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Clubs & Associations
Alcoholics Anonymous - South West France
If you or someone you know has a drinking problem, there are now a number of English-speaking meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous in the South West of France
Alcoholics Anonymous is a Fellowship of men and women who share experiences, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking
There are no dues or fees for AA membership and AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety
For help or information, telephone: 05 31 60 90 95 or visit: www aafrance net
Netball: Clessé Allstars - The Clessé Allstars netball club meets every Monday at Salle Omnisports, Clessé 79350 from 7:00 to 8:30 p m We welcome players and supporters of all ages and abilities. Join us for a free taster session before signing up FB @clubdenetballclesse
Royal British Legion - Bordeaux & South West France
Do you need help or advice?
Contact us at: rblbx assistance@gmail com www facebook com/groups/306085566632991 melleran Chanteurs - Amateur singing group that meets every Monday at 6:45 pm at the Salle des Fêtes in Melleran French and English members singing in many languages New voices are always welcome, especially tenor and bass For more information, please contact Alison Hudson 05 49 29 65 31
Combined Services Support Group - CSSG is a group of mainly ex services people living in the area who meet socially whilst raising funds to support ex-service charities Former UK servicemen and women, police and firefighters are invited to email Christine Hester at christine.hester10@gmail.com
Why Not joiN thE RAF FAmiLy?
RAFA Sud-Ouest France
Le Perail, 17250 BEURLAY, France Tel: 05 46 95 38 89 email: admin@rafasudouest fr
AFVBC - The newly formed North Charente Maritime Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Club meets the second Sunday of every month at 10:15 a m at the Relais d'Aulnay Reservations with Ann and Allan at walpcs@yahoo.co.uk
Les Amis Solitaires is a group of people living alone in France. We organise social events and meet for coffee at The Lemon Tree in Sauze Vaussais, 11am every 2nd and 4th Thursday Contact Pennie on pennietelford@hotmail com thouarStmed’Arts - Association that aims to bring together people from the historic town of Thouars (Quartier Saint Médard) for a new development of artistic activity Exhibitions, galleries, brocantes, creators, cultural events, etc Visit the website: thouarsaintmedarts79 asso-web com
French Lessons for English Speakers
Hôtel de Ville (Town Hall), 4 Place Leopold Bergeon, 79150 Argenton-les-Vallées
Classes: beginners or intermediate Private lessons on request
Contact: rendez-vous79@orange.fr
Vasles Netball Club - Want to keep fit, have fun and make new friends? Join us at Vasles Netball Club every Monday from 5 307pm at the Salle Omnisports in Vasles Open to men and women of all abilities and experience Two free taster sessions FB @VaslesNetballClub email: vaslesnetball@gmail.com
Acceuil des Villes Françaises - A French association dedicated to welcoming newcomers from all over France and abroad to their new surroundings; helping them integrate, speak French, and feel 'at home' through social events pjhenderson@orange fr www avf.asso.fr
Craft Café Creatif
We are a craft group who meet once a fortnight on a Wednesday afternoon at Pause Café, L'Absie. Our members knit,crochet,sew, embroider etc We craft and socialize over a cup of tea. New members welcome.
Ta i Chi classes - exercise for body and mind (and memory) for everyone. Classes are held Mondays at 7:30 pm in Bressuire and Wednesdays at 3:00 pm in Le Breuil Barret Call Terry at 05 49 65 60 34, email chentaiji fr@gmail com or visit www chentaiji-fr com
A small, friendly bridge group is looking for new players in the Parthenay area We are friendly and informal and welcome players of all skill levels Contact Richard Knight by email richardknight@orange.fr or 05 49 69 18 65
Franglais Anglo-French Group thouars - Centre Socio-Culturel
We meet every Wednesday 7.30pm-9pm, at 7 rue Anne Desrays, for conversation in English & French, and to understand each other’s language and culture Contact 05 49 66 35 11 or email jpc.allorent@orange.fr or eugene mc cabe@hotmail.com
National Helpline 0800 240 200 or email: helpline@cancersupportfrance org
You can find more details about CSF Vienne & Deux-Sèvres by visiting: vienne.cancersupportfrance.org/vienne-home www facebook com/groups/1573102762990772
Airvault Conversation - Come and practice your French with a friendly group of Fench and English speakers Every Wednesday at 7pm at the Salle CSC 16 rue Emmanuel Bonnet, 79600 AIRVAULT Call Christian for more information: 05 49 63 04 78
Clubs & Associations Submission: include title and 40-word max entry (with contact details) and optional logos if space allows. Free ads rotate monthly; for guaranteed monthly printing, pay a 4.50€ monthly fee (54€ annually). Email submissions to: info@thedeuxsevresmonthly.fr