The DOG Magazine-ISSUE 09/2015 Rottweiler

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HI, Our goal with this magazine is to promote responsible breeding and dog ownership and to encourage ethical conduct and responsible breeding of purebred dogs. Our vision is to help promote responsible pet ownership and improve the quality of life of every dog show dog or pet. We make it our goal to provide the most up to date and honest information every dog

owner should know. THE DOG MAGAZINE NO. 9

September 2015 路 EDITOR | GRAPHIC DESIGN Ewa Larsson, Natasja Rutters, Sne啪ka Kuralt

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THE TEAM EWALARSSON My name is Ewa Larsson, Britisher Show Bulldogs we are situated in Canterbury, England. My kennel was established in 1992. My bulldogs live with me inside my house and are raised in a loving environment as one of the family. I believe this approach is reflected in the behaviour of my dogs. Health, a correct temperament and dogs of the highest quality are my goal. Since Spring 2006, I am on the Bulldog Club Inc committee. The Bulldog Club Inc is the oldest Bulldog club in the world, and holds the prestigious Bulldog of the Year Show. I am a Bulldog Breed Specialist Judge currently on “ B” list. I am member of : The Bulldog Club Incorporated, The London Bulldog Society, The South of England Bulldog Society, The Junior Bulldog Club. My affix “ Britisher” is derived from a noun Brit·ish·er which stands for: “An Englishman- a subject or inhabitant of Great Britain”. Please feel free to visit our website.

NATASJARUTTERS “A little story about who I am and what I do” We live in a small town in southern Netherlands near the Belgium border. I always loved dogs and in particular the Bulldog. And when I got my own place … there was my first English bulldog. For many years I was surrounded by the love of these beautiful dogs. At the moment I share my house with 2 French Bulldogs, who also have a wonderful character only in a smaller body With my male Ch. Carte Truffé Kangaroo Kiss ‘Sydney’ (import Finland) I regularly take part of dog shows in the Netherlands and abroad. I am a member of the Hollandse Bulldog Club and the English Bulldog Club Netherlands. Beside designing and spending time with my dogs I love to be creative, like painting and photography. For more information about my dogs and work

I first started to be seriously involved in Cynology, when I bought my first Rhodesian ridgeback (Cubo) from breeder Mr. Andrej Fister – Kyala kennel. Since I had had a ridgeback, I wanted to spent some time and communicate with people who own the same breed. So I became involved and was one of the founding members of Club of Rhodesian ridgeback Slovenia. I was chief of organization of our first special show for Rhodesian ridgebacks in Slovenia. The show entered more than 50 dogs, which was a very nice number for such a small country. We even got Mr. Hans Mueller as a judge, for our first club show, even though the show was not CAC awarded. Soon after, I began my apprenticeship for a Cynology judge, and in January 2011 I acquired a license to judge Rhodesian ridgebacks.

I was born and raised in Southern Slovenia, in a small town called Senovo. By education I am a graphic designer and landscape architect. Currently I am employed in Landscape and GIS Company, where I am a head of marketing and education department.

I currently own two Rhodesian ridgebacks Cubo and Cana. Cubo, his pedigree name is Myollnir Kyala, is one of the most successful show ridgebacks in Slovenia and has always makes me proud. He is 8 years old now and he is calm and mostly a gentleman. Cana (Dikeledi Ayaba) is our female ridgeback, five years old; she brings joy to my life with her silly stunts and happy nature. Cana was imported from Croatia, from Ayaba kennel.

I always felt a great love toward animals, especially dogs. Dogs and cats were always around when I was little and I guess it was meant that that part of my love in life stays with me even in my adulthood.

In my free time I make small products for dog owners, mostly for Rhodesian ridgeback lovers and do different graphic designs for all breeds.


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THE ROTTWEILER STRUCTURE The meaning of structure


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Yvonne Bekkers - FCI Conformation Judge Holland

The meaning of structure According to the dictionary structure means: the arrangements of formations of tissues, organs or other parts of an organism. Looking at a dog you could say that every part of a dog is arranged in such a way that it can function. We have many different breeds and all of them are different in structure (build), some are small others are big, some stand high on their legs others stand low, some are build for speed others for endurance, etc. In the old days all the different structured dogs had their own task. No dog was held “just” as a pet, there was simply no money or food to keep them in that way. Nowadays a dog is becoming more of a status or fashion item. For example take a look at the celebrities with their Chihuahua’s that they carry around in their high fashion purses.

History For the Rottweiler his purpose was very clear, he needed to herd the cattle and protect the belonging’s of it’s owner. In 1907 the German Rottweiler Club was founded, first 2 separate clubs and in 1921 into the ADRK as we know it today. They where the ones who made the breed standard, in the years that followed they made several changes, but the main purpose of our breed was still the same. (more information is found in the Pienkoss book called The Rottweiler, a must have for all Rottweiler lovers). The appearance of the Rottweiler has evolved over the

years, but a good Rottweiler must still be able to WORK. The breed standard of structure (build) and temperament have not changed much in over these 100+ years. When you look at pictures of Rottweilers from many years ago and look at a “normal” Rottweiler from nowadays you can see that the breed has made a bit of a change in appearance but not as great as in some other breeds. (for example Bedlington terrier, Bulldog)

Influence from us humans For a dog to be able to function normal you need several components: • Soundness: the firmness and power of muscle and bone. Under normal living circumstances you can not influence this much as a human. Some dogs are build more sturdy or athletic then others. • Balance and harmony: the way different parts work together in the body of the dog. A bad harmony will always show but you can correct it in some ways by training. • Temperament: you can influence this in many ways. Positive and negative ! • Condition: you can clearly influence this as a human by training, feeding, living circumstances, etc.

Main parts of a dog A dog excises out of 3 major parts: • Front (head / neck and front legs / shoulder blades) • Middle (back and tail) T H ED O G M AG A Z I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5


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• Rear (Hind legs including the pelvis) The rear part acts as a motor that provides the drive of the dog. The tail helps to balance the dog when he is switching his point of gravity. (balance) By this I mean that if the dog is making a move to the side the balance in his body changes. The middle part conducts the drive from the hind legs into the front. It also acts like a shock absorber. The task of the back is often underestimated. That’s why I find it such an important part to judge. If the back is moving a lot during the running or walking there is a dis-balance somewhere in the body of the dog. Most of the times it has to do with the angulations. (those are the most obvious to see) The front angulations are then different then those in the rear. (Steep in front, well angulated in rear = dis-balance), but there are many more factors that can cause dis-balance in a dog. Like: a short upper arm, being long in back, weak pasterns, etc. The front parts (legs and shoulder 8 | THEDOGM AGAZI NE

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blades) act as a shock absorber and needs to process the drive from the rear. It also needs to absorb the gravity and is the starting point of movement from the stands. The head / neck helps with switching the point of gravity and by making a sideway movement. When you summon this up you could say that: The hind legs continue the movement, the back conducts the movement and the front legs coordinate the movement.

Movement With the top part of the article in mind you can imagine how important the structure in a dog is. If one of the “arrangements of formations” is not efficiently constructed you will see this in every part of the dog, especially on the move. For a dog to start moving you need to know what is needed to start this. When a dog is standing natural the front legs stand straight under the body, the el-

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bow joint is “locked”. A push in forward direction against the elbow joint would land the dog on it’s nose. To get started a dog first needs to “unlock” it’s elbow joint by lifting one of it’s front legs of the ground. At (almost) the same time, by a small motion from the rear, (sometimes combined with stretching the neck) the gravity point of the dog goes forward. The body “falls” forward, the lifted front leg is put down on the ground and the forward motion has started. As a judge I always look at the movement when a dog gets started and when a dogs stops or witched gats, those are the moments where I can see a lot of the structure and fitness of a dog. Not only structure is important, also the fitness (muscle, endurance and temperament) has a big part in moving and stacking a dog.

Structure in the rear The drive from the rear is guided most efficiently true the backbone when the hipbone (pelvis) is laying in a certain angle (30 degrees). The power of the drive is channeled most evenly and is (almost) all put into the motion. When the hipbone is laying to steep it means that the motion will be more inefficient. A part of the energy that is normally put into the forward motion is lost due to the fact that a dog with a steep hipbone is moving more upwards (with his rear) than forwards in comprising to a dog with a ideal laying hipbone. When the hipbone is laying flat this also means that the motion will be more inefficient. A part of the energy that is normally put into the forward motion is lost due to the fact that a dog with a flat hipbone is moving in a more falling motion. The front legs can not keep up with the drive from the rear. These dogs loose a lot of energy trying to keep their balance. Angulations in the rear are also an important part of the structure of a dog. An, according to the breed standard, normally angulated Rottweiler needs a certain angle between the hipbone and the thigh bone, the thigh bone and the fibula (90 degrees), fibula and hock. When a dog is steep in it’s angulation it means that the angles are bigger that the ideal. Dog with a steep angle in the rear are can not show as much drive as a well angulated dog, they take shorter steps. Over angulation means that the angles between the different bones are smaller than that of a normal angulated dog. A normal angulated dog on the move shows the pad of the paw when it’s leg is lifted from the ground. An over anguT H ED O G M AG A Z I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5


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lated dog also shows (for a split second) the top of it’s paw (nails and fur). The paw does not stay on the ground long enough to fully make use of the drive, they finish their drive-fase in the air before brining down the paw again. (this is what I call “kicking air”)

Sickle hocks Dogs that are over angulated in the rear and have a normal laying hipbone show a constant bent hock, not only on the move but also at the stands. These dogs are also unable to fully exploit the drive in their movement. We call this sickle-hocked movement. When a dog with sickle hocks moves we do not see the pads of the paw but only the rear of the metatarsals. Sometimes, in very severe cases, the hocks are very stiff making it (almost) impossible for these dog to show normal movement. These dog almost crawl over the ground with their hindquarters low and their neck and head higher that their hindquarters, because they are unable to push out their hocks and finish the pass but still need to find their balance. (in German Shepherds this movement is quit normal because of the structure in their hindquarters) 10 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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Structure in the front Angulations in the front are also an important part of the structure of a dog. An, according to the breed standard, normally angulated Rottweiler needs a certain angle between the shoulder blade and the upper arm and the upper arm and the underarm (45 degrees). When a dog is steep in it’s angulation it means that the angles are bigger that the ideal. Dog with a steep angle in the front can not show as much reach as a well angulated dog, they take shorter steps.

A r t i c l e | The meaning of structure

There are many things that can interfere with the balance in a dog. For example: a steep laying shoulder blade, a short upper arm, steep in front angulations, etc. A dis-balance in the front automatically has an effect on the balance in the body and a dis-balance means less inefficient movement.

Balance If a dog shows incorrect structure (the “arrangements of formations” is not ideal) the dog is also out of balance. Balance is an important part of the structure of a dog. When a dog has a dis-balance somewhere in the body it means that the dog is not as efficient as he could be. When you look at a picture, no matter the breed, and you have a bit of an eye for dogs you can see if there is “something strange” about the dog. Maybe you can not explain what you see exactly but the lack of balance is clear. Difference in balance (photo’s by Spinifex, cropped because I do not want recognizable dogs in this article) If you look at the pictures down below you see 3 males in the age range of 18 months. There is a obvious difference between then in structure (balance and build). All of them will move in a way that their body-build lets them. You can spot the best balanced dog yourself :-)

Conclusion Structure is very important in a dog, especially in a dog that goes to shows or for a dog that is working. A dog that is working (I.P.O. / SchH, Agility, Obedience, Fly ball, etc.) and is not in balance has more risk for an injury. This because he has to compensate for it in some part in it’s body. To cope T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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with this dis-balance the dog needs to compensate it with other parts of it’s body and that is a loss of energy. (muscle-traction, shock absorption in bone and limes, etc.)


No dog is perfect and every dog has it faults (dis-balances). Some dogs have bigger issues in their balance than others. That can be the difference between a rating of Excellent / Very Good / Good and Moderated. The sport of dog-showing is to try and hide those dis-balances for the judge. It is then up to the judge to try and find these dis-balances and even more important to describe them. Then the judge can make its decision for the title !


I love a good handler in the ring that knows the faults of its dog, I learn a lot from these handlers myself as well. BUT I can also appreciate the “newbie” that is just starting to show. If given the time I like to explain to them how they can make their dog look (even) better. That’s the fun of our sport. Helping and learning from each other. Until we meet again ! Yvonne

FCI-Standard N° 147/ 19. 06. 2000 / GB TRANSLATION: Mrs. Chris Seidler. ORIGIN: Germany

UTILIZATION: Companion, service and working dog. FCI-CLASSIFICATION: Group 2 - Pinscher and Schnauzer type-Molossian type and Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs. Section 2.1 Molossian type, Mastiff type. With working trial. BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: The Rottweiler is considered to be one of the oldest dog breeds. Its origin goes back to Roman times. These dogs were kept as herder or driving dogs. They marched over the Alps with the Roman legions, protecting the humans and driving their cattle. In the region of Rottweil, these dogs met and mixed with the native dogs in a natural crossing. The main task of the Rottweiler now became the driving and guarding of the herds of cattle and the defence of their masters and their property. This breed acquired its name from the old free city of Rottweil and was known as the « Rottweil butcher’s dog’ ». The butchers bred this type of dog purely for performance and usefulness. In due course, a first rate watch and driving dog evolved which could also be used as a draught dog. When, at the beginning of the twentieth century, various breeds were needed for police service, the Rottweiler was amongst those tested. It soon became evident that the breed was highly suitable for the tasks set by police service and therefore they were officially recognized as police dogs in 1910. Rottweiler breeders aim at a dog of abundant strength, black coated with clearly defined rich tan markings, whose powerful appearance does not lack nobility and which is exceptionally well suited to being a companion, service and working dog. GENERAL APPEARANCE: The Dobermann is of medium size, strong and muscularly built. Through the elegant lines of its body, its proud stature, and its expression of determination, it conforms to the ideal picture of dog.


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A r t i c l e | Standard FCI

GENERAL APPEARANCE: The Rottweiler is a medium to large size, stalwart dog, neither heavy nor light and neither leggy nor weedy. His correctly proportioned, compact and powerful build leads to the conclusion of great strength, agility and endurance. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The length of the body, measured from the point of the sternum (breast-bone) to the ischiatic tuberosity, should not exceed the height at the withers by, at most, 15 %. BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT: Goodnatured, placid in basic disposition and fond of children, very devoted, obedient, biddable and eager to work. His appearance is natural and rustic, his behaviour self-assured, steady and fearless. He reacts to his surroundings with great alertness.

Croup: Broad, of medium length, slightly rounded. Neither flat nor falling away. Chest: Roomy, broad and deep (approximately 50 % of the shoulder height) with well developed forechest and well sprung ribs. Belly: Flanks not tucked up. TAIL: In natural condition, level in extension of the upper line; at ease may be hanging. LIMBS: FOREQUARTERS: Seen from the front, the front legs are straight and not placed too closely to each other. The forearm, seen from the side, stands straight and vertical. The slope of the shoulder blade is about 45 degrees to the horizontal.


Shoulders: Well laid back.


Upper arm: Close fitting to the body.

Skull: Of medium length, broad between the ears. Forehead line moderately arched as seen from the side. Occipital bone well developed without being conspicuous.

Forearm: Strongly developed and muscular. Pasterns: Slightly springy, strong, not steep.

Stop: Well defined.

Front feet: Round, tight and well arched; pads hard; nails short, black and strong.



Nose: Well developed, more broad than round with relatively large nostrils, always black.

Seen from behind, legs straight and not too close together. When standing free, obtuse angles are formed between the dog’s upper thigh and the hip bone, the upper thigh and the lower thigh, and the lower thigh and metatarsal.

Muzzle: The foreface should appear neither elongated nor shortened in relation to the cranial region. Straight nasal bridge, broad at base, moderately tapered. Lips: Black, close fitting, corner of the mouth not visible, gum as dark as possible. Jaws/Teeth: Upper and lower jaw strong and broad. Strong, complete dentition (42 teeth) with scissor bite, the upper incisors closely overlapping the lower incisors. Cheeks: Zygomatic arches pronounced. Eyes: Of medium size, almond-shaped, dark brown in colour. Eyelids close fitting. Ears: Medium-sized, pendant, triangular, wide apart, set on high. With the ears laid forward close to the head, the skull appears o be broadened. NECK: Strong, of fair length, well muscled, slightly arched, clean, free from throatiness, without dewlap. BODY: Back: Straight, strong, firm. Loins: Short, strong and deep.

Upper thigh: Moderately long, broad and strongly muscled. Lower thigh : Long, strongly and broadly muscled, sinewy. Hocks : Sturdy, well angulated hocks; not steep. Hindfeet: Slightly longer than the front feet. Toes strong, arched, as tight as front feet. GAIT: The Rottweiler is a trotting dog. In movement the back remains firm and relatively stable. Movement harmonious, steady, full of energy and unrestricted, with good stride. SKIN: Skin on the head : overall tight fitting. When the dog is alert, the forehead may be slightly wrinkled. COAT HAIR: The coat consists of a top coat and an undercoat. The top coat is of medium length, coarse, dense and flat. The undercoat must not show through the top coat. The hair is a little longer on the hindlegs. COLOUR: Black with clearly defined T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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markings of a rich tan on the cheeks, muzzle, throat, chest and legs, as well as over both eyes and under the base of the tail. SIZE AND WEIGHT: Height at withers: For males is: 61 - 68 cm. 61 - 62 cm is small 63 - 64 cm medium height. 65 - 66 cm is large - correct height 67 - 68 cm very large. Weight: 50 kg. Height at withers: For bitches is: 56 - 63 cm. 56 - 57 cm is small 58 - 59 cm medium height. 60 - 61 cm is large - correct height 62 - 63 cm very large. Weight: Approximately 42 kg. FAULTS:

Showing dewlap or throaty. • Body: Too long, too short or too narrow. • Back: Too long, weak; sway back or roach back. • Croup: Too sloping, too short, too flat or too long. • Chest: Flat-ribbed or barrel-shaped. Too narrow behind. • Tail: Set on too high or too low. • Forequarters: Narrow or crooked front legs. Steep shoulder placement. Loose or out at elbow. Too long, too short or too straight in upper arm. Weak or steep pastern. Splayed feet. Too flat or too arched toes. Deformed toes. Light coloured nails. • Hindquarters: Flat thighs, hocks too close, cow hocks or barrel hocks. Joints with too little or too much angulation. Dewclaws. • Skin: Wrinkles on head. • Coat: Soft, too short or long. Wavy coat; lack of undercoat.

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

• Colour: Markings of incorrect colour, not clearly defined. Markings which are too spread out. ELIMINATING FAULTS

• General appearance: Light, weedy, leggy appearance. Light in bone and muscle.

• Behaviour: Anxious, shy, cowardly, gun-shy, vicious, excessively suspicious, nervous animals.

• Head: Hound-type head. Narrow, light, too short, long or coarse head. Flat forehead (lack of stop or too little stop).

• General: Distinct reversal of sexual type, i.e. feminine dogs or masculine bitches.

• Foreface: Long or pointed muzzle; split nose; Roman nose (convex nasal bridge) or dish-faced (concave nasal bridge); acquiline nose; pale or spotted nose (butterfly nose).

• Teeth: Overshot or undershot bite, wry mouth; lack of one incisive tooth, one canine, one premolar or one molar. • Eyes: Entropion, ectropion, yellow eyes, different coloured eyes.

• Lips: Pendulous, pink or patchy; corner of lips visible.

• Tail: Kink tail, ring-tail, with strong lateral deviation.

• Jaws: Narrow lower jaw.

• Hair: Definitely long or wavy coat.

• Bite: Pincer bite. • Cheeks: Strongly protruding. • Eyes: Light, deep set. Also too full and round eyes; loose eyelids. • Ears: Set on too low, heavy, long, slack or turned backwards. Also flying ears or ears not carried symmetricaly. • Neck: Too long, thin, lacking muscle.


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• Colour: Dogs which do not show the typical Rottweiler colouring of black with tan markings. White markings. Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified. N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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AUTHOR Maltseva Raisa


Top Handler and Groomer

Maltseva Raisa


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I’m Maltseva Raisa, a professional handler, graduated from the free University in the faculties of Cynology, training instructor and a groomer now learn from expert within RKF-FCI. I own Rottweiler kennel called Vom Haus Alex Yekaterinburg. I started to work with dogs a long time ago, my first dog appeared into my life when I was 13 years old, and it was a Rottweiler... with this breed I began the career of a handler and learned all the intricacies of the show on the show. My training , the first steps into that direction of a handler I started out on my dogs, studying the technique of showing, anatomy, standards, basic training and much more. Now I am a top handler and groomer (as well for Bearded Collies, Australian shepherds). The first thing I start to talk about is How to start working with the dog: “We need to stop looking at the ears and tails separately and see the whole dog, whole as it is alive, moving, and not the amount of examples - the height at the withers, slanting body length, girth circumference, length of muzzle. All these measurements are necessary, but only as a support, when there are doubts about the loyalty of the evaluation, the accuracy of first impressions, and not as an end in itself. Let us seek and we will find harmonious beautiful dogs. Beauty is not “ideal”. The beautiful beast may be the legs is slightly shorter, and the body is longer than would be ideal, but these “little faults” create in general proportionality, where neither add nor subtract. In this case, the shortcomings are not evident, and create the uniqueness of this dog.” I prepare the dogs to show different levels around the world, in the prepa-

ration of the Rottweiler to a major show in Germany - the main goal of the show is to demonstrate not only the anatomy but also to emphasize the true temperament of the Rottweiler, it shows like I use double handling. Not a lot about showing and training - training double handling I’m starting from the dog’s very early age, developing the puppy instinct production and struggle, the estimated age of 2-3 months, 5-6 months, I begin to produce the rack and walking in the preload, most often I work without an assistant Sizikova dog toys ( each dog toys picked individually). Next I turn to work with the assistant, the task of the second handler to give the dog to be distracted by other handlers and other toys . Competently and correctly to call my dog not Perevoznaya her but keep in suspense!!! The feature of the show is to develop temperament T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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and joyful and desire to work for a toy, without nervousness and excess excitation. Training Rottweiler to any show this is a great work, by handling needs more exercise and training!! Speaking of training Rottweiler( Boxer, Doberman) , I use different methods, but the average usually, it takes 2 months. There are different types of exercises’ for example ( running uphill, running with weights, change of motion, treadmill, swimming, weights, and more) dogs participating in the show deal with stretches, kalanetika, massage, and fitness, with each dog walks from 2 hours a day .Choose different exercises for a specific dog and a specific outcome. Regardless of the training and exercise any load removed 2 weeks before the show and stay just a walk. During exercise by passing feed my dogs get clean meat for 800 grams per day. In addition to Rottweilers I put a lot of different breeds such as the boxer, Australian shepherd, bearded collie, 20 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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pug, and many others ) In such rocks, I use the free stand and manual screening. My rotweiler work with any show, if the show is in a free standing position it is necessary to consider the anatomy and disadvantages of dogs ( this rack is not suitable for everyone) and is contraindicated in dogs with a partition, and a weak pastern. To teach your puppy free standing position - I am working on a piece and a toy, the first step is to stop command in the form of the game, when we’re not watching the correct show, and just teach the dog to stop and sit in the same position. After these exercises, we turn to the “step” back and forth we will teach your dog to cross and move his feet. When we learned both paragraphs I will move on to learning the correct rack. - display in manual rack - training should start from an early age, by teaching the puppy to the hands. The goal is to teach your puppy to give feet movement, after

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the puppy gives a cool touch, I begin to produce the preload!! When working with any breed, I try to show temperament and clamped in the rack. On past stands we will talk about the movement, the movement in the ring - movement in the ring one of the main things, digenic must be productive and energetic!! To work on movements with puppies I start slowely, the first stages I begin with domestication to collars or sliplead. The dog sensed the tension on the leash and used. Self training with puppies begin in the form of fun games with the toy or piece. Step number two is playing with a puppy abruptly step on the leash so the puppy is not afraid of the jerks and sudden stops. Next we transition we move towards learning - a movement forward and back - the main thing is to teach the dog clearly move in a straight (without interference and unnecessary temperament).

For dogs who do not have enough angle of the hind limbs, when moving from an expert, a dog can be raised thereby to visually increase the angle. - movement in a circle is a big mistake many handlers running too fast in the ring, at a high speed, the dog does not have time and lost the hindquarters and Macromedia reach the front. The pace for the dog must be individualized. I when training their dogs, watching them at different speeds, and release on command forward (again not all) . To hide the faults in the movement is the most difficult, but it is possible there are several methods. Many people come to class asking where better to train the dog, there is no single answer, in the winter I run at the gym, in the summer on the street, and at the exhibition. Catching up at the show, I put emphasis on the socialization of the dog, and getting used to the show atmosphere, and practicing all of the skills T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E 路 I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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obtained in the hall. Professional handler I became immediately, my training started with the kennel Hotran, it was there where I gained basic knowledge, at the time, my teachers were Tatiana Shadrina and Kleinbock Larissa, I trained and practiced on kennel dogs and their personal dogs, I had a lot of practice and a strong desire to learn everything, so I went to study at the faculty of Cynology there I gained knowledge on anatomy, training and expertise. Further my teacher was Elena Timkina, from her I have gained knowledge about massage, and a free standing position. After that I have established the kennel Vom Haus Alex with the breeder Alexander Kuleshov, who is my best friend and mentor, with his dogs I have achieved great success. Past that, I work with kennels Sandauri, Almadinaks, Aurum Dog, Velur Jou, Scottish Tower, Kaminari Praid. 22 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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Now I’m willing to cooperate with all nurseries, both in Russia and abroad! Some of my favorite dogs are Dakota Vom Wilben Westen ( Junior champion of Ukraine, champion of Germany, champion ADRK, JUN ADRK KS, champion of Russia, champion of Lithuania, champion of RKF, International champion, multi bis, champion of National club of breed twice). Audi Vom Moritzberg ( Junior champion of Russia, JBOB of Eurasia, champion of Russia, champion of Lithuania, champion of RKF x12, multi best of breed. Holli Vom House Aleks - Vv10 ADRK KS, Junior champion of Russia, champion of Russia, champion RKF, multi JBOB. Thank you to TheDogMagazine for allowing me to tell my story to you.

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AUTHOR Mrs Olive Davison


BEST OF BREED AT CRUFTS 2015 A Rottweiler’s Success Story

CHUDLEY CH.FIREMOONS AMIS A VIE JW (translated friend for life) 30 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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Mrs Olive Davison United Kingdom

To our total amazement our lovely cuddly Chudley only went and took BEST OF BREED at CRUFTS 2015 under breed specialist Norma Window (Hanbar). For those who perhaps do not know a lot about showing, you need 3 CC’s (Challenge Certificates) for a dog to become a Champion and this title is then awarded to the dog by the Kennel Club. A Challenge Certificate is awarded when the Judge decides that your dog is the best dog/bitch in his opinion at a Championship show. Well, Chudley now has 11 CC’s 5 Reserve CC’s 6 BOB’s (Best of Breeds) (including 3 BIS (Best in Show) at single breed club Championship shows – LASER London & South East Rottweiler club, SWRA South Western Rottweiler Association, BRA British Rottweiler Association and a Reserve CC at Midland Counties Rottweiler Club.) Chudley also represented SWRA at Dog of the Year show in 2014 and is representing LASER in November 2015. We had never imagined that our lovely boy, whom we bred, would achieve so much and in such a short time. All I will say to others is that if we can do it, then you can. However, it is so important that you choose a good quality stud dog that you think fits the bill and the sire to be must have good hip and elbow scores and has the necessary qualities which you think your bitch lacks. Having said this, temperament is paramount and if your chosen stud dog does not possess a sound temperament, then you really must not use it. Getting back to Chudley, as a puppy, we did suffer an early disappointment. He injured his shoulder which meant he could not be shown as a puppy. Having made a full recovery we just

managed to take him out to the last qualifying Championship show of the year, (2012) where Chudley took a first place from a class of eight other puppies. We were absolutely thrilled as this meant he would be qualified to enter Crufts the following year 2013. The first major Kennel Club award Chudley gained before the age of 18 months was a Junior Warrant where he had to gain at Open and Championship shows enough points to be able to be awarded this title. Early in 2013 Jodi Allen took over handling Chudley and we have never looked back. Jodi, in a personal capacity, achieved Handler of the Year 2011 at Crufts and we knew straight away that Jodi and Chudley would make a good team. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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Chudley has a superb temperament and this is mainly due to his breed lines which seem to be running true to form. However, it is also really important to take a puppy to socialisation classes and this is one of the most important acts that you can do as a new owner of a Rottweiler or in fact any breed of dog. Whether it be ring craft or obedience classes where the dog can meet other dogs this is an absolute must. At our socialisation class Chudley made great friends with a Cocker Spaniel and they both adore one another to this day. Chudley has gained ‘Excellent’ in two separate temperament tests run by rottie breed clubs. To our total amazement, with Jodi handling, Chudley progressed on gaining so many first places and achieved his first Challenge Certificate at the tender age of 17 months. By the time he was 2 years 4 months Chudley had become a Champion. At Crufts 2014 we were so pleased when Chudley gained a first place in Mid Limit Dog and was considered for the top honour. However, the following year 2015, Chudley took 1st place in Open Dog, took the Dog Challenge Certificate and then went on to gain Best of Breed. It was quite manic at Crufts after this as we had to chase through halls to get to the Working Group which was being shown on TV and, again, we were so proud to have our boy on TV coverage. It was such an exciting time, although we were totally exhausted after such a long day. The judge, Norma Windows, Breed Specialist presented to us such a lovely Trophy with his win which acts as such a lovely reminder now – see picture. We have nearly always celebrated Chudley’s big wins with a celebratory cake and these have been superbly 32 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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made by Amanda Lawson of Iced-Delights. The Champion cake depicted was decorated and moulded around photos of Chudley. We have taken the cakes with us to shows to share amongst our friends. Showing is not for everybody but it does provide for us a very interesting life meeting lots of people with the same interest and we have travelled many thousands of miles now over probably 15 – 20 years of showing. Chudley has just sired a litter of eight puppies, four bitches and four dogs and is available at stud to suitable bitches which meet our criteria. For any enquiries please email: Firemoon2015@ or mobile: 07552818389 We are just so very proud of CHUDLEY and who knows what the future may hold! The following extracts are some of Chudley’s critiques: SOUTHERN COUNTIES CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 2013: DAVISON’S FIREMOONS AMIS A VIE JW – Very well put together with excellent proportions all over. Excellent head shape without any wrinkles at all. Nice neck. Broad chest with correct deep excellent sprung of ribs. He is in powerful condition with a compact body which gives him a great well balanced strength. He is a harmonious mover. I was very thrilled when he was placed second in the Group under the breed specialist Miss Elina Haapaniemi. DCC & BOB Mr Hans T.Lehtinen (Finland). SOUTH WESTERN ROTTWEILER ASSOCIATION –OCTOBER 2014 DAVISON’S AMIS A VIE JW – 2yrs 8 mths. Strong, powerful male in peak condition maintaining beautiful outline whilst moving. I adored his substance

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symmetry and muscled definition. A male of super temperament that was enjoying himself in the ring. A credit to his owners on the superb condition of this dog. This male is not fully mature and there is still room for improvement! Strong, broad head correctly propor34 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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tioned. Pleasing Muzzle. Dark almond eye. Medium ear, lying close to head. Calm expression. Powerful neckline leading into lovely constructed shoulders. Straightest of fronts with good width. Correct angles on pasterns. Beautiful spring of rib & correct depth

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of chest of 50/50 proportions leading into a powerful full muscular loin. Rear in hard condition with superb ratios and construction of hock and thigh. Dog and handler both exceedingly happy and working in harmony together. Really pleased to award him DCC 7 BIS in agreement with Referee. LONDON & SOUTH EAST ROTTWEILER CLUB (LASER) 9TH November 2014 DAVISON’S CH FIREMOONS AMIS

A VIE JW – Lovely well balanced quality dog, correct strong but clean head, correct dark eye and good for shape, good earset, nice dry skull, strong muzzle, correct in front with well developed forechest good tight feet clean over well placed shoulders, good rear angulation, correct coat texture and good tan, tail ok, moved effortlessly with power and strength giving good reach and drive, a lovely dog worthy of is title, on agreement with co-judge BIS – Judge: Andrew McMaster

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AUTHOR Maria Makomaski

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Dr Maria Makomaski Doctor of Veterinary Surgery Dog Show FCI Judge Rottweiler breeder “vom Raubritter” (est 1992)

My passion for dogs started when I was very young. When I was 10 years old I got permission to have my own dog, the first thing I did was buy a book about dog training. I spent a time studying this book before my puppy arrived. My new companion was a long hair, black and tan Dachshund, her name was Turla. This small bitch was my first school-matte. During the next years I enjoyed training my dogs. Trying to understand them became my real passion. With my next dog, a German Sheepdog, I started to practice obedience and IPO. I entered some competitions, but always preferred training more than competing. I spent a lot of time at the dog shows outside the show ring, observing different breeds. Slowly, the world of dogs became my world. After many years with my German Sheep Dog, it was at the end of 1970 when I discovered the Rottweiler. No, not a live animal, because in this time the breed was not very popular, just an article about these dogs with amazing personalities. For me it was like love at first sight – dogs with such a strong personality and intellect but not easy to train, a true challenge for me!!! After waiting two years for my first Rottweiler bitch, ABASTA Remedium finally arrived. She was an excellent teacher and I learned so many things about the Rottweiler from her. In 1983 I become a member of Club Français du Rottweiler and at the first French Rottweiler Club Show 1983 she obtain an Excellent, passed Sociability Test under ADRK judge Willi Hedtke. With A/A hips dysplasia results she be-

come First Choice selected bitch for breeding. I was very proud. She stayed with us for more than 10 happy years. I never forgot my lovely companion, my tender bodyguard who took care of me after my serious surgery, far better than any nurse!!! Even than I didn’t continue to breed and show dogs I was interested in the breed and spent time at the shows as often as possible, no matter the distance or weather. But living without a Rottweiler became impossible for me. And one day, a small black and tan fluffy puppy appeared in our home. She was called FRAIDA von Loewenstein. The worthy daughter of TELL vom Zimmerplatz and FENIA von der Blume, twice grand daughter of famous DINGO vom Schwaiger Wappen she looked at me proudly, as she wanted to say: do you know what a Rottweiler is? Yes…I already knew… And that was the start of the « vom Raubritter » story. Fraida had a very good character and show potential. She liked showing and had a big presence in the ring. You could say she almost flirted with the judges. In 3 years she won 17 CACIB, 10 BOB and become International /French/Polish/Monaco Champion, Best of Breed at French and Polish Club Show, V3 at European Dogs Show, V5 at ADRK Klub Show. In the same time she got IPO 1. During the years she stay a most titled French Rottweiler bitch. She was almost a perfect Rottweiler, without forgetting she also had the capacity to reproduce well. In two litters she gave 5 champions! The excellent results of her children T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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permitted her to obtain the highest French tittle «Reproduce Elite A». Some of her puppies also became « Reproduce Elite ». I have breed some dogs with a working and show potential. The most well known are: Inter Champ, Elite A INKO (Fraida x Ken v.Schwaiger Wappen) and his full brother Inter/Polish Champion IPO 1 IRCO. JUBEL (Fraida x Falco v.d.Teufelsbrucke) - Inter/Polish/Brasilia/Grand Argentina Champ, winner of Junior Classe at ADRK Klubsieger in 1995. He also was Best Reproduced of 2001 and 2002 in Argentina.



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JUMA (Fraida x Falco v.d.Teufelsbrucke) Polish Champ, French Rottweiler Club Winner in 1996. In the same show her sister J.J. titled Polish Champion and Elite A for breeding, was a French Vice Club Winner. NIL (Juma x Ragnar v.h..Falconsnest) - Inter/Polish Champ and his full sister Multi Champ NESKA who was foundation bitch in the famous “Marstal” Kennel NOBLESSE OBLIGE (J.J.x Inko)- Inter/Polish Champ, Multi BOS and BOB SORBONNE (J.J. x Indio dell Antico Guerriero) - Multi Winner, Best Veteran at French Championship

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And the last, but not least Inter/Polish Champ URMEL (Noblesse Oblige x Orlando v.H.Neubrand)

But having great show results is just part of a Rottweiler’s potential. When breeding I always tried to selected a Rottweiler with sound construction, good mental and working ability, a dog “without fear or reproach”, not just black and tan molosser. And when Da Ist Ruda vom Raubritter (Cojak v.h.Falconsnest x Urmel vom Raubritter), who often won BOS bitch in the speciality show, became French Rottweiler Club IPO Champion in 2011 I was very proud of that because she is a 4th generation of my breed selection. Mission accomplished, I can say. After many years of breeding, working and showing Rottweiler’s I felt I was qualified to share my canine knowledge and judge them. In my opinion the only justifiable reason for judging dogs is when you have the same kind of passion for the breed. In 15 last years I have judged National Championships, Special Rottweiler Show and all breed show in France and several countries: Spain, Italy, Poland, Belgium, Lithuania, Russia, Australia, Egypt. In 2011 I was honoured by the invitation to judge the Rottweiler Females at the World Dogs Show in Paris. I never forget that this breed is a working breed and in my judgment I try to explain that a hyper type construction Rottweiler is not a true Rottweiler type. It’s clear that today exaggerations are preferred in some show rings. It does not matter if the exaggeration is the breed type or the handling. In fact, many Rottweiler’s move around the ring so fast that they never have the opportunity to display their characteristic movement.


Would a Rottweiler be a better, more T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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invincible defender of its master and his property if it were to move with the same agility as an Australian Kelpie? I don’t think so. Since 2008 until now I have been vice-president of Union Française pour le Rottweiler (French Rottweiler Club) and responsible for Judges Commission. For me it is one more way to serve this fantastic breed. Presently I am FCI International judge qualified to judge many other breeds, but the breed “of my heart” is and always will be the THE ROTTWEILER! You’re sincerely


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AUTHOR Åsa Tova Bergh


On choosing “The road of love” and having to fight against prejudices. 50 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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By Åsa Tova Bergh, Sweden. Author of 8 dog books, instructor, assistant dog coach and devoted clicker trainer. Permanently writing for The Total Rottweiler Magazine.

Photo by Göran Ericson


I do not feel alone with my conviction that the rottweiler in many senses is a remarkable breed. On the other hand, it´s not only positive with the overwhelming rottweiler fever that is a rising trend today. The worst thing that could happen to a breed ist that it gains too much popularity. What happened for instance to the competent sport and military dog collie after the “Lassie-fever”? And, honestly, who culd tell that the movies with “Rin-Tin-Tin” only lead to positive development for the german shepherd? Not to mention Pongo and the 101 spots on correct places. How many living dalmatians are equipped with the brilliant intelligence of the principal part of a cartoon? And how many chihuahuas have been sedated and smuggled in the most horrifying ways, just because “everyone” all of a sud-

den felt a desperate need to own their own little Tinkerbell? Now the star of the rottweiler is rising. Many people fall in love with these impressive and beautiful dogs mainly because of their looks, and sometimes, at worst, because of their power and strength. A marvelous work of art and a power to count on in almost any field. But what if the owner doesn´t care to work with a dog such as this? Or chooses to reinforce negative behaviour? The rottweiler is a wonderful friend and a highly competent guard dog. We can develop an angel – or the opposite. Trainers choice… I am not saying that our dogs are more dangerous than other breeds. As a matter of fact my experience is the contrary. A healthy and balanced rottweiler has a strong barrier against bitT H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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Photo by Göran Ericson

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ing which prevents the dog from causing any damage. But, with “breeding” merely planned out of sheer greed, using God knows what kind of dogs, several problems appear.

The way I see it, there´s absolutely no need to chose “the trail of conflicts” if you want to teach yor rottweiler cooperation and nice manners. Walking togeter along “the road of love” makes everything so much easier and you never endanger your relation in a fight that you are not physically capable of winning. 52 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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Photo by Göran Ericson

Who wants to buy these puppies? I do not. But they exist and they are sold – often to people with little or no previous experience of working dogs. Some of these new rottie owners are given advice from the breeder to “remember rottweilers are rock hard. You have to show him from the first day that you are the boss!”

Photo by Kim Härgestam

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could run faster than a dog. Nice try… So what do I do in a situation like that? Easy, I just turn around and drive away as fast as possible. My dogs seem to like me. Otherwise, I do not think they would be so keen to run after me.

Photo by Evelina Cajselius

I shake my head to the stupidity of the comments some breeders hand out.

Duga napp

Sometimes I´m asked how on earth I can live together with these “big” dogs? I´m handicapped and I´m in a wheelchair. What, for instance, if my rottweiler decides to run away from me? That makes me laugh and I wish good luck to anyone believing that they

I pass through larger cities and meet dogs who are working with an impressive efficiency in a completely mad direction. I keep shaking my head, reading about the most unbelievable mixes between breeds, where the temperament cannot possibly cause anything but a disaster, colliding in the head of a poor dog with a “master” who is more or less flying at the other end of the leash. No knowledge on how to read the dogs signals or working to foresee situations. I keep shaking my head. Sometimes I fear that my neck is going to break. Lost in a feeling of “this is unbelievable, why don´t people understand better?” I started writing letters to the editors of swedish papers. Being a professional T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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Photo by Ralf Bergman

Photo by Kim Salomonsson

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But, when it came to speaking out some kind of advocation for this misunderstood breed, I found an immense wall of resistance towering up in front of me. Obviously it is more selling to keep topping the headlines with an almost perverted interest in blowing up big news out of accidents caused by rottweilers. No matter if it´s a mixed breed with just an ounce of rottweiler – or if the “accident” so highly enlarged when it comes to terms was close to nothing. Anything for money. And tickling peoples fear always seems to be a rewarding act.

I have discussed this with journalists and got the reply “Well, maybe it was not a rottweiler in this particular case… but that is a word people recognizes and know the meaning of… It´s just an example of a frightening dog – why do you take it so seriously?” Yes, why? Why? Maybe it´s because I have felt connected with the breed ever since my first rottweiler entered my life when I was 16. A few months after leaving home I began suffering from a certain absinence for a dog by my side. Being used to a whole bunch of furry friends since early childhood, the lack was quite obvious. Thanks to friends of our family, I could get a “second hand dog”

Photo by Tobias Rahn

writer, I´m quite spoiled with the fact that if I write an article it most likely will be published.

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of a breed I never had given a thought before: a Rottweiler. This lady, Bergsgårdens Happy, taught me something new, namely what it can be to live with “the perfect companion”. We spent some years together, living in the centre of Uppsala, a university town with about 160.000 citizens. The breed was not too big in Sweden by then. I was often asked “if my dobermann shouldn´t be put on a diet?” She was a Champion and looked just like a rottweiler should. She didn´t have a tail but that was not her fault. My dear rottweiler friend had motivation, stability and was a brilliant example of what a real good rottie can be like. And my heart was lost to the breed. Life brings many changes, some of them you cannot control – but you almost always have a choice on how to behave in a situation. One of my biggest trials (this far) was when, at the age of 28, without any previous warning, I became paralyzed due to an aneurysm in my neck. Saying that it was a rather tough period is not exactly overdoing it. My son was 15 months old, my dog 5 years (and an eager working dog) so I was desperately needed at home. Instead I had to spend six months at the hospital, struggling with rehabilitation to be able to manage my own wheelchair and take care of myself. Today my right side works normally, other than I´m not too strong in it. Later on, after some dogless years, Nova came in to my life. I felt that it was time for a puppy and had thousands of arguments for and against different breeds…and every time time it ended up with The Breed. 56 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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Strangely enough many people still believe that it´s my son or husband who walks and trains my dogs. The truth is that my dogs stay in bed as long as I´m sleeping because they know there´s nothing happening without me. And, talking about running after your dog, who can “walk” it at the speed of 15 km./h for one hour or more if required? I can. For me it was quite natural to teach my dog “practical things” such as retrieving everything I dropped, no matter what it is – a log, a stamp, a tin can or a coin. We kept training typical assistance dog tasks, merely for fun, and Nova soon had learned to pull off my shoes, socks and sweater – closing drawers and doors – helping with the laundry, pushing buttons and so on. When Nova was 2½ years old we passed the examination and gained the title “Certified Assistance Dog” as the first rottweiler team in Scandinavia. By then, I often was asked how I managed to train my dogs? Using only one hand leaves no opportunities to with a firm (maybe even painful) grip “show them that I was the boss.” How could I get a big dog to follow my will without using any violence? Today, 10 years later, I hope that most dogowners have realized that a hard relation only creates more hardness. If you want to teach someone how to do a thing, you don´t reach your goal faster with punishments or angry words. Trust your dog – it works 24/7 to understand what you intend to say. If it makes mistakes the most common reason is that we, the so called “masters”, have failed in explaining the task in a fair and understandable way. I don´t want any bad vibrations in

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my dog training – and I realize that if I would try measuring my strength with that of my dog, I wouldn´t have a chance. And that goes for all of us. A huge dog going berserk, limitlessly using all his power, is so much stronger than a lousy human – no matter if he/she happens to be heavy weight champion. The dog is so much more powerful, with an incredible capacity. I find it nicer to cooperate instead of opening a door to a force none of us are interested in releasing. And therefore I chose the road of love – which is endless and makes us both happy, day after day. With positive reinforcement I “catch my dog in the act” when she´s doing the right thing instead of waiting till she makes a mistake to get a reason to punish her.

Photo by Ralf Bergman

(If I go to myself, I prefer getting good response instead of complaints.)

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Photo by Tobias Rahn

“A Madmans Defense” in 1887. It´s a novel in which he tries to penetrate and understand his stormy marriage and complicated relation to the opposite sex.

When I came out in the society with Nova, I found out that many things had changed since I was walking with Happy by my side. People seldom asked what breed Nova was – they were fully convinced that they knew everything about rottweilers. And, oh yes, mostly their education was of a marvelous and highly academical art = all facts come directly from the headlines of evening papers. After being told uncountable times that “this is a murder dog with selflocking jaws, bred to fight– and, yes, that´s the truth!” I taught Nova to vigorously shake her head at the question “Are you a killer dog?” And, since my efforts to influence media never seemed to work out my way I finally decided to write a book in which I gave the friendly but misunderstod rottweiler a voice, as a strong reply to all inaccurate lies that seemed to gain most publicity. The title of my book was selfevident, “A Rottweilers Defense”. The swedish novelist August Strindberg published 58 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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My relation to the rottweiler is crystal clear: I love this breed from the bottom of my heart! And therefore I wanted to show all sides of it. Altogether the book consists of 30 chapters where mentality, health and working capacity are emphasized as highly important. Interviewing active rottie owners has been a nice task and in my book I´m proud to introduce rottweilers working with obedience, agility, IPO, guarding – as well as police dogs, rescue dogs, service dogs and rotties performing other kinds of “social heroic deeds”. My aim was to show all sides of these precious dogs – and point out that a rottweiler´s not just a nice pillow to decorate your sofa. They need an engaged and competent owner who cares to provide them with interesting challenges and a natural place in the family. One of my worse nightmares is that people would come to the conclusion that “the rottweiler must be an extremely easily trained dog if a handicapped person could teach it that much!” I dare say no. Especially if the owner chooses “the trail of conflicts” instead of “the road of love”. The rottweiler is a marvelous friend and working mate and we could easily deserve its heart if we just care to be honest, straight and respectful. “What comes around goes around” is a saying that´s highly relevant also in this case..!

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AUTHOR Daria Storozheva



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The Owner Of Titan: Daria Storozheva Full name Titan: Titan - Rotvis Victory

This story is about a dog who helped in difficult times people are at war! Titanium is a dog of breed a Rottweiler, he’s 6! This big dog is not an easy fate! He is a conscientious objector. At the age of 6 months he was returned to the breeder.

Safety, in Kiev, Chernigov, Odessa. Titanium is very peaceful and calm dog. But at the same time, he will always protect his mistress!

He was exhausted and fearful! But Daria quickly put him on his feet and began to nurture it! With him often participated in various city competitions GST, BAS, BH. Then team DC Sevastopol went to the competition Dog and BROUGHT the Dog to Ensure Public

“I’m a Dog-Handler in the city, with the Titan went to school for the protection of the host (Dog). So when the war started in Ukraine, our supervisor called and asked for dogs to help. Because the self-defense units not cope with the influx of cars before the ref-

Daria told us the story about her border dog - Titan:

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erendum. Were selected dogs with the desire to work and seek! Who found weapons and ammunition in the car have conducted trainings and classes. And so we went to the block post Perekop (not far from the town of Armyansk). There is the camp of self-defense, with two side tents were deployed. Me and Titanium placed in the third tent with other self-defencists. Every 4 hours we searched vehicles! Constantly icy wind was blowing, blowing to the bone. We searched both cars and cargo trucks, passenger buses-regular. Titan searched every car with amazing 62 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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enthusiasm, carefully inspecting every nook and cranny of transport. Often found oiled tools. One day, the Titan pulled me directly to the machine of the automobile, and began eagerly sniffing around the front door. I made a sign to move away... When they came and opened our door there were people holding hunting rifles! When examining the machine was also found not hunting weapons, people have taken to ascertain the circumstances. Then we learned how to roll on the ramp (the Elevator) and to inspect the truck with boxes, in one of the fours all three dogs sniffed to distant boxes, but more than

A r t i c l e | Titan

just the interest is not delayed, one of the guards began to wonder “Why?” he went to the box and opened it there was a big batch of wooden boards. Searches, tent, again searches and search, and again, the rest in the tent. And then the alarm! The siren blares, 3 hours of the night. I took Titanium and in the med tent-point, according to the decree on the protection of honey. After waiting for an hour. Did the ad false alarm, everyone. Back in the tent began to discuss what happened. It turned out that waiting for the bus with the radical people. But thank God that

all is quiet. The weapons were found very much! There was a lot of contraband!” Many do not know how difficult was the war in Ukraine, which has lasted until now! And only dogs are capable of your nose to help people find something! And how incredibly small the cowardly puppy - increased police dog Titan!

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AUTHOR Branko Torma




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FCI Judge Rottweiler , Branko Torma Serbia, Obrenovac phone +381603823053 email web

Hello! My name is Branko Torma. I was born and live in Serbia. My connection with cynology mainly reflects in training other owner’s dogs, breeding my own dogs and participation in dog shows as well since I am FCI judge for the Rottweiler, German Boxer, and Doberman breeds. With 12 years old my first Rottweiler was female, her name is Lea . She was very smart and non fear dog, not scary, she did not know what really fear is . She was very good protector, she loved to swim, she was simply for everything. Her first show was something terrible after she get SG , she was not realistic example of Rottweiler breed. I remember I was show her in stand without leash , I move myself in public and call her, she was stand over there with no moving and she has full target on me. After the show I buy new one, that was male Rottweiler and with him I had more success. I start to understand this breed, their needs, their behavior, their health problems etc… Since that time I never had any other breed except the Rottweiler. After many years of having Rottweiler dogs I made pause few years and I come back, hungry of knowledge and prepare to look deeper in to this beautiful breed. I founded the Rottweiler Agency in 2011. I noticed the great problem in process of selling and buying certain dogs. The problem consists of the fact that sellers present their dogs to buyers showing them photographs previously edited in Photoshop and therefore buyers pay for something not real. Maybe, you would think, “Well, OK, but there we have a

video as well.” And we do. We can learn a lot more from a video, but there are certain techniques of shooting which can conceal some defects and flaws well enough for you to pay for something that in fact is not as presented. What you get from the Agency is authentic photos and videos without editing in the Photoshop, general state of the dog you are buying just before the purchase. Sometimes the seller shows old photos and videos, pictures of dentition, proof of testicles exam and everything you would see with your own eyes, but all of these things belonging to a dog that once was in a good shape. Therefore, the Agency is guided by the following slogan, “We simply act as your eyes and ears! We provide reliable protection from a variety of unpleasant circumstances for both buyers and sellers.” CHARACTERISTICS AND NEEDS OF THE ROTTWEILER The Rottweiler is a working dog of extraordinary intelligence, loyal and uncompromising. Its character is like its constitution – solid, stable. It is a hard-working, brave, reliable, and strong integrity dog. It learns willingly and what has been learned stays in its memory for a long period of time. It belongs to the sporting dogs group, as well. Its usability is wide and diverse. With its coarse and short coat, it pertains to the “easy to maintain” group of dogs, although its hair flies around the house during molting. Serious consequences may occur due to errors and bad choices during Rottweiler breeding. Novices in the field make mistakes, especially if they are self-educated and if they obtain on their own information on how to breed a dog. The Rottweiler breed must not be underestimated. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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Bonding with family Dogs are pack animals. Against their nature, they stopped behaving savagely. Nevertheless, mistreating necessarily brings it out of this strong, self-conscious, and temperamental breed. The Rottweiler should relate to the family they live with and should be in contact with them over several hours a day. It should be accepted as a part of the family, only if each family member agrees with the idea. Living space Big dogs require their own living space. A house with a garden, where a dog can move freely, would be an ideal choice. Keeping it in a city, in apartments is something this breed is fully adapted to. However, since movement is necessary but restricted in the abovementioned situation, the owner’s duty is to provide enough walk and space for the Rottweiler. A house with a garden in your possession does not mean that you do not have to walk your 68 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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dog. The Rottweiler cannot satisfy their need for movement by walking around the garden on their own. Sleepy Rottweiler, with a bunch of fat on its body, is not the best model of its kind. Movement is of great significance in the life of the Rottweiler. The character of the Rottweiler We cannot speak about the breed we are raising and stay objective at the same time. Knowing that character is consisted of inborn and acquired characteristics, which need to be embedded in life environment of a dog, we need to insist on a character, which is close, as much as possible, to the one described in breed standard. The Rottweiler dogs are stable, serious, and loyal to their owners. Seriousness, of course, comes with the psychological maturity of a dog. Initially, your dog is a puppy with a constant desire for playing, and often puppies play too much.

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a task to strive to perfection in character and physical aspect as well, so this way the quality of our pet is guaranteed. Properly raised Rottweiler, with well-formed character, is incorruptible guard of property and people. It is moderate and attentive in playing, capable of giving the love and affection in return. It is one of the most stable dog breeds. The Rottweiler behavior As it is already mentioned in the chapter about the character, breeding is of the greatest importance when it comes to dog behavior.

The Rottweiler has nerves of steel and it is brave. It responds to discomfort (shouting, pain, etc.) by a command, whereas, it acts spontaneously and automatically when it or its owner is endangered. This breed is loyal to its owner and their home. It does not usually wander off, but it prefers to be surrounded by a family. Females are more loyal and affectionate towards the people they live with. They are especially regardful with children. On the other hand, they are true guards of their territory and owner. For males, discipline and strictness is a necessity. Like any male in the nature, they will try to impose themselves as leaders of the pack. Properly raised male is irreplaceable member of any home, only if its owner does not forget at any moment what they want from their pets. All this goes in favor of buying a puppy from a breeder who takes this occupation seriously, if not professionally, because the breeder has

Appropriate behavior of a dog in the presence of people reflects the owner behavior and attitude towards the dog from the time when the dog was a puppy. As much as it is important to praise the dog immediately after something well done, it is important as well to punish it even sooner after some mistake. When a puppy, or an adult dog, makes a mistake, there are several ways of punishing it. Sometimes it is necessary to touch the dog a bit harder, but always thinking carefully about where and how. The best solution is to build a relation with a dog in that way that for the dog rigorous and high voice becomes a terrible punishment from the start. Rottweilers listen to their owner willingly. It can happen that at the beginning we have to force them to listen, which later they do willingly and happily. The temperament of the Rottweiler is shaped when it is a puppy and it is much harder to do that in an adult dog with already formed character. Once a dog accepts the code of conduct, it will not forget it and it will behave in accordance with it during its whole life. As with humans, some individuals learn T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E 路 I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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and accept knowledge more quickly than the others do, while some need constant repetition. Anyhow, you need to be persistent. In the Rottweiler breed, two behavioral types are seen: genetically inherited behavior and acquired behavior as the result of thinking. The genetically inherited behavior is the innate behavior, which is transferred from one generation to another, for example, burying bones. The second behavioral type is acquired by experience, for example, reluctance to enter the vet. Playing, hunting and aggressiveness are considered as instinctive behavior. Those things are not developed before the appearance of social life, while the intelligence enables quicker learning, which needs to be encouraged by praising and awards. Having genetically inherited behavior in mind, it is necessary to mention the duty of a breeder to instruct the future dog owner having in mind the characteristics of the parents of the puppy they are buying, and the way it has been bred. This concerns the good and the bad aspects of the character shown by the puppy’s parents, those aspects that, due to genetic inheritance, can occur in a dog in adult age. Knowing these things can help the owner to decide which elements of behavior need to be suppressed or supported during breeding. This way, we can avoid unwanted consequences that ignorance and irresponsibility can cause. Moreover, we should not treat our personal complexes through the dog we are breeding, because such things can produce bad effect on dog’s psyche. Acquired behavior reflects the way of life of an individual. This applies to the

atmosphere in which the whole family lives (the attitude of every family member towards the dog they live with). The pack’s leader (the most dominant family member) and his or her relationship with the dog and attitude towards it is of great significance. Intelligence of a dog is, as with humans, different in levels so consistently it can be developed to a different level individually. That development should be encouraged as much as possible by means which a dog finds pleasant (praise and awards). Experience plays a big part in dog behavior. If a dog has negative experience in something, it will try to avoid it by all possible and allowed means. Often, we can reverse some negative experience to a positive one using nothing more than our attitude and resourcefulness. You could inflict damage even to the best dog and all that only being ignorant and inattentiveness. Very often, dog behavior reflects the owner’s personality. Specific methods to achieve appropriate or to correct existing behavior of your dog are described in chapters 4 and 6. THE IMPORTANCE OF MEDICAL EXAMS BEFORE BUYING AND DURING BREEDING I have already mentioned medical exams, that is videos that are used and that indicate whether each individual dog is able to work, and whether it should be presented and in what extent at competitions or whether it is suitable for breeding, that is, further reproduction. Crucial is the degree of satisfaction of the three essential things, the most important medical checks: grade of dysplasia (hips dysplasia HD and elbows dysplasia ED) if any kind of dysplasia is present, dentition (the Rottweiler should have so called “scisT H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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sor bite�) and testicles in case of male animals (testicles should be set down in the scrotum). The most important thing you should do before buying a puppy is to check its health card whether the puppy has got 3 vaccines at least together with the puppy vaccine and whether the puppy has been cleaned of parasites. More about this you can find later on. Hip dysplasia (HD) and elbow dysplasia (ED)


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Dysplasia is an abnormality in development. Hip dysplasia (HD) is a term for a specific developmental abnormality involving the hip joint. This is one of the most commonly diagnosed orthopedic diseases in dogs and often leads to osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease). The diagnosis of dysplasia should be insisted on, primarily because it is a hereditary disease. The other reason is that the therapy is limited and that the disease is progressive. Elbow dysplasia (ED) is an abnormality

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in development of elbow joint. This term includes various specific abnormalities (OCD, FCP, and UAP) which appear in different parts of the elbow joint. They lead to disruption in development and to transformation of cartilage that covers joint areas and joint surroundings structures. These changes are the primary defects that later lead to secondary osteoarthritic process. Etiology The causes of this disease are very complex and some of them have not been explained yet. It is known that several predisposing factors are of great significance: • inheritance and genetic characteristics (both parents have a role in the transfer of this disease – polygenic inheritance) • early and rapid development of an individual and its sudden increase of body mass • excessive and unbalanced nutrition (excessive calories, vitamins, minerals, proteins) • predisposition found in medium-sized dog and cat breeds and in large dog and cat breeds, while female animals get disease more frequently. Clinical symptoms Clinical symptoms appear as a result of: 1. joint instability (in young dogs) 2. osteoarthritis (in older dogs) The first symptoms in young individuals are usually noticed at the age of 5 to 6 months. Reduced mobility is observed, and besides that, difficulty with getting up and lying down, lower tolerance for training and expressed pain during manipulation with hips and

elbows. In older dogs and cats, we can find different types of abnormal movements (limping, abnormal limbs posture, muscle atrophy). Majority of symptoms remain present throughout life. Diagnostics Preliminary diagnosis can be set based on race, age, clinical symptoms and physical examination and the use of the animal should be as well look into. Definitive diagnosis is made based on the X-ray. This is the safest method to obtain a photographic record and document, insight into the state of and the relations within the joint as well as information on the presence and degree of secondary changes. Radiography - X-ray Clinical experience has shown that a dog must be deeply sedated or introduced in brief general anesthesia for better positioning, easier handling, and greater safety for the dog, the owner and staff involved in the procedure. Proper position of the hips is almost impossible to achieve without special equipment (“positioners” and other aid) and relevant expertise. Prevention and the importance of examining for HD and ED 1. Mating parents with the finding Normal x Normal = 17 - 28% of possibility for dysplasia in offspring 2. Mating parents with the finding Normal x minimal dysplasia = 29 - 44% of possibility for dysplasia in offspring 3. Mating parents with the finding Dysplasia x Dysplasia = >70% of possibility for dysplasia in offspring 4. 70% of possibility for dysplasia in breeding of dogs that are not recorded. Measurement and labels: T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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Elbows ED 0; ED 1; ED 2; ED 3; ED 4 Hips “HD free / HD –“, ” HD + / - “, “ HD + “,” HD ++ “,” HD +++ The minimum age for a dog for a valid X-ray of HD and ED is 15 months. Some breeders and owners take their dogs aged between 6 and 8 months to X-ray in order to obtain the so-called “pre-image” which enables earlier access to health condition of the dog and possibly it allows taking up further appropriate actions. Mutual cooperation and training of vets, kennel organizations, geneticists, statisticians, breeders and owners, where each has its own powers and responsibilities, is the only correct way in which these diseases can be diagnosed and treated opportunely. Only healthy individuals can be used for breeding and that is the only way to significantly reduce the risk of transfer of these diseases and to keep it under control. So we’ve realized which is the one of most significant things about observing dog parents, as well as with humans, the most important is health. Next and equally important issue when it comes to dog’s health is its dentition. Dentition A dog’s normal bite is “scissors bite”, but there are also possible abnormalities in dog’s dentition, like “level (pincer) bite”, “undershot”, and “overshot”. A normal scissors bite is where the incisor teeth in the upper jaw are in contact with but slightly overlap those in bottom jaw. An abnormal level bite is one where the incisor teeth in the upper and bottom 74 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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jaw meet exactly, surface to surface. Such defects result in disqualification, and the dog cannot be let to breed and cannot get a positive mark. An undershot overshot is abnormal placement of jaws where the top jaw is physically shorter than the lower jaw. Such defects result in disqualification, and the dog cannot be let to breed and cannot get a positive mark. An overshot is abnormal placement of jaws where the top jaw is physically longer than the lower jaw. Such defects result in disqualification, and the dog cannot be let to breed. Dogs have two stages of dentition – temporary (baby) teeth and permanent (adult) teeth. Temporary dentition is consisted of 28 teeth (14 in the upper and 14 in the lower jaw): 12 incisors, 4 canines and 12 premolars. Permanent dentition has 42 teeth (20 in the upper and 22 in the lower jaw): incisors, 4 canines, 16 premolars, and 10 molars. 6 molars are

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positioned in the lower and 4 molars in the upper jaw. Variations in the number of teeth are the result of the genetic disorder regarding bud development stage or the result of local disorder regarding tooth eruption (the most commonly seen defect is missing of the first lower premolars). At 2 – 4 weeks of age – Baby teeth start emerging. At 8 weeks of age – Completion of temporary dentition. At 3 – 4 months of age – Teeth begin to change - first the incisors, then premolars, molars and canines. At 6 – 7 months of age – Completion of permanent dentition. Testicles By nature and everything else, male needs to have two testicles, both descended into the scrotal sac, enough to be felt by hand. There are cases where one can feel only one testicle in the scrotal sac because the other remained in the abdominal cavity. Such individual may give descendants with both testicles, without one or without both testicles. Individuals with one testicle are excluded from breeding! If you are wondering why that happens when it can give descendants with both testicles, the answer is as follows: monorchism is the inherited condition of having only one testicle and this defect is transferred to the offspring despite the fact that such individual is able to give descendants two testicles. Those descendants can further give individuals without one or both testicals – “cryptorchidism.” ROTTWEILER STANDARD ALONG WITH ROTTWEILER STRENGTHS

AND WEAKNESSES As soon as you read this, you will be able to see for yourself what kind of dog you have. A true cynologist should seriously interpret dog standards, in this case Rottweiler standard, and should act upon it as much as possible. GENERAL APPEARANCE: Rottweiler is a medium to large size, stalwart dog, neither heavy nor light, neither leggy or weedy. Its correctly proportioned, compact and powerful build shows great strength, agility, and endurance. Faults: Light , weedy, leggy appearance. Light in bone and muscle. CHARACTER: Basically, it is a friendly and calm dog, fond of children. It is very devoted, obedient, biddable and eager to work. Its appearance reflects stability, its behavior is confident, it has nerves of steel and it is fearless. It reacts to its surroundings with great alertness. PROPORTIONS: The body length, measured from the sternum (breastbone) to ischiatic tuberosity, should not exceed the height at the withers by, at the most, 15%. SKULL: Of medium length, broad between the ears, moderately arched forehead as seen the from side. Well developed occipital bone (nape bone) but not conspicuous. STOP: Well defined, but not too big. SKIN: Skin on the head overall is tight fitting. When the dog is alert, the forehead may be slightly wrinkled. FAULTS: Excessive wrinkles on the head which causes excess skin. FAULTS IN THE APPEARANCE OF THE HEAD: Hound-type head, narrow head, light head, too short or T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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too long head, coarse, flat forehead, nonexistent or unexpressed stop. NOSE: Nose bridge should be straight with wide root and moderate diminution. Well developed, more broad than round with relatively large and always black nostrils. MUZZLE: Muzzle should be in proportion with the upper part of the head and should be neither too long nor too short. FAULTS IN MUZZLE OR NOSE: Too long or too pointed muzzle, split nose, convex or concave nose bridge, pale or spotted nose. LIPS: Black, close fitting, corner of the mouth not visible, gums as dark as possible. FAULTS: Pendulous, pink or patchy lips, corner of the lips visible. JAWS: Strong and broad upper and lower jaw. FAULTS: Narrow lower jaw. CHEEKS: Cheeks well pronounced and muscled. FAULTS: Strongly protruding cheeks. DENTITION: Teeth strong, complete dentition (42 teeth) with scissor bite, the upper incisors closely overlapping the lower incisors. FAULTS: Pincer bite, overshot or undershot bite. EYES: Of medium size, almond-shaped, dark brown in color, eyelids close fitting ( page 60 ). FAULTS: Light, deep set, too full or round eyes. EARS: Medium size, pendant, set on high and wide apart, triangular. With the ears laid forward close to the head, the skull appears to be broad76 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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ened. FAULTS: Set on low, heavy, long, slack or turned backwards. Flying ears or ears not carried forward symmetrically. NECK: Strong, moderately long, well muscled, slightly arched occipital line, clean, free from throatiness, without dewlap. FAULTS: Too long, thin, lacking muscle. Showing dewlap or throat. BACK: Straight, strong, firm. FAULTS: Too long, weak, sway back or roach back. CROUP: Broad, of medium length, slightly rounded, neither flat nor falling away. FAULTS: Too sloping, too short, too

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flat or too long. TAIL: Properly carried and half-moon– shaped. FAULTS: Set on too high or too low. CHEST: Roomy, broad and deep (approximately 50% of the shoulder height) with well developed fore-chest and well sprung ribs. FAULTS: Flat ribbed or barrel shaped. Too narrow behind. FOREQUARTERS: Seen from the front, the front legs are straight and not placed too closely to each other. The forearm seen from the side stands straight and vertical. The slope of the shoulder blade is about 45 degrees to the horizontal. Pasterns: Light, flexible, strong, not steep. FRONT FEET: Round, well tight and arched; hard pads; short, black and strong nails. FAULTS: Narrow or crooked front legs. Steep shoulder placement. Loose or out at elbow. To long, too short or too straight in upper arm. Weak or steep pasterns. Splayed feet. Too flat or too arched toes. Deformed toes. Light coloured nails. HINDQUARTERS: Seen from behind, legs straight and not too close together. When standing free, obtuse angles are formed between the dog’s upper thigh and the hip bone, the upper thigh and the lower thigh and the lower thigh and the rear pastern. UPPER THIGH: Moderately long, broad and strongly muscled. LOWER THIGH: Long, strong, broadly muscled at top and sinewy. HOCKS: Sturdy, well angulated, not steep. HIND FEET: Slightly longer than the

front feet. Toes strong and arched, as tight as front feet. FAULTS: Flat thighs, hocks too close, cow hocks or barrel hocks. Joints with too little or too much angulation. Dewclaws. GAIT/MOVEMENT: The Rottweiler is a trotting dog. In movement the back remains firm and relatively stable. Movement harmonious, steady, full of energy and unrestricted, with good stride. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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COAT: The coat consists of a top coat and an undercoat. The top coat is of medium length, coarse, dense and flat. The undercoat must not show through the top coat. The hair is a little longer on the hind legs. FAULTS: Soft, too short or long. Wavy coat, lack of undercoat. COLOR: Black with clearly defined markings of a rich tan on the cheeks, muzzle, throat, chest and legs, as well as over both eyes and under the base of the tail. SIZE: Height at withers for males is 61-68 cm (61-62 cm is small; 63-64 cm is medium; 65-66 cm is large ideal height; 67-68 cm is very large. Weight approximately 50 kg. Height at withers for bitches is 56 - 63 cm (5657 cm is small; 58-59 cm is medium; 60- 61 cm is large - ideal height and 62-63 cm is very large). Weight approximately 42 kg. HEALTH PROBLEMS IN ROTTWEILER Problems with eyes Entropion - twisting of the eyelid, is common in dogs with deep-set eyes, and in dogs that have excess skin on the head as well as. This causes a disease and can cause eye damage, which is why you should consult with your vet about performing the operation as soon as possible. This must not be ignored. You should not breed animals in this state. Conjunctivitis - is also one of the problems that occur in dogs. It is an infection of the eye followed by the yellow scum on the eye. Antibiotics are the treatment which should be administered. Consulting with your veterinarian is obligatory. Examination of the heart ‘’SAS’’ 78 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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Subvalvular aortic stenos is (SAS) is a serious congenital and genetically disease. It is commonly diagnosed in Golden Retrievers, Newfoundland, and Rottweiler breeds. Regarding diagnosis, one of the main problems lies in the fact that the symptoms do not appear in all cases, and consequently this disease has taken lives of seemingly healthy dogs. Some of the symptoms are dogs’ decreased exercise ability or the lack of it. A veterinarian can diagnose SAS by further cardiac testing after detecting a heart murmur in a dog. If not treated, this disease dramatically shortens the life of a dog with this diagnose (20 months in severe cases). The treatment should include beta-blockers, drugs which prolong diagnosed dog’s life by slowing its heart rate. A novel treatment is balloon valvuloplasty. This procedure has proved successful in short terms, but long term monitoring of dogs undergone this procedure is needed. It is not recommendable to breed a dog diagnosed with SAS, because the disease is hereditary. If we have Rottweiler as pet or professional breeding , the things are same , we must give our dog a lot of space, free time and training , couse if you let your Rotty to behave as he want form puppie time you will definitely have problems later in older ages when he is full of power !! If u have view on Rottweilers as competitors, reproducing dogs and puppies then value of your dog u will find on dog shows and breeding him to see how he produce . Dog shows are nothing more than judges’ opinion with class of dogs in the ring by in which degree they are

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close to standard. I will explain the procedure of dog show. First we must register our dog in catalogue , then in which class , and it depends of age, champion class is dog with CH titles , or working titles in working class . Here we can see which class we have as options: • Baby 3-6 months • Baby 6-9 • Young class 9-18 • Intermediate class 15-24 • Open class 18 + • Working class dog with working title IPO1 • Champion class dogs which have IPO1 and three wins on previously dog shows under different judges • Veterans 8 years + Which classes we have as option de-

pend of organization and from country to country but those are usual FCI classes. FCI means Federation Cinology International. It means International organization which unites any kennel clubs from each country . After register our dog for show, we get number and we wait on our turn. We are in ring now , and first of all a judge will check teeth bite and testicles in males classes . Then do what judge say, few laps of running , then standing and for that time judge enter opinion list of our dog . After all positive evaluation, all positive marks dogs going in finally competition for winner of that class . Later every class winner males or females will compete for best show male and best show female, and on the end the judge will chose form best male dog and best female dog who is better. BOB is title Best of Breed. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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EGYPT Vladimir Zec

Hello to the all the lovers of the breed. In January I received a call from the Egyptian Kennel Club to judge the CAC Rottweiler exhibition in mid-February 2015. I accepted the invitation, but I have to admit I was a bit skeptical because I attended a dog show in Egypt 3 years ago which was not a pleasant memory for me. Not only because of the organization .....but because the quality of dogs, relationships between the owners of the dogs and their presentation. At that time, Egypt was not the part of the FCI. The exhibition was scheduled for Saturday, 14th February and I arrived 1 day prior. My host was Mr. Karim Abdallah and I would like to say once again my warmest thanks for his hospitality. I stayed in a beautiful hotel close to the venue of the exhibition. After a day rest, I was ready to judge with a clear mind. There were 75 entries under me in the catalogue. The Show was held in a beautiful venue and God heard my prayers for incredible weather. In the baby males class I had one baby. In puppies 6-9 puppies there were 8 males .First place was a very nice and correct puppy named Adamo Fusadjo, who was perfectly presented, with very nice character. Also In this class a puppy was disqualified due to missing both m3’s. In the junior class males from 9-18 months there were 14 males. The first place, and later BOB title went to an excellent young male Snuppy vom Haus Drazic. This type of male, including myself, everyone would love to own. He was Medium to large, strong bone, beautiful and noble head, dark eyes and gums, excellent front and back legs, very beautiful coat and markings, very nice movement and excellent character. In excellent show condition and perfectly presented. I had no doubt of him In intermedium class there were 3 males, in first place was a beautiful male named Micko vom Haus Drazic.


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In open class males there were 11 males, two of the males had level bites .First place went to a well presented and very beautiful male named Fico von Haus Drazic. In the working-class male there were two males, first place went to the male Jazz von Aleksandras. He was strong and a very correct dog that was in excellent show condition and with super character. In the champion class there were three males, for first and second place was a tough decision for me because both males are a true representation of the Rottweiler breed. I was honoured to judge them. One was Arlos Majestic Rott and the other was Karlos von Hause Kigen. . In the stack both dogs were presented excellent, but in movement Arlos was better and he was won first place in the class and later on to win the title of best adult male. In baby females there were two females, first place went to Juillet House of Simba. In 6-9 month females , first place went to a very nice and correct puppy named Zesty Crni Lotos. I would like to also mention the second place because the puppy is also high quality her name is Biki Dark Force. In young females class 9-18 months I had 9 females, one was disqualified because of being undershot. First place went to female Suzanna HAMMERJACK. In the Intermediate class there was only one female Kandy von Hause Artaxes. In the open females class I had 11, first place went to great bitch named Pola Nine Rott. Pola is a very strong female, correct, with a great character, high drive and strong will for a movement. Later she was awarded most beautiful female in show In the working class there were no dogs. Champion females class there were 2. Barracuda of Haus Natali and Kekoa Crni Lotos. Kekoa is very nice female in the presentation but when it came to

movement she would not stop jumping. Had she run like a normal dog I would have given the first placement to her. I gave Barracuda first place and Kekoa was second but neither of them get the title CAC for that day. For BOB title I was having to decide between Arlos Majestic Rott, Snuppy vom Haus Drazic and Pole Nine - Rott. All three of them are top quality and it would not be a mistake for any of them to win... But the young dogs are our future, and I had in the ring an exceptional young male so I decided for him. Later on, come to find out that he is a son of Arlos. In those three years since my first visit to Cairo, Egypt I noticed that Cairo has not changed much, with all the good and bad points it is a very special city. One thing that pleasantly surprised me was the quality of dogs was much better, the owners love and commitment to their dogs seemed stronger, and the organization is much better run. Only a few dogs were not in good condition and they needed some more weight. I put this in my judging report so that the owners will recognize this and make an effort to better the lives of their dogs by proper feeding, exercising and correct nutrition to give them the life they deserve. Other dogs were in great shape and very well presented . Unfortunately the quality of the females is very poor. The female is the reason for every great male. Your kennel is only as good as your best female....she is the queen of every kennel and without a super female there will be no results in breeding. I wanted to thank the President of the Egyptian Kennel Club Mr. Mohamed Al Zahary. With him as a leader this kennel club can have bright future. He is the reason they are a now members of the FCI. Him and his wife Marina did excellent job organizing the show and I am super happy to know them. Also a big thank you to all of the visitors and exhibitors, and especially to Mr. Karim Abdallah for taking great care of me and my wife. Hope to see you soon, until then don’t forget that LOVE is a four legged word. T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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Milos Stjepanic Milos Fotorott Belgrade, Serbia

Different people have different things that make their gears spin. For me, that passion is embedded in Rottweilers. Through my Lense The approach towards photography, in terms of it’s subject, charm, beauty, etc… is a very wide subject, but in order to narrow it down it can usually be divided in three major groups. The first group consists of the approach from an everyday person, who enjoys spending time with the camera and uses photography as an escape from the daily routine. Photography is a wonderful hobby, it puts no pressure, it gives you the artistic freedom to express your feelings, and finally it gives you something that you can one day frame and display on your table for everyone at the office to admire, not many hobbies can do that. The main characteristic, that people who enjoy photography as a hobby, most value is the process of creating the photo. Usually that process in spontaneous, and therefore adds to the value of the photo. That transforms the everyday “selfie” in a picture that burns your emotions and makes you giggle even if it’s silly and childish.

to make just one photo of a lightning ripping through the clouds sounds absurd to a lot of people, but then again a lot of people can’t be taught of as artists. The key to this approach is to be prepared to experiment, and not be afraid to fail. Therefore people that commit to this approach usually have a very unique portfolio, that, to say the least, has a specific “wow” factor to it. And the final approach is from a reporters point of view. These people have to be very precise in what they do. They have to have a vast knowledge of the event, or a product that they are reporting about. The photos that they make are usually quite edgy, because they often don’t have the luxury to make the same shot twice. Although time is

From another perspective, photography is an art form like no other. Artist adore playing with colors and photography is a unique way to do just that. Sure, being in a studio and experimenting with the lights is fun, but artists rarely stop at just that. It’s amazing to see the depths that these passionate people would go to just to make a unique photo. For instance, standing in the pouring rain for three hours in order T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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A r t i c l e | Dog photography

of the essence, a good reporter rarely has the difficulty with providing the best quality of his photos, and that has to do with the experience that these people have, and the almost reflex like speed of setting up their gear. As you can see, this aspect is very technical, and demands quite a bit of knowledge about the camera abilities and troubleshooting at the spot. That pressure is rarely present when an artist or a hobbyist twitches his macro lens a micrometer just to have a perfect shot of the stagbeetles horns. These three aspects are all embellished in every single photo that was ever taken. If you have a camera, and like taking photos, you’re a hobbyist, an artists, and a reporter, all at once, simple as that. This goes to show that photography is a masterpiece of human innovation, cause, unlike other arts, like

painting, filming, etc… everyone can do it, and there are no limitations on what you would like to do. No one can be the best at it, and no one can be bad at it. So, tomorrow morning once you get up and finish your cup of coffee, grab that camera and show everyone what’s your passion, don’t be afraid to experiment and don’t forget the most important thing… to have fun! Although photography is free, and doesn’t have any rules to it, you will find that a specific type of photography is the purest in that sense, nature photography. The essence of nature photography is in catching the moment. Any other type of photography doesn’t have that much freedom in it. For instance, you might come across some complaints when you shoot people (we all know how annoying that can be), but in nature, all that you do is unique, T H ED O G M A G AZ I N E · I SSU E 9 / 2 0 1 5

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and special, because it won’t happen again. Nature photography gives you the opportunity to bend the rules, and think outside the box, and it has a strong therapeutic effect by making you cherish and envy the nature. Within nature photography there is a specific niche, that lots of people enjoy, from all three aspects. Dog photography, it doesn’t sound very special, but there are millions of fans of it. Whether you like big breeds, small breeds, professional photos, silly photos, awkward moments, competitions… you can find tons and tons of photos to enjoy. They say that a dog is a man’s best friend, be that as it may, dogs have character and passion, they are full of life and have no trouble showing that to everyone. That’s why they are so good models. They are a magnet 90 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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to the human eye, and the time you would spend just looking at your dog having fun by itself, or with his buddies is immense, and so fulfilling that you can never have enough. Its moments like those that make dog photos adorable and somewhat magical, and make making those photos fun and exciting. Once again, the key is to have fun. Sometimes people make a mistake by thinking that dog photography has to be precise, and the quality has to be spot on, therefore they are afraid to experiment and end up with photos that are boring and too common. The sentence that should be echoing in your head whenever you try something new is: “Why not?”, and you should always be positive and try to learn from your “mistakes”. Being prepared to take the next step and dedicate yourself to get

A r t i c l e | Dog photography

better at what you love, is what separates the “man” from the “boys”, the “doers” from the “dreamers”, the “professionals” from the “amateurs”, if you will. You will find that once you do become a professional, there isn’t a big ceremony in your honor, you don’t get a certificate to show your parents what you’ve achieved, but what you will get is a lot of recognition for your work, people will get excited when you publish something new, you’ll get more support than ever, and ultimately a stronger drive to keep doing your best. The only must have for success is passion. Different people have different things that make their gears spin. For me, that passion is embedded in Rottweilers. “Out of all the breeds did you have to pick the most vicious one?”: is what my grandmother used to say a lot to me. The truth is that people have a wrong assumption that Rottweilers

are mean and aggressive. The truth is quite different. Every dog has three main stages in his life, and with the Rottweiler these stages are clearly visible from a breeders, a photographers and a bystanders point of view. The first stage is obviously the part when the dog is very young. From the moment he is born, and first opens his eyes, to making the first steps and falling in love with his squeaky… this stage is best described with one word… adorable. At this point breeders, have to decide which pups are staying in the kennel, and which are for other people to enjoy; photographers have to help them with that by standing out their best characteristics and emphasizing the cuteness, this isn’t a very difficult task for the photographers, because Rottweiler pups are beautiful and unique; while the bystanders can only be overwhelmed and amazed by them.

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The second stage is the dogs childhood. This period lasts about a year, and in that period the dogs are, to say the least, naturally childish. They jump around a lot wanting to play, they are very energetic and constantly on the buzz. Here breeders form the character of their new hopes, trying to teach them how to behave on shows; photographers, on the other hand, have a little more to worry about. They have to recognize what is that a certain dog possesses what makes him special, they have to find positions in which a dog can best present himself, they have to go a long way just to keep the dogs attention in order to make the best shot. Not a walk in the park when you consider that impatience that dogs and breeders have, it all can be, a bit stressful, to say the least; Bystanders here go to shows and watch dogs compete, they pick their favorites, and decide the faith 92 | THEDOGM AGAZ INE

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of their upcoming stars. The final stage of a dogs development is his adulthood. Here dogs are fully grown, and they are raised to their full potential. Rottweilers tend to get really big, and muscular. They have a strong character, and they look really powerful. This is why people make those assumptions, because they don’t see a muscle machine like that being kind and careful. The reality is that a dog will grow up in a way that you raise him up, nothing significantly different than that. At this stage breeders enjoy the fruits of their breeding techniques. Their dogs are proven in the shows, and work, and only aspect left for them to prove is progeny; Photographers, on the other hand, are there to prove that those dogs are as good as people think. They have to make pictures of them on shows that prove that they

A r t i c l e | Dog photography

are the best, and with so much competition, and quality dogs, that can be proven tricky, and don’t forget, everyone has a different opinion, and a different taste. Pleasing everyone is usually impossible; Bystanders here can only enjoy what top breeding can provide, and therefore choose which progeny to support, and help raise new champions. As you can see, there is a lot of time and energy spend in making a dog look like it looks. People breed generations in order to get the correct head type, the right bone structure, moving style… as a photographer your job is to show what those people created, to show the results of all their efforts. You have to see everything, catch every moment, treat every dog with respect. Do you think you have what it takes? Grab your camera, and I’ll see you on the next show.

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Vladimir Zec FCI Judge Breeder CROATIA Von Der Alten Festung

I have been a Rottweiler breeder and most importantly a Rottweiler lover of the breed and enthusiast for over 23 years. In 1996 I started my own F.C.I registered kennel Von Der Alten Festung. Over the years I worked hard to improve my lines and every day is better than the day before which brings me to where I am today. Through much hard work , dedication and passion for the Rottweiler I am proud to say the products of the aforementioned are a legion of International champions, Klubsiegers, FCI Vice World Champion, Young IFR World Champion, the 2011 ADRK Auslandsieger, ADRK the

Yvonne Bekkers Judge NETHERLANDS

Just to mention some of them - Bosnian Klubsieger, Slovenian Klubsieger, USA AIRK National sieger, Morava sieger, Hungarian Alba Regia Kup, Indonesian Rottweiler sieger, Croatian Bilogora winner, Tver Cup speciality show, Russian Rottweiler sieger etc.

• 19-12-2003, Kynoligic knowledge part 2 • 28-05-2004, MAG test leader (Dutch behavior test) • 23-12-2006, Exterior and Movement of dogs • 15-11-2008, Breed judge exam for the Rottweiler Since 2008 I have the pleasure r to judge Rottweilers on dogshows all over the world.

On 15-11-2008 I passed my Rottweiler Breed Exam and I was officially a judge.

In 2015 I have had judged following shows:

• 22-06-1994, Agricultural school in Boxtel, farm animals (NL) • 22-04-1996, Agricultural school in Barneveld, pet animals (NL) • 29-04-1996, Veterinary assistant • 29-01-1997, Dog-and Cats Certificate (needed to start a kennel / pension for dogs or cats) • 00-05-1998, First aid for dogs • 05-07-1999, Kynoligic knowledge part 1 • 00-06-2001, Ring helper at show • 23-05-2002, Kennel-registratie “van Berini’s Hofke” (never bred because I have nightmares about giving puppy’s away, I just can’t do it)

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In March of 2013 I pursued a judging career. My approach in judging is I love the breed more than I love my own dogs thus allowing me to judge with an unbiased eye. In only year and a half of mine judging career I was pleased to judge on many shows.

My name is Yvonne Bekkers I was born in the year 1976 in ‘s-Hertogenbosch (Netherlands). My whole life I have been surrounded by dogs and I would not want it any other way. On 23-12-2006 I passed my 3th course to become a judge “Exterior and Movement of dogs”. This was a great course, I learned how to “read” dogs. We had to look at dogs (different breeds) while standing and then had to predict how they would move.

Review of my diploma’s and certificates that have something to do with dogs or animals in general.


best youngest male, , FCI Vice European Champion, ADRK Young Champions, the most successful Rottweiler of Latin America... so on and so forth. Throughout my career I have experienced pain, heartache and disappointment but these trials and tribulations have made me work harder to produce some of the best dogs in the world today. I have been blessed to own two legendary dogs Wd. CH. Astor Von Junipera and Double Wd. Ch. Burning Des Princes D’Aragone, both of whom, are world champions and top producing sires on a global level.

In that year I passed my judging’s exam.

• 13 September 2015: Rottweiler Special Show - Swedish Rottweiler Club • 06 September 2015: Rottweiler Young-dog-day - Dutch Rottweiler Club • 31 July 2015: Rottweiler Special Show - Darwin, Australia Canine Expo 2015 • 13 / 14 June 2015: Rottweiler Special Show - UFR France • 24 May 2015: CAC / CACIB Real Sociedad Canina de España • 3 May 2015: Rottweiler Special Show - London and South East Rottweiler Club (L.A.S.E.R.) • 11, 12-04-2015: Rottweiler Special Show - South Coast Rottweiler Club, USA • 11 January 2015: Rottweiler Special Show - Indonesian Rottweiler Club

Milorad Tapavicki International FCI Judge Group I Group II Rottweiler Specialist Breed

Sometime in 1989 at the founding assembly Rottweiler club of former Yugoslavia, Breeder and exhibitors have suggested me to be the judge....

Judged in Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, Indonesia, etc.....2016 I was invited to judge the exhibition of a club in North Carolina Charleston....

I agreed even though I knew it was a very difficult and responsible job.......

This year,2015 I passed another group that is the first FCI group....all dogs first and second FCI groups....

I tried hard to tolerate unjust defeats especially when the judge without an explanation why it is so decided? So I made a decision..I applied through the Kennel Club Belgrade, soon I have received a reply from Jugoslovenkog Kennel Club with a confirmation that I earned the right to lay a judge. Rule one - internship at five federal exhibitions. Rule two laying anatomy, osteology and munologije. Rules of professional work...Fifth rule standards breed dogs trample others2 FCI groups. Specialty Rottweiler judge! The next five years, I worked as a republican judge......1991......After five years I have acquired the right to lay down for a federal was determined in 1996.... As a federal judge judged throughout the former Yugoslavia...Slowly it grew and gained popularity! 2001 I get the chance to lay down an international judge!.....

When I starts working as an FCI judge always briefly introduce the audience and exhibitors - the contestants and then carefully do-judge.....carefully observe and examine each dog....I look at your teeth and if the cock’s testicles...then dog walk up and down, make a triangle and I describe in writing...When the judge of all the dogs, Winners will be announced with the titles with rich explanation....


+381(0)63 / 827-0503

In 1991, I registered the Crna Cizmica kennel .Having worked with these dogs for over two decades, I can appreciate how the race evolves and strive to follow its evolution by abiding to the FCI and ADRK standards. In my Rottweiler breeding practice, I succeeded in preserving their exceptional intelligence, temperament, character and agility, as well as the darkest possible eye and gum pigmentation. Apart from their exceptional external appearance, we want our dogs to have a utilitarian value. Dogs raised in our kennel are to be found all over the world, mostly as competition / show dogs.

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Rade Vesic FCI International Judge FCI II, FCI IV, FCI IX Breeder SERBIA

+381 63 607 398 Biography: Very successful international Cynology judge who judges dog shows all around the world. Also, the successful breeder of Dobermanns and Zwergpinschers since 2008. Rade is the owner of the kennel “Masterhof” since 1996.

My name is Rade Vesic, I am an International Kennel Club judge for FCI groups 2,4 and 9. In the last few years I have had the opportunity and pleasure to judge the Special Show for Rottweiler breed in several countries in Europe and Asia, such as Indonesia in and Surabaya in Indonesia, Surgut and Yekaterinburg in Russia but also Hungary , Italy, Norway, Slovakia, Croatia. My primary criterion in judging the exterior of the race Rottweiler is strict adherence to a valid standard. It pleases me that I notice that some of the genetic errors that were current have in that race no longer is a problem of the show dog. First of all I think the light color of the eye and the light color of the gums and teeth missing, nowadays is rarely seen in dogs in the show ring with these faults! On the other hand, we have the emergence of short muzzle and a very lymphatic dogs. I would like to remind us all that the Rottweiler is a working dog and short muzzle can make to errors in teeth by dog and reduced ability of dog bites in training to attack and defense. Lymphatismis is also a problem that affects the movement of the dog in the ring, with a special emphasis on the position and back firmness. I do suggest that all breeders who breed Rottweilers to pay special attention to these problems in the education and improvement of the breed. Positive experiences in the trial race is that Rottweiler are better and very professional presented then other breeds in the ring which especially is true for the exhibition organized in Russia and Indonesia, but also in some other EU countries. And finally, I would like to remind us all that the health, work ability and temperament something this great race characterized by very positive for many years and it is very important to keep these characteristics in future. We the judges who judge Rottweiler are able to suggest possible errors and shortcomings and in doing so to help breeders and owners of the Rottweiler to stay on the right path of education and training of this breed.

And in the end this is just a small part of the review on my observations of traveling around the world while judging the Rottweiler breed on national, international and Club shows.


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