The Dartmouth 04/14/2014

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MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014


Campaign targets assault at College


HIGH 75 LOW 51













Zhenwei Mei ’14 married incoming Tuck School of Business student Zheng Zheng yesterday.

UltraViolet, a women’s rights advocacy group, has launched a national campaign against sexual assault at Dartmouth that uses petitions and online advertisements to demand that the College take stronger action to combat the issue. The campaign began in March with an online petition that urged the College to include expulsion as a punishment for rape and block campus Internet access to a Bored at Baker post that targeted a female member of the Class of

2017. Over 50,000 people have signed the petition, and the group has around 550,000 members. UltraViolet expanded the campaign to include online advertisements on Facebook and other websites, urging readers to learn more about sexual assault at Dartmouth and sign the petition. The advertising campaign ran for about a week and particularly seeks to reach prospective students, UltraViolet campaign director Karin Roland said. Roland said UltraViolet is aware of SEE ULTTRAVIOLET PAGE 5

Assembly candidates talk Greek issues in final debate B y PRIYA RAMAIAH The Dartmouth Staff

Student Assembly must promote Dartmouth Bystander Initiative training to all students, student body presidential and vice presidential candidates said in their fourth and final debate, held on Friday afternoon. During the debate, hosted by the Greek Leadership Council in Collis Common Ground, candidates voiced their opinions

about the Assembly’s role in the Greek system to an audience of around 45, the largest of the four debates. Presidential candidates Casey Dennis ’15, Jay Graham ’15, Jon Miller ’15, Sophia Pedlow ’15 and Yesuto Shaw ’15 and vice presidential candidates Frank Cunningham ’16 and Harry Qi ’17 took part in the debate. Vice presidential candidate Matt Robinson ’15, Graham’s running mate, was absent because

the pair decided that Robinson would focus on other campaign activities. Pedlow is running as a write-in candidate. GLC accountability chair Sarah Lucas ’15 moderated the debate. All candidates agreed that the Assembly and GLC should collaborate to tackle campus issues. Although he acknowledged



The Greek Leadership Council hosted the fourth SA debate.

Workshop addresses Mass casualty drill tests community on campus Dartmouth EMS squad


At a weekend IDEO innovation seminar and workshop, participants proposed projects including a traveling activity bus, electronicsfree rooms and a community service graduation requirement. Over 60 students attended the event, held at the Thayer School of Engineering, which asked participants to design a product or opportunity that would strengthen

personal connections and relationships on campus, as well as create a more caring and collaborative Dartmouth community. Engineering professor Peter Robbie, who helped organize the workshop, said that event organizers chose the topic in response to an article published in The Dartmouth’s weekly magazine insert, The Mirror, titled “Afraid to Care: SEE WORKSHOP PAGE 3

B y ROSHAN DUTTA The Dartmouth Staff

Some students may have been startled on Saturday as they came across a number of seemingly injured and unconscious people surrounded by first responders, splashed with fake blood and bearing fictional injuries. The incident they witnessed was a simulated mass casualty drill designed to test and improve response to similar incidents, the signature event of the fifth annual Northern New England

Collegiate EMS Conference. Around 100 undergraduates attended the conference, run by the student-run Dartmouth Emergency Medical Services, said Judy Li ’15, the group’s operations officer and organizer of last year’s conference. Many attendees came from regional colleges, including Colby College, Tufts University, the University of Vermont, Boston University, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy and Northeastern University. SEE EMS PAGE 3



DAily debriefing Three potential Republican presidential candidates — Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee — pitched their views on how conservatives can regain power at the Freedom Summit on Saturday, the New York Times reported. Held in Manchester and organized by the Americans for Prosperity Foundation and Citizens United, the event gathered a crowd of several hundred to see the 2016 hopefuls. Paul spoke about making the Republican Party more inclusive by reaching out to Americans who don’t feel supported by conservatives, Cruz offered traditional but somewhat scathing conservative perspectives and Huckabee spoke about the Benghazi attacks, the Internal Revenue Service and voter identification laws. Last week, the New Hampshire attorney general’s office and the state’s department of safety urged lawmakers to reject a bill that would allow people to annul their mental health records and regain the right to purchase firearms, the Concord Monitor reported. The bill initially required the state to report the names of people adjudicated as mentally ill to the national background checks system. The House Judiciary Committee will vote on the bill by May 8 and, if passed, the bill will go to the House floor. A New Hampshire second Superior Court judge has declared the state’s Medicaid Enhancement Tax unconstitutional, creating a gap of $145.9 million in the state’s budget, the Valley News reported. The tax has been levied on hospitals, but not on health providers that perform the same services. The judge ruled in favor of three nonprofit hospitals — Catholic Medical Center in Manchester, Exeter Hospital in Exeter and St. Joseph’s Hospital in Nashua — and in a ruling in February, the for-profit Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital won a similar suit. Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center has paid over $110 million in Medicaid Enhancement Taxes in the past three years, and a representative said the hospital was happy about the ruling. The attorney general has not decided whether to appeal either decision.


Corrections We welcome corrections. If you believe there is a factual error in a story, please email “Third debate draws crowd” (April 11, 2014): The initial version of this story mischaracterized the endorsement of the “Freedom Budget” of writein candidate Sophia Pedlow ’15. She advocated for factoring the work of faculty and staff as mentors into tenure decisions as well as transferring credits from other colleges and universities, not high school credits.

MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014

Candidates talk Greek affiliation FROM DEBATE PAGE 1

the large role of the Greek system at the College, Miller noted the importance of creative alternatives. “As much as we’re working with affiliated students, we want to work with unaffiliated ones,” he said. In response to a question about the Greek system’s biggest challenge, Shaw cited the socioeconomic barrier created by house dues and proposed that the College provide loans. Graham suggested that each Greek organization name an officer to lead efforts to reduce sexual assault within the house. Running mates Dennis and Cunningham emphasized their ongoing involvement and leadership in their fraternities as key assets in leading the Assembly. “Our love and passion for our brotherhoods makes us more motivated to make the system better,” said Dennis. Cunningham said he and Dennis hope to make bystander intervention training part of freshman orientation or a pre-rush requirement. Pedlow said that the autonomy of Dartmouth’s Greek system might contribute to its longevity, but it also allows students the “incredible abil-

ity to make changes in the system.” Candidates also discussed the proposal to incentivize bystander intervention training spearheaded by current student body president Adrian Ferrari ’14, which would have given $2,000 in dues-assistance funds to Greek governing councils for each Greek organization that had 25 members or half its sophomore and junior class members participate in a six-hour DBI leadership training session. The Undergraduate Finance Committee rejected the proposal, citing UFC rules on sharing funds between organizations and an emphasis on allocating student activity fees to non-selective campus organizations. Miller and Qi said that, if elected, they would push the administration to give the Assembly funding directly so that it is not limited by UFC rules. Lucas also asked the candidates how their Greek affiliation or lack thereof would affect their leadership. Graham said that he sees his unaffiliated status as “a huge advantage” because he has no personal agenda to push. He added, however, that his running mate Robinson is affiliated, making them a balanced team. “I am not defined by my Greek letters,” Dennis said. “My first letters

are C-A-S-E-Y.” Cunningham said his involvement in his fraternity would enhance his vice presidency. Pedlow, who noted that she is affiliated, said her roles as GLC’s summer moderator and as chair of the Student and Presidential Committee on Sexual Assault would make her an effective student body president. “Knowledge of systems can only enhance your ability to effect change on campus,” she said. Audience members could then pose questions to the candidates on notecards, which were then read by the moderator. In response to a question about the Assembly’s power, candidates emphasized the importance of spreading awareness of its activities. “The power Student Assembly does have is in working with administration to get things done,” Shaw said, citing as an example how the Assembly lobbied to increase meal plan options. “SA has the power to make incremental changes that make student life better on campus.” All candidates said they would remain involved in the Assembly even if they were to lose. Elections opened at midnight and will close at 8 p.m. tonight.

Learn about polling and pocket some money!! Rockefeller Center’s Annual

STATE OF THE STATE POLL Help conduct our telephone survey! Earn $12 per hour! Training Session: THURSDAY, APRIL 17th, 6:00 PM in ROCKY 1 You will be paid for 2 hours to participate in the Training Session, though it will not take that long.

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Schedule for Polling:

(Rockefeller Room 209, 2nd Floor) MONDAY, APRIL 21st -THURSDAY, APRIL 24th Dinner at 6:00 pm, Polling 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm If you can commit to working on Monday and/or Tuesday evening and one additional evening, please attend the training session. You will not be paid for the training session until you work at least two evenings. You may work every evening if you wish.

Please reserve your seat by blitzing Jane.DaSilva @ or call 603-646-2229

MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014



Participants brainstorm Volunteers fake casualties at conference how to grow community FROM EMS PAGE 1

“I wanted to create a safe place focused on the relations between A Culture of Apathy” (March 6, 2014). people and not on our academics, “It provided a very compelling extracurriculars or careers,” Mann view of how students think about said. Dartmouth’s focus on personal devel- Adam Grounds ’16 said his group’s opment and the fact that there may idea for a “social bus” was based on be some opportunities to connect spontaneity. Grounds said students would be able to “jump right into the students,” Robbie said. Student organizer Malika Khura- bus” without knowing its destination, na ’15 said the this topic is relevant meeting new friends along the way. to current discussions surrounding The bus would provide a space for campus climate and community. The both academic activities and nighttime topic’s breadth made it open to wide parties. Kayla Kesslen ’15 advocated for interpretation, she said. Participants included undergradu- a community service requirement, ates and students from Thayer, the which she said would allow four to six Geisel School of Medicine and the students from different backgrounds Tuck School of Business, and were unite for a service project. She said organized into 14 teams of four to that service opportunities would come five students. The teams were required from groups like Dartmouth Dining to work together and follow a design Services, Facilities Operations and timeline, comprising five stages: re- Management, the Tucker Foundation search, synthesize, ideate, prototype and other administrative departments. “Students want to see more empaand test. During the event’s first session, held thy around campus, and I think comFriday evening, participants started munity service projects will be a good the research phase by asking students way to show it,” Kesslen said. “This and community members what they will also bridge gaps between class years and give thought about Dartfreshmen an mouth’s community outlook for and for ideas on “Innovation has what they can creating a more car- always been part of achieve at ing and collaborative Dartmouth’s DNA. In the Dartmouth, environment. something Participants then past decade there has that currently made “how might been a realization that does not hapwe” statements to pen.” show the conclusions design methods used they drew from their for commercial products R o b bie said he interviews, Robbie could also be used to helped orgasaid. nize the event On Saturday solve social needs.” because he morning and afterwanted to noon, the participrovide an pants met with their - Peter Robbie, teams, discussed Engineering professor opportunity for students what they learned to use their from their research, brainstormed ideas and picked one creativity to improve Dartmouth. to develop. After choosing an idea, “Innovation has always been part each group built a prototype using of Dartmouth’s DNA,” Robbie said. Play-Doh, M&M’s, cardboard and “In the past decade there has been a realization that design methods used Post-its. At the end of the day, each team for commercial products could also presented its project to the other be used to solve social needs.” Matt Ross ’15, co-founder of the groups. Khurana said she hoped the entrepreneurship group Mitosis, said event would motivate participants to students are full of ideas for new companies. He said he wanted to provide improve the College in small ways. Workshop participant Amelia a space where innovation could be Mann Tu ’15 said the experience supported with financial and technical gave her a new perspective on how to resources. impact the space she lives in and how to The workshop was sponsored by apply brainstorming and prototyping the innovation and design firm IDEO and directed by IDEO co-workers skills outside a professional setting. Mann’s project was about the cre- Brian Mason ’03 Th ’05 and Maura ation of “no-screen” rooms, in which Cass ’10. the use of laptops and cellphones Past IDEO Innovation workshop would be prohibited. These spaces topics include projects for on-the-go would foster dialogue between strang- healthy eating and making Hanover ers and a more inclusive community, winters warmer and more bearable, Robbie said. she said. FROM WORKSHOP PAGE 1

Li said the conference helped EMS squads from different institutions exchange best practices. The mass casualty training event, she said, was the first time that many of the squads, Dartmouth EMS included, participated in such a simulation, due to the large number of people required. Though the squad completes numerous online training simulations, the physical drill allows members to hone different skills, she said. This year, Dan Pham ’16 and Courtney Hargreaves ’16 organized the conference. Li said the group often chooses sophomores as conference coordinators to expose younger members to leadership opportunities. Dartmouth EMS executive director Ethan Thomas ’14 said in an email that the drill simulated the results of a motor vehicle driving into a crowd and colliding with a telephone pole, which then fell onto another group of people. He said that the responding crews used the incident command system, a standard approach for emergency situations, to manage the scenario. Thomas said that the squads sought to improve their coordination, communication and medical treatment. He said he believes that the performance was successful, and that the organiza-

tion is capable of handling a similar real-life situation. The mass casualty simulation required a number of student volunteers to imitate injury victims, anxious onlookers or patients dead on arrival,

“Other patients had scripts for when their condition was to change and under which circumstances. For instance, one patient might be bleeding severely and be scripted to go into cardiac arrest if the bleeding is not stopped within a certain time frame.” - ETHAN THOMAS ’14 Thomas said, which helped EMS squads to practice. Both injured parties and onlookers followed scripts mirroring realistic outcomes of a major disaster. “Other patients had scripts for

when their condition was to change and under which circumstances,” Thomas said in the email. “For instance, one patient might be bleeding severely and be scripted to go into cardiac arrest if the bleeding is not stopped within a certain time frame.” To minimize costs, everyday items were used to simulate injuries, Pham said in an email. The appearance of skin damage, for instance, was created with torn toilet paper and vaseline. Volunteer Gabby Josebachvili ’15, who pretended to be an injured victim, said in an email that she was asked to write a report after the drill with information that included the response time and the treatment she received. EMS members “had to do all the basic steps, such as finding a pulse, trying to identify any wounds and so on,” making the simulation as close to a real emergency response as possible, she said. Thomas said he found it encouraging that EMS squads from around a dozen institutions came to the conference and participated in the simulation. The conference has grown each year, Li said, with Saturday’s attendance of around 100 marking an increase from last year’s 80 participants. Hargreaves did not respond to requests for comment.



MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014

contributing Columnist andres smith ’17

Guest columnist brian holekamp ’12

Blacking Out

A Higher Standard

Too often students use blacking out as an excuse for misbehavior. Walk around FoCo on a Saturday or Sunday morning, and you’re bound to notice a common theme among the diners. Many are slumped in their chairs, elbows on the table to support the weight of their heads, with looks on their faces that resemble those of extras from “The Walking Dead.” We’ve all been there. While we wonder why evolution has left our bodies inept at processing poison, we usually regale each other with the epic tales of our adventures from the night before. We tell stories of pregames held or tails attended, the perpetual struggle to get on table and how close we got to going home with that cute guy or girl from class last term. The most interesting stories (and the ones that storytellers are most excited to tell) are usually those that involve blacking out. We brag about our debauchery, but that’s fine, right? I mean, we were blacked out. When has blacking out become a free pass to misbehave? Although we often act ashamed or laugh it off, it seems that we have some sort of misplaced sense of pride in drinking to the point at which we have no idea what we are doing. The bragging implies that losing total control of our faculties is a goal to strive toward. Further, it suggests that people who do not push themselves to that limit somehow fall short, like they just are not trying hard enough. If I approached my friend and said “Dude, I punched a hole into a bathroom wall, stole a bike and rode it home and then threw up all over my hallway,” he’d probably be pretty concerned about my mental health and legal standing. But if I add “I blacked out, and then...” right before? I just get a slap on the back, and it’s all chalked up to silly Andres and his shenanigans. Why do incredibly dumb and sometimes hurtful things become badass when you add half a handle of Smirnoff to the equation? I’m not here to lecture or crusade against

all you miscreants — I see it in myself, too. I want to hear the stories. I laugh at the stolen bathroom signs that now grace my friends’ rooms. I find myself wanting to learn about the friend who poured her drink on the head of that guy from her class who never shuts up. And this is what concerns me. We don’t even stop to think about how we perpetuate the idea that it’s okay, or even encouraged, to drink ourselves into a stupor. Scarier than the damage to our own bodies from this race toward blacking out, however, is the fact that, for a lot of us, blacking out becomes an escape from any sort of accountability or consequences when we do damage to others. It has gotten to the point where even the victims of these actions sometimes do not blame the drunken culprit. Think about how many stolen bikes or jackets you’ve seen shrugged off as “Well, some drunk guy probably grabbed it.” So that just makes it okay? If we don’t put some accountability back into the equation, people are going to keep thinking that acting this way is acceptable. If people who do wrong while blacked out aren’t made to realize that they are actually hurting someone, they will keep getting away with things, a lot of which are worse than stealing a fracket. Done responsibly, drinking can be a pretty fun part of a social experience. What concerns me is that it is often done not even close to responsibly, yet people are then celebrated for their behavior. We need to change the way we think about drunkenness. If we keep cheering on our friends and encouraging each other, we will continue reaching the point where we hurt each other and ourselves. I know drinking will always be central to Dartmouth’s social culture, but once we start holding each other and ourselves responsible for the things we do when we’re wasted, we can take a huge step toward improving Dartmouth for everyone.

It is imperative that we raise our standard of conduct. Over the past two years, I have noticed a College when he was found not guilty in a court shift in both our College’s culture and atmo- of law. The simple answer is that Dartmouth sphere. Dartmouth has become embroiled in holds us to higher standards of conduct than the controversy, from the hazing scandals through United States does. The College expects us not the Dimensions disruption to sexual assault to base our decisions off of what is technically and the sit-in held in College President Phil legal or illegal, but to think about what is right Hanlon’s office. The College that I — and and act accordingly. As a private institution many others — love and support is now subject charged with educating young adults, it can to harsh criticism for the poor behavior of its and should take the responsibility to create its students. own set of laws to teach students how a moral The majority of Dartmouth’s population and respectable person acts. Sure, sometimes has been asleep for too long. We witness these we slip up and, say, find ourselves in Safety events, and we write them off. We write off and Security’s car in a tiger costume at 3 a.m., the national media coverage as inaccurate and but people are not usually separated from the make few attempts to remedy the situation. College after one or even two incidents of In doing so, we do not solve problems. The misbehavior. It generally requires a pattern of transgressions of a few can be seen as a systemic misbehavior to merit an expulsion. problem when the majority sits by and refuses If you require an example of that sort to act in its own defense while being defamed. of pattern, look no further than the most It is past time that people started taking recent actions in the President’s office and the personal responsibility protest at last year’s for their actions and Dimensions show. start being a little less “The majority of Dartmouth’s While sit-ins have selfish in how they population has been asleep had historic successes conduct themselves. for too long. We witness these in contexts such as the Sexual assault is ex- events, and we write them off.” Civil Rights moveplicitly against College ment, this is not an policies in no uncertain acceptable way to effect terms. Consent can be withdrawn at any point, change at Dartmouth. Chanting to potential and this specifically places the onus on initia- students — not even current students who might tors of sexual conduct to make absolutely sure actually understand and be able to approprithat they do not violate anyone’s will. Although ately respond to the protest’s message ­— only this can be troublesome to those who would serves to embarrass us to the entire nation and rather just assume that consent is given when hurt the school. Additionally, storming our no protest is raised, everyone must ask himself President’s office to demand him to unilateror herself if that is the environment we wish ally bend official policy to an unreasonable to create. Is the time saved in not asking one list sounds more like lawlessness than conduct simple question — “Do you consent?” — really expected of Dartmouth students. worth the potential emotional damage that an Dartmouth students need to act like the act without consent causes? College we think we are and claim to be. From In regard to the recent verdict in the case recent national media coverage, we look like a against Parker Gilbert, the facts are that he school of racist rapists who enjoy forcing one was tried by a jury of his peers and found not another through kiddie pools in our free time. guilty of rape. This does not mean that he did If we don’t start acting like the adults we are, not do anything wrong. Recently, people who eventually someone else will come along and support the verdict have questioned why he fix our problems without students’ input — and would receive judicial punishment from the no one will like how that turns out.

Vox Clamantis

212 Robinson Hall, Hanover N.H. 03755 • (603) 646-2600

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SUBMISSIONS: We welcome letters and guest columns. All submissions must include the author’s name and affiliation with Dartmouth College, and should not exceed 250 words for letters or 700 words for columns. The Dartmouth reserves the right to edit all material before publication. All material submitted becomes property of The Dartmouth. Please email submissions to

Unfortunate Oversight

To the Editor: Last fall, my undergraduate advisor training began with the premise that our roles were to provide the first level of support for our residents. Everyone was ready to accept this responsibility on heavily discussed themes such as diversity, alcohol and sexual health, but mental health was notably absent, with the exception of extreme scenarios, where a resident was suicidal or physically harming themselves. It didn’t really register as a problem with me until I heard my fellow UGAs discussing an individual who had expressed being depressed. Phrases like, “They were just having a bad day,” and “I wanted to tell them to man up,” left me baffled, confused and angry. How could individuals assigned to be the “first level

of support” for students dismiss their mental health so flippantly? I wanted to say something, but I quickly realized that I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t have the skills to address the ignorant comments of supposedly “trained” advisors, let alone talk to a resident who might be dealing with a mental health problem. Students are encouraged to reach out to peers who are “experts” in certain areas if they need help or advice. Among those easily available are Diversity Peer Advisors, Drug and Alcohol Peer Advisors and Sexperts. But there isn’t a student who is trained in general mental health issues. As a community, we need to ensure the safety and well being of our fellow students. That can’t happen if we continue to ignore mental health. Kayla Wade ’16 First Year UGA







SW 2


Softball stays perfect in League with Yale sweep

B y JOSH SCHIEFELBEIN The Dartmouth Staff

The softball team continued to roll through its competition, extending its win streak to 13 and maintaining a perfect 12-0 Ivy League record with a four-game weekend sweep of Yale University.

103 Pitches thrown by Kristen Rumley ’15 in 8 innings of work on Saturday.


3 (F-9)



10 (F-6)






Shots allowed by the men’s lacrosse team in a loss to Princeton.

503 Career saves by lacrosse goalie Kristen Giovanniello ’14.

Maddie Damore ’17, Kristen Rumley ’15 and Morgan McCalmon ’16 headlined the Big Green’s (23-13, 12-0 Ivy) efforts. Damore led Dartmouth’s offense, driving in seven on three home runs in Saturday’s second game. “[Damore’s] capable of it and we’ve known that,” head coach Rachel Hanson said. “That’s the

After the women’s lacrosse team fell to the University of Pennsylvania 10-6 in a rematch of last year’s Ivy League tournament championship game, both players and coach had

11 A three-run homer by Nick Lombardi ’15 broke a streak of 11 straight solo shots by the baseball team.


Kristen Rumley ’15 picked up two wins this weekend.

kind of hitter we know she can be.” Rumley hit the game-winning walk-off single in Saturday’s game one. The junior earned two wins in the four weekend games to push season her win total to 13. “She’s a g reat all-around player,” Hanson said. “She can hit, she can pitch, she can play defense. She’s a great kid and very composed.” McCalmon picked up both Saturday wins, increased her hitting

streak to 13 games and provided crucial run support in Sunday’s game two. Dartmouth needed nine innings to pull off a 3-2 victory against the Bulldogs (5-27, 1-11 Ivy) in what quickly turned into a pitcher’s duel. Rumley and senior Kristen Leung both turned in eight innings on the mound before being relieved. Although Rumley outperformed Leung, striking out two more batters and allowing seven fewer hits, the score remained tied

2-2 entering the ninth. Leung kept Dartmouth’s batting order shut down until the fourth, when a double by Karen Chaw ’17 scored Katie McEachern ’16 before Chaw herself raced home on a Kelsey Miller ’16 double to give Dartmouth a 2-0 advantage. “We’ve got good athletes, but approach is key,” Hanson said. “We’re taking big cuts and swinging hard.” Rumley shut down Yale’s lineup until the seventh when sophomore Lauren Delgadillo belted a two-run homer to tie the score and send the game into extra innings. Rumley stayed in the game until the ninth, when Hanson replaced the junior after 103 pitches with McCalmon, who retired the side. In the bottom of the frame, the Big Green placed two runners on. After Chloe Madill ’17 grounded into a fielder’s choice, Rumley put the fourth pitch she saw into left for the walk-off single. It was a game of missed opportunities for the Big Green, as the home team left 10 on base. “We need to be a little more aggressive early in the game,” Hanson said. SEE SOFTBALL PAGE SW 6

Women’s lacrosse falls to Penn 10-6 on senior day



the team’s character in mind. With this loss, the Big Green drops to 5-6 on the season and 2-3 in Ivy play. “With all the things we’ve had going on this year, our character

Lindsay Ellis ’15 Editor-in-Chief

04. 14. 14

MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014

Stephanie McFeeters ’15 Executive Editor

Brett Drucker ’15 Blaze Joel ’15 Sports Editors

Jin Lee ’16 Tracy Wang ’15 Photography Editors

Carla Larin ’15 Publisher

Michael Riordan ’15 Executive Editor

has been tested,” head coach Amy Patton said after the game. “This is one more test — are you going to fold and give in, or are you going to come out the next game and play better?” The Big Green was tested from the onset of the game, as Penn scored its first goal less than two minutes into regulation. The Big Green’s offense was stifled by Penn’s defense in the first half — its lone goal came from team scoring leader Jaclyn Leto ’16 six minutes into the period. The team failed to generate offense due to a series of turnovers in the middle of the field, Patton said. “In the first half, we were really flat and Penn capitalized on a bunch of our mistakes,” she said. Dartmouth struggled with turnovers throughout the game. In the first half, all six of Penn’s scores came off of Dartmouth turnovers. The Big Green would go on to lose the overall turnover battle 14-5. Co-captain Liz Calby ’14 called Penn a “clean team” that rarely commits turnovers. “We knew that on attack, we really needed to take care of the ball and we needed to have a lot of discipline in the way we were moving,” she said. “We needed to disguise our plays. That was our game plan, and we just didn’t execute.”


The women’s lacrosse team turned the ball over 14 times in its loss to Penn.

Early on, the Big Green found itself unable to slow down Penn’s offense, which came into the game with a League-low 7.88 goals per game. “Our coaches did a great job of scouting Penn and we knew what was coming,” co-captain Kara Lehman ’14 said. “We just hadn’t seen that kind of speed or patience and composure.” The Big Green demonstrated its resilience in the second half, outscoring the Quakers 5-4. Sarah Byrne ’15 opened the scoring for the Big Green with a goal 2:08 into the

period. To Calby, however, the halftime adjustment was emotional, not tactical. “We had to fire each other up in the locker room,” she said. “That’s where the shift happened — getting everyone fired up and wanting to be out there and wanting to go for ground balls and get draws.” The Big Green also tightened its defense in the second half. Senior goalkeeper Kristen Giovanniello ’14 had seven saves in the second half SEE W LAX PAGE SW 6


MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014

Baseball comes back, takes Yale series 3-1

B y GAYNE KALUSTIAN The Dartmouth Staff

SW 3


RUNDOWN Baseball

With the fate of the season on the line, the Big Green baseball team stepped into Biondi Park for back-to-back doubleheaders this weekend against Red Rolfe Division leader Yale University (13-18, 6-6 Ivy), settling for a 3-1 split. The weekend series made one thing clear: the Big Green offense has broken free from its early season frustration and is looking for blood.


















Dartmouth (10-17, 5-7 Ivy) wasted no time as the first game opened Saturday afternoon, scoring in the first and third innings to build an early 3-1 lead. After a Bulldog run in the fourth — the team’s final tally of the game — the Big Green came out hot. The first strike thrown to Lombardi was driven clear out of the park for his first home run of the season. The shot to left center was only overshadowed when Lombardi sent another one over the fence in nearly the same spot in the fifth, bringing in co-captain Dustin Selzer ’14 and designated hitter Joe Purritano ’16 , putting Dartmouth


The baseball team got back in the playoff picture with a series win against Yale.

ahead by five. The exceptionally windy day, competition in the box and fan participation, Lombardi said, were high points of Dartmouth’s performance on Saturday. “We’re hitting pitches we should hit, like when you’re up in the count 2-0 and they have to come back at you with a fastball,” he said. “Every single one of the guys in the lineup hit the ball hard, which puts a lot of pressure on the Yale defense. But a lot of credit also goes out to the fans who were out there, too, who put a ton of pressure on Yale throughout the whole day.” The Bulldogs’ offense fell flat at the hands of Beau Sulser ’16 who pitched all seven innings and gave up just eight hits and the two earned runs while striking out five. If any questions remained about Dartmouth’s offensive potential after game one, they were answered when the Big Green

scored a season-high 12 runs on 13 hits in the second game, giving Yale only three lategame runs. Louis Concato ’14 pitched eight strong innings — the most he’s gone while wearing the green and white — allowing just six hits during his tenure on the mound. “I have to keep making sure that I’m making the pitches that I want to,” Louis Concato said. “I also really need to make sure I’m not trying to do too much myself. I’ve got a great defense behind me, and I need to really let them help me out.” At the plate, Dartmouth came out swinging again when Roulis, the second batter, hit a triple to right center to drive in the leadoff man Ruppert and scored on a throwing error by the Yale second-baseman for an early 2-0 Big Green lead. In the third, co-captain Jeff Keller ’14 SEE BASEBALL PAGE SW 7

Men’s lacrosse drops sixth straight, falls to 1-8

B y alex carr

The Dartmouth Staff

The men’s lacrosse team (1-8, 0-4 Ivy) dropped its sixth consecutive game on Saturday, a 13-10 loss to No. 17 Princeton University. Last season, the team upset the Tigers 10-9, but this time around, the Tigers (7-4, 2-2 Ivy) came out firing, ripping 31 shots in the first half en route to 53 in the game.





In a season where the Big Green has struggled, the game against Princeton marked a positive outcome, despite the disappointing result, Phil Hession ’15 said. “Our biggest improvement this season has been our decision making on the field,” he said. Injuries and lack of experience hindered the team earlier this season, but the team has grown, Hession said.


6-6 5-7 3-7 2-10

13-18 10-17 8-20 8-17

11-1 9-3 6-6 4-6

19-12 16-15 15-14 9-19



12-0 7-0 1-11 0-12

23-13 21-11 5-27 2-26

5-3 6-4 5-4 5-7

13-17 14-19 10-15 16-18

Red Rolfe



Softball SCHOOL




Men’s Lacrosse SCHOOL




3-1 3-1 3-2 3-2 2-2 1-3 0-4

9-3 7-5 7-3 6-3 7-4 6-5 1-8

Women’s Lacrosse SCHOOL




4-0 4-1 3-2 3-2 2-3 2-3 2-3 0-5

7-3 8-4 7-5 6-6 9-4 8-5 5-6 3-7


The men’s lacrosse team battled the Tigers but came up short.

After the Tigers took an early 1-0 lead, the Big Green answered back with two goals in 1:20. The Tigers responded with their own 3-0 run over the rest of the first quarter to take a 4-2 lead. After Jake Weil ’15 stopped the bleeding with his first of four goals

of the game, the Tigers pushed their lead back to four with another 3-0 run over the next five minutes. Weil scored again with 5:39 left, but a goal by Princeton with just 32 seconds left pushed the Dartmouth SEE M LAX PAGE SW 7



SW 4

THE DARTMOUTH Sports Weekly • monday, APRIL 14, 2014

Crew B y JEHANNA AXELROD The Dartmouth Staff

Justin Maffett ’16 had not rid he was nine years old when he equestrian team his freshman sp “I tried fencing, I tried club sw “Nothing felt right.” Then one of his friends sugge to the barn. After Maffett joine team that season, he entered, th walk-trot competition. While many of Dartmouth’s al student athletes were recruited to a small percentage of those who Green on the field, court, rink to join their respective teams aft campus. Walking onto a Division I easy task, and each team treats p a little differently. Though the exact number o recorded, since no Ivy League sports-related scholarships, eve looking for an outlet on campus varsity teams. The crew and equestrian team contain large percentages of nonare interesting windows into the On the Zone 1 champion eque spot is filled by walk-on athletes Equestrian coach Sally Batton does not recruit, she follows prospe athletes throughout the year. Onc if a potential rider plans to atten said she examines tapes of their figure out where the student cou Some riders meet with Batto campus and remain in contact before arriving at Dartmouth, ’17 said. Others, like Maffett, do

SW 5_

THE DARTMOUTH Sports Weekly • monday, APRIL 14, 2014

Walk-on athletes At Dartmouth

w and equestrian teams thrive with cadre of non-recruited athletes

dden a horse since tried out for the pring. wim,” Maffett said.

ested he take a trip ed the equestrian hen won, his first

lmost 1,000 varsity o join their teams, o represent the Big and water chose ter they arrive on I varsity team is no potential members

of walk-ons is not e athletes receive ery year students s try their luck on

ms, two teams that -recruited athletes, e process. estrian team, every . said that while she ective students and ce Batton finds out nd the College, she riding in order to uld fit on the team. on when they visit over the summer Meaghan Haugh o not interact with

Batton before arriving on campus, instead showing up to tryouts to test their luck in the arena. Official tryouts take place at the start of each academic year. Every rider, even returning members, auditions for a place on the team. Over 25 student-athletes have tried out for the team’s 20 spots each of the past two years, Batton said. The Intercollegiate Horse Show Association includes competition of all levels, making recruiting unnecessary, she said. Teams need beginner and intermediate riders to compete in certain disciplines. “Most of the ones that would be recruited are the ones that are the best riders,” she said, “but I don’t need 20 top-flight riders, I need them of all different skills and abilities.” For example, walk-trot riders cannot have more than 24 weeks of instruction under their belts and walk-trot-canter riders cannot have participated in any previous competitions. This year, the team won its regional competition, then its zone competition by beating rival Mount Holyoke College for the first time in school history. The Big Green will compete in the national championships in May. While the men’s crew team recruits some rowers, it allows any student who wants to join to practice with the team. Spencer Furey ’17 walked onto the heavyweight crew team this fall after noticing flyers around campus. “I figured I’m in decent shape, so why not give it a chance?” Furey said. The requirement for walking onto the crew team is simple: you have to be able to keep up. There is no minimum two-kilometer time or maximum mile time for athletes to beat in order to earn a roster spot, but the team workouts are tough enough to scare many would-be rowers away, Furey said. A combined total of over 20 students walked

onto the heavyweight and lightweight teams last fall, and about 10 remain on each team. Lightweight head coach Sean Healey suggested that the team has a large number of walk-ons because success in crew comes more from physical traits as athletes pick up the technical side of rowing fairly quickly. Walk-on rowers trained together in novice boats under the watch of the assistant lightweight team coach Taylor Black. The freshmen spend the fall separated from the varsity athletes to master technique before jumping fully into the varsity team experience in the winter, Furey said. “Once winter training comes, they kind of throw us to the wolves and throw us in with the varsity,” he said. The novices experienced their first real crew race at the Green Monster freshman invitational. The Hanover race gave the new rowers a taste of the sport and helped familiarize them with the speed and technique required to excel in crew. Furey said he feels that the coaches and the rest of the rowers made sure that the novices were part of the team. Though he felt a divide in the beginning, by the winter the team was unified, he said. “It doesn’t matter what boat you’re in,” Furey said. “Whether you’re a walk-on or a recruit, you’re all striving to win races.” Healey agreed, observing that the experienced rowers are often focused on helping their walk-on teammates adjust to the sport rather than seeing threats to their positions. “My experience has been, particularly here at Dartmouth, that the experienced athletes are actually really good at helping the walk-ons make the adjustment to the team and pick up the sport.” Joanna Millstein ’17 said she feels the same sense of unity on the women’s crew team. “Once they integrated the walk-ons into the rest

of the team after the trial period, I felt like it was a real community that I really appreciated being a part of,” Millstein said. Despite never having rowed before, Millstein decided to try out for the crew team at the start of fall term, at the suggestion of former high school cyling teammates. With the help of her roommate, a recruited rower, Millstein was directed to the coaches and initial team meetings. The team had three weeks of tryouts in September and was left with 10 walk-ons after cuts were made, she said. Of the roughly 20 girls who tried to join the team in the fall, only four of them raced this past weekend in the Yale Class of 1985 Cup. The difficulty of keeping up in such a physically intensive sport combined with the high level at which Dartmouth competes makes sticking with the team a challenge. Joining a Division I sport without preparation is difficult, Millstein said, noting that other walk-ons provide an important community of support. “They all know what you’re going through and how difficult it is to figure out and navigate the crew world,” she said. Blair Duncan ’17 joined the crew team as a walk-on last fall after attending two crew camps over the summer. At Dartmouth, Duncan met with Healey and started attending practices. The appeal of Division I athletics and the opportunity to meet a close group of people his freshman fall appealed to him when he joined the team, but Duncan chose to leave the team because of the significant time commitment it involved. The process of walking onto a varsity team varies depending on the sport. The nature of equestrian competitions and the physical demands of crew make them two prime candidates for walk-ons, and the successes of both teams are linked to students who take nontraditional paths to becoming varsity athletes.



SW 6

MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014

Softball keeps rolling, extends winning streak to 13 games FROM SOFTBALL PAGE SW 2

McCalmon stayed on the mound for game two, throwing a complete game as Dartmouth dominated Yale 10-1 in six innings. McCalmon surrendered just one run all game in her winning effort on a wild pitch in the second inning. The offensive fireworks began in the fourth when Damore sent the ball over the left field wall for a three-run shot. Damore homered a second time in the fifth for two more RBI to make the score 8-1. She ended the game with one final home run to left-center to increase Dartmouth’s lead to nine. “I was pretty calm,” Damore said. “I wasn’t expecting to see any good pitches after the first two at bats, but I was ready to go up there swinging, and she gave me a nice one.” Dartmouth defeated Yale 5-1 in Sunday’s first game. Yale led 1-0 after the first, but that would be the only run Rumley allowed over her seven innings, giving up just five hits and two walks while striking out six. In the third, Yale surrendered five runs on seven hits. Dartmouth loaded the bases and scored with regularity as four different batters


The softball team hits the road for an eight game trip before returning home for the final series of the year.

had RBIs. That would be more than enough offense for the Big Green, as Rumley shut down the Bulldogs, allowing only two hits over the final three frames. McCalmon started the game and pitched a clean first inning

before surrendering a two-run home run and an RBI single in the second to put Dartmouth in a 3-0 hole, Yale’s largest lead all weekend. McCalmon then scored on a Damore double, just beating the throw to the plate after Hanson

Call for Comments on Proposed Sexual Assault Disciplinary Policy We want your feedback regarding the proposal to comprehensively revise Dartmouth’s student disciplinary policy for charges of sexual assault. The proposed policy changes include mandatory expulsion in certain cases of sexual assault and a new investigatory process employing outside investigators. The changes aim to encourage reporting, expedite the disciplinary process, enhance consistency in sanctioning, and represent a stronger deterrent to sexual assault. For more info, go to: Please submit your comments and suggestions by end of day to: Or, you can share your evaluation and comments online publicly at: Comment period runs through today, April 14

waved her home. “First thing I did when I got to the dugout was tell my teammates, ‘and you said I was slow,’” McCalmon said. “It was a big moment, and I trusted coach and she made the good call. Anything could have happened, and I got in

there.” Chaw then plated Damore to cut Yale’s lead to one before the Bulldogs successfully retired the side. In the fifth, Yale nearly expanded on its lead by loading the bases with two outs. Hanson pulled McCalmon for the final batter of the inning and replaced her with Rumley, who forced the Yale batter to ground out to second to end the inning. Momentum quickly swung Dartmouth’s way. Dartmouth loaded the bases in the bottom of the fifth with just one out. Megan Averitt ’15 scored on a wild pitch to tie the game with McEachern at the plate. After McEachern popped up, McCalmon singled, scoring two and putting Dartmouth up 5-3. For the final two innings, Rumley was perfect, not allowing a hit, walk or error to blemish her relief effort as she picked up her 13th win of the season and kept the Big Green perfect in the Ancient Eight. The team next hits the road for an eight game trip starting at the University of Hartford on Tuesday. The team heads to Brown University next weekend for a four-game series.

Women stay home to host Hofstra Monday

team, well coached. They knew the game plan and executed.” alone. Her 10 in the game brought The game was the last home Ivy her to 503 total career saves, making League game for the Big Green’s her the third Big Green athlete to seniors. At the end of the game, the team’s six senior players — Calby, reach the 500-save milestone. “She’s just a phenomenal goalie,” Anjalie Christie ’14, Lehman, Lindsey AlLehman said. lard ’14, Bailey “She’s been an Jo h n s o n ’ 1 4 , all-star, a rock a n d G i ov a n since her first niello — and day her freshstudent manman year. Hava g e r Ky l e i g h ing such a pheDartmouth Penn Wi l l i a m s ’ 1 4 nomenal keep5-6 Record 7-3 were honored er allows our for their concoaches and our 21 32 Shots tributions to the team to focus on team. all other aspects 10 4 Saves Cal by of our game.” 14 Turns. 5 said her emo In the end, tions going into however, Dartthe game were mouth’s strong “bittersweet.” second half performance was not enough to “Looking around the locker overcome its disappointing first room before the game, the energy was some of the best of the year,” half. “You’re never going to beat she said. a team like Penn playing just 15 The Big Green now faces a short minutes,” Patton said. “I give them turnaround before hosting Hofstra credit — they’re a very disciplined University at home on Monday. FROM W LAX PAGE SW 2

Side -BySide


MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014

SW 7

Team now sits just one game behind Yale in Red Rolfe division FROM BASEBALL PAGE SW 3

kicked off a four-run outburst after striking out but reaching on a wild pitch. He stole second and raced home on a single by Selzer, rounding the bases in the span of just two pitches. Selzer came home after a single by Lombardi and another throwing error, and Lombardi and Purritano scored on a single by Matt MacDowell ’15 up the middle. Dartmouth would go silent until the sixth, when a sacrifice ground out brought in Ruppert after he crushed a triple to left center. The Big Green finished the game by then scoring five additional runs in the seventh, including a run scored by Keller after Selzer lined a hit inches from the foul line deep in left, that gave Keller just enough time to score from first. Selzer’s position as the clean-up hitter, assumed after the first weekend of Ivy play, proved indispensable for the Big Green this weekend, bringing in Keller — one of Dartmouth’s most consistent hitters — three times this weekend. Sunday morning brought challenges for Dartmouth, which dropped the first game 6-0, cemented by a devastating five-run sixth inning for the Bulldogs. Michael Danielak ’16 allowed all six runs on six hits, despite a solid performance during the middle of the game, when he struck out five batters.

Chris Lanham was dominant on the mound for the Bulldogs, limiting the Big Green offense to only four hits over seven innings while only throwing 79 pitches. Game two hung in suspense for four innings while Mike Concato ’17 and Yale’s David Hickey kept both teams scoreless on offense. Dartmouth gave up the first runs in the top of the fifth, but the team answered later that inning. Adam Gauthier ’16, brought in Bo Patterson ’15 and Purritano with two outs on a single to right center. The runs mark the first scored by Dartmouth against Hickey over more than 14 innings. “It feels great,” Gauthier said. “I went up there trying to find a pitch that I could put a good swing on, and luckily it found a hole where the defense wasn’t. I think it does a lot for our entire team’s confidence to get a third win going into next weekend.” Duncan Robinson ’16 relieved Mike Concato on the mound in the sixth and gave up just two hits over four innings. Dartmouth scored once more in the sixth and once in the seventh to seal the win. Robinson’s strong outing came after giving up two runs in 1.2 innings against the University of Pennsyvania last weekend. Bouncing back, Robinson said, is more mental than anything, and trusting the defense is key. “Coach hammers in the philosophy of throwing fast balls and strikes,” he

Men’s lacrosse to face Penn on senior day FROM M LAX PAGE SW 3

deficit to 8-4 at the half. Despite being outshot 21-4 in the second, the Big Green defense and goalkeeper Blair Friedensohn ’16 held the Tigers to just four goals. The teams traded goals in the third quarter, as Mike Olentine ’14 and KC Beard ’16 found the back of the net for the Big Green. Despite outscoring the Tigers 4-3 in the fourth, the team could never get closer than three thanks to timely scoring by the home team to end Big Green runs. Weil opened the scoring in the final frame, but two Princeton goals in 11 seconds pushed the Tigers’ lead to five. Jack McCormick ’17 and Weil then went back-to-back, trimming the deficit to 12-9, but another Tigers goal just 16 seconds after Weil’s fourth distanced the home team. Billy Heidt ’16 scored with 1:19 to play, but it was too little, too late for the Big Green, as the Tigers held on for the 13-10 win. Friedensohn turned aside 12 shots during the game. Man-up opportunities continued to plague

the Big Green, as it went 1-5 with the extra man. The Dartmouth men have consistently struggled with their man-down defense, but they shut the Tigers on their only opportunity Saturday afternoon. The ground ball battle and turnovers were relatively even. The Big Green failed to turn the Tigers over on any clear attempts, as the home team finished with a perfect 19-19. “I thought we played to the best of our abilities for four consecutive quarters,” Jibran Ahmad ’16 said. “We’ve been struggling to do that consistently all year. We played well and fought hard, and it is unfortunate that we came up short.” Dartmouth hopes to come back this weekend at Scully-Fahey field, facing No. 11 University of Pennsylvania at 1 p.m. Saturday. The team will honor its nine seniors at the game. Five athletes contacted by The Dartmouth Saturday and Sunday did not respond to requests for comment by press time.

said, “and I am just glad I gave our team a chance to win.” The team’s chances to win the Red Rolfe Division and advance to the Ivy League Championship Series have been reignited with its weekend performance,

as it now sits just one game behind Yale in the standings. For Dartmouth to have a chance at taking the Division for the seventh year in a row, Yale will have to lose at least one of its impending games against the Division’s bottom

half — Harvard University and Brown University. The team will play the University of Massachusetts at Lowell on Tuesday and four games against Brown next weekend.



The cycling team hosted a series of races around Hanover from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday.



ontgomery Fellows Program at Dartmouth College

A Conversation with

Johnny Clegg:

Singer, Songwriter, Dancer, Anthropologist, Musical Activist


Monday, April 14, 2014 4:00pm | Filene AUDITORIUM, MOORE HALL Free and open to the public Sponsored by the Montgomery Fellows Program at Dartmouth College


SW 8

MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014



B y KATIE JARRETT The Dartmouth Staff

This week, I sat down with Robbie Anthony ’14, a center on the men’s rugby team and former wide receiver on the football team. Anthony transferred to Dartmouth after his freshman year at Clemson University and joined the rugby team after the Big Green’s football season ended with a win over Princeton University. Anthony recently helped the rugby team defeat Harvard University for the Ivy League Championship and his former squad in the Champions Cup. What made you decide to join the rugby team? RA: Well, I played rugby at Clemson the semester after I quit the football team there. I just really enjoyed the sport, and Dartmouth is very good, with a strong history of doing well. I wanted to be a part of that, and I wasn’t doing anything senior spring anyway, so I wanted to fill the void that football left. Did you play rugby before Clemson? RA: No, not at all. My roommate at Clemson was on the rugby team, and he convinced me to play. I had no idea what the rules were when I first started playing. I would get called for penalties at least three or four times a game, and I still do. There are things I still don’t know about the game. I’ve only been playing for a few months, both Clemson and here. What would you say the hardest part was transferring from football to rugby? RA: It’s a totally different game. I like to describe [rugby] as a combination of every other sport, or a game that is just totally different from everything else. How do you think you were able come into the team and make an impact right away? RA: I think because I played at Clemson, that definitely helped. If I hadn’t have had that one term, that brief knowledge of the game, I’d be totally lost right now. Dartmouth is a very good team, and there’s a lot of competition for spots. I don’t think I would be playing right now if I hadn’t played some at Clemson. Do you think playing football also helped? RA: Yeah, it’s a physical game. I’ve been playing football my whole life, so having that exposure and being used to getting hit and hitting

other people comes into play a lot. You can’t be afraid to make contact, which some people have to be taught.

B y austin major and freddie fletcher

What do you miss most about the football team? RA: Definitely the camaraderie — just hanging out with the guys before and after practice. My favorite part of the year was hanging out on a Saturday morning after spring practice because you’re awake, you have the rest of the day, it’s great weather and you can just hang out with the guys.

Well, loyal readers, it finally happened. The spring finally came and, with it, the best day of the year: “Sports Day.” During “Sports Day,” classes are canceled (because it’s always on a Saturday), social events are enjoyed (often on porches) and friends come together to cheer on Dartmouth sporting events and throw every chirp they can possibly imagine at opposing teams from lesser colleges and universities. There are a few of you out there who are asking yourselves, “How is this a phenomenon? Do these guys actually know what phenomenon means? Isn’t there anything else on TV or in this newspaper?” I understand your plight and concerns and would like to take a second to address them point by point. 1) How is this a phenomenon? Well, to be honest, we just can’t explain how all the conditions come together so perfectly. Somehow, the sun is always shining, all day. School work seems to slow down a little bit, and KAF doesn’t have any good sandwiches, so there is absolutely no need to go to the library. Everyone wants to hang out. Baseball gloves, bats and footballs magically appear places. People you thought were off really aren’t. 2) Do these guys actually know what “phenomenon” means? Yes. See above and stop being so condescending. So what if we had to look it up on Google just to make sure? 3) Isn’t there anything else on TV or in this newspaper? Yes, there probably is. Lots of op-eds (which we

Was it ever hard for you being a transfer student? RA: I don’t think so. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it was easier than whatever I expected. Dartmouth is a pretty open community. I came during the Class of 2013 sophomore summer. I lived in [Gamma Delta Chi] that summer and they accepted me as one of their own almost immediately. Then, when everyone else came back, I was the new guy again, but there are 50 new guys on the team every year, so it wasn’t that big of a deal. What would you say is your favorite thing about being a Dartmouth athlete? RA: The relationships I’ve formed. Dartmouth is a close knit community, and within that community the athletes are very close knit as well. Everyone gets along, everyone cheers for each other and everyone roots for each other to do well. I think just overall spirit of the athletes looking out for each other and hoping everyone else does well.

The Dartmouth Staff

read, and are usually pretty good and thought-provoking — much like our column). Apparently someone also threw a couple of bills Dartmouth’s way. As seniors who realized early Saturday morning that this was our last “Sports Day” in Hanover, we canceled all our plans, bailed on all previous obligations, turned on our AIM away messages just in case, and then went back to bed to prepare for a noon start. So anyway, at the crack of noon, I arose to find three text messages. Two were from my parents. Classic Friday night. Apparently, no one realized it was “Sports Day” yet. Anyway, I got up, ate a breakfast of champions at FoCo, rolled to Dirt Cowboy for some NARP Powerade and then went to the baseball game. A big crowd was there to watch the Big Green play Yale, and the fans did not disappoint. I am going to give some of the chirps a five on the 10-point scale, but the compassion scored at least a seven. It’s pretty easy when your team is cruising to an easy victory over the Red Rolfe Division leaders and poising to take the divisional lead. All-time highlight was getting a response from the Yale coach as to why he would not send a runner when the team was down six runs in the bottom of the last inning. How did that one work out for you? Next, a brief stop at the rugby field house to watch the men’s team absolutely crush Clemson. There were lots of polos, and we felt under dressed. We also realized that watching a team come all the way from South Carolina to get beaten that badly was a bit upset-

ting. We left relatively quickly. Anyway, onto men’s tennis outside of Thompson Arena. Not much to report other than we smoked Penn individually, and seeing that big of a beat-down almost bummed me out. Sure, we dropped the doubles point, but we swept singles for the win. I am not going to rank chirps or compassion because it’s not funny to chirp people who are beaten so soundly. Next, we saw lots of great fans and alumni back up for the weekend for women’s lacrosse senior day. Despite the disappointing 10-6 loss, in my expert opinion, the team played really well. Overall, the chirps, though fewer, were much, shall we say, more sincere. I am going with a seven on chirps and an eight on compassion. Finally, women’s softball against Yale — we really had our stride here. We came in extra innings in the first game of a Saturday doubleheader. Do I see a correlation between our presence and the fact that Dartmouth won that inning? Not really, it was probably that the Big Green absolutely crushed the ball, but I would like to think we had something to do with it. The real highlight came in the second game when the quality and compassion of chirping escalated to a point that a very sensitive Yale softball team could no longer handle. Yale parents requested that “certain individuals” (your favorite Legends) leave the park. Dartmouth went on to win 10-1. Some might call this dismissal unfair, I would call it a fitting end to “Sports Day” 2014. Next week, we are back at it. We will return from fandom to take on either the baseball or softball team.


Did you know a lot of your rugby teammates before this season? RA: I knew a handful of them, but they were just so open to having me join the team. I’ve made a couple very close friends that I’ll probably have for the rest of my life, just the same as I have with football. How did it feel to win the Ivy Championship last weekend? RA: I hadn’t beaten Harvard in football yet, except in a couple of scrimmages, which don’t count. It was nice to look at the scoreboard and see us beating Harvard by 50 points. We expect to win that every year, so I guess the celebration was a little more muted than you would expect, but it was still fun. It’s still cool to say we won the Ivy League Championship. This interview has been edited and condensed.


The baseball narrowed its distance from Yale with a 3-1 series win this weekend.


MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014


College launches counter-campaign after UltraViolet ads FROM ULTRAVIOLET PAGE 1

the College’s new proposal ­— which would expel students found guilty of sexual assault involving penetration, oral-genital contact or oral-anal contact after use of force, threat or purposeful incapacitation of a survivor, as well as students motivated by bias or with prior records of sexual assault who commit these acts — but will continue the campaign until concrete action is taken. “We think prospective students have a right to know that this is a great school, but they’re dragging their feet on this issue and it is putting students at real risk,” she said. Based on information from Facebook profiles and Internet searches, UltraViolet is targeting its advertisements at people who have listed an affiliation with or interest in Dartmouth or have visited the area, Roland said. The advertisements, which have cost several thousand dollars so far, are funded by UltraViolet and members’ donations and will continue until at least the end of the college decision season, she said. If the organization feels it has more to gain by extending the campaign beyond the May 1 decision deadline, it will run advertisements with a new message, Roland added. College spokesperson Justin Anderson said Dartmouth is aware of the campaign and has contacted the

organization to correct inaccuracies. “I think it is unfortunate that, in the ads and elsewhere, UltraViolet fails to acknowledge the actions that Dartmouth is taking, most notably the comprehensive policy proposal that will take effect in June that makes expulsion mandatory for the most egregious cases of sexual assault,” Anderson said. The College has launched its own campaign in response. Advertisements highlight the College’s actions in the context of President Barack Obama’s call to institutions nationwide to protect students from sexual assault, he said. “We have been very transparent with information on the website about our new policy,” dean of admissions and financial aid Maria Laskaris said. “I think they are unfairly representing Dartmouth and taking information that we have designed for prospective students and twisting it.” The College’s Facebook campaign has drawn about 280,000 views, Anderson said, and over 30,000 have seen it in their Twitter feed. UltraViolet’s most recent numbers show that around 60,000 people have seen its advertisements, Roland said. Last May, students filed a Clery Act complaint against the College, documenting violations of sexual assault, discrimination, hate crimes, bullying and hazing. The Clery Act, signed in 1990, requires institutions of higher

education to disclose information regarding campus crime. The Department of Education also launched an unprompted investigation into Title IX compliance at the College. College President Phil Hanlon and Dean of the College Charlotte Johnson released a proposal to reform the College’s sexual assault policy in early March, and opened it up to community comments until today. If the proposed policy is enacted, students found guilty of sexual assault involving penetration, oral-genital contact or oral-anal contact after use of force, threat or purposeful incapacitation of a survivor, as well as students motivated by bias or with prior records of sexual assault who commit these acts, would be expelled. “It’s a great first step,” Roland said of the proposal. “But until they’re enacted and enforced it’s just lip service. As far as we’re concerned, a proposed change is not taking action — it’s a step toward that.” Current students interviewed have noticed the online advertisements. Some said they were disappointed at how the College’s actions were cast by the campaign. “Right now, it seems like the ads represent a very one-sided conversation that does not reflect the opinions of the entire student body,” Jane Rem ’17 said. “I think that it’s important for students who have had different

experiences to speak out.” Holli Weed ’14 said she was surprised that the campaign specifically chose to focus on the College. “It strikes me as a bit strange that UltraViolet has chosen to single out Dartmouth’s campus,” she said. “Obviously, we have had several rather public incidents as of late, but just the same when you look at the sheer amount of resources that we have on this campus for survivors and the amount of education about sexual violence that we have for students, it’s not clear why UltraViolet would be concerning themselves with this campus.” Kieran Sim ’17 said the advertisements upset him because sexual assault occurs at other universities, and Dartmouth seems to be taking the issue more seriously than other schools. Highlighting only Dartmouth, Sim said, is misleading. While many prospective students interviewed said that they had heard about sexual assault at the College, 11 of 20 interviewed had not seen UltraViolet’s advertisements. Those who had voiced various opinions. “The ads didn’t dissuade me,” said Matthew Goff, who was accepted into the Class of 2018 from Hanover. Though some students had voiced concern about sexual assault on the Class of 2018 Facebook page, Goff said, others have come to the defense

of the College. Monica Alvarez, a prospective member of the Class of 2018 , said she feels that Dartmouth is so well known that people will always find issues to talk about. She added that every school has problems and that having them be known publicly is better than hiding them. Joanna Chung, a prospective student from New York, said she could see how the campaign could influence prospective students. “I think it definitely adds a subconscious dislike for the school, if not an explicit defensive gut reaction against it,” Chung said. “However, if I was completely set on the school for other reasons, I don’t think the ads would change my decision.” Roland noted that UltraViolet will continue to push the campaign forward until Dartmouth takes action to protect the student body from sexual assault that goes beyond releasing proposals for reform. The organization is looking into other forms of advertisements to use to reach prospective students and communities with information on sexual assault. “We’re looking into key dates for the Dartmouth campus and whether it’s necessary to up the ante with some sort of physical presence,” Roland said. “We’re also looking into how to bring the energy around the Dartmouth campaign to other schools.”




Pink Tights

MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014

Coralie Phanord ’16

TODAY 4:00 p.m. Edible Book Festival, Berry Library Main Street

4:00 p.m. “A Conversation with Johnny Clegg,” Filene Auditorium

4:30 p.m. “Embers of War: The Fall of an Empire and the Making of America’s Vietnam,” with Fredrik Logevall of Cornell University, winner of the 2013 Pultizer Prize for history, Rockefeller Center, Room 003

TOMORROW 8:30 a.m. Language share fair, Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning, Baker 102

4:00 p.m. Workshop, “Basic Boxes,” with Stephanie Wolff, Baker Library 23 and 25

5:00 p.m. “Make a Difference, Make an Impact: Careers for the Common Good Panel,” Carson L01

Crossing the Green Across: 1 1953 Alan Ladd Western 6 Proto suffix 9 Ger t who played Goldfinger 14 Rocky’s range 15 Be human 16 Type of failure 17 Keats or Coleridge 18 Fond du ___ 19 Out 20 Kill time 21 Contrast 23 Stealthy stealers 25 Omega preceder 27 Shaq’s alma mater 28 Norse healer 29 Glory prerequisite 30 Crest rival 32 Tybalt’s uncle 34 Shedder, of sorts 35 Str uggles thr ough sibilants 36 Crook’s command 39 Leaf formations 40 Basics 41 “…thousand times” 43 Redo in table tennis 44 Team support 45 Strong, slangily 50 Caked 52 Miff 53 What cost $250 in Wheel of Fortune 54 Mine find 55 Outer ear 56 Charged 57 “Far out!” 58 McCar thy targets 59 “I’m home!” 60 Application abbreviation 61 Simeon II was

the last of these Down: 1 Phlegmatic 2 Ibsen’s Gabler 3 Nearly erect 4 Cheap seats 5 Tolkien tree being 6 2nd Woody Allen film featuring Mia Farrow 7 Ignored by Oedipus 8 Like humbug and hugger-mugger 9 SigEp and SAE, e.g. 10 Move, to a realtor 11 At the drop of a hat 12 Slow and steady 13 Son of Archie 21 Hammer into 22 Odd, in Edinburgh 24 Rehab regulars 26 Tour follower?

Andrew Kingsley ’16 29 Where one goes with exes? 30 “Park it!” 31 Anchors 33 Workman, for one 34 Spoil, as steak 37 Henr y or Hertz 38 Snack eschewed by cinemas in silent era 39 Walk with 12down

42 Hindu hermitage 45 Direct 46 “___ say more?” 47 Ancient Aegean region 48 Montana, informally 49 What Chihuly blows 51 Earth 53 Onassis nickname 55 “Over here!”

ADVERTISING For advertising information, please call (603) 646-2600 or email info@thedartmouth. com. The advertising deadline is noon, two days before publication. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement. Opinions expressed in advertisements do not necessarily reflect those of The Dartmouth, Inc. or its officers, employees and agents. The Dartmouth, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation chartered in the state of New Hampshire. USPS 148-540 ISSN 01999931


MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014


‘Budapest’ showcases Clegg to host Q&A discussion Anderson’s refined style B y Maya Poddar

The Dartmouth Staff

B y Varun Bhuchar The Dartmouth Staff

It’s impossible to talk about Wes Anderson without describing his aesthetic. Ever since his second full-length film, “Rushmore” (1998), Anderson has created a fantastical style that looks like it was ripped from the pages of a storybook. Though his aesthetic has evolved throughout the years to become even more stylized, it has remained distinctly “Wes,” rendering many of his films instantly recognizable to viewers. It would not be a stretch to say that Anderson’s entire previous filmography has worked up to “The Grand Budapest Hotel” (2014). Set in 1930s Europe, specifically in a fictional country named Zubrowka, “The Grand Budapest Hotel” centers on the interactions between the concierge of the titular hotel, Monsieur Gustave (Ralph Fiennes) and his protégé, Zero Moustafa (Tony Revolori). When Monsieur Gustave is framed for the murder of his former lover and frequent hotel guest Madame D. (Tilda Swinton), he enlists Zero to help prove his innocence and save him from a trailing assassin (Willem Dafoe). In contrast to Anderson’s previous film, “Moonrise Kingdom” (2012), “The Grand Budapest Hotel” channels more influence from 1930s screwball comedies, though it’s clearly an Anderson film. The miniatures and stop-motion animation from “Fantastic Mr. Fox” (2009) make an appearance, as does the framing device from “The Royal Tenenbaums” (2001). But this time, the layers to the frame are amplified; the film takes place in a book based on a story told to the author (Jude Law) by an older Zero (F. Murray Abraham). Speaking of Abraham, “The Grand Budapest Hotel” uses a technique taken from “Amadeus” (1984) where all of

a film’s actors speak in their normal accents, even though the story is set in Eastern Europe. While this device may feel jarring in another film, Anderson manages to make these deliberate anachronisms endearing. Like any filmmaker with a trademark style, Anderson needs to keep evolving or risk becoming stagnant, a fear that he has commented on in the past. In “The Grand Budapest Hotel,” shockingly violent beheadings, throat slashing, amputations and animal cruelty pass through the screen willy-nilly, separating the film from Anderson’s recent work. Not since “The Royal Tenenbaums” has the filmmaker integrated so much macabre, though it’s with good reason, as the film takes place in the years leading up to World War II. However, this is offset by elements of lightness and play. The viewer can expect telltale Anderson whimsy, like a prison escape organized by inmates who use miniature sledgehammers and pickaxes smuggled past the guards in dainty pastries. The cast of “The Grand Budapest Hotel” is a testament to the wonderful world Anderson is able to conjure out of thin air. Respected thespians are willing to prostrate themselves in front of the master for a chance to jump in. New to the Anderson cavalcade, Fiennes lets his hair down, so to speak, to play the impulsive Gustave, while Revolori looks happy to be there (as he should be). What does this mean for Anderson going forward? It’s hard to tell. Anderson has managed to embody the true definition of an auteur – his films are instantly recognizable and yet unique, each a gem of its own variety. Rating: 8.4/10 “The Grand Budapest Hotel” is currently playing at the Nugget.

This evening, musician, activist, dancer and anthropologist Johnny Clegg will participate in a questionand-answer discussion, sponsored by the Montgomery Fellows program. Clegg is visiting campus between gigs for his North American tour. “It’s an opportunity for everyone to see him speak about his own life and what’s motivated his music and his career in a pretty informal way,” Mongtomery Fellows Program director and government professor Christianne Hardy Wohlforth said. Clegg performed at the Lebanon Opera House on Saturday. Between sets, Clegg described his songs and the inspirations behind them. His band played on Western-style instruments that had been reconfigured to produce more of a Zulu sound, said Sam Parker ’15, who was invited to the performance after participating in the environmental studies department’s foreign study program in South Africa this fall. “The sound is totally unique, nothing like you’ve ever heard,” Parker said. A dancer before he started his own band, Clegg demonstrated Zulu dance moves throughout the performance. Throughout the night audience mem-

bers got out of their seats and tried to perform the moves, Parker said. “His concerts are really fun, but they are also full of stories,” environmental studies professor Andrew Friedland, who saw Clegg when he visited campus in 2012, said. “There are stories about cultural anthropology, dance, the politics of South Africa and the apartheid years.” In 1969, Clegg formed Juluka, the first prominent mixed-race band in South Africa. During apartheid, it was illegal for the radio to play mixed-race bands, so the band’s first album received no airtime on state radio but became a big seller due to word of mouth. Juluka went on to release 11 studio albums. Juluka’s music was both implicitly and explicitly political. The band’s success as a biracial group made it a sore spot for a government based in systemic racial segregation. The group also produced political songs, like those in the album “Work for All,” that clashed with the regime at the time. Clegg later formed a second interracial band, Savuka, in 1986, which produced five studio albums. Savuka’s 1993 album “Heat, Dust and Dreams” was nominated for a Grammy Award for best world music album. Savuka also produced the song “Asimbonanga,” a culturally and politically prominent

song that called for Nelson Mandela’s release. Clegg closes every concert with the song, Friedland said. “It’s kind of like an anthem to Nelson Mandela that was written when Mandela was in prison,” Friedland said. “Throughout Africa it is just known as one of the anthems, maybe the best-known anthem, to Nelson Mandela.” Clegg was also a professor of anthropology and has published essays on various topics, including Zulu dance and music. Clegg received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from Dartmouth in 2012. Clegg will come as part of the Montgomery Fellows program, which tends to involve some form of residency. Because of Clegg’s tour schedule he will only be on campus for two days, Wohlforth said. In his talk tonight, Clegg will discuss his life and his work. “He represents a very interesting mix of someone who has thought very deeply about issues of equality, about human rights and social justice and has combined the joy of making music and playing music and giving concerts with a social agenda,” Wohlforth said. “A Conversation with Johnny Clegg” will take place at 4 p.m. in Filene Auditorium.

2014 Kemeny Lecture Series Presents

Escher and the Droste effect Hendrik Lenstra Universiteit Leiden

Wednesday, April 16, 2014 7:00 – 8:00 PM LSC 100 Arvo J. Oopik 1978 Auditorium Class of 1978 Life Sciences Center



MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014


Bentley hosts improv performance Performers vie for prizes in Battle of the Bands

a New York Times investigative itself. reporter, an overweight customer, Gavin Duarte ’14, who also On Saturday evening, Casual an overeager employee and a cow attended the show, said each perThursday stepped out of the Greek mascot. former had his own strengths and houses they typically perform in Casual Thursday performer weaknesses, which the group straand into the Hopkins Center. The Charlie Laud ’14 called the game tegically used to garner the most 45-minute performance in the “a toss-up sometimes,” because it laughs. Throughout the fast-paced Hop’s Bentley Theater featured is a relatively long scene. If the show, the scenes were dramatically informal improvisation scenes, humor does not gain traction, he diverse and engaging, he said. sketch comedy and audience in- said, it may fizzle. The show was the group’s secvolvement. On Saturday, however, this ond performance in Bentley. Deby Skits included p r o v e d n o Guzman-Buchness ’15, who pertraditional imp r o b l e m a t formed in the show this weekend, prov comedy rou- “It’s all about getting a l l . A s t h e said that the space, a black box tines, where the in sync and working f o u r s t o r y - theater, offered advantages to the audience chooses lines unfolded group’s usual fraternity venues. a word like a together. We have to through mes- “Not to say that you can’t do non-geog raph- create that chemistry sages left for improv in other places, but what’s ical location to Bob (played really great is that it is a theater that it takes to create prompt a scene, b y J a m e s space, and you can hear,” Guzmanas well as more the best scenes.” Staley Th’14), Buchness said. “I think one of the specific routines they humor- biggest problems is that often you developed by Caously inter- can’t really hear anything in the sual T hur sday - Patrick Lewis ’16, s e c t e d w i t h fraternities.” like “The Flash- Casual Thursday one another. Adapting to the more formal setlight Game” and The cow mas- ting, the group focused on making Member “Telephone.” cot (Laud), for their performance look “clean,” Patrick Lewis example, was according to Guzman-Buchness. ’16 said the group nearly eaten by the customer They made use of the theater’s practiced for the show by working (Kingsley), who became hungry light board for the “Flashlight” through the specific games to bet- when the reporter (Lewis) shut the sketch, an element not available to ter understand their structure and factory down upon discovering that them in other spaces on campus. familiarizing themselves with each it was processing human meat. All “We can control what the audiother’s styles. the while, the faithful employee ence sees, which is really cool,” “It’s all about getting in sync and (Packer) remained steadfastly loyal Guzman-Buchness said. working together,” Lewis said. “We to his corrupt boss. Guzman-Buchness said that have to create that chemistry that T h e p e r Casual Thursit takes to create the best scenes.” f o r m e r s i m - “Traditionally, our day is expand In “Flashlight,” the theater’s p r e s s i v e l y ing to other main lights were turned off, with picked up small ‘thing’ when we first forms of comthe stage lit only by flashlights per- cues or gestures started was that we edy, incor poformers held. Lewis and Andrew from one anrating different Kingsley ’16 acted as two firemen other with ease. were short-form improvisational who must urgently respond to a Show attendee improv, which is a styles and exfire. However, they struggled to Sarah Watson, specific type of improv perimentation. locate the fireman’s pole in the dark a n e x ch a n g e T h e g r o u p ’s and to get down the pole without student from comedy like the one performance at falling on top of each other. They Trinity College, you see on ‘Whose the Bentley this also mistook a snake for a fire hose. described these winter featured The dynamic between Lewis’s elements as of- Line is it Anyway?’” sketch com“chief fireman” character and his ten the funnie dy, s t a n d u p understudy, played by Kingsley, est part of the comedy, sing- Deby Guzmanbrought the sketch to life. scenes. ing games and While the game is relatively new Paying close Buchness ’15, Casual monologues, to the group’s routine, Lewis said attention to this Thursday Member she said. he thinks it has potential to grow verbal and non “ Tr a and expand. verbal commuditionally our The best-received act was nication, the actors seamlessly ‘thing’ when we first started was “Telephone,” a skit in which one built scenes and moved between that we were short-form improv, improvisor receives a voicemail acts with dexterity, Watson said. which is a specific type of improv from other performers, who build a “Part of improv comedy is comedy like the one you see on scene around their shared involve- simply working with un-ideal mo- ‘Whose Line is it Anyway?’” Guzment with the voicemail recipient. ments,” she said. man-Buchness said. “But there’s For the scene, the answering ma- This ease clearly reflected the so much more to improvisation, chine belonged to a fictitious Bob’s performers’ familiarity with one so we’ve branched out quite a bit Meat Factory, and callers included another, the games and comedy from that.”

B y Rachel Hein

B y Caela Murphy

The Dartmouth Senior Staff

Last night, Friday Night Rock’s blue neon sign illuminated the path into Sarner Underground, where five bands and one solo performer competed in a Battle of the Bands contest. The music varied from bluegrass to brass band, highlighting the talent of a wide range of campus groups. “The level of skill these bands have is great,” Moises Silva ’16, drummer for The Euphemisms, said. “You get a good variety.” The show, sponsored by FNR and Collis After Dark, opened with the Sunday Hedonists, who kicked off the evening with songs by Vampire Weekend and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Next up was a solo performance by Noah Bond ’13, who played original songs that he composed in the past five years. Bond said his songs have a smooth, bluegrass feel. He added that audience members may not have been prepared for his “softer” musical style, which he described as “folk-pop.” Taking the stage next was The Euphemisms, who played a lively mix of pop and indie rock. Yazmine Patino ’17 said she had come specifically to see the band play. “They always get the crowd really pumped up, and the energy is amazing,” she said. Introducing the group’s second song, a remix of Beirut’s “Postcards from Italy” and Bastille’s “Pompeii,” lead singer Dan Calano ’15 invited listeners to picture themselves on a beach in Hawaii. The song, which saxophonist Hannah O’Flynn ’15 described as “dramatic, mellow, smooth and heartmelty,” had audience members swaying to the tune of O’Flynn’s saxophone and featured a spirited ukulele performance by Carl Neisser ’15. As The Euphemisms left the stage, the crowd looked up expectantly for the next group. Suddenly, a burst of brass erupted from the back of the room, and the Dartmouth College Marching Band entered playing “Glory to Dartmouth” and chanting “Dartmouth, Dartmouth, go Green go!” Decked out in flair, sunglasses and feather boas, the group performed arrangements of “Party Rock Anthem” by LMFAO, “Hey! Baby” by Bruce Channel and Richard O’Brien’s “Rocky Horror Picture Show” classic “Time Warp” before collapsing to the ground.

“There was definitely a lot of excitement in the room, a lot more than I was expecting,” trombonist Maddie Abbott ’15 said. “It was really great playing in front of such a receptive crowd.” Next up was Burn the Barn, which had a strong showing of support from its members’ fraternity, Alpha Chi Alpha. The group navigated tricky syncopation in “Tighten Up” by the Black Keys and tempo changes in Bob Marley’s “I Shot the Sheriff,” ending with “Are You Gonna Be My Girl?” by Jet, which featured an animated performance by lead singer Thomas Pears ’15 and a bassline played expertly by Phil Larie ’15. The final group to perform, Lady and the Tramps, added an ambient twist to folk songs by Bon Iver, Ed Sheeran and Of Monsters and Men. The crowd was especially responsive to the group’s closing piece, “All These Things That I’ve Done” by The Killers, singing along — “I got soul, but I’m not a soldier” — to the song’s refrain. The show was the first performance for the group, which formed just over a week ago and features Daniel Shanker ’16 and Ted Owens ’16 from the band Some Kind of Jet Pilot. Lead singer Latika Sridhar ’16 said she was nervous for the performance as she was unsure of what to expect. “I didn’t expect it to be so easy on stage,” Sridhar said. “I got so much energy from the crowd that I didn’t even have to try to look like I was having fun.” When the set ended, the lights came on and viewers cast their votes. Minutes later, emcee Matt Garczynski ’14 announced the winners. The third place prize of $100 went to The Euphemisms. “That’s 400 gumballs!” an exuberant Neisser exclaimed. Lady and the Tramps came in second place to win $200, and Burn the Barn won first, earning $300 (or, as Garczynski noted, 1,200 gumballs). Burn the Barn guitarist John Cofer ’15 said he appreciated the large turnout. “A lot of people came through,” Cofer said. “Different bands brought different people to support them, and that was fun to have kind of a scene in a college-sponsored event. I’m looking forward to more.” Margarette Nelson and Rebecca Asoulin contributed reporting.

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