The Dartmouth 05/23/18

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MIR ROR 5.23.2018





Editors’ Note

Looking Into Last Chances STORY


Time flies when you’re having fun. Or in our case, time flies when your term is packed back-to-back with midterms, meetings, lunch dates and midnight cram sessions. The break-neck speed of a term can often leave one disoriented and confused by Week Nine — wasn’t it only Week Two just a moment ago? Time warps in weird ways here. The leaves turn in the blink of an eye. Shades of red and orange color our landscape in a flash and disappear almost as fast. Blink twice, and there is snow on the ground, our technicolor campus now iced over. Blink three times, and the snow has melted and mud sinks beneath our feet as we trek across the Green. Birds are home again and flowers bloom from beneath. Or for seniors, it’s blink three times and you’re almost out the door. How we do measure time here? Is it by terms? By seasons? By how long the KAF line is? However you may measure time, one thing is certain: the direction it moves — forward. Whether you only have a little bit more time left in this place, or what may seem like forever, try not to waste it. You won’t be able to get it back.

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By Nikhita Hingorani and Katherine Cline

Revant Ranjan ’21 speaks has “actively participated in Last Dartmouth is a school full of traditions and these traditions are from the perspective of a student Chances.” She has realized how what bind our community tightly unfamiliar with Last Chances different the user experience is as a together. Passionate alumni often until this term. Acknowledging senior compared to as a freshman revisit campus to share their tales his limited exposure to the and, similarly, how useful Last of triumph, trial and tribulation. website, Ranjan ’21 states that Chances could be to her and her For some, a significant aspect of his experience with Last Chances fellow classmates. “Being a senior, you definitely their “Dartmouth Experience” as a freshman differs from that of have more exposure. More people includes falling in love. (It seems the typical upperclassman. “I think people in my class know who you are. T his is like every week students can be found either running around fires, have used it to match with other actually my last chance to do jumping in freezing ponds, pulling freshmen, more so than to meet it. Years before, if there was an all-nighters to go to Lou’s Bakery seniors. I think of it like an upperclassman I was crushing on, ‘amongst your own grade’ then it was the last chance I had to or even kind of thing. Whatever get with them. This year, I thought confessing “I think people it is, [Last Chances] ends it was something I should do.” t h e i r When asked about her matching up being pretty funny,” u n r e q u i t e d in my class pursuits, Ribi notes that she has Ranjan said. c r u s h e s have used it It is safe to say that this been both the person crushing on Last to match with and the person sentiment Chances.) crushed on. She about the We often other freshmen, also believes that w e b s i t e “I haven’t figured hear students students should i s e c h o e d out who’s complaining more so than to put in the names by most a b o u t t h e meet seniors. I of students they freshmen at crushing on me. difficulties think of it like actually have Dartmouth. I’ve put in the of finding a feelings for on To be frank, s i g n i f i c a n t an ‘amongst people who I Last Chances Last Chances o t h e r a t your own grade’ can b e genuinely like and r a t h e r t h a n Dartmouth. fooling their intimidating. would want to Te n w e e k kind of thing. friends. The ’21s have t e r m s , Whatever it is, “I haven’t known each match with, but p u n c t u at e d [Last Chances] figured out who’s other for less I’m not one of by long, on me. than a year i r r e g u l a r ends up being those people who crushing I’ve put in the and they still breaks and pretty funny.” people who I h ave t h re e puts in a ton of off-ter ms, more years names just for the g e nu i n e l y l i k e make it and would want left to spend difficult for a - REVANT RANJAN to match with, w i t h t h e i r sake of doing it.” relationship ’21 but I’m not one c l a s s m at e s. to fully of those people The prospect develop. BIANCA RIBI ’18 who puts in a ton of matching Classes go of names just for by quickly, midterms pile up and with “the one” can the sake of doing extracurricular activities eat up be thrilling, but the any free time. With the quarter fear of vulnerability, to some, can it. I’m also not one to put in my system, there is simply no time to easily deter them from taking that friends because there’s no point to waste — especially with love. The chance. For freshmen willing to be that.” Though some may find it vulnerable, they must then contend recourse? Last Chances. Last Chances is a website that with the possibility of staying at controversial, Last Chances was opens up every spring term to Dartmouth and constantly having likely created with good intentions. For most on anyone with a Dartmouth email to face their failed Dartmouth’s address. Originally, it was designed “chance.” “I don’t have a campus, it H o w e v e r, f o r for departing seniors as a “last continues chance” to confess their feelings upperclassmen, this positive or negative to fulfill its to a classmate before graduation. story may be slightly perception [of Last pur pose for The rules of the game are simple. different. The threat Chances]. I think students as Students anonymously enter of seeing a failed just another names into a text box, which is m atch h o l d s l es s that some people one of linked to the Dartmouth name weight due to the may get a little bit Dartmouth’s directory. They are notified of students’ shrinking carried away with it, many quirks. the number of people crushing on time on campus. “ I S o m e but I also think tht them; however, the crush remains don’t have may anonymous unless the crush is s t u d e n t s the nature of it is a positive recognize the mutual: “a match.” o r n e g at i ve As the management of the site is platform’s pitfalls, fun and uniting.” perception passed down year to year, the link such as its ability [of Last to Last Chances changes with it. As t o p e r p e t u a t e Chances]. soon as the site opens, a flurry of D a r t m o u t h ’ s - BIANCA RIBI ’18 I think that blitzes are sent out passing down infamous hookup some people but the link. The entire premise of c u l t u r e , the website is based on anonymity, ultimately may still appreciate its may get a little bit carried away with it, but I also think that the which includes the identity of the intention. Bianca Ribi ’18 is one such nature of it is fun and uniting,” current, past and future executors student. This is the first year she Ribi said. of Last Chances.


TTLG: Growing Pains — Developing Through Discomfort TTLG

By Michael Cobb

“We have some bad news for you people, which didn’t hurt when all. This is never an easy thing for seriously networking for the first us to do.” time. It’s freshman fall. I’m standing S o m e l ow m o m e n t s we n t on the upper deck of the varsity beyond inspiring me to build up a rowing boathouse, overlooking the skill, though. Some challenged the Connecticut river. core of who I was. If you’ll give “Unfortunately, due to NCAA me your attention for a minute or restrictions, we aren’t able to two, I’d like to dive into one such offer the four of you a chance to experience. Despite the time it continue.” took me come to terms with it, It takes a I’m still grateful few seconds for it happened. the news to hit. “I’ve hit quite a few It was To be fair, my lows at Dartmouth. my of f week decision to walk while studying Some (read: most) onto the varsity abroad, and I ro w i n g t e a m were caused by my was touring the was an impulse own stupidity in one countr y with more than two women anything else. way or another. Many from my FSP. I had next to weren’t. When I think One was no experience, another student of my moments of and my only and the other q u a l i f i c a t i o n significant personal was a teaching w a s t h e f a c t growth at Dartmouth, assistant. that I was a Despite the trip lanky six foot however, all were being relatively five. Although I somehow a result of short, space was hadn’t been sure tigh t enough something that put me if I wanted to and contact join the rowing in an uncomfortable was constant team in the first place.” enough that place, I left the frustrations boathouse in a couldn’t help dejected daze. but bubble over I t ’s n e v e r into conflict. easy to be told that you aren’t In retrospect, there were good enough. Less so when definitely some things I did on that that realization deprives you trip that would have annoyed any of something. However, after rational human being (turns out four years at Dartmouth, I have some people have trouble sleeping found reason to with phone be grateful for notifications “It’s never easy to be moments like left on — told that you aren’t that one. who knew? I’ve hit quite good enough. Less so Apparently not a few lows at me). However, D a r t m o u t h . when that realization the end result S o m e ( r e a d : deprives you of was that I most) were became the something. However, caused by my butt of most own stupidity after four years at o f t h e TA’s in one way or Dartmouth, I have j o k es on th e another. Many trip, with the weren’t. When found reason to be other student I think of my grateful for moments forced into the moments of tense position like that one.” significant of mediator. p e r s o n a l In an growth at uncomfortable Dartmouth, however, all were twist, a theme of many of these somehow a result of something jokes was to put down whatever I that put me in an uncomfortable was doing at a given moment as a place. natural consequence of my “white In the case of rowing, left male privilege.” I laughed along at without the support of a team, first, but after this TA criticized my I was forced to scramble to meet roles at the job I held on campus people and build community because of my race and gender for myself, instead of within an and created a list of “white male established structure. This later things” I did on the trip, it started paid off in a supportive group of to hurt. friends who shared my values. I I feel like it’s important to pause gained confidence meeting new for a second here because I know a

number of readers will have varied responses to my decision to speak about white male privilege. Before I go on, let me add the disclaimer that I know white male privilege is absolutely real. This doesn’t mean I’m always as aware of it as I should be, but I hope the remainder of what I write will clarify how this experience contributed to my understanding of what this privilege means. That said, back to the story. These comments, made more potent by the power dynamic that existed between her and I, as TA and student, only got worse as I hit the academic grind in the final month of the trip. Normally, I think I would have been able to laugh it off, but the comments caught me as I was in a particularly vulnerable spot. I had just learned of the death of a grandparent and faced a severe case of mono that later put me in the hospital for four days. Whether it was a “f*** you, Michael” to cut me off as I tried to say something in a group discussion (a common occurrence) or a snarky, unsympathetic remark at the puffy, yellow face that resulted from my mono, each comment led me to grow more resentful. Social anxiety, which I had largely overcome in high school, flared up more than ever before as I began to have nightmares of what could happen the next day. COURTESY OF MICHAEL COBB But this is starting to sound pitiful, and I’m not telling this Michael Cobb ’18 thinks the challenges he has faced have helped him grow. story so that readers will feel to put yourself in their shoes.” a societal level: what structures sorry for me. With the advantage It took a few months for the full and institutions exist that arouse of time to process it, I realize this meaning of this to sink in. that same discomfort and fear in experience challenged me to grow Although I would never wish vulnerable groups of people? In a as few others have. such a tumultuous series of perverse way, this experience did It took me a while to come interactions on anyone, I realized I actually make me more aware of to terms with could use this the privilege I carry as a white, it, though. The “Although I would e x p e r i e n c e upper-middle class male, although turning point came as a jumping- probably not in the way the TA never wish such a when I visited my off point to intended. high school on tumultuous series build more And so, despite the fact that break, and told of interactions on e m p a t h y . my Dartmouth career is coming the story to one A f t e r a l l , to an end, as I look back with less of my teachers, a anyone, I realized t h e r e a r e than three short weeks between man who remains I could use this p l e n t y o f now and graduation, I can’t help one of the wisest s i t u a t i o n s but be grateful for my four years experience as a people I have ever w h e r e t h e here. Occasionally rough? Yes. Full jumping-off point to known. p o w e r of tons of interpersonal mistakes “ D o n ’ t y o u build more empathy. d y n a m i c and misfires? Absolutely. In fact, realize,” he i s s e t i n if I had a dollar for all the things said, “that there After all, there are t h e o t h e r I wish I could take back, I’d be are people who plenty of situations d i r e c t i o n . well on my way to paying off my ex p e r i e n c e t h e H o w h a d student loans. where the power same thing you I affected That being said, I’m most did for no other dynamic is set in the people who grateful for the uncomfortable reason than the other direction.” d i d n’t f e e l moments: the moments where I way they look?” empowered said the wrong thing, the moments “Uh…” t o s p e a k where I didn’t know how to react “ Y o u ’ r e back? What to a new challenge or threat. They fortunate. You only experienced had I done that might cause such have made me stronger. They that kind of discrimination once. powerful emotions of resentment forced me to grow. There are people who experience and frustration in others? And And I can always take that with that sort of thing every day. Try what about the implications on me.


The Waiting Game: STORY

2:40 p.m. I step into the main line “It’s a joke with my friend that of King Arthur Flour, placing we spend most of our lives in the myself right behind the other KAF line,” Pak said. “Before my three customers extending outside 10 — I didn’t think people would of the entrance. It’s a Monday be up that early in the morning. afternoon and 2s started half an But they are.” hour ago, so I’m not expecting the When asked if she has any in-between-classes rush. The line’s strategies to avoid lines, Pak said a little longer than I’d prefer, but that she will avoid certain dining I’ve seen worse. locations during certain times. For 2:45 p.m. I’ve finally made example, she advises against going it through the to Collis Café entrance. T he right after 11s, "It's a joke with my person in front of going to the me, a girl wearing friend that we spend Courtyard a mustard yellow most of our lives in the Café between sweater, suddenly 5:00 p.m. and n o t i c e s h e r KAF line." 7:00 p.m. or friends closer to going to the the front. Without Class of 1953 hesitation, she - MORGAN PAK '21 Commons cuts over half the between 6:00 line; no one says p.m. to 7:00 anything. I look p.m. back, see that the S h e line’s even longer said she has now than it was when I hopped on, noticed that there are certain times and decide that I should focus on of the day when lines seem shorter, the positive. but she said that anticipating 2:58 p.m. I’m nearly at the shorter lines can be “hit or miss” front of the line, and I realize that depending on the day. She also I’m not yet sure what I want. I’m emphasized that on the weekends, craving some caffeine, but I’m not when both KAF and Collis Café a big fan of coffee’s bitterness. I are closed during the day, lines could also go for a snack — nothing elsewhere can feel even longer as too sweet. a result of students having fewer 3:00 p.m. Finally! I place my options. order: a chocolate milk with an Natalie Chertoff ’18 is another espresso shot and a plain croissant. student who shared her feelings A simple order, sure, but my about food lines around campus. patience is wearing thin. The She is originally from Brooklyn, barista at the register hands me where she’s used to having many my croissant right away and the café options on a single block, so chocolate milk comes out a minute she’s not accustomed to the long later. lines that arise from having so few 3:01 p.m. Out of curiosity, I choices. walk back to the end of the line Chertoff said that most of her to see how it’s looking 20 minutes waiting in lines happens at Collis later. It now extends eight people and KAF but that given her busy past the entrance — even longer schedule, she’s sometimes tempted than before. to choose somewhere else to eat just If I were in a café back home, so she doesn’t have to wait as long. the idea of waiting 20 minutes just When the KAF line is especially for a chocolate milk and a croissant long, she might even decide to go would seem a little ridiculous. to a café in town instead. At Dartmouth, however, we’ve Like Pak, Chertoff pays close become so conditioned to long attention to the time of day in lines that waiting 20 minutes might order to avoid the usual rushes. even seem fortuitous — we students “If I want Collis, I’ll usually know from experience that the wait get dinner super early — at 5 or could have easily been even worse. 5:30 — to avoid lines,” she said. “I Morgan Pak ’21 takes waiting in tend to avoid going to [KAF] right lines very seriously. She explained when a class is about to start or that because she lives in the when a class just gets out because McLaughlin Cluster, she goes to I feel like lines are shorter then.” KAF for food more often than Thinking back to how long other dining locations on campus waiting in lines took when she that are farther away from her arrived at Dartmouth, Chertoff dorm. She admitted that she’s not thinks that lines take longer now the best at estimating time, but she — although she’s not sure if that guesses that she usually spends feeling is supported by statistics or around 10-15 minutes, or at the is just a byproduct of her busier most 20 minutes, waiting in the schedule. KAF line every day. One feeling that is definitely

justified: feeling frustrated when students cut lines. Chertoff isn’t very bothered when it’s only one student cutting the line, admitting that she’s done it herself before, but she said that it’s worse when a large group cuts the line. She has noticed that this happens toward the end of a term, when students with a lot of DBA left will pay for their friends’ food in addition to their own. Overall, Chertoff believes that at cafés like KAF, lines will always be long, but she does wonder if lines would move more efficiently if more employees were hired. At a place like Collis, she thinks that introducing more options could reduce lines by moving people away from the same usuallycrowded stations. It’s clear that many students have strong opinions on campus lines, but what goes on behind the scenes to regulate those lines? Don Reed, the associate director of Dartmouth Dining Services, noted that one of the key challenges of managing lines at the Courtyard

Café and at Collis Café is the pre-prepared food and drinks, fact that so many students want ranging from sand wiches to made-towraps to fruit order dishes. cups to even W i t h f e w "I would say that most microwavable e x c e p t i o n s , of the time when meals. Students like Collis’s looking to avoid [yelling] happens, it's breakfast long lines can s a n d w i ch e s, because people behind g r a b these these items refrigerated the counter really care simply can’t items to purchase be prepared about moving [lines] instantly. ahead of time. as much as possible. Unlike the “[Students] Courtyard Café like the ability and Collis Café, to change an - CHRIS ROBBINS, the Class of ingredient, 1953 Commons MANAGER OF NOVACK add an usually doesn’t ingredient or CAFE have extremely get it the way long lines, due to they like it,” both its size and Re e d s a i d . staff preparation. “You get one of those [students Inside the kitchen walls, there are ordering] ahead of you, and the even printed class schedules so line is going to slow down.” that cooks know when to prepare The made-to-order lines may for after-class rushes throughout be hard to shorten, but Reed the day. Reed suggested waiting emphasized the importance of an extra 10-15 minutes after a cooler space in each dining class block has ended to avoid the location. Inside these coolers are longest of lines.

By C


Lines On Campus

Cristian Cano


Reed said that, in general, DDS is making efforts to attract students to the Class of 1953 Commons. For example, recent changes have included a do-it-yourself omelet station and adding new types of fruits to the Saturday brunch menu. These changes are intended to make students feel that the Class of 1953 Commons is the best use of their meal swipes during peak meal times — that way, they’ll be less likely to contribute to the long lines in other dining locations. Even for big events in the '53 Commons where big lines are the norm, such as the Harvest Dinner every fall term and the first “A Night in Italy” event earlier this term, DDS takes notes and constantly makes improvements. For example, the 2017 Harvest Dinner had some stands placed in the “dark side” to more evenly spread things out, while for next year’s Italian dinner, Reed would like to see the Pavilion and Herbivore stations better utilized. Chris Robbins, the manager of Novack Café, is also used to

dealing with lines on a daily basis. He’s been Novack’s manager for slightly less than two years, and he said that even before he arrived, Novack’s team has prioritized line efficiency. For example, Robbins described Novack’s transition from ringing up items on a screen to scanning the bar codes. Worried about increased waits, Robbins used a stopwatch to track changes. “When I first got here, we switched to scanning,” Robbins said. “One of the keys was we did not want to slow our line time down by scanning.” At first, the learning curve of scanning items did increase the time that customers waited in line, but with close attention and awareness, eventually wait times went back down. Now, Robbins said, it’s evident that scanning items is faster than manually ringing up items ever was. Robbins is pleased with the current state of Novack’s line management. He notes that he and his team go through the

class schedule to learn when to anticipate rushes, and employees behind the bar are ready to go one minute before the crowd arrives. When there isn’t a crowd, Novack employees take advantage of the calm to instead ensure that items don’t run out. “You’ll notice before and after rushes, we have people stocking and filling up things,” Robbins said. “During a rush, it’s all hands on deck.” Robbins had only positive things to say about Novack’s employees, especially its student employees. He appreciates how student managers and supervisors, who have worked at Novack for several years and risen through the ranks, are always using their experience to train and mentor newer employees. He acknowledged too that sometimes, Novack employees can have a reputation for being quick to scream “ready to help the next customer!” across the counter. He explained that there’s a careful balance between providing excellent, quick customer service

and treating customers in a r e m e m b e r a ny p a r t i c u l a rl y respectful and welcoming way. n o t o r i o u s l i n e s . C h e o n g He continued, adding that while remembered that the cafeterias sometimes things behind the at Princeton were more spaced counter need to be dialed back out with different stations and a bit, his employees always try to Jolly remembered one café that, respect customers’ schedules. thanks to live student musical “I would say that most of the performances, made waiting in time when [yelling] happens, it’s line feel less tedious. because the people behind the Line at KAF started out as a counter really care about moving HackDartmouth entry, and after [lines] as much as possible,” gaining the community’s attention Robbins said. “They realize that and support from the Digital Arts, the guy in the back has a class to Leadership and Innovation Lab, get to, or the girl 15 people back the project has grown immensely. has somewhere to be.” Without going into too much of the While for many Dartmouth science behind the app, Cheong students, long lines have become a and Jolly explained that the app normal part of life, not all students takes advantage of Raspberry are willing to just sit back and Pis, small single-board computers, remain passive. Jin Hyun Cheong, embedded in the ceiling above the a 3rd year graduate student, and KAF lines to track the lengths of Eshin Jolly, a neuroscience PhD both the main KAF line and the candidate, are two g raduate Baker lobby line in real-time. students who are taking matters “Right now, a lot of people have into their own hands: they are the to play the guessing game when co-founders of “Line at KAF,” an they try to stand in [one line or in-development phone app that the other],” Cheong said. “Once can tell users how long the KAF you have an idea of how many line is at any given moment. people are in each line, you can Both Cheong and Jolly enjoy make an informed decision about going to KAF for coffee, especially which line is faster.” given its proximity to their offices As for the future of the app, the in Moore Hall, but they began to team hopes to start beta testing grow frustrated with the extremely this summer for a full launch this long lines. About two years ago, fall. While the app is currently they began wondering if there only designed to track line length, could be a way to know how long Cheong and Jolly have both met the KAF line is. with KAF officials to discuss U n l i k e potential underg raduate "Right now, a lot of f u t u r e students, Cheong additions. people have to play and Jolly are not Keeping track familiar with the the guessing game of which menu underg raduate when they try to stand items are class schedule, so out of stock their motivation in [one line or the and ordering was furthered by other]. Once you have online are being unable to both ideas an idea of how many figure out when that could peak rush hours people are in each someday were. become a line, you can make “ We ’r e l e s s reality. ve r s e d i n t h e an informed decision F o r D a r t m o u t h about which line is better and for schedule … so we worse, lines are would actually faster." a ubiquitous never figure out part of the when would be - JIN HYUN CHEONG, 3RD Dartmouth the ideal time to e x p e r i e n c e. go,” Cheong said. YEAR GRADUATE STUDENT W h e t h e r “That was the y o u ’ r e other motivation: someone who since we don’t avoids lines know, how can professionally we figure that out or someone and also help other people?” who will do anything to get your W h e n a s k e d a b o u t h o w caffeine fix, one thing is sure: both Dartmouth lines compare to students and administration are lines at their own undergraduate working to make lines shorter and institutions — Cheong attended improve the student experience. P r i n c e t o n U n i v e r s i t y, a n d As for how fast these changes Jolly attended the University come and how effective they’ll be: of Rochester — neither could we’ll just have to wait.


Shoot For the Moon: Organizing David Harbour ’97’s Visit STORY

By Veselin Nanov

I have a cheat sheet that amount of structured time one thought to myself that it would be involved in theater. Keira Byno helped me trace David Harbour has. While the ten week quarters a great idea for someone to invite ’19, the current social chair of ’97’s theatrical journey through at Dartmouth feel like a marathon, David Harbour to campus before Alpha Theta, jumped in to help Dartmouth and back to the stage a semester at Edinburgh is much the upcoming release of his new and quickly became a driving of Spaulding Auditorium last more stretched out. Lecture time movie, a revamp of “Hellboy” force behind realizing the idea. Sunday. The Dartmouth has at the latter institution is also much that would inadvertently make his Toward the end of this winter, we catalogued the actor’s early ascent shorter than at the former. In short, schedule even more packed. I left approached Evans with the idea to through the ranks of theater at the I had more free time on my hands it at that, though, because I had to invite David Harbour to campus in College. Harbour landed a lead in than I had since the summer after focus on writing the papers I had the Spring. She agreed to reach out “The Beautiful People Die Twice” senior year of high school. That procrastinated doing for a couple to the Alumni Office and send him during the fall of 1993. Only a gave me a lot of opportunities to of weeks. an invitation month or so later he performed travel and enjoy the cultural life I came back on behalf of “I have no way to in “Measure for Measure” as “the in the Scottish capital. to campus in the Hopkins undisputed star of B y e a r l y J a n u a r y a n d know how David C e n t e r, bu t the show” Then, “I finished the whole December, r u s h e d A l p h a she also Harbour felt when after a brief hiatus t h o u g h , Theta, one of the cautioned us show in a week and he returned to the I s t a r t e d gender-inclusive he received ovation that many Hopkins Center like any die-hard fan I h a v i n g Greek Houses on for his very first other actors for the Arts, this sifted through Google days when campus. Johanna do not even time to co-direct t h e n a s t y Evans, the film performance at reply to similar S h a k e s p e a r e ’ s looking for information w e a t h e r p r o g r a m m i n g Dartmouth or when invitations. If “Macbeth” in the about Season 3. Then, discouraged and operations they do, she the Duffer Brothers spring of 1995 m e f r o m manager at the n o t e d , t h ey I stumbled upon the and in the winter v e n t u r i n g Hopkins Center, invited him to join often schedule term of 1996 to Wikipedia entry on i n t o t o w n i s a h o u s e the cast of “Stranger a visit a few direct “’Tis Pity David Harbour. I was while final advisor. When terms in She’s a Whore.” p a p e r s she introduced Things.” Thanks to advance. We surprised to discover The write-up on s e e m e d her self to the him, though, I was did not hear the latter describes that he graduated too far off. new members she any news until experiencing a little Harbour’s desire So, I idled also mentioned the start of from Dartmouth but to use theater as a away in my that she would triumph of my own Spring term. medium to bring up even more surprised flat, mostly love to hear ideas behind the scenes.” We got universal questions by the fact that the f l i p p i n g we might have a promising a b o u t l ove a n d t h r o u g h to eng age the email from revenge. After two College had not done books and membership with the arts at Evans at the start of the term. m o r e e x c e l l e n t much to brag about cooking. I Dartmouth. I immediately thought The next morning she seated us performances, one was bored. that a collaboration of this kind in her office. With a large smile on him.” in a play by German N o t i c i n g would be a great way to diversify her face she announced that David playwright Bertolt that, one of the Greek presence on campus, so Harbour received the invitation Brecht and another one by English my flatmates recommended that I I sifted through my memory for and would love to come back to p l ay w r i g h t S a mu e l B e c k e t t , should watch “Stranger Things” ideas. The prospect of inviting campus. It would be a lie if I said Harbour culminated his theater and kindly offered to give me David Harbour seemed unrealistic, I did not make sure all my friends experience at Dartmouth by access to his Netflix account. By but I could not come up with who had been skeptical got the directing “Hamlet” in the spring the time I knew it, a n y t h i n g news. We felt lucky and thankful of 1997. The production was dark I was addicted. I b e t t e r. I t that Harbour would take the time and inventive. finished the whole “It took me some time, t o o k m e to travel from Georgia, where he T h e re i s o n l y o n e m o re show in a week and though, to gather some time, is shooting Season 3 of “Stranger mention of David Harbour in like any die-hard t h o u g h , Things,” to campus and meet enough courage and the newspaper’s archives from fan I sifted through t o g a t h e r with the Dartmouth community. the 90’s: his name is listed among Google looking for voice this idea in front e n o u g h Through the next couple of weeks the graduating class of 1997. The information about c o u r a g e the Hopkins Center finalized his of the house. When I subsequent ups and downs of Season 3. Then, I a n d v o i c e schedule. The centerpiece of the Harbour’s career were partially stumbled upon the finally shared it, I was this idea in visit would be a conversation the subject of the talk he delivered Wikipedia entry on not surprised at the front of the between David Harbour and the at Spaulding a week or so ago. I David Harbour. house. When Hop’s managing director and will not focus on these here since I was sur prised skepticism with which I f i n a l l y executive producer Joshua Price they are accessible through a brief to discover that it was met. David s h a r e d i t , Kol ’93, a former classmate of Google search. Instead, I will h e g r a d u a t e d I w a s n o t his at Dartmouth, on stage in Harbour was not a trace another, much more recent from Dartmouth s u r p r i s e d Spaulding Auditorium. The afterjourney that led me to the idea of bu t eve n m o re member of our house at t h e party would be hosted at Alpha inviting Harbour to campus and s u r p r i s e d b y to begin with. He is s k e p t i c i s m Theta. There was still a lingering the events that brought this idea the fact that the with which worry that the Hopkins Center to fruition. College had not also a film celebrity it was met. would not be able to sell enough I don’t have a subscription d o n e m u c h t o with a busy schedule.” D a v i d tickets, that David Harbour might to any streaming service and brag about him. H a r b o u r not be as well known among generally don’t watch TV shows. I t ’ s t r u e t h a t w a s n o t a students. By that, I mean to say I had there was a recent profile in the member of our house to begin I realized that this worry was followed through with watching Alumni Magazine. However, this with. He is also a film celebrity completely unnecessary when I only one season of one show by publication is likely not a common with a busy schedule. Why would saw the line of people trailing the beginning of last fall. Then, in read for current or prospective he waste a weekend on us? Despite beyond the Courtyard Café all the September I arrived at Edinburgh students. None of the Dartmouth the wealth of doubt and criticism, I way to the lobby. The auditorium for a foreign study program. One students on my FSP were aware found merit in giving it a try. David was packed. There were Hanover of the main distinctions between of the fact. Most of the people Harbour is an alumnus after all, locals, but there were also about a term at Dartmouth and one at I reached out to on campus had and a significant membership of 400 students who attended, the University of Edinburgh is the no idea either. At that point, I our house has historically been according to Evans. Through

the conversation, David Harbour was witty and down to earth. He acknowledged each member of the audience who asked him a question and spoke with humor and honesty. Afterwards, he took the time to sign some autographs in front of the Hop. He was accompanied by his girlfriend, actress Alison Sudol, who most recently starred in the Harry Potter spin-off film “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.” The two of them joined students at Alpha Theta after the Spaulding event. Students from the theater department and the Film Society along with the siblings of Alpha Theta and their guests munched on cookies as they awaited David Harbour’s arrival in anticipation. I had a brief moment to talk to him when he arrived. He mentioned that he had spent four months in my hometown of Sofia, Bulgaria earlier this year while he was shooting “Hellboy.” I was over the moon. Many of the other guests got the chance to take a snap with David Harbour and have their “Stranger Things” posters signed by him. After an hour or so, Harbour and Sudol left, and the house slowly emptied out. I noticed all the empty cookie trays and sharpies that lay around as I eased myself in one of the couches. I felt the pleasant tingle of satisfaction grow within me. I have no way to know how David Harbour felt when he received an ovation for his very first performance at Dartmouth or when the Duffer Brothers invited him to join the cast of “Stranger Things.” Thanks to him, though, I was experiencing a little triumph of my own behind the scenes. Once again left to my own thoughts, I could not help but wonder why David Harbour agreed to come even though he had worked until 11 p.m. the previous day in Georgia, would have an early start on Monday, and had a cold. It certainly is nice to be invited back to your alma mater. And yet, David Harbour is a famous actor with probably a very busy schedule. Maybe he finds value in sharing his story with the young actors who aspire to follow a similar path on the journey through the theatrical profession. Maybe, just maybe, the lessons that Harbour has learned so far, rather than just the fame he has achieved, are what attracted so many students to Spaulding and the after party. After all, we all stand at the doorway of a journey through life. Sometimes, to throw back a glance at the past or look up to those whose achievements we value is just enough to nudge us to do what fulfills us in life rather than what simply provides us the most security.

Catalytic Rearrangement of Absolute Time STORY


By Laura Jeliazkov

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to further develop the theory of the origins of relative time, which can be synthesized from absolute time. It is thought that relative time and fun have an inverse relationship, and the experimental results are consistent with this hypothesis. The study was unable to identify the physical structure of the substance that causes this relationship.

This occurs if the system is subjected to temperatures higher than room temperature. Other experiments being perfor med simultaneously in the vicinity may have interfered with controlled reaction conditions. This experiment aimed to further analyze the physical origins of relative time. Reaction location was a college campus in a small town of New Hampshire, in the United States. The absolute time A sample of relative time reacted was a period of 273.75 i s s y n t h e s i z e d by c a t a l y t i c days, equal to 9 months, equal to dehydration of absolute time. This one full academic year. is an acid-base Levels reaction. Product of relative remains aqueous “This experiment time are in solution; this aimed to further known to vary is extracted inversely with a n d p u r i f i e d analyze the physical levels of the by distillation. origins of relative byproduct Crude relative T ~ f, time. Reaction location fun, R time is then TR = relative p r e c i p i t a t e d was a college campus time, f = fun. from solution by in a small town of Experimental recrystallization. results above F i n a l p ro d u c t New Hampshire, in a g r e e . quality i s the United States. The Though there crystalline is extensive absolute time reacted in structure. experimental Surface is white was a period of 273.75 s u p p o r t fo r and cloudy in days, equal to 9 this claim, appearance. h o w e v e r, C r u d e m a s s months, equal to one p r o p e r c o l l e c t e d i s full academic year.” physical 186.15 days. ex p l a n at i o n This is a 68 of the p e rc e n t y i e l d . underlying Product loss may be due to mechanism remains unidentified. absolute material participating The reaction is one difficult to in side reactions toward the slow for proper observation. The generation of byproduct fun. materials together in solution are

volatile and difficult to isolate. 2 for a length of 52.37 days. It perception and shortened perception The synthesis of relative time from was measured by Experimenter of relative time, they are also absolute time is one particularly No. 3 for a length of 184.27 investigating the favorability of sensitive to reaction conditions and days. Standard shortened time. environment: there is potential for d ev i at i o n o f One theory many confounding factors. It is a this set is σ = “Due to its aligns this reversible reaction, and therefore, 216.93. T his high volatility, phenomenon often the two materials exist in variation is not with the concept recrystallized relative solution in equilibrium. notable; range is of entropy and A rearrangement in structure conventionally time has been known o f a s y s t e m ’s occurs during the conversion of v e r y w i d e . even to disperse n a t u r a l , one material of time to the other. I t i s m u c h spontaneous from the recovery This rearrangement, however, m o r e l i k e l y, evolution away cannot be explained by any by literature, filter during vaccuum from its original conventional ther modynamic t o d i s c o v e r conditions. The filtration. Thus the or kinetic pattern. No scientific p o s i t i v e evolution of literature to date has been able d i f f e r e n c e only conclusion which a b s o l u t e t i m e to identify what makes this between actual can be made at the into relative time, rearrangement favorable, nor why and perceived and then from this reaction, therefore, does occur. length. Errors termination of this relative time into Absolute time exists as a for a time loss as investigation is that metamorphoses, satisfactory measure in the time- extreme as for exemplifies time flies.” space continuum. It shows no Experimenter this. Another evidence of being a particularly N o . 1 a r e theory considers unstable element. Its structure hy p o t h e s i ze d perceptual does not suggest high reactivity. to be a high rearrangement The structural rearrangement excess of fun to be a means from absolute to relative time b y p r o d u c t of disuniting can in fact manifest in differing being generated, or to extended society’s perception of time, patter ns. Reaction will yield periods of sleep. This may have thereby contributing to increasing different products under different occurred in environments with trends in entropy. One theory reaction conditions. Product plenty of heat and comfort. states that relative time serves may differ This may also as a source of confusion and even between “Errors for a time have occur red disorientation for those in contact s i m i l a r in environments with the time of interest: this is also experiments, loss as extreme as w i t h p l e n t y a contribution to overall entropy. r u n u n d e r for Experimenter No. o f s t r e s s a n d One theory designates fun as an controlled, agitation. Thus, undesired element in the time1 are hypothesized replicated the groundings space continuum. The shortening c o n d i t i o n s . to be a high excess of t h e s e of material time is therefore a S u c h of fun byproduct thermodynamic means of eliminating its presence. differences and kinetic Not one of these theories a p p e a r t o being generated, or c o n s i d e r at i o n s has been proven with more b e d u e t o to extended periods are ambiguous. certainty than the others. This experimenter Some theories phenomenon is not observed for of sleep. This may perception: predict that the any other element of the spaceo n e s i n g l e have occurred in favorability lies time continuum. There is no form o f environments with in a dependence comparable data against which product may o n i n d i v i d u a l to further analyze. itself b e plenty of heat and p e rc e p t i o n . A Low percent yield mentioned d i f f e r e n t l y comfort.” key dif ference above may also be attributed to perceived between relative product being left on the walls by unique a n d a b s o l u t e of the beaker. Due to its high observers. t i m e i s t h a t volatility, recrystallized relative In the a b s o l u t e t i m e time has been known even to ex p e r i m e n t at h a n d , c r u d e runs independent of individual disperse from the recovery filter e x p e r i m e n t a l p r o d u c t w a s perce ption. Researcher s are during vacuum filtration. Thus measured by Experimenter No. 1 currently looking to investigate the only conclusion which can be for a length of 2.97 days. It was this. Because there is often a high made at the termination of this measured by Experimenter No. correlation between individual investigation is that time flies.



Pressed for Time PHOTO

By Natalie Dameron

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