Audrey Adamchak
Lauren Adler

Congratulations to Audrey and friends in the Class of 2023! We are proud of you. May your future be flled with joy, peace, and laughter, as well as meaningful work and plenty of wilderness adventures.
David Alino
Congratulations, Lauren!

You have faced each challenge, accomplishing wonderful achievements and successes these last four years at Dartmouth. We could not be more excited for you for the road that lies ahead!

We love you!
Mama, Daddy, and Cameron
Chase Alvarado-Anderson
Congratulations to our Son David Kelechi! You made it! It can only be God! Keep up the good job son <3

We love you so much son<3
From Mom, Dad, Joy, Nelson Jr, Brittany and Christian
Chase Alvarado-Anderson

Maria Angelino
Congradulations to our grandson, Chase. We are very proud of your accomplishments. Love, Grandma and Papa

We’re celebrating your journey! Your determination is admirable! Love you! - Uvalle & McKenzie’s

We love you! We’ll always be here cheering you on! - Bounds’
Mackenzie Arent
Congratulations Maria!!!
We are so proud of you and all your hard work. Now go make a diference in the world!

Love - Melanie & Terry, Eric, Andrew & Gabi
Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace! We are so very proud of you Kenzie! Remember always, you are capable of amazing things!
Love you so very much, Momma and Daddy
Landon, as you graduate this day, take up God’s armor and continue your journey. Keep God frst. Always. We love you beyond measure and so happy to watch and pray for your future.
Love, Dad, Mom, Ashley, Allye & Jax
Athina Avrantini

Mallory Barnes

Your name means “goddess of wisdom and war.” You became a strong, intelligent, passionate woman who always makes us proud. We look ahead to your dreams and opening new and exciting chapters in your life.
Love Mama, Babas and Artemis
Meg Barnes
Congratulations, Mallory, on your remarkable achievement! Your hard work, dedication, and determination have paid of, and we couldn’t be more proud. As you embark on a new chapter, we wish you continued success and fulfllment in all your future endeavors!

John F. Berry III
Brava Meg! “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us” (Emerson). Love Mom, Dad, Emma, Kelley, Terrence, Duke and Nana
Congratulations on earning your BE in Biomedical Engineering! We are so proud of all your accomplishments and wish you continued success in all that you do. Love Mom, Dad, Peter, Daniel, Nana, Grandpa, Grandma, Grandpa, the Fukushimas & the Berrys.

Claire Betzer
Sacha Bindra
Our charming Choate Scholar, sweet Claire, Now leaves Dartmouth to climb her Fate’s stair. We’ve not doubt she will rise, To great heights that surprise, With such talents, exceedingly rare!

Limerick by Opa ’65
Love, Mom, Dad ’89 & Leina
Connor Bishop
Congratulations Sacha!
We’re all so proud of you and your achievements. We know you’ll continue to be gentle, thoughtful, and kind as you go out and win the world. The real party begins now. We’re with you, Sacha. Good luck!
Maxwell Blum
Your family congratulates you on all your accomplishments. Your Academics, Athletics, and Leadership have made us all proud. You are indeed “being who you are and being it well.”
Love, Mom, Dad, Bennett, Nikolas and Papa Jake
Your Dartmouth years weren’t always easy. We are so proud of all your accomplishments, but mostly of the young man you are! Wishing you the happiest healthiest years ahead of you!

All our LOVE, Dad, Mom, Mia and Coco XO

Grace Boyd
Max Breuninger
Congratulations, Grace! Way to go! We love you

Pamela, Nana, Pop, Barb, Bella, Tom, Laura, Andrew, Wyatt, Walker, Debbie, Pat, Hip, Hop, Lolo
Way to go! Good looks, brains, heart, and now a diploma, too?! You’ve really got it all! Congratulations! We love more today than yesterday…but not as much as tomorrow : )

Love, Mom, Jeremy, Dee-Dee, Del & Baby Bridget
Andrew Bricklin Abby Burrows
Congratulations, Abby Burrows, on your
Love, Mom and Dad

Kalani Caindec
Amanda Calhoun
Congratulations Kalani! Oh, the places you’ll go! We love you!
Gretchen Carpenter
We’re raising our glasses to you, Amanda! With love, Mom & Dad

Ryan Jacob Cha ee

We have loved watching you become the extraordinary woman that you are. You made Dartmouth an adventure from the classroom to the 50 and everything in between. We are flled with pride and joy! Love, Mom, Dad, Peter & Emma

Follow your passion. It will lead you to your purpose.
Congratulations RYAN! We are so Proud of you!
Love you, Dad, Mom, and Ava

Charlie Ciporin
Alejandro Lopez Cochachi
You took Dartmouth by storm, Charlie Ciporin! What an amazing four years! We love you and can’t wait to see what awaits you. Congratulations and Lots of Love!

Mom, Dad, & Peter
My son, Watching you grow and fulfll your dreams is our greatest blessing. Today is the culmination of a challenging and wonderful stage in your life, in the perfect place and time, Congratulations!! You’re our greatest pride.
We love you
Mom and Dad
Samiha Datta

Congratulations on your remarkable academic and athletic achievements. Your dedication and perseverance made the most of Dartmouth. How gratifying to now know Hanover was the perfect choice. Cherish this milestone and your irreplaceable friends. Much continued success. We are proud!

Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re of to Great Places! You’re of and away! Your mountain is waiting. So....get on your way!

Hanna Davis
Oliver De Jonghe
Congratulations to our sweet girl!! There aren’t enough words to express how proud we are of you Hanna!! You are such a kind, generous and resilient young woman. We can’t wait to see what you do next. We love you!!
Evan Ditchman

Congratulation on your graduation, Oliver! We couldn’t be prouder of you. Can’t wait to see what path you take next; we are sure it will be an exciting one!!
Love, Mom, Dad, Lilli, and Oma
Julia Draves
Congratulations on completing this amazing journey, Evan!

What an adventure — from the frst day to the last. All the best on your next chapter. We love you with all our hearts.

Love, Mom, Dad + Emma
Julia, we have watched you grow from the quiet freshman to the social young lady who has seized opportunities and has enjoyed so many new adventures and challenged herself. We are very proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad and Peter.
Will Ennis
Congratulations, Will! We are so prod of what you’ve accomplished and who you are.

Always remember you are loved beyond measure. Time for your next adventure, Wise Turtle!
Nicole Evans
Allie, still creating 20 years later! We are all so proud of you and your accomplishment. We can’t wait to see what life has in store for you next. Continue living and creating the best life for you!

Love, Mom (Dad), Paul, Brad, Colleen, & Adam
Congratulations Nicole for all that you have accomplished! We are so proud of you and know this is just the beginning. We love you and cannot wait to see your next adventures! Love Dad, Mom, Alexis and Amanda
May the light always shine upon your face Little One.
Love, Dad

Devan Fink
Jennifer Gadalov
“You stepped up to the plate and kept your eye on the ball ... from Dartmouth achievements to your MLB dream job. Commencement means beginning; we know you’ll hit it out of the park!

Indescribably proud!
Love, Mom and Dad
Ellie Geier

We are so incredibly proud of you and how far you’ve come. Oh, the places you’ll go! You are such an extraordinary person: kind, talented, intelligent, and everything amazing. Congratulations on graduating! We love you lots! -Sasha, Mom, Dad
George Gerber
“You’re of to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so ... get on your way!”
-Dr. SeussWe are so proud of you — congratulations!!
Love, -Mom, Dad, Maggie, Colin, Bubba and Dakota
Congratulations! We are so proud of all of your accomplishments, and we are excited for your journey ahead. Dartmouth has prepared you for a bright future!
Love always, Mom, Dad, and Grandmom

Madeline Gochee
Angus Goss Gruner
Madeline, I love you deeply and am so proud of you on this momentous day. From the second you entered this world you have been the embodiment of joy — endless energy, inquisitiveness, kindness, love and humility. Forever, Mama

Angus! You have taken an unusual path for your college adventure... the end is in sight. We are so impressed with all you have learned about yourself, others, in the classroom, on the pitch, slopes, river, courts, etc... Happy Trails!

Megan Gorman
Emily Hester
Congratulations to our superstar. We are so proud of your amazing accomplishments and look forward to all of your future achievements. With all our love, Mom, Dad, Matthew and Yoli.
Brava Emily!
We will forever be your biggest fans, standing in the wings, applauding your every step. With boundless love and admiration, Mom, Dad & Caroline
Lukas Ho man
Andrew Tai Hunt
Congratulations, Lukas! We’re looking forward to the next chapter. Love, Mom, Dad & Nathaniel

Hannah Jarvis
Congratulations Andrew on your graduation! Can’t believe how quickly it few by, but Dartmouth will now forever be a part of you. We are so proud of you and look forward to even more great things!

Love, Your Family
Chelsea-Starr Jones

“Congratulations, Hannah! It has been a joy and a privilege to watch you grow into the person you are today. We love you, and we are so proud of you. Cheers to the past four years!
Love, your family
Congratulations Chelsea-Starr!! You understood the assignment. You diligently and tenaciously delivered. Today, we celebrate your accomplishments!! Continue to let God’s word “be a lamp unto your feet” and “he shall direct your path”

Mom, Janae-Rose, Uncles and Aunts
Julia King
Jordan Kirkbride
Julia, we are so proud! You are kind and generous, capable and thoughtful. You have achieved amazing things at Dartmouth and you’re just getting started. We can’t wait for what’s next!

Mom, Dad and Xander P.S. Keggy rules!
Rahul Kolluri

It is so hard to say the “perfect” words but we are beaming with love and pride. Your growth as a young man through the Dartmouth experience will guide you through your lifetime. Go make your impact on this world.
Cam Krystkowiak

Congratulations Rahul!!!
Mom, Dad, the Rao’s and Kolluri’s
Congrats Cam! 2023 Graduate and Basketball CoCapt! We love you, Mom Dad Luc Ben Finley and Samantha!
Geneva Kwaku
Sam LeLacheur
To our compassionate, determined, hard-working, smart, curious, gracious, courageous, thoughtful and ferce Geneva. Congratulations, we are so proud of you!

Dad, Mom, Katja, Sydney and Brendan
Kaiyah Leon
Sam LeLacheur’s College Journey included: Foggy Bottom. Milton. Hanover. Windsor. London. Cotswolds. Most of America (Seattle, Sawtooths, Tetons, Rockies). Sigma Nu. New friends found. Memorable moments galore. May they be kept forever.

Proudly, with love always, Andy, Mom, & Dad.
Christopher Long
Kaiyah, we are extremely PROUD of the young woman you have become and your accomplishments while at Dartmouth. Your resilience and hard work ethic is admirable and we look forward to your future endeavors. Best of luck at Penn! #doubleivy With love, Da Gang”
Christopher- Congratulations on a job well done — savor the moment! We are so proud of you and cannot wait to see all the adventures that lie ahead.
Love, Mom, Dad, Matthew and Sara
Emily Lu
You’ve helped make Hanover a better place and our second home. We’re so proud of your accomplishments and are excited to see the impact you will have next! All our love will be with you.
Mom, Dad, and Ray
Maia Madison
Dear Maia, Congratulations!! We are incredibly proud of you, all you have accomplished and the amazing woman you have become.
Love, Mom, Dad, Margot, your loving grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, Berkeley & Gus
Derek Lu

We’re so proud of all you have accomplished in the past four years. You’ve grown so much and will continue to do so on your next adventure in

Congratulations Nicholas! We are so proud of everything that you have accomplished during your time at Dartmouth. Stay true to yourself. We will

Sean Mannion
Julia Martin
Congratulations Sean! Soaring to new heights! We love you and are so proud of your graduation and accomplishments! With love from Mom, Dad, Caley, Lily, Macey and Natalie.

Jack McCooey
Congratulations Julia!

You are a treasure. You have given us boundless joy from the day you were born. We know that you will continue to accomplish all you set out to achieve.
We love you!
Mom, Dad, John and Alex
McKenzie Shaphnah
Jack, you bring us endless joy and immense pride because of who you are and how you have chosen to live with dignity and humility. Step fearlessly into the world, knowing that you are loved completely and without measure.

The Lord has brought you this far. We give all praise and honor to him in whose hands are the souls of all mankind and the life of all living. We are proud of you! a great milestone accomplished.

Oliver Milledge
David Millman
How heartwarming to watch you turn your dreams into reality! May every chapter bring intrigue, strong mentorship, great friends, and the good fortune to give back. You are a kind soul and we are so proud! Mom & Dad
Kyle Mullins
Love, Mom, Dad, Rachel, and Eddie. Best of luck in London.
Harrison Munden

Your mountain is waiting, So get on your way.”
-Dr. Suess
We are so impressed with your success at Dartmouth. Congratulations!

Love, Mom, Dad & Erin
Harrison, You manifested and did the work! We are so beyond proud of you. We are your biggest fans and love you to the moon!
Love, Mom, Dad, Aiden, and Ava
Jack Nassau
Nathaniel Nnaemeka Ogbu
Jack, Congratulations on this incredible milestone! Your journey is just beginning and we know you will always aspire to live your best life. We could not love you more! Love, Mom, Dad, Hannah, Devon, Logan, Grandma, Honey, Papa & Miley

Fergie Nurre
Son, your family members are proud of your achievements as a student athlete at Dartmouth College. You have come a long way. The sky is your limit and God will always be with you to guide you.

We all love you always.
Fidelis O & Vivian C OgbuEthan X. Nurre
So proud of your many accomplishments:
- GDX Dog of the Year for 2022-2023
- Ivy League Attendee
- Assistant to the assistant Dartmouth Football Mascot Looking forward to your future accomplishments!

Love you Fergs!
Dad, Maddie and Ethan
Baby Girafe
Every day you impress us with your kindness, humor, work ethic, moped maneuverability and dedication to the game of pong! Looking forward to your future accomplishments.
Love, Dad & Maddie
Annaliese OuYang
Kate Packard
Congratulations, Annaliese! So proud of you! Love you with all our hearts! Always cheering you on through your impressive journey! Go forth fulflling your dreams! Love, Dad, Mom, Mikey, Johnny, both sets of Grandparents, entire Adaniel and OuYang extended families!

Jordan Pa
Congratulations, Kate!! Wow! We are so proud of you! You have taken on challenges with courage and grace and we are amazed by your accomplishments. Dream big — you can do anything!
Mom, Dad, Elizabeth Lincoln & Truman
Kat Paradise
We could not be more proud of you, Jordan! You have truly made the most of your time at Dartmouth, and we cannot wait to see what amazing things you do next!!!
We love you, M, D & A
Dear Kat, Congratulations on all of your accomplishments!! We’re all so proud of you!!

Mom, Dad & Anna
Amelie Perrier
Grant Pinkston
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.
Booker T Washington
Congratulations Amelie!

Love, Mom, Dad and Daniel
Annie Politi Annie,
With your huge heart, beautiful voice, creative brain & wonderful spirit, there is nothing you cannot conquer! The world is yours to explore. Dream big and never forget how much you are loved! CONGRATULATIONS!
Mom, Dad, Rach, Leah & Nina
Congratulations, Grant!!

You bring so much joy to our family. We are incredibly thankful and proud of you and can’t wait to see where your next adventures take you!

Go Big Green!
We love you!
Mama, Dad, Emily & Junebug
Teddy Press
Teddy - Avalon, Destin, San Francisco and Hanover, oh the places you went. So proud of your achievements. Can’t take Jersey out of the Boy, Next Place Princeton for your PhD!

Love Always,
Mom, Dad, Alex and Penny
Liam Prevelige

Dashiell Prince-Judd

Liam, May life give you back as much as you’ve given us!
Love you, Dad, Mom, Dylan, Kaeli and Brenna

Alejandro Jose Quinones-Schoene
Your family is bursting with pride at all you’ve done to earn your degree. You’ve performed at the highest levels in academics, music, and skiing — both as an athlete and coach. Be proud of your Dartmouth career. We love you.
Alejandro Quinones-Schoene
Dear Alejandro, congratulations on your college graduation. Abuelita Hilda, titi Joanne, tio Bryon, tus primos Elena, Will & Nico are always proud of you and we wish you all the success you deserve.

¡Felicidades! Te queremos mucho.
Congratulations, Alejandro, for your academic and personal accomplishments! We feel immensely proud and honored to CELEBRATE this special moment with you and are very excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for you.
Mami, Papi & SebastiánDarian Rhodd
Malcolm Robinson

Darian, We are beyond proud of all the accomplishments you have done thus far. We are excited to see what the future holds as you have concluded this chapter in your life. Salud to your future endeavors. Love, Your Familia

Aaron Rosenthal
Malcolm, you have worked hard. We are so proud of your determination and accomplishments. Follow your dreams and make them a reality! Love, Mom and Dad, Austen, Gordon and Gwen
Taite Elizabeth Ryan

Our little frecracker — so determined, so passionate — is bursting! We can’t wait to see where the sparks fy. Wherever it is, we will be there to support you and watch in awe. We love you.

-Mom and Dad
Taite Elizabeth, Congratulations To Our Treasure, our TOT! With love, Mom, Dad, Whittaker & Grifn
Lana Sabbagh
Angelina Scarlotta
Lana, we are so proud of you. You have worked very hard and accomplished so much. We know you will achieve all of your goals and we look forward to sharing your success with you!

Love, Mama, Baba and Hanna
Bronson Starsiak
Congratulations Angelina! We couldn’t be more proud. Can’t wait to see what’s next!
Love you!
Dad, Mom & Danny
“No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.”
Adam Stein

Good looks, brains, heart and now a diploma too? Our hearts are bursting with love and pride!

Love, Mom, Dad and Lilliana
Even though you didn’t get much study time in Rauner after all, you indulged your curiosity and made lifelong friends. What more can one ask? We are very proud of you, Adam!
Mom, Dad ’88, Sam ’21, and Leah ’26

Tal Sternberg

Jacob Strier
Well done Tal Sternberg! Love, Mom, Dad, Marni & Winkel
Jack Tartaglia
Jacob, your incredible accomplishments while at Dartmouth have made us so proud. You’ve excelled at everything you set your sights on — schoolwork, friendships/fraternity, The Dartmouth etc. Your zest for all life ofers will carry you far, oh the places you’ll go!

Cody Theobald
Congratulations … Jack Tartaglia and the Class of 2023!
With great pride & love, Mom, Dad & Thomas
Cody, congratulations on your Dartmouth graduation!
Your hard work, determination, and achievements inspire us. As you step into a bright future, remember to chase your dreams fearlessly. We love you and are incredibly proud.
Love, Mom, Dad, and Serena

Tyler Vergho

We are so incredibly proud of you — not only for all your amazing accomplishments, but for the kind and genuine man that you are. Your future is whatever you want it to be. Congrats 2x national debate champion!

Isaac Weber
Cómo piensa un hombre, así llegará a ser. Cada hombre es hijo de sus propias obras. From Becca with connivance from mum and dad. As a man thinks, so he becomes. Every man is a child of his own works.
Hayden Earl Welty
Hayden, your perseverance is an inspiration to everyone you meet, and you’ve earned all the success coming your way. We couldn’t be prouder of the man you’ve become — now go set the world
Love, Mom and Dad
Grateful God made you, Blake! We love you, and celebrate you and all your hard work! “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on your own understanding…and He will guide your steps.” (Proverbs, the Bible)
Camille W. Wiggins
Elias Williams

We wish you all the best, Camille. Our hearts are flled with love and pride. May your graduation mark another bend in the road — full of joy, achievement and work toward making this world better.

Love, Mom and Dad
Elias!! We are so incredibly proud of you Pop! You have truly become a man that is ready to go out into this world and accomplish whatever is your dream. We love you and celebrate you today and every day!

Allie Winstanley
Our hands are in the air for you! You did it and you did it beautifully — with grace and kindness. Go share your love and talents! We love you, Al Pal!
xoxo Mom & Dad