The Deux-Sèvres Monthly Magazine - July 2022 Issue

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English language magazine for the Deux-Sèvres and surrounding areas


PLUS ...

Château de Javarzay What's On What to see in Thouars Book Reviews Hotting up in the vineyard Summer Recipes

Issue 129, July 2022

This Month's Advertisers

The weather has not made «vPR]]É}PÉRÉ any easier. As I type, it is mid evening and 36 degrees outside (and will ÉR}'É}u}}`ZXOvÉ }(uv˙˙RIuPoI }v}`}l}]É(}o]]vPX TR]u}vRU(}RÉ.uÉ]v}`R] É }(TRÉ DSMURÉWROvÉ}vR}É `}PÉ vU(vlo˙U}oRÉÉvu}ÉXSÉo˙R]uÉv R]vPv]vP É }}uÉ(}u}(v}uo]˙XL}vP u˙]}vvÉX N}`URÉW]Pu}ÉR}ÉR}oRvvoo]`RÉv ]}uÉ}`R]vP(}}oo}vTVXL˙vvÉo}É]UT}v˙ }Év~v˙}ZXH}`ÉU É `ÉÉ}RR˙} watch the increasingly popular Women's game and this u}vRRÉ}E É}vXI(˙}É(v}`v}P]É ]˙U˙}`]oo.v.˘Éo]}vRÉlPÉX S˙(É Tel: Email: ]v(}RÉɢÉÉu}vRo˙X( Website: ```XRÉɢÉÉu}vRo˙X(

Tony & Lyn



Contents BooÉvB} Take a Break Technology CovA}]}v LV]ÉEvFvÉ rZA }(RÉC}uuvÉ]vRÉDɢrSÉ OvTRÉR} Travel Book Club À La Carte H}uÉvGÉv Food and Drink HÉoRUBÉ˙vF]vÉ B]o]vPvRÉv}}v OF˙F]Év Property Business and Finance

4 10 12 13 14 23 26 28 30 32 36 44 50 52 57 58 61

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The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 3

Bulletin Board th

Le CaféCivray


Reth opening after hols on Tues 5th July for:


GREAT GIFTS & BEAUTIFUL CARDS Summer Scarves, Jewellery, Tapestry Insulated Bottles & Bags, Mugs, Books Bamboo Socks & Cutlery, Candles …

Pies & Pasties, Sausage/Bacon baps Cakes, donuts, teacakes & more Everything made by baker Keith Open Tues 10am-2pm & Thurs/Fri 9am-2pm

24 rue du commerce 86400 Civray

NEW: IcEeACUrT ea GREAT GA IFrtTisSa&n B IFm UsL! CARDS Reopening after hols on Tues 5th July for:

meerm oe nw ad S~uH mom SacdaervLeesm ,J ee lle&ryIc ,e Td apTeesatr~y InsuD laE teLdIC BIoO ttU leS s& B a g s , M u g s , BGooks HOME-BAKIN B a m b o o S o c k s & C u t l e r y , C a n ek se… Scones, Cupcakes, Rich Fruit d Cla , Brownies, MuffN inEsW , C: arrot Cake … --andRich Serving A WratirsmaW e l c o sa Sim ncse! 2004 ! n Ice m Cere

TUES - FRI: 10am-12pm : 3pm-7pm / SAT: 10am-12pm : 3pm-6pm

&DIA cY ed ma d2e.3L0epm O~ PEH No1m 0e am -1 mon Ta Hd Ue RS 14TtheJaU~LY (laU Fê atM ionE a-le DELICIO SteHNO B) AKING

o.nCeHsE,ZCCuHpRcIa kIeEsS,.F RRich0F5r.u it.5C0a.6k1e.,94 WS WcW ST 49 Brown‘ iC ehse, zMCuhfrfiisntsie,’C a r r o t C s Gençay a ’ ke … --andRich ServinGENÇAY g Wa r m W-elbehind comesthe SiMairie nce 2004 ! (86)

47876969800018 TUES - FRI: 10am-12pm Siret: : 3pm-7pm / SAT: 10am-12pm : 3pm-6pm

OPEN 10am - 12.30pm THURSDAY 14th JULY (la Fête Nationale)

WWW.CHEZCHRISTIES.FR ‘ Chez Christie’s Gençay ’ GENÇAY (86) - behind the Mairie

A big thank you to everyone who helps get our magazine into your hands Siret: 47876969800018

Regular venues at:

• • • • • • • •

Aulnay de Saintonge 17470 Beauvais Sur Matha 17490 SJÉvD[AvP o˙ S rV]H}Éııı La Chaumière, La Chapelle 16140 Charroux 86250 Saintes 17100 Savigné 86400

Tel: 06 02 22 44 74 uX.RvR]Pu]oX}u ```X(˙]vPv ]ÉX}u SIRET : 537 606 972 00025

4 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

SIRET 820 301 299

Mondays......... Benet 85490 L C R ]PvÉ ]É ~o M}v ˙ ]v u}v R Z æ LÉ v o}‘ É ~ M}v ˙ ]v u}v R Z TÉ ˙ X X X X X X X X X LÉ ˙ ı Civray 86400 C } o}vPÉ r ro [A ] É ı Thouars 79100 - and - Bressuire 79300 V oÉ ı Wednesdays.... Parthenay 79200 - and - Celles-sur-Belle 79370 R ((É TR ˙ X X X X X X X X S rV ] ı ı r v r N]} ı L M} RÉ S H ˙ ı Gençay 86160 Fridays............... Thouars 79100 - and - Melle 79500 SÉ }v ]Pv˙ ı ~ u Z r v rS A ]v oÉ C o} ~ u Z C ] ˙ ~ u oo (}} u lÉ Z A v ]Pv˙ æ ~ v F ] ˙ r u Z L M} RÉ S ]v rH ˙ ı ~Po É C o uÉ v É Z MÉ ooÉ ı æ ~o Po É B i o Z A IGOND IGNE ı ~Po É É o G É U u r l ı u Z Saturdays........ Bressuire 79300 - and - Champdeniers 79220 C RÉ ( rB } }vvÉ ı A ] o ı r v r N]} ı S ]v M ]˘É v ro [É }oÉ ı Fontenay-le-Comte 85200 R ((É Magné 79460 and Moncoutant 79320 S v ˙ X X X X X X X X X X XC }Xo}v ı æ r v r NÉ ]ooÉ r É rP}] } TR vÉ ˙ ı ı S ]v rV É v ı Saint-Loup-Lamairé 79600

B]RIv]vC˙ Kebab - Burgers

Saint Jouin de Marnes rTÉ˙(}uR}R Louin (Le Cafe de l’Union) rF]˙}(RÉ u}vR(}uPrP Fvv˙FuRÉ C É rB}}l]vPÉ]É˙Éu]oX LWÉvÉ˙}(ÉRu}vRRrR



Tel: 06 23 25 48 36 ```X(É}}lX}ul(˙Él SIRETPæ


FRYER Fish TUCKS and Chips


on w us sta! Follo In & book Face afeCivray C @Le


TRADITIONAL BRITISH COOKING SatPF}vÉv˙roÉrC}uÉ~uR ZU and at S]vrJÉvr[AvP o˙ ~uR ]v ]ÉZU CRÉvÉrM]uÉ SunPAov˙~uR ZU CRÉvÉrM]uÉ Open mornings

TÉoPæææ ```XulÉ˙r]ÉX}u SIRETPıæ


Centre Régional « Résistance & Liberté »

To understand and live our freedom

Explore the history of the Second World War and the everyday life in occupied France. Follow the steps of those who said "no", from individual acts of civil disobedience to collective actions of Resistance, through a path based on regional history. A journey to the past to get a better understanding of our current world through this interactive and unique exhibition with original photographs, clandestine newspapers, letters and videos. Open 2.30 to 6 pm July > October 2nd : Tuesday to Friday and Sunday

Audioguides in English Activities proposed for groups

Closed on public holidays

(Please contact us for details)

From 2 € to 4 €

(Cash and cheque only)

Écuries du Château Rond-point du 19 mars 1962 79100 THOUARS 05 49 66 42 99

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TR]`(}oo}`É˙}vÉS]oo UvRÉv]vP RÉ(!ÉoÉ M]Éu}É(}uvÉ É ]vV}vv Foussais Payré . PoÉv}É É R}.vovÉÉ }(RÉuuÉ}v É `]ooVÉÉ ˙ÉSuuÉMlÉ}vSv˙RJo˙ uXTR]]RvPÉ}(RÉÉ ulÉ]v}uoo˙RÉo }vRÉ.Sv˙}(R É u}vRXWR}o'ÉÉ Rv doing your shopping and listening to the choir at the same uÉJ

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The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 5

FREE admission –entrée gratuite 4 Lousselière 79450 Saint Aubin Le Cloud

DIMANCHE le 21 Août 2022 Stands d’artisanat Producteurs locaux Livres Tyrolienne de 40m Jeux Bric-a-Brac Goûter


11h30—18h00 40m Zipwire! Books Games Craft stalls Bric-a-brac Local produce

(*précommander par email)


Cakes ~ gâteaux sandwiches ~ sandwichs Hotdogs ~ hotdogs coffee ~ café tea ~ thé Bar ~ Bar


Afternoon Tea

(*pre-order by email )

Voir les Alpacas! See the Alpacas!

14h00 - 17h00

Démonstration/initiation (Demonstration/have-a-go) 13h30:Tir-a-l’arc (Archery) 14h30:Line-Dance Country (Line-dancing) 15h30:Netball Pour plus d’information - for more information EMAIL:

Aider L’


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L}o R] C v }( oo or Carolyn on 05 45 84 19 03. nd

XWe hold two services each and 4th Sundays at the church ```Xoo]vvÉÉ X( É

TRÉvPo]R E SÉl]vPR C R}(RÉVooÉ˙}(RÉL}]É~ESCOVALZ meets at the R.C. Church in Arçay every 3rdSv˙}(RÉu}vR u~i}+RÉæ D ıUTR}}L}vX Z Eglise Vie Nouvelle ]o]vPo B ~FÉvRlvPo]R E `ÉZ lo˙ É ]v É]ÉÉ ]C ˙ See ```X]Érv}ÉooÉr]˙X}u

Contact 05 49 87 49 04

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or telephone 05 49 29 81 34

07 68 35 45 18 6 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

TRÉN}voH}o]˙URÉo]P]}v Feast Days XXX SJv˙ SvA]o M}vA]o Sun 1 May SvM˙ Thu 26 May Sun 5 June Mon 6 June TRJo˙ M}væAP TÉN}ÉuÉ F]N}ÉuÉ Sun 25 December

NÉ`YÉ [˙D ~ Jour de l’anZ ÉSv˙ E ~ PâquesZ ÉM}v˙ E ~ PâquesZ Labour Day (Fête du premier maiZ VEıæ~ Fête du huitième maiZ Ascension Day (AscensionZ Whit Sunday (PentecôteZ Whit Monday (Lundi de PentecôteZ ooÉ B ˙D ~ Fête nationaleZ Au}v˙~ AssomptionZ AooS]v[˙D ~ ToussaintZ Au]É˙D ~ ArmisticeZ Christmas Day (NoëlZ }É```Xo]R}o]˙X(

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Jo˙Uı American archaeologist H]uB]vPRu PÉR].o}}l RÉ]v}( Machu Picchu. Tucked away in the rocky countryside v}R`É}( }C UMR Picchu is believed to have been a summer retreat (}IvoÉU É `R}É]]o]}v was virtually wiped }˙Sv]R]vÉ]vRÉRÉv˙XF}RvÉ}( ˙ÉLÉ`U]˘]É É vÉ`lv}`v É }vo˙}RÉ peasants living in the region. Jo˙æUı L}]ÉJ}˙}`v B URÉ`}o[.˙}}vÉ É ]É]]v ]}(Éo]}v~IVFZ]}vOoRuvD]]GÉvÉo H}]ovÉMvRÉU É EvPovU}ÉvLÉoÉ˙v PÉ}`v ÉB XTRÉRÉoR˙˙`Éo]ÉÉR}o˙(}É É u]v]PR˙ÉvÉ}vv`É]PRÉ]v.É}vU 12 ounces. Jo˙Uıı TRÉ`}o[.iÉr}ÉooÉ]o]vÉURÉB]RDÉH]oov C}uÉUulÉ]u]ÉvrG]PR É ]vEvPovXTRÉiÉ ÉvP]vÉ`}oouÉo˙}o}v]É É RÉ]o]vÉ]v˙U R]vl]vP]ÉouÉ]vRo(˙Évo]vPovÉ}o]u (ÉvG˙R]PRÉX Jo˙U TRÉo}(UæıUV}ol`PÉvoÉBÉ ]o]vÉW}o WII}oo}+RÉ}}vo]vÉV}ol`PÉv[ov]v PÉoUMɢ]}XOvÉ}(Urv].voÉ]}vURÉ˙r oÉÉR]oÉ`Év}uÉu]vW}o(PUGÉuv˙X

The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 7

RÉ ] É `É v PÉ ] TRÉ ]v(}u}v É v} Év vÉooÉ } oÉ PLASE E RÉl Év R É É˙}oÉRÉR}ÉX (}



lRIVESrDUTIS A AMUSE RIVESrDUTISE A æX Av]u}vU]vGoÉÉv`}}ÉvPuÉXB and restaurant on site. From 7pm. Free.


rlFARrFESTIVALSDE ARTSDELARUE ıXSÉAFÉ É o~FARZ`]RC]UvÉU RÉÉUu]URu}U]oXV]}]É}v the town and Château. 7-11pm. Free.


02/07 JAN WIDGER & PHILIPPE PARENT (JAZZ)CHEFr BOUTONNEMARKETıXR}RXFÉÉX 02/07 LA BATAILLECHEFrBOUTONNEıXMÉ]Éo LÉv}}v`]RC}uPv]ÉK}]Évv(}uRXıR uÉo~ƒZU}v É ıæv}vÉ`]RLÉ 3 Zebres'. lLEOQ C ETROSEPICNICYB THECHARENTE NÉ the bridge over the River Charente on the road between Condac and Champagne Mouton. 12h to 16h. Music, v]vPUR]oÉv]ÉvXB]vP˙}}`v picnic, chairs and table. Members 5€ non-members 8€, vÉ(ÉÉX lANSDARDELAY EvÉ]vuÉvUPuÉvÉv]vP}vÉXBv(}} l}v]ÉXF](}uuU}vÉuXFÉÉX


lSOIRÉEANNÉSE MONCOUTANTrSURrSEVRE ıXÉv]vP E }(u](}uRÉı[XUuXrXuX 5€. 02/07 LIVE CONCERTPARTHENAYıXL]Éu](}u STRÉM}}vR]vÉCo_XırXuX lFÊTEDELENTREÔTE C (Éo`]RPuÉU}v˙]ÉUu]v.É`}l]o˙X MÉo(}uXuXÉvÉÉl(]ÉU}}lÉ}É`}}.ÉX N}}uÉv}v]}v`]RÉv}RÉ]ÉJ 14€ From 5.30pm.


lFÊTEDELAMUSIQUE ıXM](Éo(}uXI]Ru]Uo]Évv DJ. 6pm-midnight. Free.



8 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022


lCHASSEUA ÉNIGMESUA OE C URDEBOUCOEUR SAINTrVARENTıXA`ol}vRÉ]ooPÉv] RÉ]PÉ`]ooÉR]PRo]PRÉ`]RRv(}]oÉv RÉÉ]}Pv]É(}uXuXU}]vP˙} P]ooÉuÉv}v(}PÉRÉÉJJæuXFÉÉX 08/07 VENDREDI VIROLAISVILLIERSrENrPLAINEıX M]vvÉÉv]vP}vRÉ(}É}}(RÉoÉX RÉ(ÉRuÉvU}vr]ÉÉ]vPXF}uXuXFÉÉX ılCHORALGROUPOFTHERONDSED JURONS CHEFrBOUTONNEMARKETıXR}RXFÉÉX 09/07 MOTOCROSS SEMI-NOCTURNENUEILrLESrAUBIERS 79250. motocross event with around 120 riders and a ÉP}˙É(}r˙É}oUF}uXuXr 1.30am. 5€. ılFÊTEUA JARDIN ARGENTONNAYıæXRÉ A CRÉÉSv˙UÉ`}lR}Uul]vPRU music, siesta, entertainment around the garden, snacks on site. 10am-10pm. Free. ırlLARTDEFAIRE CERIZYA ıXO}}r`Év˙ ˘R]]} É R˘oÉ É ]vvPUu] É UoÉU R}}PR˙U`]vPU}vÉ(}uvÉU]oo}vU (R]}vÉ]PvU]vvPvuRu}ÉXruXFÉÉX ırlFESTIVALMUSIQUESETANSE D SDUMONDE AIRVAULTıXDvÉR}`U}vÉvoo}v `}ooÉUu]v]}vovÉXF]É`}l display 14/7. lMARCHÉSDE PRODUCTEURSETVIDEGRENIER SAINTrJEANrDrTHOUA E RSıXB˙vÉuv˙o}o }P(]vÉPÉoÉUU É v`vÉ around the stalls. From 8am. Free lSTORYTELLING TILLOUıXRXS}˙Éoo]vP children and adults. Limited places to reserve call lMARCHÉSDE PRODUCTEURSDEPAYSETFEUD ARTIFICECERIZYA ıXL}o}Évv ]v}É˙}}RÉ](}}v]vlXM]v.É`}lX Bring your cutlery, plates and glasses. From 6pm. Free. lFÊTENATIONALE MOUCHAMPSæXB]vP P]v]}RÉo˙P}vÉvi}˙RÉ(}olP}v .É`}lXF}uuXFÉÉX lFÊTENATIONALE SAINTrPAULrENrPAREDSææX M]oÉvÉ]vuÉvUuÉov.É`}lXF}uuX Free.




lMARCHÉSDE PRODUCTEURSDEPAYSETFEUD ARTIFICELETALLUDıXL}o}Évv ]v}É˙}}RÉ](}}v]vlXM]v.É`}lX Bring your cutlery, plates and glasses. From 6pm. Free.






ılMARCHÉSDE PRODUCTEURSDEPAYSETFEUD ARTIFICEVERRUYESıXL}o}Évv ]v}É˙}}RÉ](}}v]vlXM]v.É`}lX Bring your cutlery, plates and glasses. From 6pm. Free.

14lFÊTENATIONALE BRESSUIREıXV]ÉGÉv]É (}oo}`É˙v]vP]o˙Uu]U.É`}lvJD XAoo day Bar and snacks. From 8am. Free.







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The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 9

Take a Break DSM˙E }`} C ~`]RRvl}R}BÉ˙Z ıX}ÉA }vo]v}v~Z 20. A republic in south-eastern }ÉE ~Z Clues DOWN XvA }}(v](o]É~Z Xv˙ A ]É}( É RÉu]v~rZ æXL}v}v˘R]]}v É vÉÉ ]o]v æ~rZ XN}~É Z X]]vP É D }vÉ}(o( É rÉuÉ ~Z XMoÉvÉ ~Z Xv˙ A }(oÉ oÉÉ ovPPÉ }(RÉoÉ C ~Z

DSM Toughie Crossword ~`]RRvl}M]lÉM}]Z

oÉC }A XFovÉ}É}.v o]u}ooX~Z XT]PÉ(} É P]}v]vP]vP }vuÉvoX É ~Z XSuooÉoÉ(}v]v ]vPoÉ(Éo]vÉX~Z ıXF]vÉo] É }]] É ](˙}`v X~Z 10. Apes misbehaving in church. ~Z XG}É}ÉP]v«vP É X É ~Z XPooÉR}uÉ]v`X~Z æX`ÉD vÉ}}.vRÉ ]ÉX~Z XUvo˙]o}v]oÉ É (} u]lÉX~rZ ıXS]`]RRÉ}ÉR}`}( ]o É X~Z XR}É`ÉlvÉD M~Z XY(]RÉ]oÉ}((}u }(IouX~Z XF]o˙U.vÉ}]vP o˙`RÉv˙]}ÉM~Z æXOÉvRÉ`]v}`} }M~Z


How many words of three or more letters can you make from the letters in our square? There is one word of nine letters. If you want to make it harder, only allow words that contain the centre letter. We estimate about 180 words are possible. 0 - 40 41 - 80

Not bad Quite good

10 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

81 - 120 Very good 121 + Expert

Clues Down XM}vÉ}v]oÉ É (}P}É oo}ÉRÉoÉX~Z 2. Record how long it takes to ]vÉPÉuÉÉ[É É }Év]vPM~Z 3. What a way to get over slipJN}`R[oJ~Z XOvÉv}}É É .vÉvÉM~Z 5. Composer is a non-believer }o`]RuÉM~Z XMl]vP˙o}É`]RÉ USA}vÉ}v]M~Z 9. Sack somebody lacking energy, }Po D R É M~Z XT]ÉuÉ }Vi}(}É }(É}XXXXXXXXXXXXXM~Z XXXXXXXXXXXXX}vÉ}(R]o}U] uÉ`]RROÉ É M~Z 16. Reward turned down by uÉuÉ}(]vÉM~Z XNN C oÉÉ uÉv}u}vP P}rÉ`ÉvÉ U(}uÉo˙ simple tool, to help turning? ~Z 18. Plimsoll turned up in uÉvX~Z XW]lÉo]É(}uvÉ É J~Z XIvLvURÉ(}É É P]v`]oo vM~Z





Clues ACROSS X.]ÉÉ A v˙}(o}} É oo É ~Z 4. Willingly receive something given }}+É~É Z XMlÉuÉv(}~æZ 9. Reuse old materials in a way to }}( É É R]PRÉo]˙ ~Z XNÉ˙~æZ 11. Reproduce someone's behaviour }o}}l~Z XN}˙É ~ıZ 15. Any heavy material used to ]o]ÉR]~Z XR]É}(SWvPov E ~æZ X(ÉA `Éooul É VP}}˙É~Z XIÉu}((v]É~æZ

CONNECT FOUR 1. 2. 3. 4.

a. 20 : 1 and 5. b. 3 : 17 and 19 c. 13 : 4 and 6 d. 12: 9 and 5 a. 0 = green b. 1 = red c. 2 = black d. 3 = red a. Hollywood b. Stein c. Rhodes d. Leith a. Downing Street b. Provinces in Canada c. Neon d. Commandments

8 1 3 9 9 3 9 8 5 4 7 2 1 3 1 8 2 9 6 7 4

7 3

5 1

8 4

6 7 5 6 2 9



What connects the following ...



Satellite TV and Internet ‘H

ello gorgeous’ said Mrs W the other night. As I leaned in for the kiss, she walked straight past me and went to the dog. OK I thought, me next. Unfortunately, I forgot we also have two cats… As always, it’s the little things like that which make me happy I’m on the downslope of life. Anyway dear readers, how are you all? Did you enjoy the Jubilee celebrations? I didn’t see that much of them, a little like the Queen. Starlink internet is flippin’ brilliant. It’s expensive for sure at 99 euros per month, but you get what you pay for. Download speeds of well over 200Mbps and upload speeds over 20Mbps? Thank you very much. Yes the kit is also expensive, but, if you can justify the cost, it really is very good. However, if you do want to use the system, be aware that it only comes with a ground mount as standard. Not ideal. You can order a wall mount directly from Starlink but not until you’ve signed up and have an account. The dish can be made to fit a French bracket or pole but it requires a bit of fiddling around to make it properly secure. Freesat is not the same as Freeview. Please don’t buy a Freeview box for the reception of UK TV. It’s the ‘sat’ bit we want. Just to clarify, if you bring your Sky Q box over from the UK, it will not work with a standard ‘universal’ LNB. It needs to be connected to a wideband LNB. Also be aware that a ‘Sky’ wideband LNB does not properly fit into the clamp of a standard French satellite dish. It can be made to, but it’s a pain. Non-Sky wideband LNBs can be purchased online or if you prefer, we have them as well. These fit French dishes just fine. It just needs a 40mm ‘neck’. Whilst on the subject of LNBs, what do you do if you want to run more than 8 cables from your dish? Whilst this isn’t the worst problem to have, it can be tricky to solve. One option is to install a second dish and go from there. The other, more professional way, is to use a mini-switch (or commutateur) system and a quattro LNB. This LNB is different from a quad LNB as the quattro has specific outputs for each ‘band’ (horizontal & vertical, high & low of each). This special LNB then sends the signals down 4 cables to the mini-switch. This switch can then feed numerous rooms with a single cable to each satellite receiver. The receiver, by way of the mini-switch, can see the entire spectrum of frequencies and it’s like each receiver is connected to its own dish. All are independent of one another. You can even connect a terrestrial aerial and send French TV to all the rooms as well. It is a little complicated to install and might be best left to a professional, but it’s a very efficient way of distributing satellite and terrestrial TV to multiple rooms. It’s especially handy in more modern houses as most should have TV cabling to each habitable room already. For those who have their French TV from Orange via a satellite dish, you will have noticed that it has probably stopped working. You haven’t done anything wrong, 12 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

by Stuart Wallace

Orange has stopped broadcasting TV via satellite. They want everyone to have their TV service via the internet. This is great if you have decent speeds, but not so great if like many people, you don’t. So, if you need to keep your satellite service for French TV, you effectively have two options which do not require you to realign your dish. The first is a Canal+ subscription. This is like the French equivalent of Sky TV in the UK. However, it’s quite expensive if you’re also still paying Orange for the internet etc. The second is TNTSAT. This gives all the same channels as if you were connected to a terrestrial aerial. You can also access all the other free to air channels from the Astra 1 satellite. There is no monthly subscription. As always, please feel free to get in touch if you would like any further information or would like to discuss your requirements. Contact details can be found on the advert. Have a great month.

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Clubs and Associations

CSSG is a group of mainly ex-services people living in this area who meet socially whilst raising (v}}˘r]Z]X Former UK servicemen and women, police and ..PZ ]v] } u]o CZ]v H at Z]vXZPu]oX}u

The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 13

La Vie En France My Five Top Tips for enjoying a visit to the Château de Javarzay, Chef-Boutonne ˙JÉo]vÉ}`v B

`R}I[uÉRo]]vP [RÉÉv}`XTRÉÉvÉv}}v }iÉ`}}uRu}ÉRviRÉvÉÉ˙ building works needed to ensure the château is preserved (}RÉvɢPÉvÉ}vXTRÉuÉuRÉv}uoÉÉo˙ Ér]uP]vÉv]v}`uouÉ]U]vÉÉU]o]vPo experience. Top Tip number two is to sit and listen to the ]R}vÉ}(RÉ}]É}(RÉRÉRÉÉooR]}˙X

oÉCRÉÉJ˙]vCRÉ(rB}}vvÉU T}(RÉRÉ]É.]vRÉ(]˙v]vÉ RÉ}RÉv}(RÉDɢrSÉU]}vÉ Rɢ]vRÉP}]}ÉP]}vX

WRÉu]v}˙]v˙}(`R]}vÉ`U Év`]R}vo˙`}}(]}]P]vo`ÉoÉ}`ÉURÉÉ] lot to see and to keep the visitor entertained.

F}oo}`]vPvoÉv}}vU}(}RRɢÉÉ ]}}( the building and the museum housed within, the château ]}vÉP]v}Év}RÉo]XF}uRÉÉP]vv]vP}( JvÉvoRÉÉv}(SÉÉuÉU˙}v]]É˙˙U ˘ÉÉ TÉ˙U(}uR}RvR}RX M˙ .T}T] ]}ÉvÉ˙}P]É˙}Éo(oÉvR} (}˙}]]WRÉÉoo˙]o}}ÉX TRÉuÉu]o]]v}RÉÉUvIio}É RRÉ}(RÉ}˙PÉ]o}`vÉ˙o]u ]o]ÉUR}É]v}v]or}}(ÉU É }uoÉÉ`]Rv˙oÉÉPo`]v}``]R]É` }ÉRÉolÉvRÉP}vXIvRÉRÉ}( RÉuÉuU˙}vÉRÉuÉv}vÉ`}l o}ÉvoÉv}RÉR]}˙}(R]É(o]o]vP vP(}uæXOvÉ}(u˙(}]ÉR]vP}}]} walk the exterior circular path up on the round tower, that P]É˙}vou}]É`}(RÉlX A˙}`}o˘ÉÉ (}.ÉrRvÉr˙Ér}o É]ÉvÉUvuÉ}((u]o]ÉRÉooÉ]R}uÉ}É the years and it is reputed to have had a Royal overnight PÉ}}XI(˙}RÉv}]]`RÉvIu`}l]vPUI[É R˙}oÉ˙}lv}`}}uÉ}(RÉ}RÉÉ]Év

TRÉ}v É }(RÉuÉu]oo}RÉo](É}( women in rural 19th century France. Why did women `É}vvÉMWRÉv]RÉ˙`RÉ}vvÉ(}RÉ u}É}ÉÉ RÉÉ}}]+ÉMWR`o](Éo]lÉ(} RÉÉuÉÉ`R}ÉooÉ(}u]ooPÉ}]ooPÉ} make and clean these `}l}(MAooR] vu}É]`]vP(} you to discover, housed in the top two tower rooms with cathedral o]lÉ}}(ÉuUÉ }`Év(]˙oÉ `]v}`WSRvÉoU RvÉoUoÉ}`v ˙}R] _o`˙ comes to my mind when I am up there. Top Tip number three }v[(}PÉ}É} (vR}}}}Rv have your picture taken `É]vPRÉ}]+É}( your choice. The third part to the museum is dedicated to the French ]v]o}o}v É v}vÉui}o˙ÉUM}v]ÉJÉvr Fv}]C]oU}v]vCRÉ(rB}}vvÉ]vXDÉ]ÉR] humble beginnings, Jean-François Cail went on to achieve PÉR]vPvRÉR}.ou}R]˘}]v˙ É o](É]`}R`R]vPXM}É}oÉoÉÉ`]RÉvÉ }(]Éo]É(R}uÉ}vÉ`R}RRv]uU `}o`]ÉU]v[`Éoorlv}`v}˙R]}u]} o]lÉGÉE]+Éo}IuK]vP}uBvÉoXA`Éoo `}l]vP]vRÉP.v]vP É ]v˙UJÉvrFv}] C]o`o}]v}oÉ]vRÉFÉvRuv(É}(RÉ B]RÉ]PvÉu}v C ÉuÉvP]vÉX Top Tip number fourWv}Éu]v(v`]oo`v}u]}(o}o˙ detailed, scale model engine on display. TRÉRÉ]Éo(]]v É oPÉl`]R.R]vPolÉU o}}(]v]oÉUR]oÉv[o˙Év]É]É walk along the Boutonne. T}T]vuÉ.É (}PÉ˙}]v]vULÉovRU`R˙v}(}oo}`RÉlu `ol}vCRÉ(rB}}vvÉRRÉRÉX TR]`]oolÉ˙}o}vPRÉ]Él}R}PR CRÉ(rB}}vvÉ`RÉÉu}vP}RÉR]vP˙}`]ooÉ vuÉ}(o}]U}vÉ}(`R]R]RÉ}É}(RÉ B}}vvÉ]ÉUvv}RÉRo]'oÉ]É`]vP (}˙}R}PR`]v}`X


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The Month of July and Why the 14th is not Bastille Day. T

RÉF!ÉN}voÉUFvÉv}voR}o]˙URÉv RÉo}vRÉRJo˙]vÉXTRÉF!ÉN}voÉ }uuÉu}ÉRÉF!ÉÉoF }v]vıXTR] `}ulRÉÉv}(RÉ}oÉu}vR˙v` o}RÉ.vv]É˙}(RÉl]vP}(RÉooÉ B ]v 1789. MPBÉviu]vR]oRRÉ˙}ÉR}o]˙]v May 1880 and because the 14th July 1789 had been a bloody day when people had been killed, the holiday }8]oo˙}vo˙}uuÉu}ÉRÉF!ÉÉoF }v }(ıvv}]v(RÉ}u]vP}(RÉooÉ B ]}v u}}(`}oÉo]ÉÉXTRu]PR˘o]v É `R˙}uÉ }(˙}u]PRRÉÉ]É}o}}l(}uRÉFÉvR `RÉv(ÉÉ ]vP}RÉRJo˙ooÉ B ˙D X

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by Sue Burgess

People who take their holidays in July are known as Si]ooÉÉ_v}`]oo˙É }vS˙WRÉ RvPÉ}É˙(}u}R}o]˙ÉvoXTRÉo`ÉÉlÉv }(Jo˙vRÉ.`ÉÉlÉv}(AP`]ooÉ˙˙ }vRÉ}voÉSol_˙SB]}vF _ RÉ}(É˙}Pv]}v`R]R]É8G}`U ]vÉu}}(FvÉ`]ooÉ}vRÉ}}vR}É`} `ÉÉlÉvUÉ]RÉ«vP É }+}}u]vPl(}uRÉ] holidays.

V}o˙lV}o]É v(É.É




un pétard


vÉ( É


une toupie

Catherine Wheel

(}v]vÉ Év}



Roman Candle

( É]OÉ


]ÉÉ ˘Guɢ


une torche

Flaming torch

un lampion

Chinese lantern

bal populaire

Local dance / hop



The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 15

July 2022

16 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

The History Of French Food

by Chloé Louise Moore


nyone who knows anything about the French knows that RÉ˙lÉRÉ](}}É]}o˙X From wine to cheese, they've P}]ooo}lÉ}`vXN}}vo˙]FÉvR (}}ÉvoÉo˙(]vvPU]o}lÉ(oo}( R]}˙voÉXS}U](˙}ÉvÉ`}RÉ}v˙}i o}}l]vP}oÉvu}É}R]u]vP]]vÉUÉ}vJ TRÉ}]P]v}(FÉvR(}}v`RÉÉ]uÉ(}uX WRÉv]}uÉ}RÉ}]P]v}(FÉvR(}}URÉÉ (É`]+ÉÉvR}}o}(R}PRXS}uÉÉ}oÉ˙RRÉ ]]vÉ]Éo˙}}(u}ÉvFvÉU`R]oÉ}RÉ believe that it has much older roots. And while there is no }vÉ]PRv`ÉUIR]vl](É}˙RFÉvR(}}] .v]É É o˙u]˘É}(}R}ovvÉ`X F}˘uoÉ É UlÉ]Ro]lÉB}É(B}P]Pv}vXTR] classic French dish is actually based on v}oÉÉ]É(}u Burgundy, a region in eastern France. So you can see that the country's culinary ]}vÉ in history. At the same uÉUR}`ÉU É FÉvR RÉ(RÉo}Év known to experiment with modern cooking ÉRv]Év ingredients, which has resulted in some o˙v]É]RÉX H}`FÉvR(}} has evolved over the ˙ÉX I(˙}lv˙FÉvR person, they'll tell you that their cuisine is the best in the world. And while this u]PRÉu'É}(}vo É }]v]}vURÉÉv}Év˙]vP RFÉvR(}}R}uÉo}vP`˙}ÉRÉ˙ÉX Bl]vRÉM]oÉAPÉ(}˘uoÉ É URÉ(}`}v ]uoÉURÉ˙]RÉR`}o.oo˙}vlÉÉ˙} P}]vPXAv`R]oÉ}uÉ}(RÉÉuÉoooÉu]v}o today, French cuisine has also evolved to include more Éo]Év˘} É ]RÉXTR]]RvlU]vU}RÉ }v˙uv˙]vÉv}vo]vGÉvÉXOÉRÉ˙ÉU FvÉRÉvR}uÉ}É}oÉ(}uoo}ÉRÉ`}oU vR]uÉovP}}(oÉRRÉoÉ}RÉRÉ }v˙v]Éo]v˙]Év˙X RÉP]}vo]+ÉÉvÉ]vFÉvR]]vÉX WRÉv]}uÉ}FÉvR(}}URÉÉv}}vÉ]PR v`ÉXÉ}( B RÉ}v˙]Év]ÉÉ ovÉURÉ]]vÉv˙]É](}uÉP]}v} region.

F}˘uoÉ É U]vRÉ}R}(FvÉ˙}oo.vo}}( ]˙]RÉU`R]oÉ]vRÉv}R˙}oou}o˙.vRÉ˙U }u(}(}}XAvRÉvRÉÉP]U`R]R](u} (}].vÉ]v]vPo]RuÉ É vvÉoÉPvuÉvXN} u'É`RÉÉ˙}P}]vFvÉUR}`ÉU É ˙}}É .v}uÉR]vPÉo]]}}X É S}uÉ}(É}oÉ(}]ÉÉP]}voFÉvR]RÉ]voÉ }oÉ(}uT}o}ÉU}]oo]É(}uMÉ]ooÉU v}v.vÉ (}uRÉP˙ÉvÉÉXS}U](˙}PÉ RÉ}}v]˙U}É ˙}uÉ}(RÉÉ]RÉ(} ˙}Éo(J FÉvR(}}}˙r`R}ov`R˙X WRÉv]}uÉ}FÉvR(}}URÉÉ(É`]RÉ Rv}É]vPoo˙}oXF}˘uoÉ É U FÉvR}v]}v}]o]]RR]}LÉv}ÉÉ ]vvÉ XTR]}]uÉ`]R(É }RU}v]}vU

and croutons, and it is usually topped with cheese. Another popular dish ]Él(]ÉXTR] ]R}v]}(ÉlU that can be cooked ]v]É˙}(`˙U that is served with FÉvR(]ÉX

There are many reasons why these dishes are so popular. F}U É }R}( them are very hearty v.oo]vPXTRÉ˙ o}RÉo}}( G}URvl}RÉ ingredients that are ÉXA]}voo˙U both dishes are ÉoÉo˙+}oÉU which is another reason why they are popular among budget-conscious diners. VÉPÉ]vvVÉPv]RÉÉo}}u]vP É R]PRo˙ (o É ]vFÉvR]]vÉJ FÉvR(}}R}uÉo}vP`˙]vÉ]RuoÉ ÉP]vv]vPXF}uRÉ]uoÉÉv]RÉ}(RÉ }RÉ}uoɢv]v]É}v É }(}˙URÉÉ[ }uÉR]vP(}É˙}vÉ}Évi}˙XRÉP]}vo]}v]v FvÉP]É]vÉÉvu}ÉR}]É`]R(}}v`]vÉJ }ÉB RÉl}u˙}RÉoÉ}vooR]vPFÉvR WI}+É]vÉ`]Rv˙RÉo˙}u]PRvÉÉJ PSPu˙`É]É]Évo˙vÉP}]vPo]'oÉ makeover, so contact me via my email address this month Ro}Éo}]Éu}}É˙R}}X}u


The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 17

Life in 79

by Stephen Shaw

Any Old Iron inter is but a distant memory, as summer has well vo˙]ÉXTRÉo}PvÉRÉ(ooÉv]oÉvU oÉ }PÉu}É(}uRÉU É Évu˙˙ `]vÉP]oÉ]v}`]v]uuÉR]Év}vWSoÉÉUu˙ É]}Uvo`ÉuÉP]v É _XIvÉU`ÉRÉ`R]]vP (v}vRÉÉ]ÉoÉUG˙Év}vRÉ`]v}` vRÉl˙G˙rÉr}(rÉRRvP(}uRÉÉ]o]vP o]lÉo}vPG]o]]]XM˙R}r`É}'oÉRÉv ÉoÉ˙G˙`U`]R`R]RUN]viro]lÉUIo'ÉRÉ ÉvÉu˙]v}RÉ}+ÉoÉÉ Ul]RÉv}vÉ}v˙}RÉ (ÉRÉ˙RÉovÉ}vX

ÉvRÉU]vGÉ and can be seen blowing }RÉ(uÉ.Éo}v daily basis. TRÉuuÉ(]PÉRÉv}lÉURÉ]vl]vÉ ÉoÉv]RÉ`]R}o}(o}'oÉ}(}}ÉRÉ ]vÉ]vÉ(}RÉ}l]oÉ}vXF}RÉu}É Év}o}R}o]`ÉÉvRÉ}'oÉ}(}uÉR]vP l]v}}lÉ(Éo`]R`R}oÉÉG}vP]v]X AvvvvÉÉ}( }]vPv˙R]vP˙Ro(UvR RÉ`}}Év(}u Euu`R]RRÉRÉ up and adorned with beer mats, brewery towels and an ]ÉlÉ]vRÉRÉ}( golden pineapple. She has even bought two bar stools (}uFÉvRPÉvoÉuv we met in a carpark in La PÉ˙'ÉXI}É R]vl`R `]ooÉvɢXXX]PÉ'É uR]vÉU}oÉ}(]vo]v RÉvUlÉ}(Év l]v}]ÉÉ}(} revealing a woman in a skimpy swimsuit...

TRÉ˙.ÉoR]} garden in winter has been }}lÉ˙RÉuuÉvVRÉ lush verdant grass now golden and when working in the vegetable garden a pickaxe is u˙(ÉÉ }}o É }(R}]ÉX ALÉ`}˙É}(o]]vPo]lÉ RÉu]`ÉÉo}}l]vP(}` }lÉoÉv}(}]o ÉvXO}v]PÉ«vP married this year so we will be ]]vPlv(}R}RÉ UK(}RÉPvRÉv} vRÉ`É]vP]Éo(XS] have been purchased and hang in the wardrobe, promises }o}É`É]PR(}É É RÉ]P day have been made and the mobile constantly 'pings' with RÉoÉ}v]}v}RÉ SPP˙MSP(ÉWRA P}~SORP}JI(v˙ É_ZX We are having both our (u]o]É}˙R]uuÉ too. Anna's younger sister is ÉoÉvPRÉæR`]R vRÉ]P]]iÉ«vP]v(}u o] A XTRÉv(É`˙ oÉu˙(u]o˙ÉvXOÉR}É(É`˙I`]ooRÉ }iu˙]}˙}v É W`ÉooRÉS}«R ÉvAvv(u]o˙oo`R]ÉvIvRÉ`R v˙}vÉ˙U`RÉÉu˙(u]o˙+É(}uÉPÉÉ}( vv]vl}(vÉ É }Év}}uuv]ÉR}PR É]É}(ÉR}U(}oo}`É˙S`R]RÉ ˙M_`RÉvAvv˙v˙R]vPXALÉ}`ÉÉlo˙(u]o˙ }}uI`]oo.vIRÉ]vP}ÉR}(}uR]vP lÉRÉ}uÉ(}u]vÉX IvÉ]vÉ(}RÉ]]oAvvRÉv˙XTRÉ `]uu]vP}}oRÉvv(}uÉ(}u}oU v]v]vPPÉÉv}o}~`]RSRvoPÉRÉ }'}u}Z `uUR]uuÉ]vPÉXPHoÉÉoÉ RÉlÉ}v]o˙]vv˙G}vP`}}ov ÉRÉÉ}ÉRÉRÉPÉXIvGoÉRÉ

18 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022


It was all coming together vo}vÉ]PR}o˙(uÉ decided to make an unsightly ]oÉ}('oÉ(ÉU É PÉ and other ironmongery lying }v]vRÉ.Éovɢ}X Like the Parisian barricades this unsightly carbuncle rises }}(RÉÉR~ÉÉ]ÉZXI get the urge to clamber to the }vovR]v}OvÉ˙D M}Év]R]vPu˙]]GÉX

AvuÉ}(˙}vPLÉ˙ov]] RÉÉvovÉ~]vPu˙˙]l˘ÉZXXXUI(ÉU ÉvRÉÉu]PR˙}v](É`]oov}RÉP}`vÉv}PR} o}lRÉ]É`(}É É }]]}]É]vJo˙X N}`U˙}v]uP]vÉULÉooRÉR`}lMSR` `v}oÉÉ ÉXP}o]ÉÉu]o`ÉÉvl]vP]( M}v]É(uÉBoÉ˙u}``}ovu]vu}]vP] `RÉv}vÉv]ÉvXTRÉ(uÉ]]`}oÉu}É }uÉ}]v]vRÉ(ÉXXXI`]É]]ooRÉÉXTRÉ Év]]vP}(oÉi`}˙UI(ÉRÉ v}+}(}oP}}vo}vPÉX

I(˙}`}oo]lÉ}u}É É uo]vP(}uMSR`UP}} ```Xo](É]vıXo}P}X}u




RÉÉ]Év}(uuÉ T]Év}]oo˙ ]vRÉ]vLÉ`} `l`

É]É}É]vÉRÉvvo(!Év}voÉ+É v]}}vRJo˙XTRÉo]˙`]ooÉoÉvP ooR]vP}}lÉoÉ`]RvLÉv}}v]vRÉl}v RJo˙}( RÉv}voPÉv Livre library event. WÉRÉoo}}( games on a book theme planned, plus six local R}i}]v]vP} talk about their books. Some are French, }uÉÉEvPo]Rv one has even had her debut novel published in both French and EvPo]RXI`]ooÉo ]vÉv}vo(Éo}( books. The park will also ~R}É(oo˙ZÉRÉoÉ }RÉ É Év}(Jo˙ (}RÉEvÉÉuÉoU a popular annual event that has been missed ]vÉv˙ÉXI(`É Év}}}É} by August, there will also be our 15th August (u]o˙]v]vPuÉ LÉv}}vXÉ˙}vÉ E ]`Éo}uÉ}]vPRÉ]]v]v Évi}˙vLÉv}}v]vRÉRÉ}(RÉÉUR]vP `]R(]ÉvvvÉ]PR}XIv[`]X

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É]vP A ]v TRÉ DɢrSÊÉ M}vRo˙ ] v}˘ÉÉ v]É˙}u]PRR]vlX U } æU }Évo }uÉ É RÉ uP]vÉÉ˙u}vRX }o} A R] É ]É(}]vÉ}o]'oɃ u}vR É UoÉ(}vÉv}vTRÉBooÉvB}PÉX WR˙v}.v}u}É˙}]vPo]vÉXXX

]v(}RÉɢÉÉu}vRo˙X( TR]]É]}v É ]ÉU}o}U]É~uÉ É B ]ÉR]]ÉZ vvoo˙ ]v vÉX ORÉ }}v É]ooÉ v vPÉ }( ]}vÉ o} ]ooÉ(}uooÉu}vRÉX

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They may be the sixth owners to bravely take on this venture in the eighteen years we have o]ÉRÉÉUvv}vÉ}( the others have had a post pandemic economy to cope with, so I truly wish them well. It is the

```X(ÉvR]ooPÉ]]ÉX}u Email: (ÉvR]ooPÉ]]ÉPu]oX}u

CHEDÉ TTERIES U}É]v(}u}v}}Év]vPR}U ]}v É U(} É ˙}o}o RÉ'É]ÉM V]]RÉ`É]É ```XuıX( (}]o É F}`É]}o}]É}(RÉ DɢrSÉRÉÉ[voÉvÉ website ```XÉRÉÉ]ÉX(

The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 19

PR}}PR˙o]vÉ ÉJ }`v B

˙ÉUL}]oo ]}o˙ }u]vPl}o](ÉXWÉRÉ a new Maire, and the council have

`R]Ro}]vÉÉRÉo]˙}Év]vPuÉv`É RÉ]]vPvÉ`RÉvP(}RÉ]ooPÉX Somewhat unexpectedly, the bar has new owners and this uÉ]RRu}ÉRvi(ÉR}}(]vv vÉ`vuÉXTRÉ}oÉ`R}RÉo]É}}]É](}˙É have taken it on and totally reinvented it. They have clad RÉ(}v]v`}}U}PRRÉ]PRÉ]vluÉoo(} RÉ}}}oÉvGR˙vÉ}v]PvXIv]ÉU they have built new walls, put in a new kitchen area and ]vooÉvÉ`o]PRvPW P}vÉÉRÉG}ÉÉv tubes that stripped the u}RÉÉ(}uÉv RÉo]Éo]É}(}] ÉX They have put in a lot }(+} É }É vibrant and coordinated interior, with eyeR]vP]vP˙}vPÉ R]vvÉoo˙ (ÉRlÉ}vRÉuÉvX Drum roll please… We now have our very own ]ooPÉKÉvP] eat-in or takeaway vÉ U}+É]vPSRÉ }( É GÉÉlrIo]v_X

AvAuÉ]vIvS rV] B

ack in February, The DSM É]É É } oÉÉ }uÉ }( } uP]vÉ }ovPÉ]É ]v S rV] }R]}(RÉ]o]ÉvÉoÉ É EvPo]R Él]vPX A RÉ Év }(RÉu}vRU`É}É RÉ SÉ U ]É v ]}ÉÉ RÉ Fournil de la Plaine Boulangerie which has been run by American Lisa and her French partner, Oo]]ÉU ]vÉ O}É X SI u }v]vÉ I u RÉ }vo˙ AuÉ]v ]v lu ]J B S rV] R Év É˙ `Éo}u]vP v Oo]]É ] R˙ } É ]v DɢrSÉ ]vÉR]] vÉ`ÉuÉv(}R]u}˘o}É É SL]}o }É}+ÉÉv}]vX

B}v]vH}vPK}vPUL]vRÉ(u]o˙oÉL(}AuÉ]`RÉv RÉ``}˙É}o}SRÉ É AuÉ]vÉuD _XTRÉ (u]o˙ v vÉ v ]v NÉ` Y}l P]]vP RÉ PÉ(}v}v]vRÉR}]o]˙]v˙XALÉv]É]˙ L] ` oÉ } É RÉ ]}v (} RÉ `]R RÉ ]R v ]ÉÉ oÉ }( NÉ` Y}l o}vP]É RÉ `}l ]v RÉ ÉRv}o}P˙ ]v˙ (} uv˙ ˙ÉX TR] oo}`É L] } ]voPÉ RÉ o}É }( Éo ˙ ]]vP A]U Mɢ]} v CvX SRÉ Rv[ .v]RÉ Po}Ér }«vP ˙É v `Év} o]É ]vo] A (}R}uÉUo}Éoo]vP}}ÉE ul]vP RÉ }`v Pv } }( S]vU FvÉUIo˙vEvPovX

A new pergola has already been added to provide a shaded (} É }uÉ}Évi}˙v`]Rv}+É(} É ovR } ÉR ˙]vP RÉ Po i} v vÉ` É RÉ ]vv}É}oÉRÉ]v}ÉX

“... I am the only American in a 30 km radius ...”

D]vP}]]vDÉuÉUL]oÉL NÉ`Y}lC]˙v˙É]vS]vMv (an island in the Caribbean that is slightly smaller than N]}ZU`RÉÉRÉuÉOo]]ÉX AoR}PR `}l]vP ]v S]v Mv RÉ uÉU Oo]]É É]É } u}É l } FvÉX HÉ lÉ L] } i}]v R]u v ]o o](É }PÉRÉ RÉÉU RÉ PÉÉ `]R} RÉ]}vX DÉ]É oo RÉ Éoo]vPU L] R }vo˙ o]É ]v EvPo]R Él]vP}v]É vU `R]oÉ Oo]]É `}]}o˙ GÉv]vFÉvRURÉovPPÉ]É`}vÉv}RÉX Ll]o˙U RÉ }ovPÉ]É R uv˙ o}˙o EvPo]R Él]vP }uÉU u}o˙ (}u EvPovU IÉov v S}R A(]X L] A ˘o]v É SAoo}(u˙(u]o˙v(]Év(É `˙} Él]vP EvPo]R P]É uÉ o]'oÉ ÉvÉ }( R}uÉ v RÉo uÉiRÉÉ_X

T}oo˙]+ÉÉv(}uo](É]vNÉ`Y}lC]˙UL]R}]lo˙ ]uuÉRÉ É Éo(]v}RÉoÉ}(FvÉ`ÉoooÉv]vP the language. She has learned a lot about FÉvR o](É P RÉ u]r˙ o}É (} `} R} ovR Él v L] ] PÉ«vP É } RÉ ( R ou} v}R]vP ] }Év }v Sv˙ } `ÉÉo } N]} (} vÉ }}É_X TRÉ o](É }( lÉ means long days which begin early with RÉ}ÉvvPu}]vP(ÉR bread and viennoiseries throughout the day, whether it is to `Éo}uÉRÉÉl(}`}RÉLÉ`}l}uÉ Él]vP PÉ'É (} ]vvÉX A oÉÉ }( RÉ Éu }( .ÉU L] v É (}v É]vP RÉ o i} v PÉvP É RÉ }uÉU É]oo˙ RÉo(o ]( RÉ }uÉ vÉÉ }uÉ}vÉ}Él}RÉu]vEvPo]RX

Oo]]É v L] É R˙ } `Éo}uÉ oo RÉ É]Év }( S rV]U v RÉ uv˙ }] R } (} uuÉ]]XI(˙}]vP É `R˙v}}]vv˙}uÉ }(RÉ]Éo]]}]Éu}v}+ÉvU`]R(]Évo˙`}}( EvPo]RU RÉo L] (ÉÉo R}uÉX ORU v }v[ (}PÉ ˙} }˙}(TRÉDSM}(}ÉJ

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20 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022


]vÉv]É]vÉv support, to semiindependent and independent living, which we learnt is lÉ˙v]}v (}uuÉÉ v back into the community was where Bast really PPoÉXH}É ]`]'Év]v} RÉRÉ}(`R YÉooo`v}}(}v}RÉ}v É io]lÉX B

Cycling 12,000km to raise £12,000 for addiction recovery U]PRU}PÉ}vR]uVRÉÉ KÉ]É}(]ÉÉ Éoo]vvUX`}(vv˙ R}uÉ}u]v`RÉvIR]vl}(R}`} `B }]PRR]o]}`]R `]RR]Év]}v }(RÉ C ]vÉTÉ[ RP}}ÉÉ˙v ]vvu}v˙}P [ lÉRXHÉ`RÉ glue that held us together, gave the biggest hugs and despite all he was going through, always made sure that you knew you were loved and had you laughing again, even on your worst days.

SR]PPÉvÉÉvÉoo˙oPÉRooÉvPÉU}`É decided to cycle the distance between Singapore, where `ÉuÉv`RÉ`ÉÉB v}R}}oUvHÉvoÉ˙r}vr TRuÉ]vRÉUKU`RÉ`ÉB (}uU`R]Ru]vPo˙ `}vUluXTRÉ}É`RÉou]vPo˙}]É response has been incredible, with around 400 people (}oo}`]vP}i}vÉ˙}v}]ouÉ]væ˙o] i}]v]vP}v}B]lÉRooÉ B vPÉ(}uoo}vRÉ `}oU]vo]vPRÉUKURÉNÉRÉovUAuÉ]UCvU o] A UMo˙]US]vP}ÉUTR]ovvu˙Éo(]v FvÉXOv}]ou`É[ÉoÉ˙˙oÉ}É 9000km, through 16 countries and are currently making }`˙R}PRIo˙XS}(`É[É]É}É‹ }`}PÉU`R]R]i (vJ

L˙ÉU]ÉB }(P}É}ÉXHÉ`}vo˙v ](ÉoR]vPXOÉ(oUl]vU`}vÉ(o(]Év` P}vÉ]vv]vv}v]}vRÉRÉv`ÉoÉ `]RÉ˙˙XY}vɢÉÉ }o}É(]ÉvU}RÉ }}v}˙}vPv`É`ÉÉoo˙]vP}.PÉ}`˙ }RvvÉo}P]É(]v}}uÉR]vP}]ÉXH]]}v RlÉvR]u(}uU`É]v[`v]}lÉ`˙ RÉ}]]˙RRÉR}PR}RÉ`}oX

WÉ[ÉP}‹oÉL}ÉR }P}oUv`R]oRÉÉ[v} ˘ÉÉ }vUÉ˙o]'oÉÉoo˙ }ÉRÉoJS}](˙}É]vP this and are touched, please go to ```XiP]]vPX}ul (v]]vPl]lÉ and help us give another young uvRÉRvÉo](É`É} `]R`É}o[ÉP]ÉvX B WÉv[]vPlB we can make him proud and do something good in the world to ]Éu]oÉ˙}vv]vPR] }]É]u}vRÉ`}oX

`B ]v]vP}}vÉ É oo}]vRÉu}vR(}É É he died, in order to help others through the struggles RÉ[ÉvP}]vPR}PRXS}Uu˙(]É É vPR}ÉÉvIU o}vP`]RB[(RÉPovÉru}RÉJÉo]vÉ KÉoo˙UÉ]É}˙v]É‹U}(v}vÉ˙}vP uvR}PR(oo]}v}ÉÉ ˙}PuuÉ YÉoooMv}UUKrÉ]}v}ÉÉ ˙R]˙]v RÉBÉlR]É}v˙]ÉXYÉooo}+ÉRÉoURÉo]vPv R}É˙}]]vPuÉÉ v}PuuÉU(}u

TA KE A B RE A K V SOLUTIONS V PA GE S V ˙E }`} C P A # A # L # # # B # C # P

N O T I O N # F A T H E R

Toughie Crossword ("REVERSALS") E # O # C # D # L # E # I


I # E # L # F # A # R # O

A # # # # # F # S # I # N

# H U M I L I A T I O N #

A # P # M # C # # # # # G


C # C # I # U # T # T # R


E # C # A # T # M # B # E

P O L I T E # G A E L I C

T # E # E # # # R # E # E

# E # F I R # R # L # S #

O G R E # E M E R I T U S

# R # D # C # W # V # F #

T I M E # A C A D E M I A

# T # L # P # R # # # # I

P U P I L S # D R A W E R

# D # N # # # # # W # V #

D E N I E R # S P A C E R

A # # # # E # L # K # N #

P A G A N I N I # E V I L

# T # P # N # P # N # N #

C O U S T E A U # E R G O

# M # E # D # P A D # S #


7 1 5 9 6 8 4 3 2

6 2 4 7 5 3 8 1 9

8 3 9 1 4 2 7 6 5

4 9 8 5 7 1 3 2 6

1 6 3 8 2 4 9 5 7

2 5 7 6 3 9 1 8 4

9 7 2 3 1 6 5 4 8

5 4 1 2 8 7 6 9 3

3 8 6 4 9 5 2 7 1

QXTVRÉ( QX~}u]vuÉ}(vÉ}v]Z

The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 21



Les Medievales de Mauleon rM˙U

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A report by Adrian Blake


isitors to the outdoor Medieval event at Mauleon, Department 79, were treated to ideal weather }v]}v(}R]`}˙˘Pv É XTRÉ}Pu}( events describes a Medieval costumed parade opening RÉ}ÉÉ]vP}vRÉS˙LÉv}}v`]R]É scheduled well into the evening.

I'ÉvÉ}vRÉSv˙u}v]vPUvoÉo˙R Év]vPXTRÉÉv`R}É]vRÉP}v}(RÉ RÉU]vRÉRÉ}(RÉ}`vU]``Éoo]Pv}É (}]v É v]vÉÉvvPUGPvvvÉ were displayed throughout the town which greatly added }RÉu}RÉÉ}(RÉ˙XM}É}ÉUR}É`v ]PÉ`}vÉ˙]vP]]}}vR}P]É}}( RÉ}`vUÉvPvv]vP É }RÉÉvvÉ}(RÉ RÉUP]]vPRÉ]]}ÉvÉ}(RÉo}o}uuv]˙ (oo˙}vPRÉPoXAuoÉ(Él]vP É ` ]ooÉ]vRÉ}`voÉRv.Éu]vÉ˙É }oo(}u RÉÉvÉvI`uÉRÉu]]}v(ÉÉ}(}vo˙ }E `R]R]voÉ`Éoo}É}o}}Pu}( events. A wrist stamp on admission allowed easy re-entry }RÉRÉR}PR}RÉ˙(}R}É`R}`]RÉ} explore the locale on their own. AoR}PRv}RPÉURÉP}v}(RÉRÉ`ÉÉu}É than ample, even and largely level so that disabled access was not restricted. Catering concessions near the entrance served visitors who were provided with a large cool, tree RÉÉ}(ÉvRvÉ oÉ(}vÉ vP É X Ev]o]vPRÉu]vR}É`ÉÉRÉÉ]}uÉÉ numbering some 50+ in total and inhabited by members }(RÉÉvuÉ]ÉoÉrÉvuÉv}uv]É`R} 'ÉvÉXAoPÉ]É˙}(]o˙`ÉÉ}v}+É(}u olu]R]vPU`]RRÉ}}v]˙(}]]}}˙RÉ] RvRÉ(}PÉU}ul]vPRÉG]PR(}v}``]R the Fletcher, wicker basket making using woven reeds and ]o˙}(}PuÉv}˙XE˘R]]}v}(`}} ]vPv}'É˙`ÉÉ]vÉrÉ`]R]o˙}( weapons, armour and medical instruments, all with period }uÉUlv}`oÉPÉoÉ'Évv`R}ÉvPPÉ`]R their audiences. TRÉu]vÉv}}vÉ]É}(RÉRÉ]o}É]v o]PRÉ]}v]vRÉ]v É Uoo}`]vP(}}É (}uRÉu]v}˙}É PÉP}}]É`}(RÉ }v]o˙VoÉuÉvvPRÉP}voÉÉo}É

who were provided with benches, logs and straw bales, }uÉ}(`R]R`ÉÉRÉ to sit upon. The scheduled displays were mainly duplicated between the two days. With period music broadcast at an }]É}ouÉU}É}( dancers demonstrated a number }(]+ÉÉvvÉXALÉ`U the audience, including many children, were encouraged to i}]vRÉvÉ]vRÉÉvv were led through some group `]R É RÉRÉo}(RÉÉr enactors.

Sv˙]o˙}(]}(˙É `ÉÉvv}vÉÉ]vP cancelled due to an issue with the birds, but the program `ÉuoÉo˙.ooÉ`]RPo]}]o˙oÉuÉ}u between well padded, chain-mailed and armoured knights. SR}]PvÉ'ÉÉ]vPRÉ]o}(]oo]vÉvÉ`]R (RÉ`}.PRvPUou]vvP`]RRÉÉ]}v}( RÉ}u]vP}(RÉRÉXF}R]UÉvCÉlv]PR were pitched against ten barbarian warriors, including M}}]RRu]}vUvP É ]ÉoÉÉ RÉ `Év˙}o]É'oÉ]}}RÉoRv]vP}(uÉo sword against metal sword and wooden shield. Although the day was warm and the costumes thick, the warriors PÉRÉ]oo}Év˘]vP É oÉÉ `R]RR]ooÉ the crowd. TRÉÉvU`R]o`Éoo'ÉvÉ˙RÉo]U~}uÉ}( `R}uRÉuÉoÉ`ÉÉ]vÉ]}}uÉZ` v}}Éo˙}`É`R]RÉvoÉ'ÉvÉ}É u}É around the site easily and to gain good view points to `RRÉ]o˙vÉu}v}vU`]R}É]vP i}oÉ}R]vPv˙(ÉÉo]vP}(}ÉrÉ]vPXTRÉ ˘R]]} É `ÉÉ`Éoou}É`]R]uÉ]É]o˙ vlv}`oÉPÉ}(RÉ]É]}v`ÉÉ}É˙ uoovuÉ}(`R} É }]É}}v]É(} visitors to buy period souvenirs (}u}uÉU iÉ`ÉooÉ˙v RvLX From a visitors ÉU this event was a É˙Évi}˙oÉ experience, providing an inexpensive, pleasant day out and the opportunity }oÉvo]'oÉ more about the history, make-up voÉ}( France and its inhabitants. PR}}PR˙]v A olÉ B

22 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

A-Z of the Communes in the Deux-Sèvres Thouars (part two)

by Sue Burgess



vRÉJvÉ]É`Éo}}lÉRÉu]v}]v}(RÉ R]}˙}(TR}XTR]u}vRURÉoÉ]]}uÉ}( the many monuments in Thouars. TRÉRÉ}(RÉDlÉ}(T u}]ooÉURÉCRÉoURÉ OvPÉ˙vRÉSoÉX

IvæUM]ÉÉoT}PvÉ ÉA UDRÉ}(L T u}booÉURRÉ}ooÉ}É RÉP}vXTRÉ `R}oÉ}uoɢ`É]PvÉ˙JÉLÉuÉ]ÉU R]É}L}]XIIIXIv(}v}(RÉruÉÉro}vP(É RÉÉ]}˙}(R}v}U}vÉ˙}}É PooÉ˙XW]R]u}(v]R]vPURÉoÉ`RÉ ÉvÉ}(˘Pv É ÉXD]vPRÉÉ]Pv}(L}]XIVU RÉLT u}booÉ(u]o˙u}É}P]vv}vÉRÉ oÉU`R]R`o}}É]vPRÉRÉ}o}vvuÉÉ v}vo}É˙XI`RÉvlÉ XTRÉ}`v }(TR}}PRRÉoÉv]}]o]vP]vX From 1854 to 1869, the castle was rented out and became a private college, Saint-Louis. The State then used the oÉ]}v(}u}ıæXTRÉ}`v}(TR} established a public secondary school there in 1931, and the school has been called Collège Marie de la Tour d'Auvergne since 1979. Restored in the 1990s, the castle is }Év}]]}(}uM˙}SÉÉuÉX TR]RÉv˙}ooÉP]ÉRÉoulRÉv]}v between the Gothic period and the Renaissance. C}v}vÉPv]vııXTRÉRÉo`]o}vRÉ ]É}(RÉ}`v`ooU}æuÉÉ(}uRÉuÉ]Éo

castle. It became a collegiate church in 1515 and was É]vPRÉW}(RÉo]P]}vXTR]]o]vP}u]vÉ RÉGu}˙vG}R]˙oÉ`]RRÉ]vGÉvÉ}(RÉ early Renaissance. Several architects succeeded one another, including André Amy, Jean Chahureau and Pierre ÉL}}ooÉUuÉPoulÉXTRÉ`ÉÉv(É Ro}PP]RÉ}Uv]É]vFvÉXTRÉ]vÉ]} }v]}(RÉÉvÉ}(.É˙`]RGRÉvÉ v}vÉXI(v]É`}o}vLÉRÉ RÉ}o}vXTRÉ]o]vP`É(}u}v É v o].ÉH]}]M}vuÉv]vXIvURÉ C]˙}(TR}}oRÉRÉo}RÉLT u}booÉ(u]o˙X I}}v É ÉPvæ˙ÉoÉXTRÉRÉovoo˙ be visited during guided tours organised by the Service de l'Architecture et des Patrimoines but it is currently vÉP}]vPÉv}}v`}lX TRÉoÉ}vPÉ˙`]oRÉÉv}(RÉR Év˙RÉ}( É RÉDlÉ}(TR}UCRoÉr BÉoP]ÉrH}oovÉÉLT u}booÉXI`É]PvÉ˙ RÉR]ÉJoÉH}]vMvvJÉV G]ÉoRÉuÉuÉRÉ}vPÉ˙RÉCRÉ ÉVÉ]ooÉXF}uRÉRÉv˙}v`UPÉv were laid out on the terrace between the château and the orangery. The esplanade was home to orange trees grown ]v}˘ÉXD]vPRÉRÉ}o}vUR]]o]vP`É P˙uv]u(}RÉRÉlXF}u }v`URÉ}vPÉ˙`v(}uÉ]v}`}lR} (}]}vÉXI`RÉvÉv]}v(}˙

The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022| 23

AvÉ}ÉrALÉo}vPÉ]}}(v˙URÉPÉr}`É `R}ÉvRÉ.}uu}}v(}RÉ}`v teachers around 1870. Prévost Tower Gate This gate-tower was the main ÉvvÉ}RÉv}R}(RÉ medieval town. The Maillot gate and the Pont des Chouans (}uıı}ıXI˘ÉÉ ]}(É`É}ÉÉ ]v RÉıvıXTRÉ`É]É}(RÉ}vPÉ˙] R}uÉ}RvvPR}v}]}vLÉR} E TR}ÉX TRÉ}vPÉ˙RÉvÉ]vÉıæÉvÉ(} ˘R]]}v É v]ÉÉvX IvURÉDlÉCRoÉrBÉoP]ÉrH}oovÉÉL T u}booÉooÉ}vRÉR]ÉR}ÉÉC}'ÉU]o }(JoÉrH}]vMvU}]oRÉoÉ}RÉ v}R}(RÉRÉXTRÉÉvÉuoÉ`}(}uU shape: a central building and two wings. When the duke ]É]vıU}vo˙RÉÉv`]vP`]oXALÉıU the building was used successively as a workshop, then as a public girls' school, barracks, technical workshops, }uuv]˙Éu]ÉUX É A.É]vı}uoÉÉo˙ }˙É É RÉ}]P]vo}}(ÉUvRÉ]o]vP was restored in 1988. Since 1998, it has housed several ooÉPRÉMv]]oSR}}o}(PoA vRÉRÉP]}voCÉvÉRÉ]vÉFÉÉ}u`R]R] a museum about the Resistance Movement in France and ]vRÉDɢSÉXTRÉÉ]ÉuvÉv˘R]]}v É }vRÉ .G}}XRÉ}É}]ooÉ É ]vEvPo]RXTRÉÉ }LÉvÉu}˙˘R]]}v É }`v]}}X The Town Walls MÉ}((ÉÉ vÉ}`ÉURÉ]˙`oo]oo clearly visible today. The architectural elements allow RÉ}v}v}(RÉ`oo}É]vP]o RÉÉv}(RÉRÉv˙XTRÉ}`É`ÉÉ]oU oo˙]vPRÉHvÉYÉWU`RÉvRÉ .]vP]ÉÉ }(RÉ(ÉÉ v]É}`ÉR}}É vÉ`˙É}(uuÉvXF}u]vPÉU}uoÉ˙É }ÉvÉU}ÉvÉ]v}RÉÉvo}ÉPRÉP]vÉ}(WoÉ tower-gate, the Prévost tower-gate, the Maillot gate and the Paris gate. TRÉP]vÉ}(WoÉT}`É TR]PÉ}`É]vuÉLÉRÉ]É}˙}(EvPovXTRÉ original rectangular gate tower was enclosed in a circular tower. The room above the vaulted passage was used as a P]v}ÉXF}uRÉRÉv˙voRÉRÉ}o}vURÉ }`É`É]}vXRÉ A uÉ}(RÉPÉooÉ~o ˘ZURÉ]}vÉ`R}`ÉÉlÉRÉÉ`ÉÉo]vlÉ}o smuggling. During the 13th century, the tower was known as the }P]vÉÉXI`ÉPv˙v }uu}}v(}RÉ]˙P]}vX 24 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

This 13th century bridge ]}vÉ}(RÉ(É`(}.É bridges preserved in the Thouet valley. The bridge made it possible to link Thouars to Saint-Jean de Bonneval. This bridge has 7 arches. Between the arches, the piers are consolidated by triangular beaks which }ÉRÉ]PÉ(}uRÉ current. In the 15th century, RÉ]PÉ`(}.É and completed with a gate }`É]v]ÉvÉX(}É BÉ RÉÉvvÉ}RÉ]PÉU]v~(}.ÉPÉv Évo}É`]R}æ}`ÉZUooÉP}ÉM]oo}` built. In the 18th century the bridge towers disappeared, a collapsed stone arch was replaced by a wooden and then ˙uÉo(}}]PÉX HÉoT˙v} AuÉ]ÉÉ}(oÉæRÉv˙R]ÉÉURÉT˙v} uv]}v`RÉR}uÉ}(L}]T˙v}UÉvÉRov (]Év}(L}]XIUK]vP}(FvÉXRÉ A Év}(RÉıR century, the building became a girls' school, then a college, RÉvoR}ÉXIRÉvuÉÉ RÉC}vÉ}˙}( M]vDvÉ}(RÉTR}ÉXI]o]É H]}]M}vuÉv˘ÉÉ (}RÉo}É]vÉ T˙v}XV]]}RɢÉÉ ]}É}]oÉoo˙É}vX G]É}}(RÉ]vÉ]}˙}v É }vo˙X

S]vrJÉ]Pɢ]É É ]vRÉM]oÉAPÉU(É˙ `}É }RÉ]É(}oÉ Év]ÉvoRÉ ıRÉv˙`RÉvRÉS]vrJÉ]PÉ`]o`]R a metal structure. The current bridge dates back to 1895. TRÉoPÉÉ}vRÉTR}É]RÉE]+Éo] ]o]v˙RÉC}uv˙ÉCRÉu]vÉ(ÉÉ VÉv ÉXSÉoÉ (}}]PÉ}`˙ É o}˘] É X Town Hall Gardens S]É}vRÉ]É}(RÉPÉv}(S]vrL}v˙AÉ U (}vÉ]vRÉRÉv˙UR]PÉvRRv EvPo]R˙oÉ]vÉRÉÉP]vv]vP}(RÉRÉv˙U `]RR É vG}`ÉÉXS]vÉRÉ]voo}v }(RÉT}`vHoo]vURÉR]PR`oo}(R]PÉv RÉÉvÉoÉ˙]o]vPRulÉ]]]oÉ(}u RÉ}˙vÉ D ÉB]ÉXOvRÉ]É˙PoÉS]vrL}vU o]ooFv]É˙oÉG}`ÉÉ`]Ru}]r o]lÉG}`É]vPvRÉÉvÉ}(}]]ÉR]PRo]PRRÉ (É}(RÉ]o]vPXRÉ}˙vÉ D ÉB]ÉvPoÉ Saint-Laon. The gardens are open all year round.

CRRÉ TR}RoÉ Éo]P]}]o]vPvP(}u ]+ÉÉvÉ]}XTRÉ}oÉÉ}vÉÉl} RÉRÉv˙XI]RÉ˙É RR}(S]vrL}vX TRÉu]vRR}(RÉ}`v]RÉRR}(S]vr M U`R]R`}]P]voo˙]o}]ÉRÉ`oo}(RÉ town and became the main church in the 13th century. TRÉ}ooÉP]ÉRÉo}(RÉoÉC U]o]vRÉÉo˙R Év˙U}uoÉÉR]ui}]}X TRÉÉo}É}(vuÉ}]o]vPRRÉ disappeared over the centuries, such as Saint-Pierre du Châtelet, destroyed in the 17th century and replaced by RÉP}ÉvTÉuoÉURÉRRÉ}(RÉC}Éo]ÉU J}]vvCo]É'É}vÉvURÉRÉo}(L MPÉo]vÉvRÉAuvÉ]ÉS]vrM]RÉoXXX

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TRÉu}Év]o]vPÉ(}uRÉıRÉv˙UR RÉRÉo}(JÉvvÉrU A }(}uRÉRÉv˙U RRÉRR}(N}ÉrDuÉC}'PÉX Bridges TRÉÉ`ÉÉ]PÉ]vTR}URÉ]Éo}(RÉTR}ÉU very early on to cross the river and link up with the suburbs }(S]vrJÉvvS]vrJÉXTRÉ(}`ÉÉoÉ in the 11th century by the Saint-André bridge, which was ]Éo(ÉoÉ]vRÉRÉv˙˙RÉP}vS]vrJÉv or Pont des Chouans. This was completed by a new bridge ]væU]vÉvuÉP}vÉS]vrJÉvXÉvE R}PR The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 25

On The Road


˙ HÉoÉv T]rW]PR


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HÉu ] RÉ u} sustainable raw material in the `}oX Y} }v[ vÉÉ ]ÉÉ (} ] o}v because it grows (É Rv `ÉÉX HÉu]oÉ˙É ]v RÉ }u}É ]v˙U (} ]vÉ]} panels, but which uv(É `]oo have the guts to take ](RÉMMM Again going } u˙ Pvu[ ˙]vP Q S}vo˙ uÉ `]ooÉoo_X


Af!ernoon Tea “S Fête du


o Br

24 Juillet


A Partir de

16.00 hrs Salle des Fêtes Bouillé St Paul 79290 Venez vivre une vieille tradition Britannique; “Af!ernoon Tea” Après un verre de vin mousseux local, dégustez des sandwichs et bouchées salées, des gâteaux et de delicieux “Scones et Clotted Cream”, avec, bien sûr, du thé.

Nous vous invitons à vous habiller pour l’occasion.

Rejoignez-Nous! Tout le monde est le bienvenu

ENTREÉ UNIQUEMENT AVEC BILLET ** En vente jusqu'au 20 juillet ** Par Adulte; 14.00 Euros Par Famille (4 Personnes); 50.00 Euros Par Enfant moins de 9 ans; 8.00 Euros

Pour Rèserver Votre Billets, prenez contact SVP; Helen TAIT WRIGHT

2, La Freaux, Cersay

Au proÞt de la recherche contre le cancer et de la participation à un rallye tout terrain qui soutient cette cause avec 100% des bénéÞces. Chimera Racing

Association No W791002522

FIND the CHA E PEST FULE prices in your area. This government run website }]É }uÉ }o É v ]ÉoÉ ]É]voo}( É FvÉX J]uo˙oÉÉ ˙}uÉÉ v (}uRÉuUv}]oJ



]ÉD ]vÉ}˙}}} ÉRÉ A É C}v(}]o É ]v(}RÉɢÉÉu}vRo˙X(

The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 27


Travels through Northern France Step Five : Loire & Deux-Sèvres


˙ RÉoo A u

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Y}˙}R]vPRÉoPÉlÉ}8ÉU}vo˙}É }oRÉ˙}v[ÉoolÉV˙}RÉR É RÉÉ}XWÉ É]É}l]RÉuÉ˙rP}r}vvP}(}RÉÉoÉRv and the other machines. We spent the next hour watching a mechanical spider, chameleon, stork, sloth and many }RÉXTR]}}l}uU}lÉ(}RÉÉoÉRv` PæuU}uÉ}PÉ}uÉ(}}XTRÉ˙`}ov[RRÉ (ÉvvÉ ]vvoor˙'}vr`}vPJWÉ R}`vÉ}+]v}NvÉ}.vRÉ`}o[o}`É (r(}}i}]vUB]}PÉUÉuo˙v}+R}}}(PÉ]oX H]vPÉv}`u]vÉuÉ~}uÉR]vP}v[ RvPÉÉv]vvAuÉ]v˙oÉPÉZU`ÉvÉÉ to watch the elephant wander through the dock area. The v˙]vP}``ÉÉvi}˙]vP}P]vPRÉÉoÉRvU PÉ«vP˙É`]R`É(}u]vlVoo`]RPÉ ]É`}(]}É}vXTRÉ˙]vP}uÉ}v]lU u]]vP}}vRÉ(vv`]Ro]u]É]É`XWÉR}PR `Éu˙RÉ}'ÉG`]vRÉ]vÉu}ÉoJ

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28 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

]vvÉU«vPSRÉ [}vv˙oÉ~ÉÉ`}uÉv }v[uR É ZXIR]vl˙ÉFÉvR}v˙o]]vP u˙RÉ+ÉÉu˙u}RÉu}ÉRvRÉÉo]ÉX

RɢvRÉo]vRÉÉXWÉ]]ÉR]ULÉ Ro(vR}]vRÉlv}}o˙}}`}vÉ`R˙ ˙}[Év}o}}l]vPRÉo]É]vRÉvvRÉ warm. Strange what you will pay to do. M]P}]vÉ]v]vÉ}(uRv`u }É]vPRÉ}R}(DɢrSÉvRÉVÉv ÉU `RÉÉ}vo˙]u]voUu˙vÉ u].`R} called themselves Colliberts lived. In 1840, the French government hired Dutch canal builders to drain the uRÉvRÉÉ]v}`vÉ`}l}(]ÉUÉu vRvÉ}(voXTRÉFÉvRv}`oo]SRÉ PÉÉvVÉv]É_~R}PR]v(]vÉuv˙}(RÉvoÉ o]'oÉu}ÉRv]vPÉ]RÉZXSooU]]É˙'˙ É vv]oÉXJP]vP˙RÉvuÉ}(}v v]ooÉ(}R]ÉURÉ]ooPÉ}(C}o}vu˙o}É ]v]oo]˙]vRÉuuÉu}vRU]]}RÉM] Pointevin what Ambleside is to the Lakes. It also makes o]u}É}vÉ}(RÉ«ÉÉ ]ooPÉ]vFvÉURÉo] must run into the hundreds. Cycling the tracks through the uÉ}(vov]PÉ`o}Éo˙R}PRX

H]vP˙oÉv]Év(}u]oÉR}PRRÉDɢr Sèvres, the villages and towns have much in common, ]u}]vPRRÉUÉ(oG}`É]o˙Uo] }É ]UvÉ ]vl}iu]ÉRÉ]É`XTRÉ˙ ol}(i}vÉR]vPUÉ}oÉJWRÉÉ}RÉ˙ooP}URÉ R}ÉÉuÉUuv˙`]RR'Éo}Év RÉÉ]oÉv(}u8]vPR}PRX TR]]˘ÉÉ É(RÉ]vRÉDɢrSÉÉ RÉvÉ v(É}vo˙}Év}uURÉ˙}v[ open in the evening. To eat out in the evening, we had to ]Éæu]oÉ}RÉVÉv ÉvÉvRÉÉ`É`ÉÉRÉ only people in the restaurant.

Suo]É}vRÉL}]Év]lv}`v(}]RÉU `]vÉvÉ]vPRÉR}uÉ}(RÉFÉvRo˙XIo} R}ÉRÉFÉvRvluÉuVvlÉo}}(RÉ o˙JWÉPÉR]u]R}PRXTRÉ}`v]o}Éo˙v dominated by the Chateau. The vineyard cellars are concentrated on one road which is Rv˙UR]]ÉRÉÉu]v}(}Po}˙ÉÉ in this area and they are now used to store the wine. They are also used to grow mushrooms (there is a mushroom uÉur(}}ouR}}uÉuo˙Zv}vÉ}( RÉÉRÉv}É ]o˙oÉ}(RÉPÉ

The only place guaranteed to be open in any village or }`v]RÉ}ovPÉ]ÉUR]]É}(RÉFÉvR obsession with bread. Bread is served with every meal whether you want it or not, even when bread is used in RÉuÉoXÉ˙E (u]o˙uRÉÉ˙˙ ~I[uÉ] [˙ro`ZU]v}uÉ]ooPÉRÉ˙ÉvRÉ Év]vPuR]vÉ`RÉÉ(}}É ˙}v˙É]v RÉu]oÉ}(RÉv]PRXTRÉPÉ'É]`}vÉ(oR]vPU ˙}]ÉU}Lv]˙]vRÉu]oÉU˙É˙oÉ ˙}vÉ]PÉo(}'É]vP]vÉ}R É X IRÉ]]}v}(]ooPÉ(u]o]ÉR]]vP]vR'É}}u É uÉ`]R˙É˙É [PÉ'É`]vP(}RÉvɢ invasion. NɢuÉXXXN}uv˙XXXXX

The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 29

Book Club Story structure – do you need it? by Alison Morton


(RÉÉ[}vÉR]vPRu'É}˙} É`]ÉU] [}˙ÉX Ioo}`˙}}]lo˙]Pv}Év remedy plot problems as well as helping you to create stories that work.

Iv}o]ÉU`ÉRÉ'Év}( }]v˙o](ÉXAÉvÉvl]]}XWÉÉU(É }]URÉv}]}vo}É]}+XTRÉvUR]vP }ÉRÉ}vÉÉvÉ}(RÉ]]U`ÉÉ]RÉP} l}o](É]`}P}}v]v]+ÉÉv]É}vX Uv]]vPo˙UÉ] []o]v}}˙RÉU`É É}.}vo}]É]v]u]o`˙X UvoÉ˙}R}}l readers into your }˙(}uRÉ É˙.RÉU RÉ˙`}v[]É]v to experience the }( É ˙}}]vP adventure, high romance or pageturning thriller, no u'ÉR}`É(o RÉ`]vPXTRÉ hook comes in many (}uU]vÉvÉU the hook is nothing more or less than a }v É X

Éo}PP˙u]oÉW}uÉR]vP`ÉvÉ}É }]](`É }v[`v}o}Éu}uÉvu]vRÉ}˙X T}`RÉÉv}(RÉ}v É É]]}vU]Pv].vv]vP}]v}.u}É}( }vXTRÉu]vRÉRÉuÉvRÉ u]}]v`]RRÉÉ]]}v}}ÉvPv}lÉ RPÉ}(RÉ}˙X

, there is usually a big

TRÉR]}Év`]RvP and never lets up. From the 75% mark on, the characters and the readers alike É]v(}`]o]ÉXOLÉvRÉ}uÉ É R}Év Éu}}v}vPÉRÉ]]}(RÉ}˙]vÉÉU}LÉv Éoo]vP]u}uÉv}(lÉ]X

TRÉ.ræA9}( RÉ}}lWRÉ. W}u]ÉRÉ rÉ X Although this seems to be a large Rvl}(˙}}˙} devote to introducing the story, you need to draw readers in enough to care about what happens to the characters vRÉ]É]ÉXNÉRÉÉP]vv]vP}(R]É}vURÉÉ should be an important and irreversible moment: the ]v]vP]v]Év`R]R]PPÉRÉ`R}oÉ}˙XOLÉvRÉ u]vRÉ]o]]vPv}]v˙o](É`RÉv}uÉR]vP ˘}]v˙ É ]RÉ]ÉWRÉ]o}(vÉ` bachelor in the area, a space invasion, a shipwreck, the R É }(ÉoÉUPo˙U}vPÉoÉ'É}]vP }vRÉ}}uU}Évv]vÉvo}vG]XWv]vPPÉ (o É }(u]vPlP}vlRÉ]v(}u}v]v lengthy chunks.

TRÉo]u˘}(}˙ should have readers on the edges }(RÉ]U É }É lv}``RRÉvXI(˙}[É 'ÉÉ(É`oÉ]v]} É RÉWÉv(É` Év]Pu`}}ÉvÉvÉWRÉ˙u]PRÉ`R[ }u]vPXH}`ÉU É RÉ˙R}oo}É+É]vPvÉRÉ ˘]]É É }É}(u}ÉRvRÉ}`}}(}X

Nɢ}uÉRÉ}v É WRÉÉ}vX Y}RÉ .vRÉuÉv}É }É RÉ]v]vP]v]Év ]v}vP~v}LÉv]É}oÉZ`˙XTRÉ}vU `R]R`]oooÉ}v}RÉÉ}vvv}RÉv v}RÉUovRÉ˙}}v É XTRÉRÉ}LÉv P}ÉR}PRR}lUÉv]ol]Éo]É(URÉv}( ˘]É É uÉvlvPÉURÉvvÉÉ vÉu]v}v} do something to address what has happened.


Next in line is the midpoint and we need a strong centre }RvPRÉ}( É RÉ}˙}vXI}oÉ]}É˙}( }uÉR]vPÉvoUÉ]]}vUulÉr}rÉlÉvU a new character who will be a help or hindrance to the protagonist. Without a strong mid-point, the story can 30 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

TRÉ}vG]]v˙}}˙}8]oo˙Év`]RRÉo]u˘ u}}}lvÉÉv˘É ÉvÉ}`}}Év˙o}}É ÉvXTR]]RÉÉ}o}vXU ÉA Io]lÉ}lv}``R RÉv}RÉRÉI[ÉoÉvÉ}o}ÉUÉv](R RÉ]R}XH}`RÉ˙}oÉL˙}M É L ÉB U R˙UuoÉMTRÉÉ}o}vRÉoÉ˙}P]É RÉ}É RÉÉu}}v˙}`vRÉu}(ÉÉo`RÉv they close your book and ensure your characters remain in RÉ]u]v(}o}vP}]oÉX

o]}v A R}u]oÉoÉÉ }v}(oÉ(}uR] }ouv]v}RTRÉæW}W]vP˙B [U]ooÉ }vu}v A X HÉvɢR}uN}v}ÉoU]v É RÉRv˙ É UJULIA PRIMAU`]oo}É ]vRÉuuÉX

This Month’s Book Reviews D]˙ [FÉvRFuR}É ˙L}]vÉW]o}v

Five Dead Men ˙RRÉoGÉÉv



RÉ]É`˙J]}`v B

]vP Évi}˙É ]} É uuÉ }uvÉ (}u L}]vÉ W]o}vU ] ` PÉ } É l ]v RÉ (}}R]oo }( RÉ P˙ÉvÉÉ ]v R] oÉ }}l ]v RÉ ÉE }FvÉÉ]ÉU`R]Rvvi}˙É É standalone novel.

D]˙ vÉÉ RvPÉ }( vÉÉ ˙U } summer helping out at the guest house }`vÉ ˙ RÉ (]Év P}˙ }]É RÉ É(ÉÉXD]˙]v]PÉuÉ(}uRÉÉP]vv]vPXSRÉ R v vo P]L R R É }oÉ (} RÉ ]v RÉ RiRÉ É (}uul]vPRPÉu]lÉv ]v}]vP}U}ÉvÉvÉ`}]]o]É(}RÉ(ÉX I ` RÉ ÉvÉP˙ }( R] }}l R I o}É RÉ u}X D]˙ ]É ÉvÉP˙ v ]lo˙ .v RÉÉo( É ˙ RÉ l }( É }P `R}É ÉvÉPÉ v vÉÉ (]oÉ } make me smile and are now as well-established characters ]v R] É]É RÉ] RuvX L}]vÉ[ `]vP o} (É u˙ R]}˙U oo v PÉ}PR]o É }} `É ÉoÉ ]v} RÉ v]Év oÉPÉv }( v É }( FvÉ RÉ lives in and obviously loves. It was easy to warm to Daisy and become invested in her i}vÉ˙RÉ]}ÉRR]oÉRÉRv}Uu˙ `ÉooRÉ É oÉRÉ(ÉÉoRÉ.voo˙Éo}vPXR}uvÉv love are not always easy, but this book combined humour `]R RÉ vÉ R }uÉ (}u ]8o ]uvÉ voouÉuÉ(ÉÉo`uv(˙X I u ]P (v }( L}]vÉ[ `]vPU v R] oÉ R} uuÉ Éo]PR ]v[ ]}]vX I( ˙} `v RvPÉ }( ÉvÉ˙ (}u RÉ DɢrSÉ R] uuÉU R] }}l will take you to the Aude, Carcassonne and the Pyrenean (}}R]ooUR]vP]É U˙}u]PR.v˙}Éo(ovv]vP Éo]]}}UR]L}]vÉ[]}v(}R]ÉX

RÉ]É`˙J]}`v B

l]vP`]RRÉRÉuÉ}(RÉP˙ÉvÉÉUI was delighted to return to the Pyrenees O]ÉvoÉ (} RÉ }v É }}l ]v RÉ MuÉRÉvIvÉPÉÉ]ÉU]vP MP} RÉvX TR] uÉ RÉ ] Év } oÉ˙É ]ooPÉ `RÉÉ o]'oÉ RÉvU ]É (}uRÉPÉ}uÉ]}É˙}(.É}]É ]v RÉ o }( ]ooU `R}É ]ÉvÉ v killer remain unknown. MP} `É v} uÉ ]v ]vP R]vP ]v RÉ ]ooPÉ v P]v]vP É } RÉ ]oo v RÉ ˙(v}vo (u]o˙ who used to live there. Alongside Alia, who is clearly `É ]v RÉ Év }o]É uv]]oÉ }]}vU É˙ RÉ }( ]ÉÉ vÉ (}u RÉ }o]É .oÉ ](oo˙ É }uÉ R}PR vo Év} o]vl ] (}v v }} RÉv.v RÉuÉoÉ}vRÉ]o}(}]oÉoÉUv}É˙}vÉ is happy with their involvement in this unsolved case.

TR] }}l ` oÉÉo˙ LÉ `]R v ]v]P]vP o} v o} (} u˙ ]v } }vÉuoÉ I É ]X TRÉÉ `ÉÉ dark deeds and mysterious characters whose behaviour ' ]]}vU v MP} É }+ ]v} vlv}`v territory, the plot became both thrilling and heart-stopping ]voÉXDÉ]ÉRÉvPÉRÉ(}vRÉÉo(]vURÉ`É }uÉR]vP}MP} [ouvoÉR]vl]vPRPÉ uÉPÉ}v.ÉvÉ]vRÉ]o]˙v}}vo˙}}oÉRÉÉU but to survive. I( ˙} É o}}l]vP (} }uÉR]vP ÉvPP]vP } É R] uuÉUI[uÉ˙}`]ooo}ÉF]ÉDÉMÉvX

The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 31

À La Carte

The Mary Rose THE KING'S FAVOURITE WARSHIP by Lynne Wigmore

Stern View ©The Mary Rose Trust


}}É˙ÉRÉM˙R}É`}vÉ}(RÉoPÉ R]]vRÉEvPo]Rv˙vUoR}PR}vÉ}(RÉ Éo]ɢuoÉ É }(}Ér]o]o]vP`R]U] is her sinking and eventual raising that has earned her oÉ]vR]}˙XC}uu}vÉo]É(]RRÉ`vuÉ LÉM˙T}RÉ]É}(K]vPHÉv˙VIIIU]] o}}]oÉRRÉvuÉÉoÉÉRÉRÉvK]vPv QÉÉvXT`}R]`É}uu]]}vÉ É RÉuÉuÉX HÉ]ÉR]UPÉÉP}uÉPvÉUÉ]vPRÉvuÉ}( ]vvo}RÉÉuoÉu}(QÉÉvKRÉ]vÉ}(P}v A U `R]oRÉvuÉM˙R}É]Pv].Év}}vo˙RÉ}`É}( RÉT}˙v˙R}PRRÉ˙u}o}(RÉ}ÉUo} R}(RÉV]P]vM˙`R}`lv}`vRÉuÉRÉ RM˙R}É[X Kv}`vlr˙É`R]URÉ`R}v v}oo˙(Éo`R]RR(}ÉoÉ]o R]PRRÉ}`vÉvXTRÉÉl(}É É RÉu `É}uu}}v É (}RÉoPÉ}uoÉuÉv}( u]vÉ}v}VRuÉU}]vP`Éo]É}É ÉRÉ`˙ É }(ÉÉ vÉvÉu˙R]X

C}v}v}(RÉM˙R}ÉÉPv}vıJv˙æ in Portsmouth. She was launched in July 1511 and towed to London where her rigging, decking and armaments were ]vooÉXC}vvPÉr}(rRÉr`R]}(R] ]É`ui}vÉl]vPUÉ]]vPvÉ}( R]PRro]˙uÉ]or]u]o˙}lXS]vÉ}vo˙}vÉR]}( RÉR]v}`Éu]vURÉ}ou}v}(uÉvÉÉ v}vo˙uÉÉ }vÉUu}o˙oPÉ }lUÉ]]vP}RÉÉ~ÉZ}(`}}ovX LuÉ`}PR]v(}uoo}É}RÉvEvPovU `]RRÉoPÉuÉÉ]vPRÉuÉ]ÉR}ÉÉ ]vRÉ}}(}(RÉoPÉRÉo}(RÉM]oÉAPÉXAv unworked hull plank would have weighed over 300 kg (660 32 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

oZUv}vÉ}(RÉu]vÉlÉu`}oRÉ`É]PRÉ o}É}RÉÉrÉ}(}vvÉX In July 1514, the Mary Rose, along with most ships in the l]vP [v˙U`}uu]]}vÉ É ]v}DÉ ÉovP ]vRÉ]uvo]vP}(RÉuv]PP]vPURÉÉu}o }(vR}v}RÉRÉ]uÉvU`ÉooRÉ Éu}o}(RÉuuÉv}(RÉR]XSRÉ]ÉG˙vÉÉ }É]É]vJvÉæHÉv˙u}]o]ÉooR]u} P]} É R]}}É R]u}FvÉ(}RÉuÉvP É }(RÉF]Éo}(RÉCo}R}(G}oX}ÉAE v}o]o Év]}v]vÉ}É RÉEvPo]Rl]vP [Él(}u RÉCRR}(R}uÉUHÉv˙ÉPvÉ]v(}]vPR]`R] vRÉM˙R}ÉvÉ`Év.É XE˘Pv}`ÉÉ ÉvRÉ]É}(RÉR]`ÉÉvPRÉvÉ} }uu}ÉRÉ˘É `É]PRX˙B RÉuuÉ}(æıU RÉM˙R}É`vR}É}DÉ UÉ˙}(ÉÉ v the Thames. IvæUHÉv˙RPÉ}É 'lFvÉ}PÉRÉ`]R Sv]REuÉ}CRoÉVUvoR}PREvPo]R(}É ÉB}o}PvÉPÉ}]vSÉÉuÉUEvPov` oÉL]vRÉoRLÉCRoÉ}lÉÉX LÉRv˙ÉoÉRÉFÉvRÉuoÉoPÉGÉÉ ]vRÉSÉ]vÉ˙É ]vÉv]vP}ov}}}vEvPo]R soil and on 19th July 1545, 128 French ships entered the S}oÉvv}}ÉXHÉv˙`RÉRÉ}vv(}o(}u S}RÉoÉC XTRÉol}(`]vPÉRÉFÉvRRÉ advantage, their oared galleys able to advance while the oPÉ]o]vPR]`ÉÉ]uu}]oÉXT}`RÉLÉv}}vU R}`ÉU É RÉ`]v}ÉvV]}vL]oÉUAu]o}(RÉ Fleet, led out his large ships, including the Mary Rose. o˙ E ]vRÉ'oÉ}uÉR]vP`Év`}vPXWR]oÉvPP]vP the French galleys the Mary Rose suddenly leaned violently

over to her starboard side and water rushed in through the open gunports, leaving the crew powerless and scrambling (}RÉ(É˙}(RÉÉlRÉR]ÉPv}]vl ]o˙XARÉoÉvÉ}ÉUÉ]uÉvUuuv]}vv o]ÉR]LÉvuÉÉ o}}ÉU]vP}RÉPÉvÉo turmoil. The vast port side galley brick oven collapsed completely and the huge 360-litre copper cauldron was R}`v}v}RÉÉl}ÉXHÉ˙PvuÉ(ÉÉv slammed into the opposite side, impeding escape or crushing men beneath them. The ship went down in a u'É}(u]vÉXO(RÉvÉo˙æuÉv}v}Uv} u}ÉRvæ]ÉXAFÉvRo˙}8ÉÉv RÉ'oÉÉRRÉM˙R}ÉRÉvvl ˙FÉvRPvVoR}PR]`o`˙ÉR the open gunports were to blame it is possible that a cannonball strike low in the hull would enable water to G}}]vUul]vPRÉR]voÉvoÉ}RÉ]vl]vPX AoR}PRP]URÉ`RÉ}vo˙o}}(RÉ'oÉXTRÉ `}GÉ]v É Éo}l]vRÉS}oÉvU]}vR (}ÉRÉEvPo]R`R}}vo˙vÉ}É R}oRÉ} v`R}Ro]ÉvÉ]v(}ÉuÉvUv`]R]v ˙RÉFÉvRÉXTRÉo]vÉ}(R] ]vl]vPU}vo˙}u]oÉ}+R}Év]v(oo]É`}(RÉ K]vPUR]u˙vu}o]lÉo˙uv˙}vo}}lÉ`]ooRÉ RÉ]PRÉvÉRÉPÉ˙XOvS˙APUCRoÉ v}v B UDlÉ}(S+}ol`}ÉRSI˙M}v˙ }TÉ˙URÉ(RÉURRÉM˙R}ÉRooÉ `É]PRÉvÉ_XUv(}vÉo˙UR]}v.ÉvÉ` u]oÉRÉu}lÉ]vPRÉ]]vP'Éu voo(RÉ'Éu}]ÉRÉ]vRÉ(}oo}`]vP`ÉÉl (]oÉXF}oo}`]vPRÉ}ooÉ}(Rɢ}É É }(RÉ ship, the site was levelled with the seabed and gradually }É˙É o˙É}(É]uÉvU}vÉo]vPu}}(RÉ remaining structure. During the 16th century, a hard layer }(}uÉo˙vRÉRÉoo(}uÉ}ÉRÉ ship, stabilising the site and sealing the Tudor-era deposits. FRÉo˙É}(}L]o}ÉÉRÉ]É]vPRÉR vıRÉv]ÉU(ÉÉvRvPÉ]vRÉo 'ÉvvÉv]vRÉS}oÉv}]}voo˙˘}É É }uÉ}(RÉuÉUoÉ]vP}]]ÉvoÉ]}É˙]v v]]vP]vo}vPRÉ`Él]vıX IvRÉ]vP}(ıULÉRÉÉ]vÉvÉÉ}v}( RÉ}o}P]ovÉ`É`}lU}v É ÉPv(} ]]vPRÉR]XH}`ÉU É oÉ problems arose early on with the }uruÉo]L]vPÉ]uÉv vR}˙oEvP]vÉÉ]ÉR}É `]R`v}( É RÉ}Él}(RÉ FolovWXÉvE RÉÉ]Pv(} o]L]vPRÉRooR}}v]É É o˙ oÉÉoÉJvÉXALÉRÉ (uÉ`}Éo˙'RÉ}RÉ RooU]`o}`o˙ilÉ}v(} oÉP}ooRÉR]}+RÉÉX TRÉu]ÉvÉ}(RÉPÉT}P M}RÉvu}ÉRÉ(uÉvRooU v(É]vPRÉuvÉ`É}RÉ specially designed cradle, which was É`]R`Ér.ooÉPXOvRÉ u}v]vP}(O}ÉıURÉ.vo o]L}(RÉÉvÉ˙ÉPvXI` watched by the team, Prince Charles and other spectators in boats around RÉ]Évuv˙(}oo}`ÉRÉo]É television coverage with interest. ıA PuURÉ.uÉ}(RÉ M˙R}É}lÉRÉ(É(}RÉ .uÉ]v˙ÉX}v AÉ É

}(PvÉRÉRoo`]vGÉ`]R]}R]}vRÉ waterlogged wood. Finally, the whole package was placed on a barge and taken to the shore. Though eventually (o É URÉ}É}v`o}É}(}vÉ]vP}v`} }]}vV.`RÉv}vÉ}(RÉ}vPoÉP}(RÉ o]L]vP(uÉ}`ÉvR}Éu}ÉvoÉ`RÉv }vÉ}(RÉ(uÉo]Éu}ÉRvuÉ}u]vP É o}É}R]vP}(RÉRooX L]'oÉ]lv}`v}(RÉ]ÉvÉ}(RÉuÉv`R}Év ]É}vRÉM˙R}ÉU}vo˙RÉvuÉ}(V]ÉAu]oS] GÉ}PÉ`ÉC ]}ÉÉ X˙A }(RÉ`É [Éo}vP]vP and their bones suggests they were young, strong and É]v}uÉ}u(}vÉoÉPvÉXI}}Évo˙]}( }vÉ}(RÉRÉUÉuÉ}ÉvRÉ A R}˙oÉ to his elaborate wrist guard, has shown that he originated (}uN}RA(]XAu]}}]É˙ÉURÉ`Él}(RÉ M˙R}ÉRÉo`ÉoR}(}vo É }iÉÉo}vP]vP} individual crew members. This included clothing, games, ]}]Éu(}}v É v}iÉÉoÉ}RÉ É˙˙l}(}vo É R˙P]ÉvÉU.R]vPUv`]vP É X Aoo`ÉooÉURÉÉ(oo}`Po]uÉ}( uÉ]Éoo](Évo](É]vRÉR}˙oN˙XTRÉÉ`ÉÉ vuÉ}(}(É]}vo}iÉURRÉ}}o}(RÉ onboard carpenters, or the medicinal instruments and Gl˙É RÉPÉ}vXTRÉuÉÉvÉRÉ contained an early backgammon set, a book, plates and vlvv]oPPÉvPRÉ`ÉoÉo˙`ÉoR˙ v]}}Évo˙]R}`RÉuÉ(}uS]v}É ˙}]v(}v]vR]]vXAv]uoÉu]v}}RÉÉv (}v]vRÉ`ÉlU]vo]vPRÉlÉoÉ}v}(U(}P vvEvPo]RT}˙TÉ]ÉÉuo˙}PR} 'ÉXN]vÉÉo}v]v]vP'oÉ}vÉ}vÉ]o˙ (}u(É }ÉR]}vXTRÉ}vÉ}(]Pv .RU}É]vlÉURÉo}Év(}vX TRÉM˙R}É]RÉ}vo˙R]}(RÉl]v]v˘]É É vÉ v˙`RÉÉ]vRÉ`}ov`]R}uv˙v]É( and human remains, she opens a window allowing us to Po]uÉT}o](É(}uRÉ(}}RÉ˙ÉURÉ]PuÉv u]}RÉ]ÉÉv]vi]ÉRÉ˙+ÉÉX W]RRvl}RÉM˙R}ÉT(}RÉ]]vÉ `]RR]oÉv(}RÉ]l]vÉu]]}v}ÉRÉ photographs.

Longbows ©The Mary Rose Trust The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 33

Taking Better Photographs ... Discipline

by Steve Marshall


oÉÉ}v}Pɢ]É É XI(˙}RR}É(} R}}PR}(}u]v]É]]vPRÉ]`R]} Rv+ÉC}vÉÉMPWÉv](}uÉ}(R}ÉMP }É É]vRv+WIu(]˙}ÉP}]vP }É]}]vÉXTR]oÉ]} discipline.

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Prime rather than Zoom M}uÉ}uÉ`]R}}u}ÉoÉR}}oÉv`RÉÉ ˙}vRvPÉ(}uo}É}]vÉRÉv}( ]oXM}]oÉR}vÉ}}u]v`]RR É }(RÉ.vPÉX P]uÉoÉvÉÉ.˘Év}v}oo}`˙}}}}u]vXI( you want a closer image with a prime lens then you have to walk. Prime lenses have no moving parts which means the images RÉ˙}ÉÉ˙RXAvv}}}uuÉv˙}RÉ to do the moving and that changes your photography. SÉ˙}oÉv}æuuWoo˙ulÉRÉ}}(RÉ oÉv`]RvuÉvv]vPæUæUXTlÉ]ÉÉ}(

N}`P}vlÉ}( É R}}PRW˙}vv} }}uXIu˙(ÉÉovPÉ.]`]oooÉR}`˙} É˙}uÉXT˙]]+ÉÉvuÉvoÉX Évoo˙ E ˙}vP]ÉRÉul]vPÉX S}uÉuÉ}}u]vP]v]]PRv}uÉuÉu}]vP] ]u}vXG}v.v}X Going Retro M˙Rvl}SÉÉM}}v(}R]X IvRÉ˙}(.ouuÉRÉÉ`ÉÉo]u]}`R˙} }oRvPÉXY}}ov}lÉo}}(R}É .ouUÉo}]vPv]vvP`ɢÉÉ v]ÉX G}}uÉ`RÉÉ˙}u]PRoo˙lÉo}}(R}}PR vo]u]˙}Éo(}U}Év]ÉXN}`˙} vÉ}É u}É+} É ]v}PÉ«vPÉR]ÉR]PR. uÉ[X PR}}PR˙SÉM É Roo

34 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

F}˘uoÉ É P](˙}RÉo`˙Év}]vvÉ R}}PRÉU}vÉ}vu˙RÉo˙}oÉvR aperture priority allows you to blur the background while lÉÉ]vP˙}u]viÉ]v(}XRÉ]vPRÉÉ}v}v É]}]˙R}oÉ]v(}É˙}vÉv]vP}( what it does and tell you how to set it on your camera. Y}uÉ}o˙R]o(}É]}]˙U R'É]}]˙U}]UovÉUX É TRÉuvov RÉo˙}ÉRÉÉXOvÉuÉÉ X Most camera controls cover a range. Aperture has low and high values such as F4 through to F22. Try the same photographs with both extremes. Download them onto a computer with a much bigger screen than the camera and ÉRÉ]+ÉÉvÉXN}`˙}vR}}ÉR}`˙}]É will appear.

SÉRÉISO}˙}R}ÉvoÉXTRÉu}}o.ou `ÉÉoo˙ISOU}XY}vv}RvPÉR] oÉUÉv](RulÉ}uÉ]É]u}]oÉX Y}vP}(RÉ}]É˙}RÉv˙ÉÉ ]É˙É v]vP}+RÉ]É`]vPÉvXS}v}RÉl]vPRÉ]ÉU no trying again. Av˙}}o`]RÉ˙É (}É É }`vo}]vPv looking at them. TRÉlÉ˙RÉÉ]RÉvuÉo]u]XIu˙(É`RÉv˙} have run out but it will make you think about each shot.

Y}CuÉAo`˙L]É I}LÉvRÉÉ}oÉ}o˙vv}v]vPRRÉ]]É ÉvÉ]Év]PR}}(RÉuÉX WRÉvI}ooÉÉu˙.ouR}}PR(}uB}}RÉ˙R v}ÉvÉ]ÉXO}IR}PRXIRv}]ÉRRÉ] uR]vÉ˙`}oou}o`˙iu˙+} É XCuÉ lose some colour and some contrast in most images. Boots put this back and never told me. N}`IRÉ(v˙]P]ouÉRÉÉ]v}r}vÉ}}R] (}uÉX Y}}v}RÉ}}uÉ É PR}}R}˘ÉÉ XTRÉÉ Éuv˙(ÉÉ]}˙}v}`vo}XOP}É FS}vÉXOvÉ`l]]}vo˙`}l]vW]v}`XB there are others.

Learn to Read WÉR]vl`ÉvÉu}}(}v}É} camera manuals. Because they tell you how to do things but not why. They assume you know how to use cameras so tell you how this one operates. Download the electronic manual –it can be searched. L}}lR}PRRÉ}vÉvv]Év(˙RÉR]vP˙} lv}`XTol]vP`]R}RÉR}}PRÉ]}LÉvRÉÉ `˙}.v}`R˙}}v}lv}`X

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I(˙}É]vÉÉ]vuÉvP É `]R}uÉ(Éoo}` o](Éro}vPR}}PR]oÉvÉoÉÉPÉ]v}R}v ÉuRooPu]oX}u

The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 35

Home and Garden

A bee's work is never done

by Amanda Baughen

TRÉÉGlÉlÉÉ v˙RÉ]oÉÉvRÉ`É `]R`É}ulÉRÉu}LvuooÉoÉXTRÉÉovP }L`˘]}É ]ovÉ`}u`Éoo}Éo}É vPÉv}vÉR]É˙}v]v} honey. As the bees mature and become stronger they will RÉo}(ÉÉ vRÉ}o}v˙˙v]vPPRÉÉvvÉ }RÉ]R}uÉvRÉl]vPRÉ}u]vPvP}]vP}( (}PÉXIuP]vÉv]PRo}vÉW](˙}vuÉ]v[}v RÉo]U}˙}(É]v[}Pv]É É U˙}[Év}PÉ«vP]vJ F}RÉ.vo`}}RÉÉ`ÉÉl}(RÉ]o]ÉURÉ(ÉuoÉ worker bees are the ones you will see in your garden, ]o˙P}]vP(}uG}`É}G}`É]vR É }(}ooÉvv vÉXTRÉÉ(}P]vPUvÉvo˙˙ }ooÉvP(}}(}ooRÉvÉ`u}R}(ÉÉUo}} }É(}RÉ}u]vP`]vÉXAoR}PR`ÉÉ}vo˙i RÉuuÉ}oÉURÉ`ÉÉ RRÉR}}( ˙o]PRÉ]vPvRÉÉ].v]Éu}v}(uÉ]v `R]R}}ÉÉv}PRvÉ}(ÉÉRÉ}o}v˙]vPRÉ `]vÉu}vRXTRÉ(ÉuoÉÉRÉvPUv}](˙} have ever been stung, it will have been by a girl….

u}vR`Éo}}lÉRÉ}oÉ}(RÉuoÉ}vÉ]v }o}v˙}(ÉU}R]uÉ}v]Éu}vo˙(]} consider what the girls get up to, especially as they make up RÉ}( É RÉvuÉXR] A uÉ}(RÉ˙ÉRuÉv RÉ}v É U(ÉuoÉÉ]v˙]oFÉvR DvR]ÉUvRÉ}vo˙(ÉuoÉR]uÉURÉÉv bee, will be laying up to 2,000 eggs a day. So in the three `ÉÉl]lÉ(}ÉPP}Éo}]v}oÉUR uÉvRÉÉ`]ooÉv}RÉQuuQXLOT}(ÉX TR]Év}o}v˘o}]}v É ]lÉ]vRÉl˙RÉ É[R}ÉvÉo](ÉvU`R]R]v]vPvuuÉ] }vo˙ær`ÉÉlXI [(RRÉ˙oo˙`}l RÉuÉoÉ}R É XSÉR}PR(}RÉ(ÉuoÉÉV (}uRR]vP}˙]vPRÉÉ]v}(} É RÉuURÉ˙ `}l]vvuÉ}(]+ÉÉv}oÉR}PR}RÉ]o]É (}RÉPÉÉP}}}(RÉ}o}v˙X

WRÉvRÉ˙.ÉuÉPÉ(}uRÉ]ÉooU chewing through the wax caps which }ÉÉRÉu`R]ovPUÉ vÉ}É R˙}+ [v(ÉÉXALÉ(É` hours they will take on roles such as nurse bees, tending to eggs and larvae, providing R}}(}}[}RÉÉ[}v}]R RÉP}`]vPÉXTR](}}]uÉ}( }ooÉvv`ÉUv]vRÉÉ}(vÉ` ÉvU}˙oiÉoo˙XTRÉ˙u˙o}}uÉ É R}ÉlÉ[É `R}Él]}lÉ}ooÉv vvÉ(}uv]vP É (}PÉv} }É]]vÉoo]vRÉ`˘XH}ÉlÉÉ RÉRÉvÉv]oÉi}}(oÉ]vP`˙ any detritus including dead bees, although Éo}É}RÉÉv}(RÉ]o]É`]oo ˙]oo˙G˙`˙(}uRÉR]É}É their sisters extra work. Wax-builders are vital to a colony, as are the wax-producers, bees aged 11-14 days R}Év˙GlÉ}(`˘(}uPov }vRÉvÉ]É}(RÉ]}uÉvX 36 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

As you can see, each and every bee has an important role }(o.oUvv}vÉ}(RÉuvlÉ˙}+QX}`RÉv ˙}Éo}vP]vP]v˙}PÉvUÉvi}˙]vP}}oPo}( something and watching yet another gorgeous sunset, ÉR}PR(}RÉ˙É ]ÉvÉR }v]ÉoÉv]vPR}`}o}}lLÉRÉuX IvÉ}É lv}`u}ÉMC}vBÉ}v ææıU}]]}`É]É```XÉX}Xl

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Trust our local experts the management Trust ourlocal local experts withwith themanagement management Trust our experts with the rental of your French property andand rental ofyour your French property and rental of French property Afree stress free solution stress freesolution solution AAstress for managing managing and and forformanaging and renting out your renting outyour your renting out Property property Changeover Holiday Property Changeover and and Holiday rentalrental Property Changeover and Holiday rental property from afar property fromafar afar from

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The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 37

Love your garden d


LÉv]vP É `}`ÉlÉ]vRÉUKUIuoÉ}É R}uÉ}vÉP]vXIo}ÉR]vP`]RRÉ`R}oÉ(u]o˙ ~`}vÉ(o}RÉÉ uooU Z IPÉR}uÉ]l(}u˙R}É vPvÉ `RÉvI[u`˙XIlv}`R}v UI oo˙ É }u]]vP É }]É}v}uoo]É}( É FÉvR}]oX M˙v]É IR`}vÉ(ouÉ]]vPPvÉ vÉ É Po}ÉvI`]vu˙oÉÉ uÉvQXRÉR}]ÉRÉ˙R}É }+É ]}iuRu}É]ÉRvRÉQ É QvRÉvRÉÉ É R}v[URÉu}]u}v}(`R]R]RÉ( R} }É X Fabulous to gorge, not only on plants and seeds, but scones, uÉ}} vÉ JWÉu˙}]v}RÉÉ }]É FÉvR}oÉ É U}RPvÉ vÉ ]]vÉ }uÉ É R}o[ experience and those people who are not really interested in Pv]vP É vRo}É É o˙uÉ`]R(]ÉvR«vP i ]v ]+ÉvÉ v]}vuÉ É vvvi}˙ É RLÉv}}v[}vÉ É Ru}v]vP[ }PÉ É RÉXI]}o}Éo˙}RvÉ }}v]˙}`R É [ vÉ`]vRÉ`}o}(PvÉ }}oU vÉu}É]u}vo˙ `R]ooÉ [ }ovv}`X]R B PvÉ }]É vÉ É v v]}vuÉ É vR]]vÉvP É UuoRÉÉ vÉÉ vÉ oÉ}(oÉv]vP}}XRE }vÉR`É]]É`]+ÉvÉ U ooRRPÉ}( ]ÉÉ ovU}uÉ]o]É É ]vR}É ovU~v}oo˙ É u˙}(U É RÉ }RÉ]}`vJ}RÉ Z

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nTRÉ|DɢrSÊ 38 The ÉM}vRo˙ Deux-Sèvres UJo˙ Monthly, July 2022

• Wisteria can be pruned now. The long whippy side shoots ]É}]} É vR}o l}u}É (}uRÉX É] • PvÉo]v}v} É PÉ}v É GR}(G}`ÉX • ]]ÉD ou}( ]]É}É É v} É PÉ'ÉÉ G}`É]vPvɢX ˙É T]uRÉ}`v oÉÉ }}æ uv]v}(vRÉRÉv]]ÉRÉR]}uÉ]É simply by breaking them into suitable pieces. Replant the RÉoR]É]RÉ É l]v}G}`É}É ]v}}}R vÉ`}}vo} É É ]lo˙(}É É RÉ}oÉuv weather arrives.

and even the slender silver birches. My walking partner and I }( ÉvÉÉ}]vP i }o}}lU}o]vÉ }RÉ`]vR}PR RÉoÉU É }v}ÉRÉlURÉG]É 'É R vP É `ÉÉ RÉX É NÉ}}o}oolÉ`RÉ`ÉÉ}LÉv`olU]É}( É PovRvÉ }vÉ]v} É ovvP˙RÉÉ o}o council and two hundred tree saplings were planted there last autumn. We keep an eye on how they are developing, RÉ }vÉ]vP É ˙}ÉuÉÉ R`}luÉuvÉXNÉo˙ oo}(RÉuv}` }]vP É (}o]PÉ`R]R]ooÉRvRÉ uÉR`}lQQQ} RÉ (XuÉWÉ`RÉvRÉ˙PÉ uR]PPÉURÉ˙`]oo v(É}uÉ É É `RÉoÉÉ É}P}` }vv`]oovÉ É oo˙}uÉ É }(RÉovX É

• MlÉRÉ oÉu}}`ÉÉ ooRÉvv˙vÉ` P}`R]v} ]É o˙ É }É XRÉuÉuÉ}`É Poo˙ É }RÉ`]ÉRÉ˙`]oo}uÉ É R [É vÉ RÉÉ vÉÉ ]v˙(}oÉuR`]o[}o} É É XTR]vÉ }Pv]É É ˙RÉ}oo oÉÉ ]vPQX[`]ovP[vRÉuÉ v]vPolXRÉu}Év˙(}o]PÉ ]ÉÉ }uÉ }] `]oo ]lo˙ É }RÉ}( É RÉovX

WR}}]v˙}PvÉ v}`P • MlÉRÉ ooooo]u]vPov RÉ o˙ É lÉ[É }}É(P]oÉuÉ ]v}( É `ÉRÉvR]PR winds. • RÉo} `É }É }v É U˙`]vP É ov]v RÉo˙ É v]vP É É v«vPP}}o˙É}(uoR}v each one. • PvÉG}`É]vPRR]oÉoRv`É]PÉo] that have already bloomed. Prune to healthy new growth lower down on the stems and cut out old or damaged stems down to ground level. • Cut back growth in hanging baskets to encourage new (}o]PÉvG}`Év}vÉ o( É ]vP rÉ X`ÉWÉoo v(É`]R É }ov}(ÉlÉo]ÉX • ˙HPÉv]uvoR]v]u É l}} vÉ Q RÉRCRÉoÉR} C [J~IRÉÉ u]vÉ]v Io}É É RÉ }o}}( vÉ RÉG}`ÉUI`]ooRÉul `RÉvRÉ˙PÉ}}PPo˙JX Z

• PÉ(} É }uÉuv}o}]v}vRÉPvÉ ˙ ovvPvÉ]vÉ~o}lv}`vGÉvÉ˙o]o]ÉU Z }oR]u vvÉÉ P]XTRÉ˙v˙]vRÉP}vLÉRÉ˙RÉ .v]RÉG}`É]vPRÉvÉ }(uvX • Deadhead roses regularly to keep displays looking good and RÉ(uÉ É }`L]vP lÉÉ XRÉu}ÉU É uPÉ} uÉ (}u ]ÉÉ uo]vP}É`RÉvRÉG}`É]vPR .v]RÉX • Pick sweet peas regularly and remove any seed pods that (}uXFÉ`Élo˙ É `]RR]PR}R(ÉQ É X}u}(ÉÉ will do….and keep the plants well watered. • G}`É WÉÉ Poo˙ É É U]oo˙ É É u}]vP É vÉo]}v ovURÉ}( É `R]R]}vÉ É RÉu}uÉvXI RÉG+˙RÉ}+}}vRÉX˙É vÉD o]}vÉ vÉÉ (}u˙`]oG}`ÉRuÉ}`RÉ [}'}u}(RÉ PvÉ UI}voo˙ [É `vRÉu]v`]Ru˙R}Jo} A `É}É RÉR}ÉU`R]R]`]o(}u}(PÉv]uXI '˙]É U˙É ]v]ÉUR]vPvÉ ovPÉuÉv}(RÉ oÉX É TRÉ}} }ou} É G}vRÉRÉ v RÉ˙v]lo˙ }É`]ÉÉ XTRÉ˙}É ˙É oo }( É É R]]o(}u}vXTRÉv˙G}`É ]vl É and the lower stems a deep red colour. • H}oo˙R}lv+É(}u]vR}Ru]}v]}vX I(˙}R]É UvÉ}v˙+ÉvoÉ˙ÉRÉ ov`]R(vP]]ÉX • N}`]RÉuÉ}˙}P}v ]É É oÉÉ v ]v`ÉU É (}É É ]lÉ}ÉJ}vP UÉ }o}v}( }vvÉ C }ÉoÉ(XXXXX

The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 39


• I(}.P ]vP É É o}}((]U]vR}RÉ}( ]ÉR}}`RÉRÉÉ ˙R o}É É É É oÉ.ÉX É • PvÉlolvRÉLÉRvP É v remember that raspberries need daily watering in hot weather. • oo HÉ PÉÉ oÉRÉ˙}uÉ É ˙R] É u}vRr make sure there is a room/space to store them, which is dry v`Éoovo É X É KÉRÉÉ l]vPRÉu}É]vv˙ É rot sets in and turn them regularly.

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• The warm, damp humid weather usually means more slugs-- they seem bigger and more numerous this year, ]oo˙ É É RÉv}u} É }vPÉ}o}É}vÉJS]vlo]vP o]'oÉl]RÉvo}vRÉuuÉ }l]ooRÉu]lo˙X N} }RÉÉ v]}vuÉ É vooÉ }(}]vPRU (o É ]uR}oRÉlÉÉ o`RÉ˙} É vÉ]}É +ÉÉ X É SuuÉ]PÉvÉoo˙RÉ}v É (} }(É oo}UoPUv]oU]vÉU(vPUu]oÉ`X É KÉÉ RÉl]vPovU}v}]o}R](v˙R]vPR ]v É [ ˙}voÉ `]R]`]Lo˙XI(RÉR]]vU É i RÉu}+RÉvoÉuÉ `]R˙}.vPÉ`RÉÉ É ˙}.vRÉuXL˙]UoÉ`]vPvR}ÉG]Éoo R] É U}`Éo}uÉRÉu]v}RÉPvÉ ˙«vP u}ÉPRR}Éo[URÉ˙}v[R}}R] ÉÉ V É corrugated paper, straw and cardboard in a box or container }(}uÉl]vUoo É ˙}vÉ}RÉÉ ' uX

• F] vPÉÉ oÉ}`]oooovÉÉ .(}uR]PR }R(Év}` É ]v} É PÉRÉ«vP É }((]v RÉP}`R}(RÉPÉÉ oÉXTR]v}(]}voÉv }É RP}} É ]É(]]}V É ]l]vPRÉ (]v}`o}RÉo}oo˙RÉo}uÉ É É v}(}`v}X FÉov ]É R}PR}RÉuuÉ`]R].É (É]o]ÉXI( o} É É oÉ U `]R É (vP]]É (}uPvÉ vÉ Q É Qo`˙ RÉÉ oÉo}vÉ] especially when dealing with edible crops. • }PÉ C R}o 'É `RÉ RÉ É vRÉuoo ˙É v ˙}vPVRÉl]v˙]É ]'Év}PR](oÉL}}o}vP}v the parent plant. • vvÉ HÉ vÉ }LÉvU(}É É RÉ˙R RvÉ É} }uÉ É ]vP˙v}PRXR]É}oÉL}vRÉuÉ v ]vR]]u}ÉG}`É}}v`R]R`]oooÉ ]v(É`É beans being produced. • G}}É˙`G˙ RÉÉ ' vRÉ]voÉ ]uÉÉ RÉR vÉ É `]R]v(É`˙XP]lRÉoÉ }+˙Rv}Ro[RÉu`]RRÉiÉR}ÉJ

• KÉR ]É`]R }É (ÉRv`É ulÉÉ they are cleaned regularly to prevent disease spreading. • TR]v}}˘˙PÉvvPov]vRÉ}v}v} É PÉ l}v ]v} É É RÉX `É H]vP(}v]v} }É }uÉ i vv]vPU `É RÉo}RÉlÉÉ oÉoÉ }(}˘˙PÉv}vR}˙X • I(RÉ]É}(]ooÉ u˙ É É ]v}}G}`É bed, it is not too late to sow spring greens and oriental PÉÉ oÉU}P]Év˘R ÉX É KÉ}`]vP É oÉ(} RoU]vRv]vP}v]}v(}}vvÉ o˙]vPRÉuuÉX RÉ}} WÉ vo˙ (ÉÉ XI( some salad crops have been damaged by bad weather or they are past their best in the garden, pull them up and add them to the compost heap, then sow some more seeds or plant out seedlings to replace those that have been lost. • L]Lo˙ É . }}ÉvRÉvÉ }(RÉu}vRU}v É earlies. • TlÉu] É r]É«vP(}uPÉÉ É vRvR˙ o]uÉXTlÉRÉ«vP(}uRÉ}( É RÉvÉ ovRP}`R`]ooRPv É É }RvÉ o]'oÉv

40 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

RÉ˙RvÉ R 'ÉÉ É }(R]l]vP[}}XLvÉÉ UPÉ v}Éu˙P}} É ov}«vP lÉ (}uXR}}É C v}vG}`É]vPuÉ v}RÉu]v}u}]}u} voÉ]v É }`˙(}uvo]PR ]É X • Trimming laurel encourages denser growth and also helps }u]v]vP}}RÉVu}É É v˙RlÉÉ P}`]vP(}uRÉo}`É}(RÉu]vuÉ X • RÉC lRvr]vÉ«vP}vPÉ ovv] o˙ É É .˘ÉV}R}v ] }[ÉPÉ]vi]v É ] • WRÉvu}`]vPRÉPURÉlÉÉ oÉoÉoÉ o]'oÉR]PRÉU which allows the grass to grow more strongly and it will be u}É}PR]vÉ v˙PÉvÉÉ (}o}vPÉX • Baby hedgehogs will be out and about now, so leave some water out in a dish to keep them hydrated on dry days and }uÉvvÉ(}}}oÉuÉvRÉ]]ÉX • WRÉvRo]G}`ÉR.v]RÉ É G}`É]vPURÉ˙oÉÉ ˙Éoo}`˙}o}ÉU}v]oo˙RÉÉ XRÉC}+ É }v}vvÉ É É G}`É]vPX • TR]v}(}˘Po}Éo]vP É XI[u]vv`]R É RÉ]v É u˙ G}`É}URÉ˙RuÉ(v É RvovvÉ[ }o}(o]}v}RÉPvÉ XI[u]vPRÉ}É ovRÉu]vRÉJ[(ÉÉ • PÉvu}v É ˙}É «vP É lÉ (}uUv}É }}(]o˙]lo˙XTlÉv}vrG}`É]vPuÉ u} o}vPU}ÉoÉi(iv}v}vRÉvÉ ovXRÉu}É oo`}}( É RÉoÉ}É v]vR}RÉ

P}`]vPXP}]vP]'˙}u}v`É`ÉooVoÉÉ on a window sill or place them in a propagator and keep the compost damp but not drenched. Roots should appear in a (É``ÉlvÉ RÉvRÉvÉ`ovv}'ÉÉ }v`RÉv they have grown bigger. • }ooÉ C (}u É ]oÉP]Uo˙Rv]U(}˘Po}ÉUvÉ vR X É Mv˙}(RÉvv]o É É RG}`Éo˙ É ]vRÉ}v É U will have produced dry seed pods now and these are easy }}ooÉ˙Rl]vP i RÉuÉ ]v} PÉ XTRÉ `]oo É }}RÉ}'}u}(RÉPvRÉuÉ v RÉvR}`v É `˙X}v D [(}PÉ}oÉoU voÉ RÉPJIu]vÉ lÉÉ ]vv}oR}}ovRÉ ÉÉ É some insects about that eat paper and the seeds will be lost ](RÉ˙PÉ}RÉuX WR ˙} É É }]v˙}PvÉ u}uÉ lÉ v(}uRÉ labour to savour what you have accomplished, to think about what you might do next, have a cuppa whilst you are doing ]QQvvi}˙ E J


A Friend In The Garden He is not John the gardener, and yet the whole day long, Employs himself most usefully, the flower beds among. He is not Tom the pussy cat, and yet the other day, With stealthy stride and glistening eye he crept upon his prey. He is not Dash the dear old dog, and yet perhaps, if you -Took pains with him and petted him, you’d come to love him too. He’s not a blackbird, though he chirps, and though he once was black, But now he wears a loose grey coat, all wrinkled on the back. He’s got a very dirty face, and very shining eyes, He sometimes comes and sits indoors; he looks…….and p’raps is….wise. But in a sunny flower bed he has his fixed abode; He eats the things that eat my plants…….he is a friendly TOAD!! Juliana Horatio Ewing Juliana was born in Ecclesfield, Sheffield England on August 3rd 1841 and died in Bath Somerset in 1885. An English writer of children’s stories, she had great understanding of the lives of children and a strong religious belief.

The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 41




42 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

P}u]voÉXTRÉ}u}ÉÉ}]vP`ÉooU(}u one that keeps trying to die, so they will be in straw again. TR]˙É [``]ooÉv]Éo˙}'É}`]ooÉ`]R compost to provide the thickness needed and as ground }ÉRÉv}`v(}(}˙ÉUI`}v[`}˙} }UoR}PRIu]vP]Qi]vÉJTRÉRPo É]o}v}}]vP`RI`vÉRÉ}o˙É}( R}ÉuvÉ]o]]vP}+RÉ}v É o˙É}(R˙XIv R]v]PRUIR]vl.vÉ}u}`}o'ÉÉ I[oo lÉÉ˙]vP`]R]vÉ`RRÉvJF}]} É}vUu˙uÉ]vRÉ}PÉRÉvRÉ]É(}É RÉou}vRRÉ]}vRÉv}`UR}É(oo˙U ÉvÉo`]RvIvÉvu}ÉuÉ]vu˙R˙ oÉJIuÉuÉuÉ}lÉR]RÉÉ(}R}É pondering moments. TRÉÉ]}uÉP}}vÉ`R}PRJTRÉ.RÉ}( Po}ÉR}lÉRÉvuÉvRÉ˙ÉvÉoÉ ]v}o]É}]o`]R}uÉ}uv`]ooÉ˙RÉ ÉP]vv]vP}(AP}}ÉÉ XOvÉRÉ]o R}lÉÉRÉÉUuooɢ]oo˙}vÉP}`v RÉvÉ o}ÉRÉÉXS}uÉÉoÉL}RÉ˙v }ÉvRÉG}`É'˙ É vRÉ]vÉo}ÉRÉuX The coriander seeds have germinated too – this is the R]RI[É}`vXTRÉ.`ÉÉ]v˙É Uv did nothing, the second in bales and disappeared but the third are in the ground and are growing well. I adore coriander and use it a lot in my cooking, so need to get more going. The turnips in the ground are also at the }]v`RÉÉRÉ˙vÉÉR]vv]vPU`R]R]}]ÉvRÉ beetroot in the ground and bales are developing nicely. S}uÉ}(u˙R]oo]ovRÉÉvu}É}RÉ polytunnel and are loving the extra heat and light. They

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[Év]}]vvPu}vR]vRÉ}PÉJAooRÉ seeds sown in the bales have germinated, started to take }+vQ]ÉÉJIÉ}`ÉU]vRÉR}ÉRRÉ PÉ}v]vPvuu]PRÉvÉRÉo]'oÉÉ `˙(}uu˙ÉPP]ÉUv}URÉ˙(ÉÉ v˙R]vPI˙ }P}`XT˙]oXI[uv}É`R]vP É RÉu IRÉ(ÉÉo]vP]]oPUv]ov]XI[É }uÉ]}o˙ É vÉÉu}Év(} RÉP}}UI[uv}ÉR}`}RÉ É uUvoÉI ]}}v]v˙v]PRv]lRÉu}+I`}v[É oPÉooÉv}v[`v}É]RÉXI RÉv[RRÉ}oÉuR](}É É vI}(ÉÉo ]É]RÉÉvÉJTRÉv}]PÉv}R]vPRÉ uÉ}oÉuvRÉÉo}}(Éu˙v]oRÉoo `R]RRÉ}]}o˙Év˙É RÉPÉR}PU(}P }}XI}v[lv}` which, as I have all three and although they can all climb, why climb when there is (}}]vvvÉ}v RÉP}vMJS}U`R]oÉ I[ÉÉvi}˙É`oÉ PÉv]vPUI[uP}]vP to change to no dig É(}RÉ}]É plants next year as the yield will also be bigger in the ground. I have vovÉ}uÉÉo( sown rainbow chard to RÉoÉRÉ˙}v[ Éu}Év]É as much, and usually

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agglo and

are in pots and have been overwintered but sadly, I lost u˙ioÉX}I]]vRÉ}o˙vvÉo`RÉvI` }v]}v]vPRÉoÉU(}PÉ«vPR]Év}˘]}P v}ÉÉ U`R]RuvPÉ}l]oo]XVÉ˙U] `i}vPvÉ`oÉÉvR]`}oRÉÉv ] [R]˙ÉXIRÉ}uÉRvÉ}v˙ÉvvÉ]ÉÉ }o}ÉioÉX}}I`]ooPÉ}uÉu}ÉÉU voÉIÉov}uÉ`RÉÉoÉ.XAv}RÉo}Éo˙ R]oo]]RÉEÉoÉ'É`R]R](}uRÉEÉoÉ'ÉÉP]}v]v RÉP˙ v ÉrAovÉv]É]ÉRÉG} }(BÉ]]vÉXIRov`R]RI]v[uvPÉ} overwinter, sadly. It is milder than a cayenne and has a o}Éo˙G}XIlÉÉo}}l]vPRÉv˙i]vRÉR} then look at the price so I must get some seeds or a plant.

`ÉA ooRÉ}PÉU}vv D }ÉÉ G‘ÉSV]P}SMv]vN}uv]É ÉB R'Pll```XP]Ér]P}X}ul The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 43

Food and Drink

The Vineyard Guys

The heat continues in the vineyard


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fter what can only be described as 'Flaming June' with temperatures hitting 40 degrees we can expect more of the same for July but will we be getting plenty of stormy showers with it? With so little rain so far this year agriculture, in general, is going through a tough time. Fruit growers and vineyards both suffered from the late frost in April and although the lack of rain does have its advantages, for example the reduced risk of disease, if it continues it will affect the size of the fruit ultimately. Unlike most fruit production, vines in France cannot be irrigated once they have reached two years old. As we have mentioned before, this is what makes French wine and its vintages so important and a great deal of regulation and restriction exists to protect this unique heritage of French wine making. With the ever changing weather across the world keeping true to this heritage of vintage may become more and more difficult. The heat of the summer sunshine brings the sugar and with us experiencing higher temperatures there is a risk that these sugar levels will

44 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

become too high, with lower rainfall we get less juice and in turn the alcohol level of the wine increases, as the sugar becomes alcohol more of the Bordeaux wines are now 14% abv (alcohol by volume) with some even reaching 15% abv. Our gîtes have been busy once more as we welcome guests old and new to stay and enjoy this beautiful corner of France that we call home. They love staying on a vineyard and many don’t move far from our grounds as they charge the batteries listening to the wildlife and strolling through the vines and woodlands. We have had writers and painters taking inspiration from the tranquillity, which is broken occasionally when we are out on the tractor or working in the cellar or the laughter over a glass of wine or two in the gardens of an evening. With what we have all had to put up with over the past few years and the restrictions, many of our current guests are only just getting to make the visit

possible and allow the wine to age at a more controlled rate. Too high a temperature and the wine can age prematurely and too low the ageing could stall.


our gîte

they originally booked two years ago. Like anything good, they tell us it was worth the wait. We have been getting to grips with almost daily wine tours again, we both have a slightly different style when is comes to the presentation but people leave well informed and entertained….. leaving with a box or two of wine too!

So what wine should you place in your cellar? Well that’s up to you but a few wines will not benefit from being cellared for any length of time due to its type or way it has been made. So which is which? If it is your everyday white wine or our fabulous Rosé, then it’s a great place to keep your excess stock that you intend to save over the following few weeks. Most whites and rosés are meant to be drunk and are not best kept for more than two years. The same goes for any bottle with a screw cap or plastic/resin cork. So that’s one side of your cellar sorted, the wines you drink daily and don’t want to or need to store. So now there are the reds and the key things to look for are wines with deep colour, slightly higher acidity/moderate to low pH. Alcohol levels should be balanced with noticeable tannins. Wines become softer and more refined with age and the smoky characteristics can open more. Cabinet Sauvignon, Cabinet Franc and Merlot from our region here around Bordeaux are all good for aging and will lay down for 15-20 years if the quality of the cork and the environment is there to maintain the wines integrity. Wines generally and those of the Bordeaux region especially, will

To store or not to store, that is the question. Storing wine is one of those questions that many people are not really sure about. Let’s try and go through the basics before we get too confused. The cellar itself, what does your cellar look like? Is it an actual cellar which is dark and damp? A cupboard in the garage? Or under the stairs? Where should I store my wine? Any of the above are fine before you start panicking for no real reason, so your neighbour has a racked out cellar with a gravel floor and he monitors the temperature and humidity every day…. This could be described as serious about wine or obsessive, you choose. The ideal environment is not available to all of us but this is what you should be aiming for. A storage temperature between 12 and 17 degrees that does not change too rapidly between seasons and a humidity between 60 and 70 percent, These will both help to maintain the corks ability to do its job for as long as


gour é h c r a em


change and develop in the bottle over a space of 5-6 years so to keep wines longer than this, in our opinion, is because the date of the vintage is specific to you, an anniversary, birth, marriage etc. You need to remember that wine is individual and a wine may be at your perfect taste after just a year or two so buying a few to drink, a few to lay down and keep sampling your cellar and note what you like and the taste differences you notice. See you next month, happy drinking!

s our vine

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The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 45

Saugé Vintage Tea Room Château de Saugé 79400 Saivres 06 29 15 36 55

July is the month of RED, WHITE & BLUE with France Bastille Day, US Independence Day And don’t forget Chocolate Day on the 7th A Simple, Easy and Delicious Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Buttercream Frosting

Bastille Cookies

125 g unsalted butter 175 g light brown sugar 1 medium egg 1 tsp vanilla extract 300 g plain flour 11/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp bicarb of soda 1/2 tsp sea salt 200 g white chocolate 100 g blue/red M&Ms Add butter and sugar to a bowl and beat until creamy. Add egg, vanilla, plain flour, baking powder, and salt and beat until a cookie dough is formed. Add chocolate chips and M&Ms and beat until they're distributed. Form 8 cookie balls, place in freezer for at least 30 minutes. Take your cookies out of the freezer/fridge and put onto a lined baking tray. Bake at 180 C for 11-13 minutes then leave to cool. Enjoy…

Cake 300 g Unsalted Butter 300 g Caster Sugar 245 g Self Raising Flour 55 g Cocoa Powder 6 Medium Eggs Chocolate Buttercream 200 g Unsalted Butter 400 g Icing Sugar 50 g Cocoa Powder Instructions Preheat your oven to 180C/160C Fan, and line two 8" cake tins with parchment paper. Beat together your Butter and Sugar then add Flour, Cocoa Powder and Eggs, and beat until combined. Add to the tins, and bake in the oven for 28-32 minutes. leave to cool For the Chocolate Buttercream Beat Butter and Icing Sugar once combined add in the Cocoa Powder until it becomes smooth and lovely. To Decorate Place your first sponge on a plate/cake board, and pipe/spread on half of the buttercream frosting. Add on the second cake, and pipe/spread on the rest of the buttercream. Add on anything you fancy as decoration, I used sprinkles. Enjoy!

It’s time to celebrate with a Cocktail or two – perfect with your picnic or barbecue. A refreshing Pink Gin Spritz…. you will be glad you did…. 1.Slice a few strawberries into your glass.. 2.Half fill the glass with ice, 3.Add 50ml Gordon's Pink Gin. 4.Top up the glass with 50ml Lemon Tonic and 50ml Prosecco and mix together gently. 5.Add a straw and serve.

JULY BRINGS MORE AND MORE COLOUR TO OUR GARDENS Roses continue to bloom – Bupleurum Ammi majus - Sweet peas – Phlox - Pot marigold – Delphinium Hydrangea

Open Every Saturday & Sunday plus other times on request Buy all your UK Food locally@ Château de Saugé

Château de Saugé 2 Saugé 79400 Saivres 06 29 15 36 55

S i r e t : 8 48 9 04 1 81 0 0015 Chambres d'hôtes – Gites – Event Space – Vintage Tearoom – Trading Post

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46 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022



VEGETABLE SHEPHERD’S PIE T˙v}o}(oÉPP]ÉulÉv˙É (u]o˙]RX É]vPX Ingredients: 225g carrots peeled and chopped 225g mushrooms sliced 400g can chopped tomatoes with herbs 1 small onion chopped 1 green pepper de-seeded and sliced 2 garlic cloves chopped 2 tbsp olive oil Salt and black pepper to taste For Topping 450g potatoes peeled and diced Po}`(}LRÉÉ 1tbsp parsley chopped 1tbsp grated parmesan cheese Method: IvoPÉÉvURÉ}]ov(˙}v }v]}v(}ru]vUPo]v}}l(}(RÉ u]vÉXS]vuR}}uvPÉÉvÉv }}l(}æu]vURÉv}u}Évo}`o˙]vP }RÉ}]oXRÉÉRÉRÉvoo}`}]uuÉ(} u]vU]vP(ÉÉvo˙X In a separate pan cover potatoes with water and ]vP}RÉ}]oXAoo}`}]uuÉ(}æru]vvo tender. Preheat oven to 190C/375F/gas5. Drain potatoes and vÉ }v(}(É`}v É }Éu}ɢÉÉ u}]ÉXA}LRÉÉvoÉ˙}}}É vuR`Éoovou}}RX SÉ}vÉPÉoÉu]˘Év}}v]v}}Év}}( casserole or individual ramekins and cover with potatoes. Sprinkle grated Parmesan on the top and bake ]v}Év(}æ u]vvo}] golden. Serve with green beans or a crisp green salad. Can be prepared a day in advance vÉRÉÉ(}u cold. The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 47

SUMMER RECIPES S`É˙Moo}`M}É METHOD KÉÉ]vP uoo`É]É (} }}v É U Roo v R} RÉ É v oÉ ]v Év `]R }vPÉ i]ÉU É v PX OÉ PÉvoÉ RÉU vo P R ]}oÉX S]uuÉ(}æru]vvo`É]ÉÉ}LX MRRÉu]˘É`]R(}lv]vuRuoo}`Uu]˘ voRÉ˙uÉoXTv(ÉRÉu]˘É}}`ovoo}`} cool. F}oRÉ(}uPÉ(]]v}`É˙u]˘ÉURÉv}}v into 6 individual serving dishes. Hoo v o]É Éu]v]vP`É]É v vPÉ }v } }( u}ÉX S'É }uÉ R}É ]R]} } PÉ l R}}oÉ}.v]RX INGREDIENTS 400g strawberries 40g caster sugar 250g mini marshmallows P(}uPÉ(] GÉvÉ i]É}(}vPÉ


METHOD L]vÉ ıP o}( v `]R o]vPr.ou oo}`]vP Év}PR } (}o }ÉRÉ}}(RÉ(]}vÉv](ooX Iv Év oÉ RÉ P v }( }o `É ~} ]Z v ]vP } RÉ }]oX OvÉ RÉ P R ]}oÉU RÉ u]vX RÉÉ]vP (É` olÉ]É (} }}v É U Ro( RÉÉu]vÉ } RÉ v v ]uuÉ (}ru]vvo}LÉvÉXRÉu}É(}uRÉvoo}`} }}oo]PRo˙URÉvoÉv]v(}}}É}XS]É}É Éu}É pips, leaving a smooth coulis. Meanwhile, place ice-cream in a large bowl and leave to }LÉv o]PRo˙ v} uÉoJ CR} Éu]v]vP olÉ]ÉU }]ÉrÉuvu]˘}PÉRÉ`]R(}lXRÉ A ]]vRo(}(}o]u]˘v}PÉRÉvou]˘É has a marbled appearance.

INGREDIENTS 300g blackberries 2tbsp caster sugar 200b lemon biscuits lightly crushed 750ml vanilla ice-cream P(ÉRu]voÉÉU}PRo˙R}É }o`É}]]((ÉÉ É

48 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

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L˙ÉÉLÉu}vClÉ METHOD Preheat oven to 180C/350F/gas 4. Grease and line a 900g o}(vX PÉ(Éo˙ `]R v ÉoÉ] U É Éu }PÉRÉ 'É vP(}ru]vvooÉvG+˙X]v BÉ RÉÉPP v RÉv ]L ]v RÉ G}X M]˘ }PÉRÉ `Éoo v .voo˙ u]olvoÉu}vX É SPÉvo˙X S}}v u]˘É ]v} É o}( v v lÉ (} ræ u]vUlÉ`É]vÉ]v} É u]oÉ}(lÉR}o}uÉ} oÉvXLÉÉ}v(}}oÉ}(u]vÉRÉv(oo˙ É Éu}É(}uvvoÉ}É }}o}v`]ÉlX WRÉv}uoÉÉo˙}}oU]vPÉlv](É(oo˙ É RÉ lÉR}]}voo˙]v}o˙ÉX INGREDIENTS PvoÉ'É}LÉvÉ 105g golden caster sugar æPÉo(r]]vPG} 2 large eggs 3 tbsp milk GÉ}( É oÉu}v 250g raspberries 150g whipped cream E˘ 'É (} PÉ]vP lÉ v v }( ]]vP P (}}}v É X

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PÉRvVv]ooJu METHOD Into a large heavy based saucepan add the peaches, orange i]É v X É S]uuÉ (} } æ u]v vo RÉ (] ] }LX Meanwhile, cut the vanilla pod lengthways and then cut ÉR Ro( P]v } ulÉ uoo ]ÉÉ X A RÉ Pv v]oo}}RÉ(]u]˘ÉU}vvÉ}}}lvoP R }uoÉÉo˙ ]}oÉX B}]o (} (RÉ u]v v RÉvÉu}É(}uRÉX T} RÉl ]( iu ] É˙ (} «vP É U } É}}v }( RÉ u]˘É }v} }o oÉ v oÉÉ (} }v É X PR ˙}.vPÉR}PRv]R}o]vloÉo}vPRÉ(ÉX I(]}Év[UvÉ }RÉv}]o(}(RÉru]vÉ then retest. Sl]u RÉ (É }( RÉ iu } Éu}É v˙ (}u˙ oÉ voÉ}É v(}u]vXG]É.vov}]v} oÉvÉ]o]ÉivÉoX INGREDIENTS 1kg peaches, stoned and cut into chunks lPiuP GÉvÉ i]É}(oPÉ}vPÉ 1 vanilla pod

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The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 49

Health, Beauty and Fitness

Health Matters by Sue Lennon


love the outdoors, being in nature, filling my lungs with fresh air, cycling far and swimming wild – and summer is the time when doing all of those things comes easily. I still do them in spring and autumn and winter too and I know that there are lots of people who have taken to year-round wild dips, all enthusiastically reporting the benefits they feel, especially to their mental health. Gill Castle, Stoma Chameleon, has a story to tell, having suffered significant trauma when her son was born, leaving her with PTSD and a permanent colostomy. I interviewed her for a podcast last year when she told me that after a number of years clawing her way back to life, she decided that she was going to reframe her experience and start raising awareness (and money) for the Birth Trauma Association , which supports other mums who have not had the delivery that they had expected. As a result, she has done all kinds of crazy stuff from skydiving (she’s scared of heights) to a half iron man, to swimming in the North Sea near her home in Northumberland three times a week throughout last winter, wearing only a bikini and her stoma bag. Her next dose of craziness is to swim the English Channel, and if successful she will be the first person with a stoma to have done so. She works, is a mum a lot and oh, she just started a charity in her spare time too, Chameleon Buddies .

Her story led me to wonder what support there is for women going through the perinatal period here in France and so I hooked up with Nadège Fuzeau who is an ‘accompagnante perinatale ’ and asked her to explain her role. She told me that an AP is similar to a doula, i.e. a person, usually a woman, who supports another woman through pregnancy and childbirth, except here in France there is a BIG difference. Here, AP’s have 2 years training by professionals in all the aspects of emotional support required to accompany women from conception and throughout pregnancy and delivery, until the child is 1 year old. She was keen to point out that this is rather like osteopathy in that it is not a ‘medical service’ that is adopted by the state, nor does it replace GP or midwife involvement, but is nonetheless extremely valuable to those who need the continuity of the same trained individual’s hand to hold, explain and support. We talked about Gill and her experience and Nadège tells me that she would have been beside Gill through all the challenges and choices that had to be made, to stand with her when all was not well but no one was listening, to advocate, liaise and help to find the right professional and attend appointments. I have to say, I’m impressed and know that if I was young enough to be pregnant here, I’d want a Nadège by my side! This one comes with an additional advantage…which is that she speaks great English and is qualified to accompany and support others to hospital and social care appointments, not just parents-to-be! If anyone wants to learn more, you can make contact by email at - or on facebook - nadege.myl.accompagnement. She is based in Chiché and I plan to drag her out wild swimming. She doesn’t know it yet. Maybe you have heard of the Bluetits ? The Bluetits Chill Swimmers Ltd is a UK based social enterprise committed to empowering outdoor dippers. They have informal groups of mixed-gender people who just like to swim (or dip) together - some carrying on throughout the winter months too. They have groups around the world, but I happened to notice that there are none on their map of mainland France! I was wondering if there is any appetite for a Bluetits here in the Deux-Sèvres? Maybe it will give us superpower, like Gill?

Pierre Janneret on Unsplash 50 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

Sue x

Your Ground Yoga

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The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 51

Building and Renovation Siret 879 119 030 00010

All Domestic repairs and installations Free quotes with home visit Based in Exoudun (Deux-Sèvres) Search on Facebook or call 07 87 26 32 54

52 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022


The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 53

54 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

Small Advert from 32€

per month

The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 55

56 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

Our Furry Friends LÉvv˙ Hv}uÉRLENNY[RvÉ `]vP}}}}o}vP(} }uÉ}vÉ}(oo]vo}É`]RR]uU}oR]RÉl˙ É R]É˙} É vÉ`(]É É vMHÉ`É]PRı l]o}XOLÉvv˙](vv˙UP}}(˙Uo}˙oUoÉU É R}É ]vÉU]vÉoo]PÉv+É}vÉ`]R˙}vÉ É ~ovR]oÉvX Z HÉvÉvÉ vÉv]vPR}uÉUR}uÉ`RÉRÉ É `]oooÉÉ v }Éooo}ÉU`Éoo(ÉvÉPÉv(}oÉv˙}(o˙XHÉo}o}ÉR]]o˙ `ol]ÉXHÉ]vR]PRvÉÉ P˙v˙]ÉR}uÉX vo˙ É C ]vP É (}ÉvÉÉ TOURSRÉ]u]}rR]ÉUvÉvÉ ]vÉ`]R}X}}v A (É}É É X Please contact }X}(Éo}É É XvÉ


Association : W792005754

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Helios HÉo]}]o}]vPv(]Évo˙˙É˙}vP v]Éo ˘ `R} ] `}vÉ(o `]R }oÉ É U clean in the house and who travels well. HÉ.vÉ`]Ru}}P}Évo]lÉv`}oo]lÉPo É `olvvvo}É É PÉvRÉooP}oÉv˙}(vÉÉ P˙X PoÉ}v É R}PR}u]o É RÉv]}Év}ÉX}u]( ˙}]vÉ É ]v É uÉvP É R]P}PÉ}}PX

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Adoptions Shop Cafe

Hope Association Charity Shops - Helping animals in need Please check the website for shop opening hours as they are subject to change and/or temporary closure due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Hope 16 Confolens

Hope 79 Sauzé-Vaussais

Hope 87 Eymoutiers

51 route de Confolens La Tulette, 16500 Ansac-sur-Vienne

2 Route de Vauthion 79190 Sauzé-Vaussais

2 rue de la Vieille Tour 87120 Eymoutiers





N RNA W792002789

8 Rue d'Aunis 79120 Sainte-Soline


05 49 29 68 22 ARK 79 Animal Charity shop


Charity Shop B O U T I Q U E CA R I TAT I V E Open every Tuesday 10am - 4pm and the last Saturday of the month 10am - 2pm association n° W792005745

The Funny Farm Cat Rescue Le Grand Beaupuits 79200 St Germain de Longue Chaume Association No. 793001884 Tel/SMS/WhatsApp 06 49 28 32 45

Adoptions we always have lots of cats & kittens available, visit them Wednesdays or contact us for an alternative appointment, we carry out an online home check and always try to match the right cat with its new owners. Shop Open every Wednesday 11am - 4pm Fish & Chips last Wednesday of every month (order direct with Fryer Tuck) Donations for the shop welcome Monday & Wednesday10am-2pm Cat Food Donations welcome all the time Tech Clinic with Ross Hendry 2nd Wednesday of every month

Books Bric-A-Brac Clothes Haberdashery Toys English food Cafe, plus more.

Luigi LUIGI `}o o]lÉ } ˙ HÉoo}J }v B }v o] É (u }˘X ı `l P}U RÉ ]É here with Mum and his 3 siblings. Like all l]'ÉvRÉ](oo}(vÉÉ P˙Uo}ɢo}]vP É v R]vP (vX HÉ[v }oÉ o]'oÉ RÉ `]RRPÉ}vo]˙ É v]v}`]ooÉ(}}}vXPoÉÉ oo}vPÉRDV}uÉR]u É XI`]ooo}É É .]PRX L]P] R R R] ]v}vU ] vÉPÉ (} FÉLVlFIVU ]r R]ÉUGÉ[v`}uÉX CRÉCRoo}vRÉ C (PÉPÉv]}v Eu]oPRÉRoo}vPu]oX}u Phone : 06 85 63 55 94 WÉ]ÉPR'PllRÉRoo}vX}ul}}vl The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 57




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R[X S]}U ]v]vP É uv˙ }]P]vo (ÉÉ ]vo]vP }vÉ ]ÉU }ÉÉ oÉ`}lU }`ÉU Éoo v ÉR hidden passages, it has six bedrooms including two tower suites, gracious and generous living spaces and even a swimming pool }uoɢÉ]vou}vÉ}(P}vXI [u]vÉ[`ol}RÉ Évo}`vW}Évo}v(}]vɢ}`vɃUJ

]} uÉv ] }+É PÉvÉ} v Gɢ]oÉ }uu}}v – €283,550.

With another walled garden but i}vÉ}`ÉU R] o}Éo˙ }o}vÉ R}É ~AZ ] Évoo˙ oÉ ]v RÉ }o ]ooPÉ }( PÉ A v}vv˙X Well presented with all modern }u(}U ] `]oo RÉ ˙} RRÉoo}[ when you enter into the tower P}vG}}ÉvvÉRoooÉ]vP} large living rooms, upstairs to three }}u É v oPÉ Éo(r}v]vÉ

Iv uoo ]ooPÉ o}É } CRÉ( B}}vvÉ R] .É }}u É R}uÉ ~AæZ ]v VoÉouÉ also has a large walled garden. MÉ }( Gɢ]oÉ o]]vP É ]voÉ oPÉ }v É }}uU cinema room and conservatory, vÉG}} RÉvPU }oÉ garage and all mod cons including }o}ooÉ}XTRÉ`Éoo(ÉÉoo the taps in the garden – a recipe (}˙É o]]vPƒUıJ Joanna Leggett is marketing director at Leggett Immobilier – you can view their full portfolio of properties for sale in France at



Buying or Selling a Property? CONTACT US TODAY

€230,000 HAI

Ref. A13707 - Stunning 4 bedroom renovated house. Perfect family or second home. DPE: Ongoing Agency fees included : 7% TTC to be paid by the buyer

EXCLUSIVE Sauzé-Vaussais

We are urgently looking for properties! We have clients ready to buy!






€26,600 HAI

Ref. A12862 - Stone barn for conversion (subject to planning) close to Saint Maixent l’Ecole. DPE: Not required Agency fees included : 33% TTC to be paid by the buyer


St. Maurice Étusson €117,555 HAI

Ref. A13649 - Attractive 3 bedroom house with garden. Rural location with lovely views. Amenities nearby.

Ref. A10744 - 2 Bedroom cottage, renovated to a good standard, in a quiet hamlet near a golf course.

Ref. A13293 - Perfectly habitable stunning longère with plenty of room to expand.

Ref. T104277 - Pretty 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom rural cottage. Workshop/ barn, garden, well, new roof and fosse.

DPE: Ongoing

Energy class: E Climate class: B

Energy class: F Climate class: C

Energy class: F Climate class: B

Agency fees included : 8% TTC to be paid by the buyer

Agency fees included : 10% TTC to be paid by the buyer

Agency fees included : 10% TTC to be paid by the buyer

Agency fees included : 9% TTC to be paid by the buyer

+33 (0)5 53 60 84 88 - - SARL Leggett Immobilier, 42 rue de Ribérac, 24340 La Rochebeaucourt et Argentine - SIRET : 521 133 835

58 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

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Be your own boss! We are recruiting Independent Property Consultants across South-West France We’ll help you develop your potential, whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned professional. • BVI is an award-winning and rapidly evolving estate agency in France • We value your ability more than your qualifications or experience • Self-motivation, confidence and great people skills are essential qualities • Our training team will equip you to become the best that you can be • Speaking an additional language is a big advantage

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60 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

Business and Finance ALLIANZ 4LIFE formule epargne (Investment Account) M

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Isabelle Want

BHvÉA 22 rue Jean Jaures R+É


TÉoPææ M}Pı

The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 61

Making a home in France? Six financial essentials to consider

(˙}vÉÉ `}o]]vP]vFvÉ}}Pv]]vP˙} Ithrough. u}ÉRÉU É ˙}}o˙RÉo]}(i}}PÉ While it may seem long enough already,

you need to include a wealth management review on the list. It is ]u}v}i˙}˘U.vv]ovovv]vP ÉÉ (}˙}vÉ` o](É]vFvÉvv]vP É o]'oÉuÉ}v]v}``]oo]]ÉÉ v vP]É˙}}( É É u]vX I(˙}RÉvÉ o]]vPRÉ`R]oÉ É U˙} É ˙} É .vv]o ovv]vP]r}rÉv]PvÉ É (}˙}o](É]vFvÉM RÉZ ]ÉvÉ TRÉ`} É É }vÉ}(]ÉÉ vÉ}`É}( É vov(}PoÉPo residence and tax residence. MlÉ˙} É vÉvRÉoÉ(}FÉvR˘]ÉÉ v˙vU](˙} uÉv˙ É }(RÉuUR˙}}Éo˙oÉÉ ˙}`}o`]É]v}uÉU P]vv}É˙`ÉoR]É˙É FÉvR˘o`X 2) Tax planning FÉvRv˘É R]PR É URɢP]uÉ É }+É}}v]É} o}`É˙}o]]o]ÉU(}uRÉ˙Éu(}PÉvÉo]v}uÉU}˘r 8]É É vvPÉuÉv(}˙}]vPv]vÉuÉvX }v D uÉ[É R`R`˘8]É É v]vRÉUK]˘8]É É v RÉX É Y}u˙vÉ}É }vɢ]vP É vPÉuÉv}}vÉu}É ]oÉv+ÉÉ (} É FÉvR]ÉÉ vX P}É Z ˙ I(˙}RÉv}˙Éu}É}FvÉU]vÉPÉ`RÉRÉ˙}'ÉÉ É }+U˘r`]ÉUoo]vP É ˙}UKR}uÉ`R]oÉUK}FÉvR]ÉÉ vX H}`˙}}`vFÉvR}É˙vRÉvɢ˘ÉvÉ ]vRÉ]vÉ}vÉvÉÉ X˘o}É E ooRÉ}}v}u]vÉ É `R]R

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Moving to France? It’s not as difficult as you may think. Talk to Blevins Franks about the key steps to take before and after your move. We have 10 offices across France, with advisers living locally, and can help you with:

Talk to the people who know

05 49 75 07 24

Residence | understanding and applying for post-Brexit residence permits

Tax planning | minimising tax on income, capital gains, wealth and inheritances

Estate planning | navigating and avoiding foreign forced heirship rules Investments | designing portfolios to suit your circumstances and goals UK pensions | exploring your options to find the best solution for you


I N T E R N AT I O N A L T A X A DV I C E • I N V E S T M E N T S • E S T AT E P L A N N I N G • P E N S I O N S Blevins Franks Group is represented in France by the following companies: Blevins Franks Wealth Management Limited (BFWML) and Blevins Franks France SASU (BFF). BFWML is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority, registered number C 92917. Authorised to conduct investment services under the Investment Services Act and authorised to carry out insurance intermediary activities under the Insurance Distribution Act. Where advice is provided outside of Malta via the Insurance Distribution Directive or the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II, the applicable regulatory system differs in some respects from that of Malta. BFWML also provides taxation advice; its tax advisers are fully qualified tax specialists. Blevins Franks France SASU (BFF), is registered with ORIAS, registered number 07 027 475, and authorised as ‘Conseil en Investissements Financiers’ and ‘Courtiers d’Assurance’ Category B (register can be consulted on Member of ANACOFI-CIF. BFF’s registered office: 1 rue Pablo Neruda, 33140 Villenave d’Ornon – RCS BX 498 800 465 APE 6622Z. Garantie Financière et Assurance de Responsabilité Civile Professionnelle conformes aux articles L 541-3 du Code Monétaire et Financier and L512-6 and 512-7 du Code des Assurances (assureur MMA). Blevins Franks Trustees Limited is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority for the administration of retirement schemes. This promotion has been approved and issued by BFWML.

62 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022

Ask Amanda I

RÉo}vPrÉuÉo}vR]`]RUK ÉPoÉ.vv]o]ÉU`R˙R}oI RvPÉ}.vv]o]É]vFvÉM

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by Amanda Johnson

}(oo˙}uo˙}FÉvRo`vR]u˙uÉv ˙}ÉvÉ`]Rv˘É ˘]oo(}v˙v}v compliance. Whether you want to register for our newsletter, attend one of our road shows or speak to me directly, please call or email me on the contacts below & I will be glad to help you. We do not charge for reviews, reports, or recommendations we provide Amanda Johnson Tel: 05 49 98 97 46 or 06 73 27 25 43 E-mail: uvXi}Rv}vÉur](X}u ```XÉur](X}uluvri}Rv}v

C]oG]vT˘W]v CÉ ˘8]É É v]vPv ]vÉuÉv}Pv]É É ˙HMRC`}ov}o](˙ vÉFÉvR˘}vUoÉ]vP˙}`]R˘]oo}v the gain element. IvRÉ]vÉT˘WUK]vRÉ]vɢovv]vP]]É ]+ÉÉv}R]vFvÉvÉvR}PR˙}u˙ RÉUKW]ooU˘}v˙}É`]ooÉ}v French tax rates and laws.

The Spectrum IFA Group With Care,You Prosper

C}uo]vÉ`]RRÉFÉvR˘˙ÉuWKv}`]vP how and when to declare your investments v]vPv}].vv]oÉvoÉ(} non-disclosure. I]É˙]u}v}ÉuÉuÉR`R]o˙}UK .vv]o]ÉRÉv}(PÉÉ]É`R]o˙} `ÉÉ]Év]vGÉB]]vU](RÉ˙Év}]vÉ and regulated in the country you now live the French R}]É`]oooo˘ÉÉ ˙}.vv]o+]

The Spectrum IFA Group is a registered trademark, exclusive rights to use in France granted to TSG Insurance Services S.A.R.L. Siège Social: 34 Bd des Italiens, 75009 Société de Courtage d'assurances R.C.S. Paris B 447 609 108 (2003B04384) Numéro d'immatriculation 07 025 332 Conseiller en investissements financiers, référence sous le numéro E002440 par ANACOFI-CIF, association agréée par l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers


Looking for an English speaking business in France? Find one on

The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, July 2022 | 63

GROUP A ENGLAND v AUSTRIA 6 July, Manchester

7 July, Southampton


ENGLAND v NORWAY 11 July, Brighton

N IRELAND v ENGLAND 15 July, Southampton

15 July, Brighton



8 July, Milton Keynes

Jo˙Uv} B


Jo˙Uv} B




Winner Qtr Final 1

Winner Qtr Final 3


31 July, Wembley

Winner Semi Final 1

Winner Semi Final 2


27 July, Milton Keynes

Winner Qtr Final 2



Runner Up Group C

Winner Group D

21 July, Rotherham

Runner Up Group D

Winner Group C


UEFA WOMEN’S EURO 2022 QTR FINAL 1 20 July, Brighton

Winner Group A

Runner Up Group B


Jo˙Uv} B

Winner Group B

Runner Up Group A

Winner Qtr Final 4


9 July, Wigan & Leigh




13 July, Wigan & Leigh




17 July, Wigan & Leigh





10 July, Manchester



10 July, Rotherham


14 July, Manchester

14 July, Rotherham



18 July, Manchester

FINLAND v GERMANY 16 July, Milton Keynes

18 July, Rotherham


Jo˙Uv} B


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