The Deux-Sèvres Monthly Magazine - July 2022 Issue

Page 61

Business and Finance ALLIANZ 4LIFE formule epargne (Investment Account) M

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g) Transforming it to Allian4Life formule Retraite:Y} RÉRÉ}]]o]˙}v(}uR] contract onto the pension version `R]RPvÉ]v}uÉXY}É to be over 50 years old and 60 to PÉ«vPRÉ]v}uÉX C}vo]}vP With interest rates being at their lowest U É ]]]uÉ}É o}}l oÉvÉ]vÉuÉv that would bring more income without risking it all. EÉ]oo˙](RÉ]vG}vP}É }ÉRÉA9}(]vÉ˙} É PÉX I(R]RÉvU˙}oo˙o}É u}vÉ˙`]R}Éo]]vP]J

OvRÉ}v˙U](RÉ amount has increased, Aoo]vlÉ}l}( the amount and the 10% PvÉ]ÉriÉ }R]vÉ`u}vXEXPXP}v 01/01/2016, you have invested €100 000 and on 01/01/2017, you now RɃæURÉvAoo]vooÉ É RÉ}o}}(rA9(}uƒæ}](]v llU˙}RɃURÉvAoo]vÉri ˙}}v}ƒæ~ærA9ZXS}v}}vo˙ ]}É˙}(}uulÉRÉ]É˙} P]vXY}vR}}É}o}ræA9}rA9]vÉ }(rA9X

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Isabelle Want

BHvÉA 22 rue Jean Jaures R+É


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The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 61

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