In college, Alex Simpson forged a close relationship with her thesis advisor and French professor Faith Beasley. Beasley called it “serendipity” that the pair met over Zoom when Beasley taught FREN 40.40, “Molière: la comédie humaine.” After taking another class with Beasley — FREN 80, “The Arts and French Gas tronomy” — Beasley advised Simpson to become a French major and write a thesis based on a paper Simpson wrote in class on the theatricality of the French culinary arts.
In the state representative election, Democratic voter Matthew Squires said he voted for Brown, Muirhead, HakkenPhillips and Nordgren, believing his slate of candidates were strong supporters of abortion rights and pro-choice advocates.
NH elections close out contentious 2022 midterm primary season
Republican voter Jef Acker, said he did not select a Senate candidate for his party, instead emphasizing his support for
In order for Simpson to graduate on time, Melanie Simpson drove from Hanover to Boston at 4 a.m. for 8 a.m. treatments so that Alex could be back on campus in time for her afternoon classes.
“I could tell how much she cared about making sure that all the kids had a really great experience,” Morris said. “She was very selfess.”
“I don’t go to students and ask them to write a thesis, I just don’t,” Beasley said. “I thought that it was such a good idea and such a good paper that I thought, ‘This is somebody who should be encouraged to write a Melaniethesis.’”Simpson said that Beasley was one of the few people Alex confded in about having cancer. When Alex was in the intensive care unit in Boston, Beasley visited her to bring her macarons and French cheese she knew Alex would like.
Scarlett Souter ’22, a friend of Simp son, said that when Simpson really liked her food she would hum a little. Scouter recalled that at night, when Simpson would snack on frozen blueberries and milk, she would tease her to stop hum ming to her blueberries. Simpson and Souter were roommates their senior year and had lived together in Boston over
Dartmouth Staff
In his presentation, Keniston said that the College inspected over a dozen possible building sites around campus, with the goal of leaving current housing intact due to the ongoing housing crunch. Keniston added that the North End complex will accommodate students who want a more “independent style” of living, with options like single bedrooms and units with kitchens.
Leavitt, who has also made false claims about the 2020 presidential election, would be the youngest woman ever elected to Congress if she wins.
“The site would have to be big enough to support apartment-style housing,” he said.
State and local incumbents overwhelmingly won their party’s support ahead of November, while a slew of right-wing congressional Republican candidates emerged in fnal numbers from New Hampshire’s primaries on Tuesday.The four incumbent state representatives for Grafton 12, the state legislative district which includes the towns of Hanover and Lyme, retained their seats. The incumbents — Mary Hakken-Phillips, Dartmouth government professor Russell Muirhead, Sharon Nordgren and James Murphy — beat student challengers Miles Brown ’23 and Nicolás Macri ’24.
“Alex did not know a stranger; she made everyone feel comfortable,” Mel anie Simpson said.
Whether it was through her everyday fashion statements or her remarkable acts of selfessness, Alex Simpson ’22 left an impression on all she touched. Simpson graduated cum laude with a double major in French and Psychology and a minor in Government. Upon her admission to law school, Simpson had planned to work toward prioritizing the needs of pediatric patients and the medical professionals who treat them.
In New Hampshire’s frst congressional district, former Trump administration stafer Karoline Leavitt defeated fellow administration ofcial Matt Mowers. Leavitt will square of against Democrat Chris Pappas, who is running for a third term. The frst district has fipped between both parties in fve of the last seven elections, and is historically considered the more competitive of New Hampshire’s two districts.
‘She was a ray of light’: Alex Simpson ’22 remembered for her grace and generosity hosts Q&A on North End Housing plan
“I think there was a lesson learned from 2020, when we took a position of safety and stayed inside and didn’t go door to door — and saw a majority slip in all of the legislative chambers in the statehouse,” she said. “Lesson learned
Incumbents across the state sailed to victory last night, from statewide ofcials including Republican Gov. Chris Sununu and Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., to Democratic executive councilmember Cinde Warmington and state Senator Suzanne Prentiss, whose district includes Hanover. Prentiss and Rep. Ann McLane Kuster ’78, D-N.H., ran unopposed in the Democratic primary.
Dean of the College Scott Brown said that a focus of the College in choosing the new site is preserving Dartmouth’s “profound sense of place,” as well as enhancing the opportunity for student independence.
“ISununu.think[Sununu’s] done a really good job as governor,” he said. “I don’t agree with everything he’s done, but I think he’s navigated this sort of really contentious, hyper-partisan world that we’re living in — and I think he’s navigated it pretty well.”
This article was originally published on Sept. 15, 2022.

last fall. Simpson underwent radiation and chemotherapy treatments at Boston Children’s Hospital all while remaining enrolled at the College, where she grad uated alongside her class in June.

Macri, who conceded the race Tuesday night, said in an interview that his loss was “expected” and praised Brown’s performance.“IthinkMiles was successful in working hard to also court non-student voters, and I think that’s why he got more votes [than me],” Macri said.
“When you are even closer to campus, we suspect [interest] would rise,” he said. “There are a lot of
A number of students pressed College administrators on the environmental impact of the new site. Abigail Wiseman ’22 noted in her question that the College is moving at what she called an “astronomically slow rate” in addressing climate change challenges.“Sprawling campuses are not sustainable,” she said. “Students are going to drive to campus every day from the parking lot; I don’t think that building on the golf course is a good idea.”Wiseman also noted that Dartmouth’s faculty were largely against a similar plan presented earlier in the year. In February, faculty voted 89-4 to pause further development of a similar plan to build housing on Lyme Road near the golf course. Many voiced concerns about the impact of the development on the campus’ intellectual dynamic, the undergraduate student experience and the environment.
“In the last year, [Alex] dedicated so much of her life to APhi to make sure that philanthropic initiatives were taken care of,” Hobbs said. “She planned a lot of sisterhood dinners and events that
she felt were very important because she wanted to make everyone feel welcome, included and special”
At Camp Kesem, a camp for children whose parents are battling cancer, Simp son also welcomed campers, according to another camp counselor Arielle Morris ’24. Though her struggles were private, Melanie Simpson said that Alex could relate to children who had dealt with a loss to cancer because at age eight, Alex lost her own father to cancer.
Students from the College focked to Hanover High School to cast their ballots. Asa Dow ’26 said he selected Brown and Macri and none of the incumbents.

Simpson’s friends and loved ones noted her unique perseverance and kindness. Her mother, Melanie Simpson, said that when she walked into a room, especially as a small child, she was “full of positive energy and light.”
During the Q&A session, Keniston noted that there has already been strong interest in the Summit on Juniper apartments — an off-campus site in Lebanon originally intended for graduate students — since the College began offering it as a housing alternative in the spring.
there.”Republican primary winners in the state’s three upcoming congressional races all tacked to the right compared to their more ideologically moderate opponents, Axios reported.
Administrators and designers presented the plans for the North End Housing project to about 20 students and Dartmouth community members on Tuesday afternoon. After an initial presentation, some students voiced concerns during a Q&A session about the environmental impact of the development, which is set to be completed by 2025.
reasons why individuals might want this type of housing: For some they want a kitchen, for some they want that individual bedroom but they don’t want to be disconnected from a friend group.”Keniston said that although the College expects the “overall cost” of attendance to be the same for students who choose to live in North End housing or typical dormitories, the pricing structure may be different, such as a 10 to 11 month lease instead of paying for a dorm room for each quarter spent in residence.
“We want to make sure that that growth is done responsibly,” he said. “When we are expanding, we
According to vice president of campus services and institutional projects Josh Keniston, the finished complex would contain three buildings capable of housing around 400 students and would be located opposite the Coop on the golf course on Lyme Road. A College press release on Wednesday noted that the complex would be located 1.4 miles north of the Green, accessible to campus by a five-minute shuttle
“I read about them … and I just think youth is good,” he said.
“I’m interested in preserving the right to an abortion; it’s very important,” he said. “It seems like it’s under attack in the country and I’m not pleased with the direction it’s going.”
Voters in Hanover cast their votes at Hanover high school from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. in one of the last primaries in the country before the 2022 midterm elections in November. According to the latest count on Wednesday, HakkenPhillips gathered the most votes for state house, with 1,772. Muirhead received 1,640 votes, Nordgren received 1,637 and Murphy received 1,466. The runner-up, Brown, received 1,119 votes and Macri received 458.

Prentiss said that in the two years since the 2020 election, during which voting and campaigning shifted to accommodate the efects of the COVID-19 pandemic, New Hampshire Democrats have become “very well-organized.” In 2020, Democrats unexpectedly lost control of both chambers of the state legislature.
Retired Gen. Don Bolduc defeated state Senate president Chuck Morse in a bid to unseat Hassan come November. Bolduc, who denies the results of the 2020 election, has been called a conspiracy theorist by Gov. Sununu, according to NHPR. Sununu endorsed Morse in the primary.
In an email statement, Brown wrote that he was “encouraged by the amount of support [he] saw” from students and local voters alike. He conceded the race over social media on Wednesday afternoon.“Mysincerest congratulations to the four incumbent representatives,” he wrote. “I pledge my full support to their campaigns as we head into the general election. I’m excited to keep working to help get Democrats elected up and down the ballot this November.”
In Simpson’s honor, her sorority, Alpha Phi, has raised over $10,000 in donations for the University of Ken tucky Pediatric Oncology/Hematology department.Whileshe was a student, Simpson served as APhi’s philanthropy chair and helped organize the Red Dress Gala, an event which raises money for women’s heart health, according to her friend Elizabeth Hobbs ’22. The week leading up to the gala, Melanie Simpson recalled that Alex Simpson planned the event over the phone while at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center.
“The faculty voted against this; this [plan] is not making any concrete difference to what students or faculty members have expressed concern about,” she Kenistonsaid.responded that while the College agrees that “the most sustainable thing to do is not to build a new building,” the expanding research and housing needs of the institution require such a move.
In New Hampshire’s second congressional district, former Hillsborough County treasurer Bob Burns, who has been labeled “a right-wing candidate” and supporter of Trump by the New York Times, beat Keene, N.H. Mayor George Hansel, who was endorsed by both Sununu and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. Burns will face Kuster in the general election.
Hidden from nearly everyone around her, Simpson privately fought a 10-month battle against CIC-DUX4, a rare sarcoma, before she died on August 27. Simpson overcame her original cancer diagnosis at age 13 and again at age 14. Following seven years in remission, another tumor appeared

“I think she would want to be remem bered, in the simplest words, as a big sister to the younger girls in cheer and in our sorority that she was a mentor to, and to all of her friends who she dedicated so much time and loyalty to,” Ranieri said.
“[The former language requirement] was put in place when Dartmouth looked really different from how it looks now,” Graver said. “Virtually everybody who came here went to a short list of high schools, all in New England, all of which had a curriculum where you had a certain number of languages and a certain number of years of language that you took if you were a good student … It just doesn’t fit the modern world.”
Since the change was implemented this fall, Reyes said that the Spanish and Portuguese department has already seen an increased demand for courses such as SPAN 9, “Culture and Conversation.” He said he expects to see similar trends for language study abroad programs, which can also fulfill the language requirement.
“As a native speaker of a language not taught here, I just hope there [are] more languages coming in the future — not necessarily Hindi, which is what I speak, but just languages from different regions,” Singh said. “For example, we have [Classical languages taught] which aren’t necessarily spoken. That’s interesting for sure, but also [learning] languages from regions where there isn’t as much representation would be really cool.”
“I had some of my favorite memories of Dartmouth spending time with Alex in the most mundane situations, but she always knew how to liven up a room,” HobbsHobbssaid.added that she and Simpson would study together on the third foor of Berry, go on walks around Occom Pond and get dinner at Molly’s or Murphy’s on the Green. Hobbs also highlighted that Simpson was an “extremely talented singer.”“She … could have been on Broad way,” Hobbs said. “[She] went to a performing arts high school and was in a variety of theater productions as a child,” Hobbs said.
Jessi Calidonio ’26 said that she came to the event after participating in the social impact first year trip, where she learned about the housing crisis in Hanover.“Ihave heard from upperclassmen that housing is not secure,” she said. “I was concerned about that because I don’t think I could afford housing
I don’t understand why we are not building on Mass Lot — those offices [there] could be relocated to other places on Accordingcampus.”toKeniston, the project still awaits a monthslong permitting process before the College can break ground on the new site.
she shared boy advice with Simpson.
“I was sitting in the backseat of the helicopter when we were fying through all the diferent African jungles and it was an ‘a-ha’ moment for me to watch her in that front seat,” Melanie Simpson said. “She was listening to music and moving her arm with the wind out of the open helicopter door. It was an ‘a-ha’ moment for me to know that she had such joy in her heart.”
“This term, we will discuss what our teaching schedule looks like, when we offer certain courses,” Reyes said. “In the future, we might decide to offer more sections of [SPAN 9] in the fall term for those entering first year
Simpson was known for everyday acts of kindness and selfessness. Souter recalled a time when Simpson had sent a care package to a fellow ’22 after she heard that their parents lost their jobs during the Anotherpandemic.time,Lucy Ranieri ’22 said that while she was quarantining due to COVID-19, Simpson organized members of APhi to make a poster and deliver her candy on Halloween. Ranieri said that Simpson also acted as a guide to “Dartmouth life” for underclassmen new to APhi or the cheerleading squad.
“I feel pretty frustrated,” she said. “I have been frustrated over the past couple of years learning about Dartmouth’s progress toward sustainability and how far behind our peers we Wiseman,are.” who studies energy engineering at the College, noted that the “entire premise” of constructing a new development away from campus “goes against everything” related to sustainable development. She said that she attended several listening sessions last spring to voice her concern about the“Theproject.project got paused from the faculty vote; when it came back again this summer I felt that nothing had changed,” she said. “It was being proposed far away from campus in a place a lot of people would drive to, urbanizing an otherwise green space.
bar.Ayers Saint Gross, the architectural firm working with the College on the project, set up a number of theoretical pictures of what spaces within the new complex might look like, including recreational rooms and common spaces. Students were invited to place green, yellow and red stickers on different design images to indicate their preferences after the event.
In an interview after the event, Wiseman elaborated on her environmental concerns.
Whilestudents.”some students recognized frustration at the change, others said the new requirement did not affect their plans of study.
While in Boston, Souter said that the two trained for a half marathon on their own since no half marathons were scheduled at the time. Souter said that initially Simpson had to stop twice while running three miles, but over a few weeks she said it was “incredible” to watch Simpson’s determination. Even when running today, Scouter said she thinks about fnishing the half marathon and how proud Simpson had been of herself. Though there was no charity half marathon scheduled, Souter said that Simpson still donated to charity as if she were running an organized race.
BY EMILY FAGELL The Dartmouth Staff
FROM NORTH END PAGE 1 are adopting high standards for the performance of the building and minimizing our impact on the globe. It’s a balancing act.”

According to the email sent to the Class of 2026, students can fulfill the requirement in various ways, depending on their prior experience with a language. Students with little or no foreign language proficiency must take courses through the “03 level,” while more advanced students — those who have completed curriculums through the 03 level — can take a more advanced course within that language or study a new language through the 02 level. Options include Arabic, Ancient Greek, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese, according to the email.
their junior winter.
This article was originally published on Sept. 15, 2022.
Beginning with the Class of 2026, all undergraduate students will be required to take at least one course offered by Dartmouth to fulfill the language requirement, according to an email sent to first-year students prior to matriculation. Previously, students were able to receive an exemption from the language requirement by demonstrating their fluency in a foreign language through a placement test or Accordingcredit. to classics department chair Margaret Graver, the decision aims to modernize the College’s curriculums, match peer institutions — many of whom have more robust language requirements — and better reflect the student and cultural diversity of Dartmouth’s campus. She added that faculty began considering the change “six or seven” years ago, but the decision was not finalized until the spring of 2021.
Native speakers of non-English languages can either take a new language through the 02 level or can enroll in an “Language Requirement for Proficient Speakers” course. These courses, which are “mostly taught in English,” do not specifically focus on learning a language, but rather explore structural features of language and linguistic diversity, according to the email. According to Graver, the LRPs include courses in disciplines such as comparative literature, linguistics and Native American studies, among others.“It’s getting off to a slow start obviously, but it’s going to continue to develop so that we have more options for those students,” Spanish and Portuguese department chair Israel ReyesReyessaid.said that he was happy with
Simpson’s relative David Kirkpatrick said that Simpson was like a big sister to her second cousins, guiding them on everything from college applications to research to advice about boys. Similarly, Souter said that she trusted Simpson’s character judgment so much that Simp son had to “approve of any guys” she was interested in. Ranieri also said that
Simpson known for joy, determination
Ishita Singh ’26, a native speaker of Hindi who also wants to become fluent in Spanish, said she hopes Dartmouth will add more languages to its course offerings in the future.
“Initially I thought already … that most colleges had a language requirement, so for me it wasn’t a big change to my plans,” Camry Gach ’26 said. “I love learning new languages, and I was planning on doing something with a language — whether it was continuing my pursuits in getting better at Spanish or just learning a completely different language.”
North End Housing sessions wrap up

New withrequirementslanguageenactedClassof2026
Student body president David Millman ’23 voiced concern about whether building largely upperclassman off-campus housing would remove a significant number of important campus leaders from the heart of campus.Keniston did not respond directly to Millman’s concern, but noted that the College hopes that communities of students will “naturally coalesce” in the new North End housing, encouraged by a housing design that invites community building with features like a billiards room or communal snack
“Sometimes we’d be in the car togeth er, and we’d roll down the windows and just sing as loud as possible while driving around the Green,” Hobbs said. “She loved singing, Broadway and showtunes. You could always start up a conversation aboutBeyondthat.”Simpson’s love of singing, she is remembered for her unique sense of fashion. In an online video of her funeral service, Rev. Chad Snellgrove recalled that as a young child, Simpson wore a bow in her hair to church. As Simpson grew up, she continued to make distinct fashion statements. For Simpson’s
birthday, Hobbs had accompanied her to a fashion show where Simpson was the “star” of the party — even among fashion“Ourinfuencers.friendsliked to call Alex ‘Elle Woods’ because she was going to law school and she was very fashionable,” Ranieri said. “To one of our sorority formals, she wore this hot pink velvet dress and she was the embodiment of Elle Woods in that dress.”
the decision, explaining that he had not seen “significant change” to the language requirement in his more than 25 years at the College. Graver added that the language requirement was both the oldest and least recently revised graduation requirement at Dartmouth.Graveralso said that the revision process took many years and participants — beginning with language and language-related faculty, then the divisional councils, the Committee of Chairs and finally the general faculty. After faculty voted in support of the change, it took more than a year to implement the change into the course catalog due to administrative hurdles, she said.
As a child, Simpson had participated in Kids Sing, a church group, according to her mother. In the children’s theater, Simpson starred as Annie at age 11 and then as Jane Banks in Mary Poppins at age 15. According to Kirkpatrick, Simpson was eager to take on difcult acting challenges. At age 16, along with a friend, Simpson researched and wrote a script for a play. Melanie Simpson said that while Alex was on chemotherapy and radiation and underwent surgeries, she would rush back to the stage as soon as she got clearance from her doctors.
According to Lars Wagner, a pediatric oncologist for Simpson, the care team in Boston was amazed at Simpson’s ability to live life on her own terms during her treatment. During the tumultuous peri od, Simpson went to music festivals and even traveled to the Caribbean with a chest
outside of College housing, so I think it is important that more housing is being built.”

Thetube.night before graduation, Melanie Simpson shared that her daughter had sufered a stroke, but she did not allow the hospital to admit her in order to walk across the graduation stage with her class. Upon hearing this news, Beasley worked with administrators during the night so that Alex could sit in the frst row and walk a shorter distance. Even then, she refused and instead walked up to the stage from her designated section.
“By keeping the cancer victim at bay in all her plans and relationships, the person who will remain forever engraved in our hearts is the real Alex,” Beasley wrote in a eulogy read at Simpson’s funeral.
Simpson traveled to France and Kenya following her graduation.
Although Rachel Hall ’26 — who placed into SPAN 9 — also said she likely would have taken a language course anyway, she said she thinks her opinion is “probably not true for most students.”“Myexchange trip [in high school] to Argentina was one of the best experiences of my life, so I definitely think learning a language is worth it,” she said. “[But] I have one friend on our floor who knows six languages and he still has to take a language requirement class — and he’s like, ‘This is kind of dumb.’”

There’s a deeper problem in Eastern Europe: media homogeneity. How have despots in Eastern Europe managed to secure their positions? By taking over the media. Putin, for example, has a stranglehold on TV stations in Russia, which he also uses to indoctrinate ethnic Russians in neighboring countries, such as Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. These minorities abroad are often led to believe that Russia seeks to protect them from harsh and discriminatory governments. For Russian speakers both inside and outside Russia, there’s often nowhere
As we look ahead to Beilock’s tenure next summer, we are encouraged by the way her broad range of experiences appear to have prepared her for this role. It seems Beilock’s election is not merely a good decision, but an immensely timely one. Dartmouth is in dire need of new leadership that students have faith in, of leadership that is not simply set on maintaining the status quo but continuing to push this institution forward — both of which Beilock is positioned to do.
The editorial board consists of opinion staff columnists, the opinion editors, the executive editors and the editor-in-chief.
institutions. Although she currently serves as president of Barnard College — which is tethered to its Ivy League neighbor, Columbia University — Barnard’s demographic makeup differs significantly from that of the typical Ivy League. Not only is Barnard’s student body entirely composed of selfidentifying women, but it is also 55% students of color. This perspective may allow Beilock to steer Dartmouth into a new direction — a direction that is not only more diverse, but one that is also unafraid to let go of outdated policies that have been maintained in the name of tradition.
This summer, the College announced that Sian Leah Beilock would be taking over as President of the College following current President Phil Hanlon’s retirement at the end of this academic year. This news represents an important milestone in Dartmouth’s over 250-year history, as Beilock is the first ever woman to serve in this position. This Editorial Board joins the many students who celebrated the long overdue decision to elect a woman to lead the College, and we believe that Beilock’s background as an accomplished cognitive science researcher, a previous college administrator and a mother make her particularly well-qualified for this appointment. Additionally, her extensive educational experience at public institutions provides her with an outsider perspective that makes her uniquely qualified to tackle some of the most salient issues on Dartmouth’s campus.
Perhaps, the fact that she is the first woman to serve as President of the College is the perfect reflection of this timeliness — as it demonstrates the demand for change and represents an important step forward for Dartmouth. This is not to say that we are to hold her to an easier standard because she is a woman; such a suggestion would be insulting to Beilock’s sweeping expertise and experience. Rather, the fact that the ultimate glass ceiling at Dartmouth has at last come crashing down through the selection of this extremely accomplished woman is a promising and notable milestone — and we urge the College to not stop there. We are hopeful that this change is just the beginning of a period of continued progress for the College we call home.
The end of the war will have to include accountability. War crimes must be prosecuted; Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia should receive their sovereign territory back; and Russia will likely have to somehow pay for damage it has caused. But we must also emphasize that Russia can have a bright future, too. Russia can reach a new height of prosperity and achievement that it has never before seen if it can kick corruption, intolerance and revanchism to the curb. So too can those Eastern European countries slowly knocking down the democratization that occurred after the Iron Curtain fell, but only if they similarly can boot those three ills out. Ultimately, they must decide their own futures, but we in America and Western Europe must eagerly offer our help. We must stand steadfastly by Eastern Europe’s side as it braves big, uncomfortable changes that ultimately will leave all of us much better off.
Eastern Europe as a whole, and not just Ukraine, needs our help to get back on track to a prosperous future — yet we lack a long-term plan to achieve that.
It’s Time to Jumpstart Eastern Europe’s Future
else to turn except Russian state media, and as a result they are hoodwinked into supporting a horrific regime. Even if Russia loses its war in Ukraine, these sentiments are a recipe for future instability. Too many Russians will continue to resent the West, resent democracy and want to seek revenge. This isn’t a Russia-specific issue: Orbán seeks a comparable hold on Hungarian media and encourages similar falsehoods.TheWest needs to develop clear-headed alternatives to the media monopolies of Eastern European autocracies — not an opposing propaganda organ, but honest, trustworthy voices that cannot be silenced. Hungarians and Poles could use reminders that the EU is not withholding subsidy money because the decadent West is out to get them, make them weak and flood them with immigrants, but rather because their governments are encouraging corruption and violating the rights of their people. Russian speakers desperately need alternative, credible voices — in Russian — they can listen to that can remind them that the West does not want to destroy their country. We do not want to humiliate and enfeeble Russia. To us, a “strong” Russia isn’t necessarily a bad thing — so long as it is a good neighbor and upholds the dignity and rights of its people. Today’s Germany, historically a pariah for many good reasons, is by several measures now “strong” and playing a decisive role in European affairs — yet its government doesn’t feel the need to destabilize the continent and wantonly violate human rights. We need to bring this message straight to the hearts of those who fear us most. We shouldn’t have to fight one another.
Even more, Beilock’s experience as a professional with a young child provides her with insight into the unique challenge of balancing childcare with a demanding career. With the current administration failing to address the faculty’s concern regarding the limited support available for those with children, we hope that having a president who can empathize with this challenge may result in efforts to improve faculty access to childcare.

Many of us have seen the photos and videos coming out of the Kharkiv region of Ukraine over the past few days: abandoned tanks on roads, leftbehind munitions, burnt-out wrecks of equipment littering fields and streets. Ukrainian forces have pulled off an incredible feat that hopefully will bring a swift end to Putin’s senseless and pointless war. But the fact of the matter is that wars do not truly end when peace returns. Wars end when societies have been healed, and that will take years. Now is the time to start planning to help heal Eastern Europe. The rebuilding of the physical landscape in Ukraine is the obvious part, so I won’t spend much time on it. Entire towns have been reduced to rubble. Homes and schools need to be rebuilt and infrastructure must be repaired. The World Bank has put the current price tag on that effort at about $350 billion. The United States and its partners can and should help with that, and given the rhetoric of our leaders, I expect that they will without much hesitation.WhatI believe deserves more attention is what I’ll term “social rebuilding.” As the world has observed after the end of the Cold War, many of the Eastern Bloc countries that quickly pivoted towards democracy have been backsliding into authoritarianism ever since. Hungary sits under the watchful eye of Viktor Orbán, whose right-wing government has steadily stripped away civil liberties, made ghastly statements about its opposition to “race mixing” and is currently mired in legal battles with the European Union over its conduct. Poland’s government shares similar views and issues; it too is feuding with the EU over its corruption and quashing of free and fair elections. Although neither government embraces Putin’s regime in Russia — Poland’s government stridently abhors it, in fact — they do share an uncomfortable amount of ideological similarities.
Beilock’s experience leading a student body composed entirely of women may also position her to better handle issues relating to power-based violence, which disproportionately impacts selfidentifying women. This is not to say that men cannot adequately address power-based violence, but rather, we have seen deficiencies in the way the College administration has handled them thus far — and we are hopeful that Beilock may provide a perspective that is notably distinct from those of the outgoing and previous administrations.
Over the past several years, Dartmouth has experienced mental health crisis on campus. Although the College has made some efforts to address this problem — including increasing counseling staff, allowing students to make counseling appointments online and working with the JED foundation — there still is much work to be done. Fortunately, much of Beilock’s research as a cognitive scientist has focused on the phenomenon of “choking under pressure” in stressful situations — such as the very situations that Dartmouth students regularly endure both in and out of the classroom. We are hopeful that her research will provide her with the opportunity to approach the College’s mental health policies with an intensity and intentionality that we have yet to see from the current administration.
Modisett ’25: The Rush Bot SUBMISSIONS: We welcome letters and guest columns. All submissions must include the author’s name and affiliation with Dartmouth College, and should not exceed 250 words for letters or 700 words for columns. The Dartmouth reserves the right to edit all material before publication. All material submitted becomes property of The Dartmouth. Please email submissions to For any content that an author or artist submits and that The Dartmouth agrees to publish, the author or artist grants The Dartmouth a royaltyfree, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide and exclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish and create derivative works from such content. SPENCER ALLEN & NATALIE DOKKEN, Opinion Editors MEGHAN POWERS & CARIS WHITE, Mirror Editors WILL ENNIS & LANIE EVERETT Sports Editors DANIELLE MULLER & ELEANOR SCHIFINO Arts Editors OLIVER DE JONGHE & ANGELINA SCARLOTTA, Photo Editors PHILIP SURENDRAN, Data Visualization Editor LUCY HANDY Design Editor GRANT PINKSTON Templating Editor THOMAS CORRADO, Multimedia Editor FARAH LINDSEY-ALMADANI & EMMA NGUYEN, Engagement Editors NINA SLOAN, Crossword Editor EMILY LU, PRODUCTIONEditor-in-ChiefEDITORS AMY PARK, Publisher LAUREN ADLER & ANDREW SASSER, News Executive Editors THOMAS BROWN, CASSIE MONTEMAYOR THOMAS, JACOB STRIER Managing Editors MIA RUSSO, Production Executive Editor DIVYA CHUNDURU & SAMUEL WINCHESTER Strategy Directors MEHAK BATRA & ISABELLE KITCHEL Development Directors RACHEL ORLOWSKI Digital Media & Analytics Director EMILY GAO & BRIAN WANG Finance & Sales Directors EMMA JOHNSON Director of BUSINESSSoftwareDIRECTORS

Verbum Ultimum: Dartmouth’s New Hope

This article was originally published on Sept. 15, 2022.
In terms of her own educational background, Beilock comes to Dartmouth as an Ivy League outsider. Unlike many of the College’s previous presidents, Beilock does not hold a degree from the College. Rather, she attended the University of California San Diego and Michigan State University for her bachelor’s and doctorate degrees, respectively — both of which are public
Quealy ’25: Week One Essentials
Sian Leah Beilock’s appointment as the next President of the College provides a promising outlook for Dartmouth’s future.

That frst evening — waiting hours for water just to cook a subpar dinner — wasn’t exactly stellar. I expected
2) Get Creative Making Foco dishes memorable takes a little creativity from within, which can mean mixing and matching from diferent stations. While the salad bar and Ma Thayer’s tend to be separate entities, I’ve learned that adding a little bit of each station to your meal can lead to amazing results. Personally, I enjoy adding peppers to my lemongrass chicken, along with experimental seasoning from the spice rack. Beware that this rule only extends to certain Foco meals — dishes prepared by the chefs (like stir-fry) can’t include banana peppers from the salad section or pineapple from the fruit station. However, meals such as sandwiches and premade entrees can be customized to your liking, so take the time and experiment to see if combinations like ranch and General Tso’s Chicken are actually underrated eats.
This isn’t really a hack related to the DDS system, but it’s probably the most important advice I can ofer: Always look for free food. The best thing about being on a college campus is the sheer amount of events that ofer incentives like baked goods from Lou’s or bubble tea to entice students into attending. Every week, I scan the listserv looking for talks or special events that advertise free meals, and without fail, I fnd an opportunity to take a (free!) break from DDS food. The opportunistic mentality that comes with scavenging for free food has also led me to discover new parts of Dartmouth. I’ve attended Q&A talks with accomplished alumni in exchange for a Boloco burrito, and have even found a home in new communities like the DOC subclub People Of Color in the Outdoors (lovingly known as POCO), where members bond over a shared dinner. Participating in Free Food @Now, another cherished Dartmouth GroupMe, has also led to memorable late-night outings with friends in search of the screenshots posted by other free food lovers.
I am not an outdoorsy person by any means. I’ve gone camping perhaps twice in my life and I can barely set up a tent. Techniques like hanging bear bags and cooking with camping stoves are foreign to me. Most of my gear for First-Year Trips and other hikes had to be purchased from my local REI just before freshman year. Despite all this, somehow I thought it would be a great idea to set out with a group of eight ’26s into the hills of Vermont, leading trip C4: Moderate Hiking.
While I got the occasional smoothie at Collis, I never thought of it as one of the essential cornerstones of the DDS system — that is, until I discovered Collis Specials. Every day, Collis attempts to wow diners with dishes like loaded mac and cheese or Mexican beef bowls that are the closest thing one can get to Chipotle in Hanover. The assorted soups are also diferent from the usual Foco fare, and I make sure to get a scoop of the cafe’s Chicken Curry Stew whenever it’s available. The only pitfall of Collis Specials is that they aren’t exactly economical. Since one Collis special is approximately equal to one meal swipe, venturing out of your comfort zone for a new dish can lead to disappointment if it isn’t an automatic favorite. That’s why I usually refer to Dartmouth’s premiere GroupMe, Collis Special @Now. Not only do I get to hear about the daily Collis fare from other dedicated users, but students also review the dish and ofer their own suggestions on the
veteran at navigating the Dartmouth food scene, and I’ve compiled some of the best tips to making the most out of your meal plan.
As we fnally went to bed, I faced a conundrum of my own making: I had thought it wise to bring a hammock instead of a sleeping bag, so I could carry less weight throughout the day. What I didn’t consider was the New Hampshire weather. Exposed to the elements at night, I barely got a wink of sleep in the freezing cold.
5) The Best Things In Life Are Free…
Without a doubt, I’ll be a Trip Leader again next year. But maybe next time, instead of packing my hiking boots and hammock, I’ll consider picking a Trip with a roof.
3) Learn To Love Collis Specials
DDS: How to Make the Most of Dartmouth Dining

This article was originally published on Sept. 14, 2022.
You may have noticed the multitude of banners on the walls of Light Side that detail the dates of diferent themed dinner nights. While the posters themselves tend to blend in after a while, theme nights at Foco are always the highlight of the week. In the fall, expect and plan for events like the Harvest Dinner and Canadian Thanksgiving, where unique dishes and treats are brought to diferent Foco stations. Not only do you get the opportunity to enjoy steak on the College’s dime, but it’s also a great way to learn about the diferent local suppliers that DDS works with. While these events will leave you happily stufed, they are also very well attended, and it’s best to get there early to beat the lines. Personally, I enjoy arriving around 4 p.m. to scope out all the food available and then gorge myself until 6 p.m.
With our water replenished, we prepared to cook curry for dinner, only to discover we had forgotten practically every seasoning except salt and pepper. It wasn’t exactly curry without curry powder; we ended up eating what basically amounted to chickpeas and grilled bell peppers.
Are You There Vox? It’s Me, Marius
With experience and the drive to explore new horizons, you can develop a steady roulette of food options. However, if you still fnd yourself struggling to feed yourself even after “hacking” the DDS menu, take the time to meet with one of the College’s dieticians, who are available to provide support on creating a meal plan for the term and beyond.
By Marius DeMartino
was an amazing experience. I’m still close with my Trippees from my freshman year last year, but at the time, we were limited by pandemic protocol and didn’t have a chance to truly bond. My ragtag group of freshmen this year was brought together all the more by our extended time together, and the myriad issues that we faced and solved together. It’s a lot easier to bond when you’re all trying to survive the Appalachian Trail.
and much-needed outdoor skills. The bonds we formed despite and because of all the issues we faced is a true testament to the power of Trips. It’s weird to be back on campus with all my creature comforts once again. I think most Trip Leaders can agree that those three days spent with a bunch of strangers in the woods are an unforgettable part of our lives.
you’re worried about staying kosher/halal, Dartmouth Dining workers are happy to cook your meats in a separate pan.
Despite that, our second day went pretty well, even though it started with me leading the group down a wrong turn — until we ran into another hiker who pointed us in the right direction. After a couple more miles, we walked over the White River, where we stopped for lunch andImmediatelyswimming. after our swim was one of the toughest legs of our hike. It was a constant uphill battle and we were struggling, even though we still had several miles to go. Finally, we collapsed on the hillside to take a well-deserved break. We were all exhausted, but even then, my Trippees began to joke around. We didn’t resume our hike until we all had trail names
We arrived at our frst shelter with hours to spare, full of excitement for our frst night camping. Unfortunately, our enthusiasm would soon come to an end with the emergence of our frst problem: Our dedicated water source, and the backup stream, were both completely bone-dry. It was only after several phone calls with Vox Croo, struggling to converse with spotty reception, that we accomplished a backup water rescue.
As you can imagine, I am not the most qualifed to lead a three-day camping trip (I was defnitely the personality hire). Still, we set out in good spirits, walking right across the Connecticut River and into Norwich for the steepest part of the hike: the road leading up to the trail.
best way to consume certain specials. To get added, ask a nice upperclassmen or friends that have already become DDS actualized.
By Hannah ShariSTORY
This is a love letter to my C4 Trippees. The experience would’ve been completely diferent without their infectious optimism
based on inside jokes from the trip. This was what’s so incredible about my Trippees. While we dragged ourselves over hill after hill, trying to make it to the night’s shelter, my Trippees were buzzing around giving each other nicknames, playing games and capturing moments on disposable cameras. By the third night, when we fnally arrived at the Skiway Lodge, the dance party was borderline euphoric. It was so gratifying to see that my co-leader and I had helped form a group that seemed to mesh so well. Leading a First-Year Trip this year
1) Never Eat Stir-fry Dry Stir-fry at Foco is one of the best, and most reliable, options on days when lemongrass General Tso’s chicken isn’t gracing the halls of the cafeteria. However, the key to taking stir-fry from a last-resort meal to a satisfying dinner lies in the arrangement of sauces next to the pickup area. Using copious amounts of these sauces unlocks a level of favor you simply wouldn’t expect from Dartmouth Dining, whether it’s the garlic or just soy sauce. If you’re ready to take things up a notch, experiment with mixing the sauces — once you fnd the perfect combination, you won’t mind waiting in the interminably long line to get your dish. For those who have dietary restrictions, there are gluten-free sauce options available on request, and if
4) Don’t miss theme nights at Foco
my Trippees would be upset about the long wait for water, but I returned to the campsite to fnd them all playing Uno. Instead of complaining that we had forgotten the seasonings, they jokingly scraped together a meal of their own creation and our measly dinner of stirfried vegetables was dubbed “Happy Hill Hibachi.”Nightfell and we stumbled around trying to clean dishes in the dark. We then arrived at the issue of hanging bear bags. Frankly, my co-leader and I had no idea what we were doing. Once again, though, our Trippees were glad to help out. We relied a little too heavily on a former Eagle Scout among our ranks to hoist our bags into the trees and keep our belongings safe.
The frst time I walked into Foco, the sheer amount of options was dizzying. Loading my plate up with everything from the Ma Thayer’s station and grabbing a few famous chocolate chip cookies, I was certain I would never get tired of Dartmouth Dining and all it had to ofer. That lasted until week three; after eating my ffth consecutive meal of fries and chicken nuggets, I knew that something had to change. While the College’s food oferings are often mediocre, and sometimes downright dangerous — I’ll never forget the time I found a decayed bug in the soy sauce accompanying my sushi roll — it’s a nearly universal experience for students across the nation. Takeout from Tuk Tuk is always an option, but instead of hurting your wallet, it’s better to fgure out the hacks of Dartmouth Dining and which tricks work for you. As a Muslim and a picky eater, I’ve become a
This article was originally published on Sept. 14, 2022.
Oh, the things you must have seen in your centuries of existence. Surely, if your walls could talk, Dartmouth, they would tell a similar story of change and growth despite their own physical permanence. It would be a tale as old as time — one of students coming and going, each alight with possibility. It would be the story of a home, one being built and rebuilt, a single moment at a time.
Although these past few quarters have included some of the most difficult academics of my life, I’ve had more personally rewarding moments than I can count. Studying the Middle East and doing the Arabic LSA+ not only fulfilled my childhood aspirations, but have given me some of the most valuable experiences, things and people in my life right now. Over the past year, I’ve lived in an endlessly intriguing country, learned a new language and met some of my best friends. I don’t know how many other 19-year-olds can say that.
old Egyptology books from when she was in college, despite the fact that I was in middle school at the time and could not easily comprehend archaic textbooks from the 1980s. Even though archaeology is no longer my dream profession, Egyptian and broader Middle Eastern Studies have held a special place in my heart ever since.
This article was originally published on Sept. 14, 2022.
back mourning the way that things used to be. I had spent a year growing comfortable and familiar with you. I had fnally picked up your lingo, memorized the location of your buildings and picked up on most of the unspoken campus rules. Things were slowly, but surely, beginning to make sense. It feels like the rules of the game have changed again; we’re older now, suddenly leading the clubs at the club fair and diving into the intricacies of rush and Greek Life. For better or worse, things are set to change. It’s only natural, but it is still terrifying.
When I told people I was going to Morocco this summer, they were often softly shocked, and inquired why I was going there when I could be studying abroad in somewhere “nicer” (their words, not mine) like Italy or France. I usually told them that it was because I wanted to go somewhere a little more interesting, where I probably wouldn’t have traveled otherwise, but deep down I knew that it was partially due to my mother’s background in archeology — and, of course, “The Mummy.”
Hello again Dartmouth. It has been a while, and I’ve spent a summer missing you. I know that the feeling is widespread, rippling amongst all of the students as they make their way back to you. It’s a feeling of love, excitement and anxiety for the year that lies ahead. For some, it will be the making of a new home, and for others a preparation to leave it. And for those of us in the middle, it is a re-adjustment to the College’s ebb and fow. Despite it all, Dartmouth, you always seem to handle our return so efortlessly — welcoming us back once again with open arms, blue skies and sunshine.
matter never will.
The other night I had dinner with my freshman foormates. There were way too many of us crowded inside of a single circular booth at Foco and things felt like they did last year. But it isn’t last year, and they are no longer my foormates. And though seemingly everything has changed, perhaps the things that really
I’m finishing this article right after leaving my 2A: “MES 8.01,” Introduction to Middle Eastern Politics. In class, I sat next to one of my good friends who was in Morocco with me and during the break we quietly conversed about how excited we were for this course. I haven’t felt this glee for learning since I was six, and I hope to feel it for the rest of my Dartmouth career.
Moral of the story: Take that risk. Do it for your inner child. You might have some frustrating times and learn some hard lessons, but you might also meet your best friend, like I did. You might have regrets, but you might also get to ride a camel in the desert. Sometimes, it takes remembering a time before you started school to figure out what you truly love. There is a world outside the small town of Hanover and the pressure of academia. You just have to be brave enough to go out and find it.
the time, I could never seem to hit my stride.Tobe honest, this was one of the first times in my life I continued to pursue something that I was not inherently good at. Like many kids at Dartmouth, I never got a B in high school, played a sport I didn’t end up captain of or submitted an essay I knew I wouldn’t get praised for, so these last few quarters have been an humbling experience for me. When it would get hard and I considered quitting — and it often did get hard, just ask my friends — I returned to reflecting on my childhood, like I had at the end of my first term.
At six years old, I sat quietly in front of the television as my mother put on my favorite movie of all time. Pyramids, pharaohs and gold artifacts flashed before the screen, and I was immersed in the world of “The Mummy,” a film about explorers in the 1920s who awaken an ancient high priest in their quest to excavate the famed “City of the Dead.” I can hardly begin to describe the impact that this film had on me as a small child; soon after watching it, when my teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I was older, I proudly told her I wanted to be an archaeologist, just like my mom and Evie O’Connell, the female protagonist of the film. Growing up, I begged my mom to let me read her
Admittedly, I spent my frst few days
Late this summer, now age 19, I sat quietly in front of a movie screen and watched as my favorite local theater screened “The Mummy” for its 23rd anniversary. Although I have seen the movie dozens of times, this viewing was different. As the men in the movie conversed in Arabic, I no longer needed to follow the subtitles that I once did as a small child. This comprehension is the reward of almost a year of Arabic studies and 10 weeks spent studying abroad in Morocco.
This article was originally published on Sept. 14, 2022.
mom even said that she wouldn’t be thrilled if I took Arabic as a firstyear, because she thought it might eventually end in me seeking out a job in the Middle East. Although she was certainly jumping to conclusions like the worrier she is, I don’t think that many parents would be in favor of their kids living far away, especially in a foreign and historically unstable region.After my first quarter at Dartmouth — where I avoided Middle Eastern Studies completely — I was academically lost. I had taken one film course — because I once thought I might major in film — Introduction to Sociology and my required writing class, Humanities I. None of the courses piqued my interest in the way I had hoped they would. I came into college ready to finally study things I thought I would be passionate about, and I left defeated. As the trees went bare, temperatures dropped and my first quarter at college came to a close, this exasperation led to much time spent ruminating over what I wanted to get out of my education, and why I chose Dartmouth at all.
By Selin HosSTORY
It was strange to walk back onto campus after such an extended time away. With all of the new students and buildings and faculty, I was almost unable to recognize Dartmouth as I once knew it. I found myself a bit of-kilter, and quickly realized I was trying to seek out the faces of ’22s that were long gone. In their places were hordes of new faces belonging to ’26s that I have yet to meet. My friends had also changed. Some were taller now, or blonder, and besides the sophomores, everyone has stories of summers spent away. They had changed, and so had I. And you, Dartmouth, with your seemingly never-ending construction, have too.
By Tess BowlerSTORY
There and Back Again: Reflections on New Places
With each return, though, it is clear that you are not the same Dartmouth that I left. Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said that a man could never step into the same river twice. He argued that the man, ever-changing in thought and physical appearance, is not the same person who frst stepped into that river. What’s more, the river, ever-fowing in nature, isn’t the same as before either. Just like this metaphorical river, Dartmouth has changed, and looking back on my summer, I probably have too.
before, I’ll spend hours writing essays on 4FB, catching movies at the Hop, having snowball fghts, taking Woccoms and going out — or simply watching the stars as they twinkle atop the golf course. It will be alright.
These thoughts often led back to sixyear-old me, her obsession with Egypt and her distinctly childlike curiosity for something that had no practical relevance to her life. That was the first time in my life I had been passionate about learning, and perhaps the only time in my life I had wanted to do so with no academic achievement at stake. Inspired by my younger self, I decided to sign up for Arabic and Introduction to Middle Eastern Studies that winter, hoping that this would provide me with some idea of what I really wanted to study.I’ll be the first to admit it: I’m not the best at Arabic. Languages have never been my strong suit, so I honestly didn’t expect to take classes on one of the hardest languages and be a star student. I spent many nights during the wWinter and sSpring terms of my freshman year frustrated over homework and reviewing vocabulary for tests, and even though many of my classmates found it easy most of
Dartmouth, you are home. Thank you for always welcoming us, despite our chaos and adventure.

I worry sometimes that with all of this change, I may one day come back and not be able to recognize Dartmouth or anyone who calls it home. It’s a worry that, however small and irrational it may be, persists and perhaps forever will. I don’t ever want to feel like I’m losing Dartmouth — a place that I’ve grown to love.I’mbeing dramatic, I know. After all, I have three more years to do the things that I always have. It won’t be long before this becomes the least of my worries and I get engulfed in the termly chaos. Like
It’s funny to remember that a large part of why I chose to take Arabic as a freshman — and why I am now a Middle Eastern Studies major — was because of a silly action movie that influenced me so much as a little kid. In high school, I took classes on the Middle East, but had no particular plans to fully pursue it in college. My
Dear Old Dartmouth: Its Constants and Changes

Women’s Rugby Women’s rugby will open their season away at Sacred Heart University in Fairfeld, Conn. starting at 11 a.m. The last time these two teams matched up was just shy of a year ago, when the Big
Field Hockey On Sunday, Dartmouth feld hockey will play against Merrimack College at Chase Field at noon, which can be viewed via ESPN+. The team currently has an overall record of 2-3 and looks to even that out this week. Ivy League conference games will begin at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. on Friday, Sept. 23.
Women’s Soccer
First up, the men’s soccer team will play at Albany University at 6 p.m. on Saturday, their fifth non-conference game of the season. Then on Tuesday, the Big Green will face the University of Connecticut at Burnham Field at 7 p.m. The team currently holds a 1-2-1 record,
The men’s tennis team will kick of their fall season by competing at the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Invitational in Philadelphia from Friday to Sunday. Three freshmen — Miles Groom ’26, Waleed Qadir ’26 and Henry Ren ’26 — will join men’s tennis for their frst collegiate competition. Dartmouth ranked seventh in the 2022 Ivy League men’s tennis standings.
“We have solid players in those areas, but we have to gel as a group,” Teevens said. “Senior leadership will be very, very important. Guys that maybe have not been asked to lead so much in the past, it’s their time.”On defense, Dartmouth returns some standouts from 2021, but will also have to integrate some less experienced players.
Big Green football looks to win third league title in three seasons
The Big Green’s frst test of the season comes at home this Saturday against the Crusaders, a matchup Dartmouth won 28-18 last season.
Men’s Soccer
Women’s Volleyball
BY WILL ENNIS The Dartmouth Senior Staff

Women’s volleyball has dominated since its frst win of the season against the University of Sacred Heart on September 2, now standing with a 6-1 record. On Friday and Saturday, women’s volleyball will compete in the Seton Hall Classic in South Orange, N.J., where they will frst take on New Jersey Institute of Technology, followed by Seton Hall University and Central Connecticut State University. The Seton Hall Classic will test the team’s momentum after its second consecutive victory at the Dartmouth Invitational the past weekend; the Big Green won all three games against Merrimack College and the University of Hartford.
Men’s Tennis
The men’s golf team will jumpstart their season at the Cornell/Temple Invitational, which will be held in Plymouth Meeting, Penn. on Saturday and Sunday. The last time men’s golf competed, the team placed ffth in the Ivy League Championship. This fall, men’s golf will welcome a team of fve upperclassmen, three sophomores and three freshmen to engage in competition.
This weekend, the women’s soccer team will compete at the University of Massachusetts Lowell on Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Women’s soccer is having a strong start to their season with a 5-1-1 record after a recent 2-1 win against the University of Vermont on Wednesday. Allie Winstanley ’23, who scored both goals for the Big Green in their victory over the Catamounts, was named Ivy League Player of the Week. Sunday’s game can be viewed via
With Kyler now graduated, Howard’s role is expected to change to see him used more in the traditional passing game as well as continuing to take advantage of his talents as a runner. Although Howard put up gaudy numbers despite defenses knowing to expect the run when he was
“Everybody’s got our name written on their board. We’ve got a target on our back,” linebacker Marques White ’23 said. “But, at the end of the day, it comes down to us and how we play. We know that the game is on us and we’re not worried about who we’re playing, who’s wearing the other jerseys. It’s about who’s wearing our jerseys.”
e Look Ahead: Week 2

the one under center, Teevens expects the added versatility to be a beneft to the ofense.“The thing that I’ve really been impressed with is how rapidly [Howard] progresses from one to two to three to four, and he’s unselfsh,” Teevens said. “He doesn’t have to throw the ball downfeld … but he also has demonstrated that ability to throw the ball downfeld.”
BY MAIA STEWART The Dartmouth Staff
Leading the charge under center will be quarterback Nick Howard ’23. Howard had a breakout campaign last year splitting snaps with Derek Kyler ’21, now a redshirt senior at the University of Pittsburgh. In 2021, Howard operated primarily in the wildcat, rushing the ball from the quarterback spot for career numbers across the board. He paced the team with 787 yards on 125 attempts for a 6.3 yards per attempt rate. He also found the end zone 15 times, accounting for over 70% of the Big Green’s rushing touchdowns as a team.
Football Football will play its frst game of the fall season on Saturday against Valparaiso University. The game will be at home at 1:30 p.m. and can be viewed on ESPN+. As defending Ivy League champions for the second consecutive year, Big Green football has a legacy to uphold. Dartmouth football has been working diligently since the start of preseason camp on Aug. 21 in preparation for Saturday’s game.
Now, those seniors are the leaders of a young team with many “new faces,” according to head coach Buddy Teevens ’79, and are looking to complete the threepeat.“It’s tough to win a championship, it’s harder to repeat a championship,” Teevens said. “As I tell our players, the only poll that matters is the one at the end of the year … I also tell them it’s not the best team on Saturday that wins. It’s the team that plays best on Saturday that wins. We learned that from [Cornell University] and [Columbia University] the past two years, so we gotta come out and play.”
hoping to get into fghting shape before competing in their frst Ivy League game versus Princeton University on Oct. 1. All games will be streamed on ESPN+.
This Saturday, Dartmouth football will take the feld at home against Valparaiso University to kick of its 2022 season. The Big Green has its sights set on its third championship in four years and three full seasons.When the seniors on this year’s team frst joined the program in 2019, they were part of a 9-1 championship season, splitting the title with Yale University, also 9-1. After Ivy League play was canceled in 2020, the Big Green returned with a fury in 2021, matching its 9-1 record despite the layof and this time splitting the championship with Princeton University.

Green defeated the Pioneers 63-10. The rugby team is also gearing up to play Army West Point, who they beat in the 2021 national championships for their second championship title in the past four seasons, on Oct. 1.
Running the ball, Zack Bair ’22 will return for a ffth year, as well as senior running back Noah Roper ’23, giving Howard plenty of weapons with which to attack opposing defenses.
“We have a lot of experience [in the receiving corps], so that’s really helpful on the outside,” Howard said. “[Bair] and Roper [have] tons of experience at running back.”The ofensive area with the most new faces this year will be the line, and Teevens identifed the group’s play as one of the determining factors of this season.
“The standard has been set here by Coach Teevens and the rest of the coaching staf, and we expect to compete for a championship every season,” Howard said. “There’s a lot of stuf that can happen over the course of 10 weeks, 10 games, but I feel really good about the team and I fully expect us to be right in the mix competing for a third championship.”
Howard only threw 18 pass attempts in 2021 for 126 yards, one touchdown and one interception. His transition to the passing game will be a storyline to monitor this season. For what it’s worth, preseason expectations are high for Howard; he was named to sports writer Phil Steele’s preseason All-Ivy frst team.
theThesecondary.defense in particular has the added challenge of navigating a collection of injuries. White sufered a minor meniscus tear in the preseason that will sideline him until the start of Ivy League play against the University of Pennsylvania. Other experienced players in ffth-year Bobby Jeferson ’22 and Sam Koscho ’23 sustained season-ending injuries. Still, White expressed his confdence in the group that the Big Green will feld on that side of the“Weball.have a lot of faith in all of our guys, regardless of grade, so I’m excited to see those young guys step up,” White said. “The leaders on the defense, we’re able to keep control of those guys and get ’em lined up and that’s all we need. Once we get lined up, it’s all action after that.”
White, also named to Phil Steele’s frst team preseason All-Ivy roster, returns at linebacker after a strong 2021 campaign along with Shane Cokes ’23 on the defensive line and Quinten Arello ’23 in
Dartmouth sailing will compete at the Women’s Singlehanded New England Championship, Hatch Brown, Regis and Barnett where members will travel to Boston University, Brown University, Bowdoin College, Harvard University
The team certainly understands the expectations facing them this year, after being voted (along with Harvard University) as the preseason conference favorite in an Ivy League media poll.
“I think in practice it’s been a lot of just exploring a wider expanse of the ofense, doing things that I probably wasn’t asked to do last year,” Howard said. “Really just letting [Quarterback Coach Kevin Daft] throw more stuf at me, just in terms of opening up the ofense altogether. I’ve said it before, I’m very confdent in my ability to run and pass the ball, and I’m just really, really excited to get out on Saturday and see what we can do.”
the major players are projected to be Paxton Scott ’24, Dale Chesson ’23, Jonny Barrett ’23, Zion Carter ’23 at tight end and Jamal Cooney ’23, who also made Phil Steele’s frst team as a punt returner.
One thing that will help Howard and the Dartmouth ofense is that the Big Green will return many of its primary contributors at the skill positions. In the receiving corps,
and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to participate in regattas on Saturday and Sunday. Last weekend, Dartmouth placed sixth at the Toni Deutsch ’58 Regatta, fourth at the Bears Invite hosted by Brown and seventh at the Harry Anderson Trophy hosted by Yale University, the team’s frst competitions of the season.
Men’s Golf