Winter Carnival incident reports decrease
The Dartmouth Staff
This year, Safety and Security received 33 incident reports, down from 43 last year.
A College committee will investigate future options for the Hanover Country Club golf course, which could involve modifying the course, continuing current operations or shutting down the golf course completely. The Golf Course Advisory Committee is chaired by C h a rl e s W h e e l a n ’ 8 8 , a
professor of public policy and former varsity golfer at the College. The 12-person committee also includes former members of the Dartmouth golf team, athletics department representatives, members of the country club and other re p re s e n t at i ve s f ro m t h e College and town of Hanover. According to a College press release, the course has lost an average of $595,000 per year over the last four years and has
DALI Lab earns architecture award
College appoints golf course advisory committee The Dartmouth
This year’s Winter Carnival featured quintessential Carnival events, including the human dogsled races and an ice sculpture contest. However, breaking with tradition, the weekend saw only 33 incident reports — a decrease from 43 incidents last year, 52 incidents in
2016, according to an email s t at e m e n t f ro m i n t e r i m d i re c t o r o f S a f e t y a n d Security Keysi Montás. Montás wrote that only two people were transported to Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, while six were transported to Dick’s House. Last year, five people were transported to DHMC
The Dartmouth Staff
When the Digital Arts, Leadership and Innovation Lab decided to move into a new space in the basement of Sudikoff Lab last year, the space needed a makeover — it needed an architectural design that refl ected and encouraged the creative culture of DALI. Studio Nexus Architects and Planners,
a small firm in White River Junction, took on the challenge in fall 2015. The firm was recently recognized for their work by the New Hampshire chapter of the American Institute of Architects. “[DALI wasn’t] looking for just a typical classroom renovation,” Studio Nexus principal Doug Sonsalla said. “They were looking for something more inspiring.” SEE DALI PAGE 3
seen its membership drop from 551 in 2012 to around 300 in 2016. Wheelan said that the committee will gather information from as many sources as possible, possibly including consultants and golf management companies, to inform those in charge of making decisions about the golf course’s future. SEE GOLF PAGE 5
The committee will consider several options for the course.
Professors weigh in on video manipulation
By BERIT SVENSON The Dartmouth
A series of videos called “deepfakes,” made using technology that allows users to digitally superimpose a person’s face onto someone else’s body, has sparked discussion about how they will affect the future credibility of media outlets. The propagation of such videos has concerned Dartmouth professors, including computer science professor Hany Farid, who attended the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency media forensics program meeting in January. Software called FakeApp, released in January, makes it easy for people to create these “deepfake” videos. The software allows users to choose a single video that they would like to alter in addition to a number of images of the individual they want to see superimposed onto the person in the video. The software subsequently goes through the image collection, synthesizing the pictures SEE VIDEOS PAGE 5
Research team creates science ‘boxes’ for low-income students
According to Tine, the research Tine said one challenge this team will randomly select public project presents is tracking if the The Dartmouth schools in rural areas of New students actually engage with the As a fifth-grade teacher in Hampshire and Vermont that must kits. Chelsea, Massachusetts, a working meet two objective measures: the Lenihan added that another class community outside of Boston, school must be located in a rural dif ficulty is finding suitable education professor Michele Tine area with a population below a experiments to include in the kits. experienced firsthand the disparity certain threshold and the median The research project will depend in resources between rural and household income of 75 percent on self-reported measures from urban public schools. of the students at the school must families and students to track their Motivated by what she saw be at or below the national poverty engagement, according to Tine. last year, Tine and her three line. “ T h e r e h ave b e e n s o m e undergraduate research assistants Lenihan said she joined Tine’s challenges with coming up with — Clara Batchelder ’19, Sophie research team in winter 2017 the ideas for each box and thinking Lenihan ’20 and Sonia Rowley through the internship program of what is feasible for the four of ’19 — began designing science offered by the Women in Science us to make and send out in all of kits for seventh-grade students Project, which matches women these boxes,” Lenihan said. from disadvantaged rural areas in i n t e re s t e d i n Tine said there collaboration with the Montshire S T E M f i e l d s i s l e s s re s e a rch Museum of Science in Norwich, t o o n g o i n g “There have been conducted on kids Ver mont to provide students faculty research some challenges from impoverished with an out-of-school STEM p r o j e c t s . with coming up with r u r a l r e g i o n s experience. Tine named these kits Tine had the compared to their “Build-It Boxes.” undergraduate the ideas for each urban peers because Her teaching experience in r e s e a r c h box and thinking most research Chelsea inspired much of her assistants help institutions exist in current research program, which h e r w i t h a of what is feasible urban areas. focuses on identifying cognitive grant proposal, for the four of us T h i s i s processes that may underlie the thinking of ideas p r o b l e m a t i c to make and send income achievement gap and then for experiments because many creating interventions to address to include in the out in all of these research findings them, Tine said. kits and coming boxes.” o f p ov e r t y a r e The project is currently in the up with a name generalized to development phase, as the research for the project, rural populations team prototypes and creates the Lenihan said. -SOPHIE LENIHAN ’20 when in reality, the Build-It Boxes, she said. The team is “We hit the populations face developing 12 kits to be sent to kids ground running different stressors, growing up in poverty over a year. this past fall ... [when] we bought according to Tine. However before the kids receive the similar kits ... that are usually much Motivated by this disconnect in kits, the team will collect baseline more expensive ... to see what research, the Build-It Box project measurements of engagement and type of experiments they were looks at the different needs of knowledge, Tine said. doing, and we worked with the students living in rural poverty and After a year Montshire Science specific ways to support them, she the team will “You can be a Museum down the said. g at h e r p o s t street and they helped “One of those needs is access to test measures really good science us create some [of our really stimulating STEM activities, from t h e student, but not own] kits,” she said. which is aligned with the fact that experimental L e n i h a n particular populations of kids in consider yourself group and and Rowley then rural poverty show some of the control group, a scientist or be c r e a t e d c a r d s lowest levels in STEM engagement, which will also engaged and excited w i t h i n s t r u c t i o n s [even] lower than their urban take the pret h a t e x p l a i n t h e counterparts,” Tine said. test measures about science, and science behind the A c c o r d i n g t o T i n e, t h e but will not vice versa.” e x p e r i m e n t s t o research team would like to see receive the i n c l u d e w i t h t h e an improvement in the students’ monthly kits, kits, according to engagement and attitude towards i n o r d e r t o -MICHELE TINE, Lenihan. STEM, which will be evaluated determine the EDUCATION Batchelder said with preexisting tests in the impact of the she started working education field. The tests will focus PROFESSOR project. with Tine in summer on STEM engagement, attitude While she 2017 as part of the and identity, which look at how hopes to start James O. Freedman students approach the subject field, shipping the boxes to the students’ Presidential Scholars research Tine said. homes before the summer begins, program, becoming interested in “You can be a really good Tine said this depends on when the education field after taking science student, but not consider the project receives approval from Tine’s course, Education 1, “The yourself a scientist or be engaged the College’s Institutional Review Learning Brain: Introduction and excited about science, and vice Board. t o C h i l d D eve l o p m e n t a n d versa,” she said. “The hope is that “We hope to [enroll] almost 300 Education,” during her freshman this could be scaled up, so if we see students [in the program],” Tine fall. improvement with these seventh said. “150 [students] will get the As a research assistant, Batchelder graders, I would love to scale it out kits once a month for a year and said she focused on analyzing data across the developmental spectrum the other 150 [students] will get all from similar learning interventions down to elementary school students kits but a year later.” in STEM. and up to high school students.”
CORRECTIONS We welcome corrections. If you believe there is a factual error in a story, please email editor@thedartmouth.com. Correction Appended (Feb. 15, 2018): The Feb. 13 article “Alumnus resigns over College response to ending of DACA” originally stated that the “Women of Dartmouth” alumni group has been trying to create a fund supporting undocumented students. The article has been corrected to clarify that members of the Facebook group “Women of Dartmouth | Unofficial,” which is not affiliated with the College’s alumni relations office, discussed the potential fund.
Winter Carnival sees DALI Lab wins architecture award fewer incident reports
melting clocks. spaces of the lab. They also created “Taking those two surrealistic a curved bar area with a similarly Studio Nexus won a Citation concepts and bringing them into shaped soffit in the ceiling above, Award, courtesy of the New the space in a creative way that Tregubov said. Hampshire AIA, on Jan. 5, exemplified their mission, which Wassar said he enjoyed working recognizing a small building was to be creative and foster on this architectural project. designed by a small firm. Studio students to be creative with their “It’s not all the time that we can Nexus believed the DALI Lab digital arts,” Sonsalla said. say projects are fun, and [this one] design stood out and applied for John Kotz ’19 has been involved was,” he said. “It was just a great the design award, according to with DALI since collaboration Jim Wassar, another Studio Nexus his freshman “I think part of and a successful principal. year and has product.” The prize is awarded based worked in both design is not being Kotz on “aesthetics, clarity, creativity, the old and new judgmental, and I said the new a p p r o p r i a t e f u n c t i o n a l i t y, lab spaces. He lab is “brighter” feel like I’m not being s u s t a i n a b i l i t y, b u i l d i n g s a i d t h e o l d than the performance, and appropriateness space, on an judged in this space.” previous one with regard to fulfilling the client’s upper floor of and he has program,” according to the New Sudikoff, was noticed that Hampshire AIA website. much smaller -LUISA VASQUEZ ’18 more students “We thought this was a really a n d “ m o r e have been good project that had a lot of r e c t a n g u l a r ” utilizing the creativity,” Sonsalla said. than the new space. Wassar said the firm felt confident space. Kotz said meetings in the DALI core member Luisa about the award. The principals space were difficult, because of Vasquez ’18 said the colors, glass believed they had found the right the lack of a distinction between and rustic feel make the new lab amount of creativity, without going rooms. feel welcoming. “overboard,” in a way that made Loeb agreed that the old space “I think part of design is not the space work, he said. “got really loud really fast” because being judgmental, and I feel like The DALI Lab officially moved of its shape and design, often I’m not being judged in this space,” to its new location in September discouraging groups from meeting she said. 2016. in the lab. Vasquez said DALI has become a DALI co-founder and executive In search of a new space after community for her during her time director and computer science DALI had outgrown its old space, at Dartmouth and the popularity professor Lorie Loeb explained DALI co-founder and director of the new space is an important that in its new Tim Tregubov aspect of this community. location, the “When we think about saw potential In addition to project meetings, lab wanted to i n t wo f i r s t - Vasquez added that the new the architecture of a create a space floor Sudikoff DALI space provides a place for that reflected space, you think about lab spaces. The homework and DALI work, as well the kind of work how it contributes to labs had ceilings as community building activities DALI students as low as seven like sharing meals or watching the the work that’s being do. or eight feet, Olympics on high-resolution lab “When we done, and the overall Tregubov said, televisions. think about the and humidity Tregubov encouraged students culture of the space.” architecture of problems that to use the DALI space multiple a space, you resulted in mold ways. He said the dif ferent think about how -LORIE LOEB, DALI in some places. sections of the lab are important it contributes to “I was in encouraging students to create the work that’s CO-FOUNDER AND looking at it community. For example, the b e i n g d o n e , EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR one day and addition of a kitchen is important, and the overall AND COMPUTER SCIENCE thinking how since “community is motivated by culture of the underutilized it food.” space,” Loeb PROFESSOR was and how As a whole, Sonsalla explained, said. “So for this dismal, and I the lab mirrored a house, with a lab, it needed to lifted up one of “living room” area with couches be a place where the ceiling tiles and a TV, a large collaborative people felt inspired and creative, … and there was like five feet above table similar to a dining room that had a high-tech feel to it, and it,” he said. near the front of the space and sort of a start-up vibe.” With funding from the computer the kitchen and “pods,” or smaller The statement accompanying science department and the dean study and conference rooms, the award on the New Hampshire of the faculty, the transformation further in the back. AIA website echoes this connection began, he said. Vasquez said that the layout of between the space and student Loeb and Tregubov both the lab allows for easy peer-to-peer creativity and innovation. expressed how much they enjoyed conversation and mentoring, while “With an industrial ‘start- working with Studio Nexus. also allowing space for quiet work. up’ sensibility, the space fosters Tregubov said the firm was able Loeb said she sees the renovation communication, collaboration and to see things in the space he and as successful because of the the free exchange of ideas,” the Loeb did not know to look for. increase in use of the lab. website states. “What was great about [Studio “As soon as we moved in here, According to Sonsalla, Studio Nexus] was they had a good sense of we were out of space,” she said. Nexus used images and themes the flow [of people moving through “We’d already maxed out our space that reflected the sensibility of the space],” Loeb said. because the better space meant artist Salvador Dalí to create For example, the firm built students really did work in here. this environment of innovation, soffits, or eaves, in the ceilings to We used to have to encourage including the curved lines of divide the space into “rooms” and students to work in the lab — now Dalí’s iconic mustache and famous provide visual division between the they want to be here.” FROM DALI PAGE 1
Hill skiing course races and dogsled races stood out as the weekend’s and six were transported to Dick’s highlights. House. The number of liquor law He said that the opening violations also decreased from 11 ceremony was especially successful last year to eight this year, Montás because members of the 501st Legion, a fan-based “Star Wars” wrote. Montás did not expand on why costuming organization, attended and because the he believes that committee’s the number of “It was a ton of fun space-themed violations went construction down this year. having so many project at H a n o v e r people come down Collis Common P o l i c e Ground turned l i e u t e n a n t and [partake in] that out well. Scott Rathburn tradition.” Ru b e said that his explained that department the Oak Hill m a d e t h r e e -MATTHEW RUBE ’19 races were a arrests related significant draw to Winter for students Carnival over because of the weekend, higher snowfall totals and the Big down from four arrests last year. Rathburn said that two of Green’s carnival win. This year, the arrests were for intoxication, Dartmouth’s skiing teams secured wh i l e o n e a r re s t w a s fo r a their first Dartmouth Carnival victory since 2010. misrepresentation of age. Rathbur n said that these Rube said more than 500 numbers were not out of the students participated in this year’s ordinary for a normal weekend in polar bear swim, consistent with the number of participants last Hanover. “Winter Carnival seemed to go year and significantly up from fine,” he said. “It’s always nice to 100 participants in 2016, when see that [the number of incidents] the swim took place outside of the Collis Center due to unseasonably didn’t necessarily spike.” Office of Student Life intern warm temperatures. and Winter Carnival committee “It was a ton of fun having m em ber M atth ew Rube ’19 so many people come down and said that the Carnival’s opening [partake in] that tradition,” he ceremony, polar bear swim, Oak said. FROM CARNIVAL PAGE 1
A Green Olympics
You’re Not Woke
Students should support fellow Olympians while building community. Last Friday, 15 current and former Dartmouth athletes and two head coaches marched in the opening ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics at Pyeongchang, South Korea. Undergraduates Tricia Mangan ’19 and Alice Merryweather ’21 were added to the U.S. Alpine ski team just days before the official start of the games, while Paralympian Staci Mannella ’18 is scheduled to compete in March. In total, 18 Dartmouth representatives will participate in the Olympics this year, the most in a single Games in College history. This is an exciting time for the Dartmouth community, but it is also an opportunity to embody the spirit and values of the games while fostering a more welcoming atmosphere as a campus. Winter is especially meaningful at Dartmouth. The community’s attachment to the season goes beyond idyllic images of the campus enveloped in snow. Winter Carnival symbolizes the community’s energy, talent and commitment to its traditions. Even the frigid air, few hours of sunlight and seasonal affective disorder may lead students to bond with peers. The collective struggle of surviving a Hanover winter can have the unexpected benefit of bringing people together. This year’s Winter Olympic Games are at first sight a show of unity. North and South Korean athletes marched under the same flag in the opening ceremony — the two countries have not done so at any Olympic games in the last 12 years. In an unprecedented move, the countries also fielded a joint women’s hockey team. This spirit of collaboration set a tone of unity, which our community can learn to embody more fully. However, appreciating the Olympic spirit and supporting Dartmouth athletes must occur with the acknowledgment that neither Dartmouth nor the Olympics are without fault. Both inadvertently benefit those born with certain privileges. Both preserve potentially harmful power dynamics. And both can benefit from becoming more diverse, inclusive and supportive. The impact of climate change on the future of winter Olympics may also be devastating, and Dartmouth may soon feel its impact. A team of researchers led by Daniel Scott, a geography professor at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, found that by midcentury, nine of 21 former Winter Olympic host cities may not be reliably cold enough to sustain the games. Their model
factors in the ability to produce snow artificially, but that option is far from a satisfactory solution. Climate change would also reduce the number of locations where and the time during which winter athletes can train. Scott’s team predicts that some ski locations in the United States could “see seasons 50 percent shorter by 2050 and 80 percent shorter by 2090.” All aspiring Olympic athletes could face substantial obstacles in the future — but those who lack the resources to move to colder cities or travel frequently because their local hills and ponds are no longer suitable will face the worst repercussions. Students’ appreciation and love for winter sports thus ought to serve as the foundation for a stronger commitment to protect opportunities for future generations. The Dartmouth community has much to be grateful for, and its Olympic athletes will be recognized for their talents. Yet students should also be mindful and supportive toward peers whose Olympic dreams did not come true, despite comparable hard work and talent, and toward those who might have lacked the financial resources or community support to pursue those dreams from the start. Re-examining how both the Dartmouth community and the Olympic pipeline fall short is imperative to creating a better, more caring and more enabling campus culture. When thinking about the future of the environment and the existence of these activities in the next few decades, students can also pledge to do more on both an individual and campus level. Efforts to reduce Dartmouth’s carbon footprint are critical in the fight to ensure future aspiring Olympians are able to pursue their dreams. The 2018 Olympic Games are a moment of pride for Dartmouth. That moment can also prompt a deeper reflection on privilege and responsibility. Students can support Dartmouth Olympians by watching their performances, sending messages of support and contributing to visible displays of encouragement on campus. But those actions should extend to a long-term promise to future generations. The solidarity and spirit of the Olympics can bring the campus together — especially if students choose to capitalize on it. The editorial board consists of opinion staff columnists, the opinion editors, the associate opinion editor, both executive editors and the editor-in-chief.
6175 ROBINSON HALL, HANOVER N.H. 03755 • (603) 646-2600
& ZIQIN YUAN, Opinion Editors
PHILIP RASANSKY, Publisher ERIN LEE, Executive Editor ALEXA GREEN, Managing Editor AMANDA ZHOU, Managing Editor BUSINESS DIRECTORS ALFREDO GURMENDI, Finance & Strategy Director ROSHNI CHANDWANI, Finance & Strategy Director SHINAR JAIN, Advertising Director KELLY CHEN, Product Development Director ELYSE KUO, Product Development Director EMMA MARSANO, Marketing & Communications Director MATTHEW GOBIN, Technology Director PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR TIFFANY ZHAI MULTIMEDIA EDITOR JESSICA CAMPANILE
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Elise Higgins, Divya Kopalle, Joyce Lee, Michael Lin, Tyler Malbreaux
ISSUE NEWS LAYOUT: Julian Nathan SUBMISSIONS: We welcome letters and guest columns. All submissions must include the author’s name and affiliation with Dartmouth College, and should not exceed 250 words for letters or 700 words for columns. The Dartmouth reserves the right to edit all material before publication. All material submitted becomes property of The Dartmouth. Please email submissions to editor@thedartmouth.com.
Letters of solidarity do not change the experiences of marginalized students. Like many of my peers, I was baffled at the guest column published in The Dartmouth claiming that it was implausible that this year’s First-Year Trips director and assistant director could have disproportionately selected women for the Trips directorate based on merit alone. The author of the column “You’re Not Tripping” has every right to hold his views, but I am not going to legitimize them by repeating them here. A binary seems to have been created where one can either support the author’s right to free speech — whether or not an individual agrees with his views — and thus are normalizing the views expressed in the column or stand in “solidarity” with minorities and women on campus through allegedly woke keyboard activism. I would like to offer a third approach. Instead of making the controversy over this column about them, their conspicuous “woke-ness” and the organizations they are a part of, students should highlight and support in word and deed the ongoing bottom-up work done by students and student organizations dealing with representation, advocacy and protection of minorities, LGBTQIA+ students, people of color, women and low-income students. The views expressed in “You’re Not Tripping” have received excessive attention, and the author will have to live knowing that these statements are a record of his immaturity and entitlement. That this column was published amidst the “Me Too” movement and at the beginning of Black History Month shows an incredible tonedeafness and lack of perspective on the part of the author. Nevertheless, I hope he grows in his remaining time at the College and comes to think in more sophisticated terms about representation, discrimination, intersectionality and theirs manifestations on campus. The fact that it took an instance of people of the author’s background — white men — not being adequately represented in an organization for him to be outraged shows that he has not considered that his background has always been a boon for him in most endeavors. That this was the spark that lit his sense of injustice shows his silence on ongoing underrepresentation of women and minorities in myriad institutions and organizations. It seems he cares more about representation when white men are suddenly underrepresented than the far more common experience of discrimination going the other way. As a person of color and first-generation American, it was certainly reassuring that so much of the campus community holds more nuanced views on diversity, representation and the everyday struggles of marginalized students based on the myriad statements and messages of solidarity that were sent out last week. However, I would like to offer a more sobering interpretation of this controversy that moves beyond the dichotomy between freedom of speech and letters standing in solidarity with the need for representation and diversity. The vitriolic and simplistic views expressed in “You’re Not Tripping,” along with the messages of support and solidarity, do not fundamentally change a single thing about the real experiences, alienation and burdens faced by minority students. I agree with Matthew Magann ’21’s column in The Dartmouth, “An Unjust ‘Solidarity,’” which contends that “claiming that an op-ed constitutes violence … trivializes the all-too-real violence
faced by oppressed groups.” Strongly worded statements, letters of “solidarity” and attempts to appear woke through keyboard activism do nothing to change the everyday alienation and institutionalized burdens placed on these students. What do students or student organizations’ purported solidarity mean in practice? Rather than making the controversy ignited by “You’re Not Tripping” about student organizations and students themselves through letters of solidarity and Facebook comments, members of the Dartmouth community should return agency to the organizations and women and minority students who put their beliefs into practice. It’s important to recognize the work, past and ongoing, by student and administrative organizations to implement change, represent some of the most marginalized students on campus and make their lives better from the bottom-up beyond typing and emailing letters. As just one timely example, Dartmouth’s Coalition for Immigration Reform, Equality and Dreamers has been extensively engaged with the current immigration debate and are working and lobbying to protect immigrant students at Dartmouth whose livelihoods and safety are in danger every day because of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program’s limbo status. Their work is particularly important because of Dartmouth’s lack of action regarding the potential for state violence in the form of deportation and denial of resources to its undocumented students. Dozens of identity-based organizations provide an outlet for minority students to express themselves and lobby on behalf of their communities. Student advocacy, mentorship and training organizations have been and will continue to work toward improving the Dartmouth experience and campus safety of low-income, first-generation and minority students, students of color, LGBTQIA+ students and women on campus. These organizations include, but are by no means limited to, the Movement Against Violence, the numerous identity-based organizations housed under the Office of Pluralism and Leadership, the Student Presidential Committee on Sexual Assault, Dartmouth Spectra and Asian/American Students for Action. The community should highlight, support and engage with their work. The publishing of “You’re Not Tripping” immediately changes nothing — it only reveals what we should have already known and what women and minorities have long known. Students should know that some of their peers hold these simplistic views and are ignorant of the everyday struggles of minority students who feel the need to justify their presence and value in spaces on campus. If people truly care about the representation and lives of women and brown and black bodies and are not just looking to be conspicuously woke, they should put those values into practice in both word and deed and support and highlight students and organizations and their activities to effect actual change. If students actually want to stand in solidarity with marginalized students, instead of bombarding Dartmouth’s listserv with messages of solidarity because of a juvenile op-ed to the point where these messages lose meaning, they ought to take action and get involved with organizations doing work on the ground.
Professors discuss ‘deepfake’ videos
“This is a potentially explosive kind of misinformation, one that could be to create a face corresponding to that used to steer specific individuals in a in each frame of the original clip. This different way than maybe we’ve seen process continues until the new face is before,” Nyhan said. Nyhan said he is worried that people successfully placed into the video. Although the popularity of may exploit the technology to further deepfakes has concerned for many their political agendas. With the role of people, the technology’s capabilities fake news in the 2016 election, it is not are not new, according to Farid, who improbable that fraudulent videos will specializes in digital forensics. However, come into play in the future. deepfakes have become relatively easy “I do think that these tools could and for amateurs to create, dramatically are likely to be abused, and are likely to increasing the pool of people who can be abused by people who have some nefarious political goal there,” Nyhan create fake videos. “It’s extremely simple [to use],” said. said Catalin Grigoras, director of Tocombatthepotentialramifications the National Center for Media of such rapid technological innovation, Forensics at University of Colorado Farid advocated for the establishment Denver. “Anybody can just watch the of a cyber-ethics panel at the federal government level, or possibly at presentation on YouTube.” the United Nations. While some of to Farid, the videos made “This is a potentially According the panel should using FakeApp have be responsible for been innocuous explosive kind of thinking about issues — superimposing misinformation, that could arise in the actor Nicolas Cage long-term and putting into a James Bond one that could be film for example used to steer specific reasonable safeguards in place to avoid the — others have used individuals in a exploitation of the this technology technology. t o g e n e r a t e different way than c o n t r o v e r s i a l maybe we’ve seen Farid asserted that videos, including the general public p o r n o g r a p h y before.” will not be the only featuring celebrities’ ones who will find faces without it difficult to discern their permission. -BRENDAN NYHAN, the truth. In legal A forum on the GOVERNMENT proceedings, digital website Reddit that PROFESSOR evidence is frequently shared deepfakes, used. However, with i n c l u d i n g pornographic videos, was banned by the propagation of fake videos, courts the site earlier this month for hosting may no longer be able to trust electronic sexual images of people without their proof, he said. Similarly, media outlets that welcome contributions by citizen consent. “I’m really offended by this journalists will not be able to rely upon pornography,” Farid said. “There their photos, he said. should be pressure to not allow people to “How does the media trust that the do this — this is incredibly disrespectful photos they are getting from anything — natural disasters, conflicts, Arab to the women involved.” Farid encouraged people to stop Spring, riots — how do they trust that and think about what they are viewing those are real or not?” Farid said. to prevent the spread of manipulated The average internet user might not be able to recognize that a video videos. “People are far too quick to click the has been altered. In the time it takes ‘like’ button, to click the ‘share’ button, for a forensics expert to identify the to click the ‘retweet’ button without even falsified video, multiple viewers may have already watched and shared the reading the article,” he said. Government professor Brendan clip. Nyhan, an expert on political “This can be a critical timeframe,” misconceptions and conspiracy theories, Grigoras said. “When people only see a similarly advised internet users to be video and there’s nobody to prove that “more careful about what [they] share it was tampered with.” and take down any information that Despite deepfakes’ threats to the cyber world, Grigoras advises people to [they] later learn to be false.” Because of the program’s be aware but not afraid. Farid echoed technological power, Farid and Nyhan Grigoras’ sentiment. fear that people will no longer be able “I think we should take what is to differentiate between genuine and happening,” Farid said. “And what has manipulated footage. Nyhan added been happening for the last few years that he worries that the videos could and start taking a long hard look about make people more wary in trusting how we consume and share digital content online.” mainstream, legitimate news sources. FROM VIDEOS PAGE 1
College forms golf course committee FROM GOLF PAGE 1
“Our committee isn’t recommending anything ... We have no authority, nor will we necessarily prioritize options,” Wheelan said. “Our job is to flesh out the menu of choices.” T h e C o l l e g e i s c u r re n t l y exploring three scenarios for the future of the golf course, Wheelan said. The first would be to keep the course operating essentially as is, while attempting to make small adjustments to minimize the course’s losses. The second would be to make a variety of major changes to the course to make it more financially viable, while trying to keep as many constituents as possible happy. The third option would be to shut down the golf course entirely. Wheelan said that scenarios one and three are “not terribly complicated options,” but that there are many possibilities for the second option. One possibility under the second scenario would be expanding or moving the club house on the golf course to host events. “The current clubhouse is very limited,” Wheelan explained. “It’s got a nice deck, but you couldn’t hold a wedding there.” Wheelan also discussed reconfiguring the golf course itself. “One of the reasons you see declines in golf is that it is a timeconsuming sport,” Wheelan said. “More people probably only have time for nine holes.” The current structure of the golf course is not friendly to nine-hole games since the ninth hole finishes on the opposite side of the course by the rugby fields. Therefore, one option being considered is making the course more nine-hole friendly, Wheelan said.
“As many voices as possible need to have input,” Wheelan said. “The key is just embracing all of the stakeholders — that is true of any public policy decision.” Wheelan said that two of these important stakeholders are the men’s and women’s golf teams. “We use it almost every day,” said Isabelle Kane ’18, a co-captain of the women’s varsity golf team. “It’s really convenient that it’s so close to campus. Not a lot of schools are that fortunate to have a golf course that’s within a walkable distance.” Kane enjoys the current course, but was also open to reconfiguring it. “The course has great character as it is,” she said, but added that because the landscape is beautiful, changes in the course’s orientation may still work well. As for the fate of the clubhouse, she said that the original clubhouse has a lot of character but renovation could be a good investment. “Aesthetically it’s a nice part of Dartmouth history,” Kane said. Sam Ohno ’21, a men’s varsity golfer, also expressed his support for keeping the golf course open. “During the fall season, we play there pretty much almost every day,” Ohno said. “If they got rid of it, we would definitely notice a difference in our schedule.” Aside from the Dartmouth golf course, the closest location for an affordable round is the Carter Country Club is Lebanon, which only has nine holes, Wheelan said. Another area of focus of the committee, should the golf course be modified, will be integrating the golf course and Pine Park. There are currently issues with the two coexisting in the same small area, he said.
“Often times the runners [at Pine Park] are not as aware of the golfers as they should be and the golfers are not as patient with the runners as they should be,” Wheelan said. Linda Fowler, a government professor and Pine Park commissioner for Hanover, who is a member of the Golf Course Advisory Committee, is also interested in better integrating the course and the park. “Both the physical space and the historical experience of the golf course and the park are closely intertwined,” Fowler said. “I am interested in protecting Pine Park and making sure that if the College makes change to the golf course we won’t have the same disaster that we had after 2002.” In 2002, changes were made to the golf course that changed its runoff patterns and created unwelcome erosion along the park’s creek, Fowler said. Fowler also had specific ideas for changing the space. “To get to Pine Park, you have to go through the golf course,” she explained. “One of the things I’m interested in doing … is trying to develop a way to get into Pine Park that is safer, that doesn’t involve conflicts with the golf course.” Fowler also said she supports expanding the clubhouse to make it large enough to host campus events like reunions and faculty parties, which could function as an asset to both the College and Hanover community. “We just need to be creative,” Wheelan said. “The more creativity we can bring to that second option, the more sub-options are embedded in that, the more likely that everybody can get what they want.”
Students work hard in Novack Café in Baker-Berry Library.
6:00 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
Film: “The Disaster Artist,” directed by James Franco, Loew Auditorium, Black Family Visual Arts Center
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Chinese New Year Gala, presented by the Chinese Students and Scholars Association, Alumni Hall, Hopkins Center for the Arts
9:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.
Performance of Baroque oratorio “Jepthe” by the Dartmouth College Glee Club, Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts
TOMORROW 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Film: “Oscar Nominated Shorts: Animation,” Loew Auditorium, Black Family Visual Arts Center
7:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Theater MainStage: “1984,” directed by Peter Hackett, Moore Theater, Hopkins Center for the Arts
4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Film: “Canaletto and the Art of Venice,” directed by David Bickerstaff, Loew Auditorium, Black Family Visual Arts Center
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Film: “No Man’s Land Film Festival,” a compilation of award-winning short films starring wild, driven and inspired adventure women, Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts
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A timeless adaptation of ‘1984’ will send important messages By ILEANA SUNG The Dartmouth
“1984,” Dartmouth’s stage adaptation of Milton Wayne’s radio adaptation of George Orwell’s synonomously-named classic, gives a twist to the original setup of the novel to make it more relevant to the world today. Director and theater professor Peter Hackett adapted the script himself, incorporating multimedia components and excerpts from Timothy Snyder’s “On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century” that add a contemporary aspect to the production. “1984” opens tonight at Moore Theater in the Hopkins Center for the Arts. According to Hackett, the production of “1984” was carefully planned out and anticipated. The faculty of the theater department always meets to discuss its termly plays, and there was a consensus that for this 2017-2018 school year, it would produce pieces that reflect the current social and political situation. “This year, one thing we did know was that we felt, given the situation in the country politically, socially, culturally, everything else, we really wanted to do plays that had something particularly relevant historically and politically to what’s going on today,” Hackett said. “The first play was in the fall, and that was Cabaret, the musical and then we talked about the possibility of doing ‘1984.’” Hackett has spent the past few years studying Orwell, directing a play in New York during the fall of 2016 called “Orwell in America.” When the theater department chose to produce “1984,” Hackett’s focus immediately went to the aspect of time and relevancy because the story is so “timeless.” “I was intrigued because [the radio play] was done in 1949, which is just after the book was published, and so that was very contemporary reaction to the book,” Hackett said. “I wanted to see if there was a way to tell this story, so I could make that point . . . and here we are in 2018, where it is still relevant.” Hackett emphasized his focus on important topics to college students and the Dartmouth community and properly communicating that message. During the development of the production, Hackett came across Snyder’s recent publication “On Tyranny:” Snyder, a professor at Yale University, studies 20thcentury dictatorships and their common social, cultural and political trends. He found that there are many things similar to the dictatorships under Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Joseph Stalin,
and gives 20 lessons to take away world,” Ohleyer said. “I think Dartmouth’s adaptation of serious and at times depressing, from them in his book. Hackett, now it’s particularly relevant in “1984” intends not only to Page has enjoyed explaining acknowledging the importance America and also to Poland and entertain but also to infor m them and believes there are some of this message and connecting it Hungary.” audiences of the importance of positive aspects to the production. to “1984,” incorporated excerpts “[1984] really emphasizes that history. Hackett expressed his “We do try to leave the audience of the book that will be read idea of controlling facts, and what hopes of the production inspiring with a sense of hope by the end, throughout the play. The play will it means for something to be a fact, historical and political awareness that there is something coming start in 1949 as a radio play, and Ohleyer said. “Just the notion of in the audience. over the horizon,” Page said. then the cast will find themselves in controlling what is true and what “Americans are not terribly “There is always something good 2018 continuing isn’t, and trying to good about knowing — and with those t o r e h e a r s e “Hopefully it abuse power in that things about their l e s s o n s t h e r e ’s “We do try “1984.” way is very relevant ow n h i s t o r y, a n d also that kind of “It g e t s becomes clear by right now— what there’s that saying to leave the teaching aspect p r o g r e s s i v e l y the end of the play i t m e a n s w h e n that those who don’t audience with of saying these are clear that the that we’re talking someone in power k n ow h i s t o r y a re ways that you can story being told is does that, and has condemned to repeat a sense of work actively to not about 1949, about us now and the power to enforce it,” Hackett said. “I hope by the be the change you not about 1984, the threats we face their own rules and don’t know if history want in the world. end, that there but it’s really regulations.” re peats, but I do Nothing begins a b o u t t o d a y, ” to our country and Ohleyer said she know — as [Snyder] is something on a national level H a c k e t t s a i d . our democracy.” believes the idea of says — that history coming over the — it talks a lot “Hopefully it complicity present can instruct. We can about small local becomes clear t h r o u g h o u t t h e learn lessons from horizon.” organizations.” by the end of the -PETER HACKETT, play is important to history, but young Though “1984” play that we’re THEATER PROFESSOR think about. “1984” people particularly may not be the -OWEN PAGE ’19 talking about is a stor y about have to learn their most uplifting us now and the AND DIRECTOR OF protest and how one history if they are to and happiest threats we face to “1984” person can make a protect themselves.” production, our country and difference, Ohleyer Hackett cited the Page said, with our democracy.” said. attack on institutions the original Owen Page ’19 plays the role of “There are people who will be such as the press, the justice system adaptation and the enthusiasm Winston Smith, a beaten down vehemently against it and strongly and the police force throughout of the cast, it will be an inspiring, man who starts writing a diary after in support of it, and there are countries like Hungary, Poland, energetic and thought-provoking having a moment of inspiration always people in the middle who Turkey and the United States. experience. with someone in the party. He are unsure what their role should “Those typically come under “1984” opens tonight at 8 gradually becomes more rebellious be and at what point they’re attack by people who want to p.m., and there will be multiple and willing to take action and falls going to do something about it consolidate their own power showings until Feb. 25. There in love with Julia who is played by if anything at all,” Ohleyer said. and their own rule,” Hackett will be a pre-show talk called Kerrigan Quenemoen ’20. “The effort of doing something, said. “That’s happening in many “Fascism, Resistance and the “[Smith] really believes that he taking some concrete action or countries in the world but it’s Politics of 1984” with Hackett can make a change,” Page said. even just having the intentions, is particularly disturbing to me as and Dartmouth professors Mark “It’s hard because he’s supposed better than being complicit and an American citizen, because it’s Bray and Laura Edmondson at the to be kind of an every-man and just accepting things for the way happening here right now.” Top of the Hop before Saturday’s identifiable with a lot of people. that they are.” While the themes in “1984” are performance at 7 p.m. Well, I can definitely relate to the kind of feeling that you’re out of place, and that is something I think is completely natural to almost everyone. And so you’re never fully comfortable with where you are.” A c c o r d i n g t o Pa g e, t h e production also features elements ranging from dif ferent time periods, including quotes from the book by Orwell, a video from the Russian band Pussy Riot and a Bill Maher interview. “There is a sense of a past in it, and there is a sense of the present as well and there’s a sense of being out of time, kind of existing in a space that is not later,” Page said. “I think the play presents some incredibly valid points, and I think that it’s not coincidental that we are putting it on in this day and age.” Venice Ohleyer ’21, who will narrate the production, noted the sentiment of controlling and manipulating truth, and the importance of taking action that is portrayed in “1984.” “I think what’s really cool about “1984” is that although it’s a NAOMI LAM/THE DARTMOUTH STAFF dystopian story, it’s almost always Theater professor Peter Hackett’s stage adaptation of “1984” will open tonight and run until Feb. 25. relevant to some situation in the
with Cy Lippold ’19
By JUSTIN KRAMER The Dartmouth Staff
Cy Lippold ’19 has emerged as a key contributor this year for Dartmouth women’s basketball, leading the team with 12.8 points per game at point guard, while leading the Ivy League with 5.4 assists per game and snatching the fourth most steals per game in the league. With Amber Mixon ’18 no longer on the roster this season, the point guard position was vacant and Lippold fought her way into the starting role. Lippold has made a meteoric rise this season. Previously, Lippold scored averages of 1.1 and 2.1 points per game and averaged 6.7 and 7.9 minutes per game her first two seasons, respectively. This season, she has started all 21 games, playing 33.3 minutes per game on average, while leading the 12-9 Big Green to a successful season start and program’s first ever wins over Atlantic Coast Conference and Pacific-12 teams. W hen did you first start playing basketball? CL: I’ve been playing since I was little, and I grew up playing it but I probably didn’t take it too seriously until the summer going into my junior year of high school. That’s when I really started going to training every day, trying to get better and trying to become a college player. Can you describe your precollegiate experience with basketball more once you reached that junior year level? CL: I did four years at a regular high school at a local high school right where I live. I was on track to graduate at the age of 16, I thought I wasn’t really ready for college at that time so I did a post-graduate year at a preparatory school in New Jersey called Blair Academy. Going into my junior year I started taking training seriously, so I dedicated my summers to just working on my skills. It was basically a training session that went from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., five days a week. I would go to that every day for the next two summers after junior year. The extra year at
prep school really gave me more time to develop as well. What made you choose to come play basketball at Dartmouth and what was your recruitment process like? CL: I knew I wanted to go to a high academic school, so I was obviously looking at the Ivy League. I actually committed on my first visit here which is funny because that usually isn’t how it works. I had a bunch of visits planned for my winter break of my post-graduate year — I actually wasn’t recruited by Dartmouth until the January before coming here, which is pretty late in the recruiting process, but it worked out well. I came here and really fell in love with the coaching staff and all the traditions and the positive talk that went on during my visit, so that really attracted me to Dartmouth. After the weekend, I sat down with head coach Belle Koclanes and told her I was coming, so I had to cancel all my visits to other schools I had planned on going to. Can you tell me about what your first two years playing basketball at Dartmouth were like? CL: It was different. The team that I had played for at Blair was really high level and had a lot of people go to high level schools to play basketball. We didn’t really have much of an offensive system — it was kind of just go out and play. I think that going to college, I really got to learn a lot more from the game in my first two years, not just the skill component which I came in with already. I learned a lot of fundamentals and not just relying on skill but relying on mentally outworking your opponent as well. I think those first two years really helped me mentally. What are some of the most significant dif ferences between last season and this season that have led you to the success you’ve had so far starting at point guard? CL: I came in to Dartmouth with big offensive skills which is funny because usually people my height, when they get into college
Point guard Cy Lippold ’19 (right) has emerged as a leader for the women’s basketball team, averaging 12.8 points per game.
to play basketball, they’re usually defensive specialists. I’m kind of one, but I didn’t really take it as seriously as I took offense. I think that my first years I learned that I needed to get in better shape and take defense as seriously as offense. I made that a really huge focus this summer coming in before this year, and I think that has definitely improved my offense. The opportunity with [Mixon] leaving opened up a spot which was something that I wasn’t expecting but gave me the opportunity to get the time that I got now. What have been some of the biggest games for you this season? CL: The way we started off the season was great. We started off 4-0 and in the preseason we were ranked at the very bottom of the Ivy League, so I think that we made a pretty big statement at the beginning by coming in and doing what we had to do in the preseason. We had a great preseason record. I think that out of those games beating Marist College, Boston College and Colorado University were huge. Colorado was probably our biggest win — it was the first time in Dartmouth women’s
basketball history that we beat a Pac-12 team, so that was a huge step forward for us. I think that it gave us a lot of confidence going into the Ivy League season, then we came out and we beat Harvard University in our first game. That was a really big statement to the Ivy League that we’re here to play and we’re not ready to be put in the bottom like the preseason poll had said we were. What goals do you have for yourself and what additional steps do you plan to take in order to continue getting better? CL: Since this year has been the first year I have gotten significant playing time, I consider it kind of a rookie season for me, which is funny because it’s my junior year. I’m still in that rookie state where I’m making little mistakes because I don’t really have the experience yet. I’m trying to clean up little things like turnovers individually and shot selection, so things that ensure the whole team is on the same page are the little things I’m trying to clean up over the rest of the season. The rest of the team could all improve in those areas as well, but those are the things that
are going to help us win games. Off the court, what are you focused on academically and otherwise, aside from basketball? CL: I’m a linguistics major and hopefully minoring in African and African American studies. I’m taking Latin right now, so that’s taking up a good amount of time. Aside from basketball, it’s just studying for Latin, which is a lot of fun. I’m really into languages, so that’s where I put a lot of my non-basketball time. What made you fall in love with the game of basketball? CL: Honestly, it was the fact that so many people told me I couldn’t do it. I weigh 120 pounds, I’m 5 foot and 2 inches tall and I don’t have the natural body for basketball that people assume you need. Growing up, every time I would tell someone I wanted to play Division I basketball they would laugh, put me aside and say, “5 foot 2, really? That’s not going to happen.” I think that’s what made me fall in love with it over all of the other sports I played — just trying to break that stereotype of, “You must be tall to play basketball.” This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity and length.