The Dartmouth 05/12/14

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MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014

Trying to cull feedback, Over 500 come to campus campus issue talks see for 42nd annual powwow low student attendance


The Dartmouth Staff









The final set of “Campus Conversations” will take place today, concluding the Office of the President’s series of biweekly public talks with a discussion of global learning experiences at the College. Approximately 415 people have attended the talks since they began in February under the banner of “Moving Dartmouth Forward,” according to the office of public affairs, and the videotaped sessions have

garnered a total of over 3,000 views. Past presenters said they were pleased by the level of attendance at these talks, which were intended to encourage campus discussion of College President Phil Hanlon’s vision for the College, but some noted that at times, not all segments of the community were represented in the audience. Previous topics included the D-Plan, housing, digital SEE SESSIONS PAGE 2

Summit considers role of the humanities By TREEMAN BAKER

The current role of the humanities in academia, both in the U.S. and around the globe, is in flux. Scholars gathered at Dartmouth this weekend for a summit that tackled challenges currently facing humanities departments and scholars. Like many institutions nationwide, Dartmouth has seen

a steady decline in interest in the humanities over the past decade. The percentage of humanities majors dropped from 24 percent in 2004 to 17 percent last year. In 2010, around 7 percent of American college graduates majored in the humanities, the Wall Street Journal reported. SEE CONFERENCE PAGE 3


B y REBECCA ASOULIN The Dartmouth Staff

The steady pulse of drums beat across campus as the festivities of the 42nd annual Dartmouth powwow concluded this weekend. The gathering drew more than 500 spectators and participants on the Green on Sunday, with a slightly lower attendance at Saturday’s events, held in Leede Arena due to rain. A student committee consisting of 11 members, headed by co-presidents


The Dartmouth Staff



Students tasted liquid-nitrogen ice cream at a packed Spoon University event Sunday afternoon.

Zach Cooper ’17 and Emily Harwell ’16, plans and runs the event, which is one of the largest powwows in the Northeast region. In addition to bringing in vendors, dancers and musicians from across the country, the committee also chooses people to honor each year in a ceremony. This year’s honorees included Michael Choukas Jr. ’51, selected for his deep ties to the Native American Program at Dartmouth, and Russell Cooper Sr.,

Zach Cooper’s grandfather. “We do this as a celebration of our culture as well as a gathering to bring our families together,” Harwell said. Traditionally, Harwell added, not every tribe holds powwows. Native American students at Dartmouth come from various tribes, including the Cherokee, Hopi, Chickasaw, Seminole, Navajo and Creek Indians, among others. This SEE POWWOW PAGE 3

College hosts Special Olympics





Christina Goodson ’14 danced on Sunday afternoon at the College’s powwow.




Cody Towle can run a 200-meter race wearing 22inch snowshoes in 52.6 seconds. Without snowshoes, he finished a 200-meter dash fast enough to nab a blue ribbon during the Hanover Special Olympics last weekend, qualifying for the state competition later this month.

Towle and around 80 other athletes competed, supported one another and celebrated their accomplishments during this year’s Hanover area summer games, held Saturday at Leverone Field House and the Upper Valley Aquatic Center. Family members, coaches and friends were also present at the day’s events, which included a swim meet, bocce ball, a soft-

ball throw and track and field events. The Hanover Area games qualify athletes for the 45th New Hampshire Summer Games, which will be held at the University of New Hampshire in Durham later this month. Towle, a Woodsville High School student who has raised SEE OLYMPICS PAGE 5



DAily debriefing REGIONAL NEWS RECAP After the Vermont House of Representatives and Senate agreed to a $5.5 billion state budget late Friday, state leaders adjourned the legislative session on Saturday evening, Vermont Public Radio reported. Both legislative chambers passed a new tax bill on Friday, which will raise about $5.5 million in new revenues through increased taxes on employers who pay low wages and a 13-cent per-pack tax increase on cigarettes, among other initiatives. The additional funds will support state colleges and Medicaid provider reimbursements. Administration Secretary Jeb Spaulding called this session very productive, while House Minority Leader Don Turner expressed disappointment with the state budget, which he says follows a growth that outpaces the paying abilities of taxpayers. According to Akamai’s quarterly State of the Internet report, New Hampshire ranked seventh in the nation for Internet speed in 2013 at an average of 11.8 megabytes per second, New Hampshire Public Radio reported. The state ranked fourth in the nation for 2012, at 10.1 Megabytes per second. Vermont was the only state whose average speed dropped between 2012 and the end of 2013, bringing it to the 24th fastest at the end of 2013. Robert Fleischman, chief technology officer for Xerocol, said New Hampshire’s consistent presence in the top 10 links to the state’s ties to Massachusetts, especially Cambridge, where many Internet companies are based. New Hampshire college graduates leave their institutions shouldering the second highest debt in the country, just below Delaware, WMUR reported. The average New Hampshire graduate owes about $33,000. Researcher Brian Gottlob attributed the high levels of debt to middle-class students, who often do not qualify for large aid grants but cannot pay for college entirely by themselves. Graduates of public colleges in New Hampshire owe more than the average national student debt of around $29,000, according the Project on Student Debt. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, DN.H., released a statement on Saturday stressing the importance of making college more affordable for students and their families. — Compiled by Priya Ramaiah

Corrections “Track teams set to compete at Heps,” (May 9, 2014): John Bleday is a member of the Class of 2014, not the Class of 2015. We welcome corrections. If you believe there is a factual error in a story, please email

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MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014

Final ‘Conversation’ to finish series FROM SESSIONS PAGE 1

learning, professional development, faculty recruitment and retention, sexual assault and arts and innovation. Each talk began with 10- to 20-minute introductions before the presenters took audience questions and comments. Presenters interviewed said they found the discussions productive and appreciated the opportunity to gather feedback on new initiatives. Director of judicial affairs Leigh Remy, who presented on sexual assault at Dartmouth on April 22, said the talk capped a number of meetings that she and her co-presenters, Dean of the College Charlotte Johnson and General Counsel Bob Donin, had participated in on campus. Remy said that the session, which took place a week after the community feedback period on the proposed sexual assault closed, was the last public forum to collect feedback on the proposal, adding that she was thankful that attendees and those who streamed the talk online pointed out concerns with the proposed revisions. Several presenters observed lower attendance rates at evening sessions

than at those that occurred in the afternoon. Alan Cattier, director of academic and campus technology services, estimated that fewer than 10 people attended the digital learning evening session, while over 60 people attended the noon presentation.

“From my perspective, even one person listening and commenting is worthwhile.” - Leigh Remy, Director of judicial affairs “Honestly, both were in the range I was expecting, though I would say that we would have obviously welcomed more, particularly to the evening series,” Cattier said. Co-presenter of the campus discussion on professional development Dan Parish ’89, director of the Dartmouth for Life Initiative, said he appreciated hearing from the alumni and staff who attended the talks but would have liked to connect with more students.

Remy said that although attendance at the session on sexual assault was not as high as the turnout at the annual symposium on sexual assault, hosted by the Student Presidential Committee on Sexual Assault, she did not think attendance could be used to judge the quality of a discussion or the level of engagement on the topic. Students, faculty, staff and alumni may have chosen not to attend because they had already participated in previous opportunities to engage on the issue, Remy said. “From my perspective, even one person listening and commenting is worthwhile,” Remy said. Presenters said that if asked, they would hold similar sessions again. Cattier said that it was important to note that the sessions were part of a larger fabric of engagement across Dartmouth students, faculty and staff. Lynn Higgins, associate dean of faculty for international and interdisciplinary studies, and Lindsay Whaley, associate provost for international initiatives will present the session on global learning today. The first session will take place at noon in the Hood Museum auditorium, and the second session will take place at 6:30 p.m. in the ground floor lounge of Fahey Hall.


MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014


Powwow brings dance, drums to Green Humanities conference allows for expert debates FROM POWWOW PAGE 1

year, Harwell estimated that representatives from 30 tribes from as far away as California and Canada attended the event. Kohar Avakian ’17, one of eight freshmen on the powwow committee and a member of the Nipmuc Nation, said she felt honored to help plan such a well-known, respected event. The committee traditionally consists of freshmen in order to ensure the event’s continuation, Harwell said. In 1971, former College President John Kemeny founded the NAP. The first powwow was held in 1973, first near Storrs Pond and then at the BEMA. As it grew larger, organizers moved the powwow to the Green. “It really is a place to reconnect with people, friends and family, and it has a really good energy and is just a good environment to be in,” Avakian said. Avakian said that the event acknowledges that the College was built on Abenaki land. “With the history of Dartmouth and the United States it’s important that we keep celebrating our culture because without organizations and events like this we probably wouldn’t survive,” Avakian said. Harwell said that the committee utilizes family connections in their search for head staff, which leads dances and organizes dance competitions. In addition, word of mouth within the Native community attracts dancers and vendors. Avakian said that the planning process, which begins in the fall, was arduous. Avakian helped choose the head staff which consisted of the emcee, Don Barnaby, head man Annawon Weeden, head woman Christina Goodson ’14 and the arena director Roger White

Eyes. Dance and song are central to any powwow, Harwell said. The Bearskin Singers from Pine Ridge, South Dakota, including Keenan Bearskin ’17, served as the host drum this year with support from three other drum groups, who provide all the music for the dances. Harwell said that there were approximately 20 vendors, including students, selling items including jewelry and moccasins. In addition, the committee sells T-shirts and fry bread, the proceeds of which support the event. The event, which costs around $35,000, receives support from the President’s Office, the Special Program and Events Committee and NAP. Vendors also pay a fee. Anemone Mars, a member of Narragansett Tribe from Rhode Island, attended the powwow for the third time as a jewelry vendor this year. Mars said that this year’s business was much slower than previous years, noting that more people were browsing, not buying. Mars also said that she was somewhat disappointed to see that some vendors were selling more commercialized ware. “I’m finding at Ivy League events that this element is infiltrating them, and I think that they can and need to have a higher standard of artistry,” Mars said. Mars said that she values the artistry and the educational elements of her work, specifically being able to inform buyers about the process and the history of the work. Rhonda Anderson, a silversmith from Massachusetts, also sold jewelry this weekend with her 10-year-old daughter Nayana. Anderson said she heard of the event through friends. As a Native

Alaskan, Anderson said, powwows are not part of her culture, but she believes it is important to immerse herself and her daughter in the culture because they currently live in the Northeast. “It helps build a good foundation for my daughter of a cultural identity of being indigenous and teaches her a responsibility to create and also how to make money for herself,” Anderson said. Attendance on both Saturday and Sunday was greater than organizers expected, Avakian said, adding that organizers were presently surprised by the turnout. “You can’t cross campus without crossing the Green, and you can’t hear the music and see the dancers and not want to stop and watch,” Avakian said. Harwell said she was surprised by the large number of non-Native attendees, not because she believed they were “afraid or uninterested,” but because they may have lacked knowledge of the tradition. For interested students, Harwell said, the powwow can serve as a learning experience. Abena Frempong ’17, who attended the powwow, said the event took her out of “the Dartmouth bubble.” Others said they appreciated the cultural and spiritual aspects of the weekend’s events. Apuayah Peters, of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, said that she enjoys the organized yet low-pressure environment of the Dartmouth powwow. Peters competed in the women’s jingle dance and said that the during the powwow season, spring and summer, she attends one every weekend. “I don’t have a religion, but the spirit here is kind of my religion,” Peters said. “When I dance, that’s when I pray.”



Several student groups gathered for a social mixer in Sarner Underground on Friday.

moderated by Pease, about their differing but not always conflicting The summit was organized fol- viewpoints. lowing recent reports that describe Cheah’s speech critiqued the majors’ declining popularity yet classic defense of the humanities increased demand for humanities- offered by Oden. related skills. English professor “When that contrast was estabDonald Pease, who organized the lished, you then had a really good conference, said the summit aimed set of pros and cons,” Pease said. to clarify the two reports, which “That is, you had a strong sense of were issued by Harvard University what was at stake in the question.” and the American Academy of Arts The summit continued Saturand Sciences last year. day morning with a roundtable The 2013 Harvard report, titled discussion, at which Duke Uni“Mapping the Future,” outlined versity literature professor Walter the declining trend in humanities Mignolo spoke about including majors at Harvard and asserted indigenous understandings in the humanities’ value in a liberal discussion of the humanities to arts education, recommending in- broaden the frame beyond Western terventions to increase enrollment. views. The American Academy of the Meaghan Morris, a gender and Arts and Sciences’ 2013 report also cultural studies professor at the defended the field, stressing its University of Sydney, discussed importance in t h e re l at i o n developing emship between “Dartmouth can be pathy among critical reasonindividuals and the place where that ing, a skill ofthe relevance of change in conversation ten emphasized this empathy in humanities to U.S. security can transpire.” disciplines, and and multiculinstrumental tural interacreason, which - Donald Pease, tion. is more valued The faculty english professor in the job marcommittee reket. The two, sponsible for she said, are not organizing the conference will necessarily opposed. compile a paper contextualizing The roundtable also included the two reports with material pre- Dartmouth professors Lawrence sented during the summit by the Kritzman, of the French and comend of the summer, Pease wrote parative literature departments, in an email. and Ivy Schweitzer, who teaches in “Dartmouth can be the place the English and women’s and genwhere that change in conversation der studies departments. English can transpire,” Pease said. professor Colleen Glenney Boggs, During the summit, speakers who directs the Leslie Center for responded to many of the chal- the Humanities, moderated the lenges raised in these reports. discussion. Robert Oden, chair of the In an afternoon speech, The Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical New School political and social Center Board of Trustees and science professor Nancy Fraser former president of both Carleton argued for a “bifocal vision” of and Kenyon Colleges, spoke about the humanities. People should the importance of the humani- not value the subjects on solely ties both in his own life and more their intrinsic or extrinsic value broadly. The goal of a liberal arts and should instead place a greater education, especially the humani- emphasis on tying humanities to ties, is to think seriously about what social sciences, Fraser said. makes life worthwhile, Oden said. Art history professor Mary Cof Oden formerly taught religion fey and German and comparative at the College. literature professor Klaus Mladek, Pheng Cheah, a rhetoric profes- who attended the conference, said sor at the University of California they appreciated the multiple at Berkeley, argued that traditional viewpoints presented during the defenses of the humanities are summit. ineffective at improving student Coffey said listening to speakers enrollment. Interest in the humani- who held different perspectives ties, Cheah said, will only grow helped her consider own stance if the focus shifts toward helping on the subject. individuals become more effective “We did both the fundamental workers. rethinking of terms of the humani Friday’s events ended with a dis- ties,” Mladek said, “and then also cussion between the two scholars, very practical questions.” FROM CONFERENCE PAGE 1



MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014

contributing Columnist abhishek parajuli ’15

contributing columnist andres smith ’17

Going Global

Rushing to Rush

Dartmouth should open another campus to improve its global presence.

The pressure to affiliate unfortunately afflicts many as pre-rush begins.

Dartmouth has a weak international profile. Our 2013 strategic planning report found “a large gap between Dartmouth’s global and national rankings” and noted that “Dartmouth is not widely recognized outside of certain spheres in the United States.” To illustrate the problem, we rank 126th in the Times World University rankings, making us the only Ivy outside the top 60. We also rank 119th in the QS World rankings. Every other Ivy is in the top 50. That can change. There is a proven way to dramatically increase our international reputation and presence while gaining millions of dollars of sponsorship. Dartmouth needs to open a campus in Asia. Cornell University, Duke University, New York University and Yale University are among our peers that have opened campuses in Asia and the Middle East. In 2011, Yale and the National University of Singapore opened the Yale-NUS College in Singapore. The Singapore government paid for everything. Richard Levin, then-president of Yale, said the Asia campus was built to raise Yale’s global profile and help it compete for the best minds in the region. After starting in 2010, NYU-Abu Dhabi now has a billion-dollar campus and stellar faculty paid for entirely by Abu Dhabi. The new campus has already raised NYU’s global profile, reflected in a dramatic increase in international applications to its U.S. campus. Yale-NUS and NYU-AD are not watered-down versions of the U.S. schools, either. Both have sub-5 percent acceptance rates and exceptional student profiles. Financial aid, again sponsored by the host nations, is generous. Besides the obvious benefits of subsidized reputation enhancement, a campus in Asia would help our Hanover campus as well. As the population of U.S. college applicants starts dipping, international students will drive application numbers. Unless we do something radical, Dartmouth is going to be hit exceptionally hard by this shift because of our weak international profile. While overall applications fell 14 percent this year, our international applications fell by an even steeper 20 percent. Faculty will also benefit greatly from having more colleagues to collaborate with. Partnering with a research powerhouse

As I finish my first spring term here at a sweatshirt with Greek letters on it should Dartmouth, I am experiencing something not be something that prevents people from that most members of the Class of 2017 can wanting to get to know someone better. identify with (other than the realization that I feel that this issue is especially prevalent tender quesos do not, in fact, get old): the for men who choose not to associate with any strange and exciting time that is pre-rush. It one house — of course, this could be because seems that every weekend is jammed packed I have only experienced the social scene from with barbecues, info sessions and meet-and- the male perspective. Seeing as how most of greets. Being in a fraternity seems pretty fun, the big social events take place at fraternities but is it worth dedicating hours and donning rather than sororities, there is usually not much innumerable button-downs to impress people protest when women show up, regardless of I don’t even know? I know a good number of affiliation or lack thereof. However, guys who ’17s who feel the same way; we have noth- are not involved with the house can be treated ing against the Greek like unwelcome guests system, but we are imposing themselves just not that passion- “Being in a fraternity seems on the brothers. This ate about joining a pretty fun, but is it worth ends up putting conhouse. Still, most dedicating countless hours and siderable pressure on of these people say donning innumerable buttonguys to find somethey are going to downs to impress people I don’t where to rush. Even rush somewhere, and even know?” if we don’t like the almost all of them Greek system, the cite the fact that the possibility that we’ll stigma of not being affiliated is worse than be left out and left behind socially is scary being part of a system in which they do not enough to compel us to find somewhere to necessarily want to participate. hang our tank tops. There’s no arguing that the Dartmouth As a ’17, perhaps my perception of social scene is dominated by Greek life, but it Dartmouth’s social scene is shaped by the is totally feasible for someone to be involved in stereotypes to which I am constantly exposed. that social scene without being affiliated with I do not know if my experience is extensive a specific house (see: “the Class of 2017”). enough to draw sweeping conclusions about Still, a school that strives for inclusivity is Dartmouth. What I do know is that I have felt anything but when it comes to unaffiliated very real pressure to associate myself with a students. The exclusivity, however, is not born Greek house. Though I have nothing against from the institution. It is rather an attitude Greek houses and look forward to rushing, I that students perpetuate themselves. I have think that my affiliation should be a minor part found that people assume that students who of who I am, an interesting tidbit that only are unaffiliated have something “off ” about slightly contributes to my overall identity. This them, some kind of weirdness or eccentricity stigma, like any prejudice that is integrated that probably prevented them from getting a into the student body, does not have a feasible bid (because it isn’t like someone would choose quick fix. Some argue for abolishing the Greek not to be in a house, right?). I’ve even heard system, but I disagree. Rather, I say that we people tell stories about campus crushes that take the time to get to know people outside end abruptly with “but then I found out that of Greek settings. Most of us are or will be he/she was unaffiliated.” Really? Although associated with certain letters, but that should this is probably an extreme example, the be one of the last things to define us — not fact that somebody does or does not own the first.

like the University of Hong Kong will give us an immediate improvement in our research profile and rankings. The College’s strategic planning report called to “move Dartmouth into the world” by building “global hubs.” A partner campus in Asia is the perfect way to do this. So, where is the best place to build DartmouthAsia? Hong Kong provides four key benefits. First, Yale has come under intense criticism for building its campus in Singapore, a country that restricts free speech and minority rights. As a Special Administrative Region of China, Hong Kong has its own constitution that guarantees freedom of expression and human rights protections. Second, Hong Kong’s proximity to China makes it the best location to study and interact with the rising giant in an environment of intellectual freedom. This was the reason cited by the University of Chicago’s business school when it relocated its Asia campus from Singapore to Hong Kong. The Hong Kong government gave it extensive financial support. Third, Hong Kong is a growing knowledge hub, especially for international students, as it is home to three of the top 10 Asian universities according to QS rankings. Lastly, Hong Kong University is the perfect partner for our Asia venture. Not only is it ranked highly (second in many Asia-wide rankings), it has also identified four research priorities — biomedical engineering, China, the environment and frontier technology — that complement the work of our engineering school, graduate programs and undergraduate college. While Dartmouth has much to offer HKU in terms of the liberal arts, our tradition of teaching excellence and U.S. presence, HKU provides the ideal base to build our research prowess and global presence. It is critical that the College move quickly. Prime real estate is selling out. As universities across the world look for partners to expand, the longer we wait, the shorter the list of potential partners and locations will be. A campus in Hong Kong offers a chance to cement Dartmouth as a truly global entity in higher education. We must act swiftly to capitalize on this historic opportunity.

Vox Clamantis

212 Robinson Hall, Hanover N.H. 03755 • (603) 646-2600

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SUBMISSIONS: We welcome letters and guest columns. All submissions must include the author’s name and affiliation with Dartmouth College, and should not exceed 250 words for letters or 700 words for columns. The Dartmouth reserves the right to edit all material before publication. All material submitted becomes property of The Dartmouth. Please email submissions to

A Two-State Solution

Last week, The Dartmouth published two op-eds (“A Taboo Term,” May 4, and “Setting Things Straight,” May 6) that resorted to fingerpointing all too familiar to individuals hoping for a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It’s easy to selectively use facts to create onedimensional narratives that emphasize blame over responsibility. Feras Abdulla ’17 and Reem Chamseddine ’17 blame Israel exclusively for the collapse of the 1990s peace process, neglecting to account for the significant rise of Palestinian terrorism culminating in the Second Intifada, Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat’s role in the failure of the 2000 Camp David negotiations and Arafat’s complicity in smuggling weapons for terrorist use. Similarly, Mayer Schein ’16 and Adam Schneider ’15 blame the Palestinians for perpetuating the conflict while praising Israeli Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu. They willfully ignore his government’s aggressive settlement expansion and denial of a previously agreed-upon prisoner exchange, as well as Netanyahu’s unwillingness to accept a peace proposal formulated by Israeli president Shimon Peres and Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas three years ago. It’s difficult to eschew partisan narratives and take responsibility for creating a peaceful Middle East. It’s telling that neither of these op-eds offered a cooperative vision. But if we want to see a just peace and end to occupation, then we must forgo finger-pointing and instead ask ourselves what we can do to help end this conflict. Indeed, we need to ensure that our elected officials vocally support a two-state solution. Only serious political engagement can make that a reality. Zachary Kamin ’14 Asher Mayerson ’15 Board members, Dartmouth’s chapter of J Street U






SW 2

MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014

Women’s track and field second at outdoor Heps, men take fifth B y jordan einhorn The Dartmouth Staff

Just 13 points separated the Dartmouth women’s track and field team from the Ivy League title at the outdoor Ivy League Heptagonal Championships at Yale University this weekend. The meet was not decided until the women’s 4x400meter relay, the final track event of the day, finished. The men’s team improved on its sixth-place finish at the indoor championships, finishing in fifth place. The Harvard University women defended their indoor title, winning with 162 points. Dartmouth’s 149 points marked a new program record for total points, eclipsing the previous record of 116 from 1996. The second-place finish also marked the best finish for the team since 2000. Third place Cornell University was far behind with 94 points, followed by Columbia University with 88 and Princeton University with 86. On the men’s side, Cornell University defended its title with a small margin, scoring 149 points to second place Princeton University’s 142.33 points. The third-place team was also far back, as Harvard University scored 109 points followed by the University of Pennsylvania with 82 points and Dartmouth’s 66.66 points. The meet marked the end of

the impressive four years for the women’s team, which saw an improvement from a sixth-place finish in 2011. “I’m in awe of how far we have come,” Abbey D’Agostino ’14 said. “We came in with the goal to really make this team something different. It’s great knowing that we are leaving a team that will keep performing. It didn’t really hit me until we had our team meeting at the end and we were doing our recap and the coaches were getting emotional.” D’Agostino finished her last Ivy League championship earned her 14th, 15th and 16th career Ivy League titles and her third consecutive most outstanding performer award, graced with a standing ovation from all the competitors at the meet. “The entire Heps field was standing up and clapping, and that’s what she deserved,” teammate Dana Giordano ’16 said. D’Agostino took to the track on Saturday for her first-ever 10,000-meter race, winning in 33:10.38 over Princeton freshman Megan Curham by almost 14 seconds. “I figured that doing my first 10k at the League meet would be really cool,” D’Agostino said. “It definitely felt different then the 5k. The whole time I was waiting for something to happen. But it was really great because my teammates were able

to share their expertise.” She returned on Sunday to defend her 5,000-meter title in 16:34.48 over Columbia junior Waverly Neer. She concluded her weekend with a victory in the 3,000-meter race in 9:14.57, six seconds over Cornell senior Rachel Sorna. No other woman has won the 3,000-meter, 5,000-meter and 10,000-meter at the Ivy League Championships in their career. D’Agostino won them all in two days this weekend. Giordano won her second Ivy title in the 1,500-meter run. Liz Markowitz ’16 finished fifth in the race. Giordano also took third in the 3,000-meter run behind D’Agostino. “The 1,500 was really fun,” Giordano said. “The prelims are always the scariest part because you never know if you are going to get through no matter how prepared you are.” Sarah DeLozier ’15 joined D’Agostino and Giordano in the 3,000-meter race and claimed sixth place, giving the Big Green a total of 17 points in the event. Delozier also finished second in the 3,000-meter steeplechase with a time of 10:17.84. The 4x800-meter relay team won the event for the first time in program history at the outdoor championships. Meghan Grela ’17, Markowitz, Meggie Donovan ’15 and Megan Krumpoch ’14 won the race by three seconds over Harvard.

Janae Dunchack ’14 scored the sixth-highest total in Heps history to win the heptathlon, two years after winning the title in 2012. The other two Ivy titles both came from Kaitlin Whitehorn ’16. The sophomore won the 100-meter dash and the high jump and is now the first woman to win both events in a career. Steve Mangan ’14 and Josh Cyphers ’14 won the only two individual titles for the Dartmouth men, in the 1,500-meter race and the pole vault, respectively. In one of the most exciting races of the weekend, mangan beat out Columbia senior John Gregorek by one-hundredth of a second. “I knew that John Gregorek would be the one to watch so I wanted to make sure I was tracking him the whole time,” Mangan said. “In some ways it was nicer to win here. Indoors was special because it was at home with the home crowd, but outdoors it was a little more difficult. Indoors guys are running a bunch of events but outdoors all the best distance guys are in the 1,500.” Mangan took the lead late in the race, but Gregorek fought back, as the two approached the line shoulder-to-shoulder. Mangan leaned forward as the line neared to gain an advantage, hitting the deck after he crossed the line. Mangan lay on the ground in the middle of

the track until the results were announced, at which point he raised his arms in celebration. Cyphers won the pole vault, clearing 5.05-meters. He is the first Dartmouth man to do so since 1955. Mangan also teamed up with Silas Talbot ’15, Lukas Zirngibl ’14 and Tim Gorman ’16 for a fifth-place finish in the 4x800-meter relay with a time of 7:34.62. Henry Sterling ’14 claimed second in the 3,000-meter steeplechase and Curtis King ’16 finished third in the 5,000-meter race. Edward Wagner ’16 finished in second place in the 400-meter hurdles with a time of 52.19. Alex Frye ’17 performed well in the 100-meter hurdles, finishing fourth with a time of 14.62. TJ Servino ’15 finished second in the hammer throw on day one to help put the Dartmouth men to an early second-place standing. Both Mangan and D’Agostino cited the uniqueness of the Heps meet. Every athlete competes for their schools due to passion for the sport. “You really can’t replicate that team energy and the whole environment,” D’Agostino said. “We’re all cheering for our respective schools and there is an understanding that we’re here because we want to be here and we’re doing it because we love it. You can’t find other meets like that.”

Heavyweight crew claims Packard Cup in last race before Sprints

B y jehanna axelrod The Dartmouth Staff

In one of its tightest races this year, the men’s heavyweight crew team took home three races and the Packard Cup from No. 18 Syracuse University at home on Friday. The first, third and fourth varsity eight boats captured close victories, while the second boat lost by less than half of a second to the Orange. The first varsity eight race is the most important of the four match-

ups, but it is a good sign at this point in the season to have all of the boats performing well, Ryan O’Hanlon ’17 said. “We don’t know who won or who lost until we get off the water, so finding out that everyone did well was awesome,” O’Hanlon said. Conditions were calm when the first boat took to the water. The Orange and the Big Green stayed even for most of the race, but Dartmouth managed to just pull ahead at the last second, finishing the 2,000-meter

Lindsay Ellis ’15 Editor-in-Chief

05. 12. 14

Stephanie McFeeters ’15 Executive Editor

Brett Drucker ’15 Blaze Joel ’15 Sports Editors

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Carla Larin ’15 Publisher

Michael Riordan ’15 Executive Editor

course in 5:36.6, 0.9 seconds ahead of the competition. “We went really fast off the start, and then they caught up to us,” O’Hanlon said. “It was a good race all the way down the track, and then we finally edged them out by a second.” O’Hanlon said his boat used the energy of crowd that accumulated on the banks of the Connecticut River. The second varsity eight was the lone boat to fall to Syracuse and completed the race in 5:37.7, a mere 0.4 seconds after the Orange. Nevin Cunningham ’17 said the team had a slow start, but the boat fought hard to make up for lost distance and managed to overtake the Orange for a portion of the race. “As soon as we got into our rhythm, we walked them back pretty easily,” Cunningham said. “We were up by a good half a boat length, but they just sprinted through us and just barely edged us.” The third varsity eight boat cruised to victory, defeating the Orange by 2.9 seconds with a race time of 5:43.8. The fourth varsity eight raced


The heavyweight crew team took three out of four races against Syracuse.

last, by which time headwinds had picked up, making conditions slightly gusty. Both crews, however, as they completed the course with near identical times — Dartmouth with a 5:49.6 to Syracuse’s 5:50.2. “We passed them in the last couple of strokes, we didn’t even know if we had won until later on,” captain John Strizich ’14 said. The team’s performance over the weekend, he said was especially

impressive, since they were pitted against Syracuse. “Syracuse is a good team, they’re well coached and they’ve got a lot of strong guys,” Strizich said. “Winning three out of the four races is pretty unprecedented, at least as long as I’ve been here.” The Big Green looks to continue this hot streak next weekend at the Eastern Sprints in Worcester, Massachusetts.


MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014

SW 3

Baseball falls to Columbia in Ivy League Championship Series

was relieved by sophomore George Thanopoulos, who gave up a single to The Dartmouth Staff Selzer before retiring the next three in NEW YORK ­— Despite scoring the order. first in both games, the baseball team Rain delays pushed game two to ended its season in New York this week- a 3:30 start, inaugurated by a twoend exactly as it did last year, falling strikeout inning for Big Green starter to Columbia University in the best of Duncan Robinson ’16. Columbia’s three Ivy Championship Series. The Kevin Roy struggled to control his Lions (27-17, 15-5 Ivy) took the Big early pitches, walking Lombardi and Green (18-21, 11-9 Ivy) 6-2 in game Patterson back-to-back in the second one and 4-1 in game two of a Saturday and finding himself behind in six of doubleheader. The loss on enemy turf the first nine at bats. represents the fourth in a row for the Dartmouth’s only run came in the team, leaving the four seniors — Louis third when Parisi singled into center Concato ’14, co-captain Jeff Keller ’14, before being moved over by a flawless co-captain Dustin Selzer ’14 and Ryan sacrifice bunt Keller, by the leadoff Toimil ’14 — without the gratification man. Taking third on a wild pitch, of a League title in their careers. Parisi scored the run off of a base hit by Roulis two batters later. A second three-run fourth inning Columbia 6 put Columbia in the lead for good, created in part by a short throw from DARTMOUTH 2 Lombardi at the hot corner to Selzer on COLUMBIA 4 first to open the inning and a two-run home run from the Lions’ rightfielder DARTMOUTH 1 Gus Craig. After more rain delays, Robinson “We always start every year aiming finally left the mound after 7.2 innings, for the Ivy Championship,” Louis having thrown 103 pitches and striking Concato said. “It was a little tougher out seven batters. At his peak in the this year than past years to get there, game, Robinson retired 12 batters in but we still had the expectation of a row. Louis Concato came in for the winning.” final 1.1 innings of the game while Columbia threw its ace, senior Thanopoulos was called from the pen David Speer, in game one of the series. for the second time to close for the Speer racked up a 1.06 ERA in regular Lions. The Big Green bats could not season conference play, putting him at get a runner past first base. second place in the Ivy League. Mike From the start of the season, DartConcato ’17 took the start for the Big mouth encountered unexpected chalGreen. lenges and fought from behind to win Both teams managed a run in the its seventh straight Red Rolfe Division first but a three-run fourth for the Title. The team revamped its rotation Lions — prolonged by a fly ball that after the loss of four 2013 starters and third baseman Nick Lombardi ’15 lost was rocked again in the winter by the in the sun and subsequent balk by Mike loss of Thomas Olson ’15 — who had Concato that put two runners in scor- a 1.15 ERA out of the pen last year — ing position — damaged Dartmouth’s and yet again at the end of the regular ability to hang tight with the Lions. season with the loss of first starter Beau After Dartmouth scored one run in Sulser ’16 to injury. The rotation which the fifth, catcher struck out the Adam Gauthier fewest number ’16, was called of batters in the out at home havIvy League, was ing slid wide of populated by one Columbia’s backfreshman, three stop Mike Fischer, sophomores and Dartmouth Columbia who completely Louis Concato, covered the plate. the only returner 3 10 Runs An uproarious from last season’s 12 14 Hits coach Bob Wharotation. Columlen visited the bia, by contrast, 1 0 Errors umpire in protest. returned both Tw o r u n s its starters from 12 8 LOB charged to Mithe 2013 Chamchael Danielak pionship Series. ’16 late in the Robinson had the game put game one at its final 6-2 score. third lowest ERA in conference play, Speer went for eight innings, striking with a 1.29 regular season mark, and out seven and throwing 116 pitches. tied Yale University’s Chris Lanham “He’s probably going to be pitcher for the most wins in the season. Mike of the year,” Keller said. “I have to give Concato, who began the season with an credit to him. He pitched great. You impressive outing against the Kansas can’t expect to score six runs on a guy Jayhawks, closed the regular season like that.” with back-to-back shutouts before tak Speer opened the ninth by hitting ing the first start in the Championship Thomas Roulis ’15 with a pitch and Series.

B y gayne kalustian

Side -BySide

Courtesy of Kiera Wood, The Columbia Daily Spectator

The baseball team was swept in the Ivy Championship Series for the second year in a row.

“We had a bunch of guys that were unexperienced,” catcher Matt McDowell ’15 said. “We weren’t sure how they would handle the pressure. As it ended up turning out, they were some of our most consistent players.“ On offense, Selzer and Keller have pointed out all season long that the Big Green struggled at the plate. The team’s overall batting average from the regular season came out to be .273, the

lowest since the team emerged as kings of the Red Rolfe Division seven years ago. Despite the team’s frustration in the box, no team in the League racked up a higher batting average overall in the regular season. In conference play, Dartmouth had the most triples, home runs and total bases, thanks to strength in the middle of the order found in Selzer — the sixth highest batting average in conference regular season

play — and Lombardi — the second highest slugger and total bases leader in conference play. Keller, fourth overall in batting average in total regular season play, took home a Dartmouth varsity record this season, banging out over 50 doubles in his career. The team, only losing four seniors, is in a good position to move forward as a program, though the seniors have been significant contributors this season.

Zupan ’14 voted best male athlete B y GAYNE KALUSTIAN The Dartmouth Staff

Thanks to a popular vote with over 500 ballots cast, Nejc Zupan ’14 was voted Dartmouth’s best male athlete of 2013-14, taking 32 percent of the vote.

Best Male Athlete


% of vote

1. Nejc Zupan ’14 2. Silas Talbot ’15 3. Will Geoghegan ’14 4. Dalyn Williams ’16 5. Dovydas Sakinis ’16

32 % 24 % 19 % 14 % 11 %

Zupan concluded his historic Dartmouth career with another season full of championships and pool records. The senior was named Harold Ulen Career High Point Swimmer at the Ivy League Championships for tallying 361 points in four seasons at Dartmouth. He defended his title in the 200-yard breaststroke and added an Ivy Championship in


100-yard breaststroke for his sixth and seventh career Ivy titles. “It was sort of a closure to the four years of competition I had with the team,” he said of his competition in the 200 breaststroke at the Ivy championships. Both times marked new pool records at Harvard University’s Blodgett Pool. Zupan also finished 13th in the 100-yard breaststroke at NCAAs despite missing the A final after falling in a swim-off for the eighth spot. He finished 18th

in the 200-yard breaststroke. Zupan also won academic All-Ivy honors. Head coach Jim Wilson said Zupan “moved us to a position to be competitive in the Ivy League,” noting that the team had perennially been in last place, but that Zupan inspired the team to continue to improve. The nominees for this week’s category of ‘best female athlete’ will be announced on Wednesday with voting running through the weekend.


SW 4

MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014



B y josh Koenig The Dartmouth Staff

This week, I sat down with Edward Wagner ’16, a star hurdler and sprinter on the men’s track and field team. At Yale University for the Ivy League Heptagonal Championships, Wagner made time to talk about his favorite events, ideal track conditions and the added pressure he felt this year as a returning medalist from last year’s Heps. The day after our conversation, Wagner went on to finish second in the finals of the men’s 400-meter hurdles and eighth the 4x400-meter relay. Last year, Heps was at Princeton University. This year, you’re at Yale. Which track do you prefer? EW: It’s really hard to say. Basically when we’re looking for a track, the ideal conditions are one where there’s no wind, and Princeton seemed to be windy all the time. A few weeks ago when we were at Yale there was wind, but today was good. So my personal favorite would be running here at Yale. Princeton holds a lot of competitive meets so they have that going for them, and their facilities are great, but for some reason this Heps feels special. Coming into Heps as the highest returning-finisher from last year’s 400-meter hurdles, do you feel like you have a target on your back in that event? EW: Yeah, I definitely feel that way. In the hurdles anything can happen, but I definitely feel like coming back as a top-finisher from last year I’m meant to win the race. And having the fastest time in trials, I feel more pressure. But one of my friends told me that pressure makes diamonds. You’ve run a few events in the past — the 4x400-meter relay, the 400-meter hurdles. What’s your favorite event? EW: Definitely the 400 hurdles. The hurdles give you a chance to focus on a different aspect of racing, the hurdling technique, so it’s a little more painful, but there’s more of a racing strategy. Not every race will turn out the same way even if someone is faster because there are some uncertainties. Did you run other events in high school? Do you miss run-

ning those events? EW: Early in high school I sometimes would do jumping events like the long-jump — I even used to do the pentathlon, the shot-put, the high jump and the 1,500-meter race. Those were fun, but you have a lot more fun as an athlete when you’re winning. I’ve really appreciated the opportunity to focus on and improve in a few events at college. Coming off a strong first year, what lessons have you learned that have helped you continue to see success as a sophomore? EW: I think being led by a great group of seniors both years has been amazing. They’ve been in championship positions before so they understand how to handle pressure. Especially this group of kids is really close, and the fact that we’re all able to support each other, cheer each other on and give each other advice for races has been great. My experience last year at Heps has carried over really well too. Who is your favorite professional track athlete or professional athlete, and why? EW: My favorite track athlete is probably Félix Sánchez, the reigning Olympic champion in the 400 hurdles. One of the reasons I respect him so much is that in the sport when athletes get older, doping becomes more and more common. Sanchez is pretty old, but he’s avoided that entirely, and he’s a dedicated athlete and family member. The fact that he’s able to balance his core values with his sport is truly amazing, and that’s something I try to emulate.

B y austin major and freddie fletcher The Dartmouth Staff

Hanover, it looks like you finally got it right. It’s spring outside after what feels like the longest tease since the Sox won a title and the Curse of the Bambino was finally lifted from Fenway (hey Freddie). Spring weather means one thing and one thing only: intramural softball. Though we obviously discussed squaring off against the softball team, we realized that they were probably up against other (obviously not more important) opponents after winning that whole Ivy League Championship thing for the first time in Dartmouth history. That, and we wanted nothing to do with Morgan McCalmon ’16 and her heater. While the other intramural sports are kind of important, this is the sport that propelled me and Austin to legendary status. They say the game is so beautiful it’s played on diamonds, and while what you see at Garipay Field on these spring afternoons may not be beautiful, its really fun and a great way to get the competitive juices flowing. Let’s just say intramural softball is so important that Joann Brislin, associate athletic director for club sports and intramurals, should get specific “champions” shirts just for softball. This week, Austin and I played for our respective (but maybe not respectable) fraternity teams. While you may be thinking, “Dang, does

that mean the Legends will do battle in the Granite League championship hame, with both the crown and MVP title on the line?” Think again. Due to a weak decision by whoever schedules this kind of thing, my team decided to play in whatever league isn’t the Granite League. Regardless, Austin and I both had Thursday games, and we looked forward to warming up the old noodle and also looking to scoring some runs. I’ll let Austin describe his game in greater detail than I can provide (although some Heorot did almost hit me with a bomb of a hit). As for our game, in keeping with “WhateverLies-Below-the-Granite-League” tradition, the other team didn’t show and thus we won by forfeit. Instead of leaving at that and heading off to celebrate a non-victory, a few of us (namely, those who had been hoping for a team in Granite League) demanded that we get an inter-squad scrimmage in so we could better understand who had been training in the off season and who hadn’t. Hold up, what did I just say? Did a Legend actually (probably for the first time this entire year) actually practice the sport he was going to play competitively? Did he put some forethought into lineups, batting strategy, how to turn double plays and how to assure that no one got any home runs aarrivesgets here. The most laid back NARPs look like seasoned pros (maybe sound like is better, because I’ve yet to

see forearms like ’roided up Mark McGwire), and the Legends kick into a whole new gear. Well, our scrimmage proved that our team is actually reasonably good, and now we are looking to use our practice in a real game, which hopefully will come at some point if a team decides to show up. An update from Austin: there is a lot of hype this year surrounding the coveted Granite League title. Lines have been drawn, friendships have been sidelined and Big League Chew, Capri Suns and Blue Powerade have been purchased en masse. Heorot’s softball team had its back against the wall after a clever scheduling technique: put our game right in the middle of the hockey team’s lift and the crew team’s practice, leaving about 10 members of Heorot who were actually eligible to play (they get us on the rule sidelining baseball players, too). The game got off to a quick start with the traditional mentality of “hit the ball as far and high as you can and hope the outfielder runs over a pothole and trips before he can catch it.” It worked pretty well for the first few innings, and a three-run bomb put us on top early. Despite an early challenge, our opponents, who shall remain nameless but were Team Psi U, couldn’t quite mount the comeback. Heorot marches on. We will keep you updated as the season wears on and we strive for the greatest title known to those who inhabit NARP Gym.


I got back in touch with Wagner after his second-place finish in the 400-meter hurdles. How do you feel about your second-place finish at Heps this year? EW: I’m a little disappointed in myself because I didn’t focus as much on my own race. I was in lane 4, and all the kids who were close were in 5,6,7 and 8. I ended up being a little sloppy on some hurdles, and the kid who won ran a terrific race. It’s disappointing I didn’t win, but I was able to score some points for the team, which is great. This interview has been edited and condensed.


Dartmouth hosted the Special Olympics this weekend in Leverone Field House. See page 1 for story.


MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014


Athletes of all ages compete in Special Olympics summer games FROM OLYMPICS PAGE 1

money for charitable foundations through competing in the Special Olympics, expressed his excitement at qualifying for the state-level competition. Several athletes and parents expressed said they appreciate event and the volunteers’ efforts, expressing pride in the athletes. Reflecting on her son’s accomplishments, Gina Towle said she was happy for the opportunity to compete against local teams and athletes, especially for her son, who has run a snow shoe race for several past winter Special Olympics. “It’s a fun event for them, and it’s really nice that they get to compete and do things that everyone else gets to do — and a lot of things they can do better than other people,” she said. Special Olympians are not restricted by age or physical ability, and several middle-aged and elderly athletes participated in Saturday’s events, performing on par with many of their younger counterparts. Scott Graticos, an older athlete who participated in the bocce ball event, said that while he had mixed feelings about his performance, he had fun and hopes to record a better

finish at the state games. “I’ve been training for a couple months now, and while I won two doubles matches I lost my first and last game,” he said. “This is to get us prepared for the state games at UNH later this month, where I’ll try and put in a better performance.” Most athletes participated as

“It’s really nice that they get to compete and do things that everyone else gets to do — and a lot of things they can do better than other people.” - Gina towle, mother of athlete members of teams. Several attendees said the Olympics gave the athletes motivation to exercise and stay in shape. The parents of Brett Clough, an athlete, said that before their son began

competing in the Special Olympics, he was a “homebody” who was relatively out of shape and rarely left the house. The Olympics, they said, gave him an outlet for social and athletic involvement that has resulted in a positive change in his mental and physical health. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that obesity rates for adults with disabilities are 58 percent higher than in other adults, and children with disabilities are 38 percent more likely to suffer from obesity than children without disabilities. Around 80 volunteers, including many from Dartmouth, assisted with the events, organizer Erika Daukas ’16 said. Several volunteers for the day’s events said they enjoyed talking to athletes and their families. Jay Graham ’15, who has coached and volunteered at past Special Olympics events, said that volunteering was a personally motivational experience and one that has been fun for both himself, his sister and the other athletes who he has been able to coach and watch compete. His sister, he said, competes in Special Olympics events in North Virginia.

“Getting to know all my sister’s friends back home, the kids that I’ve gotten to meet through the program, has been awesome,” Graham said. “It really helps from my point of view to keep a sense of perspective, I think that in a 10-week term you

get so wrapped up in whatever it is —­midterms or final exams, anything else you get wrapped up in ­­­— that seeing how much fun they get to have helps me personally to realize there are a lot more important things than just getting a 4.0 or winning a game.”



Members of Dartmouth Humanitarian Engineering worked on a project outdoors.

Government Honors Thesis Presentation 2014 Friday, May 9, 2014 3:00 Harrison Weidner Social Justice and Libertarianism: A New Moral Center Advisor: Swaine Second Reader: Murphy Monday, May 12, 2014 9:00 Tyler Kuhn The Quality of Mercy (Un)Strained: A Study on the Crime Rate and Gubernatorial Pardons Advisor: Nyhan Second Reader: Fowler 12:00 Don Casler Brasher With The Bomb? The Effects of Nuclear Weapons on Interstate Aggression Advisor: Press Second Reader: S Brooks 3:00 Mark Andriola 'It's Not Their Fault They're Gay or Disabled': Immutability, Essentialism and the Masking of Societal Prejudice Advisor: Bedi Second Reader: Swaine Tuesday, May 13, 2014 12:00 Emily Hoffman Keeping Hold of Mass Destruction: The Security and Management of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Weapons During Political Instability Advisor: Press Second Reader: Lind 3:00 Joseph Singh Commitment Problems?: Assessing Public Attitudes Towards a U.S. Withdrawal from Korea Advisor: Valentino Second Reader: Lind Wednesday, May 14, 2014 9:00 Alex Judson Understanding Hezbollah: A Systematic Analysis of How the Party of God Responds to Threats Advisor: Freidman Second Reader: Press

3:00 Reuben Hurst Financial Inclusion and Political System Support in Brazil Advisor: Carey Second Reader: Chauchard Thursday, May 15, 2014 9:00 Ala’ Alrababa’h The Price of Protest: Explaining Regime Repression in Response to Nonviolent Protests. Advisors: Valentino/Sa’adah 12:00 Keshav Poddar The Price of Fear: Geopolitical Favoritism in U.S. Security Alliances Advisor: S Brooks Second Reader: Wohlforth 3:00 Irvin Gomez State Capacity and Homicide Rates: A Cross-National Analysis Advisor: Baldez/Carey Second Reader: Horowitz Friday, May 16, 2014 2:00 Andrew Longhi The Politics of the Paper Trail: Senate Polarization and the Quality of Lower Federal Court Nominees, 1987-2012 Advisor: Fowler Second Reader: Nyhan Monday, May 19, 2014 3:00 Tina Meng The Art of Persuasion: A Study of Supreme Court Judicial Rhetoric Advisor: Herron Second Reader: Lacey Tuesday, May 20, 2014 9:00 Yon Soo Park Animal Rights and Human Rights Advisor: Valentino Second Reader: Carey




DARTMOUTH EVENTS TODAY 12:00 p.m. Moving Dartmouth Forward session, “Global Learning Experiences,” Hood Auditorium

4:30 p.m. “Debating Income Inequality,” with Jared Bernstein and Greg Mankiw, Filene Auditorium

5:30 p.m. Opening party and artist talks, “Beyond the Blue Box,” Hopkins Center

TOMORROW 12:30 p.m. Lunchtime gallery talk, “Heads and Hands,” Hood Museum of Art

3:30 p.m. Physics and astronomy space plasma seminar, with Jerry Goldstein, Southwest Research Institute, Wilder 111

4:30 p.m. Dickey Center public event, “An Impossible Partnership?: Pakistan, America and the Future of South Asia,” with Bruce Reidel, Haldeman 041

Crossing the Green Across 1 Recall causes 8 Carbonator 15 Rule with no ifs, ands, or buts 16 Kind of concrete 17 What snipers and Dorothea Lange share 18 Yolky yard game 19 Marx followers? 20 Dragon’s den 22 Amphora handle 23 Mint 24 Burrito bearer 26 Way off 28 WWII arena 29 “Jabberwocky” opener 33 Grey 34 Slipping up in pool 36 Exit the closet? 40 “Don’t panic!” 41 Neighbors break this rule 43 “Call Me Maybe”’s Carly ___ Jepsen 44 Apple genius? 45 Pub potation 46 Baby powder 47 Containing hot air 50 Cassowary kin 53 Mien 55 1/640 of a square mile 56 “City of God” setting 57 Catch 59 Snapple competitor 61 Titillation 62 Bodybuilders 63 Like some chem majors 64 “Naked” humorist Down 1 Grace follower 2 Jagged 3 Snow-shoer’s need 4 Mike Ditka and

Rob Gronkowski, e.g. 5 Cavs, on the scoreboard 6 The second of three Whig presidents 7 Bleeped bit 8 Champagne or sherry 9 Rowing machine 10 Like Elizabeth 11”Play it cool” 12 Southwestern art colony 13 Greek peak 14 NFL linemen 21 Couple 24 Anathema 25 What the Detroit Lions did 16 times in 2008 27 “Jack in the Beanstalk” quatrain opener 30 “Cask of Amontillado” locale 31 Diciembre ends it

Andrew Kingsley ’16 32 Mil. Rank above corporal 35 One of a diamond’s 4 C’s 36 On the same side, molecularly 37 ___-Wan Kenobi 38 Russian range 39 Melodramatic biographies 42 Antidiscrimination agcy. 46 60’s shirt

48 Czar’s fiat 49 Bull and tree, e.g. 51 ___-colored, like 46-down 52 The Minutemen 53 Way to NYC 54 Sioux 56 ___ Lee cakes 57 Mush 58 Half-pint 60 “Dr. Strangelove” focus, briefly

MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014



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MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014


Group puts new spin on Shakespeare ‘Other Woman’ ditches laughs for clichéd tropes

B y Hallie Huffaker The Dartmouth Staff

“All the world’s a stage,” Luke Katler ’15, artistic director of the Dartmouth Rude Mechanicals, quipped during the group’s opening performance of “As You Like It” on Friday evening. Putting a modern spin on Shakespeare’s classic with contemporary costumes and some added barbs, the group entertained while providing implicit commentary about gender roles. The performance, set to occur in Kemeny Courtyard, instead took place in its rain location, Silsby 28. The performances on Saturday and Sunday took place outside as planned. The complicated plot of one a Shakespeare classic features multiple love triangles, cross-dressing and dry humor. It centers on Rosalind, played by Natalie Shell ’15, who is banished by her uncle and flees into the Forest of Arden. Here, disguised as a man, she advises the man she loves, Orlando, played by Nathan Grice ’16. Much of the show’s comedy derived from the exaggerated gender depictions in the show, made more explicit during scenes in which female actors played male characters and vice versa. In his director’s note, Katler commented on Shakespeare’s “heavyhanded treatment of gender,” saying that the group was “interested in exploring the timeless idea that a woman must dress less womanly (or more manly) to assert her agency.” Shell said that she approached Rosalind’s portrayal of a man as the character herself put on a show. She intentionally over-emphasized her performance to convey this, deepening her voice and slapping male characters on the shoulder. “[Rosalind] draws a lot of power from being a guy, and she enjoys using that power,” Shell said. Alison Falzetta ’15, who played both Adam and Silvius in the show, was one of many actors who toyed with gender for the performance.

The play is, at its core, a comedy. In a modern spin, actors came to the side of the stage and held up signs that translated the action onstage using modern colloquial expressions. During the scene in which Rosalind and Orlando first meet, an actor held up a sign that read “Rosalind’s mind.” Shell swooned, her character dreamily inattentive to Orlando’s words, while Grice stopped reciting his lines and began uttering “blah, blah, blah” instead. The group incorporated contemporary music into the performance, ending the show with a choreographed dance of One Direction’s “Best Song Ever.” Audience members responded positively to the group’s modern take on the play. Sophia Schwartz ’13, who attended the show on Friday, said that the group made Shakespeare’s dense language easy to follow. Jaquille Jones ’16, who also attended the performance, said that the group added “the perfect amount” of modern elements into the production. One of the show’s highlights came at the end, when the various couples partook in a group wedding presided over by Hymen, god of marriage, played by Mike Mayer ’17. With his holier-than-thou attitude, toga and dramatic hand gestures, Mayer had the audience gasping for breath with laughter. Grice said that the group realized while reading the script that though having a god appear on stage for the marriages would have been taken seriously when the play was written, the scene would not make sense with the modern theme. “Since we set the show in modern times, we realized that it just wouldn’t read,” he said. “We toyed with the idea of Hymen being a random drunk in the forest, but in the end we just figured that making him as overblown as possible was the best route.” In the Friday show, the actors made use of their indoor environment. In the scene in which Orlando professes

his love to Rosalind by carving their initials into trees, Grice drew on the classroom’s chalkboards, writing expressions like “Roz + Orlando 4Eva” and “Rosalind has a cutie patootie.” The show also included more serious moments, which intentionally commented on gender roles and sexual violence. One scene featured a depiction of sexual violence, as Katler’s character, Jaques, shoved Amiens, played by Naomi Lazar ’17, while trying to kiss her and encouraging her to sing for him. Several other scenes were heavily based in traditional gender roles, which the cast identified by holding up posters that said “sexism” on them. Falzetta called the group’s vision for bringing attention to these moments “ambitious.” “We tried to focus on specific gender themes because the show is based a lot around gender,” Falzetta said. “We focused on the parental abuse and sexual violence because even though it is a comedy, we wanted to show something different and make people think.” Before the show, the cast did a workshop with the Center for Gender and Student Engagement about gender roles and labels, Shell said. She said she enjoyed playing a character who quickly switched back and forth between different genders. “Gender is a fluid thing,” Shell said. “I think this play is great because Rosalind is able to switch between genders until you never really know what gender she is.” The show was unique, Falzetta said, since every member of the group had input into the show’s different elements. “We have so many different cool ideas that it becomes a patchwork of everyone’s opinions,” Falzetta said. “The show becomes the best it can be because one person thought of a funny joke or a serious moment that other members would not have thought of.” Katler is a former member of The Dartmouth staff.


Naomi Lazar ’17 performed in the Dartmouth Rude Mechanicals’ production of “As You Like It” this weekend.

B y Varun Bhuchar The Dartmouth Staff

should not happen in a movie about a man being punished for cheating on his wife. To ensure that that doesn’t happen, Mark is made the most unlikable person on the planet. Not only is he a cheater, he’s an embezzler, too! I’m sure the director’s cut includes a sequence where he kicks puppies for fun. The supporting characters are baffling. Nicki Minaj is cast as an unholy combination of a Greek chorus with the voice of Fran Drescher, pointlessly commenting on things that have already happened. Don Johnson appears as Carly’s father, a serial womanizer who loves his daughter and possibly informed her views on men. It’s like looking at Barney Stinson from “How I Met Your Mother” 30 years in the future. That would have been a plot twist we could all get behind, but it would have required some actual out-of-the box thinking.

Women have a representation problem in film. There simply aren’t enough women in movies, and when they are, the characters seem to be hideous caricatures of what two middle-aged white guys think women act like. As someone who loves movies, this saddens me. As much as I love watching men struggle through conflict in movies, I like seeing films with women front and center because it’s a nice change of pace. Women deserve better representation in the media, and as of late, there have been several television shows and movies working to promote that trend. “The Other Woman” (2014) is not one of them. Written and directed by the patriarchy — in this case, Melissa Stack and Nick Cassavetes — “The Other Woman” is the story of Carly (Cameron Diaz), a Columbia Law The film is cliché all the way to School-educatthe end when ed lawyer who it gets strangely doesn’t need a “You know you have violent, but you man . That is, a problem when your know you have until she meets a problem when a n d f a l l s i n film can’t even make your film can’t love with Mark slapstick funny.” even make slap(Nikolaj Costerstick funny. Wa l d a u ) , a But what makes “The Other handsome investor. Woman” so infuriating is the fact Alas, this perfect match was not that it is ludicrously patronizing and meant to be, for Carly finds out that has no idea what it wants to say or her knight in shining armor is actually be. Nowadays, we bombard children a squire in tin foil: not only is Mark with messages that they don’t have married to Kate (Leslie Mann), he to conform to gender stereotypes, also has another mistress, Amber but drivel like “The Other Woman” (Kate Upton). Tired of their schem- comes along and tells little girls that ing lover, the women team up to take you need a man, and not just any him down. man, but a prince who will treat you For a comedy, “The Other like gold and sweep you off your feet. Woman” is not very funny. It’s the Now, that’s not a bad thing to happen, cinematic equivalent of telling your but in spite of all the film’s plot points, friends about your hilarious night out, you would think there would be some realizing halfway through that they lesson, some great moral, at the end. don’t find it funny and sheepishly Sadly, it never comes. ending your tale by saying, “You had Instead, we get a film that is probto be there.” I laughed once, and it ably a money-laundering scheme for was at a poop joke. some sort of criminal organization. None of the characters in the At least, that’s what I’ll tell myself movie are likeable, either. Carly goes when I try to rationalize its exisalong with the crazy shenanigans for tence. the sake of the plot, poor Upton is there solely as top-shelf eye candy and Mann’s character is so annoy- Rating: 4.1/10 ing and over-the-top that you almost “The Other Woman” is currently playing sympathize with Mark — and that at the Nugget.



MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014


Play uses physicality to explore relationships interesting than two people standing next to each other talking,” he said. Love blinds. Love wounds. Love The injuries the characters sustain keeps us going. The Dartmouth are, indeed, “gruesome.” Actors contheater department’s production of veyed the wounds onstage by simple Rajiv Joseph’s “Gruesome Playground makeup application and costume Injuries,” directed by Nick O’Leary changes while the audience watched. ’14, made these truths slowly, pain- To portray Doug blowing his eye out fully evident this weekend in Moore with a firework, Leverett wrapped his Theater. head in a piece of gauze with red paint The play centers on two characters: on it that suggested coagulating blood. Kayleen, played by Diane Chen ’14, In a scene in which Kayleen performs who was also responsible for the show’s self-mutilation on her legs, Chen drew costume design, and Doug, played by on her leg with red makeup. Robert Leverett ’16. Over the course True to the original script, audience of a nonlinear 30-year span, the two members witnessed the two characters never quite manage to come together. adopting grisly features, changing O’Leary said slowly and delibthat one of the aserately into older pects of the play “He’s her lighthouse. and younger verthat appealed to But you can still get sions of themhim was the playIn this lost on the way to the selves. wright’s interest production, the in complex re- lighthouse.” transitions were lationships. Frebacked by music quently, O’Leary by The Mountain said, movies and - Diane chen ’14 Goats, who sang plays depict reof loss, hope and lationships in frustration. Years which two people meet, fall in love, passed and returned before the viewers’ perhaps fight with one another but eyes, which O’Leary said was his intent then get back together in the end. when he included songs by the band “[Joseph] is struggling with how re- in the transition soundtrack. lationships aren’t usually that simple,” Despite its darker moments, O’Leary said. “There’s a lot of violence O’Leary said that there is more to the and trauma that comes out of relation- play than the trauma. ships with people that we really care “There’s a tension between really about.” intimate, affectionate moments in the This connection, for better or worse, play and then moments when they’re pulls the two characters together as they hurting each other,” he said. drift further and further apart in their The play shows where the characdismal, atomic dance. ters went wrong and where they could “He’s her lighthouse,” Chen said turn back and go right. The structure of Kayleen’s feelings for Doug. “But jumps forward and back, suggesting you can still get lost on the way to the points when they could have succeeded. lighthouse.” The play was relatable, O’Leary The play brings audience members said, since “we all have relationships to hope against hope that the two in our lives that are really messy and will find each other, especially as they really difficult to navigate.” become increasingly worn and ruined “I’ve learned that you have to be while apart. a bit bolder in life,” Chen said when The two characters never stop asked if how her character influenced seeking happiness, no matter how her. She added that the lesson has led many times they miss or the pain of her to do things she otherwise might the fall. The characters repeatedly not have, like entering relationships injure themselves psychologically and and speaking hidden truths. physically, Chen said. Georgi Klissurski ’14, who attended O’Leary said he pushes his shows the show on Friday, said that the show to be more physical. demonstrated how “complete happi “I really like plays and theater where ness is illusive.” people are moving around and using The show was performed from their bodies in ways that are more Friday through Sunday.

B y Maximillian Saint-Preux


Two paintings by studio art intern Luca Molnar ’13 are currently on display in the Barrows Rotunda.

Rotunda paintings invite reflection

B y Dongjun Suh

The Dartmouth Staff

Entering the Hopkins Center, it’s difficult to miss the latest Barrows Rotunda exhibit, an oil-on-canvas work titled “Indulgent” created using stencils for both the faceless human figures and the striking yellow background. It depicts a room with two human figures, one of whom almost blends into the yellow background of the wall. The other figure is seated on the ground, leaning on one arm. Studio art intern Luca Molnar ’13, the piece’s artist, said she chose light, eye-catching colors to depict a playful message and catch the eyes of passersby as they walk past the Hop. “It’s a bright and purely visual thing,” Molnar said. “It’s playing with the idea of a sarcastic self-reflection of laziness.” Molnar is the last of this year’s five studio art interns to display her work in the rotunda. Her work will be on display through May 29. On the interior side to Molnar’s display is a companion piece titled “We Were Never Meant to Survive.” This piece, she said, is more personal and intimate. The painting depicts three human figures against a red background, each with a different significance to Molnar’s life. The figure on the left is stenciled with all the states and countries where she has lived, while the figure on the right is colored by a galaxy pattern. The middle figure, meanwhile, is blank. Molnar said she conceived of the figures as a sort of trio, the left figure representing the micro-elements to her

life, like where she has lived, and the right figure representing the macroelements, like the complete universe. She hopes the painting will cause passing viewers to consider questions like where she comes from and how her individual identity plays into a larger whole. The middle figure in the piece is white to represent a person’s essence, devoid of color so that each viewer might project his or her perceptions and thoughts onto that space. “They’re pretty graphic paintings, so you think that you saw everything at a single glance, but there’s a complexity in the specific decisions in making the painting,” Molnar said. “I want people to take time to consider that even if they don’t come away with clear answers.” Studio art professor Jennifer Caine, one of Molnar’s thesis advisors, praised Molnar’s style and the conceptual thinking she applies to her work. “Luca combines figuration and abstraction to create haunting images,” Caine said. “Her paintings invite contemplation of ideas of identity and place and are evocative of internal or emotional states more than exterior conditions or appearances.” Molnar designed the paintings using a painstaking, precise process. First, she drew the figures on the canvas and then cut between 10 and 30 stencils for each figure. She then layered these stencils on the canvas until the figures and the background matched what she envisioned. Fellow studio art intern Lexi Campbell ’13 described this process as highly effective. “Her process of layering stencils to articulate the figure and its environ-

ment introduces fascinating discussions of the emotional and physical spaces that we as individuals interact with,” Campbell said. Molnar said she has worked with stencils for almost a year but continues to think of ways to experiment with her technique and apply new conceptual thinking. Choosing the colors for her paintings was an intuitive process, Molnar said. She started with one color that she wanted to use and built the other colors that complemented it into her palette. She created the overall atmosphere she desired without too much trial and error, she said. “For ‘Indulgent,’ I wanted to use yellow for the wall to reference the [Charlotte Perkins Gilman] story about the yellow wallpaper,” Molnar said, “It also just creates a very bright presence.” Campbell described Molnar’s palette in “Indulgent” as “very provocative.” “The aggressive and at times sickly yellow juxtaposed with the almost lethargic figural forms give me a sense of unease,” Campbell said. Though Molnar painted “Indulgent” as an intern this year, she created “We Were Never Meant to Survive” last spring as an undergraduate student, she said. Both pieces took her about a month and a half to complete, she said. Molnar’s next show will be at the Hop’s Jaffe-Friede gallery this summer. It will feature three of her works, including those that use a more abstract style.

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