MIR ROR 1.16.19
Editors’ Note
And Many More ... STORY
Milestones. Sometimes, milestones are a good thing — who can forget the joy of their first day of starting college, of a baby’s first “mama,” of buying one’s first apartment? However, occasionally, milestones can signal something less than desirable — the 25th day of a government shutdown, the first day that you don’t oversleep your 9L, your first real heartbreak. In celebration of Dartmouth’s 250th anniversary, this week’s issue of the Mirror is all about milestones. Over the past few weeks, we have been able to celebrate with the College by taking the special Dartmouth 250 classes offered this term, attending the various festivities held in the middle of the library and being awe-struck over famous landmarks being turned green (is this where our tuition money goes?). In this issue, we take a closer look at this Dartmouth milestone and also reflect on the importance of more personal milestones, such as turning a year older or recognizing the turning points of our lives as college students. Read on and celebrate with us.
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By Christina Baris
My older brother taught me many one more revolution around the sun? valuable life lessons: which words not For me, change is continuous and to say in front of my parents, how to gradual; I cannot identify any one single climb every tree in our backyard and moment that signified my transition the correct way to change lanes on a into adulthood, and it certainly was highway. Something he failed to pass not on midnight of my 18th birthday. on to me, however, was his hatred of (I’m actually unsure if that transition birthdays. has happened at all … I’ll get back to It all started in a quiet Walmart you on that one.) Birthdays might not in April of 2000. An employee had be remarkably momentous milestones, heard from my mom that it was my but they definitely hold some personal brother’s birthday and importance. proceeded to urge the “[Each birthday] is a The value of rest of the staff to “wish birthdays relies Michael a happy 7th milestone because on one’s personal birthday!” through you’re [beginning] definition of an announcement milestones. What over the loudspeaker. a n e w y e a r o f do we consider My brother was your life — a new t h e d e f i n i n g absolutely mortified, moments of our an d th is even t chapter with new lives and how do officially marked the experiences.” we measure them? beginning of his Milestones can despise of birthday be serendipitous; celebrations. By the -GABRIELLE LEVY ’22 they are not time he turned 16, my always marked brother claimed that on a calendar. dedicating a whole day to celebrating We mature due to circumstance and yourself was an act of vanity and experience, not necessarily through proposed that birthdays were no more birthdays. Zachary Couvillion ’22 than a reminder of our own mortality. doesn’t think that we should attribute Despite his claims, I still insisted on any particular significance to specific celebrating his birthday each year, dates when reflecting on the milestones struggling to understand how someone of our lives. could find Carvel ice cream cakes so “I don’t think [birth dates] really morally offensive. have a particular meaning,” Couvillion Not all of us have been scarred said. “[Milestones are] either a tangible by loudspeaker horror stories. Some accomplishment or a mental or people adopt a less morbid approach emotional breakthrough.” to birthdays and even look forward to However, Scarlett Souter ’22 the extra attention they receive one day believes that birthdays are in fact small a year. If nothing else, birthdays are a milestones, due to the gained freedoms reminder of summer camp Facebook associated with turning a certain age. For friends that were long forgotten or an example, turning 16 marks a new age of excuse to eat that extra slice of cake. independence and self-reliance that is But what do birthdays truly signify? often associated with being able to drive, Can one arbitrary day really reflect and 18th birthdays are often connected complex themes, such as change and with leaving home and starting college. growth, or do birthdays simply mark Gabrielle Levy ’22 agrees that birthdays
are milestones in our lives and should be celebrated as such, as each year of life brings about significant change. “[Each birthday] is a milestone because you’re [beginning] a new year of your life — a new chapter with new experiences,” Levy said. In terms of celebration, birthdays can highlight a sense of belonging for college students when they celebrate on campus. At home, most people split their birthdays between family and friends, whereas at college, students usually are only able to celebrate with their friends, some of whom they may have only recently met. Celebrating your birthday with an entirely new group of people at an entirely new place may sound intimidating, but it can serve to strengthen bonds and create memories between friends. This was especially true for Couvillion, whose birthday helped to ease his transition into freshman fall. “My last birthday made me feel pretty welcome [in the Dartmouth community],” Couvillion said. “No other [birthday] sticks out to me that much.” At the very least, birthdays force us to be cognizant of our own aging. They reflect the passage of time, which is an idea that excites some and frighten others. I recall counting down the days to every single one of my birthdays, but my father sighs at even the slightest reminder that he’s getting another year older. As we grow up, enthusiasm and anticipation turn into insignificance and anxiety. Will you blow out the candles on your 40th birthday cake just as eagerly as you did at 13? Maybe your next birthday will make you join my brother’s boycott. Maybe it will force you to acknowledge the fact that you are growing up. Or maybe it won’t really mean anything at all. Personally, my only certainty is that I will be avoiding loudspeakers — and Walmarts — at all costs.
Happy Divorce Day? STORY
By Maggie Doyle
When we think of the milestones, family would probably not want to most people think of birthdays, commemorate someone’s divorce, graduation, marriage — significant which leads to the question: are and recognizable turning points those present at our weddings in our lives. Milestones, good or expected to love and cherish us in bad, are often celebrated with good times and bad? community, be it for a wedding Another reason people might or funeral. not celebrate H o w e v e r , “However, in a country divorce is that one notable the divorcees life change is where divorce is may not be up often marked common, I imagine to a celebration by isolation may not want most people have had or rath er th an to advertise c e l e br atio n: it touch their lives. the occasion. d i v o r c e . I s It seems to me that Divorce might marriage be seen as the really a more divorce, like marriage, sign of a “failed s i g n i f i c a n t is a diverse experience r e l a t i o n s h i p, ” change in so people may that treats people people’s lives not want to add than divorce? differently.” social judgement If not, on top of the why i s o n e emotional pain announced in already involved newspaper s, in divorce. It’s a celebrated bizarre stigma, w i t h o n e ’s especially community, while the other is considering how high divorce finalized by one’s signature? rates are. People also may feel The obvious answer is that shame not brought on by societal weddings are happy occasions expectations, but rather the and divorces aren’t. People don’t pressure they put on themselves want to toast a loved one’s misery. that marriage should always be However, that seems like a gross “till death do us part.” oversimplification. As someone However, some divorcees are who has working to change never gotten t h at s t i g m a by divorced, I “Whatever the hosting “divorce can’t speak condition of divorce, parties.” Whatever to the the condition experience. it is certainly a of the divorce, However, in significant change in it is certainly a a country significant change someone’s life. Those w h e r e in someone’s life. d i v o r c e i s who want to celebrate Those who want c o m m o n , the start of a new to celebrate the I imagine start of a new phase in their lives can most people phase in their have had it do it in a number of lives can do it in a touch their number of ways. lives. It seems ways. Though divorce Though divorce to me that parties may still be parties may still be divorce, like uncommon, they are uncommon, they marriage, are not unheard of. is a diverse not unheard of.” S o m e ch o o s e ex p e r i e n c e to celebrate that treats with a bachelor p e o p l e or bachelorettedif ferently. party-esque vibe. S o m e These parties can end their involve wedding marriage amicably and respectfully. tapes playing backwards, playlists For others, the finalization of involving “I Will Survive” or “Hit a divorce is the end of an all- the Road, Jack,” open bars and consuming, devastating battle. “divorce cakes” adorned with the In her novel “Fly Away From bride pushing the groom off the Home,” author Jennifer Weiner cake, or vice versa. Janet, a former wrote, “Divorce isn’t such a customer on a party planning tragedy. A tragedy’s staying in an agency for these types of divorce unhappy marriage, teaching your parties, wrote, “My husband ran children the wrong thing about off with his high school sweetheart, love.” It’s true that friends and leaving me shattered. My sister
threw me a divorce party and and to assure their community invited lots of single men. I found that despite the stigma against out there is life after divorce.” “failed marriages,” both were Possible doing alright. t h e m e s T h e e n g r ave d “Divorce parties can i n c l u d e invitations “ s u r v i v o r be anything, from featured a p a r t y, ” f o r declaration of throwing a ‘rager’ to those who their unyelding s u r v i v e d a dinner with friends, l ove f o r e a ch “shipwrecked as long as one is other and was marriage,” signed “Fondly, and “lemon surrounded by his or Bonnie and p a r t y, ” f o r her community.” Charles.” those to whom While most life has given r e l i g i o n s lemons. Party condemn divorce, games include for adherents of “pin the tail on the Unitarian the mistress,” Universalism burning one’s wedding dress, or religion, a divorce is marked by a using one’s wedding certificate for religious ceremony. This ceremony, paper-mache. meant to transmit a message Some ex-couples throw a party of hope and love, is known as a together, like Charles and Bonnie “ceremony of hope.” It is carried Bronfman, who were featured in out in a public setting, in order to the New York Times for their classy acknowledge the role of society in divorce party. The Bronfman’s the couple’s lives. The Unitarian party following their “civilized” Universalist church supports divorce was meant to thank their divorce as they do marriage, as family and friends for being there long as it is healthy for all parties for them both, to ensure no one concerned; their official statement had to take a side in their split, is that “Unitarian Universalists hold
that divorce is entirely a matter for conscientious decision on the part of the persons involved.” As such, the ceremony is presided over by a clergy member, who asks the divorcees to exchange apologies and forgiveness. The presider ends the ceremony by saying, “Go forth, not in the hurt of ties wrenched and faith unachieved, but with hope and belief in love yet possible.” Christine Gallagher, a divorce party planner and author of “The Divorce Party Handbook,” writes, “All of our big life transitions — birth, marriage, death — have a ceremony or ritual … there’s been nothing for divorce. But it’s the time when people need community the most.” On the other hand, they’re not for everyone. Some believe divorce parties are distasteful. One contributor for the Daily Mail writes, “ … for some people, divorce isn’t a time for mourning. It’s a time, believe it or not, for celebration. Could there be anything more shallow and trivial?” Divorce parties can be anything, from throwing a “rager” to dinner with friends, as long as one is surrounded by his or her community.
Twenty-Five Mile STORY
By Helen Horan
Psi Upsilon is the first fraternity founded at the College
1906 Rebuilding of Dartmouth
T h a ye r S c h o o l o f Engineering founded
1797 Geisel School of Medicine founded
1799 The Dartmouth publishes
its first issue on August 27 by Moses Davis under the name the Dartmouth Gazette, establishing it as “America’s Oldest College Newspaper”
Hall On a cold February morning in 1904, the alarms of Dartmouth Hall rang out, accompanied by cries of “Fire” as the building burnt down completely in less than two hours. President Tucker declared, “Dartmouth Hall is now a memory. . . but the spirit that created it still remains untouched, and will rise to face the future years.” And so it did. Alumni fundraising was immediate and the new building reopened in 1906 indistinguishable from its predecessor. The iconic white colonial building continues to symbolize the College and the Dartmouth spirit today
1935 First-Ye
Entirely stu ince ption, th tradition started now boasts nea
1769 College Charter signed,
establishing Dartmouth as the ninth college in the United States
1895 1906 1910
1824 Edward Mitchell became
Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward was a landmark Supreme Court case in the U.S. which maintained the school’s status as a private institution against the efforts of the State of New Hampshire to make the college public. The College’s success in the case is partially attributed to alum Webster and his impassioned speech where he famously said “It is, Sir, as I have said, a small college. And yet there are those who love it.” Still the case had greater significance beyond Dartmouth; the case ended the debate over private versus public charters, allowing American private institutions to run without state interference and ultimately paving the way for the American free enterprise system
the first African American Student to matriculate from the College. Dartmouth was a forerunner in the Ivy League for black students; the next college to graduate an African American student was Harvard in 1870
1895 Dartmouth holds the First Dartmouth Night, a precursor of Homecoming. President William Jewett Tucker declared September 17, 1895 “Dartmouth Night,” marking the beginning of a coveted century old tradition which was first referred to as Homecoming in 1961
1900 Tuck School of
1910 Winter Carnival tradition
begins. Called the “Mardi Gras of the North” by National Geographic, over the years, the cherished event boasted notable attendee F. Scott Fitzgerald who was inspired to write a Hollywood screenplay, the “Queen of Snows” beauty pageant, a Guinness World Record for tallest snowman, keg jumping contests, and of course winter sports abound
estones in 250 Years 1972
Year Trips established udent-run since its he rite-of-passage d with 16 tripees and arly 90% of the class
D ar t m o u t h BA SI C computer programming language Professors John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz, and a cohort of underg raduates designed the original version of BASIC which made computing accessible to the Dartmouth community and thereafter the entire nation. The innovation was a watershed in the history of computers — Henry M c C r a c k en w r i t es i n T I M E magazine, “ Once upon a time, knowing how to use a computer was virtually synonymous with 1956 Dartmouth Ski Way opens knowing how to program one. And the thing that made it possible was on December 15 T h e h i s t o r y o f s k i i n g at a programming language called Dartmouth is a long and important BASIC” one, and the opening of the College’s own ski areas served as a bedrock for years of a snowy legacy
Year Round Operation and D-Plan With the acceptance of women came the adoption of “yearround operation” in order to accommodate the larger class size and have less people on campus at once. According to Committee of Coeducation chair Gregory Prince, “Part of the genius of [the plan] was that it was not separable. You couldn’t have year-round operation without coeducation.”
Democratic Primary Debate hosted
Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy was born
1967 1971 1972
1988 2016 2019
World War II and the introduction of V-12 Naval Training Program The Second World War was a transitional era for Dartmouth as the school answered the call to arms and adopted the nation’s largest V-12 program, offering over 2,000 men the chance to become college-educated officers in the Navy. The school’s atmosphere shifted dramatically to operate “like a naval base” where civilian students were outnumbered by military ones, fraternities were closed, and food was rationed
1988 Organic Farm proposed
Beginning as a student project proposal for an ENVS 50 course, and implemented in the winter of 1944, the “O-Far m” now grows more than 2,000 pounds of produce annually.
1971-1972 First Pow Wow and 1934
José Clemente Orozco finishes mural The Mexican artist painted the famous mural, entitled The Epic of American Civilization, between the years 1932 and 1934
Native American Studies Program begins In 1971, College President John G Kemeny set out to finally fulfill the school’s initial mission to educate Native Americans.
1967 The LSA program introduced with first session in Bourges, France
Coeducation Dartmouth’s all-male world was shocked when the College began accepted 1,000 women in fall of 1972. Integration was a long and difficult process for female students who were demeaned as “co-hogs” who infringed on the Dartmouth “mystique.”
Dartmouth is the first national research univer sity to graduate a majority-female engineering class. The average proportion of women ear ning engineering degrees hovers around 19 percent; Dartmouth boasted 52 percent
1999 Dartmouth becomes the
first liberal arts school in the U.S. to own an MRI scanner strictly for academic research.
Another Year, Another Story: Cultural Milestones STORY
By Maria Hidalgo
T h i s y e a r i s a l l a b o u t fill three shoe boxes with grass celebrations on campus. With the as a “snack” for the camels of 250th anniversary of our college, the three kings. Before I came to Dartmouth students and alumni Dartmouth, I took the celebrations are celebrating an event dear to like the ones mentioned for granted, their hearts. The celebration of especially since I lived in such an Dartmouth’s milestone pops up overwhelmingly Puerto Rican amongst the many celebrations place. ccelebrated on campus — different I reached out to other students days with meaning for different on campus who have similar people. experiences with their own cultures. I am from Puerto Rico, but the Celina Tala ‘22, a student from celebrations that I find crucial to Shanghai, China, mentioned how my identity can vary a lot from one for her the celebration that stands Latinx culture to another. When out the most is the Chinese New I started to befriend other Latinx Year. students on campus, I was excited “The Chinese, we follow the to have found people that shared Lunar New Year, which is divided in the same love for the events that I a span of 12 years and, according to found important. Nonetheless, as the year you are born, you receive a we started to discuss some of these specific animal,” she said. “Every 12 events, I found years, the cycle that many of begins again. “For this event, family my friends When the year celebrated them is such a big aspect of your animal but did so in a a r r i ve s, t h ey of it, that to maintain different way. throw you a very Other friends that and the history big celebration had never even of New Years is truly where you heard of these dress in all red, important for me.” celebrations. because it is the For example, color of good one event that luck, and they -CELINA TALA ’22 I m i s s f ro m give you food, Puerto Rico is or if you are “The Night of younger, they San Juan.” Given Puerto Rico’s give you money.” geographical position and Catholic Given the importance and culture, this involves going into c u l t u r a l m e a n i n g t h a t t h i s the water at the beach exactly at celebration has for her, she hopes midnight from June 23-24 and that, even if she moves to the submerging three times. This is United States, she will continue the an allusion to when Saint John the tradition. Baptist, the patron saint of Puerto “For this event, family is such a Rico, baptized Jesus. The ritual big aspect of it, that to maintain ensures that that person has good that and the history of New Years luck for the rest of the year and has is truly important for me,” Tala his or her sins “washed away.” This said. celebration was one that I didn’t Nonetheless, China, as have really expect to be celebrated in other countries in the world, has other Hispanic countries, given the begun to celebrate some American uniqueness of such a celebration holidays. to Puerto Rico. Nonetheless, “Valentine’s Day is one that celebrations as common as the reminds me of this. There is a Three Kings’ Day, or the “Día de Chinese Valentine’s day, ‘Qixi los Reyes Magos,” can change a lot Festival,’ but the American from one country to another. One Valentine’s Day celebrations example is the iconic tradition of became a big thing [in China the cutting of the “rosca.” The recently],” she said. “Many Western “rosca” is a baked good that is a holidays, especially in big cities symbolic of the climax of the Three like Shanghai, are starting to [be Kings’ Day in Latin American celebrated].” countries. In this celebration, the In a similar note, Hana Basabaa family member who ends up with ’22, an international student from the piece of the cake that has the Ethiopia, mentions how some little Baby Jesus figurine hidden in holidays, such as Christmas, that it will be responsible for organizing were celebrated in a unique way the meal and celebrations on the in her home country are starting “Día de la Candelaria”— a great to evolve. honor, but also a lot of commitment. “We celebrate a Christmas However, in Puerto Rico, instead of different from anywhere in the celebrating the “Dia de los Reyes” world,” Basabaa said. “It is with a “rosca,” we go outside and celebrated on a different day and
the traditions that come with it are different too. There is no gift-giving and until recently, no Christmas trees.” For Basabaa, it is important to continue to celebrate those events that she holds dear to her heart, since it is what differentiates her culture from others. “I would prefer celebrating the Ethiopian Christmas, rather than the American Christmas or the one that is celebrated around the world. Partly because the people I would celebrate this holiday with
are family, and they would be more familiar with the Ethiopian celebrations,” Basabaa said. I wanted to talk with someone who could tell me about his or her personal experiences with Hispanic culture and how they viewed their own communities’ celebrations. Lizmet Rodoli ’22, who grew up in the Dominican Republic, also emphasized the importance of Christmas Eve in her culture. “Unlike the United States, the Christmas celebration is not really on the 25 but more on the 24. The
whole family gathers, and we eat, drink and dance,” Rodoli said. She also mentioned the importance of Three Kings’ Day and “Día de las Mercedes,” where Dominican Republicans celebrate the Virgin Mary by going to church to pay homage. “I really like the idea that the family gathers on the 24 and not the 25, because it makes the whole family gather together and see each other,” Rodoli said. “Therefore, I would like to continue and pass on this tradition to my children.”
Is Dartmouth a Religion? STORY
By Cristian Cano
The College’s 250th anniversary Ackerman said. “But it matters, celebrations have already begun, and it matters a great deal on this and among the concerts, free campus.” food and green-lit photo ops The course is divided into three that some students have had the main units: religious founders, opportunity to enjoy, there is sacred space and ritual. The first another aspect of the celebration half of each unit is dedicated to perhaps more relevant to the general religious ideas, while the Dartmouth student experience: second half of each consists of special 250th anniversary courses. students applying what they have These special courses, which learned to Dartmouth and its students may search by selecting history. For example, Ackerman the “Dartmouth 250” option on expressed that religious traditions the online timetable of classes, adapt to political circumstances, feature the College in their such as when the pronouns of curricula, and students taking the popular hymns are adapted to courses are prompted to reflect on become more gender-inclusive. their own Dartmouth experiences What about when the words of the as they analyze aspects of the Alma Mater changed to include College’s past and present in a both “sons” and “daughters” of critical light. Dartmouth? How can a close This w i n t e r, t w o study of different world religions sestercentennial-themed courses change and enhance how we view are being offered: Religion 7.08, the College? “Is Dartmouth a Religion?” O f c o u r s e, a s A c k e r m a n and “Daniel Webster and the noted, you can’t study the Alma D a r t m o u t h C o l l e g e C a s e, ” Mater until you know the lyrics which is cross-listed among four — something that students in a departments: college courses, previous first-year seminar she english, government, and history. taught did not. In addition to “Is Dartmouth a Religion?” is a improving their writing skills, first-year seminar taught by religion as they would in any first-year professor Susan Ackerman. As with seminar, she also hopes that her any good course whose title is a students will learn more about the question, there school where is no single they’ll be correct answer, “It makes no sense to spending the bu t s t u d e n t s anyone except for the next four years will spend the of their lives. term thinking people on this campus “[In a a b o u t s o m e why we spent the fall previous firstof the motifs seminar,] arguing about whether year and themes I would try t h a t r e p e a t you could run around to draw on across different the bonfire or not.” examples from religious Dartmouth traditions to illustrate before offering things for my their own students,” -SUSAN ACKERMAN, answer in the Ackerman said. form of a final RELIGION PROFESSOR “I was shocked paper. by how little Ackerman they knew said — or, in her words, “confessed” about Dartmouth’s history and — that her inspiration for the Dartmouth tradition.” course came from a similar course Ackerman hopes that, by the offered at Stanford. Thanks to end of the term, students will have Dartmouth’s long history and a better understanding of how its single founder figure, Eleazar religions and religious figures are Wheelock, applying the same more complicated than they might question to our campus leads to seem and consist of much more countless possible discussions and than just “beliefs.” viewpoints. “Daniel Webster and the While some may think it Dartmouth College Case” is the is obvious that no, of course other special course offered this Dartmouth isn’t a religion, our term, which is being co-taught by attachment to a unique set history professor Robert Bonner, of rituals provides evidence gover nment professor Russel suggesting otherwise. Muirhead and English professor “It makes no sense to anyone Donald Pease. It tackles head-on except for the people on this the infamous court case during campus why we spent the fall which Daniel Webster spoke his arguing about whether you could famous quotation: “It is, Sir, as I run around the bonfire or not,” have said, a small college. And yet,
there are those who love it.” said. “Students taking this course The significance of the case, are aware of the fact that it, as a however, far exceeds its most once-only course, is going to have famous line, and Pease explained its own historical significance.” that it propelled into “black letter While only two special 250th law” important legal concepts such anniversary courses are being as sanctity of contract, due process offered this term, many more will and the distinction between church come later. One such course, which and state. will be taught by English professor “The Dartmouth College Case James Dobson this spring, is made it possible for every private about Dartmouth fictions. That college in the United States is, literature about Dartmouth to maintain its status without written mostly by alumni — being taken over by the state Dobson’s definition of “fiction” legislatures or transposed into a is inclusive, and memoirs, poetry public institution,” Pease said. “It and short stories are included in rendered sacrosanct the difference the course curriculum as well. between private institution and Dobson has taught freshman public institution.” Writing 5 classes about Dartmouth The course is divided into distinct in the past, and he suggested this Tuesday and cour se in part T h u r s d a y “If the Dartmouth because he hopes bl o c k s. O n to have a larger, College case had not Tu e s d a y s , more literaryone o f been decided as it focused class. He t h e t h r e e was, Dartmouth as mentioned that professors this course was gives a lecture we presently know it timed to align fo r a ro u n d wouldn’t exist.” with seniors in 45 minutes, their last ter m and then the at the College, rest of the -DONALD PEASE, ENGLISH and he hopes class consists PROFESSOR seniors taking it of a debate are able to reflect between all of on their four years the courses’ and compare professors, directed by challenging and contrast them with others’ questions. That same Tuesday depictions of the Dartmouth night, students submit their experience in literature. own interventions and critiques Dobson noted that there is a online. Those submissions become surprising number of books about the basis for the student-based Dartmouth, including memoirs discussions and debates that like “The Plastic Age” by Percy happen every Thursday. Marks, in which experiences like For the students enrolled, the the Homecoming bonfire, sports highlight of the course is easily a two-day trip to Washington, D.C. at the end of this month, culminating in a live reenactment of the case on Thursday, Jan. 31 in front of Chief Justice John Roberts. Former Solicitors General Neal Katyal ’91 and Greg Garre ’87 will play the roles of Daniel Webster and William H. Wood ward, respectively, before an audience of students, faculty and over 270 alumni. Another highlight is a conference hosted by students at the end of the course, in which they will give 15-minute presentations of their final papers to constitutional lawyers who have written about the Daniel Webster case. Pease said that he has already been impressed by the animated discussions in the class so far, and he is excited for what the rest of the term has to bring. “If the Dartmouth College case had not been decided as it was, Dartmouth as we presently know it wouldn’t exist,” Pease
excitement and fraternity parties are depicted not unlike they are today, nearly a century later. Other books that Dobson listed include “It’s Different at Dartmouth” by former College first lady Jean Kemeny, “T he Real Animal House” by Chris Miller ‘63 Tu ‘64 and “Confessions of an Ivy League Frat Boy” by Andrew Lohse ’12. According to Dobson, the first piece of fiction about Dartmouth was actually by a Princeton student who, after reading an article about Dartmouth students protesting bad meals and housing, wrote a mock epic poem in which he depicted Dartmouth students as rowdy hooligans who got drunk and tore down buildings. Throughout all of these works, familiar images like the wilderness appear again and again. Dobson recognizes that Dartmouth students and alumni are passionate and have a strong voice, and he believes that looking at Dartmouth as a place is an important way for students to consider the past and recognize the future culture and community they desire. “So, you look back and evaluate your four years against other people’s descriptions of those four years,” Dobson said. “We have a lot of legacies, students who have been singing the Alma Mater since they were babies. We have other people who feel utterly alienated from the culture. I get to teach a class where everyone feels like they understand a little bit more about the place, that there’s no longer an insider and an outsider in terms of culture.”
One Last Ride: Senior Milestones STORY
By Claire Callahan
My shelves at home are filled “I knew not to expect that with journals, some dating back things would be perfect, but I’m to elementary school. I no longer social, very extroverted, and I write about love triangles exposed love being around people,” Young on the playground, said. “The people but the need to record “I know some at [University my life has stayed of Connecticut] people really with me. I feel like if were kids from I don’t write down the struggle on the Northeast who things that seem like their trip, but went to similar milestones to me, I’ll high schools … lose part of myself to I totally think they had just the past. figured it out.” that was a As we celebrate Young’s firstDartmouth’s 250th milestone for year trip was a anniversary, I find my Dartmouth milestone for her. my s e l f p o n d e r i n g “We all clicked experience.” wh at a m i l e s t o n e so well,” she really means. Is it said. “It was this something that funny, cute little produces a change -ALY YOUNG ’19 dynamic.” or is it a marker of But she started remaining traditions? feeling lonely again W hy d o w e f e e l when she got back compelled to record them? In my to campus, since transfer students journals I write about everyday don’t get the orientation schedule. occurrences that aren’t milestones Her trip leader introduced her to in my eyes, but matter just as much the Ledyard Canoe Club, which to me. How do we separate little soon became her life. things that build up our lives from “I don’t think I would have been big things that mark them? able to find my roots again without Aly Young ’19 transferred to trips,” Young said. “I know some Dartmouth from the University people really struggle on their o f C o n n e c t i c u t a f t e r a n trip, but I totally think that was uncomfortable freshman year. She a milestone for my Dartmouth believes milestones are the events experience.” that have defined you in some way, Similarly, Erica Ng ’19 saw her those that are important enough completion of her first term at for you to remember. Dartmouth as a milestone.
“I remember when I came as milestones that come as a surprise went, sand wiching the ter m a freshman I constantly felt like I stay with him emotionally. His with planning and reflection. couldn’t take a breath,” Ng said. junior spring, he coached the last She started doing this because “I had a really positive experience, club swim meet in which the Class of Engineering 12, “Design but I remember constantly being of 2018 would compete, and the Thinking.” so stressed and worried about moment resonates with him to this “They really stress journaling completely falling apart. I would day. [in Design Thinking],” Ng said. always tell myself, ‘It is a privilege “I just wept. I was so happy; “I got in the habit of making lists, to do poorly at Dartmouth.’” I was so sad,” Sun said. “Being like things I saw that were beautiful Michael Sun a b l e t o c o a c h or things that irked me.” ’19 recognizes them, to support Ng also noted how looking at the wide variety “I find them, to be their your old writing can bring you back of milestones that celebrating friend and watch to the strength of your emotions. exist in its nebulous them accomplish “The great part about journaling this milestone definition. something at the is that you can look back on it and “ I t h i n k t h at incredibly e n d … t o m e, read in your own words how upset some milestones are t h a t m i l e s t o n e you were at a time or how excited irresponsible g ro u n d b re a k i n g, means more than you were,” Ng said. “It transports l i k e m i l e s t o n e s and hypocritical other traditional you.” in research or to milestones that For Sun, unpleasant moments be the first to do of the reality of have been pressed in the present contrast with past something,” Sun Dartmouth. ...” upon me.” expectations. said. “But they can Another one “[The Dartmouth 250] is an also be completely of the milestones injustice and a huge disappointment arbitrary.” Sun considers to to my former self, who was so -MICHAEL SUN ’19 For Sun, societal be more arbitrary is excited to be here,” he said. milestones like Dartmouth’s 250th None of these seniors will be turning 16 or 21 anniversary. More here for much longer — graduation don’t hold a lot of t h a n j u s t b e i n g is only five months away. Again, meaning. arbitrary, Sun feels this expected milestone in itself “A lot of times u n c o m f o r t a b l e doesn’t mean a lot to Sun. when I experience those [expected] celebrating it in light of the current “I am excited to graduate, not m i l e s t o n e s, l i k e e n d i n g t h e sexual harassment lawsuit against because I’m achieving a milestone, academic year, it doesn’t feel as the college. but because of the next thing spectacular as people said,” he “ I f i n d that lies beyond it,” said. “Rushing was supposed to c e l e b r a t i n g “I really love he explained. “I don’t be this big occasion but it sort of t h i s m i l e s t o n e hold a whole lot of so many felt less fulfilling than I thought.” i n c r e d i b l y weight in graduation O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , t h e i r r e s p o n s i b l e aspects of this itself.” and hypocritical Ng’s excitement of the reality of place and so is tinged with nostalgia. Dartmouth, which many people, “I really love so is 250 years of harm many aspects of this so it’ll be to marginalized place and so many g roups and 200 hard to say people, so it’ll be hard years of women not to say goodbye,” Ng goodbye.” being allowed into said. “I don’t feel like a the school,” Sun jaded senior; I feel like said. “It’s sad that -ERICA NG ’19 a really happy senior.” I can’t celebrate A s h e r fo u rbecause I would year Dartmouth career love to celebrate comes to a close, she is this milestone, but more conscious than to me, the Dartmouth 250 is ever of what she’s done and what something that I mourn.” she hasn’t done. S u n’s f e e l i n g s a b o u t t h e “I find myself thinking anniversary cause him to reflect sometimes, ‘This is the last time on his Dartmouth experience and I will …’ or even, ‘This is the the college’s history as a whole. I first time I’m doing this, why turn to journals for this reflection wasn’t I doing it sooner?’” Ng on certain events, as does Ng. said. “There’s still so much of She associates achievements with Dartmouth that I’m trying to take milestones more than anything with me and pack up.” else, and her form of writing That seems to be the thing about demonstrates that. milestones: somehow, in some way, “At the beginning of the term they change you. And that means I will often write a running list of you’re leaving something behind. goals for myself,” Ng said. “One of For Dartmouth, I hope the college my goals for this term is to go to the leaves misogyny and bigotry in its jewelry store and make something past; for our seniors, I hope their for my friends and family.” memories and friends stay with After the ter m, she writes them in their hearts … and maybe about how her time at Dartmouth their journals.