The DOG Magazine - Issue 03/2015 Chihuahua

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HI, Our goal with this magazine is to promote responsible breeding and dog ownership and to encourage ethical conduct and responsible breeding of purebred dogs. Our vision is to help promote responsible pet ownership and improve the quality of life of every dog show dog or pet. We make it our goal to provide the most up to date and honest information every dog

owner should know.

THE DOG MAGAZINE NO. 3 Februar 2015 路 EDITOR | GRAPHIC DESIGN Ewa Larsson, Natasja Rutters, Sne啪ka Kuralt

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THE TEAM EWALARSSON My name is Ewa Larsson, Britisher Show Bulldogs we are situated in Canterbury, England. My kennel was established in 1992. My bulldogs live with me inside my house and are raised in a loving environment as one of the family. I believe this approach is reflected in the behaviour of my dogs. Health, a correct temperament and dogs of the highest quality are my goal. Since Spring 2006, I am on the Bulldog Club Inc committee. The Bulldog Club Inc is the oldest Bulldog club in the world, and holds the prestigious Bulldog of the Year Show. I am a Bulldog Breed Specialist Judge currently on “ B” list. I am member of : The Bulldog Club Incorporated, The London Bulldog Society, The South of England Bulldog Society, The Junior Bulldog Club. My affix “ Britisher” is derived from a noun Brit·ish·er which stands for: “An Englishman- a subject or inhabitant of Great Britain”. Please feel free to visit our website.

NATASJARUTTERS “A little story about who I am and what I do” We live in a small town in southern Netherlands near the Belgium border. I always loved dogs and in particular the Bulldog. And when I got my own place … there was my first English bulldog. For many years I was surrounded by the love of these beautiful dogs. At the moment I share my house with 2 French Bulldogs, who also have a wonderful character only in a smaller body With my male Ch. Carte Truffé Kangaroo Kiss ‘Sydney’ (import Finland) I regularly take part of dog shows in the Netherlands and abroad. I am a member of the Hollandse Bulldog Club and the English Bulldog Club Netherlands. Beside designing and spending time with my dogs I love to be creative, like painting and photography. For more information about my dogs and work

I first started to be seriously involved in Cynology, when I bought my first Rhodesian ridgeback (Cubo) from breeder Mr. Andrej Fister – Kyala kennel. Since I had had a ridgeback, I wanted to spent some time and communicate with people who own the same breed. So I became involved and was one of the founding members of Club of Rhodesian ridgeback Slovenia. I was chief of organization of our first special show for Rhodesian ridgebacks in Slovenia. The show entered more than 50 dogs, which was a very nice number for such a small country. We even got Mr. Hans Mueller as a judge, for our first club show, even though the show was not CAC awarded. Soon after, I began my apprenticeship for a Cynology judge, and in January 2011 I acquired a license to judge Rhodesian ridgebacks.

I was born and raised in Southern Slovenia, in a small town called Senovo. By education I am a graphic designer and landscape architect. Currently I am employed in Landscape and GIS Company, where I am a head of marketing and education department.

I currently own two Rhodesian ridgebacks Cubo and Cana. Cubo, his pedigree name is Myollnir Kyala, is one of the most successful show ridgebacks in Slovenia and has always makes me proud. He is 8 years old now and he is calm and mostly a gentleman. Cana (Dikeledi Ayaba) is our female ridgeback, five years old; she brings joy to my life with her silly stunts and happy nature. Cana was imported from Croatia, from Ayaba kennel.

I always felt a great love toward animals, especially dogs. Dogs and cats were always around when I was little and I guess it was meant that that part of my love in life stays with me even in my adulthood.

In my free time I make small products for dog owners, mostly for Rhodesian ridgeback lovers and do different graphic designs for all breeds.


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AUTHOR Ewa Larsson

PHOTOS Ewa Larsson


DID YOU KNOW? Myths, Magic and Absolute Truths ...


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This article has been prepared with due care and diligence and represents research from a variety of sources, some from current information, some from early documents and manuscripts which are now deemed in the public domain.

Good things come in small packages....... Ask Chihuahua owners and they’ll totally agree: these small dogs have huge personalities that makes them the most fun loving, loyal and the best companions. Chihuahuas are very loyal. It is a fact about Chihuahuas that they can be the most loyal of companions; perhaps sometimes almost too loyal! These little dogs with huge hearts bond very deeply with one person and can become overly protective and possessive of this person if care is not taken to socialize them well.

Chihuahuas were once a sacred dog. Mummified remains have been found in Meso-American grave sites, believing the Chihuahua helped them travel to the afterlife safely. Healing qualities have also been attributed to the Chihuahua in ancient times. In present day all over the World, they are simply worshiped as the special friends they are. The Chihuahua is named after the Mexican state of the same name.

Did you know that a Chihuahua is also known as a Chi, the Mayan word meaning dog?

Dog effigy pots, some nearly 700 years old, have been found in the Chihuahua region in architectural digs. The dogs in these pots resemble Chihuahuas, and hence, the current name.

Although we believe that this breed originated in Mexico (ancient paintings of Chihuahuas have been found in Mexico) their origin is steeped in mystery.

Chihuahuas were not always named after the Mexican state.

Nobody really knows where these little dogs originated. Some researchers believe Chihuahuas were developed in Egypt over 3000 years ago. Others believe these dogs have descended from the Ancient Techichi dogs of the Toltec civilization who became a symbol of the upper class to the Aztecs. The only known fact about Chihuahuas origins is that sometime in the 19th century, they were discovered in and around Chihuahua, Mexico by American tourists who fell in love with them and brought them home to the US.

Did you know that Chihuahuas can be born with a molera, a soft spot on the skull, similar to the fontanel in human babies? The molera also hardens with age just like a human.

Early on, they were often referred to as the “Arizona Dog”, especially within America. This made sense because “Chihuahua” is notoriously difficult to spell.

Chihuahuas are the smallest dog breed in the world. Adults usually weigh less than 10lbs. The FCI -an international federation of T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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dog kennel clubs, recommends that show quality dogs weigh even less at just 6-7lbs. With adults this tiny, you can only imagine how small a Chihuahua puppy must be. It isn’t uncommon for newborn pups to weight only a few grams and fit in the palm of your hands! It has been said that a Chihuahua can actually die from a broken heart. Chihuahuas form very close attachments to their owners. While they will get along easily enough with other family members, they will bond very closely to one particular person. They are a loyal dog and very protective of their owners. They have been known to jump out of their owners arms onto a larger dog to protect you. Chihuahua can be born with either short or long coats. This


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variation in coat type is a unique fact about Chihuahuas. The short-haired Chi requires little grooming but will need a wardrobe to help protect her from catching chill. The long-haired Chi does need regular brushing to keep her coat free of mats and tangles. These tiny dogs can have huge litters! Chihuahua have been known to have as many as ten pups in a single litter. That is a lot of puppies for such a small mother! Most dog lovers know that larger breeds tend to have shorter lifespans. Since Chihuahuas are the smallest breed, it should come as no surprise that they can live up to 18 years. In fact, the oldest Chi-

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huahua ever died a full 20 years, 265 days old, and was named “Megabyte”. Chihuahuas have often appeared in art throughout history. Their earliest depictions date back to 300 BCE, when pots featuring their shapes were common. After their introduction to Europe, they were featured in paintings like “Two Courtesans” (1510) by Vittore Carpaccio, “Scenes from the Life of Moses” (1482) by Alessandro Botticelli, and “The Concert” (1741) by Pietro Longhi.

Myths THE “TEACUP” MYTH There are plenty of breeds that come in teacup sizes and many people think that “teacup” Chihuahuas is one of the most popular. However, there is no such thing as a “teacup” Chihuahua; the smallest ones are actually the runts of the litter. Sometimes, however, people mistake small animals for “teacup” animals.

For 15 years between 1994 and 2009, the official Taco Bell mascot was a Chihuahua named “Gidget”.

Some say that the mascot was instrumental in not only improving Taco Bell sales, but also making the dog breed mainstream in the US. The unofficial nickname of this breed is Chi.

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This doesn’t mean that Chihuahuas and kids can’t coexist happily. It’s just that if you have children and you want to get a Chihuahua, arm yourself with patience and be ready for a lot of careful training. This is not just because Chihuahuas are small and frail. It’s also because they can be a snappy and sometimes aggressive. Children don’t always understand they can pinch, punch or squeeze little dogs, and if they do it to a Chihuahua, it will get defensive and may hurt them.

SHAKING IS NORMAL Most people would think that something is wrong with their dog if they’re shaking. Chihuahuas will shake if they’re cold, excited, extremely happy or unhappy, and scared, so it’s a very normal characteristic of theirs.

This happens with Chihuahuas too. There are no actual “teacup” Chihuahuas. In order for an animal to be classified as a “teacup,” it would have to be a product of genetic manipulation within a breed. When it comes to Chihuahuas those that are usually mistaken for “teacup” are actually the smallest ones of the litter.

Facts NOT ALWAYS GREAT WITH KIDS As with any toy breed dog, it’s not recommended to have them in your home with small children as they don’t realize how fragile they really are. 16 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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It can be a bit perplexing to see a tiny dog shaking like he has some sort of fit and some people get scared and want to call the vet or get some kind of help. However, shaking or trembling is a perfectly normal thing for a Chihuahua. It is a way to show their emotions, like other dogs do with barking, growling or wagging their tail. A Chihuahua does all that, of course, and shaking is like their signature thing. By shaking, a Chihuahua is not necessarily trying to communicate something – it is an involuntary action, just something their body does under certain circumstances. While shivering and shaking can be caused by a lot of emotions and stimuli, the most common is because they are cold.

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AUTHOR Francesco Cochetti


PHOTOS Francesco Cochetti

Breeding dogs is complicated if you want to improve the breed and not just make puppies.

Multi BIS, Multi CH Misty Meadow’s Orlando Furioso Breeder: Tuula Lehtinen-Cochetti Owner: Francesco Cochetti


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Breeding dogs shouldn’t be a road to riches.

Others only see the results of the breeder – puppies – and they judge them by their ability.

Before breeding, there are many things to consider: - evaluate the bitch and it’s background correctly and in detail - find the suitable male - Travel to the male maybe to another country or continent, so costs need to be considered, even if it’s possible to take a small dog into the cabin in a bag. What will it cost? - When it is the right time to mate and is this time suitable for the male owner? Do you need to blood test the female? Will the mating be successful? Is the male able to mate naturally and will the female be receptive? - How will the whelping go? Will the puppies survive? - Are the puppies going to be promising and will one find suitable homes for them to make it all worth it? The overall type, balance of the height at wither to the length of body and the strength most of the breeders can see. Also some details such as the shape of the head. Temperament is more difficult to assess. Obviously shy dogs are easy to eliminate but if a female is shy only with men, one needs to think whether it is genetic or lack of socializing. A female like this can be tried, but the male needs to be outstanding in temperament. There are many Chihuahuas in the world so one might think it is easy to find a suitable male. The gene pool however, is considered small in this breed. There are not so many different bloodlines in the breed as they have the same origins and not a long history. Many of the lines are related to each other.

All dogs have faults.

If not in an individual, then at least in somewhere within the pedigree. If one wants to breed, it’s comforting to know that this is about animal breeding and it also includes breeding possible faults. It’s about understanding what you are working with and selecting to eliminate the fault in the next generation. This is how breeding dogs has been for over thousands of years. Knowledge is not the only thing that affects the choice of male. There are many things one needs to recognize in making a decision on the stud dog to use. One may decide not to use a male just because it’s owned by the “wrong” person. Such a decision may not be the best for your breeding plan, when is not the genetics of the “wrong person” who owns the dog , but the genetics of the stud dog that matters in providing the desired genes to compliment the female. Many talented breeders “sense” the right combination. They make their decisions intuitively. It doesn’t matter what their reason was, it is the result that counts. The breeder always needs to be honest and be of the highest integrity. Many talk about kennel blindness, which is when a breeder exaggerates the good parts and underestimates the faults in their breeding. This way is doomed or at least on the road to bad breeding! There is also a justifiable impression that there are unequal dogs in pedigrees. One thinks foe example, that a father’s mother or mother’s mother of a brood bitch are important. Are they producer of good type? Whether, true or false, nothing is lost if it is checked. A new breeder might get scared to see a serious illness in some dog’s 7th or 8th generation. Are these things to really worry about and how far into the T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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pedigree does one really need to track? If it is a fault caused by one gene, it is enough to check carefully for 2 to 3 generations. Anything can happen but this is a calculated risk. If some characteristic is desired to be established and this characteristic is caused by many genes (“polygenic”), one needs to go further in the pedigree. For example, behind all Chihuahuas, there are dogs of many types and this is why maintaining a type can be hard for a breeder and why the breeder needs to look at the type all the way to the 4th or 5th generation.

Francesco Cochetti juging in Brazil


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Do we dare to line breed? In other words, put dogs together so that there is the same dog at least twice in the pedigree, but not too close to each other. Or should we use out crossing so that there are not any dogs in common? Neither of these methods solves the breeder’s problems, if they don’t know the dogs and their backgrounds. With line breeding one is aiming to keep some special characteristic – type, character and health – in their puppies. It decreases the variety in these characteristics. The dog whom one is line breeding to, doesn’t need to

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be perfect but it needs to have those features which breeder wants to hold on to. It’s not about the details. Those one can add after the base of desired characteristics is strong. Line breeding is also beneficial because it brings out the hidden faults. They hurt, but after this, they are easier to eliminate than “random” faults. The problem of out crossing is mostly that the faults show up as surprises because the breeder has not provided enough information about the male. One should use out crossing to bring other desired genes to your own dogs. Health of the dogs

is important. If they suffer from faults and they are genetic, one has failed in breeding with these dogs. One tries to be safe with all the health issues beforehand. Scale on the patella luxation on dogs is graded 0-4 in which 0 means perfectly healthy and 4 is serious issues in the patella. Allowed combinations according to patella grading, are if their numerical sum is maximum 2. E.g. 0/1 left/right) + 0/1 or 0/2 + 0/0. Ihave tried to use only patella 0/0 in breeding. Hips of the Chihuahua are not examined, simply because there is no need for it.

Multi CH April Love Di San Gimignano, Breeder & Owner: Francesco Cochetti T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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AUTHOR Edna St. Hilaire

PHOTOS All 4 Dogs photography




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Edna St. Hilaire has bred Chihuahuas as Hilaire Perm. Reg’d since 1967. She is the founder and president of the Chihuahua Club of Canada, formed in 1988, as well as the founder and president of the Chihuahua Club of British Columbia, Canada’s first Chihuahua Club in Canada, formed in 1986. she is also an all=breed conformation judge, licensed internationally.

The road to succes in banning Canadian Kennel Club registration of the merle coat color pattern (gene) was long but rewarding. At times it was pleasant, but there was also evil, violent and vulgar vitriol of outrageous proportions from some merle proponents in the USA, as well as newcomers to the Chihuahua breed in Canada. Chihuahuas have been part of my live since I was a child, which instilled in me an absolute respect for the breed as well as a passion for their health and welfare. I became well-informed on the Chihuahua through personal education and reading and by attending breed seminars, participating at dog shows and judging. From this I knew that it

was proven that the merle gene is NOT occur naturally int he Chihuahua. So when I heard about merle ‘Chihuahuas’ I was resolutely driven to stop the introduction of the dominant and defective gene in our breed. According to research, the dominant defective merle gene was introduced into the Chihuahua in the USA by crossing the miniature dappled (merle) Dachshund with the Chihuahua, and perhaps other breeds as well that carried the merle gene. This action is assumed to have taken place secretly for years, until enough generations were produced where the offspring resembled the Chihuahua. These were exhibited at the American Kennel Club T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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Shows in 2003, causing a breed crisis of epic proportions worldwide. In 2004, I became aware of a merle ‘Chihuahua’ that was imported into Canada. I immediately gathered my research on the breed and the merle gene and made my first presentation at the CKC’s annual general meeting in March 2005. Speaking as president of the Chihuahua Club of Canada, I asked for a ban on the registration of merle Chihuahuas in Canada.

STEP1 In early 2005, the membership of the Chihuahua Club of Canada were contacted in writing and the merle issue 28 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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was clearly explained. I received 100% support from members in favor of a ban. After this, club members were kept informed throughout the proces of working toward a ban and making the merle colour a disqualification. Since the CKC operates under jurisdiction of Agriculture Canada, it therefor must meet its requirement.

STEP2 In 2005 the Chihuahua Club of Canada applied to CKC to have the merle coat colour pattern (gene) banned and added to the list of disqualifications in our breed standard. This procedure took more than three years - a period of

A r t i c l e | The Long Road to a Ban on Merle Chihuahuas

endless correspondence between the CCC, the CKC and its Breed Standard Committee, with several trips back and forth across Canada to preset my research to the CKC board. I prepared information packet for the CEO and each Board member for every meeting and between meetings as well. Then this procedure had to be repeated for newly elected CKC Board. Our club research was published in “Dogs In Canada” magazine for three months of comments from the membership of the Canadian Kennel Club. Members feedback was positive with negligible opposition. Merle as a disqualification in the CKC Chihuahua standard came into effect January 1, 2008. Then we discovered our victory was not complete. We’d won Round 1, but now came Round 2 : The Chihuahua Club of Canada received a litter from CKC advising that the ban on merle registration which our club had also requested was not pos-

sible, quoting Agriculture Canada as the reason. This was a serious set-back, but we were not willing to give up the fight. My passion for the welfare of our Chihuahuas drove me to continue to find a way to ban a gene that had never existed in Chihuahua as far back as the sixteenth century Aztec and Toltec eras. I decided to meet with my Member of Parliament and ask if he could help. His answer was yes. Within days I received a telephone call from the Minister of Agriculture, followed by a letter outlining the procedure needed to ban the registration of merle in Chihuahuas. When I read this letter at a CKC meeting there was absolute silence in the room. Once again a period of endless correspondence ensued, this time between the Chihuahua Club and CKC and its Genetic and Medical Committee, with T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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travel back and forth across Canada to again make presentations at CKC meetings. Finally on September 1, 2010, Agriculture Canada and CKC approved our request. The ban on the registration of the merle coat color pattern (gene) in Chihuahuas was a reality. It took fiveand-a-half years. To succeed I had to present impeccable research and respect the Board of the Canadian Kennel Club, its committees and their procedures, I learned this process requires a great deal of stamina and you must believe in your cause 110 %. I did, and my persistence on behalf of the Chihuahua Club of Can-

ada paid off. Thank you to all who believed and supported our cause. To the best of my knowledge merle ‘Chihuahuas’ are banned throughout the world, as supported by Mexico, the breed’s country of origin. However, merle ‘Chihuahua ‘ are still being registered by the AKC in the US - where they originated. It is my understanding that the issue will come up for AKC discussion in 2013. We can only hope that maybe - just maybe they will choose to respect the choice of other countries and change their mind on allowing merles to be registered as Chihuahuas.

It ONLY took five years At its meeting on June 12 and 13, 2010 the Canadian Kennel Club Board of Directors approved the following amendment to the Policy and Procedures Manual, Chapter IV, Section F, with registration guidelines to be effective September 1, 2010: Merle Coat Colour Pattern in the Chihuahua (Short and Long Haired) 1. Canadian or foreign-born Chihuahuas with the merle coat colour pattern will not be eligible for registration as of September 1, 2010. 2. Chihuahuas which emanate from a parent exhibiting the merle coat colour pattern will not be accepted for registration purposes. 2010 Canadian Kennel Club News


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AUTHOR Kristy Leest

PHOTOS Kristy Leest


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It is nothing to be ashamed of if it ends up in your litters as long as you don’t breed from it.

We all know that the tailcarrige of the chihuahua is a part of the total outline, so the tail is very important in the breed. So why is it that in once in a while a puppy is born without a tail, a so called natural bobtail? A natural bobtail is an animal’s tail which due to a mutated gene grows unusually short or is missing completely. The genes for the shortened tail may be dominant or recessive. But what is the reason we sometimes see it in our breeding? In one of my very first litters I had a big surprise, a litter of 3 puppies all females which I was happy of course but when I looked close I found out that one puppy had no tail. I was heartbroken, where did it come from? Was the combination that bad? Am I such a bad breeder? All these questions crossed my mind, back then we lived in a dog world where you don’t talk about these kind of things because this would kill your reputation so we stick our heads back in the sand. Well not me as I wanted to learn more. My luck was that internet was just up and we just had a brand new computer and you had loads of email groups you could join, so I shared my info. I got a reply from a breeder in the United States that she also had a natural bobtail in one of her litters...hmm that is odd where does it come from? As far as I know Chihuahua’s always had a tail.

not so long ago in a litter of 7 and it was also a girl. She was all healthy and strong, born naturally and was drinking right away by her mom. I looked at her and it just did not hit me at first but then found out she was a natural bobtail but also she had no anus. Having an anus is a must to have so i had no other choice to put her to sleep. So to have this happen twice to me in the twelve years kept me boggled about natural bobtail in Chihuahua’s. So my search went online to collect information about this mutation in our breed. I know that if I look into my pedigrees or even from other dogs with different lines I know that there are no dogs used who are natural bobtails but of course you don’t know their brothers or sisters in the litter who died with birth or even just after. So this is something you will never know. So I started looking for more information in older breed standards. On the internet I found some older breed standards that where quite interesting from different years from 1923 to 1962 which had more details about natural bobtails.

Unfortunately my little Bobbi, as I called her, did not make it. She died at the age of 8 days. I was heartbroken as I thought I lost the fight. My vet said this just happens and probably there would have been something wrong on the inside as well for her not to make it. This was a little comfort to me but still it was boggling my mind.

Some quotes from older Chihuahua books of Russell E. Kauffman’s book “The Chihuahua” copyright 1952. “Ida Garret declared that the peculiarity of this breed is in the tail, not in the molaro as many believe. She says: “The tail is considered peculiar when one often finds a meaty or fat spot or lump usually mid way in the tail. Below this spot is a break, often bearing a resemblance to having been caught in a door. Also the tail frequently breaks off entirely at this point, leaving a bob tail.” This seems almost incredible, yet we see numerous bob tails, which are not disqualified if so born.

Second time I had a natural bobtail was

“Quoting from breeder, author “Tressa T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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Thurmer’s” book “Pet Chihuahua” copyright 1962: ~ “Tail: moderately long, carried sickle either up or out, or in a loop over the back, with tip just touching the back. (Never tucked under.) Hair on tail in harmony with the coat of the body, preferred furry in smooth coats. In long coats full and long as in a plume. A natural bob, or tailless is permissible if so born.” This was in an AKC Chihuahua standard of 1923. “Tail: moderately long, upper portion meaty and break or kink is felt midway or near end, below which tale finishes to a rat end carried cycle or loop-fashioned. Born bob tails are common and not disqualifying.“ Disqualifications: broken or cropped ears or cropped tail. Then in 1934 the American Chihuahua Club changed the breed standard that was approved by the American Kennel Club stated. Tail: moderately long (when not a natural bob, or tail-less). Carried cycle, either up or out, but never tucked under. Hair on the tail in harmony with coat of the body, preferred furry. Bob-tails and tail-less so born, are not against a good dog. Disqualification: cropped tail, broken down or cropped ears. At the Chihuahua Club of American annual meeting in November 1941 they filed in an other change in the breed standard which is later on approved by board of directors of the American kennel club, April 14, 1942. Tail: moderately long, carried cycle, either up or out, or in a loop over the back, with the tip just touching the back. (Never tucked under.) Hair on the tail in harmony with coat of the body, preferred furry. A natural bob-tail or tail-less per34 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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missible, if so born, and not against a good dog. Disqualification: cropped tail, broken down or cropped ears. In 1953 they revised the AKC Chihuahua standard about the tails that the bobtails are a disqualification. Tail: moderately long, carried cycle either up or out, or in a loop over the back, with tip just touching the back. Never tucked under. Hair on the tail in harmony with the coat of the body, but preferred furry. Disqualifications- cropped tail, broken down or cropped ears. On long coats; two thin coat that resembles bareness. In 1923 it stated that natural bobtails where commen to show and to breed with but you where not allowed to show cropped tails. Where they allowed to be shown before 1923? Who knows? In 1942 the bobtails were becoming less desired as they wanted to breed better long tailed chihuahua’s. In 1953 they disqualified the natural bobs and slowly they disappeared over the years from the shows and breeding but not in the genes. Even though we were not allowed to breed from them they still popped up in the litters but the good breeders eliminated them from the breeding. As we all know genes can travel as a recessive gene for generations and generations until it pops up somewhere. So this is the reason you still see a bobtail pop up every blue moon. Even after 90 years of breeding the natural bobtail gene is not completely eliminated (it carries really deep down in the gene pool). It is nothing to be ashamed of if it ends up in your litters as long as you don’t breed from it.

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AUTHOR Alice Varchi,

HANDLING Dog: BISS Ch. Mewchi Little Devil

ALICE VARCHI Professional Dog Show Handler


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Alice Varchi Show Team - being part of a family.

Dog: WW Ch. Dream Des Etoiles D’Artemis

My very first handling experience was not long ago. I’ve started to be involved in the Dogshow World in 2006 with my first Bedlington Terrier who my family entered at a National Dogshow to spend differently a normal Sunday. I didn’t show our dog there because we had no pale idea of what to do so a friend of the breeder was showing him. Beside of being very interested in the job this guy was doing in the ring, I’ve been immediately fascinated by all those people who were getting their stars ready for the show. The attitudes that some dogs were having while showing themselves was simply catching my attention, I have never thought that a dog could have looked like a model and enjoy the moment as well. After a few questions about the way to train my dog for further events, I was practicing every day. Thanks to my par-

ents’ patience I got the chance to join more shows, competing in Junior Handling too. This way I had the chance to meet different breeds: kind breeders and some handlers were explaining me the particularities of their dogs in both handling and grooming. Moreover I’ve always been very curious and this surely helped me a lot to absorb every little tip they were showing me. In 2007 I had my well known Bedlington “Multi Ch. Velvety I Want It All”, Junior World Winner 2008, JR BEST IN SHOW at Interra 2008, Best of Winners at Eukanuba National 2010 (USA), Best of Winners at Hatboro 2011 (USA) and European Winner 2013. His breeder Lise Nilsson’s inputs about the breed and the grooming developed my view on “Romeo” and with him I had the chance to grow up facing my first International experiences. In the same year I have been awarded TOP JUNT H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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A r t i c l e | Alice Varch

Chris Caviness Photography

Dog: JEW Microschihuas Godfather

IOR HANDLER in Italy and represented my country at the biggest events: • International JH Final at Crufts 2008: 3rd place • World JH Final in Stockholm 2008: 4th place • European JH Final in Budapest 2008: 2nd place Finished my studies at the high school I joined Math, Physics and Sciences’ Faculty at the University in Milan and got two summers times to be so lucky to get some experiences in the USA 48 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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Dog: JEW Microschihuas Godfather

with Ernesto Lara. There I learnt much more of what I have learnt in my small dog shows career before, and I especially learnt that “Learning never ends” and that a good team work means everything. One of the several things I have captured during those months was understanding dog’s psychology and starting from that moment I always try to see situations through the eyes of the dog. In 2012 I have decided that my life would have been a happy life just involved in this World, even if we all know

A r t i c l e | Alice Varch

Dog: JEW Microschihuas Godfather

how political it can be sometimes. I get too much satisfaction from seeing my dog growing mentally step by step and figure out the work on the conditioning than winning a Group or a Best In Show. By the way results are not missing: I am very proud and honored that several dogs belonging to my team have been awarded European and World Winners, Top Dogs and Crufts’s CC. I am normally contacted by breeders with very sensible dogs or also just sensible small breeds. One of these

Dog: JEW Microschihuas Godfather

(but highly tempered) is the Chihuahua. I actually co-own a Chihui Long Coat who won BEST OF BREED at European Show in Geneve 2013 from the junior class, the famous “Microschihuas Godfather”. After this great achievement I have accepted another Chihui in handling who won BEST OF BREED at World Show in Helsinki 2014 from the intermediate class, “I Have A Dream Des Etoiles D’Artemis” and I am now working on a Thai import. Talking about the breed what can I say? When our “Tanguy” sometimes is not T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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A r t i c l e | Alice Varch

Dog: WW Ch. Dream Des Etoiles D’Artemis

home with us, I can feel his presence is really, REALLY, missing. He is quite a character, ruling on Terrier with style! I thinks his being such a tuff boy can also be related to his puppy time as he raised together with my Bedlingtons: he has never discovered he is a small size dog and nobody ever told him. I am totally in love with their being very brave and never pulling themselves back from situations bigger than them. I appreciate a lot Chihuahuas with strong temperaments and the real Chihuahua should be like this: big dog in a small format. Hanging around their rings you see some of them very shy and 50 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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this should be a point which breeders should always try to improve through genetic and socialization. Many times the behaving of a dog makes the difference in the ring – not talking about Chihuis only. You can work it out, don’t worry: be patient and never give up. You need to make your dog feeling self-confident and, in the case of the Chihuahua, bring the ancient Techichi dog raising to the surface! I would like to thanks a lot TheDOGMagazine team for giving me the chance to share a little bit of our history and experience about this little amazing breed.

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AUTHOR Javier Gonzalez Mendikote


JAVIER GONZALEZ MENDIKOTE Professional Dog Show Handler


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A handler, in my opinion, is a person who knows to understand the dogs.

My parents were not dog lovers, but my uncle is a well know breeder and exhibitor and it was him who supported and enlarged my passion for the dogs. As a young boy I used to go every single day to his kennels to help him with cleaning and to play with his dogs, and it was actually him who bought me my first dog, black English Cocker Spaniel Roman de Galican aka Loti. I do not actually remember which one was my first show, but I would think it was for sure a show somewhere near home as I used to attend those quite often in my early days with my Uncle. I started to show his dogs when he would need a person to help out for the breeding group competitions and that is more or less how it all started. I remember winning my first BIS very vividly. I showed an American Cocker owned by my Uncle. His name was Carfi Titiritero aka Lord. It was in Ammurio show in Spain in 2002. After that slowly slowly I was becoming more and more interested in shows and I started my career as the professional handler and groomer some years after. In the beginning I hated the long coated breeds. I remember myself trying every day new cosmetics as I thought there was a special formula, a kind of a special shampoo or conditioner which will make the dogs having fantastic coat without working too much! How wrong I was! Anyhow, as I always wanted to be the best in everything I do, I guess I learned quite fast and hard work and good cosmetics resulted very soon with first champions, then group winners with BIS placements. It is very difficult to say which were my favorite wins as every show and every win with every dog is important and special. But I would say that winning BEST IN SHOW with the Lhasa Zentarr Morgan at the European show in Bucharest under Mr Petru

Muntean was my first really important win. On the same show we won two more groups – with Roma the Wire Dachs and Vigo the Kerry. After that I won two groups at the World dog show in Helsinki, with the young Wire Dachs Dolce Fontana di Trevi and the Maltese Cinecitta Sacha Baron Colen who went on to win also reserve BEST IN SHOW under Hans Lehtinen. Still I must say the most winning dog I ever showed would probably be the Maltese Cinecitta Sacha Baron Colen who was certainly a dog who won the biggest amount of Bests in Show and glamorous wins than any other dog I showed before. During the years I realized Lhasas are certainly my favorite breed. They are so special that once you meet them and fall in love with them you will never be without at least one at home. They have incredible temperament; they are so intelligent and stubborn in the same way but never heavy or too demanding. The reason I started to love Chihuahuas was because their temperament (especially the shorthaired) remind me so much on them. The first Chihuahua I showed was the Longhaired Misty meadow’s Donald Duck aka Paperino who has done some great wins in my hands and was such a great ambassador for the breed. I remember it was such a great responsibility for me to get him as my first Chihuahua to show as he was already a well-known winner all around the world. I was really proud of all his wins later and it was a great feeling to give him back to Tuula and Francesco on the day when he won BOB at the World show in Bratislava. A very special dog for me was the Smooth Chihuahua Misty Meadow’s Orlando Furioso aka Luca because all he became in the show rings was a product of months of me trying to become his best friend! T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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A r t i c l e | Alice Varch


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A r t i c l e | Javier Gonzalez Mendikote

The first time when I got him he only wanted to bite me so I knew it was a hard work waiting for me ahead. He has won so many BIS afterwards and so many important wins and I was extremely proud of each one of them as it was really a result of a perfect team work! After Luca I got a little chocolate girl Misty Meadow’s Kit Kat who was then everything one would ask from a perfect show dog! She was a natural born super star who was stealing the hearts of everyone. You just had to put a lead on her and she shined! Chihuahuas are dogs who need a lot of time

and care to become real professionals in the show rings and this is why during the years I really started to love them. They give you back exactly as much as you invest in your relationship with them. I had a privilege to work with a lot of top quality shorthairs and longhairs and it was always that longer they stayed with me they were only getting better and better. They are so special little dogs with big hearts and working with them is really fun. As they are not really the easiest dogs to show, especially not a kind of a dog that anyone can take in front of the ring and enter, T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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A r t i c l e | Javier Gonzalez Mendikote

I learned that to make a Chihuahua show he needs to love his handler. This is why they are always treated with a lot of attention and care. This is maybe why they remind me so much on Lhasas, as they also do the things only when they want and purely to please the person they love. To many people who attended my handling seminars with Chihuahuas I always advised them to feed them from the hand as a part of the training as it will learn them to concentrate always on you as normally they are good eaters and happy to work for a nice piece of food. I have done some really important wins with 62 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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Chihuahuas during the years including the World and the European titles, RCC at Crufts and also many BIS wins and I am very proud of that. A handler, in my opinion, is a person who knows to understand the dogs, his virtues and faults, who knows how to point the best of him and hide what is not so good. Good handler should be just the end of the lead, not the star but an almost invisible guide who makes a dog being a star. Being professional means bringing always and exclusively top quality dogs in the best condition, nothing less than the best should be

A r t i c l e | Javier Gonzalez Mendikote

acceptable. There is always something new to learn and that makes this job so special.

I am a big lover of dogs and my profession came from my love and passion. This is why I start to be very emotional when showing the dogs and I think not many people understand how much of the hard work is behind every top dog and his success. Living on the road

and sacrificing my private life has become a lifestyle but still the excitement of having a gorgeous dog in my hands means the world to me. There are so many things I am planning to achieve and do, but nothing is a must and I just hope I can continue to enjoy the world of dogs and shows. I have seen so much world and I have meet so many fantastic people and had a privilege to work with so many nice dogs that I can only say I am looking forward to everything there is to come. Hope this short interview helped you understand why I find the life with dogs so special! T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E 路 I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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AUTHOR Bo de Bruijne


BO DE BRUIJNE Dog Show Handler


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My life revolves around our four-legged-friend, the wet-nosed ones, our most loyal friend: The Dog.

My name is Bo de Bruijne, born on December 5th, 1997 and my biggest hobby is the handling of dogs on dogshows.

cided, with the approval of our mum, to also look for a longhair Chihuahua for me, and she found our Gucciy van ‘t Eiland Ouburg.

This passion of mine, started when i was about the age of 8.

This black-white longhaired Chihuahua was breathtaking beautiful and made my heart beat faster.

Our first dog, a white Swiss Shepperd called Yaara Yelan of Yentl’s Yard, was shown by my mum on a clubmatch. My attention was drawn, because I saw all these people running around the ring, trying the best the can to win that fierce desired ribbon. Because I took Yaara for her walk, every day after school, I tried, together with my little sister Romy de Bruijne, to imitate exactly that, one as the judge and the other one as the handler. As long as I could be the handler and Romy would be the judge, the game went perfectly. But when we switched places, the tears would come. This was because Romy could not handle our Yaara, as Yaara was hitting puberty. As result, Romy would no longer join us in our daily activity and wanted a dog of her own. The choice was easily made, the new dog must have an appearance just like Yaara, but preferably as small as possible. After some checking by our mum, the final verdict was that it would have to be Chihuahua, with longhair! And here it was that our love for this breed started. My sister, who is 2 years younger than me, got her longhaired Chihuahua, called Frodo From the LLanos Estacados, as a present for her birthday, which obviously made me very sad. All I wanted was to have such a cute little dog too. So my grandmother de-

Then our mum told us that we could show our dogs ourselves at shows. We, as two little girls, walking amongst the grown-ups and not without success, I must say. Then showing became a challenge and a passion in which I am still not done learning. Despite the experience I gained on shows, I still go with great excitement to shows and with great pleasure every week to ring training. When in 2013, I got Blossom in A Summer Haze Me Milagro, it was my passionate aim to be showing her on a higher level. I proved this on the very first show of the Dutch Chihuahua Club, in which she became Best Baby in Show. I was so proud of our baby Blossom. After having won many shows with her, she finally became Dutch Junior Champ in 2014 and I was selected together with Blossom to compete in the Junior Handling 2014 competition and we could shine together at the Amsterdam Winner Show. This really was the cherry on the cake for me. This year is my last chance to do this again. Also I hope to make Blossom a Dutch Champ and maybe also champ in other countries. I also discovered that i really enjoy handling other breeds, such as the Weimaraner, Newfoundlander, Welsh Corgi Pembroke, Basenji, short haired Chihuahua, and of course the longT H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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A r t i c l e | Bo de Bruijne

haired Chihuahua. In Junior Handling, you must be able to show and handle different breeds. My idol in the Junior Handling is of course Team Miluna, especially Naomi van Mourik, because she is about the same age as I am. I think it is a great achievement for her to win Crufts in England and the World Dog Show, both in the Junior Handling Competition. I would love to match her achievements and because we are living in the same province in Holland, I hope to get in the same school as Naomi. My other wishes for the future are to be able to show some of our young dogs to their champion title one day, to show dogs for others and to finish my education Canine Knowledge 1, with good grades!. My life revolves around our four-legged-friend, the wet-nosed ones, our most loyal friend: The Dog. Lovely regards from Bo de Bruijne


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AUTHOR Romy de Bruijne


ROMY DE BRUIJNE Dog Show Handler

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A r t i c l e | Romy de Bruijne

My sister already described how we got infected with the Chihuahua-virus.

lin-outfit at the kennel club of Waalwijk and won a very cool radio.

Although I am not showing as long as my sister, it has become a big passion of mine as well. But, I also am involved with other animals, especially horses.

Because I sadly enough, with my Princess, never could enter the baby or puppy classes and my dream was to achieve with my own dog, same as my sister Bo achieved with Blossom, we had decided to, after seeing pictures of Oeno Fancy Blue Uggs at Karolina’s, to make a reservation for her as our future show dog.

I am currently doing my school education at the animal-horseclass in Tilburg and i am in third grade of the Trade-college. One of our Chihuahua’s is Oeno Disco Squirrel and she is a remarkable and beautiful girl, bred and born at the kennel of Karolina Kunigelyte in Lithuania. She was our first Chihuahua we bought abroad and she arrived at our place at the age of 7 months. She looked so pretty when we opened the travel-cage, but she also was really shy. This made it for me the ultimated challenge to bond with her, it meant putting in a lot of time, love, patience, but also disappointment when things did not go as i so dearly hoped for. Then one Saturday, when we decided to go to a social event for the Chihuahua, I did not hesitate one moment to bring along my Princess. This turned out to be a very good decision, as when i arrived there, i could participate in a so called fun-show and there I even exceeded myself to shine with her and she even became the Most Beautiful Chihuahua of the day!. The first step towards professional dogshow-handling, was made. This shy little girl was blooming, something I so fiercely desired. I already had some experience in handling on shows with my first chihuahua Frodo From Llanos Estacados with whom I also participated in a dogkid-show and became first in my gob70 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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I was so happy when we could finally go and pick her up, after all those lovely photo’s and movies which Karolina send to me every other day. I could not wait to enter her for shows and to show her. At her first outing and then it was me to show of my dog in the Ring of Honour with our little baby Uggs, that was so awesome! As a role model I have my sister Bo, but also one that every Junior Handler admires, is Naomi van Mourik. My dream is to shine at Crufts and to show other breeds as well. But also to earn my diploma in education Canine Knowledge 1. And one day I hope to have a litter of one of our own Chihuahua’s and watch them grow up. My love for all animals is huge, but choosing between a horse and a dog is difficult for me. I would not want to miss my Princess and Uggs for a million. Lovely regards from Romy de Bruijne

A r t i c l e | Romy de Bruijne

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AUTHOR Lynne Llewellyn-MacLellan

PHOTOS Lynne Llewellyn-MacLellan


MINEGOLD KENNELS My first Chihuahua was purchased in 1964 and as they say I was bitten or smitten with the breed. I bred off and on between life and children and most recently for the last 27 years. 74 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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Minefold Kennels, Canada

Meeting and partnering with Mrs. Keith Thomas, the founder of MINEGOLD was truly a dream come true. She taught me so much in a few short years and afforded me introductions to breeders that were elusive to me in the past. I shall never forget her last words to me, “enjoy the dogs and have fun”. I try very hard to remember! Dog shows come and go and for the most part we all seem to enjoy our sport and or hobby as for most of it this is still a great one. The art and sport of the purebred dogs and shows has evolved, just like any other sport. We all have honed our craft and no one enters a dog to loose, at least I’ve not met anyone over the decades. Judges and exhibitors alike do their tasks and we hope in the end what we have produced is placed, and with hard work, a champion. The majority of the males in our home are titled front and back as we feel this makes a much more balanced dog for us. I like the fact that there are still people out there that are astounded to see Chihuahuas, and or toy dogs in general in trails. For me it is a feeling of accomplishment and the time spent with each one is precious to me. I feel all our dogs are success, whether in shows or not. The lines are proof in themselves. My breeding program has always been for myself. On occasion I have been able to send dogs to Europe, Thailand, Australia and in a few select spots here in the Americas for show and eventually for their programs. Most of these have been finished here in Canada. Then go on to their new homes to achieve still more titles and be loved. The ones we have kept here in Canada I title and go to a few places with them to hopefully achieve titles there as well. We have fun. The few pets that I have

placed are kept till six months of age when they have been altered, inoculations to date, and by then these pets are fully housebroken, trained to a lead and have manners. You may ask if I have a problem as most folks want a baby puppy, my answer is no. If I have someone looking for that specific puppy they are welcome to find one and I help them as much as possible with in the Club. Consumers clamor for dog that looks like a bobble head and bug eyes, the people who try to produce this cartoon-like creature are what’s hurt our breed the most. Of course these aren’t reputable breeders ----why would a breeder of any breed want to breed health issues? Because a Hollywood actress or noted artists of the arts has a breed the public runs for them. This has NEVER been the reason to own an animal. They are a huge part of the family and when you treat them as a bangle or purse accessories I shutter. When I look back at the older shots I own of the Chihuahuas of yester year, they have not changed so much. Again breeders trying to shorten muzzles, and or carve a long coat into shape is a “no no” for me, but I am not a judge. They are not a brachycephalic breed, so why try to make them one? The standard is very straight forward and again education is needed by all of us. I am forever reading new articles on health and as more of us are open about our programs and issues related to the breed, the more we all will benefit. Breeders have come a long way in socializing skills. I believe they will continue to progress towards having a perfect depiction of the breed standard, which includes temperament and health. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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AUTHOR Marco Tomei

PHOTOS Marco Tomei Archive


THAT’S AMORE FROM ITALY That’s Amore is my Prefix, it is the name of a perfume line of my partner Gai Mattiolo and That’s Amore is my feeling for the breed.


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That’s Amore, Italy

THAT’S AMORE IN MAUI WORLD WINNER 2014 EUROPEAN CHAMPION 2013 VICE JUNIOR WORLD WINNER 2013 International Champion (pending) Italian Champion Finnish Champion Panamerican Champion Colombian Champion Portugal Champion Israel Champion Gibralter Champion Marocco Champion Cyprus Champion Romanian Champion Iberic Champion Colombian Junior Champion Italian Junior Champion San Marino Junior Champion Cyprus Junior Champion Georgian Junior Champion Romanian Junior Champion Cyprus Grand Champion Romanian Grand Champion Vesuvio Winner 2013 Insubria Winner 2013 Porto Winner 2014 Mediterranean Winner 2014 Aphrodite Winner 2014 Benelux Winner 14 FINNISH WINNER 2014 BOB at WDS ‘14 (199 chihuahuas l.c.) 1 Supreme BIS at EURO BLACKSEA CUP 2014 4XBEST IN SHOW 1XBEST IN SHOW-2 1XBEST IN SHOW-3 1xBISS-3 5xBIS Junior,2x BISJ-3, 1xBISJ-2 BISS J-2 9xBOG 8x BOG-2 4xBOG-3 1x BOG-4

My name is Marco Tomei, I was born in a small town near Rome. Since my childhood I have a big love for all kind of animals. My father owned a big pet shop and after school i loved to spend time at my fathers shop, because I loved playing with animals. Looking at them and taking care of them. Long after my school days my love for animals was unchanged, especially for dogs and finally my dream became true when 13 years ago my sister, in occasion of my birthday, gift-

ed me a lovely long coated Chihuahua. Her name was Eva, and I became totally crazy for my Chihuahua and for this little but strong breed. Eva became my shadow and a beloved little friend and I loved her so much that i decided to start my own breeding. My first experience was a disaster, even If I did everything is humanly possible to avoid all problems, my little Eva died shortly after the birth of a little tricolor female, it was very hard for me. I was devastated by the death of Eva but I had to take care of the little baby. I remember when every two hours I had to nurse the baby, when I slept for three months close to her with the fear of hurting her during the sleep and when I was so happy when for the first time her weight grew 5 gr in one day. She is really my baby Tyra. I definitely fell in love with the Chihuahua breed and that was the reason why i decided to study the breed ad all its features and I started to look for my Chihuahuas all over the world. I attended my first show as a visitor, I went there with a friend of mine who had to show his dog. I was so fascinated by that new world that I decided to start showing my little Spanish Chihuahua, Diosa De Ebano De Puerto Princesa aka Twiggy. We traveled all over the world, every weekend in a different show, in two years my Twiggy won more than 27 Champion titles. During that time I had the opportunity to meet a lot of famous breeders and very important exhibitors and to see all the best dogs in the dog scene at that moment. I was very lucky to meet Francesco Cochetti and his wife Tuula Lehetinen Couchette, they trusted me and gave T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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THAT’S AMORE JOE DI MAGGIO INNAMORATO International Champion (pending) Finnish Champion Polish Champion Baltic W’13 Nordic W’13 Polish Club W’14 Insubria W’14

me some show dogs and they became my menthors and my friends. One of my dogs, bred by them, Show me tha Way Di San Gimignano aka Gaio, became with me one of the most winning long coated Chihuahua ever! He was European Winner 2012, Multi Champion of many countries and BIS Winner. I was also lucky to meet another famous breeder, Federica Depau and also with her I started a beautiful great friendship. Also from Federica I learned so much and I will be forever grateful to her for our Nathan, Sweet Indeed 78 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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Orlando Innamorato, who has been so important in my breeding as he is the father of my Top Champions and he is also a great family member, one of my parent’s greatest love. Thanks to Francesco, Frederica and Tuula I have built the foundation of my kennel. That’s Amore is my Prefix, it is the name of a perfume line of my partner Gai Mattiolo and That’s Amore is my feeling for the breed. Since 7 years I am a member of ENCI (Italian Kennel Club) and FCI, during the period I have attended to more than 500 dog shows

A r t i c l e | That’s Amore


(GAIO) EUROPEAN CHAMPION 2012 International Champion Sweedish Champion Finnish Champion Italian Champion Portoguall Champion Austrian Champion Croatian Champion Greek Champion Israelian Champion Colombian Champion Romanian Champion Cyprus Champion Azerbajan Champion Bulgarian Champion Turkish Champion Ukrainan Champion Philippines Champion Moldovian Champion Georgian Champion Balkan Champion Bulgarian Grand Champion Romanian Grand Champion Finnish Junior Winner 2010 (CAC at only 9 months 3th best male on 29 males in the ring), Italian J Ch (Giovane promessa ENCI), Slovenia Toy Club Speciality Junior Winner 2010, Slovenian Junior Winner 2010, Vesuvio Winner 2011, Insubria Winner 2011, Helsinki Winner 2011, FINNISH WINNER 2011, Romanian Derby Winner 2012, Blacksea Winner 2012 2xBABY BIS 1xBABY BIS-2 2xPUPPY BIS-2 1xPUPPY BIS-3 1XJUNIOR BIS 1xJUNIOR BIS-3 78xBOB 15xBOG 8xBOG-2 10xBOG-3 1xBOG-4 1xBEST IN SHOW 2xRESERVE BEST IN SHOW 5xBIS-3 1x BISS

worldwide (England, Denmark, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Israel, Columbia, Holland, Belgium, Austria ETC) I have attended to the most important dog shows like Finnish Winner, Amsterdam Winner, Mediterranean Winner, Crufts and European and World Dog Shows, with excellent results. At the World Dog Show 2013 in Buda-

pest my own bred male That’s Amore in Maui was Vice Junior WW and after 3 months, at only 15 months of age, my boy won European Winner Title in Geneva. Helsinki World Dog Show 2014 was for me a dream that became true, 199 Chihuahua Long Coat entered, the most winning dogs int he ring and my That’s T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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Amore in Maui won World Winner title and Best of Breed, my other dog That’s Amore Joe Di Maggio Inamorato won a strong open class and was 3rd Best Male and my lovely Sweet Indeed That’s Amore in Fashion Style aka Morgan, bred by Federica Depau was 3rd Best Junior Male. I was crying for 2 hours, something to remember forever. In additions to my two Top Champions, I have bred several quality Chihuahuas who make me proud winning the rings all over the world! I’m a young breeder, for all my success and for all the things i know about this breed I have to thank Francesco

Chochetti (Di San Gimignano), Federica Depau (Sweet Indeed) and Tuula Lehtinen (Misty Meadows). They represent the history of the Chihuahua breed! Passion, devotion and huge love for this breed and the attention about the health and genetic are things that they have taught to me. They are very important people for me and from them I most learn a lot. I think it is very important that breeders cooperate and support each other. Last but not least I want to thank my partner Gia Mattiolo who shares with me this passion, who has given me the chance to do everything I did and who is the love of my life!

DIOSA DE EBANO DE PUERTO PRINCESA 50 CAC 35 CACIB 35 BOB 1xBOG 1xBOG2 1X RES.BIS 1X BISS International Champion Sweeden Champion Spain Champion Portugal Champion Italian Champion Belgium Champion Greek Champion Austrian Champion Croatian Champion Romanian Champion Bulgarian Champion Makedonian Champion Montenegro Champion Romanian Grand Champion Belgium Winner 2009 Insubria Winner 2009 Romanianchampionship Winner 2009 Balcanik Ch 2010 Romanianchampionship Winner 2010 Austrian klubwinner 2010 Belgium WINNER 2010


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A r t i c l e | That’s Amore

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AUTHOR Lene N Kalleklev

PHOTOS Lene N Kalleklev Archive


CHIDELIA CHIHUAHUAS Officially Top Breeders 2011


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Chidelia Chihuahuas, Norway Lene N Kalleklev,

How did Chidelia kennel come to life? (in which year

did you start and where did the love for chihuahuas come from) I got my first Chihuahua in 1995. I have always loved animals and especially dogs and since I was very small it was dog who were at the top of my wishlist. I wanted my own dog throughout all my childhood, but because my parents would not have it, it ended up that I looked after all the dogs in my neighbors daily instead :) But when I was 17, my parents was obviously tired of the endless bustle about my own dog and they agreed that I should buy my own - but on one condition and that was that it had to be small! I would love to have a big dog, but a small dog was better than nothing so I started studying the various toydog breeds and when I came to Chihuahua I was very fascinated by what I read. That this little dog was described as the world’s smallest breed also was described as “the world’s biggest dog in the world’s smallest body” was something that fascinated me and I was very curious on the breed and contacted a breeder in my hometown Bergen. She had accidentally a lovely small and promising female puppy home that she was going to keep herself, but I was lucky and got to buy her! But the breeder wanted then that I would take her to a show because she was so promising and had already won BIS puppy at her first puppy show, so I promised to do this and when she was junior I debuted on my first show with her. Little “Tara” as she was called got Exellent, Honours Prize and a brilliant critique of the judge and I was bitten by exhibition there and then and this was the start of a long and wonderful adventure in my dog show and breeding career. It

went some years before I chose to focus on breeding - the first few years it was dogshows that was my priority, but after some years I notified the interest for breeding and creating something by myself with the breed and in year 2000 became my Kennel Chidelia registered.

Which dogs where imported to you and your breeding? why where they so important? All my dogs have a special place in my heart. They have given me so much of both love and great pleasures in showing and breeding. But my very first Chihuahua “Tara” was a dog with an unforgettable personality. She was never used for breeding due. various errors, but she had an incredible winning personality and was loved by all! But in my breeding work with the breed, there are several who have meant extremely much for the structure of my kennel. When I decided to start breeding with the breed I spent a long time studying it. In this time the Internet was a new tool, but then I was lucky and got a job where I had access to this in the late 90’s, so I used every available moment to search around the web for “the perfect Chihuahua” and then I came across Misty Meadows and DI San Gimignano kennel in Italy, I knew I had found what I was looking for! This was the beginning of a long and valuable teamwork and friendship with Tuula and Francesco and I can never thank them enough for all the wonderful quality dogs that they have the trusted to me through all the years. These dogs are the main base of my breeding and is the foundation and backbone to Chidelia! T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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A r t i c l e | Chidelia Chihuahuas

WORLDWINNER-10,INT CH Chidelia Bella Celina (She is the mother to many of my topwinners and has been gold to me, so one of my most important bitches) WORLD WINNER-00, Finwë-01, INT CH Multi Ch Misty Meadows Mickey Mouse WORLD WINNER-06, EUROPANW-07, INT Ch, Multi Ch & Multi Winn Misty Meadow`s Doris Speed EUROPEANW-07, INT Ch, Multi Ch Misty Meadow`s A Vogue Chanel N CH NORDIC JW-08 Misty Meadow`s Light My Fire WORLD WINNER-12, EUROPEANJW-11, INT & NORD CH Misty Meadow`s O Sole Mio All these dogs have contributed so much to my breeding! In addition to a sucessful cooperation with one of the oldest Chihuahua kennels we have in Norway- Dagfrid Skartveit at Kennel Bel Ami Chis. From one of our cooperation here with a mating of WW-00, Multi Ch Misty Meadows Mickey Mouse & Dagfrid bitch Panderosa`s Rosita we got our legendary WORLD WINNER-08, Multi CH Multi Winner, INT CH, NR 1 TOPWINNING Chihuahua in Norway four years in a row Bel Ami Chis Angelino. And “Angelino” is also a dog that has given us incredible much in both showing and breeding!


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A r t i c l e | Chidelia Chihuahuas

Who was your mentor in breeding dogs and what is the main thing you still keep in the back of your mind with breeding? (the advise a mentor will give to keep standing in breeding to create a good stock) Cooperation with Tuula and Francesco Cochetti and Dagfrid Skartveit are those that have meant the most to me through the creation of my own breeding. I have learned much from studying how they have worked with the breed! In addition, my very best friend Day Løken at the world famous Pomeranian Kennel Tiny Jewels has always been by my side and always given me advice and guidance. I have received many valuable and good advice of these and of course other friends through the years, but the advice I’ve learned the most of and which I received from Francesco is to focus on the whole dog when you breed and especial a good construction and not just be blind on a gorgeous head ! It takes longer time to create a wellconstructed dog then a gorgeous head ! For me is the totality is always important - I would never use only a dog only because of a great pedigree or a good head. I must like the whole dog more or less. I will have the whole package both with a shapely body without major errors and the breed typical Chihuahua head with big, expressive eyes! Big eyes is a must for me!!!! 88 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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A r t i c l e | Chidelia Chihuahuas

Can you share us one of your geatest memory your dogs have given you in all those years. I have had so many wonderful moments with my dogs through the years that it’s hard to just pull out a few! But the victories at all the Worldwinner shows and European shows and all Winner shows we’ve won are the events that have a special place in my memories! Winning on these large, prestigious shows in competition with top dogs from around the world is an extreme sense! And of course all the BEST IN SHOW victories! It is a wonderful feeling, not to mention a great honor when your dog is the most beautiful dog at a show! We have won many BIS and BISS with our dogs and not to forget all the many BISS at all the breed specialities that we have attended and these wins are also wonderful memories! However, to take forward any specific highlight it must be the years when our Multi Ch and Multi Winner Bel Ami Chis Angelino won everything he was involved in! We had an amazing career together and especially in 2008 when he became the WORLD WINNER, Swedish winner, Copenhagen Winner, Nordic Winner, DKK breed winner, BIS on several shows, Countless group placements on major INT exhibitions, most winning Chihuahua in Norway and mostwinning Toydog in Bergen !!! He loved to be in the ring, he loved to show off and it was so fun to be in the ring with him because of that! T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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INFO 1 If you wish to support our club and to stay informed on what’s new, please become a member of our breed club, the English Bulldog Club Netherlands (EBCN).

2 For more information on our beloved breed, and the mandatory health/breeding suitability tests, please contact us at: (have a look at our website:

Although the Chihuahua was first registered in Canada in 1928, it took vision and six decades for it to come to fruition under the direction of one determined woman, Edna St. Hilaire. On April 25, 1988, the Canadian Kennel Club formally accredited the breed’s national Club - The Chihuahua Club of Canada. Its guiding light, first President and still in the Chair today, Edna is a well-respected fixture nationally and internationally as a dedicated breeder, competitive exhibitor and International judge. Her breeding program began in 1970 which evolved from a lifelong passion for the Breed. Hilaire is a respected name in the Breed having produced within a small, select breeding program, a #1 Smooth Coat in Canada with every generation, many having the added distinction of being ranked among the Top Ten Toys in the country; topped off with #1 Toy Dog in Canada in 1983 establishing a Breed Record. The Chihuahua Club of Canada (CCC) was established to encourage and promote the responsible breeding and ownership of quality purebred Chis. Club Membership embraces Breeder/ Exhibitors in conformation, obedience, rally, performance sports, therapy work and individuals whose passion and dedication for the breed is displayed proudly in responsible companion ownership. Members who endeavour towards a breeding program are expected to accept, study and address, not only the salient points of the Breed but also to strive to develop the nuances that make an outstanding Chihuahua stand out in the show ring. The Club offers educational opportunities for its Membership, the dog show community and the general public through its website – http://chihuahuaT H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

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A r t i c l e | The Chihuahua Club of Canada ; its bi-annual Specialties, Breed presentations, Newletters, and its ongoing involvement in rescue and referral. In effect, as of January 1, 2008, after a long-fought battle with the Canadian Kennel Club, CCC President Edna St. Hilaire, succeeded in her campaign to guarantee the purity of the Chihuahua gene pool in the country when CKC included “merle” as a Breed disqualification. To add in ensuring this protection for the breed, as of September l, 2OlO, any Canadian or foreign-born Chihuahua with the merle coat pattern is not eligible for CKC registration. In addition, any Chihuahua emanating from


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a parent exhibiting the merle pattern is also not accepted for registration purposes. Since 1988, the Chihuahua Club of Canada has provided an ongoing source of education, support and encouragement for all who are passionate about and caring towards the Breed. CCC, its officers and directors, strive to ensure that those who have the best interest of the Breed, however they choose to be involved with the Chihuahua, find a welcoming home within the Club trusting that a responsible, continued presence watches out for the small-but-mighty dog with such a big heart.

A r t i c l e | From the Heart of the English Bulldog Club Netherlands

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INTCH ISCH Islands-Isafoldar Kolka AROUND


ISCH Himna Simbi


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The Chihuahua is a relatively new breed in Iceland as the first dogs were registered in Iceland in 1994 and 1995 and the first litter was registered with the Icelandic Kennel Club (HRFI) in 1995.

ISCH Himna Simbi

The first Chihuahuas were imported from Scandinavia and England and the first 7 became a foundation on which most of the breed has been based on here were and they are: Tiddy’s Panama (Bonny-Bell Pajasso Shimmer N’ Charm + Tiddy’s Honey) ISCH Bonny-Bell Masked Bandito (INTCH SUCH NUCH NW-89-91 SW90-91 Bonny-Bell Topflighter + SUCH Bonny-Bell Vanilla Eyes at Midnight) Bonny-Bell Stay Happy Go Lucky (INTUCH SUCH NUCH SW-92 Skuggfaxes Skampi Simon + Bonny-Bell Marlena)

ISCH CQ Hrimnis Hallo Kisa

NUCH ISCH Bubbelina’s Empty Pockets (INTUCH NUCH SUCH Tom Puss Himself + Bubbelina’s Best Kept Secret) Jimauds Miss Prim (Amichis Ace + Bramble Fancypants at Jimauds) Jimauds Plum Fairy (Amichis Ace + Bramble Fancypants at Jimauds) NUCH SUCH ISCH Mars-Viola Canina (Svian’s Sabre Principe + Little Juli Surprise) There are 3 more dogs imported in the first 10 years of the breed who have had a big impact on the breed here and can be found in many pedigrees:

ISCH Brjansstada Mozart

In 1997 came Hollanli’s Chistal Estevan (INTCH NORDCH SW-93 Noble Art Golden Wonder + NUCH SUCH Tervick’s Christal Clear Catitzi). In 1999 Bel Ami Chi’s I’m The Boss (INTCH NORDUCH SUCH NUCH DKCH Sero Irish Cream of Rossanty + Bel Ami Chi’s Kita-Cosette). In 2003 came ZZman’s Rain Dance (with his sister ZZman’s Ice Dancer who unfortunatly didn’t produce any puppies, out of FINUCH ZZman’s Licence To Dance + Nikoli’s Sweet Touch). T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 3 / 2 0 1 5

Islands-Isafoldar Jamm Jamm

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A r t i c l e | The Chihuahua in Iceland

The breed has grown a lot here in rather few years. There are very few active breeders here in Iceland and the normal amount of born puppies per year is between 40 and 50 (in 12 to 18 litters). The long coat has always been more popular in Iceland and there are usually twice as many long coats at each show than smooth coats. It is extremely costly to import dogs to Iceland as there is a mandatory 4 week quarantine so the import cost alone is over 1500 Euros that adds to the price of the puppy/dog. Fortunately breeders abroad have been willing to send dogs for leasing so it has been possible to get new blood without extreme cost. The Icelandic Chihuahua Club was founded on May 18th 2005 and celebrates it’s 10 year anniversary with a show this spring. For a pedigree registration in the Icelandic Kennel Club (HRFI) every Chihuahua bred must have a valid patella check, a check done before a dog reaches two years of age is valid for one year. A check done after the dog reaches two years of age is valid for life. Also all bred dogs must have been eye examined no more than 13 months before breeding.

The most winning veteran is C.I.B. ISCH RW-13 Himna Sol which finished last year (2014) as the number 1 veteran of all breeds at almost 12 years of age! (She also finished the year as the top long coat). At the International Show in Reykjavik last September (2014) was the first time Crufts Qualification was awarded in Iceland. Long coat: ISCH Hrimnis Hallo Kisa and C.I.B. ISCH Rosalago MM’s Xavier as well as Hrimnis Ising from juniors. Smooth coats: ISCH Himna Simbi. Here are the most winning dogs of last year, top 3 in each coat: Long coats #1 - C.I.B. ISCH RW-13 Himna Sol, female born 21.1.2003 (INTCH ISCH Brjansstada Dagur Snaer + Brjansstada Birta) #2 - ISCH Hrimnis Hallo Kisa, female born 21.8.2012 (ISCH RW-13 Stekkur Edward Zidane + Hrimnis Litla Froken Ovaent) #3 – C.I.B. ISCH Rosalago MM’s Xavier, male born 14.7.2010 (LTCH LVCH EECH Helmiaisen Legend of Sun + Misty Meadows Rocksinger)

We also have a rule that no puppies from merle parents will be registered even if there is not a single merle in the country.

Smooth coats

The most winning Chihuahua in Iceland was INTCH ISCH Islands-Isafoldar Angantyr (NUCH ISCH Bubbelina’s Empty Pockets + NUCH SUCH ISCH Mars-Viola Canina) as he is the only Chihuahua who won BIS at an all breed show which he did twice! Both in 1998 and again in 2000.

#2 – Himna Jafar, male born 22.10.2012 (C.I.B. FICH ISCH Helmiaisen Twilight + Philfort Olga for Hima)


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#1 – ISCH RW-13 RW-14 Himna Huginn, male born 23.1.2012 (C.I.B. FICH ISCH Helmiaisen Twilight + Himna Pía)

#3 – ISCH Himna Simbi, male born 4.6.2011 (C.I.B. FICH ISCH Helmiaisen Twilight + C.I.B. ISCH Himna Lotta Skotta)

CIB ISCH Himna Sol

CIB ISCH Rosalago MMs Xavier

Conan Catchas Pop Up the World

Himna Jafar

Hrimnis Litli Vargur

INTCH ISCH Islands-Isafoldar Angantyr

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Adnan Üke English Pointer Breeder, Owner, Group 7-8-9-10 (national judge)

I was born in Istanbul, Turkey. I got my first dog in 1988. It was a Deutsch Kurzhaar named Tommy. After that, I owned and bred English Pointers, English Setters and some more Kurzhaars. Pointers have always been a passion for me. Right now, I only own two English Pointers. My interest in dogs started with hunt dogs because I am an hunter. Actually, I started hunting because of my interest of dogs. Watching their stance and work while hunting gives me joy. I am both in the board of Turkish Kennel Club (KIF) and a national judge of FCI group 7,8,9 and 10. At the same time, I am a field trial and hunting test judge. I started my judging career in 2010. I was encouraged and mentored by Milivoje Urosevic. KIF was founded in 2006 and it doesn’t have an old history. In 2010, it became a contracted member of FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale).


Üke ‘den

Other than hunt dogs, I have an interest in group 9 dogs because of their cuteness. These dogs are appropriate to live in house. Unfortunately, because of my wife (she is too cleanly J ), I can only


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Show my love to them at shows. In 9th group, Chihuahua is the one which attracts me most. Even though it is small, it is still brave, clever, lively, proud and venturesome. I like its instinct to follow its owner and be close to them. SOME OF THE SHOWS THAT I JUDGED CHIHUAHUAS • MOLDOVA 16.02.13 “National Dog Show CAC” • TURKEY İZMİR 18.01.2015 “National Dog Show CAC” • TURKEY BURSA, 02.08.2014 “National Dog Show CAC” • TURKEY STAR DOGS IN ISTANBUL 11.10.2014 “National Dog Show CAC” • TURKEY STAR DOGS AT DOGGY FEAST IN IZMIR CAC 30.08.2014 • TURKEY BODRUM 27.07.2013 “National Dog Show CAC” • TURKEY ANKARA 14.09.2014 “National Dog Show CAC”

Arne Schwarz I started in dogs in my childhood in the known El-Chiquitin Kennel (Chihuahuas, Chinese Crested Dogs, Pomeranian, Shar-Pei).

breeder, specialty judge, Chihuahuas and some breeds from FCI-group IX and V

This Kennel was founded by Joachim Weinberg in 1963. Since my 26. year of life I’m breeding and showing in Kennel-Partnership with him. He was a wonderful teacher in breeding and judging dogs with enthusiasm and the right feeling for quality. After I finished my studies in law, I’m judge, first for Chihuahuas, later for other breeds from FCI-group IX and V, also junior-handling for all breeds. I judged until now club-matches and title-shows in Germany, Denmark, Finland, Austria, Sweden, France, Slovakia, Estonia, Netherlands and Belgium. Judging is a question of knowledge and feeling for harmony, type and soundness. I take a look for the qualities of a dog, not for the disadvantages. Judging is a passion for me. GERMANY


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