The Dartmouth 2/23/18

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College joins hazing prevention initiative By EILEEN BRADY

The Dartmouth Staff







Dartmouth recently joined the Hazing Prevention Consortium, a research-topractice initiative led by the University of Maine to build an evidence base for hazing prevention on college campuses. The College’s involvement began with an invitation to join the group in summer 2017 and will continue through 2020, according to Office of Greek Life director Brian Joyce. Joyce and Student Wellness Center director Caitlin Barthelmes serve as liaisons between the College and the HPC.

According to the HPC website, participation in the consortium is based on “having demonstrated a commitment to eliminate hazing and readiness to launch a comprehensive approach to prevention.” The consortium is organized by StopHazing, a hazing prevention research organization. “[The HPC] is a group of learners that are developing evidence-based strategies to address risky behaviors,” Joyce said. “I think it’s an opportunity to share and build that base of data so that we can SEE HAZING PAGE 5

V-Feb events address gender-based violence By RACHEL PAKIANATHAN The Dartmouth Staff

V-February, Dartmouth’s annual campaign to promote gender equity and end genderbased violence, will feature a series of performances, events and discussions throughout the month of February. The month-long program expands on V-Day, a global movement to end violence against women

and girls. Programs associated with V- Fe b t h i s ye a r i n c l u d e Valentine’s Day card making, dinner discussions hosted by Multi-Faith Conversations and the Cutter-Shabazz Center, an art display by the Triangle House at the Hopkins Center for the Arts and student performances that SEE V-FEB PAGE 2



Raether family donates $15 million to Tuck


The Tuck School of Business received a $15 million donation, matching its largest ever.


On Feb. 1, the Tuck School of Business announced that Paul Raether Tu’73 and his family had donated $15 million toward scholarships, matching the largest ever donation in the history of Tuck. Pledged in 2017, the donation increased Tuck’s endowment to over $100 million by the end of the calendar year. R a e t h e r, w h o s i t s o n Tu c k ’s B o a rd o f Overseers, is currently

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The Thayer School of Engineering is lit on a cloudy evening.

a member of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., a global investment firm. Arnold Raether, Paul Raether’s father, first supported Tuck in the 1980s when he would pay students’ tuition bills informally. The Raethers’ contributions have since expanded to fund faculty endowments, facilities, scholarship programs and programs like “Next Step: Transition to Business,” which helps veterans and elite athletes transition their careers. “[Paul Raether] has relationships across the school for many of

the areas he supports,” Tuck executive director for advancement Erin Tunnicliffe Tu’97 said. Executive director of admissions and financial aid Luke Anthony Peña emphasized that Paul Raether’s donation is i m p o r t a n t t o Tu c k ’s student community. “ Fo r Tu c k , t h i s donation ensures that we have the ability to enroll more incoming students who significantly contribute to Tuck’s immersive lear ning community,” Peña said. SEE TUCK PAGE 3

Hanover Police Department introduces active shooter training




T h e H a n ov e r Po l i c e Department will now offer a free course designed to teach strategies and guidelines for surviving in an active shooter event to local businesses and organizations.

The “Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events” course was developed by the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center at Texas State University to teach the center’s “Avoid, Deny, Defend” strategy. According to ALERRT’s ADD website, the ADD strategy involves

avoiding the threat by moving away as quickly as possible, denying the threat by creating barriers and being prepared to defend yourself if the “avoid” and”deny” methods fail. CRASE’s curriculum was





2018 DOC directorate announced V-February features performances and talks Additionally, he was DOC treasurer Ski and was a Trips leader last fall. As for three terms. As president, Brady vice president, Wang hopes to make The Dartmouth Staff hopes to increase outreach to “under- DOC outdoor activities accessible to Current Dartmouth Outing involved portions of campus” and people from all skill levels, according Club president Mallory Byrd ’19 make DOC a more inclusive club, to her election statement. announced the new directorate for according to his election statement. Carolyn McShea ’18, who is the club on Wednesday night via “We also want to reduce the serving as the current vice president email. The directorate of the DOC logistical barriers, simplify the of the DOC with Mendelsohn, said is composed of a president, vice process and streamline the systems so it is paramount that vice presidents presidents and treasurer. The elected that we have people spend less time have a clear vision for the goal. members will replace the current fussing around administrative tasks “[The vice presidents] should directorate this spring. and more time outdoors and enjoying step into the position with a goal,” Founded in 1909, the DOC is the the beautiful New Hampshire McShea said. “When you are College’s largest student organization, wilderness,” he said. running for something, hopefully with over 1,500 members. It is also Byrd said the DOC president you are not figuring out the agenda an umbrella organization for more is responsible for managing overall and your position.” than a dozen sub-clubs specializing administrative tasks, dealing with risk McShea added that the incoming in various outdoor activities, such management and communicating DOC directorate is unique in that it as the Dartmouth Mountaineering with the Dartmouth community as is composed of more students than Club and the Ledyard Canoe Club. well as the College. in the past. She said it is important While Byrd has served as president During her tenure, she said for members of the directorate of the DOC for the past four terms, the directorate implemented serving during different terms to three different students — John Brady new programs such as the DOC communicate with each other so ’19, Laura Hutchinson ’19 and Ben E nv i ro n m e n t a l S t e w a rd s h i p that they can pursue more large-scale Saccone ’20 — will serve as president Committee. Established in spring projects. over the next four terms. 2017, it has worked to “track, reduce Kaijing Janice Chen ’19 and Hutchinson will serve as president and offset the carbon emissions Ethan Smith ’20 were elected as for spring 2018 following her terms produced by outing club trips and treasurers. as vice president for fall and winter consumption” so that the DOC can Chen will serve as treasurer for 2018. In the past, she has served as become carbon neutral. spring and fall 2018 and winter 2019. chair of two DOC sub-clubs: the Lauren Mendelsohn ’19, Hunter Within the DOC, Chen has planned Winter Sports Club and Women in Dominick ’20, Iris Wang ’20 and and led break trips with Ledyard. the Wilderness. Hutchinson was also Hutchinson were elected as vice She hopes to increase awareness of the vice president of the DOC with presidents of the DOC. the DOC’s financial resources so Anna Ellis ’19 last summer. Mendelsohn will serve as vice that more students can participate As president, Hutchinson said president for spring and fall 2018 and in the DOC’s outdoor activities in she hopes to make the DOC more winter 2019. She is the current vice the future, according to her election inclusive and welcoming. president of the DOC and served as statement. “We’ve been talking about chair of CnT as well as captain of Smith will serve during summer inclusivity a lot, and I’m hoping the Woodsmen’s team in the past. As 2018. He hopes to more efficiently to tangibly tackle that a little more vice president, Mendelsohn hopes allocate the DOC’s funds and comprehensively,” Hutchinson to foster inclusivity within the DOC increase financial transparency, said. “One of the ways I am hoping by organizing dinners with different according to his election statement. to address that is by being more student groups available. I’m hoping to schedule and increase “We’ve been talking A n d r e w office hours where I will sit in environmental Crutchfield [Robinson Hall] and people can voice s t e w a r d s h i p , about inclusivity a ’18, the current their concerns and chat about what according to lot, and I’m hoping treasurer of they can do to get more involved with h e r e l e c t i o n the DOC, said to tangibly tackle the club.” statement. the treasurer is In addition, Hutchinson said she D o m i n i c k that a little more responsible for believes it is important for the DOC to a n d W a n g comprehensively.” all the student organize panel discussions and other will serve as finances within on-campus activities in the future. vice presidents the club. The Saccone will serve as president during summer -LAURA HUTCHINSON ’19, money that during the summer of 2018. As 2018. Within the the treasurer INCOMING DARTMOUTH president, Saccone hopes to cooperate DOC, Dominick m a n a g e s with the Outdoor Programs Office is currently a OUTING CLUB PRESIDENT i n c l u d e s and the leaders of each DOC sub- leader in CnT the DOC club to ensure that outdoor trips and Ledyard. endowment are widely available to students, Dominick hopes to continue efforts as well as funding from the according to his election statement. to welcome outdoor beginners into Undergraduate Finance Committee. His past experience with the DOC the club by possibly organizing new Crutchfield added that the includes serving as chair of the member or beginner-only trips, treasurer of the DOC should ideally Dartmouth Mountaineering Club according to his election statement. be well-organized and pragmatic. since fall 2017. As the current CnT heeler chair, “You have to be well-organized — Brady will serve as president for Wang helps heelers — students in it’s as close to accounting as you can fall and winter 2018. He is the current the process of becoming full leaders get without being an accountant,” captain of the Woodsmen’s team as — ascend, or become full leaders. Crutchfield said. “You also have to well as chair of Cabin and Trail. Wang is also a leader in Club Alpine be pragmatic and know that you are always going to want more money than you have, and everyone is always going to be asking you for more CORRECTIONS money but you have to be able to We welcome corrections. If you believe there is a factual error in a story, say no.” please email for corrections. Chen is a member of The Dartmouth.


individuals. Co-director of “Voices” Lydia include “Upstaging Stereotypes,” Freehafer ’18 said that an effort “The Vagina Monologues” and is being made to increase the intersectionality of V-February “Voices.” Gricelda Ramos ’18, director programs because there are many of the 2018 program, said the different aspects of identity to program changes each year to consider, and it is necessary to incorporate more campus groups create a space for marginalized voices. She also noted the choice and introduce new perspectives. “As we’re becoming more to open up the “Voices” cast to inclusive as a society, I think it’s include gender non-conforming reflected in the mission and the individuals. heart of V-February,” she said. “Gender-based violence is alive and well “V-February here,” Freehafer is a program said. “It’s alive that i s “The fight to promote and well outside c o n s t a n t l y gender equity and of here, and I learning, and think that every c o n s t a n t l y end gender-based year these t r y i n g t o violence is everyone’s conver sations be the most become more i n c l u s i ve i t responsibility.” nuanced and can be.” complex.” O n e o f -GRICELDA RAMOS ’18, Freehafer added the first programs of DIRECTOR OF V-FEBRUARY that she has seen the impact of the month was perfor mances a Valentine’s like “Voices” on Day cardboth students making event who perfor m held at Collis and student who Common attend. Ground. “ I ’ve h e a rd R a m o s people say things said it was like, ‘It really intended to changed me,’ ‘It allow students to write cards to anyone they loved opened my eyes to problems on this campus,’ and ‘It was really or appreciated. “It didn’t necessarily have to be empowering to hear people be heteronormative love, it could’ve brave enough to share their been to anyone,” she said. “We’re stories,’” she said. trying to create spaces where Ramos said she attributes anyone can feel like they can come the success of the programs to and find a sense of community and the members of the V-February committee, who have been impacted a connection.” Some events new to the 2018 themselves by participating in program are “Chowdown” meals programs of past years. hosted by ambassadors for the “ T h e l e ad e r s h i p t h at we Office of Pluralism and Leadership have, the people we have on the to discuss topics like #MeToo and committee right now, I’ve never the impact of social media on seen such driven, focused, passionate raising awareness against sexual individuals,” she said. “I think our harassment, an art collective mission is really being accomplished featuring transgender women of through the hard work that they are color and a guest appearance putting in.” from Schuyler Bailer, a Harvard Ramos added that while this University undergraduate who year’s V-February committee is was the first transgender man on predominantly composed of selfidentifying women, she hopes that in the Harvard men’s swim team. The program also includes the future more men will be inspired Dartmouth’s 20th rendition of to join. “The Vagina Monologues,” a “The fight to promote gender series of monologues dealing equity and end gender-based violence with the feminine experience; is everyone’s responsibility,” Ramos “Upstaging Stereotypes,” an said. “I feel a lot of self-identifying original performance exploring men are afraid to join a V-February the intersection of masculinity, committee or are not interested in personal identity and experience; joining a V-February committee. a n d “ Vo i c e s , ” a n o r i g i n a l That’s something I would love to see performance of pieces written by change in the years to come. I think self-identifying Dartmouth women V-Feb as a whole would benefit from and gender non-confor ming having all kinds of perspectives.” FROM V-FEB PAGE 1




Hanover Police offers Tuck receives $15 million donation active shooter training alumni donate and are active after graduating. “We strive to offer scholarships to Peña cited philanthropic giving outstanding students who, absent as a personal and individual matter funding, might not attend the Tuck that usually relates to causes School.” that donors T h e “We’ve been blessed personally goal of the identify with. a d m i s s i o n with really terrific “[Paul Raether] t e a m i s t o leaders that are out and is one of our c o m p l e t e l y about and meeting with generous donors remove the who believes in f i n a n c i a l alumni in forums large the affordability b a r r i e r s t o and small all the time.” of higher enroll for education,” he students, said. P e ñ a -ERIN TUNNICLIFFE TU’97, According to s a i d . P a u l TUCK SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Pe ñ a , Tu c k ’s Raether’s admissions $15 million EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR team attempts d o n a t i o n ADVANCEMENT to attract and will be select diver se completely candidates to allocated maintain Tuck’s to student prestigious and scholarships competitive as per his landscape. wishes. Financial “A g i f t scholarships of that p r o v i d e magnitude is incentives for a really big applicants addition to and admitted our resources for scholarships,” students to choose Tuck, he added. Tunnicliffe said. “Their donation “While our alumni donors will help us in creating more robust have ensured that our scholarship offers to students to make costs less of an issue when they come to Tuck.” In 2017, The Economist ranked Tuck as the eighth best business school in the world. “We’ve been blessed with really terrific leaders that are out and about and meeting with alumni in forums large and small all the time,” Tunnicliffe said. Tunnicliffe also said Tuck students make strong connections while they are in Hanover. Peña added that over two-thirds of Tuck FROM TUCK PAGE 1


developed by examining what has and has not been effective in past responses to active shooter events, according to Hanover Police captain Mark Bodanza. “Law enforcement has been trained to be able to go out and teach these classes throughout the country,” he said. “The course exposes people to the reality of where active shooter events happen statistically, the profile of what an active shooter looks like and ways to protect themselves if in fact something happened.” Hanover Police Chief Charlie Dennis said the ultimate purpose of the course is to increase the chance of survival for those that find themselves in an active shooter event. “This is real life,” Dennis said. “These events are happening, so it’s all about what can we do and what tools can we give you that may help you survive if you find yourself in such an event.” He added that civilians must often make quick decisions before law enforcement arrives, since most active shooter events last less than five minutes. The course, Dennis said, is about helping people understand how their brains react to trauma and stress and training them to think about their options and exit strategies. “Many times, including the [recent Parkland, Florida school shooting], the shooting event was over by the time law enforcement arrived, so we’re trying to give you some pre-planned response options that the CRASE program is built on,” he said. Bodanza said he hopes the course will encourage individuals to have discussions with their peers and families about entering situations with more awareness of their surroundings. “When [civilians go] to a hockey game or a movie theater, they’re looking

for the exits, or if they’re at an event, they’re thinking of the ‘What if ?’” he said. “It’s unfortunate that we have come to that point in society of thinking, ‘What if it happens?’” Three members of the Hanover Police Department were trained to teach the course last year. The department has been rolling out the CRASE course in the community for the past six months, according to Dennis. He said there is no intended end date for the program. “As long as we see events like this occurring in our country, we want to provide the training that may save someone’s life,” he said. “Since the press release went out [on Feb. 15], we’ve had about six or seven groups or businesses that have contacted us.” He said the groups requesting the course have included banks, retirement centers, churches, schools, nonprofit organizations, a construction company and several individuals. Interim director of Safety and Security Keysi Montás expressed support for the CRASE course and encouraged those interested to take part in the training. “It’s a general approach course; anybody can take advantage of [CRASE] because it’s great information,” he said. “We do collaborate in our response [to active shooter events] with Hanover Police. But we provide joint training with them that is also site-specific and collegeoriented.” Bodanza and Dennis both said that they would be interested in teaching the course at Dartmouth if asked. “If there’s an association, a group, or if there’s a particular community within Dartmouth that’s interested in hosting, then we would entertain the idea of collaborating with Dartmouth or the entities to be able to bring in to the College,” Dennis said.

budget is generous, I acknowledge that it still is not enough to remove the barriers for our great students,” Peña said. Martial Combari Tu’18, who is a co-chair for the Tuck Diversity Conference, said while Tuck has done a “wonderful job” at recruiting and welcoming students, there is still work to be done. The Class of 2019 is 44 percent women, which is higher than other top business schools, he said. However, Tuck also has a much smaller class size than other business schools. “Oftentimes students will want to come to Tuck and then look at their options and realize Tuck is expensive,” Combari said. “Giving merit scholarships to students will give leverage to attract more talent.” Combari added that he believes that financial aid plays a significant part in a student’s experience. To attend Tuck, he said, students take time out of the “business and corporate world” for two years and sometimes accumulate debt, which can create pressure for business students to “make friends and then find a job ... and pay off the loans.” “There is this balance that affects how one goes about their experience at Tuck,” he said.






The Politics of Truth

Love Yourself

We must value whistleblowers as protectors of truth. The ability to tell the truth and, conversely, the ability to conceal it are immensely powerful. Truth must be told earnestly; it must be told with a desire to inform without regard to the consequences. For the health of society and the welfare of the individual, it is crucial not only to tell the truth, but also to be receptive to it. Of course, this idiom encounters several barriers in practice, namely in the form of people or entities that actively suppress the truth. In cases with immense opposition, telling the truth is not pleasant or easy. It is incumbent on the truthteller to speak out fearlessly. This is the role of the whistleblower. Former presidential candidate Ralph Nader, who coined the word “whistleblower” in the 1970s, said that those who whistleblow protect citizens’ rights because they warn them of the destruction of their interests by “secretive and powerful institutions.” At first glance, a whistleblower seems suspiciously like a snitch. But whereas the snitch acts on the premise of personal gain, the whistleblower acts out of moral obligation. This difference is critical. A snitch tells the truth to eschew personal risk; a whistleblower’s truth-telling acknowledges and often embraces repercussions. Edward Snowden, for instance, was a proper whistleblower: A former contractor for the National Security Agency, he became an internationally-wanted fugitive overnight when he leaked classified documents revealing that the organization was secretly collecting phone records and surveillance data. Yet his actions grew not out of a need for petty vengeance or fame but out of an earnest desire to inform. Interpreting this act of whistleblowing as a form of truth-telling is a testament to the power of information. A government agency had operated in complete secrecy while gathering invasive amounts of private information; by concealing that truth from the public, it had exploited unfettered power. Snowden’s unraveling of that concealment by means of truth-telling moved that power back into the hands of the people, incentivizing citizens to enact change. Shortly after the leak, Congress passed a law restricting NSA metadata collection. Yet Snowden was forced to leave his life in the United States behind to seek asylum in Russia. With such severe repercussions, it is fair to consider Snowden a proper whistleblower

— he protected the public interest from pernicious overreach at his own expense. Snowden’s truth-telling was accepted by the public as, in fact, true. That is to say, Snowden may not have been believed if he himself was not seen as an authentic truth-teller. Such being the case, two questions arise. First, who is allowed to tell the truth? And second, how does that affect public views of truth-telling and truth-tellers? Trinity College professor Lida Maxwell cites the philosophy of Michel Foucault as a good starting point for understanding the role of the truth-teller. She argues that the acceptance of truth by others is “historically and politically conditioned in different ways in different times and places.” Take trans gender activist and politician Chelsea Manning. After orchestrating the largest leak of classified information in history, most of which concerned U.S. military involvement in the deaths of innocent civilians, Manning, who was then-Lt. Bradley Manning, was arrested by the FBI after she revealed her identity to a clandestine agent. The day after her conviction, she indicated her preference to be identified as female. Manning struggled to reconcile two different identities while in the military. On the one hand, she was an American patriot ordered to promote American interests and play the role of “soldier.” On the other hand, her personal convictions and identity did not align with this assigned role. She was a vocal critic of the United States’ democracy-promotion tactics in Iraq and even openly disagreed with those who outranked her, even punching a supervisor in the face at one point. She also frequently took to Facebook to complain about her frustration with “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” which led to disdain and ostracism from her fellow soldiers. While Manning was a soldier, her voice as a witness to U.S.-committed atrocities was routinely suppressed or ignored. After she left the military, WikiLeaks provided her with a space to tell the truth. Maxwell argues that this is more than just an act of whistleblowing or truth-telling. Rather, it is an act of what she calls “transformative truthtelling.” In essence, she argues that Manning’s truth-telling was “not simply [planned] as an SEE MALBREAUX PAGE 6

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PHILIP RASANSKY, Publisher ERIN LEE, Executive Editor ALEXA GREEN, Managing Editor AMANDA ZHOU, Managing Editor BUSINESS DIRECTORS ALFREDO GURMENDI, Finance & Strategy Director ROSHNI CHANDWANI, Finance & Strategy Director SHINAR JAIN, Advertising Director KELLY CHEN, Product Development Director ELYSE KUO, Product Development Director EMMA MARSANO, Marketing & Communications Director MATTHEW GOBIN, Technology Director PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR TIFFANY ZHAI MULTIMEDIA EDITOR JESSICA CAMPANILE

ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Elise Higgins, Divya Kopalle, Joyce Lee, Michael Lin, Tyler Malbreaux

ISSUE NEWS LAYOUT: Berit Svenson SUBMISSIONS: We welcome letters and guest columns. All submissions must include the author’s name and affiliation with Dartmouth College, and should not exceed 250 words for letters or 700 words for columns. The Dartmouth reserves the right to edit all material before publication. All material submitted becomes property of The Dartmouth. Please email submissions to

College can be a period of turmoil but also one of growth. For many, college is a period of self- is no single “Dartmouth experience.” discovery and newfound independence. Anonymous College metrics are telling. This freedom is a blessing, but it can also Despite the emphasis on hookup culture at seem like a curse — with little oversight Dartmouth, over 31 percent of respondents on how to act and with many influences to one College Pulse survey have never had capable of pressuring students, it is easy sex. to become overwhelmed. Add to that the Misperceptions remain. This may be common assumption that most students because they start long before most students seem to be doing fine and some can end up step foot on campus. Just as storytelling believing that they are worse than others reveals the commonalities of everyone’s for struggling, that they are missing a spark coming-of-age narratives, it can also create that must be inherent in others. an ideal of what a college experience In actuality, popular culture shows us should be like, despite the existing diversity every generation experiences these feelings in students’ personalities and interests. of insecurity, so much so that the basic Coming into Dartmouth, some students storyline has inspired a genre — the coming- watch “Animal House,” the 1978 film of-age tale. Indeed, a based on the College protagonist (generally “Many of the that glorifies a fraternitya teenager) begins with based, delinquent image a certain sense of self, perceptions we have of collegiate life. This encounters a catalyst of what we should image is perpetuated (such as college) and through other movies and emerges changed and be feeling or doing stories in popular culture, matured (a graduated, comes from a small, and students coming to real-life adult). Coming Dartmouth may think of age seems personal vocal subset of the that this is the proper way and individual, yet it campus population.” to “do” college. Many is the basis for bestforget that these movies selling books and are generally glorified movies. Despite the versions of a college isolation it can engender, coming of age experience that doesn’t necessarily exist. and the process it represents, with all of its All said, expectations of normal can attached insecurities and doubts are shared end up pinned onto an unrealistic ideal. experience common to everyone. When these expectations are not met, the Of course, it’s always better if we result can be feelings of isolation and even can alleviate those doubts to begin with, failure. There are ways to combat this. to accelerate the process altogether. A Skewed perceptions and expectations come key understanding that can help is the from exposure to the most vocal, whether realization that what others portray on the they are students or popular culture cues. outside does not necessarily reflect how Understanding that the relative volume they feel on the inside. Dartmouth students, of these voices does not indicate success, like students around the country, often and that these voices are not necessarily talk about “Stanford Duck Syndrome:” A representative of the majority of people, is student, like a duck, can appear calm and the first step to understanding that there is collected on the surface while internally no one collective college experience for all. struggling just to stay afloat. The widespread Students should take inspiration from familiarity of this term, exemplified by a people they admire, but they should not deify number of articles written both directly others. They should, however, understand and indirectly about this concept, testifies what makes them seem so admirable. to its universality. Most students, if pressed, Outwardly vocal people define their own will express uncertainty in themselves and identity. Though it can at times be difficult to the talents for which others admire them. speak up about tough issues, it is important Even those who project the most confidence to do so. Speaking up alerts others who want have insecurities; many may have a “fake it to help, in addition to normalizing and till you make it” attitude. The appearance bringing awareness to the insecurities that of success does not always correlate with every student feels in college and helping actual feelings of success, let alone success future generations going through the same itself, which conversely suggests that an coming-of-age process. individual’s personal feelings of failure College should not be the best four may be, to those around them, completely years of anyone’s life — if it were, there hidden. would be nothing to look forward to for the More impor tantl y, many o f t h e decades to come. Instead, it should be four perceptions we have of what we should be years of growth, maturation and, yes, some feeling or doing comes from a vocal subset turmoil. Understanding that this turbulence of the campus population. At Dartmouth, is normal and speaking about it can help this pressure tends to emphasize Greek students become more comfortable in their life, drinking culture and hookups. First- own shoes, helping them to live better, more years see the most involved people in the fulfilling lives. community, such as those who perform in the Dimensions show or who lead FirstThe editorial board consists of opinion staff Year Trips, as models of a quintessential columnists, the opinion editors, the associate opinion “Dartmouth experience.” Yet there editor, both executive editors and the editor-in-chief.



College joins anti-hazing consortium address hazing at Dartmouth. They will begin the process of address [hazing] more fully and be building the coalition this spring. better prepared in the future.” Once assembled, the coalition T h e C o l l e g e j o i n s t h e will be tasked with translating the M a s s a c h u s e t t s I n s t i t u t e o f evidence gathered by the cohort Technology, the into initiatives University of and strategies North Carolina “There’s no reason for t h a t c a n b e at Chapel Hill, this to be happening, adopted by the the University College, Joyce and if by talking to of Oregon and said. Tufts University other schools we can In the next few as part of the learn what works and days, a randomly HPC’s second selected group cohort, which what doesn’t, I think of students will l a u n c h e d i n that’s a great idea.” receive a survey September about haz ing, 2017. The Barthelmes said. f i r s t c o h o r t -CAROLINE FILAN ’18 After the data is completed collected from its three-year students, experts initiative in on hazing will 2 0 1 6 , Jo y c e come to campus said. to conduct Barthelmes a qualitative views the follow-up r e s e a r c h assessment. conducted by This will include the HPC’s first interviews and focus groups and cohort as a valuable resource. will hopefully take place before “Cohort one has already started the end of the academic year, building the evidence base that we Barthelmes said. can build upon,” she said. “We These activities fall under the can learn what’s been working on “Assessment and Capacity” task those campuses and how we can that the HPC assigns to firsttailor it to our campus.” year participants in the cohort. In addition to representing In subsequent years, institutions Dartmouth in the consortium, will form their coalitions, evaluate Barthelmes and Joyce will serve as the collected data and develop chairs of an on-campus coalition prevention strategies, according of faculty, staff and students to to the HPC website. FROM HAZING PAGE 1

Caroline Filan ’18 noted the College’s participation in the consortium is an opportunity to learn and improve. Filan has been an advocate of hazing prevention since the hazing-related death of her close friend Max Gruver, a Louisiana State University firstyear student, in September 2017. “There’s no reason for this to be happening, and if by talking to other schools we can learn what works and what doesn’t, I think that’s a great idea,” Filan said. I n h e r e f fo r t s, F i l a n h a s encouraged Greek houses and other campus organizations to have serious talks about hazing. She has also handed out Max Gruver Foundation bracelets re a d i n g “ # f l y h i g h m a x ” a n d “#stopthehazing.” The goal of the bracelets, she said, is to remind students to look out for one another and to give them the courage to intervene when necessary. Student efforts like Filan’s play a part in advocating against hazing, a process that Joyce said takes work from every level of the institution. Barthelmes added that she hopes to build on these efforts using information gained from participation in the HPC. “[Now] is the perfect time to build on the student involvement in these issues and to further those strides while still recognizing there’s work to be done,” Barthelmes said. “We’re happy to have tools, through this consortium, to move the work even further.”



Student architecture work is on display in the Strauss Gallery in the Hopkins Center for the Arts.









3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Lecture: “Resolving Black Holes in Space and Time,“ with astrophysicist Jason Dexter at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestial Physics in Garching, Germany, Wilder 104

8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Theater MainStage Production: “1984,” directed by Peter Hackett, Moore Theater, Hopkins Center for the Arts

9:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.

Film: “The Shape of Water,” directed by Guillermo del Toro, Loew Auditorium, Black Family Visual Arts Center

TOMORROW 5:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.

Film: “Downsizing,” directed by Alexander Paybe, Loew Auditorium, Black Family Visual Arts Center

8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.

Performance: Barbary Coast Jazz Ensemble, Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts

SUNDAY 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Film: “The Greatest Showman,” directed by Michael Gracey, Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts

7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Film: “I, Tonya,” directed by Craig Gillespie, Loew Auditorium, Black Family Visual Arts Center

Malbreaux: The Politics of Truth FROM MALBREAUX PAGE 4

attempt to reveal facts that were hidden.” It was an intentioned response to “techniques of secrecy that constructed [Manning] as improperly public and not worthy of being heard.” A transformational truth-teller, then, differs from a whistleblower in the crucial sense that government accountability is not one’s only goal. Rather, the transformational truthteller seeks to go beyond revealing

truths, hoping instead to transform “the world in such a way … [to] appear as a proper truth-teller in it.” To get others to listen to the truth she told, Manning had to change her position in the world first. With this change, Manning freed the world from ignorance. The “Iraq War Logs,” as they came to be known, revealed 15,000 civilian lives lost in the promotion of “American values.” And in the process of transformative truth-telling, Manning also freed

herself from the silencing she faced in the military. The world still has a long way to go with truth-telling. We can start by appreciating whistleblowers for the work they do in bridging information gaps by revealing the truth. We can also have faith in the fact that whistleblowers will always exist. Be it the case of a high-profile whistleblower or the case of someone confronting the everyday mundanities of life, the age-old advice to always tell the truth still holds true.

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Student Spotlight: Hannah Matheson ’18 talks poetry as art By MELANIE PRAKASH The Dartmouth

Hannah Matheson ’18 is one of the few students who arrived at Dartmouth knowing already what she deeply cared about. “I came in knowing that I would probably be an English major because I’ve always loved reading and writing,” she said. This year, Matheson will be graduating as an English major concentrating in creative writing. She is an editor and writer for literary publications Mouth and The Stonefence Review, and an active member of her sorority Sigma Delta. Matheson is also a singer for all-female a cappella group the Subtleties, but she did not come into Dartmouth with a background as a singer. “I think I’m kind of a weird case for a cappella because I don’t really identify as a vocalist because I’m not a trained singer,” she said. “It’s one of my favorite things that I do actually … to do something for the sake of doing and not because it looks a certain way or [for] networking.” She said she did know for some

time, however, that she harbored a deep love of poetry. Ever since Matheson attended a poetry reading in high school, where she said she became aware of language as a physical sensation, poetry has always been a very personal experience. “It was the first time I had ever been ... aware of ... language [as] something that happens to your body because of the way you’re perceiving it,” she said. Matheson said that she finds a special appeal in poetry because it allows people to understand the world in a specific way. “I think sometimes we become so desensitized to the world that we’re in that it only makes sense for me to say something rather circuitously,” she said. “There’s sometimes [an idea] that I just don’t think you can say something any other way.” Matheson said she especially finds poetry a powerful way to communicate her own ideas, citing Canadian author Margaret Atwood’s conception of language as a “common coin” that allows for the personal self to interact with the outside world based on meanings that society has

commonly agreed on. “[In] any genre, you have to think about what you’re doing and why and how that will be understood, so that’s important to me,” she said. Matheson said she also strongly believes the arts are crucial to her own perception of herself and a value she finds to be essential to the human experience. “Art is the way I understand myself and being a human,” she said. “I think art asks you to empathize, and there’s nothing more important [than] being in the world as a global citizen.” Matheson’s peers have also noticed how art seems to be central to how they perceive Matheson. Virginia Ogden ’18, Matheson’s roommate and fellow Subtleties member, said she keeps a list of the phrases Matheson has used in the past to express how she feels. “For example, ‘[Matheson] feels like a ziplock bag someone filled with soup,’ ‘a plant that lost its vascularity,’ ‘a deflated, wacky, inflatable man,’ ‘a sugar cane where all the sugar has been scraped out,’” Ogden said. “She has a way of describing the human condition in a way I have never heard

anyone else describe it.” Cote Auil ’18 is another one of Matheson’s friends who said that she sees the unique power of the arts over Matheson’s life. “I think that she’s a very passionate person who lives her emotions very intensely, so I think that the arts are sort of an avenue to express herself, to make connections, to voice her concerns and just to analyze the world,” Auil said. “I think it allows herself to express her creativity and is a way of just appreciating the creativity around her.” In fact, Matheson’s talent for writing sometimes astonishes her peers. Ogden said there was a time when Matheson had spent hours writing a contrapuntal poem, which consists of two distinct poems merged together by alternating lines so that they form a singular voice. For Matheson’s work, each poem can be read individually in their columns but also together from left to right. “I can’t wrap my brain around the fact that someone could make something like that, and then when I read it, I just started sobbing because it was so pure and so beautiful,” Ogden

said. English professor Vievee Francis said that Matheson brings a unique sense of creativity to her art. “To be able to distinguish yourself [as a poet], that takes something,” she said. “And the first way she does that is through that vast vocabulary of hers. Her diction, her word choice in the poems, really sets the tone of them.” Francis said that Matheson’s poetry deals with issues that are currently relevant, including gender and family, which can make her poetry challenging to write and read. “Still, she brings her best self to the classroom,” Francis said. “She’s happy to be there, and it shows.” Ogden said the strength of Matheson’s work is something pure and essential to her character. Matheson has the power to change how people view art because of the nature of her work, she said. “She not only creates, but she seeks to turn the world around her into something beautiful whether that’s her own thoughts and feelings or the things that she notices about the world around her,” Ogden said.

Review: ‘What a Time To Be Alive’ considers political activism The album’s title defines the mood of its songs, lamenting our The Dartmouth nation’s current political and social If you’ve been out of the obscure landscape. In the chorus of the titular and cultish garage punk loop, you track, lead singer Mac McCaughan have probably never heard of belts, “To see the rot in no disguise/ the indie rock band Superchunk. Oh what a time to be alive” as he Formed in 1989 in Chapel Hill, bemoans how the sordid underbelly North Carolina, Superchunk of American society has bubbled to exploded onto the counterculture the surface. The middle-aged quartet displays scene of the early ’90s, producing seven albums over the course of the maturity in its frustration at the decade. The group took a brief hiatus modern political climate, taking part in the blame soon after the turn as McCaughan of the millennium, adds, “We can’t eventually producing “... ‘What a Time pretend to be only two albums to Be Alive’ is a sur prised/Oh between 2002 and what a time to 2014. After releasing collection of catchy be alive.” its tenth album, “I and vigorous songs This anger Hate Music” in 2013, that simultaneously manifests itself Superchunk returned in a veritable last Friday with the presents a call to action politically charged commercially in tracks like and triumphantly “Break the subversive album agreeable message Glass,” which “ W h a t a T i m e and returns to the p ro m o t e s — To Be Alive.” At genre’s roots in as the title a time when punk suggest — music seems to be counterculture.” urgent damage increasingly dwarfed control. In by the allure of hiphop and electronic music, “What “Bad Choices,” the group (albeit a Time to Be Alive” is a collection begrudgingly) calls for unity in a of catchy and energetic songs time of complete social discord. that simultaneously presents a McCaughan denounces bigotry as he commercially agreeable message sings, “But all your bad choices/ Are and returns to the genre’s roots in gonna cause suffering,” but he also counterculture. Moreover, it’s a peacefully preaches acceptance in a visceral and sincere reaction to our verse: “You gotta get out/Out and about/Meet your weird neighbors.” country’s recent escapades.


The band doesn’t sacrifice the intense drive and catchy rhythms of its earlier work to deliver its new message. As McCaughan said in an interview with the Vancouver Sun, “You can put this record on and just rock out. In some ways I think that the music balances out the subject matter of the lyrics.” The band rages full throttle through the 32-minute album, with one guitar-driven melody after another. Superchunk’s vitality is almost as impressive as it is entertaining. “ Re a g a n Yo u t h ” d r a w s an obvious parallel between Superchunk’s impassioned album and the ’80s punk scene that largely developed in response to former President Ronald Reagan’s morally conservative administration. But what is much more interesting is the song’s descending riff and Jim Wilbur’s biting guitar solo. “Erasure,” an indictment of a population in thrall of antiquated bigotry, features playful synths and beautiful harmonies from two featured artists: The Magnetic Fields’ lead singer Stephen Merritt and Waxahatchee’s founder Katie Crutchfield. The interlocking call and response of the guitars in the beginning of “All for You” provides a brief melodic lull before the song ramps up to the album’s standard tempo and intensity. What is perhaps the most impressive about “What A Time To Be Alive” is its ability to

revive an ostensibly vanishing art to convey a modern political message. Superchunk’s album uses the traditionally riotous music of punk rock, a genre whose anger and energy perfectly articulates the band’s message of urgency. In a sense, the album’s call to arms is twofold: There’s an obvious political

message denouncing President Donald Trump’s philosophy and approach, and a more covert demand for a new age of subversive artistry. McCaughan sums up the message in “I Got Cut”: “All these old men won’t die too soon/ […] Closing my eyes, making room/ Oh, for somebody else.”







Track and field teams prepare to host first Heps since 2014 By SABENA ALLEN

The Dartmouth Staff

The Ivy League Heptagonal Indoor Championships brings together all eight Ivy League schools to compete for the conference title every year. The host location rotates between Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth and Harvard University. This year, it is Dartmouth’s chance to host the meet at Leverone Field House. Because each school only hosts Heps once every four years, this year’s indoor Heps presents a unique opportunity for the men’s and women’s Big Green track and field teams, according to women’s track and field co-captain Bridget Douglas ’18. Coaches and students are extremely excited to put on a show, women’s track and field coach Sandy Ford-Centonze said. According to Ford-Centonze, a lot of work goes into hosting Heps, especially from Dartmouth Facilities Operations and Management, which handles the bulk of setting up the equipment for this weekend’s meet. Coaches try to keep students away from the stressful aspects of planning and executing the weekend and instead focused on their performances. “Hosting here is unbelievable,” Ford-Centonze said. “It does tend to be a week, about a week and a half, of a little higher stress level, higher tensions than normal. But as a coach, you expect that, and we do try to keep it away from the athletes and not have them be as stressed out or as filled with tension.” Some track and field athletes participate by making posters and promoting the event through word

of mouth and social media, but those who have qualified have been more focused on preparing to compete. “In terms of administration stuff, if someone’s actually competing in the meet, we want those students to focus on that,” men’s track and field coach Barry Harwick ’77 said. “For some of our athletes who did not make the championship roster, they will be much more involved. They’ll be helping out with a wide variety of jobs at the meet, whether it’s retrieving implements or raking the long jump pit or helping out with results. There’s a lot of small jobs that need to be done to make the meet go off smoothly.” According to Douglas, with each school bringing full teams, this is one of the Big Green’s biggest competitions of the season. All eight Ivy League schools will be present over the weekend. “ I t ’s d e f i n i t e l y o u r m o s t competitive meet that we go to during the winter term, but that just makes it a million times more fun,” Douglas said. Though Leverone is a small venue, the intensity of the meet will not be lost. “This league is a very competitive league, and it definitely shows when we all get together in this small space,” Ford-Centonze said. “Even the other schools look forward to coming here because of the intimacy and energy and excitement that it brings.” Douglas noted that athletes are looking forward to competing at such a familar location. “Hosting will be different just because we are very familiar with the facility,” Douglas said. “Going to a different school, although we might


In 2017, Cha’Mia Rothwell ’20 set a new league record in the 60-meter hurdles.


Maria Garman ’19 comptes in the pentathlon, a five-part event that includes the high jump, long jump, shot put and more.

see [that facility] once a year, being in a facility that you’re in every day for two to three hours every day makes a difference. You’re very comfortable, you know the environment. I think having it at home is much more personal. It’s like [we’re] defending our house.” The women’s team has had a strong season thus far, with four firstplace finishes in meets during this indoor season. Ford-Centonze said the team’s pole vaulting prospects are especially exciting “We have four vaulters who have really excelled well during the entire season,” Ford-Centonze said. “Two of them are sophomores, and two are freshmen and we’re really excited about that.” Ford-Centonze noted the women’s team is feeling both positive and nervous going into the weekend, which is to be expected. They are focusing on what they can control for themselves: their own performances. The men’s team has also found success, according to Harwick, especially at home meets. They have two first-place and two second-place finishes from Hanover this winter. “I would say that the men on the team are very confident that this is going to be their best meet of the season,” Harwick said. Heps is different from other meets because it is the league championship, so athletes step up

their performances, according to Ford-Centonze. With the league title on the line, athletes must not only perform well indiviudally, but also consider the impact on the team’s overall score. “At a lot of meets during the season, track and field athletes tend to focus on what their individual performance is: how fast they ran, how far they threw, how high they jumped,” Harwick said. “And at Heps, it’s much more about where you place in an event and whether or not you score points for the team there.” Last year, the men’s team finished third while the women’s team placed sixth. Top performances included Nico Robinson ’17’s second-place finish in the men’s heptathlon and Cha’Mia Rothwell ’20’s first-place finish in the 60-meter hurdles and the long jump. Because of the additional team mentality that a meet like Heps brings, the energy at Heps is electric. Athletes can look forward to having their friends at the event to cheer them on. Heps is also a big draw for alumni and parents. “We’re expecting a big crowd of alumni, parents and friends of the program to come back both to watch the meet and to cheer on our team,” Harwick said. “So we’re looking forward to connecting with those people.”

Hosting makes things easier for athletes to feel prepared for their events as they can avoid long bus rides and having to eat, stay and compete in unfamiliar places. “I’d say [hosting has] made it less difficult just because we don’t have to travel,” Douglas said. “So spending a whole day on a bus definitely can make you feel kind of stiff. Being at home has made it easier because there’s not much preparation other than just concentrating on our event.” However, the coaches may be under more pressure to organize the events. According to Ford-Centonze, coaches must focus not only on their own athletes’ needs but also on the needs of the other seven Ivy League schools to make sure the weekend goes smoothly. “I would say that for me particularly and the coaching staff in general, hosting is a lot more work than when we travel there,” Harwick said. “I would quickly add to that statement, it’s well worth it because it gives us a chance to showcase our facility.” The indoor championship will be broadcast on the Ivy League Network and on ESPN3. In addition to live coverage, Lancer Timing will post official results in live time. The order of events will also be listed on the website. Events will take place Saturday and Sunday.

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