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"'No shirts? No Problem!" - Leggett Immobilier steps in to help Association Violet
Members at our meeting at La Ligue Poitiers offices on June 13th

We have benefitted greatly from the training conferences organised by the National Association over the past three months These included one for Active Listeners in Brive and one for Trainers in Toulouse
We decided that we would use May and June to raise money for our association During those few weeks we have raised 1500 euros thanks to the generosity of our friends and our communities The basket of produce in each area ended up in all sorts of places (bridge club, bowling club, cafe, cat charity event and a night market) with people testing each other and even using the weight of their dog as a measure It made friends laugh and be competitive!
Association Violet is a local charity committed to transforming lives and supporting families living with lifelong disabilities
The association is run by a small group of dedicated volunteers committed to raising awareness and funds for local disabled children and their families Their vision is clear - to help elevate the worr y and financial stresses that these families face on a daily basis
Throughout the year, Association Violet organises various fundraising events to generate the resources needed to fulfil their mission Recently, the Team decided to enhance their visibility by wearing logoed polo shirts at these events However, they recognised that spending funds on such items would divert resources from their main goal - helping the children This led to the quest for a sponsor
Enter Leggett Immobilier, a company known for its community involvement and social responsibility When approached for sponsorship, Leggetts instantly agreed to sponsor nine polo shirts of various sizes for the Team
Suzette Jeapes, President of Association Violet, expressed her heartfelt gratitude:
Afternoon tea team: Anne, Stella, Kate, Jackie, and Len

Our other events included a barn dance, coffee morning, afternoon high tea, and a Sunday lunch We owe a huge thank you to Carol Cooney, Hanne Lane, and The Magsons from the Deux-Sèvres who generously lent a hand at the lunch

Association Violet's 3rd Annual Garden Party, to be held on 13 August 2023, at Chateau Cher veux, is one of their major events
The new polo shirts bearing the logos of both Association Violet and Leggett Immobilier, will make their debut at this event The garden party promises to be a fun-filled day for all the family You can even order cream teas in advance!
This sponsorship by Leggett Immobilier not only enhances the visibility of the Association but also cements the sense of unity within the team As they continue on their mission in supporting children with lifelong disabilities, they do so with renewed enthusiasm
Enjoying boeuf bourguignon pie, roast potatoes & green beans!
Our goal is to continue raising funds to cover costs such as affiliation to the National Cancer Support Association, insurance, advertising, and training new 'Active Listeners' We are grateful for all donations received in the past
If you need ongoing support with cancer or would like to learn more about becoming an ‘Active Listeners , please contact us National Helpline 0800 240 200 email: helpline@cancersupportfrance org
For more details about CSF Vienne and Deux-Sèvres go to: vienne cancersupportfrance org/vienne-home www facebook com/groups/1573102762990772
Suzette’s Granddaughter, Violet and the hugely successful 2019 fundraiser Walking4Violet, centred around David Jeapes’s 1 million step walk from France to the Uk are the inspiration and the reason for the creation of Association Violet in 2021 It is the awareness of how families who care for a child with complex medical needs feel on a daily basis how they struggle with being heard and being seen And the realisation of the costs involved to give their children ever ything they need and deser ve It is this awareness that they share and the knowledge that spur Suzette and her team on
For more information email:fundraisingav@gmail com or visit Facebook @AssociationViolet
Apricot Almond Cake

• 7-8 apricots
• 200g sugar + an extra 2 tablespoons
• 200g butter at room temperature
• 3 medium eggs
• ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
• 150g self raising flour (sold as 'farine pour gâteaux' in the supermarket)
• 100g ground almonds
• a good pinch of salt
• a handful of flaked almonds
1 Preheat the oven to 180C Grease the bottom and sides of a 24cm springform cake tin, line the bottom with parchment paper and set aside
2 Slice the apricots into halves
Remove the pits and place the halves in a bowl Sprinkle the 2 tablespoons of sugar over the fruit and set aside to soften while you prepare the batter
You may also add a splash of rum or amaretto to the fruit for extra flavour
3 Using a stand mixer or an electric handheld mixer and a large bowl, cream the sugar and butter together until pale and creamy Add the eggs one by one, beating well after each addition Add the vanilla extract
4. Mix the flour, ground almonds and salt together Add this to the stand mixer or bowl with the sugar-butter mixture and mix well
5 Transfer the batter to the cake tin and smooth the surface with the back of a spatula Arrange the apricot halves on the surface of the cake batter in concentric circles Sprinkle the flaked almonds over the top
6 Place the tin in the oven and bake for 55-60 minutes A skewer inserted into the middle of the cake should come out clean If you find that the surface of the cake is turning too dark before it's fully baked, cover the top of the tin loosely with a sheet of aluminium foil
7 Remove tin from the oven and let it cool on a wire rack for 10-15 minutes before releasing the springform sides and taking the cake out of it Cool the cake completely on the rack
Chicken & Yoghurt Curry (Serves 4)
A mild and creamy curry that's easy to whip up when the craving strikes All the spices used in this dish are readily available in all large local supermarkets Leftovers, if any, taste even better the next day!
For the marinade –
• 200g thick plain/greek yoghurt
• 2 tablespoons sunflower or vegetable oil
• 2 teaspoons garam masala
• 1 teaspoon ground paprika
• 1 teaspoon ground coriander
• 1 teaspoon salt
• juice of half a lemon
• 500g chicken breasts cut into small pieces
For the sauce –
• 4 tablespoons sunflower or vegetable oil
• ½ teaspoon cumin seeds
• 1 medium sized onion finely diced
• ½ an inch sized piece of ginger, finely minced
• 2 garlic cloves, finely minced
• 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
• 1 teaspoon ground paprika
• 1 teaspoon garam masala
• 3 medium sized tomatoes diced
• fresh coriander leaves for garnish (optional)
1 Mix all the ingredients for the marinade in a large bowl Add the chicken and let it marinate for at least an hour
2 When ready to cook, heat the oil in a heavy bottomed pan or casserole dish, add the cumin seeds Once they begin to splutter, add the onions and saute until soft Add the ginger and garlic followed by the turmeric powder Cook for one or two minutes Add the tomatoes Cook until they soften a bit
3 Finally add in the chicken along with all of the marinade to the pan Mix through, lower the heat and let it simmer and cook for about 20-30 minutes or until the sauce is nice and thick and the chicken has cooked through You may add a splash of water if the sauce is reducing too quickly Check for seasoning and add more salt if required
4 Serve piping hot garnished with coriander leaves if using