The Dartmouth 4/28/17

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FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2017


Cornel West discusses politics and activism










Yesterday, Cornel West gave a lecture entitled “Intellectual Vocation and Political Struggle in the Trump Moment” in Filene Auditorium before a packed crowd of students and community members.





Bystanders resuscitate musician at Dartmouth Idol

By MIKA JEHOON LEE The Dartmouth Staff

During a technical sound check before the opening of the 2017 Dartmouth Idol Finals on March 3, musician Glendon Ingalls suddenly collapsed before seizing and falling unconscious. Ingalls was a trumpet player in the 20-member band, led by Dartmouth GospelChoirdirectorWaltCunningham, that was to perform during the Finals. After Ingalls fell unconscious at 7:15 p.m., members of the cast and crew reacted

immediately, according to Josh Merriam, a fire captain and advanced emergency medical technician who responded to the emergency. Hopkins’ Center master technician Kevin Malenda and Dartmouth Idol vocal coach Nathaniel Graves ’13 checked Ingalls’ pulse and confirmed that his heart had stopped beating. Background singer and performer Nikhil Arora ’16 retrieved an automatic external defibrillator, which is a portable electronic device that checks for an irregular heart rhythm and sends an

electric shock to the person’s heart to resume regular beating. Malenda applied the AED pads, and Graves pressed the shock button. They then administered AED-assisted CPR, which restarted Ingalls’ heart. Hop senior production manager Keely Ayres coordinated the CPR response. An EMT team arrived and took Ingalls out of the building at 7:45 p.m to transport him to DartmouthHitchcock Medical Center. Ingalls was later diagnosed with a heart condition related to the blockage of his arteries, he said. He had been

treated for high blood pressure previously but was unaware of his heart condition. He underwent regular medical checkups after his hip replacement surgery seven months ago and had been given a clean bill of health in terms of his heart, he added. On Monday afternoon, DHMC and the Hanover Fire Department held a ceremony to recognize cast and crew members of the 2017 Dartmouth Idol Finals whose resuscitation efforts SEE IDOL PAGE 3

Psychology course investigates opioid crisis By SUNGIL AHN

The Dartmouth Staff


On Thursday, Cornel West, a prominent social critic and public intellectual, delivered a lecture called “Intellectual Vocation and Political Struggle in the Trump Moment” to a standing room-only audience in Filene Auditorium. Over 250 students, faculty and community members attended the hour-long speech, which required two overflow rooms in Moore and Kemeny Halls to accommodate the number of viewers. Before the speech, West met with individual students at a meet-and-greet event hosted by the Leslie Center for the

An opioid epidemic is spreading throughout New Hampshire, taking more than 1,600 lives since 2012 and increasing in severity. The epidemic has been exacerbated in the past three years by the explosive growth of the use of fentanyl, a synthetic, highly potent opioid. In response, psychology professor Jibran Khokhar started the class Psychology 50.09, “Motivation, Drugs and Addiction,” which aims to discredit misinformation about the epidemic, provide possible solutions and address

the local community’s concerns. Khokhar said the epidemic has had a devastating impact on the communities it has affected. “Even at the [Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center] hospital, more and more children are born with opioid withdrawal as a result of their mothers still being addicted to opioids during pregnancies,” Khokhar said. “The opioid treatment center at Dartmouth has their hands full dealing with addiction.” Khokhar’s class focuses on the neuroscience of drugs and addiction. For its final project, the students can apply the contents of the course to real-life

phenomena to help create social change. When Khokhar gave choices for the final project to the students, they unanimously chose to tackle New Hampshire’s opioid epidemic. “It is a local problem,” Khokhar said. “The project gives them something to give back to the community they’ve been living in the past few years.” Simone Schmid ’17, a student in the class, said the course made her realize the severity of the epidemic. “I come from a background where drugs aren’t really a thing, and there wasn’t even alcohol in the home, so it’s interesting to see how big the [population

affected by the epidemic] is,” she said. The class will produce data-driven reports of the epidemic and potential strategies to combat it, with focus on strong evidence, scientific integrity and public policy. Some students’ ideas include creating clean injection sites and reducing the number of prescription opioids given out by hospitals and insurance companies. Schmid said such projects are exactly what the community needs. To make the project outcome more relevant to the community, Schmid SEE OPIOID PAGE 5



FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2017

Cornel West speaks to standing-room only audience of over 250 FROM WEST PAGE 1

Humanities. During the speech, West drew extensively from philosophy, literature and history to discuss timely political issues, including President Donald Trump’s administration. On multiple occasions, West referred to Trump as a “gangster” but insisted that Trump’s rise to the presidency is no historical phenomenon. “America has a long tradition of white mediocrity in high places,” West said. “Trump makes [even that claim] look bad.” West offered strong words about the 2016 presidential election, describing the race between former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Trump as a choice between a “neo-liberal disaster” and a “neo-fascist catastrophe.” He also criticized former President Barack Obama, denouncing his frequent use of drone strikes and his alleged close ties to Wall Street. One politician who escaped West’s critique of the political establishment was Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., whom West supported in his campaign against Clinton for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. West extensively praised both Sanders’ political positions and character. “One thing you can’t deny — lined up against the other candidates — was [Sanders’] integrity,” West said. West was introduced by associate dean of arts and humanities Barbara Will and religion department chair Randall Balmer, who described West’s intellectual credentials and work as a public intellectual. Anticipating West’s ability to make sense of current political events, Balmer said he was confident West would “point [people] to the light.” West structured his speech around four questions posed by activist and author W.E.B. Du Bois in his 1957 novel “The Ordeal of Mansart.” West noted that he plans to use those questions, which Du Bois admitted are challenging to answer and often contradictory, in his own epitaph. West discussed Du Bois’ first question, “How shall integrity face oppression?” by focusing on the concept of spiritual integrity, which he framed as “an investment in selfinvestment.” He also noted that the

integrity must be grounded in love in order to persist challenges. West noted that Americans are “well-adjusted to injustice and welladapted to indifference.” While examining integrity, West frequently alluded to different politicians, including Obama, Clinton, Sanders and Trump. He also noted that politicians from earlier generations practiced more integrity than modern politicians, citing noted conservative thinker William F. Buckley Jr. as an example. “He had integrity. He was just wrong most of the time,” West said. West continued the discussion of integrity by praising the actions of the Dartmouth Action Collective, a campus activist group. He also mentioned the power of black musical artists, whom he called “love warriors in song,” to overcome oppression, citing noted African-American artists such as The Temptations and James Brown. He specifically discussed oppression in the form of occupation, drawing parallels between what he described as occupations of Tibet by China, Palestine by Israel and Iraq by the United States. “Occupation lacks moral and spiritual integrity; it’s wrong, it’s unjust, it’s illegal,” West said. “And if we don’t come to terms with it, you’re going to reap what you sow.” West then discussed the second question by Du Bois, “What does honesty do in the face of deception?” West used examples like the prevalence of fake news as well as the overuse of the word “obviously” by younger generations to illustrate what he thought was the rise of deception in American political discourse. Concluding the discussion on Du Bois’ second question, West noted, “Let the phones be smart — we’ve got to be wise and compassionate and self-critical.” Du Bois’ third question was, “How shall decency and democracy respond to assault and attack?” West said there is a clear difference between justice and revenge. If the American people gave into revenge, he argued, “there would have been a civil war in America every generation,” and figures like Martin Luther King Jr., Ida B. Wells and A. Philip Randolph would not exist. The final question discussed was,

CORRECTIONS We welcome corrections. If you believe there is a factual error in a story, please email Correction Appended (April 27, 2017): The article entitled, “Student sues College over disability accommodations” incorrectly suggested that Staci Mannella ’18 sought an escort to her dormitory, classrooms and dining hall permanently. Instead, Mannella only sought an escort to these locations — as promised by SAS — one time upon arriving to campus, so that she could navigate herself for the rest of the term. The Dartmouth regrets this error.

“What does virtue do in the face of brute force?” West claimed that righteous indignation, which is often mistaken for anger, is necessary when responding to the injustices caused by brutal force. He referenced the denial of tenure to Dartmouth history professor Derrick White and English professor Aimee Bahng, both faculty of color, as an example of brute force causing injustice. “Some of us will go down swinging, like Ella Fitzgerald and Muhammad Ali, full of that commitment Du Bois was talking about,” he noted as he concluded the lecture. Members of the audience often applauded in response to West’s social critiques and political statements. The lecture was followed by an hour-long question and answer session. Armond Dorsey ’20, who asked West a question regarding the overuse of the word “racist,” said he was encouraged by the lessons West presented in his speech. “I felt inspired and reinforced to pursue more of my passions and become a more active member of the world,” Dorsey said. Pablo Correa ’20 , another attendee, said that he would have regretted it if he had not been present at the lecture. West’s speech is part of a larger,


Cornel West visited Dartmouth yesterday and gave a talk in Filene Auditorium.

two-year lecture series titled “Why the Humanities Matter in the 21st Century,” which is sponsored by the Office of the President and the Office of the Associate Dean of the Faculty for the Arts and Humanities. The next scheduled speaker for the sequence is Harvard University president and Civil War historian

Drew Faust. West will also be in residence at Dartmouth this upcoming summer term as a visiting scholar and will teach a course titled “The Historical Philosophy of W.E.B. Du Bois.” The class is cross-listed in the English and African-American studies departments.

FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2017



Musician resuscitated with CPR at Idol Finals FROM IDOL PAGE 1

saved Ingalls’ life. At the ceremony, Merriam presented the Lifesaving Award on behalf of DHMC and the Fire Department to Ayres, Malenda, Graves and Arora. Arora, who currently works in San Francisco,California, was not able to attend the ceremony. According to the award certificate, the Lifesaving Award is given to individuals whose quick thinking, courage and extraordinary personal action have saved a human life. In addition to the Lifesaving Award, Merriam presented a plaque to the Hop for its commitment to emergency medical services. Attheceremony,DHMCemergency medical director and Geisel School of Medicine professor Thomas Trimarco said patients in sudden cardiac arrest like Ingalls usually have less than a 10 percent chance of surviving and over a 90 percent chance of incurring permanent brain damage. Trimarco added that he hopes this incident will shed light on the importance of CPR and AED training. Merriam said bystanders need to be actively involved in emergency medical incidents, as they were in this case. Graves, who won Dartmouth Idol in 2013, and 2016 runner-up Arora were at the competition because they had been invited to work with Cunningham

for the competition’s 10th anniversary this year. Graves and Arora added that they had received CPR training as a lifeguard and as a First-Year Trip leader, respectively. After the presentation of awards, Ingalls went up the stage and played “When the Saints Go Marching In” on his trumpet to express his gratitude toward his rescuers. In an interview after the ceremony, Ingalls said some performance venues lack emergency medical resources due to high training and equipment costs. However, Ingalls said he has been raising awareness of the importance of CPR and AED training since the incident. “One of the things I’ve been doing is telling people who operate those venues about my experience,” Ingalls said. “They just need to plan a little bit to make sure that the staff members get training.” Ayres said the Hop brings an EMT from a local fire department to train its staff members in CPR and AED every two years. She added that it is paramount that everyone receives training in CPR and AED so that other lives like Ingalls’ can be saved. “We feel really good that we don’t have to implement any new [programs or initiatives],” Ayres said. “What we are doing clearly works.”



Students performed during the Collis Cabaret concert yesterday.



In Faculty We Trust

The Robots are Coming

For the housing system to survive, Dartmouth must trust its faculty. Dartmouth’s new housing system was designed to encourage safer, more stable communities within campus. Yet professor Jane Hill’s recent dismissal from her position as Allen House professor belies a sense of shakiness in this new system. With two of the six initial house professors now gone — North Park House professor Ryan Calsbeek stepped down this past fall — Dartmouth is going against its stated mission to provide strong communal bonds between the students and faculty. While Calsbeek’s resignation seemed to have been voluntary, Hill’s resignation was anything but. Hill noted in a recent interview with The Dartmouth that she was surprised by Dean of the College Rebecca Biron’s decision to dismiss her. Hill said that she did not understand “why the reasons given equaled to being let go.” According to Hill, such reasons included not responding to two emails, missing four or five House Council meetings during the fall, failing to remove a word from a flyer for Allen House and reaching out to the Center for Professional Development against Biron’s instructions. Of course, there may be more reasons for dismissal that Hill neglected to discuss. Since Biron has not yet commented on specifics, we are working only with Hill’s version of events. Since such matters are generally confidential, we may never hear all sides to the story. But who are students more likely to believe — a faculty member who has spent the past year interacting directly with her house community or the administrator whose name and face we rarely see? In such a scenario, the faculty always wins students’ trust. In our daily lives, we see consistent and abundant evidence that faculty members care for us, whether through the office hours they hold or the passion with which they teach their classes. Yet we rarely interact with administrators, and when we do, much of the interaction is frustratingly bureaucratic — even setting up meetings with deans can be difficult. Dartmouth’s housing communities’ rapid turnover of faculty leadership is not just harmful for the stability of each individual community affected; it is also harmful for the administration’s standing with students, despite Biron’s assertion that “staff turnover is to be expected in the beginning stages of any enterprise as dynamic and complex as Dartmouth’s house system.”

Students and alumni criticize Dartmouth for its administrative bloat — over the past few years, Dartmouth’s administrative staff has grown by a rate more than double that of the faculty, and there are currently 3,335 administrative staff on the College’s payroll compared to just 930 faculty. By pitting themselves against the faculty — as ambiguous dismissals inevitably do — administrators are bound to perpetuate the idea of administrative bloat and overreach. There may be legitimate privacy concerns that prevent administrators from specifying clear reasons for such dismissals, but without similar levels of direct interactions with students, administrators who fail to explicate their actions clearly harm the College in the eyes of its students. Seeing one-third of the professors originally selected leave the position is a warning sign to students that their communities’ stability is less important to the College than administrative control over their minute workings. Dartmouth has bungled the roll-out for College President Phil Hanlon’s signature housing initiative, and administrators are quickly losing students’ trust. If Dartmouth truly wants to develop the deep relationships between students and staff that it touted on “Founders Day” last year, it needs to trust its faculty first. Dartmouth hires smart, capable professors; the ones who were accepted to lead the new housing communities are not just leaders in their fields but also well-liked by students. The administration needs to step back and allow professors to do what they excel at: connecting and interacting with students. While we would like to call for complete transparency in hiring and dismissals, especially when professors’ stories don’t match up with the College’s, we are aware of transparency’s limitations. But we hope to remind the administration where students’ allegiance really lies: with the faculty, not the administrators. If the College realizes the value of building faculty-administrator bonds, trusting faculty more — not using a few missed meetings or typos as reasons for dismissing capable and passionate professors — and using their connections to gain student trust, Dartmouth can regain stability within the house communities and continue its push toward a more inclusive campus. The editorial board consists of the opinion staff, the opinion editor, both executive editors and the editor-in-chief.

6175 ROBINSON HALL, HANOVER N.H. 03755 • (603) 646-2600


PHILIP RASANSKY, Publisher ERIN LEE, Executive Editor NOAH GOLDSTEIN, Managing Editor BUSINESS DIRECTORS ALFREDO GURMENDI, Finance & Strategy Director ROSHNI CHANDWANI, Finance & Strategy Director SHINAR JAIN, Advertising Director KELLY CHEN, Product Development Director EMMA MARSANO, Marketing & Communications Director HENRY WILSON, Technology Director PHOTOGRAPHY EDITORS ELIZA MCDONOUGH HOLLYE SWINEHART TIFFANY ZHAI


FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2017



NEWS EDITOR: Joyce Lee, NEWS LAYOUT: Sonia Qin, Marie-Capucine Pineau-Valencienne

SUBMISSIONS: We welcome letters and guest columns. All submissions must include the author’s name and affiliation with Dartmouth College, and should not exceed 250 words for letters or 700 words for columns. The Dartmouth reserves the right to edit all material before publication. All material submitted becomes property of The Dartmouth. Please email submissions to

Automation threatens American jobs, and a backward gaze won’t help. Nothing is more in vogue than claiming that America is getting a “bad deal” because of free trade and all of the nasty pitfalls of globalization — namely, that ugly beast “outsourcing.” The truth is that 88 percent of American manufacturing jobs are lost to automation, not to foreigners or illegal immigrants. This is not necessarily bad: technological innovation always necessitates a degree of economic reorganization. In a free-market economy, people who are laid off by companies that are choosing to innovate will find new, more valuable ways to contribute to the economy. However, in reality, some percentage of the unemployed will either be unable or unwilling to retrain. When technological innovation necessitates economic reorganization in small amounts, the economy can handle the shift, but if a significant amount of people become unemployed in a short period of time, the economy is thrown into a crisis. We must now consider this threat. The technology that would replace American workers with automatons already exists. If unaddressed, millions of Americans could find themselves unemployed in a matter of months, tens of millions in a matter of years. Will our society, as it currently governs itself and distributes wealth, be able to absorb this shift? The American transportation industry is enormous, accounting for $1 out of every $10 produced in the U.S. economy. A subset of the transportation industry, trucking, could lose 8.7 million American jobs. With the advent of self-driving cars, those jobs are in jeopardy. Trucking is a dangerous profession. According to Daimler AG, an automobile company which has already developed a self-driving truck, there were 330,000 large trucks involved in crashes in 2012 alone, killing around 4,000 people and almost entirely caused by driver error. The beauty of self-driving cars is that they don’t get drowsy or distracted. They don’t text and drive. They can anticipate accidents and make the proper corrections with the speed and accuracy humans cannot match. And the more self-driving automobiles there are on the road together, the safer the system becomes, since they can communicate with each other to avoid problems and hold a constant speed, which reduces fuel consumption. In the same way traditional automobiles replaced horsedrawn carriages, self-driving vehicles can replace traditional automobiles as a superior method of transportation. This is bad news for truck drivers. Until recently, truck driving seemed like a fairly secure profession. The average driver brings home about $40,000 a year, which is more than 46 percent of all tax filers. Truck driving is one of the last American occupations that rewards a middle-class salary without requiring a college degree — yet it is about to become obsolete. If trucking companies chose to automate, those 8.7 million people will need to find

new jobs. The traditional answer is that those workers should retrain or pursue opportunities of higher education, granting them access to better, more secure careers. Each of these proposals is faulty, especially now that even those jobs requiring a college degree are not safe from automation. In 2015, National Public Radio published a calculator that estimates the likelihood of any common American job being automated within 20 years. “Packaging and filling machine operator” has a 98.0 percent chance of becoming automated — no surprise there. But jobs like paralegal and legal assistant or budget analyst? Those have 94.5 percent and 93.8 percent chances of being automated, respectively. Working in a field that relies on human empathy and interaction means having a job almost certainly secure from robotic replacement. Social workers in mental health and substance abuse fields, for instance, have a 0.3 percent chance of being booted by a robot. While reassuring for some, this should not serve as a comfort for us all. Researchers at Oxford University have estimated that 47 percent of U.S. jobs could be automated within the next 20 years. It is tempting to assume that, with robots taking over most of our labor, human beings will retreat to writing poetry and playing golf for the remainder of our days. But our nation has always defined itself by its capitalist roots, by entrepreneurialism, by the fight song of pulling-yourself-up-byyour-bootstraps. We have a deeply ingrained social and political history of favoring hard work and competition. It is unlikely in our current state of affairs that people who are out of work will be allowed to be unemployed without social stigma or with the economic support requisite to a decent standard of living. To avoid devolving into two classes — that of the employed and that of the unemployed — requires serious, targeted policy. Currently, our government seems more concerned with blaming an imaginary “other” for the loss of American jobs, rather than taking on the proactive, difficult task of addressing a problem that is much more proximate than it may seem. None of the three previous revolutions of human labor — agricultural, industrial and digital — had to occur when they did, but all of these had to occur eventually. Once the technology existed, it was only a matter of time until it was implemented to increase the stability, length and — in theory — quality of human life. Now, as we begin the fourth great revolution of human labor, the robotic revolution, we must remain cognizant of the profound effects that technological innovation has on human life. During this time of change, we cannot rely on the familiar logic of free market economics. We must remain receptive to ideas which do not fit into the paradigm of labor-selling and wage-earning that has governed our understanding of economics ever since the Industrial Revolution. And we must begin this conversation now.

FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2017



New psychology class looks at effects of opioids

who have recovered from addiction to ensure they do not relapse, because reached out to Ashley Doolittle, there is usually a lack of follow-up after associate director of academic and treatments, Doolittle said. Khokhar and Schmid said they did service engagement at the Dartmouth Center for Service, and convinced her not expect to get in touch with DHMC, that the class would be a good fit for the and Khokhar said the connection to center’s Social Impact Practicum. This the organizations gave the class an practicum matches the community’s opportunity to use its material for needs with students’ expertise, usually practical purposes. He noted that he does not want the class by reaching out to produce redundant to the center’s material that already c o m m u n i t y “The goal is to take partner s and all of what we know exists and wants students to approach listening to their the issue from a new needs first, then about the brain and perspective. looking through consider the drugs’ He said the the courses to societal implications ultimate goal of the see which would project is to eliminate be the best fit, and also give some misinfor mation Doolittle said. of the information about the epidemic H o w e v e r, through corrective this t i m e , back.” infor mation and Doolittle worked scientific discourse. backwards to find -JIBRAN KHOKHAR, “The goal is to take o rg a n i z at i o n s all of what we know whoseneedswould PSYCHOLOGY about the brain and fit the course’s PROFESSOR consider the drugs’ final projects. She societal implications contacted affiliates and also give some of within DHMC that might benefit from the course’s the information back,” Khokhar said. He hopes that such information will work, including All Together, an Upper Valley organization that aims to reduce help the community understand the dangers of alternative opioids, such as the impact of substance misuse. All Together wants to continue its fentanyl, and dispel misconceptions. The class is researching the effects emphasis of the epidemic as a public health crisis, which it could not do of drugs on the brain, specifically which previously without robust data about neurological circuits and receptors are the epidemic in New Hampshire, she affected. Khokhar said he hopes that by researching such information, the said. Doolittle added that All Together class will be able to show that addiction will use the course’s detailed reports of is a disease of the brain and reduce the the epidemic to corroborate its cause, stigma associated with addiction. If such goals are achieved, the class and that it will be especially helpful if the severity of the epidemic is conveyed will be helping DHMC form a new narrative of the opioid crisis and find in these reports. In addition, All Together wants to the best way to support people who are look at treatment and resources for those struggling after treatment, he said. FROM OPIOID PAGE 1


FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2017


DARTMOUTHEVENTS TODAY 3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Lecture: “Mind & Emptiness: Perspectives on the Nature of Consciousness,” Filene Auditorium, Moore Hall

7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Film: “Tickling Giants,” directed by Sara Taksler, Loew Auditorium, Black Family Visual Arts Center


8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Lecture: “Mind & Emptiness: Perspectives on the Nature of Consciousness,” Filene Auditorium, Moore Hall

7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Film: “Personal Shopper,” directed by Olivier Assayas, Loew Auditorium, Black Family Visual Arts Center

SUNDAY 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Performance: “Feminist Shakespeare (or, Unsex Me Here),” directed by Kelly Gaudet ’17, Bentley Theater, Hopkins Center for the Arts

4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Event Cinema: “Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse,” Loew Auditorium, Black Family Visual Arts Center


RELEASE DATE– Friday, April 28, 2017

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

ACROSS 1 Smears 6 Warthog weapon 10 Leave behind 14 __ de l’air: French Air Force 15 Bart Simpson’s bus driver 16 Vendor offering 17 Cool site? 19 Melville’s “grand, ungodly, god-like man” 20 Like a Hail Mary pass 21 “Animal House” rivals 22 “Suicide Squad” actor Jared 23 TV fantasy drama inspired by iconic brothers 25 Post-run feeling 28 Younger Simpson sister 30 Mining target 33 Clutch 35 DealDash offers 36 Do a DJ’s job 37 Press output 38 Android greeting? 41 N.C. winter hours 42 Seminary subj. 43 Former L.A. Laker Lamar __ 44 Capp chap 46 “Speak” follower 47 Liable to spill the beans 50 Mediterranean hot spot 51 Willow twig 53 CPR pros 55 Show tune that begins, “The most beautiful sound I ever heard” 57 “The Rock” (1996) setting 61 Conductive nerve part 62 Congress taking some R and R? 64 Wilder acting 65 Digging 66 Up 67 Whole mess 68 “The Hunger Games” president 69 __ pad

DOWN 1 Oompa-Loompa creator 2 Song from Strauss 3 Frequent callers? 4 Apple Records founders 5 Swamp growth 6 Trunks 7 Sch. that calls the Sun Bowl its home 8 New Eng. sextet 9 Mayweather stat 10 Be like bees 11 When the punch line hits? 12 Part of Q.E.D. 13 Society newbies 18 Mining target 21 Gala gathering 23 Slick-talking 24 Second shot 25 Prefix with 34-Down 26 Town __ 27 Lonely banquet reservation? 29 Its testing awakened Godzilla ... and what’s dropped, facetiously, into five puzzle answers

31 Up 32 More than expected 34 Irrational aversion 39 “Spamalot” lyricist 40 Loud cry 45 Childish descriptor of a childhood friend 48 Loud cry 49 Where “It’s fun to stay,” in a disco hit 52 Tendon

54 Exit lines 55 Money and Fortune, briefly 56 Winter Olympics leap 57 Adele, vocally 58 Use a Yelp account, say 59 Words used for a spell? 60 Cold temperature 62 Half a matching set 63 Place to stay


By Alan DeLoriea ©2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC



For advertising information, please call (603) 646-2600 or email info@thedartmouth. com. The advertising deadline is noon, two days before publication. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement. Opinions expressed in advertisements do not necessarily reflect those of The Dartmouth, Inc. or its officers, employees and agents. The Dartmouth, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation chartered in the state of New Hampshire. USPS 148-540 ISSN 0199-9931

FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2017



‘I Am Where I Come From’ shares Native students’ experiences By ZACH CHERIAN

The Dartmouth Staff

“I Am Where I Come From: Native American College Students and Graduates Tell Their Life Stories,” edited by education professor emeritus Andrew Garrod, Native American studies professor Melanie Benson Taylor and Robert Kilkenny, executive director of the Alliance for Inclusion and Prevention, details the stories of 13 Native American students who currently attend or recently g raduated from Dartmouth. Although the College was founded to educate Native Americans, Dartmouth took over two centuries to truly embrace this mission as an institution. The preface of “I Am Where I Come From” details how the administration recommitted to the College’s mission to educate the Native American community in 1970, creating the Native American program and building what today

is a vibrant community of Native American scholars, especially through the creation of the Native American studies department in 1972. A few of these students agreed to share their experiences and life stories in “I Am Where I Come From,” which was published this month. The book itself is a series of vignettes detailing the Native American experience at Dartmouth. These stories come from a range of alumni, including Bruce Duthu ’80, who was just named Dartmouth’s dean of the faculty. Each student comes from a different set of backgrounds, lifestyles and families, but each made the decision to come to Dartmouth and join the Native American community and the Dartmouth community at large. The anthology presents comprehensive narratives from childhood through Dartmouth and post-graduation. Each essay

details how the narrator’s Native American identity played into his or her upbringing, whether it was around other Native Americans, in suburban Houston, Texas or in British Columbia. Some come from middle-class backgrounds, others from far below the national poverty level. In fact, not every narrator took a straight path to Dartmouth as undergraduates, with some accounts describing how they came to Dartmouth as a transfer student. Another fought for the United States Army in the Iraq War before starting his undergraduate career at Dartmouth. There is an extremely diverse set of experiences represented, but each narrator’s time at Dartmouth and Native American heritage connects them, weaving their stories together. Many accounts, especially from the more recent years, cite the institutional efforts of Dartmouth to recruit Native American students to Dartmouth as particularly effective,

and many of the narrators attended the Native American Community program, formerly known as Native Fly-In. The Native American studies department is also particularly valuable to those students in the book who completed majors in the department. These narrators mentioned that it gave them a new, broader perspective on Native American experiences in the United States and also placed their own lived experience into an academic context. Not all the transitions or experiences at Dartmouth were easy for the narrators, but one central theme that shines throughout the book is the bastion of support, community and familiarity that the Native American studies department and the Native American House provided them. As discussed in the preface, these were both initiatives launched under former College President John Kemeny in the 1970s

that are cited by multiple alumni in the anthology as a source of support for Native American students at Dartmouth. While Dartmouth was completely new and foreign for many of these students upon their arrival to campus, the fact that they had a community to rely upon often made the transition much easier and provided a home during their time here. E a ch o f t h e ex p e r i e n c e s contained within the essays is incredibly varied and unique, but every one of them is important in gaining an understanding to a very important community here on campus. While the anthology cannot provide an entirely comprehensive overview of the Native American Dartmouth student experience, that is not its aim; rather, it presents 13 viewpoints that exist both on their own as well as in dialogue with each other, providing readers with an insight into how these alumni viewed their Dartmouth experiences.

Luso-American Film Festival exposes students to language, culture By KYLEE SIBILIA

The Dartmouth Staff

Learning a language at Dartmouth has always been experiential, but this month, the third annual LusoHispanic Film Festival is expanding the academic boundaries of the concept of experiential learning at the College to encompass the renowned cinema of Latin America. Featuring screenings

of five acclaimed Latin American films, this festival appeals not only to students of the Spanish and Portuguese department but also to various members of the Dartmouth community who are interested in experiencing the incredible artwork of other cultures. The first film in the series, “Pelo Malo,” tells the story of a young boy whose obsession with straightening his hair exposes him to a host of

homophobic and racist criticisms. The film was shown on Tuesday, April 11 and was required viewing for students in many Spanish classes. One of the main purposes of the festival, which is organized and sponsored by the Spanish and Portuguese department, is to foster a cultural learning experience for students enrolled in the respective classes. Professor Roberto Rey Agudo noted the importance of giving students the opportunity to actually see these languages being spoken outside of the classroom. “We wanted films that would serve as a springboard for conversations in class, for students to learn something about culture in Spanish-speaking countries,” Agudo said. So far, this cultural exposure has helped contextualize the language and culture students are currently learning. “We get to see it actually in action, like while we’re learning the language, we’re also seeing people actually speak it, which is kind of a fundamental part of it,” Kenny Coleman ’20 said. “Also, recently in language classes there’s been more focus on culture, so I think in seeing different types of cinema from Latin America, it kind of bridges the gap between what we learn in the classroom and how we can actually apply it.” Four other films will be screened in the coming weeks as part of the festival, all of which chronicle different stories of racial identity and recent history in Latin America. All of the films in the festival have received

numerous awards and were chosen for their impeccable artistic quality. They also will be shown with English subtitles, making them an attractive viewing option for any member of the Dartmouth community. “Pelo Malo” has already had great success in attracting viewers outside of the sponsoring department, professor Mauricio Sellmann noted. “There were people who came for the first film, ‘Pelo Malo,’ and they knew very little about it,” Sellmann said. “And after the film, one of them approached me and said ‘Wow, thank you for sending the invitation to the community because this was a very interesting experience that opened our eyes,’ so that was very gratifying.” Agudo, too, emphasized the films’ appeal not just as foreign language films but also as incredible works of art in their own right. “We chose films that we think are good films, not just topical, but have quality in themselves and that have value as pieces of film and as works of art,” Agudo said. In addition to bringing some excellent films from Latin America to Dartmouth, the Luso-Hispanic Film Festival also stays true to its name by bridging the gap between Luso-America, where Portuguese is spoken, and the other parts of Latin America where French and Spanish are spoken. Professor Rodolfo Franconi noted that the department is trying to foster a bridge between the two languages, and the festival is one way of accomplishing that goal. “That is the purpose of the festival, to have this interaction among the students of Spanish

and Portuguese, Franconi said. “Because Latin America is not just Spanish America. Latin America encompasses Portuguese, French and Spanish.” Another one of the main purposes of the festival is to expose Spanish students and other community members to the culture of Brazil in particular, outside of the stereotypes they may have seen in American books and movies. Three of the films in the festival are in Spanish, but “O Ano em Que Meus Pais Saíram de férias” and “Que Horas Ela Volta?” are in Portuguese, and both expose viewers to a range of recent cultural issues in Brazil, from the military dictatorship to the tradition of middle class families owning maids. “It’s a way for people to get to know the country better, like the urban part of the country, not ‘The Simpsons’ stereotype, not just ‘Fast Five,’ things like that,” Sellman said. “It’s to show a different and more common Brazil, so something that is more widespread.” Professors in the Spanish and Portuguese department hope that this exposure to the culture of Brazil will attract more students to enroll in Portuguese classes at Dartmouth, including the intensive course “Portuguese 1-2” that was recently announced to be offered this summer. The second screening of the festival, “Julieta,” is an awardwinning 2016 Spanish film that tells the story of a young woman trying to understand who she is amidst a series of heartbreaking tragedies. “Julieta” will be screened this Saturday, April 29 at 4 p.m. at Loew Auditorium.


FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2017





Women’s tennis wins Ivy League, earns second-ever NCAA bid By NATHAN ALBRINCK The Dartmouth Staff

With a win against Princeton University on Sunday, No. 44 women’s tennis clinched a share of the Ivy League title and with it, the team’s second-ever NCAA tournament bid. Dartmouth began April with a strong 12-2 record — the favorite to win the Ivy League. But suddenly, the team went cold, losing two of its first three conference games. On April 2, the team traveled to Harvard University and came away with a tough 4-3 loss. Then on April 9, two days after the Big Green got an away win at Yale University, Brown University came to Hanover and dealt Dartmouth a stinging 5-2 defeat. With a difficult conference slate ahead and slim chances of winning the Ivy League, the Big Green decided it needed to refocus. “We got back to the idea of worrying about what we could control, which was how hard we were going to compete, how hard we were going to play for each other and how excited we were to represent Dartmouth,” women’s tennis head coach Bob Dallis said. “When you do that, the winning and losing takes care of itself.” With its renewed mentality, the Big Green reeled off back-to-back close wins over Cornell University and Columbia University to keep its chances alive heading into the final week of the regular season.

“Going into the weekend, there was a lot up in the air,” co-captain Taylor Ng ’17 said. “With two matches, we knew anything could happen. A lot of people didn’t talk about it. They didn’t want to jinx it.” To earn a share of the Ivy League title, Dartmouth needed to win both of its matches over the weekend, in addition to the University of Pennsylvania beating Harvard on Sunday. In its first match of the weekend, the Big Green was tied 3-3 with Penn when co-captain Jacqueline Crawford ’17 clinched the match, pulling out a three-set victory. In its final regular season matchup, the Big Green faced a Princeton University team that had finished as Ivy League champions for the past three years. None of the current players on Dartmouth’s roster had been part of a team that beat Princeton in conference regular season play. “It was a match I had thought about for the entire year, knowing very well that it could be my last match,” Ng said. Dartmouth started the day well, winning No. 1 and No. 3 doubles to earn the match’s first point. Quick singles wins by Allison McCann ’20, Crawford and Kristina Mathis ’18 secured the win for the Big Green. “We did a good job of using our emotion to fuel our focus and intensity for that day,” Crawford said. “We played extraordinarily well.”

Ng, celebrating Senior Day alongside Crawford, split her first two sets but went on to win her match in a super-tiebreaker, 10-8 in the third set. “[Crawford] won her match very quickly, and when I saw that, I started crying in my match,” Ng said. “I was really happy for her and for our team. Then at the end of my match, I burst into tears. It was a long time coming, and it’s been so worth it.” Meanwhile, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Penn beat Harvard to ensure a three-way tie between Dartmouth, Harvard and Cornell atop the Ivy League. Because Penn defeated both Cornell and Harvard but lost to Dartmouth, the Big Green claimed the Ivy League’s automatic bid to the NCAA tournament. In 2015, the Big Green earned an at-large bid into the 64-team bracketstyle tournament after finishing second in the Ivy League. Dartmouth beat then-No. 49 College of William and Mary in the first round before falling to the then-No. 2 University of North Carolina. The Big Green will look to use that tournament experience as well as senior leadership and momentum to reach the third round for the first time ever. “The overriding goal is to get to Athens, Georgia, which is where the Round of 16 is. But to do that, you have to worry about winning your first-round match and then worry about winning your second-round match,”

The weekday Roundup Compiled by EVAN MORGAN & CHRIS SHIM

The baseball team wrapped up its four-game series against Yale University, splitting a two-game doubleheader on Monday. The games were originally scheduled for last Saturday, but rain pushed the games to Monday. Dartmouth left New Haven, Connecticut, four games behind the Bulldogs in the Red Rolfe Division of the Ivy League. The Big Green took the first game of Monday’s doubleheader 7-2, becoming the team’s lone win of the four-game series. Beau Sulser ’16 pitched a complete game, conceding two runs on four hits while striking out eight. The righty currently leads the


Ivy League in ERA (1.66) and improved to 5-1 with the win. Center fielder Trevor Johnson ’20 went 3-for-5, with two runs and two RBI singles. Adam Gauthier ’16 contributed a two-run double, while Kyle Holbrook ’18 and Dustin Shirley ’18 each drove in one. Later that afternoon, however, Dartmouth fell 6-1 as Yale’s Kumar Nambiar pitched seven innings of one-run ball, giving up five hits while striking out seven. The lone Big Green run came on a solo home run off the bat of first baseman Michael Ketchmark ’17. The Bulldogs strung together two three-run innings thanks to Benny

Wanger, who hit a three-run double in the third and a three-run home run in the fifth. On Wednesday, Dartmouth tied Siena College 9-9. Siena got off to an early 5-0 lead in the first inning and led the Big Green 8-4 as late as the seventh inning, but the Big Green clawed its way back to tie the game in the top of the ninth. Shortstop Justin Fowler ’18 went 2-for-5 with three RBIs, while Shirley, Holbrook and Mike Brown ’19 each contributed two hits and one RBI. The Big Green relied on six different pitchers to get through the game, while Siena used seven. The game was stopped after 10 innings due to darkness.


Dartmouth tied Cornell University and Harvard University for Ivy League crown.

Dallis said. To prepare for the NCAA tournament, Dallis let his team take the week off to rest emotionally, mentally and physically and to catch up academically. When the team returns to practice this weekend, the Big Green will focus on its doubles play, an area where the team has struggled despite its overall 17-4 record. Winning the doubles point, as it did against Penn and Princeton last weekend, allows Dartmouth to play its singles matches under less pressure. But at times this season, pressure has seemed to invigorate the Big Green. The team went 12-9 in doubles during the 2017 season and amassed a 7-2

record in matches where it lost the doubles point. “The hallmark of this team was how they responded to adverse situations,” Dallis said. Dartmouth will find out its firstround opponent during the NCAA selection show on Tuesday, May 2, at 5:30 p.m. The first-round will be played on May 12 or 13, depending on the team’s seeding. “We’re definitely looking to continue the way we’ve been competing and supporting one another,” Crawford said. “This is such a close group of girls. We’ve done a good job of leaving everything we have on the court, whether in practice or in a match.”

EQUESTRIAN The Big Green equestrian team, the defending Ivy League champions, finished second in the 2017 Ivy Championship show this past Sunday. Host Cornell University won five individual titles en route to the win — the Big Red’s second conference championship in the last three seasons. Competition began with the open classes. Lilly Higgins ’20 and Sophie Lenihan ’20 took second and third, respectively, in the open fences class, with Higgins moving on to the open fences championship, where she placed fourth. Dartmouth excelled in the novice classes. Storey Dyer Kloman ’17 rode to first in her novice flat class, sending her to the novice flat championship, which she also won. Cristiana Salvatori ’17 won her novice fences class and advanced to the novice fences championship, where she took

second. The Big Green had a host of other riders competing at the novice level — three others in novice fences and five in novice flat. In intermediate fences, Kloman came in second, while Meg Rauner ’17 won her intermediate flat class and took fifth in the intermediate flat championship. Holly Langley ’19 took second in walk trot canter, while Sue Mohieldin ’19 and Alexandria Chen ’20 notched third-place finishes in their respective canter class. The season is now finished for all but four Big Green riders. Rauner, Claire Bick ’18 and Olivia Champ ’19 will ride at the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association National Championships in May, while Erin McCarthy-Keeler ’19 will represent Dartmouth in the McDonald Scholarship Challenge.

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