the bus station. Followed by mulled wine, glu wine, stollen, mince pies, nibbles and light refreshments.


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TOMFOOLERY SAVES CHRISTMAS Dec 9 The Capitol - North Street - Dec 09, 2017 - 11 a.m. It’s the night before Christmas and all through the house... Tomfoolery is making a complete and utter mess! Book tickest to this family favourite at The Capitol Box Office on 01403 750220


Friday 1 December 2017


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We take notices for all celebrations, births, deaths, marriages, anniversaries and acknowledgements To book your notice, please contact the team on 01403 289709 or at NOTICE OF PUBLIC PATH DIVERSION ORDER NO. 118 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990, SECTION 257 AND PARAGRAPH 1 OF SCHEDULE 14 HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL GREAT HOUSE FARM, WORTHING ROAD, SOUTHWATER, HORSHAM, WEST SUSSEX RH13 9DT FOOTPATH NO. 1656 (PART) The above order was made on 22nd November 2017. The effect of the order will be to divert part of Footpath 1656 running from Worthing Road, Southwater, Horsham, West Sussex at point A to Footpath 1655 at Great House Farm, Worthing Road, Southwater, Horsham, West Sussex at point B as shown on the order map and create an alternative footpath instead on a route running from Footpath 1656 Worthing Road, Southwater, Horsham, West Sussex at point A over land at Great House Farm, Worthing Road, Southwater, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 9DT to point C as shown on the order map. A copy of the order and the order map may be seen free of charge at Horsham District Council offices during office hours, at Horsham Library at Lower Tanbridge Way, Horsham RH12 1PJ from 9.00am to 7.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 5.00pm on Saturday and at Southwater Library at Beeson House, 26 Lintot Square, Fairbank Road, Southwater RH13 9LA from 10.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday and 10.00am to 2.00pm on Saturday. Copies of the order and the order map may be bought from Horsham District Council offices at the price of £5. Any representation about or objection to the order may be sent or delivered in writing to Legal and Democratic Services, Horsham District Council, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1RL not later than 5th January 2018. Please state the grounds on which it is made. If no such representations or objections are duly made, or if any so made are withdrawn, Horsham District Council may itself confirm the order as an unopposed order. If the order is sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for confirmation, any representations or objections which have not been withdrawn will be sent with the order. Dated: 22nd November 2017 The Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Draft

Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) TheSite Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Draft – Preferred Strategy SiteNOTICE Allocations Plan Document (DPD) OF Development CONSULTATION – Preferred Strategy

NOTICE OF Traveller CONSULTATION ‘The Gypsy, and Travelling Showpeople Draft Site Allocations Development Plan The Gypsy,Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Draft Site Allocations DevelopDocument (DPD) – Preferred Strategy’ is being published for an eight week consultation period

ment Plan Document Preferred is being published for an eight between 1 December 2017(DPD) and 26 -January 2018.Strategy The proposals contained in the consultation ‘Theweek Gypsy, Traveller andperiod Travelling Showpeople Draft policy Site 2017 Allocations Development Plan The document are for consultation only and are 1 notDecember council at thisand stage. Should you wish consultation between 28 January 2018. to comment please do so in before on 26 January 2018.for an Document (DPD) – Preferred Strategy’ is being published eight consultation period proposals contained the 5pm consultation document are for week consultation only and between 1 December 2017 and 26 January Theon-line proposals Comments on the document be made 2018. using the consultation forminonthe theconsultation are not council policy atmay this stage. Should you wish tocontained comment please do so Horsham District Council public at:not council policy at this stage. Should you wish document are for on consultation onlywebsite and are before 5pm 26 January 2018. to comment please do so before 5pm on 26 January 2018. And the document is available for inspection at:

Comments the document may using be made usingconsultation the on-lineform consultation form Comments on theon document may be made the on-line on the onHorsham theDistrict Horsham District Council public website at:Library Horsham Council public website at: District Council Offices Pulborough Parkside, Chart Way, North Street, Horsham RH12 1RL Brooks Way, off Lower Street, Pulborough RH20 2BQ (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) (Mon-Wed 1pm-5pm, Thurs-Fri 9am-1pm, Sat 9am-1pm) And the document is available for inspection at: Anddocument the document is available for inspection at: Steyning Horsham Library Library Lower Tanbridge Way, Horsham RH121PJ (Mon-Fri 9am-7pm, Sat 9am-5pm) Billingshurst Horsham DistrictLibrary Council Offices Mill Lane, Billingshurst RH14 9JZ Parkside, Chart Way, North Street, Horsham RH12 1RL (Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm) (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) Henfield Library Horsham Library off High Street, Henfield BN5 9DA (Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm) Lower Tanbridge Way, Horsham RH121PJ

Church Street, Steyning BN44 3YB (Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm) Storrington Library Pulborough Library Ryecroft Lane, Storrington RH20 4PA Brooks Way, off Lower Street, Pulborough RH20 2BQ (Mon-Fri 9.30am-5.30pm, Sat 10am-4pm)

(Mon-Wed 1pm-5pm, Thurs-Fri 9am-1pm, Sat 9am-1pm) Steyning Library Church Street, Steyning BN44 3YB (Mon-Fri 9am-7pm, Sat 9am-5pm) (Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm) Billingshurst Library or advice, can be obtained from Storrington Library Further information, the Strategic Planning and Sustainability Mill Lane, RH14or 9JZ Ryecroft Lane, Storrington RH20 4PA team onBillingshurst 01403 215398 (Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm) (Mon-Fri 9.30am-5.30pm, Sat 10am-4pm) Henfield Library off High Street, Henfield BN5 9DA (Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm)

Further information, or advice, can be obtained from the Strategic and Further information, or advice, can be obtained from the Strategic Planning and Planning Sustainability Sustainability teamoron 01403 215398 0r team on 01403 215398

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HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 Notice is hereby given under Article 15(3), (4) or (5) or Article 16 that the following applications have been submitted to Horsham District Council, registered between 20th November 2017 and 24th November 2017 Please note the below list of applications advertised are only those we are required to do so by law. A full list of applications is available by visiting our website at DC/17/2587 Land Adjacent To Eardley Hall High Street Henfield West Sussex BN5 9DA Erection of a two-storey dwelling with soft and hard landscaping and provision of off street parking. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area. DC/17/2578 Smugglers Hut Greyfriars Lane Storrington Pulborough West Sussex RH20 4HE Removal of existing garage and shed and erection of replacement double garage. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. Conservation Area. DC/17/2601 Agricultural Building West of Tudor Lodge Brighton Road Shermanbury West Sussex Application to confirm the Class B use (Storage of Cars, Caravans, Boats and Furniture) of Wychwood Barn for a continuous period of in excess of ten years (Certificate of Lawful Development - Existing) Reason for Advert:Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/17/2644 5 St Leonards Park House St Leonards Park Horsham West Sussex RH13 6EG Partial removal of internal wall and creation of wider opening in wall to dining area (both walls are not historical fabric). Creation of new recess to chimney breast. (Listed Building Consent) Reason for Advert: Listed Building. DC/17/2476 Buttercup Cottage 1 Parbrook Billingshurst West Sussex Variation of condition 1 to previously approved application DC/15/1381 (Proposed replacement of unihabitable dwelling with 2 new build two storey 1 bedroom houses, with solar panels and integral parking (including visitors further parking bays to be provided for existing properties owned by the applicant). Minor-material amendments to approved site layout to faciliate provision of off street parking Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building.

DC/17/2621 Land To The Rear of Lloyds Bank TSB Limited 37 High Street Steyning West Sussex BN44 3ZA Proposed erection of chalet bunaglow to form 2x three bedroom dwellings and conversion of the existing barn known as Carters barn to provide 1x bedroom dwelling together with all associated internal works, drainage works, car parking, refuse storage and cycle storage. (Listed Building Consent) Reason for Advert: Listed Building. Conservation Area. DC/17/2626 Lloyds Bank TSB Limited 37 High Street Steyning West Sussex BN44 3ZA Proposed conversion of former Lloyds Bank to provide 4x flats and 1x retail unit with erection of single storey rear extension and associated internal alterations (Listed Building Consent) Reason for Advert: Listed Building. Conservation Area. DC/17/2611 Medlars Swallows Lane Dial Post Horsham West Sussex RH13 8NN Minor single storey side/front extension to north-west elevation and installation of double glazed window to replace existing single glazed window. (Householder Application) Reason for Advert: Listed Building. DC/17/2612 Medlars Swallows Lane Dial Post Horsham West Sussex RH13 8NN Minor single storey side/front extension to north-west elevation and installation of double glazed window to replace existing single glazed window. (Listed Building Consent) Reason for Advert: Listed Building.

DC/17/2622 Westons Farm Westons Hill Itchingfield West Sussex Proposed erection of two agricultural storage barns for the storage of machinery, feedstuffs and fodder Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/17/2635 Christs Hospital School The Avenue Christs Hospital Horsham West Sussex RH13 0LJ Erection of temporary road for construction traffic for the duration of the development of previously permitted catering facilities. Reason for Advert: Listed Building. DC/17/2592 Albany House 14 Bishopric Horsham West Sussex RH12 1QN Prior approval for a proposed change of use of offices (Class B1a) to form 10 self-contained dwelling houses (Class C3) and associated parking, cycle store, and external refuse and recycling. Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building. DC/17/2520 Gospel Hall Denne Road Horsham West Sussex RH12 1JE Change of use from D1 (non-residential institutions) to A1 (shops and retail) Reason for Advert: Conservation Area. DC/17/2604 Church Gate Crays Lane Thakeham Pulborough West Sussex RH20 3ER Erection of single storey rear extension Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building.

DC/17/2629 Central House 8 Medwin Walk Horsham West Sussex RH12 1AG Erection of new entrance from car park Reason for Advert: Affecting Setting of a Listed Building.

A copy of each application and the submitted plans are available for inspection on the Council’s website https:// if you cannot view plans on line please call 01403 215187 for guidance. Any person who wishes to make representations about any of the applications below should do so in writing to Horsham District Council, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL by no later than 21 days from the date of this advert. Please note that any representations received will be made available for public inspection and posted on the Council’s website or the SDNP website.

One of the few original historic village landmarks dating back to the mid-1800s

Old Post Office Cottages, Wickhurst Lane, Broadbridge Heath, Horsham, RH12. Guide Price £475,000 This beautiful village home has an impressive Georgian façade with large windows and original

charming front door. The property is one of the few original historic village landmarks and dates back to the mid-1800s. The historic old Butchers adjoining the Georgian wing is a beautifully crafted functional

Quote The District Post when booking

kitchen with a vaulted ceiling, still proudly displaying its butcher’s hooks on the original wooden beams. Through the original front door the entrance hall leads through to the kitchen, family bathroom

and reception room. Through to the charming sitting room with painted wood panelled walls, dual aspect windows overlooking the gardens and working open fire place. The master bedroom is of generous size and like the sitting room has dual aspect windows. The second double bedroom benefits once again of the large Georgian window overlooking the large garden and a charming feature fireplace. The third double bedroom is generous in proportions, benefits from fitted wardrobes and cloakroom facilities, once again the bedroom has a large Georgian window allowing significant natural light into the property. The property is well screened by a large hedge which gives seclusion to the large lawned garden with its great willow tree surrounded by a natural carpet of crocuses and primrose and an array of flora throughout the year. There is parking for two vehicles situated to the rear of the property and this in turn leads through to the Horsham stone patio, perfect for entertaining. There is also a glass and timber outbuilding which is currently used as a utility room and the owners have sought planning for improvement (DC/16/1703), including listed building consent. Horsham station 2.8 miles (London Victoria/London Bridge 55 mins), Gatwick airport 13.7 miles, Guildford 19.6 miles, Central London 42.1 miles. (All distances and times are approximate) Call Knight Frank to arrange a viewing on 01403 611050

Solomon’s Seal Old Guildford Road, Broadbridge Heath RH12 3JU

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Volunteering Opportunities Building Heroes based in Pulborough is a charity which retrains military veterans for a career in the building trades. They rely on fundraising activities to fulfil their vital role in helping ex-service personnel into employment and need enthusiastic, friendly and reliable people to support and increase their activities and to raise the profile of the charity in the local area. If you can help organise fundraising events (e.g. sponsored walk, swim, bake sale, coffee mornings, etc, liase with community groups who may hold fundraising events for them, make phone calls to potential supporters, offer support at existing events (e.g. handing out flyers, providing information, serving drinks) or various other support tasks they would love to hear from you. Are you passionate about your community and want to make a difference? Emerging Futures train individuals to work as part of a coaching team to support their local community. Family recovery coaches help individuals in a family develop their own wellbeing and support system and to make valued life choices. And recovery coaches support individuals to move in to the community from structured treatment, detox, residential rehabilitation and prison. Pulborough and District Community Care Association needs a Wednesday club volunteer to help with activities at its social club for older people, for example short mat bowls, games, bingo, and the occasional outing - all accompanied by tea and cake. The association also needs a telephonist to work from home to take appointments for its Community Transport Service. Carers Support West Sussex needs support group co-facilitators to help provide a confidential space for carers to meet, offload and gain information. They also need telephone support volunteers to help carers share emotions and reduce stress and isolation by providing active listening. And the charity seeks young adult carer engagement volunteers to meet and communicate regularly with young adult carers to support them. If you want to know more about any of the opportunities above or are thinking of volunteering and want to know what’s out there, just log on to and explore the many ways in which you can get involved in your community. Can you help beat hunger by offering a couple of hours at your local Tesco store on Nov 30 or December 1 or 2? Volunteers are needed to help collect donation at the UK’s largest food drive this Christmas. The collections take place at Tesco stores UK-wide when volunteers are asked to help collect food donations from customers for a few hours in their local store and hand out the FareShare shopping list. In just three hours you could collect enough food to make 600 meals and change someone’s Christmas. Details are available at where you can also sign up for a shift.

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Horsham Joggers weekly round up HJer Tim Jones continued his series of huge challenges this weekend by completing the Centurion Wendover Woods 50 mile race, a trail run in the Hampshire countryside with over 100000 feet of climbs in just under 14 hours! Over slightly more sensible distances, 31 Joggers took part in the Dunsfold Jigsaw 10K running 2 laps of the legendary Top Gear track in aid of the Jigsaw Trust for people with Autism. Richard Lee

Wright and Matt Antsee Brown both finished in the top ten (36.02 & 36.05 respectively) followed by Simon Perkins 36.33 Paul Oakley 37.40 Dean Angell 37.48 Matt Mason 38.39 Hadley O’Dwyer 38.43 Trev Barrett 39.05 Raff Vitale 39.34 Harry Wilcox 40.40 Dave Jones 40.58 Stuart Adesilu 41.14 Matt Whyman 41.22 Paul Chantler 42.10 Will Green 42.48 Alan McLachlan 46.27 Richard Cornell 46.59 Matt Senior 48.26 Clive Walker 48.39

Geoff Fisher 48.50 Elena Shapland 49.22 Kirsty Anstee Brown 50.22 Sharon Burchett 50.22 Aimee Fenwick 52.28 Emma Whyman 54.26 Lisa Bowler 56.20 Matt Ide 56.22 Tony Mason 57.40 Hayley Blaskett 61.59 Ashley Humphreys 62.30 and Jo Willison 62.51. Picture - Sharon Burchett claiming a personal best, after a great run last week in Valencia, paced in by Kirsty Anstee Brown.

Your sports notice board Gatwick Flyers Trampoline Club Roffey Robins Rockets U13

Horsham Rugby Club Ho

rsen ham Wom & Ru gbyofClall girls ub ages are invited to training sessions at New Players al ys Horsham Rugby wa Club we lcome fr om under 6 on Tuesd ay’s 18.30 or to 18. Sund 10.30. PlayContay’s act Jo n Pratt on ers 07 requi red for all the 785 3829 or fema le teams. 09 Cont act jon.p ratt@sky.c om Tony on enigma149 8@ yaho

Partridge Green Club ball Ar Footam un

Horsh dminton Club Ba Players needed for

Gatwick Flyers New players areTrampoline required Club high qualfor theprovides team who play on ity coaching and welcomes Saturday mornings and newon members to join their train Monday evenings. Billingshurst For Players neededsquad. in various information visit www. positions. Please contact Robert Foley on 07775 647983 or

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Walking Baseball Club Horsham football. s males and female ite Inv All ages and ability to over 6 years of age Tuesday and Thursday learn come along and mornings baseball Shipley Community s 10am to Saturday’ Inglefield at Project 0pm 1.0 - £2 per r SchoolRuss Contact Mano session 07519 847295

Heron Olympic FC require players born between Sept 2004 Under 7 and under 8 players and Augrequired 2005 to for join the new U13 season. Anyone their 11-a-side interested in coming team for the 2017-18 along to season. training please contact Chris at Contact Ian Palser on chesworthrovers.chris@ 07973 242270 or email

Chesworth Rovers

ath Co me and jo in Karate ClubFC Horsham , get fit, lose weig BBht, HFle Car ar neto lode okfe innd g yofo urrsepl lfay an erds m fo ee r tth ne eiwr frieU1 nd7/ s. 18 Clas tese s in am HoPl rsha eam se fo r nt co boac tht ad teul ts am manag aner d ch Alild anre Wn. hite on Co nt 07 ac 73 t 22 0 01 Pa16 ul or Ellio ttail em 07 ajon 77@ wor 80 ks 584 hotm oruk ai82 semka@btin . m

Holbro ok Allstars Lad ies Basketball Horsham Parkrun Club

The club would like to hear

atfrom anyo every Held ne Saturday over 16 inter ested inin playi Park. Horsham ng basketbal 9.00am l. Experienc ed playe or andrsopen to enter Free beginners most welcome. The young, old everyone, toclub aim to teach, develop novice. or anyo experienced and engage with ne willing to www.parkrun. atlearn Register . For more infor mation visit www m and or emai then just go along l


intoRugby n Club At Holbrook we are Keen ers on keen toag build last seasect ion sons and build a Ar e yosuccess u retired anplayers. d with larger squad of ba dminto n experience ? All are welcome to join us We play Mond ayWednesday and Friat ytraining on da mornings 9.30 - 12. nights at 7.30pm. For mo re details conWe train at The Holbrook ta ct Ma rianne on 0140 Club in North Heath Lane 3 258086 RH12 5PJ

Heron Olympic FC



Under 13 and yers of all me pla lco We9 s. Friendly team es 7 ard s fro m ag standge ball team. villa tofoot 70 plus se contact Adam to Plea For more info go 662 9 .or k oror 0796 on g.u662 www.habc abc. h@ hip@h pgfc l mb ers.yout ail me ememai ail.c org hotm


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Do you have a notice? email us at

Comptons Tennis Horsham Comm unity Club Netball Club

Great British Tennis Weekend Open Day Sunday May Welcom es 8-12 year olds 14, s2-5 pmForm At Collyer’ Sixth SessionsCollege for all ages and abilities, half price memWednes days 5.30-6.30pm bership & £30 of free Contact : Ian Ford 07764 coaching. BBQ & Bar. 146338 / Register at @horsha k gbtw under Comptons Tennis Club

Tan brid geot G Ba irls dm Fo ton ba llinin Cl ubm Hors ha

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41 Springfield Rd (01403) 275 553


Friday 1 December 2017


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Horsham Flamingos ‘Feel Good’ at National Competition Three of the youngest members of BSC Horsham Flamingos Synchronised Swimming team, who are part of the Pavilions swimming school and train there regularly, took part in the National Age Group Competition over the weekend. Heather Surley and Ranjuo Tomblin, one of the few mixed

Hockey Martin Read - Sports Reporter Horsham started confidently in attacking formation, which seemed to unsettle tentative Basingstoke, who provided Horsham with plenty of room to play. Louisa Denman scored a field goal giving Horsham a 1-0 lead at the break, despite the occasional Basingstoke foray. In the second half the hosts delivered a more positive display, putting Horsham under increased pressure and this produced fruit when a breakaway diagonal run across the pitch enabled Sharon Stones to equalise by deflecting the ball into the Horsham goal. The game then entered a tense phase with both sides seeking the decider,

Horsham gymnasts dominate at Regional Championships

duets in the country, took silver in the 12 years and under Mixed Duet with their routine to James Brown’s “I Feel Good”, while Maria Vittoria Chiri took part in the prestigious 12 years and under Solo. Maria, one of the youngest entrants, put on an excellent performance against competitors from bigger, more established clubs.

Horsham Ladies disappointed with controversial draw Saturday November 25 – South Clubs’ Women’s Hockey League Division 1 Basingstoke Ladies 1 1 Horsham

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producing chances at either end. Horsham were convinced that Tiff Male had scored the winner with a short corner conversion but the umpire ruled that the ball had not been brought outside of the D and the goal was disallowed. At the end of the game Basingstoke expressed disappointment with their performance, but declared themselves content to share the points. Whereas, talking about Horsham’s game Ladies Club Captain Charlotte CJ White said: “Basingstoke pressed differently in the second half, which didn’t give us so much scope. It was disappointing to be denied the win, but we played well again with some good team moves.” Horsham remain fourth, one place below Basingstoke and, on Saturday, they welcome Reading Ladies 2s to Broadbridge Heath for a 2pm push back. Reading currently sit 9th in the table with three wins from 9 games.

Over 400 gymnasts from the South East Region competed over the weekend of November 25/26 at the 2017 Regional Championships in Sittingbourne, Kent, including 16 from Horsham Gymnastics Centre’s Sports Acro squad. Of the 16 from Horsham competing, amazingly, 10 of them came away as Regional Champions in Gold Medal position. Three others finished second and came away with Silver Medals while the final trio finished a very creditable fifth. Horsham Gymnastics Centre is highly regarded as one of Britain’s top gymnastic clubs and this fantastic set of results further enhances their reputation.

The 12 new Regional Champions who won gold are: Frazer Kerr Jones & Logan Jones in

Well done also to all of the coaches who have worked with this talented group of gymnasts the Grade 1 Mens Pairs, Devon Thomas & Naima Hyder who were competing in the Grade 4 Mixed Pairs, Ella Turtle, Grace Hanger & Lily Garrard in the Grade 4 Womens Group and Olivia Barry,

Madeline Kent & Jessica Harmer who became Grade 5 Womens Group Champions. The Horsham Grade 2 Womens Group of Lily O’Keefe, Louise O’Hara & Jess Roberts finished as Silver Medallists and Lilly Knight, Nina Butler Laplace & Angelina Lane came fifth in the Grade 4 Womens Group competition. Ali Harmer, Head of Acro at Horsham Gymnastics Centre, said; “Well done to all the gymnasts who took part last weekend. Well done also to all of the coaches who have worked with this talented group of gymnasts helping them achieve this set of fantastic results up against the very best gymnasts in the South East.”

Horsham mugged by Teddy Boys Saturday November 25 – South League – Premier – Division 1 London Edwardians Men’s 1st XI 6 1 Horsham Men Hockey Martin Read - Sports Reporter Horsham’s visit to Battersea ended with a heavy defeat after the strong current runners up scored in the first two minutes and went

on to notch up their seventh win of the season. Edwardians brought 16 players to the game, whereas Horsham had been hit with injuries and non availability. But, Horsham did manage to score when skipper Andy Isaacs launched a long range kick from his goal for Andy MacDonald to collect and put in, but they trailed 4-1 at the break. Two more field goals from Edwardians in the sec-

ond half compounded Horsham’s woes. Tomorrow, Saturday, Horsham play another London side – Spencer from Earlsfield SW18 – at Christ’s Hospital, pushing back at noon. Horsham remain in the penultimate spot with a solitary win from the first game of the season. Spencer run 11 men’s teams and are fifth in the table after losing 4-2 to Bromley & Beckenham last week.

Friday 1 December 2017 27 get the news online and on the go at

Horsham bounce back to silence title chasing Hove

Saturday November 25 – London 2 South East Horsham 25 20 Hove Rugby Martin Read - Sports Reporter After two consecutive defeats Horsham racked up their seventh win of the season – a real feather in their cap against second-placed Hove. The very noisy Hove team bristled with confidence and expected to win, but once again Horsham overturned them - as they have now done in six out of their last seven contests, including memorable wins in two Bob Rogers Cup Finals. Horsham go


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back up to fourth with 34 points, Hove remain second on 37, nine points behind runaway leaders Dartfordians. Mike Watts created an opportunity for Horsham, running through the Hove defence to supply Joe Wilde, who crossed the line and then converted for an early 7-0 lead. Hove immediately responded, but were thwarted by a knock on. Wilde then kicked two penalties, in between which a dropped ball denied Hove a try. But, the visitors then went on the rampage with a penalty and two converted tries in six brutal minutes. Bruised, Horsham suddenly found themselves trailing 13-17 at the break. Horsham missed a penalty on the resumption but

promptly re-took the lead when Mike Watts galloped half the field, slicing through the Hove defence for a breathtaking try, Wilde maximising. And, it soon got even better when Tom Blewitt dodged tackles to put Horsham 25-17 ahead. By this time, in numbing cold, Hove’s Captain Sam Whiting was awaiting an ambulance for hospital examination of a suspected broken leg, and without his services Hove needed to score at least twice to snatch the game. In fast fading light they pushed hard and converted a penalty, but Horsham’s defence was up to the task, the highly-charged game ending 25-20 in the Green and Whites’ favour. Horsham Head Coach Nick Stocker said: “This was a great advert for community rugby between two committed sides. Apart from the brief spell just before half time we controlled the game more effectively than Hove, limiting their potent attack and imposing ourselves. I wish Sam Whiting a speedy recovery, he’s a fantastic player.” Tomorrow, Saturday, Horsham revert to Bob Rogers Cup action – the competition they have won for the last four years - with a home Quarter Final against Crowborough – 1.30 start. Crowborough are currently eighth in London 3SE, the league below Horsham. Meanwhile, with his leg heavily strapped, Horsham Captain Tom Johnson expects to be sidelined for up to 12 more weeks and team regular Johnny Ordidge is nursing a dislocated shoulder.

YMCA charge on with another big win Tuesday November 21 – Macron Store Southern Combination Football League – Premier Div Littlehampton Town 1 4 Horsham YMCA Football Martin Read - Sports Reporter Littlehampton are well down the table and were thumped 7-0 by Loxwood in their penultimate game, but that was their only defeat in their last five matches, so although YMCA are in a rich vein of form, there was no question of complacency – especially as this was YM’s game in hand, which they needed to win to remain in contention. YM came into their own in the second half with a strong performance forging a convincing victory. They had the best of the first half, too, testing Littlehampton keeper Luke Hutchings, but did not manage to convert possession and chances into goals after Luke Donaldson had put YM in front with a pinpoint header in the 15th minute.

Despite Littlehampton opportunities, especially challenging runs by Ole Bankhole, the score remained 1-0 in YM’s favour at the break. The second half was, though, a different story. After Dan Evans and Aaron Jeal had kept Littlehampton at bay, a quarter of an hour in Luke Gedling put YM further ahead from a curling free kick before Sam Schaaf made it 3-0 with a crashing strike. Manager Peter Buckland then rang the changes with Dave Brown and Schaaf giving way to Callum Jeal and Mark Cave. Then, with ten minutes remaining and YM under no pressure, they endured their only blemish of the game when Ben Gray took advantage of a defensive mix up to reduce Littlehampton’s deficit. Ash Dugdale was brought on for Donaldson and moments later, on the stroke of full time, Liam Humphries put the icing on the cake, finalising an excellent build up with YM’s fourth goal. Peter Buckland praised Littlehampton’s spirit, expressing surprise that they are not higher up the table.

Pulborough edge towards exit of the relegation zone

Photos by Diane Game

Saturday November 25 – London 2 South East Pulborough 55 10 Barking Rugby Martin Read - Sports Reporter Pulborough delivered a much needed nine try win, giving

them 15 points, just one below tenth placed Deal & Betteshanger, who were shaded 12-10 at Heathfield. With a changed format, after a dominant first 30 mintues Boro led 31-3, which remained the score at the break. And, they cruised through the second

half with 24 more points. A Will Scrase hat trick led the try scorers with Ewen Calloway in hot pursuit with two and a try apiece for Ollie Paige, Matt Goring, Ben Miller and Nick van Pelt. Frazer Oliphant Hope and Boro skipper Simon Burfiend shared the kicking with five conversions,

Head Coach Clayton Saunders telling the District Post: “It was great for us to close the gap at the bottom of the table and I was especially pleased to see 18 year old Nick van Pelt’s try on his debut. We’ve moved closer to Deal & Betteshanger and we’ve got a crunch game against them

in East Kent on December 9th, like us they’ve been struggling a bit, but they beat Horsham, so it’ll be a tough game, especially over there. I just hope we can get through to Christmas without any injuries.” Pulborough are without a game this weekend. Spare a thought for former National League side Barking, where legendary England prop Jason Leonard cut his teeth. Barking were relegated last year and are currently cut adrift at the bottom of the table without a single win and an average losing score of 50-7 per game. As can easily happen when a side goes down, key players leave because they want to continue playing at a higher level, forcing a club to field inexperienced, unready players. Barking have failed to put out a side in two of their previous three matches, flirting with elimination if that trend continues. It would be bad for the game if a proper rugby club like Barking subsides further and, amid general concern and in the hope that their predicament can be resolved, their plight is apparently on the radar of the Essex RFU.

Friday December 1, 2017

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Horsham gymnasts dominate at Regional Championships

This was a great advert for community rugby between two committed sides.

Page 26

HorshamYMCA aspirations dented at Loxwood defeat

Nick Stocker

Hornets battle through to competitive draw Tuesday November 28 – Bostik Football League South Division Herne Bay 1 1 Horsham Football Martin Read - Sports Reporter

Saturday November 251 – Macron Store Southern Combination Football League – Premier Div Loxwood 2 1 Horsham YMCA Football Martin Read - Sports Reporter When this game kicked off YM

and Loxwood were cheek by jowl in the table, and YM had won seven out of their previous eight league games, seeing off several championship contenders. But, it was Loxwood, the Magpies, who took all the points in an unexpectedly disappointing YM performance. The first half was marked by an incredible

bicycle kick save by Aaron Jeal in the YM goal, but Loxwood led 1-0 at the break when Jeal brought down Tiago in the area, the player subsequently scoring from the penalty spot. Earlier Bachelor’s chance was saved, while, at the other end, Sam Schaaf had a goal disallowed for YM and Phil Johnson was unable to convert opportunities. YM Manager Peter Buckley rang further changes in the second half, both sides creating openings and receiving bookings, and the next goal did not come until the 85th minute,

when Loxwood’s Ollie Moore fired into the left corner of the goal from close range. Well into extra time a hand ball in the box gifted YM a penalty, which Luke Gedling converted, but YM’s trip to the Plaistow Road Recreation Ground was not a happy one and they will be looking to reboot their surge up the table when they welcome 18th placed AFC Uckfield Town to Gorings Mead on Saturday. The visitors have had four wins and ten defeats from 16 starts and possess the second lowest goal scoring record in the league.

Creative Hornets beat loftier opposition again Saturday November 25 – The Bostik League – South Division Horsham 2 1 Hastings Football Martin Read - Sports Reporter After beating title chasing Greenwich Borough, the Hornets again proved that they are capable of overturning any team in the league on their day when, in continuance of their good run of form, they despatched Hythe Town, nine places above them in the table. But it was the Kent side – the

Cannons – who created the first opportunity, only for Captain Ryan Johnson’s shot to sail over the crossbar. The Hornets responded but Jack Hartley’s foray ended with a clearance. However, Horsham promptly took the lead when Dean Bown brought the ball under control before slotting it home in the eighth minute. Five minutes later Bown might have scored again – until Cannons keeper William Godmon’s legs got in the way. Hythe immediately attacked but Horsham escaped when Dean Grant’s header went just over. Then, Bown was

in action again, but shot wide before he was unable to put away a rebound from a Scott Kirkwood attempt, Joe Shelley’s then firing wide. It was, though, Hythe who scored next – Charlie Webster equalising from close range. The Hornets responded, but Shelley’s acrobatic attempt was unable to maximise Kirkwood’s supply. Bown caused further problems but neither he nor Hakeem Adelakun’s strikes were on target. And, just before the break, Hythe evaded Hornet keeper Brannon Daly, but fortunately the ball went past the goal, the score

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remaining 1-1 at the break. On the restart Bown was off target and then penetrated Hythe’s defence, again to no avail, but Horsham soon increased their lead when Shelley headed in a corner. Hythe kept pressing until Toby House was substituted for Bown but could not slot home. After Sollis fired wide, Daly prevented the same player, and his team mate Grant, from scoring, and then crucially kept Hythe out again in the dying moments to enable the Hornets to pocket all three points.

82 Lambs Farm Road, Roffey, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 4JH 01403 267805 Established 30 years

At Lancing in September Herne Bay beat Horsham 5-2, eliminating them from the FA Cup, but the Hornets’ long journey to furthest, freezing East Kent was a far closer encounter, as befitted the two mid-table sides, and the draw was a fair result, with both sides content to share the points. Herne Bay made the first showing – earning two corners, the first of which was headed wide before Steve Metcalfe negated the second. The Hornets were attacking, too, but Scott Kirkwood shot just past the post from Jack Hartley’s rebound. The same two players were in action again but Herne Bay keeper Benjamin Hunter kept them at bay and Brannon Daly in the Hornets’ goal was also called upon successfully. Kirkwood then saw his long range pile-driver cannon off the bar for an unfulfilled corner ahead of Hakeem Adelakun testing Hunter with a speculative attempt. Herne Bay responded, but two more Horsham corners kept the opposition on their toes, the first half ending goal-less. The game resumed in similar fashion, with both keepers negating attacks. An injury to Lewis Hyde necessitated changes, followed by Dean Bown, Kirkwood and Joe Shelley all creating chances – Shelley having a goal disallowed, the referee ruling that he had climbed on a Herne Bay defender. Darren Boswell was also causing problems for the hosts, and, after Herne Bay had shaved the crossbar, Metcalfe gave Horsham the lead in the 63rd minute when he slotted home sub Tony Nwachukwu’s pass. Herne Bay substitutions injected energy, producing a header and a forlorn strike from a distance – until the equaliser came from Schafer’s drive when he took advantage of an errant back pass. There was still ample time for either side to snatch a win but opportunities came and went, ending with the teams shaking hands on a hardfought draw. On Saturday Horsham take the road to Kent again, but this time with a far shorter journey - to Dartford - to play 10th placed Phoenix Sports

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If you require this leaflet in an alternative format please contact 01908580000 or your local store. 1. Big Night In Deal. Upgrade to 2 large pizzas for an additional £4.00. Premium crusts, bases and additional toppings may be charged as extra. Collection or delivery, minimum delivery spends may apply, please ask in store for details. Participating stores only. Ends 1st January 2018.For full T&Cs see Competitions and Offers at Boring Legal Stuff at Half and Half pizzas: excludes personal pizzas, gluten free and Italia on most expensive half. One type base and one type crust per pizza. T&Cs: For full ingredient lists, nutritional & allergen information see Our stores are busy working environments. Some ingredients in our products have been produced in factories that handle 1 creams may In contain nuts. Although great haspizzas been taken all bones from meat products crusts, and all stones from olives, some may toppings remain. Some products may haveasbeen previously frozen. Prices are subject change without Big Night Deal. Upgrade to 2care large for to anremove additional £4.00. Premium bases and additional may be charged extra. Collection or delivery, buttodelivery areasnotice. Delivery areas apply: plea If you require etitsin delivery an alternative please contact ortoyour store. 1. Big Night In Deal. Upgrade to 2than large £10. pizzas All for an additionaland Premium crusts, bases and additional toppings mayand charged extra. or delivery, delivery areas and whether youthis areleafl in delivery area.format Formay safety, drivers01908580000 only deliver thelocal main door/reception carry less products offers are subject to availability. imagesas are forCollection illustration purposes only. Coca-Cola, and minimum spends apply, please ask in store for details. and Participating stores only. Ends£4.00. 1st January 2018.For full Descriptions T&Cs see beCompetitions and Offers atbutBoring Legal Coke & the Dynamic Ribbo minimum delivery spends may apply, please ask in store for details. Participating stores only. Ends 1st January 2018.For full T&Cs see Competitions and Offers at Boring Legal Stuff at Half and Half pizzas: excludes personal pizzas, gluten free and Italiano pizzas. Price based trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company. All rights reserved. Copyright 2017 Domino’s Pizza UK & Ireland Limited. All orders are subject to our Terms & Conditions, see Stuff at on most expensive half. One type base and one type crust per pizza. T&Cs: For full ingredient lists, nutritional & allergen information see Our stores are busy working environments. Some ingredients in our products have been produced in factories that handle nuts. Ben & Jerry’s icecreams may contain nuts. Although great care has been taken to remove all bones from meat products and all stones from olives, some may remain. Some products may have been previously frozen. Prices are subject to change without notice. Delivery areas apply: please ask your local store whether you are in its delivery area. For safety, drivers only deliver to the main door/reception and carry less than £10. All products and offers are subject to availability. Descriptions and images are for illustration purposes only. Coca-Cola, Coke & the Dynamic Ribbon Device are registered trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company. All rights reserved. Copyright 2017 Domino’s Pizza UK & Ireland Limited. All orders are subject to our Terms & Conditions, see

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ct 01908580000 or your local store. 1. Big Night In Deal. Upgrade to 2 large pizzas for an additional £4.00. Premium crusts, bases and additional toppings may be charged as extra. CollectionMenu or delivery, but delivery Back - UK areas and Domino’sDomino’s Menu Back - UK tails. Participating stores only. Ends 1st January 2018.For full T&Cs see Competitions and Offers at Boring Legal Stuff at Half and Half pizzas: excludes personal pizzas, gluten free and Italiano pizzas. Price based LesleyOur stores 3 mm zza. T&Cs: For full ingredient lists, nutritional & allergen information see are busy working environments. Some ingredients in our products have been produced in factories that handle nuts. Ben & Jerry’s iceLesley 3 mm o remove all bones from meat products and all stones from olives, some may remain. Some products may have been previously Prices are subject to change without notice. Delivery areas apply: please ask your local store 08 09 17 314 frozen. x 297 mm 100% 08to09 17 314 purposes x 297 mm 100% ver to the main door/reception and carry less than £10. All products and offers are subject availability. Descriptions and images are for illustration only. Coca-Cola, Coke & the Dynamic Ribbon Device are registered ARTWORK 20130 6 C617_Outer_UK_OS right 2017 Domino’s Pizza UK & Ireland Limited. All orders are subject to our Terms & Conditions, see


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If you require this leaflet in an alternative format please contact 01908580000 or your local store. 1. Big Night In Deal. Upgrade to 2 large pizzas for an additional £4.00. Premium crusts, b minimum delivery spends may apply, please ask in store for details. Participating stores only. Ends 1st January 2018.For full T&Cs see Competitions and Offers at Boring Legal Stuff at domino on most expensive half. One type base and one type crust per pizza. T&Cs: For full ingredient lists, nutritional & allergen information see Our stores are busy working environments. S creams may contain nuts. Although great care has been taken to remove all bones from meat products and all stones from olives, some may remain. Some products may have been previously whether you are in its delivery area. For safety, drivers only deliver to the main door/reception and carry less than £10. All products and offers are subject to availability. Descriptions and ima trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company. All rights reserved. Copyright 2017 Domino’s Pizza UK & Ireland Limited. All orders are subject to our Terms & Conditions, see

Big Night In Deal. 1Upgrade to 2 large pizzas for an additional £4.00. Premium crusts, bases and additional toppings may be charged as extra. Collection or If you require this leaflet in an alternative format please contact 01908580000 or your local store. 1. Big Night In Deal. Upgrade to 2 large pizzas for an additional £4.00. Premium crusts, bases and additional toppings may be charged as extra. Collection or delivery, but delivery areas and minimum delivery spends may apply, please ask inand store forminimum details. Participating stores only. spends Ends 1st January 2018.For full T&Cs see Competitions at Boring Stuff at Half and Half pizzas: excludes pizzas, free and Italiano pizzas. Price based delivery, but delivery areas delivery may apply, please ask and in Offers store for Legal details. Participating stores only.personal Ends 1stgluten January 2018.For full 20130 6see C617_Outer_UK_OS.indd on most expensive half. One type base and one type crust1 per pizza. T&Cs: For full ingredient lists, nutritional & allergen information see Our stores are busy working environments. Some ingredients in our products have been produced in factories that handle nuts. Ben & Jerry’s iceT&Cs Competitions and Offers at Boring Legal Stuff at creams may contain nuts. Although great care has been taken to remove all bones from meat products and all stones from olives, some may remain. Some products may have been previously frozen. Prices are subject to change without notice. Delivery areas apply: please ask your local store whether you are in its delivery area. For safety, drivers only deliver to the main door/reception and carry less than £10. All products and offers are subject to availability. Descriptions and images are for illustration purposes only. Coca-Cola, Coke & the Dynamic Ribbon Device are registered trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company. All rights reserved. Copyright 2017 Domino’s Pizza UK & Ireland Limited. All orders are subject to our Terms & Conditions, see

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Opening Hours: 11am - Late, days aUpgrade week Domino’s 000 or your local store. 1. Big Night In 7Deal. to 2 large pizzas for an additional £4.00. Premium crusts, bases and additional toppings may be charged as extra. CollectionMenu or deli Menu Back - UK Domino’s ting stores only. Ends 1st January 2018.For full T&Cs see Competitions and Offers at Boring Legal Stuff at Half and Half pizzas: excludes personal pizzas, gluten free and Lesley 3 mm full ingredient lists, nutritional & allergen information08see Our stores are 314 busy working han Lesley 3 mm 09 17 x 297 mm environments. Some 100% ingredients in our products have been produced in factories that bones from meat products and all stones from olives, some may remain. Some products may have been previously frozen. Prices are subject to change without notice. Delivery areas apply: ARTWORK 20130 6 C617_Outer_UK_OS 08to09 17 314 purposes x 297 mm 100% in door/reception and carry less than £10. All products and offers are subject availability. Descriptions and images are for illustration only. Coca-Cola, Coke & the Dynamic R

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