The DOG Magazine-ISSUE 02/2015 English Bulldog

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HI, Our goal with this magazine is to promote responsible breeding and dog ownership and to encourage ethical conduct and responsible breeding of purebred dogs. Our vision is to help promote responsible pet ownership and improve the quality of life of every dog show dog or pet. We make it our goal to provide the most up to date and honest information every dog

owner should know.

THE DOG MAGAZINE NO. 2 Februar 2015 路 EDITOR | GRAPHIC DESIGN Ewa Larson, Natasja Rutters, Sne啪ka Kuralt

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THE TEAM EWALARSON My name is Ewa Larsson, Britisher Show Bulldogs we are situated in Canterbury, England. My kennel was established in 1992. My bulldogs live with me inside my house and are raised in a loving environment as one of the family. I believe this approach is reflected in the behaviour of my dogs. Health, a correct temperament and dogs of the highest quality are my goal. Since Spring 2006, I am on the Bulldog Club Inc committee. The Bulldog Club Inc is the oldest Bulldog club in the world, and holds the prestigious Bulldog of the Year Show. I am a Bulldog Breed Specialist Judge currently on “ B” list. I am member of : The Bulldog Club Incorporated, The London Bulldog Society, The South of England Bulldog Society, The Junior Bulldog Club. My affix “ Britisher” is derived from a noun Brit·ish·er which stands for: “An Englishman- a subject or inhabitant of Great Britain”. Please feel free to visit our website.

NATASJARUTTERS “A little story about who I am and what I do” We live in a small town in southern Netherlands near the Belgium border. I always loved dogs and in particular the Bulldog. And when I got my own place … there was my first English bulldog. For many years I was surrounded by the love of these beautiful dogs. At the moment I share my house with 2 French Bulldogs, who also have a wonderful character only in a smaller body With my male Ch. Carte Truffé Kangaroo Kiss ‘Sydney’ (import Finland) I regularly take part of dog shows in the Netherlands and abroad. I am a member of the Hollandse Bulldog Club and the English Bulldog Club Netherlands. Beside designing and spending time with my dogs I love to be creative, like painting and photography. For more information about my dogs and work

I first started to be seriously involved in Cynology, when I bought my first Rhodesian ridgeback (Cubo) from breeder Mr. Andrej Fister – Kyala kennel. Since I had had a ridgeback, I wanted to spent some time and communicate with people who own the same breed. So I became involved and was one of the founding members of Club of Rhodesian ridgeback Slovenia. I was chief of organization of our first special show for Rhodesian ridgebacks in Slovenia. The show entered more than 50 dogs, which was a very nice number for such a small country. We even got Mr. Hans Mueller as a judge, for our first club show, even though the show was not CAC awarded. Soon after, I began my apprenticeship for a Cynology judge, and in January 2011 I acquired a license to judge Rhodesian ridgebacks.

I was born and raised in Southern Slovenia, in a small town called Senovo. By education I am a graphic designer and landscape architect. Currently I am employed in Landscape and GIS Company, where I am a head of marketing and education department.

I currently own two Rhodesian ridgebacks Cubo and Cana. Cubo, his pedigree name is Myollnir Kyala, is one of the most successful show ridgebacks in Slovenia and has always makes me proud. He is 8 years old now and he is calm and mostly a gentleman. Cana (Dikeledi Ayaba) is our female ridgeback, five years old; she brings joy to my life with her silly stunts and happy nature. Cana was imported from Croatia, from Ayaba kennel.

I always felt a great love toward animals, especially dogs. Dogs and cats were always around when I was little and I guess it was meant that that part of my love in life stays with me even in my adulthood.

In my free time I make small products for dog owners, mostly for Rhodesian ridgeback lovers and do different graphic designs for all breeds.


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AUTHOR Jen Currie // Karazma Show Bulldogs, Australia

PHOTOS Tatiana Katsai


BULLDOG AND THE HEAT! Keep your bulldog cool in a hot summer day, or in any hot day- heat stroke can kill your bulldog! 12 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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From the Down Under about the Bulldog and the heat

You should always have a bag of ice on hand over summer months, if you cannot get to a vet, I find what takes the swelling down it ice, I fill there mouth up with ice an hold it shut, so the the cold water from the ice runs down into there throat, and I put a real cold towel on there head, as there brain swells as well, but yes an bath tub or a running hose is good, but I have found the ice in the mouth one of the best. Heat stroke is an emergency. It can be life threatening. It is important that a bulldog owner learn to recognize the signs since the dog will require immediate treatment. Bulldogs as with most short-faced breeds do not tolerate high temperatures as well as we humans.

SIGN OF HEAT STROKE Heat stroke is evident by the typical appearance of the dog, and it can be confirmed by taking the dog temperature. Heat stroke begins with rapid,

Heat stroke is an emergency frantic noisy breathing. The tongue and the inside of the mouth are bright red. The dog’s saliva is thick and hangs in drools or it may appear frothy. The dog may frequently vomit. The eyes have a frantic bulbous look. Your bulldog will be in serious trouble if these signs go unheeded as within a very short time the dog’s lips and tongue turn blue and the eyes may glaze over. The dog becomes unsteady and staggers, it may have diarrhea and it will become progressively weaker. Coma and death can follow. All this can happen in a short space of time!

TREATMENT Action must be taken at once if you suspect your bulldog is overheating. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 2 / 2 0 1 5

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Mild cases respond to being moved into a cooler surrounding and frequent cold water offered. If the dog is showing more serious signs as described above you should cool him down by covering (hose down with a garden hose that is the best way or in your bathroom in the shower) with cold water paying attention to the neck- chest-and below the stomach keep covering him with water until the breathing slows down, them dry him and move to a cooler place. Heat stroke can be accompanied by swelling of the throat (the dog will roar or rasp when breathing) this aggravates the problem by reducing airflow


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causing the dog to panic and get even more stressed. The situation requires veterinary treatment at once, the vet will usually administer a cortisone injection to reduce the swelling.

PREVENTION Do not expose your bulldog to prolonged heat. Restrict exercise during the heat of the day and never take the dog out for a longer walk in the mid sun. Provide shade and water for your dog if the dog is enjoying the garden. Do not let your bulldog get over excited or stressed during hot weather.

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AUTHOR Walter Strikkers, vet.

PHOTOS Walter Strikkers, vet.



A Dutch Bulldog vet reflects upon the changes in the Bulldog in Holland during the past 20 years 16 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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The Dutch Kennel Club has introduced new health rules ( 2014)

The physique of the Bulldog can be explained from the fact that he has been used for bull baiting from the 13th to the 18th century. The bull could have taken the dog more easily on his horns, when the dog was normal legged on his front. This explains the low-legged construction of the Bulldog’s front. To maintain sufficient jumping power in his hindquarters, the hind legs needed length. To be able to have a firm bite and hold on to the bull during the fight and during his hanging to the bull, and still being able to breath, the Bulldog’s jaws must have sufficient width and strength and the nose must have a certain lay-back. When looking at the Bulldog’s drawings from the second half of the 19th century, we see an athletic dog, that complies to the above-mentioned description and looks more to what we would call today an “Old English Bulldog”. In the beginning of the 20th century, we see in the drawings and pictures that the Bulldog is becoming to look more and more to the dog we see nowadays. Somewhat shorter in his front legs, wide in his front, short nose, broad skull, narrow pelvis, more roach (ascending back) and decreasing length of the tail. The result of these “adjustments” is that the athletic ability of the Bulldog has decreased, but this was not a problem, the bull baiting was already forbidden by law. The breeding of Bulldogs was focusing more to the physical appearance of the dog, than to what he initially was bred for.

Resulting in the selection of different physical properties. Also the character of the dog became more important, because when going to a show, the dogs needed to be touched. Other properties became less important, such as endurance, mobility, and athletic physical appearance. Also, after W.W.II, it became more routine to perform a C-section to dogs, which made the selection for self-whelping bitches, less necessary. The result of all these factors, was that the Bulldog became a heavy dog, with an excessive large head and broad shoulders. The nose, neck, loins and tail became shorter over time. Because initially there was no action against the consequences that these –sometimes extreme- changes brought, it took to approximately 20 years ago, before it was openly discussed what the consequences of these extreme changes of the physical appearance entailed. The dog that once was athletically build and could face up to a bull, could no longer go for a walk on a sunny day! Lovers of the breed said that was normal for a Bulldog and one should know where he got into when choosing this breed. However, the primary characteristics of the dog are, that is eager to do something, he is cheerful and likes to pull a sprint, which the majority of Bulldog population was unable to do, by the end of the previous century. Also, the Bulldog had, next to respiratory problems, also excessive burden of their eyes, joints, heart, suffered from epilepsy and various skin problems. In short:

Time for a change! T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 2 / 2 0 1 5

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A r t i c l e | The English bulldog,the physique

It is not easy to make a swift change, people are used to a certain image of a breed en show judges are trained and educated with a certain breed standard. However, the social pressure and the conviction of many breeders that the breed must head for a new direction, resulted to that the Dutch Kennel Club (Raad van Beheer) since mid 2014 only provides pedigrees to the off spring of which both parents are: tested on an inherited form of bladder stones (HUU), to be judged by breed judges whether or not the dog has any disqualifying features, to have an eye examination (ECVO), to have their knees checked on patella luxation and performed the fitness test. To have dogs on shows win, that are without the features that are a limitation tot heir health and wellbeing, all the Dutch judges have been to information evenings (organized by the Dutch KC), to discuss these limiting properties and to explain why these properties are absolutely unwanted. Next to that, on every show, the judges have to fill in forms when there is a dog


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with those properties that have a negative effect on it’s health or wellbeing. In short, over the past 20 years there has been a significant change noticeable towards the attitude of the breeders and judges. And slowly but luckily, this is also noticeable to the improving health of the Bulldog. A book that can be recommended to read for lovers of the breed, is one written by Mrs. Imelda Angehrn, herself an enthusiastic Bulldog lover and breeder: “Das Rass-Portrait Enghlish Buldog”(1992). In this book she describes the history of the breed and the problems in the breed, which she faced as a breeder. At the end of the book she wrote: the Clubs may expect of the judges that they do not just look for the beauty in a dog, but also more to the health and ability to move”. Now, 22 years later, this has become the approach in Holland. Let us all hope, that in future generations, the health of the breed will make a giant leap forward to improvement, while the dog maintains it’s loveable character.

A r t i c l e | Dermoid Sinus in the Ridgeback

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AUTHOR Ewa Larsson

PHOTOS Various public domain sources

BULLDOG HISTORY This article has been prepared with due care and diligence and represents research from a variety of sources, some from current information, some from early documents and manuscripts which are now deemed in the public domain.


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A trip down memory lane

THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE, MARCH 1919 The English Bulldog for hundreds of years and in almost every land has typified unflinching courage and unshakable determination. As the lion has been used to represent the majesty of Great Britain, so the Bulldog has been used to represent her persistence-her ability to “hand on” until she has accomplished whatever she has undertaken. As the name implies, the Bulldog got his name from the fact that he was used in the old-time “ sport” of bull-biting, which was popular amount certain classes in England of at least 700 years, until it was made illegal in 1835. Even after that, coassional matches were continued illegally until 1853, and the actual ring for bull-bating still remind in some places in England. The “sport” was usually held at some “garden” maintained for this and similar purposes, or sometimes in a public market-place. Here a bull with a rope about his horns was tethered to a ring bolted to a rock or to a stake driven into the ground. The rope being above 15 feet long, the bull had considerable room in which to move without being able to endanger the lives of the onlookers. The object of the dog was to seize the bull’s nose in his teeth, pin it to the ground and not leave it. He as bred was an undershot jaw and a retreating nose, that he might hand on to the bull and breathe easilly at the same time. The bull, of course, did his best to toss the dog with his horns, and often succeeded. Pepys, who witnessed a bull- baiting in Southwark in 1666, naively descrives it as “a very rude and nasty pleasure”.

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The dogs were also used to bait fullgrown bears and for dog-fighting. For such work they had to be not only strong, but very active. They were real and splendid dogs in spite of the barbarous uses they were put to. The large, square, heavy head has the face deeply wrinkled, the lower jaw three sizes too long for its mate, the nose thumbed back into the face, the eyes ver wide-set and low on the face and the ear wrinkled back to form a “rose”. A straight-edge laid along the top of the head should touch forehead, eyebrow, nose and lower jaw: the neck is thick and short, the shoulders very wide and low, the back curving up to the hips, which are a little higher then the shoulders. Hind legs strong, arched, with the stifle and toes turned out a little and the hock correspondingly turned in, Brindle is the favorite coour, but white, black and white, fawn red, brown and even solid black are met with. A good Bulldog should weight from 30 to 40 pounds. He is a good- natured, gentle creature, in spite of his forbidding appearance, and makes a safe and dependable family dog. When once aroused to anger, however his tenacity and courage are proverbial, and he justifies every claim that could be made for him, been totally without fear, under whatever odds he may be placed, and apparently insensible to pain, staying at his battle to the very death.

MYTHS, MAGIC AND BSOLUTE TRUTHS “In point of popularity the Bulldog probably attained its zenith in the year which immediately preceded the Great War, when it was not an uncommon thig to see something approaching or 22 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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even exceeding 200 individual dogs benched at the annual championship shows a the Bulldog Club Incorporated and at the London Bulldog Society with an entry of 400 or more... The dog is frequently depicted as our national emblem of British pluck and endurance and its generally considered to be of purely British origin. Of its great antiquity there canot be any doubt. It is claimed by some to have been descended from the Pugnaces or war dogs of the early Britons, which were broad-mounted dogs of a large size and tremendous strenght.” Hutchinson’s Dog Encyclopedia.

ORIGINS OF THE BULLDOG Soe say the Bulldog was descended from the Mastiff, and others claim the opposite is true. No-one is certain but it seems more likely that both breeds sprung from a breed of dog called ‘Alaunt’ which appears also to have possessed a short thick head and short muzzle with undoubted power and strenght, especially in the forelegs. For many years the Bulldog has been used to portray the quintessential British ‘John Bull’ caricature eve though some insist the dog came originally from Spain! This seems to be due to a plaque being foud in Paris by an Englishman, John Proctor, on which was portrayed the head of a bulldog with inscription ‘Dogue de Burgos Espaque-1625.’ Those against the theory of Spain origin point out that our own Philip II became King of Spain in 1556 and took many English fighting dogs to Spain. They insist also that British dogs may have traveled back to Spain with sailors of the Armada in 1588. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 2 / 2 0 1 5

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POETRY “Well, of all dogs it stands confessed Your English bull-dogs are the best, I say it, and will set my hand to’t, Camden records it, and I’ll stand to’t.” Christopher Smart 1722-1770.

Champion ‘Hefty Master Grumpy’, one of the most famous Bulldogs of his day, was purchased for £225 by Mr George Cresswell. The poor dog was unfortunately suffocated in his kennel when mail bags were accidentally thrown over him.

IN PRAISE OF BILL GEORGE When dog fighting was made illegal in 1835 the Bulldog gradually grew out of favour, but reemerged as visitors and winners at dog shows springing up in the mid-1800s, due largely to men like Bill Georgfe, and other genuine lovers of the breed. The Bulldog Club, formed in 1874, was renamed The Bulldog Club Incorporated the following year. Hutchinson’s Encyclopedia on the Best of Breed until publication date 1935: “The question as to which are or have been the best dogs must be a matter of opinion, but experts will agree that Champion “British Monarch” (born in 1884), was undoubtedly a great dog and a great sire, thought the first great Bulldog the writer ever saw was Champion “Boomerang” (born in 1893), when he was owned by the late Mr Luke Crabtree of Manchaster, who also owned Champion “Prince Albert” (born in 1897). 24 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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Champion “Rodney Stone” (born in the same same year as Ch. “Prince Albert”) was looked upon as the greatest dog of his day, and a sensation was caused in the dog fancy when his owner and breeder, Mr Walter Jeffries, sold him to America for £1,000... Two standards for the breed are in existence today, that of the Bulldog Club Incorporated adn one which was drawn up and adopted by the Allied Bulldog Club in 1910”.

EARLY MENTIONS IN LITERATURE The first known mention of the Bulldog in literature was in 1500 by W. Wulcher who referred to the dog as ‘Bonddogge’ - the words ‘bond’ and ‘dog’ referring to the belief that the dog was considered so fierce it should be kept tied up (bound) for the protection of other living beings. Also in literature, in Treatise of the Dog (1576) Dr. Caius referred to the Bulldog ( still known as bonddogge) as: “a vast, huge, stubborn, ugly and eager dog of a heavy burdensome and body serviceable to bait a bull, and that two dogs at the most were capable of subduing the most untamable bull.” Around 1630 the dog took on its more familiar name, with slightly different T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 2 / 2 0 1 5

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spelling of ‘Bulldogg’. Hentzner (1598) describes a bull-baiting event at which he was present: “There is a place built in the form of a theatre which serves for baiting of bulls ad bears: they are fastened behind and then worried by great English Bulldogs: but not without risk to the dogs: and it sometimes happens they are killed on the spot: fresh ones are immediately supplied in the places of those that were wounded or tired”.

DID YOU KNOW? • Henry VIII had his own Bull and Bear gardens where bull-baiting was practised. Queen Elizabeth was very fond of the ‘sport’ and attended many exhibitions. During her reign the chief London baitings began to held at the Bankside Bear Gardens in Southwark. • About 1406, Edmund de Langley, Duke of York, and forth son of Edward III, wrote to The Mayster of Game which manuscript is now in the British Museum. There is no doubt that the dog described, called an@ Alaunt’, is the ancestor of both Mastiff and Bulldog. • When James II declared his disfavour towards bullbiting in 1685, the activity fell into rapid decline among the upper classes although the lower classes continued


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Symmachus aso mentions the presence of British Bulldos at the Coliseum in Rome. The Bulldog was appreciated by the ancient Romans, for his courage and power, and was even mentioned by Claudian, the last of the Latin classic poets who says of the dog’s ability to floor a bull much bigger his size: The British hound that brings the bull’s big forehead to the ground”.

to enjoy the despicable practice for many years to come. In 1835 bull-baiting and dog-fighting became illegal. • As the breed regained popularity in the late 1800s, some amazing prices were fetched for specimens for breeding or showing purposes, including: • In 1901 Rodney Stone fetched £1,000 and was exported to the USA. Also exported to the USA for £1,000 apiece were Heath Baronet in 1904 and Chinsham Young Jack in 1909. The Americans paid the highest prixces for dogs to export although even in the UK it was estimated that more dogs sold for between £300 to £600 each than for any other breed.

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AUTHOR Maria & RalphTaylor, Hillplace Bulldogs

PHOTOS Tatiana Katsai


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An article about self whelping

Bulldogs have to have C-sections as they can not give birth, everyone knows that, the vets, the breeders, the pet owners, the kennel club and even the man in the street. You will often hear even from highly educated vets even from the RSPCA that the bulldog puppy has such a massive head that is why it can not be born naturally. Actually this is not correct the ribcage is far wider than the head and we have done video`s showing the size difference between the head and ribcage A lot of people are scared to let their bulldog give birth, we personally find it a lot scarier to allow a vet to perform surgery on them and after all dog breeding is dog breeding and giving birth is all part of it and is it right to breed an animal that is not able to give birth and has to have surgery.

Here at Hillplace when we first started breeding bulldogs we were very fortunate to have a good old school mentor who told us give her a go and if after 2 hours of trying to give birth if no pup presented then speak to your vet. Trying this method we have managed to whelp 16 natural born litters from our bulldogs. They are not easy, everything takes a lot longer than in another breed. We find it is the active type that do it and not so much the heavier bulldog perhaps as the more active type are healthier and can take the strain easier. As long as everything is progressing along nicely we do not panic, our bitch is nicely settled in her whelping box, we have everything to hand that may be needed, her temperature is monitored in the last week and any change in her behaviour. Our bitch would normally start to refuse food as she starts to go T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E 路 I SSU E 2 / 2 0 1 5

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into labour, her temperature would of dropped down, she will have an upset tummy and keep running outside to go to the toilet, she may start to make her bed, ripping up news paper etc, she will start to shiver and pant and may well be sick, this can go on for hours and hours and can be quite exhausting for everyone, at this point we would of informed our vet that her temperature has gone down and she is in the first stages of labour. Quite often just when you think you might be getting somewhere, she then decides to have a nice long sleep, you also need to rest as this is hard work she must not be left alone. We always have a bed next to the whelping box and a torch ready incase she wants to pop out in the dark. Once she is ready she will start to push it will start with half hearted efforts once she really starts to push properly we make a note of the time, we really would like a pup born within 2 hours now and its not unusual for it to take that long to get to the point of the pup being born, we do sometimes go over that time and come out with a live puppy


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but if we start to go over 2 1/2 hours we would be worried and start to think about calling the vet. If this first born pup is alive then we carry on if it is not alive and the next pup is taking time to arrive then we may well go to the vets. We allow 2 hours between each pup being born once we go over that we start to worry but often get away with it with a live pup being born shortly after. Towards the end of the labour the bitch can be quite exhausted and can be offered a little water with glucose if she starts to lag and things are not looking good your vet may decide to give her an oxytocin jab to help her out, this has to be the vets decision as given at the wrong time in labour it can be dangerous. You can loose a pup or sometimes a few pups in self whelping as the birth can take so long and the pups are in the birth canal for too long but this is nature and perhaps why they have so many when some are lost along the way. It is a joy to see the self whelped litter and mum together after the birth she may be tired but pleased as punch

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with her new babies and ready straight away to start mothering them and looking forward to her dinner. On the odd occasion she may of whelped her litter and you know she still has one more but the birth has taken so long that you are sure the pup must be dead, you have the choice of now going for a C-section to remove a dead pup or some what controversial is, if your vet agrees then to give the bitch antibiotics and see if the dead pup will pass within the next 24 hours and therefore save her under going surgery.

anaesthetics have a risk and so often it is the beloved bulldog that dies. It is good to see so many new breeders now trying to self whelp their bitches realising this is better for the bitch and for the future of our breed.

The poor bitch that has had a C-section awakes in pain, drowsy from anaesthetic, she does not know where she is, she has strange pups put on her, she is shivering and a very sad sight to see, often once home she will go back into a deep sleep which makes it very easy to feed pups off her that night , she will huff and puff and really not be with it and it may take a few days before she really gets into mothering her babies Some just can`t do it and barely give it a go before giving up and fair enough if that is the case. There are occasions where it is not safe to try to self whelp a bitch ie if she is very large and not coping very well with the size of her litter, if she is a small bitch then she may not be able to give birth naturally, we even had one who injured her leg and was unable to stand and put weight on it so she had to have a C-section. Some breeders are worried in case their bitch might have a water pup and therefore opt for a C-section just in case but we find a water pup is really quite rare and if it was to occur then the bitch would not be able to pass the pup and you would go over the 2 hours of trying and then really should contact your vet with a view to a possible C-section. We know many people who have taken a perfectly healthy pregnant bitch in for a C-section and the bitch has died, we can not think of anything more heart breaking than losing a bitch during pre elected surgery, it is not often this happens with bulldog specialist vets but all

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AUTHOR Eduardo Paris

Jay Dreifus Photography


EDUARDO PARIS Professional Dog Show Handler


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Top Bulldog handler based in Brazil

My story with show dogs began in the Veterinary College, where I graduated. In the beginning only showed my dogs and dogs of friends, but gradually others started looking for me to present their dogs, it was there that started my handler career. Before the bulldog, got successfully finish many Championships and Bests in Shows with many others breeds including FCI World Dog Show. Neapolitan Mastiff, Dogos Argentinos, Rottweilers, Chihuahuas (2 varieties), Smoth Fox Terriers, Jack Russels, Bull Terriers (miniature too), American Staffordshires, Beagles, Frenchies ... were many dogs of many breeds … (smile).

I’m currently best known for handling bulldogs (English Bulldogs). The first bulldog that showed called “Snow” was a pet from a client that was Neapolitan Mastiff breeder. After “Snow”, my first competitive bulldog was called “Apache Hernandez,” and he won my first ranking in Brazil in 2007 and the National of the breed in Brazil. After “Apache”, I won the ranking with several other great dogs. Since then I won until today 102 Bests in Show all breeds (only with bulldogs) and 4 times the Nationals of the Breed. I don’t have a record of how many championships I finish or Best puppy and Best Junior I won, but many were… At the last 7 years I won the breed ranking in Brazil, and this year even without competing extensively (to be working in the US) come win the ranking again. There are already 8 years in a row. All this success opened many doors and I have had the happiness of winning Best in Show in 4 different coun-

tries. I have no doubt that my high point in the bulldog breed was in 2013 with the Multi Champion Itsa Brix, I won with him 45 Bests in Show all breed, breaking the Best in Show World Record (53), “Brix” already had 8 with another handler. Last year I won the all-breed ranking with “Brix” in Brazil. Was the first time at history a bulldog won the all breed ranking in Brazil and I believe that few in the world have won such a feat. I started to show dogs in the United States in 2009. There were some good results this provided that this year I realize a dream that was to show a dog that I admired for some time. Bentley was retired very young at shows because of a tragedy with his previous handler, returned with me and is TOP 5 in the United States showing limited times. I don’t need say the ranking in USA involves lot money, money backers and influence backers, and I don’t have nothing of it. If you compare with the other top 5 he has the best average points/breed wins. (smile) Sometimes I see a dog on the ring, not always well shown, and I think to myself... That dog in my hands...). In my opinion Handling is 20% technical, 40% talent and 40% dedication. The technique is simple, just stop the dog when you have to stop and move him when he has to move (laugh). Anyone can do this (or almost anyone)... (laughs)

A good handler always have to adapt to the dog that is showing at this moment, never the opposite. Dogs are different from each other, even within the same breed. To be able T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 2 / 2 0 1 5

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A r t i c l e | Eduardo Paris

Chris Caviness Photography

to better explore the qualities of each dog you must know him deeply, and so the best way is to play with him, play... as I said the technique used in the show is very simple, an easy routine to be performed, if you train too much your dog, you will adapt him to your style and that way you can never show the best of him. Is necessary that you to train yourself to show the dog at his way‌ That way you will do a great job. Many thanks to the elec54 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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tronic magazine The Dog Magazine, for the opportunity to be writing a bit of my trajectory.

Photo credits Jay Dreifus Photography Chris Caviness Photography Alex Pfeiffer Photography

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AUTHOR Ben Karpel, Israel

PHOTOS Ben Karpel Archive


STARDUST SHOW BULLDOGS I will not forget the first time I saw a Bulldog, love from first sight is a good way to describe what happened there. From that day, I knew one day I would have Bulldogs. 70 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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Stardust Show Bulldogs, Israel

I was born into a family with an inherent love for dogs, When my grandparents lived in Germany they had no less than 12 family dogs at once, later on when my grandparents and my father arrived to Israel they started to breed Dachshounds, not very successfully, but they still loved them. As a child, our family kept all kind of dogs from Samoyed, to Cocker Spaniels - English and American - Belgian shepherds and what not. I will not forget the first time I saw a Bulldog, love from first sight is a good way to describe what happened there. From that day I knew one I day I would have Bulldogs. When I was 13 years old my dream came true after I saved enough money throughout the entire summer job to buy myself the puppy I had dreamt of. I found a breeder that had one male pup for sale; this male was my first Bulldog, Jack. I will lie if I said he looked like Bulldog or behaved like one but I still loved him deeply. I started to learn about the breed from books, magazine articles and the internet, a new world had opened before me and I liked what I saw. I was still a very young child and my parents didn’t really understand what I was trying to do, but I kept talking, thinking and dreaming of Bulldogs. I then decided to purchase Miea, one of my foundation bitches and I also loved her deeply. I was already 15 years old and I was already involved in the show rings with Miea and decided that this was the time for her to have puppies. But then I felt stuck because there was nothing good enough for her in Israel at the time. So I started to contact breeders in the

UK, and after a few trips to the UK, I found the breeder that inspired me the most, this was Mr. Dean Hagerty of the MEDBULL kennel. I was still very young but I felt Dean and I where friends. I listened to him and to his stories and enjoyed every minute of it. At the time, Dean had an amazing litter in today’s terms, out of his top brood bitch Hissing Lucky Lulu at Medbull , a direct daughter of NOBOZZ DEL BOY, and the mother of few top dogs including Ch. Medbull Barbie Girl. Lulu was bred to her grandson, then he was only very young promising dog but he grew up to become the world famous CH.Medbull Earthmover, the last son of the legendary dog Ch. Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe and Ch. Medbull Barbie Girl. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 2 / 2 0 1 5

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This was a litter of 3 boys and 3 girls, and Dean was kind enough to let me have the pick of the litter. I took the opportunity to pick my foundation male that stands behind every Stardust dog around the globe, Ch. Medbull Wish Me Luck. He was a gentle loving dog, a lovely show dog and a special stud dog. He gave me some great champions, including 4 champion bitches and 2 non champion bitches that are the foundation of my lines. Later on I brought a number of dogs to Israel. These include Medbull Golden Dream, Jaminic Armageddon, Mellowmood Stellify, Sansimon Bulls Super Boy, Mellowmood Rolls Royce, Britishpride Steel Force and others. All of


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them together with a fantastic group of imported bitches based my kennel lines at STARDUST BULLDOGS. In 2007, I published my first book on the breed that was a result of a deep study on all the bloodlines around the world. That was the year in which I got my judging license. Since then I have had the honor and privilege to judge this fantastic breed in the following countries: Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Romania, all parts of Russia, The Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, Luxemburg, Spain, Ireland, Romania, Finland, Sweden and Ukraine. I also had the big honor of judging the breed in the Sheffilled Bulldog club championship show in the UK. In the last 15 years I served in the following positions in the kennel club, general secretary, Molloser Club committee member, Molloser Club audit committee member, Molloser Club Audit committee chairmen, and these days I am the Kennel club Audit committee chairmen, and a regular lecturer in the Israeli canine academy. Dogs from my breeding are living in the USA, Canada, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Alaska, all around Russia, South Africa, China, Indonesia, Holland, Italy, France, Belgium, Hungary, Ukraine, Cyprus, Greece, India, Sweden, Norway, Malta and Poland. I have owned or bred to date 28 champions locally and abroad. My stud dogs have sired over 40 champions the last time I counted, including international champions and section winners. Recently, the 6th generation from my breeding has been whelped and we are looking forward to some more very

exciting litters in the next following months. The Stardust Bulldogs kennel is the top Bulldog kennel in Israel in the last few years, wining every prestigious award in Israel. • 1 International show BEST IN SHOW. • 1 international show RESERVE BEST IN SHOW • 1 International show BEST IN SHOW JUNIORS • 2 international show BEST IN SHOW PUPPIES • 11 Best in Show at Molloser Club shows • 25 puppy best in show at Molloser Club shows • 6 Junior best in show at Molloser Club shows • Enormous number of Reserve Best in Show at Molloser Club shows at all levels • Over 60 CAC, over 25 CACIBS, 15 GCAC. I am a big fan of the Line breeding method and consistently breed to 3 foundation males that are sitting strongly behind all my lines. The most dominate one is CH.Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe, who is still in my eyes the nicest Bulldog I have seen. For me, being in the breed gives me great pleasure. I meet so many friends all around the globe and some have come to be like my family. So much knowledge, so many unbelievable dogs, and so many unforgettable moments and I hope many more to come. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 2 / 2 0 1 5

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Owned and loved by


AUTHOR Hayley Seal

PHOTOS Hayley Seal Archive


SEALAVILLE SHOW BULLDOGS Officially Top Breeders 2011


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Sealaville Show Bulldogs, United Kingdom

Sealaville Bulldogs, home of Ch. Sealaville He’s The Rebel winner of BOB Crufts 2010. I have been brought up with Bulldogs, my Godfather being Alan Wallhead of the Branstonian bulldogs ! I bought my first bulldog in 1992 from The Pringham Kennels being my first Bitch I bred her and all my dogs come from that first bitch we have had great success making up our first Ch Sealaville he’s the Duke. In 2006 who then went on to win BOY 2006, Duke produced us 3 champions 2 being home bred one we bought in them being Ch Sealaville He’s the Rebel , Ch Sealaville She’s Buffy and Carozken Charmer Sealaville , Rebel then produced 2 champions for us Ch Sealaville She’s Porcha and Isgraig the Squire Sealaville. We also had rebels sister who produced me two home bred champions from the same litter , Ch Sealaville he’s Dolton and Ch Sealaville he’s Ashley there litter sister Sealaville she’s Toyah has then produced us Ch Sealaville he’s Tyler who is Top bulldog 2014. Myself Hayley and my husband Paul are Bulldog breed specialist judges and are judging around the world.

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AUTHOR Elizabeth Hugo Milam, USA

PHOTOS Elizabeth Hugo Milam Archive


HUG-O-BULL BULLDOGS We have been involved with show bulldogs since 1967. In that time we have bred and/or owned close to 50 AKC champions, with 25 being home bred.


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Hug-O-Bull Bulldogs, USA

Bulldogs have literally been a part of my life since the year I was born. I am in the unique position of being “born into the breed” as my parents, Frank and Norma Hugo imported their first show bulldog the same year I arrived into this world. Every dog we have bred traces back to this dog, a Canadian import with British heritage. His father was a full brother to Ch. Jackath silver Cloud, a famous import (Britain to the US). He actually was not purchased as a show dog, in fact, my mother’s reaction to the suggestion she show this lovely dog was “I have an infant daughter and a toddler son plus that is a rich man’s sport” But she packed me, my brother and the dog in her car, drove to shows with no lessons, no help, no previous knowledge of any aspect of dogs showing. I still have the first ribbons she won at

those early shows. I began showing the dogs in Junior Handling as well as helping my mother in the breed ring as I got older. My father quit exhibiting around 1972, as he would often jokingly say, was too poor a loser to be a good exhibitor. He enjoyed the club positions and this is where he excelled. I put points on a dog for the first time when I was 10 years old. And raising puppies was a round the clock family affair. Momma dogs stayed with their puppies and we sat with them 24/7 until they were weaned and away from mom. As I got older, I found school took second place to dog shows and it did not take me long to figure out that I wanted to spend as much time showing dogs as possible. Owning a commercial boarding and T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 2 / 2 0 1 5

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grooming kennel did not make campaigning dogs easy, as we could only show on Saturdays in the slow season and on some Sundays. We also could not travel beyond 2 hours, unless we were going to BCA National, which we never missed. I wanted to be a professional handler at one point and showed dogs in every group. But because I could not devote the time necessary to this profession full time and my decision to pursue my judging license, this dream faded into memory. I began studying pedigrees in high school. I also collected bulldog literature in all forms, from antique books, to magazines, to articles. I was obsessed with learning all facets of dog breeding. Sitting and listening to anyone talk about dogs is all I wanted to do. Listening to people debate the standard was of particular interest. It was because of a debate I was witness to, with two very respected Bulldoggers going head to head over the standard as it relates to tails. Upon arriving home, I pulled out the standard and started reading it, only to find out they were both wrong! I vowed to never be in that position and I have pretty much become a huge standard “nerd” and read it nearly every day. I credit Karl Forester of Smasher bulldogs with introducing me to the concept of line breeding. He learned from his own mentor Edna Glass. I still incorporate aspect of my lessons with Karl into my breeding program to this day. I became a licensed judge in 1994 at the suggestion of two of my favorite mentors. Dr. Saul Schor and Mr. Beryl Gould were involved with BCA judges education and in 1990 asked me to assist in the National seminars. Because I was young, they thought it was better 90 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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if I were a judge so that people would take me seriously. Since becoming a judge I have judged all over the US, including the BCA National twice, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Spain, France, Holland, Hungary, England twice (at Blackpool and the Junior, awarding CC’s as both) and looking forward to the 20th Anniversary of the Bulldog Club in Bulgaria in Spring 2015. Not many Americans get the opportunity to judge in Europe and I am always so honored to be asked to officiate overseas. I am very active in the Bulldog Club of America. I have been a councilor for more years than I can remember and I have been involved with judges education since 1990. I was Education Chairman and currently am the Health Committee Chair, a position I have held on and off for many years and my most cherished position. I feel as head of this committee I have made very real and positive progress in the area of bulldog health and bulldog education. I am extremely fortunate to have on my committee two extremely valuable members in Dan Bandy Leigh Meeks and Melanie Trichler. I hope to continue with this committee in some way, shape or form, as long as they will still have me, for many years to come.

I am approved to judge French Bulldogs. As a breeder/owner and exhibitor, I have finished close to 50 US Champions, with 25 being home bred, many of the others being sired by our stud dogs. We are BCA Hall of Fame, First Plateau for breeders as well as AKC Breeders of Merit. We also actively participate in the BCA Ambassador for Health program. We do not sell show dogs and

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with only a few exceptions, all of the Hug-O-Bull champions were shown by me or my mother (who stopped showing in the early 1990’s with a few exceptions) and with some help from our friends, particularly Dan Saxton and Paul Thornburg. Hug-O-Bull stud dogs are responsible for producing over 70 US Champions. We are not looking for numbers, but BCA Hall of Fame for stud dog requires 10 champions. 3 of our dogs have 8 champion offspring each with several others siring multiple champions, including one of the few bitches to win Best of Breed at BCA National. We always stayed close to home, with the exception of BCA National, and while we are not among the more prolific breeders, we do consider ourselves among the most consistent for quality.

Our dogs have won at all levels of competition including National, Divisional and local Specialties as well as in the all-breed ring with several group winners and group placers. Nearly all of our champions have won at least one of their majors at large Specialties, with many of them finishing with three 5 point Specialty major under breeder-judges, including quite a few British breeder-judges. While it is considered easier to make up a US champion as compared to a British champion, as an example, we choose to do it in a way that is really not easy at all, at the large shows, with many of them winning awards over the Champions. We have never won a Best in Show at an allbreed show, but we generally do not Special our champions at the all-breed level. We have won Best of Breed at T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 2 / 2 0 1 5

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the Westminster Kennel Club show. I was 16 years old and won from the classes with my Bred-By Exhibitor bitch. One of the most thrilling wins for me, even all these years later. We also have 2 portraits in the BCA Gallery of Winners for Best of Opposite Sex at National. I met my husband Jack in 2001. I moved to Oklahoma (from NJ) and together we breed bulldogs as well as world class Arabian horses. We also share our lives with 2 Quarter Horses, 2 Friesian horses, some barn cats and our very cool zebra named Stripes. With the horses taking up much of our 92 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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time, my dog showing has had to be selective. I chose the larger specialties and am always pleased, after all these years, we find ourselves still very competitive. We are excited to welcome our current litter, who are the result of over 10 generations of Hug-O-Bull breeding, top and bottom sides. I love this breed and this sport and all of the friends, many who are like family to me, I have made, in the US and abroad. I hope we see the breed continue to thrive for many many years to come.

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The Edward Foundation was founded in 2011 when a group of people on a Bulldog Owners Forum clubbed together to save an emaciated bulldog being offered for sale on the internet after no other help was forthcoming from the authorities. ‘Edward’ as he was renamed inspired us to start the Foundation to help those bulldogs being sold as a commodity on the internet. Those bulldogs that would never be gifted to any other rescue. Bitches like Bonnie that had had two C-sections by the time she was 17 months old and as she had produced no live puppies was being sold on. Or poor Poppy that was being sold ‘in season ready to mate’ when in effect she had pyometra & was in intensive care for 5 days once we got her safe only to find she’d had at least 4 C-sections and still had undissolvable stitches inside her when our vet performed the emergency spay. Bitches like MollyMay that have produced puppies and are then sold as soon as the puppies are old enough. Mollymay was made to feed her 5 week old puppies on the concrete before being put into one of our volunteers cars.


Many of the bulldogs we help are being sold with awful medical conditions, covered in demodex like little Oscar who at 6mths old was in a very very sorry state and still needs huge amounts of ongoing vet treatment to cope with his lack of immune system.

The Edward Foundation was registered as a charity in 2013. We rely totally on donations and 100% of all the monies we receive goes to helping bulldogs. We have over 150 volunteers all over the UK that help with fostering/fundraising and transporting. We use trusted vets and no expense is spared helping any bulldog that needs it. We try to spay all bitches, if medically possible, before placing them in forever homes but males are only neutered if necessary. We have placed over 200 bulldogs since we began and recently started a Breeder Rehome Scheme helping Breeders find loving homes for any bulldogs being retired from breeding/showing. For more information visit

T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 2 / 2 0 1 5 Registered Charity No. SCO44288

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EBCN CLUB From the Heart of the English Bulldog Club Netherlands



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INFO 1 If you wish to support our club and to stay informed on what’s new, please become a member of our breed club, the English Bulldog Club Netherlands (EBCN).

2 For more information on our beloved breed, and the mandatory health/breeding suitability tests, please contact us at: (have a look at our website:

We are not going to tell you how wonderful our beloved breed is, or the standard story on the breed, which you can find practically everywhere on the internet. We, as breed-club, would like to point your responsibilities as breeder, to improve the breed! We all know that the media has done some serious damage to the image of our breed and not complete wrongly also. The Bulldog has indeed some serious hereditary problems, but unfortunately the media does not mention that we also have many many healthy Bulldogs, without any problems. And also, we do have breeders who take the health aspect pretty serious, when it comes to their breeding-plan. They are very selective when choosing a stud for their bitch, or when studding out their male for breeding a bitch. They do not just look for how beautiful the dogs are, or how many championship titles they have in their pedigree. Of course they do care for what the bitch and/or dog looks like. But then they carefully look at which unwanted hereditary faults/ diseases or wanted hereditary features these dogs have in their bloodlines. They make a study of the pedigree, when choosing what they want for their breeding-plans. We are most certainly not putting the blame on a select group of breeders, but we also emphasize the responsibility of the breed-judges and of you, as the consumer. For years now, we see dogs win at shows with “exaggerated breed-feaT H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 2 / 2 0 1 5

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tures”. And with these types, the breeder continue his breeding-plans, hoping to breed the next champ. Whilst doing this, they may have lost the healthy bloodlines and the overall health of our beloved breed has been seriously damaged. We all need to realize that physical appearance or championship titles do not say anything about the health or inheritance of the Bulldog. Scientists will have to admit that no 108 | THEDOGM AGA Z INE

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one (men or animal) can “give” 100% healthy offspring. But, with the help of nowadays science, we can track down many hereditary problems, before a next combination in a breeding-plan is being made. Because of the above, our government has started to implement demands to improve many breeds. In view of this, the 2 Bulldog-breed clubs of Holland and the Dutch Kennel Club (Raad van Beheer) have moved forward, to conclude a covenant that will apply

A r t i c l e | From the Heart of the English Bulldog Club Netherlands

to every Bulldog that will be used for breeding. We hope that this will be the base, for a better, brighter future for the Bulldog! To see the significant results of the covenant, will take some years and also there must be more research to find out where the biggest health issues in the breed really come from. With this, we also hope that a pedigree, handed out by the Dutch kennel Club (Raad van Beheer) will be more of a guarantee in relation to “healthy breeding plans�, because up to now, the pedigree is nothing more than a proof of who the ancestors are. As mentioned, you as puppy-buyer, have also a big responsibility. As long as you will continue to impulsively/ emotionally buy a pup with the exaggerated features, the supply of these pups will continue. So if you are a lover or a breeder, and you wish help move the breed to a healthier level, you need to educate yourself on the various problems in the breed. And when looking for a new pup, you have to take all aspects of the pup and his/her bloodlines into consideration.

Our advice as a breed club is to not buy a puppy with your heart, but with your mind. Only when we all work together we can help the breed. We humans have created this breed, have then damaged the breed and now it is our responsibility to improve the breed again! When you go out to buy a new pup, please try to gather as much information about the breed as possible. Contact the Bulldog breed clubs for information. They can tell you what to look

for and what to ask from the breeders where you will buy your pup. A bit redundant to mention, but never buy a pup from traders (can be recognized as the mother of the pup is NOT present) or puppy-mills (often have multi-breeds). Also please avoid to use the various internet sites used for offering bargains (in NL: Marktplaats). We stipulate again, to only buy a pup coming from a combination of parents that both have a official pedigree and both meet the requirements of the covenant. If the pups do not have a pedigree, then you know that one or both of the parents do not meet these mentioned requirements. Either the parents have bad health, preventing them to pass the health-tests/ breeding suitability tests, as mentioned in the covenant OR the breeder does not wish to invest his money in this breeding plan, to ensure that he is using tested animals in his breeding plan. Either way, please do not buy a pup from this breeder, because chances are big, he is not in it for improving the breed, but for improving his bank-account. We must mention, that no one can guarantee 100% on health of their pups, but every one can make a 100% effort and by being selective, try to eliminate as many hereditary problems as possible! By the way, it is not true that by breeding with only the health tested animals, the physical appearance of the Bulldog will chance! We can still breed healthy Bulldogs, according to the Standard, as has been done in the past, and many breeders around the world have proven. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E ¡ I SSU E 2 / 2 0 1 5

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SKAB CLUB Slovenian Club for English Bulldogs Erik Lutman, Predsednik



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Slovenian Club for English Bulldogs was founded in 2002. SHOW 1 This year’s show was already 10th in a row.

2 The club tries to invite breed experts and judges with many years of experiences in judging and breeding.

A few enthusiasts, breed experts and lovers, breeders and judges gathered together to promote the breed, providing information to new and a bit less new owners, to promote healthy breeding and to organise annual speciality shows. President of the club is Erik Lutman, vice president is Lovro Rozman, secretary Aljoša Pirjevec and accountant Živa Čar. This year’s show was already 10th in a row. Each year it’s organised after international show in Ljubljana, 17th January. The club tries to invite breed experts and judges with many years of experiences in judging and breeding. So this year mr. Dave Rodgers (Belushi bulldogs) was invited to judge the show. We were lucky that he agreed and accepted the invitation. 73 bulldogs (34 males and 39 females) entered the show. Owners came from Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Austria, Hungary, Danmark and UK. Each owner was given some presents from show’s sponsors as a token of gratitude for entering at our show. We are very grateful to all the exhibitors who enter our show each year and make it so great and memorable.

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Results: BOB Baby

Sotokal Marcus Aurelius Picture1


BOB Puppy

Crazy Queen of Hearts Agatha Picture2

Junior Club winner and BOB Bake for all by myself Picture3

2 Dogs Club winner

Suttonweaver bear boy

Female Club winner and BOS Kupakos Dice Picture4

Best couples

Luca Bisignano (Italy)

3 Best breeding group

Rita Simoncsik (Hungary)


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A r t i c l e | Slovenian Club for English Bulldogs


JUDGE SPEAKS From when i came over to judge the show, firstly the overhall quallity of dogs that was entered under me was of very good standerd my ovehall winner the junior class winner was ANNA MARIA LUPIA male BAKE ALL BY MYSELF a very promising young dog of soundness and type, good strong head width and length correct underjaw, has good substance straight in front tight feet, well ribbed, good topline, correct angulation on rear, movement was sound moved well round the ring, a pleasure to award this male BOB. My CAC CLUB WINNER MALE was MAURISIO PROSA SUTTONWEAVER BEAR BOY, a lovely red and white male, good substance, good width and length of skull, good mouth, well ribbed, correct front, moved well. BEST FEMALE was RITA SIMONCSIK KUPAKOS DICE a beautifull white female lovely quality correct head, good substace ,correct front,well ribbed,moved well,nice females from this kennel. JUNIOR WINNER WHISHMADI FATAL GIRL . BEST PUPPY was CRAZY QUEEN OF HEARTS AGATHA. A very promising puppy red and white nice feminine looking good head ,substance good rib short cobby moved well should do well in show rings. i would like to say the show was run to perfection well organized with good committee members who was very helpfull, which made my judging run smoothly, also would like to thank the secretary for his hospitality was very well looked after and was most enjoyable stay would like to thank also for the lovely gift was realy pleased with it very impressed thank you again erik would most deffinately come over here again hope this is ok for you,

Dave Rodgers

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NOBOZZ MAXIMUS DEVDHJCH WAJ13 Best intermediate male in DK 2014 Proven stud


Frozen and chilled semen available for worldwide shipping 路 IS S UE 2/ 2015


The Danish bulldog club health certificate. DNA tested. HUU clear. EVCO clear. Tested for Trachea. Hips. Elbows. Knees

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"Karlsruhe Junior Winner 2014" Britisher the Queen CH Britishpride Wild Thing


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Sebastian Harnik Veterinary Surgeon (MRCVS, BSAVA) Judge Bulldog owner

International Judge FCI, BOG 2 Molossoid breeds International judge Swiss Mountain and Catteledogs International judge Sebastian was born in Krakow, Poland and studied Biology & Animal Reproduction at the Agricutural University of Krakow and Veternary Medicinal at the Agricultural University of Lublin. From his early days his Dad’s Boxer was always by his side and his grandmother owned show Poodle so he had been introduced to dog show at a young age. As teenager he spent time in the UK, around Neapolitan Mastiffs and visited Crufts for first time, which is where he really became interested.


He is a member of the Polish Kennel Club and since has taken active part in the Molosos Section of the Krakow branch. He has shown dogs in the USA and Europe, as well as was stewarding and translating at shows. Sebastian used to own some very successful Shar Pei, including the UK import Samsara Saint Nick (Inter, CH, PL, H, Multi. CH. Bis and club winner) & Samsara Flaming Tasty, and has bred Shar Pei and French Bulldogs. He currently owns an English bulldog. Sebastian started judging in 2011 and so has judged a number of exhibitions and club shows, mainly in Poland but also in Belgium and Slovakia and has recently judged in Russia. In 2014 he was recognised as an international Judge of Mollossor Breeds, Swiss Mountain & Cattle Dogs. List of breeds: Dogo Argentino Fila Brasileiro Broholmer Boxer Deutsche Dogge (Great Dane) Rottweiler Perro dogo mallorquin (Ca de Bou) Dogo Canario Dogue de Bordeaux Bulldog Bullmastiff Mastiff Neapolitan Mastiff Anatolian Shepherd Dog Newfoundland Hovawart,Leonberger, Landseer, Mastin espańol (Spanish Mastiff),Mastin del Pirineo (Pyrenean Mastiff), Chien de Montagne des Pyrénées (Pyrenean Mountain Dog), Sarplaninac (Yugoslavian Herder), Aidi, Cão da Serra da Estrela, Cão da Castro Laboreiro, Rafeiro do Alentejo (Alentejo


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Mastiff), St. Bernhardshund (Saint Bernard Dog), Kraski Ovcar (Karst Shepherd Dog), Kavkazskaia Ovtcharka (Caucasian Shepherd Dog),Sredneasiatskaia Ovtcharka (Central Asia Shepherd Dog), Do-Khyi (Tibetan Mastiff). Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs: Appenzeller Sennenhund (Appenzell Cattle Dog), Berner Sennenhund (Bernese Mountain Dog), EntlebucherSennenhund (Entlebuch Cattle Dog), Grosser Schweizer Sennenhund (Great Swiss Mountain Dog). My latest judging appointed was in January 2015 in Moscow, Russia where judged 4 Speciality shows. Bulldog, Cane corso, Shar Pei and Bullmastiff. Past judging appointments • 21.09.2014 Ruzomberok, Slovakia, Shar- Pei klub slovakia • 21.09.2014 Ruzomberok, Slovakia Molossov Klub, Fila Brasilero, Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Dogo Argentino. • 27.07.2014 Bedzin, Poland National Show., BOG2 • 22.06.2014 Gdynia, Poland National Show • 07.06.2014 Lommel Belgium National Show, BOG2 • 25.05.2014 Krosno Poland National Show, BOG2 • 13.04.2014 Lublin Poland National Show, BOG2 • 06.04.2014 Zabrze Poland National Show, BOG2 • 06.10.2013 Nowy Dwor Poland National Show • 18.08.2013 Nowy Sacz Poland National Show, BOG2 • 18.11.2012 Koszalin Poland National Show • 07.10.2012 Rybnik Poland National Show BOG2 • 08.09.2012 Warszawa National Show • 05.08.2012 Zakopane National Show • 01.07.2012 Gorzow Wielkopolski National Show. • 23.06.2012 Lubieszyn National Show • 10.06.2012 Raciborz National Show • 20.05.2012 Radom National show • 01.05.2012 Dobre Miasto National Show • 15.04.2012 Zabrze National Show

August 1994 I bought my first bulldog named Charley. Charley was breed at a very little unknown kennel which was a choice I did make after growing up with frenchies in a show home. I just wanted a true companion. Charley was a true companion, but he was also the son of a well known champion and a strong show dog line so within few months I was contacted by the owner of the sire if I could come by a national show - she really wanted to see him. I decided to go of course and I entered him in puppy class as well .... And he won. So here the the Whole passion started for also. Charley went on to more shows winning - being the Whole beginning of a Big and still on going adventure. I had my first litter of bulldogs in 1997 and with that litter came along 2 Champions a lot of travelling and visits at experienced kennels which did help me further in my dog life. Thanks to all of them. In particular I owe my Thanks to International show judge and breeder

Owe Germundsson who did started me out with breeding and judging - being my mentor for my first breeds. I Got my licence finished for Championship level in 2008. I am now authorised for the following breeds :

Mille Bæk Breeder Owner Judge Handler

• Bulldog, Bullmastiff, Mastino Napoletano, Mastin Espanolm, Dogo Canario, Fila Brasilero, Shar pei, Pekingese I have been judging in Finland, 2 times in Spain (clubshow and International) DK International show in Hillerød 2009 Danish winner show 2012 Been judging in Russia Invitations to CZ, Israel international shows and the bullmastiff World cup in Holland Upcoming appointments : • International dogshow Hungary • Copenhagen winner show At the moment dogs from my kennel can be seen at dog shows in England, Spain, Italy and Denmark besides that I attend a lot of shows myself together with my partner Ad vd Sluis (Ready to Rumble bulldogs). With lots of regards Mille Bæk



Ewa Larsson I have purchased my first Bulldog in 1992. We are situated in Canterbury, England. My bulldogs live with me inside my house and are raised in a loving environment as one of the family. I believe this approach is reflected in the behaviour of my dogs. Health, a correct temperament and dogs of the highest quality are my goal. Up to date I have bred 3 FCI Champions, 1 FCI Junior Champion and bred/owned several CC/ CAC/ CACIB and Green Star winners.

Past judging appointments • The London Bulldog Society Members Limited Show • East Kent Canine Society Open show • Burnley & District Society Open Show • Sunderland & District Society Open Show

Breeder Owner Judge Handler

Upcoming judging appointment: • February 2015 Ashton Under Lyne Kennel Association I look forward to continue my journey with this wonderful breed and to enjoy the privilege of my judging assignments.



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Petra Grell-Hansohm Championship show Judge Owner

I am special judge for Bulldogs since 1985. Since 2011 I am specialist for Shar Peis as well. I breed Bulldogs since 1974 my kennel name is SIMPLICISSIMUS. I judged big shows in Germany, like Bundessieger, Europasieger and Clubshows. I judged all over the world. I have judged the prestigious Bulldog of the year in Spain and the WBCF Show.




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INFO Soul Guardian Show Bulldogs, Greece

Sissy Adramitli


JUDGING BULLDOGS IN FCI SHOWS By Bulldog owner, Bulldog breeder and Bulldog handler

As a specialist FCI judge the first impression matters quite a lot. Looking at the dogs coming in the ring you expect to see happy, alert and clever handled dogs moving with heads up and according to the FCI instructions, Dogs Fit For function!!! Then at the closer inspection you look for type, anatomy and construction. Starting from head, try to find the most significant attributes of the breed which is a brick shaped head with a well rounded underjaw ending at a nice upturn, strong and straight teeth, dark clean eyes free of disorders, well shaped and placed ears and a good breath including open nostrils. Going through the rest of the dog look for a balanced front that means well developed chest in the 3 dimensions, strong and well laid shoulders, straight legs and tight feet. Then we need to see a nice and “enough” neck ending to a well pear shaped body. In body you look for a nice roach topline, well rounded ribs and a nice in shape and position tail. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 2 / 2 0 1 5

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A r t i c l e | Judging Bulldogs in FCI shows

Then it comes the time where the most important nowadays check has to be performed………movement. A must for all breeds including ours, the movement has to be of breed type but also free and without effort. A good typical movement shows us that a dog is well constructed and that all mechanisms on his body work in harmony. Going through all dogs with these exams you have in the end your final “excellents” and then it is the time to compare the dogs all over between them. As FCI examination don’t stand on 150 | THEDOGM AGA Z INE

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points, the judge has to compare his “excellents” at the all over breed type, harmony, compact construction, movement and of course last but not least temperament. According to the FCI we have Uniform requirements for all dogs Judges are expected to pay attention to the following problems in ALL breeds. Dogs with those problems should preferably be awarded with a “Good” and can never get more than a “Very Good”. They will never qualify for a CAC and/or CACIB.

A r t i c l e | Judging Bulldogs in FCI shows

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disharmony and construction good movement breathing teeth eyes too loose skin obesity temperament/behaviour abundant coat and grooming presentation

It is of utmost importance that each judge continues to judge as positively as previously and selects winners of correct type and overall quality, dogs that represent the ideal type of the breed, according to the adopted FCI standard for the breed. Exaggerations in conformation and faults which have an effect on the dog’s health are more serious than cosmetic problems. Judges are requested to consider health aspects to a higher degree than previously, particularly when awarding CAC and/or CACIB INVENTORY It is of utmost importance that every judge realizes that he/she contributes to the development within the breeding and the health of a breed. Judges often form the basis (positive or negative) of the development within a breed. Therefore we ask the judges after judging a breed in which they remark health and/or behaviour problems, to fill in a uniform document. The results can then be transmitted to the breed clubs, so that these clubs will be able to take the development of the breed into account. This document will be made available at national and international shows. Breed clubs are also asked to use it because most dogs of their breed are likely to be presented at their speciality shows. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 2 / 2 0 1 5

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Britisher The Queen X CH Britishpride Wild Thing

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ΑΤ Λ Α ΝΤ Ι Σ Litter sister to Soul Guardian Atlas –Top Bulldog of Greece 2013

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Sissy Adramitli FCI judge. Bulldog Breed Specialist judge |

ΛΙΛΙΑΝ CH Shiloh Sterling Silver x CH Soul Guardian Sky's The Limit

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Sissy Adramitli FCI judge. Bulldog Breed Specialist judge |

Design by Ewa


Dierenkliniek Sleeuwijk the best address for your English Bulldog! The English Bulldog is a special breed which we highly appreciate. It is a breed that deserves special veterinary care. We have a more than average interest in the wellbeing of this breed and that is the reason why we devoted ourselves to improve the health and wellfare of the English Bulldog for over twenty years. During this period we have obtained a lot of experience and knowledge about the specific characteristics of this breed, in other words: what is normal and what is not. For the treatment and prevention of most disorders of the English Bulldog you can always turn to us. With the help of a fully equipped own laboratory, digital radiology, ultrasound, scopy instruments, full monitoring during anesthesia and a very dedicated team, your Bulldog will get the attention he deserves. During the examinations and treatments you can always accompany your dog and follow the surgical procedure through glass doors. Would you like to know more, on our website you can find various articles about the health of the English Bulldog. If you have any questions you can always contact us, we will be pleased to help you!

Dierenkliniek Sleeuwijk

Loevestein 2, 4254 EH Sleeuwijk - The Netherlands Telephone: +31 - 183 - 301708


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