The Dartmouth 07/14/17

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FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2017


Committee reviews College inclusivity plan

Student recovers from mumps


The Dartmouth Staff

at Oxford were reported to have mumps, though only one was a student at Keble College. The affected student was reportedly never in close contact with infected students at Oxford and had previously received both mumps shots. The student reported not feeling any symptoms until the second week of classes this summer. According to Ann Bracken,

An external review of the action plan for the College’s Inclusive Excellence initiative found that while the plan has clear objectives, it lacks in-depth accountability, a faculty retention strategy and student involvement. The external report, which was released more than a week after the College’s self-imposed deadline, is an effort to increase transparency and accountability in its policy initiatives. The action plan was announced May 27, 2016, based on the recommendations of three different working groups studying inclusivity among faculty, staff and students, respectively. It articulates many goals under six broad initiatives that seek to increase faculty and staff diversity, build a more inclusive community and increase accountability and transparency measures. The external review committee is meant to address accountability and transparency, reporting to the Board of Trustees on the action plan’s progress every year. Sixteen of the goals were slated for completion by various dates in 2016 or 2017. Of the seven goals with specific completion dates in 2017, two were completed late and one is incomplete, though it was updated on June 5. Three goals, one of which is “Review tenure and promotion process,” are past deadline and have no updates. One goal is listed as “completed,” though it is unclear whether it was completed on time. While some tasks have taken longer than expected, all are making measurable progress, College President













The affected student contracted the disease from Keble College at Oxford University and has since recovered.

By PAULOMI RAO The Dartmouth Staff

College medical health providers confirmed through a July 4 email statement to campus that there was a case of mumps among underg raduate students. Dick’s House staff and health providers at DartmouthHitchcock Medical Center worked with state health officials to ensure the affected student was isolated to

prevent a potential outbreak on campus. The affected student, an exchange student from Keble College at Oxford University, was surprised at first by the diagnosis. Mumps, a contagious disease caused by a virus, typically begins with a few days of fever, headache, muscle aches, tiredness and loss of appetite, followed by swollen salivary glands. T his past spring, approximately 30 students

Helble reappointed as Thayer Dean By REBECCA FLOWERS The Dartmouth Staff

Dean of the Thayer School of Engineering Joseph Helble began his fourth term on July 1. Engineering professor Ian Baker said this makes him the longestserving dean of engineering in the Ivy League. The announcement came on July 3, after a comprehensive review of Helble’s work from students, faculty, staff, fellow deans and alumni, Provost Carolyn Dever said. Helble’s accomplishments include achieving gender parity

among undergraduate engineering majors and expanding the number of engineering faculty and students. 52 percent of undergraduate engineering degrees at Dartmouth we re aw a rd e d t o wo m e n i n 2016, marking the first time a national research university had awarded more bachelor’s degrees in engineering to women than to men. This was accomplished by “supporting a culture and community that helps every student feel welcomed, intellectually challenged, engaged and supported,” Helble said. E n ro l l m e n t i n T h aye r ’s


undergraduate and Ph.D. programs have also doubled during Helble’s time as dean. The percentage of undergraduates majoring in engineering has increased from five percent of total students in 2005 to nine percent in 2016. The overall enrollment in the graduate programs has also increased, from 164 students in 2005 to 294 in 2016. The total number of women in the programs has grown from 56 women in 2005 to 95 women in 2016. IOANA SOLOMON/THE DARTMOUTH STAFF


The rain cleared way to a rainbow.



Appearane of mumps at College resolved, controlled

roommate from Oxford all ended the vaccinations are administered up bringing me food.” after a child’s first birthday and director of clinical medical services The affected student thinks that after age five, Bracken said. at the College health service, a the scare of mumps is sometimes “If students don’t have measles person can have mumps without overdramatized around campuses. or mumps [vaccines] they may “It was a bit grim, but it wasn’t be asked to leave campus if we showing symptoms. that bad,” the have an outbreak,” Bracken said. The student student said. “I actually asked the state, ‘How woke up feeling “Fifteen minutes later “ I k n o w i t many cases do we need for it to glandular pain, can be serious be considered an outbreak?’ They but did not think they came back with a if you aren’t said it depends on the nature of it was serious. mask on, and everyone vaccinated or the illness when to use the word After 24 hours after that point was for young kids, ‘outbreak,’ and we aren’t there o f f eve r- l i k e but for me, and yet.” symptoms and wearing a mask.” I imagine for Each year, students who are jaw pain, the m o s t p e o p l e exempt from the vaccination student called our age and in sit down with Bracken before S a f e t y a n d -AFFECTED STUDENT relatively good matriculating to discuss potential Security for a fitness, I’ve had options if an outbreak does occur ride to DHMC. “Two nurses came in to see bouts of tonsillitis that have been on campus. According to Bracken, me and did all the preliminary worse.” unvaccinated students often end observations by prodding my neck, Students across campus were up receiving vaccinations if and then they went away for a bit,” advised via email to seek medical they decide to study abroad in a the student said. “Fifteen minutes treatment if they had concerns country where there is an increased later they came back with a mask a b o u t t h e i r risk of getting on, and everyone after that point health. serious illnesses. “It was a bit grim, but T h e re h ave was wearing a mask.” Others receive Nurses on call initially believed b e e n r e c e n t it wasn’t that bad.” vaccinations the student could have a range of m u m p s c a s e s after being the illnesses, including everything from a c r o s s war ned by a simple gland infection to mumps. N o r t h e a s t a t -AFFECTED STUDENT m e d i c a l After being formally diagnosed with college campuses provider s at mumps, the student was released over the last few Dick’s House from DHMC and driven back to years, Bracken said. Medical that they might be asked to leave campus by a Safety and Security provider s at Dartmouth are campus for a few days until the last officer. Both the officer and the required to report illnesses such as case of an illness has receded. affected student were instructed to mumps to state officials, who make “No students were asked to wear masks. The affected student recommendations regarding care leave yet this sophomore summer, options, she said. and we don’t have an outbreak,” was then Currently, all Bracken said. “Thankfully, most m ove d f ro m students attending people don’t die from mumps. And a triple dorm “Thankfully, most Dartmouth are the more serious cases of mumps in Topliff to people don’t die from r e q u i r e d t o we do not see.” a single room mumps. And the have a measles, When the case was confirmed, and isolated mumps a n d the Student Wellness Center helped for around five more serious cases of rubella vaccine days. Dick’s House spread information to mumps we do not see.” in order to register limit a potential outbreak through I n i t i a l l y, for classes, but the Stall Street Journal, a flyer the affected some students can distributed on the back of restroom student said the -ANN BRACKEN, have a religious stalls across campus. isolation was DIRECTOR OF CLINICAL or m e d i c a l Assistant director for health c h a l l e n g i n g. exemption that improvement Mary Nyhan said T he student MEDICAL SERVICES p r o h i b i t t h e m that while the Stall Street Journal only missed from receiving the is not unique to Dartmouth, the two classes vaccination, Bracken said. because of the July 4 holiday. informal tone is purposeful. “If I had been like, ‘I have no According to Bracken, the “What we have realized is friends [to the doctors] and I need vaccination still does not completely shock, awe and scare tactics are you to bring me food,’ I think protect students from contacting typically not the best way to get [Safety and Security] would have mumps. Generally, one vaccination the information across to college brought me food,” the affected is 78 percent effective, so the students,” Nyhan said. “Other than student said. “But as it stood, the vaccines are often administered that, something like the mumps is various people I have made friends in a two-part series, at least 28 very episodic and the folks at Dick’s with since getting here and my days apart. In the United States, House reach out to us.” FROM MUMPS PAGE 1

CORRECTIONS We welcome corrections. If you believe there is a factual error in a story, please email editor@thedartmouth. com. Correction Appended (July 10, 2017): The original version of “Q&A with King Leadership Scholar Faith Rotich ’18” referred to the founder of the World Justice Project as Paul Neukom ’82, when the founder of the organization is actually Bill Neukom ’64. The article has been updated to reflect this change.

FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2017

FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2017



External review committee’s recommendations posted after delay year. Anthony, who stepped down from “Even with very aggressive and the role in May to return to teach Phil Hanlon said. ambitious diversity hiring initiatives full-time, had been working on “I don’t see any action items in place, the demographics of the an internal study of retention which are stuck,” he said. faculty can only change so quickly,” and tenure of underrepresented Special h e w r o t e . minority faculty, which the external assistant Further more, review committee supported and to t h e “Even with very there a r e recommended completing. College p r e s i d e n t aggressive and a l i m i t e d spokesperson Diana Lawrence C h r i s n u m b e r o f wrote in an email that the research Wo h l f o r t h ambitious diversity minority Ph.D. on tenure and promotion will s a i d t h a t hiring initiatives c a n d i d a t e s continue at the school deans’ level, while good each year from and that the College will make an in place, the progress has certain fields, announcement on filling the vice been made demographics of the such as physical provost position soon. o n “ l o w - faculty can only change sciences and The school of arts and sciences, hanging philosophy. the Geisel School of Medicine, fruit” such so quickly.” T h e the Thayer School of Engineering as allocating report also said and the Tuck School of Business funds and t h a t a m o n g have all reviewed their tenure -KIEVAN STASSUN, INTERIM increasing t h e f a c u l t y and promotion processes, though funds, more EXTERNAL REVIEW the committee information is still being gathered complicated COMMITTEE CHAIR h a d s p o k e n on what changes, if any, will be processes to, there was a made, Wohlforth said. such as consensus that The report was critical of creating a this goal was the fact that while the provost is new distributive requirement on unlikely to be attained. responsible for promoting faculty “human difference” take a longer Hanlon said that while he diversity, the dean of faculty of time to complete. appreciates the external review the arts and sciences has “near Specific goals, originally set committee’s insight, the executive autonomous authority over faculty in 2014, included increasing the c o m m i t t e e hiring and percentage of underrepresented i s still retention.” tenure-track faculty from 16 c o m m i t t e d “I don’t see any action Students and percent to 25 percent by 2020. a n d items which are stuck.” staff also feel The external report called this “enthusiastic disconnected, goal unrealistic, saying that it did a b o u t t h at the report not appear to be based on “actual g o a l . ” I f -PHIL HANLON, COLLEGE noted. analysis” and was “destined to fail.” it becomes T h e PRESIDENT Keivan Stassun, interim external clear that the inclusive review committee chair and senior goal will not excellence associate dean at Vanderbilt be reached website, which University, elaborated in an by 2020, the 25 percent goal will lists all the action items publicly, is email that since faculty members not change but the time frame will a transparency measure, Hanlon usually stay at the College for 30 be pushed back, he said. said. Every page of the inclusive to 40 years, there is “perhaps three Separately, former vice provost excellence website has a contact percent” faculty turnover each for academic initiatives Denise form that sends an email to the FROM INCLUSIVE PAGE 1


A chart depicting action plan tasks with 2017 deadlines and statuses according to the Inclusive Excellence website.

a new center on race and education. responsible member. W h i l e s o m e f a c u l t y a n d In the meantime, Stassun is serving students have submitted questions, as the interim chair. Harper may Wohlforth, who helps manage rejoin the committee at a later date, the tasks and inclusive excellence Lawrence wrote in a separate email website, only receives a couple statement. of questions every month. The The College has previously website usually receives around come under fire for how it conducts t e n u r e 50 unique review. Last views a week, “To put it in a different year, English though the professor n u m b e r way, at some places if i n c r e a s e s you’re really outstanding A i m e e Bahng was when the d e n i e d initiative is at one it makes up for t e n u r e, t o covered in a being not so good at chagrin news story. another. We don’t accept the of many Fa c u l t y students and students that.” and faculty. were to C r i t i c s join the claimed at council on -PHIL HANLON, COLLEGE the time that institutional PRESIDENT a possible diversity re a s o n fo r on Ju l y 1, according to the inclusive this denial was that Bahng’s excellence website. The Office of commitment to working with Institutional Diversity and Equity s t u d e n t s w a s u n d e r v a l u e d is currently working with student compared to her scholarly output. affairs to develop a process to The report noted that the appoint students to the diversity College’s teacher-scholar method council and two additional faculty is “potent but perilous” if the members will be added to the teacher and mentor aspect is discounted during evaluation. council, Lawrence wrote. Vice president for institutional Hanlon agreed that there is room diversity and equity and chair for improvement on balancing the of the council on institutional workload put on professors, but diversity and inclusivity Evelynn said that good teaching should not come at the cost of good Ellis declined to be interviewed. T he committee originally scholarship. consisted of five members from “To put it in a different way, various institutions, though the at some places if you’re really chair of the exter nal review outstanding at one it makes up committee Shaun Harper stepped for being not so good at another,” aside after moving to the University Hanlon said. “We don’t accept of Southern California to establish that.”

FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2017





Something About Russia

Dartmouth and the Alternative

Confronting our political confusion is more important than ever. Our country has begun to fall apart. I do Yet, a sense of responsibility lingers. Sure, not quite know what is happening, but it has Dartmouth might have an inflated view of something to do with Russia, with hacking and itself but I am here for a reason. I feel an with “treason.” That is something I should know obligation to know more. My parents have given about, something a little more significant than Dartmouth exorbitant sums so it can send me Greek life, national sports or upcoming pong into the world with critical thinking skills and tournaments. valuable experiences. This past spring, I had the Frankly, I do not know enough about it all. opportunity to see the disaster in Washington That worries me. I do not know what will happen D.C. as an intern on Capitol Hill. I have received to Donald Trump Jr. or to his father after the blessings unimaginable to the vast majority of release of the seemingly incriminating emails Americans to learn those skills and have those Tuesday morning. I do not know who Sally opportunities. Some part of me, an altruistic Yates or Carter Page are, how James Comey is inner half, feels that I must leverage that privilege connected to either of them or what his firing for a greater good. has to do with any of this. As confusion turns into complacency, Maybe I should pick up a newspaper or tune those in power may be even more inclined into one of those “failing” fake media outlets to defy their responsibilities to the public. our President likes to mock I am not surprised that on Twitter at 3:00 a.m. Yet, a sense of this Russian quagmire has Perhaps I need a visual aid, unfurled while Republicans responsibility lingers. one of those bulletin boards have quietly devised a new Sure, Dartmouth might we see in crime movies, healthcare plan, one that plastered with villainous have an inflated view will leave an estimated 23 mugshots and pins and a of itself but I am here million people uninsured. piece of string that link for a reason. I feel an I am reminded of everything together. Maybe obligation to know the President’s acceptance I should rewatch a movie, more. speech at the Republican like “The Godfather,” National Convention for some insight on what last year. He spoke of a happens when a rogue son betrays his powerful “moment of crisis for our nation”: radical Islamic family boss. That seems more up my alley. terrorism, bad trade deals and soaring crime However, something tells me that I should rates. “Alternative facts” might be a good way instead embrace my status as a proclaimed future to label that speech. Trump’s words made him leader of my generation, and write something out to be the “mess-fixer.” Trump was supposed political. It’s hard, though. I do not even know to restore a Great America. He was the kind of where to start. guy you might like to have a beer with, or vote for The Washington Post has called for a start the following November. Trump manufactured to the impeachment process. Fox News decries a disaster, then offered the country a helping leftist journalists for engaging in an anti-Trump hand. witch hunt. I am personally much more inclined While this Russia scandal may work in the to believe the former, but the waters are muddy. opposite direction, hurting Trump instead of Impeachment seems like a big step. Bernie helping him, it functions in much the same way Sanders has tweeted that the only way forward is as that speech. When people do not understand an agenda of hope. I like the sound of that, but something, they are more easily manipulated. I doubt that Paul Ryan and other Republicans Lacking background knowledge, Sean Hannity in Congress do. can show you a picture of Trump Jr. as an Our present political chaos leads to inevitable innocent victim of a militant Left, instead of a confusion, which results in complacency. I perpetrator of treason who may very well have would like to continue scrolling through my aided and abetted a historic state adversary by Twitter timeline, past Bernie, Elizabeth Warren, changing the result of the last election. The New York Times or the President’s inane As Rome burns, I often feel like grabbing diary entries. Maybe I could find a video of my fiddle; or, to update this analogy, my PS4 some pandas going up and down a slide or controller or my pong paddle. As someone with discover some sick memes that I could post in access to the resources of Dartmouth, maybe I our Dartmouth Facebook group to become a should think twice about doing that, and grab cool kid. a newspaper instead.

6175 ROBINSON HALL, HANOVER N.H. 03755 • (603) 646-2600

RAY LU, Editor-in-Chief KOURTNEY KAWANO, Executive Editor JOYCE LEE, Issue Executive Editor PRODUCTION EDITORS ZACHARY BENJAMIN & AMANDA ZHOU, News Managing Editors JOSEPH REGAN, Opinion Editor REBECCA FLOWERS, Arts Editor ASHLEY DUPUIS, Sports Editor EVAN MORGAN & NALINI RAMANATHAN, Mirror Editors JACLYN EAGLE, Templating Editor

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SUBMISSIONS: We welcome letters and guest columns. All submissions must include the author’s name and affiliation with Dartmouth College, and should not exceed 250 words for letters or 700 words for columns. The Dartmouth reserves the right to edit all material before publication. All material submitted becomes property of The Dartmouth. Please email submissions to

The alternative aesthetic requires greater inclusivity.

“He has gone to breathe an air beyond his own toward a wisdom beyond the shelf toward a dream that dreams itself.” – “About a Boy,” Patti Smith Our school slogan is “Vox clamantis in deserto,” or “a voice crying out in the wilderness.” It is at the essence of being alternative or “alt.” Alternative is the new hipster, an artistic and social aesthetic that runs parallel to and “against” the mainstream. In short, this aesthetic is defined by solitary, brute intellectualism. One imagines the type of person who goes for solo hikes in the woods, enjoys a good cold brew, reads philosophy and watches Wes Anderson or Stanley Kubrick films. The alternative person disregards engagement, viewing and participating in aesthetics with intellectual interest and little emotion. Despite the lack of emotion, their artistic pursuits have earned them the moniker “softboys.” “Vox clamantis in deserto” is a sentiment of personal vision or intellectual expression. Wilderness invokes a sense of solitude that suggests deep reflection and intellectualism but also insinuates connection to our physical instinct or animalistic nature. While our aesthetic is often that of a preppy East Coast school, our old motto can be interpreted as support for this alternative aesthetic on this campus and elsewhere. I, too, enjoy a good cold brew coffee; Anderson’s “Moonrise Kingdom” and Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey” are two of my favorite popular art movies. An aesthetic of intimacy and solitude paired with occasional intellectual discussion is appealing, because it produces a desirable look of detachment. But the popular alternative aesthetic sometimes perpetuates rigid social and gender norms no different than those of the mainstream. Anderson and Kubrick’s hyper-masculine works embody detached art and subtly objectify women, while David Lynch’s media overtly objectifies. To be a softboy is understandable; to be a softgirl is unheard of. The aesthetic of detachment favors the reductive and rigid gender norms of unemotional men and emotional women. Women are frequently relegated to melodramatic roles that emphasize male sprezzatura and deny woman sprezzatura. A classic example occurs in season one of David Lynch’s “Twin Peaks,” when high school girl Laura Palmer’s murder is investigated by the male Agent Cooper. Lynch relegates Laura to the silent role of a beautiful sad woman. Just like in mainstream television, women in popular alternative television shows participate primarily as stereotypically beautiful damsels in distress. While portraying women as beautiful is not negative, it is almost as if the women are merely part of the visual aesthetics: It is the male creators both onscreen and offscreen, of and in the art, who engage in the discourse of the alternate, while women are too often relegated as subjects of the discourse and nothing more. The rise of rage filled feminist punk has allowed popular alternative art to resist this unoriginal portrayal of women. In Courtney Love’s “Doll Parts,” she sings, “I am doll eyes, doll mouth, doll legs, I am doll arms, big veins,

dog bait,” alluding to the objectification of women as dolls, with merely composites of body parts. Love refers to herself as dog bait, echoing the objectification of Laura Palmer as dog bait for Agent Cooper in “Twin Peaks.” While feminist punk successfully critiques the alternate and enables a non-masculine space for alternative art, the performances still demonstrate the persisting limits to nonmale participation in the aesthetic of the alternate. Instead of allowing for multigendered expressions, the alternative aesthetic distances femininity and embraces masculinity. Feminine rage can thwart the effect of male emotional detachment, but may also reflect the desirability of masculinity to female performers. In “Piss Factory,” Patti Smith invokes masculine imagery of factories, sweating and drinking beer, singing, “I would rather smell the way boys smell.” Modern punk-influenced singer Cherry Glazerr sings, “I told you I’d be with the guys, but I know better now than to be with the guys,” expressing a desire to depart from femininity but alluding to the dangers of aspiring to maleness. While Love, Smith and Glazerr critique the “bro” culture that is present in the alternative music genre in which they partake, they lack the privilege of aesthetic dispassion. They sing about gender issues deeply engrained in this music, and would have to ignore such issues to achieve dispassion. To attain visibility, the dispassionate female artist must sing loudly and with rage. While access to this aesthetic of Vox Clamantis should be less gendered and more open to nonmales, it is also important to problematize why this aesthetic of disaffectedness is desirable in the first place. It can be engaging and intellectually intense, as with Lynch’s Episode 8 of the latest “Twin Peaks,” which raises thought-provoking questions about existence and origins. It also permits the avoidance of uncomfortable emotions that can be artistically and socially productive. It is why people enjoy Anderson movies; they are quirky yet palatable. Anderson films certainly disrupt typical movie norms such as the melodramatic “Spiderman” and “Beauty and the Beast,” but in reality, these movies do not challenge social norms or allow for a true feeling of discomfort. Julia Ducorneau’s “Raw,” for example, addresses issues of sexuality through the metaphor of cannibalism. The analogy is a means to highlight the extreme despair of the main character. At times, this is an aesthetic to which I aspire — I enjoy all three of these artistic-intellectual engagements. The people who live their lives according to alternative aesthetics are often doing so to distinguish themselves from the preppy men they might consider politically problematic or intellectually unengaged. Unfortunately, alt groups are as much of a boys’ club as the wolf packs they disassociate from. More often than not, the beauty of the Alternative Boys Club is superficial — a performance of Alternative Masculinity in which those who preach the Alternative Lifestyle use their taste in coffee, movies and activities to distinguish themselves from others or find a sense of self-importance, while still avoiding the possibility of gaining any deep understanding of art.

MIR ROR 7.14.2017





Editors’ Note

Love of country binds ROTC Story


For some, the word “patriotism” elicits strong emotions. It can be part of one’s gratitude for all they have been given, or a set of memories from childhood, or a set of traditions. It can be a failure to live up to a certain ideal, or a blindness or prejudice that sometimes comes with such strong values. It can be a value that holds at least some remaining merit, or a vice donning virtue’s clothing. “Patriotism” can also carry many different words with it: “nationalism,” “freedom,” “civic duty” and “citizenship.” In these few weeks of July, “patriotism” can play a big part in our lives, whether it is July Fourth, Canada Day or Bastille Day. It can also be something we meet during election season, in a class after a major political event or after a bout of self-reflection. Although we cannot touch on every perspective, this issue of the Mirror aims to explore this word and its many meanings to our Dartmouth community.

By Anna Staropoli

7 a.m. reveals a Dartmouth unlike any other. It’s a time when students half-heartedly mumble phrases in drill to satisfy their foreign language requirements. It’s a time when athletes on the unlucky end of the draw have lift in Floren Varsity House to prepare for their upcoming sports season. And it’s a time when a subset of our peers test their limits in Leverone Field House, pushing themselves as far as they can while most of us are just trying to push through midterms. For them, Dartmouth offers more than the necessary skills for a corporate job or a lifetime network — it trains them for the U.S. Army. With only 13 members as of last spring, the Dartmouth Reserve Officers’ Training Corps detachment flies under the radar. ROTC couples a full Dartmouth course load with an intense military elective, equipping those who participate with the skills for Army leadership. Within the program, Dartmouth ROTCs partake in additional classes that include physical training, a military lab and a military science class. “A military career is not seen as an elite career,” said Sydney Kamen ’19, one of two ROTC members on campus this summer. “But it’s interesting to try to see where they overlap and where they don’t.” Fellow ROTC member Lexi Crosswait ’19 believes that the overlap between the Dartmouth and the military — or perhaps the lack thereof — places the day-to-day life of college students in perspective. “Every time we have military science class, we’ll ask questions about the global state of things,” Crosswait said. “[We] poke fun at certain aspects of Dartmouth culture that people get freaked out about. It’s kind of a break from the bubble — it’s like, this is what reality feels like.”

This non-traditional Dartmouth experience may make ROTC appear daunting, but for Crosswait, the most daunting aspects of the program are not in relation to campus life; rather, they connect to the physical and mental specifics training entails. For Crosswait, Kamen and the other ROTC members, training consists of field drills and other exercises. During her first year as an ROTC, Crosswait found these drills strange and uncomfortable, as the ROTCs first practice on the football field. “You have to practice that violence of action and move like you’re being attacked,” Crosswait said. “If you don’t train that way, you’re not going to react that way. That was a big learning curve.” Once they conquer the field, the ROTCs shift to the woods. This transition decreases visibility and dulls the senses, creating an unsettling environment that takes time for adjustment. Yet despite its initial novelty, ROTC maintained some degree of familiarity for Crosswait, whose father was a Naval ROTC member. The family connection got Crosswait started with ROTC, but Crosswait’s desire to do something bigger sustained her drive. “I’ve always wanted to help people,” Crosswait said. “The people that tend to serve are the ones who aren’t in it for the money, but because they believe in something. As much as our country has flaws, the guidelines — the defining principles outlined in the Constitution — are good.” Currentlypursuingthepre-medicine track of study, Crosswait hopes to use her degree to become a doctor before enlisting in the Army. After Dartmouth, Crosswait is committed to eight years of postgraduate service in the military. If she is unable to attend medical school before her service begins, Crosswait

hopes to serve in the Medical Service Corp. Unlike Crosswait, Kamen joined ROTC with little knowledge of the military and no prior connection. A geography major focusing on international development, Kamen was instead drawn to ROTC out of academic interest and joined the program shorty after beginning her Dartmouth career. “For better or worse, global militaries are the new humanitarian actors,” Kamen said. “So for me personally, it made a lot of sense to try and understand those actors and to humanize that experience.” As she is currently not on scholarship, Kamen still has time to decide whether to serve in the Army. Regardless of this decision, she believes her time as in ROTC has yielded valuable life skills and pushed her out of her comfort zone. “We go on rec marches where we’re in full uniform carrying fifty-pound backpacks, marching through New Hampshire,” Kamen said. “That’s not something you can prepare for, but it’s made me a lot tougher mentally and physically.” Kamen has also gained a new understanding of military demographics. The Dartmouth ROTC detachment is predominantly female and has empowered women like Kamen to tackle roles traditionally associated with masculinity. “That’s been one of my own concerns as a young woman — that it’s not meant for me,” Kamen said. “But my experience in this detachment has been very supportive.” Kamen says a shared patriotism unitesDartmouth’sROTCdetachment. “Above all, the Army’s not about party lines, it’s not about partisanship,” Kamen said. “It’s about love of country.”

Red, white, blue and green Story


By Marie-Capucine Pineau-Valencienne

For the troubleshooters, a Fa c i l i t i e s O p e r a t i o n s a n d Management team are charged with solving the College’s off-hours problems — floods, electrical issues, broken pipes — raising and lowering the flags on the Green is a more symbolic task. Less than a quarter of an hour after sunset on Wednesday, troubleshooters Stuart Bacon and Loren Cameron arrived to lower the flags. “It’s something that we’ve done for a number of years,” said Bacon. “It’s an important thing, and I know it’s important to a lot of people, not just the American flag but the Dartmouth flag as well.” Bacon flies a flag at home and

says the symbol is important to him and others on the seven-person troubleshooters staff. “I feel that [flying the flag] is a nice thing to do. I have not served my country, as far as in the service or anything, but a number of the troubleshooters have been in the service.” Because emergency maintenance is the primar y responsibility of the troubleshooters, tending to the flag — which, according to the U.S. Flag Code, should be flown from sunrise to sunset — is sometimes a second priority. “You know, it’s nights that we are very busy and we don’t get to

take the flag down when it should be taken down, and that can sometimes be a problem with some people,” Bacon said. “Because there are certain rules about the flag and how it’s handled, it should be lit if it stays out all night, that sort of thing. And we try our best to treat it as it should be, but as I said, sometimes we can’t, because of our jobs that we have to do.” And even though the troubleshooters roll the flag instead of folding it, Cameron and Bacon say they keep flag etiquette in mind. “It’s not simply a piece of cloth,” Bacon said. “It does represent our country, and we’re proud of that.”


Professor Bernard Avishai talks patriotism in U.S., Israel Q&A

By Evan Morgan

Profes s o r o f G over nment Bernard Avishai studies the Middle East and is author of three books on Israel. He has been a Guggenheim fellow in the past and writes on the political economy and Israeli affairs for the New Yorker. At the College he teaches classes titled “Politics of Israel and Palestine” and “Political Economy in the Age of Google.”

has become Zionism. That’s not what Zionism was to begin with, but that’s what it’s become, a word empty of historical meaning which is just used to say you’re patriotic. If someone says they’re a Zionist, they mean that they love what they imagine to be this construct, this Jewish nation which is itself vague enough to incorporate not just Israelis but also world Jews who may have a sense of identity with You’ve lived in Canada, the the Israeli project. Zionism used United States and Israel. Does to be a revolutionary movement to each place have a different create a modern Hebrew-speaking idea of patriotism? nation which would transcend BA: I think American versions of the world of rabbinic Judaism. It patriotism have always been a little wasn’t meant to be just another anomalous, word for national b e c a u s e fo r defense. It was A m e r i c a — Patriotism is that kind a revolutionary at least since of request. It’s asking idea. Jews didn’t the Civil War speak Hebrew — patriotism you to dig down and 150 years ago. h a s m e a n t say, “what is it that’s They knew it the loyalty to the Italians knew so important that you way Constitution Latin. The first a n d t o a can’t live without it,” great challenge certain style of f Zionism such that your life owas constitutional to create a d e m o c r a c y. is something you’d modern HebrewPatriotism society, be prepared to risk speaking meant loyalty and to that to the republic because to live without extent, it was a n d d i d n ’ t this thing would be very successful necessarily and completed a d v e r t t o unimaginable. its work by the any feelings 1940s. Once of affiliation the Holocaust towards a nation of a particular happened, Zionism took on an kind. That’s also true in Canada, entirely different meaning. It although in Canada it’s also suddenly became the world fight layered with the extra need to against assimilation, the world fully articulate federal principles, fight against anti-Semitism, the because the federation in Canada Jewish stand against Jew-hatred. is meant to allow two different That’s not what Zionism was languages and cultures to coexist, originally. If all you cared about so to be a patriotic Canadian means was persecution, most such Jews not just loyalty towards liberal came from Europe to America. freedoms, but loyalty to a federal The ones who went to Palestine and principle that accommodates tried to build a Hebrew-speaking national distinction and asserts nation were part of a culture of that two nations can live together invention. At this point, there isn’t nonviolently if certain federal a lot of historical memory. There principles are presupposed. So for are a lot of Israelis who use the those of us here at Dartmouth, term ‘Zionism’ and haven’t the first living in America and close to clue what the Zionist movement Canada, patriotism doesn’t really really stood for originally. It’s just mean what it has meant in western become comfortable for them Europe and what it now means in to use the ter m ‘Zionism’ to Israel. It doesn’t mean affiliation mean loyalty to the country and to a nation, to a national identity, advancing its interests. Certainly to the home of a nation. To be there are some Israelis for whom a patriotic Pole, for example, that has become a grotesque claim, has much more nationalistic because they consider themselves associations. You were part of an so attached to the land and the extended language tribe with a mythology of Jewish prehistory, grievance, and the grievance had to Biblical history. They become so do with being conquered by other committed to that idea that they’re extended language tribes. Israelis willing to overlook the fact that are more patriotic along these lines. other people actually live on the There really isn’t a word in Hebrew land, so attached to the land that for patriotism. There is a word for they think their connection to the loyalty to the nation which now land has to do with their sense of

connection to the texts. They can become completely oblivious to who else is living on the land for the last 1500 years.

love of your immediate community, your sense of brotherhood and sisterhood in your community. You couldn’t stand to see those things threatened.

Is that connection to the land a sort of nationalism? So patriotism has a kind of BA: Ultimately, what produces utility to nations or societies? patriotic feeling is this sense that BA: Not just a utility, it’s a claim there may come a time when you that is, in the best sense, necessary. have to defend it physically. This But patriotism, in the best sense, generally doesn’t remain for positive long. It is so When I grew up in very sense we powerful that it h a v e o f America and Canada is irresistible to patriotism in the 1960s, it was demagogues, and concedes getting people that there understood that if this whipped up and have been country was going to go getting them to times when feel that their people have to war, it would affect national life is being been asked everybody. Certainly threatened is the to fight cheapest trick in a n d k i l l the idea of a universal the book. and die for draft is, to me, the best the defense Would you say of t h e inoculation against that’s something homeland. t h e c o r r u p t i o n o f Donald Trump Yo u c a n’t did on his way to ask people patriotism. the presidency? to do that BA: Absolutely, and u n l e s s so does Netanyahu you’re somehow justifying it all the time. Samuel Johnson said with some sort of transcendental “patriotism is the last refuge of a claim. It’s not a small thing to ask scoundrel.” Once you’ve lost this or somebody to fight at the risk of that ideological battle, you always dying for something. Even the most fall back on patriotic claims. Fearing liberal, republican, pacific person and hating is the most natural will acknowledge that there have impulse human beings have. been times where that right was Hobbes taught us this: we always required - think of the Civil War feel insecure, we always feel most in this country, or World War II comfortable in the most familiar, and the fight against the Nazis. and feel increasingly frightened The same is true in Israel. In 1948 — and therefore increasingly and then again in 1967, Israel subject to hatefulness — as soon faced a genuine and justifiable fear as things become unfamiliar. of invasion and even extinction. You don’t have to teach this People were to anybody. People a s k e d t o This generally positive who are willing to fight to the exploit that very sense we have of death. In positive and natural 1948, more patriotism concedes and necessary view than 6,000 that there have been of patriotism are Israelis were inevitable. They’re killed in a times when people scurrilous, but we population have been asked to in a democracy have o f a ro u n d to recognize that fight and kill and die 800,000. those people are That’s a lot for the defense of the eve r y wh e re, a n d to ask of a homeland. that even though we population. have a positive need People have for patriotism — it’s to feel like they’re standing for a natural and necessary instinct something so important that they — it can also be very easily and can’t imagine living without it. grotesquely corrupted. Patriotism is that kind of request. It’s asking you to dig down and How can we combat that kind say, “what is it that’s so important of corruption of patriotism? that you can’t live without it,” BA: One thing that exists in Israel such that your life is something that I’m sorry no longer exists here you’d be prepared to risk because is universal conscription. I think a to live without this thing would be democratic country should have unimaginable. In the first instance, a democratic army. When I grew that’s the love of your family, the up in America and Canada in the

1960s, it was understood that if this country was going to go to war, it would affect everybody. Certainly the idea of a universal draft is, to me, the best inoculation against the corruption of patriotism. Then, we might not be so quick to dispatch military forces to parts of the world where American interests aren’t clearly at stake. Nixon basically destroyed the draft army because he couldn’t defend the Vietnam War. It was a terrible mistake. One of the things I’ve found in Israel is that the people who are most invested in the peace process are those from the military and intelligence community. We have too many stereotypes of George Pattons, people who love war and can’t wait for the next battle. Most people I know who have real responsibilities in the armed forces hate war and understand how important it is for people to be deeply thoughtful before they commit to anything like armed conflict. Polls show young Americans becoming less patriotic over time. Do you have any conjectures about that? BA: I think it’s a very positive thing — the globalist consciousness of a new generation. It’s the generation of my kids and grandkids. It is simply a fact of our daily commercial life — we have a much more cosmopolitan sense of the world. That’s why, with Brexit, for example, the people who voted against Brexit tended to be disproportionately young and urbane. I don’t think this conflicts with the impulse to patriotism, because it just in some ways elevates patriotic impulses to a more global canvas, and therefore people like Merkel represent not just Germany but a European Union. You visit Berlin and you feel like you’re at the heart of something much bigger than just Germany. Patriotism is not mitigated by cosmopolitan experiences. The impulse to participate in the defense of your commonwealth is a positive one, whether it’s done in the context of a national boundary or done in the context of a federal boundary. Maybe this is another answer to the question you asked earlier. Young people today have so much experience with cosmopolitan, commercial opportunity — you look at the supply chains of any large American corporation, and it entails travel to all parts of the world and seeing a cooperative relationship with the rest of the world — that’s an important inoculation against the corruptions of the patriotic impulse.


Perspectives on patriotism By Jasmine Lee STORY

Patriotism, a long and tightlyheld part of American identity, is waning among American youth. In a 2015 Pew survey, 73 percent of the Silent Generation — Americans born between 1928 and 1945 — described themselves as patriotic, while only 12 percent of millennials felt the same. Amid a strongly divided political climate, as well as a campus recovering from Fourth of July celebrations, The Dartmouth asked six students about their thoughts on patriotism and national identity.

‘The struggle of adopting both sets of beliefs’

‘All of the people, not just a subset’

Lauren Bishop ’19, from Jacksonville, Florida, is a history major and public policy minor. She is interested in pursuing a career in the public sphere and is passionate about history. How was your Independence Day? It was good. We had a barbecue at Alpha Theta. This Fourth of July was a bit different because I am taking the “Race and Slavery [in U.S. History]” class. And I’m starting to look at it differently. Growing up in the South, I had great history teachers, but one of the big downfalls of my history education was, especially in


To m e, p at r i o t i s m i s t h e adherence to specific sets of beliefs and ideologies that is usually shared by a wider community, whether that be a group of people or a state. Because I’m kind of divided between the patriotism of being an American and a Guinean, as someone who has had experiences in both countries and has adopted some beliefs from both, patriotism, for me, is the struggle of adopting both sets of beliefs.

This is who I am. This is who we are.’ Alice Hsu ’19, is from Seattle, Washington, and is a math major and chemistry minor. What does patriotism mean to you? When people talk about patriotism, a lot of what I think about is the military, bald eagles, the American flag and Fourth of July. But to me personally, it doesn’t mean very much. I don’t usually think too much about patriotism, and maybe it’s because of the political climate or because I’m Chinese-American. I don’t feel American sometimes because of what we hear on the news. There’s a lot of xenophobia, fear and hatred of minorities, which maybe makes me feel less inclined to feel patriotic.

Aboubacar Cherif ’19 balances beliefs from the United States and Guinea.

Cognitive science major and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies minor Aboubacar Cherif ’19 hails from Louisville, Kentucky.

we can do that is through sincere reflection and acknowledgment of our history, trying to fix things for the future and make it better. So I think that having that knowledge and awareness of the context of slavery with Fourth of July is better informed patriotism ­— it’s less blind, but more accepting. In a way, I think it’s strengthened it. I don’t think blind patriotism is good patriotism.

American history, that we really did not discuss the history of slavery and racism in the South at much length. Fourth of July this year was really a reflection. What does patriotism mean to you? Patriotism, to some people, means this unquestioning and almost blind love for country that does not include criticism. But for me, patriotism means a sincere love for one’s country, and by country, I not only include the laws and the land, but the people who inhabit it, and I mean all of the people, not just a subset. And loving the country means wanting it to be the best that it can be and I think that the only way

Can Fourth of July be celebrated outside of current politics? Yes, I think so. I don’t think patriotism necessarily has a lot to do with agreeing with what your government puts out. I think it’s more like being proud to be an American, being proud to be living in the country that you live in, despite the shortcomings that accompany it. It’s just like, this is who I am. This is who we are. I think patriotism is cool. To be patriotic is not necessarily a bad thing, but being a patriot is not necessarily something that a lot of people identify as, because of a lot of the connotations and a lot of the cultural backgrounds that come with being a patriot.

‘What is the cause of the patriotism?’ Raul Rodriguez ’19 is from New York City and is interested in pursuing a philosophy major. In the traditional sense, my understanding of patriotism is as an intense or moderate pride in one’s country, but I guess now in the political moment, the interesting stuff lies in what underlies the


Alice Hsu ’19 believes agreement with federal choices is not necessary to be patriotic.

patriotism. What is the cause of the patriotism? Is it a response to xenophobia or is it another form of nationalism? I think those sorts of questions are prominent now.

‘‘The right to be dissenting’ Paulina Calcaterra ’19 is from New York. She is involved with sexual violence prevention work and other forms of social activism on campus. To me, patriotism is misconstrued as loving America. But I like the people who can be patriotic but critical, because I think one thing that is unique about our country is that you have the right to be dissenting and that’s something that is important, and very valuable and fragile sometimes. So I think criticism is important, especially to remember that this country wasn’t made for everyone. This country’s Constitution was not made with the same rights in mind for everyone who has them now. So, for people who aren’t patriotic, I think we need to understand that they came from histories of oppression, and why their historical experience in America validates why they might not be so intuitively patriotic.

‘Fighting to have the right to live the kind of way we want to’

M at t h e w S i n d e l a r ’ 1 8 , from New Bremen, Ohio, is majoring in Chinese modified with economics. After high school, Sindelar served as an airborne linguist in the U.S. Air Force for four years, then attended school in Illinois for a year before transferring to Dartmouth. What does patriotism mean to you? When I joined the military, everybody was allowed to have their own opinion. And that was what I was trying to protect, the ability for people to have a conversation without hurting each other. It wasn’t that I was in the military because I was a hardcore American from the Midwest with conservative parents and I felt that that was what the military should be. That’s what America is. We’re just all these people who come together, and we can hold completely different religious views, even in the military. We’re all just fighting to have the right to live the kind of way we want to. Where does your love for America come from? I can live right next to someone who is a hundred percent a different person from me, but we can both be happy. And their happiness doesn’t take away from my happiness. That’s what makes America so awesome. And we’re not perfect. The system’s messed up, and I think our government’s a little messed up. So, I think of a love for my country — it’s a love for kind of the idea of what America is.

FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2017



Helble begins fourth term as Thayer dean

the-art equipment and supporting the training of student teaching The number of faculty has assistants. also increased, from 37 members “We have on average somewhere in 2005 to 53 members today. Of between 25 and 35 [teaching those, the number of women has assistants] who are either in training risen from four or doing in 2005 to 10 in teaching, 2016. “I think it speaks well and so it’s In addition, a pretty Helble initiated to the efforts of our significant the P h . D . faculty to develop an prog ram,” Innovation he said. P r o g r a m integrated program of Collier in 2 0 0 8 , teaching engineering also said that which gave students how to think Helble has students both b e e n ve r y technical and like entrepreneurs.” s u p p o r t i ve entrepreneurial of handsex p e r t i s e. I n on project 2014, Thayer -JOSEPH HELBLE, DEAN OF courses, r e c e i ve d t h e THE THAYER SCHOOL OF in which Bernard M. ENGINEERING students Gordon Prize b u i l d for Innovation engines, in Engineering and Technology Education for this machines, or bridges,. program, citing Helble specifically In the future, Helble plans to expand Thayer in both faculty among the recipients. “I think it speaks well to the and physical size, Baker said. This efforts of our faculty to develop may include a new building which an integrated program of teaching might also house the computer engineering students how to think science department. According to Dever, the next term will be like entrepreneurs,” he said. Baker said that Helble has been devoted to recruiting the resources instrumental in focusing Thayer’s for this project. research to three specific areas: Helble said that the “digital engineering in medicine, energy integration” of the computer technologies and complex systems. s c i e n c e d e p a r t m e n t w i l l b e Helble has also worked with i m p o r t a n t fo r “ e n g i n e e r i n g students [to] faculty to understand help students deeply the who have not “We have on average importance of c o m p l e t e d somewhere between 25 software in all all of the and 35 [students] who that they do, engineering [and to] help prerequisites are either in training or the computer in h i g h doing teaching, and so s c i e n c e school to students c a t c h u p it’s a pretty significant understand and join the program.” the deep engineering connection to program, he the physical s a i d . T h e -JOHN COLLIER, world.” C o l l e g e ’ s ENGINEERING PROFESSOR Helble dual-degree was first program, appointed which allows as dean of students Thayer in from other liberal arts colleges to spend their 2005. The process of selecting Helble junior or senior year and a fifth was a complicated one, said Baker, year taking engineering classes who was on the hiring committee at Dartmouth in order to earn for the dean in 2005. A search firm their bachelor of engineering, provided ten applicants, and the top has also expanded under Helble, candidates were brought to campus, engineering professor John Collier where they met with faculty and gave a talk in what was essentially said. Collier said that Helble has been a two-day interview. The search “enormously supportive” of the committee then recommended three machine shop at Thayer and has unranked candidates to the president, contributed towards expanding who made the final decision to hire its size, outfitting it with state-of- Helble. FROM HELBLE PAGE 1



FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2017


5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

“Public Events, Private Lives” with Montgomery Fellows Sir Salman Rushdie, Spaulding Auditorium

9:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.

Public Astronomical Observing hosted by the Department of Physics and Astronomy, free to Dartmouth community and public, Shattuck Observatory


2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Memorial Service for Professor William W. Cook, the Israel Evans Professor of Oratory and Belles Lettres, Emeritus, Rollins Chapel

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Film: “The Lovers” (2017), directed by Azazel Jacobs, Loew Auditorium


4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Film: “An Art That Nature Makes” (2016), directed by Molly Bernstein, Loew Auditorium

4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Vaughn Recital series with Kathy Andrew (violin), Tom Norton (clarinet) and Joe Henderson (piano) RELEASE DATE– Friday, July 14, 2017

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

ACROSS 1 Innocents 6 Afternoon tea accompanier 10 Longtime shipboard scurvy preventative 14 Piles (of) 15 “Yo” 16 Matched, in Paris Match 17 Ring heavyweights 20 Big cheese 21 NYC building that was Lennon’s last home, with “The” 22 Literary intros 25 “Real Time” host 26 Western ambush site 27 ’80s voice of Inspector Gadget 30 “You said it!” 31 Protest movement 32 Angus beef? 33 Makes next to nothing 37 San Jose-toSacramento dir. 38 Uncultivated land 39 Regarding 40 Navigation tools 42 Grapefruit’s bigger cousin 44 Common bugs 45 Baroness Blixen’s pen name 46 Women’s clothing chain founded on Florida’s Sanibel Island 48 Like Olympic racetracks 49 Jack’s spot 54 Appear 55 Unnerve 56 Was successful in 57 “Nothing lived in him but fear and hatred” 58 Become undone, in a way 59 Gets down to business?

DOWN 1 Senegal’s pinkwatered __ Rose 2 Sushi selection 3 Cannes view 4 Website-towebsite connection 5 Embolden 6 Ones doing the dishes 7 Sword handle 8 Maritime agreement 9 Cagney does it on stairs in “Yankee Doodle Dandy” 10 Came out somehow 11 Dolts 12 Damon of the Bourne films 13 Big cat of film 18 Wise one 19 “Very funny!” 22 Seafood order 23 Punk rock surname 24 Hyped-up 25 Transform 27 Pub entertainment 28 Mark with blotches 29 “Already?”

31 Medieval barriers 34 Hebrew greeting 35 Drives back 36 Make a personal connection? 41 On the way 42 Softwood tree 43 Knockout couple? 45 Prominent mayor at the 1968 Democratic Convention

46 What’s in your wallet 47 News headliner Lewis? 48 “__ With a ‘Z’”: 1972 TV special 50 Military band? 51 A, in Avignon 52 Photographer Goldin 53 Board jumpers: Abbr.




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By Ed Sessa ©2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC



FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2017


Barbary Coast appoints Taylor Ho Bynum as new director


The Dartmouth Staff

After 40 years of leadership, Donald Glasgo announced his retirement as director of the Barbary Coast Jazz Ensemble this spring. Musician, improviser, and educator Taylor Ho Bynum will replace Glasgo this upcoming school year. Bynum said he originally found the opening on an academic job listing site. In addition to the administrative process, Bynum had to audition with the students of the Barbary Coast. Charles Johnson ’19, a member of the ensemble, said that all of the director candidates did a mock rehearsal with the ensemble. It can be difficult to understand how applicants who seem suitable on paper feel in real life, and the rehearsal helped with finding the best fit. “It was nice to have a little bit of influence over what the end result would be,” Johnson said. As he was applying for the position, Bynam said he discovered that Mary Lou Aleskie, whom he had known prevciously from an arts festival in New Haven, had just become the director of the Hopkins Center. “I had no influence and complete joy over the selection, and I’m just thrilled that he’s here,” Aleskie said. Bynum has an extensive and varied musical background. He has occupied various roles as a musician, including artist in residency programs and festivals. However, this will be his first real chance to be part of a long

term community. “There’s something really magical that can happen with a long, engaged relationship,” Bynum said. “I’m excited to try to develop something like that here.” Bynum said that he is impressed with the tradition of the Barbary Coast, and wishes to continue many of them, such as exposing students to a variety of styles by bringing up guest artists every term. “[Glasgo] always put in an exceptional amount of effort to get really amazing guest artists who we could play with and learn a lot from,” Johnson said. Bynum said he did not know much about Dartmouth’s music program before applying to be the director of the Barbary Coast, but that he was pleased to learn more about its rich history. The program has previously hosted many incredible guest artists, such as famous American jazz trumpeters Don Cherry and Lester Bowie. “I’m excited to try to have the Barbary Coast be more than just a big band [and] really be kind of a focal point or umbrella for a whole bunch of activity around creating music and improvisation on campus,” Bynum said. “We’re bringing up artists to perform for students in a more intimate setting, and really trying to connect the students here with the real vibrant activity going on in improvised music right now,” he added. In addition to continuing traditions

and bringing artists to campus, Bynum said that others at the Hopkins Center have encouraged him to introduce his own style of music as a way of introducing himself to students. Johnson said that many students are curious about the new direction of the ensemble because Bynum’s style is more avant-garde. He added that while some students are hesitant about this new style, many are eager to learn more about it. Bynum said that one of the things he likes most about the Barbary Coast is the group’s sense of community, adding that many students stay in the group for all four years of their time at the College. “I definitely don’t want to sink that ship in any way,” he said. “I want to keep [the community] going but also find ways [to] have deeper engagements and collaborations, with improvisations and creative music practice.” He added that he hopes that the history and legacy of the ensemble will continue to encourage new students to join. “I’m brand new so I’m awash in ideas and perhaps the reality will set in when I figure out what I actually have to do,” Bynum said. In addition to regular auditions, Bynum said that he plans to have the current members of the Barbary Coast play individually for him so he can get to know them on a oneon-one basis, and learn about their interests. By getting to know the


Tabu Flo performed oen Tuesday, July 11.


Taylor Ho Bynum was appointed the new Barbary Coast director.

members of the ensemble, Bynum said he hopes to continue to foster the sense of community. Bynum has been looking through the generous selection of scores that Dartmouth has to offer and trying to put together

a musical program. He is also eager to incorporate student input. “I think that everybody is very excited for the upcoming season and to see how the Coast goes and where he takes it,” Johnson said.


Tabu Flo held a discussion with audience members after their performance on Tuesday.




FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2017


Q&A with Rachel Hand ’18, rugby player By CODY FUJII

The Dartmouth Staff

This week the Dartmouth sat down with rising senior Rachel Hand ’18 of the women’s rugby team. Hand has helped lead the Big Green to backto-back Ivy League Championships for rugby 15s. In addition, she was a crucial player in the team’s win of the 2017 National Intercollegiate Rugby Association 7s Challenge Cup and the fourth place finish at the USA Rugby College 7s this past spring. Due to her impressive contributions, Hand was named co-MVP by coaches and fellow players. Apart from rugby, Hand is also committed to service work, investing much time in the Summer Enrichment at Dartmouth program. This summer Hand will serve as an assistant student director of mentorship for SEAD. What did it feel like to receive an MVP award last season? RH: It was really nice of my teammates and coaches to give me and my teammate Camille Johnson MVP awards for the year. Both of us and all of our other teammates have worked really hard to grow together and compete at higher levels. It was really humbling to receive the award and I am just grateful for my teammates and coaches who always push me to be a better teammate and player.

Can you tell me about the development camp that some of your teammates went to this year? RH: It was actually a selection camp to compete on the USA women’s under 20 rugby team. There were girls from across the country from different high schools and colleges that were invited to try out. Three girls currently on our team were selected along with another girl who will be a ’21 next year so they’ll be heading up to Canada later this month to compete in a two game development series.

The Dartmouth Staff

Isalys Quinones ’19 Makes Puerto Rican National Team Rising junior Isalys Quiñones ’19 of the Big Green women’s basketball team recently earned a spot on the Puerto Rican Women’s National Team. Tryouts were held the last weekend of June, during which the 12-member team was selected. The team will train throughout the summer to prepare for competition throughout the summer. The team’s first test will begin this week for the Women’s

W hat do you hope to accomplish during your last season at Dartmouth? What kind of legacy do you want to leave? RH: It’s sad to think about leaving, but I want to continue to bring positive energy to everything our team does on and off the field. I’d hope to bring the best out of my teammates and leave a legacy that continues to make hard work and dedication part of our team culture. I also just want this to be a really fun and competitive season and bond with our incoming class.

What do you think has changed, if anything, when the women’s team transitioned from a club team to a varsity team? RH: When we shifted to become a varsity team, we got a new coach and have had a cycle of new players join and old players leave. So the past two years have been transition years. However, it has been great to push our team to be even more competitive while remaining a family. This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity and length.

Can you tell me a little bit about your work in SEAD? RH: I’ve been working as an assistant student director of mentorship for SEAD to help plan and run the program. I worked on recruiting other mentors, tutors, staff and faculty members to provide guidance for our 32 amazing 10th grade scholars. They are taking classes and participating in other fun activities at Dartmouth this summer to prepare them for college in a few years. I am currently working fulltime with them and have loved connecting with them. What is your outlook on the team’s prospects next season?


RH: I am so excited to see what next season will bring, especially based on our team’s growth last year. We are really lucky that we did not graduate any of our 15s players and have a great set of recruits. I really hope to win the Ivy Championship again and push even further in our NIRA Championship. We start off this upcoming fall with some tough competition like Penn State, Quinnipiac and Army so I hope that those games will help us prepare to play other great rugby teams in the future.

No Events Scheduled

Centrobasket Championship, a five-day tournament hosted by St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands that will last from July 12-16. Over the course of the tournament, Quiñones and the team will compete for one of three qualifying slots of the FIBA Women’s AmeriCup hosted on August 6-13. On Quiñones achievement, Koclanes said that the program is excited to watch her and the national team’s progress throughout the summer. Three Dartmouth Golfers Named WGCA All-American Scholars Last week three members of the


Rachel Hand ’18 was named the team’s co-MVP in a stellar season for the Big Green.

Big Green women’s golf team were named to the Women’s Golf Coaches Association (WGCA) All-American Scholars Team. The WGCA selected a total of 952 female collegiate golfers from all three divisions. To be selected for the academic honor, student-athletes must earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.50. Dartmouth students honored include Jessica Kittelberger ’18, Catharine Roddy ’19 and Julia Calbi ’19. All threestudent athletes were selected the previous year with Kittelberger earning the honor for the third time. Al Monte Elevated to Associate Head Coach Al Monte has been elevated to associate head coach of the men’s heavyweight rowing team. Monte has served as an assistant coach under head coach Wyatt Allen

since the 2014-15 season. Before he started coaching, Monte was a four-year letter winner at Holy Cross College, helping his team to three Patriot League titles in 2005, 2006 and 2007. In addition, Monte represented the United States at the 2003 Junior World Championships in Athens, Greece, and was invited to the World Under 23 Rowing Championships Selection Camp in 2006. Monte is also a two-time Royal Canadian Henley Regatta Champion and a six-time U.S. Rowing National Champion. Coach Allen commended Monte for his leadership and hard work that have positively impacted the program over the last three years. Kalk Brothers Compete in Israel Brothers Corey Kalk ’18 and Zach Kalk ’20 traveled to Israel

to compete as members of Team Canada in the Maccabiah Games which takes place from July 4-18. The Maccabiah Games, first held in 1932, is an international Jewish and Israeli multi-sport event that is held every four years. The games are open to Jewish athletes from around the world, as well as all Israeli athletes, regardless of religion. Behind the Olympics and the FIFA World Cup, the Maccabiah Games are the third-largest international sporting event in the world. Corey Kalk is part of the men’s hockey team and was named an alternative captain for the team. Zach Kalk will represent Canada as a member of the men’s soccer team. Both brothers spoke to the honor they feel in representing their country and the Jewish community.

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