The Dartmouth 04/03/14

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Assembly’s DBI- Protest continues at Parkhurst promotion plan rejected by UFC By NANCY WU

The Dartmouth Staff







In a meeting Monday, the Undergraduate Finance Committee unanimously voted to reject Student Assembly’s resolution that would have provided scholarship funds to the governing councils of Greek organizations based on completion of Dartmouth Bystander Initiative leadership training sessions. Passed by the Assembly on March 25, the policy said that if 25 members or half the sophomore and junior class of a Greek organization participated in a six-hour DBI leadership training session, its governing council could receive $2,000 in dues-assistance funds. Up to $30,000 would be allocated in total, the proposal stated. The Assembly, fully funded by the UFC, has an annual budget of $58,000, said former UFC chair and committee member Rohail Premjee ’14. UFC chair Eli Derrow ’15 said committee members first learned of the Assembly’s proposal on Monday. That afternoon, 17 members convened to discuss the resolution in relation to the student activity fee and concluded that it violated several UFC practices and procedures. Money from the student activity fee — an $81 termly payment included in tuition that the UFC allocates — can only be used by non-selective campus organizations. This would prohibit the use of the fees for Greek organizations’ financial aid, Derrow said. In response to the committee’s concerns, student body president Adrian Ferrari ’14 said the program would create a “public good” for everyone, not just affiliated students.

Students marched around the Green yesterday to protest Hanlon’s response to the “Freedom Budget.”










B y SARA M cGAHAN The Dartmouth Staff

A group of about 75 people gathered in front of Parkhurst Hall Wednesday afternoon to protest College President Phil Hanlon’s March 6 response to the “Freedom Budget,” a student-authored document listing over 70 demands for “transformative justice.” The group chanted as it marched. “What do we want?”

“A response!” “When do we want it?” “Now!” Protesters marched around campus, circling the Green and walking through the library. As of press time, 19 students planned to spend Wednesday night in Hanlon’s office, continuing a sitin that began Tuesday afternoon. The night before, eight students slept in Hanlon’s office, while others slept in the Parkhurst atrium. A campus-wide email sent by The Dartmouth Radical

at around 10 a.m. Wednesday said that protesters “will not leave until the president provides a point-by-point response to each item in the Budget.” Hanlon entered his office at around 1 p.m. Wednesday and spoke to the group, which numbered around 20 students. “I challenge you to take a more conservative approach if you really want to bring about change,” Hanlon said. “Demands, threats,

Patient care group gets grant Muslim students reflect on college experience in book

B y CAROLINE HANSEN The Dartmouth Staff

The Patient Support Corps, a program matching undergraduates and first and second-year Geisel School of Medicine students with patients at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, recently received a $200,000 Arthur Vining Davis Foundations grant to be paid out over three years. The Patient Support

Corps connects patients and students by facilitating a coaching process, which allows students to advise patients about the best way to communicate with their doctors. Participants also take notes and audio recordings of appointments so that patients can pay attention to what their physicians are saying without focusing on memorizing every detail. Asha Clarke Med’16, who interned with the

program last summer and is currently involved in training new participants, said the grant will expand the program to more students, patients and hospital staff. Susan Berg, interim program director at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center’s Center for Shared Decision Making, said in an email that the funds will also be used to help integrate the SEE GEISEL PAGE 2


The recently published anthology “Growing Up Muslim: Muslim College Students in America Tell Their Life Stories,” places the number of students practicing Islam at the College between eight and 13 for each of the classes graduating between 2011 and 2015. Dartmouth students and alumni contributed 13 of the 14 stories in the compilation, co-edited by edu-

cation professor emeritus Andrew Garrod. Published March 13, the anthology is comprised of 14 biographical memoirs describing and reflecting on the experiences and struggles faced by Muslim college students in the U.S. Each story reflects on different themes that include Islamophobia, piety and sexuality. SEE ISLAM PAGE 3



DAily debriefing Brown University: Brown offered admission to 8.6 percent of the 30,432 applicants to the Class of 2018, the lowest acceptance rate in the university’s history, the Brown Daily Herald reported. A record-high 18 percent of admits are first-generation college students, and a record-high 46 percent identify as students of color. Columbia University: Columbia’s Lerner, McBain and John Jay Halls will see the addition of single-use and gender-inclusive bathrooms, the Columbia Spectator reported. The renovations follow the University Senate’s recent quality-of-life survey, which found that students who did not identify as male or female reported that they were less satisfied with their Columbia experience than those who identified as male or female. Cornell University: Cornell will no longer offer equitation classes as part of its physical education program, the Cornell Daily Sun reported. Athletics and Physical Education director Andy Noel said that the Oxley Equestrian Center lacks space for safe accommodations and that funding to expand the center is currently unavailable. Harvard University: Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean Michael Smith announced at a faculty meeting on Tuesday that three students were expelled on charges of physical violence in February, the Harvard Crimson reported. Two of the students also violated rules related to drugs and alcohol, firearms and use of university resources. Princeton University: A Princeton sophomore filed a lawsuit against the university and seven administrators on March 25, according to the Daily Princetonian. The student previously alleged that he was forced to withdraw following a suicide attempt, and is suing for disability discrimination in federal court. He had been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and Type II Bipolar Disorder. University of Pennsylvania: Student-run mental health and wellness advocacy coalition Green Ribbon Campaign held its first rally on Monday afternoon, the Daily Pennsylvanian reported. The group is advocating that more resources be allocated to counseling and psychological services and for peer-to-peer training. Yale University: Tuesday afternoon, nearly a dozen students gathered to protest Yale’s endowment investments in fossil fuel companies, according to the Yale Daily News. Students laid out a tarp with the words “Yale Students Demand Divestment” in front of Woodbridge Hall, the university’s main administrative building. Students poured black liquid over stuffed animals and tossed fake money on the ground. Some dressed in white overalls or business suits to represent Yale Corporation members.


Corrections We welcome corrections. If you believe there is a factual error in a story, please email “Admissions to visit city alumni clubs” (April 1, 2014): The initial version of the story said that a representative of the Dartmouth Club of Boston did not respond to a request for comment by press time. This was inaccurate, and the story has been revised to correct the error.


Grant to expand Patient Support Corps FROM GEISEL PAGE 1

program into Geisel’s curriculum, hire a program coordinator and secretary and expand the program to additional medical centers. It will also help fund the program’s general expenses, from consultations to volunteer trainings. The Patient Support Corps, a program within DHMC’s Center for Shared Decision Making, is free for patients being cared for by participating clinicians, Berg said. Clarke said the program has assisted over 70 patients to date. Dartmouth’s Patient Support Corps program began in 2011, after program director and Geisel surgery professor Dale Vidal attended a speech given at a medical conference by a student who had participated in the program at the University of California at San Francisco. The program recruited its first students in November 2011 and held its first training in January 2012. The first patients it assisted were in the Comprehensive Breast Program at DHMC’s Norris Cotton Cancer Center. So far, 17 students — eight undergraduates, eight medical students and one student from The Dartmouth Institute — have participated in the program, Berg said. Undergraduates can apply to participate in the program, she said, and added that four new undergraduates are currently being trained alongside 12 Geisel students

and several DHMC staff members. Clarke said DHMC patients benefit from the program’s services and the presence of program participants at doctors’ appointments. “They’re grateful to have someone with them at their appointment as an unbiased presence,” she said. Vidal said she would like to see the program’s services expanded to all

“The program is really helpful for understanding the tip of the iceberg for what patient-centered care was.” - Program participant ethan canty ’15 DHMC patients, especially because she has often observed appointments during which patients do not effectively communicate their needs to a doctor. Having program participants assist patients write down questions for their doctors and record appointments can strengthen the connection between doctors and patients, she said. The benefits that students receive from this partnership are equally important, she added. Students may

choose to attend medical school out of a sense of empathy, but the medical school education sometimes “beats it out of you,” she said. The program reminds students what is truly important, she said. Clarke said she thinks it is valuable to work so closely with patients, especially because she missed such interactions during the four years she spent as a behavior specialist before coming to Geisel. Participant Ethan Canty ’15 said the program allows undergraduates to learn more about the medical profession and how to work closely with patients. “The program is really helpful for understanding the tip of the iceberg for what patient-centered care was,” Canty said. Tyler Dillehay ’15, who also participated in the program, said the Patient Support Corps gives pre-medical students an opportunity to hone their skills. The Patient Support Corps is one of several ways in which first and secondyear Geisel students can interact with patients. Manisha Apte ’12 Med’16, who does not work with the Patient Support Corps, said she has interviewed patients and performed physical exams, but she looks forward to more intensive patient learning experiences in her third and fourth years at Geisel. Apte is a former member of The Dartmouth staff.

UFC unanimously rejects SA proposal FROM UFC PAGE 1

The proposal would have given over half of the Assembly’s budget to the Greek Leadership Council’s five sub-councils, and the UFC prohibits the sharing of money between organizations without prior permission. Derrow noted that the resolution was not included in the Assembly’s original budget proposal or discussed with the UFC during its final winter term meeting, and that the funds distributed to the Greek sub-councils would not be spent during the current fiscal year, which violates UFC rules. Although Premjee said he could not disclose what members said in the meeting, he described it as a “thorough discussion” that lasted around two hours. The committee also interviewed Ferrari and other Assembly executives about the proposal. Premjee said that after receiving UFC approval, throughout a given term, an organization can make small changes to its budget. This policy does not apply when the change impacts over half of the organization’s budget. “We can’t have students take reign over this large sum of money without having checks and balances,” Premjee said.

The UFC also voted to sanction the Assembly for its proposal. “We try not to micromanage these organizations, but we do intervene on rare occasions, as a disciplinary body, if there is financial mismanagement,” Premjee said. “And in this case, there was.”

“We can’t have students take reign over this large sum of money without having checks and balances.” - Former ufc chair rohail premjee ’14 Ferrari said he was not surprised by the UFC’s decision, as the committee is bound by strict rules, but questioned whether the policy-focused Assembly should be beholden to an “undemocratically” elected group geared toward programming. “I can’t give $2,000 to low-income students who want to rush, after a house has stepped forward to make campus safer?” Ferrari said. “Where are our

priorities?” Premjee said funds for dues assistance could come from a number of sources, including the Dean of the College, the President’s Office or the GLC. Beta Alpha Omega fraternity president Chet Brown ’15 said he hopes the committees find other methods of funding, but he emphasized that the decision to go through DBI training should not be based on financial incentives. Kappa Kappa Kappa fraternity president Anka Tezcan ’15 said all fraternity members should participate regardless of monetary reasons, and noted that he would continue to urge people to do so. Alpha Theta coed fraternity president Cristy Altamirano ’15 described the UFC’s decision as unfortunate, as the proposal could increase economic diversity among the Greek organizations and create safer spaces on campus. The UFC’s 21-person membership is comprised of 11 students, representatives from the nine Dartmouth governing organizations and a nonvoting advisor. The committee meets with the Assembly biweekly during fall and winter terms.




Professor publishes anthology on Muslim students’ experience FROM ISLAM PAGE 1

Garrod said he started to think about bringing together stories from Muslim students’ college experiences in 2009. He said he was interested in capturing the experiences of minority students, as he is intrigued by both the difficulties they encounter in college and their resilience. A widespread skepticism exists toward Muslims and Islam in the U.S., Garrod said. He said that Muslims have often been mistakenly branded as terrorists, particularly after the attacks of Sept. 11. “People have all sorts of preconceptions, often ill-founded, on Islam and Muslim students,” he said. “These stories can only shed light where there was darkness or ignorance and encourage readers to re-think their assumptions about this faith.” Garrod said he chose to bring together the stories because he thought collecting autobiographies would give a wider, more candid representation of the Muslim experience. “College social life is often not in accordance with the values that these Muslim students hold,” Garrod said, citing alcohol consumption and the prevalence of “random hook-ups.”

The book’s introduction — written by Eboo Patel, founder of the Chicago-based nonprofit Interfaith Youth Core — effectively captures this tension, Garrod said. “Young Muslims are constantly negotiating the differences between families for whom faith and culture were matters of honor and North America’s youth culture, with its emphasis on questioning, exploring and inventing one’s own destiny,” Patel said in the introduction. Eight of the 14 stories in “Growing Up Muslim” were written under pseudonyms, as some students felt uncomfortable writing about topics like homosexuality due their often-controversial nature within the Muslim community, Garrod said. “If you give them anonymity, they will write about topics that are very personal and powerful,” Garrod said. “If you don’t, they are going to say, ‘Well, I can’t admit that my father was an alcoholic, I can’t admit my sister had a major eating disorder, I can’t admit I was sent away for two terms from Dartmouth because of plagiarism,” he said. Abdul-Rashid Alhassan ’16, who said he actively practiced Islam until recently, said he did not find it very difficult to adjust to being one of few

Muslim students at Dartmouth, in part because he went to a Catholic high school. Dartmouth provides many opportunities for Muslims to congregate, he said, including during Eid al-Fitr, a religious celebration that occurs at the end of Ramadan. “I think the Muslim community on campus does a good job of finding each other and being cohesive,” Alhassan said. “Outside of worship, there is also a sense of community and a cultural aspect of Islam.” Sharjeel Syed ’16, a board member of the Muslim student association Al-Nur, said he actively practices Islam at Dartmouth. His religion, he said, profoundly impacts his life regardless of where he is. “[Islam] is kind of how I live my life,” he said. “It basically directs how I eat and how I sleep.” Syed said that because of the College’s religious diversity, he did not experience a shock when he moved from San Antonio to Hanover. “At Dartmouth, people are generally more accepting, a lot more interested and educated, so they don’t have ignorant biases against other faiths,” he said. Al-Nur president Hamza Abbasi ’16 said Dartmouth provides him

with a sense of community and an opportunity to meet Muslims from across the U.S. and the world. Abbasi said he decided to attend Dartmouth in part because of a dinner organized by Al-Nur that he attended during Dimensions. Al-Nur plays a crucial role in providing spaces for gatherings and social events for the Muslim community, he said, citing the association’s termly potluck dinner.

Garrod co-edited “Growing Up Muslim” with executive director of the Alliance for Inclusion and Prevention Robert Kilkenny. The two have worked together on similar anthologies, including “Mi Voz, Mi Vida,” “Adolescent Portraits,” “Mixed” and “Balancing Two Worlds.” Students and alumni whose essays were included in the anthology did not respond to request for comment by press time.



Students attended the living learning communities open house yesterday.

Protestors march around Green, plan second night in Parkhurst FROM PROTEST PAGE 1

disrupting the work of others — that’s not the way to do it.” Shortly afterward, Hanlon sent a campus-wide email with the subject line “Working Together.” The email echoed his statement to the sit-in protestors, arguing that their methods were ill-suited for their cause. The College, he said, will undertake a campus-wide climate survey, as previously recommended by the Committee on Student Safety and Accountability. Hanlon cited Moving Dartmouth Forward, Improve Dartmouth and his office hours as ways to “foster dialogue and advocate change.” Some students interviewed were upset by Hanlon’s campus-wide email, believing it too quickly discounted students’ call for change. “I wasn’t sure if I was going to come, but after President Hanlon’s email, I realized that he is not taking us seriously,” said Crystal Ye ’14 at the protest Wednesday afternoon. The group marched around the Green, holding banners that read, “meet our demands” and “point by point.” They walked into Novack Cafe, traveled through the library and returned to Parkhurst. Dondei Dean ’17 then asked the crowd whether students are only welcome at the College when they engage in civil discourse.

“Consider the ways that you can be welcoming to people by listening to them, no matter how they say the things they need to say,” Dean said. Around 20 students stood on the steps of Parkhurst, passing a microphone from person to person, interspersing comments with “no justice, no peace” chants. “Every single time one of you makes an ignorant, racist, sexist or homophobic comment to me or anyone else on this campus, you are diminishing the value of my education,” Semarley Jarrett ’14 said. Jeremy Whitaker ’15 performed spoken-word poetry, Ye sang and Elise Wien ’17 read a poem she wrote during the sit-in. After almost an hour of protest, Celeste Winston ’14 asked supporters to supply food, clothing and water to the students remaining in Hanlon’s office. “Please help us keep the energy alive,” Winston said. Many attendees said they came to show their support for the student protestors. Oscar Friedman ’16 said though he does not agree with much of what is in the “Freedom Budget,” he wanted to demonstrate his support for the students involved. “This is a group of people that’s disempowered, constantly marginalized academically and socially by this school,” he said. “It is important that

I am here today just to listen.” Others said they disagreed with the demonstrators’ tactics. David Cordero ’16 said though

“This is a group of people that’s disempowered, constantly marginalized academically and socially by this school. It is important that I am here today just to listen.” - oscar friedman ’16 he agreed with many points in the “Freedom Budget,” he found the demonstrators’ method disrespectful, noting that Hanlon has been in office for less than a year. “I do feel like there should be a sense of responsibility on his behalf,” he said. “But I do not agree with their disrespectful tone.” Geography professor Richard Wright said the protest’s demands have put Hanlon in a very difficult position. “If he were to go line by line through that list, it would preempt many conver-

sations and preempt the responsibility of other people in the senior team,” he said. Jillian Mayer ’14, who has participated in the sit-in, said, however, that the group is not aiming its efforts at Hanlon personally. “We are not anti-Hanlon,” Mayer said. “We are anti-racism and -sexism.” Student body president Adrian Ferrari ’14 said he believes the best thing for both those who support the protestors and those who oppose them is to step back and try to understand the other side. “If the administration actually wants students to believe that they are working on this issue, they are going to have to be involved with students in equal partnership,” Ferrari said. “I think the administration will find that the more they involve students in their effort to make change, the less discontent there will be.” Many students and administrators interviewed agreed that protests can shift Dartmouth’s culture. Previous demonstrations, including Occupy Dartmouth and Dartmouth Real Talk’s demonstration at the Dimensions Show last year, have changed the College’s culture, said women’s and gender studies professor Julia Rabig. History professor Russell Rickford, who marched with students around the Green, echoed a similar sentiment, calling the sit-in an “example of politi-

cal vibrancy and participation that we desperately need.” Other students said they agreed that public demonstrations are the most effective way to incite change. “Progress doesn’t really happen unless drastic action occurs and people are upsetting other people,” Will Jackson ’14 said. “These things are absolutely necessary.” Sera Kwon and Charlie Rafkin contributed reporting.


sat | apr 5 | 7 pM

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The dartmouth senior Staff don casler ’14

Staff Columnist michelle gil ’16

The Circus in Parkhurst

Erroneous Occupation

The ‘Freedom Budget’ has become more of a parody than a movement. With an ongoing occupation of Parkhurst Hall, it is perhaps tempting to give the studentauthored “Freedom Budget” a second consideration — they showed up with sleeping bags and pizza, and it appears that these students are not disappearing anytime soon. If anything, however, these actions should further delegitimize the movement as wrongheaded and politically inept. Dartmouth exists to serve the interests of a wide variety of students, alumni and faculty, and I’d argue that it does those things reasonably well. Setting aside their frustration with the administration’s admittedly lackluster, hurried initial response, I must conclude that “Freedom Budget” supporters fundamentally misunderstand how this College, and perhaps even the wider world, works. This institution aims to prepare students as well as possible for a range of futures and continues to do so at a better rate than any other school in the country. As community members, we all (emphasis on the “all”) have access to professors, research dollars and academic and professional opportunities that exist at few, if any, other colleges. So before we start talking about diverting resources away from the things that make a Dartmouth education most valuable, I’d like to point out what we already have — because what we have is pretty damn awesome. Yet those who currently occupy Hanlon’s office apparently view the College’s very functioning as a “methodological assault on their dignity.” Previous columns have already lambasted their tone and demands, so I will skip those. I’m more concerned with what actually happened Tuesday in Parkhurst — students’ actions betrayed not just a lack of respect for administrators who want to help, but also basic ignorance in the purported solutions they posit. Watching yesterday afternoon’s live coverage confirmed for me that while the policy ideas in the “Freedom Budget” are not uniformly bad, the movement itself should not be taken seriously. First, the manner in which students conducted themselves was confrontational and accusatory. In the face of Hanlon’s simple requests for a conversation, the students would not agree to

a discussion on anything less than their terms. Hanlon gave students a chance to name their priorities, and they refused, continuing to demand their hallowed “point-by-point” response. As Hanlon stated in an email to campus yesterday, threats and demands are not the route to progress. His job is not to chart administrative policy (his job, in fact, is to raise money for the College). Moreover, the students unfairly laid the blame for Dartmouth’s problems at Hanlon’s feet. He has been president for less than a year and has made extraordinary efforts to take the pulse of campus. If supporters of the “Freedom Budget” cannot appreciate this, then the sit-in is perhaps even more frustratingly naïve than the document itself. Second, specific student actions show the movement’s laughable lack of credibility. When Dean of the College Charlotte Johnson asked the students to name the total financial costs of their budget proposal, one student responded that she was seeking “transformative justice” for Dartmouth, which would involve transformation of the school’s budget. I’m sorry, but if your level of concern has landed you in the president’s office, you’d better have thought critically about the logistics and practical aspects of your demands before you walk in the door. For instance, have they considered the cost of creating several entirely new departments? That “Freedom Budget” supporters dismiss concerns about the price and logistics of change out of hand — regardless of whether certain suggestions have any validity — makes me wonder whether the movement deserves the dignity it claims has been stolen. This entire situation is ultimately so vexing because many students do want change, but not the kind that the “Freedom Budget” advocates. I’d bet that many want to see a more transparent administration and improved residential options and retention of minority faculty members. Yet the longer this circus drags on, the less attention will be paid to policies that might have deep and enriching effects across the community. Dartmouth can keep doing what it does best and be self-critical with or without the “Freedom Budget.”

212 Robinson Hall, Hanover N.H. 03755 • (603) 646-2600

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SUBMISSIONS: We welcome letters and guest columns. All submissions must include the author’s name and affiliation with Dartmouth College, and should not exceed 250 words for letters or 700 words for columns. The Dartmouth reserves the right to edit all material before publication. All material submitted becomes property of The Dartmouth. Please email submissions to

Unity and progress depend on students’ ability to relate to one another. The sit-in watched ’round the campus. An occupation of Parkhurst broadcast live for all to see. Transparency is the beauty — and hazard — of this public dissemination. Anyone can watch the action firsthand and form his or her own opinions and conclusions. Yet will the protestors allow these opinions and conclusions to enter the public discourse or will they refuse to concede their legitimacy? In light of what we have seen so far, I think the latter is more likely. One fundamental flaw in the protestors’ ideology is their apparent belief that they have a monopoly on pain and suffering. One protestor, responding to remarks by undergraduate Scott Mitchell that the protest appeared to be more of an accusation than a conversation, said, “You can put on your blazer and you’ll be just fine. I can put on my blazer and pretend that everything is okay, but it really isn’t.” The tacit assumption is that those who are not members of oppressed minority groups cannot possibly understand persecution because they have never been subjected to it. However, while someone who is not a member of a minority group may never have been subjected to the exact same biases, that does not mean that they have not experienced other, equally afflicting sources of hurt. In brandishing this monopoly on woe, the protestors take away some of the most important tools in the development of understanding and empathy: comparison of experiences and reciprocal validation. The protestors deem their feelings and experiences valid and expect everyone else to agree. Yet they fail to recognize the validity of others’ feelings and experiences. The students involved need to stop alleging that their narrative is the only relevant or valuable narrative to the discussion at hand. They do not speak for all minorities on this campus. Rather, they are hijacking the conversations surrounding them, without considering other viewpoints. There needs to be acknowledgment that other people have valid opinions and could legitimately want to — and should

be allowed to — participate equally in the conversation. For students who do not belong to minority groups, the only point of entry into this conversation is through comparison, something the protestors do not appear to permit. The live feed reveals that attempts by students who are not members of minority groups to try and share stories of perceived bias or to relate to the participants seemed to be immediately silenced. Apparently, situations recounted by outsiders cannot be equated or even likened to the experiences of Freedom Budget supporters. What the protestors fail to realize is that, as human beings, we are hardwired to compare and contrast our experiences with those of others, in order to further understand both ourselves and the object of our comparisons. Such comparison is necessary. Even if there are different (perceived) degrees of harm and suffering inflicted on different individuals and groups, comparison is integral in creating empathy and understanding — which eventually lead to unity. In one of my classes — “The International History of Human Rights” — we discussed a critical notion on Wednesday. In most successful rights movements, such as abolitionism, a central concept stressed in the development and early stages of the movement was the establishment of shared dignity and humanity between the oppressed and the oppressors. Demonizing the oppressors entirely, pointing out their alleged injustices and wrongs, can lead to defensiveness and a refusal to acknowledge or consider the intended message. Appeals to empathy and humanity are more likely to move the conversation towards concord and progress. People must be allowed to relate to situations in order to recognize their shared humanity and the commonality of the human experience so that they, too, make the conscious decision to change their own behaviors and work toward change in the community as a whole.




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Flint and Steel


Caitlin Flint ’16

TODAY 12:00 p.m. “Climate Change and Indigenous Communities: How Can Dartmouth Make a Difference,” Silsby 215

4:00 p.m. Dartmouth’s 2014 Global Health Day conference, Haldeman 041

4:30 p.m. Lecture, “Democracy, the Jewish State and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” with Gershom Gorenberg, Kemeny Hall 007

TOMORROW 3:30 p.m. Physics and astronomy colloquium, with Professor Don Gurnett of University of Iowa at Iowa City, Wilder 104

3:30 p.m.

The Mundane Madness

Anthony Chicaiza ’17

Lecture, “From Dartmouth to Development: How to Build Conscientious Business,” Rockefeller Center 002

4:00 p.m. Psychological and brain sciences colloquium, with Brian Knutston, Moore Hall B03

ADVERTISING For advertising information, please call (603) 646-2600 or email info@thedartmouth. com. The advertising deadline is noon, two days before publication. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement. Opinions expressed in advertisements do not necessarily reflect those of The Dartmouth, Inc. or its officers, employees and agents. The Dartmouth, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation chartered in the state of New Hampshire. USPS 148-540 ISSN 01999931




Imani Winds, Jason Moran to debut original piece at the Hop

B y MARLEY MARIUS The Dartmouth Staff

Imani Winds, whose blend of classical, modern and international influences form a vibrant repertoire, performs at the College tonight at 7 p.m. Composed of Valerie Coleman on flute, Toyin Spellman-Diaz on oboe, Mariam Adam on clarinet, Jeff Scott on French horn and Monica Ellis on bassoon, the group will be joined by jazz pianist Jason Moran for a concert in Spaulding Auditorium. The players have commissioned works by six composers since 2008. They will debut a piece by Moran, commissioned by the Hop, tonight. Imani, which means “faith” in Swahili, combines many elements to reflect the shades and influences that color the American experience, Ellis said. “The voice that we have in this country is so diverse,” Ellis said, “That is something that we really want to emphasize. It’s not even about black and white [but] about the American voice and what kind of statement that can make.” Tonight’s program will open with “Startin’ Sumthin” by Scott, followed by “Terra Incognita” by Wayne Shorter, “Afro-Cuban Concerto” by Coleman, “Suite Popular Brasileira” by Julio Medaglia, Moran’s premiere of “Jump Cut Rose” and “Dance Mediterranea” by Simon Shaheen and arranged by Scott. Imani Winds has collaborated with artists including cellist Yo-Yo Ma and Shorter. Moran, tonight’s collaborator, is no stranger to the Hop. Called


a “uniquely invigorating presence” by The Wall Street Journal in 2005, the MacArthur Foundation Fellowshipwinner has performed on campus twice. Collaboration between Imani Winds and Moran was happenstance. When plans for a different commission fell through, the members of Imani Winds suggested a collaboration with Moran instead, who they have worked with in the past. “His voice is very distinct, compositionally speaking,” Ellis said. “He is really brilliant in a lot of ways, and he’s just got such an interesting way of looking at the world, [and] he adds that to his music somehow.” Moran said he was thrilled to be asked to work with the group and return to the Hop. He described the two movements to “Jump Cut Rose,” his original work, as having the ability to “frequently [cut] between sonic spaces.” “By aligning our strength in the groove, ‘Jump Cut Rose’ begins a new dialogue between myself and my fantastic collaborators, Imani Winds,” he said. When a 2007 Imani Winds perfor-


Imani Winds combines elements of classical, modern and international music in its repertoire.

mance closed, the audience “couldn’t believe their ears,” Hop programming director Margaret Lawrence said. She described the group as “brilliant” and having “incredible warmth.” After receiving a $575,000 grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in 2012 — targeted to promote classical music at Dartmouth and in the Upper Valley — inviting Imani


apr 3




apr 4 & 5





apr 6




apr 16

sat | apr 5 | 4 pM | 603.646.2422 Dartmouth College | Hanover, NH

iMani WinDs featuring Jason Moran piano Grammy-nominated quintet Imani Winds is praised for its warm, spontaneous performances and a commitment to encouraging young musicians and listeners. At the Hop, the ensemble’s program includes works influenced by Afro-Cuban and Brazilian rhythms—as well as two pieces with jazz roots: Terra Incognita by saxophonist Wayne Shorter and the world premiere of the Hop-commissioned Jump Cut Rose from pianist Jason Moran.

Jakop ahLBoM coMpanY (nL) FRI & SAT

spaulDiNg | all seats $5

Dartmouth College Wind Ensemble in Collis Common Ground. “We look at [engaging with students] as a way of proving our teachers proud and letting them know that all of the work that they put in is being manifested,” Ellis said. “It’s important to show that a wind group can thrive and be productive and absolutely do different and innovative things.”

hopkins center for the arts


Come to Oz in Costume! Door Prizes, Photo Ops, Fun for All!

Winds back to campus seemed obvious, Lawrence said. Likening the group’s casual performance style to a conversation between friends, Lawrence praised the players’ physical expressiveness and repertoire — “[They] don’t stop at the four walls of what is considered strictly classical music,” she said. The group will perform with the



LeBensraUM (haBitat) With Live MUsic Acclaimed Dutch theater company unleashes the merry mayhem of the silent film era with brilliant physical comedy and gasp-worthy acrobatics. Live music by indie rock duo Alamo Race Track. In the hands of a supremely talented cast—playing two obsessively neat, habit-driven men and their “mechanical” maid–it’s a joyful evening of virtuosic theater! Recommended for ages 12 and up.

chaMBerWorks 2x3/3x2 Violist Marcia Cassidy, cellist John Dunlop and pianist Gregory Hayes in a glorious afternoon filled with music by composers from Denmark, Russia, United States, England and Germany.

GaBrieLa Montero piano This Venezuelan-born artist’s Hop concert includes Brahms’ Three Intermezzos, Op. 117, among his most personal and moving compositions; and Schumann’s Fantasy in C Major, Op. 17, considered a defining Romantic work. She’ll also offer her fascinating improvisations based on audience-suggested tunes that she transforms into impromptu “classical” compositions. | 603.646.2422

Dartmouth college | hanover, nh $10 for Dartmouth students






No athletic events scheduled

Baseball drops two at Princeton and home opener to Quinnipiac B y GAYNE KALUSTIAN The Dartmouth Staff

Despite posting 12 hits, the baseball team fell to visiting Quinnipiac University 11-5 in its home opener Wednesday, the first day the Big Green has been able to play on its field all season. The loss came after dropping a weather-delayed doubleheader against Princeton University on Tuesday, 3-0 and 4-3.













In the Quinnipiac game, Dartmouth came looking to jump-start its lineup but was ultimately unable to capitalize, leaving 10 runners on base across the nine frames. Dartmouth’s first run of the game came in the bottom of the first with two outs after a single from co-captain Jeff Keller ’14 that found the hole between short and third. Keller stole second and scored on a double down the third base line from the next hitter

Dustin Selzer ’14. The run tied the game one-all after the first, but a Bobcat home run to start the second put Quinnipiac back in the lead, where it would remain for the duration of the game. Quinnipiac’s fielders, however, were not particularly consistent in the early going. In the second, Nick Lombardi ’15 popped a ball high over short that was dropped by third baseman Nic Civale. The error put Lombardi on first, but he was left stranded when Matt MacDowell ’15 and Ben Socher ’17 could not bring him in. “We’re getting guys on base,” MacDowell said. “Our offensive potential is definitely there, we’re just missing those one or two big hits. We know that those big hits will come in time.” A disappointing three-run fourth inning for Quinnipiac put Dartmouth back 5-1. However, in the top of the fifth the Bobcats grew overconfident, trying to steal second with a runner on the corners and two outs, but the Dartmouth fielders caught both in a rundown, weaving position players to artfully trap the runner off third for the third out of the inning. “We work on those a lot in practice,” Selzer said. “Usually we try to do it in one throw, so it took a few more than we’d like but we’re glad that we got it.”


The Big Green could not capitalize on 12 hits, leaving 10 runners on base.

The team sought to close the gap in the fifth when Nick Ruppert ’16 smacked a solo home run over the left-field wall to start a three-run inning. After the next batter, Matt Parisi ’15, singled, Keller slammed a double deep into left but couldn’t secure enough time for Parisi, who was caught at home. On an almost identical hit by Selzer that followed, Keller scored, beating the throw. Thomas Roulis ’15 then brought in Selzer from first after hitting a triple down the rightfield line. “We had some guys swing the bat a little bit better today,” Keller said. “Hopefully that can carry over.”

Quinnipiac doubled Dartmouth’s score in the seventh on a home run by junior Vincent Guglietti that was just out of centerfielder Ruppert’s reach. The score would remain 8-4 until a home run by junior Scott Donaghue off of Chris England ’15 brought in two additional runs, bringing the game to 11-4. But in the bottom of the ninth, pinch-hitter Joe Purritano ’16 drove in Keller, who had walked, on a fielder’s choice. The Big Green rally ended there, at 11-5. The team, Whalen said, continues to wait with high hopes for success at the plate. “You roll up your sleeves and keep

working,” he said. “Hitting can be very contagious, so when you get a couple of guys going it can rub off. Our season is very condensed, so if you’re doing well that can be a really good thing.” Before the game started, the team and Whalen recognized retiring Quinnipiac coach Dan Gooley who, Whalen said, is a “universally respected” fixture in New England baseball. In the first game against Princeton, starting pitcher Michael Danielak ’16 allowed just one run on one hit in the first five innings before giving up four hits in the sixth. The Big Green batters were kept off the board for the third time this season. In the second game, Dartmouth’s pitchers again kept the Tigers at bay for most of the first six innings. Dartmouth held a slim 3-2 lead heading into the seventh thanks to a pair of doubles from Ruppert and Lombardi in the sixth inning. The Tigers then grabbed two runs in the bottom of the seventh, forcing Mike Concato ’17 from the game and securing the victory. Duncan Robinson ’16 was effective in his relief stint on the mound, allowing no hits over the final one and one third inning. The team will host Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania this weekend at Red Rolfe Field on Saturday and Sunday, respectively.

Women’s rugby ties for second at weekend sevens tournament


The Dartmouth Staff

Women’s rugby tied for second place in its five-match tournament at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in the Big Green’s first sevens tournament of the year. Dartmouth first lost to defending American College Rugby Association national champion Norwich University 22-0, before beating West Point’s B team 19-5, the U.S. Naval Academy 14-0 and Boston University 17-12. The squad tied Army’s A team 10-10. The team’s success sets the stage for a sevens-only spring season. This spring season will be the first in which the team plays only sevens games, allowing the players to focus more on wing-based attacks, fitness and passing, coach Deb Archambault said.

“Sevens and 15s are two completely different games strategically and physically,” Diana Wise ’15 said. “Having a sevens-only season is incredibly important for the development of sevens play — we get in a different kind of physical shape and work on different things in practice.” The Cadets challenged the Big Green, which was disadvantaged without its seniors, due to travel constraints and illness. While no one scored during the first half, the Cadets’ substitutes joined after halftime and brought more speed than Dartmouth could handle. The Big Green gave up 22 unanswered points in the second half as Norwich pulled away. Norwich was the strongest team at the tournament, and the Big Green was unsure of what to expect, Allie Brouckman ’15 said.

“I think having that good start early in the day, even though we ultimately lost the first match,” Brouckman said, “gave us the confidence to fight hard for our other successes.” In the following match, the women faced the Black Knights’ B team. Peety Kaur ’15 and Audrey Perez ’17 scored tries to put the Big Green up 14-0 early. Army then scored on a breakaway try at the start of the second half but could not break the try line for the rest of the game, which ended in a 19-5 victory for the Big Green. The team dealt with the Midshipmen handily, shutting them out with relative ease 14-0 after starting the game off strong when the team took the opening kick back for a try. Perez added another try to continue a strong first day of collegiate sevens play.

While the Big Green didn’t score for the remainder of the match, it was consistently in control, keeping posession in Navy’s half of the field. The match against the Black Knights’ A team was incredibly close. Dartmouth jumped out to a quick lead with two early tries, including one from Yejadai Dunn ’16 who intercepted an Army pass near its try line and another from Perez. Army roared back, getting two scores in the second half with one right as time expired to finish the game knotted 10-10. The teams were 0-4 combined on conversions in the match and ended up tied for second place at the tournament. “The one thing about playing those military teams is that they have a different level of fitness,” Archambault said. “We have very small players compared to these

other teams.” The Big Green pulled out a lastsecond win in its final match of the day against the Terriers. The beginnings of the match were characterized by a series of handling errors and the rainy conditions coupled with the fatigue of playing five matches in a day began to take a toll. The teams traded tries throughout the contest with the game tied at five in the first half and again at 12 with 1:30 remaining in the second. With no time left on the clock and the ball in the hands of the Big Green after a scrum, Perez crossed the try line to give the Big Green a 17-12 victory. The Big Green heads to the University of New Hampshire this weekend for another tournament, where it will again face Norwich, among other teams.

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