Editors’ Note
Table of Contents A history of inoculations at Dartmouth
Seniors see town’s business landscape transform
Our leafy neighbors: Dartmouth trees and their stories
A guide to the College’s recent diversity and inclusion efforts
(Approximately) Six Words of Advice For Graduates
Reflecting on Era-Defining Moments of Commencements Past 10 A revived Palaeopitus searches for its niche on campus
Q&A with Dr. Lisa Adams
From ’21s, With Love: Advice From Three Dartmouth Women 13 To the Class of 2021,
Senior Survey: The Class of 2021 in Statistics
You have seen the College transform, and now, you prepare to enter an ever-changing world. The social, political and ecological landscape has morphed in unpredictable and unprecedented ways over the course of your four-year education. You, members of the Class of 2021, are a class of resilience and brilliance — to say the least — and we’ve tried to capture the remarkable nature of your intellectual and athletic breadth in this year’s commencement issue. Like the trees that blanket Dartmouth’s campus, you and your peers are diverse, bright and immensely wise. You have seen Dartmouth’s campus physically evolve — the construction of new buildings, the closing of Hanover restaurants — and you’ve experienced the trials, joys, discomforts and beauty of growing alongside it. In the past year alone, you’ve witnessed Dartmouth researchers bolster a record-breaking vaccine development, the expansion of efforts to combat racial injustice and the removal — and subsequent reinstatement — of sports teams on campus. You’ve spent the last four years watching, wondering and weathering storms; now you enter a vastly changed world. You, the Class of 2021, are leaving the College on the Hill. But, like an American elm, your roots will remain deep in the soils of Dartmouth. We know you will extend your limbs and reach remarkable heights. You have stood your ground and now you’re ready to wow the world. This one’s for you, ’21s — your presence will be greatly missed, but we’ll be cheering you on from your Hanover home as you seek new ones all around the world. Congratulations, Class of 2021! Soleil Gaylord ’22 & Meghan Powers ’23
KYLE MULLINS, Editor-in-Chief REILLY OLINGER, News Executive Editor
COALTER PALMER, Production Executive Editor SOLEIL GAYLORD, Issue Editor
GRANT PINKSTON, PINKSTON Templating Editor ARIELLE FEUERSTEIN, FEUERSTEIN Interim Templating Editor WILLIAM CHEN & AARON LEE, Data Visualization Editors
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The vaccines in their veins:a history of inoculations at Dartmouth B y THOMAS BROWN
The Dartmouth Staff
Since the start of the pandemic, the creation and distribution of safe and effective vaccines has dominated public discourse. As of Tuesday, 42% of Americans and 57% of Dartmouth community members have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and the ongoing vaccination campaign reflects the critical role vaccines play in combating infectious diseases. The College’s own history with vaccines is storied, and ongoing research at Dartmouth continues to lead to the creation and testing of groundbreaking vaccines. A history of vaccines “When we look at the history of public health, particularly in the twentieth century, safe, effective and scalable vaccines are one of the most important accomplishments of the global public health community,” government professor and vaccine policy expert Herschel Nachlis said. So how do vaccines actually work? When a pathogen — a bacterium, virus, parasite or fungus — enters the body, the immune system develops specific antibodies in response to the antigens contained on the pathogen. Before these antibodies are developed, a person can fall ill or die from the disease caused by the pathogen. If a person is infected with the same pathogen later, their body can produce the necessary antibodies more rapidly and prevent the disease from overtaking the body’s defenses. Vaccines cause the body to develop these antibodies without infecting the recipient of the vaccine with the disease. For example, the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines use messenger RNA to teach human cells how to build proteins that trigger an immune response; the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, in a more traditional method, uses an inactivated adenovirus to convey these instructions to cells. While vaccines as they are known today are a modern development, the practice of inoculation dates back centuries and has historically focused primarily on smallpox, the now-eradicated infectious disease responsible for killing 300 million people in the twentieth century alone. An early method for preventing smallpox — and a precursor to vaccination — was variolation, a process by which people who had never had the disease inhaled or scratched smallpox sores into their arm with the hope of contracting only a weak case of smallpox and developing immunity as a result. It was not until 1796, when British physician Edward Jenner found that the mild cowpox virus granted immunity to the much more deadly smallpox, that the groundwork for vaccine development was laid. After his discovery, Jenner coined the word “vaccine” — a derivative of the Latin words for cow, “vacca,” and cowpox, “vaccinia.” Vaccines at Dartmouth Despite smallpox’s constant threat at the time, College founder and former president Eleazar Wheelock, an asthmatic who was especially fearful of infection,
in 1776 refused to inoculate Dartmouth students. However, local physician Laban Gates did so anyway. Wheelock saw inoculation as “communicating the small pox” among his community due to the increased danger of providing more hosts for the virus. In response to Wheelock’s push against inoculation, students and trustees drafted a petition accusing him of “injuriously encroach[ing] upon the privileges and immunities of this College.” More recently, Dartmouth has seen outbreaks of the potentially fatal meningitis, the illness caused by meningococcus bacteria. Throughout 1995, several students contracted meningitis, and at that year’s commencement, a student exposed former U.S. President Bill Clinton, that year’s commencement speaker, to the illness. In June of 1999, a junior died of meningitis at the end of spring term, and another was infected but recovered, causing fear of a possible outbreak. At this time, the College only recommended — but did not require — meningitis vaccines for students, who are at increased risk of contracting the disease due to the community setting of dormitories. The College announced that any students scheduled to live inresidence during the summer term could request to have the summer residency requirement waived, and even considered canceling the entire summer term, but the state health department advised that such a measure was unnecessary. In response to this outbreak and advice from the New Hampshire State Health Department, the College provided free meningococcal vaccines to students. The program eventually vaccinated more than 1400 students, or 80% of students enrolled for the summer term. The vaccine was also available for free to students returning to campus in the fall of that year. To d a y, u n d e r g r a d u a t e students are required to receive the quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate ACYW-135 vaccine before matriculation. In contrast to earlier hesitations against vaccinating students, last fall, the College required students wishing to return to campus to sign a “community expectations” agreement saying that they would become vaccinated against COVID-19 when a Food and Drug Administration and Dartmouth-approved inoculation became available. Vaccination is now required for students starting in the fall of 2021, and outgoing Provost Joseph Helble said in a recent Community Conversations” livestream that the College is finalizing a mandate for faculty and staff as well. According to Nachlis, the College’s ability to enforce its “community expectations” agreement stems from its authority as a private institution. At public universities, he said, an analogous policy would be influenced by state politics and would vary depending on if a state leans red or blue. While Wheelock was distrustful of the smallpox inoculation in the eighteenth century, Nachlis u n d e r s t a n d s D a r t m o u t h ’s community agreement and its requirement that students receive the vaccine as displaying greater
All three FDA-approved vaccines use a modified version of the above spike protein, isolated at a lab that began at Dartmouth.
trust in science and public health practices. “I think [the community agreement] shows an admirable and reasonable faith in our public and private regulatory, funding and product development and distribution organs, saying, ‘We expect when the time comes, they’re gonna get it right, and it’ll help our campus to be safe,’ and I think they’ve been proven right,” Nachlis said. Dartmouth’s contributions
Vaccines have come a long way since the smallpox inoculations of the late 18th century: The World Health Organization now lists 29 diseases that can now be prevented by vaccines. Dartmouth community members have contributed to a number of these past and present vaccination efforts. Medicine professor Ford von Reyn’s research has focused on tuberculosis, especially tuberculosis patients with HIV in Africa. Von Reyn’s research led to the 2013 creation of the DAR-901 vaccine, with the “DAR” standing for both Dartmouth and Dar es Salaam, a city in Tanzania where Von Reyn did much of his work on the vaccine. According to the WHO, tuberculosis is the leading cause of death among infectious diseases, killing an estimated 1.5 million people in 2018 alone. Von Reyn said that the only licensed vaccine against tuberculosis is the Bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccine, which is given at birth. “[BCG is] the most widely used vaccine in the world,” von Reyn said. “It’s quite effective for 15 or 20 years, but then its efficacy begins to wane, and for that reason, there’s been international efforts of developing a booster — and that’s exactly the role that we see for DAR-901.” The DAR-901 vaccine has been in the works for decades. According to von Reyn, he started the research in 1984. A previous version of DAR-901, SRO-172, was proven to be effective in a Phase III trial, but the manufacturing method of the vaccine was ultimately not scalable enough to make global production possible, he said. While the newer
DAR-901 can, unlike SRO-172, be manufactured at scale, the FDA requires clinical testing of vaccines to return to “square one” if there are changes to the manufacturing process, von Reyn said. A Phase III trial for DAR-901 is “poised to start” in 2022, which, if successful, would support the licensing of the vaccine. Peter Wright, a professor of pediatrics at the Geisel School of Medicine, has studied existing types of polio vaccines and how they might be improved. According to Wright, polio has been eradicated in all areas of the world except for Afghanistan and Pakistan, where community immunization has been made difficult by war in the region. WHO data shows that there has been a 99% reduction in polio cases since 1988, and there were just 33 cases worldwide in 2018. This progress can be credited to the success of two polio vaccines: an attenuated vaccine developed by Albert Sabin and an inactivated vaccine developed by Jonas Salk. While both versions have proven effective, the Sabin vaccine can cause vaccine-associated paralytic polio in approximately 1 in 2.7 million recipients of the vaccine — meaning that in extremely rare instances, the vaccine actually gives the recipient the disease. This danger curtails the vaccine’s effectiveness, Wright said, which is why he is working on the development of a new one. “We are embarking...on a trial of a new or novel polio vaccine, derived very closely from the Sabin vaccine but with further attenuation, further genetic stability, and basically designed to overcome some of the limitations that we’re seeing with the Sabin vaccine in the field,” Wright said. According to Wright, a trial of this new polio vaccine is underway at the University of Vermont and the University of North Carolina, with a third arm of the study to begin at the College this summer. Research initiated at Dartmouth was also instrumental in the creation of COVID-19 vaccines. The McLellan lab, founded at Dartmouth in 2013 by former biochemistry p r o f e s s o r Ja s o n M c L e l l a n , contributed to developments in coronavirus research that form the
“basis for most approved vaccines,” according to postdoctoral fellow in the lab Dr. Daniel Wrapp. Wrapp, who was a doctoral student at the Geisel School of Medicine when he joined the now-Texas-based lab, said that the coronavirus infects new people by invading host cells using a spike protein. After entering a cell, the virus can undergo replication and infect more cells. “Basically, we want to give the immune system something that looks like spike protein so that if you ever come into contact with the coronavirus, you already have antibodies which are capable of binding to [the] spike and neutralizing the virus before it infects you,” Wrapp said. However, spike proteins are “notoriously difficult to produce” due to how unstable they are, Wrapp said. According to Wrapp, the lab’s creation of the novel coronavirus’ spike protein was based on the work of Dr. Nianshuang Wang, who was a postdoctoral researcher at Dartmouth when he developed the “first structure” of the spike protein for HKU1, a mild coronavirus, in 2016. According to Wang, the process to stabilize the spike protein took him two years. “That [development] gets us very well prepared for a new coronavirus that can emerge in the future that we can quickly generate a new vaccine for,” Wang said. According to Wrapp and Wang, the spike protein developed by Wang enabled the lab to design stabilizing mutations for viruses that have more unstable spike proteins, including the coronavirus that causes MERS, a disease that saw a major outbreak in 2012. When the lab received word in late 2019 that there was a likely novel coronavirus outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan, Wrapp said, they immediately began developing “the equivalent mutations into this novel spike protein.” The team finished work on the spike protein on Jan. 30, 2020. According to Wrapp, the spike protein developed by the McLellan lab has been incorporated into all three FDA-approved vaccines, of which hundreds of millions of doses have been administered to Americans since December.
Open and shut: seniors see town’s business landscape transform B y ANDREW SASSER The Dartmouth Staff
Since the Class of 2021’s arrival on campus in the fall of 2017, both the College and Hanover have undergone a significant transformation, with construction projects, renovations and business closures and openings changing the landscape of both the downtown and of campus. The last four years have seen the construction of the new Center for Engineering and Computer Science building at the west end of campus, slated to open in fall 2021, as well as multi-million dollar ongoing renovations of Dartmouth, Thornton and Reed Halls. Other recent projects include renovations to Anonymous Hall, a building at the north end of campus that is home to the Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies and the College’s undergraduate linguistics prog ram, and the renovation of the Moosilauke Ravine Lodge. Hanover town manager Julia Griffin said that over the past ten years, the “face of Hanover,” both on Dartmouth’s campus and in the downtown area, has changed significantly. She noted that while there was a “brief hiatus” in campus construction in the aftermath of the 2008 recession, there has been a lot of construction around campus ever since. “The last decade and the last four years have also seen the departure of a number of businesses,” Griffin said. “Students from the Class of 2011 who might return to campus would be shocked to see that businesses like the Dartmouth Bookstore and Canoe Club are long gone.”
New businesses, including Still North Books & Bar, Dunk’s and Impasto, have arisen in Hanover as others have closed.
Still North Books & Bar and My Brigadeiro both occupy the space formerly filled by the Dartmouth Bookstore, which shut its doors in 2018. Still North owner Allie Levy ’11 said that while Hanover looks “architecturally the same” as it did 10 years ago, businesses have seen “a lot of turnover.” She added that some “standout” businesses during her time at Dartmouth — such as Everything But Anchovies, a pizza shop and long-time Hanover staple often referred to as EBAs — have since shut down. In recent years, some retailers
— such as the clothing stores Zimmer man’s and Rambler’s Way, bookstore Wheelock Books, and Eastman’s Pharmacy — have all gone out of business. Within the last year, numerous Hanover restaurants, including Salt Hill Pub, The Skinny Pancake, Market Table and Morano Gelato, have also closed permanently. Griffin added that while the COVID-19 had influenced their decisions to close, all four restaurants were “struggling” financially prior to the pandemic. “It was really sad to see a lot of
those Hanover mainstays leave,” Griffin said. “However, with the pandemic nearing an end, the commercial real estate market is really popping right now, and a lot of new restaurants have been getting ready to move into town.” Lou’s Restaurant manager Craig Morley said that the last year has had a “big impact” on Hanover restaurants, as many have “experimented” with expanded takeout options and outdoor dining that was limited prior to the pandemic. “We’ve been really fortunate to have support from the town so we could take over parking spaces and sidewalk space for outdoor dining,” Morley said. Some of the new restaurants that have opened in recent months include the sports bar Dunk’s, the Italian restaurant Impasto, and The Nest cafe. Other businesses, such as Still North and clothing store J. McLaughlin, opened prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Griffin noted that while there is a lot of “bullishness” in the establishment of new restaurants in town, interest in opening new retail stores has remained low over the past few years. She pointed to the “Amazonization” of the retail industry — smaller retailers, she said, are “unable to compete” with big box stores and online retailers. “Because a lot of our town’s population is college students who are more online-oriented, a lot of interest in smaller retailers has waned,” Griffin said. Griffin added that during the pandemic, there was a “resurgence” in support for local businesses, including both restaurants and retailers. She said that many of the “year-round” residents of the Upper Valley had developed an “increased appreciation” for local small businesses, as many of them were able to remain open in some capacity throughout the pandemic. “Looking ahead, I think these retailers will try to cater more to our year-round residents than students, who are more likely to shop online,” Griffin said.
Morley added that Hanover residents, wanting to make sure that businesses could remain open, were “very supportive” of the restaurant industry. “We still get people coming in every day for takeout and outdoor dining who thank us for staying open,” Morley said. “Also, even though many students were out of the area in spring and summer, they flocked to us for takeout and eating outside.” Levy said that Hanover residents have been supportive of Still North, crediting a “lot of emotional attachment” to having a bookstore in town. “Even though we were only a three-month-old business, during the pandemic, people came out to support us and buy books,” Levy said. “People were super patient with us as we figured out how to do online business, as it was not my plan initially to have online ordering.” Looking ahead, both Griffin and Morley said that Hanover’s landscape will look different in the future, but much of the town’s “character” will remain the same. Morley added that he anticipates some changes from the pandemic, like more extensive outdoor dining options, continuing into future years. “The business scene in Hanover is going to continue to adjust, grow and succeed,” Griffin said. “While we don’t know what Hanover will look like in five or ten years, local business is here to stay.” Levy said that she hopes that many of the “tried and true” Hanover establishments will continue to be around in future years, despite the turnover of businesses in town. “Because it’s a small college town, rent will always be a challenge because of how much of a desirable market the town is,” Levy said. “However, given the current vacancies in town, I hope we will continue to see new businesses come in and continue to make Hanover an exciting destination for food and retail.”
Our leafy neighbors: Dartmouth trees and their stories
The Dartmouth Staff
The Lone Pine, formerly known as the Old Pine, embodies many facets of Dartmouth’s history, tradition and mythology. Originally standing in College Park, this pine was a gathering place for seniors in 1828, the location for Class Day in 1854 and is thought to have been a location where Native Americans would gather and sing. Although a lightning strike in 1887 ultimately spelled the end for this legendary pine, trees of all shapes and sizes remain omnipresent in and around Dartmouth’s campus and in College lore. Dartmouth’s arboreal history, primarily rooted in the original Lone Pine, dates back to 1783 when the Old Pine was planted. While the famous white pine was cut down in the late 19th century after its ill-fated run-in with mother nature, the tree was ultimately replaced in 1967. That year, the Class of 1927 planted a new pine near Bema, naming it the “Dartmouth Pine.” Campus arborist Brian Beaty, who looks after nearly 2,000 trees on Dartmouth’s campus, said that the deep, gravel and sand-rich soils in the area are a good growing medium for white and Austrian pine trees — making it easier for the conifers to grow height of Dartmouth’s healthy pines, size is a potential danger to those strolling campus in the wintertime. “Nowadays, in the campus core, there aren’t so many, because [the pines] just get so tall,” Beaty said. “They tend to drop their branches in the wintertime with snow, so people get afraid of them.” Beaty added that today, the largest pine trees are not found on campus, but instead near the Connecticut River, in Pine Park and adjacent to the cemetery. While pines have made their indelible mark on Dartmouth’s history, the oldest tree on campus is not a pine, but an American elm. This statuesque tree — pictured in West House’s seal — sits between the Russell Sage and Fahey dorm buildings and dates back to 1870. The oak trees around the Hanover area also have a storied history, according to Beaty. There are more oaks — predominantly red, English and pin oaks — on campus than any other type of tree. Beaty noted that these hardwoods contribute to much of the famous colorful fall foliage on and around campus. While a majority of the College’s trees are native to the area, some species, such as the flowering crabapple and the yellowwood trees, are not. These trees were planted for ornamental purposes, as is the case on
many other college campuses, but the trees are also integrated among native species. Beaty said that this process allows native trees, such as the white pine, to be most prominent around campus, maintaining a natural, native landscape. Craig Layne, a learning facilitator in the biological sciences department, said that yellowwoods — another of Dartmouth’s well-known trees — were thought to have been planted around
of graduation, so there’s a nice scent in the air,” Layne said. “I suspect that’s why that’s a popular tree around campus.” According to Beaty, Dartmouth’s campus trees haven’t always fared successfully. A 1938 hurricane destroyed many of the older trees in the area. Further, he added, many trees have been lost to Dutch elm disease — a fungus that hit North America especially hard during the 1960s. Biology professor Matt Ayres studies the ecology of the insect species inhabiting the trees around campus. He said the combination of the Dutch Dartmouth’s arborist tends to over 2,000 trees campuswide. elm fungus, European bark beetles and the trees approximately every three famous maple syrup of the area — American mites is responsible for the years. spread of Dutch elm disease. Ayres mentioned that another droughts. According to Ayres, the fungus’s pest — the emerald ash borer, which Further, Beaty said, construction sticky spores make it easier for the entered Detroit from Asia 13 years has created issues for Dartmouth’s pathogen to stick onto bark beetles ago — will likely cause all of the ash campus trees. The College plans that carry mites with them, allowing trees around campus to die in the to heavily renovate many buildings the disease to spread quickly through next few years. Dartmouth’s hemlock and structures around campus over the tree. The mites, Ayres said, have trees, he also noted, are threatened by the next decade, making the task of pouches that allow them to carry these hemlock woolly adelgid insects that protecting trees even more challenging. spores, which the have been killing “We have protection plans for most critters use as a t re e s a c ro s s of the landscape, and most architects “Nowadays, in the glue to attach t h e n a t i o n . are aware of trees when they plan these themselves to the campus core, there Luckily, due to buildings, but it’s really still a hard time inside of the beetle aren’t so many, Hanover’s harsh for us to defend the trees,” Beaty said. wings and travel to winters, the trees The College’s campus trees are neighboring trees. because [the pines] in the area have important not only for aesthetic “Many of the just get so tall. They so far survived reasons, but for the academic careers beetles — half or the infestation, of Dartmouth students. Layne, tend to drop their more — have one according to who teaches the course BIOL 16, or more of these branches in the Ayres. “Ecology” said that as part of the mites that are course, students track the annual cycles riding on them, “ T h e r e ’ s a of trees growing around campus. catching a free so people get afraid of climatic barrier “Every student has a tree on campus ride,” Ayres said. for the adelgids that they have to follow the phenology them.” D u t ch e l m that they haven’t of — in other words, the timing of the disease, which been able to biological events of that tree,” Layne o r i g i n at e d i n cross,” Ayres said. the Himalayan ARBORIST said. “However, The students will then compare re g i o n , c a m e t h e c o l d e s t the data collected with information to America on nights of the from previous years to look for trends wooden pallets and through live winter are warming at an amazing and changes in the tree record. Layne plants. Once it infects its host, the rate.” said that students are able to tell when fungus can cause the tree’s stomata As a consequence, he predicted, to malfunction, leading the tree to most hemlocks will die out within the or a particularly cold spring through become permanently dehydrated. next 20-30 years. their data and compare their results to According to Beaty, Dutch elm Both Beaty and Layne added that other changes in climate in the local disease poses a constant threat to area. campus elms. As such, Beaty and goes into landscaping the campus’s Students primarily follow red others monitor the trees closely and trees, which face constant threats from maple trees around campus due to work to protect them by planting drought, climate change, disease and their prevalence. By studying the genetically engineered trees resistant construction. Beaty said that sugar trees and comparing data over the to fungus and pumping fungicide into maples — the primary source of the years, students are able to keep track
bud to blossom. “The students like having a tree that they soon start to think of as ‘their’ tree,” Layne said. Dartmouth’s trees don’t only provide intellectual fodder for students — they are also home to invertebrate species. Students in BIOL 16 are taught to observe the species present on the trees. Layne said that oak trees play an especially important role for the 250300 species of insects that inhabit them. “A lot of caterpillars make use Ayres added that many other animal species now live in the area due to the trees that were planted on campus. “There are chipmunks, red squirrels, gray squirrels, deer, turkeys, on campus,” Ayres said. “Dozens of not have if it weren’t for the trees as well.” Students, too, appreciate the arboreal diversity present at the College. Earth sciences major Shannon Sartain ’21, who took BIOL 16 during her sophomore spring, said it was “one of the best” courses she has taken at Dartmouth. “My favorite part was observing something up close — in Hanover, all of a sudden, it will be spring and it’s really exciting,” Sartain said. “But to watch the process go from stick season in the winter to the leaves coming out in May was really fun for me.”
A guide to the College’s recent diversity and inclusion efforts B y Daniel modesto The Dartmouth Staff
In the last year, Dartmouth has reckoned with diversity and inclusion both inside and outside the classroom. From an open letter demanding that Dartmouth address structural racism to a recent petition to create an Asian American studies program, the College has been under increased pressure to take action on issues of racial justice. In January, the College announced a number of initiatives to foster institutionalized support of diversity, equity and inclusion. Despite Dartmouth’s efforts, many students and faculty continue to feel that the College hasn’t done enough. Last summer, following the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer, protests for racial justics took place worldwide, including in Hanover. Although College President Phil Hanlon released an email statement on May 31 denouncing structural racism, hundreds of Black faculty, staff and students signed on to an open letter on July 14 criticizing College President Phil Hanlon’s messaging, which they argued did not adequately address institutional racism at Dartmouth. That same day, the College appointed history professor Matthew Delmont as a special advisor to Hanlon on diversity, equity and inclusion within the faculty. According to Delmont, part of his responsibility is to develop programs that support diversity and inclusivity at the College. He said that one of the “biggest things” that he worked on in the past year was securing the $20 million grant to the E.E. Just Program, which provides networking and internship opportunities to underrepresented minority students in STEM disciplines. “These are things that the College has been working on for a number of years,” he said. “They’re things that the College wants to renew with emphasis, and they’re going to, so part of my role was to offer suggestions and feedback on how the College can do better.” Inearly2021,theCollegeannounced
several initiatives to support faculty of Being a Muslim student is “very color. Among these was a push for more isolating” because the College doesn’t representative hiring practices, which adequately support the community, she aim to make it easier to hire and retain said, adding that many Muslim students faculty of color. According to Delmont, at Dartmouth face Islamophobia. conversations around diversity and As an example, Razzaque said that inclusion also encompass the creation as a veiled Muslim woman, she has been of a more welcoming campus for at the end of comments from people faculty. He noted that Dartmouth who have assumed she is “oppressed.” should be a On one occasion, a place where “That’s not just a woman at Starbucks faculty should remarked that she matter of numbers “feel like they was “glad” that the such as compositional U.S. had “saved” belong.” “That’s not diversity and how Razzaque. just a matter “I think it can of numbers many [faculty of color] be really isolating such a s are here, but it’s also constantly facing compositional Islamophobia on what kind of policies diversity and and off campus — h o w m a n y and practices we have there’s never an [faculty of in place and how escape,” she said. color] are “I think that it can here, but it’s people are treated on be isolating, and also what kind a day-to-day basis.” the fact [is] that you of policies and don’t feel supported practices we or recognized by have in place - MATTHEW DELMONT, Dartmouth.” and how people SPECIAL ADVISOR TO Razzaque added are treated on that the Muslim a day-to-day PRESIDENT HANLON community basis,” he said. needs more “That’s what accomodations, we’re really striving to change in terms such as a larger prayer room and more of campus climate.” halal-friendly options. Creating a more Delmont noted that his position inclusive space for Muslim students, she as special advisor is temporary and said, “starts with visibility.” was only intended to last through the “It starts with having a Halal station end of this academic year. He said [at FOCO], it starts with having a that incoming senior vice president bigger space [at the Tucker Center],” for institutional equity and diversity she said. “It starts with a lot of these Shontay Delalue — current serving conversations [about the Muslim as vice president for institutional equity community].” and diversity at Brown University — is Native Americans at Dartmouth the College’s “long term position” for co-presidents Erin Bunner ’22 and addressing diversity and inclusivity at Mikaila Ng ’22 said they believe that Dartmouth. Indigenous students aren’t supported or Delalue did not respond to requests included by the administration. Bunner for comment. said that her experience — and that of Despite the initiatives the College has most Native Americans at Dartmouth announced in recent years to address — is feeling “othered” on campus. diversity and inclusion, some student “As a sociology [major], a lot of the groups argue that it is not enough. time, I am the only Native student, and According to Al-Nur president Ameena it’s sort of a burden to always explain Razzaque ’21, the Muslim community an entire history of Indigenous people is a “forgotten” community on campus. every time I take a sociology class and
The Native American studies program, located in Sherman House, will ascend to department status this summer.
we talk about inequality and ongoing program will become a department, settler colonialism,” Bunner said. some other ethnic studies on campus “I think a lot of Native students are face a lack of financial and institutional expected to serve [as explainers], in support on campus. A recent petition in sociology and environmental studies, March called for the institutionalization anthropology and all these other spaces of an Asian American studies program. where they’re mostly dominated by According to women’s, gender and sexuality studies professor Eng-Beng non-Native or white students.” Ng said she believes that while Lim, although members of the College Dartmouth tries to acknowledge its have asked for the creation of an Asian history with Native Americans by doing American studies program for 20 years, land acknowledgements — statements “nobody has an answer” as to why declaring that someone or something the College has yet to acknowledge is on land originally occupied by this desire for Asian American Indigenous people — she views them representation in the Dartmouth curriculum. as “the bare minimum.” As director of the Consortium “I think people just like doing it because it makes them look better,” Ng of Studies in Race, Migration and said. “It’s a very performative thing that Sexuality, Lim said that RMS allows for would be better spent in actual action, students to think about critical ethnic such as Indigenous-led grassroots studies as a “comparative, relational, change movements, campaigns, decolonial, intersectional and queer methodof understandingrace,ethnicity, businesses queerness, and education “I think a lot of Native sexuality and initiatives.” gender.” He said Last summer, students are expected that the focus on the College intersectionality removed the to serve [as explainmakes space for weathervane ers] in sociology and students to study atop Baker environmental studies, Asian American Tower due to identity in the concerns that anthropology and all absence of an it offensively these spaces where Asian American portrayedNative studies program. A m e r i c a n s . they’re mostly domi“For two years, Although both nated by non-Native or we [in RMS] have Bunner and Ng been engaged in said that they white students.” all kinds of future were pleased - MIKAILA NG, CO-PRESIresearch activities the weathervane DENT OF NATIVE AMERIto promote this way was removed, of understanding B u n n e r CANS AT DARTMOUTH race [and] said it was ethnicity and to “bittersweet” because Native American students help create space for Asian American have advocated for its removal “for studies because of its absence on decades,” and Ng thought it was a campus,” Lim said. Lim said the lack of administrative “small step.” In March, the Native American support makes it difficult to create an studies program was promoted to a Asian American studies program, and department and will be renamed the also highlighted what he described as Native American and Indigenous a lack of Asian American professors. “Until the College actually invests in studies department as of this summer. Both Bunner and Ng praised the Asian American professors, there will be no robust Asian American Studies decision. While the Native American studies curriculum,” he said. “It’s almost like a chicken and egg question: How do you offer Asian American studies anything when we simply do not have institutional investment in this field?” According to Delmont, it is important for the College to support ethnic studies because it will prepare students for “the kind of world that they’re entering” after graduation. He highlighted the $400,000 raised by the Class of 1982 in a recent fundraising effort to support the African and African American studies program, which he said will provide additional resources for faculty and student collaborations, additional research and the opportunity to bring visiting speakers that will help put Dartmouth “on the map more nationally” for African and African American studies. Furthermore, Delmont said ethnic studies programs are important to generate a “sense of belonging” for minority students on campus. “I think that’s why [ethnic studies] are an important term of the larger conversation about diversity and inclusivity,” he said. “The role that AAAS, NAS [and] [Latin American, Latino and Caribbean studies] play on campus is different from the role that the history department or economics department play [because] there’s a sense of student support and student belonging. That’s really at the core of DARREN GU/THE DARTMOUTH what those programs and departments do, and that’s why they’re so crucial.”
(Approximately) Six Words of Advice For Graduates B y Ben Fagell
The Dartmouth Staff
The Dartmouth asked professors to provide the Class of 2021 their best life advice in just six short words. Providing a quote is simple enough, but condensing one’s sentiments into a succinct blurb proved to be a challenge — and some professors broke the rules. Nonetheless, The Dartmouth presents — approximately — six words of advice. SOPHIE BAILEY/THE DARTMOUTH SENIOR STAFF
Spanish and comparative literature professor Rebecca Biron: Question everything, laugh and be kind. Religion professor Randall Balmer: Don’t play it safe. Take chances.
Earth sciences professor Bob Hawley: Luck is where YOU find it. Women’s, gender, and sexuality studies and history professor Leslie Butler: History has its eyes on you. (borrowed)
Film and media studies professor Jeffrey Ruoff: “Everything changes and nothing Film and media and African and African American studies professor Iyabo Kwayana: Let your passion contribute to humanity! stands still.” — Heraclitus Film and media studies professor Mary Flanagan: Do not be afraid of no! Film and media studies professor Jeffrey Ruoff (again): “Perfect is the enemy of good.” — Voltaire
African and African American studies professor Marvin Chochotte: Enjoy life while pursuing your endeavors. Women’s, gender, and sexuality studies professor Eng-Beng Lim: Always profess queer love and care.
Classics professor Margaret Graver: Find what you do well & do that. Theater professor Dan Kotlowitz: Compassion and kindness, the rest will follow. German studies professor Petra McGillen: Read, travel, eat, laugh, rest. Repeat.
African and African Americans studies, religion and women’s, gender, and sexuality studies professor Robert Baum: Speak truth to power. Geography and earth sciences professor Justin Mankin: Be civic-minded — acknowledge your agency.
Computer science professor Thomas Cormen: Live your life with meaning. Mathematics professor Peter Doyle: Watch the doughnut, not the hole.
Classics, cognitive science and linguistics professor Lindsay Whaley: It’s good to innovatively split infinitives.
Government and quantitative social science professor Charles Crabtree: Don’t select on Psychological and brain sciences and cognitive science professor Alireza Soltani: Make the world a wilder place. the dependent variable. Anthropology and women’s, gender, and sexuality studies professor Sienna Craig: Reciprocate. Practice compassion. Cultivate equanimity. Laugh. Studio art professor Brenda Garand: There are no rules in art. Sociology professor John Campbell: Life is short … have fun!
Jewish studies professor Marc Caplan: Judaism is BIG, like everything else. African and African American studies and sociology professor Trica Keaton: You are the light you seek! Environmental studies professor Michael E. Cox: Don’t optimize for just one thing.
Classics professor Håkan Tell: Life is short; live well now. Geography postdoctoral fellow Sujin Eom: Be strangers to yourselves, not others. French professor Scott Sanders: “What is Enlightenment? Using your own understanding.” — Kant Art history and women’, gender, and sexuality studies professor Ada Cohen: Always keep art in your life.
Cognitive science, philosophy and psychological and brain sciences professor Jonathan Phillips: The deed is everything; the glory, nothing. Psychological and brain sciences professor Jeremy Manning: Do good, have fun, seek happiness.
Chemistry professor Jane Lipson: Absorb photons. Radiate generosity. Conserve Women’s, gender, and sexuality studies professor Mingwei Huang: Think systemically, heartbeats. act collectively. Rest! Spanish and Portuguese professor José del Pino: Experiment your life as a Government and quantitative social science professor Yusaku Horiuchi: Be global, be permanent discovery. flexible, stay healthy! Anthropology and Russian professor Sergei Kan: Always be true to yourself. Earth sciences professor Erich Osterberg: Let batter rest for delicious pancakes. Mathematics professor Anne Gelb: Be robust and avoid ill-conditioning. Government professor James Murphy: Write your eulogy, then live it. Physics and astronomy professor Miles Blencowe: Always be a student at heart! Film and media studies and women’s, gender, and sexuality studies professor Mary Desjardins: Don’t be afraid to change direction. Psychological and brain sciences professor Jay Hull: Strive for work-life balance.
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Reflecting on Era-Defining Moments of Commencements Past B y Solenne Wolfe
and seemingly spectacular displays of political disagreement in years past. Commencement is a moment Graduates of the Class of 2021 will of reflection — a time when seniors not be the first to contend with a world and their families gather to celebrate in need of so much work. There are the completion of their four years some moments in time that no one at college. In 2021, COVID-19 has escapes; though we may experience dominated graduates’ conversations them individually, collectively we come on all fronts, changing how we think out changed. Often there is a human about opportunities after graduation, death toll associated with these events which cities seem like viable options that forces us to re-evaluate our own for relocation, and the future of remote lives. Regardless of our own proximity work. Though it is difficult to imagine to death, we are reminded of our international issues as globally pervasive shared humanity when strangers die. as the pandemic, events of great It is impossible to remain neutral or significance have occured in years past. unaffected during these periods. The short institutional memory of In his 1969 valedictorian speech, the College contributes to the feeling of Kenneth Ira Paul ’69 pointed to the event impermanence; scandals seem to era of political turmoil that had ensued float by at least every four years. Major during his time at Dartmouth. As the changes tend to be grumbled about by battle for civil rights and the Vietnam upperclassmen — until enough time War exposed the weaknesses of passes for all students to assimilate American government, it was easy for the changes into their worldview and some to refuse to take a strong stance forget that things were ever different. on the war. Members of the upper Though COVID-19 presents a unique and middle classes in many cases were challenge to graduates of the College, able to avoid the draft and get their it is important to combat the feeling college degrees instead, or managed that this pandemic is all-consuming to medically exempt themselves from and unprecedented by recalling that conscription. graduates in years past felt the same “White liberals, middle-class, way about the trials of their own times. and middle-of-the-road, we have In some ways, COVID-19 is unlike crouched in the shadow of the draft as many other prior challenges of national a war drags on, remote, expensive and or international interminable,” scale in that it has Paul said. “We reached nearly “The purpose of the have seen that every cor ner shanty towns was though its cities of the planet. burn, this nation Though the more not to educate the c o n t i nu e s t o affluentcanafford apathetic, status-quo spend billions t o m i n i m i ze to build missiles Dartmouth student. exposure to and bombs, pathogens as they The shanty towns instruments of work from home were constructed death.” and outsource Paul grocery shopping, to dramatize the could not separate they are not living conditions of the frivolity of invulnerable student years the Black people in from a bout from broader with COVID-19 South Africa, and American trends: i n a l o n e l y to make the College “No college could hospital bed. be unaffected by The Financial address the issue of this inversion of Crisis of 2008, having investments the American too, exposed the dream of a beer at in corporations that vulnerabilities the ballpark or the of the American perpetuate a racist fraternity house, a banking system, regime.” situation comedy but those with the on the tube or on financial ability a road-trip.” to pay off their - DEMETRIUS EUDELL mortgages and National politics ’89 TO THE UN GENERAL those in charge of had pierced the banking systems ASSEMBLY IN 1986 campus bubble were bailed out just over a month by the federal before Paul’s government and able to come out valedictory address when students relatively unscathed. occupied Parkhurst Hall — known Even 9/11 — a national tragedy then as the Administration building unlike any other in recent memory — — in protest of ROTC presence on affected Middle Eastern civilians abroad campus. Nearly three hundred students as well as those falsely coded as terrorists seized the building and demanded domestically. While COVID-19 is the complete abolition of ROTC in some ways an equalizer — no programs, the instatement of College matter who one’s parents are, social scholarships to students who would lose gatherings are limited, in-person classes military scholarships and an immediate are few and far between — in others end to all military recruiting. it has exacerbated the inequalities Paul’s pushback to the partisanship of contemporary American society. that inspired such protests could easily Those with stable jobs were able to be heard in the current polarized take time off of work, those with health political climate. insurance through their employers or “We must recognize that the out of pocket did not fear financial ruin blind alleys of partisan polemics are for a trip to the hospital and those with incompatible with the expanding vistas secure home situations did not fear the of a liberal education,” he told students long quarantine period. The Trump era that day. “I hope that the Class of ’69 split our country on mask policy, best has learned that in politics there is no approaches to lockdown and the origins right, only shades of error and kinds of the virus. Though the tendency to of guilt.” exceptionalize the period is strong, International conflict also shaped the College has seen intense division the Dartmouth experience of the The Dartmouth Staff
Graduates in years past dealt with crises ranging from world wars to racial injustice at home and abroad.
1930s and 40s, when World War II was raging. At the war’s outset, Dartmouth professors living in Europe, including several German department faculty confined to the Third Reich, wrote about being stranded abroad after sailing schedules were disrupted by warfare. Students were also impacted, albeit less directly, by the outbreak of war in Europe: One student wrote in the September 20, 1939 issue of The Dartmouth — just three weeks after German tanks rolled into Poland — that “[the] usual green caps, the moving in, the greetings, the usual importance of beginning another year at Dartmouth College seem less important to most of us this week, and undergraduate events we once thought of great consequence seem trifling, isolated from the affairs of the world. In the minds of most of us is the thought that we are all of war age.” After the United States joined the war, Dartmouth became the nation’s largest training ground for a unit of the U.S. Navy’s V-12 program, which enlisted colleges to serve as officer training grounds beginning in 1943. The purpose of the institution changed overnight, as did the student newspaper: “The Daily Dartmouth” was temporarily renamed the “Dartmouth Log.” In 1943, the “Dartmouth Log” published a picture of members of the V-12 unit and the College waiting in line outside McNutt Hall for academic registration. “Standing in line seemed like an endless process for all hands as the V-12 Unit opened last week,” the caption read. “Here trainees are shown in front of McNutt Hall to register for their academic work with the College.” The students stand in line forming a large crowd — reminiscent, oddly, of lines students saw while waiting for COVID-19 testing. Even earlier, ahead of the American entry into World War I, The Dartmouth wrote of student volunteers being trained for war in gym class. “Dartmouth stopped talking about going to war and actually went to war on February 7, 1916, when for the first time the volunteer Dartmouth Battalion met in the Alumni Gym,” a 1942 Dartmouth article on the use of Alumni Gymnasium during wartime read. “There were 150 men at the initial drill; they wore tennis shoes to protect the floor; they were offered courses in ‘military engineering, camp sanitation,
the chemistry of explosives, surveying administration initially reacted by and mapping, and signaling, including “demanding the destruction of the wilderness telegraphy as well as the care shanty towns by the following Sunday, of rifles and rifle practice.’” or they would dismantle them.” The era of South African apartheid “The shanty towns were not was also a defining one for Dartmouth. removed,” Eudell said in his testimony, In the thick of apartheid, students “and the administration replied they organized to demand the College divest could stay ‘as long as they provided an from all funds that did not follow the educational purpose.’ The purpose of Sullivan Principles — a set of six criteria the shanty towns was not to educate developed in 1977 by African-American the apathetic, status-quo Dartmouth preacher Reverend Leon Sullivan as student. The shanty towns were goals of equality to work towards in constructed to dramatize the living nations where American corporations conditions of the Black people in conduct foreign investment — erecting South Africa, and to make the College shantytowns on the Green to highlight address the issue of having investments the living conditions of many black in corporations that perpetuate a racist South Africans. regime.” By June of 1985, after a series of By 1989, amid ongoing pressure rallies, teach-ins and vigils, the Board from students and community members of Trustees had issued its first statement who considered the Sullivan principles supporting divestment. The following too moderate, the Board went a step year, it voted to divest from companies further, voting to completely divest from not adhering to the Sullivan Principles. companies operating in South Africa. Still, students were divided on The College’s divestment continued wh e t h e r through 1994, the the Sullivan “[The] usual green year South Africa Principles went held its first multifar enough, caps, the moving in, racial election and and eventually, the greetings, the usual the anti-apartheid political African National differences led importance of another Congress party, led to violence. On year at Dartmouth by Nelson Mandela, Jan. 21, 1986, rose to power. College seem less the day after The concept of the first Martin important to most of the “Dartmouth Luther King, Jr. us in this week, and bubble” is widely Day, a group of employed in 12 right-wing undergraduate events reference to the students — we once thought of College’s rural among them location and gerat consequence ten staff of The isolation from D a r t m o u t h seem trifiling, isolated global, national Re v i e w — from the affairs of the and local politics. staged an attack Still, the bubble on the shanty world.” hasn’t withstood towns on the the crises of recent Green set up by history — before - AN ARTICLE IN A SEPT. anti-apartheid COVID-19, world p r o t e s t o r s . 1939 ISSUE OF THE DAILY wars and American Following the DARTMOUTH intervention abroad destruction brought a dose of of the shanty the real world to towns, 150 students, faculty and local the idyllic Dartmouth Green. An residents staged an over 30-hour sit-in institutional history, when taken care of, at Parkhurst Hall, demanding that the can remind us of what past graduates, students who tore down the shanties be peering at the world from the vantage punished. point that we do today, had to reckon One student, Demetrius Eudell with upon matriculation. Our tiny ’89, in September 1986 testified to the corner of the world has been through United Nations about the shanty towns the unthinkable before, and come out on campus and the administration’s the other side; with any luck, it will do response. According to Eudell, the so once more.
A revived Palaeopitus searches for its niche on campus B y Arielle Feuerstein The Dartmouth Staff
Prior to the advent of organizations like Student Assembly, Palaeopitus served as the principal student governance body on campus. Founded in 1899, some of Palaeopitus’ original responsibilities included collaborating with the administration on college policy, overseeing student parties and preserving campus traditions. In 1968, the student body voted to abolish Palaeopitus because the group “represented the kinds of institutions that students were fighting against in the ‘60s,” according to the Palaeopitus website. By the time Palaeopitus returned to campus in 1981, its previous role had been filled by Student Assembly and other campus organizations. Today, Palaeopitus’s mission statement promises to organize events that bridge the gap between students and the administration, address threats to the campus community, advocate for student interests, and create a space for campus leaders to collaborate. Students apply to join Palaeopitus at the end of their junior year, and the organization seeks out leaders in other areas of campus life to join its ranks. There are also four ex-officio members: the president of Student Assembly, the editor-in-chief of The Dartmouth, the senior class president and the intern to the president of the College. Co-moderator of the 2021 Palaeopitus delegation Marina Cepeda ’21 describes the society’s present role as a “project-based organization” that advises Dean of the College Kathryn Lively. Ezekiel Vergara ’21, another member of Palaeopitus’ 2021 delegation, explained that Palaeopitus members split into committees that pursue different projects. Cepeda said that projects vary based on the interests of the members of each delegation. Her delegation,
she said, focused on advocating for marginalized communities, addressing student mental health and improving transparency within the administration, and one of their projects included creating an organizational chart to help students navigate communicating with the administration. “Sure, you can ask Dean Lively your questions, but perhaps there’s somebody else who can better answer your question, can get you funding, can connect you to counseling — whatever you need.” Cepeda said. An important role of Palaeopitus lies in its direct communication with the administration. Cepeda met with Lively twice a month when she served as co-moderator, and the organization is able to bypass bureaucratic red tape to bring issues before Lively. “Let’s say you had a concern. The next time I meet with Lively, I’m going to bring it up,” Cepeda said. “There’s no voting [whether] we want to bring up your concern — do we need to pass a resolution? Do we need to discuss it? It’s very informal in the sense that we will advocate and we will bring up issues.” While Palaeopitus has a direct line of communication with Lively, its current ability to influence the actions of the administration is limited. “We provide ideas to [the] admin that they can choose or not choose to follow up on,” Cepeda said. The administration’s response to Palaeopitus’ varies somewhat, according to Vergara, and is dependent on the specific situational circumstances. “Various factors, such as the member’s role at Dartmouth, perhaps institutional, or the issue itself, affect whether administration will respond,” Vergara said. Palaeopitus is not the only student group that communicates with the administration on behalf of student interests. Student Assembly, which replaced Palaeopitus as a structure of student government before the society’s revival, pledges to “lend a voice to student concerns and opinions” in their mission statement. Palaeopitus differs from Student Assembly in its structure: While members of Student Assembly are elected by the student body, Palaeopitus membership is application-based and only consists of members of the senior class. Yet after Palaeopitus’ return, Cepeda noted that the group had to rediscover its purpose on campus. “We sort of had to find our niche again because Student Assembly filled in the gap of communication,” Cepeda said. Vergara noted that Palaeopitus has been “siloed” because so many other bodies also communicate with the administration. Some of these bodies, like Student Assembly, are more widely recognized among students. Vergara said that under the pandemic’s unusual circumstances, his delegation was relatively successful in communicating with students, but he feels that it is definitely an area in which Palaeopitus could improve in the future. “I do think that there could be things to increase the student body’s awareness of Palaeop. I know we have a website that we’re currently trying to renovate, [...] facetime more students; we talked about perhaps doing office hours with students,” Vergara said. Cepeda, echoing Vergara’s sentiments, noted that she does not think that the student body “knows
The senior society overlaps in its authorities with Student Assembly and the COVID-19 student advisory board.
the extent of what Palaeop does and “It’s hard when you only select can do for students.” leaders because that means that Palaeopitus’ role also currently has everyone’s capacity isn’t as big, overlap with the Dean of the College because you’re committed to several Student Advisory Board, which Lively communities already,” Cepeda said. described in an interview as an “ad hoc Palaeopitus’ position as a projectgroup of students [...] which advise [her] oriented organization is another and respond to the College’s COVID factor that contributes to its struggle policies.” The members of this board to carve out a permanent campus were nominated by administration niche, according to incoming senior members, and Lively noted that some class president Alexander Klein ’22, of the students appointed were drawn an ex-officio member of the 2022 from Palaeopitus. Palaeopitus delegation. He attributes Despite this overlap, Vergara feels Palaeopitus’ present lack of a proper that Palaeopitus is “well-situated to niche partly to the fact that there is make institutional change alongside little continuity between delegations, organizations like Student Assembly.” which makes it difficult for Palaeopitus He served as a member of Lively’s to serve a consistent role on campus. student advisory board along with the This, he said, limits the scope of its President of the 2021 Class Council projects. and Student Assembly president. “Each year, we try to do something Vergara added that Palaeopitus’ different or work on a new project, structure somewhat differentiates its and there’s no continuation of past role from other representative bodies. projects, and sometimes, that’s a “We’re not an problem,” Klein elected body, and “It’s hard when you said. “Some of that’s something the advice that that should be only select leaders the graduating r e c o g n i z e d , because that means senior s told but I think we us was not to everyone’s capacity do advocate for make too big of students in a isn’t as big, because a goal because way that might you’re committed to it’s really easy be different to think of a from Student several communities really big great Assembly [...] already.” project and then because Palaeop not have enough is composed time to finish of a variety of - MARINA CEPEDA it — especially different groups ’21, PALAEOPITUS COsince you only from all across have a year, campus,” Vergara MODERATOR really.” said. “Our role is Klein advocating for students as opposed to hopes that the society can adapt representing students.” its structure to remedy this lack of Cepeda thinks that Palaeopitus’ continuity. unique composition of campus “We’re trying to find a way to have a leaders strengthens the organization. focused goal that can be a continuation She sees value in having members from year to year to build upon,” Klein in “different pockets of campus” said. that have experience leading their Althoughthepurposeof Palaeopitus community. may currently be nebulous, its role on “It’s definitely a strength to have campus may become clearer in the people from different backgrounds coming months. Lively acknowledged and identities as an advocate for their that there are presently a number of communities,” Cepeda said. student advisory groups that somewhat However, the group’s structure has overlap in purpose, and she expressed its weaknesses. While each member an intention to remedy this. can bring a valuable perspective, “At some point, we all sat down and Cepeda noted that the members’ heavy said, ‘this is a lot of advisory groups, involvement in other areas of campus and they’re sort of all working on the life can limit their ability to dedicate same things. How might we streamline time and energy to Palaeopitus’ aims. this and also make a clear distinction
between the two?’” Lively said. As the College recovers from the pandemic and returns to normal operations, Lively said she did not feel the student advisory board would still serve a necessary role on campus, given that it was initially formed to respond specifically to College COVID-19 policies. Lively, who said she has decided to abolish the board, added that she wants to keep an advisory board of students and that Palaeopitus will fill this role in the upcoming year. “I asked Palaeopitus if they would be willing to step down from some of their project-based work where they were often overlapping [...] to be a longer-term student advisory board where we can begin to think about some of the larger structural and cultural problems that we’re going to be facing, particularly coming out of COVID-19,” Lively said. The details of the transition are not yet finalized, but there are a number of issues that Lively said she hopes that Palaeopitus can provide student input on, including questions surrounding reviving campus life postpandemic, improving communication between students, faculty and the administration and addressing student mental health. “Some of the questions that I would like student input on are: How do we reboot the feeling of community, given the fractured year that we had last year? How do we think about leadership transitions when there are students on campus that missed an entire year? [...] How can we think about mental health and getting the entire campus community involved?” Lively said. Lively added that she will begin to meet with Palaeopitus members over the summer to decide the details of the organization’s new role. The 2022 Palaeopitus delegation will begin actively serving in its renewed advisory role come fall 2021. “My greatest hope is simply to reopen lines of communication and to be able to create a space where we can be creative again, where we can bring our best ideas and come up with workable, implementable solutions to solve tough problems,” Lively said. “I would like to be able to help use Palaeopitus to help restore a greater sense of collaboration, cooperation and partnership between students and administration.”
Q&A with COVID-19 Task Force co-chair Dr. Lisa Adams B y SYDNEY Wuu
The Dartmouth Staff
Dr. Lisa Adams Med’90 cochairs the College’s COVID-19 task force. In addition to her work on COVID-19 policy for t h e C o l l e g e, A d a m s, wh o s e areas of expertise include global health equity and international tuberculosis care, serves as an associate dean for global health at the Geisel School of Medicine and directs the school’s Center for Global Health Equity. Adams also instructs undergraduates and medical students on global health and health equity. The Dartmouth sat down with Adams on May 27 to discuss the College’s road to recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Can you update us on the current state of the road to recovery for the College? LA: Great progress has been made in terms of our testing positivity rate and where we are in relation to some of our peer institutions. We have had several days in a row of zero new cases among students and zero employees on May 27, and really, if you look at the state numbers too, cases are decreasing at a beautifully steep rate, so it’s all very exciting. We’re still not there yet, but we’re getting there — that’s been my takeaway. For a long time, we were hovering between 20% to 30% for our vaccination coverage rate, but I think the dashboard will show today, May 27, that we’ve hit 60% for all those that are accessing campus. 60% is great. We want to get up to 80% or above, and we think we will get there, but it is all very exciting moving in the right direction. We are looking at the data. We are trying to see what the current guidance is both at the federal, state and local level, because, remember, Hanover still has a mask mandate in place. We are having to work with all these different layers of guidance and policy, and then recognize that we’re not a household, or an individual, or a store owner or a business. We are a congregate living setting, so we are trying to figure out how it all applies to our setting. I think what we really have acknowledged is that the summer is going to be this transition time.
The College task force statement says that “oncampus activities will increase on June 1, with full access expected to begin on Aug. 1.” Can you elaborate with more details on this phased-in plan? L A : We a r e t a k i n g s o m e incremental steps because we want to be able to measure things as we go. If you’ve looked at our data over the year, you will see that by week eight or nine of the term, we’ve had a little burst of cases. In winter term, there was a big burst of cases, with 143 at the peak of that outbreak. We thought we were doing really well fall term, then we had a burst of cases the last two weeks of term. Winter comes; we had, actually, a burst at the beginning of winter term and then cases came down. We thought we were doing really well, and then we had the outbreak that we had to work really around the clock to respond to and try to figure out how to contain it. The College health services were maxed out beyond belief in managing hundreds of students who were either in isolation or in quarantine. Based on our experience, recognizing that a congregate living setting is different from a single household, we need to see how things are going before we can make really dramatic or drastic changes. That’s why we have that phased-in plan.
The College reversed its decision to bar guests from Commencement; this year, two guests per graduate will be allowed. Can you speak on the process of implementing this decision? LA: We worked hard and did a lot of diagramming and plotting and walking the space, adding more diagrams, and measuring and reconfiguring. That was the staging and planning that had to take place to be safe. Could we get people three feet apart? Et cetera. That was really what was behind the process, and we had a great team working on that with us. I really do commend them, people like executive director of conferences and events EJ Kiefer and director of logistics Jim Alberghini who did a lot of the groundwork for being able to allow us to figure out how we could stage this to meet some
health and safety requirements and make it possible for people to have family members or guests participate.
With the mask mandate now officially lifted in the state of New Hampshire, why has Dartmouth kept its mask mandate in place? What will happen for the summer? LA: There is only so much we can do with being in Hanover, but working in a positive, supportive, collaborative relationship with the town has always been important, and never more important than during this pandemic. As I understand, the mask mandate is definitely not going to be lifted before graduation, probably not until later this summer. We are trying to figure out what we can do within those parameters. The Hanover mask mandate has always said “Mask if you can’t maintain a six-foot distance,” so we are reminding people of that. The science behind transmission really supports this. Going running and passing someone walking on the sidewalk is not a transmission opportunity for the virus. We are really trying to remind people that the mandate has always been in place for when you can’t maintain a six-foot distance. We are trying to reiterate that, because I think people actually sometimes interpret the COVID-19 restrictions as more restrictive than they actually are. And so one thing we’ve been trying to do recently is reinforce what they actually are so that people don’t have to be concerned about gathering in groups of nine, for example, or gathering up to groups of 25 if it’s a scheduled event, and we’ve relaxed the in-room guest policy so that you can have two guests in your room who are also students living on campus. We are also trying to remind people of what is possible, and I know it’s been hard to communicate all this. It’s hard for students, faculty and staff to keep policies straight. It’s been a lot of information and we appreciate everybody taking the guidance so seriously. We are just trying to now remind folks of what they can do. Editors’ note: the College has lifted its outdoor mask mandate since The Dartmouth’s interview with Adams.
Adams discussed her decision-making process, masking rules and how Dartmouth will emerge from the pandemic.
For those students this fall who still want to attend class remotely, will this be an option? Will in-person classes have remote access? Is this the new norm? LA: A formal announcement will be forthcoming, but it has not been made yet. As you may have heard provost Helble say in various instances, we anticipate there to be a normal fall, which means programs that have been taught in person will be taught in person. There may be support provided to people who arrive and may need to get tested before they could attend classes, but it probably won’t be through remote learning. It is going to be a normal Dartmouth classes under normal circumstances. announcement is forthcoming. What can we expect related to testing moving forward, now that the vast majority of people on campus are or will be vaccinated? LA: We announced Wednesday, May 26 during Community Conversations that people who are vaccinated, starting July 1, will go to testing once a month, and people who are unvaccinated will continue to be tested twice a week. The College is looking to further reduce that testing schedule before the start of term, keeping in mind that the start of fall term for the Geisel School of Medicine and the Tuck School of Business is Aug. 1. There will be further changes coming in the late summer and early fall. There has been a lot of talk during the pandemic of the College versus Hanover and vice versa. Can you comment about the disputes and collaborations experienced during this tough period in time?
LA: The provost and my COVID-19 task force co-chair Josh Keniston have maintained very open lines of communication with town manager as our Dartmouth College Health Services team. I would say we have had a longstanding relationship with the town. Sometimes, there negotiations are required, but I would say that on the whole, it’s a very positive relationship. Again, I would say the College and the town really need each other, so we really are committed to working together in a The COVID-19 Task Force you co-chair draws on individuals from many departments within the College. Could you elaborate on how this group has come together during this period and whether this task force will remain or phase out? LA: We’re just starting to talk about having the task force maybe phase out by the end of the year, or maybe even sometime in the fall. What we want to do is move the activities of the task force into the College’s existing structure, so a lot of operations will return to normal, but if there are questions around ventilation, cleaning and disinfecting protocols, that stays with facilities and operations. If there are student health questions about managing a student who gets diagnosed with COVID-19 in the fall, that will be managed by the College Health Service. There may need to be an advisory group that meets. This is really just my speculation at this point, but we decrease the frequency of task force meetings as the decisions and policies revert to our normal practices and operations? And can we really shift the decision making to the existing structures on campus?
From ’21s, With Love: Advice From Three Dartmouth Women B y Caris White
The Dartmouth Staff
Imparting advice to the younger generation is a time-honored tradition for graduating classes here and everywhere. While asking seniors for advice might seem stale or overdone, the truth is, I’m a rising junior, and I still need all the help I can get. Some traditions don’t lose their poignancy with repetition, and I think this is one of them. So, I reached out to a few members of the Class of 2021 with questions, and this is what I learned from the women who responded. On Dartmouth in general Isabel Wallace ’21: Send the flitz, as soon and as frequently as you want. Worst case scenario, you make someone’s day. Jada Brown ’21: It’s okay being vulnerable, and it’s okay to be open with others about things you are going through. Early on, I was trying to protect myself because I didn’t want to be open at a place like Dartmouth — I wanted to focus on my academics and my career. Sarah Jennewin ’21: I wish I’d know about the concept of duck syndrome: Everyone is actually paddling furiously under the surface. It’s not something to be embarrassed about if you’re struggling in a class or socially. People aren’t going to judge you if you reach out. IW: Think about younger women in every single space you’re in – especially when you’re out. Reach out to younger women who might not have the privilege of comfort in the space you’re in and show them that fun doesn’t have to be tied to male spaces at Dartmouth. On having fun IW: Fun doesn’t have to look like the image of fun you’re fed at this school. It could be an all-nighter for an intro class you’re struggling in,
it could be going out until 4 a.m. sober. Fun can be going to bed early on a Wednesday or sleeping through a whole Thursday. Fun is a Woccom in the rain. It’s okay if you like spending time alone and lying down — it doesn’t mean you’re inherently sad. JB: Take a breather sometimes. You don’t have to be a perfectionist. It’s okay when things happen, if you get a bad grade or miss a swim meet. SJ: Take advantage of the things Dartmouth has to offer that are unique to Dartmouth – Dartmouth Outing Club break trips, study abroads, even Collis
events. Look for the unique things that Dartmouth will help make affordable for you.
time, and it’s a beautiful, relaxed place to wander through when you need a study break.
On a place you wish you would’ve found sooner
On making friends and the myth of finding “your people”
IW: Wicked Awesome BBQ. It’s better than Big Fatty’s, and it’s in White River Junction. The best thing is the root beer-basted pulled pork – just ridonculous.
IW: Don’t let yourself get too tied up in the institutionalization of social life: Greek life, societies and clubs. When I think about the people who are my best friends, they are the people who, by chance, I lived with, across the street from Big Fatty’s my senior fall. What’s “your people?” My people have changed every term; that’s just part of the nature of Dartmouth. That also assumes that you’re static through this experience. Hopefully
JB: Balch Hill. It’s a really peaceful walk and going to sit there is very calming. SJ: The greenhouse. I love it there. I worked on the third floor of the Life Sciences Center for a long
you change a lot — I’ve changed a lot, and I’m proud of that. JB: I’ve never been the kind of person that needs to find “my people,” and maybe that’s something I can give to younger students. Don’t be afraid to talk to upperclassmen – say hi! The best you can get out of this experience is having as many meaningful conversations as you can. I think this helps take away the stigma of “I haven’t found my place” or “I haven’t found my people,” because you stop looking. SJ: Don’t be afraid to try something you’ve never done before, even if you’re going to be bad at it at first! The first five people you meet at Dartmouth probably aren’t going to be your best friends for all of college, so go outside of the freshman schmob. Dartmouth might not feel like home to you even after freshman spring or sophomore summer, and that is very much okay. Just enjoy the process of it, even if it’s not your favorite place on earth. And finally, on priorities IW: You will never have this group of people in this place at this time ever again. Seek out the people you want to know more, that you’re eager to spend an extra few minutes with. I think the people here are far more special than the activities you could partake in. Every single g raduating student has a different Dartmouth experience, and there is no magic piece of advice to ensure the perfect four years. However, with each of my conversations, I was reminded of the importance of being present, of listening and of feeling heard. A little bit of compassion, a curious mind and the willingness to take advice goes a long way.
Senior Sur vey: The Class of 2021 in Statistics
B y William chen, aaron lee, pulkit nagpal & philip surendran The Dartmouth Staff
For the sixth year in a row, The Dartmouth conducted a survey recording the opinions and experiences of Dartmouth’s graduating class. Since arriving at Dartmouth in 2017, the Class of 2021 has had a Dartmouth experience that has been similar in some respects, yet radically different in others, compared to the classes that have come before. Perhaps most significantly, this year’s seniors went through an especially abnormal senior year on a campus hollowed out by the COVID-19 pandemic. Some never made the trip back to campus at all last fall, experiencing their last year at Dartmouth from afar. The following four sections canvas the Class of 2021’s views on campus issues, student life, national and local politics, and their futures. Campus Issues The Class of 2021 holds a significantly more negative view of the Dartmouth administration than their predecessors, potentially fueled by a divided reception of the College’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nearly the entire campus administration has a net negative favorability rating from the Class of 2021 — with the notable exception of outgoing Provost and “Community Conversations” livestream host Joseph Helble, who holds a 50% approval rating. Among the steepest plunges was that of Dean of the College Kathryn Lively, whose Class of 2020 approval rating of 39% plummeted to just 9% for the Class of 2021. Lively’s unfavorable rating, meanwhile, skyrocketed from 37% in 2020 to 81% this year. Together, this amounts to a net favorability drop of 74 percentage points. College President Phil Hanlon, too, saw his net approval drop by nearly 51 percentage points: While 33% of the Class of
The above graphic shows what this year’s seniors wrote when asked to describe their Dartmouth experience in one word.
2020 reported a favorable view of Hanlon last year and 46% reported an unfavorable view, just 11% of the Class of 2021 approved of Hanlon this year, while 75% disapprove. The administration at large remains massively unpopular, with 83% of the Class of 2021 registering unfavorable views while 10% hold favorable views, for a net approval rating of negative 73 points — a 45 point drop from last year. Non-administrative Dartmouth institutions also generally remain unpopular. Dartmouth Dining dropped from a neareven approval-disapproval split among last year’s seniors to 40% approval, 53% disapproval among members of the Class of 2021. The Department of Safety and Security is also unpopular, with 32% viewing them favorably and 47% holding unfavorable views. This unpopularity is especially pronounced among those affiliated with sororities — 51% disapprove and 26% approve — while those affiliated with fraternities view Safety & Security slightly more positively than the Class of 2021 at large, 44% unfavorable to 32% favorable. This is a reversal from the Class of 2020, where fraternity-affiliated individuals
viewed Safety & Security 34 net percentage points more negatively than the senior class at large. In contrast to the administration, members of the faculty have maintained an overwhelmingly favorable view among seniors, with 88% of seniors reporting a favorable approval rating and just 6% reporting an unfavorable view. The College’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been unpopular among the majority of the senior class, with 59% of seniors reporting being either somewhat or extremely dissatisfied with Dartmouth’s COVID-19 policies while 41% registered either somewhat or extreme satisfaction. The College’s COVID-19 Task Force has also declined in popularity since last year, with 47% of seniors registering unfavorable views while just 35% were unfavorable, a decline from the previous year where seniors were more evenly split with 39% viewing the task force favorably and 36% viewing them unfavorably. The senior class this year re p o r t e d s i g n i f i c a n t l y m o re dissatisfaction with the College’s allocation of resources towards m e n t a l h e a l t h . N e a rl y 7 0 % of seniors identified as either
Dean of the College Kathryn Lively and College President Phil Hanlon saw sharp approval declines compared to last year’s class.
somewhat or extremely dissatisfied with the College’s policies, while just 30% report satisfaction — and only 4% of seniors are extremely satisfied. This marks a steep drop from last year, when 44% of seniors reported their satisfaction. (Note: the Class of 2021 senior survey responses closed two days after students were notified of the death of Elizabeth Reimer ’24, which was later confirmed to have been a death by suicide.) Satisfaction with the College’s sexual assault policies has also dropped, although not as significantly as satisfaction with mental health resources. The Class of 2021 reported a nearly even 50-50 split on the issue, representing a 16-point drop from the Class of 2020, 58% of whom were satisfied with the College’s resource allocation on this issue. The drop is more pronounced among male students, whose satisfaction fell from 68% satisfied and 32% dissatisfied among the Class of 2020 to 58-42, a drop in net satisfaction of nearly 20 points. In the same time frame, satisfaction among female students also dropped from 51% dissatisfied and 49% satisfied to a 57-43 split in the class of 2021, a net decline in satisfaction of 12 points. Satisfaction with the overall Dartmouth educational experience has also dropped. Only 81% report being very or somewhat satisfied with their Dartmouth education, marking the lowest satisfaction rate since The Dartmouth began sending out the senior survey six years ago. Only 52% of the Class of 2021 considered themselves likely to donate to the College in the future, while 48% considered themselves unlikely to donate. This is a notable decline from the Class of 2020, of whom 63% considered themselves likely to donate to the College in the future. With most Dartmouth students learning remotely over the last year, the prevalence of online forms of connection has skyrocketed. The anonymous student platform Librex registered deep unpopularity, with 62% of seniors viewing it unfavorably while just 23% registered a favorable view of the app. Seniors are similarly divided over the mental health platform Unmasked: 27% of seniors viewed the platform favorably while 21% have unfavorable views. However, a majority of respondents — 51% were undecided, perhaps due to lack of awareness of the app.
Student Life When asked about the importance of various aspects of the Dartmouth student experience, seniors continued to value academics most highly. Seventy-six percent described academics as very important and an additional 19% as important. Social life was a close second, with 86% responding that it was very important or important, followed by extracurricular activities at 71%, Dartmouth traditions at 60%, outdoor activities at 60%, Greek life at 59%, study abroad pro g ram s at 5 3% an d paid employment at 52%. Somewhat less important to members of the Class of 2021 were academic research at 45%, remote learning at 44% and politics at 28%. Least important were varsity sports at 17%, house communities at 13% and affinity/religious groups at 12%. When asked about factors that shaped their choice of major, 93% responded that academic interest was a very important factor. The second most important factor was post-graduation career, with 84% describing it as either a very or somewhat important consideration. Members of the Class of 2021 also reported considering parental/familial influence and perceived easiness in the major decision-making process; 40% and 30% of seniors, respectively, indicated that these factors had some amount of influence over their major choice, though very few — 7% and 8%, respectively — ranked them as very important. The Class of 2021 resembles the Class of 2020 in terms of romantic relationships. Thirtyseven percent report that they did not date anyone at Dartmouth. The plurality, 44%, report dating one person; 14% report dating two people; 4% report dating three people and less than 1% report dating four or more people. Unlike the previous class, only 30% of this year’s seniors report having engaged in sexual activity for the first time at Dartmouth — down from 43% last year — while 59% report having done so before Dartmouth, up from 47%; the remaining 11% report never engaging in sexual activity at all. One Dartmouth tradition that routinely receives attention among the student body is the Dartmouth Seven, a set of seven locations
Large portions of the senior class engaged in sexual activity, used drugs or drank alcohol for the first time at Dartmouth.
on campus where students are challenged to engage in sexual activity. Despite this tradition’s notoriety, 65% of seniors say they did not complete any of the Dartmouth Seven, down from previous years — 73% and 66% for the Classes of 2020 and 2019, respectively. Among those who reported completing any of the Seven, the most popular sites apparently remain the Baker-Berry Stacks at 68% and the BEMA at 54%. The center of the Green followed at 34%. Only 30% of those who said they completed any of the Seven said they did so on the 50-yard line of Memorial Field, and only 20% reported completing Hanlon’s lawn and 10% the Top of the Hop. A s i n p a s t ye a r s, G re e k affiliated students tended to report completing any of the Seven at a higher rate than unaffiliated students, at 45% for the affiliated and only 6% for the unaffiliated. Between fraternities and sororities,
63% of those in frater nities reported completing at least one of the Seven, while only 36% of those in sororities did. One percent of the Class of 2021 claim to have completed the entire Seven; all three such respondents to our survey were affiliated: one in a fraternity, one in a sorority and one in an undergraduate society. Regarding the consumption of alcohol, 17% of senior s reported drinking for the first time at Dartmouth, 71% reported drinking before Dartmouth and the remaining 12% reported having never drank at all. With regards to drug use, 39% of seniors reported using some drug or substance for the first time at Dartmouth, while 23% reported having never used any other drugs or substances. Among those who did use drugs while at Dartmouth, the drug of choice tended to be marijuana, with 96% reporting having used it at some point during their time at college. Other drugs
had much lower usage rates among those who report using drugs: 52% report having used tobacco, 25% report having used cocaine, 24% report having used non-prescribed medications and 17% report having used LSD. When asked to rate the importance to their Dartmouth experience of five traditional D a r t m o u t h eve n t s — F i r s t Ye a r Tr i p s , H o m e c o m i n g, Winter Car nival, Green Key and sophomore summer — a solid majority of seniors ranked sophomore summer as important or very important: 77%, somewhat lower than the 82% for the Class of 2020. First-Year Trips, Green Key and Homecoming followed, at 66%, 64% and 57% respectively. As in previous years, Winter Carnival placed last, with 24% of seniors reporting that it was important or very important to them. In their time on off-ter ms t h r o u g h o u t t h e i r ye a r s a t
Dartmouth, members of the Class of 2021 remained busy. Many held a paid or unpaid internship — 60% and 36% respectively — while 43% traveled and 38% were employed in a non-intern/research position. More than a third took advantage of Dartmouthsponsored internships, research, fellowships, employment or other opportunities. Lesser numbers engaged in volunteer/non-profit work or paid/unpaid research: 31% and 30%, respectively. The Class of 2021’s senior year was severely impacted by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Less than half of seniors report spending all three terms of their senior year on campus or in the Upper Valley — 49% — while 38% spent two terms, 5% spent only one and 8% remained fully remote. While the majority of seniors were on campus or in the Upper Valley this spring, 9% finished their last term at Dartmouth away from campus. At the time of the survey, most seniors planned to attend Sunday’s on-campus Commencement event, but 8% were somewhat or extremely unlikely to attend. In terms of culinary preference, members of the Class of 2021 prefer Collis Cafe, with 39% ranking it as their favorite Dartmouth Dining Service location. The Class of 1953 Commons — Foco — and Courtyard Cafe — The Hop — are also popular, with 28% and 24% of seniors ranking these as their first choice. Less popular are Novack and Ramekin Cafe with 9% and less than 1% ranking these as their first choice. Politics The Class of 2021’s time at Dartmouth came during a very politically charged time. Their freshman year coincided with the first year of the Trump administration, and their senior year with a months-long campaign
When asked, seniors said that their favorite spots on campus were the Green, Sanborn Library and the Collis Center.
by for mer President Donald Trump to overturn the results of the 2020 election that culminated in the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol by a mob of his supporters. Political movements that this year’s seniors witnessed during their time at the College include #MeToo, demonstrations on issues like climate change, gun violence and immigration and the widespread Black Lives Matter protests following the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. This senior class also witnessed the intense politicization of the COVID-19 pandemic, including polarization on policies like business shutdowns, mask wearing and vaccinations. Yet compared to the previous graduating class, this year’s seniors are somewhat more optimistic about the future, with 30% indicating that they would say things in the United States are “generally headed in the right direction,” compared to less than 10% of their predecessors — who answered the question several months after the COVID-19 pandemic began. The majority remain pessimistic, however, with a plurality of 45% indicating that things are “off on the wrong track.” As is the case with preceding classes, a majority of the Class of 2021 hold liberal political views; 36% describe themselves as very liberal while 34% describe themselves as somewhat liberal. About 13% describe themselves as moderate, a significant drop c o m p a re d t o t h e 2 0 % wh o described themselves as such in last year’s class. The number of somewhat or very conservative seniors remained fairly stable at 10% and 8% respectively. When asked about their political views before attending Dartmouth, most seniors identified as liberal, with 59% of students identifying as either very or somewhat liberal before college while 19% of students identified as moderate and 22% of students identified as somewhat or extremely conservative. Seventy-two percent of seniors said that all or most of their closest friends share their political views, while only 21% said “some” and just 7% said few or none. Given the majority liberal views of the student body, seniors generally viewed liberal-leaning figures and groups more positively than conservative-leaning figures and groups. A plurality of 47% held positive views of the Democratic Party, but only 9% held positive views of the Republican Party. President Joe Biden had a net positive favorability of 32% — the highest of any figure or institution asked about — with 61% viewing him favorably while 29% viewed him unfavorably. In contrast, former President Donald Trump w a s v i e we d ove r wh e l m i n g l y negatively; only 12% viewed him favorably while 84% viewed him unfavorably, 81% extremely so. Vice President Kamala Harris is also generally viewed favorably, with 50% favorable and 32% unfavorable views. With regards to the other two branches of the federal government, Dartmouth students continue to have a dim view of Congress, with only 13% viewing the body favorably while 57% viewed the body unfavorably.
In politics, only President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party had positive net approval.
The Supreme Court, while faring somewhat better, dropped into net unfavorability this year, with 35% viewing the high court favorably and 37% viewing it unfavorably. In contrast, 34% of last year’s seniors viewed the Supreme Court favorably while only 22% viewed it unfavorably. This drop in favorability could potentially be attributable to the change in the political composition of the Court: The late, liberal-leaning Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg was replaced in October by conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett in a highly contentious confirmation process. More locally, seniors generally view the New Hampshire state government negatively, with 44% registering unfavorable views while just 14% hold favorable views. New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu, a Republican, is similarly unpopular, with 55% viewing him negatively and 15% viewing him positively. The Town of Hanover polls at 54% unfavorable and 22% favorable. Dartmouth students also continue to generally dislike Wall Street, with 61% disapproving
while 22% approve, although this is up slightly from last year’s split of 42-17 disapproval. Among the 11% of seniors planning on working in banking and finance, however, Wall Street holds a 77% favorability, with just 18% having an unfavorable view. Post-Graduation Plans The majority of the Class of 2021 will join the workforce following graduation, with 63% reporting that they plan to work immediately after Dartmouth. The second largest group will seek higher education: Those planning to attend graduate, medical, business and law school comprise 16%, 7%, 3% and 1% of the class, respectively. Ten percent of seniors remained undecided as to their post-graduate plans at the time of the survey. Workforce trends for the class appear similar to last year’s class, with slightly more indicating they would enter the workforce immediately, while the number planning to attend some form of graduate school remained around the same. COVID-19
has continued to have an impact on the senior class, even with rising vaccination rates: Fifty-five percent indicate that COVID-19 has had an impact on their plans, a 10% decrease from last year’s seniors. Among the industries that the Class of 2021 will be heading for work, technology/engineering, banking/finance, and consulting remain the most popular. However, the most common field this year is technology/engineering with 28%, followed by banking/ finance and consulting at 21% and 16%, respectively. Technology/ engineering jobs have seen rapid growth among Dartmouth students in the past few years, doubling from the 14% of seniors who reported entering this field in 2019. In contrast, consulting jobs have been on a steady decline, from 27% of seniors in 2019 to 23% in 2020. Banking/finance roles also saw a decline of 9% compared to last year. Other popular fields among this year’s seniors are government/ politics with 12% and education with 5%. In terms of long-term career
goals, the distribution across various fields becomes more even. Technology/engineering remains the most popular, with 15% of seniors wanting to work in the field 10 years from now. Academia/ research, meanwhile, may see a notable increase; while just 2% are entering the field immediately post graduation, 14% want to work in it in 10 years. Other popular fields for seniors in the long-term are government/politics at 14%, banking/finance at 11%, health at 10%, and entrepreneurship/ self-employment at 10%. Geographically, most of this year’s seniors will remain in the U.S., while about 8% will move abroad, a figure similar to last year’s. Among those moving abroad, about half will stay in North America (4%), while the rest will head to Asia or Europe with about 2% for each. Within the U.S., New York and Massachusetts remain the top two states in which seniors will land at 34% and 11% respectively. Other popular jurisdictions include Washington, D.C. at 10%, California at 9%, and New Jersey at 5%. Only 2% and 1% plan to remain in New Hampshire or Ver mont, respectively. However, a higher 13% plan to remain in the Upper Valley after graduation in the short-term, most for employment or graduate/medical school — 4% each. Some seniors will also stay to finish courses required for their degree — 2% — or spend more time with their classmates — 3%. Less than a third of this year’s seniors anticipate graduating with debt, and 68% anticipate graduating with none at all. Among those graduating with debt, 31% anticipate graduating with less than $10,000 and 3 8 % w i t h b e t we e n $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 and $19,999. Sixteen percent anticipate graduating with more than $40,000 in debt. Forty-three percent of seniors expect to receive some financial assistance from their parents after they graduate, somewhat more than last year’s 38% but comparable to the 44% who reported the same in 2019. In terms of anticipated annual
starting salaries, 23% of this year’s seniors entering the workforce ex p e c t t o m a k e m o re t h a n $100,000 annually and another third expect to make between $ 7 5 , 0 0 0 - $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . Fo u r t e e n percent expect to make between $50,000-$75,000 and 29% expect to make below $50,000. This distribution appears significantly higher than the average salary for college graduates, which is about $50,000, according to a recent National Association of Colleges and Employers salary survey. It appears that the Class of 2021’s high starting salaries may be driven by the industries they choose to work in. For those going into technolog y/engineering, 43% reported having annual starting salaries of greater than $100,000. Similarly, 31% of those entering jobs in banking/ finance or consulting reported starting salaries of over $100,000. No seniors going into banking/ finance reported starting salaries below $75,000 and none going into consulting reported starting salaries below $50,000. In other fields, the starting salary appears to be much lower. Eighty-one percent of seniors going into government/politics reported starting salaries below $50,000, as did half of those going into education, 95% going into public service/non-profit work, and, sadly for some soon-to-be alumni of The Dartmouth, all going into publishing/media. Methodology Notes From Thursday, May 6 to Sunday, May 23, The Dartmouth fielded an online survey of Dartmouth senior students on their opinions and experiences at the school. The survey was sent out to 1,204 seniors through their school email addresses. 167 responses were recorded, resulting in a 13.9% response rate. Using administrative data from the College’s Office of Institutional Research, responses were weighted by gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, Greek affiliation and international student status. Weighting was done through iterative post-stratification (raking). Survey results have a margin of error +/- 7.0 percentage points.
The tech and engineering sector continued to attract more seniors, while banking, finance and consulting saw drops in interest compared to the Class of 2020.
Edward Allen
Sarah Alpert
Congratulations Edward! Outstanding graduate; great brother (family and Beta), son, and grandson; extraordinary Aires singer; and all-round star! We love you big guy.
We are in awe of the apparent ease and grace with which you navigated your time at (and, too often, away from) Dartmouth, and are utterly optimistic about your future.
Mom, Dad, Mark, Caroline, Woods, Emma, Alex, Abuelo, and Abuela
Grant Anapolle
Grant, your continued success is no surprise to us. You inspire as you lighten everyone’s day with your humor, kindness and love. The exceptional memories and incredible friends you’ve made will last a lifetime. We are so very proud of you! Love, Mom & Dad, Saige and Mason (Tucker & Daisy rip)
Taylor Armbrister
“The most fulfilled people are those who get up every morning and stand for something larger than themselves.” - Wilma Mankiller We cannot express how proud we are and excited to see what your future holds! Love, Your Family
Nicholas Awertschenko
Chloe Baker
When first we visited you had climbed a tree on the Green. Now four years later, upon ascending the pillars of Dartmouth academia, it is time to celebrate with friends, and to embark on a new voyage to success. Love always, Mommy and Daddy
Excitement for school bubbled within you, prompting you to sneak into big brother’s classroom, and remaining through kindergarten days and beyond. That spark for learning will continue to fuel you onward and upward! I’m indescribably proud! Love, Mama
Alexandra Batter
McKenzie Baylis
Ally, Congratulations! We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. Your kindness, compassion, spirit, and determination will continue to lead you to realize all of your dreams. Love and so incredibly proud, Mom and Dad
You have come so far from the little girl who would not let go of her father’s leg at a birthday party! We are so proud and excited for you as you begin your next adventure in life. Love you to the moon and back.
Stella Bernstein
Eileen Brady
Stella Rose,
endless love from mom, dad and carlo
We’ve watched in pride and amazement as our little girl marched from first grade in Lake Bluff to Memorial Stadium as an honored graduate of Dartmouth College. What spectacular achievements Eileen Mary Brady! Love, Mom, Dad and Emmet
Daniel Bring
Teaghan Callaway
You are simply awesome. We are so proud to be your family. We wish you happiness, health and peace of mind as you start another inspired journey.
A great day, son, you sail into history! We are so proud of you, the friends you’ve made, and what you’ve accomplished. We look forward to seeing where your great heart and mind take you. All our Love, Mom & Dad
Watching you grow from a curious little girl into an extraordinary woman has been one of the best experiences of our lives. We can’t wait to see your future accomplishments and adventures. Good Luck in NYC! Love, Dad, Mom, & Brighton
Oliver Campbell
Katherine Cane
Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations, Katherine, on your remarkable achievements in the classroom and swimming pool. Equally important, you have made many great friends from all your Dartmouth experiences: Kappa, your society, math, economics, the pool and others. They will be great friends for life. Love, Mom, Dad and Paul
Jared Oakley Cape
Leah Erin Casey
You continue to make us proud in what you do and who you are.... Enjoy this spectacular accomplishment!
We are so proud of you and your accomplishments at Dartmouth. You do everything with grace and thoughtfulness. Living by the golden rule. Congratulations Senior Class President ’21. We will see you in the White House in 2036.
We are inexpressibly proud of our hardworking girl from the Ohio cornfields! Dartmouth has been wonderful, and we’re so excited and grateful for your next adventure at The Queen’s College, University of Oxford!
Love, Mom, Dad & Carson
We love you! Congratulations! Mom & Dad
Oliver Chartock
Tommy Ciesla
To our adventurous, enthusiastic, unconditionally loving, smart, hilarious, caring, dog-crazy, tall, talented, fun, self-assured, delightful, compassionate, ultimate-loving, culinarily gifted, hard-working, goofy, perfect-as-he-is Oliver. We can’t wait to see how you map your future. - Your adoring and proud Mom, Violette and Elliott
What you have accomplished in the past 4 years academically, athletically, professionally and personally has been impressive and exciting to watch! Your heart loves like none other — we are blessed by you! Much Love, Mom, Dad, Joey, Nick, Lauren, Ryan
Faustino Cortina
Alexander Crosby
“Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.” - John Wooden
Congratulations Graduate — You’re on a roll!
We are very proud of you!!
Your proud family
Love Mom, Dad & Paulina
Lots of love,
Halle Dantas
Cadyn Davis
Your Dartmouth journey has been wonderful to watch. From Hanover to Boston to Rome. Keep trying new things. Can’t wait to see where life takes you and the wonderful Dartmouth friends you’ve made. So lucky you’re our daughter, Halle!
The foreword to your Dartmouth story, and what a chapter you have lived! So deeply proud of the life you’re creating, and excited for all the pages yet unwritten! “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” A life unscripted, but inscribed in our hearts. Love, Mom and Clark
Madeline Ditzler
Hayley Divers
Congratulations on all you have accomplished and for discovering and developing your talents and passions. We are so proud of you and wish you much success as you launch your art career.
“Greet the world from the hills with a hail!” Give a rouse for Hayley Divers, from the loyal ones who love her. You are forever in our hearts! Cheers!
Love always, Mom & Dad
Love, Mom, Dad ’89, and Ryan ’18
Emma Doherty
Nicholas Dominaitis
You have taken advantage of these four years, keep the spirit of learning in your life. Stay curious, be open to wonder, look for beauty, love and run as fast as you can.
“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -Mark Twain
Love Mom, Dad and Fiona - you make us complete.
Sean Dowling
Holland Edmonds
Congratulations, Sean! We’re so proud of you! Even bigger and better things await you since wherever you go, there you are.
Bloom where you are planted! Congratulations, Holland! We are so very proud of you!
WE LOVE YOU!! Mom, Dad, Liliana, Nana, Pop-Pops, Louis, Olga and Achon!
Love, Mom, Dad, Allie, and Spicer
Caroline Fairbank
Annie Farrell
Congratulations and so much love always from Mom, Dad and Julia
You dazzle us with your determination, courage and curiosity. Congratulations on your graduation! May you continue to discover joy and wonder in the world. The future belongs to you. With love and pride, Mama, Papa and Lucy
Delilah Forrest
Congratulations, darling! Wishing you all the luck and joy in the world. You deserve it. With all our love, xoxoxo Mommy and Daddy
Henry Foster
Congratulations Henry P! Your next chapter is ready to be written. Grab a pen, settle in and enjoy all that lies ahead. We are so proud of you and always here for you! Much Love, Mom & Dad
Isabella Marie Frohlich
John Fulton
With joy we applaud your accomplishments while at camp at Big Green. You explored drama, design and conflict, traveled so true to your heart, and formed fabulous friendships. Excited for the next chapter Luci!
We are beyond proud of all that you’ve accomplished, excited about your next chapter, and grateful for your overall amazingness! We love you, Mom and Dad
Love, mom and papa
Ally Gaines
Congratulations on your graduation! Another milestone in your life’s journey. Remember to enjoy the ride! We are very proud of you and love you very much. Mom and Dad
Jenna Gallagher
Congratulations Jenna! We are beyond proud of your amazing accomplishments! Your passionate determination will lead to great success and happiness in life. We can’t wait to see what the next chapter in your journey will be! WE LOVE YOU! Mom, Dad & Sarah
Esther Garcia
Marguerite Généreux
We are grateful to God for allowing us the satisfaction to rejoice in your accomplishment. We will be here to support you in your next challenge.
Très fiers de notre petite Margot déjà diplômée de Dartmouth College. Tu as su combiner avec brio les exigences du travail académique et du rugby: Bravo Marguerite, tu as toute notre admiration.
Love, Mom and Dad
Julia Gergely
Julia - you are such a special person and daughter. You light up every room and make people want to be near you wherever you go. I am so grateful you shared your wonderful Dartmouth experience with me and so proud of you for everything you have accomplished. Love Mama
papa et maman XOX
Gigi Grigorian
Brava, Gigi Grigorian! We are so proud of you and what you have accomplished at Dartmouth. We look forward to all that the future holds for you. Much love, Mom, Dad, Harrison, and Grayson
Julian Grunauer
Steven Hadley
It has been our joy seeing you grow in the last four years. Balancing your studies, exploring your world, and connecting your amazing mind and energy to whatever your life contains.
STEVEN M. HADLEY, JR. Steven, you are a blessing from God. We continue to be amazed by your character, talent, and accomplishments. We are so proud of you. You will forever have our love, admiration, and support.
WE LOVE YOU, Mom, Jeff, Tatiana, Maya, Dad, and Linda
Maria Harrast
We are proud of you, Maria! It is the joy of our lives to be with you from birth through graduation and beyond. We wish you happiness and success and are always here for you! Love, Mom and Dad
Love, Mom, Dad, and Elizabeth
Colton Garrick Warren Hayse
You are brilliant, capable, curious, creative and ambitious. The sky’s the limit! You have not only exercised your natural gifts to make an impact on your field of study, but you have leveraged each challenge to refine and strengthen your approach. Proverbs 3:5-6 Love Mom, Dad, Dalton and Dylan
Jimmy Heidt
Bobby Hobart
Congratulations! We are so proud of you and look forward to your next adventures in life. We love you tons!
We are very proud of your accomplishments and can’t wait to see what the future holds! Congratulations!
Love Mom, Dad, Billy, Tommy and Sandy
Love, Mom & Dad
Clayton Howard
Connie Huang
As Plutarch (and your Zete brothers) taught you: ”The whole life of a man is but a point in time; let us enjoy it.” So glad that you thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of your Dartmouth experience. Love, Mom and Dad
Time to celebrate! We want you to know we are so proud of you and what you have achieved. You sure are the strong, resilient person we always imagined you’d grow to be. Love, Mom & Dad
Allison Hufford
Alie Hunter
As Dr. Seuss says: “You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.”
We are filled with pride and joy. We know life has wonderful things in store for you and can’t wait to see what you do next. Live, love and laugh every day!
We are so proud you, Allison, a Dartmouth graduate and joining the book publishing industry. Love, Mom and Dad
Laya Indukuri
Hearty Congratulations to our Dearest Sweetest Laya! One more Dartmouth Graduate to our family! We are so proud of your hard work, determination, talents and kindness. Mom, Dad & Shreya School Fun is Over, Work Fun Begins!
Love today and always. Mom and Dad
Elizabeth Janowski
Congratulations, Elizabeth!! We are so very proud of your incredible accomplishments and look forward to those that await. From the northern stillness to the city that does not know of stillness, the journey continues. With much love from your family!
Lily Johnson
Trey Johnson
We are so proud of you and your accomplishments at Dartmouth. We can’t wait to have you back in Texas and for your continued success at SMU Law School! Pony Up!
T, you have the ability, perseverance, and intelligence to achieve anything. You’re a wonderful example to your brothers and we know you’ll be successful wherever you go. We are so proud of you! Go Be Great! Joshua 1:9
Love you, Mama, Daddy, Chloe, Nana & Pops ’55
Dustin Jones
Congrats! We are so happy for you! Continued success as you leave the Big Green and pursue your dreams. We are so proud of you and you are always in our hearts! Love, Mom, Dad and Lauren ’20
Love, Mom, Dad, Mav and Ro
Luc Kharey
Perseverance in the face of challenge, dedication despite disappointments, never compromising loyalty, parity, or trustworthiness to achieve two Dartmouth degrees in four years. May your effort be rewarded with opportunities and success. Many more places to go; the sky is not your limit.
Brett Kidman
Kiera Klinsky
Congratulations Brett! We are so proud of you and the amazing young man you have become. We are excited you will overlap with your sister in Hanover as you pursue your masters degree.
Hurrah to this girl/woman. She’s fierce, fun and adventurous and we could not be more proud.
We Love You!! Dad, Mom, Ryan & Lauren
Christopher Knight
Chris, we are so proud of how much you have accomplished. You have overcome many challenges in your young life and will continue to achieve many accolades in your path. Continue to do what you do best and we will always be here cheering your name. Love, Mom, Dad, Aunts, and Family
Tyler Lee
Tyler, Congratulations! Your journey is just beginning! Let every step you take be another step towards your dreams! We are so proud of you and we believe in you! Love, Mom and Dad
Emma Lesko
Jarett Lewis
Keep taking life head on! We are so proud of you as an academic, athlete, artist and strong woman! The World is Your Oyster.
May the good Lord be with you down every road you roam. May sunshine & happiness surround you when you’re far from home. May you grow to be proud, dignified & true & do unto others as you’d have done to you. Be courageous & be brave & in our hearts you will remain... Forever Young! Love, Mom, Dad, Jake & Leslie
We Love You so much! Mom & Dad
Alexa Limb
To our wonderful Alexa. You made us so proud through all the years. We look forward to sharing in the bright future and success that awaits you. Love, Ope, Uma, Sooji, Mochi, and Kono
Liam Locke
Liam, We are very proud of you and all that you’ve accomplished! You’ve grown so much in so many ways! Congratulations on graduation from Dartmouth! We love you, Mom and Dad Locke Enjoy your new adventures and challenges at Geisel School of Medicine this Fall 2021!
Ubaldo Lopez
Anna Luce
That your Past envies your FUTURE! Congratulations on your academic success. Keep alive your passion. God will guide you to fulfill your purpose and potential. We are so proud of you! With LOVE, Cristina, Roberto, Mama & Papa
Congratulations Anna! We are so proud of you and all you’ve accomplished at Dartmouth. We look forward to your next chapter. We love you to the moon and back a million times over.
Ethan Maenza
Summer Martin
Dad, Mom, and Spencer
Ethan, you have brought your parents joy beyond description simply by being you. We love who you are, we love who you have become, and we love being part of the process of who you will be.
We are so very proud of you as you say goodbye to this place you love and have represented so well as a student and athlete. Go after your dreams and live the life you love.
Mom and Dad
Forever your biggest fans, Mom & Dad
Vanessa Mauricio
Jessica McDermott
Love and Aloha to Vanessa! We are so proud of the amazing scholar, woman and athlete you have become. This is the beginning of many more achievements. Let’s toast to your success today!
You are the same girl, but no longer need the security blanket!
Michael ’24, Mom ’93 and Dad ’90
T. Westley McLaughlin
To you & all those that allowed you to be here today — thank you. Remember: “Two roads diverged in a wood & [you]—/ [you] took the one less traveled by/ And that has made all the difference.” Remain grateful. Lymost! GBG
We love you so much! Karin, Jim, Elsa and Remy
Sean McOsker
Congratulations on your graduation! Wishing you the very best on your graduation day and beyond! With love and pride today and always, Dad, Mom, Alex, Ryan, Patrick, Percy, and Loki :)
Devon Duryea Mifflin
Abigail Mihaly
“What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Congratulations! You have dazzled us as we’ve watched you come into your own as a writer, a scholar, and an adult. We look forward to the continuation of your adventures, wherever they may lead.
Devon, we are proud of who you have become! Love, Mom and Dad
Alexandra Milich
Your intelligence, creativity, courage, spunk — and so much more — are an inspiration! Congratulations on this fantastic chapter. We are so proud of you and can’t wait to see all that the future holds.
All our love, Mom & Dad
Ashlyn Morris
Congratulations, Ashlyn! We are so proud of all you accomplishments! What an exciting and memorable adventure Dartmouth has been! As you start your next adventure, we wish you nothing but happiness and success! Love, Mom and Dad
Nicholas Motycka
William Phinney
Screaming Congratulations on your graduation Nicky! Always remain relentlessly determined in your career endeavors. Continue to lead with your compassionate heart. Live big, Love Bigger. We are so incredibly proud of you!
Congratulations, William! We are beyond proud of what you have achieved. Sail as far as you desire but stay close to who you are — good sense of humor, love of nature, personal responsibilities and discipline.
Love, Mom and Dad
We love you - your folks.
Chelsea Pike
John Connor Quigley
Your time at Dartmouth has been short-lived, but will remain with you for a lifetime. Words cannot express how proud, excited, and happy we are for your next chapter. It’s time to call you Dartmouth alumni!
Congratulations for your amazing accomplishments at Dartmouth! Your commitment to knowledge, excellence, and academics blows us away! Can’t wait to see you soar in New York. We are so proud of you and love you unconditionally!
Love, Mother & Daddy
Love, Mom & Dad
Aaryndeep Rai
Gordon Robinson
The road to your dreams is paved with intention, perseverance, and belief. We are filled with joy of your Big Green experiences and accomplishments and look ahead to the unfolding of new chapters and adventures!
Gordon, Time to celebrate your hard work. We are so proud of you! Sending you best wishes for an exciting future.
Love, Mom, Dad & Jovan
Love from Mom, Dad, Austen, Malcolm and Gwen
Rory Schadler
Tatum Schultz
Congratulations Rory! We couldn’t be more proud of you!
What a journey these past four years have been! We are so proud of you. We can’t wait to see what your next path brings. We love you Tater Tot!
Love, Mom and Dad
Love, Mom, Dad, Tyler & Jake
Caroline Sernett
Colin Shaughnessy
Way to go Caroline!
Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!… Your mountain is waiting. So…get on your way!
Congratulations!!! Love - Mom, Dad, Sam, Buzz and Belle
Emily Slusher
Congratulations on your wonderful achievement! We are enormously proud of you and grateful to your amazing professors, family, friends, teammates, four-legged study buddies and second moms who have been with you through this journey. You have a great future ahead! Love, Mom and Dad
We are so proud of you Colin! Love, Mom, Dad and Meghan
Caroline Smith
Congratulations! We thank God and pray for continued blessings as you begin the next great chapter of your life. We are extremely proud of you. Love, Mommy, Daddy, Caleb, Gran Gran, Pa Pa, Grandma, Grandpa, and Ochi
John Speicher
Sam Stein
“Build your house on the rock of learning; no one can take your education away from you.” We are so proud of everything about you. Congratulations!
We are so proud of the man you’ve become: kind, loyal, and hard-working. The strong friendships you’ve formed at Dartmouth will last a lifetime. May your college memories bring you much joy!
Love Mom, Dad, and Katie
James Tanner
Congratulations James (JT) Tanner!!! You continue to make us so proud as a person and through all your accomplishments. All Our Love, Mom, Dad, Jackie, Nana, Grampa and Ollie
We love you! Mom, Dad, Adam, and Leah
Jack W. Tuiolosega
A journey of bravery. Only when you go beyond the horizon will you know what is beyond. The traditional “malofie Samoan warrior body tattoo,” it is the navel that is tattooed last, as a reminder never to forget that one has a lifeline. A family, a mother and a father, who nourished and raised one, to be who one is.
Maya A.H. Vélez
Colton Wagner
Ta Da! And just like that, you did it. Make your mark on the world Maya: your style, your way. Know that today and everyday, you are our daughter, you are awesome, you are loved.
The youngest but always the wisest... we knew how smart you’d be from the time you started helping your older sisters with their homework. You make us so proud today and everyday. Love you so much!
xoxo Lyndsey, Angie, Breanna
Colton Wagner
Isabel Wallace
Congratulations! I am so incredibly proud of you and all that you’ve accomplished! The best is yet to come! I love you with all my heart! Know I’ll always be your greatest fan! All my love, XOXO Mum
You always had a “flair” for life which Dartmouth allowed to flourish. Congratulations, Isabel! We are so proud, but not at all surprised, at all that you’ve accomplished these past four years. Always your biggest fans! Love, Mom and Dad
Caitlin Wanic
Bryce West
We are extremely proud of you; it has been a joy watching you grow. These past four years flew by, it seems like just yesterday you began this journey. We can’t wait to see what your future holds.
We are all so very proud of you! You have accomplished so much in such a short time. There is so much more ahead for you and we can’t wait to see what the next chapter holds. Keep reaching for your dreams.
Love Always, Mom and Dad
We love you - Mom and Dad
Elwyn Zhang
Enjoying your journey makes it worthwhile, not the destination. We’re privileged to be your parents and friends through it all. Don’t focus on what you achieve, focus on who you become as you pursue a life of purpose, passion, happiness. Love u Mom & Dad