The Dartmouth 05/13/2022

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FRIDAY, MAY 13, 2022


Students react to Supreme Court’s Town Meeting votes to decision to overturn Roe v. Wade approve new zoning district on West Wheelock Street


The article, which was proposed by student body president-elect David Millman ’23 and Nicolas Macri ’24, will help to alleviate the College’s housing crisis.

Campus responses included two reproductive rights rallies on the Green.


This article was originally published on May 12, 2022. Following a leaked draft indicating the Supreme Court’s decision to potentially strike down Roe v. Wade, which made national headlines on May 2, students organized reproductive rights rallies on May 6 and May 11 to demonstrate support for abortion access. Under the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling, the Supreme Court established that access to abortion is a fundamental liberty protected under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment, according to government professor Sonu Bedi. However, the leaked draft opinion of the Supreme Court would overturn this precedent, denying that there is fundamental liberty to abortion access

in the U.S. Constitution and leaving the decision of abortion access up to the federal and state governments. “If it turns out that Roe is overturned, then it will leave those that are pro-life and pro-choice to advocate for whatever their particular view is through states,” Bedi said. Bedi said the leak of this opinion is “unprecedented” because it is the first time the public has ever seen a draft opinion of this magnitude. The leaked document does not include dissenting opinions and, though the final opinion is not likely to change drastically, Bedi said that the dissenting opinion is important in exercising the practice of disagreement in the Supreme Court. “I think that in the midst of a decision like this, you feel so powerless, and you feel like there’s nothing you can really do,” College Democrats president Gabi Rodriguez ’23 said. “Especially when it’s


[a decision made] by the Supreme Court, who are unelected judges sitting on a bench that we have no say in, you can feel really powerless.” Rodriguez said her personal reaction upon hearing the leaked decision included anger, devastation and fright. However, she said that she and other members of the College Democrats gathered to organize a response and provide emotional support for one another. Rodriguez added that many College Democrats attended the reproductive rights rally on May 6. The reproductive rights rally took place on the Green and was attended by approximately 100 people, according to Hannah Kadin ’23. Spare Rib magazine community development lead Caty Brown ’23 said that the rally was organized by Spare Rib, the Dartmouth Student Union, Planned Parenthood Generation Action SEE ROE V. WADE PAGE 2

Miles Brown ’23 to run for NH House seat














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The Dartmouth

Former College Democrats president Miles Brown ’23 announced his campaign for New Hampshire state representative on Instagram and Twitter on Thursday. Brown, a government major from West Hartford, Conn., will campaign over the summer leading up to the state Democratic primaries on Sept. 13 and plans to focus on student voting rights and mental health. Brown is running for a seat in Grafton County’s 12th district, a district with four seats in the state legislature that includes the towns of Hanover and Lyme. Brown said that he plans to stay in New Hampshire over the summer to campaign, and if elected, he will remain in the Granite State for the entirety of his two-year term. “Being representative in the New Hampshire house would be my top priority, I wouldn’t plan on missing any votes or hearings,” Brown said, adding that he would rearrange his class schedule to allow for drives to Concord. Candidates for state off ice are required to file their campaigns by early June. Currently, anyone living in New Hampshire and eligible to vote in the United States can file to run in New Hampshire. The primary will take place on Sept. 13 and election day will be on Nov. 8. Brown served from Jan. 2021 to April 2022 on the executive board for the

Hanover and Lyme Town Democrats and the Upper Valley Democrats. “I think I have the connections necessary to work with both students and town residents, which I hope to represent equally,” Brown said. Brown said that he first realized he wanted to run for political office after seeing presidential candidates speak on campus in 2019 and working for former state representative Garret Muscatel ’20. “I remember within the span of three weeks going to see Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigeg, Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar — all within a five-minute walk from my dorm,” Brown said. “It was a really special moment where I was like ‘wow.’ As residents of New Hampshire we have real opportunity to shape the country.” If elected, Brown plans to focus on upholding voting rights, especially for college students. “There have been numerous attempts in the past few years in the New Hampshire state legislature to restrict student voting,” Brown said. “I want to be a voice for young people and college students in the state … the idea that I might not be able to cast a ballot here is pretty frightening.” Brown said that the second main policy issue he would like to focus on, if elected, is student mental health. “I am hopeful that as a young person, as a college student who is more in tune with the recent developments [in] mental health and treatment, that I can help

BY THE DARTMOUTH SENIOR STAFF This article was originally published on May 10, 2022. On Tuesday, Article 11 — a residential housing ordinance — was passed at the annual Hanover Town Meeting by a vote of 775 to 565, according to numbers from the Valley News. The warrant for the meeting states that the passage of Article 11 will establish a new zoning district along West Wheelock Street. Student body president-elect David Millman ’23, one of the students who petitioned to get the article on the town meeting ballot, said the passage of Article 11 is “the biggest change to housing availability in recent history in the town of Hanover.” Millman said that he has been pushing for the construction of on-campus housing — the lack of which has been an endemic issue on campus — since the College announced the return of a lottery system for fall housing. Article 11 originated as a studentsubmitted petition, which reintroduced a similar amendment that failed in 2015. It will establish a new “Main Wheelock District” zoning district, allowing for high-density residential and commercial use along West Wheelock Street. Millman said Article 11 could “very realistically” add hundreds of beds to Dartmouth housing within a few years. “I think it’ll really be impactful to not only the housing crisis, but also to [prove] what students can do when we all put our energy behind a common

reform New Hampshire’s education surrounding mental health,” Brown said. “I think New Hampshire [K-12] schools can be doing a much better job.” Specifically, Brown said that New Hampshire should ensure mental health days for students, in which students take days off from school to address mental health issues. He noted that in most United States public schools, mental health concerns are not considered an excused absence from miss class. “By allowing students to take those days off from school we could give them a break and help them recover,” he said. Brown said he has around 20 volunteers who plan to work on his campaign. According to Brown, Prescott Herzog ’25 and Sophia Bokaie ’24 will serve in larger roles in the campaign, though their specific roles have not yet been determined. Bokaie said that she first met Brown after getting involved with the College Democrats during her freshman year and has worked with him through the club ever since. “[Brown] is very well respected by not only Dartmouth peers, but also by other elected officials in New Hampshire politics,” Bokaie said. “To represent Hanover … having a student voice, is very important,” she added. Herzog, who is from Claremont, N.H., said that he has been involved with Upper Valley politics for “some time” and has witnessed Brown’s leadership in the College Democrats. “I really believe [Brown] not only wants to represent the students but also be very impactful in his policy weight,” Herzog said. The College Democrats will endorse Brown for state office, according to the organization’s president, Gabi Rodriguez ’23. “[ Brown] is really dedicated, organized and has a real knack for

cause,” Millman said. In 2015, the same proposition failed in a vote of 719 to 453, according to the town meeting minutes. Since then, the amendment was revised to increase housing capacity by 20% by raising the proposed building height from 50 to 60 feet. Millman said that this year’s successful vote was made possible by “hundreds of students” who went to the polls at the Hanover High School gymnasium. “I think it’s really amazing — the changes that we can make and the impact we can have,” Millman said. Also on Tuesday, Articles Two through Seven — all of which were recommended by the Hanover Planning Board — were passed by margins over 900 votes, according to the town meeting minutes. These amendments addressed issues like limits on solar energy systems, accessory dwelling units and retaining walls. At the meeting, Articles Eight through 10, which were also proposed by Dartmouth students, were rejected by margins of over 700 votes. These amendments would have addressed issues that relate to housing, such as amending the definition of “family” for defining residential occupancy limits and removing “student residences” from the list of land uses permitted only by special exception. Articles 13 through 26, which concerned various budget items ranging from changes to tax exemptions to appropriations of town funds for public infrastructure improvement, were all passed at the town business meeting.

leadership,” Rodriguez said. “He fights for what he believes in [and] is a strong supporter of progressive issues.” Currently, in the 12th district, there are four state representatives but none of them are students, according to Brown. With over 4,000 undergraduate students in the district, Brown said there should be a student representative in Concord. “We need to send a student to the state House to reflect the interest of young people,” Brown said. “There are plenty of legislators that have been in the state House for upwards of 10 terms now and it’s time to have some fresh ideas, new perspectives.”

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