THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017
Class of 2021 has After large turnout, town record-high number votes against Article 9 of students
The Dartmouth Staff
For the Class of 2021, 61 percent of admitted students have decided to attend Dartmouth, the highest yield rate in 25 years according to the College. Dartmouth’s yield rate has typically hovered around 50 percent, with a 53.1 percent yield rate for the Class of 2020 . Because of this high yield, the Class of 2021, which as of last week has 1,279 students, is
on track to be the largest class in Dartmouth history. Twelve percent of the class consists of international students, up about 4 percent from last year. The class also has a larger proportion of students eligible for federal Pell grants, with 14 percent of students eligible as opposed to 11 percent last year. Of the Class of 2021, 555 (43.4 percent) students SEE YIELD PAGE 2
Divest Dartmouth members gather in Hanlon’s office hours By DEBORA HYEMIN HAN The Dartmouth Staff
On Tuesday, approximately 20 students gathered at College President Phil Hanlon’s open office hours to demonstrate support for fossil fuel divestment. In an email publicizing the demonstration, members of Divest Dartmouth wrote that wh i l e t h ey h ave at t e n d e d
Hanlon’s office hours multiple times this year, each time, they left Parkhurst Hall “frustrated with [Hanlon’s] lack of transparency and obvious stalling tactics.” As a result, the group made efforts to recruit “new faces” in order to show Hanlon the extent of student body support of fossil SEE DIVEST PAGE 3
Hanover voters cast 3,464 ballots on Article 9 during Tuesday’s town meeting.
By THE DARTMOUTH SENIOR STAFF E a r l y We d n e s d a y morning, the town of Hanover released results from the annual town meeting the night before and did not pass zoning board amendment Article 9, which concerned the town’s definition of a student residence. Out of 3,464 total ballots cast on the measure, 42.5 percent (1,471) were in favor of the measure and 57.5 percent (1,993) were against it. Article 9 needed a “supermajority,” or twothirds of the votes, to pass. The results, which
are normally announced during the town meeting held after the polls close, were delayed due to the large number of ballots cast. In a previous interview with The Dartmouth, Hanover town manager Julia Griffin said that most town meetings see 500 to 800 voters. T he article would have changed the town’s definition of “student residence,” making it such that student residences w o u l d n o t h av e t o operate in conjunction with the College, affecting derecognized fraternities Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Alpha Delta.
S AE an d AD are currently not designated as student residences. Both Greek houses underwent individual court cases to maintain their statuses as student residencies. On April 11 of this year, the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled against AD. SAE’s court case is still ongoing. “I knew when we woke up today, regardless of where this came out, for the vast majority of those who supported Article 9, our relationship with the College is not going to change,” Phi Delta Alpha SEE VOTE PAGE 5
Sister-to-Sister conference brings students to campus By JULIAN NATHAN
The Dartmouth Staff
A pproximately 150 seventh- and eighth-grade female students from across the Upper Valley attended Link Up’s annual Sister-toSister conference on Thursday, April 27. The conference, which facilitated discussions
among middle school girls about issues like bullying and body image, recorded its highest attendance since the conference began in 2000. In 2016, 130 students from eight different schools students attended Link Up’s conference, according to Link Up co-president Elizabeth Gold ’17.
She said the organization invited seven additional schools to attend this year’s conference, but they were unable to send students due to state standardized testing and school breaks that occurred on the same day. Link Up co-president Sarah Han ’17 said the day’s programming included
guest speakers, discussion groups and a “Step into the Circle” activity, during which girls were prompted to walk toward the center of a circle if they identified with certain statements. The statement covered issues related to social media and personal identity among others. The girls were also given
the opportunity to write letters to their future selves, which Link Up officers will give to the girls’ respective guidance counselors to redistribute to them during next year’s conference, Link Up executive board member Melissa Biggs ’18 said. SEE CONFERENCE PAGE 5
THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017
Yield rate for Class of 2021 marks 25-year high for the College and then read applications from those regions in the spring. Coffin said that this fostered a better were accepted through the early sense of understanding among the decision process. Last year, 494 admissions staff toward the students students (42.7 percent) of the they were selecting. Class of 2020 were accepted early In addition to this structural decision. change, Coffin said that the College The higher-than-average yield modified the Dartmouth supplement was unexpected but may not be a to the Common Application, adding one-year anomaly, said Lee Coffin, a 100-word “Why Dartmouth?” vice provost for enrollment and dean question for the first time, which of admissions and financial aid. he believes gave Fo u n d e r the admissions of c o l l e g e “We knew after that staff a much a d m i s s i o n s first Dimensions that better sense of consulting firm which students Ivy Coach Bev there was some energy truly wanted Ta y l o r s a i d moving through to attend that college Dartmouth. admissions rates that we hadn’t “That can often be anticipated.” q u e s t i o n manipulated, produced as colleges will really powerful o f t e n t r y t o -LEE COFFIN, VICE answers where artificially lower PROVOST FOR students would their acceptance point to either rates in order ENROLLMENT AND DEAN parts of the to appear more OF ADMISSIONS AND curriculum selective by or a faculty FINANCIAL AID encouraging member, and more students to give a really apply. Yet at the interesting same time, these insight into schools will try to increase their yield what we do at Dartmouth and what rate by wait-listing students who they hope to do in college,” Coffin they feel are completely qualified said. but did not seem as interested in Taylor said that she believes this their schools in the application. essay was a key factor in Dartmouth’s But Taylor said that it is not yield rate. In past years, Taylor apparent that Dartmouth did any of said, the essays Dartmouth used this for the Class of 2021, especially for the Common App supplement since Dartmouth’s acceptance rate were comparable to those of other this year (10.4 percent) was almost highly selective schools. As a result, identical to last year’s 10.5 percent. students who may not have been as Coffin noted that although in the interested in Dartmouth could have past the College’s acceptance policy easily completed the application just has been to accept one wait-listed for the sake of adding another school student for every student who to their list, because they could have chooses to take a gap year, he decided copied essays they used for different this year to accept more students up schools. front and let the class size narrow “Because of these [new] down. questions, Dartmouth really got an Coffin, who came to Dartmouth inside look at who is going to come last July from Tufts University, said if we take them,” Taylor said. that the yield statistic is important She added that the smaller word from an admissions perspective, as limit made this essay more difficult, it is used to calculate the number of therefore requiring students to make applications the College will accept every word count. As a result, the in future years. Coffin added that best essays were likely to be written he believes a number of factors by the students who most wanted to contributed to the yield increase, attend. including changes to the admission Yet, Coffin said that these office’s structure and the application changes in the admissions process process. were not the only factors in the One of those changes, Coffin yield increase. He also said that said, involved adopting a “territorial the two Dimensions of Dartmouth system” for the admissions office. He weekends, which offer on-campus said that this year, admissions officers programs for accepted students were assigned certain geographic before the decision deadline, were regions to travel to during the fall highly successful this year. FROM YIELD PAGE 1
“We knew after that first Dimensions that there was some energy moving through that we hadn’t anticipated,” Coffin said. In fact, around 70 percent of students accepted regular decision who attended Dimensions chose Dartmouth, a number that is also significantly higher compared to years past. Coffin said he believes this increase was due in part to a change in Dimensions programming this year that brought a greater spotlight on Dartmouth’s teaching quality. “We wanted to make the faculty piece be the leading conversation as this pool of students with pretty powerful options took a look at us one more time,” he said. Taylor also noted that, from what she heard from students she works with, Dimensions was very influential for prospective students this year. She added that offering Dimensions for two weekends instead of three, which has been the case for only the last couple of years, allows prospective students to meet more of their potential classmates, making them more likely to choose Dartmouth. The arrival of a larger-than-usual incoming class of freshmen comes after a year in which the College has struggled with housing shortages,
especially in the wake of the fire last officials on how to accommodate the fall in Morton Hall, which displaced increase in students, and that these considerations dozens of are a work in students. progress. He did Associate dean “Beds are tight in note, however, of residential our system, and any the active life and director increase in enrollment that class size is likely of residential to shrink, partly e d u c a t i o n has impact. However, because he M i c h a e l we remain committed believes many Wooten wrote students will in an email to providing the best decide to take gap statement that possible program years and some the College within our housing inter national expects to be students may able to fully portfolio.” choose to attend accommodate a school in their the incoming -MICHAEL WOOTEN, home country. class. Taylor “Beds are ASSOCIATE DEAN OF said that the tight in our RESIDENTIAL LIFE AND higher yield rate system, and any increase DIRECTOR OF RESIDENTIAL indicates that more students in enrollment EDUCATION really want has impact,” to attend the Wooten wrote. College. “ H o w e v e r, we remain “T his is an committed to providing the best possible extraordinary deal, especially when prog ram within our housing most highly selective schools anticipate about 50 percent of students in the portfolio.” Coffin said that conversations regular decision round who will have begun among administration matriculate,” Taylor said.
CORRECTIONS We welcome corrections. If you believe there is a factual error in a story, please email editor@thedartmouth.com for corrections.
The Class of 2021 currently has a record-high 1,279 students, producing a 61 percent yield rate.
THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017
Divest Dartmouth members discuss fossil fuels with Hanlon FROM DIVEST PAGE 1
there has been limited success in seeing a response to outreach as fuel divestment as a move toward well as being given a firm deadline climate justice, according to the for a vote within the Board of email. Trustees for divestment. She said “It’s clear that this campus does, that in addition to the results of the even just passively, agree with April 2016 report on divestment what we’re doing … the literature by Thayer School of Engineering supports that professor Mark climate change Borsuk, Katie “We have yet to is real and that Zhang ’16 w e h a v e t o take our steps and Kasidet do something outside those Tr e r a y a p i w a t about it and that Th’16, she and t a c k l i n g t h i s boundaries and to other students issue from all push the school, wanted to express different sides strong support in at least in a really is important, favor of divestment. and divestment long time, so maybe According to i s j u s t o n e that’s what will be Divest Dartmouth tool in the documents, the arsenal,” Divest happening in the group highlighted D a r t m o u t h future.” the report in the member Ches session, in addition Gundrum ’17 to other topics such -CHES GUNDRUM ’17, said. as when the College A n o t h e r DIVEST DARTMOUTH could expect a vote D i v e s t f ro m t h e B o a rd D a r t m o u t h MEMBER o f Tr u s t e e s o n m e m b e r, divestment and Catherine whether Hanlon Rocchi ’19, said is concerned with that although there are existing the possibility that the College lines of communication between could be the last of its peer students and the administration institutions to divest. According regarding fossil fuel divestment, to Divest Dartmouth website,
Divest Dartmouth members, along with other students, organized outside of College President Phil Hanlon’s office.
Yale University and Columbia University have committed to partial divestment, while Harvard University is working toward divestment after public sit-ins. A problem that Eleanor Dowd
’19 sees with the office hours has “every piece of information format, however, is that what is said they need” in order to make a in the meetings is “off the record.” decision. She said that this makes it difficult Gundrum also noted that to hold Hanlon accountable for his students at peer institutions have promises. participated in sit-ins and other In an interview after the “more extreme” forms of showing meeting, Gundrum said that support for divestment, saying that Hanlon has a crucial role in last year’s rally was “complicit” bringing the vote to the Board of with the school’s rules and that Trustees. more radical B r a n d o n efforts have N ye ’ 2 0 a d d e d “I came to Dartmouth not been that one of the as an early decision made at concerns Hanlon the College student in large had expressed in recently. the past was the part because of its “ W e potential for the close connection to have yet to College to lose take our credibility in its nature, and I’m very steps outside research in regard disappointed with how t h o s e to climate change boundaries it has proven itself a if it were to divest. and to push Nye said that he member of this larger the school, a s k e d H a n l o n natural community.” at least in a whether there had really long been a detriment time, so to the credibility -ALEX MILLER ’20 maybe that’s on the College’s what will be research since the happening College divested in in the tobacco. Nye said that he asked this future,” Gundrum said. because the academic research is Alex Miller ’20 said the College’s clear — fossil fuels lead to climate ostensible attitude toward the change — and that divestment is environment did not meet his just expressing what already been expectations. confirmed by research. “I came to Dartmouth as an Gundrum said that because early decision student in large part the College has “educated” because of its close connection to and “unbiased” infor mation nature, and I’m very disappointed regarding the role fossil fuels with how it has proven itself a play in climate change from the member of this larger natural report, she wonders what the community,” Miller said. “It seems “true motivations” behind the to view its landscape with a certain administration’s decision not to level of apathy that I think is absurd divest are, as the administration and unacceptable.”
THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017
Our Love of Embarrassment
The Battle of New Orleans
We should love Dartmouth’s love of embarrassment — but critique its ethos. I don’t have Netflix. Therefore, whenever my friends discuss “13 Reasons Why,” I can only sit and listen. From the information that I’ve gathered, this show vividly illustrates — rather dangerously — the hyper-judgmental environment that many of us lived through in high school. As much as we attempt to overcome the peer pressure surrounding how we speak, act, dress and exist, many fail to do so. “13 Reasons Why” did not catch my attention because of its accurate portrayal of high school or shockvalue; it caught my attention because of its stark contrast to Dartmouth’s culture of embracing embarrassment. We worship flair. I have yet to see people as weird as First-Year Trips Croo members, Dimensions show participants and so on in the outside world. At one point, I convinced myself that fanny packs were a natural occurrence since I saw at least one a week while I was out perusing Webster Avenue (they are not). Dartmouth is by no means a judgment-free zone, but this initially scandalous show of fashion independence contrasted starkly to my high school experience. Indeed, the brightly-dyed hair of Trips contributors should have alerted me to Dartmouth’s underlying culture of eccentricity. It’s not like anything I’ve ever experienced before; forgive my pretentiousness, but that says a lot coming from someone who has immigrated from two countries and is now residing in her third continent. To be frank, I am not unbiased. Dartmouth’s ethos has made me more confident, happy and comfortable with myself. My heart still attempts to force itself out of my chest whenever I raise my hand in class, when I volunteer myself in front of a crowd, when I speak my mind or when I’m put in any sort of spotlight. However, because I know that at Dartmouth embarrassment is appreciated, I can confront these challenges with some confidence. While this knowledge may not affect those of us who are naturally self-assured, it has made a world of difference for me. I therefore encourage those of you who, like myself, have never completely felt comfortable being wrong, obnoxious, adventurous or weird — and I mean weird — to take advantage of this aspect of Dartmouth. Where else can you experiment with your discomfort with so little social consequence?
The fact that Dartmouth worships embarrassment is a paradox in itself. Embarrassment is defined as shame, chagrin and awkwardness. Therefore, some may argue that Dartmouth’s method of determining social hierarchy by how outgoing or “obnoxious” you can be — case in point: Dimensions — is just as toxic as other methods that determine social hierarchy, such as wealth, race and attractiveness; by elevating embarrassment, we turn it into convention. Still, I believe that the potential awkwardness and nervousness that comes with putting yourself out there, quirks and all, counts as embarrassment in the most basic sense, even when it exists in a place where that behavior is more accepted. But I am also highly critical of Dartmouth’s conventions, for the embarrassment custom co-exists with an equally (if not more) prevalent appreciation of wealthier, affiliated students. Moreover, this culture heavily favors those who have been raised to display confidence, and it would be foolish to pretend that socioeconomic status and race do not have a significant factor in determining this quality. Only certain types of people thrive in this kind of environment. Not everyone’s goal is to become more extroverted, and we shouldn’t make people uncomfortable for not being “obnoxious” enough. That being said, selfconfidence is a universal virtue. Most people are “ambiverts,” neither completely introverted nor extroverted. Only by becoming more comfortable with gregariousness can we fully embrace and appreciate our natural introversion. We cannot fully live our lives if we fear the part within us that craves sociability. Though Dartmouth’s culture of embracing embarrassment is not necessarily better than that of other colleges and environments, I appreciate what it offers. Students should take advantage of this ethos and those favored by this system should actively expand their circles and reach out to others. Doug Phipps ’17 wrote a great op-ed in March about inclusivity within the Trips program a few weeks ago, and I passionately agree with his argument that those in power should improve outreach to students of color, the unaffiliated and other “others.” Study hard, sleep well, do something silly — and do it often — because that’s how you learn to be bold and be happier.
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SUBMISSIONS: We welcome letters and guest columns. All submissions must include the author’s name and affiliation with Dartmouth College, and should not exceed 250 words for letters or 700 words for columns. The Dartmouth reserves the right to edit all material before publication. All material submitted becomes property of The Dartmouth. Please email submissions to editor@thedartmouth.com.
We must fight the war against memorializing contentious historical figures. Many Southerners remain confused about the Civil War, its origins and the implications it bore for the Confederate States. Harvard professor John Stauffer reported in a 2011 Harvard Gazette article that nearly 70 percent of white Southerners believe that states’ rights were the underlying cause of the war, while slavery was only a secondary cause. Historians believe this misinformed position originates from the ideological school dubbed the “Lost Cause of the Confederacy,” which contends that the Confederacy, while a dismal failure, sought to preserve the idyllic antebellum South. This school allows neo-Confederates to defend a weak position by appealing to a type of Southern exceptionalism — sprawling plantations enclosed in forests of magnolia, planter-families that valued gentility and virtue and small communities hidden miles away from the unsightly, industrialized North. This picture of a prosperous Dixie — which, for most people at the time, never existed — helped Southerners cope with identity issues in the aftermath of Reconstruction. Vestiges of the South’s bitter defeat were evident for the next hundred years of Jim Crow segregation. The Confederate States of America may have been a temporary fire, but white supremacy was, and is, an inextinguishable flame. It should come as no surprise that the removal of Confederate monuments in New Orleans has been met with violent protests. In December 2015, the New Orleans city council voted 6-1 to remove an obelisk on Canal Street that commemorated a failed insurrection by the White League to overthrow the Republican-controlled Louisiana government in 1874. However, the contractor hired by the city to complete the removal project refused the job after his $200,000 Lamborghini suspiciously burned to a crisp in January 2016. The city also faced pending litigation after various white supremacist groups sued over the planned removal, which also included statues of Robert E. Lee, P.G.T. Beauregard and Jefferson Davis. After arrangements were made with a new contractor, the city commenced the second attempted removal this past April. The mayor’s office plans to remove all of the city’s four Confederate monuments by the end of May. As a Louisiana native, I must admit that I am ashamed by this public reaction. Pro-Confederate groups have issued death threats to the mayor of New Orleans and city officials. The second group of contractors who removed the obelisk had to wear bulletproof vests and masks to conceal their identity, surrounded by police barricades and protected by rooftop police snipers. While I am sure Dartmouth students may be convinced that the city’s actions are indeed long overdue, many people in my home, some of whom are my acquaintances, neighbors or even friends, hold the removal to be an abomination. To those actively protesting
the removal — who believe the monuments are symbols of Southern pride, a memorial to ancestors who proudly wore that gray uniform or a reminder that the “South will rise again” — I say to you: What you label as a symbol of “heritage,” I consider to be a symbol of treason. At no point in history was the Confederacy ever about states’ rights, economics, government intrusion or whatever contrived reason white supremacists decide to propagate. Rather, when the continued subjugation of some four million enslaved peoples and the profit it bore to the elite few was threatened by abolition, figures like Davis rallied and attacked Fort Sumter. Men like Davis, Beauregard and Lee came very close to ending the greatest democratic experiment the world has ever seen, subverting every liberal value espoused by the founding documents. As Confederate vice president Alexander Stephens said weeks before the Civil War’s outbreak, “That we, in maintaining slavery as it exists with us, were warring against a principle, a principle founded in nature, the principle of the equality of men.” Even by 19th century standards, the Confederacy espoused a perverted worldview that was morally abhorrent. Some believe the removal of New Orleans’ monuments may set a dangerous precedent for the removal of other historical markers. For instance, who is to say that the statue of former President Andrew Jackson in Jackson Square will not be removed? While not a Confederate general, he would be, by today’s standards, a war criminal for his role in moving thousands of Native Americans in the bloody “Trail of Tears.” In fact, a small minority may even make the argument that the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. ought to be removed because they commemorate the lives of slaveholders. While I would be against such measures, I do not see any reason for immediate concern for two reasons. First, there are no major movements to remove monuments in dedication to American heroes. Second, even if there was one, it is unlikely it would be powerful enough for policymakers to consider, because it would cause major political backlash, and it would be a significant departure from American tradition. What lays before the city of New Orleans, though, is a battle for its soul. Mayor Mitch Landrieu and the city council, along with the citizens that voted them into office, are winning a decisive victory this year against the vicious legacy of white supremacy. However, a group that continues to mistake an old, hateful regime for a righteous one threatens to bring New Orleans back to the 1800s through violence in the city streets. I continue to have faith in the civic leaders and the counter-protesters back home who have demonstrated immeasurable courage in supporting the rule of law by a democratically elected government. Ultimately, their side will end up on the right side of history.
THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017
Article 9 does not pass in town meeting ballot vote with the College.” “The impetus of [Article 9] corporation president George Faux was the town putting forth an ’84 said. amendment to the ordinance that He added that as the president of was going to tighten up the definition a recognized organization, he values of ‘student residence’ in a way that the benefits of recognition. Faux we felt was disadvantageous to those said that he expects the mutually who hold private property,” Faux beneficial relationship between the said. College and the Greek system to Voting occurred Tuesday from continue in the long run. 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Hanover High Fa u x s a i d School, and the that the public “[Article 9] was results were posted perceived Article on the Hanover 9 through a lens a legislative path town website at 2:45 focused on the to clarify our a.m. Wednesday rivalry between During relationship with the morning. the College the voting period, and the Greek town.” students carpooled system, the town and took chartered and the Greek buses to the polling system or the -GEORGE FAUX ’84, area, while multiple College and its PHI DELTA ALPHA Greek houses hosted situation with barbecues along CORPORATION AD and SAE. Webster Avenue to However, he said PRESIDENT encourage students that Article 9 to vote. covered a much The zoning broader scope. ordinance has “SAE and two definitions for AD are taking student residences, a judicial path to managing their distinguishing residences in the challenges or their issues with the institutional district from those College,” Faux said. “[Article 9] in residential districts. Both of was a legislative path to clarify our those definitions labeled student relationship with the town.” residences as any building occupied He added that Article 9 was “not by students in affiliation with the necessarily a house having an issue College. Article 9 proposed one FROM VOTE PAGE 1
Conference focuses on building self-confidence
most girls stepped forward in response to the final question, Gold said Link Up hosts this which asked if the participants had conference to give girls an opportunity been dishonest during the activity, to develop support networks as Han said. She said some girls they navigate adolescence, during might have felt uncomfortable with some of the statements which girls may or uncertain if the e x p e r i e n c e “Middle school statements applied to bullying or body can be a tough them but was glad that image issues. they felt comfortable “Middle school and confusing being self-reflective at can be a tough and time for a lot of the end of the activity. confusing time for Han said this a lot of girls,” Biggs girls.” activity allowed girls said. to see how much they Han said -MELISSA BIGGS ’18, had in common with approximately 20 their peers. student volunteers LINK UP EXECUTIVE “It’s important h e l p e d s e t u p BOARD MEMBER for girls to feel solidarity the conference, [with respect to] their perfor med skits experiences,” she said. and led discussions. She added that Link Up selected this Link Up will incorporate the year’s volunteers from applicants and feedback that it received from this year’s conference into future events, last year’s volunteers. Link Up’s executive board strove Han said. to ensure that this year’s volunteers Biggs added that Link Up changes would represent diverse social its Sister-to-Sister discussion topics each year to ensure that the conference backgrounds, Gold said. During “Step into the Circle,” addresses current and relevant issues.
overall definition, which was “a have to provide themselves, such as building designed for residential fire alarm testing. Had Article 9 been student occupancy, which may passed, the town would have had to include living units with social take over more responsibilities in rooms and kitchen facilities for any ensuring the safety of the buildings. number of students,” eliminating Hanover resident Jason Berry the requirement said that he did of operating “in not want the town conjunction with “I think that it to have to assume another institutional doesn’t seem responsibility use.” for monitoring to make sense Hanover deputy fraternities. fire chief Michael to me to lower “I think that Hinsley said he was the burden of it doesn’t seem sur prised by the to make sense difference in votes monitoring to me to lower cast on the different fraternities the burden of articles at the town monitoring under the town hall, although he fraternities under was happy that so when Dartmouth the town when many Dartmouth assumes it for Dartmouth students turned out assumes it for to participate. While free.” free,” Berry said. Article 9 received A n o t h e r nearly 3,500 votes, Hanover resident, -JASON BERRY, several other articles Helena Witcham, received 2,500 votes HANOVER RESIDENT echoed similar or less. thoughts, saying H i n s l ey n o t e d that Dartmouth that the main impact should be of the vote is that responsible for fraternities, sororities its fraternities, and affinity houses will continue to because the buildings house maintain their ties to the College. Dartmouth students. As a result of this relationship, According to town documents, Hinsley said that Greek houses the Hanover Planning Board receive help from the College for recommended that the amendment services that they would otherwise be disapproved since the Zoning
Board of Adjustment had issued two rulings clarifying the current definitions of student residencies with regard to AD and SAE. According to a College press release, the College also opposed the measure due to the reduced oversight of misconduct by College officials, in addition to possible public safety implications. According to the Planning Board, the proposed Article 9 amendment would have eliminated direct health and safety oversight of student residences, which is currently provided by the College. Faux said sometimes town residents do not appreciate the full contributions that Dartmouth students make to the greater town of Hanover, adding that it is necessary for the College, the town and the students to work together to make the community safer and better, since the “three elements are inextricably linked.” Articles 2 through 8, which were also on the ballot, passed. Article 23, a proposal to commit Hanover to join the “Ready for 100 Action” campaign, moving the town towards a goal of 100 percent renewable energy sources of electricity by 2030 and renewable sources of fuel for heat and transportation by 2050, also passed. Representatives for SAE declined to comment.
Students peruse the Guarini Institute’s study abroad photo contest in Collis Commonground.
THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017
A Frat’s Best Friend?
They’re ideal for Instagram pictures and cuddling, but there’s a darker truth behind fraternity-owned dogs. After midnight, the party in the fraternity basement had simmered to a dull roar. Most bedroom doors were shut so the brothers could get some sleep. I was about to head home from a third floor room when I heard a faint noise from the hall. It was high-pitched, and I thought at first it could be someone crying in the bathroom at the end of the hall. I opened the bedroom door and found a 1-year-old goldador puppy at my feet. The dog was engaging in his nightly routine: whining as he walked his rounds, literally begging for a door to open. I let the pup in. The dog walked right past me and leaped onto the sofa, curled up and went to sleep. With more than 10 dogs living in fraternities right now — Gamma Delta Chi’s three, Kappa Kappa Kappa’s one, Phi Delta Alpha’s one, derecognized Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s three, Sigma Nu’s one and Theta Delta Chi’s one — we have all had our frat pup experience. Whether it’s during the first month on campus flocking for Instagram-worthy pictures with the puppy or at a party where a dog is tied up in the yard or upstairs in a house, we’ve all interacted with these dogs. At a time when administrators and students alike are turning a critical eye to various campus “norms,” the frat dog culture appears to be underdiscussed. The prevalence of fraternity dogs is a relatively Dartmouth-specific phenomena. Friends from home rave about how our dogs have Instagram accounts. It strikes them as remarkable, considering they’ve never heard of so many “frat dogs” elsewhere. Over time, I got to know Titus, the goldador who came to that third floor GDX bedroom, from his best attributes to his triggers and problems. While Titus was the perfect hiking companion and always up for more fetch, he also suffered from outbursts of aggressive behavior. In one more severe incident, he greeted another goldador puppy so violently that the puppy was rushed to emergency care to staple its ear back together. Especially for a lab-golden mix, Titus was exceedingly territorial and consistently found himself in dog fights. In these terrifying scuffles, Titus had no consistent master to turn to for guidance or discipline, because his owner — the fraternity brother tasked with the dog’s primary care — had since changed his mind about taking the dog with him upon graduation. The gaggle of brothers who happened to be present for his more aggressive incidents would responded as best as they could in the moment. But Titus was quickly making a name for himself as a dangerous animal, and there was a point in time where even I believed there was no hope for the dog. I thought his patterns were too consistent, his lashing out was too
extreme — he would eventually succeed in killing a puppy if the right people did not happen to be around. I spoke with Ryan Bullock ’16 about his experience growing up in a household that raised more than 10 foster puppies of various breeds. Bullock’s greatest takeaway from providing for
puppies — from bichons to bloodhounds — is that a dog’s behavior boils down to nurture, not nature. Bullock said that historically, dogs were bred to serve a specific, innate purpose, such as fowl-retrieving for labradors or sled-mushing for huskies. Beyond that enhanced propensity for a certain skill, a puppy is a clean slate, ready to be raised into positive behavior through training and care. Positive and negative reinforcement — the former, being rewards for good behavior; the latter, verbal discipline through coaching or controlled reprimands — are, when underscored by love and care, essential in raising a healthy and happy dog. Domesticated dogs are blank slates at birth, like machines awaiting programming. Bullock believes that the primary factor in a dog’s developmental stages is time, explaining that time must be flexible and ample, during which the single, dedicated owner can provide undivided attention to the animal to establish consistent care and training. Not only does a dog require consistency in learning to sit on command, for example, but the owner must spend time observing the dog’s behavior and offering consistent corrective training, such as teaching the dog to keep out of the street. Bullock said “these teaching moments are critical,” because the owner must observe the dog in its free time to curb the formation of any bad habits, too. So what happens when a dog lacks the key conditions mentioned above, such as time, consistency or an established primary owner? Dogs are forced to navigate unknowns, with their confusion only compounded by the overwhelming stimulation of music, garbage and strangers in a fraternity. In dogs, aggression is the coping mechanism for managing confusing environments and situations. According to Bullock, fraternity dogs’
confusion results from inconsistent reinforcement. A dog’s owner is responsible for knowing where the dog performs well as well as the dog’s personal flaws. Over time, a dedicated owner can easily name improvement points for his dog. Knowing the dog’s individual needs is critical to providing the owner with the
ability to avoid potentially catastrophic situations for the dog, Bullock said. The dog reads confusion as a threat. When the dog enters a confusing situation, the dog falls back on what it knows: its instinctual response to a threat. A switch flips to survival mode because the dog does not know how to navigate the situation as an owner would want. Imagine that you are taking a class, but instead of the course being taught by one professor, you are expected to learn from 30 professors simultaneously. These professors vary in patience and friendliness, and they often offer conflicting messages on what is due and when. Some reward you for the exact work that others deem a failure. Confusing, maddening — a structure doomed to fail. Frustration makes us irritable. Feeling out of control elicits anger. The environment inherently offered by the structure of a fraternity is insufficient for a dog’s healthy development, regardless of the owner’s love for the dog. “A well-trained dog in the same situation would not behave aggressively,” said Bullock, of Titus’ desperate behavior. “Proper positive and negative reinforcement would have given the dog the proper tools to know how to behave in that situation and not feel so threatened by the puppy in the first place. Even with well-trained dogs, though, the owner should know the dog’s triggers and work to avoid them, primarily for the emotional sake of the dog but also for others who could be endangered if things go poorly.” In college, we experience love as enjoyment. With maximum freedom and minimal responsibilities, we spend our time making memories and enjoying those moments. It is difficult to anticipate the investment necessary to provide for a pet, when love demands a new form. Love, with an animal as well as with a child, is selflessly giving and providing for its needs. The responsibility of caring for a service dog,
for example, is immense, Staci Mannella ’18 noted. With a dog, you get what you give. For Mannella, that is imperative. She explained that if her service dog, Smidge, did not provide her the service of getting her from her dorm to her classroom, she would not be able to function on campus. Smidge is the epitome of a well-trained, obedient dog, yet Mannella also noted, “the closest Smidge will ever get to a fraternity is the [Kappa Delta Epsilon sorority] sisters-only room.” As a dog owner, Mannella needs to know Smidge well enough to know which situations could trigger her to feel that her comfort or safety are threatened, she said. Mannella works to avoid those situations at all costs. “I do not take her into fraternities because I know it’s an environment in which she won’t do well,” she said. Being a dog owner is a two-way street, requiring Mannella to invest in Smidge’s needs so that she can perform essential services, Mannella said. Mannella and Smidge offer a high-stake example, but we find the same “two-way-street” dynamic in all dog-owner relationships. When a dog lacks consistent love and discipline, it cannot provide love in return or perform. In some dogs, “performance” means fetching tennis balls, returning to an owner when summoned and not running out of the yard. For the lonely goldador with no feeding schedule, no bed and no owner to rely on, the coping became severe. Titus suffered from violent outbursts as a function of his upbringing, not his personality. At his core, Titus was no different than any other lovable lab: a gentle animal with no malicious intent or desire for aggression. D o g s d o n’t come out of the litter aggressive or unable to greet puppies without attacking them in desperation. Titus’ responses were the best way he knew for navigating his confusion. Because a dog has a clean slate, it is the owner’s responsibility to build a structured life for the dog. In this way, the environment, in combination with basic training, allows the dog to feel as though it can succeed. We can imagine the kind of mental state a dog must enter when it has no confidence in being fed that day. We cannot blame Titus for lashing out in aggression when he did not have a single owner but an assortment of people who provided for him occasionally — and in different ways. Although a dog’s behavior is a direct function of nurture, it is unfortunately the dog who will be held accountable for any misdeeds. According to residential operations associate director Bernard Haskell, the College has no grounds to interfere in the fraternity dog situation. Only when three police reports are filed against an animal will legal intervention proceed. This exact escalation occurred with a tragic SEE DOGS PAGE 7
THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017
Roberts: The Danger of Frat Dogs FROM DOGS PAGE 6
end in 2010. Louis Concato ’14 was a freshman when he and some friends walked through the front lawn of the now-derecognized Alpha Delta fraternity. Some leftovers from a barbecue were on Concato’s pants, and the ketchup attracted AD’s golden retriever to his leg. Concato greeted the puppy, moving to pet the pup, when the dog suddenly latched onto his leg, sinking his teeth in. The dog ripped through Concato’s jeans and into his calf muscle. Concato was hospitalized for several days as a result of the injury. Because this was not the first violent incident involving this specific golden retriever, the dog was immediately put down. This could have been Titus’ fate. A year ago, I would have guessed that was his inevitable end. However, one member of the fraternity interfered. Knowing that Titus was going to be left indefinitely at the fraternity, Sawyer Whalen ’16 volunteered to take Titus home with him just days before 2016 graduation. After a few rounds of de-worming meds and a little dieting, Titus is healthy in his new home. He proudly struts his toys around the house and has his own bed to retreat to as a safe space or nap spot. Now, he frequents doggy daycare and dog parks where he fetches and frolics without incident among other dogs and puppies. This incredible turnaround was achieved without any hired training or timeintensive intervention. By building a structured world around Titus and offering him consistency, he can now successfully navigate the lay of the land. In this home, he is one happy dog. Bullock raised concerns about reconciling the chaotic, busy life of a college student with the needs of a young dog. The demanding schedule of a college student does not realistically provide a student with the bandwidth for proper dog parenting, he said. Meanwhile, accountability — for both dog and owner — is the chief
concern during the first two years of a dog’s “puppy” life. The “it takes a village” mentality can make the responsibility of dog ownership appear more feasible, but when was the last time a group project successfully shared a workload equally? When all responsibility inevitably falls on the dog’s legal owner, the owner is still just one person of hundreds with whom the dog interacts each day. Any positive or negative reinforcement received in the dog’s limited time with its owner is immediately undermined by the dog’s interactions with others. It is this inconsistency during the dog’s developmental stages that prevents it from learning rules about its world, and fraternity dogs end up generally undercared for and undertrained. Are the dogs being abused? Rarely. Are the dogs surviving? Mostly. Are the dogs living a life with consistent love and discipline? In a fraternity, the answer will always be “no.” The physical health of fraternity dogs is just as vulnerable as their psychological development. Bodie, a black lab — less than 2 years old — was put down after three malignant tumors were found. Moose, Bernese mountain dog, was paralyzed after a car accident at just a few months old. But some fraternities make more positive decisions. I adopted a Siberian husky when GDX, the fraternity that owned Riggins, determined that leaving the fraternity environment was in the dog’s best interest. These stories seem to be treated as isolated outcomes, but there must be a solution across the board. One member asked GDX to vote on a proposed solution: Assign the dog owner to live in a designated room in the fraternity throughout the entire time the dog lives as a frat house dog. That way, the dog can establish a relationship with its master, develop a consistent daily routine and feel loved in an established space. This proposal was voted upon — and rejected. Seniors and juniors did not want to surrender one bedroom to an underclassman. Evidently, the
benefit of maintaining all bedrooms for upperclassman members exclusively outweighs the benefit of a consistent living space and owner relationship for the communal pet. The College conducts inspections of the Greek houses for fire code compliance and other safety regulations, but there exists no dogoriented regulations, Haskell said. There are no criteria by which to hold a fraternity accountable for the environmental factors — including chemicals and garbage — that influence their dogs’ lives. In short, there exists no pass/fail grade as to whether the house can safely or humanely foster a dog. Even if a benchmark existed, there is no current College policy granting leverage for the school to enforce repercussions. Fraternity members used to joke that Titus always avoided eye contact, being too obsessed with the tennis ball or fraternity members’ leftovers to pay students much attention. When I let a crying Titus into that third floor bedroom for a place to sleep, he blew right by me and didn’t look back. The sad reality is that Titus emotionally distanced himself to cope. He was in survival mode, but can we blame him? Why become invested in relying on one brother when he is never around and, one day, is no longer your self-proclaimed owner? Why trust people, who are so confusing and beat you and praise you and feed you in unpredictable ways? Bullock put it best, saying: “There’s nothing more sad than looking into a dog’s eyes, and you just don’t see a dog there.” Roberts is a member of the Class of 2016. She currently lives with two former fraternityowned dogs. The Dartmouth welcomes guest columns. We request that guest columns be the original work of the submitter. Submissions may be sent to both opinion@ thedartmouth.com and editor@thedartmouth. com. Submissions will receive a response within three business days.
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3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Lecture: “Hieroglyphs of Blackness: Egypt, Fantasy and the American Imaginary,” with Northwestern University professor Ivy Wilson, Dartmouth Hall 206
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Creative Writing Prize Ceremony with author Aimee Phan, Sanborn Library, Sanborn House
4:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Lecture: “‘Arguing Around Toussaint’: The Black Jacobin in an Age of Revolutions,” with University of Liverpool professor Charles Forsdick, Carson Hall L01
3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Colloquium: “Fabry-Perot Microcavities for Diamond Photonics,” with McGill University professor Lilian Childress, Wilder 104
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sapientia Lecture: “Kant’s Infinities,” with Wesleyan University professor Daniel Smyth, Thornton Hall 103
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Film: “Table 19,” directed by Jeffrey Blitz, Loew Auditorium, Black Family Visual Arts Center RELEASE DATE– Thursday, May 11, 2017
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
ACROSS 1 Eye-related prefix 5 Acht minus sechs 9 Con 13 Rock guitarist Eddy 15 Make 16 Dracula costume item 17 Workshop sticker 19 Major in astronomy? 20 64-Across’s realm 21 Pacified 23 CBS maritime drama 26 Lay bare 27 Kitchen sticker 32 Personal assistant 33 “Zounds!” 34 __ Mahal 37 Had already learned 38 City north of Memphis 39 Pacific island where much of “Lost” was filmed 40 Scrape (out) 41 “Wheel of Fortune” name 42 Half-note feature 43 Mailroom sticker 46 Kicks out 49 Water source 50 I-15 city between Los Angeles and Las Vegas 52 Service interruption 57 Stage direction 58 Desk-bottom sticker 61 Icy coating 62 Numbers game 63 Knife hawked on infomercials 64 Old despot 65 Try to find 66 Is appropriate DOWN 1 River through Frankfurt 2 __ platter 3 City near Ghost Ranch, a favorite Georgia O’Keeffe retreat
4 “Devil Inside” band 5 Crazy consonant? 6 Used to be 7 La Salle of “Under the Dome” 8 Subtle slur 9 Make busts 10 Producer Ponti 11 Spots for religious statues 12 Civil War general 14 Getting a good look at 18 10K, say 22 They may not be on speaking terms 24 Clarifying words 25 City “it took me four days to hitchhike from,” in Paul Simon’s “America” 27 Hoops move 28 Zamboni domain 29 __ fixe 30 Meadow drops 31 Parking place 34 “Cheerio!” 35 “Shh!” relative
36 Head start 38 Full-length clerical garments 39 East of Essen 41 Electric Chevy 43 Annoy 44 Childlike race in “The Time Machine” 45 Thrown 46 Critic Roger 47 Line on which y=0
48 Ballerina descriptor 51 “This is fun!” 53 “What a brutal week!” 54 Lambs, in Latin 55 A strong one may invert an umbrella 56 Big birds 59 Hydrocarbon suffix 60 Asian pan
By Mark McClain ©2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017
Boston Calling to utilize new venue, feature Chance the Rapper art, comedy and performing artists spans a wide range of interests The Dartmouth Senior Staff because Boston Calling considers Students worried that the itself a festival that appeals to weekend after Green Key is sure everyone. to be disappointing may want “Our goal is to reach everyone,” to consider traveling down to Couture said. “We try to form a Harvard University to get another whole musical culture so you come outdoor music to our festival for fix. Starting the experience. this year, the “Our goal is to We try to cater to music festival reach everyone. We families, we find Boston Calling try to form a whole c h i l d - f r i e n d l y will take place activities to do at the Harvard musical culture so on site. We try to A t h l e t i c you come to our reach people who Complex, a just want to go to m ove t h a t i s festival for the a local show … as t h e re s u l t o f experience.” well as the people increasing who are the dieinterest in the hard fans of our f e s t i v a l . T h e -LINDSEY COUTURE, headliners.” new location, BOSTON CALLING With headliners though, is not including Chance the only change MARKETING DIRECTOR the Rapper, Bon in this year’s Iver, Mumford & Boston Calling, Sons and Major which has also Lazer, this year’s expanded to festival is likely to include comedy acts, a film attract concert lovers in the New component and a visual art England area and fans of the big component. names. Dartmouth students are “ [ T h i s e x p a n s i o n ] c a m e often both — Ryan Hyon ’17, who naturally with the move to the new plans to attend the festival this year, space,” Boston Calling marketing said that he was initially attracted director Lindsey Couture said. to Boston Calling both because “Our new site … is about four The xx will be there and because times the size of our previous it has been several years since he festival grounds. They have indoor has attended a festival. Now that spaces and just way more areas he has made plans to attend the that we can utilize and expand our concert with 10 to 15 friends, he has programming.” been listening to music from more The festival, which began in of the artists in the lineup. Francis 2013, is a three-day event that & the Lights, which recorded the was previously held in Boston’s song “Friends” with Bon Iver, is City Hall Plaza. While the extra a particular new favorite act of space has the primary purpose of Hyon’s. attracting bigger-name artists and Couture is also excited to see accommodating the bigger crowds Francis & the Lights, calling it that come with them, Couture “up-and-coming.” Both Hyon and said, it has also given site designer Couture are longtime fans of Bon Russ Bennett more flexibility to be Iver, as well, and hope that the two creative with the festival’s visual acts will perform “Friends” onstage components. For example, Bennett together at Boston Calling. chose lyrics from each of the 45 “[Bon Iver and Francis & the artists set to perform at this year’s Lights] are all friends with Chance, Boston Calling and incorporated too, which is an added bonus,” them throughout the festival Couture said. venue. Additionally, the festival Curating the lineup for a music commissioned a mural intended festival is both an art and a science, to celebrate the multiculturalism Couture explained. of the city of Boston. “The whole curating process “We know the arts are very begins about a year or so prior to big in this area, and we certainly the festival,” Couture said. “It is appreciate it,” Couture said. an unknown when you’re booking The combination of the visual like a year in advance. There are
those headliners that are always pumping out hits, but there are also those groups that you hope will continue to rise and grab people’s attention.” W h i l e C o u t u re ex p l a i n e d that Boston Calling’s primary aim when selecting performers is to create a musically diverse lineup, the festival has had prior success in selecting acts on the verge of making it big, meaning that the acts will be quite popular by the time the festival actually occurs a year after the selection process. Couture said that Boston
Calling booked Chance before the skyrocket success of his 2016 album “Coloring Book.” She added that the festival similarly “[got] lucky” when it booked fun. in 2012, just prior to the group’s increased popularity following the release of singles “Some Nights” and “We Are Young,” for the Boston Calling spring 2013 lineup. “Most festivals seem to have a lot of pop and EDM,” Hyon said. “The lineup seems to be pretty mellow, good [vibes]-type of music. They’re curating a festival that was exactly what I was looking for when
I bought the tickets.” White River Junction resident Lucy Shelton, who attended Boston Calling two years ago and called it “an incredible experience,” also feels that the festival’s lineup is a standout among musical festivals. “A lot of New England music festivals just have one day of really good groups and then two days of stuff nobody cares about,” Shelton said. “Boston Calling is consistently strong for the whole weekend.” This spring’s festival will take place from May 26 to 28. Ticket prices start at $99.
The Barbary Coast Jazz Ensemble rehearses for its spring concert, director Don Glasgo’s last with the group.